ST Jude Beacon - February 2019

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Jude Council #5814 NY - 3rd District

Serving Rocky Point and Surrounding Communities

St. Jude Beacon

February 2019 - Volume XIX - Number II
William Swiatkowski, Editor


Brothers, ONE KofC COUNCIL
Winter surrounds us and yet our works continue. January was a month
were we focused on Life – the precious gift of God, from conception until
death. We had several members on the bus trip to Wash. DC to
participate in the March for Life (1/18) with others joining the special
prayer service at St. Anthony’s (1/22) to pray the rosary for Life.

In January we were also active at the Council with: 1) Free Throw

Contest, thank you to Jon Romano and his volunteers; 2) 1st & 2nd
Degree ceremony with 11 Councils and 5 Districts represented; and
3) a Knight @The Races Social which was great fun for all attendees.
St. Jude, Pray for Us
In February we celebrate on Valentine’s Day and pay respect to our
Presidents, ending the month with Ash Wednesday on March 6th . We
In service will hold a Winter Social Roast Beef Dinner on the 3rd Wednesday
to one. (2/20) & an early TV Sports Night on Super Bowl Sunday (2/3) – check
the Beacon for more info.
In service
to all. We kick off some annual efforts too, such as the Scholarships
Committee process and the Election Nominating Committee search for
candidates for our June elections. Please contact Brother Sal LaLima
with your ideas and interests.

I knew that the new signs were coming, but I am amazed by how good
they look. Thanks to DGK Paul Knudsen and help from 5814 Corp. for
making this happen.

Be sure to mark your calendars and buy tickets for our St. Patrick’s
Dinner (see Beacon) after we march in the parade on Sunday
March 17, 2019. The Grand Marshall of the parade, Mr. John
McNamara will join us and we will likely sell out.
Vivat Jesus,

S.K. Eugene A. Johann

Grand Knight
Volume XIX, Number II St. Jude Beacon - February 2019 Page 2

Conversion to the Gospel of Life

Supreme Chaplain Archbishop William E. Lori
THE SPIRIT of the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., is extraordinary. It is not only peaceful but also full of hope and joy.
It is forward-looking as it seeks to create a culture of life and love. And while it draws people of all ages, the crowd tends to be
young, including many millennials and young families. Standing in the crowd, you feel as though you’re at a version of World
Youth Day — filled with the conviction that human life is God’s precious gift and that each person, from the moment of conception,
is endowed by the Creator with inviolable dignity and, indeed, “a right to life.”

I often ask myself what draws so many people to this event. What makes them travel great distances, spend sleepless nights on
buses, and stand for hours on cold, soggy ground? Is it merely a political movement, or is it something more? The answer, I think,
is that the Lord is at work in the minds and hearts of these good people and many more like them. The word for it has to be
“conversion” — the Lord is converting minds and hearts to the Gospel of Life. And I would further offer that this process of
conversion takes place within us on three levels — intellectual, moral and religious.

SEEKING TRUTH We commonly think of conversion solely as a religious experience, such as coming to faith in Christ or
converting to Catholicism. Yet conversion has other meanings as well. In general, it is a change of direction in our lives that takes
us beyond ourselves, beyond our limited point of view, beyond our purely personal interests — or, as Pope Francis would say,
beyond our comfort zone. It is a shift that leads us to strive to be better, more authentic versions of ourselves.

Conversion is thus a common human experience. And as noted above, it often occurs on three levels in our lives. Let’s look at all
three to understand more deeply the ways in which people can be converted to the truth and beauty of the Gospel of Life. First,
intellectual conversion begins when we start asking questions and challenging assumptions. We begin to wonder whether what
we had assumed to be true is in fact true. We question the rhetoric and hype that we hear and see.

