PURPOSE: The purpose of this article is to examine the evidence and provide recommendations for the use of clean or sterile
dressing technique with dressing application to prevent wound infection.
QUESTION: In all persons with acute or chronic wounds, does the use of clean or sterile dressing technique affect incidence of
wound infection?
SEARCH STRATEGY: A search of the literature was performed by a trained university librarian, which resulted in 473 articles that
examined any age group that dealt with application of a wound dressing using either sterile or nonsterile technique. A systematic
approach was used to review titles, abstracts, and text, yielding 4 studies that met inclusion criteria. Strength of the evidence
was rated using rating methodology from Essential Evidence Plus: Levels of Evidence and Oxford Center for Evidence-Based
Medicine, adapted by Gray and colleagues. Johns Hopkins Nursing Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Research Appraisal Tool
was used to rate the quality of the evidence.
FINDINGS: All 4 studies reported no significant difference in the rate of wound infection when using either clean or sterile
technique with dressing application. The strength of the evidence for the identified studies was identified as level 2 (1 level
A, 3 level B). The study sizes were variable, and the wounds included do not represent the continuum of wounds clinically
encountered across the board.
CONCLUSION/RECOMMENDATION: Evidence indicates that the use of clean technique for acute wound care is a clinically
effective intervention that does not affect the incidence of infection. There is no recommendation that can be made regarding
type of dressing technique for a chronic wound due to the lack of evidence in the literature.
KEY WORDS: Acute wound, Bandage, Chronic wound, Clean, Dressing, Incision, Infection, Sterile, Surgical site, Wound.
INTRODUCTION vascular disease that impair healing. These wounds often stall
in one of the healing phases and fail to progress.1
Clinical practice varies widely, and there is little research to
Infection occurs when the presence of bacteria or other
guide the clinician in determining whether clean or sterile
microorganisms that are present in sufficient quantity dam-
technique is more effective in preventing wound infection.
age tissue or impair healing. Common signs and symptoms
A wound is defined as a disruption of the normal function
of infection include purulent exudate, foul odor, erythema,
and structure of the skin and underlying tissue. Acute wounds
warmth, tenderness, edema, pain, fever, and elevated white
usually have an identifiable cause such as trauma or surgery.
blood cell count. When chronic wounds become infected,
They proceed through the healing phases in an orderly, orga-
they may present with subtle signs and symptoms such as in-
nized fashion. Some references use a 4-week time frame on
crease in pain, change in exudate or presence of necrotic tissue,
healing for acute wounds, although there is no consensus.1
delayed healing, poor quality of granulation tissue, unusual
Chronic wounds can begin as an acute wound or result from
odor, or new areas of breakdown. Infection inhibits wound
breakdown of previously intact skin. They are often associated
with physiologic conditions such as diabetes and peripheral
Clean dressing technique involves use of a clean procedure
field, clean gloves with sterile supplies, and avoidance of di-
rect contamination of materials and supplies. Sterile technique
Dea J. Kent, DNP, RN, NP-C, CWOCN, QCP, Community Health Network,
Indianapolis, Indiana.
involves use of a sterile procedure field, sterile gloves, sterile
supplies/dressing, and sterile instruments. Meticulous hand
Jody N. Scardillo, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, CWOCN, Albany Medical Center,
Albany, New York.
hygiene is required for both.3
Barbara Dale, BSN, RN, CWOCN, CHHN, COS-C, Quality Home Health,
The purpose of this Evidence-Based Report Card (EBRC) is
Livingston, Tennessee. to examine the evidence and provide recommendations related
Caitlin Pike, MLS, AHIP, IUPUI University Library, Indianapolis, Indiana.
to the use of clean or sterile dressing technique during dress-
The authors have no conflict of interest to disclose.
ing application to prevent wound infection. We developed our
search questions and key words using the PICO model, where
Correspondence: Dea J. Kent, DNP, RN, NP-C, CWOCN, QCP, Community
Health Network, 1500 North Ritter Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46219 (dkent@
P = population, I = intervention, C = comparison, and O =
ecommunity.com). outcome.4
DOI: 10.1097/WON.0000000000000425 P: Persons with acute or chronic wound
Copyright © 2018 by the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society™ JWOCN ¡ May/June 2018 265
Copyright © 2018 Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society™. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
266 JWOCN ¡ May/June 2018 www.jwocnonline.com
Method for Rating the Strength of the Evidencea
Evidence Level Description
A Evidence based on consistent results of RCTs, other experimental designs, or systematic reviews supported by meta-analysis.
