IQ Multi-turn
Electric Valve Actuators
Control and Monitoring Facilities
Section Page
IQ3 – In control 3
Actuator electrical specification 4
Control specification 6
Indication, monitoring and datalogging 9
Indication options 10
Fieldbus systems 11
Actuator circuit diagrams 12
ESD and interlock control circuits 15
Remote control circuits 16
Analogue control circuits 18
Partial stroke function 19
IQ3 - In control
IQ - the first valve actuator you can commission Insight2 –Actuator configuration and
and interrogate without removing electrical analysis tool for PC
covers. With the Rotork Bluetooth® Setting Insight2 PC software allows all IQ set-up configuration
Tool Pro or PC based Insight2, commissioning and datalogger information to be reviewed, analysed and
and analysis of IQ actuators is simple, fast and reconfigured. The visually interactive application is a stand-
alone program running under Microsoft Windows™ operating
systems. Intuitive and clear menus make analysing data from
® an IQ simple and fast.
New Rotork Bluetooth Setting Tool Pro
All settings including torque, limit and indication contacts are Data Logging & Configuration
made using the non-intrusive, hand held, Rotork Bluetooth®
Every IQ includes an on board data logger. The data logger
Setting Tool Pro, included with each order. Connection to the
captures and stores valve, actuator and control signal
actuator is made using Bluetooth wireless communication
operation and status data and can be viewed on the actuator
after an initial infra-red log-on to ensure security is
display or using Insight2. Log data is time and date stamped
maintained. Settings are also password protected.
and can be analysed by playing back on an event by event
Using the tool, the on board datalogger and asset basis.
information can be viewed on the actuator display. In
In addition, actuator set-up configuration can be viewed
addition, configuration and datalogger files can be extracted
and stored using IQ Insight2 for complete actuator asset
from the actuator to the Rotork Bluetooth® Setting Tool Pro
management or future upload/replication of other units.
for transfer to office based PC running Insight2. The tool is
watertight and intrinsically safe so can be used in wet and/or
hazardous areas. Data upload/download is non-intrusive via Features:
Bluetooth. The tool can store up to 10 datalogger files which • Actuator configuration
includes unit configuration file.
• Valve torque profile - open/closed instantaneous and
If required, a PC running Insight2 can be directly connected average torque against valve position
to an actuator to allow set-up, adjustment and analysis.
• Nameplate data
For more information refer to PUB095-001 available at • Number of operations
• Control option card configuration
Setting Tool Specification
• Valve and actuator position starts log
Waterproof IP67, Certified EEx ia IIC T4 (intrinsically safe).
• Operation signal log
Power Supply 4 x AAA 1.5 V Batteries (supplied & fitted).
• Actuator control status log
Operating range up to 10 m from actuator display window.
• Operational statistics
Setting Tool(s) are dispatched with each order. Setting Tools
are suitable for use with any IQ or IQT range actuator. • Service alarms.
The electrical supply type and nominal operating voltage must Standard actuators can be operated on UPS systems
be specified at time of order. Actuator torque performance is providing the above specified tolerances are not exceeded
guaranteed with a voltage tolerance +/-10% and frequency and waveforms, harmonics, spikes etc. adhere to recognised
tolerance +/-5%. Actuators are capable of starting and supply standards such as EN50160.
running up to speed with a maximum 15% volt drop.
Conduit entries
Non-standard tolerances
IQ range actuators have a separately sealed terminal
Where voltage and/or frequency variations may be compartment incorporating a segregated terminal block and
experienced outside those quoted below, or where operation cable / conduit entries.
under large volt drop conditions may be required, please
It is the responsibility of the installer to ensure the appropriate
apply to Rotork.
cable / conduit adaptors, glands and blanking plugs are fitted
in order to maintain hazardous area certification and ingress
IQ range power supplies protection rating. Certified adaptors and blanking plugs are
IQ – 3-phase power supplies available as optional extras.
Non-standard voltages
Actuators can be supplied to operate on power supply
voltages other than those quoted above.
Please apply to Rotork.
