2016 Rules of The Republican Party - 2020 Cycle

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As adopted by the 2016
Republican National Convention
July 18, 2016

*Amended by the Republican National

Committee on July 20, 2018

Organization of the Republican National
Committee .............................................................. 1
Method of Election for National Committeeman
and National Committeewoman ............................ 1
Term of Office for National Committee
Members ................................................................ 2
Vacancies of Members and Officers ...................... 2
Officers of the Republican National Committee .... 3
Executive Committee of the Republican National
Committee .............................................................. 5
Rules of Order........................................................ 6
Meetings of the Republican National
Committee .............................................................. 7
Filling Vacancies in Nominations ......................... 8
Committees of the Republican National
Committee .............................................................. 9
Candidate Support ............................................... 14
Amendments ......................................................... 15


Call of Next Convention....................................... 15

Membership in Convention .................................. 15
Participation in the Delegate Selection
Process................................................................. 18
Election, Selection, Allocation, or Binding of
Delegates and Alternate Delegates ..................... 18
Enforcement of Rules ........................................... 26
Vacancies in a State Delegation .......................... 28
Excess Delegates and Alternate Delegates.......... 28
Certification of Election or Selection of
Delegates ............................................................. 29
Contests: Resolution by States............................. 30
Temporary Roll of the Republican National
Convention ........................................................... 31
Contest Filing ...................................................... 31
Contest Procedure ............................................... 32
Convention Committee on Credentials ................ 33


Order of Business ................................................ 34
Committee Reports .............................................. 35
Admission to Convention Hall ............................. 35
Voting................................................................... 36
Rules of Order...................................................... 36

Length of Debate ................................................. 36
Suspension of Rules ............................................. 37

Platform Resolutions ........................................... 37
Minority Reports; Amendments ........................... 37
Motion to Table.................................................... 38
Previous Question................................................ 38
Roll Call ............................................................... 38
Unit Rule .............................................................. 39
Record Vote ......................................................... 39
Nominations ......................................................... 40
Convention Committees ....................................... 41
Temporary Rules.................................................. 43


BE IT RESOLVED, That the Republican

Party is the party of the open door. Ours is the party of
liberty, the party of equality, of opportunity for all, and
favoritism for none.

It is the intent and purpose of these rules to

encourage and allow the broadest possible participation
of all voters in Republican Party activities at all levels
and to assure that the Republican Party is open and
accessible to all Americans.


following be and hereby are adopted as The Rules of the
Republican Party, composed of the rules for the
election and government of the Republican National
Committee until the next national convention, the rules
under which delegates and alternate delegates shall be
allotted to the respective states in the next national
convention, and the rules under which such delegates
and alternate delegates shall be elected and under which
contests shall be considered, and the rules of business
of this national convention.


Organization of the Republican National

(a) The Republican National Committee

shall have the general management of the Republican
Party, based upon the rules adopted by the Republican
National Convention. The members of the Republican
National Committee shall consist of one (1) national
committeeman and one (1) national committeewoman
from, and the chairman of the state Republican Party of,
each state.

(b) For the purposes of this rule and all other

rules, "state" or "states" shall be taken to include
American Samoa, the District of Columbia, Guam,
Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin
Islands, except in Rule No. 14, and unless the context
in which the word "state" or "states" is used clearly
makes such inclusion inappropriate.

Method of Election for National Committeeman
and National Committeewoman

(a) Where the rules adopted by a state

Republican Party provide a method of election of the
national committeeman and the national
committeewoman, they shall be elected pursuant to
such method.

(b) Where the rules adopted by a state

Republican Party do not provide a method of election
of the national committeeman and the national
committeewoman, and where state laws do provide
such a method of election, they shall be elected
pursuant to such method provided by state laws.

(c) Where neither the rules adopted by a state

Republican Party nor state laws provide a method of
election of the national committeeman and the national
committeewoman, the national convention delegation
from such state shall elect them.

(d) At each national convention, the

chairman of the delegation from each state shall submit
the names of the elected national committee members
to the secretary of the convention and their election
shall be ratified by the national convention if

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otherwise in accordance with these rules.

Term of Office for National Committee Members

(a) National committeemen and national

committeewomen shall serve from the adjournment of
the national convention until the adjournment of the
following national convention. While newly elected
members may be ratified simultaneously, for seniority
purposes, newly elected committee members shall be
considered ratified in order of the date of their
individual election.

(b) The duly elected and acting chairman of

each state Republican Party shall be a member of the
Republican National Committee during his or her term
in office.

Vacancies of Members and Officers

(a) Election of members to fill vacancies in

the Republican National Committee shall be ratified by
the Republican National Committee after their election
by the state Republican Party in and for the state in
which the vacancy occurs.

(b) The Republican National Committee

shall have the power to declare vacant the seat of any
member who refuses to support the Republican
nominee for President of the United States or Vice
President of the United States.

(c) In the event of the death, resignation,

disqualification, removal, or disability of any officer of
the Republican National Committee or member of a
committee of the Republican National Committee, such
vacancy shall be filled by the same body and in the
same manner as provided herein for the election of such
officer or officers or committee members in the first
instance. In the case of a vacancy in the office of either
secretary or treasurer of the Republican National
Committee, the chairman shall appoint an acting
secretary or acting treasurer from among the members
or officers of the Republican National Committee who
shall serve until the next meeting of the Republican
National Committee, when an election to fill such
vacancy shall occur. In the event of the death,
resignation, disqualification, removal, or disability of
the chairman, the co-chairman shall serve as temporary
chairman until the members of the
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Republican National Committee fill the vacancy in
accordance with the provisions of this section. All
appointees of the chairman of the Republican National
Committee shall serve at the pleasure of the chairman
until removed by the chairman, until replaced by
another appointee, until the position is eliminated, or
until the position is vacated by the appointee. Unless
otherwise specified by these rules, appointments are not
affected by the subsequent vacancy of the chairmanship
by the appointing chairman.

(d) In the event of the death, resignation,

disqualification, removal, or disability of any member
of the Republican National Committee, the vacancy
shall be filled according to adopted state Republican
Party rules. If no rule exists, vacancies shall be filled by
majority vote of the Republican state committee.

Officers of the Republican National Committee

(a) The officers of the Republican National

Committee shall consist of:

(1) A chairman and a co-chairman

of the opposite sex who shall be elected by the members
of the Republican National Committee. The chairman
or co-chairman need not be a member of the Republican
National Committee. Except as otherwise ordered by a
majority of the members of the Republican National
Committee present and voting on the matter, the
chairman and the co-chairman shall be full-time, paid
employees of the Republican National Committee. The
chairman shall be the chief executive officer of the
Republican National Committee. The co- chairman
shall perform such duties as are assigned by the
chairman. The chairman or co-chairman may be
removed from office only by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of
the members of the Republican National Committee.

(2) Eight (8) vice chairmen who

shall be elected at regional caucuses by the Republican
National Committee members of the four (4) regions
and shall be residents of, and Republican National
Committee members from, their respective regions.
The election shall take place in January of each odd-
numbered year. The election of vice chairmen shall not
require confirmation by the Republican National
Committee. The vice chairmen shall preside at all
meetings of their respective regions. The eight (8) vice
chairmen shall be comprised of one (1) man and one
(1) woman from each of the following four regions:

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(i) The Western States
Region: Alaska, American Samoa, Arizona, California,
Colorado, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada,
New Mexico, Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon, Utah,
Washington, and Wyoming;

(ii) The Midwestern

States Region: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas,
Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North
Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin;

(iii) The Northeastern

States Region: Connecticut, Delaware, the District of
Columbia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New
Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania,
Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Vermont, and the Virgin
Islands; and

(iv) The Southern States

Region: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina,
Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia,
and West Virginia.

(3) A secretary, a treasurer, and

such other officers as the Republican National
Committee shall deem necessary, all to be elected by
the Republican National Committee. The secretary and
treasurer shall be members or officers of the Republican
National Committee when elected. A secretary,
treasurer, and other such officers elected by the
Republican National Committee may be removed from
office only by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire
Republican National Committee. The secretary shall
keep an accurate record of the proceedings of the
meetings of the Republican National Committee, the
Executive Committee, and all other committees of the
Republican National Committee. The secretary may
appoint assistant secretaries, who shall be members of
the Republican National Committee, to assist the
secretary in keeping the minutes of meetings and
committees other than the Republican National
Committee and the Executive Committee. The treasurer
shall receive and safely keep all funds of the Republican
National Committee and any committee or other entity
under its control, shall make approved disbursements,
and shall maintain an accurate accounting of all
financial transactions.

(b) The chairman, co-chairman, and all other

officers shall be elected in January of each odd-
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numbered year. All officers, except the vice chairmen,
shall be nominated from the floor and shall have at least
the majority vote of the Republican National
Committee members in each of three (3) states in order
to have their names placed in nomination. There shall
be no nominating committee.

