Tugas Imunologi Dasar Fast Track
Tugas Imunologi Dasar Fast Track
Tugas Imunologi Dasar Fast Track
1. Sebutkan sel-sel yang terlibat dalam imunitas alami dan apa fungsi masing-masing sel tsb?
2. Sebutkan klas sel limfosit dan apa fungsi dasar masing-masing limfosit tersebut
3. Apa fungsi sumsum tulang, thymus dan lien dalam sistem imun?
4. Apa kepentingan sel dendritik?
5. Apa kepentingan sel T reg dalam sistem imun? Apa petanda permukaannya?
1. Jelaskan perbedaan karakteristik respon imun alami (innate) dan respon imun yang didapat
2. Sebutkan komponen dari imunitas alami dan imunitas adaptif
3. Sebutkan efektor dari sistem imun humoral dan seluler
4. Sebutkan fase dari respon imun
5. Bagaimana cara mikroba bisa menghindar dari sistem imun?
1. Jelaskan perbedaan karakteristik respon imun alami (innate) dan respon imun yang didapat
immunity. The mechanisms of innate immunity provide the initial defense against infections. Some
mechanisms (e.g., epithelial barriers) prevent infections, and other mechanisms (e.g., phagocytes,
natural killer [NK] cells, the complement system) eliminate microbes. Adaptive immune responses
develop later and are mediated by lymphocytes and their products. Antibodies block infections and
eliminate microbes, and T lymphocytes eradicate intracellular microbes. The kinetics of the innate
and adaptive immune responses are approximations and may vary in different infections.
Adaptive immunity, also called specific immunity or acquired immunity, requires expansion and
differentiation of lymphocytes in response to microbes before it can provide effective defense; that
is, it adapts to the presence of microbial invaders. Innate immunity is phylogenetically older, and the
more specialized and powerful adaptive immune system evolved later.
Innate immunity, also called natural immunity or native immunity, is always present in healthy
individuals (hence the term innate), prepared to block the entry of microbes and rapidly eliminate
microbes that do succeed in entering host tissues
The first line of defense in innate immunity is provided by epithelial barriers and by cells and natural
antibiotics present in epithelia, all of which function to block the entry of microbes. If microbes do
breach epithelia and enter the tissues or circulation, they are attacked by phagocytes, specialized
lymphocytes called natural killer cells, and several plasma proteins, including the proteins of the
complement system. All these mechanisms of innate immunity specifically recognize and react
against microbes. In addition to providing early defense against infections, innate immune
responses enhance adaptive immune responses against the infectious agents
The adaptive immune system consists of lymphocytes and their products, such as antibodies.
Whereas the mechanisms of innate immunity recognize structures shared by classes of microbes,
the cells of adaptive immunity (lymphocytes) express receptors that specifically recognize a much
wider variety of molecules produced by microbes as well as noninfectious substances. These
substances are called antigens. Adaptive immune responses often use the cells and molecules of the
innate immune system to eliminate microbes, and adaptiveimmunity functions to greatly enhance
these antimicrobial mechanisms of innate immunity.For example, antibodies (a component of
adaptive immunity) bind to microbes, and these coated microbes avidly bind to and activate
phagocytes (a component of innate immunity), which ingest and destroy the microbes.
Early Innate Immune Response to Microbes: The principal barriers between the host and the
environment are the epithelia of the skin and the gastrointestinal and respiratory tracts.
Infectious microbes usually enter through these routes and attempt to colonize the host. The
two major cellular reactions of innate immunity are inflammation, which is induced by cytokines
and other molecules and serves to bring leukocytes and plasma proteins to the site of infection
or injury, and antiviral defense, which is mediated by type I interferons (a particular family of
cytokines) and NK cells
Phases of adaptive immune response. An adaptive immune response consists of distinct phases;
the first three are recognition of antigen, activation of lymphocytes, and elimination of antigen
(effector phase). The response declines as antigen-stimulated lymphocytes die by apoptosis,
restoring the baseline steady state called homeostasis, and the antigen-specific cells that survive
are responsible for memory. The duration of each phase may vary in different immune
responses. These principles apply to both humoral immunity (mediated by B lymphocytes) and
cell-mediated immunity (mediated by T lymphocytes)
