Health Psychology A Textbook, 4th Edition PDF
Health Psychology A Textbook, 4th Edition PDF
Health Psychology A Textbook, 4th Edition PDF
Fourth Edition
“This fourth edition incorporates a number of substantive
Health Psychology
Health Psychology
new topics, including a new chapter on women's health, as
well as opportunities for the reader to critically examine key
conceptual and methodological issues within each chapter.
It remains clearly written and highly accessible and still deserves
a textbook
its place as the number one choice of health psychology
textbook.” – John Weinman, King’s College, London Fourth Edition
The market leading textbook in the field, Health Psychology by Jane Ogden,
is essential reading for all students and researchers of health psychology.
It is also invaluable to students of medicine, nursing and allied health.
Retaining the breadth of coverage, clarity and relevance that has made it a
favourite with students and lecturers, this fourth edition has been thoroughly
revised and updated.
a textbook
New Features:
• New chapter on women's health issues, exploring recent research into
pregnancy, miscarriage, birth, menopause and related areas
• New “Some problems with…” boxes analyse health psychology research
and identify the shortcomings and limitations of research in the area
• Updated “Focus on Research” examples introduce contemporary topics
Fourth Edition
and emerging areas for research in health psychology, including exercise,
smoking and pain
• The new edition includes new data, graphs and further reading plus
suggestions about where you can access the most recent publications
and other data
• Revised end-of-chapter review questions for independent study and revision
Online Learning Centre:
The OLC hosts web links and multiple choice questions for students, plus
supporting teaching resources for lecturers.
Interested in accessing more research readings? Essential Readings
Jane Ogden
in Health Psychology by Jane Ogden is a new collection of key papers
brought together for the first time in one volume which complements Health
Psychology: a textbook and offers more detailed accounts of the issues
covered in this text.
Jane Ogden is Professor in Health Psychology at the University of Surrey,
UK. Her research explores aspects of health including obesity and eating
behaviour, communication in the consultation and women's health issues.
Jane Ogden
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Health Psychology
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Health Psychology
A Textbook
Jane Ogden
world wide web:
All rights reserved. Except for the quotation of short passages for the purposes of criticism and review, no
part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written
permission of the publisher or a licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency Limited. Details of such
licences (for reprographic reproduction) may be obtained from the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd of
Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby Street, London, EC1N 8TS.
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What is the second disease concept? 102 Some problems with . . . exercise
Problems with a disease model of research 159
addiction 103 Why exercise? 159
What is the social learning Focus on research 7.1: Testing a
perspective? 104 theory – exercise and mood 163
Some problems with . . . smoking and What factors predict exercise? 164
alcohol research 106 Focus on research 7.2: Testing a
The stages of substance use 106 theory – predicting exercise 169
Stages 1 and 2: Initiating and Exercise relapse 170
maintaining an addictive behaviour 107 To conclude 171
Stage 3: The cessation of an addictive Questions 171
behaviour 109 For discussion 171
Focus on research 5.1: Testing a Assumptions in health psychology 171
theory – stages of smoking cessation 111 Further reading 172
Interventions to promote cessation 112
8 Sex 173
Focus on research 5.2: Putting theory
Chapter overview 173
into practice – worksite smoking ban 118
Developing the contemporary
Stage 4: Relapse in smoking and
research perspectives on sex 173
drinking 120
Some problems with . . . sex research 182
A cross-addictive behaviour
Sex as a risk in the context of
perspective 122
STDs/HIV and AIDS 182
To conclude 125
Focus on research 8.1: Testing a
Questions 125
theory – the situation and
For discussion 125
condom use 189
Assumptions in health psychology 126
The broader social context 191
Further reading 126
To conclude 196
6 Eating behaviour 127 Questions 196
Chapter overview 127 For discussion 196
What is a healthy diet? 127 Assumptions in health psychology 197
How does diet affect health? 129 Further reading 197
Who eats a healthy diet? 129 9 Screening 199
Developmental models of eating Chapter overview 199
behaviour 130 What is screening? 199
Cognitive models of eating behaviour 137 The history of the screening ethos 200
Some problems with . . . eating Screening as a useful tool 201
research 140 Guidelines for screening 202
A weight concern model of eating Psychological predictors of the
behaviour 140 uptake of screening 202
The causes of body dissatisfaction 141 Some problems with . . . screening
Social factors 141 research 203
Psychological factors 143 Focus on research 9.1: Testing a
Dieting 145 theory – predicting screening 206
Focus on research 6.1: Testing a Screening as problematic 208
theory – overeating as a rebellion 153 To conclude 218
To conclude 156 Questions 218
Questions 156 For discussion 218
For discussion 156 Assumptions in health psychology 218
Further reading 156 Further reading 219
7 Exercise 157 10 Stress 221
Chapter overview 157 Chapter overview 221
Developing the contemporary What is stress? 221
concern with exercise behaviour 157 The development of stress models 222
What is exercise? 158 A role for psychological factors in
Who exercises? 158 stress 225
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1.1 The biopsychosocial model of health and illness 4
1.2 Psychology and health: direct and indirect pathways 5
2.1 Decline in mortality from tuberculosis 15
2.2 The effect of smoking on increase in expectation of life: males, 1838–1970 16
2.3 Basics of the health belief model 24
2.4 Basics of the protection motivation theory 27
2.5 Basics of the theory of reasoned action 30
2.6 Basics of the theory of planned behaviour 31
2.7 The health action process approach 32
3.1 Leventhal’s self-regulatory model of illness behaviour 53
3.2 Coping with the crisis of illness 62
4.1 Ley’s model of compliance 74
4.2 A simplified model of problem solving 83
4.3 Diagnosis as a form of problem solving 84
5.1 Changes in smoking, 1974–2004 96
5.2 Current smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers by sex, 1972–92 97
5.3 Adults drinking more than the recommended guidelines on at least one day last
week, by age and sex, 2004 (GB) 97
5.4 Deaths attributable to smoking 98
5.5 Alcohol-related deaths in the UK since 1991 99
5.6 The stages of substance use 106
5.7 Relapse curves for individuals treated for heroin, smoking and alcohol addiction 120
5.8 The relapse process 121
5.9 Relapse prevention intervention strategies 122
6.1 The balance of good health 128
6.2 A developmental, cognitive and weight concern model of eating behaviour 130
6.3 Social eating 132
6.4 Measuring body dissatisfaction 141
6.5 Overeating in dieters in the laboratory 146
6.6 A boundary model explanation of overeating in dieters 148
6.7 A comparison of the boundaries for different types of eaters 148
6.8 The ‘what the hell’ effect as a form of relapse 151
6.9 From dieting to overeating 152
7.1 Participation in sport in the past 12 months (2003) 159
7.2 Mortality and fitness levels in individuals with a BMI > 25.4 161
8.1 Percentage using no contraception at first intercourse, by age at first intercourse 177
8.2 Contraception use at first intercourse in those aged 16–24 177
8.3 Changes in the use of condoms as the usual method of contraception by age,
1983–91 184
9.1 Costs per potential cancer prevented for different screening policies 212
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3.1 Adaptive tasks 63
3.2 Coping tasks 64
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List of abbreviations
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■ A new feature called ‘Some problems with . . .’ This is a short box that appears in each
chapter, asking students to consider some of the issues surrounding research in a particular
area of health psychology. For example, Chapter 2 considers some problems with health
beliefs research. In this case, how do we know that asking people about health beliefs
doesn’t change the way they think? Is it possible that beliefs that predict and explain
behaviour are different to those that change behaviour? And so on. The aim of including
these examples is to encourage students to develop an awareness of some common pitfalls
of research in health psychology and to engage them in challenging, evaluating and
analysing the integrity of their own research and those of other academics in the field.
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■ New research focus examples. There is some exciting new research under way in health
psychology and it is important that students are exposed to new studies and understand
that health psychology is a dynamic discipline. Some examples of the new research excerpts
include a study to explore the role of coherence in promoting the intentions to quit
smoking (2004) in Chapter 3, using the theory of planned behaviour to predict exercise
(2005) in Chapter 7, and an abstract about how people experience chronic benign back
pain (Smith 2007). There are many other new examples interspersed within the book.
■ New data, references, further reading and review questions. Finally, as you would expect
from a new revision, there is a full update throughout, including new data and figures
where appropriate, updated Further Reading sections at the end of each chapter featuring
new and recent publications, a comprehensively updated List of References at the end of
the text, and new questions at the end of chapters for use either in class as discussion
points or as an aid to student learning.
■ An Online Learning Centre website accompanies this edition with useful materials for stu-
dents of health psychology and their lecturers, including Powerpoint presentations,
artwork and more.
For more information about the new edition’s features, see the Guided Tour on pages xix–xxi,
which leads you through the textbook chapters from introduction to chapter conclusion and
addictive behaviours and the factors that predict smoking and alcohol consumption. Chapter 6
examines theories of eating behaviour drawing upon developmental models, cognitive theories
and the role of weight concern. Chapter 7 describes the literature on exercise behaviour both in
terms of its initiation and methods to encourage individuals to continue exercising. Chapter 8
examines sexual behaviour and the factors that predict self-protective behaviour both in terms
of pregnancy avoidance and in the context of HIV. Chapter 9 examines screening as a health
behaviour and assesses the psychological factors that relate to whether or not someone attends
for a health check and the psychological consequences of screening programmes.
Health psychology also focuses on the direct pathway between psychology and health and
this is the focus for the second half of the book. Chapter 10 examines research on stress in terms
of its definition and measurement and Chapter 11 assesses the links between stress and illness
via changes in both physiology and behaviour and the role of moderating variables. Chapter 12
focuses on pain and evaluates the psychological factors in exacerbating pain perception and
explores how psychological interventions can be used to reduce pain and encourage pain
acceptance. Chapter 13 specifically examines the interrelationships between beliefs, behaviour
and health using the example of placebo effects. Chapters 14 and 15 further illustrate this inter-
relationship in the context of illness, focusing on HIV and cancer (Chapter 14) and obesity and
coronary heart disease (Chapter 15). Chapter 16 examines women’s health issues and the role of
psychology in understanding women’s experiences of miscarriage, termination, pregnancy,
birth and the menopause, and highlights how the mode of treatment of intervention can affect
these experiences. Chapter 17 explores the problems with measuring health status and the issues
surrounding the measurement of quality of life.
Finally, Chapter 18 examines some of the assumptions within health psychology that are
described throughout the book.
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Jane Ogden has also produced a new text, a reader in health psychology, containing 29 papers
that employ different theories and methods and offer a more in-depth approach to the discip-
line. Covering the breadth of topics dealt with in this textbook, the reader aims to provide a
range of good case examples of health psychology work. By reading them, students of psychol-
ogy should gain a greater insight into what health psychology research can (and cannot)
achieve. Throughout, the papers are framed by editorial discussions of their context,
meaning and contribution to Health Psychology as a whole.
This textbook has provided the structure for choosing the papers in the reader. The papers have
been grouped into five parts, covering the context of health psychology, health behaviours,
health care, stress and health, and chronic illness. The reader can therefore be used as an
adjunct to this textbook to provide more detail than that covered in a more general introduc-
tory text such as this one. In fact some of the papers selected for the reader are referenced in the
textbook in brief in the Focus on Research boxes.
However, the structure of the reader also follows the key areas highlighted by the British
Psychological Society as central to health psychology and as such would be an ideal resource for
any undergraduate or postgraduate course, presenting good examples of key theories, models
and methods. It could also provide the starting point for a reading list to accompany an under-
graduate or postgraduate course or the papers could be used to focus a seminar discussion or a
journal club. In addition, the papers are published in their entirety, including their reference
lists, so they can be used to develop reading lists and recommend further reading. Below is the
list of papers in Essential Readings in Health Psychology:
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Armitage, C.J. (2005) Can the Theory of Planned Behaviour predict the maintenance of phys-
ical activity? Health Psychology, 24(3): 235–45.
Murgraff, V., White, D. and Phillips, K. (1999) An application of protection motivation theory
to riskier single occasion drinking, Psychology and Health, 14: 339–50.
DiClemente, C.C., Prochaska, J.O., Fairhurst, S.K. et al. (1991) The process of smoking cessa-
tion: an analysis of precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages of change,
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 59: 295–304.
Wardle, J. and Beales, S. (1988) Control and loss of control over eating: an experimental inves-
tigation, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 97: 35–40.
Woodcock, A., Stenner, K. and Ingham, R. (1992) Young people talking about HIV and AIDS:
Interpretations of personal risk of infection, Health Education Research: Theory and Practice,
7: 229–34.
Aiken, L.S., West, S.G., Woodward, C.K., Reno, R.R. and Reynolds, K.D. (1994) Increasing
screening mammography in asymptomatic women: evaluation of a second generation,
theory based program, Health Psychology, 13: 526–38.
Gollwitzer, P.M. and Sheeran, P. (2006) Implementation intentions and goal achievement: a
meta-analysis of effects and processes, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 38: 69–119.
If you wish to use the reader as a supplementary text alongside this textbook, we have provided
a list of chapters of Health Psychology 4th Edition alongside the related papers from the reader.
Please note that many of the 29 papers appear below more than once because they can be used
with several chapters of the textbook:
Chapter 2 Health beliefs Aiken, L.S., West, S.G., Woodward, C.K., Reno, R.R. and
Reynolds, K.D. (1994)
Armitage, C.J. (2005)
DiClemente, C.C., Prochaska, J.O., Fairhurst, S.K. et al. (1991)
Gollwitzer, P.M. and Sheeran, P. (2006)
Kaplan, R.M. (1990)
Mokdad, A.H., Marks, J.S., Stroup, D.F. and Gerberding, J.L. (2004)
Murgraff, V., White, D. and Phillips, K. (1999)
Ogden, J. (2003)
Simpson S.H. et al. (2006)
Sutton, S. (1998)
Wardle, J. and Beales, S. (1988)
West, R. (2005)
Woodcock, A., Stenner, K. and Ingham, R. (1992)
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Chapter 5 Smoking and alcohol DiClemente, C.C., Prochaska, J.O., Fairhurst, S.K. et al. (1991)
use Murgraff, V., White, D. and Phillips, K. (1999)
Ogden, J. (2003)
Sutton, S. (1998)
West, R. (2005)
Chapter 9 Screening Aiken, L.S., West, S.G., Woodward, C.K., Reno, R.R. and
Reynolds, K.D. (1994)
Marteau, T.M. et al. (2004)
Ogden, J. (2003)
Sutton, S. (1998)
West, R. (2005)
Chapter 15 Obesity and Everson, S.A., Lynch, J.W., Chesney, M.A. et al. (1997)
coronary heart disease: Ogden, J., Clementi, C. and Aylwin, S. (2006)
psychology throughout the Petrie, K.J., Cameron, L.D., Ellis, C.J., Buick, D. and Weinman, J. (2002)
course of illness (2)
Chapter 16 Women’s health No specific paper included, although many themes elsewhere are
issues related to women’s health issues.
Chapter 18 The assumptions NB All the papers related to this issue to some degree.
of health psychology
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Guided tour
Chapter overview
This chapter examines the background against which health
(1) the traditional biomedical model of health and illness
century, and (2) changes in perspectives of health and illnes
Chapter overview
chapter highlights differences between health psychology and
ines the kinds of questions asked by health psychologists. T
psychology in terms of both clinical health psychology and be
chologist is discussed. Finally, this chapter outlines the aims
the book is structured.
An introduction to the main themes, issues and
This chapter covers
topics to be covered in that chapter, including a
The background to health psychology
What is the biomedical model?
list of contents for quick reference.
● What are the aims of health psychology?
● What is the future of health psychology?
● How is this book structured?
p yp g
A t t l f 147 h l d 84 h Box 2.1 Some problems with . . . hea
Problems with . . .
1 Asking people about their health beliefs may n
way they think.
2 We study health beliefs as a means to unders
A new feature in this edition which encourages beliefs that predict and explain behaviour are d
3 Much research in this field relies upon self-repo
you to pause for thought and reflect on health accurate. However, objective measures may not
4 Much research in this area relies upon cross-sec
psychology research. Each box highlights some the same time. Conclusions are then made abo
possible, however, that behaviours predict or ca
concerns with collecting, evaluating and get around this problem. Only experimental de
be made.
validating research and includes three or more 5 There are many factors that may influence how
individual model (e.g. what happened on the b
potential problems to consider. happened to them in the pub as they were int
that remains unexplained.
6 Trying to explain as much variance as possib
removed from the interesting psychological q
b tt d i i t ’ ti i ifi d
00 health848.prelims 18/4/07 4:00 pm Page xxvi
To conclude
The role of health beliefs in predicting health-related beh
salient with the recent changes in causes of mortality. Some st
emphasized lay theories, which present individuals as having
their health which influence their behaviour. This perspe
rational and examines lay theories in a relatively unstruc
approach. Other studies have taken a more quantitative appr
such as attributions, health locus of control, unrealistic optim
change. Psychologists have also developed structured models
and to predict health behaviours such as the health belief
theory, the theory of planned behaviour and the health actio
A wrap-up of the main themes to emerge from
consider individuals to be processors of information and
address the individual’s cognitions about their social world. T
the chapter and a useful revision tool to recap
health behaviours quantitatively and have implications for
change. the material in a topic area.
1 Recent changes in mortality rates can be explained in te
2 Discuss the contribution of attribution theory to underst
3 Health beliefs predict health behaviours. Discuss with ref
4 Discuss the role of the social world in understanding hea
1 Recent changes in mortality rates can
Questions 2 Discuss the contribution of attribution
3 Health beliefs predict health behaviou
Short questions to test your understanding 4 Discuss the role of the social world in
5 Human beings are rational informatio
and encourage you to consider some of the 6 Discuss the argument that changing an
issues raised in the chapter. A useful means 7 Discuss some of the problems with the
8 To what extent can social cognition m
of assessing your comprehension and 9 Design a research project to promo
models of health beliefs.
For discussion
Consider a recent change in your health
changed diet, aimed to get more sleep,
2 Discuss the contribution of attribution theor
3 Health beliefs predict health behaviours. Dis
4 Discuss the role of the social world in unders
5 Human beings are rational information proc
6 Discuss the argument that changing an indiv
7 Discuss some of the problems with the struc
To what extent can social cognition models b
Design a research project to promote non
For discussion
models of health beliefs.
A discussion point for a seminar or group work,
For discussion or to form the basis of an essay.
Consider a recent change in your health-relat
changed diet, aimed to get more sleep, etc.). D
Further reading
Aboud, F.E. (1998) Health Psychology in Global Pe
This book emphasizes the cross-cultural aspec
beliefs within the cultural context.
Kaplan, R.M. (1990) Behaviour as the central o Further reading
This paper provides an interesting discussion
that rather than focusing on biological ou
A list of useful essays, articles, books and
researchers should aim to change behaviour
interventions on the basis of whether this aim
research which can take your study
Kaptein, A. and Weinman, J. (eds) (2004). Health
This edited collection provides further detailed
further. A good starting point for your
to health psychology.
Michie, S. and Abraham, C. (2004) Health Psycho research for essays or assignments.
This edited collection provides a detailed acco
chartered health psychologist in the UK. How
ally to anyone interested in pursuing a career i
Ogden, J. (2007) Essential Readings in Health Psyc
This is my new reader which consists of 29 p
theory, research, methodology or debate. The
fi f l
Methodology glos
E interviews in order
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Visit our website to read helpful hints about essays, exams, dissertations and much more.
Special offer! As a valued customer, buy online and receive 30% off any of our Study Skills
books by entering the promo code getahead
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My thanks again go to my students and research assistants and to my colleagues over the years
for their comments, feedback and research input. I am also grateful to David Armstrong for
being (and staying) there and for conversation and cooking, and to Harry and Ellie for giving
me that work–life balance and for going to bed on time.
The publishers would also like to thank the reviewers who commented on the previous
edition and gave their time and expertise to provide helpful and constructive feedback. Their
advice and suggestions were extremely helpful in shaping the new fourth edition. The reviewers
Finally, every effort has been made to contact copyright holders to secure permission to repub-
lish material in this textbook, and to include correct acknowledgements where required. The
publishers would be happy to hear from any copyright holders whom it has not been possible
for us to contact.
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01 health848.ch01 16/4/07 2:40 pm Page 1
An introduction to
health psychology
Chapter overview
This chapter examines the background against which health psychology developed in terms of
(1) the traditional biomedical model of health and illness that emerged in the nineteenth
century, and (2) changes in perspectives of health and illness over the twentieth century. The
chapter highlights differences between health psychology and the biomedical model and exam-
ines the kinds of questions asked by health psychologists. Then the possible future of health
psychology in terms of both clinical health psychology and becoming a professional health psy-
chologist is discussed. Finally, this chapter outlines the aims of the textbook and describes how
the book is structured.
01 health848.ch01 16/4/07 2:40 pm Page 2
Psychosomatic medicine
The earliest challenge to the biomedical model was psychosomatic medicine. This was
developed at the beginning of the twentieth century in response to Freud’s analysis of the rela-
tionship between the mind and physical illness. At the turn of the century, Freud described a
condition called ‘hysterical paralysis’, whereby patients presented with paralysed limbs with no
obvious physical cause and in a pattern that did not reflect the organization of nerves. Freud
01 health848.ch01 16/4/07 2:40 pm Page 3
argued that this condition was an indication of the individual’s state of mind and that repressed
experiences and feelings were expressed in terms of a physical problem. This explanation indi-
cated an interaction between mind and body and suggested that psychological factors may not
only be consequences of illness but may contribute to its cause.
Behavioural health
Behavioural health again challenged the biomedical assumptions of a separation of mind and
body. Behavioural health was described as being concerned with the maintenance of health and
prevention of illness in currently healthy individuals through the use of educational inputs to
change behaviour and lifestyle. The role of behaviour in determining the individual’s health
status indicates an integration of the mind and body.
Behavioural medicine
A further discipline that challenged the biomedical model of health was behavioural medicine,
which has been described by Schwartz and Weiss (1977) as being an amalgam of elements from
the behavioural science disciplines (psychology, sociology, health education) and which focuses
on health care, treatment and illness prevention. Behavioural medicine was also described by
Pomerleau and Brady (1979) as consisting of methods derived from the experimental analysis
of behaviour, such as behaviour therapy and behaviour modification, and involved in the evalu-
ation, treatment and prevention of physical disease or physiological dysfunction (e.g. essential
hypertension, addictive behaviours and obesity). It has also been emphasized that psychological
problems such as neurosis and psychosis are not within behavioural medicine unless they con-
tribute to the development of illness. Behavioural medicine therefore included psychology in
the study of health and departed from traditional biomedical views of health by not only focus-
ing on treatment, but also focusing on prevention and intervention. In addition, behavioural
medicine challenged the traditional separation of the mind and the body.
Health psychology
Health psychology is probably the most recent development in this process of including psy-
chology in an understanding of health. It was described by Matarazzo as ‘the aggregate of the
specific educational, scientific and professional contribution of the discipline of psychology to
the promotion and maintenance of health, the promotion and treatment of illness and related
dysfunction’ (Matarazzo 1980: 815). Health psychology again challenges the mind–body split
by suggesting a role for the mind in both the cause and treatment of illness but differs from psy-
chosomatic medicine, behavioural health and behavioural medicine in that research within
health psychology is more specific to the discipline of psychology.
Health psychology can be understood in terms of the same questions that were asked of the
biomedical model:
■ What causes illness? Health psychology suggests that human beings should be seen as
complex systems and that illness is caused by a multitude of factors and not by a single
causal factor. Health psychology therefore attempts to move away from a simple linear
model of health and claims that illness can be caused by a combination of biological (e.g. a
virus), psychological (e.g. behaviours, beliefs) and social (e.g. employment) factors. This
approach reflects the biopsychosocial model of health and illness, which was developed by
Engel (1977, 1980) and is illustrated in Figure 1.1. The biopsychosocial model represented
01 health848.ch01 16/4/07 2:40 pm Page 4
Figure 1.1 The biopsychosocial model of health and illness (after Engel 1977, 1980)
an attempt to integrate the psychological (the ‘psycho’) and the environmental (the
‘social’) into the traditional biomedical (the ‘bio’) model of health as follows: (1) the bio
contributing factors included genetics, viruses, bacteria and structural defects; (2) the
psycho aspects of health and illness were described in terms of cognitions (e.g. expectations
of health), emotions (e.g. fear of treatment) and behaviours (e.g. smoking, diet, exercise or
alcohol consumption); (3) the social aspects of health were described in terms of social
norms of behaviour (e.g. the social norm of smoking or not smoking), pressures to change
behaviour (e.g. peer group expectations, parental pressure), social values on health (e.g.
whether health was regarded as a good or a bad thing), social class and ethnicity.
■ Who is responsible for illness? Because illness is regarded as a result of a combination of
factors, the individual is no longer simply seen as a passive victim. For example, the recog-
nition of a role for behaviour in the cause of illness means that the individual may be held
responsible for their health and illness.
■ How should illness be treated? According to health psychology, the whole person should be
treated, not just the physical changes that have taken place. This can take the form of
behaviour change, encouraging changes in beliefs and coping strategies and compliance
with medical recommendations.
■ Who is responsible for treatment? Because the whole person is treated, not just their physical
illness, the patient is therefore in part responsible for their treatment. This may take the
form of responsibility to take medication, responsibility to change beliefs and behaviour.
They are not seen as a victim.
■ What is the relationship between health and illness? From this perspective, health and illness
are not qualitatively different, but exist on a continuum. Rather than being either healthy
or ill, individuals progress along this continuum from healthiness to illness and back again.
■ What is the relationship between the mind and body? The twentieth century has seen a chal-
lenge to the traditional separation of mind and body suggested by a dualistic model of
health and illness, with an increasing focus on an interaction between the mind and the
body. This shift in perspective is reflected in the development of a holistic or a whole-
person approach to health. Health psychology therefore maintains that the mind and body
interact. However, although this represents a departure from the traditional medical per-
spective, in that these two entities are seen as influencing each other, they are still catego-
rized as separate – the existence of two different terms (the mind/the body) suggests a
degree of separation and ‘interaction’ can only occur between distinct structures.
■ What is the role of psychology in health and illness? Health psychology regards psychological
factors not only as possible consequences of illness but as contributing to its aetiology. Health
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psychologists consider both a direct and indirect association between psychology and
health. The direct pathway is reflected in the physiological literature and is illustrated
by research exploring the impact of stress on illnesses such as coronary heart disease
and cancer. From this perspective, the way a person experiences their life (‘I am feeling
stressed’) has a direct impact upon their body which can change their health status. The indi-
rect pathway is reflected more in the behavioural literature and is illustrated by research
exploring smoking, diet, exercise and sexual behaviour. From this perspective, the ways a
person thinks (‘I am feeling stressed’) influences their behaviour (‘I will have a cigarette’)
which in turn can impact upon their health. The direct and indirect pathways are illustrated
in Figure 1.2.
Psychological factors
Direct pathway
‘I am feeling stressed’
‘I value my health’
‘I am healthy’ Health status
Indirect pathway
change and progression, decision-making theory highlighting a cost–benefit analysis and the
role of hypothesis testing and physiological theories with their interest in biological processes
and their links with health. Further, it utilizes many key psychological concepts such as stereo-
typing, self-identity, risk perception, self-efficacy and addiction. This book describes many of
these theories and explores how they have been used to explain health status and health-related
behaviours. Some of these theories have been used across all aspects of health psychology such
as social cognition models and stage theories. These theories are therefore described in detail in
Chapter 2. In contrast, other theories and constructs have tended to be used to study specific
behaviours. These are therefore described within each specific chapter. However, as cross-
fertilization is often the making of good research, many of these theories could also be applied
to other areas.
of its definition and measurement and Chapter 11 assesses the links between stress and illness
via changes in both physiology and behaviour and the role of moderating variables. Chapter 12
focuses on pain and evaluates the psychological factors in exacerbating pain perception and
explores how psychological interventions can be used to reduce pain and encourage pain
acceptance. Chapter 13 specifically examines the interrelationships between beliefs, behaviour
and health using the example of placebo effects. Chapters 14 and 15 further illustrate this inter-
relationship in the context of illness, focusing on HIV and cancer (Chapter 14) and obesity and
coronary heart disease (Chapter 15). Chapter 16 focuses specifically on aspects of women’s
health and Chapter 17 explores the problems with measuring health status and the issues
surrounding the measurement of quality of life.
