Leds201710 DL
Leds201710 DL
Leds201710 DL
Office lighting
HCL pleases
workers P. 27
Lighting for
Conference report P. 33
Thermal paths
LEDs P. 43
SSL for lettuce
LEDs slash cycles P. 7
October Cover Story
SSL luminaires deliver serious growth
gains for growers in Vermont (see p. 7;
image courtesy of Heliospectra.)
Lumileds reveals the inspiration behind LEDs
designed for plants Maury Wright
Human-centric lighting takes hold in the 3 COMMENTARY Maury Wright
AMA LED street-light guidelines were
commercial workplace Mark Halper among the hot topics at SALC
Speakers cover circadian disruption to healthcare 7 NEWS +ANALYSIS
Greenhouse boosts lettuce yield
assessment at new conference Maury Wright with Heliospectra LED luminaires
CoeLux harnesses LEDs to
INDUSTRY INSIGHTS deliver California sunlight to a
Lighting controls can no longer be ‘set and forget’ Copenhagen restaurant
with IoT advances Beatrice Witzgall, LumiFi SSL business: Osram,
Digital Lumens, Cree
New book looks to the past to determine the
future of SSL
ASABE publishes a metric standard
Bob Johnstone for LED-based horticultural lighting
NEMA files legal action that could stymie
TLEDs can prove economical, but aren’t always
California regulations on LED lamps
DOE publishes Gateway report
the best choice on OLED office lighting
Stan Walerczyk, Lighting Wizards
’m writing this column after plaints about the 4000K lights. The utility we described after SALC two years back
returning from the IES (Illu- also said it’s tough to discern the difference (http://bit.ly/1ZzgAme). And once installed,
minating Engineering Society) in the two and that it will still install 4000K the controls and wireless connectivity
Street and Area Lighting Confer- lights when a customer requests them. can serve other applications and increase
ence (SALC) in Austin, TX. There The 3000K momentum comes even energy savings. The utility is installing the
were many hot topics, including though many speakers at SALC pointed controls on every new street light and plans
networked controls and IES Rec- out that CCT is not a proper way to eval- to upgrade older LED luminaires installed
ommended Practices for street uate how an LED luminaire may affect before it committed to controls.
lighting. Still, it was CCT, often human physiological systems. And a Alas, an undercurrent of contrarian
relative to the controversial AMA (Ameri- couple of speakers noted that the best thought pervaded many lunchtable discus-
can Medical Association) guidelines, that research on the issue of safety, by Ron Gib- sions and the networking reception. Sev-
dominated (http://bit.ly/2eW91WB). bons of the Virginia Tech Transportation eral lighting vendors told me that you can’t
Ironically, the AMA may win the day Institute, showed that drivers could detect get in the door on a bidding process with-
though its guidelines are no mandate to objects much better under 4100K lighting. out being able to check the box on a con-
the lighting community. The suggestion We reported on some of those tests several trols offer in your product portfolio. But it
that street lights be installed at 3000K CCT years back (http://bit.ly/1saaZU6). still seems that in many projects, controls
or warmer was just that — a suggestion. Yet It was very clear that the IES still regards end up being omitted from the actual con-
it appears many municipalities and utilities the AMA’s guidelines as an inappropriate tract because of cost. The controls under-
are moving toward 3000K, whether based intrusion. The AMA did not have a lighting current seemed to support the research
on citizen preference or on fears that the expert in the committee that established data that has been published by our sister
AMA position could become a legal issue. the guidelines. Moreover, it has rejected organization Strategies Unlimited (http://
Georgia Power, for instance, said it the offer of collaboration by the IES. The bit.ly/2rDik5q). Outdoors and in, there is
swapped from 4000K- to 3000K-CCT lumi- AMA seems to have completely missed the more talk about smart lighting than actual
naires in the middle of its LED conversion fact that public safety on roads and side- investment in it — a disturbing trend, given
program. The change occurred in the third walks is the reason we have street lights. the potential of the Internet of Things (IoT).
quarter of 2016. Later this year, the utility Moving to controls, they were again a We'll have more from SALC next month.
will transition to 3000K for residential secu- prevalent topic as they have been in recent
rity lights, too, even though LEDs in that SALC meetings. Back to Georgia Power, that Maury Wright,
application are replacing cool metal-halide company uses wireless controls as a key cog EDITOR
lamps. Georgia Power said it had some com- in its auto commissioning program that mauryw@pennwell.com
LEDs Magazine® (ISSN 2156-633X), is a registered trademark. © PennWell Corporation 2017. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Permission, however, is granted for employees of
corporations licensed under the Annual Authorization Service offered by the Copyright Clearance Center Inc. (CCC), 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, Mass. 01923, or by calling CCC’s Customer Relations Department at 978-750-8400 prior
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please let us know by contacting us at List Services LEDs Magazine, 61 Spit Brook Road, Suite 401, Nashua, NH 03060. Printed in the USA. GST No. 126813153.
Alpha/Alent ..................................................................................... 37 LUX Live 2017................................................................................. 42
American Bright Optoelectronics ............................................... 10, 54 Masterbond .................................................................................... 49
Citizen Electronics Co. Ltd. .............................................................. 13 Moso Power Supply Techology Co., Ltd. ........................................... 16
Cree, Inc. ...................................................................................... CV4 Nitto, Inc. ........................................................................................ 26
CSA Group ...................................................................................... 45 Opticolor, Inc..................................................................................... 6
Eclipse Lighting, Inc. ....................................................................... 55 Osram Opto Semiconductors GmbH .................................................. 2
Eptronics .........................................................................................47 Philips Emergency Lighting .............................................................. 12
Exponation...................................................................................... 52 Sapphire Awards 2018.................................................................... 41
Future Electronics, Inc......................................................... 11, 20, 29 Seoul Semiconductor Co., Ltd, .......................................................... 5
GL-Optic GmbH ............................................................................... 45 Shenzhen Ledfriend Optoelectronics Co., Ltd, ..................................17
Griplock Systems, LLC .................................................................... 40 Shenzhen Sosen Electronics Co., Ltd, ............................................. 23
Guangdong Acevel Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ......................... CV2 Strategies In Light/The Led Show/Lightspace California 2018 ........ 32
Inventronics (Hangzhou) Inc............................................................... 9 Strategies Unlimited ....................................................................... 50
IOTA Engineering ............................................................................. 35 Thomas Research Products ............................................................ 19
Lightspace California 2018 ............................................................. 38 Tosaf Compound ............................................................................. 31
Lumileds ....................................................................................... CV3 Universal Lighting Technologies....................................................... 25
Lutron Electrics Co., Inc. ................................................................. 15
This ad index is published as a ser not assume any liability for errors or omissions.
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from page 7 The castle is not Zum- castle, but the LED lighting easily could
tobel’s first major project at a UNESCO be driven by existing wiring.
World Heritage Site. For example, we cov- Of course, historic sites also raise the
ered a project at the Aachen Cathedral issue of preserving the exhibits. In the
Treasury where Zumtobel LED products German project, the team added poten-
delivered energy savings and better light- tiometers to each luminaire, enabling
ing for what was once the favored home precise control of light levels to a max-
of Charlemagne (http://bit.ly/1Hhfp5I). imum of 50 lx. The optical accesso-
At Wartburg, Zumtobel Supersystem II ries and luminaire design, meanwhile,
luminaires are delivering improved light- restrict light to just where it’s intended
ing for the exhibit areas that total 1000m2. for an optimum viewing experience.
The SSL product family comprises minia- The wide variety of products in the
turized and modular products that enable Supersystem II family further pro-
many accent and direct lighting effects vided a choice of finishes that could be
and scenes to be installed on low-voltage tailored to match colors and the set-
tracks. For example, the miniature spot- ting for each exhibit area. Moreover,
lights only extend 45 mm below the track the modular system could enable the
and the track extends 30 mm below the curators to change the lighting for new
surface upon which it is mounted. The exhibits in the future.
tracks are available in lengths as short as We’ve covered SSL projects at a num-
26 mm and in larger sizes. ber of other UNESCO sites in both indoor
The LED lighting replaced a 20-year- and outdoor settings. A few years back,
old legacy system, and as we have noted we covered an outdoor project at the
in coverage of other historic sites, the Durham Castle and Cathedral in England
low-power requirements of SSL are (http://bit.ly/1oVQ324). And LED light-
often a critical element of the selection ing of the Moroccan Walls of Rabat was
criteria. There would not have been an another very impressive SSL project at a
option to add more power cables in the UNESCO site (http://bit.ly/1NEAMzd). ◀
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EDs Magazine announced the winners output and SPD that match horticultural potential to general lighting or automotive?
in the 2017 Sapphire Awards program needs. We wanted to develop a product line And how do you think it might compare
on March 1, 2017 in Anaheim, CA, at that enabled our customers to design the to other niches such as lighting for health
a Gala that took place coincident with the optimal fixtures for each of and wellbeing?
