Instructional Technology
Instructional Technology
Instructional Technology
Technology in
Early Childhood
Index ...............................................................................................................................249
Howard P. Parette, Jr., Ed.D., is Professor and Director of the Special Education
Assistive Technology (SEAT) Center, Department of Special Education, at Illinois
State University, and formerly Kara Peters Endowed Chair in Assistive Technol-
ogy (2003–2011). Having an array of teaching experiences in his early career, in-
cluding work in early intervention settings, he has taught both early childhood
special education and special education courses at four institutions of higher
learning, and was Dean of Graduate Studies and Research at Southeast Missouri
State University (2000–2002). Recognized as University Researcher of the Year in
2009, he is also the founding editor of the online journal, Assistive Technology Out-
comes and Benefits, a collaboration between the SEAT Center and the Assistive
Technology Industry Association (2004 to present). He coauthored many grants
and published hundreds of peer-reviewed articles, with a preponderance of schol-
arship focused on assistive technology issues, and, more recently, on the role of
universal design for learning and readily available technology integration in 21st
century early childhood settings. In addition to teaching assistive technology
courses for special education majors, he developed and teaches a unique course—
Technology for Young Children with Disabilities—designed for early childhood
education majors.
The Role of
Technology for Young
Children in the 21st Century
Howard P. Parette, Jr., Craig Blum, and Amanda C. Quesenberry
for writing and a book is a traditional tool for reading. However, they are not the
only ways to accomplish the specific tasks of transcription (i.e., creating text) and
reading. A word processing program provides an alternative to using a pencil to
create text. Interactive books and iPad applications may use voice components in
which works are highlighted from left to right while being pronounced, which
provide powerful and engaging alternatives to reading print. Such technology al-
ternatives are not only used at home by many young children, but they are increas-
ingly preferred by young learners in instructional settings because they are more
engaging and minimize errors made in reading, writing, and communicating with
others. Most children can learn using traditional approaches to instructional deliv-
ery, so using technology to support learning in the classroom is not necessarily a
better approach. However, if technology is part of a young child’s culture and is
a preferred method of learning, consideration must be given to its use to support
instruction. Thus, its use is DAP!
Cultural Influences
Public schools and early childhood education programs are distinct cultural groups
with varying values, behaviors, and characteristics. These programs mirror the
communities within which they reside, and it is not uncommon to encounter resis-
tance to technology use (International Society for Technology in Education, 2009).
This is particularly true if the community has values that have led to a recognized
tradition of delivering the curriculum in ways that are not supported by technol-
ogy. Sometimes these strongly held values among education professionals are dif-
ferent from the technological skills valued in mainstream culture. For example,
early childhood education professionals who work in schools that have yet to em-
brace the use of technology may cling strongly to more traditional approaches to
learning and see little value in the use of technology. To the extent that a teacher
identifies with such cultural values, varying degrees of unwillingness to accept a
greater use of today’s technologies may be anticipated. The NAEYC (1995) has
provided recommendations for the preparation of early childhood education pro-
fessionals to develop skill sets related to culture, language, and diversity. Further,
the NAEYC (2009) expanded understanding of DAP by emphasizing three chal-
lenges to the discipline: 1) increasing achievement and reducing children’s learn-
ing gaps, 2) enhancing educational connections for preschool- and elementary-age
children, and 3) emphasizing teacher knowledge and decision making as critical to
the effectiveness of education. Specific guidance regarding culturally sensitive strat-
egies for education professionals have been offered in the literature (e.g., Parette &
Angelo, 1998; Parette, Huer, & VanBiervliet, 2005; Parette & McMahan, 2002).
Generational Differences
Generational differences among early childhood education professionals may im-
pose barriers to technology use with young children, especially for teachers who
developed technology knowledge and skills later in life. Younger teachers from the
Millennial generation (born after 1976; Howe & Strauss, 2000) grew up in a world
in which they were surrounded by technologies and are typically comfortable
using them. A particular challenge for the field is to understand what technologies
and features are used and preferred by today’s families (Parette, Meadan, Doubet,
& Hess, 2010), as well as how these technologies may be effectively integrated into
classroom practices (Schomberg & Donohue, 2012).