Actuator electrical specification
Control specification
IQD - DC actuator remote control The following ESD options can be configured:
Remote control is available within the ranges 20-60 VDC, • ESD Signal
60-120 VAC only. Note: for IQD at 110 VDC power supply, the Active high (contact making - NO)
maximum remote control input voltage is 60 VDC. Active low (contact breaking - NC)
For applications where the actuator is powered from a power • ESD Action
supply of limited capacity such as solar power charged, direct Close, Open, Stayput
current UPS system, power conservation is of prime importance.
• ESD Override
The IQD includes a “solar” feature* to minimise power
Motor thermostat*, local stop,
consumption when not operating, reducing the current drawn
active interlocks, interrupter timer option
by the actuator control to 10 mA (maximum). Applying a remote
“Open”, “Close” or “ESD” control signal or a discreet “wake Unless specified with order, the actuator will be dispatched
up” signal causes the actuator to power up its control circuits set for the following:
and after a delay of up to 10 seconds, respond to the remote
Active high signal (contact making - NO), Stayput. ESD will
control signal. Between 3 and 6 seconds after the control signal
not override motor thermostat, local stop, active interlock or
is removed, the actuator returns to the low current “solar” state.
interrupter timer.
As part of this routine, in order to save power, the actuator fed
* Factory configured. Bypassing the motor thermostat will invalidate
24 VDC remote control supply is disabled when in solar mode. hazardous area certification.
i.e. actuator 24 VDC fed remote control supply is unavailable
for applying a signal to power up the actuator control when
operation is required and therefore a discreet externally fed
“wake up” signal or externally powered control signals must External hardwired interlocks for opening and/or closing can
be used. be configured to inhibit local and remote operation until the
external contacts are made. Interlock circuits may be added
with any of the remote control circuits. The interlock inputs
Three modes of control are available:
operate from a separate common allowing for isolation
• Standard - sleep function disabled, 24 VDC remote control between the safety system and operation control system.
supply available at all times. Refer to page 15 for standard interlock circuit options.
• “Solar” sleep function enabled, 24 VDC remote control
supply disabled when asleep. Conditional control
• “Solar” sleep function enabled, 24 VDC remote control For applications where a high level of control integrity is
supply enabled when asleep. required the IQ can be configured for “conditional control”.
In this mode, operation is conditional on two discrete signals
Unless otherwise specified, the actuator will be dispatched being applied. Looking at an example of a “close valve”
configured in the “solar” mode of control. Remote control command, by applying a signal to the “remote close input”
signals must therefore be a minimum of 10 second duration. and “close interlock input” simultaneously the actuator will
The 2-wire remote control form is not available (refer to page operate and close the valve. If only one signal is applied or
17). For Fieldbus system control please apply to Rotork. a signal is lost, the actuator will failsafe by staying put or
stopping. When conditional remote control is configured the
In local control and when “awake”, the actuator will draw interlock inputs are not active in local operation.
approximately 100 mA (with 24 VDC Power Supply) from the
supply in the quiescent state. Drive Enable
Remote control option The remote stop/maintain input can be configured as a drive
enable input; remote electrical operation is prevented unless
For customer fed remote control in the range 60-125 VDC an a dedicated “drive enable” signal is applied. The probability
alternative control circuit is available (note: IQD is limited to of operation caused by spurious control signals and/or
20-60 VDC and 40-120 VAC only). actuator fault can be minimised and therefore integrity
Emergency Shut Down – ESD
Two levels of increased integrity are available. Level 1 is user
An active ESD signal will override any local or remote control configurable from the standard configuration menus. Level
signal. The ESD input operates from a separate common to 2 is factory enabled and acts directly in hardware to prevent
that used for Open, Close, and Stop remote control signals. operation and therefore must be specified with order. Drive
Refer to page 15 for ESD circuit options. enable acts in a similar way to interlocks and conditional
control, however just a single input is used to control
operation in both opening and closing directions.
The IQ proportional controller enables the valve to be Stayput, Move to high or low signal positions.
positioned in proportion to an analogue signal. Positioning
With live zero current control loops i.e. 4-20 mA, at 50% of
can take place over the whole valve stroke or a set portion.
the set low signal (2 mA) the controller invokes the set action.
