2 - H - Nily Ranjan
2 - H - Nily Ranjan
2 - H - Nily Ranjan
This paper attempts to discuss a major research question—to what extent and why a national
peacekeeping policy is significant for a top peacekeeping contributing nation, such as
Bangladesh, to address the global and local challenges of UN peacekeeping missions? In doing
so, the paper offers a review of the national policies of different states and its importance in the
international peacekeeping discourse. Later, it unfolds the trends of Bangladesh’s contribution
to UN peacekeeping missions and analyzes the challenges in the changing patterns of global
peacekeeping. In the final section, the paper prescribes the critical aspects that a prospective
national policy may need to address in the context of Bangladesh. The paper argues that
Bangladesh will eventually need a national policy to effectively utilize its resources, to
coordinate the role of different institutions, and to fulfill its normative visions in international
peacekeeping endeavours. It suggests that the process of formulating a national policy needs to
be inclusive of actors and issues relevant to the changing future patterns of global
Since the early 1990s, there has been a significant increase in the number of
peacekeeping missions under the auspices of the United Nations (henceforth known
as UN) as well as expansion of their scope. While the origins of UN peacekeeping
can be traced to back to late 1940s, the exigencies of Cold War politics kept such
missions under a tight lid. From 1948 to 1978, the UN deployed thirteen
peacekeeping missions, while over the next ten years not a single mission
materialized due to the tension between the superpowers. Following the end of the
Cold War, peacekeeping missions dramatically increased, with the UN authorizing
more missions between 1991 and 1994 than in the previous forty-five years
combined.1 As of 31 March 2017, the United Nations has deployed 82,712 troops,
11,944 police and 1,821 military observers, a total of 96,477 personnel, in 16
United Nations, Peacekeeping Fact Sheet, available at http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/
resources/statistics/factsheet.shtml (accessed 01 May 2017).
Jacob M. Kathman and Molly D. Melin, “Who Keeps the Peace? Understanding State
Contributions to UN Peacekeeping Operations”, International Studies Quarterly,
November 2016, DOI: 10.1093/isq/sqw041
Alexandra Holomar, “How to Last Alone at the Top: US Strategic Planning for the
Unipolar Era”, Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 34, No. 2, 2011, p. 213.
Colin S. Gray, Strategy and Defence Planning: Meeting the Challenge of Uncertainty
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), p. 1.
Bangladesh and United Nations Peacekeeping 157
and far-sighted national peacekeeping strategy paper, which will help guide the
different stakeholders involved in peacekeeping to approach the issue in a planned
manner and allow the country to derive the maximum benefit. For Bangladesh,
peacekeeping has become too important a subject to be approached in an ad hoc
manner. This paper has conducted a qualitative survey of both primary and secondary
documents that include national policies of peacekeeping and international policy
documents of the United Nations. Further, it has analyzed the data into a few
categories, which would help to define a set of significant components for a potential
national policy of peacekeeping.
The paper is arranged in four sections. In the first section of the article, a study of
national peacekeeping strategy documents of various countries are made with an
objective of identifying what may or may not be included in such documents. The
second section provides a brief overview of Bangladesh’s participation to understand
the trends and current process of decision-making in UN peacekeeping missions. The
changing characteristics of peacekeeping in the 21st century and what this may entail
for peacekeepers is discussed in the third section. In the concluding part of the paper,
a case is made for Bangladesh having a national peacekeeping policy and discusses
various issues, which may be considered for inclusion in such a document.
I. International Case Studies of National Peacekeeping Policies
This section discusses the national policy instruments of different countries on their
participation in peacekeeping missions. It analyzes the trends of inclusion of standard
international norms and practices in various national peacekeeping policies of the
contributing states. National governments formulate these policy documents to offer
a vision in line with their broader security and foreign policies, and a set of practical
guidelines for their armed forces, police and civilian observers to ensure an effective
participation in peacekeeping operations. Furthermore, the policy intention is to make
a collaborative national response framework to address issues of conflict prevention
and peacebuilding. Broadly, the national policies cover provisions on (a) institutional
roles; (b) the process of conflict prevention, mediation and mitigation; and (c)
approaches of the post-conflict recovery and stabilization. It is imperative to note,
however, that the narrative of developing a national peacekeeping policy has been
increasingly contested due to the significance of Eurocentric and neo-liberal
understanding of peacekeeping, which is often oblivious to the local contexts of the
158 Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas
The 1999 South African White Paper underlines the importance of securing a clear
international mandate for participation in peace missions. It mentions that
participation would only occur if such missions would be authorized by the UN.
Furthermore, it also emphasizes that participation should be linked to concrete
political solutions and should only occur in the event of “a clear threat to and/or
breach of international peace and security and/or a disaster of major humanitarian
proportions and/or endemic causes of conflict which, unless addressed, may cause
long term instability”.8 This particular approach was borrowed, virtually verbatim,
from the US policy document on American participation in peace- support
From South America, Brazil emerges as a major peacekeeping contributor to UN
missions in Africa, which remains a significant region in Brazil’s plan of action both
in strategic and in normative terms.10 During the tenure of President Lula da Silva
Philip Cunliffe, “Still the Spectre at the Feast: Comparisons between Peacekeeping and
Imperialism in Peacekeeping Studies Today”, International Peacekeeping, Vol. 19, No. 4,
2012, pp.426–442.
Rocky Williams, “From peacekeeping to peacebuilding? South African policy and practice
in peace missions”, International Peacekeeping, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2000, p.89.
Rocky Williams, op. cit., p.89.
U.S. Department of State, The Clinton Administration's Policy on Reforming Multilateral
Peace Operations, May 1994, p.4, available at http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/
NSAEBB53/rw050094.pdf (accessed 26 April 2017).
Kai Michael Kenkel, “Brazil’s Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Policies in Africa”,
Journal of International Peacekeeping, Vol. 17, 2013, p. 273.