Prayer for Many people who once considered themselves avidly “pro-choice” arrived at a point in their lives when they started asking
questions about arguments for abortion, leading them to ultimately change their minds. At a certain point, they took seriously
Strength the philosophical arguments and scientific evidence advanced in favor of the humanity of the unborn child. For others, the
breakthrough experience came when they actually saw an unborn child via an ultrasound machine. Indeed, this is the case for
and Guidance many as a result of the Knights of Columbus Ultrasound Initiative.
Lord, I reach out to you for your guidance. MOVED TO GRATITUDE A change of mind often leads to a change in one’s actions, to moral conversion — to a different way of
Please show me which way to turn. Calm understanding, judging and acting. As a rule, people see themselves as reasonable and conscientious. When individuals take that
view of themselves seriously, they may arrive at a point when they become uncomfortable making decisions and acting solely on
my anxious thoughts, come speak into my the basis of what they think is in their best interest. They start thinking not only about their own problems, comfort or convenience.
They start asking about what really matters, what is really important in life. In other words, they become concerned about virtues
mind. Strengthen me as I falter and feel and values.
weary. May I feel strength rising up within When people become convinced of the value of human life, they may be led to make difficult choices. Their newfound support for
my heart. Bring clarity into my visions and the cause of life may alienate friends and colleagues. Even as individuals undergo intellectual and moral conversion, something
deeper may be going on in the depths of their being — namely, a genuine religious conversion. After all, once life is understood
dreams.I trust that you are with me, no as a precious gift, many are struck by the thought that God loves what he has made. From there, it is a short step to thank the
Creator for the gift of life and, in so doing, to fall in love with him. We are prompted to believe in, trust and worship the living God,
matter where I go, or what I decide to do. thanking him for creating each person in his image; thanking him for sending his Son to assume and redeem our humanity;
You journey with me always. thanking him for calling us to friendship with himself.

Thus, intellectual convictions and moral choices in favor of life become surrounded by God’s grace and love. This experience
transforms us deeply and fills our pro-life advocacy with genuine love of God and neighbor. We then become not only advocates
Amen. for life but also witnesses to the God of love who created and redeemed us.
From 1/01/2018 Copyright Knights of Columbus KofC.org2018

The Corner of Faith "Today, the Knights of

Columbus is providentially
Man's Capacity For God positioned to play a key role
29 But this "intimate and vital bond of man every man to seek him, so as to find life in the new alliance between
to God" can be forgotten, overlooked, or and happiness. But this search for God the Church and the family
even explicitly rejected by man. Such demands of man every effort of intellect,
called for by Pope Francis…
attitudes can have different causes: revolt a sound will, "an upright heart", as well
against evil in the world; religious as the witness of others who teach him What is necessary now is
ignorance or indifference; the cares and to seek God. our greater involvement
riches of this world; the scandal of bad -from the Catechism of the Catholic Church in the renewal of parish
example on the part of believers; currents
and family life."
of thought hostile to religion; finally, that
attitude of sinful man which makes him CHARITY, UNITY ~~
hide from God out of fear and flee his call. FRATERNITY, Supreme Knight
and PATRIOTISM Carl Anderson
30 "Let the hearts of those who seek the
LORD rejoice."5 Although man can forget
God or reject him, He never ceases to call

Knights of Columbus, Council #5814, 683 Rt. 25A, Rocky Point, NY 631-744-7043
Volume XIX, Number II St. Jude Beacon - February 2019 Page 3

District Deputy’s Message
Congratulations to all our new brothers that took their 1st and Second Degrees on January 17 at St. Jude Council
in Rocky Point. My sincere thank you to both Degree teams on a job well done as always. And mostly thank
Gene Johann and St. Jude Council for coordinating, cooking and setting up and cleaning up such a very well
attended Degree. 3rd Degree will be February 22 and 1st Degree will be at Queen if all Hearts (2/19).

I had the privilege of marching in the Right to Life March in Washington on January 18. A very long day but a great
experience and would highly suggest that you make every attempt to get down there next year. I know that I am
going. You know that it will take the Federal Government to right the terrible wrong that was made in New York on
January 22nd.

On January 26 the District Free Throw was held. Congratulations to all our District winners and will see you
March 9 at St. Cyril and Methodius in Deer Park.

Thank you for being a Knight and God Bless,

William Fontaine, District Deputy NY 3rd

631 988-3758

Suffolk Chapter News - This month in the Chapter:

The Suffolk Chapter Charity Drive is underway. Chapter Charity Chance Books are now available
for sale and St. Jude Council will be out selling them (as soon as the weather cooperates).
There are 15 chances in a book, chances are $1. each and whole books will be sold at $10. For 15 chances.

In addition the Suffolk Chapter Charity Ball is scheduled for June 9, 2019, again at the Watermill
Restaurant. The Chapter is looking for Journal Ads and direct donations to meet their Charity goals
of more than $30,000. This year’s named Charities include ‘Up In Arms’ support group for families with an
Autistic child and ‘Helen Keller Summer Camp’ sponsoring a 5 weeks camping experience for blind children.