Finally, Chapter 18 examines some of the assumptions within health psychology that are
described throughout the book.
1 To what extent does health psychology challenge the assumptions of the biomedical model
of health and illness?
2 Discuss the processes involved in the indirect pathway to health and illness.
3 What problems are there with dividing up the pathways into indirect and direct pathways?
4 To what extent does health psychology enable the whole person to be studied?
5 Design a research study to illustrate the impact of the bio, psycho and social processes in an
illness of your choice.
For discussion
Consider the last time you were ill (e.g. flu, headache, cold, etc.). Discuss the extent to which
factors other than biological ones may have contributed to your illness.
Further reading
Aboud, F.E. (1998) Health Psychology in Global Perspective. London: Sage.
This book emphasizes the cross-cultural aspects of health psychology and locates behaviour and
beliefs within the cultural context.
Kaplan, R.M. (1990) Behaviour as the central outcome in health care, American Psychologist, 45:
This paper provides an interesting discussion about the aims of health psychology and suggests
that rather than focusing on biological outcomes, such as longevity and cell pathology,
researchers should aim to change behaviour and should therefore evaluate the success of any
interventions on the basis of whether this aim has been achieved.
Kaptein, A. and Weinman, J. (eds) (2004). Health Psychology. Oxford: BPS Blackwell.
This edited collection provides further detailed description and analysis of a range of areas central
to health psychology.
Michie, S. and Abraham, C. (2004) Health Psychology in Practice. Oxford: Blackwell.
This edited collection provides a detailed account of the competencies and skills required to be a
chartered health psychologist in the UK. However, the information is also relevant internation-
ally to anyone interested in pursuing a career in health psychology.
Ogden, J. (2007) Essential Readings in Health Psychology. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
This is my new reader which consists of 29 papers that I have selected as good illustrations of
theory, research, methodology or debate. The book also contains a discussion of each paper and a
justification for its inclusion.
Jenkinson, C. (2002) Assessment and Evaluation of Health and Medical Care. Buckingham: Open
University Press.
This is an accessible and detailed account of a range of quantitative research designs including
cohort studies, trials and case control studies.
Lyons, E. and Coyle, A. (eds) (2007) Analyzing Qualitative Data in Psychology. London: Sage.
This book provides an excellent overview of four different qualitative approaches (IPA, grounded
theory, narrative analysis, discourse analysis) and then explores how they can be used and the
extent to which they produce different or similar accounts of the data.
Smith, J.A. (2003) Qualitative Psychology: A Practical Guide to Research Methods. London: Sage.
This offers a very clear hands-on guide to the different qualitative approaches and is extremely
good at showing how to carry out qualitative research in practice.
Willig, C. (2001) Introducing Qualitative Research in Psychology: Adventures in Theory and Method.
Buckingham: Open University Press.
This is an extremely well-written and clear guide to the different qualitative approaches and
offers an accessible overview of their similarities and differences in terms of epistemology and
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Health beliefs
Chapter overview
Changes in causes of death throughout the twentieth century can in part be explained in terms
of changes in behaviour-related illnesses, such as coronary heart disease, cancers and HIV. This
chapter first examines lay theories of health and then explores theories of health behaviours and
the extent to which health behaviours can be predicted by health beliefs such as the attributions
about causes of health and behaviour, perceptions of risk and the stages-of-change model. In
particular, the chapter describes the integration of these different types of health belief in the
form of models (health belief model, protection motivation theory, theory of reasoned action,
theory of planned behaviour, health action process approach). It explores problems with these
models and describes studies that address the gap between behavioural intentions and actual
behaviour. The chapter then explores how these theories can be used for developing interven-
tions designed to change behaviour and finally describes research examining the longer-term
maintenance of behaviour change.
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■ a sick role behaviour was any activity aimed to get well (e.g. taking prescribed medication,
In short, Matarazzo distinguished between those behaviours that have a negative effect (the
behavioural pathogens, such as smoking, eating foods high in fat, drinking large amounts of
alcohol) and those behaviours that may have a positive effect (the behavioural immunogens,
such as tooth brushing, wearing seat belts, seeking health information, having regular check-
ups, sleeping an adequate number of hours per night).
Generally health behaviours are regarded as behaviours that are related to the health status
of the individual.
McKeown’s thesis
The decline of infectious diseases
In his book The Role of Medicine, Thomas McKeown (1979) examined the impact of medicine
on health since the seventeenth century. In particular, he evaluated the widely held assumptions
about medicine’s achievements and the role of medicine in reducing the prevalence and inci-
dence of infectious illnesses, such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, measles, influenza, diphtheria,
smallpox and whooping cough. McKeown argued that the commonly held view was that the
decline in illnesses, such as tuberculosis, measles, smallpox and whooping cough, was related to
medical interventions such as chemotherapy and vaccinations; for example, that antibiotics
were responsible for the decline in illnesses such as pneumonia and influenza. He showed,
however, that the reduction in such illnesses was already under way before the development of
the relevant medical interventions. This is illustrated in Figure 2.1 for tuberculosis.
McKeown therefore claimed that the decline in infectious diseases seen throughout the past
three centuries is best understood not in terms of medical intervention, but in terms of social
and environmental factors. He argued that:
The influences which led to [the] predominance [of infectious diseases] from the time
of the first agricultural revolution 10,000 years ago were insufficient food, environ-
mental hazards and excessive numbers and the measures which led to their decline
from the time of the modern Agricultural and Industrial revolutions were predictably
improved nutrition, better hygiene and contraception. (McKeown 1979: 117)
2000 Chemotherapy
behaviour (smoking, eating, exercise, and the like)’ (McKeown 1979: 118) and claimed that ‘it
is on modification of personal habits such as smoking and sedentary living that health primarily
depends’ (McKeown 1979: 124). To support this thesis, McKeown examined the main causes of
death in affluent societies and observed that most dominant illnesses, such as lung cancer, coro-
nary heart disease and cirrhosis of the liver, are caused by behaviours.
12 Smokers
Years increase
25 35 45 55 65
Figure 2.2 The effect of smoking on increase in expectation of life: males, 1838–1970 (after
McKeown 1979)
■ genetics
■ maintaining vigorous work roles and habits
■ a diet low in saturated fat and meat and high in fruit and vegetables
■ no alcohol or nicotine
■ high levels of social support
■ low reported stress levels.
Analysis of this group of people suggests that health behaviours may be related to longevity and
are therefore worthy of study. However, such cross-sectional studies are problematic to inter-
pret, particularly in terms of the direction of causality: does the lifestyle of the Abkhazians cause
their longevity or is it a product of it?
The sample was followed up over five-and-a-half and ten years in a prospective study and the
authors reported that these seven behaviours were related to mortality. In addition, they
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suggested that for people aged over 75 who carried out all of these health behaviours, health was
comparable to those aged 35–44 who followed less than three.
Health behaviours seem to be important in predicting mortality and the longevity of indi-
viduals. Health psychologists have therefore attempted to understand and predict health-related
behaviours. Some of this research has used qualitative methods to explore and understand ‘lay
theories’ and the ways in which people make sense of their health. Other research has used
quantitative methods in order to describe and predict health behaviours.
Leventhal et al. suggested that a combination of these factors could be used to predict and
promote health-related behaviour.
In fact, most of the research that has aimed to predict health behaviours has emphasized
beliefs. Approaches to health beliefs include attribution theory, the health locus of control,
unrealistic optimism, self-affirmation theory and the stages-of-change model.
Attribution theory
The development of attribution theory
The origins of attribution theory can be found in the work of Heider (1944, 1958), who argued
that individuals are motivated to see their social world as predictable and controllable – that is,
a need to understand causality. Kelley (1967, 1971) developed these original ideas and proposed
a clearly defined attribution theory suggesting that attributions about causality were structured
according to causal schemata made up of the following criteria:
■ Distinctiveness: the attribution about the cause of a behaviour is specific to the individual
carrying out the behaviour.
■ Consensus: the attribution about the cause of a behaviour would be shared by others.
■ Consistency over time: the same attribution about causality would be made at any other time.
■ Consistency over modality: the same attribution would be made in a different situation.
Kelley argued that attributions are made according to these different criteria and that the type
of attribution made (e.g. high distinctiveness, low consensus, low consistency over time, low
consistency over modality) determines the extent to which the cause of a behaviour is regarded
as a product of a characteristic internal to the individual or external (i.e. the environment or
Since its original formulation, attribution theory has been developed extensively and differ-
entiations have been made between self-attributions (i.e. attributions about one’s own behavi-
our) and other attributions (i.e. attributions made about the behaviour of others). In addition,
the dimensions of attribution have been redefined as follows:
■ internal versus external (e.g. my failure to get a job is due to my poor performance in the
interview versus the interviewer’s prejudice)
■ stable versus unstable (e.g. the cause of my failure to get a job will always be around versus
was specific to that one event)
■ global versus specific (e.g. the cause of my failure to get the job influences other areas of my
life versus only influenced this specific job interview)
■ controllable versus uncontrollable (e.g. the cause of my failure to get a job was controllable
by me versus was uncontrollable by me).
Brickman et al. (1982) have also distinguished between attributions made about the causes of a
problem and attributions made about the possible solution. For example, they claimed that
whereas an alcoholic may believe that he is responsible for becoming an alcoholic due to his
lack of willpower (an attribution for the cause), he may believe that the medical profession is
responsible for making him well again (an attribution for the solution).
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Unrealistic optimism
Weinstein (1983, 1984) suggested that one of the reasons that people continue to practise
unhealthy behaviours is due to inaccurate perceptions of risk and susceptibility – their unrealis-
tic optimism. He asked subjects to examine a list of health problems and to state ‘compared to
other people of your age and sex, what are your chances of getting [the problem] – greater than,
about the same, or less than theirs?’ The results of the study showed that most subjects believed
that they were less likely to get the health problem. Weinstein called this phenomenon unrealis-
tic optimism as he argued that not everyone can be less likely to contract an illness. Weinstein
(1987) described four cognitive factors that contribute to unrealistic optimism: (1) lack of per-
sonal experience with the problem; (2) the belief that the problem is preventable by individual
action; (3) the belief that if the problem has not yet appeared, it will not appear in the future;
and (4) the belief that the problem is infrequent. These factors suggest that perception of own
risk is not a rational process.
In an attempt to explain why individuals’ assessment of their risk may go wrong, and why
people are unrealistically optimistic, Weinstein (1983) argued that individuals show selective
focus. He claimed that individuals ignore their own risk-increasing behaviour (‘I may not
always practise safe sex but that’s not important’) and focus primarily on their risk-reducing
behaviour (‘but at least I don’t inject drugs’). He also argues that this selectivity is compounded
by egocentrism: individuals tend to ignore others’ risk-decreasing behaviour (‘my friends all
practise safe sex but that’s irrelevant’). Therefore an individual may be unrealistically optimistic
if they focus on the times they use condoms when assessing their own risk and ignore the times
they do not and, in addition, focus on the times that others around them do not practise safe
sex and ignore the times that they do.
In one study, subjects were required to focus on either their risk-increasing (‘unsafe sex’) or
their risk-decreasing behaviour (‘safe sex’). The effect of this on their unrealistic optimism for
risk of HIV was examined (Hoppe and Ogden 1996). Heterosexual subjects were asked to com-
plete a questionnaire concerning their beliefs about HIV and their sexual behaviour. Subjects
were allocated to either the risk-increasing or risk-decreasing condition. Subjects in the risk-
increasing condition were asked to complete questions such as ‘since being sexually active how
often have you asked about your partners’ HIV status?’ It was assumed that only a few subjects
would be able to answer that they had done this frequently, thus making them feel more at risk.
Subjects in the risk-decreasing condition were asked questions such as ‘since being sexually
active how often have you tried to select your partners carefully?’ It was believed that most sub-
jects would answer that they did this, making them feel less at risk. The results showed that
focusing on risk-decreasing factors increased optimism by increasing perceptions of others’
risk. Therefore, by encouraging the subjects to focus on their own healthy behaviour (‘I select
my partners carefully’), they felt more unrealistically optimistic and rated themselves as less at
risk compared with those who they perceived as being more at risk.
Self-affirmation theory
Central to unrealistic optimism is the notion of risk perception and the proposal that individuals
can process risk information in ways that enables them to continue their unhealthy behaviour. In
fact research suggests that those least persuaded by risk data are often those most at risk (Sherman
et al. 2000). An example of this is smokers’ ability to continue to smoke even when the words
‘smoking kills’ are written on their packet of cigarettes. Recently, however, it has been suggested
that self-affirmation may help reduce the tendency to resist threat information. Self-affirmation
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theory suggests that people are motivated to protect their sense of self-integrity and their sense of
themselves as being ‘adaptively and morally adequate’ (Steele 1988). Therefore if presented with
information that threatens their sense of self, they behave defensively. However, if given the
opportunity to self-affirm in another domain of their lives, then their need to become defensive is
reduced. For example, if a smoker thinks that they are a sensible person, when confronted with a
message that says that smoking is not sensible their integrity is threatened and they behave defen-
sively by blocking the information. If given the chance, however, to think about another area in
which they are sensible then they are less likely to become defensive about the anti-smoking
message. A couple of recent studies have tested the impact of self-affirmation on the processing of
information about the link between alcohol and breast cancer in young women and smoking in
young smokers (Harris and Napper 2005; Harris et al. 2006). In the first study, young women
who were drinking above the recommended limit were randomized either to the self-affirmation
condition or the control condition (Harris and Napper 2005). Those in the self-affirmation con-
dition were asked to write about their most important value and why it was important to them.
All were then given a health message about the links between excessive alcohol intake and breast
cancer. The results showed that those who had self-affirmed were more accepting of the health
message. In a similar study, smokers were asked to study four images depicting the dangers of
smoking and half underwent a self-affirmation task. These results also showed that those who had
self-affirmed rated the images as more threatening and reported higher levels of self-efficacy and
intentions to stop smoking (Harris et al. 2006). Therefore it would seem that although people can
deny and block the risks associated with their behaviour, this defensive process is reduced if they
are encouraged to self-affirm. This approach has implications for a wide range of health-related
behaviours and the development of more effective interventions to change behaviour.
months) stages tend to focus on the favourable and positive feature of their behaviour (I feel
healthier because I have stopped smoking), whereas smokers in the pre-contemplation stage
tend to focus on the negative features of the behaviour (it will make me anxious).
The stages-of-change model has been applied to several health-related behaviours, such as
smoking, alcohol use, exercise and screening behaviour (e.g. DiClemente et al. 1991; Marcus et
al. 1992). If applied to smoking cessation, the model would suggest the following set of beliefs
and behaviours at the different stages:
1 Pre-contemplation: ‘I am happy being a smoker and intend to continue smoking’.
2 Contemplation: ‘I have been coughing a lot recently, perhaps I should think about stop-
ping smoking’.
3 Preparation: ‘I will stop going to the pub and will buy lower tar cigarettes’.
4 Action: ‘I have stopped smoking’.
5 Maintenance: ‘I have stopped smoking for four months now’.
This individual, however, may well move back at times to believing that they will continue to
smoke and may relapse (called the revolving door schema). The stages-of-change model is illus-
trated in Focus on Research 5.1 (p. 111).
The stages-of-change model is increasingly used both in research and as a basis to develop
interventions that are tailored to the particular stage of the specific person concerned. For
example, a smoker who has been identified as being at the preparation stage would receive a dif-
ferent intervention to one who was at the contemplation stage. However, the model has recently
been criticized for the following reasons (Weinstein et al. 1998; Sutton 2000, 2002a; West 2006):
■ It is difficult to determine whether behaviour change occurs according to stages or along a
continuum. Researchers describe the difference between linear patterns between stages
which are not consistent with a stage model and discontinuity patterns which are consistent.
■ However, the absence of qualitative differences between stages could either be due to the
absence of stages or because the stages have not been correctly assessed and identified.
■ Changes between stages may happen so quickly as to make the stages unimportant.
■ Interventions that have been based on the stages-of-change model may work because the
individual believes that they are receiving special attention, rather than because of the
effectiveness of the model per se.
■ Most studies based on the stages-of-change model use cross-sectional designs to examine
differences between different people at different stages of change. Such designs do not
allow conclusions to be drawn about the role of different causal factors at the different
stages (i.e. people at the preparation stage are driven forward by different factors than
those at the contemplation stage). Experimental and longitudinal studies are needed for
any conclusions about causality to be valid.
■ The concept of a ‘stage’ is not a simple one as it includes many variables: current behavi-
our, quit attempts, intention to change and time since quitting. Perhaps these variables
should be measured separately.
■ The model focuses on conscious decision-making and planning processes. Further it
assumes that people make coherent and stable plans.
■ Using the model may be no better than simply asking people, ‘Do you have any plans to try
to . . .?’ or ‘Do you want to . . .?’.
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Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 Asking people about their health beliefs may not be a benign process; it may actually change the
way they think.
2 We study health beliefs as a means to understand and change behaviour. It is possible that the
beliefs that predict and explain behaviour are different to those that change behaviour.
3 Much research in this field relies upon self-report measures of behaviour. These may not always be
accurate. However, objective measures may not always be possible to obtain.
4 Much research in this area relies upon cross-sectional designs which assess beliefs and behaviours at
the same time. Conclusions are then made about the ways in which beliefs predict behaviour. It is
possible, however, that behaviours predict or cause beliefs. Even longitudinal design cannot entirely
get around this problem. Only experimental designs can really allow conclusions about causality to
be made.
5 There are many factors that may influence how a person behaves which cannot be captured by any
individual model (e.g. what happened on the bus as they were intending to go to the doctor; what
happened to them in the pub as they were intending not to smoke). There will always be variance
that remains unexplained.
6 Trying to explain as much variance as possible can make the research too focused and too far
removed from the interesting psychological questions (i.e. I can predict quite well what you are
about to do in one minute’s time in a specified place but am I really interested in that?).
Cognition models
Cognition models examine the predictors and precursors to health behaviours. They are
derived from subjective expected utility (SEU) theory (Edwards 1954), which suggested that
behaviours result from a rational weighing-up of the potential costs and benefits of that behavi-
our. Cognition models describe behaviour as a result of rational information processing and
emphasize individual cognitions, not the social context of those cognitions. This section exam-
ines the health belief model and the protection motivation theory.
Demographic Likelihood
variables of behaviour
Cues to action
Health motivation
Perceived control
preventive health behaviours and also the behavioural response to treatment in acutely and
chronically ill patients. However, over recent years, the health belief model has been used to
predict a wide variety of health-related behaviours.
The HBM suggests that these core beliefs should be used to predict the likelihood that a behavi-
our will occur. In response to criticisms the HBM has been revised originally to add the con-
struct ‘health motivation’ to reflect an individual’s readiness to be concerned about health
matters (e.g. ‘I am concerned that smoking might damage my health’). More recently, Becker
and Rosenstock (1987) have also suggested that perceived control (e.g. ‘I am confident that I
can stop smoking’) should be added to the model.
screening are high, and that the costs of such action are comparatively low. This will also be true
if she is subjected to cues to action that are external, such as a leaflet in the doctor’s waiting
room, or internal, such as a symptom perceived to be related to cervical cancer (whether correct
or not), such as pain or irritation. When using the new amended HBM, the model would also
predict that a woman would attend for screening if she is confident that she can do so and if she
is motivated to maintain her health. Using the HBM to predict screening behaviour is described
in Focus on Research 9.1 (p. 206).
Conflicting findings
However, several studies have reported conflicting findings. Janz and Becker (1984) found that
healthy behavioural intentions are related to low perceived severity, not high as predicted, and
several studies have suggested an association between low susceptibility (not high) and healthy
behaviour (Becker et al. 1975; Langlie 1977). Hill et al. (1985) applied the HBM to cervical
cancer, to examine which factors predicted cervical screening behaviour. The results suggested
that barriers to action was the best predictor of behavioural intentions and that perceived sus-
ceptibility to cervical cancer was also significantly related to screening behaviour. However,
benefits and perceived severity were not related. Janz and Becker (1984) carried out a study
using the HBM and found that the best predictors of health behaviour are perceived barriers
and perceived susceptibility to illness. However, Becker and Rosenstock (1984), in a review of
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19 studies using a meta-analysis that included measures of the HBM to predict compliance, cal-
culated that the best predictors of compliance are the costs and benefits and the perceived
Although there is much contradiction in the literature surrounding the HBM, research has used
aspects of this model to predict screening for hypertension, screening for cervical cancer, genetic
screening, exercise behaviour, decreased alcohol use, changes in diet and smoking cessation.
These components predict behavioural intentions (e.g. ‘I intend to change my behaviour’), which
are related to behaviour. Rogers (1985) has also suggested a role for a fifth component, fear (e.g.
an emotional response), in response to education or information. The PMT describes severity,
susceptibility and fear as relating to threat appraisal (i.e. appraising to outside threat) and
response effectiveness and self-efficacy as relating to coping appraisal (i.e. appraising the indi-
vidual themselves). According to the PMT, there are two types of sources of information,
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Responsive Behavioural
effectiveness intentions
environmental (e.g. verbal persuasion, observational learning) and intrapersonal (e.g. prior
experience). This information influences the five components of the PMT (self-efficacy, response
effectiveness, severity, susceptibility, fear), which then elicit either an ‘adaptive’ coping response
(i.e. behavioural intention) or a ‘maladaptive’ coping response (e.g. avoidance, denial).
This study integrates the PMT with other cognitions in order to predict sexual behaviour in the
context of HIV. It highlights the possibility of adapting models to the specific factors related to
a specific behaviour. This study is interesting as it represents an attempt to integrate different
models of health behaviour.
Since the identification of the HIV virus, research has developed means to predict and therefore
promote safer sexual behaviour. The PMT suggests that behaviour is a consequence of an
appraisal of the threat and an appraisal of the individual’s coping resources. It suggests that
these factors elicit a state called ‘protection motivation’, which maintains any activity to cope
with the threat. This study examines the role of the PMT in predicting sexual behaviour and in
addition examines the effect of expanding the PMT to include variables such as coping styles,
social norms and previous behaviour.
A total of 147 homosexual and 84 heterosexual subjects with multiple partners in the past six
months took part in the study. They were recruited from Amsterdam through a variety of
sources including informants, advertisements and a housing service.
Subjects completed a questionnaire (either postal or delivered).
The questionnaire consisted of items on the following areas rated on a 5-point Likert scale:
1 Sexual behaviour and behavioural intentions: the subjects were asked about their sexual
behaviour during the previous six months, including the number and type of partners, fre-
quencies of various sexual techniques, condom use and future intentions.
2 Protection motivation variables: (a) perceived severity, (b) perceived susceptibility, (c)
response efficacy, (d) self-efficacy, (e) fear.
3 Additional beliefs: (a) social norms, (b) costs, (c) benefits, (d) knowledge, (e) situational
4 In addition, the authors included variables from Janis and Mann’s (1977) conflict theory:
(a) vigilance, (b) hypervigilance, (c) defensive avoidance.
The results were analysed to examine the best predictors of sexual behaviour in both homosex-
ual and heterosexual subjects. It was found that although the variables of the PMT were predic-
tive of behaviour and behavioural intentions in both populations, the results were improved
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with the additional variables. For example, when social norms and previous behaviour were also
considered, there was improved association with future behaviour. In addition, the results sug-
gested that although there was a relationship between fear and behavioural intentions, high
levels of fear detracted from this relationship. The authors suggested that when experiencing
excess fear, attention may be directed towards reducing anxiety, rather than actually avoiding
danger through changing behaviour.
The results from this study support the use of the PMT to predict sexual behaviour in the context
of HIV. Further, the model is improved by adding additional variables. Perhaps, rather than devel-
oping models that can be applied to a whole range of behaviours, individual models should be
adapted for each specific behaviour. Furthermore, the results have implications for developing
interventions, and indicate that the health education campaigns which promote fear may have
negative effects, with individuals having to deal with the fear rather than changing their behaviour.
The concept of incentives suggests that a behaviour is governed by its consequences. For
example, smoking behaviour may be reinforced by the experience of reduced anxiety, having a
cervical smear may be reinforced by a feeling of reassurance after a negative result.
Social cognitions are a central component of social cognition models. Although (as with cog-
nition models) social cognition models regard individuals as information processors, there is an
important difference between cognition models and social cognition models – social cognition
models include measures of the individual’s representations of their social world. Accordingly,
social cognition models attempt to place the individual within the context both of other people
and the broader social world. This is measured in terms of their normative beliefs (e.g. ‘people
who are important to me want me to stop smoking’).
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Several models have been developed using this perspective. This section examines the theory
of planned behaviour (derived from the theory of reasoned action) and the health action
process approach.
Importance Behavioural
of norms intentions
■ Perceived behavioural control, which is composed of a belief that the individual can carry
out a particular behaviour based upon a consideration of internal control factors (e.g.
skills, abilities, information) and external control factors (e.g. obstacles, opportunities),
both of which relate to past behaviour.
According to the TPB, these three factors predict behavioural intentions, which are then linked
to behaviour. The TPB also states that perceived behavioural control can have a direct effect on
behaviour without the mediating effect of behavioural intentions.
Conner, Lawton et al. (2006) used the TPB to predict speeding behaviour using a driving simu-
lator and an on-road speed camera and showed a significant role for most of the TPB variables
in predicting both intentions and actual behaviour. Recently, O’Connor et al. (2006) also used
the TPB to predict deliberate self-harm and suicidality at three months’ follow-up as a means to
explore whether the TPB was relevant to more extreme behaviour and whether social cognitive
variables were better predictors than clinical variables. The results showed a strong role for vari-
ables such as self-efficacy, attitude and descriptive norm and that these were better predictors
than depression. There have now been several reviews and meta-analyses of the TPB which
describe the extent to which this model can predict a range of health behaviours (Sheeran and
Taylor 1999; Armitage and Conner 2001; Trafimow et al. 2002).
Volitional process
Volitional process
Outcome Intention
expectancies Intention
expectancies Action plans Action control
Action plans Action control
Perceived Action
According to the HAPA the end result of the HAPA is an intention to act.
The action stage is composed of cognitive (volitional), situational and behavioural factors.
The integration of these factors determines the extent to which a behaviour is initiated and
maintained via these self-regulatory processes. The cognitive factor is made up of action plans
(e.g. ‘if offered a cigarette when I am trying not to smoke I will imagine what the tar would do
to my lungs’) and action control (e.g. ‘I can survive being offered a cigarette by reminding
myself that I am a non-smoker’). These two cognitive factors determine the individual’s deter-
mination of will. The situational factor consists of social support (e.g. the existence of friends
who encourage non-smoking) and the absence of situational barriers (e.g. financial support to
join an exercise club).
Schwarzer (1992) argued that the HAPA bridges the gap between intentions and behaviour
and emphasizes self-efficacy, both in terms of developing the intention to act and also implicitly
in terms of the cognitive stage of the action stage, whereby self-efficacy promotes and maintains
action plans and action control, therefore contributing to the maintenance of the action. He
maintained that the HAPA enables specific predictions to be made about causality and also
describes a process of beliefs whereby behaviour is the result of a series of processes.