Strategies in Light tradeshow. Lumileds has the applications within the Holland: While our com-
been well known for its LEDs designed for horticulture segment. Dif- petitors might, Lumileds
general illumination, automotive, and simi- ferent applications call for has never viewed horticul-
lar applications, but on the night of the Gala different specs and require- ture as a niche market. We
the company took honors for the Luxeon ments from the LED. see horticulture as a strong,
SunPlus family of LEDs in the Horticultural LEDs: On a more general important, and growing ver-
Lighting category. You can peruse the full list LED development level, how tical market segment. Both
of Sapphire winners in a feature article that does the Lumileds team pur- horticulture and lighting
we published on the awards (http://bit.ly/2m sue a new product concept? for health and wellbeing are
m5dER). The SunPlus family, meanwhile, won Does it start with the basic developing areas for LEDs
the votes of judges via a broad feature set in performance capacity of an and present opportunity
terms of different spectral power distribu- epitaxial platform and then JENNIFER HOLLAND for growth.
tions (SPDs) tuned to specific plant needs. proceed to what can be accom- LEDs: Getting back to the
We recently had a chance to talk with Jennifer plished with phosphor, optics, and package? specifics of SunPlus, we have been fasci-
Holland, product line director for the SunPlus Holland: We look at market trends, nated with the purple LED since the origi-
Series, about the inspiration behind the prod- industry views, and listen to our customers nal announcement of the family. How, spe-
uct family, how the company delivered such in order to develop the best product possible cifically, did that concept originate? The
wide choices in spectra, and how the LEDs that will fit a need in the market and provide concept seems simple — put phosphor on a
will be utilized in horticultural fixtures. value to our customers. blue chip in a mid-power package — you do
LEDs Magazine: Hi Jennifer, and con- LEDs: How often does a customer, or that every day with mid-power white LEDs.
gratulations on winning an LEDs Magazine maybe several customers, spark the devel- But what special challenges did purple pose
Sapphire Award for your Lumileds SunPlus opment process with a need, idea, or appli- in development and moving the LED to vol-
portfolio of LEDs for horticultural lighting cation? It would seem that you would have to ume manufacturing?
applications. We’ve regularly written that gate that type of development process care- Holland: We have a team of phosphor
LED manufacturers are increasingly devel- fully, or the Lumileds team would be chas- experts based at our facility in Aachen. We
oping packaged LED products that target ing even far more application-specific devel- have the differentiator to be able to draw
specific applications. Still, SunPlus takes opments than the impressive number you from their unique expertise to develop phos-
the concept to a new level in terms of the already support. phor that no one else is capable of develop-
breadth of the portfolio and how closely Holland: We regularly take into account ing. This is not only limited to the horticul-
tied it is to the application. Tell us about the customer feedback. ture market, but can be seen in other product
inspiration behind the concept. How did LEDs: About the horticultural niche, how lines as well such as our Stylist Series.
the decision and strategy evolve to develop important is that application to Lumileds? LEDs: Are there any early success sto-
LEDs with so many SPDs and across mid- Judging from SunPlus, we’d expect the ries you can share in terms of luminaires
and high-power sectors? answer to be that horticulture is pretty sig- using the purple LED? What do you expect
Jennifer Holland: First, we don’t refer nificant to Lumileds. It’s certainly import- it to enable in a luminaire? And how do
to the SunPlus 35 as a mid-power LED, but ant to us in the PennWell LED & Lighting you expect luminaire makers to choose
rather both the 35 and 20 families as LEDs Network and extraordinarily interesting. among the versions with varying amounts
with specific combinations of radiometric Still, how might it compare in volume sales of blue energy?
Holland: We see both types of fixture designs on the market.
LEDs: And speaking of similarities in the 35 and 20 lines, the phos-
phor-converted lime-green LEDs are the others that really caught our
eye. We know that monochromatic green LED efficiency trails other
colors. Was efficiency the primary reason for the phosphor approach?
Were there other reasons relative to horticulture such as a broader
emission band than what a monochromatic LED would deliver?
Holland: Lime offers several distinct advantages to our custom-
ers. For example, mixing lime with purple generates a white light
that makes it easy to conduct visual inspection on the plants. Lime
is a full-spectrum part which can benefit certain crops. Efficiency,
as has been pointed out, is also a benefit that the Lime LED provides.
LEDs: What about the choice of green spectrum? Does the lime
spectrum offer an advantage in horticulture or does it again come We’re more than ballasts.
down to efficiency? We’re Panasonic.
Holland: Depending on the type of crop, Lime can offer an advan-
tage in terms of crop yield, taste, etc. For more information, visit www.unvlt.com
LEDs: One other innovation that came with the SunPlus introduc- or call 1.800.225.5278.
tion was binning based on PPF (photosynthetic photon flux; http://
bit.ly/2eTORNS). Has that proven important to customers? We keep
hearing that even PPF falls short as a metric for horticultural lighting A member of the Panasonic Group
because two LEDs with vastly different SPDs can have equal PPF. How
LEDsmagazine.com OCTOBER 2017 25
all it what you will — human-centric FIG. 1. The LED sources
lighting, circadian lighting, light- tested in the LRC study
ing for biology, or choose your own installation were tuned
catchphrase. But whatever you call it, there’s to produce a 0.3 CS
no escaping the claim that properly tuned (circadian stimulus)
lighting can foster desirable conditions in to increase alertness.
human beings throughout a 24-hour period. Subjects reported feeling
And there’s no light source as “tunable” more awake and energized.
as an LED, a light-emitting diode which, by
virtue of its digital nature, can deliver light Nevertheless, common
at made-to-order color temperatures, spec- sense would say that a properly
tral power, color, and brightness. lit workplace might well be a
Simply put, human-centric lighting can more productive workplace.
stimulate people during the morning and The science is still evolv-
Photo credit: Lighting Research Center.
day could help workers sleep better at night There’s a lot of talk about
and could help keep their spirits up. Now she light in the evening and light
knows it does. from your cellphone displays
After a three-year study at five differ- before you go to bed (keep-
ent General Services Administration (GSA) ing you up at night). All of
buildings in the US, the LRC and the GSA this is important. But people
together reported last May that “office are not talking about light
workers who receive a robust dose of cir- during the day. We spend
cadian-effective light in the morning, from 80%, 90% of our time indoors.
electric lighting or daylight, experience bet- We spend at least two-thirds
ter sleep and lower levels of depression and of our day in our offices. And
stress, than those who spend their mornings people are not talking about
in dim or low light levels.” how important the lighting
The study involved 109 participants who is in the offices to help you
wore an LRC-designed electronic pendant sleep better at night.”
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people do indeed muddle the two together), DC were all under consideration. — then tunable LEDs isn’t a bad way to go.
melanopsin sends signals to the brain that Phase 3 is expected to help further demon- To that end, Finnish controls company
stir up the body’s master clock, establish- strate the potential effectiveness of tuning Casambi has a prescription: wireless Blue-
ing a circadian connection first discovered LEDs for circadian benefit. It should also back tooth controls that adjust color tempera-
by Oxford University neuroscientist Russell up Figueiro’s assertion that healthy lighting tures and can help deliver stimulating blues
Foster and others in the early 1990s. should be delivered in “layers,” in which ambi- at the right time of the day and dial them
The result of Phase 2 and the LEDs: “With ent lighting could, for example, come from ceil- down when required, either in an automatic
the intervention, we showed that subjects ing fixtures while circadian stimulus could pre-programmed manner or in a made-to-
were self-reporting being more alert, less come from low-lux blue frequencies aimed at order way (Fig. 2).
sleepy, and having more energy,” Figue- the retina. While light aimed directly at the eye “The main thing really is the color tem-
iro told LEDs. “We collected the data in the might sound like a turnoff, Figueiro noted that perature control,” said Casambi CEO Timo
winter and we showed that if you’re adding at the low level of 30 lx, the blue still stimulates Pakkala. “One of the phrases that we’ve been
a light that delivers the circadian stimulus but does not cause annoying glare. “If you do using for offices is ‘lighting that’s fit for pur-
of 0.3, you were increasing their subjective the 470 nm you only need 30 lx, so people found pose.’ When people talk about human-cen-
feelings of alertness, and reducing sleepiness it very comfortable,” she said. “You don’t even tric lighting, it’s the color temperature con-
and increasing energy and vitality.” see it as much because you have the ambient trol. It’s definitely happening, but it’s also
The LRC noticed similar results in what light, and the blue light blends in.” very early days. One of the reasons it’s still
Figueiro described as “Phase 2B,” mounting While LED tunability holds tremendous early days is it’s a bit of chicken and egg. You
the same lights for a short period of time ear- potential, Figueiro was also clear that office not only need new light sources, but you also
lier this year at US embassies in Reykjavik designers must embrace daylight. need new controls.”
and Riga. That study was co-funded by the “One of the things we learned is that While gear from Casambi controls lights
GSA and the US Department of State. daylighting design has to be much more at thousands of locations in a multitude of
Now, it’s on to Phase 3, in which the LRC improved to be able to deliver that circa- countries, no more than 10% of those instal-
will apply the LED panel lights for two weeks dian stimulus that we need,” Figueiro said. lations are yet deploying adjustable CCT.
