Tabletop Gaming #012 (Oct - Nov 2017)
Tabletop Gaming #012 (Oct - Nov 2017)
Tabletop Gaming #012 (Oct - Nov 2017)
O R D E R T O D AY AT W W W. O S P R E Y G A M E S . C O . U K
A unique When I Dream card. Star Saga prepares to shine.
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n When I Dream, one player dons a sleep mask at the end of the round, while the dreamer can Attached to the front of this magazine is one of
and pretends to fall asleep, while everyone earn bonus points by telling a story using all of five exclusive When I Dream cards. They’re much
else is dealt a secret role card. They could be a the revealed cards when time runs out. more than standard dream cards, though – these
good spirit trying to help the dreamer understand Each of the dream cards displays a surreal are double-sided promo cards featuring brand
their visions, a bad spirit aiming to mislead them mixture of two words – for example, rice and new artwork, with a different dream on either side.
or a trickster spirit that switches from helpful to oyster, or zombie and babysitter – that the All of the cards’ labels come blank, allowing
devious as each two-minute round goes by. sleeper can guess, complete with beautiful you to customise your card with your very own
The sleeper must try and identify their artwork that combines the words, with highly idea for a dream, making your game of When I
dreams using the one-word clues given by the entertaining results. Dream completely unique.
rest of the group, with the cards going in the 64 cards come ready-to-play in the box, but You’ll find one card with your magazine, but
correct or incorrect piles depending on whether you can add your own personal twist to the there are five different cards to collect, for a total of
they manage to guess accurately. The two piles game with this month’s free Tabletop Gaming 10 new dreams. Pick up another copy (or four!)
score points for the opposing teams of spirits gift: your very own personalised dreams. of Tabletop Gaming to expand your collection! ■
Tabletop Gaming Live will be an extension
of the in-depth and enthusiastic coverage you
enjoy in every issue of Tabletop Gaming and
Miniature Wargames, covering every genre and
style of tabletop gaming, from board and card
games to miniatures, wargames and RPGs.
It will be a show for everyone, whether you’re a
dedicated Magic: The Gathering or X-Wing collector,
Warhammer 40,000 or Malifaux miniature wargamer,
Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying adventurer, or
someone who just enjoys a lighthearted round of
Exploding Kittens or Pandemic.
The convention will be held in London’s iconic
Celebration of everything board games, miniatures and RPGs to Alexandra Palace, making it the best place for
gamers to meet in the UK capital. The venue is
take place in Alexandra Palace on September 29th and 30th 2018 easy to get to for both those in the city and those
coming from around the rest of the UK and abroad,
We’re very excited to announce Tabletop 2018, meaning it’ll be the first place in the UK to with close-by train and public transport links.
Gaming Live, a new gaming show run by the see some of the hottest games revealed at Gen Full details and ticket prices are yet to be
teams behind Tabletop Gaming and Miniature Con in mid-August, as well as your chance to announced, but needless to say we have
Wargames magazines that will take place in play the most talked-about upcoming releases some really exciting plans in store that are set
London next September. before Essen Spiel takes place in October. Not to to make Tabletop Gaming Live the very best
The two-day event will take place on Saturday, mention that it won’t cost you an expensive flight gaming convention the UK has to offer. We’re
September 29th and Sunday, September 30th to the US or Germany! looking forward to seeing you there!
It’s what could be the biggest Unlike X-Wing, however, you’ll a card-driven system to activate
game reveal of the year: a new be needing to stick together and units that changes based on
Star Wars miniatures game! paint the 33 models in the core box which leaders are being used. As
Fantasy Flight has announced yourself. As well as Stormtroopers troops are activated, they can use
Star Wars: Legion, an infantry and Rebel Troopers, the set will two actions and move as squads,
skirmish game set in the galaxy include vehicles in the form of two with a free-form system allowing
far, far away and due to come out 74-Z speeder bikes for the Empire grunts to be placed around
early next year. and an AT-RT walker on the Rebel their leader without needing to
Legion plans to do for ground side. Most excitingly, the first two measure every single move.
combat what X-Wing did for space commanders will be Darth Vader Legion isn’t the only Star Wars
dogfighting, allowing two players and Luke Skywalker. game coming out soon – the
to take control of squads of The gameplay will be markedly hugely influential 1980s roleplaying
Stormtroopers and Rebel soldiers different from both X-Wing game based on the sci-fi series is
in battles during the original Star and Fantasy Flight’s previous returning in a fancy new edition for
Wars trilogy’s Galactic Civil War. miniatures game Runewars,, using its 30th anniversary later this year.
war room
We’re close to Junction 1 of the M6 & Junction 18 of the M1
Perfect venue
for large events
We’re close to Junction 1 of the M6 & Junction 18 of the M1
“In 2004 I was fired from my job as an R&D engineer,
quite a selfish attitude. But it’s the only way I’m able
to work. And it works because my taste in games is
thought about which I’d done for 18 years. It was a very narrow
speciality and my only possibility for a new job was
very wide.”
it’s the only games before then. My first modern game was Fief,
which was published because the designer had won
“In Lawless you try to build the best ranch in the wild
way I’m able a game design contest, so I said: ‘One day I have to
design my own game.’ I made Lawless a western game
Wild West. So you need fields, represented by cards,
and on these fields you can place cows, and the more
to work.” because I like those kinds of movies. I have good
memories of watching westerns like 3:10 to Yuma on
cows you keep on the fields the more money they
will earn you. There are also a lot of action cards that
TV with my father.” can trigger some special effects, and you also have
offensive cards and cowboys to protect your herd.”
“I’ve only ever designed games for myself. My only END OF THE GAME
target is to create the game I want to play myself now, “The first publisher was a very small company based
and at this time I wanted to play this one. So I never in Geneva, but before the game was produced
thought about the audience. The audience is me. It’s they suddenly disappeared. I said, ‘I have to find
another way.’ So I emailed Bruno Faidutti, who I had
never met, but I knew had been designing games
for 15 years. I proposed that if he helped me find
a publisher, he would get 50%. I thought he would
never answer. But he answered me one hour later. I
sent him the prototype and he liked it so much that
he helped me find my first publisher, Descartes, and
in return only asked for ten boxes of the game. So Mr.
Faidutti, thank you! I will never forget you!”
“The first lesson a game designer has to learn is
patience. And my advice is also to play it again, again,
again, and not present the game to publishers before
you’re sure it’s 100% finished. I am still very proud of
Lawless. It’s the game which gave me the confidence
to be a game designer but, more than that, it’s still
■ A prototype of Lawless, showing
the clip art that inspired the final a game I like to play. Though I would really like to
game’s story and mechanics. reboot it...” ■
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“The work
ctober is probably a pretty good time to run a making games is the way we spend our working days,
crowdfunding campaign. but the work that actually pays the rent isn’t this weird
that actually Not the absolute best time. People have
spent a lot of effort trying to figure out exactly
painting-and-drawing card game. It’s commissions
and client work and consultancy. And so that has to
pays the what that absolute best time might be, and their
conclusions are... well, inconclusive. But October
come first.
There are some common-sense aspects of
rent isn’t seems as good a month as any, and better than most.
It avoids the late December/early January lull. It
Kickstarter timing that we can take advantage of. The
received wisdom is that 30 days is the best length of
this weird comes at a time when most people aren’t spending all
their money on tax bills or holidays. It’s early enough
time for a campaign; short enough that there’s a sense
of urgency, but long enough for people to find out
painting- that you might be able to offer delivery by Christmas,
if you’re pretty much finished with the game and just
about your project and spread the word. Common
sense and stats both say that you should try to finish
and-drawing raising money for the print run; but it’s close enough
to the end of the year that you’ll catch a few people in
on a weekday, when people will be around and
paying attention to the internet, instead of an evening
card game.” fretful shopping mode: “Oh god, I have to get something
for Winnabel. Wait, this game mentions cutlery and
or a weekend. That’s easy enough to do.
But unless you’re working on an enormous project
Winnabel definitely owns at least one fork! IT’LL DO.” with staff specifically dedicated to getting your
We’d looked at the stats and thought through the Kickstarter ready and then running it while it’s on,
logic when we decided on an October launch for the marginal advantage of one week or month over
our drawing game Art Deck. October! Perfect! And another is tiny compared to the bigger question of:
then we got a big piece of paying work for precisely when do you actually have time to do this? The best
October, and that plan went out the window. time for a crowdfunding campaign is the time when
Most people who run crowdfunding campaigns for you can give it as much attention as you possibly can.
■ 30 days is short enough for a
tabletop games have to fit their game design around The advice that everyone we’ve spoken to has given us
Kickstarter to seem urgent while
being long enough for people to other commitments – a day job, studies and exams, is: don’t underestimate the amount of time and energy
actually discover the game. family duties; sometimes all three. We’re lucky that it takes to get a campaign ready, and to run it while it’s
active. If you’re just going to pop up a description of a
game and a few rewards for backers, you might as well
not bother. So don’t try to force a particular launch
date. Find a time, and a way of running the campaign,
that you can really dedicate your energy to.
For us, the first few months of the year disappear
into the all-consuming maw of the Now Play This
games festival we run so, after October, our next
possible launch date is April. Like a lot of people who
are preparing for a Kickstarter, we’re really excited
about the game we’re making, and we want to finish
it and tell people about it and get it printed and get
people playing as soon as possible. Waiting until April
seems ridiculous. But it turns out that ‘patience’ is
yet another of those skills that are, we’re reluctantly
learning, part of running a crowdfunding campaign. ■
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of aristocrats in medieval France, trading goods and
building settlements to gain workers and earn money
for victory points. It’s strategically complex without being overly
complicated, plays just as well with two people as it does with four
and has quite a reasonable playing time – topping out at around an
hour and a half – compared to many other Euros.
There’s maybe no more revered designer
of Eurogames at the moment than Uwe
Rosenberg. His 2007 Kennerspiel des Jahres
winner is a deep and fulfilling strategy game
about managing a farm as well as a family,
and solidified many of the elements that
would make Rosenberg a tabletop icon,
including his thinky worker placement and use
of occupation cards. Agricola supports up to
five players and can take over two hours to
play, but if you’re looking for a faster, simpler
two-player version, spin-off All Creatures Big
and Small is well worth your time.
10Essen. To celebrate the return of the annual
German fair, we’ve picked out ten of the
finest ‘Eurogames' to ever grace the tabletop.
t’s October, which means it’s once again time
for the biggest tabletop event in the world:
their so-called ‘Ameritrash’ (it's a term of
endearment, honest) cousins, which tend
to favour theme and luck. Of course, these
are just broad terms rather than specific
cut-and-dry definitions – many of the best
Still, the traditional allure of Eurogames
continues to produce some of tabletop’s most
acclaimed designers, many of whom make an
appearance in this list. Whether you’re a Euro
expert or a complete newcomer looking for
For those not in the know, Eurogames are games on both sides of the Atlantic combine something a little heavier, all of the following
generally considered to be more complex, elements of luck, skill, theme and mechanical games are guaranteed masterworks. Dive in.
skill-dependent and thematically drier than complexity in equal measure. Chosen by Matt Jarvis
3 4
Andreas Seyfarth's 2002 gem is one of the It’s rather fitting that a card game about
most commonly-suggested contenders for the seven wonders of the world is itself a
the best board game of all time by many wonder, isn’t it? Set over three epochs,
gamers. Players are colonial governors 7 Wonders sees players developing their
on the titular island aiming to earn VP by cards – that’s right, this is a Euro without
trading goods and constructing buildings, a board – to develop their city, apply military pressure
growing crops they can swap for doubloons to rivals and gain victory points. As players draft
and gradually increase their abilities. It has cards, they pass the remaining hand to both of their
an interesting role-selection mechanic that neighbours as the rounds progress, giving them some
involves choosing a role at the beginning of insight into what their opponents are up to. Of course,
a turn, which allows all players to perform the original multiplayer title was later reimagined as a
the action but grants the chooser a discount. two-player showdown in 7 Wonders Duel, which is just
If you enjoy Seyfarth’s original, the designer as highly regarded.
later released a snappier card game based
on the game's concepts called San Juan.
7 8
Embodying the preference for strategy and skill over luck THE MAYAN
for which Eurogames have become known, Terra Mystica CALENDAR
is a tale of fantasy exploration as each player develops Everyone loves
resources, constructs buildings and advances the corn, right?
following of religion among one of 14 different clans that Well, nobody
have made their home across a variety of environments. loves corn more than the
The heady civilisation-building game has become a firm Mayans, who use it as currency
favourite of Euro fanatics in the five years since it was in this unique worker placement
released – isn’t it time you gave it a go? game that also features
massive rotating gears on its
iconic board. Players place
their tribespeople in visible
holes in each gear, performing
an action when they pick them
up – meaning that waiting
for the gears to rotate round
to more powerful abilities
can pay off if you have the
patience. There’s nothing else
quite like it out there. Plus,
you get diddly crystal skulls!
Probably the best-known and best-loved game
by green-loving and F-obsessed designer
Friedemann Friese, Power Grid is about
networking energy across a map, keeping the
lights on in cities and bidding for better power
plants while contending with the fluctuating role
of resources such as coal, gas and uranium.
A super-sized deluxe edition of the modern
favourite came out a few years ago, followed by
last year’s Power Grid: The Card Game, which
does away with the board and focuses on the
bidding aspects for a faster play experience.
One of the many celebrated Eurogames from small studio Splotter, Food Chain
Magnate is a hefty strategy game about establishing your own fast food franchise
to rival McDonalds or Burger King. Over the course of several hours, players must
juggle the purchasing, marketing and customer sales of food and drink, as well as
managing their staff and outlets. Plus, they’ll need to keep an eye on the moves
of their opponents as they vie for control of the central city map. Like many of Splotter’s games,
Food Chain Magnate can be hard to track down – but if you can find a copy, it’s a must-buy.
n the aftermath of Gen Con, things herbs and plants, herbaceous monsters, and
always get a little quiet until the other big new archetypes, as well as rules for herb
conventions start to ramp up, but that gives usage in the world.
us time to showcase a number of the smaller We’re also going to take a moment
independent roleplaying releases that are to highlight some of the games that did
about to hit shelves. very well at the ENnie Awards – the RPG
Arion Games recently finished its latest equivalent of the Oscars. Even though some
trio of books for the Advanced Fighting of them have been out for a short while,
Fantasy game system. Stellar Adventures is they’re all worth taking a look at.
a standalone book that allows players and Timewatch is a game of time-travelling
GMs to run games in the far-future settings secret agents where the players work to
of the Fighting Fantasy world. It contains a defend the timestream from radioactive
huge number of options to support almost cockroaches, psychic velociraptors and
any style of game, from gritty alien hunting human meddlers. Go back in time to help
on derelict spacecraft and deep space yourself in a fight, thwart your foes by
exploration to desperate rebels fighting an targeting their ancestors or gain a vital clue
evil space empire. Rules are provided for by checking a scroll out from the Library of
vehicle and starship construction, alien race Alexandria. But watch out for paradoxes that
design, psionic powers, robot types, starship may erase you from existence... or worse.
crews and setting design. Philippe Tessier's Polaris is another
Complementing Stellar top pick. For centuries, wars and climatic
Adventures is the Starship catastrophes have ravaged the surface of
Catalogue, presented as a the earth, making it uninhabitable by all
dealer's catalogue for all but the mutated and monstrous. Humanity,
the different types of ship searching for refuge, combs the world’s
available in the futuristic oceans and finds sanctuary – and more.
setting. It also contains details Green Ronin's Atlas of Earth Prime is a
of customisation rules for sourcebook for the Mutants & Masterminds
starships and new weapons system that allows the heroes to explore the
with which to wage war. sites and perils of all seven continents, as
Finally for AFF there is The well as fabled Atlantis, the Lost World and
Titan Herbal, a sourcebook the strange realms of Sub-Terra that lie at the
dealing with the various centre of the Earth. Packed with locations,
different plants and herbs heroes, villains and worldwide agencies, it’s
found in the Fighting Fantasy everything that you need to play a campaign
universe with over 250 different in the new world. ■
Title: Auf Achse | Year of win: 1987 | Designer: Wolfgang Kramer | Number of players: 2-6
Playing time: 60 minutes | Worthy winner? No | Worth playing now? No
Availability: No English edition, but the German edition is easy to find | Price: Around €15 on eBay
ook at that box. Just look at it. This isn’t ‘on the road’ or ‘keep on trucking’ is closer stacks of money in different denominations.
simply the 1980s, this is the 1980s in to the meaning. But if English people say the The contract cards, likewise, have the names
Germany and vorsprung durch technik is German name out loud it sounds a bit like of places on them and different values for how
the name of the game, gleaming machines and ‘Aw, fucks’, which is also what people say when much you earn under different circumstances,
efficiency, except the name of the game is Auf they learn it’s another roll-and-move game. plus there’s a deck of cards with random events
Achse. We are in the era of Yorkies, denim and Heimlich & Co. was also roll-and-move on them. Frankly, if you half-close your eyes the
diesel, and the world is ready for a big game but it was clever: you could move any piece whole thing starts to feel like Monopoly.
about trucking. And just visible above the title, and divide your roll between them. In Auf This is my suspicion about Auf Achse.
in tiny letters, are the words ‘Wolfgang Kramer’. Achse you roll one dice on your turn, and I think it won the SdJ because someone
Wolfgang Kramer was the designer who’d that’s how many spaces you move your truck. believed that with the publicity shove of a
won the Spiel des Jahres the year before, for Truck: singular. Although you play a trucking major award behind it, it could have been a
Heimlich & Co., Nobody had ever won the company dispatcher, your firm has a ‘fleet’ Monopoly-killer. If you’ve spent time in the
SdJ twice, let alone won it in consecutive comprised of one small rubbery truck of a business you’ll know that the Monopoly-killer
years. For games critics and fans, this was curiously 1950s design, with enough space is not so much the holy grail as the white
huge. This win cemented Kramer’s position for six items of unidentified cargo. whale of the games industry; it’s elusive, it
as a modern maestro of board-game design, Your job is to fulfil contracts by hauling promises fabulous wealth to the one who
perhaps one of the all-time greats. freight between assorted western European discovers it, it may not exist and many people
Yet, despite all that, Auf Achse is one of destinations, from Flensburg in the north to have ruined themselves hunting for it.
the few Spiel des Jahres winners that’s never Trieste in the south, depending on the contracts Auf Achse is not trying to reinvent
been published in English. You’d be right to ask you’re either assigned or that you bid on. Short Monopoly directly, but there’s a sense it’s
why. And if the answer that springs to mind is contracts for a few bits of freight won’t earn taken the things that are
‘because it’s not very good', you’d be right, too. you much, but long runs with a lot of pieces fun about Monopoly and
Auf Achse is a German phrase that will earn a lot – and this is obviously a game strained them through a
translates as ‘on the axle’, though in English about earning, because it comes with great Eurogame filter to create
■ Pandemic Legacy’s second he first Star Wars film wasn’t retitled as Episode co-designer, and the person widely considered
season once again comes in IV: A New Hope until four years after it was the trailblazer of the legacy genre, Rob Daviau.
two differently-coloured – but first released in 1977, once George Lucas’ “Towards the end they were like: ‘Great! ...what are
otherwise identical – boxes. The ambitious space opera had already proved it was you doing next? This looks like it’s going to be good.’”
artwork literally completes the a cultural tour de force set to redefine the world of Just as Star Wars’ unprecedented special effects
circle of the first game. cinema. It was a confident statement: there’s more to and sweeping sci-fi storytelling were rooted by the
be told here. influence of classic Japanese and Italian cinema,
When Pandemic Legacy launched in 2015, it made Pandemic Legacy wasn’t just the start of something
no such hesitation. The red and blue boxes – each new – it was the culmination of years of innovation
with identical contents, allowing two groups to keep and invention on the tabletop. Leacock’s Pandemic
track of their progress separately – boldly declared had quickly earned a place alongside Catan, Ticket
that this was merely Season One: the beginning of to Ride and Carcassonne as an approachable yet
something big. strategically satisfying gateway game upon release
“About halfway through development, we started in 2008, spawning several spin-offs and expansions,
to realise it felt a bit like a TV series,” Pandemic while Daviau had begun to put forward his
creator Matt Leacock recalls. “[Publisher] Z-Man revolutionary ideas for an evolving board game in his
actually came up with that concept and put it on the celebrated 2011 reimagining of Risk
box. They were like, ‘Oh, I guess we may be doing While it’s easy to assume now that Pandemic
another one!’” Legacy was an obvious hit in the making, it wasn’t
“We realised we could probably do this again as certain before its debut. No other designers
and find something new, but Season One was just had jumped on the legacy concepts showcased in
designed as ‘let’s try Pandemic Legacy’,” adds his Daviau’s Risk experiment in the years following its
With the magic of Pandemic Legacy hinging on
its twists and turns, it’s little surprise that the pair
responsible for plotting the shocks in store refuse to
be drawn on what players can expect.
“In my head there are three things that I
particularly like,” Daviau teases warily. “I will say
that one is a game mechanism, one is a very, very
small thing that many players will not see and may
not notice – it may not resonate with them like it did
with me – and the third is more narrative. They’re up
and down.”
It turns out that Leacock and Daviau hope to even
surprise themselves.
“There’s a lot of things I like, and Matt and I have
been done for a year, so I’m keenly looking forwards
to getting the game, opening up and going, ‘Oh right,
that’s what happens in August!’” Daviau continues.
With Season One solidified as a modern classic
and Season Two the most anticipated game of 2017,
it would hardly be unexpected for a third Pandemic
Legacy instalment to be in the works. Daviau stays
tight-lipped on the subject.
“We’re hoping for five seasons and a movie,” he
jokes. “That’s all I’m going to say. This is all about
Season Two. We recognise that there’s a desire
for more – they’re also incredibly long to make.
We don’t want to reveal the story. Maybe it’s a
two-part story, maybe it’s three, maybe it’s four,
maybe it’s five. At a certain point we won’t have the
mechanisms or the story left to tell, or there’ll be
fatigue for the players of playing again. We’ve got a
couple of different ways we may go with it, but we
don’t want to get into that – this is all about Two
right now.”
As for projects outside of their joint magnum
opus, both designers express a desire to reunite in
the future.
“There’s plenty of other things we could explore
together,” Leacock says enthusiastically. “If a
project came up that was of interest to both Rob
and I, it’d be fun to work together again. It wouldn’t
have to be Pandemic.”