5. Bagaimana cara mikroba bisa menghindar dari sistem imun?
MICROBIAL EVASION OF INNATE IMMUNITY: Pathogenic microbes have evolved to resist the
mechanisms of innate immunity and are thus cells, where it is no longer susceptible to ROS or
NO (which are produced mainly in phagolysosomes). The cell walls of mycobacteria contain a
lipid that inhibits fusion of vesicles containing ingested bacteria with lysosomes. Other microbes
have cell walls that are resistant to the actions of complement proteins. As discussed in Chapters
6 and 8, these mechanisms also enable microbes to resist the effector mechanisms of cell-
mediated and humoral immunity, the two arms of adaptive immunity
Many pathogenic microbes have evolved mechanisms to resist cell-mediated immunity. These
mechanisms include inhibiting phagolysosome fusion, escaping from the vesicles of phagocytes,
inhibiting the assembly of class I MHC–peptide complexes, and producing inhibitory cytokines or
decoy cytokine receptors.
EVASION OF HUMORAL IMMUNITY BY MICROBES: Microbes have evolved numerous
mechanisms to evade humoral immunity (Fig. 8–12). Many bacteria and viruses mutate their
antigenic surface molecules so that they can no longer be recognized by antibodies produced in
response to previous infections. Antigenic variation typically is seen in viruses, such as influenza
virus, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and rhinovirus.
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan molekul MHC? Ada berapa macam molekul MHC ?
2. Apa kepentingan dari molekul MHC dalam sistem imun?
3. Apa perbedaan antigen yang diikat oleh MHC klas I dan klas II?
4. Sel-sel apa saja yang mengekspresikan molekul MHC?
5. Bagaimana peran molekul MHC dalam seleksi klonal ?
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan molekul MHC? Ada berapa macam molekul MHC ?
MHC molecules are membrane proteins on APCs that display peptide antigens for recognition by
T lymphocytes. We now know that the physiologic role of MHC molecules is to display peptides
derived from microbial protein antigens to antigen-specific T lymphocytes as a first step in
protective T cell–mediated immune responses to microbes.
class I MHC molecule consists of an α chain nonÂ� covalently associated with a protein called
β2-microglobulin that is encoded by a gene outside the MHC.
o Therefore, CD8+ T cells can only respond to peptides displayed by class I MHC
molecules, the MHC molecules to which the CD8 coreceptor binds.
class II MHC molecule consists of two chains, called α and β. The amino-terminal regions of both
chains, called the α1 and β1 domains, contain polymorphic residues and form a cleft that is large
enough to accommodate peptides of 10 to 30 residues.
o CD4+ T cells can only respond to peptides presented by class II MHC molecules.
Class I molecules are expressed on all nucleated cells, but class II molecules are expressed mainly
on dendritic cells, macrophages, and B lymphocytes.
3. Apa perbedaan antigen yang diikat oleh MHC klas I dan klas II?
Extracellular proteins that are internalized by specialized APCs (dendritic cells,
macrophages, B cells) are processed in endocytic vesicles and displayed by class II MHC
molecules, whereas proteins in the cytosol of any nucleated cell are processed by
cytoplasmic organelles and displayed by class I MHC molecules.
Source of protein antigens:
o Class II MHC Endosomal/lysosomal proteins (mostly internalized from
extracellular environment.
o Class I MHC Cytosolic proteins (mostly synthesized in the cell; may enter
cytosol from phagosomes
4. Sel-sel apa saja yang mengekspresikan molekul MHC?
MHC clas II Dendritic cells, mononuclear phagocytes, B lymphocytes; endothelial cells, thymic
MHC Clas I All nucleated cells
1. Apa perbedaan tipe antigen yang dikenali oleh antibodI dan TCR?
2. Apa yang dimaksud dengan trimolekuler kompleks?
3. Molekul asesori (costimulator) apa saja yang diperlukan untuk aktivasi limfosit T
4. Organ apa yang terlibat dalam maturasi limfosit T dan limfosit B?
5. Apa yang dimaksud dengan fenomena seleksi positif dan seleksi negatif dalam proses
maturasi limfosit ?