Conceptual problems
Some researchers have pointed to some conceptual problems with the models in terms of their
variables and their ability to inform us about the world. These problems are as follows:
■ Each model is made up of different concepts such as perceived behavioural control, behav-
ioural intentions, perceived vulnerability and attitudes. Norman and Conner (1996) have
argued that there is some overlap between these variables and Armitage and Conner (2000)
have argued for a ‘consensus’ approach to studying health behaviour, whereby key con-
structs are integrated across models.
■ The models describe associations between variables which assume causality. For example,
the TPB describes attitude as causing behavioural intention. Sutton (2002a) argues that
these associations are causally ambiguous and cannot be concluded unless experimental
methods are used. Similarly, Smedlund (2000) criticized the models for their logical con-
struction and said that assumptions about association are flawed.
■ A theory should enable the collection of data which can either lead to theory being sup-
ported or rejected. Ogden (2003) carried out an analysis of studies using the HBM, TRA,
PMT and TPB over a four-year period and concluded that the models cannot be rejected as
caveats can always be offered to perpetuate the belief that the model has been supported.
■ Research should generate truths which are true by observation and require an empirical
test (e.g. smoking causes heart disease) rather than by definition (i.e. heart disease causes
narrowing of the arteries). Ogden (2003) concluded from her analysis than much research
using the models produces statements that are true by definition (i.e. I am certain that I
will use a condom therefore I intend to use a condom). She argues that the findings are
therefore tautological.
■ Research should inform us about the world rather than create the world. Ogden (2003)
argues that questionnaires that ask people questions such as ‘Do you think the female
condom decreases sexual pleasure for a man?’ may change the way in which people think
rather than just describe their thoughts. This is similar to changes in mood following mood
check lists, and the ability of diaries to change behaviour.
Methodological problems
Much research using models such as the TPB, TRA and HBM use cross-sectional designs
involving questionnaires which are analysed using multiple regression analysis. Researchers
have highlighted some problems with this approach.
■ Cross-sectional research can only show associations rather than causality. To solve this,
prospective studies are used which separate the independent and dependent variables by
time. Sutton (2002a) argues that both these designs are problematic and do not allow
inferences about causality to be made. He suggests that randomized experimental designs
are the best solution to this problem.
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■ Hankins et al. (2000a) provide some detailed guidelines on how data using the TRA and
TPB should be analysed and state that much research uses inappropriate analysis. They
state that if multiple regression analysis is used adjusted R2 should be the measure of
explained variance, that residuals should be assessed and that semi-partial correlations
should be used to assess the unique contribution of each variable. They also state that
‘Structural Equation Modelling’ might be a better approach as this makes explicit the
assumptions of the models.
■ Much psychological research does not involve a sample size calculation or a consideration
of the power of the study. Hankins et al. (2000) argue that research using social cognition
models should do this if the results are to be meaningful.
■ The TRA involves a generalized measure of attitude which is reflected in the interaction
between ‘expectancy beliefs’ about the likelihood of the given behaviour leading to particu-
lar consequences and evaluations about the desirability of these consequences. For
example, an attitude to smoking is made up of the belief ‘smoking will lead to lung cancer’
and the belief ‘lung cancer is unpleasant’. This is calculated by multiplying one belief with
the other to create a ‘multiplicative composite’. This is called the ‘expectancy value’ belief.
In subsequent analysis this new variable is simply correlated with other variables. French
and Hankins (2003) argue that this is problematic as the correlation between a multiplica-
tive composite and other variables requires a ratio scale with a true zero. As with other psy-
chological constructs, the ‘expectancy value belief has no true zero, only an arbitrary was
chosen by the researcher’. Therefore they argue that the expectancy value belief should not
be used.
Predictive problems
Models such as the TRA, TPB, HBM and PMT are designed to predict behavioural intentions
and actual behaviour. However, two main observations have been made. First, it has been sug-
gested that these models are not that successful at predicting behavioural intentions and that
they should be expanded to incorporate new cognitions. Second, it has been argued that they
are even less successful in predicting actual behaviour. This second criticism has resulted in
research exploring the intention–behaviour gap.
Expanded norms
The theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behaviour include measures of social
pressures to behave in a particular way – the subjective norms variable. However, it has been
suggested that they should also assess other forms of norms. For example, the intention to carry
out behaviours that have an ethical or moral dimension such as donating blood, donating
organs for transplant, committing driving offences or eating genetically produced food may
result from not only general social norms but also moral norms. Some research has shown the
usefulness of including a moral norms variable (e.g. Sparks 1994; Parker et al. 1995; Légaré et al.
2003). For example, Godin et al. (2005) analysed six data sets relating to smoking, driving over
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the speed limit, exercising and applying precautions when taking blood. The results showed that
people were more likely to carry out the behaviour if their intentions to perform the behaviour
were in line with their moral norms. In addition, however, this role for moral norms was only
present when people construed the behaviour in moral terms. This is in line with Norman and
Conner’s (1996) suggestion that moral norms may only be relevant to a limited range of behav-
iours. The concept of social norms has also been further expanded to include ‘descriptive
norms’ which reflect the person’s perception of whether other people carry out the behaviour
(i.e. ‘Do you think doctors eat healthily?’) and ‘injunctive norms’ which reflect that other
people might approve or disapprove of the behaviour (e.g. Povey et al. 2000).
Anticipated regret
The protection motivation theory explicitly includes a role for emotion in the form of fear.
Researchers have argued that behavioural intentions may be related to anticipated emotions.
For example, the intention to practise safer sex – ‘I intend to use a condom’ – may be predicted
by the anticipated feeling ‘if I do not use a condom I will feel guilty’. Some research has shown
that anticipated regret is important for predicting behavioural intentions (Richard and van der
Pligt 1991). Similarly, Conner, Sandberg et al. (2006) reported that anticipated regret was
significantly related both to the intentions to start smoking and actual smoking in a group of
Another variable which has been presented as a means to improve the model’s ability to predict
behavioural intentions is self-identity. It has been argued that individuals will only intend to
carry out a behaviour if that behaviour fits with their own image of themselves. For example,
the identity ‘I am a healthy eater’ should relate to the intention to eat healthily. Further, the
identity ‘I am a fit person’ should relate to the intention to carry out exercise. Some research has
supported the usefulness of this variable (Sparks and Shepherd 1992). However, Norman and
Conner (1996) suggested that this variable may also only have limited relevance.
Most models contain a measure of attitude towards the behaviour which conceptualizes indi-
viduals as holding either positive or negative views towards a given object. Recent studies,
however, have also explored the role of ambivalence in predicting behaviour (Thompson et al.
1995) which has been defined in a variety of different ways. For example, Breckler (1994)
defined it as ‘a conflict aroused by competing evaluative predispositions’ and Emmons (1996)
defined it as ‘an approach – avoidance conflict – wanting but at the same time not wanting the
same goal object’. Sparks et al. (2001) incorporated the concept of ambivalence into the theory
of planned behaviour and assessed whether it predicted meat or chocolate consumption. A total
of 325 volunteers completed a questionnaire including a measure of ambivalence assessed in
terms of the mean of both positive and negative evaluations (e.g. ‘how positive is chocolate’ and
‘how negative is chocolate’) and then subtracting this mean from the absolute difference
between the two evaluations (i.e. ‘total positive minus total negative’). This computation pro-
vides a score that reflects the balance between positive and negative feelings. The results showed
that the relationship between attitude and intention was weaker in those participants with
higher ambivalence. This implies that holding both positive and negative attitudes to a food
makes it less likely that the overall attitude will be translated into an intention to eat it.
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Affective beliefs
One of the central criticisms of social cognition models is that they do not adequately account
for the role of affect (Manstead and Parker 1995; van der Pligt et al. 1998). To address this,
some researchers have argued for the inclusion of affect into the models. Because of the ways in
which the beliefs are elicited and measured for social cognition research, researchers have
addressed this problem by including affective beliefs. For example, while beliefs that a behavi-
our is healthy, harmful, safe or useful can be considered instrumental beliefs, those that
describe a behaviour as enjoyable, pleasurable, worrying or depressing reflect affective beliefs
(Manstead and Parker 1995). Lawton et al. (2006) recently explored the relative contribution of
instrumental and affective beliefs in predicting driving above the speed limit and smoking in
adolescents. The results showed that negative affective beliefs were the best predictors of
observed speeding and that positive and negative affective beliefs were the best predictors of
There is much research in psychology that emphasizes the role of personality in predicting
health and health-related behaviours (Vollrath and Toergersen 2002). In the main personality
research reflects a more stable, trait-like approach to the individual than much cognitive work
and covers a range of personality traits such as the ‘big five’ which are agreeableness, conscien-
tiousness, emotional stability, extraversion and intellect. These aspects of personality have been
shown to be associated with a range of health behaviours such as smoking and diet (Bogg and
Roberts 2004). Ingledew and Ferguson (2006) explored the role of personality alongside moti-
vation in predicting safer sex in university students and concluded that the traits of agreeable-
ness and conscientiousness predicted safer sex and this effect occurred due to the impact of
these personality traits upon an individual’s motivation.
call towards using these models to inform and develop health behaviour interventions. This has
been based upon two observations. First, it was observed that many interventions designed to
change behaviour were only minimally effective. For example, reviews of early interventions to
change sexual behaviour concluded that these interventions had only small effects (e.g. Oakley
et al. 1995) and dietary interventions for weight loss may result in weight loss in the short term
but the majority show a return to baseline by follow-up (e.g. NHS Centre for Reviews and Dis-
semination 1997). Second, it was observed that many interventions were not based upon any
theoretical framework, nor were they drawing upon research that had identified which factors
were correlated with the particular behaviour (e.g. Fisher and Fisher 1992). One interesting
illustration of this involved the content analysis of health promotion leaflets to assess their theo-
retical basis. Abraham et al. (2002) collected sexual health leaflets from general practitioners’
surgeries and clinics for the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) across Germany
(37 leaflets) and the UK (74 leaflets). They included those that promoted the use of condoms
and/or prevention of STDs including HIV and AIDS and were available widely. They excluded
those that were aimed at lesbians due to their focus on protective measures other than condoms
and those that targeted a limited audience such as HIV-positive men. The authors then identi-
fied the best cognitive and behavioural correlates of condom use based upon a meta-analysis by
Sheeran et al. (1999), defined 20 correlate representative categories to reflect these correlates
and then rated the leaflets according to the inclusion and frequency of these factors. The results
showed very little association between theory and this form of behavioural intervention. Specif-
ically, only 25 per cent of the leaflets referred to ten or more of the correlates and two-thirds of
the leaflets failed to frequently target more than two of the correlates. Although research is often
aimed at informing practice, it would seem that this is not often the case. How theory can be
used to inform practice will now be explored.
However, as Sutton (2002b) points out, this process provides clear details about the preliminary
work before the intervention. But the intervention itself remains unclear. Hardeman et al.
(2002) carried out a systematic review of 30 papers which used the TPB as part of an inter-
vention and described a range of frameworks that had been used. These included persuasion,
information, increasing skills, goal setting and rehearsal of skills. These have recently been
developed and integrated into a causal modelling approach for the development of behaviour
change programmes (Hardeman et al. 2005). Sutton (2002b) indicates that two additional
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frameworks could also be useful. These are guided mastery experiences which involve getting
people to focus on specific beliefs (e.g. Bandura 1997) and the ‘Elaboration Likelihood’ model
(Petty and Cacioppo 1986) involving the presentation of ‘strong arguments’ and time for the
recipient to think about and elaborate upon these arguments. Studies have also used a range of
methods for their interventions including leaflets, videos, lectures and discussions. However, to
date although there has been a call for interventions based upon social cognition models, clear
guidelines concerning how theory could translate into practice have yet to be developed.
however, most research has focused on the onset of new behaviours or changes in behaviour in
the short term due to the use of quantitative methods, with prospective designs that have
follow-ups varying from a few weeks only to a year, as longer-term follow-ups require greater
investment of time and cost. Some research, however, has addressed the issue of longer-term
behaviour change maintenance, particularly for weight loss, smoking cessation and exercise.
■ Weight loss maintenance – Research indicates that although the majority of the obese regain
the weight they lose, a small minority show weight loss maintenance. The factors that
predict this are described in detail in Chapter 15; they illustrate a role for profile character-
istics such as baseline body mass index (BMI), gender and employment status, historical
factors such as previous attempts at weight loss, the type and amount of help received and
psychological factors including motivations and individuals’ beliefs about the causes of
their weight problem. In particular, research suggests that longer-term weight loss mainte-
nance is associated with a behavioural model of obesity whereby behaviour is seen as
central to both its cause and solution (Ogden 2000). This is in line with much research on
adherence and illness representations and is discussed in detail in Chapter 3.
■ Smoking cessation – In terms of smoking cessation, much research has drawn upon a stage
model approach and suggests that smoking cessation relates to factors such as action plans,
goal setting and the transition through stages (e.g. Prochaska and Velicer 1997, see Chapter
5). In contrast, however, West and Sohal (2006) asked almost 2000 smokers and ex-
smokers about their quit attempts and reported that nearly half had made quit attempts
that were unplanned and that unplanned attempts were more likely to succeed than
planned ones. They argue that longer-term smoking cessation may not always be the result
of plans and the transition through stages and is often the result of ‘catastrophies’ which
suddenly motivate change.
■ Exercise – As with changes in diet and smoking, much research exploring exercise uptake
has focused on short-term changes. From this perspective most research shows that exer-
cise is related to social factors and enjoyment rather than any longer-term consideration of
health goals (see Chapter 7). Armitage (2005) aimed to explore the problem of exercise
maintenance and explored the predictors of stable exercise habits over a 12-week period.
This study used the standard TPB measures and indicated that perceived behavioural
control predicted behaviour in terms of both initiation and maintenance.
In general it would seem that there is a role for a range of demographic, psychological and
structural factors in understanding longer-term changes in behaviour and that, while some
changes in behaviour may result from the ‘drip drip’ effect illustrated by stages and plans, other
forms of change are the result of more sudden shifts in an individual’s motivation. To date,
however, there remains very little research on longer-term changes in behaviour. Further, the
existing research tends to focus on behaviour-specific changes rather than factors that may gen-
eralize across behaviours.
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To conclude
The role of health beliefs in predicting health-related behaviours has become increasingly
salient with the recent changes in causes of mortality. Some studies exploring health beliefs have
emphasized lay theories, which present individuals as having complex views and theories about
their health which influence their behaviour. This perspective regards individuals as less
rational and examines lay theories in a relatively unstructured format using a qualitative
approach. Other studies have taken a more quantitative approach and have explored constructs
such as attributions, health locus of control, unrealistic optimism, self-affirmation and stages of
change. Psychologists have also developed structured models to integrate these different beliefs
and to predict health behaviours such as the health belief model, the protection motivation
theory, the theory of planned behaviour and the health action process approach. These models
consider individuals to be processors of information and vary in the extent to which they
address the individual’s cognitions about their social world. The models can be used to predict
health behaviours quantitatively and have implications for developing methods to promote
1 Recent changes in mortality rates can be explained in terms of behaviour-related illnesses.
2 Discuss the contribution of attribution theory to understanding health behaviours.
3 Health beliefs predict health behaviours. Discuss with reference to two models.
4 Discuss the role of the social world in understanding health behaviours.
5 Human beings are rational information processors. Discuss.
6 Discuss the argument that changing an individual’s beliefs would improve their health.
7 Discuss some of the problems with the structured models of health beliefs.
8 To what extent can social cognition models be used to change health behaviours?
9 Design a research project to promote non-smoking in a group of smokers using two
models of health beliefs.
For discussion
Consider a recent change in your health-related behaviours (e.g. stopped/started smoking,
changed diet, aimed to get more sleep, etc.). Discuss your health beliefs that relate to this
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Further reading
Conner, M. and Norman, P. (eds) (1998) Special issue: social cognition models in health psychol-
ogy, Psychology and Health, 13: 179–85.
This special issue presents research in the area of social cognition models. The editorial provides
an overview of the field.
Conner, M. and Norman, P. (2005) Predicting Health Behaviour (2nd edn) Buckingham: Open Uni-
versity Press.
This book provides an excellent overview of the different models, the studies that have been
carried out using them and the new developments in this area.
Gollwitzer, P.M. and Sheeran, P. (2006). Implementation intentions and goal achievement: a meta-
analysis of effects and processes, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 38: 69–119.
This paper provides a detailed account of the research using implementation intentions. It is also
an excellent example of a meta-analysis and how this approach can be used effectively.
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Rutter, D. and Quine, L. (eds) (2003) Changing Health Behaviour: Intervention and Research with
Social Cognition Models. Buckingham: Open University Press.
This edited book provides an excellent review of the intervention literature including an analysis
of the problems with designing interventions and with their evaluation.
Webb, T.L. and Sheeran, P. (2006) Does changing behavioural intentions engender behaviour
change? A meta-analysis of the experimental evidence, Psychological Bulletin, 132: 249–68.
This paper presents a meta-analysis of the research exploring the links between intentions and
behaviour. It is a useful paper in itself but also provides an excellent source of references.
Woodcock, A., Stenner, K. and Ingham, R. (1992) Young people talking about HIV and AIDS: inter-
pretations of personal risk of infection, Health Education Research: Theory and Practice, 7: 229–47.
This paper illustrates a qualitative approach to health beliefs and is a good example of how to
present qualitative data.
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Illness cognitions
Chapter overview
Chapter 2 described health beliefs and the models that have been developed to evaluate these
beliefs and their relationship to health behaviours. Individuals, however, also have beliefs about
illness. This chapter examines what it means to be ‘healthy’ and what it means to be ‘sick’ and
reviews these meanings in the context of how individuals cognitively represent illness (their illness
cognitions/illness beliefs). The chapter then assesses how illness beliefs can be measured and
places these beliefs within Leventhal’s self-regulatory model. It then discusses the relationship
between illness cognitions, symptom perception and coping behaviour. Finally, the chapter exam-
ines the relationship between illness cognitions and health outcomes and the role of coherence.
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healthy?’ For example, from a social anthropological perspective, Helman (1978) explored the
extent to which beliefs inherent within the eighteenth-century’s humoral theory have survived
alongside those of conventional medicine. In particular, he focused on the saying ‘feed a cold
and starve a fever’, and argued that lay constructs of health could be conceptualized according
to the dimensions ‘hot/cold’ and ‘wet/dry’. For example, problems with the chest were con-
sidered either ‘hot and wet’ (e.g. fever and productive cough) or ‘cold and wet’ (e.g. cold and
non-productive cough). Likewise, problems could be considered ‘hot and dry’ (e.g. fever, dry
skin, flushed face, dry throat, non-productive cough) or ‘cold and dry’ (e.g. cold, shivering,
rigour, malaise, vague muscular aches). In a similar vein, medical sociologists have also
explored lay conceptions of health. For example, Herzlich (1973) interviewed 80 French sub-
jects and categorized their models of health into three dimensions: ‘health in a vacuum’, imply-
ing the absence of illness; ‘the reserve of health’, relating to physical strength and resistance to
illness; and ‘equilibrium’ indicating a full realization of the individual’s reserve of health. Like-
wise, Blaxter (1990) asked 9000 individuals to describe someone whom they thought was
healthy and to consider, ‘What makes you call them healthy?’ and, ‘What is it like when you are
healthy?’ A qualitative analysis was then carried out on a sub-sample of these individuals. For
some, health simply meant not being ill. However, for many health was seen in terms of a
reserve, a healthy life filled with health behaviours, physical fitness, having energy and vitality,
social relationships with others, being able to function effectively and an expression of psycho-
social well-being. Blaxter also examined how a concept of health varied over the life course and
investigated any sex differences. Furthermore, Calnan (1987) explored the health beliefs of
women in England and argued that their models of health could be conceptualized in two sets
of definitions: positive definitions including feeling energetic, plenty of exercise, feeling fit,
eating the right things, being the correct weight, having a positive outlook and having a good
life/marriage; and negative definitions including not getting coughs and colds, only in bed once,
rarely go to the doctor and have check-ups – nothing wrong.
The issue of ‘what is health?’ has also been explored from a psychological perspective with a
particular focus on health and illness cognitions. For example, Lau (1995) found that when
young healthy adults were asked to describe in their own words ‘what being healthy means to
you’, their beliefs about health could be understood within the following dimensions:
■ physiological/physical, for example, good condition, have energy
■ psychological, for example, happy, energetic, feel good psychologically
■ behavioural, for example, eat, sleep properly
■ future consequences, for example, live longer
■ the absence of illness, for example, not sick, no disease, no symptoms.
Lau (1995) argued that most people show a positive definition of health (not just the absence of
illness), which also includes more than just physical and psychological factors. He suggested
that healthiness is most people’s normal state and represents the backdrop to their beliefs about
being ill. Psychological studies of the beliefs of the elderly (Hall et al. 1989), those suffering
from a chronic illness (Hays and Stewart 1990) and children (Normandeau et al. 1998; Schmidt
and Frohling 2000) have reported that these individuals also conceptualize health as being mul-
tidimensional. This indicates some overlap between professional (WHO) and lay views of
health (i.e. a multidimensional perspective involving physical and psychological factors).
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These dimensions of ‘what it means to be ill’ have been described within the context of illness
cognitions (also called illness beliefs or illness representations).
Qualitative research
Leventhal and his colleagues carried out interviews with individuals who were chronically ill,
had been recently diagnosed as having cancer, and with healthy adults. The resulting descrip-
tions of illness suggest underlying beliefs that are made up of the aforementioned dimensions.
Leventhal and colleagues argued that interviews are the best way to access illness cognitions as
this methodology avoids the possibility of priming the subjects. For example, asking a subject
‘to what extent do you think about your illness in terms of its possible consequences?’ will obvi-
ously encourage them to regard consequences as an important dimension. However, according
to Leventhal, interviews encourage subjects to express their own beliefs, not those expected by
the interviewer.
Quantitative research
Other studies have used more artificial and controlled methodologies, and these too have pro-
vided support for the dimensions of illness cognitions. Lau et al. (1989) used a card-sorting
technique to evaluate how subjects conceptualized illness. They asked 20 subjects to sort 65
statements into piles that ‘made sense to them’. These statements had been made previously in
response to descriptions of ‘your most recent illness’. They reported that the subjects’ piles of
categories reflected the dimensions of identity (diagnosis/symptoms), consequences (the pos-
sible effects), time line (how long it will last), cause (what caused the illness) and cure/control
(how and whether it can be treated).
A series of experimental studies by Bishop and colleagues also provided support for these
dimensions. For example, Bishop and Converse (1986) presented subjects with brief descrip-
tions of patients who were experiencing six different symptoms. Subjects were randomly alloc-
ated to one of two sets of descriptions: high prototype in which all six symptoms had been
previously rated as associated with the same disease, or low prototype in which only two of the
six symptoms had been previously rated as associated with the same disease. The results showed
that subjects in the high prototype condition labelled the disease more easily and accurately
than subjects in the low prototype condition. The authors argued that this provides support for
the role of the identity dimension (diagnosis and symptoms) of illness representations and also
suggested that there is some consistency in people’s concept of the identity of illnesses. In addi-
tion, subjects were asked to describe in their own words ‘what else do you think may be associ-
ated with this person’s situation?’. They reported that 91 per cent of the given associations fell
into the dimensions of illness representations as described by Leventhal and his colleagues.
However, they also reported that the dimensions consequences (the possible effects) and time
line (how long it will last) were the least frequently mentioned.
There is also some evidence for a similar structure of illness representations in other cul-
tures. Weller (1984) examined models of illness in English-speaking Americans and Spanish-
speaking Guatemalans. The results indicated that illness was predominantly conceptualized in
terms of contagion and severity. Lau (1995) argued that contagion is a version of the cause
dimension (i.e. the illness is caused by a virus) and severity is a combination of the magnitude
of the perceived consequences and beliefs about time line (i.e. how will the illness affect my life
and how long will it last) – dimensions that support those described by Leventhal and his col-
leagues. Hagger and Orbell (2003) carried out a meta-analysis of 45 empirical studies which
used Leventhal’s model of illness cognitions. They concluded from their analysis that there was
consistent support for the different illness cognition dimensions and that the different cogni-
tions showed a logical pattern across different illness types.
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Measurement issues
Beliefs about illness can be assessed using a range of measures. Some research has used inter-
views (e.g. Leventhal et al. 1980; Leventhal and Nerenz 1985; Schmidt and Frohling 2000), some
has used formal questionnaires (e.g. Horne and Weinman 2002; Llewellyn et al. 2003), some
have used vignette studies (e.g. French, Senior et al. 2002) and others have used a repertory grid
method (e.g. Walton and Eves 2001). French and colleagues asked whether the form of method
used to elicit beliefs about illness influenced the types of beliefs reported. In one study French,
Senior et al. (2002) compared the impact of eliciting beliefs using either a questionnaire or a
vignette. Participants were asked either simply to rate a series of causes for heart attack (the
questionnaire) or to read a vignette about a man and to estimate his chances of having a heart
attack. The results showed that the two different methods resulted in different beliefs about the
causes of heart attack and different importance placed upon these causes. Specifically, when
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using the questionnaire, smoking and stress came out as more important causes than family
history, whereas when using the vignette, smoking and family history came out as more import-
ant causes than stress. In a similar vein French et al. (2001) carried out a systematic review of
studies involving attributions for causes of heart attack and compared these causes according to
method used. The results showed that stressors, fate or luck were more common beliefs
about causes when using interval rating scales (i.e. 1–5) than when studies used dichotomous
answers (i.e. yes/no). French, Marteau et al. (2005) also asked whether causal beliefs should be
subjected to a factor analysis as a means to combine different sets of beliefs into individual con-
structs (e.g. external causes, lifestyle causes, etc.) and concluded that although many researchers
use this approach to combine their data it is unlikely to result in very valid groups of causal
In summary, it appears that individuals may show consistent beliefs about illness that can be
used to make sense of their illness and help their understanding of any developing symptoms.
These illness cognitions have been incorporated into a model of illness behaviour to examine the
relationship between an individual’s cognitive representation of their illness and their subsequent
coping behaviour. This model is known as the ‘self-regulatory model of illness behaviour’.
Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 Research often explores how people feel about their symptoms or illness by using existing question-
naires. It is possible that such measures change beliefs rather than simply access them (i.e. do I
really have a belief about what has caused my headache until I am asked about it?).
2 Models of illness behaviour describe how the different constructs relate to each other (i.e. illness
representations are associated with coping). It is not always clear, however, whether these two con-
structs are really discrete (e.g. ‘I believe my illness is not going to last a long time’ could either be an
illness cognition or a coping mechanism).
3 Many of the constructs measured as part of research on illness behaviour are then used to predict
health outcomes such as illness beliefs and coping. It is not clear how stable these constructs are
and whether they should be considered states or traits. As a self-regulatory model, the changing
nature of these constructs is central. However, it presents a real methodological problem in terms of
when to measure what and whether variables are causes or consequences of each other.
interpreted as a problem and the individual will be motivated to re-establish their state of health
(i.e. illness is not the normal state).
These stages have been applied to health using the self-regulatory model of illness behaviour
(see Figure 3.1) and are described briefly here and in more detail later on page 56.
Stage 1: Interpretation
An individual may be confronted with the problem of a potential illness through two channels:
symptom perception (‘I have a pain in my chest’) or social messages (‘the doctor has diagnosed
this pain as angina’).
Once the individual has received information about the possibility of illness through these
channels, according to theories of problem solving, the individual is then motivated to return to a
state of ‘problem-free’ normality. This involves assigning meaning to the problem. According to
Leventhal, the problem can be given meaning by accessing the individual’s illness cognitions.