B Evidence based on inconsistent findings from RCTs or evidence based on findings from nonrandomized studies with a control group and/or well-
designed observation (cohort or case-control) studies
C Evidence based on single-group studies, expert consensus or opinion, current or best practice, physiological theory or principles, case series, or case
Abbreviation: RCT, randomized controlled trial.
From Gray and colleagues.9 Used with permission.
clean glove group; however, this difference was not statistically expected to cause an infection. Findings from this small study
significant (P = .99). Limitations for this study include a provide preliminary data on clean versus sterile technique and
small sample size. incidence of infection. While gloves are not the only potential
In wounds that heal by secondary intention, a quasi- contaminant for an infection, this study suggests that glove
experimental study done by Lawson and colleagues8 com- types (clean vs sterile) are not a strong factor in the outcome of
pared surgical site infection rates in surgical patients (n = wound infection incidence.12
2033) in their facility. After implementation of nonsterile
wound care for all patients with open surgical wounds, data SORT Statement
were collected for 3 months. Baseline data were also col- The Strength of Recommendation Taxonomy (SORT), devel-
lected for the 3 months prior to the intervention. In the oped by Ebell and colleagues,13 addresses the quality, quantity,
3 months prior to the intervention, the infection rate for and consistency of evidence and allows the rating of bodies of
surgical wounds was 0.84% (n = 1070). After the interven- evidence using a systematic and structured method. Using an
tion, the infection rate for surgical wounds was 0.83% (n adapted version of the SORT methodology described by Gray
= 963). The infection rates in surgical wounds compared and Doughty,14 we accorded the body of evidence related to
pre- and postintervention were not statistically significant. this recommendation as a level 2 to address acute wounds (see
This study has several limitations in that the infection pres- Tables 2 and 3). SORT level 2 is based on results of 1 level A
ence was based on the documentation of a positive wound study or on inconsistent (mixed) findings from 2 or more level
culture. However, it is possible that not all wounds were A studies. We deem level 2 to be acceptable to determine our
cultured and it is also possible that not all wounds were cap- evidence-based recommendation.
tured or identified. The number of wounds counted versus
the number of individual patients counted to produce some Recommendation for Practice
discrepancy cannot be ruled out. The use of clean technique for acute wound care is a clinical-
One important study by Creamer and colleagues12 did ly effective intervention that does not affect the incidence of
not meet the inclusion criteria but is important to mention infection (SORT level 2). However, there are multiple wound
as the investigators studied bacterial load of gloves. This ex- types, and this statement is a recommendation based on scant
cluded study compared the bacterial load of gloves in the 3 literature that does not cover all wound types and clinical sce-
groups of volunteers (n = 25) who (1) donned clean gloves narios. Due to the paucity of scientific evidence available, no
independently, (2) donned sterile gloves independently, and recommendation for technique type for dressings of chronic
(3) donned sterile gloves again with technician assistance. The wounds is made in this EBRC. The literature that is currently
palmar surface of each glove was cultured. While there was available does not support or refute either technique; there-
a significant difference in bacterial load on clean gloves ver- fore, each clinician and setting must establish their own proce-
sus sterile gloves (P < .001), there was a clinically irrelevant dure recommendations for chronic wound care.14
statistical difference when comparing the bacterial contami-
nation on clean gloves with the bacterial load that would be Clinical Implications
Incidence of wound infection in persons with acute or chron-
ic wounds can be affected by 1 or more variables. For this
TABLE 2. EBRC, the evidence for the use of clean versus sterile tech-
Level of Recommendationa nique continues to be controversial in many settings of care.