at a time rather than for the two days of “Daylight is the best circadian stimulus. But the percentage is growing. And per-
Phase 2, while also taking a week of non-in- The thing is, it’s not always brought into the haps there’s no more logical place to install it
tervention readings. It will also examine the space the way it should be.” than at a new construction, which provides
effect on sleep, stress, and depression — as a fresh engineering canvas.
in Phase 1 — as well as on alertness. When One such place is the 12-story St. Vincent
LEDs spoke with Figueiro in July, the final Registers of Scotland gets tuned up Plaza building in the middle of Glasgow,
locations had not yet been determined, but If you can’t have natural light beaming on which opened late last year. When govern-
GSA, State Department, and FHA facilities in you all day in the office — and who can ment agency Registers of Scotland took
30 OCTOBER 2017 LEDsmagazine.com
over the third floor a few months later, it iPad controls permit Registers to alter the and where the interior includes wood pan-
embraced the HCL concept with a Casambi settings. While the agency has indeed played els. There, the amber tones “bring out the
system that controls some 300 LED lights with brightness, it has thus far not fiddled ambience,” Stewart noted. Much of the area
across 17,300 ft2. much with color temperature settings. can also flexibly partition into conference
Registers, which oversees land and prop-
erty deeds, has divided the LED ceiling lights The principles of tunable human-centric
into 8 groups across the open-plan portion
of the space, plus 12 meeting rooms. Each lighting could apply anywhere — in schools,
group and room has its own iPad controls —
they are wall mounted in the open-plan sec- offices, hospitals, homes, you name it.
tion — which can alter brightness and color
temperature, according to Registers facili- “We’ve just been in the building for six rooms, in which case the Casambi system
ties manager Kevin Stewart (Fig. 3). months, and we’re just getting to know the can switch to a cooler CCT.
And according to Casambi UK and Ire- system,” said Registers’ Stewart. “We want The agency has even installed a few
land business manager Stephen Jackson, to go through a whole year to gather data Philips Hue lights that can change colors,
the lights are pre-programmed to change to best inform us.” After that — starting although neither Stewart nor Jackson were
color temperatures throughout the day. around February — Registers will almost aware of any instances of Registers using
They drive the suspended LED ceiling lights certainly tinker more with the CCT. them yet.
from German architectural LED lighting Thus, to the average eye in the office, the LEDs Magazine will endeavor to follow the
provider Lightnet that reside over every CCT generally stays an off-white all day, colorful progress.
desk in the open office. They also control even though the level subtly shifts. One Editor’s note: In Part II, we’ll uncover stellar
spots from two Italian companies, iGuzz- place where it’s programmed to a more uses of natural light and of spectral power dis-
ini and Targetti. relaxing amber tone is the office’s social- tribution at distinctive commercial buildings
Along with the pre-programming, the izing area, where employees eat and relax, in Washington, DC, Seattle, and elsewhere.
E N!
his past summer, we held our first oscillators in the liver, adrenal,
one-day immersive Lighting for and heart areas. Rahman said
Health and Wellbeing Conference. it’s not just sleep but also meta-
The program was exciting, the speakers bolic and other systems that are
were passionate, and the field is burgeon- impacted by shift work.
ing with opportunity. But if there was one There are many factors that
phrase uttered more than any other on July can impact these systems, but
27, it was “It’s complicated.” Read on for a Rahman described how light
synopsis of the program and plan to join us has the greatest impact on
at our next event. the 24-hour biological clock.
The conference started with a keynote It can be affected by inten-
presentation by Shadab Rahman, PhD, who sity, duration, pattern, history,
is an instructor in medicine at Harvard Med- and wavelength. For example,
ical School’s Division of Sleep Medicine, and Rahman said exposure to a lit
an associate neuroscientist at Brigham and smartphone is only 30 lx, but
Women’s Hospital Division of Sleep and Cir- its blue-enriched spectrum can
cadian Disorders (Fig. 1). Rahman’s presen- delay the clock by an hour and
tation focused on circadian issues with shift a half, making sleep difficult.
workers and the potential of circadian adap- He said that a 15-second pulse
tation techniques to improve sleep patterns of light can shift the clock by
and boost alertness among shift workers. about an hour. And the impact
Shift work is, of course, unavoidable in of light can even be influenced
our society today. Indeed, Rahman pointed by light patterns a person was FIG. 1. Shadab Rahman of Harvard delivered the
out that many first responders — for exposed to a week or more prior. keynote at the inaugural Lighting for Health and
instance, from fire and police departments Wellbeing Conference.
— and healthcare workers invariably work Focus on wavelength
on shifts and often face the challenges of Rahman has focused much of his work on tor in the longer list of potential maladies.
working at night and sleeping during the wavelength and how it impacts the action So Rahman has done considerable work
day during a series of workdays, and then spectra of non-visual receptors or intrinsi- studying ways to treat circadian misalign-
transitioning to a normal day/night cycle cally photosensitive retinal ganglion cells ment. And we’re not talking treatment for
during a series of off days. Proper rest is a (ipRGCs). We first covered the existence of symptoms such as sleeping pills to help
concern for all shift workers, but the exam- these receptors in an interview we published someone get to sleep, or naps prescribed to
ples noted are certainly occupations where back in 2014 (http://bit.ly/1q7GM4G). increase alertness at other times. Rahman
alertness is critical. The long-term impact of shift work is not said, “To treat the underlying cause, you have
Rahman said, “Shift work forces us to work fully understood, although it surely extends to shift the circadian clock appropriately.”
against our body clock.” He described how a beyond sleep issues. Research has suggested Rahman covered three possible avenues
master pacemaker called the SCN (suprachi- it can lead to higher cancer rates, cardiovas- that could help with circadian misalignment
asmatic nucleus) sends out time cues to other cular disorders, depression and other mental among shift workers:
physiological systems, and ultimately keeps health issues, gastrointestinal disorders, and • Complete adaptation
humans entrained to the 24-hour day (Fig. more. Of course, lack of sleep caused by cir- • Partial adaptation
2). Essentially, the SCN controls other slave cadian misalignment could be in part a fac- • No adaptation
LEDsmagazine.com OCTOBER 2017 33
els between 7000 and 10,000 lx can other neuroscientists confirms his findings.
(master pacemaker) enable a nine-hour shift over the Rahman stressed that much more
course of a week. But he added, research is needed on the no-adaptation
Receptor “Unfortunately, a lot of shift work- concept, but he clearly believes it could
ers don’t have seven nights to shift become a viable tool to battle circadian
their clock.” issues. The research on the nurses showed
that the intervention did enable the workers
International Space Station to sleep for slightly longer periods during the
Rahman has been involved on a team day while working at night.
studying the use of dynamic light- Moving on to other presentations, the dis-
ing, entailing tunable correlated cussion of blue-rich light recurred through-
color temperature (CCT) or spectral out the day of the conference. And the pre-
power distribution (SPD) and inten- vailing theme was that blue spectral energy
sity, that was developed to help astro- is neither universally good nor bad for
nauts living on the International humans. It simply depends on when a per-
Space Station (ISS) to adapt to con- son is exposed to the blue-rich light that dic-
stantly shifting schedules. We first tates the impact. Moreover, several speak-
covered the development of the light- ers dismissed completely the notion that
ing system following a presentation the blue emitter or pump used in phos-
Liver Adrenal Heart at Strategies in Light back in 2016 phor-converted white LEDs, is dangerous
Peripheral organs Members of the research team first SB
(slave oscillators)
tested the system aimed at partial
FIG. 2. The SCN (suprachiasmatic nucleus) adaptation on volunteers in the lab
serves as the master clock for circadian and the system is now being further
entrainment and also cues other physiological tested on the ISS. Subjects would be
systems that have local clocks, according to exposed to 6500K-CCT light at a level
Shadab Rahman. of 750 lx to instigate a shift. There is
a moderate 4500K-CCT mode for nor-
In a complete adaptation scenario, scientists mal work. And there is a pre-sleep LED
would look for a way to invert someone’s sched- mode that delivers just 50 lx at 2700K. lm/W
ule completely. If a work schedule shifts by 12 The goal of the project was the ability to
hours relative to the normal day/night cycle, shift the circadian clock by eight hours. The
then the body clock must shift by 12 hours. Par- lab tests realized an actual five-hour shift.
tial adaptation might be more easily achieved. The team awaits more results from the ISS, 20%
In a partial scenario, a work schedule might although the system seems like it improves
shift by 12 hours, but perhaps the body clock sleep periods and alertness to some extent.
shifts by only eight or ten hours. Fluorescent 60
The final possibility — no adaptation — is Intervention to adaptation lm/W
the most difficult of the concepts to under- The final example of research presented by
stand. Rahman stressed that it doesn’t mean Rahman involved a no-adaptation approach
to do nothing. It implies that we pursue tech- that involved nine nurses tracked for two
niques, or what neuroscientists call inter- months, with them alternating between
ventions, to prevent the clock from shifting. day and night work periods. Basically, the Incandescent 10–15
The general problem that shift workers face workers wore blue-blocker glasses that fil- lm/W
at night is that they aren’t typically exposed tered the light spectrum under 480 nm. The
to a high enough level of light to shift the biggest surprise was that the data indicates
clock by more than an hour. But Rahman lack of blue light exposure didn’t increase
discussed studies of complete adaptation. He sleepiness. Rahman said that result was
400 500 600 700
said a typical room where workers are pres- first challenged by other neuroscientists
ent at night might have a 100-lx ambient level because the prevailing notion has been that FIG. 3. A move to more-energy-efficient
and that figure would translate to a biological blue spectrum increases alertness. Indeed, light sources has also resulted in more
shift of the aforementioned one hour over the he said the data caused a number of medical indoor exposure to bio-active blue light,
course of a seven-day period of night work. journals to refuse to publish the research, as Martin Moore-Ede of Circadian Light
Rahman said exposing workers to lev- but he also noted that more recent work by explained.