Therefore the symptoms and social messages will contribute towards the development of illness
cognitions, which will be constructed according to the following dimensions: identity, cause, con-
sequences, time line, cure/control. These cognitive representations of the ‘problem’ will give the
problem meaning and will enable the individual to develop and consider suitable coping strategies.
However, a cognitive representation is not the only consequence of symptom perception
and social messages. The identification of the problem of illness will also result in changes in
emotional state. For example, perceiving the symptom of pain and receiving the social message
that this pain may be related to coronary heart disease may result in anxiety. Therefore,
any coping strategies have to relate to both the illness cognitions and the emotional state of the
Stage 2: Coping
The next stage in the self-regulatory model is the development and identification of suitable
coping strategies. Coping can take many forms, which will be discussed in detail later in this
of health threat
• Identity
• Cause
• Consequences
• Time line
• Cure/control
Stage 2: Coping Stage 3: Appraisal
Stage 1: Interpretation
• Approach • Was my
• Symptom perception
coping coping
• Social messages
• Avoidance strategy
→ deviation from norm
coping effective?
response to
health threat
• Fear
• Anxiety
• Depression
chapter and in Chapter 11. However, two broad categories of coping have been defined that
incorporate the multitude of other coping strategies: approach coping (e.g. taking pills, going to
the doctor, resting, talking to friends about emotions) and avoidance coping (e.g. denial,
wishful thinking). When faced with the problem of illness, the individual will therefore develop
coping strategies in an attempt to return to a state of healthy normality.
Stage 3: Appraisal
The third stage of the self-regulatory model is appraisal. This involves individuals evaluating the
effectiveness of the coping strategy and determining whether to continue with this strategy or
whether to opt for an alternative one.
This paper presents the results from two studies to examine the relationship between women’s
beliefs about cervical cancer and their intentions to quit smoking. In particular the study
explored whether, by making beliefs about threat and behaviour more coherent with each
other, people are more likely to be motivated to change their behaviour.
Research shows that women who smoke have twice the chance of developing cervical cancer
than those who do not. Most women, however, are unaware of this association and, when told
that smoking can increase the risk of cervical cancer, report finding this information confusing
and nonsensical (‘how [can] smoking a cigarette in your mouth cause you problems down-
stairs?’). Leventhal’s self-regulatory model illustrates that people represent their illness in the
form of illness representations. He also argues that if people are to act on threats to their health
they need to have a coherent model whereby their beliefs about the nature of the threat are
coherent with their beliefs about any action that could be taken. The relationship between
smoking and cervical cancer does not immediately make sense, suggesting that most people do
not have a coherent model about the link between these factors. The present study used an
experimental design to present women with a coherent model of how smoking is linked to cer-
vical cancer and to explore whether a more coherent model was associated with a greater inten-
tion to quit smoking.
Study 1
The study used an experimental design with women receiving either a detailed leaflet about cer-
vical cancer and smoking, a less detailed leaflet or no leaflet.
The sample consisted of female smokers aged between 20 and 64 years who were recruited from
two general practices in the UK.
Women who received a leaflet in the post were then asked to complete a questionnaire a week
later. Those who did not receive a leaflet were just sent the questionnaire.
Women completed measures of response efficacy (the extent to which stopping smoking would
reduce vulnerability to cervical cancer), self-efficacy for smoking cessation, severity, coherence
(the extent to which they believed they had a coherent explanation for the link between
smoking and cervical cancer) and intentions to quit smoking in the next month. In addition,
measures of smoking behaviour were taken.
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Data analysis
The results were analysed to assess the impact of the leaflets on women’s level of coherence,
beliefs and intentions. The results were then analysed to assess the relationship between level of
coherence, beliefs and intentions.
The results showed that the detailed and less detailed leaflet were equally as effective at produc-
ing a coherent model of the relationship between smoking and cervical cancer and were both
more effective than receiving no leaflet. The results also showed that those who received a leaflet
(regardless of level of detail) reported higher vulnerability to cervical cancer, greater response
efficacy and higher intentions to quit smoking. Finally, in terms of the relationship between
coherence, beliefs and intentions the results showed that greater intentions, to quit smoking
were predicted by greater coherence, greater perceptions of severity, higher response efficacy
and higher self-efficacy. Furthermore, greater perceptions of vulnerability to cervical cancer
only predicted intentions to quit smoking in those women who showed a coherent model of the
link between smoking and cervical cancer.
The results therefore show the importance of a coherent model in creating a link between
beliefs and intentions. The results also show that coherence can be changed by a simple leaflet
Study 2
Because of the weakness of some of the measures in Study 1, the authors replicated their study
with a further 178 women smokers and included an improved measure of vulnerability.
The results directly replicated the findings of Study 1.
This study illustrates a role for coherence between beliefs about threat and subsequent action
and supports Leventhal’s model. Therefore people would seem more likely to intend to change
their behaviour if they have a coherent model as to how this behaviour may impact upon their
health status.
The individual processes involved in the self-regulatory model will now be examined in greater
Stage 1: interpretation
Symptom perception
Individual differences in symptom perception
Symptoms such as a temperature, pain, a runny nose or the detection of a lump may indicate to
the individual the possibility of illness. However, symptom perception is not a straightforward
process (see Chapter 12 for details of pain perception and Chapter 16 for details of menopausal
symptoms). For example, what might be a sore throat to one person could be another’s tonsilli-
tis, and whereas a retired person might consider a cough a serious problem, a working person
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might be too busy to think about it. Pennebaker (1983) has argued that there are individual
differences in the amount of attention people pay to their internal states. Whereas some
individuals may sometimes be internally focused and more sensitive to symptoms, others may
be more externally focused and less sensitive to any internal changes. However, this difference is
not always consistent with differences in accuracy. Some research suggests that internal focus is
related to overestimation. For example, Pennebaker (1983) reported that individuals who were
more focused on their internal states tended to overestimate changes in their heart rate com-
pared with subjects who were externally focused. In contrast Kohlmann et al. (2001) examined
the relationship between cardiac vigilance and heart-beat detection in the laboratory and
reported a negative correlation; those who stated they were more aware of their heart underesti-
mated their heart rate. Being internally focused has also been shown to relate to a perception of
slower recovery from illness (Miller et al. 1987) and to more health-protective behaviour
(Kohlmann et al. 2001). Being internally focused may result in a different perception of
symptom change, not a more accurate one.
The role of mood in symptom perception is particularly apparent in pain perception with
anxiety increasing self-reports of the pain experience (see Chapter 12 for a discussion of anxiety
and pain). In addition, anxiety has been proposed as an explanation for placebo pain reduction
as taking any form of medication (even a sugar pill) may reduce the individual’s anxiety,
increase their sense of control and result in pain reduction (see Chapter 13 for a discussion of
anxiety and placebos and Chapter 16 for a discussion of anxiety and birth and menopausal
symptoms). Cropley and Steptoe (2005) directly explored the relationship between recent life
stress and general symptom reporting and found that higher stress was associated with an
increased frequency of a range of symptoms. Stegen et al. (2000) explored the impact of negat-
ive affectivity on both the experience of symptoms and attributions for these symptoms. In an
experimental study, participants were exposed to low intensity somatic sensations induced by
breathing air high in carbon dioxide. They were then told that the sensation would be either
positive, negative or somewhere between and were asked to rate both the pleasantness and
intensity of their symptoms. The results showed that what the participants were told about the
sensation influenced their ratings of its pleasantness. The results also showed that although
people who rated high on negative affectivity, showed similar ratings of pleasantness to those
low on negative affectivity they did report more negative meanings and worries about their
symptoms. This indicates that expectations about the nature of a symptom can alter the
experience of that symptom and that negative mood can influence the attributions made about
a symptom. Similarly, Mora et al. (in press) explored the role of negative affect on symptom
perception and the processes underlying this relationship. Their study involved both a cross-
sectional and longitudinal design and assessed trait and state negative affect in adults with mod-
erate and severe asthma. The results showed that higher trait negative affect was related to
higher reports of all symptoms whether or not they were related to asthma. In addition, the
results showed that only those who were worried about their asthma attributed their asthma
symptoms to asthma. This suggests that negative affect increases symptom perception; and
further, that worrying about asthma enables the individual to associate their symptoms with
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their illness. In line with this relationship between mood and symptoms, a recent study
explored the impact of manipulating psychological stress on symptom perception (Wright et al.
2005). Using an experimental design, 42 patients with heartburn and reflux were exposed either
to a psychological stressor or a no-stress control condition. They then rated their state anxiety
and symptom perception. In addition, objective ratings of reflux symptoms were taken. The
results showed that the stressor resulted in increased subjective ratings of symptoms. The stres-
sor, however, did not result in any increase in actual reflux. Therefore the stressor resulted in a
greater dissociation between subjective and objective symptoms. This study is important as it
not only illustrates the impact of stress on symptom perception but also illustrates that gap
between objective and subjective accounts of symptoms.
An individual’s cognitive state may also influence their symptom perception. This is illustrated
by the placebo effect with the individual’s expectations of recovery resulting in reduced
symptom perception (see Chapter 13). It is also illustrated by Stegen et al.’s (2000) study of
breathing symptoms with expectations changing symptom perception. Ruble (1977) carried out
a study in which she manipulated women’s expectations about when they were due to start
menstruating. She gave subjects an ‘accurate physiological test’ and told women either that their
period was due very shortly or that it was at least a week away. The women were then asked to
report any premenstrual symptoms. The results showed that believing that they were about to
start menstruating (even though they were not) increased the number of reported premenstrual
symptoms. This indicates an association between cognitive state and symptom perception.
Pennebaker also reported that symptom perception is related to an individual’s attentional
state and that boredom and the absence of environmental stimuli may result in over-reporting,
whereas distraction and attention diversion may lead to under-reporting (Pennebaker 1983).
One study provides support for Pennebaker’s theory. Sixty-one women who had been
hospitalized during pre-term labour were randomized to receive either information, distraction
or nothing (van Zuuren 1998). The results showed that distraction had the most beneficial
effect on measures of both physical and psychological symptoms, suggesting that symptom
perception is sensitive to attention. Symptom perception can also be influenced by the ways in
which symptoms are elicited. For example, Eiser (2000) carried out an experimental study
whereby students were asked to indicate their symptoms, from a list of 30 symptoms, over the
past month and the past year and also to rate their health status. However, whereas half were
asked to endorse their symptoms (i.e. mark those they had had), half were asked to exclude
their symptoms (i.e. mark those they had not had). The results showed that those in the
‘exclude’ condition reported 70 per cent more symptoms than those in the ‘endorse’ condition.
In addition, those who had endorsed the symptoms rated their health more negatively than
those who had excluded symptoms. This suggests that it is not only focus and attention that can
influence symptom perception but also the ways in which this focus is directed.
Symptom perception is therefore influenced by mood and cognition. It is also influenced by an
individual’s social context. Cross-cultural research consistently shows variation in the presenta-
tion of psychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, psychosis and depression. For example, Minsky et
al. (2003) explored diagnostic patterns in Latino, African American and European American
psychiatric patients and reported that not only did the diagnoses of major depression and schiz-
ophrenic disorders vary by ethnic group, but so did symptom presentation, with Latinos report-
ing a higher frequency of psychotic symptoms than the other groups. Similarly, a consensus
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statement by the International Consensus Group of Depression and Anxiety (Ballenger et al.
2001) concluded that there was wide cultural variation not only in the diagnosis and respon-
siveness to treatment for depression and anxiety but also significant variation in symptom pres-
entation. A similar pattern of variation can also be found for somatic symptoms such as
headaches, fatigue, constipation and back pain although research in this area is less extensive.
For example, epidemiological studies indicate that while headache is a common symptom in the
USA and Western Europe, its prevalence remains much lower in China and in African and
Asian populations (e.g. Ziegler 1990; Stewart et al. 1996; Wang et al. 1997). Similarly, large
surveys of primary care attenders report that those from less developed countries and from
Latin America tend to report more somatic symptoms in general (Gureje et al. 1997; Piccinelli
and Simon 1997). One study explored cataract patients’ reports of visual function and the
extent to which they were bothered by their cataract and explored differences by culture
(Alonso et al. 1998). The results showed that after controlling for clinical and sociodemographic
characteristics, patients from Canada and Barcelona reported less trouble with their vision than
patients from Denmark or the USA, suggesting cultural variation in the perception of visual
symptoms. Symptom perception and diagnosis are therefore highly influenced by the indi-
vidual’s context and cultural background.
Mood, cognition and environment therefore influence symptom perception. These different
factors are illustrated by a condition known as ‘medical students’ disease’, which has been
described by Mechanic (1962). A large component of the medical curriculum involves learning
about the symptoms associated with a multitude of different illnesses. More than two-thirds of
medical students incorrectly report that at some time they have had the symptoms they are
being taught about. Perhaps this phenomenon can be understood in terms of the following:
■ Mood: Medical students become quite anxious due to their workload. This anxiety may
heighten their awareness of any physiological changes, making them more internally
■ Cognition: Medical students are thinking about symptoms as part of their course, which
may result in a focus on their own internal states.
■ Social: Once one student starts to perceive symptoms, others may model themselves on this
Therefore, symptom perception influences how an individual interprets the problem of illness.
Social messages
Information about illness also comes from other people. This may come in the form of a formal
diagnosis from a health professional or a positive test result from a routine health check. Such
messages may or may not be a consequence of symptom perception. For example, a formal diag-
nosis may occur after symptoms have been perceived, when the individual has subsequently been
motivated to go to the doctor and has been given a diagnosis. However, screening and health
checks may detect illness at an asymptomatic stage of development and therefore attendance for
such a test may not have been motivated by symptom perception. Information about illness may
also come from other lay individuals who are not health professionals. Before (and after) con-
sulting a health professional, people often access their social network, which has been called their
‘lay referral system’ by Freidson (1970). This can take the form of colleagues, friends or family
and involves seeking information and advice from multiple sources. For example, coughing in
front of one friend may result in the advice to speak to another friend who had a similar cough,
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or a suggestion to take a favoured home remedy. Alternatively, it may result in a lay diagnosis or
a suggestion to seek professional help from the doctor. In fact, Scambler et al. (1981) reported
that three-quarters of those taking part in their study of primary care attenders had sought
advice from family or friends before seeking professional help. Such social messages will influ-
ence how the individual interprets the ‘problem’ of illness. The language used by the doctor is
also an important source of information. Some research has explored how the language used by
the doctor can influence how the patient feels about their problem. For example, Ogden et al.
(2003) explored the relative effect of calling a problem by its lay term (i.e. sore throat/stomach
upset) or by its medical term (i.e. tonsillitis/gastroenteritis) and showed that whereas the medical
terms made the patient feel that their symptoms were being taken seriously and reported greater
confidence in the doctor, the lay terms made the patient feel more ownership of the problem
which could be associated with unwanted responsibility and blame. In a similar vein, Tayler and
Ogden (2005) explored the relative effect of describing a problem as either ‘heart failure’ or the
doctors’ preferred euphemism for the symptoms that are considered as heart failure – ‘fluid on
your lungs as your heart is not pumping hard enough’. The results showed that manipulating the
name of the problem in this way resulted in significant shifts in people’s beliefs about the
problem. In particular, the term ‘heart failure’ resulted in people believing that the problem
would have more serious consequences, would be more variable over time, would last for longer
and made them feel more anxious and depressed about their problem compared to the euphe-
mism. People therefore receive social messages about the nature of their problem which influ-
ence how they represent this problem and subsequently how they then behave.
Stage 2: coping
There is a vast literature on how people cope with a range of problems including stress, pain
and illness. Coping with stress and pain is covered in Chapters 11 and 12. This section will
examine three approaches to coping with illness: (1) coping with a diagnosis; (2) coping with
the crisis of illness; and (3) adjustment to physical illness and the theory of cognitive adapta-
tion. These different theoretical approaches have implications for understanding the differences
between adaptive and maladaptive coping, and the role of reality and illusions in the coping
process. They therefore have different implications for understanding the outcome of the
coping process.
■ A decision is needed quickly: Illness frequently requires decisions about action to be made
quickly (e.g. should we operate, should we take medicines, should we take time off from
work, should we tell our friends).
■ Ambiguous meaning: Because of uncertainties about causality and outcome, the meaning of
the illness for an individual will often be ambiguous (e.g. is it serious? how long will it
affect me?).
■ Limited prior experience: Most individuals are healthy most of the time. Therefore illness is
infrequent and may occur to individuals with limited prior experience. This lack of
experience has implications for the development of coping strategies and efficacy based on
other similar situations (e.g. ‘I’ve never had cancer before, what should I do next?’).
Many other crises may be easier to predict, have clearer meanings and occur to individuals with
a greater degree of relevant previous experience. Within this framework, Moos and Schaefer
considered illness a particular kind of crisis, and applied crisis theory to illness in an attempt to
examine how individuals cope with this crisis.
Adaptive tasks
• Illness-specific
Background factors
• General tasks
• Demographic
and social factors
Cognitive appraisal
• Physical/social The crisis Outcome
environmental of illness
Is my illness serious?
Coping skills
• Illness-related
• Appraisal-focused
• Problem-focused
• Emotion-focused
Illness-related tasks
■ Dealing with pain and other symptoms
■ Dealing with the hospital environment and treatment procedures
■ Developing and maintaining relationships with health professionals
General tasks
■ Preserving an emotional balance
■ Preserving self-image, competence and mastery
■ Sustaining relationships with family and friends
■ Preparing for an uncertain future
Appraisal-focused coping involves attempts to understand the illness and represents a search for
meaning. Three sets of appraisal-focused coping skills have been defined:
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■ Logical analysis and mental preparation
■ Cognitive redefinition
■ Cognitive avoidance or denial
■ Seeking information and support
■ Taking problem-solving action
■ Identifying rewards
■ Affective regulation
■ Emotional discharge
■ Resigned acceptance
2 Physical and social/environmental factors, such as the accessibility of social support net-
works and the acceptability of the physical environment (e.g. hospitals can be dull and
3 Illness-related factors, such as any resulting pain, disfigurement or stigma.
suggested that these processes involve developing illusions. Such illusions are not necessarily in
contradiction to reality but are positive interpretations of this reality. For example, although
there may be little evidence for the real causes of cancer, or for the ability of individuals to
control the course of their illness, those who have suffered cancer wish to hold their own illu-
sions about these factors (e.g. ‘I understand what caused my cancer and believe that I can
control whether it comes back’). Taylor and her colleagues argued that these illusions are a
necessary and essential component of cognitive adaptation and that reality orientation (as sug-
gested by other coping models) may actually be detrimental to adjustment.
The need for illusions raises the problem of disconfirmation of the illusions (what happens
when the reoccurrence of cancer cannot be controlled?). Taylor argued that the need for illu-
sions is sufficient to enable individuals to shift the goals and foci of their illusions so that the
illusions can be maintained and adjustment persist.
ables (Johnston et al. 2004). To further assess the factors that may relate to recovery from
stroke, Johnston, Bonetti et al. (2006) developed a workbook-based intervention which was
designed to change cognitions about control in patients who had just had a stroke. In particular
the intervention focused on coping skills, encouraged self-management and offered encourage-
ment. The results showed that at six months’ follow-up, those receiving the intervention
showed better disability recovery than those in the control group. However, it was unclear how
the intervention had worked as the intervention group showed no significant changes in any
psychological process variables apart from confidence in recovery which did not itself relate to
actual disability recovery. Research therefore indicates that control cognitions may relate to
recovery from stroke. Further, an intervention to change such cognitions seems to improve
recovery. It is not clear, however, what processes are involved in this change as the intervention
did not actually change stroke patients’ beliefs about control.
A self-regulatory approach may be useful for describing illness cognitions and for exploring
the relationship between such cognitions and coping, and also for understanding and predict-
ing other health outcomes.
To conclude
In the same way that people have beliefs about health, they also have beliefs about illness. Such
beliefs are often called ‘illness cognitions’ or ‘illness representations’. Beliefs about illness appear
to follow a pattern and are made up of: (1) identity (e.g. a diagnosis and symptoms); (2) con-
sequences (e.g. beliefs about seriousness); (3) time line (e.g. how long it will last); (4) cause (e.g.
caused by smoking, caused by a virus); and (5) cure/control (e.g. requires medical inter-
vention). This chapter examined these dimensions of illness cognitions and assessed how they
relate to the way in which an individual responds to illness via their coping and their appraisal
of the illness. Further, it has described the self-regulatory model, its implications for under-
standing and predicting health outcomes and the central role for coherence.
1 How do people make sense of health and illness?
2 Discuss the relationship between illness cognitions and coping.
3 Why is Leventhal’s model ‘self-regulatory’?
4 Symptoms are more than just a sensation. Discuss.
5 Discuss the role of symptom perception in adjusting to illness.
6 Discuss the role of coherence in illness representations.
7 Illness cognitions predict health outcomes. Discuss.
8 Design a research project to assess the extent to which illness severity predicts patient
adjustment and highlight the role that illness cognitions may have in explaining this rela-
For discussion
Think about the last time you were ill (e.g. headache, flu, broken limb, etc.). Consider the ways
in which you made sense of your illness and how they related to your coping strategies and how
you recovered.
2 Methodology as separate to theory. The literature also assumes that the structure of
cognitions exists prior to questions about these cognitions. Therefore it is assumed
that the data collected are separate from the methodology used (i.e. the different
components of the illness cognitions pre-date questions about time line, causality,
cure, etc.). However, it is possible that the structure of these cognitions is in part an
artefact of the types of questions asked. In fact, Leventhal originally argued that
interviews should be used to access illness cognitions as this methodology avoided
‘contaminating’ the data. However, even interviews involve the interviewer’s own
preconceived ideas which may be expressed through the structure of their questions,
through their responses to the interviewee, or through their analysis of the tran-
Further reading
Cameron, L. and Leventhal, H. (eds) (2003) The Self-regulation of Health and Illness Behaviour.
London: Routledge.
This is a good book which presents a comprehensive coverage of a good selection of illness repre-
sentations research and broader self-regulation approaches.
de Ridder, D. (1997) What is wrong with coping assessment? A review of conceptual and methodo-
logical issues, Psychology and Health, 12: 417–31.
This paper explores the complex and ever-growing area of coping and focuses on the issues
surrounding the questions ‘What is coping?’ and ‘How should it be measured?’
Ogden, J. and Sidhu, S. (2006) Adherence, behaviour change and visualisation: a qualitative study of
patients’ experiences of obesity medication, The Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 62: 545–52.
Although this is one of my papers (!) I think it provides an example of how beliefs about a
problem can be changed through experience and how coherence is a essential part of illness rep-
resentations. It also illustrates a qualitative approach to illness representations.
Petrie, K.J. and Weinman, J.A. (eds) (1997) Perceptions of Health and Illness. Amsterdam: Harwood.
This is an edited collection of projects using the self-regulatory model as their theoretical frame-
Taylor, S.E. (1983) Adjustment to threatening events: a theory of cognitive adaptation, American
Psychologist, 38: 1161–73.
This is an excellent example of an interview-based study. It describes and analyses the cognitive
adaptation theory of coping with illness and emphasizes the central role of illusions in making
sense of the imbalance created by the absence of health.
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Health professional–
patient communication
and the role of
health beliefs
Chapter overview
This chapter first examines the problem of compliance and then describes Ley’s (1981, 1989)
cognitive hypothesis model of communication, which emphasizes patient understanding, recall
and satisfaction. This educational perspective explains communication in terms of the transfer
of knowledge from medical expert to layperson. Such models of the transfer of expert know-
ledge assume that the health professionals behave according to their education and training,
not their subjective beliefs. The chapter then looks at the role of information in terms of
determining compliance and also in terms of the effect on recovery, and then reviews the
adherence model, which was an attempt to go beyond the traditional model of doctor–patient
communication. Next, the chapter focuses on the problem of variability and suggests that vari-
ability in health professionals’ behaviour is not only related to levels of knowledge but also to
the processes involved in clinical decision making and the health beliefs of the health profes-
sional. This suggests that many of the health beliefs described in Chapter 2 are also relevant to
health professionals. Finally, the chapter examines health professional–patient communication
as an interaction and the role of agreement, shared models, patient centredness and informed
04 health848.ch04 16/4/07 2:49 pm Page 74
● What is compliance?
● The work of Ley
● How can compliance be improved?
● The role of knowledge in health professional–patient communication
● The problem of doctor variability
● Explaining variability – the role of clinical decision making
● Explaining variability – the role of health beliefs
● Health professional–patient communication as an interaction
● Patient centredness
● Informed choice
What is compliance?
Haynes et al. (1979) defined compliance as ‘the extent to which the patient’s behaviour (in
terms of taking medications, following diets or other lifestyle changes) coincides with medical
or health advice’. Compliance has excited an enormous amount of clinical and academic inter-
est over the past few decades and it has been calculated that 3200 articles on compliance in
English were listed between 1979 and 1985 (Trostle 1988). Compliance is regarded as important
primarily because following the recommendations of health professionals is considered essential
to patient recovery. However, studies estimate that about half of the patients with chronic ill-
nesses, such as diabetes and hypertension, are non-compliant with their medication regimens
and that even compliance for a behaviour as apparently simple as using an inhaler for asthma is
poor (e.g. Dekker et al. 1992). Further, compliance also has financial implications as money is
wasted when drugs are prescribed, prescriptions are cashed, but the drugs not taken.
Satisfaction Compliance
Patient satisfaction
Ley (1988) examined the extent of patient satisfaction with the consultation. He reviewed 21
studies of hospital patients and found that 41 per cent of patients were dissatisfied with their
treatment and that 28 per cent of general practice patients were dissatisfied. Studies by Haynes
et al. (1979) and Ley (1988) found that levels of patient satisfaction stem from various com-
ponents of the consultation, in particular the affective aspects (e.g. emotional support and
understanding), the behavioural aspects (e.g. prescribing, adequate explanation) and the com-
petence (e.g. appropriateness of referral, diagnosis) of the health professional. Ley (1989) also
reported that satisfaction is determined by the content of the consultation and that patients
want to know as much information as possible, even if this is bad news. For example, in studies
looking at cancer diagnosis, patients showed improved satisfaction if they were given a diagno-
sis of cancer rather than if they were protected from this information.
Berry et al. (2003) explored the impact of making information more personal to the patient
on satisfaction. Participants were asked to read some information about medication and then to
rate their satisfaction. Some were given personalized information, such as ‘If you take this med-
icine, there is a substantial chance of you getting one or more of its side effects’, whereas some
were given non-personalized information, such as ‘A substantial proportion of people who take
this medication get one or more of its side effects’. The results showed that a more personalized
style was related to greater satisfaction, lower ratings of the risks of side effects and lower ratings
of the risk to health.
Sala et al. (2002) explored the relationship between humour in consultation and patient sat-
isfaction. The authors coded recorded consultations for their humour content and for the type
of humour used. They then looked for differences between high and low satisfaction-rated con-
sultations. The results showed that high satisfaction was related to the use of more light
humour, more humour that relieved tension, more self-effacing humour and more positive-
function humour. Some research has also explored whether patient satisfaction can be
improved. For example, in a large-scale randomized control trial in Denmark, Frostholm et al.
(2005) randomly allocated GPs into an educational programme to improve their communica-
tion with patients presenting with a new problem which was considered to be a medically unex-
plained symptom (e.g. headaches, tiredness, etc.). The educational programme focused on
aspects of assessment, treatment and management and used a cognitive-orientated approach. In
addition, measures were taken of patients’ beliefs about their problem using the illness percep-
tion questionnaire (IPQ) (see Chapter 3). The results showed that the training did improve
patients’ satisfaction with the consultation. The results also showed that those patients who felt
uncertain about the nature of their problem and felt more worried and upset about their
problem were less satisfied, particularly if they had visited a GP who had not been trained.
