A New Algorithm For Bi-Directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization
A New Algorithm For Bi-Directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization
A New Algorithm For Bi-Directional Evolutionary Structural Optimization
where N is the total node number of the candidate element. Using the finite element analysis, the performance in-
Thus, the sensitivity numbers for all elements within dex of the structure can infinitely approach the theoret-
the structure as well as possible added elements surround- ical one through the adjustment of the elements. When
ing the structure are used to compare. Elements in the the structure satisfies the convergence criterion defined as
current structure can therefore be removed if they satisfy Eq. (10), an optimum for the present removal ratio of vol-
Eq. (7.a) ume is assumed to be obtained.
|PIi − PIi−1 |
α∗e ≤ αth (7.a) errori = ≤ error (10)
For these elements surrounding the current structure will where errori is the defined performance error for the ith
be added if they satisfy Eq. (7.b) iteration and error is the maximum allowable error which
α∗e > αth (7.b) is specified by the user.
Sometimes, an oscillation state occurs when elements
where αth is the threshold of the sensitivity number which are added in an iteration and the same elements are re-
is determined by the current removal ratio of volume moved in the subsequent iteration. Thus, these elements
(RRVi ). For example, if there are 1 000 elements in de- will be added and removed in successive iterations. Nor-
sign domain and α1 > α2 ··· > α1 000 and RRVi corresponds mally, the occurrence of the oscillation state is caused by
to a design with 800 elements then αth = α800 . This new a low specified value of the maximum allowable error.
element removal and addition scheme ranks all elements When an oscillation occurs, the current design is assumed
(void and solid) together, while in the original BESO to be an optimum for the present removal ratio of volume
methods(14), (15) elements for removal and those for addi- although the convergence criterion has not been satisfied
tion are treated differently and ranked separated, which is yet.
a bit cumbersome and not very logical. The proposed iterative procedure is similar to the
The cycle of finite element analysis and element re- conventional optimality criteria approach where if only
moval and addition is repeated using the same value of marginal improvement in compliance over last design, the
RRVi until the solution is converged. Then an evolution- iterative procedure would be stopped. However, the de-
ary rate (ER) is introduced and added to the removal ratio signs of the conventional optimality criteria approach con-
of volume, i.e. tain elements of different densities (or thicknesses) rather
RRVi+1 = RRVi + ER, i = 0, 1, 2, 3··· (8) than elements of the same density in the BESO method.
With this increased removal ratio of volume, the cycle of 4. Bi-Directional Evolutionary Structural Optimiza-
finite element analysis and element removal and addition tion Procedure
takes place again until another optimum is obtained. The
To explain better how the bi-directional evolutionary
BESO procedure would be stopped when both the conver-
structural optimization can be implemented into a com-
gent criterion and final objective volume are satisfied.
puter program, a step-by-step algorithm is given as fol-
3. Performance Index (PI) and Convergence Crite- lows:
rion Step 1: The maximum design domain is discretized with
a densely finite element mesh.
Performance index (PI) can be introduced to identify Step 2: Define all boundary constraints, the design loads
the performance of various optimal designs. Thus, the and nonlinear material properties.
definition of the performance index should be directly re- Step 3: Carry out a linear finite element analysis of the
lated to the optimization objective. In the present case, structure.
the stiffness per unit volume or weight denotes the usage Step 4: Output the results of analysis into BESO pro-
efficiency of the material. So the performance index is de- gram.
fined by Step 5: Calculate the sensitivity number for all existed
1 elements as Eq. (3).
PI = (9)
CV Step 6: Calculate the sensitivity number for all existed
Where C and V are the mean compliance and volume nodes as Eq. (4).
(or weight) of the current design. While designs have a Step 7: Calculate the sensitivity number for all candidate
same volume, the one with a highest stiffness is the op- nodes surrounding the structure as Eq. (5).
timum which has the highest performance index. Thus, Step 8: Calculate the sensitivity number for all elements
for a given removal ratio of volume, the structure should as Eq. (6)
be gradually evolved to an optimum with a highest per- Step 9: Remove and add elements which satisfy
formance index by several removing and adding elements Eqs. (7.a) and (7.b).
process. Step 10: If the convergence condition Eq. (10) is satis-
fied, an optimum is reached and the optimiza- nodes. All topologies shown in the following sections are
tion process skips Step 11. Otherwise, go to next smoothed.
5. Examples and Discussion
Step 11: If an oscillatory state is reached when a group
of elements are removed and added back to the 5. 1 Example 1: Michell type structure
structure in the successive iterations. The opti- The classic Michell type structure is fixed at both sup-
mum is reached. Otherwise, repeats step (3) to ports as shown in Fig. 3. The dimensions of the rectangu-
(11) until an optimum is reached. lar domain are 0.2 m by 0.1 m. The thickness of the plate
Step 12: For the optimization process to continue, the re- is 0.001 m. A 100 N concentrated force is applied at the
moval ratio of volume is increased by Eq. (10). center of bottom edge. The linear material is used with
Repeat step (3) to (10) until another optimum is Young’s modulus E = 210 GPa and Poisson’s ratio ν = 0.3.
reached. Because of symmetry, only half the structure is modeled
Figure 2 shows the flow chart which defines the logical with 100×100 four node elements. The BESO parameters
steps for the new BESO method. are: RRV0 = 0.01, ER = 0.01 and error = 0.001.
In the above procedure, the convergent optimums cor-
responding to various intermediate volumes are found. If
only one optimum corresponding to the final volume, V ∗ ,
is requested, the convergence condition may be checked
only after the objective volume V ∗ is satisfied in step 10.
In this way, the computation time can be saved signifi-
In order to present the final optimal topology with
manufacturable boundary, an intuitive smoothing tech-
nique is applied. The coordinates of every node on the
boundary are averaged by the coordinates of neighbor
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(e) (f)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
(c) (c)
(d) (d)
(e) (e)
Fig. 16 Evolutionary history of the structural topology starting Fig. 19 Evolutionary history of the structural topology starting
from the initial guess design: (a) initial design; (b) from the initial guess design: (a) design after iteration
design after iteration 40; (c) design after iteration 80; 20; (b) design after iteration 40; (c) design after
(d) final optimal design; (e) rendered optimal design iteration 60; (d) final optimal design; (e) rendered
optimal design
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