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Thermophotovoltaic power conversion systems: current performance and future potential

Ivan Celanovic, Peter Bermel, and Marin Soljacic

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

77 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA 02139, USA


Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) systems offer a unique, solid-state approach to converting heat into
electricity based on thermal radiation. TPV is particularly suitable for certain classes of power
generation applications that are not well served by standard engines, such as long, remote
missions where repairs are difficult, and portable generation where space and weight are at a
premium. While standard thermophotovoltaics are limited in their conversion efficiency,
photonic crystals can improve performance by an order of magnitude for a number of systems.
While there are many potential applications, two exemplary systems are discussed: TPV
µreactors for portable power generation in a mm-scale form factor, and solar TPV for long-term
off-grid power generation from sunlight. In both cases, photonic crystals can enable potential
performance exceeding that of many other well-known technologies, such as single-junction

KEYWORDS: thermophotovoltaics, photonic crystals, low-bandgap photovoltaics, spectral

shaping, photonic bandgap, thermal emittance
1. Introduction

The vast majority of energy generation approaches used in today’s world, including coal and
natural gas-fired power plants, internal combustion engines, and nuclear power plants, aim to
convert heat into useful work. The ultimate performance is limited in all cases by the Carnot
efficiency ηc, given by:


where Th is the temperature of the initial heat input, while Tc is the heat rejection temperature. In
principle, properly designed mechanical engines can closely approach this limit, in the absence
of parasitic losses or mechanical failure. In practice, the high-efficiency regime of high input
temperatures introduces a host of parasitic loss mechanisms – conductive, convective, and
radiative – that depend on the surface area to volume ratio. In addition, friction losses become
significant in mechanical engines as they are scaled down. Thus, mechanical engines are most
efficient for larger devices.

There are a number of applications where a solid-state alternative to mechanical engines

could be beneficial. In particular, they are preferred for long missions in stressful environments
where repairs are prohibitively expensive, such as deep sea or space. For example, NASA has
deployed a radioisotope thermoelectric generator for its unmanned probes such as Voyager 1 and
2.1) Another application where solid-state devices may be preferred is for small scale energy
generation systems operating at high temperatures. Radiative losses grow quartically with
temperature and tend to dominate overall thermal losses at high temperatures. However, if these
radiative losses could instead be used to generate power, that would make small-scale, portable
power generators much more attractive. Because of the way they work, thermophotovoltaics
may be an appealing choice for such applications.
Figure 1. Illustration of the emission of a blackbody source at 1200 K, with the shaded region
corresponding to high-energy photons that can be converted into electricity. (Inset) The flow of energy in
a standard thermophotovoltaic device, from input heat to radiative emission onto a thermophotovoltaic
diode, which generates both electric power and waste heat.

Thermophotovoltaic power systems convert heat into electricity via a mechanism illustrated
in the inset of Figure 1. Briefly, input heat is used to heat a thermal emitter, which is arranged to
radiate onto a photovoltaically active diode. The latter produces a combination of usable
electricity and low-grade waste heat. First proposed independently by Henry Kolm and Pierre
Aigrain in the early nineteen-fifties,2,3) the approach is closely related to the photovoltaic cell for
harvesting electricity directly from sunlight – except that the source of thermal radiation is man-
made instead of celestial. In principle, the conversion efficiency of a thermophotovoltaic
system can be much higher than a single-junction photovoltaic cell, and approaches that of a
Carnot engine.4) In practice, since a manmade thermal emitter is generally much cooler than the
surface of the sun, the best performance will result from using a smaller bandgap material than in
a photovoltaic device. The main part of Figure 1 illustrates that thermally emitted photons can
be used as long as their energy is at least equal to that of the photovoltaic material, in this case,
GaInAsSb with a bandgap of 0.53 eV. This particular system generally works optimally for
emitter temperatures around 1200 K, since an appreciable fraction of blackbody radiation has at
least that energy. At higher temperatures, a larger bandgap is preferred. Using the same
methodology as Shockley and Queisser,5,6) the maximum efficiency as a function of bandgap,
temperature and emission bandwidth has been calculated in multiple papers.7-10) For
blackbody/graybody emitters, efficiencies are limited to fairly modest values, well short of the
Carnot efficiency of equation (1). The reason for this is that at room temperature, photovoltaic
receivers typically have an open circuit voltage corresponding to the electronic bandgap, less a
penalty of about 0.3-0.4 eV.6) Thus, it is necessary to use a fairly high electronic bandgaps,
albeit low enough to absorb a non-negligible fraction of blackbody radiation. Even for an
extremely hot blackbody emitter, such as the sun at a temperature of approximately 5780 K, the
maximum efficiency is only 31% -- a value known as the Shockley-Queisser limit. However,
unlike the sun, the spectrum of the emitter can be shaped in different ways to suppress or recycle
unwanted photons. A flexible class of materials suitable for this purpose is referred to as
photonic crystals (PhCs), and is the subject of the next section.