Bangladesh and United Nations Peacekeeping 159
Serbia from Europe is a relatively smaller state, but is a significant contributor to the
UN peacekeeping operations. In October 2009, the Serbian Assembly voted to adopt
the Law on Participation of the Serbian Armed Forces and Other Defense Forces in
Multinational Operations Outside the Borders of the Republic of Serbia (hereafter,
MNO).14 This Law regulates the area of participation of the armed forces outside the
territory of the Republic of Serbia. It sets forth that Serbian defense forces and police
may be used in the following missions: (a) Operations of peacekeeping, peace
Kenkel, ibid., pp. 273-5.
Office of the President, National Policy on Peacebuilding and Conflict Management,
Kenya: Ministry of State for Provincial Administration and Internal Security. December
2011, pp. 5-14.
To understand the concept of Infrastructure for Peace in Africa, read: Global Partnership
for the Prevention of Armed Conflict, Infrastructures for Peace, Working Paper, March
2010. Also, ibid., pp. 14-15.
Ministry of Defense (2009) Law on Participation of the Serbian Armed Forces and Other
Defense Forces in Multinational Operations Outside the Borders of the Republic of Serbia,
Belgrade, Off. Register 88/2009 Article 3, paragraph 1, subsection 1and Article 5,
paragraph 1.
160 Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas
maintaining, and peacebuilding in the world; (b) Conflict prevention and peace-
enforcing operations; (c) Joint defense operations in accordance with the regulations
on defense; (d) Operations providing assistance in removing the impact of the
international terrorism and large-scale terrorist attacks; and (e) Participation in
humanitarian operations in cases of large-scale natural, technical – technological, and
ecological accidents and assistance in crisis situations. The Law further provides a
clear guideline on the decision-making process and the responsibility of the
governmental organs in it. It says:
The Annual Plan is prepared by the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Interior and
they present it to the Government. The National Assembly reviews and adopts the Annual
Plan, and then decides on the Serbian Armed Forces participating in the MNO. As based
on this decision, the President decides on dispatching to MNO. On the other hand, the
Government decides on participation and dispatching of the members of the police and
other defense forces to MNO.15
In Asia, Japan is one of the few peacekeeping contributors that have adopted a
national strategy to contextualize its understanding of international peacebuilding.
Marko Miloseic, “The Law on Serbia’s Participation in the Multinational Operations”,
Western Balkans Security Observer, No.15, October-December 2009, p. 27.
Government of Sweden, National Strategy for Swedish Participation in International
Peace-Support and Security-building Operations, 2007/08:51, Stockholm, 13 March 2008,
Ibid., p.8.
Bangladesh and United Nations Peacekeeping 161
Tadashi Iwami, “Understanding Japan’s Peacebuilding in Concept and Practice”, East Asia,
Vol. 33, 2016, p. 116. Also, Government of Japan, Act on Cooperation for United Nations
Peacekeeping Operations and Other Operations, Act No. 79 of 19 June 1992.
Iwami, ibid, p.117.
Ibid., p.117.
Ibid., p. 119.
Office of the President, Kenya, op. cit., pp. 39-40.
162 Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas
to the provisions of this Law.”23 The rights of the peacekeepers incorporate the
provisions for advanced training and capacity building for the armed forces. In a
similar fashion, the Swedish legislation suggests that the armed forces will be made
capable to take part in international operations with a broad range of different types
of units. It puts an emphasis on the combined operations of various forces and hence
advocated for joint exercises and training for the peacekeepers.24 It also seeks to
enhance the capacity of the peacekeepers as first responders on the scene in the area
of operations who are able to carry out critical tasks for the operation.
In the case of Ethiopia, the analysis suggests that while some disjointed efforts were
made to offer different aspects of capacity building for peace, there are no strategic
efforts to offer broad based skills training in peace-building especially targeting
people and structures involved in peace-building initiatives. It highlights the
importance of a coherent national policy on peacekeeping for contributing states.
A majority of the national peacekeeping policies highlights regional cooperation that
aims to elaborate on a regional approach to address conflict management and
streamline peacebuilding activities with the involvement of the regional stakeholders.
Miloseic, op. cit., p. 29.
Government of Sweden, op. cit., pp.12-13.
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Towards a Comprehensive Peace-building
Policy and Strategy for Ethiopia, Development Brief No. 4, 2012.
Moreover, the UNDP brief suggests in keeping a focus on the local level gatekeepers
(elders, religious leaders and traditional chiefs). See UNDP, ibid., p.10.
Bangladesh and United Nations Peacekeeping 163
Williams, op. cit., p.96.
Office of the President, Kenya, op. cit., p.23.
Office of the President, Kenya, op. cit., p.24.
Government of Sweden, op. cit., pp. 10-14.
Ibid., p. 14.
164 Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas
basis of ad hoc decisions and based on the demands placed by the UN through the
permanent mission of the respective countries at the UN in New York. These
countries have their own training facilities that offer necessary training modules to
the troops and police to prepare them for UN missions. For example, Bangladesh
Institute of Peace Support Operations Training (BIPSOT) is a state of the art training
facility that offers intensive training programs for Bangladeshi peacekeepers and
other troops from foreign countries. However, it is yet to be identified that to what
extent and how this institution and its activities will shape the national peacekeeping
policy of Bangladesh and contribute to the shaping of a Bangladesh’s foreign and
security policy.