Patient satisfaction therefore relates to a range of professional and patient variables and is
increasingly used in health care assessment as an indirect measure of health outcome based on
the assumption that a satisfied patient will be a more healthy patient. This has resulted in the
development of a multitude of patient satisfaction measures and a lack of agreement as to what
patient satisfaction actually is (see Fitzpatrick 1993). However, even though there are problems
with patient satisfaction, some studies suggest that aspects of patient satisfaction may correlate
with compliance with the advice given during the consultation.
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Patient understanding
Several studies have also examined the extent to which patients understand the content of the
consultation. Boyle (1970) examined patients’ definitions of different illnesses and reported
that, when given a checklist, only 85 per cent correctly defined arthritis, 77 per cent correctly
defined jaundice, 52 per cent correctly defined palpitations and 80 per cent correctly defined
bronchitis. Boyle further examined patients’ perceptions of the location of organs and found
that only 42 per cent correctly located the heart, 20 per cent located the stomach and 49 per
cent located the liver. This suggests that understanding of the content of the consultation may
well be low. Further studies have examined the understanding of illness in terms of causality
and seriousness. Roth (1979) asked patients what they thought peptic ulcers were caused by and
found a variety of responses, such as problems with teeth and gums, food, digestive problems or
excessive stomach acid. He also asked individuals what they thought caused lung cancer, and
found that although the understanding of the causality of lung cancer was high in terms of
smoking behaviour, 50 per cent of individuals thought that lung cancer caused by smoking had
a good prognosis. Roth also reported that 30 per cent of patients believed that hypertension
could be cured by treatment.
If the doctor gives advice to the patient or suggests that they follow a particular treatment
programme and the patient does not understand the causes of their illness, the correct location
of the relevant organ or the processes involved in the treatment, then this lack of understanding
is likely to affect their compliance with this advice.
Patient’s recall
Researchers also examined the process of recall of the information given during the consulta-
tion. Bain (1977) examined the recall from a sample of patients who had attended a GP consul-
tation and found that 37 per cent could not recall the name of the drug, 23 per cent could not
recall the frequency of the dose and 25 per cent could not recall the duration of the treatment. A
further study by Crichton et al. (1978) found that 22 per cent of patients had forgotten the
treatment regime recommended by their doctors. In a meta-analysis of the research into recall
of consultation information, Ley (1981, 1989) found that recall is influenced by a multitude of
factors. For example, Ley argued that anxiety, medical knowledge, intellectual level, the impor-
tance of the statement, primacy effect and the number of statements increase recall. However,
he concluded that recall is not influenced by the age of the patient, which is contrary to some
predictions of the effect of ageing on memory and some of the myths and counter-myths of the
ageing process. Recalling information after the consultation may be related to compliance.
A traditional model of doctor–patient communication regards the doctor as an expert who
communicates their ‘knowledge’ to the naïve patient. Within this framework, the doctor is
regarded as an authority figure who instructs and directs the patient. However, recent research
has suggested that the communication process may be improved if a sharing, patient-centred
consulting style is adopted. This approach emphasizes an interaction between the doctor and
the patient and suggests that this style may result in greater patient commitment to any advice
given, potentially higher levels of compliance and greater patient satisfaction. Savage and Arm-
strong (1990) aimed to examine patients’ responses to receiving either a ‘directive/doctor-
centred consulting style’ or a ‘sharing/patient-centred consulting style’.
The study was undertaken in a group practice in an inner city area of London. Four patients from
each surgery for one doctor, over four months, were randomly selected for the study. Patients
were selected if they were aged 16–75, did not have a life-threatening condition, if they were not
attending for administrative/preventive reasons, and if the GP involved considered that they
would not be upset by the project. Overall, 359 patients were invited to take part in the study and
a total of 200 patients completed all assessments and were included in the data analysis.
The study involved a randomized controlled design with two conditions: (1) sharing consulting
style and (2) directive consulting style. Patients were randomly allocated to one condition and
received a consultation with the GP involving the appropriate consulting style.
A set of cards was designed to randomly allocate each patient to a condition. When a patient
entered the consulting room they were greeted and asked to describe their problem. When this
was completed, the GP turned over a card to determine the appropriate style of consultation.
Advice and treatment were then given by the GP in that style. For example, the doctor’s
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judgement on the consultation could have been either ‘This is a serious problem/I don’t think
this is a serious problem’ (a directive style) or ‘Why do you think this has happened?’ (a sharing
style). For the diagnosis, the doctor could say either ‘You are suffering from . . .’ (a directive
style) or ‘What do you think is wrong?’ (a sharing style). For the treatment advice the doctor
could say either ‘It is essential that you take this medicine’ (a directive style) or ‘What were you
hoping I would be able to do?’ (a sharing style). Each consultation was recorded and assessed by
an independent assessor to check that the consulting style used was in accordance with that
All subjects were asked to complete a questionnaire immediately after each consultation and
one week later. This contained questions about the patient’s satisfaction with the consultation
in terms of the following factors:
■ The doctor’s understanding of the problem. This was measured by items such as ‘I perceived
the general practitioner to have a complete understanding’.
■ The adequacy of the explanation of the problem. This was measured by items such as ‘I
received an excellent explanation’.
■ Feeling helped. This was measured by the statements ‘I felt greatly helped’ and ‘I felt much
The results were analysed to evaluate differences in aspects of patient satisfaction between those
patients who had received a directive versus a sharing consulting style. In addition, this dif-
ference was also examined in relation to patient characteristics (whether the patient had a phys-
ical problem, whether they received a prescription, had any tests and were infrequent
The results showed that although all subjects reported high levels of satisfaction immediately
after the consultation in terms of doctor’s understanding, explanation and being helped, this
was higher in those subjects who had received a directive style in their consultation. In addition,
this difference was also found after one week. When the results were analysed to examine the
role of patient characteristics on satisfaction, the results indicated that the directive style pro-
duced higher levels of satisfaction in those patients who rarely attended the surgery, had a phys-
ical problem, did not receive tests and received a prescription.
The results suggest that a directive consulting style was associated with higher levels of patient
satisfaction than a sharing consulting style. This provides support for the educational model of
doctor–patient communication with the doctor as the ‘expert’ and the patient as the ‘layper-
son’. In addition, it suggests that patients in the present study preferred an authority figure who
offered a formal diagnosis rather than a sharing doctor who asked for the patient’s views.
Therefore, although recent research has criticized the traditional educational model of
doctor–patient communication, the results from this study suggest that some patients may
prefer this approach.
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recommendations made during a consultation, and found that information generally only
improved compliance to a level of 66 per cent. However, Haynes reported that behavioural and
individualized instruction improved compliance to 75 per cent. Information giving may there-
fore be a means of improving compliance.
Oral information
Ley (1989) suggested that one way of improving compliance is to improve communication in
terms of the content of an oral communication. He believes the following factors are important:
■ primacy effect – patients have a tendency to remember the first thing they are told
■ to stress the importance of compliance
■ to simplify the information
■ to use repetition
■ to be specific
■ to follow up the consultation with additional interviews.
Written information
Researchers also looked at the use of written information in improving compliance. Ley and
Morris (1984) examined the effect of written information about medication and found that it
increased knowledge in 90 per cent of the studies, increased compliance in 60 per cent of the
studies, and improved outcome in 57 per cent of the studies.
Ley’s cognitive hypothesis model, and its emphasis on patient satisfaction, understanding
and recall, has been influential in terms of promoting research into the communication
between health professionals and patients. In addition, the model has prompted the examina-
tion of using information to improve the communication process. As a result of this, the role of
information has been explored further in terms of its effect on recovery and outcome.
increased confidence in the outcome, which is reflected in the decreased post-operative distress.
However, there is conflicting evidence regarding this ‘U’-shaped relationship between anxiety
and outcome (see Johnston and Vogele 1993).
Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 Research exploring the communication process highlights how health professionals’ beliefs relate to
their behaviour in terms of diagnosis, management or referral. It is possible, however, that their
behaviour also influences their beliefs and that beliefs and behaviour exist in a dynamic relationship.
2 The current emphasis within clinical care is on patient centredness, shared decision making and
informed decisions. This emphasizes respecting the patient’s perspective and understanding the
patient’s beliefs. However, health professionals also have training and expertise which encourages
them to feel they know what is the correct mode of management and the correct way forward. At
times these two perspectives can clash. For example, an epileptic patient may believe that they can
manage their problem through self-care and the use of alternative medicines. The doctor may dis-
agree and feel that anti-epileptic drugs are the safest option. How these two perspectives can sit
alongside each other while enabling the doctor to be both patient centred and safe is unclear. Some-
times the literature appears to be trying to have it all ways.
3 Research exploring the interaction between health professional and patient uses a variety of
methods. Some studies ask each party about the interaction, some record the interaction, some
code the interaction and some observe the interaction. All these methods involve a level of interpre-
tation (by the researcher, the health professional or the patient). Trying to access what ‘really’ goes
on in a consulting room is not really possible.
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influence recovery and reduce anxiety, pain rating, length of hospitalization and analgesic
intake. Further, in a detailed meta-analysis of the published and unpublished literature on
preparation for surgery, Johnston and Vogele (1993) concluded that preparation for surgery in
the form of both procedural information (i.e. what will happen) and behavioural instructions
(i.e. how to behave afterwards) resulted in significant benefits on all outcome variables
explored, including mood, pain, recovery, physiological indices and satisfaction. Although the
reasons that pre-operative information is so successful remain unclear, it is possible that pre-
operative information may be beneficial to the individual in terms of the reduction of anxiety
by enabling the patient to mentally rehearse their anticipated worries, fears and changes follow-
ing the operation; thus any changes become predictable. These results therefore suggest that
information communicated correctly by the doctor or the health professional may be an
important part of reducing the distress following hospitalization or a hospital intervention.
model of communication includes a role for the patient and emphasizes patient factors in the
communication process as well as health professional factors such as the provision of relevant
information. This approach has encouraged research into the wider role of information in
health and illness. However, there are several problems with this educational approach, which
can be summarized as follows:
■ It assumes that the communication from the health professional is from an expert whose
knowledge base is one of objective knowledge and does not involve the health beliefs of
that individual health professional.
■ Patient compliance is seen as positive and unproblematic.
■ Improved knowledge is predicted to improve the communication process.
■ It does not include a role for patient health beliefs.
Break problem
up into units
Derive and
Prior experience
apply heuristics
Appraise success
of heuristics
Appraise acceptability
of solution
Finish and
verify solution
will provide a correct solution if applied correctly (e.g. addition, multiplication, etc.
involve algorithms). However, most human problem solving involves heuristics, which are
rules of thumb. Heuristics are less definite and specific but provide guidance and direction
for the problem solver. Heuristics may involve developing parallels between the present
problem and previous similar ones.
3 Apply heuristics. Once developed, the plans are then applied to the given situation.
4 Determine whether heuristics have been fruitful. The individual then decides whether the
heuristics have been successful in the attempt to solve the given problem. If they are con-
sidered unsuccessful, the individual may need to develop a new approach to the problem.
5 Determine whether an acceptable solution has been obtained.
6 Finish and verify the solution. The end-point of the problem-solving process involves the
individual deciding that an acceptable solution to the problem has been reached and that
this solution provides a suitable outcome.
According to Newell and Simon’s model of problem solving, hypotheses about the causes and
solutions to the problem are developed very early on in the process. They regarded this process
as dynamic and ever-changing and suggested that at each stage of the process the individual
applies a ‘means end analysis’, whereby they assess the value of the hypothesis, which is either
accepted or rejected according to the evidence. This type of model involves information pro-
cessing whereby the individual develops hypotheses to convert an open problem, which may be
unmanageable with no obvious end-point, to one that can be closed and tested by a series of
Signs, symptoms
Management decision
1 Accessing information about the patient’s symptoms. The initial questions in any consul-
tation from health professional to the patient will enable the health professional to under-
stand the nature of the problem and to form an internal representation of the type of
2 Developing hypotheses. Early on in the problem-solving process, the health professional
develops hypotheses about the possible causes and solutions to the problem.
3 Search for attributes. The health professional then proceeds to test the hypotheses by
searching for factors either to confirm or to refute their hypotheses. Research into the
hypothesis-testing process has indicated that although doctors aim to either confirm or
refute their hypothesis by asking balanced questions, most of their questioning is biased
towards confirmation of their original hypothesis. Therefore an initial hypothesis that a
patient has a psychological problem may cause the doctor to focus on the patient’s psycho-
logical state and ignore the patient’s attempt to talk about their physical symptoms. Studies
have shown that doctors’ clinical information collected subsequent to the development of a
hypothesis may be systematically distorted to support the original hypothesis (Wallsten
1978). Furthermore, the type of hypothesis has been shown to bias the collection and inter-
pretation of any information received during the consultation (Wason 1974).
4 Making a management decision. The outcome of the clinical decision-making process
involves the health professional deciding on the way forward. Weinman (1987) suggested
that it is important to realize that the outcome of a consultation and a diagnosis is not an
absolute entity, but is itself a hypothesis and an informed guess that will be either con-
firmed or refuted by future events.
Explaining variability
Variability in the behaviour of health professionals can therefore be understood in terms of the
processes involved in clinical decisions. For example, health professionals may:
■ access different information about the patient’s symptoms
■ develop different hypotheses
■ access different attributes either to confirm or to refute their hypotheses
■ have differing degrees of a bias towards confirmation
■ consequently reach different management decisions.
1 The health professional’s own beliefs about the nature of clinical problems. Health profes-
sionals have their own beliefs about health and illness. This pre-existing factor will influ-
ence their choice of hypothesis. For example, if a health professional believes that health
and illness are determined by biomedical factors (e.g. lesions, bacteria, viruses) then they
will develop a hypothesis about the patient’s problem that reflects this perspective (e.g. a
patient who reports feeling tired all the time may be anaemic). However, a health profes-
sional who views health and illness as relating to psychosocial factors may develop
hypotheses reflecting this perspective (e.g. a patient who reports feeling tired all the time
may be under stress).
2 The health professional’s estimate of the probability of the hypothesis and disease. Health
professionals will have pre-existing beliefs about the prevalence and incidence of any given
health problem that will influence the process of developing a hypothesis. For example,
some doctors may regard childhood asthma as a common complaint and hypothesize that
a child presenting with a cough has asthma, whereas others may believe that childhood
asthma is rare and so will not consider this hypothesis.
3 The seriousness and treatability of the disease. Weinman (1987) argued that health
professionals are motivated to consider the ‘pay-off’ involved in reaching a correct
diagnosis and that this will influence their choice of hypothesis. He suggested that this pay-
off is related to their beliefs about the seriousness and treatability of an illness. For
example, a child presenting with abdominal pain may result in an original hypothesis of
appendicitis as this is both a serious and treatable condition, and the benefits of arriving at
the correct diagnosis for this condition far outweigh the costs involved (such as time-
wasting) if this hypothesis is refuted. Marteau and Baum (1984) have argued that health
professionals vary in their perceptions of the seriousness of diabetes and that these
beliefs will influence their recommendations for treatment. Brewin (1984) carried out a
study looking at the relationship between medical students’ perceptions of the controllabil-
ity of a patient’s life events and the hypothetical prescription of antidepressants. The
results showed that the students reported variability in their beliefs about the controllabil-
ity of life events; if the patient was seen not to be in control (i.e. the patient was seen as a
victim), the students were more likely to prescribe antidepressants than if the patient was
seen to be in control. This suggests that not only do health professionals report inconsis-
tency and variability in their beliefs, this variability may be translated into variability in
their behaviour.
4 Personal knowledge of the patient. The original hypothesis will also be related to the
health professional’s existing knowledge of the patient. Such factors may include the
patient’s medical history, knowledge about their psychological state, an understanding of
their psychosocial environment and a belief about why the patient uses the medical
5 The health professional’s stereotypes. Stereotypes are sometimes seen as problematic and
as confounding the decision-making process. However, most meetings between health
professionals and patients are time-limited and consequently stereotypes play a central role
in developing and testing a hypothesis and reaching a management decision. Stereotypes
reflect the process of ‘cognitive economy’ and may be developed according to a multitude
of factors such as how the patient looks/talks/walks or whether they remind the health pro-
fessional of previous patients. Without stereotypes, consultations between health profes-
sionals and patients would be extremely time-consuming.
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Other factors that may influence the development of the original hypothesis include the
1 The health professional’s mood. The health professional’s mood may influence the choice
of hypotheses and the subsequent process of testing this hypothesis. Isen et al. (1991)
manipulated mood in a group of medical students and evaluated the effect of induced
positive affect on their decision-making processes. Positive affect was induced by inform-
ing subjects in this group that they had performed in the top 3 per cent of all graduate stu-
dents nationwide in an anagram task. All subjects were then given a set of hypothetical
patients and asked to decide which one was most likely to have lung cancer. The results
showed that those subjects in the positive affect group spent less time to reach the correct
decision and showed greater interest in the case histories by going beyond the assigned
task. The authors therefore concluded that mood influenced the subjects’ decision-making
2 The profile characteristics of the health professional. Factors such as age, sex, weight, geo-
graphical location, previous experience and the health professional’s own behaviour may
also affect the decision-making process. For example, smoking doctors have been shown to
spend more time counselling about smoking than their non-smoking counterparts (Stokes
and Rigotti 1988). Further, thinner practice nurses have been shown to have different
beliefs about obesity and offer different advice to obese patients than overweight practice
nurses (Hoppe and Ogden 1997).
would accept it if the treatment had a 3 per cent chance of doing them good and a 97 per cent
chance of doing no good or not being needed (personal probability of benefit). Therefore,
although the actual risk of the treatment was the same in all four conditions, the ways of pre-
senting this risk varied and this resulted in a variation in patient uptake. Harris and Smith
(2005) carried out a similar study but compared absolute risk (high versus low risk) with com-
parative risk (above average versus below average). They asked participants to read information
about deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and to rate a range of beliefs. Participants were then told to
imagine their risk of DVT in either absolute or comparative terms. The results showed that the
US sample were more disturbed by absolute risk. A detailed analysis of risk communication can
be found in Berry (2004). However, doctors not only have beliefs about risk but also about
illness which could be communicated to patients. Ogden et al. (2003) used an experimental
design to explore the impact of type of diagnosis on patients’ beliefs about common problems.
Patients were asked to read a vignette in which a person was told either that they had a problem
using a medical diagnostic term (tonsillitis/gastroenteritis) or using a lay term (sore
throat/stomach upset). The results showed that, although doctors are often being told to use lay
language when speaking to patients, patients actually preferred the medical labels as it made the
symptoms seem more legitimate and gave the patient more confidence in the doctor. In con-
trast the lay terms made the patients feel more to blame for the problem. Therefore, if a doctor
holds particular beliefs about risk or the nature of an illness, and chooses language that reflects
these beliefs, then these beliefs may be communicated to the patient in a way that may then
influence the patient’s own beliefs and their subsequent behaviour.
Patient centredness
First developed by Byrne and Long in 1976, the concept of patient centredness has become
increasingly in vogue over recent years. The prescriptive literature has recommended patient
centredness as the preferred style of doctor–patient communication as a means to improve
patient outcomes (Pendleton et al. 1984; Neighbour 1987; McWhinney 1995). Further, empiri-
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cal research has explored both the extent to which consultations can be deemed to be patient
centred. For example, in one classic study Tuckett et al. (1985) analysed recorded consultations
and described the interaction between doctor and patient as a ‘meeting between experts’.
Research has also addressed whether patient centredness is predictive of outcomes such as
patient satisfaction, compliance and patient health status (Henbest and Stewart 1990; Savage
and Armstrong 1990). Such research has raised questions concerning both the definition of
patient centredness and its assessment which has resulted in a range of methodological
approaches. For example, some studies have used coding frames such as the Stiles verbal
response mode system (Stiles 1978) or the Roter index (Roter et al. 1997) as a means to code
whether a particular doctor is behaving in a patient-centred fashion. In contrast, other studies
have used interviews with patients and doctors (Henbest and Stewart 1990) while some have
used behavioural checklists (Byrne and Long 1976). Complicating the matter further, research
studies exploring the doctor–patient interaction and the literature proposing a particular form
of interaction have used a wide range of different but related terms such as shared decision
making (Elwyn et al. 1999), patient participation (Guadagnoli and Ward 1998) and patient
partnership (Coulter 1999). However, although varying in their operationalization of patient
centredness, in general the construct is considered to consist of three central components,
namely: (1) a receptiveness by the doctor to the patient’s opinions and expectations, and an
effort to see the illness through the patient’s eyes; (2) patient involvement in the decision
making and planning of treatment; and (3) an attention to the affective content of the consulta-
tion in terms of the emotions of both the patient and the doctor. This framework is comparable
to the six interactive components described by Levenstein et al. (1986) and is apparent in the
five key dimensions described by Mead and Bower (2000) in their comprehensive review of the
patient-centred literature. Finally, it is explicitly described by Winefield et al. (1996) in their
work comparing the effectiveness of different measures. Patient centredness is now the way in
which consultations are supposed to be managed. It emphasizes negotiation between doctor
and patient and places the interaction between the two as central. In line with this approach,
research has explored the relationship between health professional and patient with an empha-
sis not on either the health professional or the patient but on the interaction between the two in
the following ways: the level of agreement between health professional and patient and the
impact of this agreement on patient outcome.
Informed choice
Gaining informed consent has become a central requirement for any research study or clinical
intervention and aims to ensure that the participants have understood what they are about to
take part in and any side effects that it might have. Informed consent can be either written or
verbal depending on the nature of the study and is an essential requirement for gaining ethical
approval, and medical councils across the world stipulate that patients must be given sufficient
information to enable them to consent to any procedure in an informed way. Informed consent
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therefore relates to a formal process prior to research or clinical work. Within health psychol-
ogy, researchers have also focused on informed choice and informed decision making, although
defining the differences between these is often difficult. It is generally agreed that an informed
decision is one that is made effectively but whether effectiveness relates to evaluations of the
final choice (i.e. the outcome) or the way in which the decision is made (i.e. the process) is
unclear. Bekker (2003) provides a clear analysis of these two different perspectives and high-
lights the theoretical positions that inform the emphasis on either outcome or process.
Bekker (2003) describes how the emphasis on outcome reflects classical decision or rational
choice theory which suggests that a choice can be deemed effective if it conforms to expected
utility theory. This means that a choice is effective if the individual has surveyed all the decision
options, evaluated the consequences of each option in terms of likelihood (i.e. the expected
probability of the consequences occurring), assessed the attractiveness of the outcome of each
option (utility) and then created an ‘expected utility’ value for each option by combining the
likelihood of consequence (expected probability) and attractiveness (utility) and then choosing
the option that has the greatest expected utility. This approach therefore emphasizes the
outcome of a decision. The problem with this approach is that most decisions are not made in
this rational way and so would be judged to be ineffective decisions. Further, it is possible that
even if the individual were to be so rational, they may be basing it upon inaccurate information.
If this were to occur, the decision would be deemed effective but the final decision would be
In contrast to this approach is one that emphasizes process. Bekker (2003) argues that this
approach is informed by reasoned choice models which suggest that an effective decision is one
that has met three criteria in terms of the process used to make the decision. These criteria are:
the decision is based on information about the alternatives and their consequences; the likeli-
hood and desirability of the consequences are evaluated accurately; a trade-off between these
factors is evident. Further, central to this approach is a role for the individual’s own beliefs as
the evaluation of the consequences and desirability of the options takes place in the context of
any existing values or beliefs.
Adding behaviour
O’Connor and O’Brien-Pallas (1989) take a process approach to informed choice but also add
in the individual’s behaviour. They describe an effective decision as one that is informed, con-
sistent with the decision maker’s values and then behaviourally implemented.
There are therefore different ways of defining informed choice and informed decision making.
To date, however, there remains no consensus as to the nature of informed choice or decision
making although these terms are still widely used and regarded as essential to the research and
clinical process.
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To conclude
Traditional educational models of doctor–patient communication emphasized patient factors
and considered non-compliance to be the result of patient variability. The relationship between
health professionals and patients was seen as the communication of expert medical knowledge
from an objective professional to a subjective layperson. Within this framework, Ley’s model
explained failures in communication in the context of the failure to comply in terms of patient
factors, including patient’s satisfaction, lack of understanding, or lack of recall. In addition,
methods to improve communication focused on the health professional’s ability to communic-
ate this factual knowledge to the patient. However, recent research has highlighted variability in
the behaviours of health professionals that cannot simply be explained in terms of differences in
knowledge. This variability can be examined in terms of the processes involved in clinical
decision making by the health professional and in particular the factors that influence the devel-
opment of hypotheses. This variability has also been examined within the context of health
beliefs, and it is argued that the division between professional and lay beliefs may be a simplifi-
cation, with health professionals holding both professional and lay beliefs; health professionals
have beliefs that are individual to them in the way that patients have their own individual
beliefs. However, perhaps to further conceptualize the communication process, it is important
to understand not only the health professional’s preconceived ideas/prejudices/stereotypes/lay
beliefs/professional beliefs or the patient’s beliefs, but to consider the processes involved in any
communication between health professional and patient as an interaction that occurs in the
context of these beliefs.
1 To what extent is a medical diagnosis based upon knowledge and expertise?
2 What are the problems with the hypothetico-deductive model of decision making?
3 Discuss the role of health professionals’ beliefs in the communication process.
4 To what extent is non-compliance the responsibility of the patient?
5 Consider the problems inherent in determining whether someone has made an informed
6 Health professionals should attempt to respect and share the beliefs of their patients.
7 Design a research project to assess the role of affect in influencing health professionals’
decision making.
For discussion
Consider the last time you had contact with a health professional (e.g. doctor, dentist, nurse,
etc.). Discuss the content of the consultation and think about how the health professional’s
health beliefs may have influenced this.
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Further reading
Berry, D. (2004) Risk, Communication and Health Psychology. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
The communication of risk is a central part of many consultations. This book provides a compre-
hensive overview of research on risk communication.
Boyle, C.M. (1970) Differences between patients’ and doctors’ interpretations of common medical
terms, British Medical Journal, 2: 286–9.
This is a classic paper illustrating differences between doctors’ and patients’ knowledge and inter-
pretation. At the time it was written it was central to the contemporary emphasis on a need to
acknowledge how uninformed patients were. However, it also illustrates some variability in
doctors’ knowledge.
Marteau, T.M. and Johnston, M. (1990) Health professionals: a source of variance in health out-
comes, Psychology and Health, 5: 47–58.
This paper examines the different models of health professionals’ behaviour and emphasizes the
role of health professionals’ health beliefs.
04 health848.ch04 16/4/07 2:49 pm Page 94
Roter, D.L., Stewart, M., Putnam, S.M., Lipkin, M., Stiles, W. and Inui, T.S. (1997) Communication
pattern of primary care physicians, Journal of the American Medical Association, 277: 350–6.
This presents the classic paper describing the Roter index which is frequently used to assess com-
Trostle, J.A. (1988) Medical compliance as an ideology, Social Science and Medicine, 27: 1299–308.
This theoretical paper examines the background to the recent interest in compliance and dis-
cusses the relationship between compliance and physician control.
Tuckett, D., Boulton, M., Olson, C. and Williams, A. (1985) Meetings Between Experts. London:
This is a classic book which describes a study involving consultation analysis. It set the scene for
much subsequent research and shifted the emphasis from doctor as expert to seeing the consulta-
tion as an interaction.
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Smoking and
alcohol use
Chapter overview
This chapter examines the prevalence of smoking and alcohol consumption and evaluates the
health consequences of these behaviours. The history of theories of addictive behaviours and
the shift from a disease model of addictions to the social learning theory perspective is then
described. The chapter also examines the four stages of substance use from initiation and main-
tenance to cessation and relapse, and discusses these stages in the context of the different
models of addictive behaviours. The chapter concludes with an examination of a cross-
behavioural perspective on addictive behaviours and an assessment of the similarities and dif-
ferences between smoking and drinking and their relationship to other behaviours.
