TAX 2 - PM Reyes Reviewer - Customs and Duties
TAX 2 - PM Reyes Reviewer - Customs and Duties
TAX 2 - PM Reyes Reviewer - Customs and Duties
What determines tax liability is the tax ordinance. The Q1.3. What are the limitations on the
LGC is simply the enabling law for the local taxing power of LGUs?
legislative body. In YAMANE V. BA LEPANTO
CONDOMINIUM CORP [OCTOBER 25, 2005], at issue As provided in SECTION 133, LGUs cannot impose the
was whether the City Government of Makati can hold following:
condominium corporations liable to pay business
taxes. The Supreme Court noted that the City a. Income tax (except on bank and financial
Treasurer did not make any reference to any entities)
provision of the Makati City Revenue Code which b. DST
would serve as legal authority for the collection of c. Estate and Donor’s taxes
business taxes from condominiums in the city. The d. Customs Duties
Supreme Court pointed out that in issuing a notice of e. Taxes on goods passing through the LGU
assessment, reference to the local tax ordinance is f. Taxes on agricultural and aquatic products
vital because the power of LGUs to impose local sold by marginal farmers and fisherman
This reviewer is a compilation of personal notes in Taxation Two and notes and lectures from Atty. Gruba and Atty. Montero. References have
also been made to the following books: DE LEON & DE LEON, J R. THE FUNDAMENTALS OF TAXATION (2012); DE LEON & DE LEON, JR.
TAX (2009); CO-UNTIAN, JR. TAX DIGEST (2009); MAMALATEO , REVIEWER ON TAXATION (2008). This reviewer is best used with SACDALAN-
Possessors are granted the right to reproduce and distribute this reviewer as well as the right to convert the work to any medium for the
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Updated 17 Mar 2013
g. Taxes on BOI-registered enterprises on minerals from private lands because it is an excise
h. Excise taxes on articles under the Tax Code tax on an article already covered by the Tax Code.1
and taxes on petroleum products
i. Percentage tax and VAT
j. Taxes on gross receipts of transportation
contractors Q1.3.3. Petron maintains a depot or bulk
k. Taxes on premium paid by way of plant at the Navotas Fishport
reinsurance Complex where it engages in the
l. Taxes on registration of motor vehicles selling of diesel fuels to vessels
m. Taxes on Philippine products actually used in commercial fishing.
exported Navotas City levied business taxes
n. Taxes on Countryside and Barangay on its sale of petroleum products.
Business Enterprises and cooperatives Can the LGU levy the business tax
o. Taxes and fees on the National Government on the sale of petroleum?
As provided in SECTION 186, LGUs cannot impose No, the LGU cannot impose any local tax on
taxes that are specifically enumerated or taxed under petroleum products. As held in PETRON CORP. V.
the provisions of the Tax Code. T IANGCO [APRIL 16, 2008], the prohibition with respect
to petroleum products extends not only to excise
Section 133(e) taxes but all taxes, fees, and charges. Section 133(h)
provides for two possible bases for exemption: (1)
Q1.3.1. Is a municipal ordinance excise tax on articles enumerated under the Tax
imposing fees on goods (corn) Code; and (2) taxes, fees, and charges on petroleum
that pass through a products. In the latter, the exemption refers not only
municipality’s territory valid? to direct or excise taxes to be levied by the LGUs on
petroleum products but on all types of taxes on
No. As held in PALMA DEVELOPMENT CORP V. petroleum products including business taxes.
through their Sanggunian, may impose taxes for the Section 133(j)
use of any public road such as a service fee imposed
on vehicles using municipal roads to a wharf. Q1.3.4. What is the rationale for the
However, Section 133(e) prohibits the imposition in exemption of common carriers
the guise of wharfage, of fees as well as other taxes from local taxes?
or charges in any form whatsoever on goods or
merchandise. In this case, the LGU cannot tax the As held in FIRST PHILIPPINE I NDUSTRIAL CORP V. CA
goods even in the guise of police surveillance fees. [DECEMBER 29, 1998], the legislative intent in
excluding from the taxing power of the LGU the
Section 133(h) imposition of business tax against common carriers is
to prevent a duplication of the so-called common
Q1.3.2. The Province of Bulacan passed carrier’s tax.
an ordinance imposing tax on
minerals extracted from public Section 186
lands but went on to collect tax
on minerals extracted from Q1.3.5. Are broadcasting and
private lands. Since the LGC telecommunication companies
only provides for tax on public liable to pay local transfer
lands, is the action of the taxes?