The lack of a national policy also influences the avenues of cooperation with the
regional organizations that are significant actors in the contemporary UN
peacekeeping missions. For example, the Government of Bangladesh (GoB) has not
been able to enhance its foreign relations with some African states despite the fact
that a majority of its peacekeepers are deployed in the African continent. However, it
should be noted that Bangladesh recently has upgraded its diplomatic channels with
important regional powers in Africa.32 It is also significant that Bangladesh requires a
clear guideline to establish cooperation with the regional contributing bodies, such as
the African Union (AU). On the other hand, no South Asian states have adopted a
national policy which would advance regional cooperation among themselves. There
have been some ad hoc moves by the South Asian states in the UN in calling
attention to the issue of pay hike for peacekeepers.33 It is argued that India, Pakistan
and Bangladesh have raised a collective voice for policy changes at the UN to ensure
greater participation in the formulation of mission mandates.34 However, this
approach did not yield to a sustainable regional mechanism that would enhance the
collective capacity of the South Asian troop and police contributing states. It is
important to note that a few civil society initiatives were undertaken to promote a
Deepak Acharjee, “New embassies in Ethiopia, Nigeria soon”, The Independent, 13
November 2015, available at http://www.theindependentbd.com/printversion/details/22858
(accessed 27 April 2017).
Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas, “South Asian regionalism and UN
peacekeeping missions: a case of ‘and never the twain will meet’?”, Journal of
International Peacekeeping, Vol. 19, No. 3-4, p. 253.
Soumita Basu, “South Asian Peacekeeping: Regional Possibilities,” The Round Table,
2017, p.5, available at DOI: 10.1080/00358533.2016.1272949 (accessed 23 April 2017).
Bangladesh and United Nations Peacekeeping 165
track-II dialogue between the stakeholders of South Asian nations.35 These were
disjointed efforts that failed to produce any concrete outcomes.
The discussion in this section highlights the significance of national policies on
peacekeeping and peacebuilding in the context of various contributing states across
the continents. It shows how the peacekeeping policies set vision and strategies for
their contribution, recruitment, capacity building and regional cooperation.
Furthermore, the discussion on South Asia also suggests that the problem of not
having a national policy would impact on the patterns of cooperation among the
regional contributors. From this discussion of international case studies, this paper
draws a set of significant factors, which may be deemed essential for national
policies of peacekeeping and makes an attempt to contextualize these for Bangladesh.
In so doing, the next section (II) analyzes the trends contribution of Bangladeshi
troops and police in the UN peacekeeping missions. In section III, this paper set forth
the challenges of contribution in the context of global changes. These two sections
set the context to discuss the proposed national policy for Bangladesh.
II. Bangladesh’s Contribution to UN Missions: Trends and Decision-making
Bangladesh is one of the leading contributors in the UN peacekeeping missions. As
of 2016, it has participated in 54 missions in over 40 countries. In March 2017,
Bangladesh had 5,821 troops, 73 military experts and 1,010 police personnel
deployed in various UN peacekeeping operations.36 The armed forces contributed
85% of this figure and the police 15% (see Table 1). 130 Bangladeshi uniformed
peacekeepers have died while serving under the UN flag (see table 1). To fulfill one
of its recent commitments, Bangladesh Army provided a battalion of 850 soldiers in
response to a UN request to fill the gap in the UN Mission in South Sudan
Xenia Avezov, “The new geopolitics of peace operations: a dialogue with emerging
powers”, South Asia Regional Dialogue, available at http://www.sipri.org/research/conflict/
pko/other_publ/ NGP-South-Asia.pdf (accessed 28 April 2017).
See: UN Peacekeeping Statistics at http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/resources/ statistics/
contributors.shtml (accessed 26 April 2017).
Kevin Kelly, “Bangladesh troops replace Kenyans pulled from S. Sudan”, The Eastern
African, 4 December 2016, available at http://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/news/Bangladesh-
(accessed 27 April 2017).
166 Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas
Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas, Bangladesh Country Profile, New York:
Providing for Peacekeeping, 16 December 2016, p.2, available at http://www.
providingforpeacekeeping.org/2014/04/03/contributor-profile-bangladesh/ (accessed 27
April 2017).
See: Bangladesh Police, UN Peacekeeping, available at http://www.police.gov. bd/
AtAGlanceDeployment.php?id=134 (accessed 27 April, 2017).
See: Armed Forces Division, available at http://www.afd.gov.bd/index.php/un-
peacekeeping/our-supreme-sacrifices (accessed 27 April 2017).
Zaman and Biswas, Bangladesh Country Profile, op. cit., p.2.
See: United Nations, Peacekeeping Statistics, Ranking of Military and Police Contributions
to UN Operations http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/contributors/2017/mar17_2.pdf
(accessed 27 April 2017).
Selim Mia, “Bangladesh deploys female UN peacekeepers,” BBC News Online, 12 May
2010, available at http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/8678561.stm (accessed 27 April 2017).
Bangladesh and United Nations Peacekeeping 167
Medal for significant contribution in MINUSTAH.44 Bangladesh Navy and Air Force
also contributed significantly in UN missions in Africa and Asia.45
In Bangladesh, the GoB, Armed Forces Division (AFD), Ministry of Home Affairs
(MHA) and the Bangladesh Police play crucial roles in taking the decision of sending
troops and police personnel to UN missions on the basis of a generic Memorandum
of Understanding (MoU) signed in December 2007 as part of the UN Standby
Arrangement System (UNSAS).46 There is no central authority or a coordination
commission/committee in the current framework of decision-making in this regard.
However, in observing the general trends of participation, it is significant to note that
the Bangladesh Army tends to monopolize tactical decisions about Bangladesh’s
participation in UN peace missions and the civilian authority has not challenged this
prerogative.47 The decision-making process begins with the requests for peacekeepers
from the UN Secretariat. Bangladesh’s Permanent Mission at the UN receives this
request on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and examines the
mandate in light of Bangladesh’s broader foreign policy priorities and existing
international commitments. The Defense Attaché in the Permanent Mission in New
York deals with the bureaucratic procedures and subsequently forwards the requests
to the relevant agencies in Bangladesh. Requests relating to troops are directed to the
Armed Forces Division, which is the coordinating headquarters of the Army, Navy
and Air Force. The Overseas Operations Directorate deals with peacekeeping
operations in the Army Headquarters in Dhaka.48 Requests for naval and air force
components are transferred to the respective Navy and Air Force Headquarters in
Dhaka, which then issue necessary directives for the upcoming operations. For
troops, the Overseas Operations Directorate issues the necessary instructions to all
other concerned branches of the armed forces for the requisite preparations. This
involves the selection of personnel and the provision of equipment and training. The
The New Age. “Bangladeshi peacekeepers get UN medal in Haiti”, 16 May 2012, available
at http://www.newagebd.com/detail.php?date=2012-05-16&nid=10477 (accessed 27 April
For details of their deployment, see: Bangladesh Navy, available at http:// www.
bangladeshnavy.mil.bd/un.html and Bangladesh Air Force, available at http:// www.
baf.mil.bd/ ?page_id=49 (accessed 27 April 2017).
Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas, “Bangladesh” in A. J. Bellamy and P. D.
Williams (eds.) ProvidingPeacekeepers: The Politics, Challenges, and Future of United
Nations Peacekeeping Contribution(Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press, 2013).
pp. 183–203.
See: Zaman and Biswas, 2013, op. cit., p. 187.
Ibid., p. 187.
168 Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas
MHA receives requests related to the deployment of the police personnel for the UN
missions. After the initial notification, the MHA transfers the order to Police
Headquarters in Dhaka to take decisions on the selection of personnel.
The capacity development of the peacekeepers is a significant component in the
decision-making process. BIPSOT provides specialized training to potential UN
peacekeepers.49 BIPSOT was established in 1999 as Peacekeeping Operations and
Training Centre (PKOTC) to address the skills required for new generation
peacekeepers, which would be different than the routine combatant skills of military
personnel. In 2002 it was remodeled and renamed with more capacities and
resources. BIPSOT conducts regular pre-deployment training for the selected
contingent members.50 Although the Bangladesh Police does not have a separate
specialized training center, the Police Staff College at Dhaka and Police Academy at
Rajshahi offer specialized and tailor-made training programs to the members of the
police force for peacekeeping missions.
Despite the emergence of terrorist threats with global reach in the form of Al Qaeda
and Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, the
first decade of the 21st century marked a low in the number and severity of armed
conflicts worldwide. This trend was epitomized by the decline in inter-state conflict:
once the dominant pattern of war, only three such conflicts occurred during the
For details, see: BIPSOT’s website, www.bipsot.net.
Some of the main subjects of Pre-Deployment Training are: an overview of the mission
area; handling of situations they are likely to face; the UN mandate for that mission; details
regarding Rules of Engagement; personnel safety; health and hygiene; and a language
Bangladesh and United Nations Peacekeeping 169
decade.51 The traditional means of waging of such warfare appear increasingly alien
from modern battlefield realities.
Yet the past six to seven years have raised serious doubts about the durability of
apparent gains in peace and security that followed the initial, bloody aftermath of the
Cold War when a wave of conflicts spread across the Balkans and sub-Saharan
Africa. Vicious, intractable, high-casualty conflict has reappeared, most evidently in
Iraq, Syria, Libya, Central African Republic, South Sudan and east Ukraine.
Furthermore, such wars have occurred in a way that tend to elude mediators and
military and peace operations to terminate conflict, bypasses the traditional
mechanisms of conflict resolution and results in new patterns of human rights abuses
and humanitarian concerns.52
Studies of ‘new wars’ in the wake of the disappearance of the Soviet Union and end
of the Cold War have highlighted the characteristics of hybrid conflicts, in which
ethnic mobilization, various transnational connections (such as to crime) and state
failure tend to be constituent elements.53 While conflicts today tend to exhibit these
features, two interconnected characteristics, which are shared to a greater or lesser
degree across today’s warzones, represent something of an emerging pattern. These
are a slow but inexorable descent into armed fragmentation and the variegated
internationalization of internal conflicts. Conflicts in Syria, Mali, Libya and South
Sudan have shown groups are splintered and pursuing varied objectives. Such a
situation is compounded by the fact that often such groups are supported by foreign
state and non-state actors, which mean conflicts, are confusing and difficult to solve.
Indeed, the need for diverse actors to appeal to fragmented ‘strategic audiences’ in
multiple domains and countries challenges the notion that military victory followed
by peace can now be achieved in a straightforward manner, since not every audience
will be satisfied with a domestic political settlement.54
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, SIPRI Yearbook 2012. Armaments,
Disarmaments and International Security (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012), p. 67.
Global Peace Index 2016, available at http://visionofhumanity.org/indexes/global-peace-
index/ (accessed 27 April 2017).
Mary Kaldor, New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era, 3rd edition
(Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2012); Herfried Munkler, The New Wars (Cambridge:
Polity Press, 2005); Rupert Smith, The Utility of Force: The Art of War in the Modern
World (New York: Vintage Books, 2008).
Jair van der Lijn and et al. (eds.), Peacekeeping Operations in a Changing World,
Clingendael Strategic Monitor Project (The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International
Relations, Clingendael, 2015), p. 13.