(c) The chairman shall appoint a general

counsel for the Republican National Committee, who
also will serve as counsel to committees and
subcommittees of the Republican National Committee,
and a chairman of the Republican Finance Committee,
both of whom shall be confirmed by the Republican
National Committee and shall serve at the will of the
chairman. Neither the general counsel nor the chairman
of the Republican Finance Committee need be a
member of the Republican National Committee.

Executive Committee of the Republican National

(a) There shall be an Executive Committee of

the Republican National Committee to consist of thirty
(30) officers and members of the Republican National
Committee: the chairman, the co-chairman, the vice
chairmen, the secretary, the treasurer, the general
counsel, the chairman of the Republican Finance
Committee, the chairman of the Standing Committee on
Rules, the chairman of the Standing Budget Committee,
the chairman of the Standing Committee on
Resolutions, the chairman of the Republican State
Chairmen’s Advisory Committee, the chairman of the
Standing Committee on Presidential Primary Debates,
three (3) members to be appointed by the chairman, and
eight (8) additional members to consist of one (1) man
and one (1) woman elected by and from each of the four
(4) regional caucuses in January of each odd-numbered

(b) The Executive Committee may exercise

all of the executive and administrative functions
required of the Republican National Committee
between meetings of the Republican National
Committee, with the exception of the following:

(1) election of officers of the

Republican National Committee;

(2) issuance of the call and

designation of the time and place for holding the
national convention; and

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(3) filling a vacancy in the office
of Republican candidate for President of the United
States or Republican candidate for Vice President of the
United States.

(c) The Executive Committee shall meet on

the call of the chairman and such meetings shall be held
at least twice in each year. In addition, upon written
petition of at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the
members of the Executive Committee, the chairman,
within ten (10) days of receipt of said petition, shall call
a meeting of the Executive Committee to be held in a
city to be designated by the chairman. The date of such
meeting shall fall between ten (10) and twenty (20) days
from the date of the call. The draft minutes of each
Executive Committee meeting shall be made available
within thirty (30) days after the close of the meeting to
all members of the Republican National Committee.

(d) The Executive Committee may meet and

act by telephone conference upon twenty-four (24)
hours’ notice.

Rules of Order

(a) The current authorized edition of

Robert’s Rules of Order: Newly Revised (“Robert’s
Rules of Order”) shall govern in all meetings of the
Republican National Committee and its committees
insofar as they are applicable and not inconsistent with
these rules.

(b) All meetings of the Republican National

Committee and all of its committees shall be open
meetings, except as provided for by Robert’s Rules of
Order. For purposes of The Rules of the Republican
Party, the term “open meeting” shall mean a meeting
open for attendance by all members of the Republican
National Committee and any registered guests of
members of the Republican National Committee.
Nothing herein shall preclude the provisions of
Robert’s Rules of Order with regard to going into
executive session.

(c) A member of the Republican National

Committee may give a written proxy to an eligible and
declared Republican voter of the same state, which
shall be effective for one (1) meeting and may include
all committees of the Republican National Committee

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and other meetings held in conjunction with the
Republican National Committee meeting that the proxy
grantor is eligible to attend. A member of a committee
of the Republican National Committee may give a
written proxy to an eligible and declared Republican
voter of the same state or to a member of the member’s
state delegation to the Republican National Committee.
Proxies to attend Republican National Committee
meetings shall be filed by letter, email or other
acceptable form with the secretary of the Republican
National Committee. Proxies to attend a committee of
the Republican National Committee shall be filed by
letter, email, or other acceptable form with the
chairman of the respective committee. For any
committee of the Republican National Committee
where members are elected by region, those committee
members who have been elected by their region may
give a written proxy to a member of the member’s
regional caucus within the Republican National
Committee, with the approval of that caucus’s regional
vice chairmen. Those members who have been
appointed by the chairman may give a written proxy to
a member of the Republican National Committee, with
the approval of the chairman of the Republican
National Committee.

(d) No votes (except elections to office

when properly ordered pursuant to the provisions of
Robert’s Rules of Order) shall be taken by secret ballot
in any open meeting of the Republican National
Committee or of any committee thereof.

(e) A prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance

shall be conducted at the beginning of all meetings of
the committees listed in these rules, including meetings
of all subcommittees, immediately following the call to
order by the chairman.

(f) For the purposes of these rules, unless

otherwise specified, “mail” shall be defined as mail by
the United States Postal Service, electronic mail, or
private mail delivery service.

Meetings of the Republican National Committee

(a) The Republican National Committee

shall meet at least two (2) times in each year. A
tentative agenda for each meeting shall be mailed to the
membership at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting.
The minutes, including all resolutions and motions,
shall be mailed to all members of the

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Republican National Committee within thirty (30)
days after the close of the meeting. In addition, the
Republican National Committee shall conduct a
training session only for members or their designee at
least one time in each year.

(b) The first meeting of the Republican

National Committee shall take place within five (5)
days after the adjournment of the national convention.
Such meeting and all other meetings of the Republican
National Committee shall take place upon the call of the
chairman, or, in case of a vacancy in the chairmanship,
upon the call of the co-chairman, or, in case of a
vacancy in the chairmanship and the co- chairmanship,
upon the call of the vice chairman senior in time of
service as a member of the Republican National
Committee; provided, however, that such call shall be
issued at least ten (10) days in advance of the date of
the proposed meeting, except that if one of the purposes
of a meeting of the Republican National Committee is
to fill a vacancy in the office of Republican candidate
for President of the United States or Republican
candidate for Vice President of the United States, then
only five (5) days’ notice of the purpose, date, and place
of said meeting shall be required. Upon written petition
of sixteen (16) or more members of the Republican
National Committee, representing no fewer than sixteen
(16) states, filed jointly or severally with the chairman,
requesting a meeting of the Republican National
Committee, it shall be the duty of the chairman, within
ten (10) days of receipt of said petition, to issue a call
for a meeting of the Republican National Committee, to
be held in a city to be designated by the chairman, the
date of such called meeting to be not later than twenty
(20) days or earlier than ten (10) days from the date of
the call.

Filling Vacancies in Nominations

(a) The Republican National Committee is

hereby authorized and empowered to fill any and all
vacancies which may occur by reason of death,
declination, or otherwise of the Republican candidate
for President of the United States or the Republican
candidate for Vice President of the United States, as
nominated by the national convention, or the
Republican National Committee may reconvene the
national convention for the purpose of filling any such

(b) In voting under this rule, the Republican

National Committee members representing any state
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shall be entitled to cast the same number of votes as
said state was entitled to cast at the national convention.

(c) In the event that the members of the

Republican National Committee from any state shall
not be in agreement in the casting of votes hereunder,
the votes of such state shall be divided equally,
including fractional votes, among the members of the
Republican National Committee present or voting by

(d) No candidate shall be chosen to fill any

such vacancy except upon receiving a majority of the
votes entitled to be cast in the election.

Committees of the Republican National Committee

(a) There shall be the following committees:

(1) There shall be a Standing

Committee on Rules of the Republican National
Committee, composed of one (1) member of the
Republican National Committee from each state, to
review and propose recommendations with respect to
The Rules of the Republican Party. The members of the
Republican National Committee from each state shall
caucus and, by majority vote, choose from their number
a member to serve on this committee. The chairman of
the Standing Committee on Rules, and such other
officers as the Standing Committee on Rules shall deem
necessary, shall be elected by the committee from
among its members. The Standing Committee on Rules
shall first consider all rule amendments submitted by
any member of the committee at least ten (10) days
before the day on which General Session shall be held
at any regularly called meeting of the Republican
National Committee or at least three (3) days before a
specially called meeting to be considered by the
Standing Committee on Rules.

(2) There shall be a Standing

Committee on Resolutions, which shall be composed of
two (2) members of the Republican National
Committee from each of the four (4) regions described
in Rule No. 5(a)(2), elected by the members of the
Republican National Committee from each such region,
and a chairman appointed by the chairman of the
Republican National Committee from among the
members of the Republican National Committee.

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(i) The Standing
Committee on Resolutions shall consider all resolutions
submitted by any member for adoption by the
Republican National Committee at least ten (10) days
before the day on which General Session shall be held
at any regularly called meeting of the Republican
National Committee or at least three (3) days before a
specially called meeting. To be considered timely
submitted, a resolution must be received by the
chairman of the Standing Committee on Resolutions by
the submission deadline, followed by the original
signed resolution before the beginning of the meeting
of the Standing Committee on Resolutions. All co-
sponsorship forms shall be due before the beginning of
the meeting. This committee shall report to the
Republican National Committee all adopted
resolutions, with amendments where applicable, for its
consideration. Resolutions that are not adopted by this
committee shall be reported for informational purposes
only to the Republican National Committee.