6. Apa kepentingan dari fenomena tersebut?
1. Apa perbedaan tipe antigen yang dikenali oleh antibodI dan TCR?
The T cell receptor (TCR) recognizes some residues of peptide antigen and
simultaneously also recognizes residues of the MHC molecule that is displaying that
The plasma membrane antibodies that function as antigen receptors of B lymphocytes
can recognize a much broader range of chemical structures than the antigen receptors
of T cells
Membranebound antibodies on B cells recognize antigens to initiate the responses, and
secreted antibodies neutralize and eliminate microbes and their toxins in the effector
phase of humoral immunity. In cell-mediated immunity, the effector function of
microbe elimination is performed by T lymphocytes themselves and by other leukocytes
responding to the T cells. The antigen receptors of T cells are involved only in antigen
recognition and T cell activation, and these proteins are not secreted and do not
mediate effector functions
Antibodies can bind many different types of chemical structures, often with high
affinities, which is why antibodies can bind to and neutralize many different microbes
and toxins that may be present at low concentrations in the circulation. TCRs only
recognize peptide- MHC complexes and bind these with relatively low affinity, which
may be why the binding of T cells to APCs has to be strengthened by additional cell
surface adhesion molecules
3. Molekul asesori (costimulator) apa saja yang diperlukan untuk aktivasi limfosit T
The best-defined costimulators for T cells are two related proteins called B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2
(CD86), both of which are expressed on APCs and whose expression is increased when the APCs
encounter microbes. These B7 proteins are recognized by a receptor called CD28, which is
expressed on virtually all T cells. The binding of CD28 on T cells to B7 on the APCs generates
signals in the T cells that work together with signals generated by TCR recognition of antigen
presented by MHC proteins on the same APCs. CD28-mediated signaling is essential for the
responses of naive T cells; in the absence of CD28-B7 interactions, antigen recognition by the
TCR is insufficient for T cell activation. The requirement for costimulation ensures that naïve T
lymphocytes are activated fully by microbial antigens, and not by harmless foreign substances
(or by self antigens), because, as stated previously, microbes stimulate the expression of B7
costimulators on APCs.
Another set of molecules that participate in T cell responses are CD40 ligand (CD40L, or CD154)
on activated T cells and CD40 on APCs. These molecules do not directly enhance T cell activation.
Instead, CD40L expressed on an antigen-stimulated T cell binds to CD40 on APCs and activates
the APCs to express more B7 costim� ulators and to secrete cytokines (e.g., IL-12) that
enhance T cell differentiation. Thus, the CD40L-CD40 interaction promotes T cell activation by
making APCs better at stimulating T cells.
5. Apa yang dimaksud dengan fenomena seleksi positif dan seleksi negatif dalam proses
maturasi limfosit ?
Different clones of double-positive T cells express different αβ TCRs. If the TCR of a T cell
recognizes an MHC molecule in the thymus, which must be a self MHC molecule displaying a self
peptide, and if the interaction is of low or moderate affinity, this T cell is selected to survive. T
cells that do not recognize an MHC molecule in the thymus die by apoptosis; these T cells would
not be useful because they would be incapable of seeing MHC-displayed cellassociated antigens
in that individual. This preservation of self MHC–restricted (i.e., useful) T cells is the process of
positive selection.
During this process, T cells whose TCRs recognize class I MHC–peptide complexes preserve the
expression of CD8, the coreceptor that binds to class I MHC, and lose expression of CD4, the
coreceptor specific for class II MHC molecules. Conversely, if a T cell recognizes class II MHC–
peptide complexes, this cell maintains expression of CD4 and loses expression of CD8. Thus, what
emerges are single-positive T cells (or singlepositive thymocytes), which are either CD8+ class I
MHC restricted or CD4+ class II MHC restricted.
Immature, double-positive T cells whose receptors strongly recognize MHC-peptide complexes in
the thymus undergo apoptosis. This is the process of negative selection, and it serves to eliminate
T lymphocytes that could react in a harmful way against self proteins that are expressed in the
6. Apa kepentingan dari fenomena tersebut?
if the antigen receptor of a T cell recognizes a self MHC–self peptide complex with low avidity,
the result is positive selection, whereas high-avidity recognition leads to negative selection. High-
avidity recognition occurs if the T cell expresses a TCR that has a high affinity for that self peptide,
and if the self peptide is present in the thymus at a higher concentration than positively selecting
peptides. If such a T cell were allowed to mature, antigen recognition could lead to harmful
immune responses against the self antigen, so the T cell must be eliminated
4. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Tumor Nekrosis Faktor, diproduksi oleh sel apa dan jelaskan
biologic action nya
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF), interleukin-1 (IL-1), and chemokines (chemoattractant
cytokines) are the principal cytokines involved in recruiting blood neutrophils and
monocytes to sites of infection (described later). TNF and IL-1 also have systemic affects,
including inducing fever by acting on the hypothalmus
At high concentrations, TNF promotes thrombus formation on the endo� thelium and
reduces blood pressure by a combination of reduced myocardial contractility and
vascular dilation and leakiness. Severe, disseminated bacterial infections sometimes lead
to a potentially lethal clinical syndrome called septic shock, which is characterized by
low blood pressure (the defining feature of shock), disseminated intravascular
coagulation, and metabolic disturbances. The early clinical and pathologic
manifestations of septic shock are caused by high levels of TNF, which is produced in
