Rock Wool India

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Stonewool Insulation for Thermal,

Acoustic and Fire Safety

Applications in Buildings
Our Insulation Business
As the market leader in the GCC, Turkey and India, the SIIMCO will manufacture a variety of stonewool products for
Insulation Group has a well-established reputation for delivering thermal and acoustic insulation. Using Saint-Gobain’s
high-quality, energy-efficient insulation solutions to our customers. state-of-the-art technology (REX process), SIIMCO will serve
both the industrial and building segments. The manufacturing
We have a strong commitment to quality, as recognized by our
facility in Yanbu will have a potential of 64,000 MT installed
accreditation by international standard bodies (ISO, UL, DCL
capacity, and serve markets in Saudi Arabia as well as other
and others); to the environment, as recognized by our selection
markets in the GCC, Egypt, Iraq and the Levant. The plant is
as the sole insulation supplier and official collaborator with
expected to be commissioned in early 2014.
MASDAR City, the world's first zero-carbon, zero-waste city, in
Abu Dhabi; and to the health and safety of our people. 
 Rockwool (India) Ltd. (RIL) is recognized as the leading producer
of stonewool insulation in India and has recently started serving
Recognized as a leading insulation solution provider in the
customers in the broader GCC and MENA region. RIL
Middle East and Asia, KIMMCO provides insulation solutions
operates two manufacturing facilities, one in Hyderabad and
for HVAC, building (roofs, walls, floors, metallic buildings) and
one in Silvassa, with a combined capacity of 50,000 MT per
technical/industrial applications. With an annual production
annum. RIL is a licensee of Saint-Gobain technology, and is
capacity of 35,000 MT, KIMMCO is certified to ISO 9001,
ISO 9001 certified and ASTM compliant.
ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, and is compliant with ISO,
ASTM, DIN, BS and other international standards. 
 IZOCAM is the leading supplier of insulation in Turkey and has
 been operated as a joint venture between KIMMCO and
Saint-Gobain ISOVER since 2006. IZOCAM
Saudi International Insulation Manufacturing Company, a joint
manufactures a range of glasswool, stonewool, nitrile rubber,
venture between Alghanim Industries and Saint-Gobain ISOVER
and foam-based insulation materials and holds the ISO 9001
(France), announced the construction of a new stonewool
and ISO 14001 certificates.
manufacturing facility based in Yanbu Al-Sinaiyah, Kingdom of
Saudi Arabia in April 2012.


* Under construction.

Commitment to Quality
Properties of our Stone wool Products Our Commitment to Quality
• Excellent thermal performance Our Stonewool products are manufactured under
license of Sain t-Gobain ISOVER, a leading insulation
• Superior acoustic performance provider headquartered in France.
• Excellent fire safety Further, we have a strong commitment to quality, as
recognized by our various certifications such as the
• Environmentally friendly; made from abundantly
ISO 9001 certificate.
available, non-strategic materials like basalt, and
contains up to 25% slag. (A waste product from the
steel industry) Our Product Listing & Certification
• UL
• Suitable for a wide variety of applications
(flexible, semi-rigid, rigid and extra-rigid) • FM
• Address a variety of performance requirements
• Warrington Fire Certification
(wide range of facing materials)
• Easy to cut and install, minimum wastage on site
• Comparatively light weight
• Dimensionally stable
• No sagging or settling
• Complies with all relevant international standards


ROCKINSUL Building Rolls
• ROCKINSUL Building Rolls are manufactured from
stable stonewool fibres bonded with thermosetting 
resins and are light weight, strong and resilient, and
easy to handle.
  Up to 750 °C
• The Stonewool fibres are fine and uniformly
  100 °C
distributed to ensure consistent thermal properties in
the building roll. At temperatures in excess of 230 °C a limited migration
of binder may occur in the insulation in contact with the
 hot face. This does not impair the insulation performance.

    

  The thermal conductivity of ROCKINSUL Building Rolls
 as per ASTM C177, 518, IS 3346 is displayed in the
    
tables below:
    
  
      
       
             
              
             
ROCKINSUL Building Rolls are available with ALG and              
FSK facings, which provide an efficient vapour barrier.
Kraft Paper facing is also available. 
 
