ASCP Recalls 2017-2018 Flashcards - Quizlet - Amgad
ASCP Recalls 2017-2018 Flashcards - Quizlet - Amgad
ASCP Recalls 2017-2018 Flashcards - Quizlet - Amgad
Browse diagrams
Given a mini panel of anti-I because it did not react with cord cells
antibody reactions.
The serum is tested
against Group 0
RBCs and cord cells.
Reacts with all adult
cells, no reaction
with cord cells. What
Given mother blood Since O blood type is impossible from AB mom, get
type (AB-) and baby a new heelstick from baby.
type (O+), what do
you do next?
Procainamide NAPA
metabolite that need
to be measured
along with
Type 1 IgE
stimulated by
Apolipoprotein A - HDL
found in .....
What's the purpose Take the albumin off (probably wrong, correct
of the caffeine in response should be solubilize and measure
bilirubin? unconjugated bilirubin)
Difference between All Yersinia Species are motile at 25C but not at 37C
yersinias? except,
Increased in Pheochromocytoma
cathecolamines in
what disease?
Presence of VDRL
rheumatoid factor in
blood may result in
false positives for
what test?
Enzyme controls run Controls were left at room temperature for several
on a machine give days
results around -3
standard deviations.
Samples run on the
same machine give
results of less than 1
standard deviation.
What could be the
Pappenheimer splenectomies
bodies are usually
seen in patients who
At an alkaline pH, Hb D
which hemoglobin
cannot be separated (Sad Dog Gets Love)
from hemoglobin S
during hemoglobin
Which of the B3
following group B
antigens is generally
associated with a
mixed field reaction:
Which of the MCHC
parameters may be Lipemia and high WBCs count interfere with the light
affected by the used for measureing MCHC
What is the correct Draw and discard a waste light-blue top tube
procedure when before the tube that will be used for coagulation
using a winged studies.
collection device
(butterfly) to draw a
light-blue top tube
intended for a
coagulation test if
this is the first tube
that will be
collected in the
Enterobacteriaceae Enterobacter
that is MR negative Kleb
How to differentiate S. sonnei is the only one that is ONPG positive (+)
the mannitol positive
Micrococcus as a Micrococcus is
normal flora must be Furazolidone Resistant
differentiated from Bacitracin Sensitive
Staphylococcus by
........ non hemolytic on SBA
Lancet-Shaped diplococci
Catalase Negative
Esculin Negaive (-)
H2S Positive on TSI
Test tube brush
growth in Gelatin
Edwardsiella Edwardsiella is
resemble Salmonella Indole positive (+)
biochemically, how Citrate Negative (-)
can you differentiate
between them? Salmonella
Indole Negative
Citrate positive
ANTISERA IS Vi-Antigen is the heat labile capsular antigen
might be the reason
Result of decreased
haptoglobin in
hemolytic anemia
no Alpha Chain
YYYY= Bart (not compatible with life)
BBBB= Hemoglobin H. (3 alpha chain deleted)
1) Lyse resistant
target cells
2) Lyse sensitive
target cells
3) Fragility of Hgb C
3) Lyse resistant
Hgb C
Characteristic Target cells
feature of
hemoglobin C
Acute FAB M4
leukemia (AMMoL)
CD45 and CD71 for normoblast
CD13, CD 15 and CD 33 to myeloblast
Acute FAB M7
Leukemia CD 41, CD 42 and CD 61
Picture of target Erythrocytes containing Hemoglobin C do not lyse
cells with normally (lyse resistant)
hemoglobin C
crystals, The white
count was high on
instrument 1, so a
second instrument
was used with a
stronger lysing
agent, and the white
count was
corrected, reason?
Pheochromocytoma Metanephrines
HgbA1C - what can A decreased life span on RBCs (in the case of sickle
be the trouble with cell)
the test?
UIBC = 185
Serum Fe = 125
Postprandial Lipoproteins
turbidity of serum is
due to the presence
of .....
Hypercalcemia, Metastatic Carcinoma (Malignancy involving bones)
Normal PTH
Fasting Blood
Glucose: 155 mg/dL
2nd Hour OGTT/PG:
Patient suspected
for Diabetes Mellitus
Fasting Blood
Glucose: 155 mg/dL
2nd Hour OGTT/PG:
225 mg/dL
What should the MT
do to confirm
Carrier of VLDL
Carrier of LDL
cholesterol into cells
Measurement of 1) Acidification (Ethanolic extraction)
Serum Iron content 2) Reduction
method? 3) color reagent
Antibiotic Potassium
valinomycin is used
in ISE to measure
what analyte?
What do you use for 2 buffers with known pH and constant temperature
Calibration of blood
gas analyzer?
3. Primary amyloidosis
Collected blood Use for Packed RBC (do not prepare other
only 390 ml what to component due to abnormal anticoagulant-to-
do? plasma Ratio.
what to do next?
Three (3) test tubes Serum was omitted from the reaction
are negative to
Antihuman Glubulin Check Cells (CC) are used as quality control
(AHG), when check measure for negative indirect and direct AHG test
cell is added, the performed in test tubes and should always be
result is still positive when added?
If an individual is a Le a
nonsecretor sese
with Lewis
phenotype Le a+b-,
what antigen will be
detected in his/her
What gene is Kx
deleted in Mcleod
Abnormal sperm
Protein reagent strip Proteins other than albumin, like Bence Jones
negative, while Protein
Sulfosalicylic acid
(SSA) is positive,
what might be the
Clreatinine C = U x V/P
Clearance formula ..
Production of Oliguria
abnormal small
amount of urine
(>400 ml) is called ...
Specific gravity 1.010 correct the specific gravity due to high glucose
using refractometer
at 4C result glucose
1000mg/dL - what
MLS should do?
lactic acidosis
C1 esterase Factor 12
deficiency treatment
ABO discrepancy
Purine metabolite