170 Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas
As conflicts tend to become intractable and spiral into a vortex of unending brutality,
the idea of peacekeeping itself is expanding and currently it emerges with more
robust mandates, such as, use of force under Chapter VII, interventions in more
perilous operational environments, and like. Mats Berdal and David H. Ucko point
out that the setbacks suffered by UN peacekeepers in Rwanda and Bosnia led to a
strong sentiment of ‘never again’ and a commitment to use lessons learned to
strengthen UN’s capacity for peacekeeping. One lesson, above all, appeared to enjoy
broad support: UN peacekeepers would henceforth need to prepare for, and be ready
to engage in, more ‘robust’ or ‘muscular’ peacekeeping.55
As a manifestation of this new resolve, the UN Security Council in March 2013
approved an explicit mandate to favor the robustness of its missions that would allow
peacekeepers to use force. The mandate authorized a newly-created ‘Force
Intervention Brigade’ for the UN mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo to
“carry out targeted offensive operations…in a robust, highly mobile and versatile
manner…to prevent the expansion of all armed groups, neutralize these groups and to
disarm them.”56 Coupled with the increasing emphasis on robustness, a greater
proclivity to experiment with the use force has been a growing importance of
protection of civilians as a mandated task for UN peacekeepers.57
The scenarios arising out of such policies adopted by the UN have raised questions
about the challenges and limitations of the organization’s role as a third-party actor in
intractable conflicts. As the UN operation in Democratic Republic of Congo has
unfolded, doubts have been expressed as whether the UN, as an intergovernmental,
intensely political and bureaucratically fragmented organization, can or will ever be
structurally equipped and politically suited to take on a coercive measure in such
wars.58 While arguments have been made about the efficacy of such a proactive role
by the UN,59 misgivings have been voiced about resource constraints, ethical
conundrum and the lack of clarity of the political and strategic purposes under which
Mats Berdal and David H. Ucko, “The United Nations and the Use of Force: Between
Promise and Peril”, Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 37, No. 5, 2014, p. 667.
UN Security Council Resolution 2098, 28 March 2013, p. 34.
Alex J. Bellamy and Paul D. Williams, Understanding Peacekeeping, 2nd edition
(Cambridge: Polity Press, 2010), pp. 337-358.
Mats Berdal, “The State of UN Peacekeeping: Lessons from Congo”, Journal of Strategic
Studies, DOI: 10.1080/01402390.2016.1215307, 2016, p. 3; also, Alan Doss, “In the
Footsteps of Dr. Bunche: the Congo, UN Peacekeeping and the Use of Force”, Journal of
Strategic Studies, Vol. 37, No. 5, 2014, pp. 703-735.
James Sloan, “The Evolution of the Use of Force in UN Peacekeeping”, Journal of
Strategic Studies, Vol. 37, No. 5, 2014, pp. 674-702.
Bangladesh and United Nations Peacekeeping 171
UN peacekeepers operate in such missions.60 Such missions would hamper the safety
and security of peacekeepers. Moreover, there may appear a commitment gap
between the UN and the Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs)/Police Contributing
Countries (PCCs) due to their involvement in risky robust missions.61 While the
developed countries are involved in drafting ambitious mandates for future missions,
they are neither involved in taking the risks, nor do they provide sufficient technical
and financial support to shoulder the responsibilities.62 Under such circumstances
how Bangladesh will deal with the exigencies of ‘robust missions’ including the
ability and will to resort to force in defense of the mandate, namely beyond force
protection, remains to be clarified.63 The debate touches upon Bangladesh’s
capacities in key areas of complex operations such as rapid reactions, logistics,
communication, intelligence, and also upon its own conception of the use of force.
Berdal and Ucko, op. cit., pp. 668-669; also, Thierry Tardy, “The Reluctant Peacekeeper:
France and the Use of Force in Peace Operations”, Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 37,
No. 5, 2014, pp. 770-792; James Cockayne, “The Futility of Force: Strategic Lessons for
Dealing with Unconventional Armed Groups from the UN’s War on Haiti’s Gangs”,
Journal of Strategic Studies, Vol. 37, No. 5, 2014, pp. 736-769; John Karlsrud, “The UN at
war: examining the consequences of peace-enforcement mandates for the UN peacekeeping
operations in the CAR, the DRC and Mali”, Third World Quarterly, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2015,
pp. 40-54; Ortrun Merkle, “Arming the Peacekeepers: Dilemmas of New Military
Technology”, UNU-CPR, available at http://www.merit.unu.edu/arming-the-peacekeepers-
dilemmas-of-new-military-technology/ (accessed 28 April 2017); Elodie Convergne and
Michael R. Snyder, “Making Maps to Make Peace: Geospatial Technology as a Tool for
UN Peacekeeping”, International Peacekeeping, Vol. 22, No. 5, 2015, pp. 577-581;
Charles T. Hunt, “All necessary means to what ends? the unintended consequences of
the ‘robust turn’ in UN peace operations”, International Peacekeeping, Vol. 24, No. 1,
2017, pp. 108-131, available at DOI:10.1080/13533312.2016.1214074 (accessed 11 August
Emily Paddon, “Partnering for Peace: Implications and Dilemmas”, International
Peacekeeping, Vol. 18, No. 5, 2011, pp. 516-533.
This issue was highlighted by Paul D. Williams in a report where he makes the case for
more U.S. involvement in peacekeeping missions in Africa. See: Paul D. Williams,
Enhancing U.S. Support for Peace Operations in Africa, Council Special Report, no. 73
(New York: Council on Foreign Relations, May 2015), pp. 1-56; also Geraint Hughes, “The
United Kingdom and International Peacekeeping: 1960-2014”, The Round Table, 2017, pp.
1-11, online version available at http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1080/00358533. 2017.1352148
(accessed 11 August 2017).
The challenges of ‘robust missions’ experienced by Bangladeshi contingents are described
in Rashed Uz Zaman & Niloy Ranjan Biswas, “The Contribution of Commonwealth Armed
Forces in UN Peacekeeping: The Case of Bangladesh”, The Round Table, 2017, pp. 9-10,
online version available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00358533.2017.1352152 (accessed 11
August 2017).
172 Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas
A key challenge for peacekeeping operations planners is reorienting the focus of such
missions to two megatrends that are shaping and defining conflict climate. These are
population growth (the continuing rise in the planet’s total population) and
urbanization (the tendency for people to live in larger and larger cities). Powerful
arguments can be made that the success of future peacekeeping missions may be won
or lost in cities.64 Urban areas, especially in conflict-affected countries, are emerging
as epicenters of multi-layered violence and extreme vulnerability. Thus, parts of
Bangui (in the Central African Republic), Port-au-Prince (Haiti) and Abidjan (Cote
d’Ivoire) have long been under the control of gangs and militias and may hold the
key to understanding future peacekeeping missions. In all such situations, UN
peacekeepers have had to operate in densely populated urban settings characterized
by the presence of non-conventional armed groups and to adapt to the strategic
complexity and specificities of urban space.65 The challenges thrown up by such
missions have shown the UN Police (UNPOL), in particular, has had significant gaps
in its capacity to respond. At the same time, demands for UNPOL’s services are
increasing and its role is expanding across multiple peacekeeping operations.66 For
Bangladesh, future contingents to UNPOL must be prepared and equipped in such a
manner that concerns around varying standards and approaches, as well as capacity
limitations and gaps in training for operating in such ‘urban guerrilla warfare’ setting
are adequately addressed.