(ii) The Standing

Committee on Resolutions shall report out, without
amendment and for consideration by the Republican
National Committee, any resolution submitted in
writing and supported by at least two (2) members of
the Republican National Committee from each of ten
(10) states, which is dated and submitted to the
chairman of the Standing Committee on Resolutions at
least ten (10) days before any regularly called meeting
of the Republican National Committee or at least three
(3) days before a specially called meeting. In the event
of a memorial resolution submitted in response to the
passing of the person so remembered, the ten (10) day
requirement may be waived by the Standing Committee
on Resolutions.

(3) The Republican National

Committee shall create a Standing Budget Committee
and any subcommittees thereof that it deems desirable,
to which it may delegate the responsibility of
developing a budget and reviewing income and
expenditures of the Republican National Committee.
The Standing Budget Committee shall be composed of
eleven (11) members of the Republican National
Committee, three (3) of whom shall be appointed by the
chairman of the Republican National Committee, and
each of the four (4) regions shall elect two (2) members,
one (1) man and one (1) woman, at its regional caucus
held in January of each odd-numbered year (as
provided in Rule No. 5(a)(2)) and the following shall
serve as ex officio members of the
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Standing Budget Committee: the chairman, co-
chairman, and treasurer of the Republican National
Committee, and the chairman of the Republican
Finance Committee. The chairman of the Republican
National Committee shall make every effort in such
appointments to ensure that an equal number of men
and women serve on the Standing Budget Committee.
The chairman of the Republican National Committee
shall appoint the chairman of the Standing Budget
Committee from among the members thereof. The
annual budget shall be approved at the first meeting of
the Republican National Committee held in each year.
The proposed budget, in reasonable detail, shall be
mailed to all members of the Republican National
Committee at least ten (10) days prior to such meeting.

(4) There shall be a Standing

Committee on Site Selection of the Republican
National Convention, which shall be composed of two
(2) members of the Republican National Committee
from each of the four (4) regions described in Rule No.
5(a)(2), elected by the members of the Republican
National Committee from each such region, and a
chairman appointed by the chairman of the Republican
National Committee from among the members or
officers of the Republican National Committee. This
committee shall be responsible for investigating
potential sites for the next national convention and for
recommending a site to the Republican National
Committee for selection. This committee shall be
selected no later than two (2) years following the
presidential election. Each of the four (4) regions shall
elect an alternate who is a member of the Republican
National Committee from such region, who shall act, in
the event an elected member from the region shall be
unable to act by reason of death, resignation, or

(5) There shall be a Standing

Committee on Arrangements to plan for and manage
the next national convention.

(i) The chairman of the

Republican National Committee shall appoint the
members of the Standing Committee on Arrangements,
which shall consist of at least one (1) member of the
Republican National Committee from each state, all of
whom, other than the chairman, who may be appointed
at any time, shall be appointed after the Winter Meeting
of the Republican National Committee in the year
before a Presidential election. The chairman of the
Republican National Committee shall appoint a
chairman and co- chairman, who shall be members of
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the committee, and such other officers as the chairman
of the Republican National Committee desires. The
secretary and treasurer of the Republican National
Committee shall be the secretary and treasurer of the
committee. The chairman, co-chairman, secretary, and
treasurer of the Republican National Committee, and
the chairman of the standing Committee on Rules, shall
be ex officio members of the committee

(ii) There shall be an

Executive Committee of the committee which shall
consist of the chairman, co-chairman, secretary,
treasurer, and subcommittee chairmen of the committee
and which may exercise all the powers of the committee
between its meetings. The chairman and co-chairman
of the Republican National Committee shall serve as ex
officio members of the Executive Committee of the

(6) There shall be a Standing

Committee on the Call, composed of a chairman and at
least seven (7) members of the Republican National
Committee who shall be appointed by the chairman of
the Republican National Committee. This committee
shall assist the Republican National Committee in
connection with the issuance of the call for the next
national convention pursuant to Rule No. 13. This
committee shall be appointed after the selection of the
Standing Committee on Rules and the Standing
Committee on Arrangements.

(7) There shall be a Standing

Committee on Contests, which shall be composed of
two (2) members of the Republican National
Committee from each of the four (4) regions described
in Rule No. 5(a)(2), elected by members of the
Republican National Committee from each such region,
and a chairman appointed by the chairman of the
Republican National Committee from among the
members or officers of the Republican National
Committee. This committee shall perform the duties
relating to the resolution of contests prescribed in Rule
No. 24. This committee shall be elected after the
selection of the Standing Committee on Rules and
Standing Committee on Arrangements.

(8) There shall be a State

Chairmen’s Advisory Committee, composed of the
state chairman of each of the states, the chairman of
which shall be appointed by the chairman of the
Republican National Committee from among its
members. The committee shall provide a forum for
discussion among state chairmen of matters of concern
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to them, but the committee shall take no formal action.
The committee shall meet at each meeting of the
Republican National Committee.

(9) The Republican National

Committee shall create a Republican Finance
Committee, and any subcommittees thereof that it
deems desirable, to which it may delegate the
responsibility of developing and implementing a broad-
based fundraising plan. The chairman of the Republican
Finance Committee shall be appointed pursuant to the
provisions of Rule No. 5(c).

(10) There shall be a temporary

Committee on the Presidential Nominating Process to
review the rules governing the nomination of the
Republican Party’s presidential nominee. The chairman
of the Republican National Committee shall appoint all
temporary members of the temporary Committee on the
Presidential Nominating Process, not to exceed eleven
(11) members, and shall appoint one as chairman, and
the chairman of the Republican National Committee
shall serve as an ex officio member. The chairman of
the Republican National Committee shall convene the
temporary Committee on the Presidential Nominating
process at his discretion, but no later than June 30,
2017. The temporary Committee on the Presidential
Nominating Process shall make any recommendations
it deems appropriate and report such recommendations
to the Republican National Committee no later than
May 31, 2018. The temporary Committee on the
Presidential Nominating Process shall disband
following the transmittal of its report. Necessary and
proper resources of the Republican National Committee
shall be made available to fund the efforts of this

(b) All members of the Standing

Committees shall be members of the Republican
National Committee.

(c) The draft minutes of these committees

shall be made available as promptly as practicable, with
the final minutes available upon approval of each
respective committee, to all members of the Republican
National Committee. Any of these committees may
meet and act by telephone conference upon twenty-four
(24) hours’ notice.

(d) The chairman of the Republican National

Committee, with the approval of the Republican
National Committee, may appoint such other
committees and assistants as he or she deems necessary.
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Whenever such committees are appointed, they shall
consist of a chairman and an equal number of men and

(e) Whenever a committee is appointed

pursuant to Rule No. 10(d), the committee shall consist
of a chairman, who shall be a member of the Republican
National Committee, and of other appointees, at least
half of whom shall be members of the Republican
National Committee.

(f) All committees appointed and/or elected

pursuant to any of these rules, except convention
committees, may meet by telephone conference call
with twenty-four (24) hours’ notice from the chairman
of the Republican National Committee or the
committee’s chairman.

(g) All committees appointed and/or elected

pursuant to any of these rules, whether separately
incorporated and whether a separate reporting entity,
shall be under the supervision, direction, and control of
the Republican National Committee, and its officers
and staff, and shall be subject to and comply with the
rules, policies, and procedures of the Republican
National Committee, including its budgetary review
and approval process, financial controls, legal
compliance and review process, and employee policies
and manual.

Candidate Support

(a) The Republican National Committee

shall not, without the prior written and filed approval of
all members of the Republican National Committee
from the state involved, contribute money or in-kind aid
to any candidate for any public or party office of that
state, except the nominee of the Republican Party or a
candidate who is unopposed in the Republican primary
after the filing deadline for that office. In those states
where state law establishes a non-partisan primary in
which Republican candidates could participate, but in
which the general election may not include a
Republican candidate, the candidate endorsed by a
convention held under the authority of the state
Republican Party shall be recognized by the Republican
National Committee as the Republican nominee.

(b) No state Republican Party rule or state

law shall be observed that allows persons who have
participated or are participating in the selection of any
nominee of a party other than the Republican Party,
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including, but not limited to, through the use of a multi-
party primary or similar type ballot, to participate in the
selection of a nominee of the Republican Party for that
general election. No person nominated in violation of
this rule shall be recognized by the Republican National
Committee as the nominee of the Republican Party
from that state.


The Republican National Committee may, by

three-fourths (3/4) vote of its entire membership,
amend Rule Nos. 1-11 and 13-25. Any such amendment
shall be considered by the Republican National
Committee only if it was passed by a majority vote of
the Standing Committee on Rules after having been
submitted in writing at least ten (10) days in advance of
its consideration by the Republican National
Committee and shall take effect thirty (30) days after
adoption. No such amendment shall be adopted after
September 30, 2018.



Call of Next Convention

The Republican National Committee shall

issue the call for the next national convention to
nominate candidates for President of the United States
and Vice President of the United States prior to
December 1 of the year prior to that in which the
national convention is to be held. The Republican
National Committee shall issue and promulgate the call
in a manner consistent with these rules. The call shall
include the text of the rules relating to the convening
and the proceedings of the national convention, in
addition to the official delegate count for each state,
including any penalties assessed under Rule No. 17(a),
and will note which states’ delegations will be allocated
in direct proportion in accordance with Rule No. 17(b).

