Classroom Management Plan Mrs. Harris English

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Classroom Management Plan

Mrs. Harris

Table of Contents

 Goals for a Successful Classroom.................................................................Page 3

 Classroom Management Resources

o Classroom Layout…………………………………………………...Page 4-6

o Classroom Procedures ………………………………........................Page 7-9

o Syllabus and Classroom Policy.……………………………………...Page 10-13
o Syllabus Acknowledgement…………………………………………Page 14

Goals for a Successful Classroom

The goal in my classroom is to provide my students a safe, organized, trusting and productive Fun-

learning environment based on mutual respect. The way that I will accomplish this goal is to:

 Develop a set of written expectations.

 Enforce school and classroom rules fairly and consistently.

 Be consistent in my classroom management techniques.

 Be patient with myself and my students.

 Establish Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the classroom and in the community.

 Have open and honest communication at all times.

 Display a warm and nurturing attitude and express genuine interest in their achievements.

 Encourage parent involvement.

 Discipline individual students quietly and privately.

 Maintain my sense of humor and perspective at all times.

 Show respect for each student and their families.

 Make efficient use of learning time.

 Help each student grow to their fullest potential.

 Supply students and parents with clear feedback on progress and achievements.

 Use special activities in the classroom to make learning enjoyable.

 Demonstrate professional behavior and a positive attitude.

 Prevent small problems before they escalate into big ones.

 Provide positive reinforcement and praise.


Classroom Management Resources

Classroom Layout

My classroom layout display is a 9th -12th grade Language Arts classroom. This classroom is designed

to promote the students ability to concentrate and be creative. As you enter the classroom to the right there is a

trash can and recycling bin. This helps promote student awareness about the environment in which they are

responsible for. The design of my classroom is like entering into a theatre. The open space in the middle of the

class was created to allow for in class presentations, flexible seating and movement of the bean bags when the

class is watching movies, plays or videos. The design also allows for students to move their desk easily when

they participate in collaborative work for example: Think-Pair-Share activities or group projects. The desk also

have small baskets underneath them to allow student to maximize their workspace and to place books or

backpacks under the desk. This prevents a cluttered classroom and allows for me to move throughout the

classroom without tripping over anything.

There are two whiteboards that will display the daily question or fun fact. The projector screen and

projector are facing the students which allows for optimal viewing from any angle of the classroom. I placed

my desk directly to the right facing the students; with all of the necessities I will need in order to be organized.

I will be able to instruct students head on and see their faces providing constant eye contact while teaching

which helps with classroom management. To the right of my desk; there is a literature table and this table will

be for worksheets that students who missed class due to absence or illness will be able to pick up. I provided

two red assignment tables that will allow students to turn in their homework and pick up their daily assignment

sheets. As you move around the classroom I have designed two areas on each side of the classroom for reading

along with literary book shelves and bean bags. This promotes comfort for students to get lost in a book, but

still remain part of the classroom. These areas are only used when we have free time or are reading a novel in

class as an assignment.

The classroom walls will display quotes from famous literary work, poets and art. I have displayed

classroom rules and procedures in the clear view of every student so they are visible at all times. Posters from

different cultures and color will align the walls promoting happiness and community. The bulletin boards

display activities and events in the community that students can participate in. It also displays tutoring

information for students who need extra help with completing assignments.

Lastly, in the far back of the classroom. I have provided laptops and a laptop charging station for my

students. When students need to do research or they have to work on presentations this allows them the tools in

the classroom if they are unable to access these resources at home. Also, there are homework and computer

stations that seat at least 6 students at each station and storage cabinets to store extra paper, pencils/pens, staples

books and other miscellaneous materials that are needed for the classroom. My students will be inspired to be

creative to give their best with this classroom.


Classroom Procedure

Beginning of Class

 Students will enter into the classroom and be greeted with “Good Morning”. They will quietly take their

assigned seats and retrieve their calendar journals to complete bell work, quote/fun fact of the day along

with the homework assignment. All electronical devices will need to be placed in backpacks and not in

visible sight.

 Students will begin with the 5 daily questions that will be on the white board this will give students the

ability to revisit what was taught the previous day. Once they have completed this task 5 minutes. The

lesson plan will begin and it will take students to the end of the class to complete.


 Being on time to class is very important it demonstrates responsibility and success in life. Expect for me

to close the classroom door at the sound of the tardy bell and begin taking attendance. Students who are

late will need to go to the attendance office to obtain a late pass class.


 Students who were out sick or previously absent need to go to the literature table and pick up any

assignment/homework worksheets that they missed in the bin labeled for that week. They will also have

to sign and date the clipboard on the table showing which assignment they picked up. Students will

have two days to complete and turn in the assignment. If they have any questions regarding the work

they can ask after class, send an email to the teacher or during tutoring after school.

Late Work

 Homework is collected daily after the day that it is assigned. Students will receive 2 free late

assignment passes per quarter. Once students have utilized their late assignment passes any late work

that is submitted will be deducted 10 points for everyday that the assignment is late.