While Bangladesh has been a top troop-contributing country, it must be pointed out
that recent trend in UN peacekeeping point towards a future where such a position
may not be taken for granted. This has become clear following the publication by the
United Nations of A New Partnership Agenda: Charting a New Horizon for United
Nations Peacekeeping in 2009 where a call is made for ‘an expanded base of troop-
and police-contributing countries…to enhance collective burden-sharing and to meet
future requirements.67 The document’s main focus is UN will not be over dependent
David Kilcullen, Out of the Mountains: The Coming Age of the Urban Guerrilla (Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2013); Stephen Graham, Cities Under Siege: The New Military
Urbanism (London and New York: Verso, paperback edition, 2011); Richard J. Norton,
“Feral Cities”, Naval War College Review, Vol. LVI, No. 4, Autumn 2003, pp. 97-106.
Louise Bosetti and et.al., “Peacekeeping in Cities: Is the UN Prepared?”, UNU-CPR,
available at http://www.merit.unu.edu/peacekeeping-in-cities-is-the-un-prepared/ (accessed
28 April 2017).
Ibid., online.
In short, this report is known as The New Horizon Report. See: Department of Field
Support (DPKO/DFS), A New Partnership Agenda: Charting a New Horizon for UN
Peacekeeping, (United Nations: New York, July 2009).
Bangladesh and United Nations Peacekeeping 173
on one or two major suppliers of troops and will increase the availability from new
sources—states or regional bodies. Already South Asian countries are facing pressure
from other countries who wish to make large and meaningful contributions to
peacekeeping missions.68 Bangladesh should also make contingency plans for dealing
with possible reduction or drying-up of UN peacekeeping missions as the
administration of US President Donald Trump has announced plans to reduce US
share of paying for UN peacekeeping missions from 28 percent to 25 percent or
about US$2.2 billion annually. The US Ambassador to UN Nikki Haley has also
asked for reforms within the UN and a review of each of the UN’s 16 peacekeeping
missions.69 Are such postures a harbinger of a ‘slash and burn’ approach to
peacekeeping by Donald Trump? While the answer is yet to be found, Bangladesh
needs to adjust to the changing scenario and plan its moves accordingly.
The analysis in this section highlights the changing nature of the peacekeeping
operations in recent times. It also highlights the importance of capacity building of
the peacekeepers in light of the transformation in peacekeeping endeavors. The major
question, after discussing international cases of national peacekeeping policies in
section I and challenges in section II, is—which factors does the GoB need to
consider in formulating its national peacekeeping policy?
IV. Factors of the National Peacekeeping Policy for Bangladesh
The purpose of this section is to offer a policy guideline for Bangladesh’s
participation in the UN peacekeeping and peacebuilding missions. The analysis is
developed on the basis of the challenges discussed in the earlier section and
opportunities that the GoB may want to exploit in compliance of its foreign policy. It
is important to note that the GoB has committed to send large number of troops,
Adam Smith, Recent Developments in UN Peacekeeping and Their Implications for South
Asian Troop- and Police-Contributing Countries. Lecture presented at the Regional
Conference on South Asian Contribution in UN Peacekeeping, organized by the
Department of International Relations, University of Dhaka, in collaboration with the
American Center, US Embassy Dhaka, 22-23 August 2013; also, Shrijan Bahadur Malla,
“Nepal and peacekeeping: Losing ground”, available at http://www.myrepublica.com/
news/18724/ (accessed 28 April 2017).
Howard LaFranchi, “Trump Team submits UN peacekeeping to scrutiny. Is it worth a
bargain?”, The Christian Science Monitor, 05 April 2017, available at
peacekeeping-to-scrutiny.-Is-it-a-bargain (accessed 28 April 2017).
174 Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas
“Dhaka stands ready to go further with peacekeeping: Hasina”, The Daily Observer, 29
September 2015, available at http://www.observerbd.com/2015/09/29/112744.php (accessed 1
May 2017).
See: Zaman and Biswas, 2016, op. cit., pp. 2-3.
Authors prepared the figure. These four factors are significant and derived from the
analysis of the international cases of national policies of peacekeeping (see: section I).
Bangladesh and United Nations Peacekeeping 175
To expedite the decision-making process the GoB can form a National Task Force.
This will be a coordinating body that is responsible to implement the national policy
and revise it in due course of time on the basis of the needs from internal
stakeholders. The Task Force will have the mandate to revise and update the national
policy on extended participation in UN peacekeeping operations; oversee the
implementation of the policy; examine the trends of the contribution every year;
recommend the Government to formulate new laws or policies in the concerned
areas; and suggest the Government on training and procurement related issues. In
addition to this, the GoB may consider forming an operational level working group
which will be responsible to assist the National Task Force from time to time. This
group may meet on a quarterly basis to coordinate operational issues related to
different stakeholders to share information, optimum utilization of resources, and
logistics issues. The prime stakeholders for UN peacekeeping operations are:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), Ministry of Defence, Bangladesh Armed Forces
(Army, Navy, and Air Force), Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and Bangladesh
Police. The MoFA may form a pool of civilian experts who will contribute in such
The MoFA will be the leading agency to perform diplomatic endeavors in regard to
communications with the United Nations. It should keep close contact with the
Bangladesh’s Permanent Mission in New York. The Ministry can convey any request
of troops and police to the concerned authority in the shortest possible time. The
MoFA can also coordinate the activities of other stakeholders in managing the
requests sent by the UN. The AFD may want to facilitate the promulgation of
policies and GoB’s approval for the deployment of troops from Bangladesh Army,
Navy and Air Force in the UN missions. The AFD can also coordinate all the
See the UN Website to read details about the charters, available at http://www.un.org/
en/charter-united-nations/ (accessed 27 April 2017).