Membership in Convention

Subject to the provisions of Rule No. 17, the

membership of the next national convention shall
consist of:

(a) Delegates.

15 of 43
(1) Ten (10) delegates at large
from each of the fifty (50) states.

(2) The national committeeman,

the national committeewoman and the chairman of the
state Republican Party of each state and American
Samoa, the District of Columbia, Guam, Northern
Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

(3) Three (3) district delegates for

each Representative in the United States House of
Representatives from each state.

(4) Six (6) delegates at large from

American Samoa, sixteen (16) delegates at large from
the District of Columbia, six (6) delegates at large from
Guam, six (6) delegates at large from the Northern
Mariana Islands, twenty (20) delegates at large from
Puerto Rico, and six (6) delegates at large from the
Virgin Islands; provided, however, that if Puerto Rico
shall become a state prior to the next national
convention, the number of delegates from Puerto Rico
shall be calculated in accordance with the same formula
used for the other states.

(5) From each state having cast its

electoral votes, or a majority thereof, for the Republican
nominee for President of the United States in the last
preceding election: four and one-half (4 1/2) delegates
at large plus a number of the delegates at large equal to
sixty percent (60%) of the number of electoral votes of
that state; provided, however, that if Puerto Rico shall
become a state prior to the next national convention, it
shall be presumed that it would have cast its electoral
votes, or a majority thereof, for the Republican nominee
in the last preceding election. (In the computation of the
number of delegates at large, any sum of the four and
one-half (4 1/2) plus the sixty percent (60%)
representing a fraction shall be increased to the next
whole number.).

(6) In addition, one (1) delegate at

large shall be awarded to a state for any and each of the
following public officials elected by such state in the
year of the last preceding presidential election or at any
subsequent election held prior to January 1 of the year
in which the next national convention is held:

(i) A Republican
governor, provided that no such additional delegate at
large awarded to any state shall exceed one (1);

(ii) Membership in the

16 of 43
Republican Party of at least one-half (1/2) of the
representatives representing a state in the United States
House of Representatives; provided that no such
additional delegate at large awarded to any state shall
exceed one (1);

(iii) Membership in the

Republican Party of a majority of the members of any
chamber of a state legislature, if such chamber has been
organized, and is presided over (if the presiding officer
is elected by the chamber), by Republicans; provided
that no such additional delegate at large awarded to any
state shall exceed one (1);

(iv) Membership in the

Republican Party of a majority of all chambers of a state
legislature, if all such chambers are presided over (if the
presiding officer is elected by the chamber), by a
Republican; provided that no such additional delegate
at large awarded to any state shall exceed one (1).
(7) In addition, one (1) delegate at
large shall be awarded to a state for any and each
Republican United States Senator elected by such state
in the six (6) year period prior to January 1 of the year
in which the next national convention is held; provided
that no such additional delegate at large awarded to any
state shall exceed two (2).

(8) In addition, if the District of

Columbia shall have cast its electoral votes, or a
majority thereof, for the Republican nominee for
President of the United States in the last preceding
presidential election: four and one-half (4 1/2) delegates
at large plus the number of delegates at large equal to
thirty percent (30%) of the sixteen (16) delegates at
large allotted to the District of Columbia. In the
computation of the number of delegates at large, any
sum of the four and one-half (4 1/2) plus the thirty
percent (30%) representing a fraction shall be increased
to the next whole number.

(b) Alternate Delegates.

One (1) alternate delegate for each delegate

to the national convention, except that no alternates
shall be selected for Republican National Committee

(c) Any state Republican Party may set the

date for any primary, caucus, convention, or meeting
for the purpose of voting for a presidential candidate
and/or electing, selecting, allocating, or binding
delegates to the national convention subject to the
17 of 43
scheduling provisions in Rule No. 16. To the extent a
state Republican Party’s rules are in conflict with its
state’s laws with respect to this rule, the provisions of
this rule and the state Republican Party’s rules shall
control. To the extent the provisions of the rule are
inconsistent with the provisions of Rule No. 16, the
provisions of this rule shall be controlling for all

Participation in the Delegate Selection Process

(a) The states, in cooperation with the

Republican National Committee Counsel’s Office,
shall prepare instructive material on delegate election,
selection, allocation, or binding methods and make it
available for distribution.

(b) Participation in a Republican primary,

caucus, or any meeting or convention held for the
purpose of electing, selecting, allocating, or binding
delegates and alternate delegates to a county, district,
state, or national convention shall in no way be
abridged for reasons of sex, race, religion, color, age, or
national origin. The Republican National Committee
and the state Republican Party or governing committee
of each state shall take positive action to achieve the
broadest possible participation by men and women,
young people, minority and heritage groups, senior
citizens, and all other citizens in the delegate election,
selection, allocation, or binding process.

(c) Unless otherwise provided by the laws of

the state in which the election occurs, in those states
where delegates and alternate delegates are elected
through the convention system or a combination of
convention and primary systems, the precinct, ward,
township, or county meetings shall be open meetings
and all citizens who are qualified shall be urged to

(d) Each state shall endeavor to have equal

representation of men and women in its delegation to
the Republican National Convention.

(e) The provisions of these rules are not

intended to be the basis of any kind of quota system.

Election, Selection, Allocation, or Binding of
Delegates and Alternate Delegates

(a) Binding and Allocation.

18 of 43
(1) Any statewide presidential
preference vote that permits a choice among candidates
for the Republican nomination for President of the
United States in a primary, caucuses, or a state
convention must be used to allocate and bind the state’s
delegation to the national convention in either a
proportional or winner-take-all manner, except for
delegates and alternate delegates who appear on a ballot
in a statewide election and are elected directly by
primary voters.

(2) The Secretary of the

Convention shall faithfully announce and record each
delegate’s vote in accordance with the delegate’s
obligation under Rule No. 16(a)(1), state law, or state
party rule. If any delegate bound by Rule No. 16(a)(1),
state party rule, or state law to vote for a presidential
candidate at the national convention demonstrates
support under Rule No. 40 for any person other than the
candidate to whom he or she is bound, such support
shall not be recognized. Notwithstanding the provisions
of Rule No. 40 regarding formally placing a name in
nomination for President of the United States and Vice
President of the United States, the votes of all
credentialed delegates properly cast according to Rule
No. 16(a)(1), state party rule, and state law shall be
reported by the state delegation chairman and repeated
by the Convention Secretary. Except as provided for by
state law or state party rule, no presidential candidate
shall have the power to remove a delegate.

(b) Order of Precedence.

Delegates at large and their alternate

delegates and delegates from congressional districts
and their alternate delegates to the national convention
shall be elected, selected, allocated, or bound in the
following manner:

(1) In accordance with any

applicable Republican Party rules of a state, insofar as
the same are not inconsistent with these rules;

(2) To the extent not provided for

in the applicable Republican Party rules of a state, in
accordance with any applicable laws of a state, insofar
as the same are not inconsistent with these rules;

(3) By a combination of the

methods set forth in paragraphs (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this
rule; or

19 of 43
(4) To the extent not provided by
state law or party rules, as set forth in paragraph (e) of
this rule.

(c) Timing and Allocation.

(1) No primary, caucus,

convention, or other process to elect, select, allocate, or
bind delegates to the national convention shall occur
prior to March 1 or after the second Saturday in June in
the year in which a national convention is held. Except
Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada
may conduct their processes no earlier than one month
before the next earliest state in the year in which a
national convention is held and shall not be subject to
the provisions of paragraph (c)(2) of this rule.

(2) Any presidential primary,

caucus, convention, or other process to elect, select,
allocate, or bind delegates to the national convention
that occurs prior to March 15 in the year in which the
national convention is held shall provide for the
allocation of delegates on a proportional basis.

(3) Proportional allocation of total

delegates as required by Rule No. 16(c)(2) shall be
based upon the number of statewide votes cast or the
number of congressional district votes cast in
proportion to the number of votes received by each

(i) A state may establish

by statewide vote or congressional district minimum
threshold of the percentage of votes received by a
candidate that must be reached, below which a
candidate may receive no delegates, provided such
threshold is no higher than twenty percent (20%).

(ii) A state may establish

by statewide vote or congressional district minimum
threshold of the percentage of votes received by a
candidate that must be reached, above which the
candidate may receive all the delegates, provided such
threshold is no lower than fifty percent (50%).

(d) General.

In all elections or selections of delegates or

alternate delegates to the national convention, the
following rules shall apply:

(1) Delegates and alternate

delegates to the national convention may be elected,
20 of 43
selected, allocated, or bound only in one of the
following manners:

(i) by primary election;

(ii) by the Republican

state committee, where specifically provided by state
(iii) by state and
congressional district conventions;

(iv) by any method

consistent with these rules by which delegates and
alternate delegates were elected, selected, allocated, or
bound to the most recent Republican National
Convention from that state; or

(v) by Rule No. 14

(a)(2) of these rules.