Budget Limitations
Typically, teachers have limited classroom budgets for the purchase of consum-
ables and technologies to support their curricula (Judge, 2006). With limited fiscal
resources, programs and schools may tend to purchase only materials that have
been traditionally used in classroom settings or materials that the teacher became
familiar with in his or her preservice preparation. This problem is compounded
by the dynamic and ever-changing array of technology that may be considered by
early childhood programs; if the acquisition of technologies must be delayed until
funds are available, they may become obsolete by the time the purchase can be
made! Therefore, today’s teachers need to be prepared to use a toolkit of free and
inexpensive technologies that can support the curriculum (Hourcade, Parette,
Boeckmann, & Blum, 2010).
Moving Toward an
Understanding of Instructional Technology
Considerable literature advocates the use of instructional technology (IT) to de-
velop important skills to support young children’s learning, particularly in emer-
gent literacy areas. However, there is also emerging evidence for the use of IT to
support the learning of young children in the areas of writing, communication,
social behavior, and play.
The process of making decisions about how to use IT evolves as the array of
available technologies becomes increasingly versatile, requiring more thoughtful
decisions about their use in the curriculum. IT is typically used in large- and small-
group settings in the early childhood classroom; however, there may be instances
when IT is used for individual children (e.g., if a single child has access to a com-
puter game or activity during free play) or in a small-group activity. Most chil-
dren will derive some benefit from the use of IT because it may help them to learn
more effectively or efficiently. It is true that traditional learning approaches still
result in learning; however, such traditional activities may not be as interesting
and engaging.
Assistive Technology
Although most typically developing young children can learn more effectively or
efficiently using IT in classroom settings, children with disabilities need additional
supports to participate in activities. Some children may have difficulty hearing,
seeing, moving and manipulating objects, following routines, adhering to social
rules, and/or communicating with others. Children with these disabilities may
not have access to the learning opportunities of typically developing children and
therefore need additional assistive technology supports. For example, Mrs. Hearns
presents a Microsoft PowerPoint lesson on beginning sounds to her preschool
class during opening circle time. Students are shown a picture of a ball and asked
what the beginning sound is. When the children raise their hands, Mrs. Hearns
calls on Tiffiny, who says /b/. She presents another slide, on which the children see
a picture of a cat. She calls on Trevor, who is nonverbal and uses a four-message
communication device. Trevor presses a button on his device, which pronounces
the sound /k/.
Mr. Bivens uses his SMART Board routinely for Clicker 6 lessons presented in
his kindergarten classroom. Children come to the SMART Board and touch but-
tons that are presented in learning grids to make selections. When it is Shanika’s
turn, she uses a powered wheelchair to come to the SMART Board. Because she
has limited strength in her hands, Shanika grips a foam-wrapped stick that she
uses to make contact with the SMART Board screen to make her selection.
In the earlier vignette regarding Ms. Steele’s classroom, it was noted that there
were certain expectations of children’s performance in scheduled activities. Casey
is very distractible and has difficulty with routines in the classroom, so Ms. Steele
gives him a sheet of paper prior to his arrival in the literacy center. The paper has
five Boardmaker symbols representing the steps in the routine—go to the literacy
center, sit, listen, make a drawing, and put things away. This sheet provides struc-
ture so Casey knows exactly what sequence he is expected to follow. Ms. Steele
uses similar sheets for other activities to help Casey.
Generally, assistive technology (AT) is “any tool that helps a child with a dis-
ability do things he or she could not do without the tool at some expected level of
performance” (Parette, Peterson-Karlan, Wojcik, & Bardi, 2007, p. 22). Whether it is
putting away learning materials, completing a painting, or identifying beginning
sounds, performance is expected of children in completing any classroom task.
Thus, when AT is provided to help a child do something that is expected, it be-
comes compensatory. AT is individually matched to and uniquely required for a
child to participate in the curriculum or classroom and make educational progress.
In the preceding examples, children with disabilities were expected to participate
in planned classroom activities, and they needed AT to accomplish the expected
tasks. Making decisions about children with disabilities is a problem-solving pro-
cess that will be discussed in greater depth in Chapter 5.
created using the software. It also has numerous additional language editions
(e.g., Russian, Farsi, Chinese) that may be purchased to provide voices in these
languages. Inexpensive e-book apps developed for the iPad (e.g., Grimm’s Red
Riding Hood, Grimm’s Rapunzel, Scott’s Submarine) allow young learners from
different linguistic backgrounds to interact with non-English text. TumbleBooks,
which are popular animated books available on the Internet (http://www.tumble, have a growing number of titles available in both Spanish and French.