Province of Bulacan valid?
[NOVEMBER 27, 1998], generally, the LGU can impose
such tax even if not in LGC since Section 186 of the 1
This applies the Preemption or Exclusionary Rule wherein the
Code is sweeping. However, the province cannot levy national government elects to tax a particular area, impliedly
withholding from the LGU the delegated power to tax the same
1. Taxes on stores with fixed business Q2.1.2. What is the tax base of the local
establishments (gross receipts of P50,000 or business tax?
less for cities, P30,000 for municipalities)
2. Service fees for use of barangay-owned The local business tax is imposed on gross receipts.
properties and services rendered In ERICSSON T ELECOMMUNICATIONS V. CITY OF PASIG
3. Barangay clearance [NOVEMBER 22, 2007], Ericsson was assessed for
4. Other fees and charges for (a) commercial
breeding of fighting cocks, cockpits and 3
DOF LOCAL FINANCE CIRCULAR 01-93 provides for the guidelines
cockfighting; (b) on places of recreation with governing the power of municipalities and provinces to impose a
business tax on banks and other banking institutions. DOF LOCAL
FINANCE CIRCULAR 2-93 provides for the guidelines for insurance
The Supreme Court ruled in both cases that the “in lieu of all companies. DOF LOCAL FINANCE CIRCULAR 3-93 provides for
taxes” clause in their franchises applies only to national internal guidelines for financing companies.
revenue taxes and not to local taxes. As such, they would have Those already subject to tax under (1) to (7) can no longer be
been liable to pay local transfer taxes. However, with the advent of subject to tax under (8) otherwise it will be deemed as double
the VAT law, such franchise holders are instead liable to pay VAT. taxation.
General Rule: Within the first 20 days of January or 6. Remedies for the Collection of Local
of each subsequent quarter, as the case may be Taxes
Exception: For justifiable reason or cause, the
(Read Sections 172-191, LGC; Art. 260-281,
Sanggunian may extend the time for payment without
surcharge or penalties but only for a period not
IRR of the LGC)
exceeding 6 months.
Q8.What are the remedies available to the
Q6.What penalties are imposable on failure local government? Period to assess will always be on the due
to pay local taxes? date(?)
1. By administrative action through distraint and
The penalty of 25% and 2% interest per month not to levy6
exceed 36 months (or a maximum of 72%) may be 2. By judicial action for collection of the unpaid
imposed taxes
5. Retirement of Business Another example: A corporation whose gross sales was 10
million in 2008 and 20 million in 2009, the local business tax
payable in January 2009 is based on 10 million (gross receipts for
(Read Sections 145, LGC and Article 241, IRR of the 2008) but the same is payment for the right to do business in 2009.
LGC) Thus, on the year of retirement, the company will only be liable if
the actual local business tax on the basis of current year sales is
more than the local business tax paid based on previous year’s
Q7.What is the rule on local taxes when a sales. To continue the example, if the sales of the company are
business retires? also P10 million as of the date of retirement in 2010, this means
that the payment made in January 2010 based on the 2009 gross
receipts is sufficient to cover the local business tax due upon
The business upon termination shall submit a sworn retirement.
statement of its gross sales or receipts for the current 6
Note that under Section 185, there are certain persona lroperties
that are exempt from distraint or levy.
Either of these remedies or all may be pursued Q10.1. Can an ordinance with has been The remedy is
concurrently and simultaneously. declared void for failure to publish to pass a new
for 3 weeks be remedied by ordinance
Your business Q8.1. Is closure of business a remedy passing another ordinance with altogether
permit is available to LGUs? NO. But it indirectly happens taxing the
by non-issuance of BP.
purports to amend the ordinance object they
necessary for
operations, and
that has been declared null and want to tax.
the same They cannot
MAKATI [JULY 2, 2004], the Supreme Court ruled that
necessarily simply amend.
under the Local Tax Code (which was the applicable
law in this case) and the LGC, LGUs may resort to No. The new ordinance is still void since it
payment of tax
administrative action and/or judicial action. Neither cannot cure something which had never existed
prior to its in the first place as the same was void ab initio
the Local Tax Code nor the LGC provides for a
closure of business as a remedy available to LGUs.7 (see COCA-COLA BOTTLERS V. CITY OF MANILA
[JUNE 27, 2006]).