“And it wouldn’t necessarily have to be legacy,”
Daviau chimes in. “That nice simple card game we
always talked about.”
With Pandemic Legacy: Season Two looking
like it will live up to the lofty expectations of its
predecessor, whatever the pair work on next –
Pandemic, legacy or otherwise – is sure to cause
waves across the tabletop. Still, fans might still
end up disappointed if they can’t tear up at least
a few cards.
“Yeah, just randomly for no reason,” Daviau laughs. ■
tephen King, the modern maestro of investigators in reality – death and insanity are
spooky storytelling, once called H.P. typical, and direct combat often deadly – Call of
Lovecraft “the 20th century’s greatest Cthulhu’s themes opened the portal for games
practitioner of the classic horror tale”. to subject players to darker, interconnected
King’s recognition of the author in the early narratives and tougher challenges in line with
eighties neatly summed up the remarkable boom the doom-and-gloom tone of its muse.
in popularity and recognition that Lovecraft’s “Looking at the last few years, it seems that
work had experienced in the half-century nearly everyone is trying to squeeze Cthulhu
following his death in 1937, when he had into their games,” observes Call of Cthulhu line
died largely unknown by the wider public, his editor Mike Mason. “Obviously everyone is
fame confined to the small readership of pulp waking up to the fact that Cthulhu and his kin
magazines in which his stories were published. are just plain cool. I’m just glad that Chaosium
Three-plus decades on from King’s eulogy, was the first and led the way – we didn’t jump
and fast approaching the centenary of Lovecraft’s on the bandwagon, we built the wagon.”
death, it’s hard to find someone who hasn’t come Arriving less than a decade after D&D
into contact with a Lovecraftian yarn of forbidden had generated mainstream controversy for
knowledge and cosmicism – the existential fear roleplaying’s supposed corruption of youth, Call
of an uncaring, godless universe, symbolised by of Cthulhu faced an extra wave of criticism from
the fruitless struggle of humanity against celestial proponents of Lovecraft’s prose. Among its
beings of incomparable power that appear in so early detractors was a “highly skeptical” Joshi.
many of Lovecraft’s tales. Netflix series Stranger “I thought, without actually knowing much
Things, horror movie The Void and PS4 video game about it, that the RPG had ‘dumbed down’
Bloodborne are just a few of the more-admired Lovecraft’s richly textured and complex fiction
efforts to pay homage to Lovecraft and his distinct to the level of cheap entertainment; I also didn’t
flavour of cosmic dread in the last couple of years. care for the fact that creations from Lovecraft’s
Noted Lovecraft scholar, bibliographer successors were intermingled with Lovecraft’s
and literary critic S.T. Joshi admits that even own creations,” he recalls. “But it turns out that
he is “constantly stupefied” by the author’s many of those who use this RPG and others like
ongoing popularity. it have in fact been drawn back to Lovecraft’s
“I cannot think of a single writer from his fiction, so that Lovecraft’s own writings are
era who has infiltrated both ‘high’ and popular the beneficiary of this ever-expanding interest
culture the way he has,” he explains. among those who initially may not have had
While Lovecraft’s presence in film, TV and any familiarity with his work.”
games has ebbed and flowed over the decades, Call of Cthulhu sowed an interest for Lovecraft
his work has remained consistently popular in gaming that blossomed into the obsession
on the tabletop, with dozens of board, card, that continues today. A proposed Call of Cthulhu
roleplaying and miniatures games inspired board game emerged in 1987 as Arkham Horror,
by his oeuvre released every year. While the which later sparked the creation of Fantasy
unrelenting barrage of Lovecraft adaptations and Flight’s successful Arkham Horror Files franchise,
spin-offs has become somewhat of a running uniting Eldritch Horror, Elder Sign, Mansions
joke (and, at points, gripe) among players, of Madness and last year’s Arkham Horror: The
several tabletop takes on Lovecraft remain Card Game. Call of Cthulhu is now on its seventh
some of the highest-regarded games of all time. edition, and has given rise to roleplaying spin-offs
The first major Lovecraft game to hit the including Trail of Cthulhu and Delta Green. That’s
tabletop was Call of Cthulhu, an RPG designed without mentioning the innumerable standalone
by Sandy Petersen and published by Chaosium original and derivative games to have emerged
in 1981. As well as innovating on the roleplaying as Lovecraft’s name grew in stature.
staples established by earlier titles such as “A great number of the games that followed
Dungeons & Dragons by grounding its human were more inspired by the Call of Cthulhu RPG ▶
“Game designers are more says Joshi. “Moreover, many of Lovecraft’s stories
are first-person narratives, meaning that the
Like Mansions of
Madness? Read
The Shadow
Over Innsmouth.
Like Eldritch
Horror? Read The
Dunwich Horror.
Like Mountains of
Madness? Read
At the Mountains
of Madness.
Like Lovecraft
Letter? Read The
Cats of Ulthar.
Like Arkham
Horror: The Card
Game? Read The
Colour Out of Space.
stories. The inevitability of your destruction is all about fear of the unknown, so it would across to the flourishing medium. Although
and humanity’s insignificance in the cosmos be doing the Mythos a disservice to not throw the horrifying treatment of certain people and
are strong themes, allowing designers to craft some unknown factors into the mix.” cultures is completely absent from games such
plots with a huge breadth – from the personal as Call of Cthulhu and Eldritch Horror, some
to the epic, and all points in-between. The LOVECRAFT AND HATE of the monsters and stories that their creators
source material is a rich vein of inspiration.” As Lovecraft’s writing and imaginative pull from remain rooted in abhorrent ethics – so
With Cthulhu and all of Lovecraft’s work widely monsters have continued to rise in popularity, should designers continue to further the visions
considered to now be in the public domain, anyone the more problematic personal beliefs of the of a noted xenophobe?
can turn their hand to crafting a new tale or game author have similarly bubbled to the surface. “There is no problem in using an author’s
in the extensive universe and cashing in on the Chief among these is the issue of racism, stories for inspiration even though that author
seemingly unending fervor – but it takes much although Lovecraft’s misogynist and anti-Semitic may have held obnoxious personal beliefs,” Mason
more than a name to break away from the crowd. views also rear their ugly heads throughout his replies. “Lovecraft is not the only writer to have
“As developers, we have to do our own stories. Much of the fear that Lovecraft finds in held views we would nowadays find distasteful
research, and ensure that Lovecraftian elements the ‘unknown’ isn’t just limited to cosmic horrors and downright wrong. I think most everyone is
feel and look the way they’re supposed to,” – it extends to immigrants, Jews, Italians, intelligent enough to separate out the bad from
Newman says. “Provided you’re not doing a Polish people, Mexicans, women, people of the good, and draw out the elements of the stories
parody work, it’s not enough to just slap a monster colour and many other races and creeds. that make for engaging plots and adversaries.
on a card, name it ‘Shoggoth’ and call it a day. Lovecraft’s attitudes towards race have been Lovecraft’s racism isn’t pleasant and shouldn’t be
“That being said, working within the a controversial talking point for literary critics ignored. His stories, however, are influential and
confines of the Mythos still allows for a lot of for decades, but his growing celebrity on the groundbreaking science fiction and horror from
creativity to shine through. Lovecraft’s work tabletop has brought the conversation back which ideas and concepts can be drawn.”
In early 2015, newly-founded publisher
Monolith raised $3.3 million on Kickstarter for
“The human race is its debut title, a board game adaptation of Conan
the Barbarian. Conan’s creator Robert E. Howard
a fear that Lovecraft explored controversy over its troubling portrayal of women
and perceived stereotyping of Chinese and Native
and one that is very ‘current’.” American culture in its fantasy races of the Picts
and Khitai. Monolith defended the representation
as faithful to Howard’s original short stories, ▶
but the upset and debate over whether the board “In my estimation, far too much has been fear that Lovecraft explored and one that is very
game was appropriate continued. made of Lovecraft’s racism – which is only one ‘current’ in today’s world,” Mason says. “Games
Unlike Conan, in most cases Lovecraft’s relatively small aspect of his overall life and based upon these concepts somehow ring true
own racism has been separated from the thought, and much less significant than some and make them more impactful, and also allow
transformation of his work into games. Some other facets that could be mentioned,” he offers. us, within the games, to make some measure
designers have gone one step further by actively “Nevertheless, we do have to face the fact that of resistance. While we can’t always control the
seeking to combat the history of hatred lurking Lovecraft was a racist, even though he was a lot world around us, we can find some sense of
in the background of Lovecraft’s original texts by of other things as well, and even though many accomplishment through narrative storytelling,
updating, replacing or even introducing brand other writers and other prominent figures of otherwise known as roleplaying games.”
new elements into his stories. his era were also racists. But a fair-minded Believe it or not, there may be a limit to how
“Lovecraft’s works, as inspiring and examination shows that racist elements enter many people take comfort in a universe full of
successful as they are in some aspects, are into his fiction only in passing, and there is no alien creatures, murderous cultists and deities
deeply problematic when it comes to race and particular reason why game designers should seeking the destruction of all humanity. So
gender,” says Tourigny. “I’ve taken the liberty place undue stress on these elements. while it may seem that the unstoppable wave
of ‘casting’ African-Americans in some of the “It is true that in some stories the ‘heroes’ of Cthulhu spin-offs will eventually lead to a
depictions of the characters from his stories – appear to be white males while the ‘villains’ maddening flood of disposable Lovecraft tie-ins,
Walter Gilman and Frank Elwood, for instance are alien races; but in other stories, Caucasians it’s more likely to remain the current balance of
– as a way to ensure more diversity in the don’t come off very well either! And Lovecraft’s first-rate games and reskinned side attractions,
representation. I even imagined Arkham Noir as cosmic entities are so otherworldly that they with designers continuing to reimagine
possibly depicting only African-Americans, to cannot be associated, even symbolically, with Lovecraft’s worlds for a new generation until the
add even more significance to the game’s title, the ‘foreigners’ whose presence in American writer finally falls out of fashion.
but I felt that gimmick might be a bridge too far.” society troubled Lovecraft. There are, in fact, no “Cthulhu is not by any measure a
“We’ve seen, in recent years, authors taking true ‘heroes’ and ‘villains’ in Lovecraft’s stories ‘mainstream’ thing,” Mason continues. “It
Lovecraft’s creations and repurposing them at all: the whole of humanity is doomed!” remains niche and, while there does appear to be
to directly address and turn upside-down a preponderance of the world ‘Cthulhu’ on any
Lovecraft’s personal racism,” Mason adds. GREAT OLD ONE? number of card and board games, most gamers
“Modern game designers are likewise drawing 2017 marks 80 years since Lovecraft’s death. are shrewd enough to know when the name is
inspiration from Lovecraft in a similar way.” Next year, The Call of Cthulhu – and its being used purely to shift a few more units.”
With diversity a hotter topic than ever when it eponymous monster – will turn 90. Lovecraft For those entranced by weird tales of
comes to entertainment as a whole, and especially and Cthulhu fatigue often seems to be at an all- undead gods beneath the sea, lost ancient
in gaming, the treatment of Lovecraft will almost time high among gamers, yet new instalments cities and unimaginable horrors from outer
certainly remain a much-discussed subject in the ever-widening Mythos are still regularly space, there’ll be no shortage of the strange to
for years to come. Joshi insists that designers received with critical plaudits and the devoted dive into for a long while yet.
should be inspired by the inventive storytelling audiences to match. In fact, it might be that the “So far, those interested in Lovecraft seem
and universe-building that continues to engross king of cosmic horror and existential dread has to be devouring all these products with relish
readers and players, and not be saddled with the never been more in vogue. and show little sign of having reached their
politics of a bygone era – whether they’re accurate “The human race is beginning to comprehend limit,” says Joshi. “So let’s ride the wave as
to Lovecraft’s work or not. our insignificance in the greater universe, a long as we can!” ■
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p033.indd 1 19/09/2017 11:43
Richard Garfield’s city-smashing games are
glorious monster mayhem from Japan’s capital
to the mean streets of the Big Apple. Join us
in the fray as we fight to crown a new kaiju
Words by Matt Jarvis
hen it comes to the best big movie of countless
monster, there are only two real kaiju – the
answers: King Kong or Godzilla. Japanese term
The Beatles-or-The Rolling Stones debate of for giant monsters
the cinematic world has raged on for decades – since. That is, until
since the enormous ape and gigantic lizard first the beasts decide to
stomped onto the silver screen, with the two cross the sea…
eventually clashing directly in 1962’s King Kong
vs. Godzilla. (Spoiler: Kong won.) Godzilla has WHAT’S IT ABOUT?
gone on to beat up other monsters, and both Although its characters are beings of
Kong and Godzilla have returned to screens awe-inspiring scale, King of Tokyo’s
alone in various incarnations – including gameplay is relatively compact. If you’ve ever
recent reboots of both film franchises in the played the dice-rolling classic Yahtzee, you’ll
last few years – in the time since, but the be right at home as you roll six dice in pursuit
question remains open as to which colossal of a killer combination of victory points,
creature is top of the food chain. energy, health and attack power.
Hollywood won’t take another stab at Each player and their respective monster
solving the conundrum until Godzilla vs. Kong gets three throws to keep and re-roll as
hits cinemas in 2020. Luckily, game design many dice as they like, with the final
genius and Magic: The Gathering creator result dictating their actions for that
Richard Garfield came up with a way to solve turn. Energy can be used to buy
the ultimate showdown on the tabletop all the special cards in the middle of the
way back in 2011, in the form of King of Tokyo. table, unlocking powerful moves
Okay, okay, so it’s not the actual Godzilla and abilities that fit right in with the
or King Kong trading blows in King of Tokyo, comic-book style of the clashing
but the game’s Giga Zaur and The King pay creatures, from a shrink ray or high-
clear homage to the legendary on-screen altitude drop to transformations and
beasts. It’s not just a one-on-one duel, either – the size-boosting ‘Even Bigger’ card.
the equally powerful Alienoid, Cyber Bunny, Victory points are only scored if you
Kraken and Meka Dragon join the oversized cash in three or more matching results
lizard and primate. (In the second edition of showing 1, 2 or 3 – each extra matching
the game, Cyber Bunny is Cyber Kitty instead die grants a bonus VP, which can
and the Kraken becomes Space Penguin.) be vital as you claw your way
The ultimate prize is control of Tokyo city, towards the winning total
Godzilla’s iconic stomping ground and home of 20. Of course, the other
MAZE How a Danish former phone app developer came up
with the year’s most original board game and proved
that, even at the tabletop, silence is golden
Words by Dan Jolin
when you consider that the game is, in Lapp’s THE NEXT LEVEL
words “so strange”. As players, we can usually Like most successful
fall back on our knowledge of previous, games, Magic Maze is a
similar titles to ease us through a rulebook. If work-in-progress. When
you know Agricola, for example, then you’ll we speak, Lapp has just
click into Lords of Waterdeep very quickly. sent the game’s first
But if you’re coming to Magic Maze cold, expansion, Maximum
you’ll be double-taking your way through its Security, off to production.
entire ruleset: the fact that there are no turns, “It introduces security guards,”
no talking, no specific pawn for each player… he explains. “So instead of making
Lapp’s background in computer game the mall bigger, I’ve made it more complex.
design helped a little here. During playtesting You have to move the security guards around
he realised new players would need to be as well, so it becomes more of a puzzle.”
eased in gently. So he conceived different He’s also working on a version of the game
scenarios for each (roughly 15-minute) play for younger children. “It’s not just Magic
session – effectively levels, like you’d find in Maze made simpler, it’s kind of a new game “I’m also trying to make a pirate game,” he
an arcade game or Mario-like platformer. also.” There will be no exploration element, adds. “A semi-co-op game where you have to
The first seven of these introduce the rules rather a selection of pre-made boards. “But sail the sea and loot, but you’re on a sinking ship
gradually. In fact, the very first scenario even the new challenge instead is that there are so there’s only a limited time to get the treasures
allows talking. some animals on the board, so you have to you want. You have to negotiate with the other
“There should be a gradual difficulty puzzle your way around them. And it’s going players about where you’re going to sail and
rising,” says Lapp – something that was also to be very much from the bottom up. You can there’s constant mutiny, where the captain
important because, he noticed, “players get add one rule at a time, and of course it starts can be replaced if you don’t agree with him.”
better at the game so quickly”. much easier than the other game. Though it Thanks to his weirdest-ever idea, the quiet
Anyone who’s experienced Magic Maze can still get very difficult…” guy from small-town Denmark is finally
will have noticed that, after some initial It’s interesting that, as challenging as it making a living from the hobby he loves most.
blunders you can reach a point where you all can be, Magic Maze never becomes all-out There is no doubting that Magic Maze has
silently lock in to its play flow and find the stressful. Why exactly is that? “It must be changed Kasper Lapp’s life. People no longer
game’s rhythm. It’s oddly exhilarating. something to do with the silence, I think,” think he’s living “in a dream world” when
“If it was just win or lose, then players answers Lapp. “That people cannot yell at he talks about having a career as a game
would lose, lose, lose and then win, win, win you. That might be it. Although they can put designer. And as happy as the rave reviews
forever. So the challenge had to be upped the ‘Do Something!’ pawn in front of you. and Spiel des Jahres nomination make him,
all the time. And then it might as well be That can be pretty stressful. I’ve had people he’s above all gratified by the way regular
increased by adding rules.” coming up to me and saying, ‘You owe us a gamers have embraced his strange creation.
There is one element which still nags at table! You destroyed our table!’ Because they “Seeing people play Magic Maze is so
Lapp, though. A rule which he’s noticed have put it down so hard that it’s made marks good. I’m proud of it,” he beams. “Though I
players are still misunderstanding: namely, on their table,” he laughs. don’t know if I’ll be able to ever make such
the vortexes. These magical teleporting spots, Lapp has other ideas he’s working on, a game again. It’s such a new game. I think I
colour-coded for each hero, enable players too – other than his Magic Maze progenitor was lucky to come up with it.” ■
to take tile-hopping shortcuts (at least until Hivemind, which he’s re-developing as an
every hero has made it to their respective upcoming hardcore variant. One of those
shop, at which point things get tougher). ideas even involves noise, being a themeless
“The thing with the vortexes is you don’t real-time co-op party game that positively
have to be standing on a vortex of your encourages shouting. “It’s coming out next
colour to move to another vortex,” Lapp year with Amigo Spiel,” says Lapp, though he
emphasises. Rather, you can pick up the says it’s yet to be titled. (“The working title
relevant pawn from any space and move was Photo Safari.”)
it to a vortex space. It’s a rule he even had
printed in bold. “You really have to yell it
in order to make players understand,” he
sighs. “That’s actually been the most difficult
thing to make players understand. And I
think it’s very important because the vortex
is not really that useable if you have to be
on another of the same colour.” He makes a ■ The maze
is made up
request: “It would be great if you could put it
of various
in the article, because I really want to get the shopping
word out, so people understand.” mall areas.
t may not have quite the same popular of dice. However, more often than not, standard Risk board as Kamchatka. When
name recognition as Monopoly, but Risk probability will favour the attacker because Alaskan governor and vice-presidential
is surely the world’s best-known strategy the attacker will usually have put themselves candidate Sarah Palin was reported to have
board game. Originally invented by the in a position to roll one more die than the claimed she could see Russia from her
Palme d’Or- and Oscar-winning French defender. When they do this, the attacker has kitchen window, it may have been the cause
film director Albert Lamorisse, the game is a significant advantage because only their of mocking merriment in the United States
now celebrating its 60th anniversary. It first highest two rolls are compared with the two but it came as no surprise to me.
appeared in 1957 in France as La Conquete dice rolled by the defender.
du Monde (The Conquest of the World). For many of us, Risk was our first ‘serious’ GETTING RISQUÉ
The game was bought by Parker Brothers board game. We can surely all remember A succession of rule variations over the years
in 1959 and published first as Risk: The seizing and reinforcing Australasia in the have helped to keep Risk interesting. These
Continental Game and then as Risk: The hope of creating an impregnable base for include alternate setup rules, differences in
Game of Global Domination. our armies. There is genuine strategy in the use of cards to draft additional armies,
Risk is so well-known that we hardly need optimising attacks and defence, and, in the introduction of ‘capitals’ (starting
to explain the rules of play here: in the basic games with several players, there can be positions to be protected from capture by
game, a map of the world is divided into 42 elements of diplomacy as players negotiate opposing players) and the adoption of ‘secret
territories unequally distributed over six and form unofficial alliances. missions’ (concealed individual objectives
continents. Players occupy territories and I would not want to make exaggerated that give an instant win when achieved). The
accumulate armies with the aim of capturing claims for the educational value of the secret missions typically involve capturing
neighbouring regions and eliminating game, but I am sure that I cannot be the only two specified continents, eliminating a
other players. Combat is by dice roll, with person who learnt their world geography by specific opponent or occupying a set number
the attacker rolling one fewer die than the navigating their way around the Risk board. of territories each with two or more armies.
number of armies they have in a territory, up It was only through playing Risk that I can It has been the secret mission cards, in
to a maximum of three. If the defender has even now immediately pinpoint the location particular, that have given a new lease of
two or more armies on a territory, they roll of Irkutsk. It was the lines of connection that life to the game. Prior to their introduction,
two dice. The defender wins tied rolls, which enabled armies to move between the eastern Risk invariably involved player elimination:
means that probability favours the defender and western edges of the board that taught if a player was eliminated, their cards – and
when each player rolls the same number me that Alaska borders what is shown on the therefore extra armies – would go to the
■ Opposite: The
form of Risk familiar
to most players.
players get their die roll enhanced but any omnipotent character Q as a plot device to is a visually attractive variant set at the
pieces they lose have a 50% chance of turning bring together the captains from all the various time of the Roman Empire that appears
into more of the undead. This is thematically TV incarnations of Star Trek and to pit them only to have been published and sold in
strong and offers an inventive twist to the against each other. Sadly, the publishers’ Italy. Its implementation of naval units and
underlying Risk game. licence seems to limit them to sales only in amphibious attacks, and its turnly reckoning
In 2013, we were given a Doctor Who North America, making the game currently of victory points, makes for a more tactical
edition of Risk, subtitled The Dalek Invasion of difficult to get hold of in the UK. tussle than in the ‘vanilla’ game. Risk: Balance
Earth. In this version of the game, each of the of Power tweaked the rules to better work as a
players controls not the Doctor but an army of WORLD DOMINATION two-player game, but Hasbro decided not to
competing Daleks who are bent on achieving In 2015, Hasbro took Risk to a new level market the game at all in the USA – possibly
global supremacy – a welcome return to the with the release of Risk Europe. This sets because the map for the game did not include
original theme. In addition to mission cards, the game in medieval Europe with players North America. The publisher perhaps
‘power cards’ in this edition introduce random controlling feudal kings but involves several feared that a map without North America
events that can have a significant favourable new mechanics. Actions in the game are might seem alien and irrelevant to its more
or negative effect. Doctor Who fans will card-driven, so this is an area control game parochial customers.
appreciate the fact that the illustrations on that also involves hand management.
mission and power cards draw on the original In their turn, players’ choice of cards NO END TO WAR
series as well as the more recent version, so the determines whether they will tax (collect There have been scores of unofficial
Daleks are as likely to encounter the Seventh income for the territories they control) or variants of Risk over the decades. These
Doctor’s companion Ace as they are Ninth and spend their income on weapons, troops or are area control games with elements very
Tenth Doctor companion Rose Tyler. Each castles. A second card allows for different reminiscent of Risk, to the extent that some
turn, the Doctor’s TARDIS materialises in a types of movement between territories. The would class them as ‘Risk clones’ even though
different territory, freezing for the turn any game incorporates capitals with special they do not use the name Risk in the title.
action in that location. The Doctor also acts as powers and a blind bidding phase for turn First published in the 1980s, Milton
a ‘timer’ in the game: ‘regenerating’ through order and recruiting mercenaries. It also Bradley’s Gamesmaster games, including Axis
his various incarnations from the First to the has four different types of combat unit so & Allies, Fortress America and Shogun (re-
Eleventh (the version of the Doctor when this that the traditional Risk dice resolution is released as Samurai Swords and later Ikuza),
game was published). The game ends when substantially modified. For example, in Risk clearly owe a strong debt to Risk, as do games
the Doctor’s regeneration reaches Eleven, Europe, the archers fire before the cavalry such as TSR’s Buck Rogers Battle for the 25th
which can make for a remarkably brisk game: attack, although their chance of success is Century, which was published in 1988. All of
if you play with four or five, each player may less than that of the cavalry. The net result is these games suggest the influence of Risk in
not even get a third turn! a game that can certainly trace its roots back their underlying design but each takes the
As USS Enterprise captain James T. Kirk to the original game but which players might game in a different direction. The Buck Rogers
once famously commented, “Risk is our not immediately recognise as Risk if it weren’t game is especially memorable for its use of
business”, so it seemed very appropriate in for the branding on the box. planetary orbits. This means that territories
2016 for USAopoly to publish Risk: Star Trek Some variants have been published only in constantly vary in distance from each other
50th Anniversary Edition. The game uses the specific markets. For example, S.P.Q.Risiko! in accordance with each planet’s movement
he glistening green skin of an Ork squad Black Library fiction, which all means we’re mining
as it charges into battle. The copper a really rich seam of worldbuilding and story.”
sheen of drying blood on a Space Marine While the comics feature established ■ Step 1: An initial rough concept sketch.
