Guideline 2019 K
Guideline 2019 K
Guideline 2019 K
2. Research Fields
The award covers research areas in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and related industries in
developing regions, including the food industry sector and the field of environment.
3. Candidates
Candidates should be researchers who have the nationality of developing countries and/or
territories, are under 40 years old as of January 01, 2019, belong to a non-Japanese research
institute or a non-Japanese university, are engaged in research and development in agriculture,
forestry, fisheries and related industries in developing regions, and fall under any of the
following criteria (Note: Those who have applied for and missed the award in previous years
are eligible to re-apply).
(a) Those who have shown outstanding performance in research and development in agriculture,
forestry, fisheries, or related industries for a developing region, and who show great promise.
(b) Those who have shown outstanding achievements in research and development that will
lead to future technological innovation in agriculture, forestry, fisheries or related industries for
a developing region, and who show great promise.
The winning candidates must be able to attend the commendation ceremony and deliver a
lecture in Japan.
4. Number of Awardees
Up to three award winners will be named.
5. Award
The award winners will be invited to Japan to receive their awards personally and present their
research results and achievements. The winners will be bestowed a testimonial by the Chairman
of the AFFRC during the commendation ceremony and will also receive a cash prize of
US$5,000 each from JIRCAS (MOTAI-JIRCAS Award*).
* Mr. Shigeru MOTAI is a former Chairman of the AFFRC and the donor of this award. This award
is supported by the Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS).
6. How to apply
Applications must be prepared according to the “Instructions in the Preparation of
Application Forms” and submitted by the recommending research institute by post.
Moreover, word-processed files of each form must be submitted by the recommending
research institute via e-mail as they will be used for the preparation of a short-list.
Only one researcher can be recommended from each institute, including its branches.
If a research institute recommends two candidates or more, the Secretariat will ask the
institute to choose one. If the research institute does not respond by the due date, all
applications from that institute will be excluded.
The application must include supporting materials that substantiate the candidate’s
achievements, such as the applicant’s most important research papers (three items),
technical handbooks, patent applications or utility models, newspaper articles etc., and the
entire publication list directly related to the applicant’s research.
Applications that are insufficient or incorrect will be excluded from the evaluation.
7. Determination of Winners
The award winners will be decided from among the final applicants by the Chairman of AFFRC
based on the outcome of evaluation and selection carried out by the Selection Committee.
9. Evaluation Items
The Selection Committee will evaluate the following four aspects of the applicants’ work and
will add general remarks which include their future potential.
(a) Evaluation Aspects and Rating (total of 20 points)
Originality (5 points): The research and development has shown originality and uniqueness.
In addition to research papers, other achievements such as patent applications will also be
given due consideration.
Level of research and development (5 points): Achievements in the research and development
have been objectively evaluated, e.g., by being published in academic or technical journals.
Dissemination and practicability (5 points): The research has been conducted from the start
with the intention of future dissemination and commercialization, in liaison with interested
parties (e.g. conducting experimental studies, being given evaluation by actual beneficiaries).
Future potential (5 points): The research and development has shown potential for significant
development and for leading towards future technological and methodological innovations,
even though it is currently at a stage of basic research and the technology is not yet
(b) Other Considerations
In the case of collaborative research results, the candidate’s contribution to the research
will be evaluated in relation to that of the other collaborators.
Research results created through business activities will also be properly evaluated as
long as they meet the selection criteria.
Committee members related to a research institute that recommends an applicant will not
participate in the assessment and rating of the applicant.
Consideration may be given to candidates’ relationship with Japan, such as research
experiences in Japanese institutes and experiences of joint research with Japanese
10. Schedule
Due date for submission of application: March 22, 2019
Determination of award winners: August (tentative), 2019
Date of Awarding Ceremony: November (tentative), 2019
For information:
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
E-mail address:
Submit applications by post to:
Secretariat of the Japan International Award for Young Agricultural Researchers
Information and Public Relations Office
Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Sciences (JIRCAS)
1-1 Ohwashi, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki
305-8686 Japan