response to the bacteria
5. Apa yang dimaksud dengan interferon, diproduksi oleh sel apa dan apa fungsinya?
IFN-γ, whose function as a macrophage-activating cytokine was also described earlier. Because
IFN-γ is produced by T cells as well, it is considered a cytokine of both innate immunity and
adaptive immunity. In viral infections, a subset of dendritic cells, and, to a lesser extent, other
infected cells, produce type I IFNs, which inhibit viral replication and prevent spread of the
infection to uninfected cells.
Type I interferons induce resistance to viral infection and replication, called an antiviral state.
Type I IFNs, which include several forms of IFN-α and one IFN-β, are secreted by many cell types
infected by viruses. A major source of these cytokines is a type of dendritic cell called the
plasmacytoid dendritic cell (see Chapter 3). When type I IFNs secreted from dendritic cells or
other infected cells bind to the IFN receptor on adjacent uninfected cells, signaling pathways are
activated that inhibit viral replication and destroy viral genomes (Fig. 2–18). This action is the
basis for the use of IFN-α to treat some forms of chronic viral hepatitis.
Virus-infected cells may be destroyed by NK cells, as described earlier. Type I IFNs enhance the
ability of NK cells to kill infected cells. In addition, part of the innate response to viral infections
includes enhanced apoptosis of infected cells. Death of the infected cells eliminates the reservoir
of infection.
6. Jelaskan tentang Septic Shock Syndrome dan sitokin apa yang terlibat ?
Septic shock╇ Severe complication of bacterial infections that spread to the
bloodstream (sepsis), and is characterized by vascular collapse, disseminated
intravascular coagulation, and metabolic disturbances. This syndrome is due to the
effects of bacterial cell wall components, such as LPS or peptidoglycan, which bind to
TLRs on various cell types and induce expression of inflammatory cytokines, including
TNF and IL-12.
syndrome called septic shock, which is characterized by low blood pressure (the defining
feature of shock), disseminated intravascular coagulation, and metabolic disturbances.
The early clinical and pathologic manifestations of septic shock are caused by high levels
of TNF, which is produced in response to the bacteria
2. Sebutkan klas antibodi dan apa fungsi khusus dari masing masing antibodi tersebut
3. Bagaimana cara efektor imunitas humoral (antibody) mengeliminasi antigen
Antibodies bind to and block, or neutralize, the infectivity of microbes and the
interactions of microbial toxins with host cells (Fig. 8–3). Most microbes use
molecules in their envelopes or cell walls to bind to and gain entry into host cells.
Antibodies may attach to these microbial surface molecules, thereby preventing the
microbes from infecting the host. Antibodies can neutralize the microbes during
their transit from cell to cell and thus limit the spread of infection.
Antibodies coat microbes and promote their ingestion by phagocytes (Fig. 8–4). The
process of coating particles for subsequent phagocytosis is called opsonization, and
the molecules that coat microbes and enhance their phagocytosis are called
opsonins. When several antibody molecules bind to a microbe, an array of Fc regions
is formed projecting away from the microbial surface. which can expressed on
neutrophils and macrophages. The phagocyte extends its plasma membrane around
the attached microbe and ingests the microbe into a vesicle.
leukocytes may bind to antibody-coated cells and destroy these cells (Fig. 8–5). NK
cells express an Fcγ receptor called FcγRIII (CD16), which is one of several kinds of
NK cell– activating receptors (see Chapter 2). FcγRIII binds to arrays of IgG antibodies
attached to the surface of a cell, generating signals that cause the NK cell to
discharge its granule proteins, which kill the opsonized cell. Cells infected with
enveloped viruses typically express viral glycoproteins on their surface that can be
recognized by specific antibodies and this may facilitate ADCCmediated destruction
of the infected cells.