Chainsword. The glowing core of a Gauss Flayer chapters and factions from Warhammer 40,000’s
as a Necron Warrior unleashes a deadly shot. expansive lore, most of the key characters are
For years, these details existed primarily in the completely original creations for the series.
meticulous brush strokes and imaginations “Creating them and working on them is amazing
of Warhammer 40,000 players, fuelled by but, of course, the tough part is always making
the painterly illustrations in the iconic sci-fi sure that everything we do stays coherent to the
game’s rulebooks and issues of White Dwarf. setting,” explains colourist Enrica Eren Angolini.
Today, the Warhammer 40,000 universe “The fandom is very attentive to every single detail:
stretches far beyond the detail of little plastic armours, insignia, proportions and so on. I’ve been
soldiers. There are numerous video games, repeatedly questioned – if not critiqued at times
novels, audiobooks and even an animated – about Sabbathiel’s armour; many of those who
movie, 2010’s Ultramarines, featuring the see pictures without having read the series think
voice talent of renowned actor Terence Stamp she’s just a fan creation and it’s not actually ‘legit’.”
and the late, great John Hurt. The series’ setting is similarly brand new,
Yet, there’s perhaps no medium that fits the taking place in the Calaphrax Cluster, an
gritty tone and style of Games Workshop’s sci-fi Imperial sector made inaccessible by warp ■ Step 2: A greater level of detail is pencilled in.
creation better than comic books. After making storms that only receded after 10,000 years,
their debut in the pages of Black Library volumes setting in motion the events of Will of Iron.
in the late 1990s, Warhammer 40,000 comics “We wanted to make sure there was a sense
ran regularly until 2004, stopping for a few years of real peril – and by carving out our own little
before returning under a new publisher in 2006. corner of the Warhammer 40,000 universe, it
Boom! Studios dropped its line of comics based meant that we had free reign to destroy planets
on the game just three years later, leaving them or armies at will, without worrying about
dormant for more than seven years. how it would impact on the core Warhammer
Warhammer 40,000 finally made its triumphant 40,000 narrative,” Mann explains. “We’re all
return to comics at the end of last year with a new clearly megalomaniacs at heart!”
arc from Titan Comics, Will of Iron. The four-issue
run, plus a standalone prologue, was followed A NEW DAWN
earlier this year by a second storyline, Revelations. The series that began with Will of Iron isn’t
A third arc, Fallen, kicked off this summer. the only Warhammer 40,000 comic to have
Written by George Mann, who had previously surfaced in the last year. A mini-series, based on
■ Step 3: The vibrant presence of colour is added.
penned Doctor Who novels, as well as Warhammer the latest entry in the Dawn of War collection of
40,000 audiobook Helion Rain, the series follows PC real-time strategy games, made its debut in
a squad of Dark Angels Space Marines as well as early 2017, ahead of the computer game’s release.
an Inquisitor, Sabbathiel, who is investigating the Focused on the battles between just three
group. As the plot progresses, more Warhammer races – Space Marines, Orks and Eldar –
40,000 factions appear; the corrupted forces Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III is written
of Chaos make an appearance, with Eldar and with a deliberately more intimate tone than some
Necrons playing a prominent role in Revelations. might expect for an adaptation of a game about
“As a setting, it’s very much defined by its anonymous warriors being slaughtered in droves.
visuals,” says Mann. “The fact that everything “My goal was to have an almost Band of
begins with these amazing sculptures, and is Brothers-style story,” explains writer Ryan
then encoded and expanded in hugely evocative O’Sullivan. “One that focuses on a smaller unit
illustrations – it just lends itself to visual storytelling. of Space Marines as they embark on a more
We’re also lucky to have a wealth of narrative personal journey.”
material that’s gone before us, both in terms of “You can see Warhammer 40,000 as a space
the background content in the core books, and in opera – set upon fun, but not only,” adds ▶ ■ Step 4: Speech completes the finished page.
How long has Dized been in the works? I don’t see them as rivals. I think a board and intros like you have in video games – watch
We always wanted to do something digital with game publisher should offer all these different this intro in the beginning, then a mid-game
board games. We realised what we can actually methods and let their customers choose which is thing and an ending video for the game, as well.
do very well is solve the rulebook issue. the method they want to use to learn the game. We can really bring the board game alive with
We’re doing the same thing that video Tutorial videos are brilliant – for example, this digital content. There are 100,000 board
games did 20 years ago – ‘Hey, we don’t when you’re sitting on a train or public games out there, and we want to do them all.
actually need this manual! People can sit down transport and watch a video while you’re there.
and start playing immediately.’ What we want to do is give people the ability Exactly how free-to-use is Dized?
The app is like a friend at the table who to sit down with a new game and start playing It’s a free-to-download app and the tutorials,
teaches you how to play while you’re playing, immediately. So you don’t have to spend half an the rule look-up tools, are ad-based. So watch
knows exactly how to teach this particular hour, 45 minutes or even 50 minutes watching a a video, then you can download the tutorial.
game and answers your questions. video or trying to consult the rulebook. You can use it offline, so even if you lose
Our tool can do things that these other internet connection, your tutorial is not going
In that case, why should players use Dized methods have a hard time doing. One of them to end. The extra content and new features, some
instead of just having a friend teach them? is that our tool is updatable – it’s very difficult of it is free, some of it is a small in-app purchase.
The problem with that friend is that they’re to update a rulebook once it’s printed or a
not always available or they don’t know that video once everything is done. We can just Is there a limit to how complex a game
particular game that you want to play. go and update the app and it immediately can be to have a Dized tutorial?
Friends tend to make mistakes. It’s very updates all devices. The other thing is our app The more complex the game is, the more it
common when someone reads the rulebook or answers your questions. That is something you benefits from having a Dized tutorial, because the
watches a video and teaches you a game, and can’t do with a video. more learning curve there will be to that game.
then you teach it to your friend who teaches it If you have one sheet of rules to a game, you
to their friend, that at some point during that What other features do you have planned? don’t really need an interactive tutorial to show
game of telephone the rules change a little bit. The cornerstones of Dized are the tutorials and you how to play the game, because you can
That’s one thing we’re doing with the app: look-up tools. Tutorials teach new players how figure it out in two minutes yourself. But these
ask a question, get an immediate answer, to play, the rule look-up tool is for players who heavier games that come with 100- or 200-page
and the answer is from the publisher and not already know the game but then they have rulebooks, especially those games where you
the community, so you know it’s going to be those FAQ-style questions. want to get players into the game quicker and
the right answer to that question. Skip the Around that, we’re building a full service: learning the concepts quicker, then teach them
argument and just go back to the game. the ultimate companion app, the Swiss Army the new features slowly as they are already
knife for every board gamer, that allows you to playing. That’s what we want to do anyway: play
YouTube tutorial videos for board games upgrade your games through digital expansions, and have fun, not study how to play.
are really popular at the moment. Do you new content, game mechanics, score trackers, AI
see them as your competition? players or GMs, sound tools... Even like demos Will you support rules for gameplay
variants created by fans and players?
This is something we need to discuss with
publishers and also what the community wants.
One challenge is that we’re using the
publishers’ IP, so we’re using their copyrighted,
■ Playmore’s debut title protected materials. So it’s always a question
Race to the North Pole was of whether a third-party developer can use that
the first game to have an content. That’s up to the publisher.
interactive Dized tutorial.
Right now, we’re building a toolset that
allows publishers to use our toolset to create
their own content for Dized. So it’s definitely
something we’re looking into. But
then can the community go in and
start developing stuff for it? That’s
something I cannot yet answer.
One challenge is that we want
to keep the content premium, so
whatever you download on Dized
you know it’s going to be good. ■
arly in 2016, erstwhile Ghostbuster Dead 2 studio that now has board games of The Smith. “I totally get that confusion. That was, for a
Ernie Hudson found himself on the Terminator and The Howling incoming), we’re very long time, definitely the landscape: licensed
Sony Pictures Studios lot in Culver City, seeing more and more cinematic narratives being reskinned games. A hit blockbuster movie would
California, zipping up a khaki flight-suit. It had a parlayed into tabletop experiences. And they’re come out and then you’d just quickly release a
red-on-black “Zeddemore” name patch stitched experiences that take us far beyond the days of Candyland clone with the logo on it that sells well
above the left chest pocket and came complete the banged-out-for-Christmas, licensed crap-in- during Christmas, and then you never have to
with a cumbersome proton pack. This was the a-box game – or the dreaded Monopoly reskin... worry about it again. So it’s nice seeing licensed
first time Hudson had donned the outfit of games now where people are realising, ‘Oh,
fourth ‘buster Winston since 1989. But it wasn’t MOVIE MAGIC we have to actually make this good.’”
a new Ghostbusters movie that coaxed him back If you think about it, Star Wars Monopoly makes Fantasy Flight’s Corey Konieczka perhaps
into the uniform. It was the Kickstarter promo no narrative sense; why was R2-D2, for example, appreciates better than anyone that Star
for Cryptozoic Entertainment’s Ghostbusters: buying up planets like Tatooine and Coruscant? Wars-licensed products like Kenner’s trudging
The Board Game II. “The secret is that you’re actually playing as the 1977 roll-and-move offering Escape from
“It was pretty exciting,” says co-designer Hutts,” jokes Space Goat’s lead designer Taylor Death Star [sic] just won’t do anymore.
Matt Hyra. “It was great seeing him back in the
gear. He definitely had fun with it.”
As anyone at Cryptozoic would no doubt ■ Ghostbusters
confirm, movie-based board games have never II – better than
been so popular as they are right now – especially the film?
those based on movies from the peak-geek
era of the late ’70s through to the late ’80s.
Whether produced by established
publishers with firmly rooted
licensing deals like Fantasy
Flight (responsible for a whole
variety of Star Wars titles), or
plucky indie outfits like Space
Goat Productions (the Evil
Over the past six years, Fantasy Flight has fed by Ben Pinchback and Matt Riddle. And The result with The Terminator is an
fans’ passions, adapting George Lucas’ mythical, Konieczka himself took on the seemingly intriguing, asymmetrical semi-co-op: a group
cinema-changing saga into card, miniature, dice, crazy task of boiling down the entire original of players teams as humans facing a single,
roleplaying and board games. The big advantage Star Wars trilogy into one (admittedly very evil-A.I. Skynet controller in a game which
for movie-adapting designers these days, says big) box, with Rebellion. plays out over two boards – one representing
Konieczka, is that in this thriving, post-Eurogame “It sounds like you’re setting yourself 1984, the other post-Judgment Day 2029.
era they have so much more mechanism-based up for disaster,” he admits, “but I looked “You just supply the players with the same
inspiration to draw upon. at the original trilogy and said, ‘Okay, let’s tools that the characters in the film had and
“Being able to use the innovations within break down what the key events are, and the put them into similar situations,” Smith says.
the tabletop gaming space and combine them memorable moments. And now let’s give “But board games are such an interactive
with these properties was something that players the tools to recreate those moments.’” media that if you want any more than a single
hadn’t been done before,” he points out. Early in the process, though, one big gaming experience you’re gonna want to have
So Eric M. Lang, for example, has just question loomed: “How do we create the interactivity and variability and discovery happen
turned cast-iron classic The Godfather – a framework of a game that allows that?” throughout the course of the game. A gameplay
film the designer describes as “an oil painting Konieczka found his answer in Rebellion’s session should feel like a procedurally-
come to life” – into a worker (or rather mission system, and an asymmetrical duel generated version of that movie. Something that
gangster)-placement game. Hyra, Adam structure which, in the spirit of the trilogy’s could have been another cut of The Terminator
Sblendorio and Mataio Wilson’s Ghostbusters high-stakes struggle, meant the Rebel player – not an exact recreation, but feels familiar.”
games are co-operative skirmish campaigns. could never match the Imperial blow-for-blow Daniel Mandel and Ben Chicoski are well
Back to the Future last year surfaced as a in combat. versed in the art of ‘new but familiar’ through
light-strategy hand-management card game “We had a couple of playtests early on their Legendary Encounters titles Alien, Predator
where the Rebels were actually able to outgun and Firefly: fully co-operative deckbuilders
■ The Terminator the Empire and completely beat them back. that are replete with beats and quotes from the
takes place in both I immediately said, ‘No, this is wrong. It’s not three franchises (there’s even a “Goddamn
1984 and 2029. accurate to the source material.’” Sexual Tyrannosaurus” card in Predator). And,
unlike their Upper Deck predecessor Marvel
CREATIVE LICENCE Legendary Encounters, they even require you to
Modern movie games have an interesting and stack the enemy deck in three movie-style acts.
not always close relationship to their source “We did that so it’s more of a narrative
material; their designers certainly have to be structure,” says Chicoski. “It ramps up in
creative. For Taylor Smith, the trick to a difficulty as you play – we couldn’t have the
decent screen-to-table adaptation is to not [Alien] Queen come out on turn one – but it
just try and stuff the entire plot into a box. also makes it a better story.”
“I kinda look at the film and then “Our goal’s never to totally simulate the IP
abstract it, instead of thinking about it as that we’re doing, but to give an experience
a series of scenes,” he says. “Like, there’s a that feels like it could be in that universe,” he
lot of sci-fi games out there, but what makes continues. If the pair had directly copied the
Terminator Terminator?” plot of Aliens, Mandel points out, “you’d have ▶
Dealing with intellectual properties which
inspire great passion from fans does come with tabletop, Smith feels – co-op games, especially. wanting to churn out merch. When it came to
its pitfalls. “I got one of the Aliens characters’ “Like the films, it’s a collaborative, shared Upper Deck’s Alien expansion, Mandel was even
names wrong during an online demo,” admits activity,” he points out. “You should be able to given free rein to make up his own new plots.
Mandel. “I called him Drake instead of Frost. react out loud and share that experience with the “Danny basically got to write two movies
And I got bashed on the internet.” people around you.” in card-game form,” Chicoski marvels. “It got
Even setting aside the risk of pedantic fan-fury, Chicoski agrees. “It’s a very social tweaked a bit, but they approved it. That’s
Smith points out, it can still be tricky keeping experience. Very different than a video game. pretty awesome.”
cineastes in mind while designing these games. There’s a great Alien video game – Isolation –
“With licensed products, not only do you and it is single-player. But with our games, you GOLDEN AGE
have to make a board game that’s fun for people can talk as a team and ask: ‘What if we were There’s never been a better time to tackle a
who’ve played a lot of board games, you also fighting the Predator? What would we do?’ classic movie in tabletop form. But why are so
have to make a product that’s accessible for That’s such a cool, immersive moment.” many of them rooted in ’80s IPs?
someone who absolutely loves that movie “In nerd culture the ’80s were just an amazing
but has never played a board game. It is A WIDE UNIVERSE time,” believes Hyra. “And right now hitting on
challenging.” Though he’s certainly rewarded To Chicoski’s knowledge, nobody who actually the ’80s stuff is a good time to hit the 40-to-50-
when seeing fans play his titles at demos. “I’m fought the Predator has yet played their game. year-olds who have all the disposable income.”
an anxious person, so I’m wringing my hands, Aside from Ernie Hudson’s brief Ghostbusters Konieczka sees the phenomenon as part
but people laugh when they play Evil Dead. return, the closest any of the designers of a larger cultural movement in which, he
That’s the kind of gameplay experience I want.” interviewed got to the stars was Smith hearing says, “a lot of people have seen the success
As movies offer a shared, audience experience from Evil Dead’s Bruce Campbell – via the that nostalgia can bring and are capitalising
they are, for all the challenges, ideally suited to the licensor and his agent – that he felt his chin on that.” He cites the return of Star Wars (“I
was a bit too big in the game’s art. never imagined there would be new Star Wars
“There’s so many levels between you and films in my lifetime.”), and the huge success of
the people involved,” says Smith. ’80s-immersed Netflix hit Stranger Things – a
Nobody has cautionary tales of meddling show also cited by Smith and Ben Chicoski.
film studio marketing departments or micro- “There’s a lot of nostalgia for the ’80s,” says
managing clients. Hyra speaks of “round after the latter. “The ’80s were just wonderful”. His
round of re-dos on a particular piece of art,” but designing partner Mandel, meanwhile, points
doesn’t sound at all incensed by the process. out that it’s also the case that the designers
Konieczka, meanwhile, can only remember themselves are from that era; “We both grew
having “a fun time” playing Rebellion with the up in the ’80s,” he says.
licensing people at Lucasfilm. Their only big Even Smith, who is only 26 years old, feels
note, he recalls, was that the Millennium Falcon an affinity for that time. “I’m too young to
be put in the game; “It’s almost as important as a have grown up with these films,” he says of
character,” he was told. Space Goat’s “VHS horror renaissance”, but he
The film studios watched them all with fresh eyes and instantly
know that these fell in love with them. “They all have a great
licences are in safe story to tell, with great visuals.”
hands, you sense, Still, for the considerable core of the gaming
and value the way audience, it’s mostly a question of hitting a
their IPs are being generational sweet spot.
innovatively “It gives us an opportunity to relive our
interpreted, childhood,” reflects Konieczka. “That’s what
rather than just games are about, right?” ■
or four decades, hand-drawn maps,
hastily-scribbled character sheets and
leafing through hundreds of pages
in a hefty rulebook have been as key to the
classic roleplaying experience as swords
and sorcery, dice and grid squares, and,
yes, Dungeons & Dragons.
The thing is, as traditional and tangible as
cramming miniscule notes into a margin or
hastily scanning through pages in desperate
search of a specific difficulty class are,
sometimes it’s just a bit, well, awkward.
That’s not to say that the increasing
number of digital alternatives to a good ol’
hardback tome have often been much better.
Between crashing apps, awkwardly pinching
to zoom on tiny tablet text or scrolling
through unresponsive PDFs, trying to find a
happy balance between the reliance of pen-
and-paper and convenience of technology
continues to be the holy grail of modern
tabletop gaming.
Curse’s Adam Bradford believes the studio,
which cut its teeth with online utilities for
video games, has found the solution with
D&D Beyond. Developed with the help of the
RPG’s publisher Wizards of the Coast, Beyond
is pitched as a comprehensive toolset for fifth
edition, including fully digitised versions Dungeons & Dragons into a video game or
of everything from character and monster automate everything to the point that it’s no
creation sheets to the game’s core rulebooks. longer recognisable.
It’s an ambitious service that aims to “We want to mitigate or remove the
combine the practicality of popular third- negative impact that rules can have at the
party software with the game-spanning table to save time. This will allow all the
access and information of an official app. positive elements – overcoming challenges as
Although he’s keen to extol the virtues of the a group, roleplaying your character or telling
virtual companion, Bradford is just as quick an interactive story with your friends – to
to reassure players less enthused by the idea shine through more clearly.”
of swapping their printouts and books for a Beyond isn’t the first official app released
laptop or iPad. by Wizards of the Coast. A decade ago,
“D&D Beyond is just that – a companion,” the publisher released D&D Insider, a
he stresses. “We are not attempting to turn subscription-based service that promised
Five more roleplaying apps and tools
you should consider taking with you in
your virtual bag of holding
■ Two different subscription options are available, aimed at heroes and dungeon masters. A customisable virtual tabletop with
character sheets, maps, chat features,
dice rolls and support for mobile as well
as PC. There’s official content for games
“The feedback we have received has purchases on the platform to unlock D&D including D&D, plus a marketplace full
certainly shaped the toolset already,” Beyond content isn’t currently a priority. of user-created goodies.
