Glosario Telecomunicaciones
Glosario Telecomunicaciones
Glosario Telecomunicaciones
16 Glosario
between the transmission line and its signals onto a single optical fiber by
load. using different wavelengths (colours) of
VXxx – Transmission unit, specific to Nokia laser light. This technique enables
UltraSite EDGE Base Station bidirectional communications over one
. VXEA for FC E1/T1 strand of fiber, as well as multiplication
. VXRA for FC RRI of capacity.
. VXTA for FXC E1
. VXTB for FXC E1/T1
WAF – Wideband Antenna Filter unit.
WAM. – Wideband Application Manager
WBC – Wideband Combining unit.
WCC – Wideband Cabinet Core.
WCDMA – Wide band Code Division
Multiple Access. A spread spectrum
CDMA technique used to increase the
capacity and coverage of wireless
communication networks.
WCH – Wideband Cabinet Heater.
WDM – In fiber-optic communications,
Wavelength-Division Multiplexing
(WDM) is a technology which
multiplexes a number of optical carrier