Elecom Rules

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PROVIDERS Multi-Purpose Cooperative

Magsaysay, Naguilian, Isabela



Section 1. Applicability

These guidelines shall govern the election of Board of Directors and members of Audit
Committee and Election Committee of the Providers Multi-Purpose Cooperative.

Section 2. Definition of Terms

The following words or terms have the following meanings unless a different meaning
clearly appears in the context.

1. Election refers to the process of choosing Board of Directors, Audit Committee, and
ELECOM Committee through secret balloting.
2. Board of Directors is composed of 5 members to promulgate policies, rules and
regulations necessary for the operation of the cooperative.
3. Audit Committee is composed of 3 members and shall be directly accountable and
responsible to the general assembly. It shall have the power and duty to
continuously monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of the cooperative’s
management control system and audit the performance of the cooperative and its
various responsibility centers.
4. Election Committee is composed of 3 members who shall have the duty to conduct
the voting and counting of votes during election.
5. Voter refers to a regular member of the cooperative who possesses the
qualifications to vote.
6. Master List of Regular Members is a roster of regular members indicating the
address, and the date which the said membership was approved.
7. Voting Center refers to the designated place where the election of the cooperative
will be conducted.

Section 3. Date of Election

It shall be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to call, schedule and provide
appropriation for, by an appropriate board resolution. Such resolution shall be passed in
not less than 90 days nor more than 120 days before the AGAM of the cooperative.

1. A special election shall be called by the Board, by an appropriate Board Resolution,

to fill any vacancy due to death, incapacity, resignation, disqualification and other
similar causes, if the unexpired term shall be two years.
2. The Board shall pass the Resolution calling the Special Election not later than 5 days
after the vacancy occurs, to be held in not less than 25 days but not more than 35


days after the vacancy. The same master list of regular members used in the
immediately preceding regular election shall be used.

Section 4. Postponement of Election

When for any serious cause such as violence, terrorism, loss or destruction of election
paraphernalia or records and force majeure, the holding of a free, honest and orderly
election shall become impossible, the ELECOM shall in its discretion, postpone the

Section 5. Notice of Regular Election

Written notices stating the purpose, place, date and time of the election and the
deadline for filing of candidacy shall be posted in strategic places within the voting area
not less than 20 days before the date of election.


Section 6. Qualifications for Board of Directors, Audit Committee and ELECOM

The following shall be the minimum qualifications as provided under Section 3, Article
IV of PMPC By-laws

No member shall be elected or to continue as such member of the Board of Directors

unless he is a member entitled to vote and has the following qualifications:

1. Has paid the minimum capital requirement;

2. Have continuously patronized the cooperative services;
3. A member in good standing for the last two years;
4. Completed or willingness to complete the required education and training as may
be provided by law, rules and regulations and policy approved by the general
assembly; and
5. Of good moral character and other qualifications prescribed in the Implementing
Rules and Regulations of the Authority.
6. A graduate of a four year course;
7. Between 25 years old and 65 years old on the date of election;
8. A regular member of the cooperative.

Section 7. Disqualifications of a Board of Directors and Committee Members.

Section 4, Article IV of PMPC By-laws provides the disqualifications for elective officers.
Any member who is under any of the following circumstances shall be disqualified to be
elected as a member of the Board of Directors or any committee, or to continue as such:

1. Holding any elective position in the government, except that of to a party list
representative or being an officer of a cooperative he or she represents;
2. Having direct or indirect personal interest with the business of the Cooperative;
3. Having been absent for three (3) consecutive meetings or in more than fifty percent
(50%) of all meetings within the twelve month period unless with valid excuse as
approved by the Board of Directors;
4. Being an official or employee of the Cooperative Development Authority;


5. Having been convicted in administrative proceedings or civil/criminal suits involving
financial and/or property accountability; and
6. Having been disqualified by law.
7. Having been convicted by final judgment of a crime involving moral turpitude;
8. Having been terminated from public office/government employment or private
employment for just cause as defined in Article 282 of the Labor Code. For this
purpose, termination from public office shall mean removal.

Section 8. One Member One Vote Policy

A regular member shall be entitled to only one vote. Proxy is not allowed.

Section 9. Certificate of Candidacy

No qualified member of the cooperative shall be elected as member of the Board and
Committee member unless he/she file a verified Certificate of Candidacy.

Section 10. Filing of Certificate of Candidacy (COC)

Interested member may secure from the BOD secretary an official form of the
Certificate of Candidacy. Once duly accomplished, the same, together with the other
required documents, shall be filed at the Office of the BOD Secretary during office
hours, not later than five (5) days before the election.

Section 11. Withdrawal or Cancellation of COC

No certificate of candidacy duly filed shall be considered withdrawn or cancelled unless

the candidate files with the BOD Secretary a sworn statement of withdrawal or
cancellation at least 1 day before the election.


Section 12. Term of Office

The elected officials of PMPC, such as Board of Directors, Audit Committee, and
ELECOM will have a term of two (2) years except for the fourth and fifth member of the
Board of Directors who will serve for one year. Hence; Election for the Fourth and Fifth
member of Board of Directors will be done every AGAM.


Section 13. Prohibited Acts of Candidates

The following shall be considered prohibited acts of the candidates:

1. Paying for membership fees of prospective members of the cooperative;

2. Vote-buying;
3. Use of goons and other similar elements to harass voters.



Section 14. Official Watchers of Candidates

Each official candidate shall be entitled to one (1) watcher. No person shall be
appointed a watcher unless he/she is regular member of the cooperative.