      
       
       
       
       
       
       

These are typical values subject to normal manufacturing and testing variances.

 ROCKINSUL Building Rolls achieve excellent acoustic
 performances (sound absorption coefficients and sound
insulation) when tested in accordance to various relevant
ASTM standards.
ROCKINSUL Building Rolls achieve Noise Reduction
Coefficient (NRC) values up to 1.05, when tested in
accordance to ASTM C423.
Fire Safety Performance
ROCKINSUL Building Rolls are non-combustible when
tested in accordance with IS 3144, BS 476 (part 4),
ISO 1182 and ASTM E136 and are classified as Class
A1, in accordance with European norms.
Unfaced, FSK and ALG-faced ROCKINSUL Building
Rolls have the following fire safety rating achievements:

1. Class 1 surface spread of flame in accordance to

BS 476 (part 7)
2. Class 0 in accordance to the BS 476 (part 6 & 7)
and to British Building Regulations.
3. Surface burning characteristics in accordance to Installation Procedures
ASTM E84 / UL 723 Fix end of ROCKINSUL Building Rolls faced side down,
a. Fire Spread Index : Less than 25 at ridge and allow to unroll to eaves. At eaves, the roll
b. Smoke Developed Index : Less than 50 should be cut and pulled taut. Each subsequent roll
should be overlapped or butted to avoid gaps.
Moisture Abosorption Performance
Packing strips, equal in thickness to the insulation, should
ROCKINSUL Building Rolls absorb less than 1% by be placed along the line of each purlin and fixed through
volume when tested in accordance with BS 2972, the roofliner to the purlin below. This avoids undue
ASTM C1104 / 1104 M, and do not absorb moisture compression of the insulation.
from ambient air or from water by capillary action. Only
The roof cladding should be carried out in conjunction
water under pressure can enter into stonewool insulation
with the insulation work to avoid accidental damage.
products; however, it quickly dries out due to the open
Fixing should be through the crown profile of the roofing
cell structure of ROCKINSUL Building Rolls.
sheet and down through the spacer to the purlin below.
When tested in accordance to ASTM E96, FS K -faced
Weathering sheets should be fitted as insulation, work
Building Rolls achieve water vapour permeability of
progresses in order to avoid unnecessary damage to the
0.02 perm, ALG faced Building Rolls achieve
insulation. Holes for hook bolts sealed against water
zero water vapour permeability.
Handling & Storage
ROCKINSUL Building Rolls are commonly used on the
walls and roofs (under and over purlins) of ROCKINSUL Building Rolls should be stored safely
pre-engineered buildings, pre-fabricated houses, poultry indoors. If stored outside, they should be stacked clear
farms and HVAC ducting. of ground and covered with a securely anchored
weather proof sheet.
• ROCKINSUL RB Slabs are semi-rigid and rigid boards
manufactured from stable stone fibres bonded with a 
minimum quantity of thermosetting resin binder.
• ROCKINSUL RB Slabs are capable of with standing
  Up to 750 °C
extreme temperatures up to 750 °C and are light
  100 °C
weight, strong, resilient, easy to handle,
and easy to cut to suit intricate shapes. At temperatures in excess of 230 °C a limited migration
of binder may occur in the insulation in contact with the
hot face. This does not impair the insulation performance.
   
   The thermal conductivity of ROCKINSUL RB Slabs as per
ASTM C177, 518, IS 3346 is displayed in the tables
 below:
   

           
 
         
 
           

 
 
  
 
  Non-standard sizes may be 
available on request.        
         
          

ROCKINSUL RB Slabs for building applications are          

unfaced, or with a facing of glass reinforced aluminium          

foil / Kraft paper laminate (FSK), ALG and Black Glass          

Tissue (BGT).          

         

These are typical values subject to normal manufacturing and testing variances.