If manual intervention is required, analogue control can be
overridden using the manual/auto input. Refer to page 18 for NOTE: As the signal decays, movement toward the set low
analogue control connections. signal position may occur until it is determined as “lost”.
Valve position, derived from the actuators non-contacting position
sensor, is compared with the position demand signal input. The
difference (error) triggers the actuator to drive the valve in the • Deadband
direction that cancels the error and therefore the flow, pressure,
Deadband range 0% – 25.5%
level or temperature etc determined by the valve’s position is
automatically adjusted in proportion to the analogue demand Used to allow for overrun or demand signal oscillation and
signal. The control loop may be tuned using the controller’s so prevent “hunting” or unnecessary movement (movement
deadband, hysteresis and the Motion Inhibit Timer controls. without effecting a required control change).
For example a 5% deadband will cause the motor to be de-
energised once the actual position is within 5% of the demand
Motor-driven actuators are suitable for proportional control in position. Subsequent inertia will then bring the final position
automatic control loops in which the system rate of change is nearer the demand position.
relatively slow, and high accuracy continuous modulation is not
essential; level controls in water treatment plants are typical • Hysteresis
applications. Motor operated regulating valves and sluice gates
Hysteresis range 0% – 25.5% but must always be ≤ to the
are driven through nut and screw or wormgear mechanisms
Deadband setting.
which must be self-locking and are therefore mechanically
inefficient. Frequent operation will cause rapid wear of these Hysteresis further refines the accuracy of the position
components. The control scheme must recognise mechanical controller.
system limitations and be tuned to accordingly.
The controller will run the actuator towards the demand
position until the deadband position is reached and then
Regulating valve applications
continue by the value of the hysteresis setting. The actuator
IQ actuators with reversing motor contactors and hammerblow will not restart unless it overshoots and runs outside the
are suitable for up to 60 starts/hour with an average torque deadband or a change places the demand position outside the
not exceeding 33% of rated torque. deadband.
Indication and monitoring and datalogging
Local Position and Local Monitoring Indication Unless otherwise specified S contacts will be configured
as follows:
A back-lit dual stacked liquid crystal display gives digital
indication from fully Open to fully Closed in 0.1% increments. • S1 – contact makes at fully Closed
Four LED’s coloured red, green and yellow for indication of
• S2 – contact makes at fully Open
Open, Close and intermediate positions respectively are also
provided. The display includes a dot matrix display for status • S3 – contact breaks at fully Closed
and error message reporting.
• S4 – contact breaks at fully Open
With the Rotork Bluetooth® Setting Tool Pro, actuator torque
can also be displayed allowing the valve torque against *NOTE: Maximum total combined current through all
position to be monitored in real time. Diagnosis is available for four relays must not exceed 8 A.
monitoring valve, actuator and control system status. The local
display can be rotated to suit actuator orientation. LED colours Monitor Relay
can be reversed. Please specify at time of order.
An independent relay with a volt-free changeover contact for
monitoring actuator electrical availability is provided. Contacts
Remote position and monitoring indication
are nominally rated at 5 mA to 8 A, 120 VAC, 30 VDC.
Four latching, volt free, single pole contacts, S1, S2, S3 However as long as the switching power remains within the
and S4 are provided, each one independently configurable specified limit of 170 W (inductive) or 240 W (resistive), then
using the Rotork Bluetooth® Setting Tool Pro to signal one of the following maximum ratings can be achieved: -
the following:
Maximum switching Voltage – 120 VAC or VDC
• Valve Position
Maximum switching Current – 8 A
Fully Open, fully Closed (exact) or any intermediate
positions (0-99% open) The relay will de-energise under any one, or combination, of
the following conditions:
• Status
Valve opening, closing, moving (continuous or pulsing • Loss of one or more of the power supply phases
signal), local stop selected, local selected, remote selected,
• Loss of control circuit supply
open or close interlock active, ESD active.