Level of Recommendation Description A previous JWOCN EBRC of clean versus sterile technique
Level 1 Based on consistent findings from 2 or more when applying dressings14 reported a lack of evidence to
studies with level A evidence support the use of either method for wound care, and only
limited progress has been made to establish firm and broad
Level 2 Based on result of one level A study or incon-
sistent (mixed) findings from 2 or more level
recommendations for acute wounds. The literature is largely
A studies silent on chronic wound infection incidence associated with
sterile or clean dressing technique. Evidence-based practice
Level 3 Based on studies whose highest level of
is defined as a problem-solving approach to clinical deci-
evidence is B
sion-making within a health care organization that integrates
Level 4 Based on level C evidence (expert opinion, case best available scientific evidence and best available experien-
series/case studies, etc) tial (patient and practitioner) evidence, considers internal
From Ebell and colleagues13 and Gray and colleagues.9 Used with permission. and external influences on practice, and encourages critical
Copyright © 2018 Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society™. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
268 JWOCN ¡ May/June 2018 www.jwocnonline.com
Literature Summary Table
Level of
Evidence Sample/Setting Purpose Findings Limitations
Lawson and colleagues8 B Participants To determine differences in Surgical wounds with sterile Wound cultures may not
Design: Nonrandomized, N = 2033 surgical infection rates and costs dressing technique prior to have been performed on
longitudinal study wounds in total of using sterile vs clean intervention had a 0.84% all patients
Setting: Acute surgical dressing technique in the infection rate Sample size is small
units at a major management of surgical Surgical wounds postintervention May not have had exact
medical center in the wounds (clean technique only) had a number of all surgical
United State 0.83% infection rate, which wounds
was not significant
Perelman and colleagues5 A Participants To determine whether difference There was no significant differ- Sample size in both arms
Design: Prospective, N = 816 patients in the incidence of wound ence in observed infection limited equivalency
randomized, dou- Setting: 3 large commu- infections in uncomplicated rate in uncomplicated lacer- Packaging of different
ble-armed, multicenter nity hospitals in North lacerations varied between ations between patients who gloves allowed for only
study America use of clean vs sterile gloves received repair with clean vs partial blinding to medi-
sterile gloves cal personnel
Ensuing care was not
“absolutely” standardized
Some repairs were
completed by medical
Stotts and colleagues6 B Participants To determine if there was a No difference in the wound- Small sample size
Design: 2-group random- N = 30 difference in the rate of healing rate between use of Did not use any empirical
ized study Setting: A hospital in the wound healing and costs of sterile vs clean technique in measure for infection
United States supplies between sterile vs open surgical wounds Type II error may exist
clean dressing technique for Clean technique is less
open surgical wounds expensive
Xia and colleagues7 B Participants To evaluate whether there is No difference in infection rates Small sample size
Design: Prospective, N = 60 a significant difference in when using clean gloves vs
2-arm randomized Setting: An outpatient infection rates in patients sterile gloves during MMS
study clinic in the United undergoing MMS when using wound repairs
States clean vs sterile gloves during
tumor removal/wound repair
phases of the procedure
Abbreviation: MMS, Mohs Micrographic Surgery.
Copyright © 2018 Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society™. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JWOCN ¡ Volume 45 ¡ Number 3 Kent et al 269
8. Lawson C, Juliano L, Ratliff C. Does sterile or nonsterile technique 12. Creamer J, Davis K, Rice W. Sterile gloves: do they make a difference?
make a difference in wounds healing by secondary intention? Ostomy Am J Surg. 2012;204(6):976-980.
Wound Manag. 2003;49(4):56-60. 13. Ebell MH, Siwek J, Weiss BD, et al. Strength of Recommendation
9. Gray M, Bliss D, Klem ML. Methods, levels of evidence, strength of Taxonomy (SORT): a patient-centered approach to grading evidence
recommendations for treatment statements for evidence-based report in the medical literature. J Am Board Fam Pract. 2004;17(1):59-67.
cards. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2015;42(1):16-18. 14. Gray M, Doughty D. Clean versus sterile technique when changing
10. OCEBM Levels of Evidence Working Group OCIE-BM. The Oxford wound dressings. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs. 2001;28:
Levels of Evidence 2. http://www.cebm.net/index.aspx?o=5653. 125-128.
Accessed December 10, 2017. 15. Seidl KL, Newhouse RP. The intersection of evidence-based prac-
11. Johns Hopkins Evidence-Based Practice. Research Evidence tice with 5 quality improvement methodologies. J Nurs Adm.
Appraisal Tool. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University. 2012;42(6):299-304.
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