(2) Only persons eligible to vote

who are deemed as a matter of public record to be
Republicans pursuant to state law or, if voters are not
enrolled by party, by Republican Party rules of a state
shall participate in any primary election held for the
purpose of electing delegates or alternate delegates to
the national convention or in any Republican caucus,
mass meeting, or mass convention held for the purpose
of selecting delegates to the county, district, or state
conventions, and only such legal and qualified voters
shall be elected as delegates to county, district, and state
conventions; provided, however, that in addition to the
qualifications provided herein, the applicable
Republican Party rules of a state may prescribe
additional qualifications not inconsistent with law,
which additional qualifications shall be adopted before
October 1 in the year before the year in which the
national convention is to be held and published in at
least one (1) newspaper having a general circulation
throughout the state, such publication to be at least
ninety (90) days before such qualifications become

(3) No state law shall be observed

that permits any person to participate in a primary
delegate and alternate delegate selection process that
also permits that person at the same primary to
participate in the choosing of nominees of any other
party for other elective office. Delegates and alternate
delegates to the national convention shall in that event
be selected pursuant to state Republican Party rules that
are not inconsistent with The Rules of the Republican
Party; provided, however, that the selection process
21 of 43
established by the state Republican Party rules shall
provide that only persons eligible to vote who are
deemed to be Republicans pursuant to state law or state
Republican Party rules shall participate in such delegate
election or selection process.

(4) In any jurisdiction in which

Republican representation upon the board of judges or
inspectors of elections for primary elections is denied
by law, delegates and alternate delegates shall be
elected as provided in paragraph (b) of this rule.

(5) In electing or selecting

delegates and alternate delegates to the national
convention, no state law shall be observed which
hinders, abridges, or denies to any citizen of the United
States, eligible under the Constitution of the United
States to hold the office of President of the United
States or Vice President of the United States, the right
or privilege of being a candidate under such state law
for the nomination for President of the United States or
Vice President of the United States or which authorizes
the election or selection of a number of delegates or
alternate delegates from any state to the national
convention different from that fixed in these rules.

(6) Alternate delegates shall be

elected to the national convention for each unit of
representation equal in number to the number of
delegates elected therein and shall be chosen in the
same manner and at the same time as the delegates and
under the same rules; provided, however, that if the law
of any state shall prescribe another method of choosing
alternate delegates, they may be chosen in accordance
with the provisions of the law of the state in which the
election occurs, except that no alternates shall be
selected for Republican National Committee members.

(7) Any process authorized or

implemented by a state Republican Party for selecting
delegates and alternate delegates or for binding the
presidential preference of such delegates shall use every
means practicable to guarantee the right of active duty
military personnel and individuals unable to attend
meetings due to injuries suffered in military service the
opportunity to exercise their right to vote in that
process. This rule is not intended to and shall not
prevent a state from using a caucus or convention
process that may or may not elect presidential delegates
or alternate delegates.

(8) Delegates and alternate

delegates at large to the national convention, when
22 of 43
serving as delegates and alternate delegates, shall be
residents of and duly qualified voters in their respective
states. All delegates and alternate delegates allocated as
delegates and alternate delegates at large shall be
elected at large in the several states.

(9) Delegates and alternate

delegates to the national convention representing
congressional districts shall be residents of and
qualified voters in said districts, respectively when
elected and when serving as delegates and alternate
delegates. There shall be three (3) delegates and three
(3) alternate delegates allocated to represent each
congressional district of the several states, who shall be
elected by each such congressional district.

(10) No delegate or alternate

delegate, or candidate for delegate or alternate delegate,
to the national convention shall be required to pay an
assessment or fee in excess of that provided by the law
of the state in which his or her election or selection
occurs as a condition of standing for election or serving
as a delegate or alternate delegate to the national

(11) There shall be no automatic

delegates to the national convention who serve by
virtue of party position or elective office, except as
provided for in Rule No. 14(a)(2).

(12) No delegates or alternate

delegates shall be elected, selected, allocated, or bound
pursuant to any Republican Party rule of a state or state
law which materially changes the manner of electing,
selecting, allocating, or binding delegates or alternate
delegates or the date upon which such state Republican
Party holds a presidential primary, caucus, convention,
or meeting for the purpose of voting for a presidential
candidate and/or electing, selecting, allocating, or
binding delegates to the national convention, if such
changes were adopted or made effective after October
1 of the year before the year in which the national
convention is to be held. Where it is not possible for a
state Republican Party to certify the manner and the
date upon which it holds a presidential primary, caucus,
convention, or meeting for the purpose of voting for a
presidential candidate and/or electing, selecting,
allocating, or binding delegates to the national
convention in effect in that state on the date and in the
manner provided in paragraph (f) of this rule, the
process for holding the presidential primary, caucus,
convention, or meeting for the purpose of voting for a
presidential candidate and/or electing, selecting,
23 of 43
allocating, or binding delegates to the national
convention shall be conducted in the same manner and
held upon the same date as was used for the
immediately preceding national convention. If it is not
possible to hold a presidential primary, caucus,
convention, or meeting for the purpose of voting for a
presidential candidate and/or electing, selecting,
allocating, or binding delegates to the national
convention upon the same date as was used for the
immediately preceding national convention, then
delegates or alternate delegates shall be elected or
selected by congressional district or state conventions
pursuant to paragraph (e) of this rule.

(e) Conventions.

Wherever state law permits, or the

Republican Party rules of a state require, the election of
delegates and alternate delegates by convention, or
there is no applicable state law or Republican Party
rule, delegates and alternate delegates to the national
convention shall be elected by congressional district or
state conventions pursuant to the following rules:

(1) Congressional district or state

conventions shall be called by the Republican state

(2) Delegates to congressional

district conventions may be elected in precinct
caucuses, mass meetings, mass conventions, or county
conventions in which only eligible voters in such
precinct, county, or district, as the case may be, shall

(3) Notices of the call for any such

caucus, meeting, or convention shall be published in a
newspaper or newspapers or on the state party’s website
or other method sufficient for general circulation in the
county, district, or state, as the case may be, not less
than fifteen (l5) days prior to the date of such caucus,
meeting, or convention.

(4) No delegates shall be deemed

eligible to participate in any congressional district or
state convention the purpose of which is to elect or
select delegates to the national convention who are
elected or selected prior to the date of the issuance of
the call of such national convention.

(5) Congressional district

conventions shall be composed of delegates who are
persons eligible to vote and who are deemed to be
24 of 43
Republicans pursuant to state law or party rules. State
conventions shall be composed of delegates who are
persons eligible to vote and who are deemed to be
Republicans pursuant to state law or party rules in the
respective districts that they represent in said state
conventions. Such delegates shall be apportioned by the
state Republican Party among counties, parishes, and
cities of the state or district having regard to the
Republican vote or the population therein.

(6) There shall be no proxies at

any district or state convention (which shall not include
meetings of a Republican state committee) held for the
purpose of electing or selecting delegates to the national
convention. If alternate delegates to such selection
convention are elected or selected, the alternate
delegate and no other shall vote in the absence of the

(f) Certification and filing by the state


(1) On or before October 1 of the

year before the year in which the national convention is
to be held, each Republican state committee shall adopt
rules, procedures, policies, and instructive materials
(prepared pursuant to Rule No. 15(a)) governing the
election, selection, allocation, or binding of delegates
and alternate delegates to the national convention to
convene during the following year and shall certify and
file with the secretary of the Republican National
Committee true copies of the same and of all statutes
governing the election, selection, allocation, or binding
of such delegates and alternate delegates.

(2) The Republican National

Committee may grant a waiver to a state Republican
Party from certain provisions of this rule where it is not
possible for a state Republican Party to comply with the
October 1 deadline delineated in paragraph (f)(1) of this
rule and not possible for a state Republican Party to
hold its presidential primary, caucus, convention, or
meeting for the purpose of voting for a presidential
candidate and/or electing, selecting, allocating, or
binding delegates to the national convention as was
used for the immediately preceding national convention
or to elect, select, allocate, or bind delegates or alternate
delegates by congressional district or state conventions
pursuant to paragraph (e) of this rule, and the
Republican National Committee determines that
granting such waiver is in the best interest of the
Republican Party

25 of 43
(3) The Republican National
Committee may grant a waiver to a state Republican
Party from the provisions of Rule Nos. 16(a)(1) and
(2) where compliance is impossible and the
Republican National Committee determines that
granting such waiver is in the best interests of the
Republican Party.

