Independent 2 15 19 Tasks

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Friday 2/15/19 Independent TASKS

1. Working ​SILENTLY​ AND I​ NDEPENDENTLY(​ Voice level 0 ​ON YOUR OWN​)

3. Title a brand new page in your notebook:​ Homologous vs Analogous
4. Write today’s date on the top right 2/15/19
5. **Set a timer on Google ​for each section​ to stay on track**
Part 1:​ Science Grade Reflection 3 MIN.
Directions: ​Answer the following questions​ IN YOUR NOTEBOOK(write in complete
1. What is your current grade in Science Class?

2. What assignments are you missing or have an NP in? Why?

3. What is one thing you will do to improve your grade or continue to do to maintain your grade.

Part 2:​ Complete Animal Hand X-Rays 25 MIN.

1. Complete the hand x-rays chart
a. ​Click here to see hand X-Rays​ images of animal hands
b. Don’t forget to read the hints on your packet and take a look at the ​HINTS Packet
images here
2. Briefly describe the main features of each hand
3. Based on the ​morphology​ ​ (shape) description, figure out its ​main function​ and determine its animal
4. Answer the ​Part C Exit Ticket Questions in your Packet
Part 3:​ Evolution It’s a Thing Video Handout 15 MIN.
1. Click the link to watch the​ ​Evolution it's a Thing
2. Pick up handout, and ​GLUE IT IN YOUR NOTEBOOK​! Fill in the blanks as you answer
the questions.
1. All of life, every single thing that’s alive on Earth today can claim the same shared _​_______________​_ having
descended from the very first microorganism when life originated on this planet.
2. Evolution is just the idea that _​_______________​_ distribution changes over time.
3. The fossil record shows that organisms that lived long ago were _​_______________​_from those that we see today.
4. When scientists started studying dinosaur fossils in the 1820’s, they thought that all dinosaurs were basically giant
5. Fossils make it clear that only _​_______________​_ can explain the origin of these new kind of organisms.
6. For instance, fossils taught us that whales used to _​_______________​_
7. The fact that so many organisms share so many finely detailed structures shows us that we’re _​_______________​_
8. Our limbs have the same structure because we descended from the same _​_______________​_something like this
9. So yeah, our structures are the same as other mammals and other vertebrates but it also turns out that our
_​_______________​_ are the same as like everything.
10. If we were to find life on Mars, the sure way of knowing whether it’s really extra-terrestrial is to check and see if it
has _​_______________​_ in it.
11. All living things on our planet use _​_______________​_ and/or _​_______________​_ to encode the information that
makes them what they are.
12. The more closely related species are, the more of the same _​_______________​_they have.
13. So the human genome is _​_______________​_ identical to that of a _​_______________​_, our closest evolutionary
relative but it’s also _​_______________​_ the same of a mouse.
14. Half of our genes are the same as in _​_______________​_ _​_______________​_, which are animals at least.
15. So just as DNA proves that you descended from your parents, your DNA also shows that you descended from other
16. Animals that are the most similar and most closely related tend to be found in the same _​_______________​_
because evolutionary change is driven in part by _​_______________​_ change.
17. Direct observation evolution. The fact is we have seen _​_______________​_ take place in our own lifetimes.
18. One of the fastest and most common changes we observe is the growing resistance to drugs and other
19. In 1959, a study of mosquitos in a village in India found that DDT _​_______________​_ 95% of the mosquitos on
the first application. Those that survived, reproduced and passed on their genetic _​_______________​_ to the
20. Within a year, DDT was killing only _​_______________​_ of the mosquitos and it continued to drop.
21. We have also observed larger animals undergoing some pretty striking changes. In 1971 for instance, biologists
transplanted ten Italian wall ​______________​ from one island off the coast of Croatia to another.
22 Microevolution, allele changes that happens rather quickly and in _​_______________​_ populations.
23. Macroevolution, is just that microevolution on a much longer _​_______________​_

Part 4:​ ​Forelimbs in Animals Reading and CATCH Annotations 10 MIN.
1. ​Read and CATCH Annotate the handout according to the following
2. Answer the Thinking Questions.
Part 5:​ Forelimbs in Animals Coloring 10 MIN.
Background:​ ​On your Homologous Structures Handouts, you can see the bone structure of different
animal forelimbs. The human hand has been labeled for you, but not on the other animals. Using the human
hand as a reference, identify the parts in the other animal hands by
coloring them in the right color.


