Effects and Mechanisms of Tapering in Maximizing Muscular Strength
Effects and Mechanisms of Tapering in Maximizing Muscular Strength
Effects and Mechanisms of Tapering in Maximizing Muscular Strength
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72 VOLUME 37 | NUMBER 2 | APRIL 2015 Copyright Ó National Strength and Conditioning Association
0.2–0.6, moderate 0.6–1.2, large magnitude but shorter duration than strength. Ten strength-trained athletes
1.2–2.0, and very large .2.0. fitness after-effects, which tend to have performed 2 weeks of regular training
a smaller magnitude but a greater dura- followed by 1 week of reduced training,
TAPERING tion (8). As fatigue dissipates, perfor- where volume was reduced by z50%
Optimal performance in competition is mance increases can be realized, as with no changes in intensity. When
vital; months or years of training cul- the positive performance contributions split into 2 groups, it was seen that
minate at 1 point, with the outcome of the fitness after-effects are not over- the 5 stronger Finnish national power-
determining the success or failure of shadowed by the negative performance lifting competitors showed a statisti-
ones efforts. Tapering is the final step contributions from the fatigue after- cally significant increase (by 8.3%) in
in a training program, implemented in effects. Too much rest, however, could leg extensor peak force during a maxi-
the last few weeks before competition be detrimental, as the fitness after- mal voluntary isometric contraction
and has the potential to make or break effects may be reduced resulting in de- (MVIC) after the taper with a moderate
a program. Mujika and Padilla (32) training (32). The balancing act during ES of 0.61, whereas the weaker athletes
defined tapering as “a progressive non- a taper is to ensure fatigue is minimized showed a slight decrease (23.6%; ES,
linear reduction of the training load while fitness is maximized (29). 20.28). This study showed that well-
during a variable period of time, in an trained strength athletes can improve
attempt to reduce the physiological EFFECTS OF TAPERING ON their isometric strength with a step
and psychological stress of daily train- MAXIMAL STRENGTH taper of only 1 week’s duration.
ing and optimize sports performance.” Tapering can be performed in several Coutts et al. (11) also investigated
This definition illustrates the major role different ways, with 4 main types being a 1-week step taper in 7 well-trained
tapering plays to reduce stress, or described and applied previously (33). athletes (state-level rugby league play-
fatigue, while improving fitness to These are step taper, linear taper, expo- ers) after 6 weeks of periodized training
achieve optimal performance. nential decay (slow decay), and expo- (to induce overreaching). This study
The fitness-fatigue model (8), as illus- nential taper (fast decay). The step involved reductions in both volume
trated in the Figure, is a representation taper is a nonprogressive drop in train- (z30–40%) and intensity (z35%), as
of the mechanism of how the taper is ing load that occurs at once and re- well as training of other fitness compo-
thought to improve performance. mains unchanged at a reduced level. nents. Statistically significant increases
This model proposes that after a train- The linear taper is a progressive reduc- were seen in maximal low-velocity iso-
ing session, there are 2 resulting after- tion in training load that occurs in a lin- kinetic torque for the knee extensors
effects—1 positive, fitness, and 1 ear fashion. An exponential taper is (45.6%) and flexors (15.6%) compared
negative, fatigue. Fitness after-effects progressive and can occur with a fast with the pretaper values, with very large
may be changes, such as improved or slow time constant of decay, with (3.85) and moderate (0.90) ES, respec-
neuromuscular efficiency and hyper- the training load remaining higher dur- tively. However, compared with pre-
trophy, whereas fatigue after-effects ing the slow decay taper (33). So far, no training, there were no statistically
may be changes, such as muscle dam- studies have compared the effects of significant improvements, with only
age, accumulation of metabolic waste different styles of tapering on the the knee extensors showing a higher
products, or disruption to hormonal expression of maximal strength, as var- value (7.6%; ES, 0.34), whereas knee
balance, for example. Performance ious styles of tapering have been used flexor strength decreased (210.6%;
within this model can be considered across studies to date. Table 1 shows ES, 20.36). Also not statistically signif-
the sum of the positive after-effects of a summary of the studies on tapering. icant, were the small increases in 3 rep-
fitness with the sum of the negative Häkkinen et al. (18) performed one of etition maximum (RM) on the bench
after-effects of fatigue removed. Fatigue the earliest studies looking at the ef- press (5.2%; ES, 0.32) and squat (7.2%;
after-effects are usually of a greater fects of a 1-week step taper on maximal ES, 0.53) compared with pretaper val-
ues. When compared with the pretrain-
ing values, no change was seen in bench
press performance and the squat
showed only trivial, non–statistically
significant improvements (1.6%; ES,
0.11). These results suggest that after 6
weeks of overreaching (intensified, or
harder than usual training) 1 week of
tapering allows for improvements in
strength; however, this may not be
a long-enough taper to fully overcome
Figure. Fitness-fatigue model. the effects of accumulated fatigue.