Q9.What is the nature of the public hearings
under Section 187 of the LGC? Q10.2. Is publication/posting of an
ordinance fixing the assessment
In HAGONOY MARKET VENDOR ASSOCIATION V. levels for different classes of real
2002], the discussed the nature of the public hearings
on proposed tax ordinances in this light: “To be sure, Yes. In FIGUERRES V. CA [MARCH 25, 1999], the
public hearings are conducted by local legislative Supreme Court held that the publication/posting
bodies to allow interested parties to ventilate their requirement under Section 188 of the LGC must be
views on a proposed law or ordinance. These views, complied with in case of an ordinance imposing real
however, are not binding on the legislative body and property taxes, as well as an ordinance fixing the
it is not compelled by law to adopt the same.” assessment levels for different classes of real
property. The latter is in the nature of a tax
Q9.1. Can a public hearing conducted ordinance.
after the passage of a tax
ordinance cure the defect in its Q11. Outline the process on how an appeal
enactment (for failure to hold one involving questions of constitutionality
prior to the enactment)? or legality of tax ordinances.
No. As held in ONGSUCO V. MALONES [OCTOBER 27, 1. Appeal to the Secretary of Justice within 30
2009], the Supreme Court held that a public hearing days from effectivity
conducted after the passage of a tax ordinance does 2. The Secretary of Justice has 60 days to
not cure the defect in its enactment. The LGC decide but an appeal does not suspend the
requires that public hearings be held prior to the effectivity of the ordinance
enactment by the LGU of the ordinance levying 3. Within 30 days from the Secretary of
taxes, fees, and charges. Justice’s decision or after 60 days inaction,
an appeal may be filed with the RTC/
Q10. What is the effect of non-compliance
with the publication/posting Q11.1. Is compliance with the 30-60-30
requirements of tax ordinances laid day period rule mandatory?
down in Section 188 of the LGC?
Yes. In REYES V. CA [DECEMBER 10, 1999], the
Failure to follow the procedure in enactment of Secretary of Justice dismissed an appeal assailing
tax ordinances renders the same null and void. the constitutionality of the tax ordinances of the
Municipality of San Juan on the ground that it was
filed out of time. The Supreme Court ruled that
Note, however, that LGUs may order closure on the basis of the compliance with the three separated periods is
general welfare clause as when the entity is engaged in illegal or
immoral activities.
mandatory. The failure of the petitioners in the case
OF EAST BAJAC-BAJAC PUBLIC MARKET [OCTOBER 19, the Supreme Court noted that indicative of the
2000], the act of the Secretary of Justice was legislative intent to carry out the Constitutional
tantamount to an abdication of his jurisdiction over mandate of vesting broad tax powers to LGUs, the
8. Taxpayer’s Remedies The taxpayer must file a written claim within 2 years
from the date of payment of tax or from the date
(Read Sections 194-196, LGC; Art. 284-287, when the taxpayer is entitled to refund.9
IRR of the LGC) An ordinance came out and you were assessed, but you contest the validity of the ordinance. What is your
remedy? Just contest the assessment on you first, and later na yung ordinance. Because if you prioritize
Q14. What are the rules on assessments? disputing the ordinance, then you might run out of time for disputing the assessment. You can also just
simultaneously dispute both the assessment (Treasurer) and the ordinance (DOJ) - Jardin Davies v. Aliposa.
General Rule: An assessment must be made within — If the ordinance is vacated, there is no certainty for the assessment will be vacated. All the more reason to
5 years from the date they become due. pursue both in order to preserve both remedies.
- There can be consolidation of both cases in the RTC level.
Exception: If there is fraud or intent to evade
payment of the tax, the assessment may be made REFUND:
within 10 years from discovery of fraud or intent to - The 2year period is the same as that provided for national taxes.
evade -The reckoning period is from payment OR when the taxpayer is entitled to refund (supervening clause).
-You file refund with the treasurer, but there is no period within which the treasurer should act. It appears
8 9
The mode is Rule 43 The supervening cause doctrine applies.