Section 15. Duties and Prerogative of Watchers

Upon entering the voting center, a watcher shall present and deliver to the Chairman of
the ELECOM his/her appointment. The watcher shall have the right to stay in the space
reserved for him/her inside the voting center, to witness the election proceedings, to
take note of the result after it has been completed and together with the ELECOM, to
certify the results of the election.


Section 16. Master list of Regular Members

It shall be the responsibility of the BOD Secretary to prepare in no less than 15 days
before the election, at least 3 copies of the master list of regular members. The master
list of the regular members shall contain the names of all qualified members in
alphabetical order. The final master list shall be posted not less than five (5) days before
the election.

Section 17. Registration of Regular Members

All members whose names appear in the master list of regular members shall register
with the ELECOM on the day of the election. Only those who are duly registered shall be
allowed to vote.


Section 18. Voting Center

Will be the building or place where the Board of Election conduct its proceedings and
where the voters shall cast their votes. The venue will be the place where the AGAM is
being held.
Section 19. Ballot Boxes

There shall be one ballot box under the custody and disposal of the ELECOM.

Section 20. Tally Boards

At the beginning of the counting, there shall be placed within plain view of the
committee, the watchers and the public, a tally board where the name of all the
candidates are written and corresponding votes shall be recorded.

Section 21. Furnishing of Ballot Boxes, Form and Other Materials for the Election.


The ELECOM shall prepare the ballot boxes, forms, ballots, tally sheets and all other
materials needed for the election.


Section 22. Election committee shall be composed of three (3), the Chairman and two (2)

Section 23. Duties and Functions of ELECOM

The ELECOM shall have the following duties and functions:

1. Formulate election rules and guidelines and recommend to the General Assembly
for approval;
2. Implement election rules and guidelines duly approved by the General Assembly;
3. Recommend necessary amendments to the election rules and guidelines, in
consultation with the Board of Directors, for approval of the General Assembly;
4. Supervise the conduct, manner and procedure of election and other election
related activities and act on the changes thereto;
5. Canvass and certify the results of the election;
6. Proclaim the winning candidates;
7. Decide election and other related cases except those involving the Election
Committee or its members, and
8. Perform such other functions prescribed in the By-Laws or authorized by the
General Assembly.


Section 24. The Official Ballots shall be uniform in size and in color. It shall be printed at the expense
of the cooperative under the supervision of the BOD Secretary. It shall be in the shape
of a strip with detachable stub bearing consecutive serial numbers, and at the top
portion of the ballot, the name “OFFICIAL BALLOT” shall be printed. It shall also contain
the name of the office to be voted for, allowing sufficient space below with a horizontal
line where the voter shall write the name of the candidate voted by him/her.


Section 25. The registration and casting of votes shall start 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon and end at
3:00 o’clock in the afternoon or at a time designated during Annual General Assembly
meeting, except when there are members present within 30 meters radius from the
polling place at closing time who have not yet registered and cast their votes. In said
case, the voting shall continue but only to allow said members to be able to register and

Section 26. Order of Voting

Upon the registration and after establishing the identity of the member, the member
shall be given an official ballot to accomplish.

Section 27. Manner of Preparing the Ballot


Upon receiving the ballot, the voter shall proceed to the space for the accomplishment
of the ballot and shall fill the ballot by writing in the proper space the name of the
candidate whom he/she desires to vote. No voter shall be allowed to compare his/her

Section 28. Minutes of Voting and Counting of Votes

The ELECOM shall prepare and sign a statement in three (3) copies setting forth the

1. The time the voting commenced and ended;

2. The number of ballots received;
3. The number of ballots used and number left unused;
4. The number of members who cast their votes;
5. The names of watchers present;
6. The time the counting of votes commenced and ended;
7. Number of ballots read and counted.
8. Unused Official Ballots shall be torn immediately after the official time for counting
of votes and the said form ballots will be placed in a brown envelope tightly sealed
and will be kept under the custody of the Board Secretary.


Section 29. Counting to the Public and without Interruption

As soon as the voting is finished, the ELECOM shall publicly count the votes cast and
shall ascertain the results. The Committee may not adjourn or postpone the counting
until it has been fully completed.

Section 30. Manner of Counting of Votes

The ELECOM shall take out the ballots and form separate piles of 50 ballots each which
shall be held together with rubber bands. The Chairman of the Committee shall take
ballots according to piles and read the names of the candidate one by one. The two
members shall record its vote on the tally sheet and the tally board as the name voted
for the office is being read. After all the ballots shall have been read, the committee
shall sum up the totals recorded for each candidate and the aggregate totals both on
the tally board and on the tally sheet. The committee shall then place the counted
ballots in an envelope which shall be sealed and signed.

Section 31. Proclamation of Winning Candidates

Proclamation of the winning candidates will be done just after the counting. It is the
duty of the Chairperson of the ELECOM to proclaim the winning candidates. But if there
are no opposition candidates running for the vacant position, the unopposed candidates
are automatically the winner. Hence, there’s no need to conduct an election.



Section 32. Election Protest

Any protest that may arise from the conduct of the election shall be filed in writing
under oath to the election committee within twenty-four (24) hours after the
proclamation of winners.

Section 33. Protest Resolution

The Election Committee shall have the authority to rule on all questions that may arise
with respect to the validity of nominating petitions, validity of member signatures,
the registration of members, counting of ballots cast, determination of the validity of
any ballot irregularly marked or cast, rulings upon all other questions that may arise
relating to the ballot, member voting and the election of Directors, and decisions upon
any challenge, protest or objection made with respect to any election or conduct that
may affect the results of any election. The Election Committee decision on all such
matters shall be final.


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