Depresi Pada DM
Depresi Pada DM
Depresi Pada DM
Furthermore, we assessed the effect for From the 1Department of Psychological Medicine,
COMMENTS AND different methods in a meta-regression. Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London,
London, U.K.; the 2Department of Medicine, Johns
RESPONSES It is not realistic to expect to have only
one measure or one definition of depres-
Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore,
Maryland; the 3Department of Epidemiology,
sion in any systematic review in this field, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
and we minimized the influence of differ- Baltimore, Maryland; the 4Institute of Health Sci-
Response to ent definitions using the above methods. ences, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland; and the
Comment on: Kan Dr. Kawada suggested that the reason
Department of Biostatistics, Institute of Psychiatry,
King’s College London, London, U.K.
et al. A Systematic for the difference in effect sizes observed Corresponding author: Carol Kan, carol.kan@kcl
between homeostasis model assessment-
Review and Meta- insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and quan- DOI: 10.2337/dc13-0729
analysis of the titative insulin sensitivity check index
© 2013 by the American Diabetes Association.
Readers may use this article as long as the work is
Association (QUICKI) was due to the lack of log trans- properly cited, the use is educational and not for
formation of HOMA-IR in the calculation of profit, and the work is not altered. See http://
Between QUICKI. QUICKI was the measure used for
Depression and exclusively in the datasets conducted by details.
wo key issues are raised by Dr. The association between depression College London.
Kawada (1): assessment of depres- and IR remained statistically significant No potential conflicts of interest relevant to
sion and insulin resistance (IR). across the different depression and IR this article were reported.
The prevalence of depression varied measures in all meta-regression analyses
with the method used to identify de- (effect size [95% CI]; diagnostic inter- c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c
pression cases, and the author suggested views: 0.46 [0.22–0.71]; self-report References
the use of only one standard definition. measures: 0.13 [0.05–0.21]; HOMA-IR/ 1. Kawada T. Comment on: Kan et al. A sys-
HOMA2-IR: 0.32 [0.12–0.53]; minimal tematic review and meta-analysis of the
Diagnostic interview was used in six association between depression and insulin
datasets in the meta-analysis, with two model/QUICKI: 0.17 [0.08–0.26]) (5),
suggesting that the association observed, resistance. Diabetes Care 2013;36:480–489
datasets using the Structured Clinical (Letter). Diabetes Care 2013;36:e123. DOI:
Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical although small, was robust. The strength of
Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition evidence for the depression–IR association 2. Haro JM, Arbabzadeh-Bouchez S, Brugha TS,
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using the Composite International Di- medium to high risk of bias, in recogni- national Diagnostic Interview Version 3.0
agnostic Interview (CIDI). The latter is tion of the study designs and qualities (CIDI 3.0) with standardized clinical as-
designed for the assessment of mental of the datasets being included in the sessments in the WHO World Mental
disorders according to the definitions and meta-analysis. The substantial heteroge- Health surveys. Int J Methods Psychiatr
neity in the assessment of depression and Res 2006;15:167–180
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limitations section of our conclusion. Meyer-Rochow VB, Keinänen-Kiukaanniemi
Moderate to good level of concordance S. Insulin resistance and depression: cross
have been demonstrated between CIDI The limitations raised by Dr. Kawada
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and SCID (2), and both instruments are have already been acknowledged in our 4. Timonen M, Rajala U, Jokelainen J, Keinänen-
widely used in epidemiological studies for meta-analysis. Kiukaanniemi S, Meyer-Rochow VB, Räsänen
major depressive disorders. The aim of P. Depressive symptoms and insulin resis-
meta-analyses is to combine the effects CAROL KAN, MA, MBBS, MRCPSYCH1 tance in young adult males: results from the
of all available studies to get a precise NAOMI SILVA, BSC1 Northern Finland 1966 birth cohort. Mol
Psychiatry 2006;11:929–933
and unbiased estimate. The Cohen d ap- SHERITA HILL GOLDEN, MD, MHS, FAHA2,3
5. Kan C, Silva N, Golden SH, et al. A sys-
proach was used in this meta-analysis to ULLA RAJALA, MD, PHD4 tematic review and meta-analysis of the
calculate the standardized effect size, and MARKKU TIMONEN, MD, PHD4 association between depression and insu-
the random-effect model was chosen to DANIEL STAHL, PHD5 lin resistance. Diabetes Care 2013;36:
account for any possible heterogeneity. KHALIDA ISMAIL, MRCP, MRCPSYCH, MSC, PHD1 480–489