• Local control selected
• Valve Alarms
Motor tripped on torque in mid travel, motor tripped on • Local stop selected
torque going open, going closed, valve jammed, actuator
being operated by handwheel. • Motor thermostat tripped
Contact rating
Contacts are nominally rated at 5 mA to 5 A, 120 VAC,
30 VDC. However as long as the switched circuit power
remains within the specified limit of 60 W (inductive) or 150
W (resistive), then the following maximum ratings can be
achieved: -
Maximum switching Voltage – 120 VAC or VDC
Maximum switching Current – 5 A*
For example, to operate a 48 VDC external relay (inductive),
the maximum permissible current that can be switched
through S1 – S8 contacts is calculated by the equation P/V=I
i.e. 60 (W) / 48V = 1.25 A
Remote Valve Position Analogue Indication - CPT The Current Torque Transmitter (CTT) provides a non-
contacting internally fed 4-20 mA analogue signal
The Current Position Transmitter (CPT) provides a non- proportional to actuator output torque (0-120% of rated
contacting internally fed 4-20 mA analogue signal torque). When stationary the CTT output will continue to
proportional to valve position. Selectable for minimum indicate the current torque.
signal corresponding to fully Closed or fully Open position
with automatic zero and span setting. The maximum external
Extra indication contacts
impedance that may be connected to the signal is 500 Ohms
at nominal supply voltage. Repeatability is within ± 1% and The extra indication contacts option provides up to eight
linearity ± 1% of total valve travel. additional changeover contacts, S5-S8 and S9-S12. Each
contact is latching, volt free and rated at 5 mA to 5 A, 120
Auxiliary Powered CPT (not available with IQD) VAC, 30 VDC. The extra indication contact functions are
independently configurable in the same way as the standard
The auxiliary powered CPT maintains analogue position contacts using the Rotork Bluetooth® Setting Tool Pro. The
indication when the mains power is switched off. An auxiliary extra indication contact functions can be configured to the
24 VDC supply is permanently connected to the actuator, same functions as S1-S4. Refer to page 9.
which is automatically switched in to provide power to the
CPT on mains failure. On re-instating the mains, the auxiliary
supply is automatically switched out.
Note: on mains failure, a surge of up to 1 Amp is required to
switch in the auxiliary supply. The “power off” quiescent load
is nominally 180 mA, but will depend on the options fitted. It
is recommended that the 24 V auxiliary supply is permanently
applied to the actuator to limit switch surge current.
Fieldbus systems
Pakscan HART®
Rotork’s own 2-wire system for control and data transmission HART (Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) is a process
to and from the actuators. control communication protocol. The signal consists of two
parts, the analogue 4-20 mA current loop and a superimposed
An internally mounted Pakscan field unit connects the actuator
digital signal. Traditionally the 4-20 mA loop is used for control
to the field network. By arranging the field cable in a loop the
and the superimposed digital signal for feedback, diagnostics
system automatically provides a fault tolerant redundant path
and configuration. Configuration and feedback using the
for the data signals. The communication distance may be up
HART digital signal can be achieved using the host connected
to 20 km in length without the need for repeaters, up to 240
to the actuator to select the parameters required. The majority
actuators may be connected to the loop and a master station
of the user configurable settings can be made over the HART
supervises the system. Communication from the master station
communication protocol.
to the host uses Modbus protocol over RS232 and RS485.
System settings for the actuator are programmable over the Please refer to PUB092-001.
Bluetooth data link.
Additional Inputs and Outputs
Please refer to PUB059-030.
When used in conjunction with a fieldbus network the
Modbus actuator can also collect additional feedback information
from other devices in the field such as level switches or
Single or dual Modbus Modules may be included in the IQ proximity detectors. It is also possible with some systems to
actuator to provide remote serial communication to the control provide additional output control functions to operate remote
functions and for status feedback data. The field network equipment, pump starters etc. In order to provide these
uses an RS485 data highway, either 2 or 4 wire, and can be features the actuator requires the Fieldbus Remote I/0 option
duplicated where redundancy is required. The communication which includes 4 digital inputs for feedback data and 4 dry
is half duplex and the protocol used is Modbus RTU with data contact relay outputs for control.
rates up to 38 K baud. The actuator variables necessary to set
up the system are programmable over the Bluetooth data link. Refer to Publication PUB058-001 Rotork Network
Compatibility for more information and links to other
Please refer to PUB091-003. network documentation.