2. Using Photonics to Enhance TPV Performance

Photonic crystals (PhCs) are structures consisting of two or more materials arranged in a periodic
pattern in one or more dimensions. Their most characteristic feature is a photonic bandgap – a
range of frequencies in which all propagating modes are forbidden.11) The photonic bandgap can
be chosen by modifying the structure of the PhC. This flexibility gives rise to an unprecedented
ability to control and mold the flow of light.11) In the context of thermal systems such as TPV,
photonic crystals can be used to modify blackbody emission, and selectively reflect (or filter)
what is emitted. In particular, a photonic bandgap can be introduced into a selective thermal
emitter at low frequencies, to ensure that the majority of light is emitted above the TPV diode’s
electronic bandgap. Furthermore, another photonic bandgap can be used to reflect the low
frequencies that are emitted back to the source, in a process known as photon recycling12,13).

In Figure 2, an exemplary system for tailoring thermal emission is illustrated. It is based on

alternating regions of tungsten and air in a 2D pattern, in order to achieve high-temperature
stability and a continuous bandgap induced by the metallic structure up to a cutoff frequency.14)
Low frequencies cannot enter into the photonic lattice, see the surface as a slightly roughened
piece of tungsten, and are reflected strongly. On the other hand, higher frequencies that do enter
the photonic lattice can dwell there for some time. The cutoff frequency can be tuned by
modifying the geometric parameters of the lattice, such as the period, hole radius, and hole
depth. Furthermore, if one designs the lattice to allow high-frequency light to enter at a rate
equal to the rate of material absorption, this is known as Q-matching, and can lead to up to 100%
absorption at the resonant frequency.15)

Figure 2. Emittance versus wavelength for both flat tungsten and several 2D tungsten photonic crystal
designs. Compared the planar case, 2D PhCs exhibit higher emittance throughout the spectrum, with a
large jump to values close to one at the chosen cutoff wavelength (adapted from Ref. 14).

In Figure 3, the 2D tungsten PhC of Figure 2 is tuned to have a cutoff wavelength equal to the
external quantum efficiency (EQE) edge of the TPV diode – which corresponds to the effective
electronic bandgap of the system. Furthermore, another PhC element, a 1D rugate filter, is
introduced, in order to help recycle long wavelengths beyond the EQE edge back to their source.
The overall effect of these two novel design elements is to raise the performance at 1200 K to a
maximum conversion efficiency of 26.9%, assuming a realistic InGaAsSb diode.10)

Figure 3. Emittance spectrum as a function of wavelength for a 2D tungsten photonic crystal, along with
the reflectivity spectrum of a 1D photonic crystal filter at normal incidence, tuned for compatibility with
the IQE curve of a GaInAsSb TPV diode. (Inset) Energy flow in an improved approach, which uses
photonics to suppress and recycle low-frequency photons.
3. Applications for Thermophotovoltaics

3.1. Portable Power Generators

As discussed previously, TPV potentially offers a unique advantage for very small-scale chip-
size power generation. Previously, NASA demonstrated a cylindrical propane-powered 25 W
TPV generator with a diameter of 8 cm and length of 317 mm; its chemical to electrical energy
conversion efficiency was measured to be 3%.16) Also, the National University of Singapore
demonstrated a 150 W thermal hydrogen-fueled system with 0.67% efficiency. 17) More
recently, Lew Fraas of JX Crystals and collaborators proposed a soda can-sized propane-
powered generator. 18) In Figure 4, a design for a mm-scale 10 W TPV propane-powered
µreactor proposed by Ivan Celanovic and collaborators at MIT is shown.10,19) The typical
efficiency of the device ranges from 0.5% 10) to 2.2%,19) depending on whether all key design
elements are included. In all cases, the system requires a silicon MEMS reactor for catalytic
combustion of fuels such as propane and butane, and a GaInAsSb photovoltaic diode for efficient
conversion of above-gap photons into electricity. An additional design element for improved
performance is a 1D photonic crystal emitter grown on the surface of the MEMS reactor to
suppress mid-IR radiation. Finally, a low-power maximum power-point tracker can be added to
ensure the maximum power is always generated under varying conditions.20) With some
relatively small tweaks to the existing 2.2% design, it has been predicted that an efficiency of
5.3% could be achieved.10) Furthermore, if one raises the operating temperature to 1200 K,
efficiencies as high as 21.7% would theoretically be achievable.10)
Figure 4. Design for a small-scale TPV reactor, with several key components called out: a silicon MEMS
reactor for catalytic combustion of fuels such as propane and butane; a 1D photonic crystal emitter on its
surface to suppress mid-IR radiation; GaInAsSb photovoltaic diodes for efficient conversion of the
emitted high-energy photons into electricity; and a low-power maximum power-point tracker to ensure
the maximum power is always generated under varying conditions.

