Experiment 1

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2Experiment # 1

To measure the modulus of elasticity, elastic limit, yield point and tensile strength
of the specimen using universal testing machine.

Apparatus (Equipment):

 Universal Testing Machine

 Extensometer (with dial indicator)
 Blade micrometer
 Scale (6 inch)
 Dividers
 Gage mark punch
 Hammer

Two standard tensile specimens: choose steel, aluminum, brass, or cast iron

 Cast iron
 Choose steel, aluminum, or brass


Fig 1.1 (UTM)

Fig 1.2 (Extensometer)

Fig1.3 (Blade micrometer)

Universal Testing Machine (UTM):
A Universal Testing Machine (UTM) is used to test both the tensile and compressive
strength of materials. Universal Testing Machines are named as such because they can perform
many different varieties of tests on an equally diverse range of materials, components, and
structures. Most UTM models are modular, and can be adapted to fit the customer’s needs.
Universal Testing Machines can accommodate many kinds of materials, ranging from hard
samples, such as metals and concrete, to flexible samples, such as rubber and textiles. This
diversity makes the Universal Testing Machine equally applicable to virtually any manufacturing
The UTM is a versatile and valuable piece of testing equipment that can evaluate materials
properties such as tensile strength, elasticity, compression, yield strength, elastic and plastic
deformation, bend compression, and strain hardening. Different models of Universal Testing
Machines have different load capacities, some as low as 5kN and others as high as 2,000kN.
Tests can also be performed in controlled environmental conditions. This is achieved by placing
the Universal Testing Machine into an environmental room or chamber. For example, metals
testing can be conducted at extreme temperatures: from -196°C (-321°F) to over 1000°C
Strain rate:
Strain rate is the change in strain (deformation) of a material with respect to time. The strain
rate at some point within the material measures the rate at which the distances of adjacent parcels
of the material change with time in the neighborhood of that point.
The mechanical state of the heart at the end of diastole, the magnitude of themaximal (end-
diastolic) ventricular volume or the end-diastolic pressure stretching the ventricles.

Modulus of elasticity:
The modulus of elasticity (= Young’s modulus) E is a material property, that describes its
stiffness and is therefore one of the most important properties of solid materials.
Mechanical deformation puts energy into a material. The energy is stored elastically or dissipated
plastically. The way a material stores this energy is summarized in stress-strain curves. Stress is
defined as force per unit area and strain as elongation or contraction per unit length
When a material deforms elastically, the amount of deformation likewise depends on the size of
the material, but the strain for a given stress is always the same and the two are related by
Hooke´s Law (stress is directly proportional to strain).
σ=E. ε
Tensile Strength:
Tensile strength is calculated by dividing the load at break by the original minimum cross
sectional area. The result is expressed in megapascals (MPa) and reported to three significant
Tensile strength = (load at break)/ (original width) (original thickness)

Stress-strain diagram:
The stress strain relationship of any material is of primary importance as it gives a good idea of
the mechanical behavior of the material in real life conditions. This is generally accomplished
using the tension-compression tests. When calculating the nominal or engineering stress, we
assume that the stress is constant over the entire cross section of the specimen’s central portion
along the gage length. Thus

Where, A0 is the area of cross-section and P is the applied load.

Similarly, the nominal or engineering strain (ϵ) is found using the strain gage reading or by
diving the change in gage length (ΔL) by the original gage length of the specimen. After this, the
values of stress and corresponding ϵ are plotted graphically with strain values on the x-axis. This
diagram is known as the stress-strain diagram.
In this experiment, we will be performing tensile test on the specimen to determine its Young’s
In the stress strain curve, from the origin to a certain limit, the change in strain is proportional to
the stress which produces a linear straight line in the initial portion of the stress strain curve. This
region is said to obey Hooke’s law. at room temperature, this holds true for the entire region. For
material such as concrete, there is hardly any region where it exists. For mild steel, it is true up to
some point. The point up to which the material obeys Hooke’s law is termed as the yield point.
For mild steel, this point can be clearly observed and a yield plateau follows it where strain
happens for little or no stress. Then the region of strain hardening follows till the point of
ultimate tensile strength which is practically the highest value of stress the specimen can endure.
Necking follows this where the specimen displays significant lateral strain.

Fig.1.4(stress strain curve)


1. Measure the diameter and use the gage mark punch fixture to mark a 2 inch gage length
on each specimen (2 sets of diametrically opposed marks). [The punch marks are used to
locate the extensometer and to measure the elongation after the extensometer has been
2. Install the specimen in the testing machine (bottom connection first take care not to
unscrew the top bracket). (Use the hand crank to apply an initial tensile load to the
3. Mount the extensometer on the specimen (also, attach the support wire from the
extensometer to the top of the tester frame support). Set the extensometer dial to zero.
4. Set the Range Indicator to 24,000 lbs.; set the machine load indicator and the limit
pointer to zero.
5. Have the instructor check set-up before proceeding.
6. Press the START button.
7. Apply load to the specimen at a very slow rate (use the LOAD and UNLOAD hand
wheels). Record load and elongation for constant increments of elongation.
8. At the yield point, remove the extensometer. From this point, record the elongation
between gage marks using the dividers and scale. (Increase the load rate slightly.)
9. At the ultimate strength, stop recording the elongation strain.
10. Continue loading specimen to fracture (as a safety precaution, stand away from the
loading area).
11. Remove the specimen from the machine.
12. Measure and record the diameter of the specimen at the fracture point.
13. Have the data sheet signed by the instructor and the members of your team.

Sr# Force Area Stress Change Original Stain Modulus
in length
(N) (m2) (N/m2) Length Of
(m) Elasticity
(m) (N/m2)
1. The specimen should be prepared in proper dimensions.
2. The specimen should be properly to get between the jaws.
3. Take reading carefully.
4. After breaking specimen stop to m/c.

This experiment enables me to understand behavior of any material on the
application of force.

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