Profibus connectivity is possible by fitting the Profibus DP
interface module within the IQ actuator. This allows the
IQ to be integrated into a standard Profibus network. Full
compatibility with the fieldbus standard EN 50170 is provided
and the module carries Profibus certification for inter-
operability. The network allows full control of the actuator
and feedback of status data to the host. The Rotork Profibus
module has two communication ports to facilitate redundant
fieldbus wiring where reliability is paramount, data rates up
to 1.5 M baud are supported.
Please refer to PUB088-001.
Foundation Fieldbus®
IQ actuators may be connected to a Foundation Fieldbus
network (H1) by the inclusion of a Rotork FF-01 module.
The device complies with fieldbus standard IEC 61158-2,
using a 2-wire electrical connection to the highway and has
been certified for inter-operability. The Foundation highway
exchanges data and control between devices and full actuator
functionality is available. Each actuator has full link scheduler
capability complete with function blocks for analogue and
digital inputs/outputs in addition to the standard transducer
block. Foundation fieldbus networks are capable of operating
without a host system as a supervisor, allowing the field
devices to communicate directly between themselves.
Please refer to PUB060-007.
IQ Actuator Basic Circuit Diagram 100 B 0000, drawn in mid-travel, power off
Motor 3
Switching 1 Actuator Power Supply
Module 2 Refer to page 4
E (power supply connections will vary with
actuator type. Connections shown are
FS1 for IQ 3-phase only).
Position &
Torque/Limit PS1
Control Isolated, nominal 24 VDC, 5W
– 4 Power Supply (120 VAC 15 VA option)
Available for actuator fed remote control.
+ Refer to page 6.
Close Limit
TAG 01234
43 availability (shown de-energised –
44 unavailable). Refer to page 9.
Make at Fully Shut S1 7 Indication Contacts
8 Shown in default configuration.
Make at Fully Open S2 9 Configuration can be changed using
Local and Remote Break at Fully Shut
10 the Bluetooth® Setting Tool to indicate
S3 11
Position Indication any valve position, status and alarm
9V Back-up Supply 12
(Main Power Off) Break at Fully Open S4 settings. Refer to page 9.
Actuator circuit diagram - options
Valve Torque – CTT
Manual/Auto 39 For manual/auto
24 VDC (-ve)
110 VAC (0 V) 45
41 } connections refer to
page 18
24 V nominal
4–20 mA
29 A
Pakscan Profibus
2-Wire Loop RS485 Highway
Care should be taken to ensure that circuits connected 29 Screen
to terminals 4 or 5 are not connected directly or 24 Profibus 1–B
indirectly to ground. 26 Profibus 1–A
1 0 0 B 0 0 0 0
Type / Duty
1 IQ Standard
2 IQM Modulating
3 IQT Standard
4 IQTM Modulating
5 IQ Standard Japan
6 IQM Modulating Japan
Power Supply
0 IQ 3-Phase/IQT with 24 VDC Customer supply
1 IQ 3-Phase/IQT with 120 VAC Customer supply
2 IQ 1-Phase with 24 VDC customer supply
3 IQ 1-Phase with 120 VAC customer supply
4 IQ DC with 24 VDC customer supply
5 IQ/IQT DC Solar with 24 VDC customer supply
Analogue 4-20mA
1 Position Indication (CPT)
2 Torque Indication (CTT)
3 Position Control/Indication (Folomatic/CPT)
4 Analogue Monitoring (Network only)
5 Position Indication (CPT) Loop Powered
6 Torque indication (CTT) Loop Powered
7 Position Control/Indication (Folomatic/CPT) with Loop Powered CPT
B Basic no network control (hardwired only)
K Pakscan 2-wire digital control
P Profibus 2-wire digital control
M Modbus 2-wire digital control
F Foundation Fieldbus 2-wire digital control
H HART 2-wire analogue control/digital feedback
W Pakscan Wireless
R Pakscan Wired & Wireless
Network Options
1 Auxiliary power (no network fitted)
2 Single Channel
3 Dual Channel
4 Repeater (Modbus only)
5 Single Channel (Auxiliary powered)
6 Dual Channel (Auxiliary powered)
7 Repeater (Modbus only/Auxiliary powered)
Remote Options
1 Negative switching remotes (positive common)
2 BBC Remotes (isolated commons)
Indication Options
1 Extra relay contacts S5-S8 (4 additional contacts)
2 Extra relay contacts S5-S12 (8 additional contacts)
Plugs & Sockets
1 Interrputer Timer (2 speed timer)
2 Disconnect module (Profibus only)
3 Reserved
4 Interrputer Timer & Disconnect Module (Profibus only)
Actuator circuit diagrams – number code
ESD Control Circuits Interlock Control
ESD and Interlock control circuits may be added Circuits
ESD Control Circuits Interlock Control
to any of the Remote or Analogue circuits Form 1F Circuits
shown on pages 16-18.