Enforcement of Rules

(a) If any state or state Republican Party

violates Rule No. 16(c)(2), the number of delegates and
the number of alternate delegates to the national
convention from that state shall each be reduced by fifty
percent (50%). Any sum presenting a fraction shall be
decreased to the next whole number. No delegation
shall be reduced to less than two (2) delegates and a
corresponding number of alternate delegates. If any
state or state Republican Party violates Rule No.
16(c)(1) of these rules, the number of delegates to the
national convention shall be reduced for those states
with thirty (30) or more total delegates to nine (9) plus
the members of the Republican National Committee
from that state, and for those states with twenty-nine
(29) or fewer total delegates to six (6) plus the members
of the Republican National Committee from that state.
The corresponding alternate delegates shall also be
reduced accordingly.

(b) If any state or state Republican Party

violates Rule No. 16(c)(2) of these rules, the
Republican National Convention shall provide for the
allocation of the selected at large delegates (excluding
members of the Republican National Committee)
among the candidates who received more than 10% of
the votes cast in such primary, convention, or caucus in
accordance with and in proportion to the votes cast for
each such candidate as a part of the total of the votes
cast for all such candidates in that primary, convention,
or caucus.

(c) If a violation has occurred before the

issuance of the call to the national convention, the
chairman of the Republican National Committee shall
notify the offending state of the violation and shall
inform the state of the number of delegates and alternate
delegates it will lose as well as, if the state has violated
Rule No. 16(c)(2), that its delegates will be allocated in
accordance with Rule No. 17(b). The reduced number
of delegates and alternate delegates as well as, if
applicable, the delegates allocated in direct proportion
to votes received will be reflected in the
26 of 43
call to the national convention, and will be reported to
the secretary of state or responsible election official of
the offending state and to the chairman of every state
Republican Party. Said reduced number will be the only
number recognized as the official delegation of the state
to the national convention.

(d) If a violation has occurred after the

issuance of the call to the national convention, the
chairman of the Republican National Committee shall
notify the state of the violation and shall inform the
state of the number of delegates and alternate delegates
it will lose, as well as, if applicable, that the delegates
will be allocated in direct proportion to votes received.
This reduced number of delegates and alternate
delegates, as well as, if applicable, the delegates
allocated in direct proportion to votes received, will be
reported to the secretary of state or responsible election
official of the offending state and to the chairman of
every state Republican Party, and such reduced number
will be the only number recognized as the official
delegation of the state to the national convention.

(e) If the chairman of the Republican

National Committee does not act upon a violation of
Rule No. 16(c) of these rules, then a statement may be
filed against a state or state Republican Party by any
three (3) members of the Republican National
Committee Standing Committee on Rules who feel that
a violation has occurred.

(1) A statement filed against a

state or state Republican Party by any three (3)
members of the Standing Committee on Rules shall be
written and shall specify the reasons why the members
believe the state or state Republican Party is in
violation. The statement shall be signed and dated by
each Standing Committee on Rules member filing the
statement, and shall be filed with the secretary of the
Republican National Committee. The secretary of the
Republican National Committee shall, within twenty
(20) days of receipt, distribute such statement to all
members of the Republican National Committee.

(2) The Standing Committee on

Rules shall meet upon the call of the chairman of the
Rules Committee and shall vote upon whether a state or
state Republican Party is in violation. If by majority
vote the Standing Committee on Rules finds a violation,
paragraphs (a) and (b) of this rule will be imposed.

27 of 43
(f) A state or state Republican Party shall
have no appeal from either a finding of a violation
against it or a penalty imposed upon it under this rule.

Vacancies in a State Delegation

(a) Where the rules adopted by a state

Republican Party provide a method for filling vacancies
in its national convention delegation, they shall be filled
pursuant to such method.

(b) Where the rules adopted by a state

Republican Party do not provide a method for filling
vacancies in its national convention delegation, and
where the state laws do provide such a method of
replacement, they shall be filled pursuant to such
method provided by state laws.

(c) Where neither the rules adopted by a state

Republican Party nor state laws provide a method for
filling vacancies in its national convention delegation,
the state Republican Party should make every effort to
elect those individuals filling the vacancies in the
delegation in the same manner as the delegates were
originally elected or selected, or by vote of the state
Republican Party executive committee, or if the state
executive committee has not filled the vacancy by ten
(10) days prior to the convention, by vote of the state
delegation. This section shall not apply to the delegates
allocated to the state in Rule No. 14(a)(2).

(d) Delegations may fill vacancies until

twelve (12) hours prior to the General Session of the
Republican National Committee meeting held
immediately prior to the Republican National
Convention. No vacancy shall be filled after such time
except in cases where compliance with this deadline is

Excess Delegates and Alternate Delegates

(a) No state shall elect or select a greater

number of persons to act as delegates and alternate
delegates than the actual number of delegates and
alternate delegates, respectively, to which it is entitled
under the call for the national convention, including any
Rule No. 17 penalties. No unit of representation may
elect or select any delegate or alternate delegate

28 of 43
with permission to cast a fractional vote.

(b) Where more than the authorized number

of delegates from any state is certified and forwarded to
the secretary of the Republican National Committee in
the manner provided in Rule No. 20, a contest shall be
deemed to exist and the secretary shall notify the
several claimants so reported and shall submit all such
credentials and claims to the whole Republican
National Committee for decision as to which claimants
reported shall be placed upon the temporary roll of the
national convention.

Certification of Election or Selection of Delegates

(a) All delegates and alternate delegates

shall be elected or selected not later than forty-five
(45) days before the date on which the national
convention is scheduled to begin, as set in the call for
the national convention.

(b) Subject to the provisions of Rule No. 17,

delegates and alternate delegates shall be certified by
sending names and addresses in the following manner:

(1) In every case where they are

elected by convention, by the chairman and secretary of
such convention or by the chairman and another
authorized officer of the Republican state committee,
and forwarded to the secretary of the Republican
National Committee;

(2) In every case where they are

elected by primary, by the canvassing board or officer
created or designated by the law of the state in which
the election occurs, to canvass the returns and issue
certificates of election to delegates or alternate
delegates to national conventions of political parties,
and all certificates and/or copies of the certified election
results shall be forwarded by the chairman and another
authorized officer of the Republican Party for the state
in which the election is held to the secretary of the
Republican National Committee; and

(3) In every case where they are

elected or selected by the Republican state committee,
by the chairman and another authorized officer of the
Republican state committee, and forwarded to the
secretary of the Republican National Committee.

(c) No later than thirty-five (35) days before

29 of 43
the date on which the national convention is scheduled
to begin, as set in the call for the national convention,
the credentials of each delegate and alternate delegate
shall be filed with the secretary of the Republican
National Committee for use by the secretary in making
up the temporary roll of the national convention, except
in the case of delegates or alternate delegates elected at
a time or times in accordance with the laws of the state
in which the election occurs rendering impossible the
filing of credentials within the time above specified.

(d) The Executive Committee of the

Republican National Committee may grant a waiver to
a state Republican Party that is out of compliance with
the deadlines imposed by Rule No. 20 as of the date on
which the national convention is scheduled to begin, as
set in the call for the national convention, and, where
after reasonable efforts were made to comply, the state
as of the date set forth in Rule No. 16(f)(1) remains out
of compliance with the deadlines imposed by Rule No.
20 and the Executive Committee of the Republican
National Committee determines that such a waiver is in
the best interests of the Republican Party.
Notwithstanding the above, if reasonable efforts to
change the law are impracticable due to non-
Republican control over the governmental entity with
the authority to set the date for the delegate selection
process, then a waiver shall be granted.

Contests: Resolution by States

All contests arising in any state electing

district delegates by district conventions shall be
decided by its state convention or, if the state
convention shall not meet after the district convention
in question or prior to the national convention, then by
its state committee. Only contests affecting delegates
elected or selected at large shall be presented to the
Republican National Committee; provided, however, if
the contest regarding a district delegate arises out of
irregular or unlawful action of the state committee or
state convention, the Republican National Committee
may take jurisdiction thereof and hear and determine
the same under the procedures provided in Rule Nos.
23 and 24.

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Temporary Roll of the Republican National

(a) The names of the delegates and alternate

delegates certified by the officials designated in Rule
No. 20 shall be placed upon the temporary roll of the
national convention by the Republican National

(b) No person on the temporary roll of the

national convention and whose right to be seated as a
delegate or alternate delegate is being contested shall be
entitled to vote in the national convention or in any
committee thereof until, by vote of the national
convention, the contest as to such person has been
finally decided and such person has been permanently
seated, except that any such person may be accorded the
right to so vote, except in matters involving the
credentials of that person, by an affirmative vote of a
majority of the members of the Republican National
Committee or the Convention Committee on

Contest Filing

(a) Notices of contests shall state: (i) the

name and address of the person filing the notice (“the
contestant”), (ii) the name of the delegate or alternate
delegate being contested, and (iii) the grounds of the
contest and the basis of the contestant’s claim to sit as
a delegate or alternate delegate to the national
convention, and shall be filed no later than thirty (30)
days before the time set for the meeting of the national
convention, with the secretary of the Republican
National Committee and shall be sent, simultaneously,
by email, certified mail, or other means set forth in the
procedural rules adopted by the Standing Committee on
Contests to each person being contested and to the
chairman of the Republican state committee of the state.
In the case of delegates or alternate delegates elected or
selected at a time or times in accordance with applicable
state law rendering impossible the filing of the notice of
contest within the time above specified, such notice
must be filed within three (3) days of the certification
in accordance with Rule No. 20 of any delegates or
alternate delegates so elected or selected.