176 Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas
operational and administrative activities regarding UN related tasks among the three
Bangladesh Police should be able to formulate its respective policy document for
force generation, training and deployment. The policies of the AFD and Bangladesh
Police will be done in coherence with the National Policy. Their respective policies
should contain specific provisions on duties and responsibilities with regard to
meeting demands from the UN.
United Nations, Report of the Panel on United Nations Peace Operations, A/55/305,
S/2000/809. Available at http://www.un.org/en/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/55/305
(accessed 1 May 2017). To understand the importance of capacity development of
peacekeepers and related reform, one may see the High-Level Independent Panel on
United Nations Peace Operations (HIPPO), Uniting Our Strengths for Peace, Politics,
Partnership and People, June 2015, available at http://peaceoperationsreview.org/wp-
Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Handbook on United Nations Multidimensional
Peacekeeping Operations, 2003, available at http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/
documents/ Peacekeeping-Handbook_UN_Dec2003.pdf (accessed 1 May 2017).
Alex J. Bellamy and Charles T. Hunt, “Twenty-first century peace operations: protection,
force and the changing security environment”, International Affairs, Vol. 91, No. 6, 2015,
pp. 1297-98.
Bangladesh and United Nations Peacekeeping 177
The AFD and Bangladesh Police must be ready to deploy a sizable amount of
peacekeepers in the quickest possible time to any mission upon permission received
from the top coordinating authorities of the UN and Government. These troops and
police will be part of Rapid Deployment Level (RDL) forces, as per MoU of
UNSAS. Regular trainings will be provided to the peacekeepers at the training
institutes so that there remains a steady flow of trained peacekeepers at the RDL. The
RDL outfits will be equipped properly as per need to be deployed effectively in
mission areas within the agreed timeframe. The National Task Force can study the
requirements of the multidimensional peacekeeping and suggest the Government to
take necessary steps in equipping national troops, police and civilians as per the
demand of the UN.
The GoB should take initiatives to send potential peacekeepers to avail appropriate
training and capacity development activities in home and aboard. The MoFA, AFD
and BIPSOT will collect necessary information about relevant international training
opportunities, venues, and costs of the training. The AFD and Bangladesh Police will
actively assist the Foreign Ministry by continuously developing a database and
offering international training opportunities for the potential peacekeepers. The
Ministry will request for financial allocation from appropriate authorities, in both
home and abroad, to run the international training endeavor.
The GoB may want to initiate the establishment of a training center for the future
civilian experts to expedite the potentials of Bangladesh’s participation in future
peace-support operations under the purview of the UN. The MoFA, in consultation
with the National Task Force, will prepare a national pool of civilian experts. In
addition to this, MoFA may also train a civilian reserve corps to serve as a ready
external talent pool to assist in the administration management and execution of UN
peacekeeping operations. Ministry of Public Administration (MoPA) may prepare a
list of GoB officers citing their education qualifications and expertise which should
be displayed online and can be used by international organizations as they seek
positions to be filled up in peacebuilding missions.
Institutions of Armed Force and the Police may want to hire civilian academic
experts and faculty members from public universities to lecture and supervise
research in the broader peace and security issues. Civilians may be offered
opportunities to acquire education from military and police institutions. Similarly,
178 Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas
troops and police experts will get the opportunity to learn from the relevant
disciplines of public universities. Mention can be made here of the National Defence
College (NDC), the premier military educational institution, where members of
armed forces along with military officers from various countries study alongside
Bangladeshi civil servants and are taught by faculty members drawn from a mixture
of public universities, government and think-tanks. Moreover, the large number of
officers now opting to enroll in degree programs offered by both public and private
educational institutions inevitably interacts with students and faculty who are drawn
from diverse backgrounds. University of Dhaka (DU), Bangladesh Institute of
International and Strategic Studies (BIISS) and Bangladesh University of
Professionals (BUP) are the leading academic institutions that may introduce further
research and academic study programs in the relevant areas of peacekeeping, conflict
transformation, security and development. Further, this practice will enable
Bangladesh to understand the future challenges of participation in UN missions and
to better prepare the country in an effective manner.
The GoB must enforce the capacity development of female troops and police
officers. It must comply with all UN effort to address gender through specific UN
Security Council Resolutions on Women, Peace and Security. These are: UN
Security Council resolutions 1325 (2000), 1820 (2008), 1888 (2009), 1889 (2009),
1960 (2010), 2106 (2013), and 2122 (2013).77 The GoB must aim for a gender-
equality perspective to be integrated into all stages of UN peacekeeping operations.
At national level this means, for example, strengthening training efforts for military
police and civil personnel who may be considered for participation in UN peace
operations. Bangladesh will lobby for better representation of women in
peacemaking, peacekeeping and peacebuilding processes.78 Greater representation of
women can change existing gender imbalances and potentially decrease sexual
offences committed by the perpetrators. Achieving gender balance in peacekeeping
operations will promote a wider gender-mainstreaming agenda.
c. Extensive Diplomatic Engagements
The Permanent Mission of Bangladesh in New York plays an important role in UN
peacekeeping issues. They have been active in Fourth and Fifth Committee meetings
For details, see the website: United Nations, Women, Peace and Security, available at
http://www.un.org/en/peacekeeping/issues/women/wps.shtml (29 April 2017).