Form 1F
Emergency Shut Down ESD signal will override any existing 4
local or remote signal. The actuator can be configured to fitted link
open, close or stayput as a response to an ESD signal. ESD 31 Customer
signals must be derived from a latching contact. The actuator fitted link
can be configured to respond to an ESD from a “making” 4
or “breaking” contact. Customer
4 fitted link
If required, ESD operation can be configured to override the 31 Customer
fitted link
motor thermostat, local stop, active interlocks or Interrupter 31 37 permissive
37 31
38 31
25 ESD 37
(Stayput) Open
Key 25
5 37
38 Open
4 24 VDC -ve / 120 VAC N
25 Close
31 ESD/IL Common 20-60 VDC and 60-120 VAC Line/+veCommon
4 24 VDC -ve / 120 VAC N
20-60 VDC
Open 25
31 ESD/ILInterlock
Common 20-60 VDC and 60-120 VAC 60-120 VAC
38 Close Interlock 20-60 VDC Line/+ve
37 Open Interlock 60-120 VAC 5 Common
5 24 VDC +ve / 120 VAC 20-60 VDC
38 Close Interlock Line/+ve 60-120 VAC
ESD - Externally fed Open/Close20-60Interlock
5 24 VDC +ve / 120 VAC active – Externally fed
60-120 VAC
ESD - Externally fed Open/Close Interlock
NOTE: Terminal numbers subject to change - Refer to active – Externally fed
supplied circuit diagrams.
Close 33
Stop/maintain 34
Open 35
Remote control circuits
4 4 4 4
36 36 36 36
33 33 33 33
Close Close
34 34 34 34
35 35 35 35
Open Open
5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4
Zero/-ve Zero/-ve
36 36 36 36
33 33 33 33
Close Close Close
34 34 34 34
35 35 35 35
Open Open Open
5 5 Stop 5 5
Zero/-ve Zero/-ve
Line/+ve Line/+ve
Zero/-ve Zero/-ve
Key fitted
fitted links
26 Folomatic +ve
27 Folomatic -ve
33 Close
Close contact
5 24 VDC +ve
35 Open
Open contact
4 24 VDC -ve
For control
control in
in range
range 20-60
20-60 VDC
connect common
common toto 36
36 and
and 41
For control
control in
in range
range 60-120
60-120 VAC
connect common
common toto 36
36 and
and 45
* Line/+ve
33 Close
Close contact
35 Open
Open contact
34 Stop/maintain
Partial stroke function
4 24 VDC -ve / 120 VAC N
4 24 VDC -ve
31 ESD/IL Common 20-60 VDC or 60-120 VAC
31 ESD/IL Common 20-60 VAC/VDC
37 Open Interlock
37 Open Interlock
38 Close Interlock
38 Close Interlock
5 24 VDC +ve / 120 VAC L
5 24 VDC +ve
A full listing of our worldwide sales and
service network is available on our website.
As part of a process of on-going product development, Rotork reserves the right to amend and change
specifications without prior notice. Published data may be subject to change. For the very latest version
release, visit our website at
PUB002-041-00 The name Rotork is a registered trademark. Rotork recognises all registered trademarks. The Bluetooth®
word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks
Issue 10/12 by Rotork is under license. Published and produced in the UK by Rotork Controls Limited. POWSH1012