Bradford says. “A big part of that has been “Purchasing sourcebook content on
confirming that we are marching down the D&D Beyond provides a digital version GROUNDS
right path, which is great to have. There of that book, but the primary value is in Bringing pen-
have been other things that have surprised the incorporation of that content into the and-paper RPGs
us, such as the need for a basic equipment toolset,” he states. “Right now, the D&D to PC, the virtual
tabletop platform
listing in addition to magic items or how Beyond team is focused on delivering the includes plenty
much players wanted to see tooltipping best suite of digital tools for D&D.” of licensed content for games such as
faster. We responded to the feedback D&D, Call of Cthulhu and Pathfinder.
throughout the beta rapidly – we want GOING BEYOND Some of the highlights include
automated combat, shared maps and
players to know how seriously we take it and It’s still early days for D&D Beyond – and the random table generation.
how important that feedback is to the overall role of technology in roleplaying as a whole –
quality of the toolset.” but Curse’s app shows a promising approach HERO LAB
to uniting the digital and analogue worlds. Aimed at making
THE PRICE OF ADVENTURE When it comes to the potential for virtual creation an
As with fifth edition’s basic rules, the main tools to enhance tabletop gaming, Bradford easy task,
D&D Beyond app is free to download and isn’t short of ideas. Hero Lab can
start using right away, including the Standard “We intend to release a native mobile be downloaded on PC or mobile and
includes electronic character sheets
Reference Document and Elemental Evil app with offline capability, Twitch stream tailored for games including D&D,
Player’s Companion. integration, digital dice rolling, monster Pathfinder and Shadowrun. The app
From there, features and extra game content progression/encounter building, and more,” doubles as a handy way to quickly
are split into both subscriptions and one-off he details. “Once we get to a place where track your hero’s status once your
adventure begins.
purchases. For example, digital sourcebooks, character management is in a good place, as
such as the Player’s Handbook or Volo’s Guide well as monster and encounter management, TABLETOP
to Monsters, are $29.99 (£22), with adventure then we will move on to automated combat SIMULATOR
modules, including Curse of Strahd and Storm tracking. That will allow for a DM to do things This PC sandbox
allows almost
King’s Thunder, slightly cheaper at $24.99 (£18). like target a group of players with a spell, any game to be
Subscriptions are broken up into two tiers: prompt the players to roll saving throws and made and played using its virtual bits
Hero and Master. As the names suggest, the players roll digital or real dice to get the and pieces, and the community has
Hero is aimed at players, removing adverts, results. That’s the end goal for our first major filled its marketplace with everything
from board games and miniatures to
allowing the creation of an unlimited functionality arc.” RPGs. Beware though – there is a table-
number of characters and allowing the use Still, even as he works to bring tech and flipping button!
of homebrew content. Master, meanwhile, the tabletop together, Bradford remains wary
is intended to be the offering of choice for that preserving the real-life experience of SYRINSCAPE
Bring an added
DMs and groups, adding the ability to share games such as Dungeons & Dragons is vital to sense of
unlocked content with players taking part in keeping the magic where it belongs. atmosphere to
the same campaign to avoid the need to buy “Technology is at its best when it your roleplaying
multiple copies of the same book. enhances human interaction – not when with this audio
tool that lets
The decision to allow sharing is one it overshadows it,” he says. “The most you create custom background music
that has been greeted warmly by fans, but compelling thing about tabletop roleplaying and set off sound effects. While there’s
questions remain over the need to re-buy for me is enjoying structured make-believe nothing specific to D&D, there is a
duplicate copies of a rulebook in the app with friends. If digital tools can make that dedicated fantasy player with an official
Pathfinder soundset and another pack
if players already own physical or digital better without removing that interaction, for Starfinder – and users have made
volumes. Bradford admits that enabling past they succeed.” ■ plenty of custom audio cues, too.
aser pistol shots fly overhead and sink escaping the inevitable comparisons with that
into the thick metal walls behind us name – but its aims are easily more ambitious
as a squad of security officers opens a than its predecessor’s.
barrage of gunfire. One of our mercenaries, The combat changes are minor: building on
Francesco Selvaggio – better known as ‘The the basic bow-and-arrow shooting rules seen
Devil’ – steps forward and lets loose a jet of in Dungeon Saga, most of the characters now
fire from his flamethrower at the incoming brandish rifles and pistols in fitting with the
foes, burning two to a crisp before they have futuristic theme and can fire from cover and
the chance to react. It’s not enough; the around corners, resulting in a less up-close-
burned baddies are replaced by two more and-personal brawl (although melee remains
anonymous goons just as hell-bent on taking us a very viable option). For much of the game’s
down. In the corner, a floating robot attempts design, it’s more a case of polishing and
once again to crack the password for the only tweaking the simple but effective mechanics
door to safety by hacking into a terminal. It rather than a complete overhaul.
fails, losing precious time as it starts again. “This is essentially taking the Dungeon
A lab technician wielding a knife begins to Saga rules and editing them,” summarises
sprint from the end of the corridor towards Mantic studio manager Stewart Gibbs. “This
our trapped group. As they approach, our is sci-fi Dungeon Saga.”
last companion sheathes his sword and Instead, most of the major additions
desperately opens a nearby crate, frantically concentrate on developing the fleeting
digging in search of a weapon to hold off the roleplaying elements present in Dungeon
attackers. Suddenly, there’s a huge bang. The Saga and bringing them to the fore,
crate has exploded, shrapnel ripping through introducing persistent character progression
our ally. “Booby trap,” grins our game master. through gaining experience and levelling-
This could easily be a few rounds of combat up, as well as imbuing each scenario in the
from a sci-fi roleplaying game, but it’s not. campaign with a stronger sense of story.
All of this took place during a single turn of This is most obvious in the expansion of
Star Saga, the interstellar sequel to Mantic’s the Nexus player’s role, providing the overlord
fantasy dungeon crawler Dungeon Saga. with more narrative flavour text to drive the
Released back in 2015, Dungeon Saga group of heroes through their adventure and
was very much a tabletop dungeon crawler bolstering the deck of random generic actions
in the purer sense of the phrase, with pacey with mission-specific events that are triggered
exploration and combat punctuated by the as each game progresses. In one of the early
rolling of handfuls of dice as wizards, elves and missions, the players are attempting to escape
dwarves clashed with skeletons and zombies from a force of pursuing enemies, who can
in their attempt to make it through each quest. end up calling for backup if the group takes
While there were some roleplaying-lite too long to flee, encouraging them to not
aspects present – the cards drawn at random waste too much time hunting for loot. This can
and played by the opposing ‘Nexus player’ be used to carefully measure out the length of
served as a simplified way to capture the certain action set-pieces, too: later in the same
surprise events and shifting action of RPGs – encounter, the players must hold off constantly
Dungeon Saga stuck largely to the legacy of attacking forces until their teammate has
board games such as Descent, Arcadia Quest managed to open a door from the opposite side.
and Warhammer Quest as it put the joy of “I think in some ways Dungeon Saga was
rolling a whole bunch of dice to kill a whole too light, and there wasn’t enough of an RPG
bunch of monsters above all else. element to it,” Gibbs says. “So there’s a few
Star Saga has no qualms about being a things we’ve added into this to make it more
sci-fi version of Dungeon Saga – there’s no like that.” ▶
LIGHT SPEED people to keep moving, because Dungeon of timing out, but do so in a way that serves the
Although the framework of Star Saga doesn’t Saga did get a bit boring for the Nexus player refreshed narrative drive of the scenarios.
veer too far from the template laid down by sometimes, because they had four really strong In one instance, an area begins to fill with gas,
Dungeon Saga, the overall tone and feel is characters taking on their minions one at a which must be turned off at four different points
different. This is a game where the players feel time and it was less of a challenge.” by the mercenaries. If the deck runs out before
under near-constant pressure to drive forwards With the build-up of enemies providing a the gas is stopped, the mission ends – but, unlike
and complete objectives against the race of more natural time pressure, the instant game in Dungeon Saga, it’s not a simple case of fail and
the clock, instead of having the luxury to scout over that occurred when Dungeon Saga’s try again. Instead, the story splits: if the gas is
every last corner and completely clear areas of Nexus deck ran out is gone, with the events stopped, the plot continues along as planned. If
foes before proceeding. It’s not uncommon to simply being reshuffled this time around. Some the heroes fall unconscious, they are imprisoned
be forced into a sprint to the exit as gunshots missions do reintroduce the older game’s way and must be rescued by the mercenaries who
whizz overhead, or to venture into a side room weren’t used during the previous mission before
only to end up in a very sticky situation.
Driving this tension is the Nexus player;
“Dungeon Saga was the normal narrative resumes.
At the moment, that scenario is the only such
unlike Dungeon Saga’s set rooms of enemies,
Star Saga allows event cards to be played as
too light, and there example of a branching narrative, but Gibbs tells
me he has more planned for future expansions.
additional reinforcements, presenting the
opportunity to spawn in extra enemies to put
wasn’t enough of an He adds that future instalments in the series
might also continue the main story, which
the heat back on the mercenaries in every turn.
“In Dungeon Saga, you could take your time
RPG element to it.” currently comes to a conclusion at the end of the
core box’s campaign but receives an extra chapter
and methodically kill everything as you went in a currently Kickstarter-exclusive expansion.
along,” Gibbs explains. “Once you cleared the “At the moment we haven’t directly followed
map, there was nothing else to do. So some of up this storyline, but I haven’t gone through
the missions you could take your time and kill all the expansions yet,” Gibbs details. “You can
everything, and it made the game a bit slow. take your character from this and play them
Whereas in this, if you hang behind and try and straight into the next one.”
kill every minion, you’re going to get swamped.”
The Nexus cards can be played either for their OPEN SPACE
special ability or for reinforcements, ramping up After the initial 15-minute tutorial – which is
in intensity across three levels. The reinforcement designed for a single Nexus player and solo
number specifies a total cost of characters to bring mercenary – used to introduce Star Saga
in, presenting the chance to summon crowds basics, the game’s missions play in around half
of cannon fodder or a smaller number of more an hour to 90 minutes. Sometimes this can be
powerful opponents at the Nexus player’s whim. down to the players’ own decisions, as Gibbs
“With Dungeon Saga, people built up big gleefully explains while describing one scenario
collections of miniatures and then had no that involves a maze-like environment.
reason to use them,” Gibbs admits. “This was “If you go the right way through it, you can
done so that you can have whatever you want finish it in about half an hour,” he laughs. “If
in your collection and bring it on. It also forces you go the wrong way, it’s about an hour and a
∏r 2 La
Play it smart
Manchester Metropolitan University academics and Games Research Network co-directors
Paul Wake and Sam Illingworth catch the bug for viruses and disease on the tabletop
eye such as bacteria and viruses) are trillions-strong community of microbes
evil. In reality, whilst some are “bad”, that live in the human body. Unlike some
many are “good” like Bifidobacterium edu-games, Gut Check was designed by
longum, which is found in the intestines dedicated gamers, and it shows. The result
and which prohibits colonisation by is a game that’s both educational and
other harmful microbes. Others we’re enjoyable, and one that we’d recommend
just beginning to understand – take to anyone who likes hand management
the single-celled parasite Toxoplasma games – not just those who want to better
gondii, for example. Research has shown appreciate the value of fecal transplants…
that rats infected with this microbe are While games such as Gut Check represent
unafraid of cats, while the same microbe our current understanding of the human
has been found to make men more likely microbiome, games such as Pandemic, Virus,
to dress poorly. Plague Inc. and Viral also have a part to play,
It is the balance between good, both in prompting questions and reflecting
Doctors Paul Wake and Sam bad and downright curious microbes societies’ beliefs and fears. Pandemic,
that provides the impetus for promoting a largely positive view of science,
microbiologist David Coil’s Gut Check: The has been used to teach global connectedness
eadly viruses and infectious disease Microbiome Game, a title that tasks players and effective collaboration whilst Virus,
are one of gaming’s recurring themes. with nurturing a healthy microbiome – the revitalising the Frankenstein myth for
Games such as Matt Leacock’s the 21st century, speaks of our fears of
Pandemic and Michele Quondam’s Virus pit viruses, vaccination and scientists. Viral
players against deadly viruses, while games and Plague Inc., on the other hand,
like James Vaughan’s Plague Inc. and António prompt more abstract questions. With
Sousa Lara and Gil d’Orey’s Viral turn the win conditions that effectively attribute
players-versus-virus format on its head. motivations to bacteria – Plague Inc. sees
These games, which range from co-op to players wipe out cities with infectious
competitive, from Euro to American-style, diseases, while Viral simulates
are united in presenting viruses and bacteria the infection of a single human
as a threat. And it’s easy to see why. Popular body – they have us wondering:
representations (from cleaning product ads do microbes care about winning?
to hospital superbugs) have turned these Probably not, but recent research
microscopic organisms into villains far more suggests that interactions between
believable than the monsters of myth and microbes living in our brains and microbes
legend. They must be a game designer’s living in our guts might actually influence
dream – an eminently-marketable threat emotional behaviour in humans. So, the
against which violence is justified. But next time you get a gut feeling about
is there, perhaps, a danger that these something, there might be more to it
microscopic organisms are just than simple intuition. ■
the victims of bad PR?
As anyone who has seen a
Yakult advert can tell you, ■ Unlike the global
not all microbes scale of Pandemic
and Plague Inc., Viral
(organisms too
simulates the infection of
small to be seen a single human body in
with the naked microscopic detail.
was partially inspired by Howitt’s own career
and the world around him.
“I’m not especially politically active, but
I feel there’s something cathartic about
Grant Howitt is fast becoming one writing and hopefully playing a game
of the roleplaying scene’s hottest about revolution, or rebelling against
injustice, after recent politics has
indie designers. We catch up been so eye-opening,” he explains.
The Spire is a game about righting
with him as he prepares to wrongs. You play a dark elf, looked down
release his most ambitious on because of your grey skin, hiding
from the sun in corridors, temples and
project yet, politically charged crumbling architecture that makes up the
fantasy-punk RPG The Spire lawless undercity cowering beneath the
titular urban setting. The high elves have
Words by Jake Tucker forced you here, and it’s those who must
pay, with your characters swearing a blood
rant Howitt is nervously checking his oath to take down the corrupt regime via
phone as we eat through a plate of subterfuge, insurrection and other means.
takeaway dumplings. Howitt mentions several crushing
His nerves are understandable. Howitt, political events through 2016 and 2017
the co-founder and public face of RPG that were the impetus for creating the
studio Rowan, Rook and Decard, had just 24 game. The designer describes Brexit as
hours earlier asked the internet for £25,000. an eye-opener, with the discovery that
The sum is for his latest Kickstarter project, a slim majority of his native country
The Spire; his third Kickstarter, but also his fundamentally disagreed with his
most ambitious. personal views.
Rowan, Rook and Decard is a “There was a really horrible energy in
collaboration between Howitt – ‘Rook’ the air after that, and then we had the
– Chris Taylor – ‘Decard’ – and Mary American elections, too.”
Hamilton – ‘Rowan’. Howitt admits with a Still, if you’re expecting tolerant
wry smile that the names were pilfered from drow discourse, you’re mistaken.
roleplaying characters the trio had played Player characters will lie, cheat, steal
over the years, which they decided was more and kill to achieve their political ends.
exciting than using their own surnames. So An early look at the rules reveals a
far, they’ve shipped two successful games via game filled with weird tonal touches
Kickstarter, while releasing one single-page and engaging mechanical complexity;
RPG each month via Howitt’s Patreon, the one of the classes in The Spire, in fact,
online subscription platform where fans can comes with a hyena. Howitt chuckles at
donate regularly to their favourite creators – the suggestion of the RPG being a more
often in return for exclusive goodies. mature offering than his previous work.
Howitt got his start creating zombie- “I don’t think it’s a maturity, as a
themed LARP experiences, and worked as a writer. But I think it’s more confident, and
freelance video games journalist, but didn’t that previous experience has given me
shift into making tabletop games until he the confidence to come forward.”
moved to Australia with Hamilton for her It’s a long way from some of Howitt’s early
job. With a career in games journalism efforts, including the aborted Prime Time
tougher down under where the industry Murder Justice, a title influenced by iconic
is small, he started designing games 1990 arcade game Smash TV that made it to
Most tabletop RPG fans first encountered
Howitt through his debut Kickstarter.
Described as “Itchy & Scratchy crossed with
The Animals of Farthing Wood”, Goblin Quest
was a crowdfunding success story, raising
more than ten times its initial £2,000 target.
Howitt remembers success despite several
minor mistakes, such as offering to write out
the rulebook by hand, in a leather-bound
book, for the first four people to pledge £250
to the Kickstarter.
“My mother, bless her heart, ordered one
without realising how much pain she was
causing me to write it all out. I’ve written ■ Left: The Spire takes
place in a fantasy
three now, and it’s not fun anymore.”
world where dark elves
The fourth book, the one bought by his are forced to live in a
mother, is a work in progress. lawless undercity by
“Mom, thankfully, backed down. I sent the ruling high elves.
her the PDF rulebook – and remember this
■ Main: Adrian Stone’s
is a book intended for children to read. artwork brings the dark
She’s like, ‘We got to page four and we were tone of the RPG to life.
After Kingdomino picked up the most prestigious award in tabletop gaming – the
Spiel des Jahres – earlier this year, you might have expected a follow-up to Bruno
Cathala’s cheerful tile-layer from 2016 about growing your lord’s domain – but
you might not have expected it this quickly! Queendomino is both an expansion
and a standalone sequel to Kingdomino, layering a slightly more complicated
set of rules over the simple spin on dominoes by adding an extra colour that
represents cities. City tiles don’t feature a crown, and so don’t earn extra points,
but can be used to generate income that can later be spent to construct special
score-boosting buildings, so they pay off in the long run. The game in the box
plays with two to four players using five-by-five grids, but can be combined
with the original set to support seven-by-seven grids for four people or up to
six players using the standard area size. If you’re still not convinced, know that
Cathala himself has called Queendomino the version of his game he wanted to
play after hundreds of Kingdomino matches – how can you argue with that?
2017’s big Essen release from Codenames, Through the Ages and Tzolk’in studio
Czech Games Edition, Pulsar 2849 is a dice-drafting space exploration game by
Last Will designer Vladimír Suchý. Players roll a number of dice before taking
turns picking one each to take specific actions, such as gaining a spaceship,
travelling to a star system to discover alien knowledge, building megastructures
or upgrading their technology. Every player’s powers are different, and
each competing side also has hidden objectives they’re trying to complete,
alongside shared public goals for the maximum score possible. When each
round ends, the turn marker progresses based on which dice were rolled that
turn, potentially bringing the match to an end sooner or later than you expect.
With CGE promising a unique use of dice and plenty of options when it comes
to achieving victory, we’re very keen to learn more.
There’s something about the beauty, mystery and danger of being underwater that
makes scuba diving an endlessly fascinating theme for board games. Otys puts an
interesting post-apocalyptic twist on the act of diving, as players set out from the last
settlements on a drowned Earth in search of the civilisations lost underwater. Each
team of divers must search for and retrieve the materials needed to help their colony
thrive, fulfilling contracts and becoming more famous than their competitors. The
dwindling air supply of the explorers is represented by the need to optimise each
diver’s talents to maximise what they bring to the surface before their oxygen runs
out. The individual player boards show five different depths, which relate to a
set of actions at the same depths on a shared central board – as players pick a
depth, they perform the action before moving their diver to the top of the stack,
pushing everyone else down. Players must wait to refill their depth gauge before
choosing the same options again, making timing crucial. Over time, players can
improve their gauges to increase the efficiency of their team, collecting
items in groups to score both personal and shared objectives as they work
their way towards victory. Otys has plenty of interesting ideas and a great
look – you can bet we’ll be diving in as soon as we can.
Simone Cerruti Sola’s sci-fi exploration game originally snuck out last year
but largely went under the radar, so this revamped new edition – complete
with gorgeous updated art from Flip Ships illustrator Kwanchai Moriya –
means more people should get the chance to experience its enthralling
tale of interstellar colonisation. Players are competing nations looking to
expand from Earth onto neighbouring worlds, terraforming the various
planets of the Milky Way and advancing their technology as they travel
further from home. A nifty game about resource management, each player
only has a finite amount of matter, energy and antimatter to make or
spend, so must use their supplies carefully. Supplies can be burnt and lost
permanently to perform more powerful actions, a costly but potentially
crucial decision as they race to earn the most victory points and prove
their worth as Earth’s greatest explorers. Keplar-3042 marks the first time
Lanterns: The Harvest Festival, Raiders of the North Sea and Clank! studio
Renegade has waded into the deeper end of the gaming pool, so it will be
interesting to see what the studio produces next if this is a hit.
Nomads is the second instalment in the Legends of Luma series, which
began with Oh Captain! this summer; the idea behind the ambitious
series is to produce six games over two-and-a-half years, featuring
different gameplay mechanics but starring the same set of characters in
the same world of Luma, gradually telling an ongoing adventure. (Even
the games’ boxes reveal the world’s map section
by section.) Whereas Oh Captain! was a bluffing
card game, Nomads is a more strategic move-
and-collection title based on traditional favourite
mancala. Inspired by the tales told by a tribe of
nomads around campfires as they travel across the
continent, players must try and walk around the fire
to put together each story bit by bit, optimising their
moves to assemble the longest legend and weave
the most impressive yarn. We love the idea of telling
a single story across multiple games, so we’ll be
checking out the latest chapter as soon as we can.
84 85 86
89 89 90
e live in an age of endless remakes and reboots, from this year's reheated
films Beauty and the Beast, Ghost in the Shell and The Mummy, and video
games brought from their 16-bit origins into HD to the subtler nostalgia
of ‘80s and ‘90s-inflected works influenced by the cool-again style of decades past.
Board games are certainly no stranger to the return of beloved classics, whether
through long-awaited reprints or new editions, but there’s also a growing trend of
treating tabletop brilliance as just the leaping-off point for brand new experiences.
Take Whitehall Mystery, the spiritual successor to Letters from Whitechapel (with a 93 94 96
dash of ‘80s classic Scotland Yard) that trims the hidden movement masterpiece back
to its tense roots. Or Medici: The Card Game, a drastically reworked version of the
middle chapter of Reiner Knizia’s acclaimed auction game that actually does away
with the auctioning altogether. What about 13 Minutes, a seriously condensed dose
of Cold War simulation 13 Days packed into a pocket-sized box? It’s a similar story
with Caverna: Cave vs Cave, another impressive two-player adaptation based on the
genius designs of Uwe Rosenberg, and Codenames Duet, which makes a previously
sidelined co-op variant for the word game its main focus. Of course, we also have 97 97 99
Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, marking a long-awaited return for the
samurai-battling card game series begun in the ‘90s that draws from its rich history
while updating it for a modern world. These are all examples of the endless invention
of games designers, who often do so much more than just stick the same old bits in
a brand new box – although, as the new version of Modern Art proves, sometimes
simple perfection is best left largely untouched.