Who smokes?
Worldwide data show that in developed countries about 35 per cent of men and 22 per cent of
women smoke whereas in developing countries about 50 per cent of men and 9 per cent of
women smoke (National Statistics 2005). China has the highest percentage of male smokers,
05 health848.ch05 16/4/07 3:18 pm Page 96
about 300 million men. This is equivalent to the entire US population. In the UK the overall
prevalence of smoking has decreased in men from 52 per cent in 1974, to 30 per cent in 1990 to
26 per cent in 2004. In women it has decreased from 41 per cent in 1970, to 29 per cent in 1990
to 23 per cent in 2004. The highest prevalence of smoking is in those aged between 20 and 34,
and whereas 32 per cent of those with routine or manual occupations smoke in the UK, only 16
per cent of those in professional occupations smoke. This decrease in smoking behaviour
follows a trend for an overall decline and is shown in Figure 5.1. However, the data also showed
that, although women smoke fewer cigarettes than men, fewer women than men are giving up.
Smokers can also be categorized in terms of whether they are ‘ex-smokers’, ‘current smokers’ or
whether they have ‘never smoked’. The trends in smoking behaviour according to these categories
are shown in Figure 5.2. Again, sex differences can be seen for these types of smoking behaviour
with men showing an increase in the numbers of ‘never smoked’ and ‘ex-smokers’, and a decrease
in ‘current smokers’, while women show the same profile of change for both ‘current smokers’ and
‘ex-smokers’ but show a consistently high level of individuals who have ‘never smoked’.
In general, data about smoking behaviour (General Household Survey 2004) suggest the
following about smokers:
■ Smoking behaviour is on the decline, but this decrease is greater in men than in women.
■ Smokers tend to be in the unskilled manual group.
■ There has been a dramatic reduction in the number of smokers smoking middle-tar cigarettes.
■ Two-thirds of smokers report wanting to give up smoking.
■ The majority of smokers (58 per cent) say that it would be fairly/very difficult to go
without smoking for a whole day.
Who drinks?
According to the General Household Survey men on average drank 15.9 units a week (about
eight pints of beer) and women drank about 5.4 units (about two and a half pints of beer). For
1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 1998 2000 2002 2004
Figure 5.1 Changes in smoking, 1974–2004 (after General Household Survey 2004)
05 health848.ch05 16/4/07 3:18 pm Page 97
Men Women
Current smokers
Percentage of adults aged 16 or over
80 Current smokers
60 Ex-smokers
Never smoked
Never smoked
Year Year
Figure 5.2 Current smokers, ex-smokers and non-smokers by sex, 1972–92 (after General Household
Survey 1994)
2003, when asked about alcohol excessive consumption ‘last week’, 40 per cent of men drank
more than four units on one day and 23 per cent of men drank more than eight units on one
day, whereas 23 per cent of women drank more than three units in one day and 9 per cent
drank more than six units on one day. Twenty-six per cent of men and 41 per cent of women
drank no alcohol in the last week. Sex differences in drinking more than the recommended
intake of alcohol by sex are shown in Figure 5.3.
16–24 25–44 45–64 65 and over
Figure 5.3 Adults drinking more than the recommended guidelines on at least one day last week, by
age and sex, 2004, GB (after General Household Survey 2004)
05 health848.ch05 16/4/07 3:18 pm Page 98
Positive effects
There are very few positive health effects of cigarette smoking. It has been suggested that
smokers report positive mood effects from smoking and that smoking can help individuals to
cope with difficult circumstances (Graham 1987).
120,000 114,597
Number of deaths
5121 8579
881 3439 513 4066 234
Positive effects
Alcohol may also have a positive effect on health. In a longitudinal study, Friedman and
Kimball (1986) reported that light and moderate drinkers had lower morbidity and mortality
rates than both non-drinkers and heavy drinkers. They argued that alcohol consumption
reduces coronary heart disease via the following mechanisms: (1) a reduction in the production
of catecholamines when stressed; (2) the protection of blood vessels from cholesterol; (3) a
reduction in blood pressure; (4) self-therapy; and (5) a short-term coping strategy. The results
from the General Household Survey (1992) also showed some benefits of alcohol consumption
with the reported prevalence of ill health being higher among non-drinkers than among
drinkers. However, it has been suggested that the apparent positive effects of alcohol on health
may be an artefact of poor health in the non-drinkers who have stopped drinking due to health
In an attempt to understand why people smoke and drink, much health psychology research
has drawn upon the social cognition models described in Chapter 2. However, there is a vast
addiction literature which has also been applied to smoking and drinking. Addiction theories
will now be explored.
Age-standardized rate per 100,000 population
18 Females
1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
Figure 5.5 Alcohol-related deaths in the UK since 1991
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What is an addiction?
Many theories have been developed to explain addictions and addictive behaviours, including
moral models, which regard an addiction as the result of weakness and a lack of moral fibre;
biomedical models, which see an addiction as a disease; and social learning theories, which
regard addictive behaviours as behaviours that are learned according to the rules of learning
theory. The multitude of terms that exist and are used with respect to behaviours such as
smoking and alcohol are indicative of these different theoretical perspectives and in addition
illustrate the tautological nature of the definitions. For example:
■ An addict: someone who ‘has no control over their behaviour’, ‘lacks moral fibre’, ‘uses a
maladaptive coping mechanism’, ‘has an addictive behaviour’.
■ An addiction: ‘a need for a drug’, ‘the use of a substance that is psychologically and physio-
logically addictive’, ‘showing tolerance and withdrawal’.
■ Dependency: ‘showing psychological and physiological withdrawal’.
■ Drug: ‘an addictive substance’, ‘a substance that causes dependency’, ‘any medical sub-
These different definitions indicate the relationship between terminology and theory. For
example, concepts of ‘control’, ‘withdrawal’ and ‘tolerance’ are indicative of a biomedical view
of addictions. Concepts such as ‘lacking moral fibre’ suggest a moral model of addictions, and
‘maladaptive coping mechanism’ suggests a social learning perspective. In addition, the terms
illustrate how difficult it is to use one term without using another with the risk that the defini-
tions become tautologies.
Many questions have been asked about different addictive behaviours, including the
■ What causes someone to start smoking?
■ What causes drinking behaviour to become a problem?
■ Why can some people just smoke socially while others need to smoke first thing in the
■ Is it possible for an alcoholic to return to normal drinking?
■ Do addictions run in families?
Questions about the causes of an addiction can be answered according to the different theo-
retical perspectives that have been developed over the past 300 years to explain and predict
addictions, including the moral model, the first disease concept, the second disease concept and
the social learning theory. These different theories and how they relate to attitudes to different
substances will now be examined.
twins reared apart or the relationship between adoptees and their biological parents. These
methodologies tease apart the separate effects of environment and genetics. In an early study on
genetics and smoking, Sheilds (1962) reported that out of 42 twins reared apart, only 9 were
discordant (showed different smoking behaviour). He reported that 18 pairs were both non-
smokers and 15 pairs were both smokers. This is a much higher rate of concordance than pre-
dicted by chance. Evidence for a genetic factor in smoking has also been reported by Eysenck
(1990) and in an Australian study examining the role of genetics in both the uptake of smoking
(initiation) and committed smoking (maintenance) (Hannah et al. 1985). Research into the
role of genetics in alcoholism has been more extensive and reviews of this literature can be
found elsewhere (Peele 1984; Schuckit 1985). However, it has been estimated that a male child
may be up to four times more likely to develop alcoholism if they have a biological parent who
is an alcoholic.
Acquired dependency
Models within the second disease perspective have also viewed addiction as the result of excess.
For example, Jellinek in the 1960s developed a theory of species of alcoholism and phases of
alcoholism (Jellinek 1960). This suggested that there were different types of addiction (alpha,
gamma, delta) and that increased consumption of alcohol caused the individual to progress
through different stages of the illness. He suggested that addiction stemmed from exposure to
the addictive substance and resulted in: (1) acquired tissue tolerance; (2) adaptive cell metabo-
lism; (3) withdrawal and craving; and (4) loss of control. In a similar vein, Edwards and Gross’s
(1976) theory of alcohol dependence syndrome argued that consistent alcohol use resulted in
cell changes and subsequent dependency. Applied to smoking, this perspective suggests that
nicotine causes addiction through its constant use. Although this perspective is classified as a
second disease concept, it is reminiscent of the first disease concept as the emphasis is on the
substance rather than on the individual.
■ The description of controlled drinking, which suggested that alcoholics can return to
‘normal drinking’ patterns (Davies 1962; Sobel and Sobel 1976, 1978), challenged the
central ideas of the disease model. The phenomenon of controlled drinking indicated
that perhaps an addiction was not irreversible and that abstinence may not be the only
treatment goal.
Classical conditioning
The rules of classical conditioning state that behaviours are acquired through the processes of
associative learning. For example, an unconditioned stimulus (US, e.g. going to the pub) may
elicit an unconditioned response (UR, e.g. feeling relaxed). If the unconditioned stimulus is
associated with a conditioned stimulus (CS, e.g. a drink), then eventually this will elicit the
conditioned response (CR, e.g. feeling relaxed). This will happen as follows:
The unconditioned stimulus and the unconditioned response:
going to the pub ⫹ feeling relaxed
(US) ⫹ (UR)
Pairing the unconditioned stimulus and the conditioned stimulus:
going to the pub ⫹ a drink
(US) ⫹ (CS)
The conditioned stimulus and the conditioned response:
a drink ⫹ feeling relaxed
(CS) ⫹ (CR)
or with internal cues (e.g. anxiety, depression or happiness). It has been argued that a pairing
with an internal cue is more problematic because these cues cannot be avoided. In addition,
internal cues also raise the problem of generalization. Generalization occurs when the with-
drawal symptoms from a period of abstinence from an addictive behaviour act as cues for
further behaviour. For example, if an individual has paired feeling anxious with smoking, their
withdrawal symptoms may be interpreted as anxiety and therefore elicit further smoking
behaviour; the behaviour provides relief from its own withdrawal symptoms.
Operant conditioning
The rules of operant conditioning state that the probability of behaviour occurring is increased
if it is either positively reinforced by the presence of a positive event, or negatively reinforced by
the absence or removal of a negative event. In terms of an addictive behaviour such as smoking,
the probability of smoking will be increased by feelings of social acceptance, confidence and
control (the positive reinforcer) and removal of withdrawal symptoms (the negative reinforcer).
Observational learning/modelling
Behaviours are also learned by observing significant others carrying them out. For example,
parental smoking, an association between smoking and attractiveness/thinness, and the obser-
vation of alcohol consumption as a risk-taking behaviour may contribute to the acquisition of
the behaviour.
Cognitive factors
Factors such as self-image, problem-solving behaviour, coping mechanisms and attributions
also contribute to the acquisition of an addictive behaviour.
Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 There are very different theoretical perspectives on addictive behaviours which colour research in
terms of theory, methods and interpretation. For example, those from a medical perspective empha-
size the addictive nature of the drug while those from a behavioural perspective emphasize the
behaviour. At times these two perspectives contradict each other but mostly these two camps
publish in different journals and do not really communicate. This can lead to polarizing our under-
standing of these behaviours.
2 Most measures of smoking and alcohol are self-report. This can be problematic as people may under-
report their behaviour in order to seem healthier than they are. There are some more objective
measures available such as cotinine levels. However, these involve more commitment by both the
researcher and the subject. In addition, measuring these behaviours may change them as any form
of measurement can make people more aware of their behaviours.
3 The factors that explain smoking and alcohol use are many and complex. Theories to explain them
are therefore complex and often difficult to operationalize. More simple theories are easier to opera-
tionalize but may miss many of the variables that predict these behaviours. There therefore always
needs to be a trade-off between comprehensiveness and usefulness.
Clinical interventions
• Disease perspective
(e.g. nicotine replacement)
Beliefs • Social learning perspective
• Susceptibility (e.g. aversion therapy,
• Seriousness contracts, cue exposure,
• Costs self-management)
• Benefits
• Expectancies
Cessation as a process
• Pre-contemplation
Initiation Maintenance • Contemplation Relapse
• Action
• Maintenance
Social factors
• Parental
behaviour Public health interventions Self-help Relapse prevention
• Parental • Doctor’s advice • Coping
beliefs • Worksite interventions • Expectancies
• Peer group • Community approaches • Attributions
pressure • Government policy
Figure 5.6 The stages of substance use
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Smoking in children
Doll and Peto (1981) reported that people whose smoking is initiated in childhood have an
increased chance of lung cancer compared with those who start smoking later on in life. This is
particularly significant as most adult smokers start the habit in childhood and very few people
start smoking regularly after the age of 19 or 20 (Charlton 1992). Lader and Matheson (1991)
reviewed the data from national surveys between 1982 and 1990 and indicated that smoking
behaviour in 11- to 15-year-old school boys – including those boys who have just tried a ciga-
rette – had fallen from 55 to 44 per cent and that smoking in school girls of a comparable age
had fallen from 51 to 42 per cent. Although this showed a decrease, it was less than the decrease
shown in adult smoking, and the data showed that in 1990 nearly a half of the school children
had at least tried one cigarette. In fact, many children try their first cigarette while at primary
school (Murray et al. 1984; Swan et al. 1991).
drinking but the expected effects (George and Marlatt 1983). Therefore, because a small
amount of alcohol may have positive effects, people assume that these positive effects will con-
tinue with increased use. This perspective is in line with the social learning model of addictive
behaviours and emphasizes the role of reinforcement and cognitions.
Cessation as unplanned
In contrast to this ‘drip, drip’ approach to cessation West (2006; West and Sohal 2006) has
argued that sometimes cessation of an addictive behaviour can be unplanned. In a large-scale
cross-sectional survey of smokers who had made at least one quit attempt (n ⫽ 918) and ex-
smokers (n ⫽ 996) they asked participants to describe whether they had made a serious quit
attempt (‘By serious attempt I mean you decided that you would try to make sure you never
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smoked another cigarette’). Those who had tried were then asked to describe the extent to
which their attempt had been planned (ranging from ‘I did not plan the quit attempt in
advance’ to ‘I planned the quit attempt a few months beforehand’) (West and Sohal 2006). The
results showed that almost half (48.6 per cent) of the attempts had been made without plan-
ning. In addition the results showed that unplanned attempts were more likely to last for at least
six months (65.4 per cent) compared to planned attempts (42.3 per cent). These results
remained even when age, sex and social class were controlled for. These findings are in contrast
to much of the research described earlier which emphasizes the role of plans and stages.
The original stages-of-change model describes the following stages:
■ Pre-contemplation: not seriously considering quitting in the next six months.
■ Contemplation: considering quitting in the next six months.
■ Action: making behavioural changes.
■ Maintenance: maintaining these changes.
The model is described as dynamic, not linear, with individuals moving backwards and for-
wards across the stages. In this study, the authors categorized those in the contemplation stage
as either contemplators (not considering quitting in the next 30 days) and those in the prepara-
tion stage (planning to quit in the next 30 days).
A total of 1466 subjects were recruited for a minimum-intervention smoking-cessation pro-
gramme from Texas and Rhode Island. The majority of the subjects were white, female, had
started smoking at about 16 and smoked on average 29 cigarettes a day.
The subjects completed a set of measures at baseline and were followed up at one and six
The subjects completed the following set of measures:
■ Smoking abstinence self-efficacy (DiClemente et al. 1985), which measures the smokers’
confidence that they would not smoke in 20 challenging situations.
05 health848.ch05 16/4/07 3:18 pm Page 112
■ Perceived stress scale (Cohen et al. 1985), which measures how much perceived stress the
individual has experienced in the last month.
■ Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire which measures physical tolerance to nicotine.
■ Smoking decisional balance scale (Velicer et al. 1985), which measures the perceived pros
and cons of smoking.
■ Smoking processes-of-change scale (DiClemente and Prochaska 1985), which measures
the individual’s stage of change. According to this scale, subjects were defined as pre-
contemplators (n ⫽ 166), contemplators (n ⫽ 794) and those in the preparation stage
(n ⫽ 506).
■ Demographic data, including age, gender, education and smoking history.
The results were first analysed to examine baseline difference between the three subject groups.
They showed that those in the preparation stage smoked less, were less addicted, had higher
self-efficacy, rated the pros of smoking as less and the costs of smoking as more, and had made
more prior quitting attempts than the other two groups. The results were then analysed to
examine the relationship between stage of change and smoking cessation. At both one and six
months, the subjects in the preparation stage had made more quit attempts and were more
likely to not be smoking.
The results provide support for the stages-of-change model of smoking cessation and suggest
that it is a useful tool for predicting successful outcome of any smoking-cessation intervention.
minimize any withdrawal symptoms. Although there is no evidence to support the effectiveness
of nicotine fading on its own, it has been shown to be useful alongside other methods such as
relapse prevention (for example, Brown et al. 1984).
Nicotine replacement procedures also emphasize an individual’s addiction and dependency
on nicotine. For example, nicotine chewing gum is available over the counter and is used as a
way of reducing the withdrawal symptoms experienced following sudden cessation. The
chewing gum has been shown to be a useful addition to other behavioural methods, particularly
in preventing short-term relapse (Killen et al. 1990). However, it tastes unpleasant and takes
time to be absorbed into the bloodstream. More recently, nicotine patches have become avail-
able, which only need to be applied once a day in order to provide a steady supply of nicotine
into the bloodstream. They do not need to be tasted, although it could be argued that chewing
gum satisfies the oral component of smoking. However, whether nicotine replacement proce-
dures are actually compensating for a physiological addiction or whether they are offering a
placebo effect via expecting not to need cigarettes is unclear. Treating excessive drinking from a
disease perspective involves aiming for total abstinence as there is no suitable substitute for
their mouths for a period of time and again thinking about the unpleasant sensations.
Smoke-holding has been shown to be more successful at promoting cessation than focused
smoking and it does not have the side effects of rapid smoking (Walker and Franzini 1985).
2 Contingency contracting procedures also aim to punish smoking and drinking and to
reward abstinence. Smokers and drinkers are asked to make a contract with either a thera-
pist, a friend or partner and to establish a set of rewards/punishments, which are contingent
on their smoking/drinking cessation. For example, money may be deposited with the thera-
pist and only returned when they have stopped smoking/drinking for a given period of time.
They are therefore rewarding abstinence. Schwartz (1987) analysed a series of contingency
contracting studies for smoking cessation from 1967 to 1985 and concluded that this pro-
cedure seems to be successful in promoting initial cessation but once the contract was fin-
ished, or the money returned, relapse was high. In a study of alcoholics, 20 severe alcoholics
who had been arrested for drunkenness were offered employment, health care, counselling,
food and clothing if they remained sober (Miller 1975). The results showed that those with
the contracts were arrested less, employed more, and were more often sober according to
unannounced blood alcohol checks than those who were given these ‘rewards’ non-
contingently. However, whether such changes in behaviour would persist over time is unclear.
In addition, this perspective is reminiscent of a more punitive moral model of addictions.
3 Cue exposure procedures focus on the environmental factors that have become associated
with smoking and drinking. For example, if an individual always smokes when they drink
alcohol, alcohol will become a strong external cue to smoke and vice versa. Cue exposure
techniques gradually expose the individual to different cues and encourage them to
develop coping strategies to deal with them. This procedure aims to extinguish the
response to the cues over time and is opposite to cue avoidance procedures, which encour-
age individuals not to go to the places where they may feel the urge to smoke or drink. Cue
exposure highlights some of the problem with inpatient detoxification approaches to alco-
holism whereby the alcoholic is hospitalized for a length of time until they have reduced
the alcohol from their system. Such an approach aims to reduce the alcoholic’s physiologi-
cal need for alcohol by keeping them away from alcohol during their withdrawal symp-
toms. However, being in hospital does not teach the alcoholic how to deal with the cues to
drink. It means that they avoid these cues, rather than being exposed to them.
4 Self-management procedures use a variety of behavioural techniques to promote smoking
and drinking cessation in individuals and may be carried out under professional guidance.
Such procedures involve self-monitoring (keeping a record of own smoking/drinking
behaviour), becoming aware of the causes of smoking/drinking (What makes me smoke?
Where do I smoke? Where do I drink?), and becoming aware of the consequences of
smoking/drinking (Does it make me feel better? What do I expect from smoking/drink-
ing?). However, used on their own, self-management techniques do not appear to be more
successful than other interventions (Hall et al. 1990).
5 Multi-perspective cessation clinics represent an integration of all the above clinical
approaches to smoking and drinking cessation and use a combination of aversion thera-
pies, contingency contracting, cue exposure and self-management. In addition, for
smoking cessation this multi-perspective approach often incorporates disease model-based
interventions such as nicotine replacement. Lando (1977) developed an integrated model
of smoking cessation, which has served as a model for subsequent clinics. His approach
included the following procedures:
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Self-help movements
Although clinical and public health interventions have proliferated over the past few decades,
up to 90 per cent of ex-smokers report having stopped without any formal help (Fiore et al.
1990). Lichtenstein and Glasgow (1992) reviewed the literature on self-help quitting and
reported that success rates tend to be about 10–20 per cent at one-year follow-up and 3–5 per
cent for continued cessation. The literature suggests that lighter smokers are more likely to be
successful at self-quitting than heavy smokers and that minimal interventions, such as follow-
up telephone calls, can improve this success. Research also suggests that smokers are more likely
to quit if they receive support from their partners and if their partners also stop smoking
(Cohen and Lichtenstein 1990) and that partner support is particularly relevant for women
trying to give up smoking during pregnancy (e.g. Appleton and Pharoah 1998). However,
although many ex-smokers report that ‘I did it on my own’, it is important not to discount their
exposure to the multitude of health education messages received via television, radio or leaflets.
05 health848.ch05 16/4/07 3:18 pm Page 116
opportunity to examine the effects of policy on behaviour change and to assess the effectiveness
of public health interventions in promoting smoking cessation.
Workplace bans provide an opportunity to use group motivation and group social support to
promote smoking cessation. In addition, they can access individuals who would not be inter-
ested in attending clinics based in hospitals or universities. The present study examined the
effect of worksite ban on smoking behaviour (both at work and outside) and also examined the
interrelationship between smoking and other behaviours. The ban was introduced on 1 August
1989 at the New South Wales Ambulance Service in Australia. This study is interesting because
it included physiological measures of smoking to identify any compensatory smoking.
A screening question showed that 60 per cent of the employees were current smokers (n ⫽ 47).
Twenty-four subjects (15 males and 9 females) completed all measures. They had an average
age of 34 years, had smoked on average for 11 years and smoked an average of 26 cigarettes a
The subjects completed a set of measures one week before the ban (time 1), one week after
(time 2), and six weeks after (time 3).
At times 1, 2 and 3, the subjects were evaluated for cigarette and alcohol consumption, demo-
graphic information (e.g. age), exhaled carbon monoxide and blood cotinine. The subjects also
completed daily record cards for five working days and two non-working days, including meas-
ures of smoking, alcohol consumption, snack intake and ratings of subjective discomfort.
The results showed a reduction in self-reports of smoking in terms of number of cigarettes
smoked during a working day and the number smoked during working hours at both the one-
week and six-week follow-ups compared with baseline, indicating that the smokers were
smoking less following the ban. However, the cotinine levels suggested that although there was
an initial decrease at week one, by six weeks blood cotinine was almost back to baseline levels,
suggesting that the smokers may have been compensating for the ban by smoking more outside
work. The results also showed increases in craving and stress following the ban; these lower levels
of stress were maintained, whereas craving gradually returned to baseline (supporting compen-
satory smoking). The results showed no increases in snack intake or alcohol consumption.
05 health848.ch05 16/4/07 3:18 pm Page 119
The self-report data from the study suggest that worksite bans may be an effective form of
public health intervention for decreasing smoking behaviour. However, the physiological data
suggest that simply introducing a no-smoking policy may not be sufficient as smokers may
show compensatory smoking.
For interventions aimed at changing drinking behaviour, these problems include the following:
■ What is the desired outcome of any intervention? Being totally abstinent (for the last
month/week)? Drinking a normal amount? (What is normal?) Coping with life? (What
constitutes acceptable coping?) Drinking that is not detrimental to work? (Should work be
a priority?) Drinking that is no longer detrimental to family life? (Should family life be a
priority?) In his autobiography, John Healy (1991) describes his transition from an alco-
holic living on the ‘Grass Arena’ in London to becoming addicted to chess. Is this success?
Should the experts impose their view of success on a drinker, or should success be deter-
mined by them?
■ How should drinking behaviour be measured? Should intrusive measures such as blood
taking be used? Should self-reports be relied on?
05 health848.ch05 16/4/07 3:18 pm Page 120
Baseline state
Abstinence. If an individual sets total abstinence as the goal, then this stage represents the target
behaviour and indicates a state of behavioural control.
Pre-lapse state
High-risk situation. A high-risk situation is any situation that may motivate the individual to
carry out the behaviour. Such situations may be either external cues, such as someone else
Relapse rate over time
90 Heroin
Percentage of abstainers
2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
weeks Months
Figure 5.7 Relapse curves for individuals treated for heroin, smoking and alcohol addiction
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Coping Increased No
response self-efficacy relapse
Figure 5.8 The relapse process (after Marlatt and Gordon 1985)
smoking or the availability of alcohol, or internal cues, such as anxiety. Research indicates that
the most commonly reported high-risk situations are negative emotions, interpersonal conflict
and social pressure. This is in line with social learning theories, which predict that internal cues
are more problematic than external cues.
Coping behaviour. Once exposed to a high-risk situation the individual engages the coping
strategies. Such strategies may be behavioural, such as avoiding the situation or using a substitute
behaviour (e.g. eating), or cognitive, such as remembering why they are attempting to abstain.
Positive outcome expectancies. According to previous experience the individual will either
have positive outcome expectancies if the behaviour is carried out (e.g. smoking will make me
feel less anxious) or negative outcome expectancies (e.g. getting drunk will make me feel sick).
No lapse or lapse?
Marlatt and Gordon (1985) argue that when exposed to a high-risk situation, if an individual
can engage good coping mechanisms and also develop negative outcome expectancies, the
chances of a lapse will be reduced and the individual’s self-efficacy will be increased. However,
if the individual engages poor coping strategies and has positive outcome expectancies, the
chances of a lapse will be high and the individual’s self-efficacy will be reduced.
■ No lapse: good coping strategies and negative outcome expectancies will raise self-efficacy,
causing the period of abstinence to be maintained.
■ Lapse: poor or no coping strategies and positive outcome expectancies will lower self-efficacy,
causing an initial use of the substance (the cigarette, a drink). This lapse will either remain an
isolated event and the individual will return to abstinence, or will become a full-blown
relapse. Marlatt and Gordon describe this transition as the abstinence violation effect (AVE).
exacerbated by a disease model of addictions, which emphasizes ‘all or nothing’, and minimized
by a social learning model, which acknowledges the likelihood of lapses.
Having lapsed, the individual is motivated to understand the cause of the lapse. If this lapse
is attributed to the self (e.g. ‘I am useless, it’s my fault’), this may create guilt and self-blame.
This internal attribution may lower self-efficacy, thereby increasing the chances of a full-blown
relapse. However, if the lapse is attributed to the external world (e.g. the situation, the presence
of others), guilt and self-blame will be reduced and the chances of the lapse remaining a lapse
will be increased.
Marlatt and Gordon developed a relapse prevention programme based on cognitive behav-
ioural techniques to help prevent lapses turning into full-blown relapses. This programme
involved the following procedures:
■ self-monitoring (what do I do in high-risk situations?)
■ relapse fantasies (what would it be like to relapse?)