Immunoglobulin E antibodies activate mast cell and eosinophil–mediated reactions
that provide defense against helminthic parasites and are involved in allergic
diseases. The humoral immune response to helminths is dominated by IgE
antibodies. The IgE antibody binds to the worms and promotes the attachment of
eosinophils through the high-affinity Fc receptor for IgE, FcεRI, expressed on
eosinophils and mast cells. Engagement of FcεRI, together with the cytokine
interleukin-5 (IL-5) produced by TH2 helper T cells reacting against the helminths,
leads to activation of the eosinophils, which release their granule contents, including
proteins that can kill the worms (Fig. 8–6). IgE antibodies may also bind to and
activate mast cells, which secrete cytokines, including chemokines, that attract more
leukocytes that function to destroy the helminthes.
The late steps of complement activation are initiated by the binding of C5 to the C5
convertase and subsequent proteolysis of C5, generating C5b (Fig. 8–8). The
remaining components, C6, C7, C8, and C9, bind sequentially to a complex nucleated
by C5b. The final protein in the pathway, C9, polymerizes to form a pore in the cell
membrane through which water and ions can enter, causing death of the microbe.
This poly-C9 is the key component of the membrane attack complex (MAC), and its
formation is the end result of complement activation.
Mucosal Immunity: Immunoglobulin A is produced in mucosal lymphoid tissues,
transported across epithelia, and binds to and neutralizes microbes in the lumens of
the mucosal organs (Fig. 8–11). Microbes often are inhaled or ingested, and
antibodies that are secreted into the lumens of the respiratory or gastrointestinal
tract bind to these microbes and prevent them from colonizing the host.
Neonatal Immunity : Maternal antibodies are actively transported across the
placenta to the fetus and across the gut epithelium of neonates, protecting the
newborn from infections. During pregnancy, some classes of maternal IgG bind to
FcRn expressed in the placenta, and the IgG is actively transported into the fetal
circulation. After birth, neonates ingest maternal antibodies in their mothers’
colostrum and milk. Ingested IgA antibodies provide mucosal immune protection to
the neonate. The neonate’s intestinal epithelial cells also express FcRn, which binds
ingested IgG antibody and carries it across the epithelium. Thus, neonates acquire
the IgG antibody profiles of their mothers and are protected from infectious
microbes to which the mothers were exposed or vaccinated.
4. Jelaskan bagaimana mekanisme mikroba ekstraselluler dapat menghindar dari mekanisme
efektor humoral?
Microbes have evolved numerous mechanisms to evade humoral immunity (Fig. 8–
12). Many bacteria and viruses mutate their antigenic surface molecules so that they
can no longer be recognized by antibodies produced in response to previous
infections. Antigenic variation typically is seen in viruses, such as influenza virus,
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and rhinovirus. There are so many variants of
the major antigenic surface glycoprotein of HIV, called gp120, that antibodies
against one HIV isolate may not protect against other HIV isolates. This is one reason
why gp120 vaccines are not effective in protecting people from HIV infection.
Bacteria such as Escherichia coli vary the antigens contained in their pili and thus
evade antibodymediated defense. The trypanosome parasite, which causes sleeping
sickness, expresses new surface glycoproteins whenever it encounters antibodies
against the original glycoprotein. As a result, infection with this protozoan parasite is
characterized by waves of parasitemia, each wave consisting of an antigenically new
parasite that is not recognized by antibodies produced against the parasites in the
preceding wave. Other microbes inhibit complement activation or resist
The complement system is a collection of circulating and membrane-associated proteins that are
important in defense against microbes. Many complement proteins are proteolytic enzymes,and
complement activation involves the se� quential activation of these enzymes, sometimes called
an enzymatic cascade.
The term complement refers to the ability of these proteins to assist, or complement,
the antimicrobial activity of antibodies. The complement system may be activated by
microbes in the absence of antibody, as part of the innate immune response to
infection, and by antibodies attached to microbes, as part of adaptive immunity
The complement system serves three functions in host defense. First, C3b coats
microbes and promotes the binding of these microbes to phagocytes, by virtue of
receptors for C3b that are expressed on the phagocytes. Thus, microbes that are coated
with complement proteins are rapidly ingested and destroyed by phagocytes. This
process of coating a microbe with molecules that are recognized by receptors on
phagocytes is called opsonization. Second, some proteolytic fragments of complement
proteins, especially C5a and C3a, are chemoattractants for leukocytes (mainly
neutrophils and monocytes), so they promote leukocyte recruitment (inflammation) at
the site of complement activation. Third, complement activation culminates in the
formation of a polymeric protein complex that inserts into the microbial cell membrane,
disturbing the permeability barrier and causing either osmotic lysis or apoptosis of the
microbe. A more detailed discussion of the activation and functions of complement is
presented in Chapter 8, where we consider the effector mechanisms of humoral