 All essay/projects will have to be submitted along with a draft. If no draft is submitted with the

essay/project students will be deducted 10% of the actual grade for the final essay. Students will receive

in class time to work on these assignments. This is to allow students time for brainstorming as well to

collaborate with other students when assigned group projects.

 Students are allowed to work on projects after school in my classroom during tutoring hours or during

lunch when previously scheduled.

 Students are required to come to class prepared with the proper learning materials in order to be

productive. Students accept full responsibility for ensuring that they do their best work and be a role

model in and outside of class.

Bathroom Passes

 Your time in class is essential for learning. If you frequent the restroom during my class you are losing

valuable learning time and it will affect your grade. Each student will receive 4 restroom passes for the

quarter. You will sign in and out on the clipboard (your name the date and time you left). You will have

six minutes. If you have a medical issue please provide me with doctor’s note.

End of Class

 At the end of class and the lesson plan has been completed students will have 5 minutes to go over the

homework assignment and address any questions that students have. In the last 2 minutes students will

pick up any trash that is surrounding their desk and ask any questions that relate to the days assignment.


 Students are required to have a the following items every day for class

 3-ring binder

 1 spiral notebook

 1 two pocket folder

 Composition book

 Pencils

 2 black pens

 2 blue pens

 1 red pen

 1 yellow highlighter

 College ruled paper



All final assignments must be complete in MLA format, double spaced with ½ margins on all sides,

Times Roman and font of 12 unless otherwise. Students will turn in draft with every Essay/Project assignment.

Homework will consist of reading and must be completed the following day. Class discussion and participation

must be conducted and you will receive points for your participation. Students who read aloud should be

respected by their peers at all time. You are required to bring your novel to class every day. If you forget your

novel you will lose participation points for the day. Annotations are to be conducted during your reading and

you will be graded weekly.

You will be allowed to choose partners for group projects. Please be respectful of the people that you

are working with. Your time is valuable so please use it wisely. Everyone is required to participate in the

project and will be assigned a title. Those who do not contribute their share will receive a zero for that

assignment. If I notice that your group is not working, I will reassign you to a different group.


 Tests, Projects, Essays ---- 40%

 Homework--- 10%

 Quizzes, Bell work --- 20%

 Attendance and Class Participation --- 10%

 Midterm/Final Exam --- 20%

Total 100%

Plagiarism, Cheating, and Academic Integrity

 Plagiarism is when you copy words, sentences, images, text or ideas for use in written or oral

assessments without giving proper credit to the source. Cheating is cheating plain and simple!! This is

a serious offense and if you are caught this will significantly affect your class grade. Please refer to the

Student Code of Conduct booklet for additional information. All written essay assignments will be

turned in to I will provide you with the access code. When you turn in your assignment

you will need to print a hard copy along with the ID# and place it in the assignment bin according to

your class period.

Classroom Policy

Classroom Responsibilities

 Be on time to class, if you are not in your seat when the tardy bell rings you are considered late.

 Students will enter the class quietly with all necessary tools that are needed, including textbooks,

homework and black pen.

 Students will respect teacher and one another at all times. NO BULLYING ALLOWED!!



 Students must raise their hands and wait for teacher to call on him/her. You may not interrupt or speak

out of turn. It is rude and it relays the message to other students that you are more important than they

are. We are all equal in my classroom, and we demonstrate that by being respectful to our peers.

 During in class reading students will respect other students when they read aloud. No side conversations

or distractions.

 Participation in class discussions will enhance all students’ learning experiences. You will be graded on

your in class participation.

 At the end of class all trash is to be picked up and placed in the nearest trash can.
This Is Your Classroom Help To Keep It Clean!!

 All white paper and empty plastic water bottles are to be placed in the recycling bin.
Reduce, Reuse, And Recycle!!

 No Messy Foods…Fruit, Granola bars are acceptable with teacher


 All students will follow the schools dress code. Hats and Hoodies are not to be worn during class. If
you break this rule the following will apply:
1. Verbal Warning
2. Detention
3. Call Parents/Guardian
4. Counselor/Principal

 You are responsible for your actions and behavior. The following steps will be necessary if there are
any disturbances.
1. Verbal Warning
2. Detention
3. Call Parents/Guardian
4. Counselor/Principal

 We are all sharing this classroom please respect one another and their space.

Most importantly:

 “Discipline Yourself So That Others Do Not Have to Do It for You!”

– John Wooden

*The syllabus can be changed at any time on behalf of teacher.

Syllabus Acknowledgement

*Please acknowledge that you have read and understand the syllabus explained above. Your signature and a

Parent/Guardians signature is mandatory.

I _____________________________, have read and understand the rules and regulations in Mrs. Harris’ English

Class. I have discussed them with a parent/guardian. I will comply and provide my best work, respect teacher

myself and other students.

___________________________________ ______________________________________

Student Signature Print Name and Date

___________________________________ ______________________________________

Parent/Guardian Signature Print Name and Date


Emmer, E. T., & Evertson, C. M. (2017). Classroom management for middle and high school teachers.

Boston: Pearson.

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