Publicly accessible software programs, such as VoiceThread, allow children to up-
load and engage with text, audio, and video in their native languages. Free and
inexpensive iPad apps, such as Educreations and Doodlecast for Kids, allow chil-
dren to record their own drawings and/or text, voices, and video.
Child’s Mouse
If direct access to a computer screen is not possible, many children will need to
interface with the computer using a mouse (flexibility and interactivity). From a
developmentally appropriate perspective, many young children will not be able
to coordinate mouse movements with a pointer on the computer screen without
repeated opportunities. Special types of mouse devices that have been developed
for young children are preferable to a standard mouse because they allow easier
grasping and manipulating of pointer movements.
Printers have a variety of flexible and educationally relevant uses. In many class-
rooms, the printer is helpful in creating learning activity manipulatives and con-
Figure 1.2. Interactive whiteboards, such as the SMART Board, are increasingly popular in early childhood classrooms.
They afford teachers access to an array of readily available technologies. (Reprinted by permission.)
sumables, as well as permanent hard copies of lessons, data, and student work,
which may be necessary for filing purposes or for reporting results.
Flatbed Scanner
Scanners are flexible input devices (essentially highly specialized cameras) de-
signed to capture printed text or pictures, drawings, and children’s work products
and convert them into digital images/data. The resulting images can be embed-
ded in other applications, such as Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft Word, or
uploaded to various sites and applications on the Internet.
Digital Camera
Increasingly used in today’s early childhood classrooms, digital cameras enable
young children to capture images both inside and outside the classroom. Children
can then download the images to a computer; embed the images in an array of
other applications (e.g., Microsoft Word or PowerPoint documents); upload the
images to web-based applications, such as to create personalized talk-
ing books; or share the images as student learning accomplishments with other
students, parents, and community members. Camera features are also available on
many handheld devices and tablets.
Figure 1.5. Boardmaker with Speaking Dynamically Pro is widely used in today’s education s ettings to cre-
ate visual and communication supports for young children. It is complemented by readymade activities at the
Boardmaker Share site (; reprinted by permission.)
Figure 1.6. The IntelliTools Classroom Suite Activity Exchange site provides access to a large number of free
and engaging activities created using the Classroom Suite software (; reprinted by
Figure 1.7. Free universal design for learning literacy technology (; re-
printed by permission.)
Ms. Steele went to her local Walmart and purchased a LeapFrog Tag reading
system book for use in her literacy center. The book has a pen that, when touched
to the text, activates a voice that reads the words to the students. She designs a
Clicker 6 activity that focuses on comprehension questions associated with the Tag
book. The children view the Clicker 6 activity on a SMART Board, which allows
them to physically interact with the screen and make selections. She also routinely
accesses a comprehensive free resource called Exploring New Territories (Florida
Department of Education, 2010) to explore links to web sites with technologies
that support young children both with and without disabilities.
In each of these instances, teachers used core classroom technologies to de-
velop and deliver learning activities. Appendix A includes examples of readily
available technologies that apply to the early childhood classroom. However,
simply having readily available technologies for use with children is inadequate
to ensure their successful integration in the curriculum. A thoughtful process is
required to make decisions about the technologies used to support learning, the
teaching strategies required, and how children’s progress will be assessed. This
process will be discussed at length in subsequent chapters.
I just think that I strive for, “How can I put it into technology?” So, I’m constantly
thinking, what will make this be a bigger picture? Like when they’re laughing be-
cause they see a groundhog going through a tunnel. We talk about fast and slow or I
bring in all the actions. It’s real life to them on the computer and the animation that
comes through instead of stick figures. I think I just see an increase in their desire to
participate in the activities as students.
In this example, the teacher used a digital projector with her classroom com-
puter and was constantly thinking of new ways to use available software and other
technology supports to deliver the curriculum. She was particularly interested in
the use of these supports in conjunction with research-based instructional strate-
gies, such as direct instruction to teach specific emergent literacy skills.
