Motion of Particles in Fluid PDF
Motion of Particles in Fluid PDF
Motion of Particles in Fluid PDF
turbulent BL
Laminar BL and Laminar BL and
Laminar BL and and reduced
slight separation large separation
no separation separation area
The relation between R'/ρu2 and Re' is
conveniently given in graphical form by means
of a logarithmic plot as shown in Figure 3.4.
The graph may be divided into four regions as
Region (a) (10−4 < Re' < 0.2)
In this region, the relationship between R'/ρu2
and Re' is a straight line of slope −1
represented by equation 3.5:
Region (b) (0.2 < Re' < 500–1000)
In this region, the slope of the curve changes
progressively from −1 to 0 as Re' increases.
Several workers have suggested approximate
equations for flow in this intermediate region.
Dallavelle(6) proposed that R'/ρu2 may be
regarded as being composed of two component
parts, one due to Stokes’ law and the other, a
constant, due to additional non-viscous effects.
Schiller and Naumann(7) gave the following
simple equation which gives a reasonable
approximation for values of Re' up to about
. Applicable at
terminal velocity
=2/3 Ga
CD'0.Re'02 = 2/3 Ga
Using equations 3.5, 3.9 and 3.10 to express
R'/ρu2 in terms of Re' over the appropriate
range of Re', then:
Re0’ < 0.2
0.2<Re0’ <
Re0’ > 1000
g replaced by r2
For a spherical particle in a fluid, the equation
of motion for the Stokes’ law region is:
Particle acceleration
As the particle moves outwards, the Particle velocity
accelerating force increases and therefore it
never acquires an equilibrium velocity in the
It works normal the fluid
Centrifugal force drag force rotating flow and away
from the axis of rotating
bouyancy force fluid flow
only r is variable