(b) A contest may be filed against a delegate

or alternate delegate only by an individual who ran

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unsuccessfully for such position.

(c) No person shall file more than one

contest against the same delegate or alternate delegate.

(d) Only contests that are timely filed under

these rules shall be considered.

(e) For purposes of the rules relating to

contests and credentials, the term “party” shall mean a
person or persons who shall have filed a notice of
contest pursuant to this Rule No. 23, and the person or
persons whose right to be seated as a delegate or
alternate delegate is the subject of such notice of

Contest Procedure

(a) The Standing Committee on Contests

shall have the power to adopt procedural rules, not
inconsistent with these rules, which shall govern the
expeditious resolution of contests before the Standing
Committee on Contests. When any deadline set out in
this rule falls on a Sunday or legal holiday, such
deadline shall be extended to the following day.

(b) For the contestant, no later than twenty-

seven (27) days and for the contested delegate or
alternate delegate, no later than twenty-two (22) days
before the convening of the national convention, each
of the parties shall file with the secretary of the
Republican National Committee a Statement of
Position in support of the party’s claim to sit as a
delegate or alternate delegate to the national convention
together with such affidavits or other evidence as
desired, and simultaneously send a copy to: (i) each
other party, and (ii) the chairman of the Republican
state committee. Each Statement of Position shall begin
with a summary of not more than one thousand (1,000)
words setting forth succinctly a synopsis of the
Statement of Position and a specific statement of the
points relied upon. In the case of delegates or alternate
delegates elected or selected at a time or times pursuant
to a waiver granted under Rule No. 20(d) that makes
compliance with any deadline set forth in this rule
impossible, the Standing Committee on Contests shall,
as soon as practicable after the filing of a notice under
Rule No. 23, notify the parties to the affected contest of
the deadline to file the Statement of Position.

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(c) The Standing Committee on Contests
shall promptly hear the matter; decide which issues are
involved, either of law or fact, or both; decide upon its
recommendation for resolution of such issues; and
submit such issues and its recommendations for
resolution to the Republican National Committee. The
issues so submitted by the Standing Committee on
Contests shall be the sole issues passed upon and
determined by the Republican National Committee
unless the Republican National Committee shall, by a
majority vote, extend or change the same. If the
Standing Committee on Contests for any reason shall
fail to state the issues either of law or fact, the
Republican National Committee shall decide upon what
issues the contest shall be tried, and the hearing shall be
limited to such issues unless the Republican National
Committee, by a majority vote, shall decide otherwise.

(d) The Standing Committee on Contests

shall make up a Report of each contest filed, showing
which issues are involved, either of law or fact, or both,
and its recommendations to the Republican National
Committee for resolution thereof. When the Standing
Committee on Contests has prepared such Report, a
copy shall be provided forthwith by the chairman of the
Standing Committee on Contests to the parties by the
most expeditious method available.

(e) The parties shall have eight (8) days to

file written objections to the Standing Committee on
Contests' Report, unless the Republican National
Committee is called to act upon the contest sooner, in
which case such objections shall be made before the
meeting of the whole committee.

(f) When the Republican National

Committee is called to pass upon any contest that may
arise, the members of the Convention Committee on
Credentials shall also be notified of the time and place
of such meeting and shall have the right to attend all
hearings of all contests but without the right to
participate in the discussion or the vote.

Convention Committee on Credentials

(a) When the national convention shall have

assembled, the secretary of the Republican National
Committee shall deliver to the Convention Committee
on Credentials all credentials and other papers
forwarded under Rule No. 20(c).

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(b) An appeal may be taken to the
Convention Committee on Credentials from any ruling
of the Republican National Committee on any contest,
by and only by a party to such contest in the
proceedings conducted pursuant to Rule Nos. 23 and
24; provided, however, that notice of such appeal must
be filed with the secretary of the Republican National
Committee no later than the earlier of (i) twenty-four
(24) hours after the Republican National Committee
passes the temporary roll or (ii) twelve (12) hours prior
to the convening of the Temporary Convention
Committee on Credentials. This notice shall specify the
grounds upon which the appeal is taken. Only the
grounds so specified shall be heard by the Convention
Committee on Credentials upon such appeal. No
evidence other than that taken before the Republican
National Committee shall be taken up by the
Convention Committee on Credentials unless it shall,
by a majority vote of its members present and voting,
so direct.

(c) No issue involving the status of one or

more delegates or alternate delegates or any contest
relating thereto may originate before the Convention
Committee on Credentials of the national convention.
All contests must first be presented to the Standing
Committee on Contests of the Republican National
Committee or to the whole Republican National
Committee in the manner provided in Rule No. 19(b).

(d) No motion with respect to delegates or

alternate delegates from more than one (1) state or
territory shall be in order before the Convention
Committee on Credentials.


Order of Business

The convention shall proceed in the order of

business prepared and printed by the Republican
National Committee. The order of business may include
the time and date for the consideration of any item of
business, the time limit assigned for consideration of
any item of business, and procedural rules for the
consideration of any item of business that are not
inconsistent with these rules.

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Committee Reports

(a) The report of the Convention Committee

on Credentials shall be disposed of before the report of
the Convention Committee on Rules and Order of
Business is acted upon; the report of the Convention
Committee on Rules and Order of Business shall be
disposed of before the report of the Convention
Committee on the Platform is acted upon; and the report
of the Convention Committee on the Platform shall be
disposed of before the convention proceeds to the
nomination of candidates for President of the United
States and Vice President of the United States. The
report of the Convention Committee on Permanent
Organization shall be disposed of at any time after the
disposition of the report of the Convention Committee
on Credentials, but before the nomination of candidates,
based upon the order of business as prepared by the
Republican National Committee.

(b) The report of any such committee listed

in Rule No. 27(a) shall be considered as read if made
available to the delegates prior to its consideration.

Admission to Convention Hall

(a) No person except members of the several

delegations, officers of the convention, members of the
Republican National Committee, and incumbent
Republican governors, incumbent Republican United
States Senators, and incumbent Republican members of
the United States House of Representatives shall be
admitted to the section of the convention hall restricted
to delegates.

(b) Press and staff shall be admitted to the

section(s) of the hall authorized for them.

(c) The chairman of the Republican National

Committee shall ensure that guest passes to the
convention are distributed in an equitable fashion. Each
delegate and alternate delegate to the convention shall
receive at least one guest pass to each session of the

(d) Each state, through its Republican

National Committee members, shall be allocated full
sets of additional guest passes equal to thirty-three
percent (33%) of the total number of delegate and

35 of 43
alternate delegate membership for that state, rounded
to the next whole number.


(a) Each delegate to the convention shall be

entitled to one (1) vote, which may be cast by an
alternate delegate in the absence of the delegate, and an
individual holding more than one (1) of the following
positions: national committeeman; national
committeewoman; or state chairman of any state, shall
not be entitled to more than one (1) delegate seat and
shall not be entitled to more than one (1) vote.

(b) In the absence of any delegate at large or

any delegate from any congressional district, the roll of
alternate delegates for the state or district shall be called
in the order in which the names are placed upon the roll
of the convention, unless directed otherwise in the
delegation’s certification. The Republican National
Committee’s form for delegate certification shall
provide a means for the state to designate the alternate
voting order to be followed.

Rules of Order

The Rules of the House of Representatives of

the United States shall be the rules of the convention,
except that the current authorized edition of Robert’s
Rules of Order: Newly Revised (“Robert’s Rules of
Order”) shall be the rules for committees and
subcommittees of the convention, insofar as they are
applicable and not inconsistent with the rules herein set
forth; provided, however, that the convention may
adopt its own rules concerning the reading of
committee reports and resolutions.

Length of Debate

No delegate shall speak more than once or

longer than five (5) minutes upon the same question,
unless by leave of the convention, except in the
presentation of the name of a candidate for nomination
for President of the United States or Vice President of
the United States.

36 of 43
Suspension of Rules

A motion to suspend the rules shall always be

in order, but only when made by authority of a majority
of the delegates from any state and seconded by a
majority of the delegates from each of seven (7) or more
other states, severally.

Platform Resolutions

All proposed resolutions relating to the

platform shall be submitted in writing to the
Convention Committee on the Platform without reading
and without debate.

Minority Reports; Amendments

(a) No resolution or amendment pertaining to

the report of the Convention Committee on the Platform
or the Convention Committee on Rules and Order of
Business shall be reported out or made a part of any
report of such committee or otherwise read or debated
before the convention, unless the same shall have been
submitted to the chairman, vice chairman, or secretary
of such committee or to the secretary of the convention
in writing not later than one hour after the time at which
such committee votes on its report to the convention
and shall have been accompanied by a petition
evidencing the affirmative written support of a
minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the
membership of such committee.