106 LOVECRAFT LETTER 105 106 106
90 UNTOLD: 111 DONNER DINNER PARTY 109 110 110
111 111 112
hen Fantasy Flight produce a game that feels instantly – the higher the number, the more
announced in 2015 that it fresh and familiar, whether you’re conflict cards they can draw before the
was developing a successor already familiar with L5R or not. fighting begins, but if they’re the higher
to long-running ‘90s collectible card As in the collectible card game, bidder, they must pay their opponent
game Legend of the Five Rings – and L5R: TCG’s action explodes from the difference in honour for their
therefore bringing to a close the the electric interplay between dual disreputable behaviour.
two-decade run of AEG’s original – it decks of cards controlled by each In stereotypical fashion for its
was met with a mixture of excitement player: dynasty and conflict, the latter Japanese-inspired setting, honour is
from those optimistic about a modern BOX CONTENTS revised from the original’s ‘fate’. In very the lifeblood of each side – attaining
reimagining that could recapture the ◗ Seven stronghold cards basic terms, dynasty cards generally 25 wins the game, while hitting zero
◗ 17 province cards
complex samurai-fighting title’s early focus on the provision of characters means defeat. Honour is hard to come
◗ 117 dynasty cards
magic, which had begun to wane over ◗ 98 conflict cards who can be summoned for battle, by, but can be quickly lost with too
the lengthy years, and wariness on ◗ Five role cards while conflict cards fuel the abilities, many expensive draws, layering in a
the part of fans concerned about the ◗ Two reference cards weapons and reinforcements needed small yet crucial pacing element to
◗ Imperial Favour card
publisher’s treatment of a sprawling to bolster their strength. Dynasty managing your bids over the course
◗ 20 status tokens
world that inspired fervent devotion ◗ 40 fate tokens cards are initially drawn and placed of a match. The bidding system is
and had sparked many players’ love ◗ 50 honour tokens facedown on provinces – four bases a gloriously atmospheric way of
affairs with tabletop gaming, not unlike ◗ Two honour dials that can be attacked and destroyed reflecting the by-the-book (or not)
◗ Five ring tokens
fellow CCG Magic: The Gathering. by your opponent to open up a killing conduct of clans while introducing a
◗ First player token
The result, Legend of the Five Rings: ◗ Learn to Play book blow on your home stronghold – dramatic build-up to L5R’s core action
The Card Game, is an intricate and ◗ Rules Reference book before being revealed and potentially – a player on the back foot going all-in
captivating competitive card-battler purchased during the opening phase to try and brace their ailing forces
that remixes fundamentals of the of each round. It’s an exciting setup can lead to a reversal of fortunes, or
original L5R’s gameplay, as well as intensified by being able to see your their destruction. It never fails to be
drawing on the extensive universe rival’s available dynasty cards, allowing completely gripping.
further explored in its spin-off you to predict and plan which conflict The other key concept driving L5R:
roleplaying game. The musculature of ■ Top: There's a lot cards hidden in your hand might TCG’s thrilling momentum is fate. Akin
happening in L5R:
this rich lore is moulded around the TCG, but it's relatively
be able to counter their line-up of to Magic: The Gathering’s mana, but
refined frame of Fantasy Flight’s ‘living easy to keep on top of. warriors as the tension ramps up. persisting and accumulating between
card game’ format – established in Suddenly, the action shifts from turns, fate serves as the key resource
Android: Netrunner before being used ■ Opposite: Each players passively preparing their forces used to buy characters and execute
clan has a distinct
in Star Wars: TCG, A Game of Thrones: personality and play
out in the open to become a shadowy events. What makes fate unique is that
TCG, Lord of the Rings: TCG and the style, such as the tricks game of stealthy manoeuvres. Players it’s not used to invest in characters
recent Arkham Horror spin-off – to of the Scorpion clan. set a dial to prepare a bid for cards once, as in most card games. Instead,
◗ Mod Shop tray
◗ 125 truck mods
◗ Grand Lord Emperor
Torque figure and card
◗ Six player trucks
◗ 25 action markers
◗ Three raider trucks
◗ 75 cargo
◗ 18 character standees
◗ Six ‘not welcome’
character standees
◗ 10 combat dice
◗ Raider check die
◗ RAD check die
◗ 105 scrap
◗ Six dashboards
hat is it about the end of – rather than its name and characters learnt the rules and played a couple ◗ Mod Shop
the world that convinces – that counts here. of times, the trays make setup and reference board
everyone to fuel up their Before the good – and, boy, is it teardown a brief matter of minutes, ◗ Market board
◗ 16 terrain octagons
gas-guzzling trucks and hit the road? good – it’s time for the (very slightly) meaning your efforts at the start
◗ 21 location tiles
Whatever it is, we can’t get enough of it. bad. There are a hell of a lot of pieces don’t go unrewarded. ◗ Five nuclear bombs
Wasteland Express Deliver Service needed to play WEDS, and they take a Once you’re up and running, there’s ◗ 22 supply counters
is a collaborative effort between Dead very long time to punch out of dozens no need to hit the brakes. Like the ◗ 20 artifacts
◗ 36 demand counters
of Winter co-creator Jon Gilmour and of boards the first time around. It’s trucks and their drivers that players
◗ 40 damage tokens
Matt Riddle and Ben Pinchback, the something you’ll want to do before pilot across the near-deserted wastes ◗ 10 trailers
designer pair behind the card game gathering up your group to play, unless of the post-apocalypse, WEDS puts the ◗ 15 dig tiles
spin-offs of Back to the Future and The you like never seeing your friends pedal to the metal from the start line, ◗ 60 progress markers
◗ 16 ally cards
Goonies. A different ‘80s cult movie again (or they have an irrational love of offering up three shared contracts – as
◗ Nine raider truck cards
franchise thrums in the background repetitive tasks, in which case make well as a starting private objective for ◗ 10 event cards
of WEDS like a purring petrol engine, a brew and sit back to watch). While each player – that direct the lorries ◗ 15 vision quest cards
but it’s the influential out-and-out the initial unpacking can be heavy- around the irradiated landscape. ◗ 16 raider enclave cards
◗ Eight priority first-
flair of riotous car chase fest Mad Max going – it took us around an hour to As the name suggests, this is a
class contract cards
sort everything into their designated game about delivery – whether ◗ 45 faction job cards
holes – WEDS’ creators have thought that’s satisfying the supply-and- ◗ Rulebook
ahead with an outstanding series of demand of scattered outposts
plastic trays that helpfully keep every seeking water, food and weapons,
bit and piece exactly where you need hauling a nuclear bomb into the
it for future games. Honestly, we’re heart of a raider outpost or digging
talking a Mechs vs Minions-level of up and transporting the corpse of
godly box design here. a half-man, half-machine monster
The manual doesn’t help things to harvest for parts. It takes three
get rolling either, overcomplicating completed contracts to win the game,
a straightforward set of rules with but some are lesser jobs that offer up
■ Main: The game's
a poorly-structured guide and rewards in scrap – the currency of the
clever momentum
lack of clear reference points for end of the world – and other benefits, system means things
newcomers. However, after you’ve such as helpful passengers, making never hit the brakes.
■ The outstanding
art is backed up by
blackly comic writing.
If you can get past
the slow start of
your very first game,
WEDS soon kicks into
gear with a fast and
furious romp through
a wasteland like no
other. From there, the
momentum of the
high-octane gameplay
and incredible visuals
never let up – it’s a
non-stop joyride.
圀圀圀⸀䐀䔀䔀倀䌀唀吀匀吀唀䐀䤀伀⸀䌀伀䴀 䤀一䘀伀䀀䐀䔀䔀倀䌀唀吀匀吀唀䐀䤀伀⸀䌀伀䴀
levels hinge on providing first-rate clues
to score higher and higher combos
without slipping up. The flexibility to
Play in harmony with this catchy co-op spin on the word game start from and end on any location, or
Czech Games Edition | £16.99 | Co-op | 2+ players | 15 minutes try and travel as far as possible without
Age: 11+ |
losing once, makes the campaign a
fantastic way to lose an afternoon.
odenames Duet is quickly BOX CONTENTS word cards while avoiding the usual Codenames Duet doesn’t reinvent
becoming my favourite way ◗ 200 word cards crowd of assassins and bystanders. Codenames, but it achieves a rare feat
◗ 15 green agent cards
to play Vlaada Chvátil’s ◗ 100 key cards Unlike Codenames’ barebones by being just as exceptionally crafted
outstanding one-word clue-giving hit ◗ 11 timer tokens variant, both players have a unique and compelling as the original without
– and, despite the name, it’s fun by ◗ Assassin card group of agents for their partner to being exactly the same game in a new
no means limited to two people. ◗ Mission maps pad find – although some apply to both, box. Whether you get it to add to your
◗ Card stand
Although a co-operative variant was ◗ Rulebook introducing a captivating layer of meta- collection, or simply find out what all the
technically included in the back of the strategy as you bounce clues off each fuss is about, just make sure you get it. ■
original Codenames’ manual, Duet other and use your knowledge of how MATT JARVIS
takes the basic concepts presented many agents and assassins are shared
there one step further, fleshing out to pare down your options.
the competition against a cardboard Once the time runs out, the fun
adversary with dedicated turn-timer doesn’t immediately stop – a nail-
tokens, balancing the involvement of biting ‘sudden death’ mode halts the
both human players and introducing ■ Top: Both players clues but keeps guesses going as long
have a number
a charming campaign mode in the as they remain correct, offering a
of spies for their
form of a map of missions with partner to find. thrilling last-minute chance to swipe
varying difficulties and challenges. victory. Exemplifying the simple
With the 400 new words from ■ Right: The mission genius that made Codenames such
map pad adjusts
this box able to be used with the an incredible joy in the first place, it
difficulty on the fly
original (and vice-versa, plus spin- as players move leaves the highly entertaining core of
off Codenames Pictures), it’s also a around the world. the game untouched while applying CONCLUSION
Introducing enough meaningful changes
worthwhile expansion that increases changes that feel meaningful and fresh to mark it apart from its predecessor,
the replayability of the cross-compatible – and, like the original, it’s all-too-easy Duet is nevertheless just as entertaining
series to a frankly staggering level. to end up in a 'one more game' loop and enthralling to play. The campaign
Instead of racing against the for hour after enjoyable hour. mode is light but smartly encourages
different styles of play, while the
intellect of a rival team, the opponent The standard game is already gameplay tweaks make one of the best
here is your own skill: the standard much more than a simply repackaged competitive games around now one of
mode only gives you nine turns as version of the original’s alternate the finest co-op experiences going.
a pair (or two teams of any number
of players – it should’ve really been IF YOU LIKE CODENAMES… TRY CODENAMES DUET
This set increases enough cards to double the size of the original game, but also
called Codenames Co-op) to discover
offers a fantastic fully fleshed-out version of the previously barebones co-op variant.
15 agents hidden around the grid of
n Star Trek Adventures, Modiphius the role of the chief engineer as their ■ While combat is campy pulp of space castles to the
has come up with probably the primary character can hop into the covered with extensive clean curves of Federation starships.
rules, it's not the
best way to recreate the feel of the shoes of a literal redshirt for missions focus of the RPG.
Ultimately, this highlights perhaps
iconic TV show at the tabletop – no where there’s more call for steady the game’s greatest strength and
mean feat considering the many aim than technical skill, allowing weakness. Most RPGs licensed
ways in which Star Trek differs from everyone to participate without from major properties are relatively
other sci-fi settings. having to contrive a reason for the streamlined affairs that try not to
After all, while they certainly entire command crew to take on burden more casual gamers with too
had lasers, tentacled monsters every excursion. many complications but, for better or
and everything else needed to keep Beyond this, the impressive worse, Star Trek Adventures doesn’t
things exciting, the episodes' focus breadth of systems on offer means seem to share these concerns.
rarely fell on explosions as much as that it’s possible to reproduce virtually For some this will be off-putting, but
diplomacy, exploration and science every aspect of a Star Trek episode, if you’re familiar with both crunch-
– even if that last one amounted whether you’re romping around with heavy RPGs and 3D chess, it may well
to little more than babbling about alien princesses pulled from The be just what you’re looking for. ■
deflector dishes and neutrino beams. Original Series or confronting the RICHARD JANSENPARKES
This is reflected neatly in Star Trek ethical dilemmas posed by the Borg
Adventures; while there are extensive or Dominion. However, this does CONCLUSION
rules for combat, they aren’t the come with a few downsides. An incredibly wide-ranging ruleset with
focus by any means. Exploration and While a typical check in the game plenty of options for exploring strange
new worlds and seeking out new life
diplomacy are just as important as will have relatively simple core and new civilisations, but probably
shootouts, brawls and ship-to-ship mechanics – roll a few d20s, then gain not an ideal first step into the world of
engagements, with an entire chapter successes for each one that comes tabletop RPGs.
dedicated to solving problems in under a value determined by your
through futuristic science. character’s attributes and skills – there
Indeed, Modiphius has made a are a number of extra systems bolted
real attempt to replicate the approach on that can muddy up an otherwise Fans of classic sci-fi settings where
of the show and accommodate the simple interaction. None of them are talking and quick thinking is prioritised
various spanners the format would particularly unwieldy on their own, over combat should put Star Trek
Adventures at the top of their wish list.
throw into the works of a more typical but that hardly matters when they
Make it so.
RPG. For example, a player taking stack up so quickly.
hitehall Mystery is hidden hounding investigators to stay BOX CONTENTS can even be combined with parts
movement at its best: a constantly on his tail instead of ◗ Game board of Whitechapel and its Dear Boss
thrilling high-stakes race waiting for the starter pistol trigger ◗ Six special expansion to mix in familiar
between hunters and hunted that of a murdered victim to chase him movement tiles gameplay elements from those
◗ Three investigator tiles
never pauses for breath. back home. ◗ Smoker tile games, while retaining the taut
Based on the grisly true-crime The tighter player count, reduced ◗ Three investigator minis tension of the condensed redesign.
legend of Jack the Ripper – and number of rounds and trimming of ◗ Jack figure Whitehall suffers from some of
taking heavy inspiration from some of Whitechapel’s more nitpicky ◗ Jack screen the inconsistencies in difficulty
◗ 30 Jack move
spiritual successor Letters from rules makes Whitehall a purer track sheets and playing time that afflict hidden
Whitechapel – Whitehall sees one experience than both that game and ◗ 15 yellow clue markers movement as a genre – early matches
player cast in the role of Jack as he fellow hidden movement darling ◗ Four discovery can be frustrating for newcomers
scatters the dismembered remains Fury of Dracula, placing the glaring location markers unfamiliar with the rhythm and
◗ Rulebook
of one of his victims around London spotlight squarely back on the tactics of toying with their opponents,
while avoiding three pursuing cat-and-mouse chase at its exposed and can stretch on to the point of
investigators, controlled by the heart, bringing it more in line with exhaustion if steadfast players spend
remaining players. Scotland Yard, the classic 1983 Spiel minutes overthinking every step. But
Jack’s hidden movement is des Jahres winner that pioneered if you allow the shadowy atmosphere
boiled down to its dramatic basics, the genre. and tension of Whitehall Mystery to
with a limited pool of special That’s not to say that Whitehall simply envelop you, you’ll uncover an
single-use movement tiles that Mystery has completely stripped outstanding showdown that rivals the
allow him to cross bodies of water, the flesh from its acclaimed finest drama around. ■
jump two spaces or slip through predecessor's bones. While the MATT JARVIS
alleys punctuating the otherwise standard mode excels at highlighting
straightforward sprint to get to three the simple hunt with very few bells IF YOU LIKE Tight, taut and tense as anything the
discovery locations selected during and whistles beyond Jack’s deck LETTERS FROM tabletop has to offer, Whitehall Mystery
setup by the player within 15 turns of special moves, there are a good WHITECHAPEL… brings the focus of its hidden movement
over the course of three rounds. number of optional rules suggested TRY WHITEHALL influences back to the cat-and-mouse
MYSTERY chase beating in its chest with a
Hot on his heels, the investigators in the manual to tweak the standard Whitehall smartly condensed scope and flexibility
gradually uncover spaces visited by mode to your choosing, whether Mystery trims that makes this an ideal game for
the invisible killer, marking them by allowing Jack to recharge some the more finicky newcomers and veterans alike.
with yellow discs representing the of his limited special movement requirements of
its predecessor
revealing glow of lamplight before tiles between rounds or enabling with a neat set
trying to cut off his potential next the unique talents of the three of rules that take
move. Each exposed disc sparks investigators – two in the case of the race between
another burst of animated deduction journalist Jasper T.C. Waring, who hunter and hunted
back to its pulse-
and prediction about Jack’s can come accompanied by his pounding origins.
potential path and target, with the loyal pooch Smoker. Whitehall
same excitement of following crisp
footsteps in snow or recreating that ■ The map is smaller
scene from The Two Towers where than that of Letters
from Whitechapel,
Aragorn emotionally tracks the fate intensifying the
of Merry and Pippin. claustrophobic action.
Whitehall’s map – and board
– is pared down a little from
Whitechapel, resulting in not only
a faster pace better befitting of a
breathless chase through the streets
of Victorian London but a more
claustrophobic and close-call tension
from the off.
Unlike in Whitechapel, Jack is
no longer a creature of habit who
returns to his hidden hideout after
each murder, choosing instead to
roam directly between his selected
discovery points – forcing the
ere’s an offer you can’t refuse: BOX CONTENTS and money, and higher-ranking
a board game adaptation ◗ Game board family members, who more subtly
◗ 34 figures
of one of the greatest ◗ 32 illegal goods cards influence their way into reaping the
movies ever made, by one of the ◗18 ally cards benefits of entire districts at once.
best tabletop designers working ◗ 12 business tiles Establish your presence in a region
today. That designer is Eric Lang, ◗ 44 job cards and you’ll profit from the actions of
◗ 120 money cards
who brings his ‘dudes on a map’ ◗ 45 control markers competing families, gathering guns,
philosophy previously perfected ◗ Five metal suitcases blood money, alcohol and narcotics,
in Blood Rage to the blood-soaked ◗ Horse head token which can be spent to complete
world of The Godfather. ◗ Police car token specific tasks. These jobs, which
◗ Rulebook
Although framed around the first include extortion, shakedowns and
Godfather film – the four acts span even planting car bombs, are among
from the opening wedding scene the most satisfying and thematic
(“You come into my house on the parts of the game, with killing
day my daughter is to be married, Corleone appears as a plastic rival gang members, stealing from
and you ask me to do murder for miniature, but serves only as a round opposing families and hiding cash
money.”) through to the climactic counter and a thematic excuse to away exactly the kind of nefarious
betrayal and deaths at the close of discard down to a hand limit at the dealings any self-respecting mafioso
the gangster epic – you wouldn’t end of each round. should be indulging in.
necessarily know it if it wasn’t on the ■ Top: The game's While the narrative of The Stashing cash away is especially
production values
box. Despite the suggestive title, the Godfather is little more than light important, as any money left in
live up to the movie's
action avoids following the iconic acclaimed polish. dressing, its atmosphere is delivered your hand could be claimed by Don
Corleone story, instead opting to like a gunshot to the chest. Players Corleone at the end of a round. In
focus on the clashes between other ■ Opposite: Don apply pressure around 1950s New a lavish, albeit unnecessary, touch,
Corleone appears
warring mafia families that takes York by strategically placing their players can claim specific businesses
in miniature form,
place primarily in the background but has little bearing low-life thugs, who shake down the around the map to add money to
of the film. Marlon Brando’s Don on the action. front of lone businesses for goods their individual metal suitcases,
edici: The Card Game is an outstanding stripped-back version
of Reiner Knizia’s classic auction title that’s quickly becoming
one of my favourite travel games.
I say ‘stripped-back’ – Medici was hardly the most complex title to
begin with. Significantly, Medici: TCG takes out the original’s bidding
between players over a variety of goods – spice, dye, furs, silk and grain
– to create an interesting press-your-luck variant built around the
‘shall I, shan’t I’ decision of drawing up to three cards each turn.
Players are forced to claim the last card they reveal, but can
also choose to take either, both or neither of the two preceding
cards – including those drawn by other players. This change shifts
lmost everything about Statecraft makes you want to love it – With enough wiggle room to avoid too many frustrating forced
except actually playing it. pickups and the interesting division of points scoring between ship
Designed as a card-battling simulation of a political value and stored goods, this remains a game of strategy rather than
race for Number 10/The White House/Leader of the Earth (delete luck – but the random aspects add in a sense of amusement and pace
as appropriate), the game neatly breaks down complex political that some may have found was missing from the drier original.
concepts into four key scales that slide up and down as each of your The top-notch presentation completes the package, with the
cabinet members endorses or denounces specific policies. Support simplified set of cards improving hugely on the unnecessarily
state-owned housing? Say hello to socialism and anarchism. Prefer complicated (and often ugly) visuals of Medici’s scoring pyramid boards.
affordable housing? Extra authoritarianism it is. It’s a fluid way of The box could be a little better at holding them, but it's hardly a problem.
tracking your overall manifesto as you attempt to court floating voters, It doesn’t matter whether you’ve played the original Medici or not –
and introduces some amusing thematic decisions as you try to please this compact spin-off absolutely deserves the small space it will fill in
as many supporters as possible, scrapping the minimum wage as both your collection and your heart. ■
you chase retirees or backing agricultural labour to the chagrin of MATT JARVIS
the middle-class. The bright and clean visuals of the cards pair with
snappy flavour text that leans into the satirical thick of it, so to speak.
There are a variety of different setups and win conditions, with the
basic game being a straight democratic election. Reflecting the back-
and-forth scraps of modern politics, players can pinch voters that have
grown unsatisfied (or, for a cost, even those who claim to be happy) or
employ action cards that screw over their opponents with everything
from scandals to assassination. The interaction here is solid and lifts
up the otherwise fairly lifeless policy play, unlike the event cards –
Statecraft’s career-ending blunder.
Drawn at random during play, the event cards aim to shake things
up by forcing tough decisions on players, often resulting in the loss of
voters, policies, politicians or all three. The manual suggests adding a
third, two thirds or all of the cards to the deck for normal, disruptive
or chaotic play, but it hardly makes a difference – they suck. With no
effort to maintain a flow over the course of a match, the occurrences
feel random, frustrating and repetitive, pulling many of the same
punishing tricks time and time again to hinder a satisfying sense of
progression and achievement.