ROCKINSUL RB Slabs achieve excellent acoustic
performances (sound absorption coefficients, sound
insulation, and impact sound isolation) when tested in
accordance to various relevant ASTM standards.
ROCKINSUL RB Slabs achieve Noise Reduction
 Coefficient (NRC) values up to 1.05, when tested in
 accordance to ASTM C423.
Fire Safety Performance
Unfaced ROCKINSUL RB Slabs are non-combustible when
tested in accordance with IS 3144, BS 476 (part 4), ISO
1182 and ASTM E136 and are classified as Class A1, in
accordance with European norms.
Unfaced, FSK and ALG-faced ROCKINSUL
RB Slabs have the following fire safety rating achievements:
1. Class 1 surface spread of flame in accordance to
BS 476 (part 7) Installation Procedures
2. Class 0 in accordance to the BS 476 (part 6 & 7) Before installing ROCKINSUL RB Slabs, make sure to
and to British Building Regulations. clear away any dust or grease and dry the surface.
ROCKINSUL RB Slabs are pre-cut in required
3. Surface burning characteristics in accordance to dimensions and placed over the surface to be insulated.
ASTM E84 / UL 723
Care should be taken to ensure that the joints fit properly
a. Fire Spread Index : Less than 25
and no gaps are left at the joints. Depending on the
b. Smoke Developed Index : Less than 50
surface and equipment, pins or spacers should be used
to fix the Slabs in place.
Mositure Absorption Performance
ROCKINSUL RB Slabs absorb less than 1% by volume
when tested in accordance with BS 2972,
ASTM C1104 / 1104 M, and do not absorb moisture
from ambient air or from water by capillary action.
Only water under pressure can enter into stonewool
insulation products; however, it quickly dries out due to
the open cell structure of ROCKINSUL RB Slabs.
When tested in accordance to ASTM E96, FS K-faced
RB Slabs achieve water vapour permeability of 0.02
perm, ALG-faced RB Slabs achieve zero water vapour
• ROCKINSUL RB Slabs are used for thermal and
Handling & Storage
acoustic insulation for internal partitions and in between
floor joints in public buildings like hotels, hospitals, Stonewool being light in weight, is easy to handle.
schools and offices where fire safety is a primary Products are to be stored in a well-lit, dry and protected
concern. area. They are to be kept in the original packaging, at
elevated positions above the ground or on a slab, and
• ROCKINSUL RB Slabs are also used for thermal and
away from the walls, in order to avoid any penetration
acoustic insulation for exterior walls, and walls of stair
of moisture and dust or foreign contamination. If stored
cases and elevator shafts.
outside and in an open area, packages should be
protected with a polyethylene film, canvas or other
similar type of covering.

TUFFINSUL Rigid Slabs range offers superior rigidity and
durability for application areas where high levels of 
compressive strength are required.
   Up to 750 °C
  100 °C
   
 
At temperatures in excess of 230 °C a limited migration
 
of binder may occur in the insulation in contact with the
hot face. This does not impair the insulation performance.

The thermal conductivity of TUFFINSUL Rigid Slabs as
per ASTM, C177, 518, IS 3346 is displayed in the
tables below:
 

         

         

         

On request Tuffinsul Slabs may be supplied with


The following table compares the compression strength 
of TUFFINSUL Rigid Slabs vs. regular slabs. 
       
         
         
            
         
  
         
            

            

  These are typical values subject to normal manufacturing and testing variances.
 
 
 

These are typical values subject to normal manufacturing and testing variances.
Acoustic Performance Applications
TUFFINSUL Rigid Slabs achieve excellent acoustic TUFFINSUL Rigid Slabs are used for thermal and
performances (sound absorption coefficients, sound acoustic insulation where high compressive strength is
insulation, and impact sound insulation) when tested in required such as over-deck, floors, sandwich panels,
accordance to various relevant ASTM standards. and dry wall partitions.
TUFFINSUL Rigid Slabs achieve Noise Reduction
Coefficient (NRC) values up to 1.05, when tested in
accordance to ASTM C423.