Study: Author Subjects Training history Performance Training Taper Type of taper Change in Change in performance
tests for duration duration (d) loading versus pretaper value
maximal before taper (% change, effect size)
strength (d) —[[ 5 statistically
significant change; [ 5
significant change
Chtourou n 5 21 men Recreationally active MVIC of knee 84 14 One-step [ intensity [ MVIC of knee
et al. (9) extention taper extension (data not
Y volume
Coutts et al. n 5 7 men State-level rugby 3RM BP and SQ, 42 7 One-step Y intensity [ 3RM BP (5.2%, 0.32)
(11) league players LVIC of knee taper
extention and
Y volume [ 3RM SQ (7.2%, 0.53)
[[ LVIC knee extension
(45.6%, 3.85)
[[ LVIC knee flexion
(15.6%, 0.90)
Gibala et al. n 5 8 men $1-yr resistance LVIC and MVIC of 21 10 Progressive 4 intensity [ LVIC of elbow flex
(16) training elbow flexion (linear) (2.8%, 0.11)
Y volume [[ MVIC elbow flexion
(6.8%, 0.35)
Hakkinen n 5 10 men 5 (group A) national MVIC of leg 14 7 One-step 4 intensity Group A: [[ MVIC of
et al. (18) champions or extension taper leg extension (8.3%,
medalists and 5 0.61)
(group B) strength
trained (5–10 yrs)
Y volume Group B: Y MVIC of leg
extension (23.6%,
Izquierdo n 5 11 men National level Basque 1RM BP and SQ 112 28 Progressive [ intensity [[ 1RM BP (2%)
et al. (25) ball players
Longer duration step tapers have also
RM 5 repetition maximum; SQ 5 back squat; volume 5 training volume, that is sets 3 reps; for changes in training volume and intensity, 4 5 unchanged; Y 5 decreased; [ 5 increased.
BP 5 bench press; intensity 5 percentage of 1RM used in training; LP 5 leg press; LVIC 5 low-velocity isokinetic concentric contraction; MVIC 5 maximal voluntary isometric contraction;
MVIC LP (2.7%, 1.00);
been investigated. Zaras et al. (43) had
Heavy-load taper—[
Y 1RM LP (22.8%,
Light-load taper—[
13 well-trained competitive throwers
MVIC LP (14.5%,
3.00); [ 1RM LP
[[ 1RM SQ (3%)
(4.6%, 0.15)
tapers, both a light-load and a heavy-
load taper, after 12 or 15 weeks of train-
1RM); Y
1RM); Y
tance training, throws, and plyometric
(to 30%
(to 85%
Y volume
training. Light-load tapering (LT) used
30% of 1RM, whereas the heavy-load
tapering (HT) used 85% of 1RM.
During both tapers maximal speed of
movement was emphasized. Nonstat-
study also shows that a 2-week taper is progressive lowering of training vol- nervous system are likely to be respon-
able to improve performance when ume while intensity was increasing. sible for performance changes. Several
volume is reduced and intensity Specifically, training at 90–95% of studies have investigated potential
kept high. 1RM (3–4RM) during the taper, for mechanisms (11,16,18,25,43).
