Benefit Illustration For PNB Metlife Mera Term Plan Plus (Uin No. 117N126V01)
Benefit Illustration For PNB Metlife Mera Term Plan Plus (Uin No. 117N126V01)
Benefit Illustration For PNB Metlife Mera Term Plan Plus (Uin No. 117N126V01)
Benefit Illustration for PNB MetLife Mera Term Plan Plus (UIN No. 117N126V01)
Individual, Non-linked, Non-par, Pure Risk Premium, Life Insurance Product
Quote Number: 820400143592 Application Number:
Personal details
Name of Life assured (Second Life) Gender of Life assured (Second Life)
Date of Birth of Life assured (Second Life) Age of Life assured (Second Life)
This benefit illustration is intended to show year-wise premiums payable and benefits under the policy.
Policy Details
Policy term 65 Years Additional Option - Return No Basic Sum Assured (First 50,00,000 First life - Installment 465.15
of Premium life) Premium for Death
Premium Payment Term RP Additional Option - Spouse No Basic Sum Assured First life - Goods and 83.85
Coverage (Second life) Services tax on installment
premium for Death coverage
(inclusive of applicable cess)
Basic Benefit Option Life Additional Option - Cover None Sum Assured on Death (at 50,00,000 First life - Installment 549
enhancement option inception of the policy for premium for Death coverage
First life) with GST (inclusive of
applicable cess) (Rs.)
Premium Payment Mode Monthly If Child Education Support Sum Assured on Death (at First life - Installment
benefit is chosen, School inception of the policy for Premium for Health
grade of child Second life) coverage (applicable where
Benefit option is Life Plus or
Life plus Health) Rs.
Death Benefit Payout Lump Sum Plus Monthly If Child Education Support Annual Premium (Rs.) 5,250 First life - Goods and
Income benefit is chosen, Current Services tax on total
school fees of child installment premium for
Health coverage (inclusive of
applicable cess) (Rs.)
Rider Name Rider Term Rider Premium Rider Sum Rider Annual Rider Installment Goods and Services tax on Rider Rider Installment Premium with GST
(years) Payment Term (years) Assured (Rs.) Premium (Rs.) Premium (Rs.) Installment Premium (inclusive of (inclusive of applicable cess) (Rs.)
applicable cess) (Rs.)
PNB Metlife Accidental Disability Rider 40 years 40 years 10,00,000 159.48 13.29 2.39 15.68
(UIN: 117B022V01)
PNB MetLife Critical Illness Rider 40 years 40 years 20,00,000 1,446 120.5 21.69 142.19
(UIN: 117B023V01)
Premium Summary
Base Plan Additional Premium for Cover Enhancement Riders Age Extra Health Extra Total Installment Premium
Total Instalment Premium without Applicable Taxes (Rs.) 465.15 133.79 598.94
Total Instalment Premium with First Year Applicable Taxes (Rs.) 549 157.87 706.87
Total Instalment Premium with Applicable Taxes Second Year Onwards 549 157.87 706.87
Policy Benefit Details
Annualised premium* (Rs.) Guaranteed Non-Guaranteed
Policy Age of the Base Annualised Additional Total Annualised First Life Second Life Maturity Unexpired Premium Special Surrender Value
Year Life premium* Annualised* premium premium* Benefit# Value / Guaranteed Surrender Value Payable
Basic sum assured Step up sum Child Total sum assured Basic Sum
Assured (Rs.) for Cover (Rs.) (Rs.) Surrender Value (Rs.) (Rs.)
assured education Assured
(years) Enhancement (Rs.)
support sum
Option, if chosen
*Annualised Premiums exclude underwriting extra premium, frequency loadings on premium, the premiums paid towards the Riders if any, and goods & services tax and applicable cess.
Notes to the benefit illustration:
1. PNB MetLife Mera Term Plan Plus is only the name of the product and does not in any way indicate the quality of the product, its future prospects or returns.
2. This illustration has been produced by PNB MetLife India Insurance Co. Ltd. to help you understand the benefits of your PNB MetLife Mera Term Plan Plus . This must be read in conjunction with the product
brochure, which describes all Features, Terms, Conditions & Exclusions.
3. The illustrated benefits are applicable for a standard life provided all premiums are paid when due.
4. This premium quotation is subject to the underwriting decision of the Company. The actual premium or sum insured amount may change upon the assessment of the risk of the life insured. Any such change will be
informed to you and the application shall be processed with your valid consent.
5. This illustration explains the benefits and features of the proposed policy and is not a contract or a representation of any guarantee or warranty.
6. *Goods and services tax (including cess, if applicable) is levied as per applicable tax laws from time to time and the same is subject to changes in the tax laws in future and the policy proceeds would be affected to
that extent.
7. This quote is valid only as long as the age remains the same or for a period of thirty days from the date of this quote, whichever is earlier.
8. #Maturity Benefit will be applicable only where 'Return of Premiums' option is opted. 'Return of Premiums' will not be available if 'Cover Enhancement Option - Child education Support Benefit' is chosen
9. The policyholder may choose only one out of the Cover Enhancement Options
10. The additional options “Spouse Coverage”, “Return of Premiums”, and “Cover enhancement options” which includes “Step-up Sum Assured Benefit”, “Life-stage sum assured benefit” and “Child Education
Support Benefit” will be available on payment of extra premiums
11. In case of any conflict between this benefit illustration and your policy document, the latter shall prevail.
12. Surrender value is not applicable for policies without return of premiums option.
Policies where 'Return of Premiums' has been chosen the plan would acquire a surrender value as follows
- For Single pay policies immediately after payment of premium
- For Limited & Regular pay policies after first two premiums have been paid"
13. Special Surrender Value is a non guaranteed benefit. The company reserves the rights to change the SSV Factor from time to time depending on the economic environment, experience and other factors, subject
to prior approval from IRDAI.
14. The main objective of the illustration is that you are able to understand the features of the product and the nature of benefits under different circumstances with some level of quantification.
15. Neither the Company nor any of its Advisor/ Financial Planning Consultants are authorised to offer any tax related advice. The tax benefits under various sections shall be available as per Income Tax Act, 1961,
and are subject to any amendments made thereto from time to time.
16. The values in the illustration have been rounded off to the nearest rupee wherever applicable
17. Once the term of Child Education Support Benefit is over, premiums with respect to this benefit will reduce to zero.