The challenges and opportunities for ensuring more women participation in peace
operations are discussed in Georgina Holmes, “The Commonwealth, Gender and
Peacekeeping”, The Round Table, 2017, pp. 1-18, online version available at DOI:
10.1080/00358533.2017.1352147 (accessed 11 August 2017).
Bangladesh and United Nations Peacekeeping 179
to endorse the rights, safety, and security of the peacekeepers. Besides, the triennial
review of equipment related issues are discussed through Contingent Owned
Equipment (COE) Working Group meetings, where Bangladesh Armed and Police
Forces play a lead role to take care of our interest. Bangladesh has served as Chair of
the UN Peacebuilding Commission and has led the drafting of two significant
documents: the 2010 Review of Peacebuilding Architecture, and the 2010 Review of
International Civilian Capacity.79 In finalizing the documents, Bangladesh
successfully convinced other parties to incorporate issues like south–south
cooperation and women’s empowerment.
The GoB may want to consider the expansion of its diplomatic relations with
countries at their post-conflict and stabilized state. Specially, the Government should
seriously consider exploring diplomatic relations by opening up embassies or high
commissions in those countries, where Bangladeshi troops and police have had an
effective role in maintaining peace and stability. The GoB will support cooperative
relations with the African regional endeavors that have been contributing
significantly in UN peacekeeping and peace-support operations. Bangladesh will
establish an intensified dialogue with the AU and Economic Community of West
African States (ECOWAS) in order to continue a regular communication framework
for more cooperation in peace missions. As one of the leading contributors for the
last one decade or more, Bangladesh can also commit to provide technical assistance
to these regional organizations, where appropriate. Bangladesh may consider closer
military and police cooperation with the AU, including exercises and other forms of
build-up of expertise, with the aim of being able to take part in AU-Bangladesh joint
operations with units.
Relations with African regional organizations are critical in order to strengthen
Bangladesh’s effective contribution in the UN-mandated peacebuilding operations.
Bangladesh should also strengthen its cooperation with these regional forums on
business and development fields. Various chambers of commerce and other relevant
business organizations should work in tandem with the GoB, to avail the business
opportunities available in post-conflict African states.
d. Involvement in Peacebuilding Endeavors
Bangladesh aspires to play a crucial role in the sustaining peace through economic
development. In doing so, the GoB can invite business communities: Chambers of
Commerce and other similar forums to actively participate in business promotion
See: Zaman and Biswas, 2013, op. cit., p. 187.
180 Rashed Uz Zaman and Niloy Ranjan Biswas
functions. The National Task Force can arrange regular dialogues with the business
communities to set a separate policy on trade promotion, especially in African
countries. Ministry of Commerce can provide all facilities to promote such activities,
in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The GoB should extend their cooperation to incorporate actors, such as NGOs,
human rights organizations and experts, and academia to form national civil society
expert groups for increasing peacebuilding efforts of Bangladesh. An expert group of
such kind on peacebuilding can be more functional and effective to address the
global needs in post-conflict zones anywhere in the world due to the experiences
garnered from their long standing contribution in this sector.
The Government has already set up the Bangladesh Peacebuilding Center.80 The
MoFA possesses the mandate to regulate the Center. This Ministry can implement
the plan in joint collaboration with an established university, BIPSOT or an academic
institution that provides sufficient infrastructural and technical support. The Center
can offer ‘state-of-the-art’ services in research, training and policy advocacy in the
areas of peacebuilding and various other kinds of peace-support operations. The GoB
may consider inviting international development partners to provide financial support
to arrange the initial establishment costs. The Center in coordination with AFD and
Police can bring international and national experts to produce quality output that will
enhance Bangladesh’s future participation in UN peacebuilding operations. Some of
the curricula can be coordinated between the Center and BIPSOT to ensure optimum
utilization of resources and greater benefit. The major aim of the Center, therefore, is
to catalyze civilian participation along with the engagement of troops and police in
UN peacekeeping endeavors. This will be the center of excellence to sustain
Bangladesh’s effort in maintaining global peace, security and development.
Concluding Remarks
The paper argues that it is significant for Bangladesh to formulate a national
peacekeeping policy to effective utilize its resources, coordinate the role of different
institutions, and fulfill its normative visions in the international platforms. The GoB
has already declared that it is in a process to formulate a national peacekeeping
policy.81 This paper offers genuine policy guidance to the concerned officials in
See the website: http://bpcdhaka.org/board-of-governors/ (accessed 3 May 2017).
Bdnews24.com, “Bangladesh formulating national peacekeeping strategy, says Hasina”,
29 September 2015, available at http://bdnews24.com/bangladesh/2015/09/29/bangladesh-
formulating-national-peacekeeping-strategy-says-hasina (accessed 1 May 2017).
Bangladesh and United Nations Peacekeeping 181
fulfilling its objective in this regard. The analysis of selected international cases in
Section I show that the major factors of a functional peacekeeping policy could be a
formulation of: (a) decision-making process among the stakeholders, (b) capacity
development of the peacekeepers, (c) extensive diplomatic engagements, and (d)
fixing the goals of long-term support, i.e. peacebuilding. It highlights the challenges
for a major troop and police contributing country at the global level in section III. It
is pertinent to understand such challenges also underscore the need for Bangladesh to
take into cognizance the above-mentioned factors in formulating its national policy
on peacekeeping. The paper also offers a discussion of factors that are suggested by
the authors to be incorporated in the future national peacekeeping policy of
Bangladesh. It argues that the potential policy needs to be inclusive of actors and
issues relevant to the changing future patterns of global peacekeeping. The 21st
century may not be strictly a peaceful century82 and the most likely shape and
structure of the international order yet to come is far from self-evident at present.
This very uncertain context applies to international peacekeeping missions and makes
a fundamental case for a prudent approach to planning for such missions. This paper
makes a clarion call for Bangladesh to be ready to confront and deal threats in
accordance with society’s contemporary political support.
Colin S. Gray, Another Bloody Century (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2005).