Chapter Charity Books are available now, pick some up at our next business meeting.

#5814 St. Jude Council Officers February Birthdays

Corporation Directors Lawrence Di Palma PGK 2/1
Chaplain Msgr. SK Rev. William Breslawski 631-744-2609
President Chaplain Rev. Fr. Thomas Tuite 631-744-2800 Henry Tomaszewski 2/4
SK Vincent J. Maggio, 744-1673 Grand Knight SK Gene Johann 631-804-1886
Deputy Paul Knudsen 631-664-6410 Richard Grecco 2/9
Chancellor SK John Nugent 631-744-1821 Nano Bustamante 2/12
Vice President
Warden SK Steve Spector 631-821-3249
SK Salvatore J. LaLima, 821-0082 John Minton 2/16
Recorder SK Russell J Carpino 631-445-1342
Fin Secretary SK John Sommers, PGK, FDD 631-513-2626 Bernard Tenreiro 2/17
Secretary Treasurer SK Richard Bowne 631-793-3037 John O'Hara 2/18
SK Robert W. Wilken, 821-4962 Advocate SK Fred Hess, PGK 631-603-7348
Lecturer SKRalph Lopez 631-921-3142 Russ Lascala 2/20
Treasurer Inside Guard SK Jonathan Romano 631-821-2570 Kenneth Scalfani 2/21
SK Richard B. Landers, 291-9440 Outside Guard Rudy Novissimo 516-241-2942
Frank Cosentino 2/23
Trustee 1 Year SK Joseph Badalamenti 631-744-0752
Director Trustee 2 Year SK Charles C Di Santo 631 706-3188 Lawrence Paone 2/25
Herbert B. Simmons, 744-0951 Trustee 3 Year SK Andrew Delligatti, PGK 631-744-2265 Anthony Schmidt PGK 2/25

Director Donald Sioss 2/25

Ron Mihalak, 516-287-0488 Walter Tracy 2/25
District Deputy SK William Fontaine 631-988-3758
Field Agent SK Johnathan Bittner 631-466-0828 James Mannetta 2/28
Henry Walden, 744-9775 Beacon Editor William Swiatkowski 516-729-3142 John Modica Sr 2/28

Knights of Columbus, Council #5814, 683 Rt. 25A, Rocky Point, NY 631-744-7043
Volume XIX, Number II St. Jude Beacon - February 2019 Page 4

2019 Dues
Members will be receiving 2019 Dues invoices in the mail. Payment can be mailed to
FS John Sommers, 10 Flicker Drive, Middle Island, New York 11953 or handed to the FS at a Business Meeting.
Make checks payable to St Jude Council #5814. Dues for the year are $40.
Please pay dues promptly in order to avoid the expense of further mailings.
If you have any questions contact the FS at or 631-513-2626.

Upcoming Events for February 2019

02/03 Sun Big Game TV Night St. Jude Council 6:00pm
02/06 Wed Business Meeting St. Jude Council 7:30pm
02/08 Fri Suffolk Chapter Meeting TBA 7pm Dinner, 8pm Mtg.
02/13 Wed District 3 Meeting Patchogue 7:30pm
02/14 Thu Valentine’s Day
02/15 Fri Suffolk Chapter Meeting St Regis Council 7pm Dinner, 8pm Mtg
02/18 Mon President’s Day
02/19 Tue 1st Degree Ceremony Queen of All Hearts 7:00pm
02/20 Wed Winter Social St. Jude Council Doors open at 6:30pm
02/21 Thu Council Officer’s Meeting St. Jude Council 7:30pm
02/27 Wed Ladies Aux Mtg St. Jude Council 7:00pm

Future Dates
03/06 Wed Ash Wednesday
03/17 Sun St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Dinner

Winter Social
Wednesday Feb 20, 2019
• Life Insurance • Long-Term Care Insurance
• Retirement Annuities
• Disability Income Insurance

Contact Your Representative Today.

Jonathan Bittner
$12 for members & families. Doors open at 6:30pm. (631) 466-0828
Menu: Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Vegetable,
Salad, Bread, Coffee & Dessert.
Please call for tickets by Friday Feb 15. Call GK Gene Johann
at 631 804-1886 or sign up at the Feb Business Meeting.