■ relaxation training/stress management
■ skills training
■ contingency contracts
■ cognitive restructuring (learning not to make internal attributions for lapses).
How these procedures relate to the different stages of relapse is illustrated in Figure 5.9.
Figure 5.9 Relapse prevention intervention strategies (after Marlatt and Gordon 1985)
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from a social learning perspective, it is possible to examine similarities between behaviours and
to apply similar processes to the initiation, maintenance, cessation and relapse of behaviours
such as exercise, sex, gambling and eating (e.g. Orford 1985). Research has examined these
behaviours independently of each other and, in addition, has also assessed the associations
between them. In particular, recent research has examined the interrelationship between
smoking and eating behaviour.
‘rumbling stomach’. Smoking abstainers also describe their desire for a cigarette in similar ways,
again using language such as ‘emptiness’, ‘agitation’ and ‘light-headedness’. A possible explana-
tion of the interaction between smoking and eating is that sensations of deprivation may be
interchangeable. Alcohol research suggests that craving for alcohol may be a form of misattribu-
tion of internal states, with the alcoholic labelling internal states as a desire for alcohol (Ludwig
and Stark 1974; Marlatt 1978). With reference to eating and smoking, the desire to smoke may
be labelled as hunger and therefore satiated by food intake. In an experimental study, smokers
were asked either to abstain for 24 hours or to continue smoking as usual, and their craving for
food and cigarettes and food intake was compared with each other and with a group of non-
smokers (Ogden 1994). The results showed that smoking abstinence resulted in an increased
craving for food and increased food intake. In addition, the results showed that an increased
craving for cigarettes resulted in increased food intake. Furthermore, the results showed that
this association between craving for cigarettes and food was greater in women than men, and
particularly apparent in dieting women.
These studies support a cross-behavioural perspective of addictions and suggest an interrela-
tionship between different behaviours. It is possible that because women dieters may use
smoking as a means to reduce their eating they develop an association between these behav-
iours. It is also possible that the substitution between addictive behaviours may also exist
between other behaviours such as alcohol and smoking (stopping smoking increases drinking),
or gambling and eating (stopping gambling increases eating). One study in 2001 used an experi-
mental design to explore the relationship between smoking and exercise (Ussher et al. 2001).
Seventy-eight smokers abstained from smoking for about 12 hours and then either exercised for
10 minutes on an exercise bicycle or took part in a control condition which involved waiting or
watching a video. The results showed that 10 minutes of exercise significantly reduced desire to
smoke and withdrawal symptoms.
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To conclude
Smoking and alcohol consumption both have negative effects on health and yet are common
behaviours. There are many different theories to explain why people smoke or drink and how
they can be encouraged to adopt healthy behaviours. This chapter examined the different
models of addiction, including the moral model, the disease models and the social learning per-
spective. It then examined the stages of substance use from initiation and maintenance (involv-
ing psychological factors, such as beliefs and expectancies, and social factors, such as parental
and peer group behaviour), to cessation (involving clinical perspectives, self-help methods and
public health interventions) or relapse. Finally, this chapter examined the interrelationship
between different behaviours, in particular smoking and eating, to examine the validity of a
cross-behavioural perspective.
1 Could we become addicted to anything?
2 Discuss the role of learning in the initiation and maintenance of an addictive behaviour.
3 Smoking is an addiction to nicotine. Discuss.
4 Discuss the role of health beliefs in the initiation of smoking behaviour.
5 It is the government’s responsibility to stop smoking. Discuss.
6 Lung cancer from smoking is a self-inflicted disease. Discuss.
7 To what extent are addictions governed by similar processes?
8 We have known for a half a century that smoking causes lung cancer. Why do people still
continue to smoke?
9 Smoking varies by gender. Outline a research project designed to evaluate why men and
women smoke in different ways.
For discussion
Have you ever tried a puff of a cigarette? If so, consider the reasons that you did or did not
become a smoker. If you have never even tried a cigarette, discuss the possible reasons for this.
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Further reading
Heather, N. and Robertson, D. (1989) Problem Drinking. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
This book examines the different theories of addictive behaviours and in particular outlines the
contribution of social learning theory.
Marlatt, G.A. and Gordon, J.R. (1985) Relapse Prevention. New York: Guilford Press.
This book provides a detailed analysis and background to relapse prevention and applies this
approach to a variety of addictive behaviours. Chapter 1 is a particularly useful overview.
Orford, J. (2002) Excessive Appetites: A Psychological View of Addictions (2nd edn). Chichester: John
This book illustrates the extent to which different addictive behaviours share common variables
in both their initiation and maintenance and discusses the interrelationship between physiologi-
cal and psychological factors.
West, R. (2005) Time for a change: putting the transtheoretical (stages of change) model to rest,
Addiction, 100, 1036–9.
This paper presents a critique of the SOC model and suggests that there are better ways of under-
standing addictive behaviours. It is accompanied by a series of papers which join in the debate
including a response by the authors of the SOC.
West, R. (2006) Theory of Addiction. Oxford: Blackwell.
This is an interesting and comprehensive book which describes existing theories of addiction and
offers a new synthetic model of addiction which combines a range of psychological processes.
West, R. and Shiffman, S. (2003) Smoking Cessation. Oxford: Health Press.
This is a very clearly written, accessible book which describes physiological and psychosocial
reasons for smoking and provides an excellent account of smoking-cessation strategies.
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Eating behaviour
Chapter overview
This chapter first examines what constitutes a healthy diet, the links between diet and health
and who does and does not eat healthily. Three main psychological perspectives which have
been used to study food intake are then described. First, the chapter describes developmental
models of eating behaviour with their focus on exposure, social learning and associative learn-
ing. Second, it examines cognitive theories with their emphasis on motivation and social cogni-
tion models. Third, it explores the emphasis on weight concern and the role of body
dissatisfaction and restrained eating.
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among nutritionists as to what constitutes a healthy diet (DoH 1991a). Food can be considered
in terms of its basic constituents: carbohydrate, protein and fat. Descriptions of healthy eating
tend to describe food in terms of broader food groups and make recommendations as to the
relative consumption of each of these groups. Current recommendations are as follows and
illustrated in Figure 6.1.
■ Fruit and vegetables: A wide variety of fruit and vegetables should be eaten and preferably
five or more servings should be eaten per day.
■ Bread, pasta, other cereals and potatoes: Plenty of complex carbohydrate foods should be
eaten, preferably those high in fibre.
■ Meat, fish and alternatives: Moderate amounts of meat, fish and alternatives should be
eaten and it is recommended that the low-fat varieties are chosen.
■ Milk and dairy products: These should be eaten in moderation and the low-fat alternatives
should be chosen where possible.
■ Fatty and sugary foods: Food such as crisps, sweets and sugary drinks should be eaten infre-
quently and in small amounts.
■ Adults: Research also explored the diets of young adults. One large-scale study carried out
between 1989–90 and 1991–92 examined the eating behaviour of 16,000 male and female
students aged between 18 and 24 from 21 European countries (Wardle et al. 1997). The
results suggest that the prevalence of these fairly basic healthy eating practices was low in
this large sample of young adults. In terms of gender differences, the results showed that
the women in this sample reported more healthy eating practices than the men. The results
also provided insights into the different dietary practices across the different European
countries. Overall, there was most variability between countries in terms of eating fibre,
red meat, fruit and salt. Fat consumption seemed to vary the least. Countries such as
Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands and Denmark ate the most fibre, while Italy, Hungary,
Poland and Belgium ate the least. Mediterranean countries such as Italy, Portugal and
Spain ate the most fruit and England and Scotland ate the least. Further, Belgium and Por-
tugal made least attempts to limit red meat while Greece, Austria, Norway and Iceland
made more attempts. Finally, salt consumption was highest in Poland and Portugal and
lowest in Sweden, Finland and Iceland.
■ The elderly: Research exploring the diets of the elderly indicates that although many
younger and non-institutionalized members of this group have satisfactory diets, many
elderly people, particularly the older elderly, report diets that are deficient in vitamins, too
low in energy and have poor nutrient content.
Research indicates that many people do not eat according to current recommendations. Much
research has explored why people eat what they do. This chapter will describe developmental
models, cognitive models and the role of weight concern in understanding eating behaviour
(see Figure 6.2).
Developmental model
• Exposure
• Social learning
• Association
Eating behaviour
Figure 6.2 A developmental, cognitive and weight concern model of eating behaviour
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of this research was Davis (1928, 1939), who carried out studies of infants and young children
living in a paediatrics ward in the USA for several months. The work was conducted at a time
when current feeding policies endorsed a very restricted feeding regime and Davis was inter-
ested to examine infants’ responses to a self-selected diet. She explored whether there was an
‘instinctive means of handling . . . the problem of optimal nutrition’ (Davis 1928). The children
were offered a variety of 10 to 12 healthy foods prepared without sugar, salt or seasoning and
were free to eat whatever they chose. Her detailed reports from this study showed that the chil-
dren were able to select a diet consistent with growth and health and were free from any feeding
problems. The results from this study generated a theory of ‘the wisdom of the body’ which
emphasized the body’s innate food preferences. In line with this, Davis concluded from her data
that children have an innate regulatory mechanism and are able to select a healthy diet. She
also, however, emphasized that they could only do so as long as healthy food was available and
argued that the children’s food preferences changed over time and were modified by experience.
Birch, who has extensively studied the developmental aspects of eating behaviour, interpreted
Davis’s data to suggest that what was innate was the ‘ability to learn about the consequences of
eating [and] to learn to associate food cues with the consequences of ingestion in order to
control food intake’ (Birch 1989). Birch therefore emphasized the role of learning and described
a developmental systems perspective (e.g. Birch 1999). In line with this analysis, the develop-
ment of food preferences can be understood in terms of exposure, social learning and associa-
tive learning.
Human beings need to consume a variety of foods in order to have a balanced diet and yet show
fear and avoidance of novel foodstuffs called neophobia. This has been called the ‘omnivore’s
paradox’ (Rozin 1976). Young children will therefore show neophobic responses to food but
must come to accept and eat foods that may originally appear as threatening. Research has
shown that mere exposure to novel foods can change children’s preferences. For example, Birch
and Marlin (1982) gave 2-year-old children novel foods over a six-week period. One food was
presented 20 times, one 10 times, one 5 times while one remained novel. The results showed a
direct relationship between exposure and food preference and indicated that a minimum of
about 8 to 10 exposures was necessary before preferences began to shift significantly. Neopho-
bia has been shown to be greater in males than females (both adults and children), to run in
families (Hursti and Sjoden 1997), to be minimal in infants who are being weaned onto solid
foods but greater in toddlers, pre-school children and adults (Birch et al. 1998).
One hypothesized explanation for the impact of exposure is the ‘learned safety’ view (Kalat
and Rozin 1973) which suggests that preference increases because eating the food has not
resulted in any negative consequences. This suggestion has been supported by studies that
exposed children either to just the sight of food or to both the sight and taste of food. The
results showed that looking at novel foods was not sufficient to increase preference and that
tasting was necessary (Birch et al. 1987). It would seem, however, that these negative con-
sequences must occur within a short period of time after tasting the food as telling children that
a novel food is ‘good for you’ has no impact on neophobia whereas telling them that it will taste
good does (Pliner and Loewen 1997). The exposure hypothesis is also supported by evidence
indicating that neophobia reduces with age (Birch 1989).
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Social learning
Social learning describes the impact of observing other people’s behaviour on one’s own
behaviour and is sometimes referred to as ‘modelling’ or ‘observational learning’. An early
study explored the impact of ‘social suggestion’ on children’s eating behaviours and arranged to
have children observe a series of role models making eating behaviours different to their own
(Duncker 1938). The models chosen were other children, an unknown adult and a fictional
hero. The results showed a greater change in the child’s food preference if the model was an
older child, a friend or the fictional hero. The unknown adult had no impact on food prefer-
ences. In another study peer modelling was used to change children’s preference for vegetables
(Birch 1980). The target children were placed at lunch for four consecutive days next to other
children who preferred a different vegetable to themselves (peas versus carrots). By the end of
the study the children showed a shift in their vegetable preference which persisted at a follow-
up assessment several weeks later. The impact of social learning has also been shown in an
intervention study designed to change children’s eating behaviour using video-based peer mod-
elling (Lowe et al. 1998). This series of studies used video material of ‘food dudes’ who were
older children enthusiastically consuming refused food which was shown to children with a
history of food refusal. The results showed that exposure to the ‘food dudes’ significantly
changed the children’s food preferences and specifically increased their consumption of fruit
and vegetables. Food preferences therefore change through watching others eat (see Figure 6.3).
Parental attitudes to food and eating behaviours are also central to the process of social
learning. In line with this, Wardle (1995) contended that ‘Parental attitudes must certainly
affect their children indirectly through the foods purchased for and served in the household, . . .
influencing the children’s exposure and . . . their habits and preferences’. Some evidence
indicates that parents do influence their children’s eating behaviour. For example, Klesges et al.
(1991) showed that children selected different foods when they were being watched by their
parents compared to when they were not. Olivera et al. (1992) reported a correlation between
mothers’ and children’s food intakes for most nutrients in pre-school children, and suggested
targeting parents to try to improve children’s diets. Likewise, Contento et al. (1993) found a
relationship between mothers’ health motivation and the quality of children’s diets, and Brown
and Ogden (2004) reported consistent correlations between parents and their children in terms
of reported snack food intake, eating motivations and body dissatisfaction. Parental behaviour
and attitudes are therefore central to the process of social learning with research highlighting a
positive association between parents’ and children’s diets.
There is, however, some evidence that mothers and children are not always in line with each
other. For example, Wardle (1995) reported that mothers rated health as more important for
their children than for themselves. Alderson and Ogden (1999) similarly reported that whereas
mothers were more motivated by calories, cost, time and availability for themselves, they rated
nutrition and long-term health as more important for their children. In addition, mothers may
also differentiate between themselves and their children in their choices of food. For example,
Alderson and Ogden (1999) indicated that mothers fed their children more of the less healthy
dairy products, breads, cereals and potatoes and fewer of the healthy equivalents to these foods
than they ate themselves. Furthermore, this differentiation was greater in dieting mothers, sug-
gesting that mothers who restrain their own food intake may feed their children more of the
foods that they are denying themselves. A relationship between maternal dieting and eating
behaviour is also supported by a study of 197 families with pre-pubescent girls by Birch and
Fisher (2000). This study concluded that the best predictors of the daughter’s eating behaviour
were the mother’s level of dietary restraint and the mother’s perceptions of the risk of her
daughter becoming overweight. In sum, parental behaviours and attitudes may influence those
of their children through the mechanisms of social learning. This association, however, may not
always be straightforward with parents differentiating between themselves and their children
both in terms of food-related motivations and eating behaviour.
The role of social learning is also shown by the impact of television and food advertising. For
example, after Eyton’s The F Plan Diet was launched by the media in 1982 which recommended
a high-fibre diet, sales of bran-based cereals rose by 30 per cent, whole-wheat bread rose by 10
per cent, whole-wheat pasta rose by 70 per cent and baked beans rose by 8 per cent. Similarly, in
December 1988 Edwina Curry, the then Junior Health Minister in the UK, said on television,
‘most of the egg production in this country sadly is now infected with salmonella’ (ITN 1988).
Egg sales then fell by 50 per cent and by 1989 were still only at 75 per cent of their previous
levels (Mintel 1990). Similarly, massive publicity about the health risks of beef in the UK
between May and August 1990 resulted in a 20 per cent reduction in beef sales. One study
examined the public’s reactions to media coverage of ‘food scares’ such as salmonella, listeria
and BSE and compared it to their reactions to coverage of the impact of food on coronary heart
disease. The study used interviews, focus groups and an analysis of the content and style of
media presentations (MacIntyre et al. 1998). The authors concluded that the media have a
major impact upon what people eat and how they think about foods. They also argued that the
media can set the agenda for public discussion. The authors stated, however, that the public do
not just passively respond to the media ‘but that they exercise judgement and discretion in how
much they incorporate media messages about health and safety into their diets’ (MacIntyre
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1998: 249). Further, they argued that eating behaviours are limited by personal circumstances
such as age, gender, income and family structure and that people actively negotiate their
understanding of food within both the micro context (such as their immediate social networks)
and the macro social contexts (such as the food production and information production
systems). The media are therefore an important source for social learning. This study suggests,
however, that the individuals learn from the media by placing the information being provided
within the broader context of their lives.
In summary, social learning factors are central to choices about food. This includes signific-
ant others in the immediate environment, particularly parents and the media which offer new
information, present role models and illustrate behaviour and attitudes that can be observed
and incorporated into the individual’s own behavioural repertoire.
Associative learning
Associative learning refers to the impact of contingent factors on behaviour. At times these con-
tingent factors can be considered reinforcers in line with operant conditioning. In terms of eating
behaviour, research has explored the impact of pairing food cues with aspects of the environment.
In particular, food has been paired with a reward, used as the reward and paired with physiologi-
cal consequences. Research has also explored the relationship between control and food.
suggests that in the long run parental control attempts may have negative effects on the quality of
children’s diets by reducing their preferences for those foods’ (1999: 10).
Not all researchers, however, agree with this conclusion. Dowey (1996) reviewed the liter-
ature examining food and rewards and argued that the conflicting evidence may relate to
methodological differences between studies and that studies designed to change food preference
should be conducted in real-life situations, should measure outcomes over time and not just at
one time point, should involve clear instructions to the children and should measure actual
food intake, not just the child’s stated preference. The recent intervention study described
earlier incorporated these methodological considerations into its design (Lowe et al. 1998) and
concluded that food preferences could be improved by offering rewards for food consumption
as long as the ‘symbolic context’ of reward delivery was positive and did not indicate that
‘eating the target foods was a low value activity’ (Lowe et al. 1998: 78). As long as the child
cannot think that ‘I am being offered a reward to eat my vegetables, therefore vegetables must
be an intrinsically negative thing’, then rewards may work.
higher covert control was related to decreased intake of unhealthy snacks, higher overt control
predicted an increased intake of healthy snacks.
In sum, developmental models of eating behaviour highlight a central role for learning. From
this perspective, eating behaviour is influenced by exposure which can reduce neophobia, social
learning through the observation of important others and associative learning as food cues can
be paired with aspects of the environment and the physiological consequences of eating.
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its fat content, for its hedonic properties and reported that these ratings of the sensory aspects
of the food did not add anything to the basic cognitive model. Shepherd (1989) provided a
review of these studies and suggested that the hedonic responses to food may be more import-
ant if the food is novel than if it is familiar.
The attitudinal research described so far conceptualizes individuals as holding either positive
or negative views towards a given object. In terms of eating behaviour it is assumed that people
either like or dislike certain foods and that this value-laden attitude predicts food intake. Recent
studies, however, have also explored the role of ambivalence in predicting behaviour (Thomp-
son et al. 1995) and this has been applied to eating behaviour (Sparks et al. 2001). Ambivalence
has been defined in a variety of different ways. For example, Breckler (1994) defined it as ‘a con-
flict aroused by competing evaluative predispositions’ and Emmons (1996) defined it as ‘an
approach – avoidance conflict – wanting but at the same time not wanting the same goal
object’. Central to all definitions of ambivalence is the simultaneous presence of both positive
and negative values which seems particularly pertinent to eating behaviour as individuals may
hold contradictory attitudes towards foods in terms of ‘tasty’, ‘healthy’, ‘fattening’ and ‘a treat’.
Sparks et al. (2001) incorporated the concept of ambivalence into the theory of planned behavi-
our and assessed whether it predicted meat or chocolate consumption. Participants were 325
volunteers who completed a questionnaire including a measure of ambivalence assessed in
terms of the mean of both positive and negative evaluations (e.g. ‘how positive is chocolate’ and
‘how negative is chocolate’) and then subtracting this mean from the absolute difference
between the two evaluations (i.e. ‘total positive minus total negative’). This computation pro-
vides a score which reflects the balance between positive and negative feelings. In line with pre-
vious TPB studies, the results showed that attitudes per se were the best predictor of the
intention to consume both meat and chocolate. The results also showed that the relationship
between attitude and intention was weaker in those participants with higher ambivalence. This
implies that holding both positive and negative attitudes to a food makes it less likely that the
overall attitude will be translated into an intention to eat it.
In line with other research using social cognition models (see Chapter 2), research in this
area has also added implementation intentions as a means to predict and change dietary behavi-
our. For example, Armitage (2004) asked 264 participants from a company in northern
England to rate their motivation to eat a low-fat diet before being randomly allocated to either
the implementation condition or the control condition. Those in the implementation condition
were asked to describe a plan to eat a low-fat diet for the next month and to formulate their
plans in as much detail as possible. Their food intake was measured using a food frequency
questionnaire after one month. The results showed that this simple intervention resulted in a
significant decrease in the proportion of energy derived from fat which could not be explained
by baseline differences in motivations, indicating that implementation intentions had changed
subsequent behaviour.
A cognitive approach to eating behaviour, however, has been criticized for its focus on indi-
vidual level variables only and for the assumption that the same set of cognitions are relevant to
all individuals. For example, Resnicow et al. (1997) carried out a large-scale study involving
1398 school children as a means to predict their fruit and vegetable intake. The study measured
social cognitive variables including self-efficacy, social norms and added additional cognitive
variables including preferences and outcome expectations. The results showed that only prefer-
ences and outcome expectations predicted actual eating behaviour but that 90 per cent of the
variance in eating behaviour remained unaccounted for. The authors concluded from this study
that ‘SCT (social cognition theory) may not be a robust framework for explaining dietary
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behaviour in children’ (Resnicow et al. 1997: 275) and suggested that a broader model, which
included factors such as self-esteem, parental and family dietary habits and the availability of
fruit and vegetables, may be more effective.
In sum, from a social cognitive perspective, eating behaviour can be understood and predicted
by measuring an individual’s cognitions about food. The research in this area points to a con-
sistently important role for attitudes towards a food (e.g. ‘I think eating a healthy meal is
enjoyable’) and a role for an individual’s beliefs about behavioural control (e.g. ‘How confident
are you that you could eat a healthy diet?’). There is also some evidence that ambivalence
may moderate the association between attitude and intention and that implementation inten-
tions can change behaviour. However, there is no evidence for either social norms or other
hypothesized variables. Such an approach ignores the role of a range of other cognitions,
particularly those relating to the meaning of food and the meaning of size and at times the
associations between variables is weak, leaving much of the variance in eating behaviour
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Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to pause to consider.
approach with normal male and female students; Counts and Adams (1985) used it with bulim-
ics, dieters and ex-obese females; and Collins (1991) used it with pre-adolescent children. It has
consistently been shown that most girls and women would like to be thinner than they are and
most males would like to be either the same or larger (see Figure 6.4).
The final and most frequent way in which body dissatisfaction is understood is simply in
terms of negative feelings and cognitions towards the body. This has been assessed using ques-
tionnaires such as the body shape questionnaire (Cooper et al. 1987), the body areas satisfaction
scale (Brown et al. 1990) and the body dissatisfaction subscale of the eating disorders inventory
(Garner 1991). These questionnaires ask questions such as ‘Do you worry about parts of your
body being too big?’, ‘Do you worry about your thighs spreading out when you sit down?’ and
‘Does being with thin women make you feel conscious of your weight?’ The research has shown
that, although individuals with eating disorders show greater body dissatisfaction than those
without, dieters show greater body dissatisfaction than non-dieters and women in general show
greater body dissatisfaction than men.
Therefore body dissatisfaction can be conceptualized as either a discrepancy between indi-
viduals’ perception of their body size and their real body size, a discrepancy between their per-
ception of their actual size and their ideal size, or simply as feelings of discontent with the
body’s size and shape. However, whichever conceptualization is used and whichever measure-
ment tool is chosen to operationalize body dissatisfaction, it seems clear that it is a common
phenomenon and certainly not one that is limited to those few individuals with clinically
defined eating disorders. So what causes this problem?
Social factors
The role of the media
The most commonly held belief in both the lay and academic communities is probably that
body dissatisfaction is a response to representations of thin women in the media. Magazines,
newspapers, television, films and even novels predominantly use images of thin women. These
women may be advertising body size-related items, such as food and clothes, or neutral items,
such as vacuum cleaners and wallpaper, but they are always thin. Alternatively they may be
characters in a story or simply passers-by who illustrate the real world, but this real world is
always represented by thinness. Whatever their role and wherever their existence, women used
by the media are generally thin and we are therefore led to believe that thinness is not only the
desired norm but also the actual norm. On those rare occasions when a fatter woman appears,
she is usually there making a statement about being fat (fat comedians make jokes about choco-
late cake and fat actresses are either evil or unhappy), not simply as a normal woman. Do these
representations then make women dissatisfied with their bodies? Some research suggests that
this is the case. For example, Ogden and Mundray (1996) asked men and women to rate their
body dissatisfaction both before and after studying pictures of either fat or thin men or women
(the pictures were matched in gender to the participant). The results showed that all particip-
ants, regardless of sex, felt more body satisfied after studying the fatter pictures and more body
dissatisfied after studying the thinner pictures. It was also shown that this response was greater
in the women than the men. Similar results have been found for anorexics, bulimics and preg-
nant women (Waller et al. 1992; Hamilton and Waller 1993; Sumner et al. 1993). If such
changes in body dissatisfaction can occur after only acute exposure to these images, then it is
possible that longer-term exposure might be more serious. However, is the media the only
explanation of body dissatisfaction? Are women (and sometimes men) simply passive victims of
the whims of the media? Perhaps body dissatisfaction also comes from a range of additional
Although body dissatisfaction has predominantly been seen as a problem for white women, the
literature examining the relationship between body dissatisfaction and ethnic group is contra-
dictory. For example, higher rates of a range of behaviours associated with body dissatisfaction
have been found in white women when compared with black and/or Asian women in terms of
bulimic behaviours (Gray et al. 1987), generalized disordered eating (Abrams et al. 1992; Akan
and Grilo 1995) and body dissatisfaction and eating concerns (Rucker and Cash 1992; Powell
and Khan 1995). However, in direct contrast, other studies report the reverse relationship
between ethnicity and weight concern. For example, Mumford et al. (1991) reported results
from a school in the north of England that indicated that the prevalence of bulimia nervosa was
higher among Asian schoolgirls than their white counterparts. In parallel, Striegel-Moore et al.
(1995) reported higher levels of drive for thinness in black girls, and Hill and Bhatti (1995)
reported higher levels of dietary restraint in 9-year-old Asian girls when both these samples
were compared with white girls. Furthermore, additional studies have suggested that equally
high levels of weight concern can be found in women and girls regardless of their ethnicity
(Dolan et al. 1990; Ahmed et al. 1994). Therefore some research indicates that whites are more
body dissatisfied than Asians and blacks, other research shows that whites are less dissatisfied
and some research even shows that there is no difference by ethnic group.
Social class
Body dissatisfaction is also generally believed to be a problem for the higher classes. However,
the literature on social class is also contradictory. Several studies in this area indicate that
factors ranging from body dissatisfaction, body distortion and dieting behaviour to eating dis-
orders are more prevalent in higher-class individuals. For example, Dornbusch et al. (1984)
examined social class and the desire to be thin in a representative sample of 7000 American
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adolescents and concluded that higher-class females wanted to be thinner when compared with
their lower-class counterparts. In parallel, Drenowski et al. (1994) reported that the higher-class
subjects in their sample showed increased prevalence of dieting, bingeing and vigorous exercise
for weight loss, and Wardle and Marsland (1990) reported that, although their higher-class
school children were thinner, they showed greater levels of weight concern. Similar results have
also been reported for the prevalence of anorexia nervosa (Crisp et al. 1976).
However, research also suggests that the relationship between social class and weight
concern is not straightforward. For example, in direct contrast to the above studies, Story et al.
