Seismic Provisions in The Saudi Building Code
Seismic Provisions in The Saudi Building Code
Seismic Provisions in The Saudi Building Code
The paper describes the development of seismic provisions as presented in SBC
301(Design Loads for Building and Structures) which is one of the six codes
constituting the structural part of Saudi Building Code (SBC). IBC and ASCE-7 were
chosen to be the source codes where extensive modifications have been carried out to
reduce complexity and to account for differences in the seismicity level, construction
materials, structural systems and quality control between USA and the Kingdom.
ASCE-7 has all the seismic provisions in one complex chapter, covering all different
topics. In SBC 301, however, seismic provisions have been reorganized and rationally
presented in eight chapters to represent distinguished themes. The paper aims at
providing a brief introduction of various chapters of the code related to the seismic
provisions in terms of contents and basic concepts. Challenges, changes and the overall
process were highlighted for the purpose of facilitating the understanding of seismic
provisions and permitting successful future revisions.
The Royal directive of 2002 represents a milestone in the evolution of the Saudi
Building Code on the basis of comprehensive international codes such as IBC, EC and
NBC along with Arab codes and local research and studies in the kingdom. For
carrying out this objective, the National Committee of the Saudi Building Code
(NCSBC) was formed. The overall framework of code committees that include
consultative committee (CCSBC) and eight technical committees, among them the
structural technical committee (STC) and its associated workgroups are shown in
Figure 1. The development of structural codes was carried over the period described by
the timeline shown in Figure 2.
The source code mentioned in the NCSBC directive was identified as the set of codes
published by The International Code Council (ICC)[1]. The ICC issues about fourteen
codes, one of them is the international building code (IBC) which has been considered
as the default source code, where its contents have been distributed among the various
technical committees. During the evaluation stage, the STC has divided the eight
chapters of IBC among themselves, and agreed on a methodology and criteria for the
thorough reviewing process. The criteria are summarized as: 1) scientific basis; 2)
compact not voluminous; 3) relevant to national/local issues; 4) simplified without
unwarranted complexity; and 5) minimum shortcomings and deficiencies. These
criteria aims at achieving the main STC objective entitled “towards rational and
applicable codes”.
Seismic provisions of the source codes are very complex and play major influence on
the provisions of design, construction and quality control. In the source code, the
provisions are located in chapter 16 of IBC and in ASCE-7-02 [2] which is one of the
standards referenced by IBC. These provisions need to be simplified, with the
following considerations:
1. The seismicity of the kingdom is less severe than the seismicity of USA, for
which the source code was developed. Keeping the high seismicity provisions
was judged by the STC to be counterproductive for the goal of applicability
because engineers and building official will be required to master these
unneeded complex provisions.
2. The seismic provisions are contained in a few sections within chapter 16. These
provisions have significant dependency on ASCE-7-02. Accordingly,
implementing any changes may not lead to a practical Saudi code. Eventually, a
decision has been made to adopt ASCE-7 as the source code for entire SBC
3. ASCE-7 has all the seismic provisions in one complex chapter, covering
different systems and materials and methods. The provisions also address
external referenced codes and standards.
In view of the above challenges, the paper presents the eight seismic chapters (9
through 16) of SBC 301 assembled, mainly, from chapter 9 and appendix A of ASCE-
7-02. Substantial portions of the provisions in chapter 9 of ASCE-7-02 were discarded
or simplified for being irrelevant or unwarrantedly complex for the conditions of the
Kingdom (Table 2). The paper also briefly highlights some fundamental concepts of
seismic provisions to permit understanding the changes that have taken place. It is
believed that such documentation can play a great deal in illustrating the code
provisions and in recognizing major issues that need to be taken into consideration in
the future revisions and development.
Prescribed design lateral forces are significantly reduced from those that would actually
be produced by a design earthquake, if a structure responds elastically, by the response
modification coefficient R and the importance factor. R is an empirical response
reduction factor intended to account for damping, over strength and the ductility
inherent in the structural system at large displacements. The importance factor, I,
allows for a partial control on the amount of damage experienced by the structure under
a design earthquake. The elastic deformations calculated under these reduced design
forces are then amplified, by the deflection amplification factor (Cd) to estimate the
expected deformations likely to be experienced in response to the design ground
Figure 3: typical contour seismic map for one of the regions in the kingdom.
