Lift Thickness Limits and Embankment Construction: Background
Lift Thickness Limits and Embankment Construction: Background
Lift Thickness Limits and Embankment Construction: Background
The determination of appropriate lift thickness used in embankments has important economic
and engineering implications in the design, construction and performance of transportation
systems. A small lift thickness results in excessive construction time and costs, whereas a large
lift thickness may result in poor compaction homogeneity, ultimately compromising the stability
and performance of the embankment. Although the 0.20-meter (8-inch) thickness was initially
established through practical field experience, compaction technology has since advanced.
Questions have also been raised after a few WisDOT projects exceeded the 0.20-meter (8-inch)
limit. These two developments require WisDOT to reevaluate its specifications to determine if
the 0.20-meter (8-inch) lift thickness is still the optimal limit for embankment construction.
Research objectives
1. Develop a field monitoring system to evaluate compaction energy and the
Investigator subsequent degree of compaction at various depths below the surface.
2. Conduct numerical analyses to relate the degree of soil compaction at various
depths to compactor type, operating weight, and contact width (footprint).
3. Determine the influence of soil parameters (e.g. soil texture, water
content, plasticity) on the dissipation of compactive energy.
4. Create recommendations to optimize lift thickness for the compaction equipment and
soil types most commonly encountered during WisDOT construction projects.
Dante Fratta
University of
• For coarse-grained soils, loose lift thickness up to 0.40 meters (16 inches) performed well in all
tested parameters, including soil particle rotation, dynamic cone penetration and nuclear density
gauge. However, the interpretation of the SSG modulus at the near surface, and P-wave-based
modulus at the bottom of thick lift layers, provided evidence of under-compaction regions at the
bottom of lifts in coarse- and fine-grained soils. These data justify setting maximum limits of 0.40
meters (16 inches) on loose lift thickness, even though for most coarse-grained soils the use of
large equipment appears to be effective in achieving required compaction levels.
• For fine-grained soils, the data are not as definitive. However, nuclear density gauge results from
two different sampling depths do not appear to show a detrimental effect for the tested loose lift
thickness at different water contents and with different compaction equipment. These findings
were confirmed by the results from the dynamic cone penetration (DCP) testing. DCP showed that
for all conditions, the 0.30-meter (12-inch) lift thickness displayed the maximum shear strength
along the compaction profiles in all but one of the tested cases.
• Tire-based roller and earthmoving equipment provided higher contact pressures. These high pressures
propagate deeply into the soil mass, resulting in successful compaction of thicker layers. However,
as shown by the pressure plates in the field experiments, this type of roller may produce zones that
are under-compacted if the roller misses the path above the plate. Because the area coverage of these
rollers is limited, WisDOT officials and contractors need to be mindful of offsetting passes to ensure
that the entirety of the lift has received an appropriate level of compaction.
• Shear-induced rotation measurements indicate soil particle movement, which is dependent on
the type of soil and compaction equipment used. This observation suggests that the current,
conservative lift thickness specification for coarse-grained soils may be increase by well-
controlled compaction equipment and the water content of the soil.
• Results of numerical modeling show that:
»» The compaction process is a function of the compactor’s weight, soil type, and contact width of
the wheel load.
»» Using a soil model that measures volumetric hardening and deviatoric hardening, it is possible
to use volumetric strain and failure zones in numerical simulations to indicate depths of
compaction effectiveness.
Project Manager »» The evaluation of the relative compaction using volumetric strain analyses indicates that
compaction effectiveness (RC>95%) is observed at 0.30-meter (12-inch) depth, regardless of
soil or compactor types. However, tire-based rollers may leave areas that are under-compacted
due to their highly localized and high pressure footprints.
Overall results and interpretations of the field monitoring, field testing and numerical modeling of
wheel loading compaction suggest that 0.30-meter (12-inch) loose lifts for coarse- and fine-grained
soils could be implemented in accordance with WisDOT’s Quality Management Program. However,
before any revisions are made to WisDOT specifications, additional data collection for different
Jeffrey Horsfall soil types and compaction equipment is necessary. As a result, until more data have been analyzed,
WisDOT Bureau of WisDOT should continue to adhere to its current lift thickness limit of 0.20-meter (8-inch) for coarse-
Technical Services and fine-grained soils undergoing standard compaction.
This brief summarizes Project 0092-08-11,
“Effective Depth of Soil Compaction in Relation to Applied Compactive Energy”
Wisconsin Highway Research Program