Around the Community

Deacon Tony and
Chairman Jonathan Romano
with participants in the
St Jude Council Free Throw Contest

Knights of Columbus, Council #5814, 683 Rt. 25A, Rocky Point, NY 631-744-7043
Volume XIX, Number II St. Jude Beacon - February 2019 Page 5

Financial Secretary’s Corner

Receiving the Membership Numbers:
Bulletin by Email Associate Members - 136
If you would like to receive the bulletin by email
Insurance Members - 87
please forward an email to FS John Sommers at Inactive Members- 21 Total Membership - 244
Honorary Members - 3
Please include St Jude Bulletin in the subject line. Honorary Life Members - 61
Receiving the bulletin by email will reduce the monthly
printing and mailing costs to the Council.
Disabled Members - 0
- SK John Sommers, FS, PGK, FDD


The Council Hall will be open for a special TV Sports Night (on Sunday) to see the big game.
If you would like to come down at 6:00pm the pre-game will be on, there will be food & snacks and soda & the bar is open.
Some members are bringing snacks and there will be heros and pizza also. There is no charge or ticket, but a good will offering would be appreciated.
This is very informal and you can bring your friends/guests -
Please notify GK Gene Johann at 631 804-1886 before Friday Feb 1st. If you are free, come on down.

Fourth Degree Corner Please Keep in Your Prayers

Brother Richard Bowne’s Granddaughter
Fourth Degree Dues of $20.00 is due now. Scarlett, Brothers John Lennon, Barney
Please send check to and Barbara Flanagan. Linda Mihalek,
Vincent Rutherford, 55 Kate Circle, Middle Island, NY 11953 Vinny Mastrogiacomo. Rosemary Walden
and Bill Christiansen's daughter. Please keep
Application of the Fourth Degree in your prayers Chaplain Fr. Bill Breslawski.
will be held on March 30 at 2PM at
Russo on the Bay All the souls of Brothers lost
162-45 Crossbay Blvd, Howard Beach, NY in our Council and in The Order.
(if you need prayers or know of a member or family etc.,
please send me the information to share).
Fee for Candidates is $70 and guest is $55 this includes Dinner
Contact G.K. Gene Johann at 631-804-1886
For further information contact Fred Hess PGK at 631-821-9805 St. Jude, patron of hopeless cases, pray for us.

** Wake Service **
The Council is updating its Wake Service notification record. If you would like to be informed of the passing of a brother
and the wake information please provide your phone number and/or email address to FS John Sommers. You can
either email the information to (put Wake Service in the subject line) or call 631-924-8708.

Grand Knight’s Corner

If any member knows of the passing of a Brother Knight or knows of a
Brother Knight in need, please notify GK Gene Johann at 631 804-1886 or
our Funeral Services Director Ralph Ferrara at 631 662-1235

Knights of Columbus, Council #5814, 683 Rt. 25A, Rocky Point, NY 631-744-7043
Volume XIX, Number II St. Jude Beacon - February 2019 Page 6

Knights of Columbus, Council #5814, 683 Rt. 25A, Rocky Point, NY 631-744-7043
Volume XIX, Number II St. Jude Beacon - February 2019 Page 7

We very much appreciate
our supporters!

St. Jude 5814 Members

Place Your Message HERE
Annual Rates are only $50.

Become a member of
the world’s Largest
Catholic Family
Fraternal Organization
The Knights
of Columbus!
Know the benefits that
1.9 million Catholic
families already share.

This Space Available

For your AD graphic design • signs • banners
Call 631 804-1886

Knights of Columbus, Council #5814, 683 Rt. 25A, Rocky Point, NY 631-744-7043
St. Jude Council 5814 KofC
P.O. Box 1341
Rocky Point, NY 11778

Prayer for the Canonization of Father Michael J. McGivney

God, our Father, protector of the poor and

defender of the widow and orphan, you called
your priest, Father Michael J. McGivney, to be
an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the
young to the generous service of their neighbor.
Through the example of his life and virtue may
we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely,
fulfilling his commandment of charity and building
up his Body which is the Church. Let the
inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater
confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the
needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify your servant
Father Michael J. McGivney on earth according to the design of your
holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present
(here make your request). Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be.

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