Real-world politics aren't fair, but Statecraft kills what could've
been a fascinating satirical simulation with a wildly uneven flow.
The core ingredients of something special are in here, let down by
a severely lacking execution and what too often appears to be an
underdeveloped grander vision. Cast your vote elsewhere. ■
od Bassman, fish PI, kicks down BOX CONTENTS of the countless Story Cubes variations pause card for each player that can be
◗ Set of nine Rory’s
the door and bursts into the Story Cubes
out there, opening up the door for used to stop the game and ask for help
room. He had heard a muffled ◗ Story board this to become a Batman, Adventure if they feel a little lost – an especially
scream from student Janey Chips as ◗ Story Cubes tray Time or Doctor Who RPG – or even a welcoming touch.
the starfish that snuck through her ◗ 30 scene cards mashup. With the game embracing Although Untold is clearly
◗ 15 outcome cards
open window tried to smother her in ◗ 10 reaction cards
the open invention of players, it’s just designed for younger players as
her sleep. She had struggled to tear ◗ 10 question tokens as effective plotting a gritty detective a first introduction to roleplaying
the evil echinoderm from her face, but ◗ 14 action tokens drama (with fish) as a whimsical and storytelling techniques (you’ll
Bassman somehow succeeds, flinging ◗ Episode guide pad treasure hunt on an alien planet. probably still need an older player
◗ Character profile pad
the sea creature into a corner. Why was ◗ Four dashboards
Framed in the format of a TV series – to lead things with those aged under
Janey the target? Why a starfish? How ◗ Four play/pause cards each hour-long playthrough makes up 10), that doesn’t stop it being buckets
was Bassman’s boss, Sergeant Batter, ◗ Four sets of one episode, with characters, world and of fun with adults. Those seeking the
tied up in all of this? All of this would edit tokens story able to carry over into a longer true flexibility of grown-up RPGs may
◗ Rulebook
become clear – after all, this was only season – Untold uses Story Cubes in find the partial hand-holding and
the opening scene of Fish & Chips. combination with random boards that limitation to the direction of Story
More accurately, it was the first lay out the action of five scenes using a Cubes a little frustrating, yet it serves
few minutes of our first Untold: basic sentence structure (“In [BLANK], as such a delightful bite-sized chunk
Adventures Await episode. An episode [BLANK] was attacking [BLANK].”), of improvisation and yarn-spinning
that would take us from a vague where the blanks are filled with the that it’s impossible to do anything but
premise and groan-worthy pun results of the pictorial dice. These smile your whole way through. ■
to a shock twist and gripping final charmingly-illustrated boards form the MATT JARVIS
showdown with the malevolent Batter backbone of each episode, offering up
and his corrupt fish forces in under links between people, places and things CONCLUSION
an hour, while hinting at the wider to pull the whole thing together in a Untold adds just enough direction to
revelations to come in the rest of the way that feels comfortable and cohesive the random storytelling of Story Cubes
season. We know you’ll be tuning in. rather than being five random events without getting rid of the room for
players to tell their own tales, improvise
Untold is a fast and loose roleplaying with little character or story progression.
and have loads of fun. It’s a memorable,
game built around storytelling toy Within each scene, the group can entertaining roleplaying experience in
Rory’s Story Cubes, a series of nine ask a specific number of questions, under an hour – beat that.
dice that dictate the flow of a tale with
their suggestive symbol faces. Nine IF YOU LIKE NO THANK YOU, EVIL!… TRY UNTOLD: ADVENTURES AWAIT
Being a kid-friendly RPG doesn’t mean offering a dumbed-down experience just for
dice are included in the Untold box,
kids, as these two standout roleplaying games fit for families of all ages prove.
but can be substituted easily for any
Like your fantasy dark, your foes demonic and your quests deadly? We’ve got just the place for you...
Hall Or Nothing Productions | £49 | Co-op exploration | 1-4 players | 2-4 hours | 13+ |
he name’s a bit of a giveaway. on your questing heroes working reward cards held in the hand) and
Gloom of Kilforth, be assured, together as a tightly-knit unit, assets (rumours that have been
is not all sunshine, lollipops, spending action points wisely discovered in a specific location
fairy dust and unicorns. A play on a wide range of options (hide, so they can enter play as items,
session in British independent confront, search, etc.) and being allies, titles or spells). A seasoned
designer Tristan Hall’s lushly prepared to bravely run away from Gloom-head will have twigged that
detailed, card-based fantasy terrain a fight. Though player-eliminating a successfully confronted stranger
is more likely to yield pelting hail and permadeath can only occur once card can be instantly traded for
fierce storms than sunshine. And those powerful big bads are on the an ally card rather than taken into
if it did feature a unicorn, it would table for the end-game, losing all your hand as a rumour, which is the IF YOU LIKE
probably be called the Horn-horse of your health presents a significant surest way to earn, say, a shadow TALISMAN…
Agony or something. setback. So each of you must be or pious keyword, but for the first TRY GLOOM
Yes, it’s tough out there in Kilforth. utterly prepared to make sacrifices few sessions there will be a lot of OF KILFORTH
Though it’s a
Those painterly terrain cards (each for your fellow Kilforthers, while also flipping through the rulebook, co-operative card
impressively rendered by Polish teasing out the most effective card squinting hard for clarification. game rather than
artist Ania Kryczkowska) might look synergies through each extensive, Even once you do get it all down, a roll-and-move
inviting in their randomly laid five- absorbing and occasionally the box’s suggested playtime of 45 board game, Hall’s
debut feels like a
by-five grid, but don’t let them fool frustrating session. minutes per player seems crazily hardcore spiritual
you. When you’re not encountering Even so, Kilforth also works conservative. Even a two-player successor to the
hideous demon foes or trying not well as a challenging solo bout takes around three hours. Games Workshop
to inhale the titular, life-leeching experience, especially as each But, despite a little too much Magical Quest
Game classic.
miasma that creeps across the land character, built from a combination dice-rolling for this player’s taste (the
at the end of each day (by flipping an of eight D&D-ish classes and presence of result-improving fate
indicated terrain card ‘Into Gloom’, races, has to choose and complete tokens only slightly mitigating the
like Forbidden Island’s landscape- a four-chapter saga by collecting bad-roll rage), those long, sprawling,
depleting flood mechanism), you’ve cards with specific keywords, then fantasy-questing sessions always
still got a wealth of quests, stranger levelling up via the application left us craving more. It’s a gorgeous CONCLUSION
encounters and places to confront and of new skills with each chapter product and a worthy entrant into A brutal but
survive. Even the seemingly benign completion before they can take on the burgeoning ‘RPG in a box’ rewarding gothic-
Goodwife can nastily turn on you if those unpleasant demon-lords. subgenre. Debut designer Hall’s fantasy co-op. Its
knotty rules take
you rub her up the wrong way (via a Be warned, though. It is a passion and enthusiasm are evident a few sessions to
failed influence test). very rule-y game, taking time to on every card. His sense of humour, fully absorb, but it
This is a co-operative, explorative settle into Hall’s terminology: the too; yes, there is a little levity amid all delivers a truly epic
race against time in which success difference between actions (which that doom and Gloom. Kilforth may and exciting narrative
feel that’ll keep
against the world-corrupting require spending action points) have no unicorns, but it does have a drawing you back
Ancients (i.e. end-game bosses – and deeds (which don’t), for dog ninja... ■ to its gorgeous-but-
one per player) really does depend example, or rumours (unplayable DAN JOLIN deadly world.
◗ 20 cities miniatures
ou’ve been the villains all feels as impressive and formidable as a compelling rhythm to the invader
◗ 32 town miniatures
along. That’s the philosophy of you’d hope controlling god-like deities phase as they explore, build towns and ◗ 40 explorer miniatures
Spirit Island, flying in the face would be, helped along by ostentatious cities, and finally devastate certain ◗ 38 blight tokens
of countless strategy games that see titles such as ‘Sap the Strength of regions in succession. This predictability ◗ 52 spirit
presence tokens
players crusading through unknown Multitudes’ – a little over-the-top, sure, gives Spirit Island its gripping sense
◗ 12 single-turn
lands, subjugating natives in pursuit but isn’t that exactly what you’d want? of desperation, as the spirits work effect markers
of total geographical and cultural Despite the spirits’ imposing solo together to frantically deplete their ◗ 32 energy markers
domination – all in the name of glory. powers, the ubiquity of the invaders foes in specific areas before they have a ◗ 20 fear markers
◗ Eight player aid cards
Here, that perspective is flipped: the means that working with your fellow chance to bed in and strengthen their
◗ Four power
invaders attempting to capture regions immortals is not only vital for victory but presence, eventually causing the blight progression cards
and develop their civilisation from also a lot of fun, as the timing-specific that weakens the spirits. ◗ 15 fear cards
scattered explorers to bustling towns execution of fast and slow powers and How players tackle the threat varies ◗ Two terror level dividers
◗ Two blight cards
and cities are your foes. simultaneous player turns throws open not only based on their choice of spirit
◗ 15 invader cards
The invaders spread across the island the chance to pull off combos as one and powers, but on the very geography ◗ 22 major power cards
like a plague in Pandemic, slaughtering god pushes invaders into the searing itself. One of Spirit Island’s most ◗ 36 minor power cards
the indigenous Dahan people and flame pillar of another, or defends a astonishing features is its modular board, ◗ 32 unique power cards
◗ Three adversary panels
eventually blighting the land. The Dahan village while their fellow spirit comprised of four jagged sections that fit
◗ Three adversary
only hope is the players’ pantheon wipes out the menacing invaders. together to form the land. Only as many reminder tiles
of natural spirits, titled with fittingly As the spirits’ powers grow, neatly sections as players are used, resulting in ◗ Four scenario panels
grandiose names – Ocean’s Hungry reflected by the slow expansion of dramatically different landscapes and ◗ Rulebook
Grasp, Shadows Flicker Like Flames players’ decks, so too does the fear they play styles. Although the standard board
and River Surges In Sunlight are among instill in the attacking forces. Once is perfectly crafted for a tough but fair
the defenders – and wielding decks of enough fear has been earned, the experience (and is slightly easier to parse
power cards that evoke the distinctive spirits unleash frightening abilities that visually), the reverse of each section IF YOU
personalities and fortes of the deities as drive back the unending tide of settlers, displays a thematic variant that together LIKE MAGE
they help the Dahan to flee while scaring helping to combat the aggressors’ own form the ‘canonical’ Spirit Island, KNIGHT… TRY
off or even outright destroying the growing efforts to claim the island. As favouring narrative and atmosphere over Enjoy a healthy
explorers and their colonies. Building more and more fear cards are gained, an even-handed challenge. (There’s a splash of theme
up energy and letting loose with powers the spirits’ victory conditions eventually significant lore section in the manual and fulfilling sense
become easier, instilling the roughly that cements the background world.) of progression
mixed in with your
two-hour game with a sense of It won’t be for everyone, yet the option deckbuilding and
deep thematic progression to forgo fully balanced gameplay for a complex strategy?
while helping to balance the more atmospheric experience in this Here’s one for you.
often punishing difficulty level. way is something from which more
That’s important, because the games should take inspiration.
invaders have their own sense of In a similar vein are the optional
advancement. Between spirits adversaries and scenarios, which
deploying fast and slow powers, grant ‘real’ identities and nationalities
as well as innate abilities that to the invading forces, introducing
harness their specific natural extra gameplay concepts and the need
forces, the explorers work their for tighter strategy based on alternate-
way deeper into the island. There’s history reimaginings of England,
Sweden and Brandenburg-Prussia. CONCLUSION
Each also has an escalating difficulty Every aspect of Spirit
level, which can be combined (with Island exudes depth,
whether it’s the
the help of a handy table in the book)
subversion of traditional
to present ten different challenges for strategy game tropes
each of the adversaries – which is to or the excellent co-
say nothing of the variability of the op combination of
deckbuilding and area
differently-talented spirits.
control. The lore and
Spirit Island has it all: a deep and theme are genuinely
meaningful theme, complex and interesting, with the
interesting gameplay, and a look that superb visuals and
lavish naming of spirits
ties everything up in a truly magnificent
and powers delivering
package. Be ready to devote yourself. ■ the mighty feel of
MATT JARVIS power you’d wish for.
culture, in historically appropriate ways. I
found useful information... and that the
who became increasingly enthusiastic
about the game the more he heard.
I noodled around with the idea on my
own, iterating rapidly with scrawled
but one all ‘send lots of people to settle’ model of
colonisation wasn’t the only one!
This turned out to be Christopher
Badell of Greater Than Games, and by
and simple prototypes of core systems
– nothing resembling an entire game
its own.” “What features are found in tropical
islands across the world?”: To struggle
the end of the con he said he wanted to
see the game published – perhaps with
as of yet – then fortified myself with against different powers, details of the Greater Than Games if they proved
the enthusiasm of friends and spent setting shouldn’t pin it to a particular the right fit, or with someone else if
days brainstorming page upon page part of the world or time period. For they were better – so long as he could
of ways a nature spirit could thwart a instance, pineapples are a widespread play it! It wasn’t any sort of formal
colonising force. tropical crop today, but the only commitment, but it was enheartening.
My first tests with other people islands they grew on prior to the One month later, my first child was
were at a local convention. I Age of Exploration were likely in born, and my design pace slowed
sought out friends to play, the Caribbean. waaaay down. Still, by Origins 2013 I felt
knowing how incredibly “What cultural details ready to start pitching Spirit Island to
rough the game are common in tropical publishers. I was – foolishly! – overly shy
was: an arbitrary island societies across the about setting up meetings beforehand,
collection of world?”: I wanted the setting so was limited to publishers who could
powers, some to have a realistic indigenous make the time for an impromptu look.
best-guess maps culture, but one all its own rather than Christopher, however, had
and the core appropriating details from particular contacted me a month or two prior,
methods by real-life peoples. Fortunately, I was able and Greater Than Games was one of
which the to locate some books on specific topics the first two publishers I met with.
colonists across wide areas, because making a They were very enthusiastic and, after
spread out deep study of thousands of individual a long conversation, I felt they’d be
and hurt cultures would have taken a lifetime! I able to do an excellent job.
the land. probably did as much research for the
Dahan as for everything else combined. …REVELATION
■ Spirit Island Becoming a parent while working on
may be fictional, …ITERATION Spirit Island limited my game-design
but it was “The more iterations the better” is a hours, stretching the process out over
inspired good rule of thumb in game design. multiple years. While this could be
by real Fortunately, not only had several frustrating, it also proved invaluable:
places. friends put together testing copies of the extra-long baking time gave areas
Spirit Island
Island, but people they played for improvement the chance to rise to
with contacted me to ask if they could the surface. ■
ears vs Babies is covered in BOX CONTENTS – more rarely – adds a special ability. across as a tacked-on solution rather
fur. Thick, luxuriant faux ◗ 107 cards The illustrations of Matthew than a meaningful gameplay element.
◗ Playmat
fur that covers almost the ◗ FAQ sheet ‘The Oatmeal’ Inman are fittingly The comic elements end up straining
entirety of its packaging. You’ll ◗ Rulebook icky and giggle-inducing in equal too hard to prop up the lacking
end up stroking it, it’s inevitable. measure, especially when it comes gameplay, scattering too widely
As with the meowing packet of its to the growing armies of babies in compared to the feline-focused jokes
creators’ enormous debut party hit, the centre of the table, which form of Kittens to hit with enough force.
Exploding Kittens, this is a box that an absurd force of flabby and wide- Both Bears vs Babies’ hairy
knows how to make an introduction. eyed horrors. It’s hard to forget the packaging and quirky personality
Unfortunately, Bears vs Babies turns Portuguese man o’baby or the surreal quickly begin to moult, leaving
out to be all fur and no stuffing. fake baby made of a watermelon with behind a bare card game that feels
At first, it seems there's a slightly cutlery limbs as they prepare to do like a stitched-together experiment
deeper card management game here battle across land, sea and sky. rather than a loveable oddity. ■
than in Exploding Kittens' 'Russian Unlike Exploding Kittens, which MATT JARVIS
roulette but with cards' premise. began as a generic card game before
Players place down cards to stitch being clad in its now iconic feline
together Frankenstein creations from dressing, Inman and his co-creator The artwork is amusing for a few
a mixture of animals, machines and ■ Top: Players build Elan Lee originally came up the minutes and the concept at its heart
indiscriminate bits of don’t-think- their monsters from a design for Bears vs Babies based on might seem fun, yet Bears vs Babies
about-it-too-hard. Each starts with a variety of amusing body Inman’s illustrations. It shows – it falls flat on its face when it comes to
parts, but there's little gameplay – despite the efforts to bump
head – be it a shark, mantis shrimp or impact on the gameplay. doesn’t take long for the humour to up the complexity from Exploding
uni-pug – and can gain a torso, arms lose its sheen, revealing the flimsy Kittens. It’s a disappointment through
and legs, plus tools, building up their gameplay beneath. and through.
strength using a very simple system
where each additional card increases
Matthew Inman’s distinctive humour lies at the heart of these easy-going card games.
the creatures’ overall strength or
he Cold War has inspired ■ 13 Minutes cleverly execute any actions on cards you that once you have a couple of duels
plenty of complex, sprawling distils the tension of the play that match their flag, Twilight under your belt. Six-and-a-Half
Cold War into a handful
board games that rate as of cards and cubes. Struggle-style, resulting in a careful Minutes just probably wasn’t as
among the best the tabletop has tightrope walk of handing as few catchy a title. ■
to offer. 13 Minutes needs only 13 opportunities to them as possible MATT JARVIS
ew games manage to capture involves laying down cards one at difficult decision – for example,
the mystery, beauty and danger a time to represent the morning spend food to gain expertise in
of the jungle as evocatively and evening journeys of three a particular skill or lose health
as The Lost Expedition. Inspired adventurers. The first round to move closer to the city. Some
by Percy Fawcett’s infamous rearranges the numbered cards actions are compulsory, many
disappearance in the Amazon while into ascending order, while decisions necessary but a few
searching for the so-called ‘Lost the second keeps them in the choices optional, opening up a
City of Z’ – a gripping tale recently order they are played, subtly variability and presence of skill
brought to the cinema screen – but notably altering the strategy to counterbalance the luck of
designer Peer Sylvester translates the required each turn – especially drawing cards. The gameplay
innumerable threats and discoveries when playing multiplayer, as events thematically mirror the
of the rainforest to a deck of cards companions can’t discuss their incidents occurring on the cards,
stunningly illustrated by comic artist hand. The group then travels sucking you into the atmosphere
Garen Ewing. from card to card, spending or like a boggy swamp and getting
The main game mode (a gaining food, ammunition and under your skin like worms. Oh,
competitive variant is included) health as required to progress. ■ The game is based god, the worms.
Forward planning on the real-life search The Lost Expedition is a gorgeous
for the Lost City of Z.
is a must to keep set through-and-through, yet backs
the explorers alive up its looks with gripping and
as long as possible meaningful cardplay. It plays best
– ultimately trying with smaller groups and is an ideal
to advance along solo experience, with the co-op
nine stage cards campaign the main draw but the
that symbolise the head-to-head mode an interesting
hunt for ‘Z’. inclusion. Venture into its depths and
Each card often enjoy getting lost. ■
presents a simple but MATT JARVIS
Knizia’s classic returns in a set you’ll want to hang on your wall
CMON | £29.99 | Bidding/auction | 3-5 players | 60 minutes | Age: 14+ |
espite being a game about to grow in standing over the course the box could be smaller if you shrunk
bidding on paintings you’d want of the four rounds, leading to tactical down the rulebook and screens, but
to display in a gallery, Reiner auctions to bump up or undermine the that would go against the feeling that
Knizia’s Modern Art has become value of paintings. Modern Art is finally a game to display
notorious for its various unsightly There’s very little chaff to cut out of proudly in your collection, instead
editions over the last 25 years. CMON’s Modern Art – in many ways, this is the of having to explain ‘it’s better than it
long-awaited re-issue of the first entry ultimate auction game. Other than the looks’ to every newcomer.
in the designer's auction trilogy (which varying worth of paintings, there are The changes made are ultimately
also includes Medici and Ra) finally BOX CONTENTS simply no other underlying mechanics small tweaks, but they matter; this is a
does justice to the game’s hugely ◗ Game board to distract from the clean joy of swiping box that oozes pleasure and fun from
◗ 70 painting cards
entertaining gameplay with a striking a hotly-contested painting through the bespectacled eyes staring out from
◗ Five museum screens
set featuring the works of four real-life ◗ 12 artist value tokens tactical bidding, fast-talking diplomacy the centre of an explosion on the box
modern artists displayed on gorgeous ◗ 132 money tokens or even sheer dumb luck. cover downwards. Did we mention
oversized cards, putting forward a ◗ Hammer token With so little needed to improve that the player marker is a hammer
◗ Rulebook
collection you wouldn’t be ashamed to the way the game actually plays, the you can bang on the table at the end of
see framed in your own living room. new edition has only added to the every auction? Well, it is, and banging
For some, the switch to genuinely presentation, pushing the delightful it on the table never ceases to be as
good illustrations will detract from entertainment factor of the bidding entertaining as it sounds.
the amusement of seeing the value of format. Each player stashes stacks A quarter of a century on, Modern
disgusting pictures rise as each artist’s of satisfyingly chunky money tokens Art continues to prove that it’s the
work becomes the most popular under behind their screen, with the folded gold standard of auction games. This
the hammer. Whether you’re after an walls decorated to represent a gallery latest makeover might finally bring
ironic showdown or a more earnest from around the world – London Art, the visuals into the 21st century, but
battle to sign real talent, Modern Art’s the Sao Paulo Museum, New York Art it’s also a reminder that Modern Art’s
stripped-back auction setup shines and so on. The rules in the manual take gameplay remains timeless. ■
through above all. up just a few sides, with the majority MATT JARVIS
Each painting dictates the style of of the 20-plus-page book dedicated
auction held, ranging from hidden to bibliographies and examples of CONCLUSION
bids and single chances to see off your the work of Ramon Martins, Manuel Delightfully silly and yet utterly earnest at
rival collectors to classic last-one- Carvalha, Sigrid Thaler and Daniel the same time, Modern Art’s resurrection
is a joyous return for a classic long in
standing and fixed-price sales – plus Melim – a definitive statement that this
need of a new look, allowing the simple
the chance to nab two paintings at is a set that has been put together with auction setup to sparkle brighter than ever
once in precious bundled deals. The the utmost thought and care. Sure, thanks to the excellent presentation.
constant shifting of strategy required to
outbid your fellow curators means that IF YOU LIKE MASTERS GALLERY… TRY MODERN ART
After decades plagued by ugly editions, this new version of the beloved auction
things stay unpredictable and amusing
game can finally hold a candle to the classic beauty of its spiritual spin-off.
throughout, especially as artists begin
There’s no need to curse bad throws in this dice-rolling wonder
Brotherwise | £34.99 | Dice placement | 2-4 players | 25-50 minutes | Age: 8+ |
nearth may well be one of value is exceeded by the results of all the odds in your favour; the lower-
the most satisfying gaming the dice on that card, meaning there’s value dice up your chances of landing
surprises of the year. It’s a the opportunity to ‘outbid’ a rival by a stone, while the d8 is perfect when
stylish, easy-going dice-placement re-rolling or adding extra dice, often by going for broke on a high-value ruins.
game that polishes a dependence on deploying the power of Delver cards Once a die is placed, it’s down for
randomness to a glimmering sheen. gained when an opponent claims a good until those ruins are claimed or a
From the box lid down, it’s hard not ruins your dice are sat on. player runs out of dice and is forced to
to be sucked in by the clean and elegant There’s an exhilarating sense of start re-rolling those already on cards.
look of every aspect. Boasting isometric tension as you roll to swipe a vital card This makes choosing when to roll
landscapes to rival mobile games such but, unlike so many dice games, very which die and where to place it vital
as Monument Valley backed by stark little of the frustration from duff throws. to maximising your income of stones
2D artwork, the cards themselves vary BOX CONTENTS To thank is the second half of Unearth: and ruins, expanding the strategy of
between tarot, standard and mini sizes, ◗ Four sets of five you see, this isn’t just a dice-placement Unearth without overcomplicating the
polyhedral dice
providing a pleasing array of shapes ◗ 25 tarot-sized
game, it’s also a tile-placement game. incredibly straightforward turn-to-turn
when laid out. Simply, it just looks good. ruins cards Rolling low on a die is unlikely to win you decisions. The entire game is packed
Video game players are likely to be ◗ Five tarot-sized ruins, but will potentially claim a stone with clever decisions like this that keep
particular enamored – there’s more End of Age cards hex, that can then be arranged in front it easy to understand and smooth to
◗ 38 mini Delver cards
than a hint of Minecraft in the blocky ◗ 15 named
of that player. Form a hexagon from a play without ever causing things to feel
stone hex tokens – but unlike previous wonder hexes certain combination of tiles and you’ll repetitive, weightless or boring.