Seismic Design Categories
All structures shall be assigned to a Seismic Design Category based on their Occupancy
Category and the design spectral response acceleration coefficients, SDS and SD1,
determined in accordance with Section 9.4.4. Each building and structure shall be
assigned to the most severe Seismic Design Category in accordance with Table 9.6.a or
9.6.b, irrespective of the fundamental period of vibration of the structure, T. Once the
Seismic Design Category (SDC) (A to D) for the building is established, many other
There are some fundamental concepts that need some brief clarifications, namely, the
response modification factor, fundamental period, structure configuration, and analysis
Fundamental Period
One important building characteristic is the fundamental period of vibration of the
building (measured in seconds). The fundamental period of a building depends in a
complex way on the stiffness of the structural system, its mass, and its total height.
Seismic waves with periods similar to that of the building will cause resonance, and
amplify the intensity of earthquake forces the building must resist. In general, a large
portion of the earthquake energy is contained in short-period waves. Therefore, short-
period buildings with stiff structural systems are designed for larger forces than long
period, flexible, buildings. It is preferable that this be determined using modal analysis
methods and the principals of structural mechanics. However, methods of structural
mechanics cannot be employed to calculate the vibration period before a building has
been designed.
Structure Configuration
The configuration of a structure can significantly affect its performance during a strong
earthquake that produces the ground motion contemplated in the SBC 301.
Configuration can be divided into two aspects, plan configuration and vertical
configuration. The seismic provisions were basically derived for buildings having
regular configurations.
n Elastic
t 0.35 R=8
l 0.3 R=5
e 0.25
p 0.2
a 0.15
p 0.1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Period, T , Seconds
The Royal directive of 2002 represents a milestone in the evolution of the Saudi
Building Code on the basis of comprehensive international codes. The paper has
introduced various chapters of the code related to the seismic provisions in terms of
contents and basic concepts. Challenges, changes and the overall process were
highlighted. The single complex chapter of ASCE-7 that covers various topics was
converted into eight chapters representing different systems and materials. Buildings,
nonbuildings, and nonstructural components were separated in different chapters. Soil
classification provisions have been allocated a separate chapter to be accessible to
geotechnical engineer. Existing building provisions were separated from new building
provisions. The paper also briefly highlights some fundamental concepts of seismic
provisions to permit understanding the changes that have taken place.
Many lessons have been learned from the foregoing experience, where international
codes and regulations are utilized for developing national codes and standards. Through
proper criteria and thorough knowledge of both the international codes and local
conditions, developers can identify differences and shortcomings and propose
solutions. Documenting the experience can play a great deal in illustrating the code
provisions and in recognizing major issues that need to be taken into consideration in
the future revisions.
The authors would like to thank the NCSBC, particularly its former chairman Dr.
Khalid Al-Khalaf and its current chairman Engr. Mohammed Al-Nagadi, and the
chairman of the consultative committee Engr. Ali Al-Zaid Without their
1. International Code Council, Inc., International Building Code, 2003.
2. American Society of Civil Engineers, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other
Structures, SEI/ASCE 7-02, Reston, Virginia, 2002.
3. ICBO, et al. “Uniform Building Code (UBC),” by International Conference of
Building Officials (ICBO), Whittier, California; 1997.
4. Berg, G.V. “Elements of structural dynamics.” Prentice Hall 1989, 267pp.
Prof. Saleh H. Alsayed KSU 2 CHM
Dr. Faisal A. Al-Mashary KSU 3 M CH
Prof. Magdy K. Moustafa MMRA 4 CH M M
Dr. Nabeel S. Al-Gahtani SWCC 5 M CH
Dr. Abdulaziz I. Al-Negheimish KSU 6 M M M
Dr. Mosleh A. Al-Shamrani KSU 7 CH M
Dr. Saeid A. Alghamdi KFUPM 8 M M
Dr. Yousef A. Al-Salloum KSU 9 M M
Eng. Khaled M. Al-Sheref Aramco 10 M M M
Dr. Abdulsalam A. Alshogeir KSU 11 M M
Major Eng. Hani H. Alnabulsi MOI-DCD 12 M M
Eng. Faisal O. Binsiddiq RCJ &Y 13 M
Dr. Ahmad O. AlQasabi KSU 14 M M
Additional members