34 OCTOBER 2017 LEDsmagazine.com
for the human eye. It was repeatedly pointed cadian Bio-Active Blue Dose, as the percent- the pineal gland. We have written many
out that our eyes get far more blue energy age of blue energy in the total spectrum to times that melatonin is thought to be needed
in brief exposure to the Sun than in pro- which we are exposed (SB) multiplied by the to induce restful sleep, but it is important
longed exposure to artificial light. A group of intensity (I or total visible irradiance). for other reasons. Moore-Ede said cancer
researchers in Europe recently reached the tumors grow 2–3 times faster when mela-
same conclusion, as we reported in a news Serious health risks tonin is suppressed. He suggested that the
story (http://bit.ly/2wXqN8C). High doses of blue light are acceptable and body would fight and even heal small tumors
Martin Moore-Ede, M.D., Ph.D., and CEO even preferred during the normal workday with proper melatonin levels, but the tumors
of Circadian Light, was first to address the as a way to boost alertness and productivity. grow to become problematic without the
issue of blue spectra. Moore-Ede was a pro- But Moore-Ede dug into the details of why hormone present at the proper levels.
fessor at Harvard Medical School and led the blue energy has negative impacts beyond There is also a causal chain that Moore-Ede
team that discovered the SCN back in 1980. lost sleep at night. He cited several organiza- discussed relative to the claimed increase in
But it wasn’t until 2001 that researchers tions, such as the World Health Organization obesity and diabetes among shift workers.
discovered it was exposure to what Moore- and the American Medical Association, that He said after as little as two nights of expo-
Ede calls “bio-active blue light” as the key have published reports associating shift sure to blue light at night, the body develops
to entrainment of the circadian clock. The work and circadian disruption to serious an increased insulin resistance. Moreover,
prior thinking had been that exposure to health issues. But he said we now under- he said circadian disruption also disrupts
white light in general was the key. stand the causal chain of what is happening. the insulin release from pancreatic beta cells.
As Fig. 3 depicts and Moore-Ede detailed, For instance, consider the increased Circadian Light is, of course, an entre-
the driver for more efficient lighting has rate of breast, colon, and prostate cancer preneurial company and is selling LED
increased the amount of blue energy that associated with people working at night. lighting on a commercial basis that would
we are exposed to indoors — first with the Moore-Ede directly attributed that hazard presumably eliminate the blue light issue.
move to fluorescent lamps and later to LEDs. to blue light disrupting the circadian clock, The fixtures use a violet emitter and have
And Moore-Ede described a metric, the Cir- thereby suppressing melatonin release by a depleted, almost non-existent amount of
energy in the bio-active blue range. to light exposure at night. Zeitzer noted, “The changed their biology and all we really came
The company, however, has completed research all shows that we have the capacity to up with was a very complicated way to piss
some impressive research in its own small respond to this type of light, not that we will teens off.” The message was that changing
sleep center where volunteers have lived and respond to the light.” light does not change behavior, and behav-
worked 24 hours a day in what the company ior is different in each situation. In a hospital,
called a light-controlled facility. The com- Blue sensitivity is not an exact science for instance, nurse behavior could impact a
pany has run studies on volunteers making Zeitzer was moving into a discussion of planned lighting scheme for a patient because
two visits, one with conventional white LED smartphones and tablets and the impact of the nurse needs extra light to read or perform
lights and another with Circadian blue-de- blue light exposure. He said he would worry an examination in a patient room.
pleted luminaires. Moore-Ede showed data more about what someone is doing on such a
suggesting that the blue-depleted lights elim- device at night as opposed to the blue light. If Preventing health issues
inate melatonin suppression and also reverse it is a relaxing experience, the positive impact But not all presentations on the day were
appetite increases that the test documented would outweigh the potential impact of the on non-visual impacts of light. Deborah
under the standard white LED fixtures. blue light in terms of a circadian disruption, Burnett, principal of the Benya Burnett
according to Zeitzer. Consultancy, focused her talk on how qual-
Non-image-forming effects Zeitzer further warned about focusing ity light can impact human health by mak-
Jamie Zeitzer, PhD at Stanford University, just on blue light and on not understand- ing sure that practitioners in healthcare can
presented a talk entitled “Biological impacts ing fully the interactions between cones properly assess patients (Fig. 5).
of human centric lighting,” and speaking and melanopsin at different times in terms Burnett said the first thing that doctors
late in the program said he learn in medical school is the protocol for
would try and draw a thread assessing a patient. And the eye is ultimately
through many of the differ- the most important tool doctors have, espe-
ent topics discussed during cially to detect skin conditions that are “tells”
the day (Fig. 4). for doctors, even for serious conditions such
He started by introduc- as sepsis or cyanosis. Burnett presented sev-
ing the term NIF (non-im- eral disturbing cases where under poor light-
age-forming) effects. And it ing doctors had missed “tells” that would
seems there is a subtle differ- have indicated a looming drastic situation.
ence between that phrase and Ultimately, Burnett was championing
the more common discussion an algorithm for characterizing the SPD of
of non-visual effects. Zeitzer general lighting products used in health-
said, “There are a tremen- care facilities, which would enable doctors
dous amount of things that the best shot at an accurate assessment.
light does in the human brain The technology emerged many years ago
besides just forming images.” from the lab of Stephen Dain, professor at
As an example, he said if you the University of New South Wales in Sydney,
were exposed to 20,000 lx FIG. 4. Jamie Zeitzer of Stanford University pointed out Australia. The algorithm measures the cya-
indoors you would perceive it that you can change the biological clock with lighting, nosis observation index (COI) of a luminaire
as very bright uncomfortable but you can’t change the behavior of people that and is an indication of sufficient energy in
light; however, if you walk ultimately determines the success of the biological the 660-nm red area of the SPD and the pres-
outside on a nice day into intervention. ence of cyan. These energy bands are often
20,000 lx your perception is not in general lighting products because
that it’s quite nice, so there is also apparently of chronological exposure to light. He said, adding red energy adds to cost and hurts
a gain-setting mechanism in the mix. “We are not at the point where we under- energy efficiency. Burnett said researchers
Zeitzer showed data that suggested the NIF stand enough to make actual recommen- found “this was the most critical factor for
response to changing light levels is dependent dations in terms of exactly the patterns of the human eye to be able to correctly assess
on background or the light to which a person light that are necessary to change a person’s the reflectance of blood and other areas that
has been recently exposed. For example, if you health or behavior.” are important for blood evaluation.”
are exposed to very low light levels, such as The last warning from Zeitzer came rela-
in a lab setting, and then to a brighter light tive to human behavior. He asked the ques- Cyanosis observation index
pulse, his research would show that circadian tion, “Does changing biology change behav- Today, there are few luminaires on the mar-
disruption and melatonin suppression are the ior?” He then related a study focused on a ket in most of the world that garner a pass-
greatest at just over 100 lx. Moreover, he said group of teenagers. People have suggested ing score on the COI metric. Exceptions are
if you are exposed to a lot of light during the that shifting the circadian clock in teens in Australia, Japan, Sweden, and a few other
day, your body may not respond as adversely could provide them more sleep. He said, “We countries where compliance is required for
36 OCTOBER 2017 LEDsmagazine.com
FIG. 5. Deborah Burnett of the Benya Burnett Consultancy argued LEDs ARE THE FUTURE OF LIGHTING.
passionately that lighting manufacturers should deliver products
that meet the requirements of the cyanosis observation index.
luminaires to be used in healthcare settings.
Ultimately, Burnett’s message was targeted at lighting manufac-
turers that need to add products with the required red spectrum.
She said the US faces a crisis with more hospitals closing each year
and more care being outsourced to places such as retail clinics or
what she called a “doc in a box.” All would ideally get lighting that
complies with the COI algorithm.
The proof is in numbers. For instance, in the area of sepsis, the US
has around 500,000 deaths annually related to sepsis and the mor-
tality rate in the US is 40–60%, according to Burnett. She said Aus-
tralia has a mortality rate of 15% and suggested the difference is
the COI lighting that leads to earlier detection because doctors can
accurately assess skin.