Similarly, another teacher who worked with a nonverbal preschool student
with autism spectrum disorder was troubled that the student could not participate
in the curriculum by telling stories in the same way as other students during circle
time. He had limited oral language skills coupled with deficits in social interac-
tions. However, the teacher discovered that the child could type using the com-
puter keyboard and a symbol-based software program to tell a story, as discussed
in the following quote (Parette, Stoner, et al., 2009, p. 266):
Well, we had just talked to parents and asked if they heard him speak more than one
word because we weren’t hearing it. He came over to tell me a story and usually he
doesn’t, but he came this day. I was modeling for him, “Tell me what you really like.”
And I couldn’t get anything out of him and I was typing and it was showing on the
big screen and he was watching and then I typed, “I love…” and just waited. He
reached for the keyboard and he typed d–i–n–o–s–r. Yes! The previous student’s story
had a picture, you know the picture popped up of a dinosaur and he saw that on the
screen. So I went back and respelled it so the picture would come up and that was
quite a moment with that child and then he read, he read, “I love dinosaurs.” And he
is hyperlexic but usually he just writes, he’s not verbal.
Such experiences in which teachers try things in different ways using technol-
ogy and the resulting outcomes support the importance of understanding what is
required to use various technologies, as well as developing a level of comfort and
expertise in using them effectively with children.
Blum, Parette, and Watts (2009) reported on a group comparison study that
examined phonological awareness outcomes of a curriculum using direct instruc-
tion embedded in Microsoft PowerPoint and delivered using a digital projection
system. Results were reported from an early childhood center of 55 preschool chil-
dren who were at risk of disability. Findings indicated that students receiving the
PowerPoint-based curriculum doubled their initial sound fluency progress over
the comparison group (moderate effect size with Cohen’s f = .28). Findings for
alliteration and rhyming were inconclusive.
Because young children have many experiences with and preferences for technol-
ogies prior to coming to any early childhood setting, the use of technology in class-
room activities must be considered an important facet of DAP. Cultural influences,
generational differences, classroom budget limitations, attitudes about technology,
and teachers’ lack of knowledge and/or training potentially present barriers to
acceptance of technology in today’s classrooms. Many of these technologies are, by
Additional Readings
Blanchard, J., & Moore, T. (2010). The digital world of young children: Impact on emer-
gent literacy. New York, NY: Pearson Foundation. Retrieved September 22,
2012, from
Burdett, C. (2010). Technology and literacy in early childhood educational settings:
A review of research. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 10, 247–270.
Glaubke, C. (2007). The effects of interactive media and preschoolers’ learning: A re-
view of the research and recommendations for the future. Oakland, CA: Children
Now. Retrieved January 4, 2013, from
Li, X., Atkins, M., & Stanton, B. (2006). Effects of home and school computer use on
school readiness and cognitive development among Head Start children: A ran-
domized controlled pilot trial. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 52, 239–263.
McLuhan, M. (1964). Understanding media: The extensions of man. New York, NY:
New American Library.
Papert, S. (1980). Mindstorms: Children, computers and powerful ideas. New York, NY:
Basic Books.
Rideout, V., Vandewater, E., & Wartella, E. (2003). Zero to six: Electronic media in
the lives of infants, toddlers and preschoolers. Menlo Park, CA: Kaiser Family
Blum, C., Parette, H.P., & Travers, J. (2011, April). Future of instructional technology in early
childhood special education. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Con-
vention and Expo, Washington, DC.
Blum, C., Parette, H.P., & Watts, E.H. (2009). Engaging young children in an emergent lit-
eracy curriculum using Microsoft PowerPoint: Development, considerations, and op-
portunities. In A.M. Vilas, A.S. Martin, J.M. González, & J.A. González (Eds.), Research,
reflections and innovations in integrating ICT in education (Vol. 1, pp. 41–45). Badajoz, Spain:
Division for Early Childhood. (2007). Promoting positive outcomes for children with disabilities:
Recommendations for curriculum, assessment, and program evaluation. Missoula, MT: Author.
Division for Early Childhood & National Association for the Education of Young Children.