(b) When a temporary committee is

convened as a permanent committee, and if a minority
report is presented to the chairman, the chairman shall
inquire as to whether any of the signatories of the
minority report would like to have his or her name
removed from the report. Anyone requesting to have his
or her name removed shall have his or her signature
removed immediately.

(c) No amendment pertaining to the report of

the Convention Committee on Credentials affecting
delegates or alternate delegates from more than one
(1) state shall be in order.

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Motion to Table

It shall be in order to lay on the table a

proposed amendment to a pending measure and such
motion, if adopted, shall not carry with it or prejudice
such original measure.

Previous Question

When the previous question shall be

demanded by a majority of the delegates from any state,
and the demand is likewise seconded by a majority of
delegates from each of two (2) or more other states,
severally, the call is sustained by a majority vote of the
delegates to the convention.

Roll Call

(a) Upon all subjects before the convention

requiring a roll call, the states shall be called in
alphabetical order.

(b) In the balloting, the vote of each state

shall be announced by the chairman of such state's
delegation, or his or her designee; and in case the vote
of any state shall be divided, the chairman shall
announce the number of votes for each candidate, or for
or against any proposition; but if exception is taken by
any delegate from that state to the correctness of such
announcement by the chairman of that delegation, the
chairman of the convention shall direct the roll of
members of such delegation to be called, and then shall
report back the result to the convention at the
conclusion of balloting by the other states; however,
that in any event, the vote of each state for the
nomination for President shall be announced and
recorded (or in the absence of an announcement shall
be recorded) in accordance with the results of any
binding Presidential preference vote or direct election
of delegates bound or pledged pursuant to these rules,
state party rules, or state law.

(c) In balloting, if any delegation shall pass

when its name is called, then at the conclusion of the
roll call all delegations which passed shall be called in
the order herein before established. No delegation shall
be allowed to change its vote until all delegations which
passed shall have been given a second opportunity to

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(d) Except in a roll call for nomination for
President of the United States and Vice President of the
United States, or where the majority of delegates of
fifteen (15) or more states severally have requested that
a roll call be conducted by voice call of the roll, the
chairman of the convention may order that the balloting
on any subject placed before the convention requiring a
roll call be conducted by electronic, telephonic, or
computer device which will display votes to the
convention simultaneously. Each delegation chairman
shall record and tally any such votes of the delegation
on official roll call tally sheets provided by the
secretary of the convention, showing the individual
vote of the delegates, and file such tally sheets with the
secretary of the convention not more than thirty (30)
minutes after the completion of the roll call vote.

(e) If the Republican National Committee

determines that the national convention cannot convene
or is unable to conduct its business either within the
convention site or within the convention city, then and
only then, the roll call for nomination for President of
the United States and Vice President of the United
States shall be allowed to be conducted according to
procedures authorized by the Republican National

(f) Nothing in this rule shall be construed to

prohibit the binding of delegates pursuant to Rule No.

Unit Rule

No delegate or alternate delegate shall be

bound by any attempt of any state or congressional
district to impose the unit rule. A “unit rule” prohibited
by this section means a rule or law under which a
delegation at the national convention casts its entire
vote as a unit as determined by a majority vote of the
delegation. Nothing in this rule shall be construed to
prohibit the binding of delegates pursuant to Rule No.

Record Vote

If a majority of the delegates of any seven

(7) states, severally, shall demand a roll call vote, the

39 of 43
same shall be taken of the states in the order
hereinbefore established.


(a) In making the nominations for President

of the United States and Vice President of the United
States and voting thereon, the roll of the states shall be
called separately in each case; provided, however, that
if there is only one candidate for nomination for Vice
President of the United States who has demonstrated
the support required by paragraph (b) of this rule, a
motion to nominate for such office by acclamation shall
be in order and no calling of the roll with respect to such
office shall be required.

(b) (1) For the 2016 national convention,

each candidate for nomination for President of the
United States and Vice President of the United States
shall demonstrate the support of a majority of the
delegates from each of eight (8) or more states,
severally, prior to the presentation of the name of that
candidate for nomination. Notwithstanding any other
provisions of these rules or any rule of the House of
Representatives, to demonstrate the support required of
this paragraph a certificate evidencing the affirmative
written support of the required number of permanently
seated delegates from each of the eight
(8) or more states shall have been submitted to the
secretary of the convention not later than one (1) hour
prior to the placing of the names of candidates for
nomination pursuant to this rule and the established
order of business.

(2) Beginning with the 2020

national convention and for each convention thereafter,
each candidate for nomination for President of the
United States and Vice President of the United States
shall demonstrate the support of a plurality of the
delegates from each of five (5) or more states, severally,
prior to the presentation of the name of that candidate
for nomination. Notwithstanding any other provisions
of these rules or any rule of the House of
Representatives, to demonstrate the support required by
this paragraph a certificate evidencing a plurality with
the affirmative written support of the required number
of permanently seated delegates from each of the five
(5) or more states shall have been submitted to the
secretary of the convention not later than one (1) hour
prior to the placing of the names of candidates for
nomination pursuant to this rule and the

40 of 43
established order of business.

(c) The total time of the nominating speech

and seconding speeches for any candidate for
nomination for President of the United States or Vice
President of the United States shall not exceed fifteen
(15) minutes.

(d) When at the close of a roll call any

candidate for nomination for President of the United
States or Vice President of the United States has
received a majority of the votes entitled to be cast in the
convention, the chairman of the convention shall
announce the votes for each person receiving delegate
votes cast in accord with their respective state party
rules and state law. Before the convention adjourns sine
die, the chairman of the convention shall declare the
candidates nominated by the Republican Party for
President of the United States and Vice President of the
United States.

(e) If no candidate shall have received such

majority, the chairman of the convention shall direct the
roll of the states be called again and shall repeat the
calling of the roll until a candidate shall have received
a majority of the votes entitled to be cast in the

Convention Committees

(a) There shall be four (4) convention

committees; the convention committees on the
Platform, Credentials, Rules and Order of Business, and
Permanent Organization of the convention, each of
which shall have a chairman and a co-chairman
appointed by the chairman of the Republican National
Committee, who shall declare each of the committees
constituted when notice of election of at least fifty
percent (50%) of its members has been filed in
accordance with the following sentence. The Delegates
elected or selected to the convention from each state,
promptly once all such Delegates are elected or
selected, shall elect from the delegation a delegation
chairman and their members of the convention
committees on the Platform, Credentials, Rules and
Order of Business, and Permanent Organization of the
convention, consisting of one (1) man and one (1)
woman for each committee, and shall file notice of such
election with the secretary of the Republican National
Committee under Rule No. 20(c); provided, however,
that no delegate may serve on
41 of 43
more than one (1) committee of the convention.
Alternate delegates may not serve as delegation
chairmen or as members of the convention committees,
except when the number of delegates able to serve on
convention committees is less than the number of
committee positions to be filled, then an alternate
delegate can serve, except that no alternate delegate
may serve on more than one (1) committee. Delegations
electing alternate delegates to serve on convention
committees in violation of the preceding sentence shall
forfeit all positions on the committee(s) to which such
alternate delegates were elected.

(b) Convention committees and

subcommittees may set time limits for speaking on any
question by a simple majority vote; provided, however,
that not less than twenty (20) minutes, equally divided
between proponents and opponents on any question,
shall be allowed in any case on any debatable motion,
order, or appeal.

(c) Upon request of twenty percent (20%) of

the members of a committee or subcommittee of the
convention, a vote shall be recorded in the manner
provided by these rules, and no votes in the committees
or subcommittees of the convention shall be taken by
secret ballot.

(d) No later than thirty (30) days prior to the

national convention, members of the Convention
Committee on Rules and Order of Business and
members of the Republican National Committee shall
be provided a copy of the existing The Rules of the
Republican Party along with all recommended changes
to those rules approved as of that date by the Standing
Committee on Rules since the previous national
convention. Any changes shall be prominently noted. A
letter shall be attached to the document stating that all
proposed rules are still subject to change prior to the
meeting of the Convention Committee on Rules and
Order of Business. After this information is provided,
any additional recommendations regarding changes in
The Rules of the Republican Party approved by the
Republican National Committee shall be provided to
the members of the Convention Committee on Rules
and Order of Business as soon as practicable.

(e) No later than twenty-five (25) days prior

to the national convention, all members of each of the
various convention committees shall be provided the
most current listing of their fellow committee

42 of 43
members’ names. The contact information of members
of the Convention Committee on Rules and Order of
Business shall be confidential. The Republican
National Committee shall create a system by which the
public may contact the designated member of the
Convention Committee on Rules and Order of Business
by state that permits the members to retrieve those

Temporary Rules

Upon the adoption of the report of the

Convention Committee on Rules and Order of
Business, Rule Nos. 26-42 shall constitute the Standing
Rules for this convention and the temporary rules for
the next convention.

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