Reviews on tapering for endurance 2–3 sets of 2–3 repetitions for all exer- Changes in the musculature may
training indicate that progressive cises; compared with 85–90% of 1RM be influenced by alterations in the
tapers may be most effective for per- (z5RM) for 3 sets of 2–4 repetitions hormonal or biochemical profile of an
formance improvements (6,33). Cur- for all exercises immediately before the individual. Testosterone and growth
rently, there have only been 2 studies tapering period. The taper resulted in hormone are anabolic hormones known
investigating the effects of a progressive statistically significant improvements to enhance anabolic processes and pro-
taper on maximal strength, with both in 1RM bench press (2%) and half tein synthesis within the body, whereas
showing promising results. Gibala et al. squat (3%), no changes were observed cortisol is released in response to stress
(16) performed a 10-day progressive in the control group. These data and is catabolic, the ratio of the testos-
(linear) taper, which followed after 3 showed that a longer duration progres- terone to cortisol therefore can be used
sive taper that reduces volume and
weeks of training by 8 resistance- to provide some indication of whether
increases intensity is able to improve
trained (.1 year) participants. Taper- the body is in an anabolic or catabolic
performance in dynamic multijoint
ing was compared against complete state (28). Coutts et al. (11) noted that
compound exercises.
rest (detraining), and all participants the testosterone to cortisol ratio had sta-
completed both conditions in a coun- The literature reviewed in this article tistically significant decreases during the
terbalanced fashion. Overall during the seems to indicate that tapering is effec- 6-week overload training period, and
10 day progressive taper training vol- tive at increasing measures of maximal there was no statistically significant
ume was reduced by 72% (reducing the strength (11,16,18,25). This has been change after the taper (also, no statisti-
number of sets each training day), but shown to occur during both 1-step cally significant changes were observed
the intensity of training remained and progressive tapers, with no studies in either testosterone or cortisol). Crea-
unchanged. After the taper, statistically yet to directly compare types of taper- tine kinase, which is a biochemical
significant improvements occurred in ing to determine the optimal method. marker associated with muscle damage
peak torque during MVIC of the As various measures of strength and (10), was seen by Coutts et al. (11) to
elbow flexors (6.8%; ES, 0.35) and many training methods have been fol- have statistically significant increases
non–statistically significant improve- lowed, practitioners should be cautious after training and was then significantly
ments in maximal low-velocity isoki- with drawing definitive conclusions. reduced during a 7-day taper. Low levels
netic peak torque of the elbow However, there seems to be a trend of plasma glutamine, high levels of glu-
extensor force also occurred (2.8%; that maintaining or increasing training tamate, and a decreased glutamine to
ES, 0.11) compared with baseline. intensity during the taper has greater glutamate ratio have been associated
However, maximal low-velocity isoki- benefits when compared with studies, with a state of overtraining (35,36).
netic peak torque of the elbow flexors which reduce the intensity (16,18,25). Coutts et al. (11) found that plasma
had statistically significant higher values In all studies, volume was reduced (by glutamate showed statistically signifi-
2 (4.3%; ES, 0.18), 4 (7.7%; ES, 0.31), 6 30–70%, through reduced training fre- cant elevations and the glutamine
(4.9%; ES, 0.20), and 8 (3.2%; ES, 0.13) quency or training session volume) to glutamate ratio showed statistically
days into the taper. MVIC peak torque which, if intensity is maintained or significant decreases after the training
also had statistically significant higher increased, is essential to reduce training period; after the taper, these changes
values 2 (5.3%; ES, 0.27), 4 (4.1%; ES, load. Therefore, it may be hypothe- reversed. However, no statistically sig-
0.21), 6 (7.5%; ES, 0.38), and 8 (6.1%; ES, sized that a taper that maintains or nificant changes were seen in glutamine
0.31) days into the taper. These results increases training intensity while concentration throughout the study.
show that a short-duration progressive decreasing training volume is most Taken together, these changes may
taper in which volume is reduced but effective for enhancing maximal indicate that although an anabolic hor-
intensity kept high is able to improve strength. More research directly com- monal profile was not produced, muscle
strength of the elbow flexors, and can paring methods of tapering for maxi- recovery was still able to take place dur-
so do in as little as 2 days. mal strength is required to confirm this. ing the 1-week tapering period.
