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Demonstrate Understanding of Guidelines and Principles in Exercise Program Design To Achieved Personal Fitness

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School Grade Level

Teacher Learning Area

Teaching Dates and February , 2019 7: 30-8:00 PM 1

Time Quarter

Demonstrate understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieved personal fitness.
A. Content Standards

B. Performance Standards The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical activity participation of the community and society.
Practice healthy eating habits that support an active lifestyle.


Specific Objectives:
1. Describe the meaning and importance of managing and weights;
C. Learning Competencies / 2. Understand the risk factors for lifestyle disease ( obesity, diabetes, heart desease);
Objectives 3. Determines physical and phycological syns and symptoms that calls for lifestyle and weight management;
4. Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessment.
5. Engages in moderate or vigorous physical activities.
6. Applies correct techniques ti minimize risk and injuries;
7. Expresses a sence of purpose and belongingness by participating in physical activity-related community service and programs;
8. Advocates society’s effort to increase partipation in physical activities and improve nutrition practices;

Write the LC Code for each

A. References
1. Teacher's Guide pages
2. Learner's Materials Pages 177-189
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal https://festivals
B. Other Learning Resources Power point Presentation, speaker, pictures, strips, manila paper, video clip, and board work


Possible Answer
Teacher asks somebody to lead the prayer.
Checking of attendance.
Teacher will check student’s learning of the previous lesson
Character Plot Point of Setting & Conflict Theme
through a board activity. View Atmosph
Activity: ere
 Teacher will ask students to recall the different dance.
A. Reviewing previous lesson  Allow students to check their work movements. Protagonist Resolution, First person Place, Internal Dramatic
or presenting the new lesson Antagonist Rising action, Second time, (man vs. issue,
Okay, since you understand well our lesson, we will have Static, flat, climax, falling person, third physical self), moral,
another topic which is dance and festivals. round, etc. action, person- environme External insight,
Denouement limited nt, ( Man vs. symbols
Omniscient sociologic man, man
So, let’s find out what will be the things you need to achieve al vs. nature,
with our lesson this day. environme man vs.
nt, society,
Psycholog man vs.
ical nature)
And now, these are the objectives you need to achieve for the
At the end of the session, you are expected to: CAMIGUIN
1. Define what is plot Diagram;
2. Identify the elements of drama; and
3. Discuss important details of the elements of drama; and
4. Present a short presentation containing the elements of
To start with, let’s have our first activity.
B. Establishing a
purpose for the lesson
Teacher will post pictures of different festivals and let students
identify the pictures and match the different place on where
each festivals is known and the year when it started. 4TH Started at 3RD 3RD 3RD WEEK
Questions: JANUARY
(Across Curriculum 1. What place does each flag represent?
and Literacy and 2. Do you have any idea about the culture/tradition/belief
Numeracy) of these place / tradition? 1. Iloilo, Bocolod, Cebu, Kalibo, and Camiguin. (Answers may
3. What is common among the pictures? interchange)
4. Can you tell if what is 2. Answer may vary.
lansones,festivals. 3. They have costume and props/they perform on stage like acting and
5. Based on the given dates, how long does festivals exist dancing.
in the world? 4. Answer vary

After knowing about the different performing arts of the given 5. Answer vary.
places, let me check if how far you know about festivals.
Teacher will present a Video about a JIMANBAN FESTIVAL
C. Presenting examples/ Questions: Possible Answer:
instances of the new 1. What is the video all about?
lesson (Elicit) 1. Thevideo is about reenactment of himanban festival.
2. What type of literary genre is this?
2. Drama
3. Based on the given presentation, what is festival?
3. Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance: a
(Literacy) play, opera, etc, performed in a theatre, or on radio or television.
Since you have already idea about festival, let us check if you
know its importance.
Now, let’s proceed to the discussion. Possible answer:
D. Discussing new 1. Characters, Plot, Setting, and Dialogue, etc.
1. Based on the given video, what are the festival being
concepts and practicing mentioned?
new skills #1 (Engage) 2. Answers vary.
2. Give the functions of each festival? 3. Answers vary.
3. Do festival of dance also affect physical exercises and
activity participation of fitness?
At this moment, let us find out some of the functions of the
festival dance.
Group Activity ( 3 minutes)

This time, I will group you according to your preference.

(Students will discuss the functions of each efestival.)
Bacolod Answers vary
E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing
new skills #2 (Explore)
Camiguin Island
(Teacher will give inputs if necessary)

So this time, let’s check your full understanding of the festival

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Practice:
Assessment 3) (Explain)  Let students identify the following word/ group of Answers:
words/sentences if what festival dance it represent.
(Values Integration) and
Literacy 1. Movie House 1. Setting
2. Don Clavio’s greediness is his problem for being rude to 2. Conflict ( man vs. himself)
his people. 3. Character
3. Pepito 4. Dialogue
4. “You’re nothing but a second rate, trying hard copycat!” 5. Plot
5. Karlo runs as fast as he could to catch the person who
took his cell phone.
Questions: 1. A movie house is a place where person goes to watch movies.
1. ?
2. Greediness is having or showing a selfish desire to have or more of
2. What is greediness? Is it good or bad? Why? something. Yes, this is bad because such greedy person don’t have
satisfaction nor happiness in life.
3. Answers vary.
3. Do you know a person named Pepito? Can you share
something about this person? 4. Answers vary.
4. What does the line “You’re nothing but a second rate,
trying hard copycat!” mean? 5.Rising Action
5. Sentence number 5 refers to plot. In a story, what part
of the plot this belongs?

G. Finding practical Question:

applications of concepts
and skills in daily living What is the importance of festival dance to your daily activity? Answers vary.
Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance: a play,
H. Making opera, mime, ballet, etc, performed in a theatre, or on radio or television.
To sum up our lesson, what is festival?
generalizations and The elements of drama are the characters, plot, setting, dialogue, and
What are the elements of a dance?
abstractions about the theme.

Differentiated Tasks For the Rubrics, see attached sheet.

Students will be given a situation and they will present/express
I.Evaluating learning it through the skill they have chosen.
(Evaluate) Situation: Two lovers who love each other but decided to end
their relationship because of their dreams to be prioritized.
Group 1: Actors
(Differentiated Group 2: Dancers
Activity) Group 3: Singers
Let each group rate and give critic with the performance of
other groups following the rubrics. Teacher will also give her
rating and critic.
What are the different kinds of drama?
J. Additional Activities
What are some of the technique and devices used in a drama?
for application or
remediation (Extend)


A. No. of learners who earned
80% on the formative assessment
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/ discover
which I wish to share with other

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