As you can see, our first Lighting for Health and Wellbeing Con-
ference was information packed and the field is in its infancy. It will
be a significant profit opportunity for lighting manufacturers. But
it will take diligence. We hope to help. We will soon be planning
our conference for next summer and we will have a similar Euro-
pean event. Watch our website for details (lightingforhealthandwell With LED technology, it’s still a brave new world. The challenge
being.com). Meanwhile, we will have a few lighting for health talks for you is to bring to market a product with the performance,
at Strategies in Light (strategiesinlight.com) in February.
cost efficiency and quality that delivers a compelling value
LINKS proposition to your customers. At Alpha, we can help you
SSL impacts speak and the lighting industry listens achieve this with industry changing innovation, global support
As you can see, we’ve invested a lot of time into delivering the latest and application expertise that have made us the technological
thinking on lighting for health and wellbeing, via the conference as leader in electronic assembly. Our knowledge of die attach
well as the pages of our magazine issues and on our website. In our
coverage, you will find an interesting transition from research (http:// and soldering process solutions in LED applications means a
bit.ly/1q7GM4G) to designed studies (http://bit.ly/2x1T5y8) to more efficient and reliable solution for every bonding event
installations (http://bit.ly/2cL4Fnn) that are showing the potential of
throughout your assembly process. AlphaAssembly.com
well-designed and implemented SSL to influence the human experience
and condition. Look forward to more lighting for health and wellbeing in
our next issue.
l o n g b e a c h c o n ve n t i o n c e n t e r, l o n g b e a c h , c a l i f o r n i a
februar y 13-15, 2018
w w w. l i g h t s p a c e c a l i fo r n i a . c o m
or centuries, architects, designers,
and builders have looked at how to
improve aspects of our work environ-
ment, be it through security, technology,
or functional design. And for the past few
decades we have seen an explosion of inno-
vation in workplace technology from the
personal computer, cell phone, Internet, and
lighting. These advances have helped work-
ers be more efficient.
But what if we could add a new axis of
innovation to the work environment? What
if in addition to improving the tools in our
spaces, we could also improve the pro-
ductivity of workers and at the same time
increase efficiency?
In terms of lighting, we can improve the
workplace experience by thinking about
building design in an entirely new way. There
are emotions associated with buildings, and
many of these emotions are conjured from
the effects of lighting on people (http://bit.
ly/2kSXDlh). A dark, poorly lit space is ster-
ile and cold. The hum and slight flickering of
old fluorescent lamps is corrosive to concen-
tration and therefore performance. The best LED-based human-centric lighting is controllable and tunable across a spectrum of
spaces, where lighting works with the envi- correlated color temperatures (CCTs) to evoke particular human biological responses
ronment, evoke positive emotions of happi- and behavior in well-designed indoor environments.
ness, healthiness, and energy.
The advent of LED lighting has provided eral lighting applications. Light levels were intensity of the light, but also the color qual-
more consistent and positively scalable altered by directly adjusting the fixture’s ity — comprising correlated color tempera-
lighting outcomes. LEDs offer huge energy electrical power circuit. And while there are ture (CCT) and color rendering (http://bit.
savings, flexibility, and reliability, and are LED lamps that can be managed with the ly/2tXQlxc). By controlling both the intensity
now entering nearly every application in the previous generation of controls, the future and the color of the light, the lighting design
built environment. lies in embedding the control capability into can provide an additional improvement in
For more than 50 years, dimming tech- the LED’s driver and using digital protocols occupant satisfaction and productivity.
nology has been available for commercial that communicate to the driver directly.
spaces, although previously it was consid- The new vision on how to maximize the Human-centric lighting at work
ered prohibitively expensive for most gen- value of LED lighting is to not only adjust the Using tunable LEDs in this manner is known
as human-centric lighting (HCL), and it
CHARLES KNUFFKE is the Wattstopper Systems vice president and evangelist at Legrand offers many potential advantages in offices
(https://www.legrand.us/wattstopper.aspx). and workspaces (http://bit.ly/2iEsGPI).
LEDsmagazine.com OCTOBER 2017 39
Research is underway into the potential emotional and biological have helped businesses to have happier, healthier employees, HCL
outcomes of lighting that mimics the changes in color temperatures offers an additional opportunity to improve worker outcomes.
found in natural daylight. (see “Speakers cover circadian disruption
to healthcare assessment at new conference” on p. 33 for details on The next steps in lighting control
the latest scientific findings presented at the Lighting for Health and To bring HCL into a building means installing both tunable fixtures
Wellbeing Conference.) and smart lighting controls that can drive intensity and CCT. One
What is known for certain right now is HCL has visual benefits innovative technology that can be implemented into these controls
that increase the value for the occupants in the environments where is a scheduling device (whether local to the room, or as an element
the luminaires are installed. The lighting refines the space, alters of the building’s overall lighting control system) that automatically
how architecture is perceived, and creates tangible ways of providing synchronizes a building’s lighting cycle through astronomical-
more comfortable and customizable atmospheres within buildings. ly-based event times. That means a building can match the exact
Healthcare facilities are using HCL to add cooler CCTs in staff lighting conditions outside the building dependent on the precise
areas to keep employees alert during shifts, while also using warmer latitude and longitude of the location. Of course, this setting can be
CCTs in patient rooms to keep individuals comfortable as they rest overridden or customized. The important takeaway is an intelligent
and recover (http://bit.ly/2cL4Fnn). Schools utilize HCL to both calm HCL system can manage itself in the background, so facilities man-
students and to keep them alert depending on the time of day (http:// agers don’t need to make daily adjustments to allow the system to
bit.ly/2wV7jk8). And in commercial workplaces, the effects of appro- perform and offer the full benefits of quality light.
priate lighting CCT can make the office environment feel more natu- The HCL system is also a standalone system. Rather, it is another
ral and comfortable while improving productivity and retention (see dimension in the broader lighting control system that utilizes occu-
“Human-centric lighting takes hold in the commercial workplace” pancy sensors and photocells to automatically adjust light levels
on p. 27 for examples of commercial HCL projects). and conserve energy.
The effort to keep workers healthy, engaged, and attentive is a For those considering adding HCL as a potential offering, there
cause rooted in very real financial outcomes. And just as ergonomic are a few things to be aware of in the current ecosystem of products.
chairs and keyboards, on-site health centers, and standing desks Enabled fixtures must work with the lighting control system with-
out adding any complexity. Not all manufacturers have made this
available, and users won’t be happy being stuck with an advanced,
HCL-enabled fixture with no way of controlling it, or with systems
that are more complex because of the new color control capabil-
ity. This means providing a light engine and control system that
NEW! have been co-developed and created with end users in mind —
that’s critical.
Furthermore, the installation and programming can be com-
plex — and costly — with some types of HCL systems. Custom soft-
ware can be required from the control manufacturer to achieve
CCT results. Also, most contractors you may work with are proba-
bly not as familiar with digital lighting protocols such as DALI (dig-
ital addressable lighting interface) or DMX controls used with tun-
able fixtures.
Lighting is
with smarter
better making our
luminaires cities smarter
space more
ie attach materials used in the LED assembly — Dies and packages an active substrate with no dielectric layer,
assembly of LEDs directly influence LEDs are most commonly packaged for ease which as you will see enabled high-sensitiv-
device operating temperatures, and of assembly into SSL products. LED chips ity measurements.
of course we know that heat is the enemy of are adhered to a substrate with a die attach The LEDs used for this experiment were
reliable LED components and finished sol- material. The die attach material forms an based on aluminum gallium indium phos-
id-state lighting (SSL) products. Higher ther- important link in the ther-
Voltage (V)
mally conductive materials, such as sintered mal path of the LED to ambi-
nano-silver, allow an LED to operate at lower ent. In many cases, the die 1.78
temperatures. This impact leads to higher attach material also forms 1.76
luminous flux, efficiency, color stability, and the electrical connections. 1.74
reliability. LED and SSL product developers An LED chip affixed directly 1.72
should fully understand thermal mitiga- to a metal substrate is an 1.70
tion to yield optimal product performance. example of chip-on-board 1.68
Here we will cover research that explains the (COB) architecture and is 1.66
Slope = -0.00171 V/C
thermal characterization process that can common in high-power LED
1.64 R2 = 0.99975
further guide LED packaging decisions. designs. Heat generated at
LEDs are predominantly cooled via con- the LED junction conducts
duction through the material stack to the through the stack layers to
heat sink. The die attach layer is one of many reach the heat sink. These 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
layers in the thermal stack, but it can serve layers include the chip, die Temperature (°C)
as a bottleneck if materials with sufficiently attach layer (Level 1), pack-
high thermal conductivity aren’t used. Typi- age substrate, package attach FIG. 1. Forward voltage versus temperature plot of an
cally, 10–30% of the electrical power an LED layer (Level 2), dielectric, and LED. The slope of the line, measured in V/°C, is the
consumes is radiated as visible light, while metal substrate. K-factor temperature-sensitive parameter. For best
the rest is released as heat. This heat pre- The layered structure of results, LEDs should be calibrated in an oven; however,
dominantly leaves the LED via conduction a single COB LED stack can simplified LED assemblies (such as vertical LEDs on
through the die attach layer stack. be considered one-dimen- active pedestals) can be calibrated on thermoelectric
The most common industry evaluation of sional from the p-n junction heat sinks.