Izquierdo et al. (25) performed MECHANISMS OF TAPERING ON Izquierdo et al. (25) measured hor-
a 4-week taper after 16 weeks of resis- MAXIMAL STRENGTH monal changes during their 4-week
tance training in 11 national Basque Maximal muscular strength mainte- progressive taper after 16 weeks of resis-
ball players. This study also had 2 fur- nance or improvements that occur tance training. No statistically signifi-
ther groups involved, these were a com- during a taper must be the result cant changes were seen at any time
plete rest (n 5 14) and a control group of physiological changes. Specific during the study for total testosterone,
(n 5 21). The taper involved changes within the muscular and/or free testosterone, cortisol, or growth
Study: Author Subjects Training history Performance tests Training duration Duration of training Change in performance
for maximal before training cessation (d) versus pre training cessation
strength cessation (d) value (% change, effect size)
—[[ 5 statistically
significant change; [ 5 non–
statistically significant change
Anderson and n 5 41 (22 men, 19 NCAA Division I 1RM BP and SQ 35 2, 4, or 7—randomly [ 1RM BP and SQ—combined
Cattanach (3) women) track and field assigned, mean of 4.9% improvement
athletes distribution not for all groups and lifts
Gibala et al. (16) n 5 8 men $1-yr resistance LVIC and MVIC of 21 10 YY LVIC of elbow flexion
training elbow flexion (28.1%, 0.34)
Y MVIC of elbow flexion
(21.9%, 0.13)
Hortobagyi et al. n 5 12 men Strength trained for 1RM BP and SQ, 0—stopped regular 14 Y 1RM BP (21.7%, 0.12)
(24) 8.1 (SD 6 1.61) MVIC of knee training for study
yrs; 4 powerlifters, extension and
8 Division 1 flexion, LVIC of
American football knee extension
players and flexion
Y 1RM SQ (20.9%, 0.05)
Y MVIC knee extension (27%)
Y LVIC knee extension
4 MVIC and LVIC knee flexion
(data not available)
Izquierdo et al. (25) n 5 14 men National level 1RM BP and SQ 112 28 YY 1RM BP (29%)
Basque ball
YY 1RM SQ (26%)
Terzis et al. (38) n 5 11 men Physical education 1RM BP, SQ and LP 98 28 Y 1RM BP (24.3%)
Y 1RM LP (25.7%)
Y 1RM SQ (23.9%)
and perhaps, 4 days of training cessa-
BP 5 bench press; HR 5 heel raise; LP 5 leg press; LVIC 5 low-velocity isokinetic concentric contraction; MVIC 5 maximal voluntary isometric contraction; RM 5 repetition maximum; SQ 5
higher than 2 and 5 d, no
tion may be beneficial for maximal
strength expression in untrained
4 [[ (0.38); 5 [ (0.09)
[ (0.19); 5 [ (0.08)
[ (0.03); 5 [ (0.07)
[ (0.26); 5 [ (0.07)
other conditions
A follow-up study was conducted by
Weiss et al. (40) using more ecologi-
cally valid strength measures of
a 1RM bench press and maximal
low-velocity isokinetic force of the
bench press with 25 strength-trained
participants. Almost all variables again,
regardless of condition, had trivial ES
(n 5 13), or 5
(n 5 14)
n 5 25 men
at 2 (0.1%; ES, 0.01) and 6 (0.2%; ES, (26%) performance. Together, these indicate the body is in an enhanced state
0.01) days of training cessation. At 4 2 studies show that training cessation of tissue remodeling and repair after 2
days of training cessation, there was of 4 weeks is enough to cause reduc- weeks of training cessation; however,
a small non–statistically significant tions in strength performance. maximal strength performance was only
increase in MVIC peak torque (1.3%; With more than 4 weeks of training maintained within this study. After 4
ES, 0.09). All other time points showed cessation, only significant reductions weeks of detraining, Izquierdo et al.
non–statistically significant reductions are seen, clearly showing these dura- (25) observed no statistically significant
in MVIC peak torque. These results tions to simply be detraining. Reduc- changes in total testosterone, free testos-
show that in trained participants, 10 tions back to pretraining values have terone, growth hormone, or cortisol. A
days of training cessation of the elbow been observed in previously untrained tendency (p 5 0.07) for elevated IGF-1
flexors reduces maximal strength, but participants who ceased training for 3 was observed, which may indicate
2–6 days off training may allow for im- months after an initial 3-month training reduced stress of training and an
provements or maintenance of maxi- period (where MVIC peak force of the enhanced anabolic environment. How-
mal strength. Hortobagyi et al. (24) knee extensors showed statistically sig- ever, this study did not show favorable
had 12 strength-trained athletes nificant increases by 16.7%) (2). Follow- changes in other anabolic hormones,
(8.1 6 SD 1.61 years of resistance train- ing 10–18 weeks of training with 12 such as growth hormone, and perfor-
ing experience) cease their regular weeks of training cessation resulted in mance also decreased.