Fire Safety Performance

Unfaced TUFFINSUL Rigid Slabs are non-combustible
when tested in accordance with IS 3144, BS 476 (part
4), ISO 1182 and ASTM E136 and are classified as
Class A1, in accordance with European norms.
TUFFINSUL Rigid Slabs have the following fire safety
rating achievements:

1. Class 1 surface spread of flame in accordance to

BS 476 (part 7)
2.Class 0 in accordance to the BS 476 (part 6 & 7)
and to British Building Regulations.
3. Surface burning characteristics in accordance to
ASTM E84 / UL 723 Before installing TUFFINSUL Rigid Slabs, make sure to clear
a. Fire Spread Index : Less than 25 away any dust or grease and dry the surface. Slabs are
b. Smoke Developed Index : Less than 50 pre-cut in required dimensions and placed over the surface
to be insulated. Care should be taken to ensure that the
Mositure Absorption Performance joints fit properly and no gaps are left at the joints.
TUFFINSUL Rigid Slabs absorb less than 1% Depending on the surface and equipment, pins or spacers
by volume when tested in accordance with BS 2972, should be used to fix the Slabs in place.
ASTM C1104 / 1104 M, and do not absorb moisture
from ambient air or from water by capillary action. Only Handling & Storage
water under pressure can enter into stonewool insulation Stonewool being light in weight, is easy to handle.
products; however, it quickly dries out due to the open Products are to be stored in a well-lit, dry and protected
cell structure of TUFFINSUL Rigid Slabs. area. They are to be kept in the original packaging, at
When tested in accordance to ASTM E96, FS K-faced elevated positions above the ground or on a slab, and
Rigid Slabs achieve water vapour permeability of away from the walls, in order to avoid any penetration of
0.02 perm, ALG faced Rigid Slabs achieve moisture and dust or foreign contamination. If stored outside
zero water vapour permeability. and in an open area, packages should be protected with a
polyethylene film, canvas or other similar type of covering.

TUFFINSUL Lamella Batts
TUFFINSUL Lamella range offers superior rigidity and 
durability for application areas where high levels of TUFFINSUL Lamella is used for thermal and acoustic
compressive strength are required. insulation where high compressive strength is required. It
 is commonly used in heavy loaded sandwich panels,
floors and roofs.
   
   

 Up to 750 °C
At temperatures in excess of 230 °C a limited migration
of binder may occur in the insulation in contact with the
hot face. This does not impair the insulation performance.
Check the fibre orientation of the TUFFINSUL Lamella
before sandwiching in between two metal surfaces with
glue. Utmost care should be taken to ensure that the
fibres are oriented perpendicular to the width of the two
metal surfaces, in order to achieve optimum
compression strength.

Before installing TUFFINSUL Lamella, make sure to clear
away any dust or grease and dry the surface, and then
place carefully over the surface to be insulated. Care
should be taken to ensure that the Lamella fits properly
Compression strength of TUFFINSUL Lamella.
and no gaps are left at the joints. Depending on the
 surface and equipment, pins or spacers should be used
   to fix the Lamella in place.
  
  
TUFFINSUL Lamella products should be stored safely
indoors. If stored outside, they should be stacked clear
  
of the ground and covered with a securely anchored
   weatherproof sheet.
These are typical values subject to normal manufacturing and testing variances.
ROCKINSUL Acoustic Thermal
Insulation Board (ATIB)

• ROCKINSUL Acoustic Thermal Insulation Board Applications

(ATIB) is a stonewool sandwiched product with ROCKINSUL Acoustic Thermal Insulation Board (ATIB) is
aluminium foil on the top side and black glass tissue specially designed for under-roof overlaying ceiling
mat on the under side. applications in airports, entertainment malls and
• ROCKINSUL Acoustic Thermal Insulation Boards commercial complexes.
(ATIB) are specially designed for under-roof
applications for excellent thermal resistance and sound
absorption properties. They are used in airports,
entertainment malls and commercial complexes.
Standard Dimensions

Normal Density (Kg/m3) 80 to 120

Thickness (mm) 20 to 30

Dimensions (mm) 590 x 590

With facing FSK + BGT 650 x 650

Other dimensions, densities and facings available on request.

Rockwool (India) Limited
4th Floor, B Block, Laxmi Cybercity,
Kondapur, Hyderabad - 500084,
Andhra Pradesh, India.
Phone: 040 - 30408650

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