LED thermal behavior is the junction-to-am- through the die attach layer.
bient thermal resistance. In this test, the After heat enters the metal substrate, it can phide (AlGaInP) layers on silicon (Si) sub-
whole LED stack is measured at once, with spread in-plane before it is conducted to the strates. They were 1×1 mm in footprint and
no differentiation between various com- heat sink and then to ambient. Therefore, 225-µm thick. The typical operating current
ponent layers. This method is sensitive to because of the small cross-sectional area of for the LEDs is 350 mA with a forward volt-
variations in the die, package layers, ther- the one-dimensional stack, each layer needs age of 2.4V. The peak wavelength is 624 nm.
mal interface material (TIM), and heat sink. to be highly thermally conductive (or, equiv-
In this article, we outline a method to mea- alently, have low thermal resistance; see Die attach materials
sure the high thermal conductivity of a sin- Table 2). As we will detail shortly, the dielec- In this study, we sought to develop a test
tered-silver die attach layer. tric layer in a typical stack dominates the method to understand the influence of the
total thermal resistance of a packaged LED. die attach layer on the thermal performance
NICHOLAS HERRICK and RANJIT PANDHER For the experiment we will discuss here, we of high-power LEDs. Die attach materials
represent Alpha Assembly Solutions mounted LED chips with a die attach layer vary widely in their thermal performance,
(alphaassembly.com). directly to copper pedestals in what is called price, and intended applications (Table 1).
LEDsmagazine.com OCTOBER 2017 43
We compared two die attach materials: a Therefore, sintered silver LED applications Thermal measurements
mid-performance, industry-standard sol- packages must be evaluated in situ, i.e., by The test we performed is based on JEDEC
der alloy (SAC305) and a high-performance attaching an LED die to a substrate. Standard EIA/JESD51-1 “Integrated Circuits
alternative (sintered nano-silver paste). The thickness of the die attach layer, also Thermal Measurement Method Electrical
SAC305 is an electronics industry-stan- referred to as the bond line thickness (BLT), Test Method (Single Semiconductor Device),”
dard, lead-free solder alloy composed of is a key property of an LED assembly. Thicker 1995. Because the forward voltage of a diode
96.5% tin, 3.0% silver, and 0.5% copper. The BLTs relieve thermal stresses, but contrib- varies with the temperature of the p-n junc-
Voltage (V) ute to higher overall thermal tion, it can be used as a temperature sensor.
resistance. We measured the Also, LEDs generate significant heat when
BLT of our LEDs via a vertical they are operated at high power, so they can
measuring microscope with also be used as heaters. To use an LED as a
follow-up cross sectioning to temperature sensor, it should be operated at
2.0 confirm the results. very low current so that there is no internal
1.9 heating. By rapidly switching between high
1.8 No Dielectric Substrate and dielectric and low currents, we can utilize LEDs as test
1.7 Dielectric LED COB substrates are typ- devices to measure the thermal resistance of
1.6 ically made of copper or alu- all the layers in the die attach stack. If the
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
minum. These high-conduc- switch between heating and sensing cur-
Time (s)
tivity metals allow heat to rents happens fast enough, then the sensing
FIG. 2. The graph shows the voltage response of two spread before it enters the TIMcurrent can be used to measure the tempera-
LEDs following current switching from 0.7A to 0.01A. One and the heat sink. However, ture of the previous heating phase.
LED was assembled on a substrate with a dielectric, the most LED substrates have a Using an LED as a temperature sensor
other on an active pedestal. The time t=0 corresponds to dielectric layer between the requires calibration, i.e., we need to deter-
when the current was switched from the heating current die attach pad and the metal mine its temperature sensitive parameter.
to the sensing current. The difference between the two core. This layer has compara- The temperature sensitive parameter of an
substrates shows that the dielectric layer contributes tively high thermal resistance LED, also known as the k-factor, is a linear
significantly to the total thermal resistance of the system, — so much so that the total relationship between the forward voltage of
thereby slowing down the temperature change (see Fig. 5). thermal resistance of the LED the LED and the junction temperature. Fig. 1
stack is overwhelmingly dom- shows a plot of forward voltage as a function
purpose of SAC305 in this experiment was to inated by the thermal resistance of the dielec- of the temperature for a typical LED used in
function as the control as we investigated the tric layer (Table 2). our experiment. The slope of the line is the
unknown in-situ thermal conductivity of sin- In our experiment, we needed to measure k-factor, measured in volts/degree Celsius.
tered nano-silver. the very small thermal resistance of sintered The LEDs in this study had measured k-fac-
The sintered nano-silver paste used here is silver. With the dielectric layer present, the tors of 0.00171 V/°C.
designed for pressure-less die attach assem- thermal resistance of a sintered silver layer
bly and uses typical SMD (surface-mount was only 0.8% of the total thermal resis- LED heating transient
device) manufacturing processes such as tance, making accurate measurement Fig. 2 shows the voltage of an LED when it
printing or dispensing and pick-and-place. impossible. Solder die attach layers comprise rapidly switches from high to low current.
It must, however, be sintered at high tem- only 2.7% of the total thermal resistance In this case, the LED was operating at 0.7A
perature in an oven. when a dielectric is present,
The thermal conductivity of bulk silver is making these measurements Junction temperature (¡C)
429 W/mK, but because of nano-pores the challenging but possible. 70
expected thermal conductivity of sintered Removing the dielectric
nano-silver is lower. Laser-flash thermal gives a direct heat path to the 60
conductivity measurements of bulk sintered metal substrate and vastly
silver samples are >200 W/mK. decreases junction-to-ambient
Measuring the thermal conductivity of thermal resistance. Without a 40
sintered nano-silver layers is challenging dielectric, the sintered silver
because of their high thermal conductivity. die attach layer’s contribu- 30 No Dielectric
The microscopic porosity of sintered mate- tion is 8.4% of the total stack 20
rials is highly dependent on sintering con- resistance and solder’s contri- 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
Time (s)
ditions, such as pressure, temperature, and bution is 21.3%. This ten-fold
duration. Because of this, measurements increase makes the measure- FIG. 3. The graph depicts the calculated junction
done on a large sample are not representative ment possible with commer- temperatures of two LEDs following current switching
of thin die attach layers in an LED assembly. cial off-the-shelf hardware. from 0.7A to 0.01A. The current change occurred at t=0.
44 OCTOBER 2017 LEDsmagazine.com
Junction temperature (¡C) FIG. 4. The plots show will have a longer duration and higher ampli-
33 average junction temperature tude transient than a dielectric-less substrate.
versus heating power for LEDs A shorter-duration transient is the downside
Sintered Ag Rth = 4.95°C/ W
with bond line thickneses of removing the dielectric and necessitates a
31 SAC305 Rth = 6.22°C/ W
from 25–75 µm. The slope of fast switching and high-resolution power sup-
30 the line is the total thermal ply. The transient duration for LEDs assem-
SAC305 resistance of the LED bled on dielectric substrates was around 50
assembly and ms, while LEDs assembled on dielectric-less
28 Sintered Ag
heat sink. substrates were less than 10 ms.
27 In our experiment, we used a source mea-
surement unit capable of switching currents
junction temperature of the in under 30 µs. The current and voltage were
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 LED during this time (Fig. 3). monitored at 10 kS/s (kilo-samples per sec-
Heating power (W) If the power supply switches ond) during switching. By acquiring the
sufficiently fast, then the volt- electrical data at high speed, we avoided
for long enough to thermally stabilize, then age immediately after the switch will corre- the need to extrapolate voltage data to t=0.
switched to 0.01A. At the moment of switch- spond to the temperature of the LED when it
ing (t=0), there is a transient event in which was operating at the heating current. Junction temperature
the voltage rises quickly because the LED The duration of the transient voltage The junction temperature (Tj ) of an LED is
begins to cool after the current switches. As response is proportional to the total ther- the temperature at the p-n junction where
the LED temperature approaches the heat mal resistance of the LED assembly, while light is generated. It is the chief contributor
sink temperature, the voltage stabilizes at the amplitude is proportional to the highest to the total lifetime of the LED and influ-
the reference voltage. Using the temperature temperature the LED sees during its heating ences the LED’s color, total luminous flux,
sensitive parameter we can calculate the phase. Therefore, a substrate with a dielectric and efficiency.
5712 Kelvin
160986 Lumen
93 CRI
0.02 Flicker-Index
The following equation, referred to as the TABLE 2. Calculated thermal resistances (Rth) for each layer of the LED
forward voltage shift method, can be used to assembly used in this experiment. The dielectric layer contributes the most
measure Tj during LED operation: to the total Rth, after which is the die attach layer.
Thermal Layer
V R – VS Layer conductivity thickness
Cross-sectional Thermal resistance,
Tj = + THS area (m2) Rth (K/W)
k (w/m·K) (µm)
Where: LED (Si) 149 175 10-6 1.17
VR is the reference voltage of the LED when
the current is below the self-heating thresh- Die attach layer
10–250 50 10-6 5–0.2
old (measuring current) and the LED is at (see Table 1)
THS temperature. Dielectric
2.4 25–75 10-6 10.4–31.3
VS is the sensing voltage of the LED imme- (optional)
diately after switching from heating to sens-
MCPCB (Cu) 390 1200 10-4 0.03
ing current.
k is the temperature sensitive parameter
in units of volts/degree Celsius. TIM (Indium) 82 200 10-4 0.02
THS is the temperature of the heat sink
in Celsius. verted into light. Heating power, therefore, independent variable and thermal resistance
is defined as: the dependent variable. Using this method,
Thermal resistance calculation we measured the thermal conductivity of the
Ph = PE – Po
The thermal resistance of the LED package die attach material:
can be calculated by knowing the junction Where:
Rth = RS . Th + R Rem
temperature of the LED at several operat- P h is the heating power of the LED,
ing currents: in watts. Where:
PE is the electrical power of the LED, Rth is the total thermal resistance of the
Tj = Rth . Ph + THS
in watts. LED package, which is a function of Th .