training for a 14-day period. Small re- a statistically significant reduction of Hortobagyi et al. (24) also reported
ductions were seen in 1RM bench 68% in MVIC peak force of the knee non–statistically significant decreases
press (21.7%; ES, 0.12), 1RM squat extensors (17). in peak surface electromyography activ-
(20.9%; ES, 0.05), MVIC peak force ity (28.4–12.7%) of the vastus lateralis
Short durations of training cessation
of the knee extensors (27%), and max- after 14 days of training cessation.
have been shown to maintain or produce
imal low-velocity isokinetic concentric Gibala et al. (16) saw no statistically
small improvements in maximal strength
torque peak force of the knee extensors and could be used as part of a taper. It significant changes in motor unit activa-
(22.3%), however none of these values seems that 2–6 days of training cessation tion (using the interpolated twitch tech-
were statistically significant. The knee is most likely to result in improved per- nique), time to peak torque, or
flexors showed no statistically signifi- formance or will allow for maintained maximum rate of torque development
cant changes for either MVIC peak strength (3,16,39,40); however, 10–14 after 10 days of training cessation, indi-
force or maximal low-velocity isoki- days of training cessation results in small cating no change or reductions in neu-
netic concentric peak force. Such re- reductions in performance (16,24). One romuscular activation. In addition,
sults demonstrate that 2 weeks of month or more of training cessation will Hortobagyi et al. (24) found that type I
training cessation may be enough to result in significant decreases in strength and II fiber areas decreased, but this was
cause reductions in performance. performance and is not advised as only statistically significant for the 6.4%
As training cessation continues for up a method of tapering (2,17,25,38). (ES, 20.30) decrease in type II fiber area
to 4 weeks, the magnitude of detrain- and not the 5.2% (ES, 20.26) decrease in
ing effects is increased. Terzis et al. (38) MECHANISMS OF TRAINING type I fiber area. Terzis et al. (38) also
had 11 physical education students CESSATION ON MAXIMAL observed a statistically significant
perform 14 weeks of resistance training STRENGTH decrease in the cross-sectional area of
followed by 4 weeks of detraining. As with the mechanisms of tapering type II fibers (IIA and IIX) by 10–12%
After statistically significant improve- and regular training, the major physio- after 4 weeks of training cessation. These
ments in strength during the training logical changes resulting in changes in results indicate that type II fibers reduce
period (22.1–32.9%), non–statistically maximal strength from training cessa- in size after training cessation, with
significant reductions occurred in all tion are most likely to occur from greater losses seen after longer durations
1RM values after the 4-week period changes in the muscular and/or ner- of training cessation. Kadi et al. (26) have
of training cessation; 1RM bench press vous system (14). Several studies have shown that the number of satellite cells
(24.2%), leg press (25.7%), and squat looked at these mechanisms. remains elevated at 3, 10, and 60 days of
(23.9%). Izquierdo et al. (25) per- Hortobagyi et al. (24) noted changes in training cessation after 3 months of
formed 4 weeks of training cessation several anabolic hormones and other heavy resistance training in previously
after 16 weeks of resistance training biochemical markers after 14 days of untrained participants. This indicates
in 14 national Basque ball players. This training cessation with growth hor- that the muscle is in a state of, or capable
study also included a taper (n 5 11) mone, testosterone, and the testosterone of, growth or repair at these times after
and a control group (n 5 21). Four to cortisol ratio showing statistically sig- training cessation.
weeks of training cessation resulted in nificant increases, whereas cortisol and Hortobagyi et al. (24) found no statis-
statistically significant reductions in creatine kinase showed statistically sig- tically significant changes in body mass
1RM bench press (29%) and squat nificant decreases. These results may or body fat percentage after 14 days of