DLP Mapeh
DLP Mapeh
DLP Mapeh
C. Presenting Examples/ Understanding that the thing you do Enumerate elements from Beryllium Understand that when FUSION Enumerate heavy elements from Co
instances of the new lesson on daily basis contribute a lot to to Iron and ask students how do they happens, a very large of energy will to Uranium.
your health. think were these elements created? be released.
D. Discussing new concepts and Teacher presents information on Teacher presents information on Show processes of Nuclear Present what happens when a star
practicing new skills #1 1. I engage in physical activities for 1. Stellar Nucleosynthesis which Reactions: dies (supernova) and how elements
atleast 30 minutes several days a started from 380,000 yrs after big 1. Fusion Reaction heavier that Iron are created
week. bang. 2. Fission Reaction (Supernova Nucleosynthesis)
2. Determine physical sign of 2. Life cycle of stars
symptoms that calls for lifestyle and
weight management.
E. Discussing new concepts and 1. Discuss how protons and neutrons 1. Describe how stars form elements Understand that in a fusion or fission Show how new stars and planets are
practicing new skills #2 are made up of down quarks and up Be until Iron. reaction, Law of Conservation of created in a nebula?
quarks. Mass should be applied where loss
2. Show why proton is positively of mass in the product accounts to
charged and neutron is negatively the energy released in the form of
charged. photons.
3. Explain how Protons fused
together because of heat and If protons which are matter can
pressure. create so much energy, explain also
that antimatter can also create so
much energy.
F. Developing mastery 1. Explain Big Bang Nucleosynthesis 1. Explain Stellar Nucleosynthesis 1. Write fusion equations: 1. Explain Stellar Nucleosynthesis
(Leads to Formative Assessment 2. Enumerate the different types of 2. Enumerate the elements formed 2. Enumerate the elements formed
3) quarks and leptons. by stars. during the supernova.
G. Finding practical applications Energy released by fusion and fission What are the used of elements
of concepts and skills in daily can be used if harnessed safely and heavier than atom in our daily life?
living efficiently.
H. Making generalizations and What would the universe be now if How did the irons formed in the What would happen to society if the Will there be more elements that
abstractions about the lesson quarks did not fuse to create protons cores of stars end up in our blood? source of energy used to generate can be created in the universe
and neutrons. electricity will come from the energy millions of years from now?
released by fusion and fission.
I. Evaluating learning Quiz