Where: P0 is the optical power of the LED mea- R S is the thickness of the die attach
Tj is the junction temperature, which is a sured in an integrating sphere, in watts. layer (BLT).
function of heating power, Ph. Using the equations above, we can plot Th is the scaled thermal resistance of the
Ph is the heating power of the LED (see junction temperature versus heating power die attach layer, measured in (K/W.m).
equation below). (Fig. 4). The slope of the line is the total R REM is the thermal resistance remnant. It
Rth is the thermal resistance of the LED thermal resistance of the LED package, in corresponds to the y-intercept of this linear
assembly, in °C/W (or equivalently, K/W). units of °C/W. equation, meaning it is the theoretical ther-
THS is the temperature of the heat sink, mal resistance of the package if the BLT = 0.
in Celsius. Thermal conductivity In other words, it is the thermal resistance
We are focused on the heating power By assembling LEDs identically except for of all the non-die attach layers.
of the LED versus the electrical power, the bond line thickness (BLT), we formed Once the scaled thermal resistance, RS , is
because some of the electrical power is con- an experiment in which BLT was the known then the thermal conductivity of the
material can be calculated:
TABLE 1. A few of the common die attach materials and their thermal 1
conductivities used in LED assembly. This experiment used SAC305 and k=
A . Rs
sintered silver.
Die attach material Thermal conductivity (W/m∙K) Application k is the thermal conductivity of the die
attach material, in W/m-K.
SnBi solder 20 Low temperature assembly A is the surface area of the die attach layer.
The thermal resistance remnant R REM
80Au/20Sn 57 High reliability merits additional discussion — it is the total
resistance of all the in-common elements of
SAC305 solder 64 Inexpensive the LEDs tested, including the resistance of
the die, boundary layers of the die attach
Electrical insulator, high thermal material, dielectric (if present), substrate,
Silver-filled epoxy 149
TIM, and heat sink. The die attach bound-
Electrical conductor, high thermal ary layers have different resistance prop-
Sintered silver 100–250
conductivity erties than the bulk die attach material
46 OCTOBER 2017 LEDsmagazine.com
s far back as I can remem- abled lighting controls? We live
ber, lighting controls were in a society where all consum-
always the responsibility of ers have come to expect the
IT experts. Lighting designers and best and most technologically-
end users were dependent on their advanced options to simplify
skills to program our lighting vision. their lives. Are clients not ask-
Any change to a lighting scene or ing for it, or do we ignore their
a setting required the secure pass- requests, since we don’t know of
word and the inevitable and expen- better alternatives? With that in
sive onsite visit by a tech-IT inte- mind, there are many new pos-
grator. For all users and designers, sibilities and features available
the hours of the final light setting for lighting control that we’d
were precious and we often found never thought about (http://bit.
ourselves having a long wait. Once ly/2kRkT3o). Why do we still
they arrived, they’d settle into their accept a static light-scene but-
IT closets with their laptops, click- ton in a world of personalization
ing on keys and making changes for and flexibility as the Holy Grail
us, sometimes even with a walk- of controls?
ie-talkie as the control logic wasn’t These days there is a lot of
inside the space where you pro- talk about wireless systems
Photo credit: LumiFi.
grammed. Each change of a set- and the IoT. So, it begs the ques-
ting required deciphering control tion: What are IoT-based light-
zones, symbols, and minutes in the ing controls? The power and
laptop to identify the correspond- the possibilities are in wire-
ing setting. From an end user’s or less controls. Wireless con-
designer’s standpoint, lighting FIG. 1. Lighting scene options are opened up to the end user trol means when the LED, its
scene setting has been a challeng- with a familiar graphical user interface (GUI). driver, and communication
ing and arduous process. It is nei- chip are integrated into one
ther intuitive nor easily accessible. No one face) just like you’d find on an iPhone or any unit and the intelligence and controls are
ever wanted to repeat this complicated and Apple product. Steve Jobs and Apple’s intu- software-based.
pricy process. The goal became to set it once itive GUIs left their mark, rendering pro- Nowadays, many companies pitch a wire-
and then forget about it. grammers a thing of the past and empow- less solution, but in fact most are hybrid
Now, this complex process is a thing of the ering users to take control (Fig. 1). Why solutions where the backbone is still wired
past. You can forget those old DOS PC ter- is lighting still stuck in a multiple-de- and they offer a mobile app as an extension
minals that were only understood by pro- cade-old technology? of their system. Some others promote wire-
grammers. With the advent of the Internet Is it due to the established distribution less proprietary hardware with a mobile
of Things (IoT) and controls, anyone can and sales structures of a handful of com- app. The hardware is not integrated with
get an intuitive GUI (graphical user inter- panies that keep a firm grip on the mar- the actual lighting fixture; it still requires
ket? Is it because the lighting industry still additional control gear and hence is not a
BEATRICE WITZGALL is CEO of LumiFi thinks users are not ready to embrace all true integrated system. It doesn’t tap into
(lumifi.com). the possibilities that come with IoT-en- the new possibilities of an IoT-based system,
he ability to foresee the future, espe- ment in a trade journal for a new, fourth-gen- iously exited the field. In 1992 a working
cially when crucial parts of that eration light emitting diode, a device that group at the company investigating “uncon-
future remain to be invented, is rare. emitted bright amber light. This was of ventional light sources” had concluded that
Ton Begemann acquired the oracular abil- interest because one of Philips best-selling LEDs were not suited for general illumina-
ity through serving as a science attaché at products also emitted bright tion. But in the interim the
the Dutch embassy in Washington during amber light: high-pressure efficiency of LEDs had dou-
the 1970s. One of his reports, on American sodium-vapor street lamps. bled, then doubled again. It
doubts about the prospects for fast-breeder Begemann saw that street was time for another look.
nuclear reactors, caused an uproar in his lights based on LEDs would Begemann began his pre-
native Holland. “There were seventeen consume much less energy sentation with a cautionary
questions in parliament and headlines in than sodium-vapor lights. tale. Imaging had long been
the newspapers,” Begemann said, chuck- He also recognized that light dominated by Kodak. But the
ling as he recalled the furore he had inad- emitting diodes would have recent advent of digital cam-
vertently caused. “So I decided, Well, this is another advantage over con- eras meant that the writing
the end of my career as a diplomat.” On his ventional sources. LEDs were was on the wall for the ven-
return to Holland in 1975, he was offered directional, shining only erable US firm. Light emit-
a job with Philips Lighting in Eindhoven, where pointed, in this case, ting diodes, he asserted, rep-
Holland. In 1990, losing money and stung downwards. To achieve the required illumi- resented the same kind of existential threat
by criticisms that it had become staid and nation at street level, you would not need to in the lighting market. Admittedly, LEDs
hidebound, Philips brought in new manage- produce so much light. Begemann ordered were as yet not capable of producing white
ment. The incoming team included Einar some of the new bright orange LEDs. Tech- light. But that was not the issue, Begemann
Kloster, a canny Norwegian, who took over nicians in Philips’ lab soldered couple of argued, he fully expected that they would
as CEO Philips Lighting. One of Kloster’s first hundred devices onto a circuit board then eventually acquire this capacity. In the long
actions was to appoint Begemann as his res- hooked it up to an electric current. The tiny term LEDs had the potential to radically
ident soothsayer. Though lighting had not lights shone brightly. Not nearly enough to change illumination. For the moment, the
changed much in the past hundred years, compete with sodium, but doubtless they important thing was to get cracking with
complacency was dangerous because it left would get brighter. the amber, then continue with the white
the business vulnerable to unexpected inno- In 1993, seeking to share his findings when it became available. “LED lighting is
vation. “Ton,” Kloster instructed Begemann, with colleagues, Begemann staged a stra- something we need to look at,” he concluded.