Brotherwise hit Boss Monster the visuals ◗ 10 lesser wonder be able to claim a wonder, offering up Unearth is a light game, but by no
aren’t here just to cash in on popularity tokens and card bonus points or, in the case of one-off means is it a shallow one. There’s plenty
◗ Six greater wonder
and nostalgia. The isometric style tokens and card
named wonders, ongoing powers to help here to dig into and enjoy when it comes
complements the polyhedral forms and ◗ 60 hexagonal catch up with players by manipulating to interesting choices and strategy – the
angled faces of the dice perfectly, giving stone tokens the luck of the die. Rewarding low rolls stunning presentation is just a bonus. ■
the sense of a cohesive and unified ◗ Cloth stone is a fantastic way of adjusting for luck MATT JARVIS
tokens bag
world to the deliberately fleeting ◗ Four player
without feeling out of place, and the
narrative involving tribes of mystical reference cards random selection of wonders means
Delvers seeking to rebuild their lost ◗ Rulebook there’s plenty of variety between games.
Unearth finds clever ways of making
empire from ruins and wonders. In a refreshing break from games its simple concept deeper than you’d
Doing so is simple, as players roll packed with dozens of d6s, players expect, without losing the smooth
one die a turn and place it on one of have the choice between a four-sided turn-to-turn flow that makes it such a
pleasure to play. If you let its gorgeous
five ruins in the middle. Each player dice, eight-sided die and three
look pull you in, you’ll soon find yourself
is aiming to collect sets of cards that six-sided dice. This is a small but sinking into its seriously satisfying dice
either match their hidden colour or significant point as you try to game rolling with no regrets.
form a complete run of all the suits
(which are worth far less). There’s IF YOU LIKE MACHI KORO… TRY UNEARTH
Dare we say that we’ve found a easy-going dice-roller with an even better visual
more, though: ruins aren’t claimed
style and absorbing gameplay than the charming Japanese favourite?
by the highest roller until a total
s he previously did with pool of useable abilities and number from the head-to-head main mode.
farming masterpiece of actions available to each player Given how little is in the box for Cave
Agricola, Uwe Rosenberg has gradually increases with each turn vs Cave (the creators even found room
pared down one of his celebrated – constructed rooms can also be to include alternate resource tokens if
worker placement Eurogames to activated for bonus skills. you find the wooden tokens a little too
a pacey two-player version. This The room and action tiles are semi- big), the dinky Caverna variant manages
time around, it’s Agricola spiritual randomised, yet the game remains a to pack a whole lot of Eurogame
successor Caverna: The Cave Farmers. strategic Euro at heart; this is a worker IF YOU LIKE punch. It’s not the deep, immersive
Caverna: Cave vs Cave sticks close placement in all but components, AGRICOLA: ALL epic of its namesake, but it’s far from
to the mountain-mining setup of that with the back-and-forth selection CREATURES BIG a watered-down hack job, either. It’s a
game, pitting two clans of dwarves of actions where the meat of the TRY CAVERNA: wonderful, strategic game in its own
against each other in a race to build the showdown lies as each player denies CAVE VS CAVE right, with enough of that distinctive
finest underground abode around. their rival certain abilities and swipes Uwe Rosenberg Caverna Rosenbergness, combined
Cave vs Cave does away with the rooms from the shared central stock. continues to with some unique tweaks, to please
produce excellent
distraction of external forestry and While the theme of the cave- two-player fans looking for a faster, travel-friendly
animal breeding, limiting the action to farming dwarves lives on in the versions of his version, while also being thinned-out
two individual cave boards that must exploration and expansion of the complex titles that enough to attract those for whom the
be excavated and then filled with a internal habitat, the reduced scope play in a fraction heavy original is too rich a taste. ■
of the time, but are
variety of rooms to earn renown by of the game means that it’s not quite just as rewarding. MATT JARVIS
the end of eight rounds. This makes as immersive as its bigger sibling.
the game an easier beast to learn and Similarly, while digging into your CONCLUSION
teach, compressing the tension down mountain home square by square By trimming away the more drawn-out
to a relatively brisk 40 minutes as can be engrossing, there’s quite and complex parts of its predecessor,
players battle to collect resources and not as great a feeling of progression Cave vs Cave ends up delivering a
strategic game that stands alone but
build rooms before their opponent. – you’ll find no chance for crop maintains enough of Caverna’s excellent
There’s a growing momentum harvesting or breeding of animals (or thinky decision-making to be a rich and
over the course of each game, as the dwarves, for that matter) here. fulfilling experience – all in under an hour.
rom the pulp magazine cover intriguing throughout the relatively without being punishing, a thankful
of its box down, Deadline is in breezy sub-hour play time. decision given the reliance on drawing
love with noir. Its detectives With a unique deck for each case, certain cards. The constant momentum
are thinly-veiled homages to iconic these clue cards drive the thrust of means it’s impossible to find yourself
hardboiled writers such as Raymond each story, yet they’re not the core stuck at a dead end, something that
Chandler and Dashiell Hammett, its of the game. Rather than simply hardcore sleuths may find slightly
cards feature literal symbols of the picking a place and reading the disappointing but everyone else
genre – cigarettes, whiskey, bundles linked narrative, players must unlock should breathe a sigh of relief at.
of cash, revolvers and fedoras – and a selected clue by laying down lead For once, you should absolutely
its 'plot twist' events play off of classic cards from their hand to achieve a judge a game by its cover. If Sherlock
crime-fiction tropes, with skeletons specific combination of symbols. Holmes: Consulting Detective is a
in the closet, threatening phone calls Cards must overlap and match BOX CONTENTS verbose crime novel, Deadline is a
and being tailed all part of the drama previously-played symbols – with ◗ Eight detective cards pulpy magazine: fast, easy, a little
◗ Three bullet tokens
hindering players in their efforts to players unable to discuss specific silly and enjoyable to the last twist. ■
◗ Four hot tip tokens
solve each of 12 unique cases. cards in their hand, a mixture of luck ◗ 45 lead cards MATT JARVIS
The reason Deadline works quite and thoughtful placement is needed ◗ 20 plot twist cards
so well is because it is absolutely to access each location and progress ◗ 12 case decks
◗ Detective badge CONCLUSION
aware of its roots. There are echoes of the story. It’s a straightforward and
◗ Case book Deadline has enough intrigue and
the more exposition-heavy Sherlock breezy setup that ends up bringing ◗ Case questions book tension to hold together as an engaging
Holmes: Consulting Detective model a more active ‘gamey’ feeling to the ◗ Solution book mystery, introducing light cardplay and
in the need to gather information background deduction, balancing the ◗ Rulebook the right level of guided storytelling to
feel satisfying without being completely
and answer a series of questions slightly less challenging conundrums
throwaway. It’s a joyful celebration of
at the conclusion of each mystery, to make it far quicker and less intense crime fiction wrapped up in an enjoyable
but Deadline deftly condenses the than Consulting Detective. and accessible game.
process from Consulting Detective’s This also means some of the thick
endless paragraphs of text into a atmosphere of Consulting Detective
series of concise clue cards. Each is sacrificed for a more guided and TRY DEADLINE
burst of writing is enjoyable – it streamlined style of storytelling. Both games owe a debt to Consulting
occasionally becomes a little too As the narrative is restricted to the Detective, but Deadline sticks with a
co-op setup versus the competitive
noir-by-numbers, but remains back of cards there are far fewer red
action of Watson & Holmes.
solid enough to keep each mystery herrings to end up chasing, and no
anything we need for
gaming that they don’t Cardgames
have here?
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Words by Matt Jarvis
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20 of 132 pages
#12 OCT/NOV '17
and carefully consider what – and, more
importantly, when – they replace.
The Networks doesn’t try to capture
Binge on this satirical card game about running your own TV station the complexity of running a TV station
Formal Ferret | £49.99 | Drafting | 1-5 players | 60-90 minutes | Age: 13+ | in full, to its credit. The core set of actions
and decisions is tight-knit, focusing more
hen Netflix finally kills BOX CONTENTS plus the scattering of more direct topical on the timing of the cardplay than the
television, it’ll be the feeling of ◗ 55 show cards references you’d expect: The Walking nitty-gritty details. The two-player game
discovery that we’ll perhaps ◗ 48 star cards Dead, Breaking Bad, Dexter and more all makes for a fun duel, but playing with
◗ 42 ad cards
miss most: that exciting moment during ◗ 62 network cards get their due. Some veer into distinctly extra people enables a more cut-throat
channel-surfing when something ◗ Seven scoring American territory, but most are experience thanks to the optional
unexpected flashes up, managing to track boards universally well-known enough to raise interactive ability cards, which shift the
somehow hold your attention for the ◗ Five player boards some laughs from a British audience – clash from a passive race to more direct
◗ Five wooden
next half-hour or so. Or maybe the real scoring squares Doctor What is a fond favourite of ours. manipulations. There’s a purity to the
loss will be the comforting monotony ◗ Five wooden turn Even funnier are the stars, which less interaction-heavy mode that may
of trash TV: the home video clip order discs parody broader archetypes rather than suit those who enjoy the efficient score
shows, absurd game shows and top ◗ 20 black specific celebrities and therefore dodge chasing of Euros, while the interactive
wooden cubes
100 countdowns that raise groans for ◗ Five 100/200-viewer the risk of aging very poorly, very cards are a chaotic addition for the
a few minutes before sucking you into tokens quickly. You’ll be hiring performers taste of those who prefer more thematic
their mundane drama and padded- ◗ 300-viewer token such as Shakespearian Trained Actor, competition. Either way, The Networks
out exposition. The Networks respects ◗ 100 money chips Versatile Sci-Fi Actor and Sultry, Sexy holds strong as a tongue-in-cheek card-
◗ Season marker
the difficulty involved in holding the ◗ Rulebook Lead as you try to pull in more and drafter that deserves to find an audience. ■
attention of millions as much as it mocks more viewers, although the talent will MATT JARVIS
what those millions find so engrossing, pick up a sizeable paycheck, too.
and it makes for a card game worth As with any comedy, the gags don’t CONCLUSION
breaking out instead of watching Cats shine quite as brightly on subsequent The humour is witty, the drafting
Lick The Funniest Things again. playthroughs yet, as they’re merely the gameplay solid and the televisual theme
executed with aplomb; The Networks is
The satirical humour of the shows, lighthearted dressing drizzled on the a smart, well-designed card game that
ads and stars on the cards is judged delicious main course of the gameplay, doesn’t try to overstep its mark and is
well, the tongue-in-cheek titles and the flavour never begins to sour. all the better for it. Tune in.
artwork landing squarely on the nose
without punching you in the face and IF YOU LIKE HOLLYWOOD… TRY THE NETWORKS
The Networks offers an insightful look at how the magic of the small screen comes
giving you a headache. There are general
together by using clever card drafting gameplay and a biting sense of satire.
spoofs of trash TV and reality shows,
AEG | £29.99 | Deduction | 2-6 players | 10 minutes | Age: 14+ |
n insanity mechanic?” ■ A new insanity As with vanilla Love Letter, snaps shut with a magnetic clasp
you say. “But Love Letter’s mechanic can mean knockouts come thick and fast, even – but it’s a hard sell for anyone not
being eliminated by
elimination-by-luck unlucky draws. with a slightly expanded deck (which already infatuated with Love Letter
gameplay already drives me mad!” happily means up to six people can or Lovecraft, especially when the
In that case, Lovecraft Letter won’t take part, versus the standard four). larger premium package diminishes
change your mind. Yet, while the ‘draw Although there can be a slight sense the original game's excellence as a
one, play one’ heart of the original of disappointment if you’re taken pocket-sized treat. ■
continues to beat at the centre of this out by an unlucky draw rather than MATT JARVIS
aking the Channel 4 dating likely to sleep with their cousin? ■ The game's Some of the questions may raise
show as its leaping-off point, Who would punch their mum in the questions are divided a titter or two the first time around,
into three 'courses'.
First Dates is ironically a face for £10,000? but the severely limited scope
poor choice of game to play with It’s a setup that works best with means that unless you’ve somehow
complete strangers – doubly so if you close friends, as knowing someone’s never come across a modern-day
intend on seeing them again. personality helps players agree on an party game, you’ll probably have
Oddly enough, the simple answer – and laugh off any unwilling had your fill after your first meal.
gameplay is more reminiscent of accusations. We actually found that You won’t be coming back for a
another British TV staple, Mr. & Mrs., real-life couples aren’t always the second date. ■
as couples separately choose who best choice, as their relationship MATT JARVIS
from their pair fits each prompt best voids several of the questions (or just
and the rest of the group votes on makes predicting that they will agree
whether they will agree or not. too easy for everyone else).
While the gameplay is little more The awkward explicit tone is pretty
than a morsel, the presentation is typical affair for party trivia games
at least admirable, with wipe-clean looking to surf in the wake of Cards
boards, pens and three separate Against Humanity. First Dates wears
‘courses’ of cards: starters, mains out its welcome faster than many of
and desserts. those already fleeting distractions,
Running with the dinner theme due to the lack of variation in the
of the series, questions steadily subjects and answers.
increase from fairly innocuous The crass ‘humour’ is often more
dilemmas up to more controversial exhausting than entertaining – a
decisions that you definitely would couple of the prompts can lead to
not want to ask over a shared sundae insightful and amusing discussions
or cheese board. Who would win between friends, but most just result
in a rap battle? Who will have more in brief choruses of ‘ew’ before
people at their funeral? Who is more everyone moves on.
Subscribe online at
or call 01778 392034
ho would’ve thought ladders disappear – the random shapes and BOX CONTENTS unexpected place of safety. For the
could be so much fun? After bendy diversity of the ladders means ◗ 30 wooden ladders modest price, it’s hardly a surprise, but
(including three
playing Catch the Moon, that there’s almost always an option straight ladders)
a more solid foundation feels like a sore
never again will steps be resigned to come out on top, even it takes an ◗ Seven moon tears absence from such a relatively basic set
to memories of fetching Christmas unlikely wedge through a rung or ◗ Plastic base of components.
decorations from attics or clearing unstable balance along an edge. ◗ Wooden die In the end, though, these minor
◗ Rulebook
leaves from gutters. Nope, instead While the climax of Jenga’s exciting disappointments can hardly take away
you’ll recall the time you managed collapse quickly gives way to a feeling from the laugh-a-minute, gasp-a-
to somehow perch a tiny ladder on of not wanting to set up the tower minute glee of stacking tiny ladders and
top of a wobbly rung to become the again, some of Catch the Moon’s best watching them tumble down. Catch
new highest point in the knitted web moments come as a risky or clumsy the Moon might not be a perfect game,
of crisscrossing legs. Or perhaps the play suddenly shifts the interwoven net, but it’s undoubtedly a good time. ■
moment you collapsed, head-in-hands, with the whole group of players gasping MATT JARVIS
as your carefully-positioned wooden as rungs catch falling prongs, uprights
frame slipped from its seemingly secure become horizontals and swinging feet CONCLUSION
place between two upright supports dangle closer and closer to the table. Although the bits in the box could be
and clattered onto the table, causing The brilliance of using the better, it’s hard to deny the delight that
the moon to cry – and you to end up a multifaceted shape of ladders is that Catch the Moon inspires. The ladders
make for an inventive choice of shape
teardrop further from victory. there is an almost limitless number of
to stack and lead to the game’s best
Catch the Moon is a simple game combinations and structures that can laugh- and gasp-out-loud moments. A
that nevertheless excels at producing be formed by a combination of the simple joy, through and through.
moments of outright jubilation and players and gravity, multiplied further
amusing devastation like these. It has by the random placement of two
the physical delight of stacking classics straight ladders in the base to begin TRY CATCH THE MOON
like Jenga, without the exhausting need with, plus the use of a die to dictate Catch the Moon evolves on the
to labouriously reset things after a whether players must aim for the classic brick-puller by eliminating the
exhausting need to reset and adding
single mistake or the frustrating feeling highest point and how many ladders
more hilarious unpredictability.
of inevitable failure once enough bricks their addition to the pile can touch.
here’s a purity to card games that and extended with a lengthier version but win too many and your score for that
use a standard deck of 52 playing online. While it’s as light a dressing as round plummets to zero. Meanwhile,
cards that makes them hard to can be (there’s no mention of a bell, key win three or fewer and you’ll take the
improve on. In the case of The Fox in or moon at all in the full story), it ends maximum number of points. This slight
the Forest’s charming two-player take up sustaining the magical allure in a but shrewd tweak introduces an extra
on whist, however, it comes just about way that works. A big part of this is the layer of strategy and variety, where
as close as you can get. game’s stunning artwork, which treads tactically conceding rounds can be just as
The contents of the box are the line between traditional fairytale beneficial as dominating your opponent.
essentially a three-suit deck, dropping cliché and expressive, bold visuals. If It’s a shame that The Fox in the Forest
the royal face cards in favour of standard this were a full deck of playing cards, forgoes that fourth suit, as the lack of
numbers from 1 to 11 split across the you wouldn’t hesitate to pick it up. flexibility is perhaps the only very minor
more whimsical categories of bells, keys Complementing the meaningful drawback here. As it comes though – a
and moons. Each odd card is a character changes to the gameplay is an interesting lively two-player trick-taking game
with a special ability, evolving whist’s scoring system that rewards risk-taking with a winning charisma – it’s a joy. ■
basic game of trumps by introducing – more tricks won means more points, MATT JARVIS
simple powers – the fox changes the
current trump card, the witch counts as
a trump card regardless of suit and so
on. The abilities are pleasantly varied
and well-executed, offering a generous
balance of ways to undermine your rival
or boost your own score, opening up
■ Odd cards in each the previously one-note strategy.
of the three suits
The presentation all plays into the
introduce unique
powers to the whist- game’s fairytale framing, introduced
like gameplay. with a few sentences in the manual
■ The game's cutesy nimal puns have sunk their effort to catch the titular tabby before
animal theme is one claws so deeply into Purrrlock he escapes – only one inspector can
of its strongest assets.
Holmes that it’s a mystery why take the glory though, so there’s a very
the family-friendly guessing game slight strategic timing element. Not
wasn't subtitled ‘On Furriarty’s Tail’. that it makes that much difference – if
That conundrum isn’t the only Furriarty escapes, there’s no winner
puzzle you’ll be trying to solve, as the and points decide a loser, but you’ll
feline detective and the inspectors probably name a winner anyway.
of Scotland Pound try to identify the The Sherlock Holmes-meets-The
hidden suspects in front of them. Like Aristocats theme is cute (unless you’re
Hanabi, your friends know what you’re not a cat person) – the zoological
looking for, but you’ll need to deduce criminals all have witty era-appropriate
their identity and the time of the crime street gangs, including the Charing Cross
by chasing two cards each turn that Canards and Thames Toadies, illustrated
are either close ‘leads’ (pun!) or dead with amusingly gritty mugshots.
ends before taking a stab at Purrrlock Holmes doesn’t stick around
naming the criminal. long enough to use up the goodwill of its
It’s as simple as theme or basic, luck-dictated gameplay.
it comes – players Social deduction connoisseurs will find
must tell the truth, so it far too lightweight to stick with, but it’s
there’s no room more than solid enough to be a gentle
for betrayal introduction to the genre for kids and
here. You’re those seeking a less intense brainteaser.
technically Don’t be surprised when you find
competing, but yourself purring with pleasure. ■
there is a joint MATT JARVIS
hat would you miss more if it ceased to exist: board games
or cats? That’s just one of the decisions proposed by That’s
a Question!, a disappointingly disposable party dud from
otherwise reliable master designer Vlaada Chvátil.
That’s a Question!’s drama hinges on seemingly tough choices based
on three core questions, with a rotating interrogator putting forward
a choice of two possible answers from their hand as they grill another
player and everyone else votes on what they think the verdict will be.
It’s a simple setup that never becomes anything more meaningful.