1. Look at the human, bat and bird hand handout. Color
each part of the human arm a different color.
a. Color the ​phalanges in ​ORANGE
b. Color metacarpals​ in ​YELLOW
c. Color the ​carpals​ in ​BLUE
d. Color the ​ulna​ in ​RED
e. Color the ​radius​ in ​GREEN
f. Color the ​humerus​ in ​PURPLE

2. On the next handout, find the corresponding homologous bone in the

other species and color them.
a. Color the ​phalanges in ​ORANGE
b. Color metacarpals​ in ​YELLOW
c. Color the ​carpals​ in ​BLUE
d. Color the ​ulna​ in ​RED
e. Color the ​radius​ in ​GREEN
f. Color the ​humerus​ in ​PURPLE
2. Glue the HANDOUTS in your NOTEBOOK 
Part 6:​ Forelimbs in Animals Coloring Discussion Questions
Directions: 10 MIN.
1. Copy the following questions in your ​NOTEBOOK
2. Use the handouts you colored to answer the questions below IN YOUR NOTEBOOK: 
1. In your own words, what are ​homologous structures​?

2. Describe how the bones are arranged in the pictures you colored. What ​similarities​ do you see?

3. ​Describe how the bones are arranged in the pictures you colored. What ​differences​ do you see?
4. These structures are ​formed in similar​ ways during embryonic development and share like arrangements;
however, they have somewhat​ different forms and functions. These limbs are called homologous
structures. ​Describe another example of homologous structures.

5. How are ​homologous structures ​evidence of evolutionary relationships?

6. Based on these structures, which animal do you think a human hand is most closely related to: whale,
lizard/crocodile, cat, bird, bat? ​Why? Make sure to include the words humerus, radius, ulna, carpals,
metacarpals, and phalanges in your response.

Part 7:​ Natural Selection Quiz Reflection 10 MIN.

Copy and answer the following in your

1. Our Big Science Goal:​ ​We will show mastery of

NGSS Standards by scoring at least 70% on
every assessment.  
How many students scored ​Advanced​? (90-100%

How many students scored ​Proficient? (​80-89%)

How many students scored ​Basic? (​70-79%)

How many students scored ​Below Basic? (​60-69%)

How many students scored ​Far Below Basic? ​(50-59%)

2. According to the data, how many students met our Big Goal of scoring at least a 70% or above on
this assessment?
3. Did you meet our Big Science Goal of scoring at least a 70% or above on this assessment? If yes,
what are 2 things you did to prepare. If no, what are 2 things you can do next time to meet our Big
Science Goal?

Part 8:​ Finished Early? Science Achieve 3000 Article 20 MIN.
1. Log on to Achieve 3000 and select ​PAREDES PERIOD ___ INTEGRATED
2. Read and complete ​A Story with Legs​ and complete the​ Before Poll Question,
Read the Article, Activity questions and Thought Activity
3. Fill out Achieve 3000 Advisory Tracker
4. Answer the following questions ​IN YOUR NOTEBOOK​!

1. In ​3-5 sentences, summarize​ the ​main idea ​of the article.

2. How does this article ​connect ​to what we have been learning about in Science class
about ​adaptation, natural selection and/or evolution?

3. What was your score on this Article? Did you get a 75% or above? Why or why not?
If you do not get a 75% or above​, you will need to come to tutoring on Monday to
make up this Achieve 3000 Article Assignment.

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