3.2. Solar Thermophotovoltaics

Solar thermophotovoltaics can be seen as an alternative to solar photovoltaics and solar thermal
power generation. As shown in Figure 5, it consists of using concentrated sunlight as a heat
source to drive a high-efficiency TPV system.7-10,21,22) One of the unique challenges of solar
TPV is designing the so-called selective solar absorber, and optimizing it to work in tandem with
the TPV selective emitter and diode. Selectivity is needed because there is a tradeoff between
absorbing sunlight and re-radiating infrared radiation, which fundamentally derives from
Kirchoff’s law.12) If the efficiency of the solar TPV system as a whole were to be considered as
a product of two subsystems, the selective solar absorber and TPV selective emitter and receiver,
then the efficiency of the first subcomponent could be written as follows:

Where C is the solar concentration, B is the transmissivity of the vacuum enclosure, Is and dI/dλ
are the integrated and wavelength-dependent intensities of the AM1.5 solar spectrum, and ε(λ) is
the wavelength-dependent emissivity. It is evident that the highest values of ηt will be obtained
for high concentrations and low operating temperatures. Optimal design for selective solar
absorbers has been discussed extensively in previous literature.7-10,21-25) However, the maximum
efficiency of the TPV back end will increase with temperature. This implies that for a given
solar concentration, there will be an optimal operating temperature and TPV bandgap where the
product of these two components is at a maximum. Due to experimental constraints, previously
built solar TPV systems, have diverged substantially from these values. In Datas et al., 2%
efficient operation is observed at relatively modest concentrations and temperatures using
germanium indirect bandgap photovoltaic cells.21) Replacing those solar cells with a higher-
performance III-V TPV cell such as GaSb would by itself roughly double the expected
efficiency. 26) Other desirable changes would come from photonic crystal-based designs for
more wavelength-sensitive selective solar absorbers, selective emitters, and filters for photon
recycling. Combining all those elements and optimizing yields a theoretical prediction of 44%
using a tandem junction for 100 sun concentration at 1000 K,10) and up to 50.8% efficiency for a
single junction under 46,200 suns at 2360 K.8) Overall, the photonic design approach is
predicted to yield up to an order of magnitude enhancement in the performance of these systems.
Furthermore, these projected efficiencies exceed the Shockley-Queisser limit for single-junction
photovoltaic cells under equal solar concentrations.
Figure 5. Schematic illustration of a concentrating solar thermophotovoltaic system. Sunlight is
concentrated onto a selective absorber, which is thermally coupled to a selective emitter that functions in
a similar fashion as other TPV energy conversion approaches.


In this manuscript, we began by discussing the strengths and weaknesses of mechanical engines
used for the vast majority of power generation. It was shown that for certain operating regimes,
TPV can provide an alternative to mechanical engines with theoretically high efficiencies.
Photonic crystals were presented as an enabling technology for high-efficiency
thermophotovoltaics. PhCs help TPV systems approach their theoretical efficiency limits
through a combination of suppression of low-frequency modes at the photonic crystal surface,
and recycling of low-energy photons with filters. In the µreactor TPV application, it has been
shown that 2D tungsten photonic crystals plus rugate filters can potentially enhance efficiencies
by an order of magnitude to over 10% even on the mm scale. For fuels such as propane, this
implies a much higher energy density than commercial battery technologies. In the second
application of solar TPV, it was shown that concentrated systems with single or tandem junction
TPV diodes can be designed to offer efficiencies in excess of the single-junction Shockley-
Queisser limit for solar photovoltaics. While an experimental demonstration of such high
efficiencies has not yet been achieved, early experimental results matching with theory are
encouraging, and the path to higher performance is fairly clear.


The authors thank John D. Joannopoulos, Michael Ghebrebrhan, Walker Chan, and Yi Xiang
Yeng for valuable discussions. IC was supported by the Army Research Office through the
Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies under Contract Nos. DAAD-10-02-D0002 and W911NF-
07-D0004; PB and MS were supported by the MIT S3TEC Energy Frontier Research Center of
the Department of Energy under Grant No. DE-SC0001299.


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