That’s a Question!’s answers veer between being overly specific or too
toothless to spark much debate about a player’s choice, meaning the
game never manages to capture the perceptive or controversial insight
into personal opinions that it’s clearly aiming at.
This isn’t helped by the extremely limited scope of the three
questions, all of which essentially boil down to a generic ‘which is
better’ judgement and can only be matched with one answer on each
colour-coded answer card, killing the chance for any flexibility or
unexpectedly left-field dilemmas. Even Cards Against Humanity is
more likely to teach you more about your friends’ view of the world.
DONNER DINNER PARTY Strangely enough, despite the cutesy decoration of squirrels, acorns
and sunny meadows, many of the game’s questions skew towards an
Chronicle Books | £17.99 | Social deduction
older audience (the box has a recommended age of 15 and up) – there
4-10 players | Time | Age: 12+ |
are several about cigarettes, drinking, working and other adult topics
that are best removed if you plan to play with children. Not only do
nspired by the ghoulish real-life events of the Donner-Reed Party in these darker subjects jar tonally with the lighthearted rest of the game,
the mid 19th-century, who resorted to eating their companions to but they come across as a cheap attempt to lead players towards
stay alive, Donner Dinner Party mixes interesting social deduction deeper debates that ultimately never surface.
with a jet-black dose of comedy. The presentation may be charming, but That’s a Question! can’t
The components boast fetching art, despite the fragile thinness of avoid an utter absence of personality, fun and consequence. Why
the cards, and the diddly metal frying pan used to track rounds on the waste your time here? Now, that’s a question. ■
oversized central campfire board is thematically charming, if a little MATT JARVIS
unnecessary for such a straightforward setup.
Donner Dinner Party leans towards the lighter end of the social
deduction scale, with a simple breakdown into two phrases where
players hunt for food – or sabotage the gatherings of others, if they’re
a hidden cannibal with poison to hand – and potentially vote to eat
someone, if there’s not enough food to go around.
Luck plays a significant role, with players only able to play from a
limited selection of cards. This can result in unpredictable twists as
cannibals are forced to help out or innocent pioneers turn up empty-
handed, which can be both exciting and frustrating compared to the
more deliberate motives of other games in the genre. It works in terms
of the harsh atmosphere, but dilutes the tension when outcomes can
be dictated by a poor draw – even when a limited deck of single-use
supply cards works to remedy too many unfortunate situations.
Increasing the drama is the chance for the changing camp leader
to see one card contributed to the middle each round, ratcheting up
the tension in a way that feels natural and well-paced as loyalties are
called into question. Player elimination is softened by the option to
include ghosts, who can veto votes of the living once, but it’s still not
particularly amusing to find yourself sat out of the action.
Donner Dinner Party is an interesting enough half an hour for those
new to deceiving their friends, but it doesn’t have the weight or spark
to match up to better entries in the genre. It’s an amuse-bouche –
nothing more, nothing less. ■
Greater Than | £39.99 | Racing | 2-4 players | 30-45 minutes | Age: 14+ |
hat do you get if you cross Gameplay is a blend of the
Tron, X-Wing, Saturday light-cycle racing from Tron and the
morning cartoons and VHS dogfighting of X-Wing, as players shift
tapes? The answer is Lazer Ryderz, a their characters up and down gears
game so thick with ‘80s nostalgia you before accelerating using movement
can practically smell the hairspray. templates towards prisms scattered
It starts with the box, perhaps one across the playing field – which,
of the downright coolest storage ideas handily, is the size of whatever table
for a board game in a long while. Each you’re playing on. Attempting a turn
of the component sets for the racing means rolling a die, which at higher
game’s four competitors is housed speeds increasingly risks spinning out
in a faux-VHS tape sleeve branded or accidentally zooming straight into a
up with suitably OTT visuals and wall or a rival’s light beam, exploding
flavour text and stored in a cardboard your rider and respawning them back
Lazer Ryderz boxset complete with at the edge of the table – applying a
pre-made scuffs and stickers. It’s not touch of lucky tension to the otherwise
hard to imagine that the Galactic rather one-note proceedings. The first
Waveryder, Lazer Shark, Super Sheriff to three prisms wins.
or Phantom Cosmonaut appeared While Lazer Ryder’s gameplay is fun
on television as you wolfed down a enough, it’s clear that the style is doing
packet of Space Raiders as a kid. The the heavy lifting here. It’s thrilling to
fantastic idea is marred somewhat by narrowly veer away from a crash or pull
the inexplicable decision to make the off a sudden turn as you zip around the
characters’ trays open at the bottom of table, but the game can’t quite capture
the sleeves, meaning the holographic the enduring charm or entertainment
pieces will fall out as they’re removed of the era it clearly adores. ■ ■ Lazer Ryderz' gameplay can't
unless you know what’s coming. MATT JARVIS live up to its eye-catching style.
Grand Gamers Guild | £17.99 | Party | 2-4 players | 10-15 minutes | Age: 13+ |
espite sounding like a Dutch changing the requirement with each
sweet treat, Stroop is instead new card until someone can no longer
named after the psychological play, rather than exhausting their
effect that involves the mismatch of hand. This rule feels a little awkward
written colours and the colour the at points, often putting the emphasis
text is printed in (so, the word ‘red’ in more on luck of the draw than the
blue ink), making it tougher to name touted mental agility of players.
the colour of the ink versus when the Similarly odd is the rule that starts
word and ink matches. players with a draw deck on the table,
Stroop is the breezy application but the ability to draw as many cards
of this phenomenon to a card game, as they want into their hand from the
expanding the brain-bending visual off – as long as they do so one at a
trickery to include text size, style and time, which simply appears to be an
the number of letters in each word – attempt to give the impression that
as well as words that read backwards there is more of a game framework
when the optional advanced deck is here than there actually is.
mixed in. We’d recommend you do Despite having elements of a
so to weigh down the already light fast-paced party game, Stroop only
gameplay, which could blow away plays up to four people and has little
with the frustrated huff of a player. to offer beyond the initial curiosity of
■ Stroop takes its name It’s a diverting few minutes as your first few plays. It’s an intriguing
from the psychological players try to first play cards that are psychological demonstration, but
effect that makes it
hard to name the described by a central card, before that doesn’t make for a particularly
colour of text when it switching to lay down descriptions of great game. ■
spells another colour. the middle card in the second round, MATT JARVIS
ey to any roleplaying
campaign are its
characters. It’s player-
created heroes that are the
focus of this compact pack
for Dungeons & Dragons’
fifth edition, which offers a
tidy way to keep character GOTHIC TEMPLE AND
sheets together inside a
protective folder. WALLS SCENERY
The folder consists of a Game Mat | £22 (walls), £34 (temple) |
simple single-fold sleeve,
made of thick card and n time for the return of The walls are an ideal
slightly bigger than the Warhammer 40,000, scenery complement to the separate but
A4 sheets it stores. The specialist Game Mat has similarly styled gothic temple
black, grey and red D&D released a couple of gothic – though it’s more of a raised
ampersand logo design terrain pieces that would look platform and altar than the
on the front makes for a just at home in the grimdark sci- complete building you might
striking look and the card fi universe as in the crumbling expect from the name.
is sturdy, but it certainly won’t outlast a tougher plastic wallet. What a remains of a fantasy landscape. The temple boasts a little more
standard wallet will lack, however, is the handy quick reference list for The set of gothic walls includes colour than the monochrome
player actions during combat and object interactions printed at the two each of the five different walls thanks to some gold angel
bottom of the book’s interior, which serve as useful guides – especially shapes, for a total of 10 individual statues and other lighter detailing,
for beginners (or those with a poor memory). sections of terrain. All of the pieces which joins the scattering of rocks
Inside the folder are standard A4 printouts of character sheets for measure 12cm long, and range in to add to the overall design of the
fifth edition. There’s a handful of different double-sided designs, which height from a shin-high jumble of terrain as a table centrepiece. That
play around with the layout and sizing of different sections to suit rocks up to the 6cm-tall remains of said, some of the rocks, especially
varying play styles – if you’re a ranger or barbarian, it’s probably best to a wall featuring a gothic window – those on the top of the arch, have
know your attack and AC at a glance, while sorcerers and warlocks will though the remainder are simply unrealistic flat backs that take
prefer to keep a tab on their magic. For some extra help, there are a few an assortment of plain barriers. away from the visual strengths of
sheets dedicated to recording known spells. All of the layouts won’t be There’s a good amount of the environment, especially as
for everyone, but there should be enough of an interesting mix for at detail to the solid pre-painted their unsightly edges face towards
least one to be useful. resin, which feels resilient and the temple’ main area.
Although the custom styles will suit those with at least a couple delightfully weighty and stable Despite the minor visual and
of campaigns under their belts best, some sheets designed to make when plonked on a gaming production quibbles, the gothic
creating and tracking a character easy for newcomers to D&D are surface. Although the sections collection offers a well-made
also included in the set. All of the sheets are printed cleanly and are painted effectively, there selection of ready-to-play
clearly – but with PDF character sheets available to download and remains the unfortunate presence terrain for wargamers looking
print for free online, it’s hard to justify the extra investment when of moulding lines on several of the to bring a little something extra
you could put together almost the same set for a fraction of the cost parts, which detracts from the to their battlefields. ■
at home. otherwise atmospheric finish. MATT JARVIS
There’s a healthy stock here to last for a number of sessions, and the
sheets can obviously be photocopied to produce more, but it’s a shame
the sheets are little more than plain A4 printouts. A laminated copy of
each would’ve been a nice alternative option – as well as providing a
little extra protection – especially given the pretty hefty cost for what is
essentially a few sheets of paper and a cardboard folder.
If you’re happy to cough up the price tag, it’s a tidy and relatively
quality package that would make for a decent gift for a first time
roleplayer. Otherwise, it might be worth sacrificing the eye-catching
artwork and putting your money into a longer-lasting way of storing
your tabletop alter ego. ■
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Bring the gorgeous artwork and captivating alternate history of the modern
strategy masterpiece to life using our tips
Words and pictures by Andy Leighton
nother issue comes along and we
jump into another universe,
this time in the realm of
board games. We’re diving into an
alternate 1920s Europe in Stonemaier
Games’ Scythe.
Beautiful artwork by artist Jakub Rozalski
adorns every aspect of the game and it’s
hard not to be inspired and drawn into the
universe he has created. This is emulated to
a large degree in the figures included.
The models are simple one-piece plastics,
the kind you would find in the majority of
board games, but feel like they have been
pulled out of the artwork. The characters One thing that must be lauded is the quality much to paint as wargames do, so this guide
feature ample detail to be recognisable of the components – not just the miniatures, focuses on a few simple steps using only a
alongside the images depicting them, and but everything from the box to the player small number of paints. Hopefully this will
provide enough of a guide for the painting mats and board. allow someone just starting out to use the
process. The mechs look the part, with a For this guide I wanted to make it a bit guide just as well as someone who's well
distinct feel to each faction’s different type. more accessible. Board games don’t have as established in miniature painting. ▶
© Jakub Rózalski
Apply a wash of
Agrax Earthshade
over the entire model.
Each character is split up into four APPLYING A WASH SPOT HIGHLIGHTING Skin: Pallid Wych Flesh
stages, each with a list of colours and the This is a specific type of ‘paint’ that pools This involves adding a small dot or dash of Hair: Averland Sunset
corresponding paint that was used for it. in the recesses, giving a simple method a colour, generally in the same area as the Dark Green:
Each stage uses a different technique to of applying shadow. This is applied evenly previous highlight, but focusing on corners Loren Forest
achieve a similar effect on each element across the area. or where folds in cloth meet. For hair or fur it Light Green: Nurgling
but with different colours. involves adding a dot to the tip of each strand. Teal: Thunderhawk
BASECOATING This stage involves applying a line of your If you find yourself unsure of where to Steel Legion Drab
Basecoating is layering on your colour colour along the hard edges and ridges of the apply the highlights or spot highlights, look Armbands:
until you have achieved a flat, even colour area. I would recommend using a fine brush over the images alongside the guide and Mephiston Red and
across the entire surface. and adding a tiny dash of water to your paints. compare that stage to the last. Ulthuan Grey
Baneblade Brown
Skin: Kislev Flesh with Dark Reaper. Skin: Flayed One Flesh
Hair and Yellow: Hair: Averland Sunset
Averland Sunset Red: Mephiston Red
Brown: Steel Green:
Legion Brown Castellan Green
Light Grey: Brown:
Mechanicus Doombull Brown
Standard Grey Metal: Leadbelcher
Dark Grey: Changa: Rakarth
Dark Reaper Flesh, followed by
Red: Mephiston Red a light drybrush of
Metal: Leadbelcher Pallid Wych Flesh
Nacht: Mechanicus
Standard Grey
WASH 2 Paint the WASH
Apply a wash of metal areas with Apply a wash of
Nuln Oil over the Leadbelcher, and Nuln Oil across the
entire model. apply a light drybrush entire model, except
over the blue. Changa's fur.
5 Highlight
the metal with
Runefang Steel.
Our ongoing column focuses specifically on providing tips, guidance and advice to dungeon masters
as they create their own worlds to run campaigns in. Some of the advice will be specific to the latest
fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons, but the majority of the concepts are applicable to any setting,
game or ruleset that you prefer. This is the fifth entry in the series and focuses on giving you specific
puzzles, riddles and other creative setups to pick and choose from for any existing or future campaign
Words by David Jagneaux
something in the room that only exists in the – that’s entirely up to you. But, regardless, the
mirror but not in the real world. With puzzles wall reads:
like this it’s best to consider a wide variety “The key exists inside your head,
of solutions and be sure to reward creative Use the key to paint me red,
problem solving when implemented. But be aware of what you spurn,
For example, if a player shatters the mirror For what was taken shall be returned.”
elcome to the fifth entry of The trying to receive the treasure this probably This should be enough to get your players
Dungeon Master’s Guide to doesn’t qualify as creative problem solving, thinking about what to do. Basically, you
Building an RPG Campaign! but if a nimble halfling did a handstand to see want them to put some blood on the wall. The
In the previous fourth entry of this column if a treasure chest might pour out its contents idea is that whatever blood touches the wall
it was all about building on your established into the real world you could consider that will create a more powerful replica version
ideas and crafting an adventure for your counting as a solution. of that person or creature. For example, if a
players. As a dungeon master it can often player cuts their hand and puts their blood
be frustrating how easy it is to get derailed RIDDLE ME THIS on the wall, a more powerful clone of them
and have your players wander off the beaten The next idea is really a series of ideas that can be will spawn.
path. We talked about ways to make new used to spice up anything: riddles. A well-placed Half the fun with this puzzle, just like any
dungeons on the fly that can funnel players riddle with the right surrounding context and good puzzle, is the debate it creates amongst
back towards the plot or even just how to enough subtle hints can add a high degree of your players if they have a good rapport. You
map out and design a dungeon as players interaction and interest to any adventure. For should use colourful language to evoke a
are discovering it, room by room, instead example, you could add a riddle to the mirror certain sense of dread and trepidation with
of drawing it all out beforehand. But now above to make it even more interesting. how they approach the situation because
we’re going to set our sights on an even more Let’s cover three specific riddles, what you want to force deliberation and decision-
specific area of being a dungeon master: their answers are, and how you can establish making between the members of the group. ■
actual specific ideas for puzzles, riddles and them in your world so that they don’t feel
other obstacles. out of place. Check back in the next issue for a new entry in
When you’re designing an adventure or The Dungeon Master’s Guide to Building an
dungeon for your players it’s easy to fall into Riddle #1: You must keep it after giving it. RPG Campaign. In that column we will focus
the habit of littering each and every room Answer: An oath. (Other answers: your on how modern technology can be used to
with enemies to fight in different groups. word, a promise, etc.) enhance or supplement your game nights!
Paul Harris talks about the second instalment of the welcoming
bi-annual meetup in High Wycombe and clashing with Gen Con
Interview by Matt Jarvis
When did HandyCon start and how has games and meet new people. We work hard
it changed since it began? to be as inclusive and accessible as possible.
I first had the idea for HandyCon after
the 2016 UK Games Expo, after seeing You host two HandyCons a year, in
how popular the gaming rooms were and January and August. Why did you decide
identifying that nothing like that really to divide the convention like this? Do the
existed in a southern central region. I thought two events differ?
I’d give it a go. This was purely based on demand. I hadn’t
I put out feelers and spoke to the venue, planned on doing so but must have received 30
Holiday Inn, who were keen – January is a to 40 requests during February to try something
dead month for them. From then it just grew in the summer, so thought ‘why not?’ and spoke
and some of my friends volunteered their to the hotel who identified a weekend they
support and helped me build it. weren’t busy, and we built from there.
I hope to emulate the excellent The Cast
What was new for the latest show? Are Dice convention that Shire Games have
Two new tournaments – a Scythe tournament run up in Stoke the last few years but sadly
and a Flamme Rouge tournament series. Each had to discontinue this year.
with prizes. There was the return of the 18XX The events themselves are very similar
room and the Friday- and Saturday-night but we have seen lots of returning faces and
party games, and a Saturday playtest zone, but having two events means people can make
the big change was that it was three days – not new connections and builds the sense of
two – and a bit, as we opened our doors at family and familiarity.
9am on Friday until 8pm on Sunday night.
What are some of the most popular
What makes the convention unique? games at HandyCon?
The sense of family and fun with non-stop In January, Terraforming Mars, A Feast
gaming, interaction with hundreds of friendly For Odin and Great Western Trail were all
people keen to help each other, learn new very popular.
Birmingham’s leading RPG convention
runs for one day in Geek Retreat
Birmingham. Tickets are £3 each, with
all profits going to charity.
The world’s most prominent tabletop
show is back in its German home for
four days of huge announcements,
massive releases and thousands of
new games.
JenCon is a Pathfinder Society
gathering in its fifth year that takes
place in Sheffield convention favourite
The Garrison Hotel. Entry is £15.
Manchester’s Mad Lab plays host to
this celebration of roleplaying.
daily basis to the organised play events we
run and organise, down to the customers that
have become almost further extensions of
our own family, our overriding prerogative
As the Cambridge outlet prepares to celebrate its 10th anniversary, has been to become a community hub for
founder Graham Henderson looks at the local gaming scene and the gaming community of Cambridge. This is
something the online-only stores can’t boast.
considers how UK hobby stores compare to their American cousins Every time you make a purchase from your
Interview by Matt Jarvis local brick and mortar games store, you’re
investing in your local gaming community;
you’re investing in always having the outlet
When did Inner Sanctum first open? I wouldn’t say the store has changed, more for the hobby or hobbies you love.
We opened our doors to the public in late it’s been refined over time. When we started
January 2008, but this was only the opening we only really had consumer knowledge of On that note, how do you feel about the
of the retail store. what we liked as gamers; a lot of the products trend of board game cafés?
we stocked early-on were leaps of faith – We welcome the diversification within the
How has the shop changed in some worked and some were mistakes. Over industry! Anything that brings the concept of
the near-decade since then? time, I guess the thing that has ‘changed’ social gaming to a more mainstream consumer
We’ve come a long way since opening, is the knowledge of the industry’s inner base is good for the industry in general.
and that’s really down to how the workings we’ve garnered as a company. Gaming cafés are providing a ‘gateway’
local community has responded and into the gaming industry for people that may
supported us the whole way. It’s all What are the biggest challenges well have never walked into a gaming store
down to their continued support and currently facing traditional brick-and- of their own volition in their entire lives. We
patronage that we continue to grow mortar games stores? see ourselves as the next step up that chain,
and expand in both our product and The most critical challenge facing our providing both a focal point for both retail
organised play offerings. industry is the onset of stores that only have sales and sanctioned organised play.
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ungle King was a small-scale title published by represent their position: rat (1), cat (2), dog (3), wolf ■ The den and trap layout.
board game giant John Waddington Ltd in the (4), leopard (5), tiger (6), lion (7) and elephant (8).
1950s. When I first played Jungle King I knew Jungle King also uses these numbers on the board to
nothing of its true origins. Rather predictably from represent the starting positions, making setup very
the game’s title it comes in a box with a majestic lion simple. The most fundamental rule is that animals
pictured on the front and the subtitle: “A fascinating with a higher number may capture animals with a
game of skill to suit all ages.” Inside the box you will lower number – except for the rats who, having no
find more impressive artwork for a game of this era. lower numbered opponent, can capture the elephants.
The board is a grid of seven by nine squares over Rats can also move into the water, although they
an elaborate jungle scene and there are two pools cannot capture from there. The lions and leopards can
of water in the centre. At each end of the board is jump across the water. The aim is to get one of your
a “den” which is surrounded on three of its sides animals across the board and into your opponent’s
by “trap” squares. The game also comes with eight den, but the den is surrounded by traps that you must
thick cardboard counters that represent different cross. Once in one of your opponent’s traps then any
animals, with a picture and the number assigned to rank of animal can capture your trapped animal.
each creature. It’s a game suitable for all ages and can create some
While this is a colourful and visually appealing interesting strategic situations, but it shines as a fun ■ Some internal box art.
game for the 1950s, the mechanics of the game are introduction to chess-style games for younger players.
much older than that. Jungle King has its roots in a As a commercial presentation of a traditional
Chinese game of unknown origin and age called Dou Chinese game, Jungle King is nicely produced.
Shou Qi – which literally means the “Animal Fight Its cardboard contents and box mean that most Words Phil Robinson
Game”. Dou Shou Qi is played on exactly the same copies show a fair amount of wear and tear, making Phil Robinson is a game
layout of board and has various rulesets but they are examples in good condition harder to find. Even historian and the founder
all very similar. Whichever version you look at, the those in poorer condition are fairly scarce, so it may of the Museum Of Gaming
game has some great strategic elements created from be worth adding to your collection if you are a fan (,
an organisation that explores
some simple basic rules that are easy to learn. of this type of game. More traditional Dou Shou and documents the history of
There are eight animal tokens per side. Each Qi games can be bought quite easily online from gaming through its collections,
animal is in a jungle hierarchy and given a number to Chinese suppliers. ■ exhibitions and research.
Luke! Vader! Troopers! Speeder bikes! All-out Galactic Civil War!
We head to a galaxy far, far away for an exclusive look at
next year’s action-packed miniatures game
Including a free copy of Ticket to Ride
on PC, playable route card for the
board game and your chance to
win a trip on the Orient Express!
THEWe reveal
YEAR the best
titles from 2017 and
ask designers for their
favourite picks from
the last 12 months