(2009). Early childhood inclusion. Retrieved September 22, 2012, from http://www.naeyc
Florida Department of Education. (2010). Exploring new territories. Retrieved September 22,
2012, from
Gronseth, S., Brush, T., Ottenbreit-Leftwich, A., Strycker, J., Abaci, S., Easterling, W., et al.
(2010). Equipping the next generation of teachers: Technology preparation and practice.
Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 27(1), 30–36.
Hourcade, J.J., Parette, Jr., H.P., Boeckmann, N.M., & Blum, C. (2010). Handy Manny and the
emergent literacy toolkit. Early Childhood Education Journal, 37, 483–491.
Howe, N., & Strauss, W. (2000). Millennials rising. The next great generation. New York, NY:
Vintage Books.
International Society for Technology in Education, Partnership for 21st Century Skills, &
State Educational Technology Directors Association. (2009). Maximizing the impact. The
pivotal role of technology in a 21st century education system. Retrieved September 22, 2012,
Judge, S. (2006). Constructing and assistive technology toolkit for young children: Views
from the field. Journal of Special Education Technology, 21(4), 17–24.
Karemaker, A., Pitchford, N.J., & O’Malley, C. (2008). Using whole-word multimedia soft-
ware to support literacy acquisition: A comparison with traditional books. Educational and
Child Psychology, 25, 97–118.
Keengwe, J., & Onchwari, G. (2009). Technology and early childhood education: A technol-
ogy integration professional development model for practicing teachers. Early Childhood
Education Journal, 37, 209–218.
National Association for the Education of Young Children. (1995). Responding to linguistic
and cultural diversity. Recommendations for effective early childhood education. Retrieved Sep-
tember 22, 2012, from
National Association for the Education of Young Children. (1996). Technology and young chil-
dren: Ages 3 through 8. A position statement of the National Association for the Education of
Young Children.
National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2008). Meaningful technology
integration in early learning environments. Retrieved September 22, 2012, from http://www
National Association for the Education of Young Children. (2009). Developmentally appropri-
ate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8. A position
statement of the National Association for the Education of Young Children. Retrieved Septem-
ber 22, 2012, from
National Association for the Education of Young Children & Fred Rogers Center for Early
Learning and Children’s Media. (2012). Technology and interactive media as tools in early
childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8. Retrieved September 22, 2012,
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. (2000). Report of the National
Reading Panel. Teaching children to read: an evidence-based assessment of the scientific research
literature on reading and its implications for reading instruction: Reports of the subgroups. Wash-
ington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Newby, T.J., Stepich, D.R., Lehman, J.D., & Russell, J.D. (2006). Instructional technology for
teaching and learning: Designing instruction, integrating computers, and using media (3rd ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.
Parette, H.P. (2011, November). Readily available technology integration in early childhood edu-
cation: Lessons learned. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Assistive Technology
Industry Association, Chicago, IL.
Parette, H.P., & Angelo, D.H. (1998). The impact of assistive technology devices on children
and families. In S.L. Judge & H.P. Parette (Eds.), Assistive technology for young children with dis-
abilities: A guide to providing family-centered services (pp. 148–183). Cambridge, MA: Brookline.
Parette, H.P., Blum, C., & Watts, E.H. (2009). Use of Microsoft® PowerPoint™ and direct
instruction to support emergent literacy skill development among young at risk children.
In A.M. Vilas, A.S. Martin, J.M. González, & J.A. González (Eds.), Research, reflections and
innovations in integrating ICT in education Vol. 2 (pp. 864–868). Badajoz, Spain: FORMATEX
Parette, H.P., Hourcade, J.J., & Blum, C. (2011). Using animation in Microsoft® PowerPoint™
to enhance engagement and learning in young learners with developmental delay. Teach-
ing Exceptional Children, 48 (4), 58–67.
