Vibration Absorption

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Vibration Absorption

Dr Ajoy D
Fellow, Institution of Engineers,
Basic Methods of Reducing Vibration
Means of reducing unwanted vibration are
 Vibration isolation
 Vibration absorption
Unlike the isolator of the previous sections, an absorber consists of a second
mass-spring or mass-spring-damper combination added to the primary device
to protect it from vibrating.
This is a two degrees of freedom system.
The added spring–mass system is called the absorber.
Use of Vibration Absorbers
Absorbers are often used on machines that run at constant speed, such as
sanders, compactors, reciprocating tools, and electric razors.
Undamped Dynamic Vibration Absorber.
Modelling of Vibration Absorbers
An optical table protected by an added vibration absorber. The table and its
supporting legs are modelled as a single-degree-of-freedom system with
mass m and stiffness k.
Equation of Motion
The model of simple vibration absorber attached to a spring–mass system.
The equations of motions are derived by drawing free body diagram and
summing up forces in the vertical direction are:

where x = x(t) is the displacement of the table modelled as having mass m

and stiffness k, xa is the displacement of the absorber mass (of mass ma and
stiffness ka ), and the harmonic force F0sin ωt is the disturbance applied to
the table mass.
Solution of Equation
Let the steady-state solution of x(t) and xa(t) be of the form:

Substitution of these steady-state forms into first equation yields

Equating elements of the vector yields the result that the magnitude of the
steady-state vibration of the device becomes;

The magnitude of vibration of the absorber mass becomes

In equation for X, the absorber parameters ka and ma to be chosen such that
the magnitude of steady-state vibration X, is exactly zero. This is
accomplished by equating the coefficient of F0 in equation for X, to zero. Thus
we get;

Thus the absorber mass oscillates at the driving frequency with amplitude
Xa =F0 /ka .
The success of the vibration absorber discussed previously depends on
several factors.
 The harmonic excitation must be well known and not deviate much from its
constant value.
 There is also some danger that the driving frequency could shift to one of
the combined systems’ resonant frequencies.
 The analysis used to design the system assumes that it can be
constructed without introducing any appreciable damping.
The issue of avoiding resonance in absorber design in case the driving
frequency shifts can be quantified by examining the mass ratio μ, defined as
the ratio of the absorber mass to the primary mass:
We define the frequencies;

With these definitions, also note that;

Where the frequency ratio β is β = ωa / ωp

Substitution of the values for μ, ωp , and ωa into first equation for the
amplitude of vibration of the primary mass yields
Substitution of these steady-state forms into equation, we get

The final solution for displacement ratio of main mass to absorber mass is of
the form
A plot of normalized magnitude of the primary mass versus the normalized
driving frequency for the case μ = 0.25. The two natural frequencies of the
system occur at 0.781 and 1.281.
The design of an absorber can be done by using the mass ratio μ and the
frequency ratio β. These two dimensionless quantities indirectly specify both
the mass and stiffness of the absorber system.

The mass ratio μ and the frequency ratio β is plotted for β = 1. increasing the
mass ratio increases the useful frequency range of a vibration absorber. Here
ω1 and ω2 indicate the normalized value of the system’s natural frequencies.
Damping in Vibration Absorption
 Damping is often present in devices and has the potential of reducing the
efficiency of a vibration absorber to protect the primary system fully by
making X = 0.
 Damping is sometimes added to vibration absorbers to prevent resonance
to occur or to improve the effective bandwidth of operation of a vibration
 Also, a damper by itself is often used as a vibration absorber by
dissipating the energy supplied by an applied force.
Modelling of Damping
A vibration absorber with damping in both the primary and absorber system is
illustrated in figure below.

Equation of motion in matrix form:

Let F0sinωt be represented in exponential form by F0ejωt in previous equation
and assume that the steady-state solution is of the form;

The displacement ratio is given by

The system coefficient matrices M, C, and K are given by;

Simplifying the matrix vector product yields

Which expresses the magnitude of the response of the primary mass and
absorber mass, respectively.
The amplitude of the motion of the primary mass can be written as the real

where ωp = 𝒌/𝒎 is the original natural frequency of the primary system

without the absorber attached. Using the standard frequency ratio r = ω/ωp ,
the ratio of natural frequencies β = ωa /ωp (where ωa = 𝒌𝒂/𝒎𝒂 ), and the
mass ratio μ = ma /m, above equation can be rewritten as
Four physical parameter values:
As ζ is varied, the amplification of |Xk/F0| over the range of r can be reduced.
The normalized amplitude of vibration of the primary mass as a function of
the frequency ratio for several values of the damping in the absorber system
for the case of negligible damping in the primary system
Plot with μ = 0.25 and β = 0.9 for several values of ζ
Example Problem-1
A radial saw base has a mass of 73.16 kg
and is driven harmonically by a motor that
turns the saw’s blade as illustrated in
figure. The motor runs at constant speed
and produces a 13-N force at 180
cycles/min because of a small unbalance
in the motor. The resulting forced vibration
was not detected until after the saw had
been manufactured. The manufacturer
wants a vibration absorber designed to
drive the table oscillation to zero simply by
retrofitting an absorber onto the base.
Design the absorber assuming that the
effective stiffness provided by the table
legs is 2600 N/m. In addition, the absorber
must fit inside the table base and hence
has a maximum deflection of 0.2 cm.
Example Problem-2
Calculate the bandwidth of operation of the absorber design of previous
example. Assume that the useful range of an absorber is defined such that
|Xk/F0| <1. For values of |Xk/F0| >1, the machine could easily drift into
resonance and the amplitude of vibration actually becomes an amplification
of the effective driving force amplitude.

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