“you are going to sit in the office next to me tegic directions workshop. He understood His story fell on deaf ears. “They didn’t
and look at what is going to happen with that LED lighting was not going to be an really believe it,” Begemann told me.
lighting technologies.” easy sell. Only a few years previously, believ- “Nobody said, Yes — that is something.” For-
In his new role one of the first items that ing the technology to be a dead-end, Philips tunately, he still enjoyed the backing of his
caught Begemann’s eye was an advertise- had disbanded its LED group and ignomin- boss. Kloster had been disturbed by the pre-
sentation and its implications for the future
Republished from May 2017 edition of L.E.D.: A History of the Future of Lighting by BOB of Philips Lighting. It was imperative to find
JOHNSTONE (shown). Excerpt from Chapter One, “Only One Girl To Dance With.” Copyright May out how much brighter amber LEDs would
2017; published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (available at: http://amzn. become. The best ones were made by Hewl-
to/2x5R1p5). No revisions have been made to the original published text. ett Packard. As it happened, one of Kloster’s
LEDsmagazine.com OCTOBER 2017 51
close friends, a fellow Philips board member trade show. Would he mind dropping in on aligned with HP’s corporate strategy.
called Frank Carubba, had formerly been a Philips in Holland on his way home? Reluc- In 1970 Bill Hewlett committed his com-
senior manager at Hewlett Packard. It was tantly, Haitz agreed. pany to building a handheld scientific calcu-
arranged that in January 1994 Begemann lator, an electronic slide-rule that would fit
would travel to San Jose in Silicon Valley in a shirt pocket. Since production was lim-
to meet with executives at HP’s Optoelec- The visible light emitting diode was ited by how many displays HP could make, the
tronics Division, the source of the best lit- invented in 1962 by Nick Holonyak, a company poured resources into the research,
tle orange lights. researcher then working for GE. It glowed development, and manufacturing of LEDs.
The visit did not go well. Begemann a dull red. The tiny size of the device made The calculator turned out to be a huge hit
wanted to discuss the role that LEDs might the LED ideal for its first application, as an commercially. “This was a big deal for HP,”
play in lighting. But the HP guys sim- on/off indicator. With the advent of digital Haitz recalled. “After that, Hewlett was so
ply didn’t get what he was talking about. watches and calculators, LEDs were pressed proud we had helped the company to get such
Though frustrated, Begemann stubbornly into service as displays, to provide alphanu- a big success that we were the fair-haired
persisted. Back in Eindhoven, he kept pes- meric read-outs. Hewlett Packard got into boys for a long time to come.” HP continued
tering Hewlett Packard to send some- LEDs because, as a maker of test and mea- to innovate in the materials from which LEDs
one over to Holland so that he could show suring kit, read-outs were vital to its core are fabricated. In 1979 Haitz hired George Cra-
them what he meant. Eventually, in March business. The conventional display device ford, a former student of Holonyak’s who had
1994, keen to get the pesky Dutchman off was the Nixie tube. Nixies were cumber- made the first yellow LED. The potential for
his back, the division manager capitulated. some, power hungry, hard to read, prone LEDs to play a role in general illumination
Roland Haitz, the number-one technology to breakdown and — worse — an anach- had been clear to Holonyak more or less from
guy, not just of the optoelectronics division ronistic embarrassment at a time when the day one. “We believe there is a strong possi-
but of HP’s entire Semiconductor Products rest of the electronics in HP’s products had bility of developing [the LED] as a practical
Group, happened to be in Japan. Haitz was shrunk to low-power transistors and chips. white source,” he told an interviewer back in
scheduled fly to his native Germany for a The capability of LEDs was thus closely 1963. Holonyak and Craford continued bandy
dance with, and that was Philips.” “I got two guys from HP and two guys from their work. Begemann made sure that all his
LEDs as light to see by required a leap of the Philips Lighting and they spent half a year colleagues in top management at Philips
imagination. Their output compared to that locked up in our lab here in Holland,” Bege- Lighting attended. Three prototype LED
of conventional lamps was still puny. HP’s mann recalled. Such a tight deadline was very streetlights were set up in a warehouse-like
top brass took a lot of persuading that there different from the leisurely way that develop- building in Eindhoven. Inside it was like a
would be value in teaming up with Philips ment programs were usually run at Philips. movie set, complete with props, in this case
Lighting. But Haitz persevered; eventually, he “This was a project where we were exposed traffic signals and lines painted on the floor to
succeeded in winning them over. For his part, to Bay Area dynamics and the semiconduc- simulate an actual street. “We tried to make it
Begemann reported back to Philips that Haitz tor world, where things are three times faster as real as possible,” Kock said. For maximum
had told him that by 2000 it would be possible if not more,” recalled Berry Kock, one of the effect, the curtains were tightly drawn to
to make LED street-lights that were as good as two Philips representatives. Team members make it very dark inside. The element of sur-
the most efficient conventional products. Most were under strict instructions not to discuss prise worked in their favour. “Everyone was
of his colleagues still thought he was crazy. their work with anyone. The benchmark had completely flabbergasted that we were doing
But his boss gave him the go-ahead to set up been defined: the efficiency of high-pressure such a thing with LEDs which were thought
a feasibility study with HP, to be followed by sodium lights was about one hundred lumens to be tiny lights on your stereo set,” Kock told
a demonstration project. The two compa- per watt. LEDs could only manage half as me. “It was definitely a moment when people
nies initiated their cooperation in late 1994. many lumens, but by directing the light more noticed something which they did not believe
It was decided to focus initially on the develop- efficiently in a much tighter beam, the team would ever exist.”
ment of a prototype street-light based on HP’s showed it was possible to match the perfor- Gerard Harbers, then an optical designer
amber LEDs because that market was already mance of conventional products. from Philips Research, would never forget the
accustomed to orange-colored illumination. By October 1995, they were ready to unveil thrill of seeing LED streetlights for the first
lthough Ethan Biery from Lutron Philips InstantFit TLEDs with EasySmart are TLEDs with 340°–360° distribution.
provided some good information technology, which are Type A, can dim wire- If Type A TLEDs are not a good fit for a
in a recent LEDs Magazine fea- lessly with existing fixed BF (ballast factor) project, it’s probably best to go with LED
ture article entitled “Tackle TLED tradeoffs ballasts (http://philips.to/2f0ygtu). lightbars or LED troffer kits.
to manage retrofit expectations” (http:// Other manufacturers are developing sim- Since parabolic and perforated metal bas-
bit.ly/2x8jxY3), there is much more that ilar products as well as tunable (dimming ket troffers have such low fixture efficiency
lighting designers and specifiers need to and Kelvin changing) ones with existing and other problems, it is usually better to
understand about the LED retrofit tubes fixed BF ballasts. retrofit them with LED troffer kits, espe-
intended for usage in fluorescent fixtures. Although Ethan Biery stated that Type cially ones which can be installed in about
I addressed the topic in a presentation at C TLEDs do not have a safety issue, it is five minutes, instead of using TLEDs.
the 2016 US Department of Energy (DOE) my understanding that the new Non-dimmable and dimmable
Solid-State Lighting (SSL) Technology ANSI G6.6 T-LED Fit System will troffers and troffer kits are more
Development Workshop (http://bit.ly/2w require specialized lamp hold- efficacious than TLEDs out of
3GR4s). Here I will provide some of the infor- ers for both Type B and C TLEDs the fixture and have really come
mation from the prior presentation and (http://bit.ly/2gDA A9V). That down in price. There are several
share some personal experience that can requirement will increase parts good ones that only cost $45–
benefit participants in the SSL sector. and labor costs. $60. Some Chinese companies
Type A TLEDs are generally considered Many TLEDs have 120° beam are quoting as low as $15. This is
the most popular and least expensive. These distribution, which is usually a STAN WALERCZYK an example of how LED lighting
TLEDs often cost around $8 these days and wide enough angle for good light- is becoming a commodity market
sometimes less than $5. With such products ing quality. Furthermore, the energy sav- faster than most people expected. Tunable
that work with the existing ballast, labor ings may be more than expected compared fixture pricing will probably also drop soon.
is fast and low cost. Some rebates cover all to 360° linear fluorescent lamps in typical Falling prices are good for consumers but
the parts, labor, and recycling costs. Plus, lensed troffers and similar fixtures. In a typ- tough on manufacturers. It is amazing that
TLEDs used with existing ballasts do not ical enclosed fixture, about 10% of the light many lighting companies are having a chal-
trigger California’s Title 24, which can save is lost with every bounce into a reflective lenge growing and being profitable while
a lot of hassle and money. Since these TLEDs surface or another lamp. Plus, if a light ray some non-lighting companies, including
do not require high voltage to start and the hits a lens at too low of an angle, it bounces NuWave (alsetled.com) and Dyson (http://
ballasts operate at cooler temperatures than off with about 10% loss instead of going bit.ly/2j07Ood), have recently gotten into
with fluorescent lamps, ballasts may last through. With fluorescent lamps, there may commercial lighting.
considerably longer. After existing ballasts be an average of three bounces from each Dimming can be quite desirable for some
die, many Type A TLEDs can also be wired light ray. So a 100-lm/W high-performance specific applications, but power consump-
directly to line voltage. fluorescent T8 and ballast may really pro- tion is getting so low with LED products that
Type B TLEDs are usually not recom- vide less than 80 lm/W out of the fixture, and dimming and controls are often not cost-ef-
mended because wiring to line voltage that may even be less with thermal losses. fective paths to saving energy. That has not
increases labor costs and there may be safety Most light rays from a 120° TLED can get out stopped certain individuals, manufacturers,
concerns. Type C is also not recommended of the fixture without any bounces or losses. energy codes, and organizations from push-
because of extra parts and labor costs. For suspended indirect/direct fixtures, there ing dimming and controls to save energy.
56 OCTOBER 2017 LEDsmagazine.com
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