Parette, H.P., Hourcade, J.J., Boeckmann, N.M., & Blum C. (2008). Using Microsoft® Power
Point™ to support emergent literacy skill development for young children at-risk or who
Appendix 1. Readily available resources for the early childhood education classroom
Category URL Description
Downloadable software
Tux Paint An open source, easy-to-use drawing program designed for
young children. It has sound effects and a cartoon guide to
offer support as children use the program
ZAC Browser Browser designed for the PC and specifically for children with
autism spectrum disorders. Appropriate for all children
SMART Notebook Express Software enables education professionals to open, edit, save and
Download+Software/Software/SMART+ share SMART notebook files
Best Freeware Download Provides links to free software to support varying aspects of the
download-education-kids-freeware-6-71-0-d.html curriculum
Educational Freeware Presents a comprehensive listing of free, downloadable, Windows-
category-Toddlers.aspx compatible learning games designed for young children
Free Download Manager Archive for a variety of art-related shareware programs
File Buzz Download Site providing 60 downloadable low-cost programs that have
.html relevance to activities in the preschool curriculum
Best Software Downloads http://www.bestsoftware4download. Both freeware and shareware (ranging in price from
com/s-faycfmse-preschool-software-25-d.html $9.95–$19.95)
Downloadable activities
Spectronics Activity Exchange Collection of activities designed for use with a number of popular
software programs, including Clicker 6, IntelliTools Classroom
Suite, Boardmaker with Speaking Dynamically Pro, and the
Communicate series
SMART Activity Exchange Resource for downloadable teacher-made SMART Board
Classroom Suite Activity Contains downloadable teacher-made activities designed
Exchange specifically for use with the IntelliTools Classroom Suite
Boardmaker Share Resource site containing thousands of teacher-made Boardmaker
activities searchable by activity area and grade level
Learning Grids World Free teacher-made activities designed for WriteOnline, Clicker 6,
and ClosePro (Crick Software products)
1/23/13 10:40 PM
Talking Book Library Site containing primary-level talking books created both by
Apps4Stages Wiki site dedicated to stages of child characteristics and recom-
mendations for features to consider in computer software for
learning, along with teaching strategies that match and scaffold
student need
TCEA-Recommended iPod Google document created by the Texas Computer Education
Apps =0At6rnmB5cDEPdDFkcmhoTUpQNUZzMlZMNX Association containing recommended e-book apps
Instructional materials development
Kerpoof Provides an array of tools enabling young children spell pictures;
make movies, cards, drawings, and pictures; and tell stories.
All products are printable
Story Bird Enables children to create high-quality books, play them like
games and send them as cards
Bubblejoy The application allows children to create a video greeting card
using their own videos; they can choose from different card
designs that will support a curriculum topic
Moshi Monster Young children can adapt their own monsters, give them a name,
and design their color schemes. The monster makes new
friends, chats with others, plays games, and develops its own
personality through its growth
Shidonni Children can create their own animals and watch them come to
life, providing opportunities for discussion or show-and-tell
Volki Children can create animated and speaking avatars using their
voices or using a text-to speech application. They can fully
customize their characters, which move their heads and eyes
with the movement of the mouse
Talking Pets Similar to Voki, the characters on this site are limited to animals
and the child can use the text-to-speech application (e.g.,
children might be surprised by making a cat talk and hearing
the cat ask questions to them)
Fotobabble This site presents a way to make photos talk. The child uploads
pictures, records his or her voice, and publishes it—providing a
way to motivate children to speak
1/23/13 10:40 PM
Resource sites
National Association for the Links and resources for technology applications provided by
Education of Young Children members of NAEYC
(NAEYC) Technology and
Young Children Interest
Tots ’n Tech This web site, maintained by a federally funded project, provides
links to resource sites, low-tech solutions for infants and
toddlers, resource briefs on assistive technology, and other
Ele: Fred Rogers Center Early Library and “playroom” with an online community that has
Learning Environment professional development activities for educators of young
children up to 5 years; includes high-quality resources for
parents and teachers, video, multimedia, and interactive
Other common technologies
Clicker 6 Authoring software providing reading and writing supports
IntelliTools Classroom Suite Authoring software providing reading, writing, and math
supports; contains embedded assessments to monitor
Boardmaker Plus Software used to create visual strategies, including communica-
tion boards
Assistive technology
Family Center on Technology Comprehensive technology site providing information and
and Disability resources to families and service providers. Links to fact
sheets, PowerPoint presentations, resource guides, member
organizations, and reviews of instructional and assistive
technologies Provides links to State Tech Act projects that may have equip-
ActProjects.php ment loan programs and other classroom supports
1/23/13 10:40 PM