(1995) reported the results from a sample of 36,320 American students and suggested that
higher social class was related to greater weight satisfaction and lower rates of pathological
weight control behaviours such as vomiting. Similar results were reported by Eisler and Szmuk-
ler (1985), who examined abnormal eating attitudes. Furthermore, additional studies reported
that social class is unrelated to factors such as body dissatisfaction, the desire for thinness, the
desire for weight loss and symptoms indicative of eating disorders (Cole and Edelmann 1988;
Whitaker et al. 1989). Therefore, although social class is believed to be a cause of body dissatis-
faction, the results remain unclear.
The family
Research has also focused on the impact of the family on predicting body dissatisfaction. In
particular, it has highlighted a role for the mother and suggested that mothers who are dissatis-
fied with their own bodies communicate this to their daughters which results in the daughters’
own body dissatisfaction. For example, Hall and Brown (1982) reported that mothers of girls
with anorexia show greater body dissatisfaction than mothers of non-disordered girls. Likewise,
Steiger et al. (1994) found a direct correspondence between mothers’ and daughters’ levels of
weight concern, and Hill et al. (1990) reported a link between mothers’ and daughters’ degree
of dietary restraint. However, research examining concordance between mothers and daughters
has not always produced consistent results. For example, Attie and Brooks-Gunn (1989)
reported that mothers’ levels of compulsive eating and body image could not predict these
factors in their daughters. Likewise, Ogden and Elder (1998) reported discordance between
mothers’ and daughters’ weight concern in both Asian and white families.
Therefore research exploring the role of social factors has highlighted a role for the media,
ethnicity, social class and the mother’s own body dissatisfaction. However, there are problems
with the literature. First, much of the evidence is contradictory and therefore straightforward
conclusions are problematic. Second, even if there was a relationship between social factors and
body dissatisfaction, simply looking for group differences (i.e. white versus Asian, lower class
versus higher class, mother versus daughter) does not explain how body dissatisfaction may
come about. Therefore research has also looked for psychological explanations.
Psychological factors
The research suggests that body dissatisfaction may be related to class, ethnicity and the family
environment but that this relationship is not a consistent one. Perhaps simply looking for group
differences hides the effect of other psychological causes. From this perspective, ethnicity may
relate to body dissatisfaction, but only when ethnicity is also accompanied by a particular set of
beliefs. Similarly, it may not be class per se that is important but whether class reflects the way
an individual thinks. Further, a mother’s body dissatisfaction may only be important if it occurs
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within a particular kind of relationship. So what might these psychological factors be? Research
has explored the role of beliefs, the mother–daughter relationship and the central role of
Some research has examined the beliefs held by the individuals themselves and their family
members. For example, when attempting to understand ethnicity, studies have highlighted a
role for beliefs about competitiveness, the value of achievement, material success and a parental
belief that the child is their future (Ogden and Chanana 1998). In addition, the literature has
also emphasized beliefs about a woman’s role within society. For example, Mumford et al.
(1991) concluded that eating disorders in Asian girls may be related to a family background that
believes in a traditional role for women. Such conclusions were also made by Hill and Bhatti
In a similar vein, when attempting to explain the role of social class, research has highlighted
a role for beliefs about achievement and it has been suggested that eating disorders may be a
response to such pressures (Bruch 1974; Kalucy et al. 1977; Selvini 1988). Lower-class indi-
viduals, in contrast, may aspire more in terms of family life and having children, which may be
protective against weight concern. Cole and Edelmann (1988) empirically tested this possibility
and assessed the relationship between the need to achieve and eating behaviour. However,
although the need to achieve was associated with class, it was not predictive of weight concern.
It has also been suggested that class may be associated with a greater value placed on physical
appearance and attitudes towards obesity (Wardle et al. 1995). Further, Dornbusch et al. (1984)
commented that ‘there are higher standards for thinness in higher social classes’, which may
contribute to higher levels of weight concern. In addition, Striegel-Moore et al. (1986) argued
that higher-class women are more likely to emulate trend-setters of beauty and fashion, again
predisposing them to feelings of dissatisfaction with their appearance.
Therefore beliefs about competitiveness, achievement, material success, the role of women,
stereotypes of beauty and the child–parent relationship have been highlighted as the kinds of
beliefs that may predict body dissatisfaction. Ogden and Chanana (1998) explored the role of
these beliefs in Asian and white teenage girls and Ogden and Thomas (1999) focused on lower-
and higher-class individuals, both studies concluding that, although social factors such as class
and ethnicity may be related to body dissatisfaction, it is likely that their influence is mediated
through the role of such beliefs held by both the individual who is dissatisfied with their body
and their family members.
Mother–daughter relationship
Some research has also explored the nature of the mother–daughter relationship. For example,
Crisp et al. (1980) argued that undefined boundaries within the family and the existence of an
enmeshed relationship between mother and daughter may be important factors. Likewise,
Smith et al. (1995) suggested that a close relationship between mother and daughter may result
in an enmeshed relationship and problems with separation in adolescence. Further, Minuchin
et al. (1978) argued that although optimum autonomy does not mean breaking all bonds
between mother and daughter, mother–daughter relationships that permit poor autonomy for
both parties may be predictive of future psychopathology. Further, Bruch (1974) argued that
anorexia may be a result of a child’s struggle to develop her own self-identity within a
mother–daughter dynamic that limits the daughter’s autonomy. Some authors have also exam-
ined the relationship between autonomy, enmeshment and intimacy. For example, Smith et al.
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(1995) argued that an increased recognition of autonomy within the mother–daughter relation-
ship corresponds with a decrease in enmeshment and a resulting increase in intimacy. Further,
it is suggested that such intimacy may be reflected in a reduction in conflict and subsequent
psychological problems (Smith et al. 1995). One study directly explored whether the
mother–daughter relationship was important in terms of a ‘modelling hypothesis’ (i.e. the
mother is body dissatisfied and therefore so is the daughter) or an ‘interactive hypothesis’ (i.e. it
is the relationship itself between mother and daughter that is important). Therefore it examined
both the mothers’ and the daughters’ own levels of body dissatisfaction and the nature of the
relationship between mother and daughter (Ogden and Steward 2000). The results showed no
support for the modelling hypothesis but suggested that a relationship in which mothers did
not believe in either their own or their daughter’s autonomy and rated projection as important
was more likely to result in daughters who were dissatisfied with their bodies.
It would seem that body dissatisfaction may come from the media. Further, it may be related
to social factors such as ethnicity, social class and the mother’s own body dissatisfaction. In
addition, it is possible that the impact of such social factors is mediated through psychological
factors such as beliefs and the nature of relationships. Research has suggested that all these
factors illustrate a central role for the need for control.
Body dissatisfaction is consistently related to dieting and attempting to eat less. Restraint theory
(e.g. Herman and Mack 1975; Herman and Polivy 1984) was developed to evaluate the causes
and consequences of dieting (referred to as restrained eating) and suggests that dieters show
signs of both undereating and overeating.
restrained eaters’ eating behaviour. This experimental method involves giving subjects either a
high calorie preload (e.g. a high calorie milk shake, a chocolate bar) or a low calorie preload
(e.g. a cracker). After eating/drinking the preload, subjects are asked to take part in a taste test.
This involves asking subjects to rate a series of different foods (e.g. biscuits, snacks, ice cream)
for a variety of different qualities, including saltiness, preference and sweetness. The subjects are
left alone for a set amount of time to rate the foods and then the amount they have eaten is
weighed (the subjects do not know that this will happen). The aim of the preload/taste test
method is to measure food intake in a controlled environment (the laboratory) and to examine
the effect of preloading on their eating behaviour. Thompson and colleagues reported that in
this experimental situation the restrained eaters consumed fewer calories than the unrestrained
eaters after both the low and high preloads. This suggests that their attempts at eating less were
successful. Kirkley et al. (1988) assessed the eating style of 50 women using four-day dietary
self-monitoring forms and also reported that the restrained eaters consumed fewer calories than
the unrestrained eaters. Laessle et al. (1989) also used food diaries and found that the restrained
eaters consumed around 400 calories less than the unrestrained eaters, with the restrained eaters
specifically avoiding food items of high carbohydrate and fat content. Therefore restrained
eaters aim to eat less and are sometimes successful.
No preload
High preload
Mass eaten (g)
Non-dieters Dieters
Figure 6.5 Overeating in dieters in the laboratory (after Herman and Mack 1975)
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the dieters consumed more in the taste test if they had had the high calorie preload than the low
calorie preload.
This form of disinhibition or the ‘what the hell’ effect illustrates overeating in response to a
high calorie preload. Disinhibition in general has been defined as ‘eating more as a result of the
loosening restraints in response to emotional distress, intoxication or preloading’ (Herman and
Polivy 1989: 342), and its definition paved the way for a wealth of research examining the role
of restraint in predicting overeating behaviour.
Hunger Satiety
No preload Preload
Hunger Satiety
No preload Preload
Figure 6.6 A boundary model explanation of overeating in dieters
Hunger Satiety
Disinhibited dieter
Hunger Capacity
Binge eater
Diet Satiety
Hunger Satiety
Normal eater
Figure 6.7 A comparison of the boundaries for different types of eaters
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Cognitive shifts
The overeating found in dieters has also been understood in terms of shifts in the individual’s
cognitive set. Primarily this has been described in terms of a breakdown in the dieter’s self-
control reflecting a ‘motivational collapse’ and a state of giving in to the overpowering drives to
eat (Polivy and Herman 1983). Ogden and Wardle (1991) analysed the cognitive set of the dis-
inhibited dieter and suggested that such a collapse in self-control reflected a passive model of
overeating and that the ‘what the hell’ effect as described by Herman and Polivy (1984) con-
tained elements of passivity in terms of factors such as ‘giving in’, ‘resignation’ and ‘passivity’.
In particular, interviews with restrained and unrestrained eaters revealed that many restrained
eaters reported passive cognitions after a high calorie preload, including thoughts such as ‘I’m
going to give in to any urges I’ve got’ and ‘I can’t be bothered, it’s too much effort to stop
eating’ (Ogden and Wardle 1991). In line with this model of overeating, Glynn and Ruderman
(1986) developed the eating self-efficacy questionnaire as a measure of the tendency to overeat.
This also emphasized motivational collapse and suggested that overeating was a consequence of
the failure of this self-control.
An alternative model of overeating contended that overeating reflected an active decision to
overeat, and Ogden and Wardle (1991) argued that implicit within the ‘what the hell’ effect was
an active reaction against the diet. This hypothesis was tested using a preload/taste test para-
digm and cognitions were assessed using rating scales, interviews and the Stroop task which is a
cognitive test of selective attention. The results from two studies indicated that dieters
responded to high calorie foods with an increase in an active state of mind characterized by cog-
nitions such as ‘rebellious’, ‘challenging’ and ‘defiant’ and thoughts such as ‘I don’t care now,
I’m just going to stuff my face’ (Ogden and Wardle 1991; Ogden and Greville 1993; see Focus
on Research 6.1, p. 153). It was argued that, rather than simply passively giving in to an over-
whelming desire to eat, as suggested by other models, the overeater may actively decide to
overeat as a form of rebellion against self-imposed food restrictions. This rebellious state of
mind has also been described by obese binge eaters who report bingeing as ‘a way to unleash
resentment’ (Loro and Orleans 1981). Eating as an active decision may at times also indicate a
rebellion against the deprivation of other substances such as cigarettes (Ogden 1994) and
against the deprivation of emotional support (Bruch 1974).
Mood modification
Dieters overeat in response to lowered mood and researchers have argued that disinhibitory
behaviour enables the individual to mask their negative mood with the temporary heightened
mood caused by eating. This has been called the ‘masking hypothesis’ and has been tested by
empirical studies. For example, Polivy and Herman (1999) told female subjects that they had
either passed or failed a cognitive task and then gave them food either ad libitum or in small
controlled amounts. The results in part supported the masking hypothesis as the dieters who ate
ad libitum attributed more of their distress to their eating behaviour than to the task failure.
The authors argued that dieters may overeat as a way of shifting responsibility for their negative
mood from uncontrollable aspects of their lives to their eating behaviour. This mood modifica-
tion theory of overeating has been further supported by research indicating that dieters eat
more than non-dieters when anxious, regardless of the palatability of the food (Polivy et al.
1994). Overeating is therefore functional for dieters as it masks dysphoria and this function is
not influenced by the sensory aspects of eating.
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Escape theory
Researchers have also used escape theory to explain overeating (Heatherton and Baumeister
1991; Heatherton et al. 1991, 1993). This perspective has been applied to both the overeating
characteristic of dieters and the more extreme form of binge eating found in bulimics, and
describes overeating as a consequence of ‘a motivated shift to low levels of self-awareness’
(Heatherton and Baumeister 1991). It is argued that individuals prone to overeating show com-
parisons with ‘high standards and demanding ideals’ (Heatherton and Baumeister 1991: 89)
and that this results in low self-esteem, self-dislike and lowered mood. It is also argued that
inhibitions exist at high levels of awareness when the individual is aware of the meanings associ-
ated with certain behaviours. In terms of the overeater, a state of high self-awareness can
become unpleasant as it results in self-criticism and low mood. However, such a state is accom-
panied by the existence of inhibitions. The individual is therefore motivated to escape from self-
awareness to avoid the accompanying unpleasantness, but although such a shift in
self-awareness may provide relief from self-criticism, it results in a reduction in inhibitions
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thereby causing overeating. Within this analysis disinhibitory overeating is indicative of a shift
from high to low self-awareness and a subsequent reduction in inhibitions.
Overeating as a relapse
Parallels exist between the undereating and overeating of the restrained eater and the behaviour
of the relapsing smoker or alcoholic. The traditional biomedical perspective of addictive behav-
iours viewed addictions as being irreversible and out of the individual’s control (see Chapter 5).
It has been argued that this perspective encourages the belief that the behaviour is either ‘all or
nothing’, and that this belief is responsible for the high relapse rate shown by both alcoholics
and smokers (Marlatt and Gordon 1985). Thus the abstaining alcoholic believes in either total
abstention or relapse, which itself may promote the progression from lapse to full-blown
relapse. In the case of the restrained eater, it is possible that they too believe in the ‘all or
nothing’ theory of excess which promotes the shift from a high calorie lapse to the ‘what the
hell’ characterized by disinhibition. This transition from lapse to relapse and the associated
changes in mood and cognitions is illustrated in Figure 6.8.
These parallels have been supported by research suggesting that both excessive eating and
alcohol use can be triggered by high risk situations and low mood (Brownell et al. 1986b; Grilo
et al. 1989). In addition, the transition from lapse to relapse in both alcohol and eating behavi-
our has been found to be related to the internal attributions (e.g. ‘I am to blame’) for the ori-
ginal lapse (e.g. Ogden and Wardle 1990). In particular, researchers exploring relapses in
addictive behaviours describe the ‘abstinence violation effect’ which describes the transition
from a lapse (one drink) to a relapse (becoming drunk) as involving cognitive dissonance (e.g.
‘I am trying not to drink but I have just had a drink’), internal attributions (e.g. ‘It is my fault’)
and guilt (e.g. ‘I am a useless person’) (Marlatt and Gordon 1985). These factors find reflection
in the overeating shown by dieters (Ogden and Wardle 1990).
The sense of not giving in suggests an attempt to impose control over her eating. In terms of the
preoccupation with food, one woman said, ‘Why should I deprive myself of nice food?’ and
another said, ‘Now that I’ve eaten that I might as well give in to all the drives to eat’. Such state-
ments again illustrate a sense of self-control and a feeling that eating reflects a breakdown in
this control. In terms of mood, one woman said that she was ‘depressed that something as
simple as eating cannot be controlled’. Likewise this role of self-control was also apparent in the
women’s negative descriptions of themselves, with one woman saying, ‘I’m just totally hopeless
and weak, and though I hate being fat I just don’t have the willpower to do anything about it’.
In summary, restraint theory indicates that dieting is linked with overeating and research
inspired by this perspective has explored the processes involved in triggering this behaviour.
Studies have used experimental and descriptive designs and suggest a role for physiological
boundaries, cognitive shifts, mood modification, denial, a shift in self-awareness and control.
These are illustrated in Figure 6.9.
Dieting Overeating
Dieters have been shown to overeat following a high calorie preload. This behaviour has been
called disinhibition or the ‘what the hell’ effect. The boundary model of overeating suggests that
the preload forces the dieters to cross their diet boundary and consequently overeat. It has been
suggested that this overeating may be related to lowered mood (either as a result of the preload
or independently) and/or changes in their cognitive state. This study aimed to examine shifts in
cognitive state following the consumption of a ‘forbidden food’ using self-report measures and
the Stroop task.
A total of 56 female subjects from a London university took part in the study and were catego-
rized as either restrained eaters or unrestrained eaters according to their scores on the
restrained eating section of the Dutch eating behaviour questionnaire (DEBQ) (van Strien et al.
1986). They ranged in age from 19 to 25 years and were of average weight.
The subjects were randomly allocated to one of two conditions (low calorie preload versus high
calorie preload) and completed a set of rating scales and the Stroop tasks before and after the
After completing the rating scales and the Stroop tasks, the subjects were given either a high
calorie preload (a chocolate bar) or a low calorie preload (a cream cracker). Subjects then com-
pleted the ratings scales and Stroop tasks again.
The following measures were completed before and after the preload:
1 Stroop tasks. The original Stroop task (Stroop 1935) involved a repeated set of colour
names (e.g. ‘green’, ‘red’, ‘blue’, ‘black’) written on a card in different colour inks (e.g.
green, red, blue, black). Subjects were asked to name the colour of the ink (not the word
itself). For example, if the word ‘green’ was written in blue ink, the subject should say
‘blue’. The time to complete the task was recorded and it was argued that a longer time
indicated greater interference of the meaning of the word. Research has used the Stroop
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task to examine anxiety, phobias and post-traumatic stress disorder using words such as
‘fear’, ‘anxiety’ and ‘panic’ instead of names of colours. Subjects are still asked to name the
colour of the ink and it has been suggested that longer times infer that the words are more
relevant to the individual’s concerns. For example, an anxious subject would take longer to
colour name anxiety-related words than a non-anxious one. The present study used an
adaptation of the Stroop task to examine: (1) ‘food’ words; (2) ‘body shape’ words and
words relating to the individual; and (3) cognitive state, in order to assess the effect of pre-
loading on the subjects’ processing of these words.
■ Food Stroop: the subjects were asked to colour name a set of food-related words (e.g.
dinner, cake, sugar), which were compared with a set of neutral words matched for
word length and frequency (e.g. record, powder, boot).
■ Body shape Stroop: the subjects colour named body shape words (e.g. chest, fat, thigh)
and matched neutral words (e.g. crowd, grass, rust).
■ Cognitive state: items were included to examine two types of cognitive state, which were
hypothesized to trigger overeating. These were a ‘passive cognitive state’ (e.g. submit,
quit, abandon) representing ‘giving in to the overpowering drive to eat’ and an ‘active
cognitive state’ (e.g. rebellious, defiant, challenge) representing overeating as an active
decision to rebel against self-imposed restraint.
2 Rating scales. The subjects also completed the following set of rating scales:
■ Motivational state: the subjects completed ratings of their hunger and fullness using
visual analogue scales (‘not at all hungry/full’ to ‘as hungry/full as I’ve ever been’).
■ Mood: anxiety and depression were measured using the profile of mood state checklist
(McNair et al. 1971).
■ Cognitive state: the active and passive cognitive states were measured using a checklist of
relevant items.
The results for the Stroop tasks were analysed by creating a pure reaction time (experimental
words – matched control words) and then by assessing the effect of condition (low preload
versus high preload) on the change in the reaction time from before the preload to after the
preload. The results showed that the dieters responded to the high calorie preload with
increases in ‘rebelliousness’, as measured by the active cognitive state Stroop, increases in pre-
occupation with body shape and increases in the preoccupation with food, as indicated by
retarded reaction times on these tasks compared with the non-dieters, and the dieters’
responses to the low calorie preload. The results also suggested that the dieters showed an
increase in rebelliousness as measured by the rating scales.
The results suggest that overeating in dieters in response to preloading may be related to
increased feelings of rebelliousness (‘what the hell, I’m going to eat whatever I want’), increased
concern with body shape and increased preoccupation with food. These results indicate that
diet-breaking behaviour shown by normal-weight dieters, the obese on weight-reduction pro-
grammes and bulimics may relate to an active decision to overeat and suggest that perhaps self-
imposed limits (‘I’m going to eat less’) may activate a desire to rebel against these limits.
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intake of approximately half their normal intake for a period of 12 weeks, and consequently lost
25 per cent of their original body weight. Keys stated that they developed a preoccupation with
food, often resulting in hoarding or stealing it. They showed an inability to concentrate and
mood changes, with depression and apathy being common. At the end of the period of dieting,
the men were allowed to eat freely. They often ate continuously and reported loss of control
over their eating behaviour, sometimes resulting in binge eating. The authors concluded that
these effects were probably due to the restriction of their diet. To examine the effects of dieting
without extreme weight loss, Warren and Cooper (1988) carried out a controlled study for a
two-week period and found that food restriction resulted in increased preoccupation with food.
In a further study, Ogden (1995a) monitored the effects of self-imposed dieting over a six-week
period and reported increased depression and preoccupation with food. These results suggest
that dieting can have several negative consequences and that these changes are possibly involved
in causing overeating.
Restraint theory therefore suggests that:
■ Dieters aim to eat less as a means to lose weight and change their body shape. At times this
aim is achieved and they successfully manage to restrict their food intake. Dieters therefore
sometimes show undereating. Sometimes they eat the same as non-dieters.
■ Dieters, however, also show episodes of overeating, particularly in response to triggers such
as high calorie preloads, anxiety or smoking abstinence.
■ This overeating can be understood in terms of the transgression of boundaries, shifts in
cognitive set, mood modification, a response to denial, an escape from awareness, a lapse
or changes in self-control. Increasing or promoting dieting can result in an increased pre-
occupation with food, increased depression and, paradoxically, increased eating behaviour.
The dieter’s aim to eat less and consequently to lose weight is rarely achieved and this failure
may be a product of changes that occur as a direct response to imposing a cognitive structure
upon eating behaviour. Dieting is also related to changes in weight in terms of weight variabil-
ity, the development of eating disorders and the onset and progression of obesity.
To conclude
Although notions of what constitutes a healthy diet have changed over time, currently the con-
sensus states that a healthy diet should be high in carbohydrate and low in fat. Diet is related to
health in terms of promoting good health and managing illness. This chapter has explored three
core approaches which have been used to understand eating behaviour. Developmental models
emphasize the importance of learning by association and reward, cognitive models emphasize
the role of beliefs and attitudes, and weight concern research highlights the impact of body dis-
satisfaction and dieting on food intake.
1 How might parents influence their children’s eating behaviour?
2 How do our beliefs about food influence what we eat?
3 What are the problems with the developmental and cognitive models of eating behaviour?
4 Dieting causes overeating. Discuss.
5 How could a parent limit their child’s intake of unhealthy foods without making those
foods ‘forbidden fruit’?
6 To what extent is our food intake governed by taste?
For discussion
Think of someone you know who has successfully changed their eating behaviour (e.g. become
a vegetarian, eaten less, cut out chocolate). What factors contributed towards their success?
Further reading
Connor, M. and Armitage, C. (2003) The Social Psychology of Eating. Maidenhead: Open University
This book provides a good overview of the more social perspectives on why we eat what we eat.
Ogden, J. (2003) The Psychology of Eating: From Healthy to Disordered Behaviour. Oxford: Blackwell.
This book provides a detailed map of research relating to eating behaviour, obesity and eating
disorders and addresses questions such as ‘Why do so many people not eat a healthy diet?’, ‘Why
do women feel unhappy with their body shape?’, ‘What are the causes of obesity?’, ‘Why do
people develop eating disorders?’. It is written in a similar style to this textbook.
Szmukler, G., Dare, C. and Treasure, J. (eds) (1995) Handbook of Eating Disorders: Theory Research
and Treatment. London: Wiley.
Eating disorders are not usually covered within health psychology. For those interested, this book
provides a detailed account of current theory and research.
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Chapter overview
Over the past few decades, there has been an increasing interest in the role of exercise in pro-
moting health. This chapter examines the development of the contemporary interest in exercise
and describes definitions of exercise and fitness. The chapter then examines the physical and
psychological benefits of exercise, describes programmes designed to increase exercise uptake
and evaluates social/political and individual predictors of exercise behaviour.
● What is exercise?
● Why exercise?
● What factors predict exercise?
● Exercise relapse
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improve general (physical and psychological) well-being. In addition, there is also an increasing
recognition that exercise that can be included in a person’s daily life may be the way to create
maximum health benefits. The most sedentary members of the population are more likely to
make and sustain smaller changes in lifestyle such as walking, cycling and stair use rather than
the more dramatic changes required by the uptake of rigorous exercise programmes. This shift in
perspective is illustrated by contemporary research on the benefits of exercise.
What is exercise?
Aspects of exercise have been defined in different ways according to intention, outcome and
1 Intention. Some researchers have differentiated between different types of behaviours in
terms of the individual’s intentions. For example, Caspersen et al. (1985) distinguished
between physical activity and exercise. Physical activity has been defined as ‘any bodily
movement produced by skeletal muscles which results in energy expenditure’. This per-
spective emphasizes the physical and biological changes that happen both automatically
and through intention. Exercise has been defined as ‘planned, structured and repetitive
bodily movement done to improve or maintain one or more components of physical
fitness’. This perspective emphasizes the physical and biological changes that happen as a
result of intentional movements.
2 Outcome. Distinctions have also been made in terms of the outcome of the behaviour. For
example, Blair et al. (1992) differentiated between physical exercise that improves fitness
and physical exercise that improves health. This distinction illustrates a shift in emphasis
from intensive exercise resulting in cardiovascular fitness to moderate exercise resulting in
mild changes in health status. It also illustrates a shift towards using a definition of health
that includes both biological and psychological changes.
3 Location. Distinctions have also been made in terms of location. For example, Paffenbarger
and Hale (1975) differentiated between occupational activity, which was performed as part
of an individual’s daily work, and leisure activity, which was carried out in the individual’s
leisure time.
These definitions are not mutually exclusive and illustrate the different ways that exercise has
been conceptualized.
Who exercises?
The Healthy People 2000 programmes in the USA show that only 23 per cent of adults engage
in light to moderate physical activity five times per week and up to a third remain completely
sedentary across all industrialized countries (Allied Dunbar National Fitness Survey 1992;
United States National Center for Health Statistics 1996). The results of a survey in 2003 in
which men and women in the UK were asked about their exercise behaviour over the past 12
months are shown in Figure 7.1. They suggest that the five most common forms of exercise are
walking (46 per cent), swimming (35 per cent), keep fit/yoga (22 per cent), cycling (19 per cent)
and snooker/pool/billiards (17 per cent). Overall, 75 per cent of adults had taken part in some
sport/game/physical activity in the past 12 months but men were generally more likely to have
done so than women and activity generally decreased with age.
07 health848.ch07 16/4/07 2:53 pm Page 159
35 Women
Walking Snooker Cycling Swimming Football Golf Weights Keep fit Running Tenpin
Sport bowls
Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 Measuring exercise behaviour is difficult as some exercise takes the form of structured organized
activity such as sport, whereas some takes the form of behaviour which is integrated in a person’s
daily life such as walking and stair climbing. Self-report measures may be inaccurate and more objec-
tive measures (e.g. monitors) may actually change behaviour.
2 Exercise can promote both psychological (e.g. well-being) and physiological (e.g. heart rate) changes.
Working out how these changes interact is complicated. Further, combining research is made diffi-
cult as some studies focus on psychological outcomes while others rely upon physiological outcomes.
3 Exercise is mostly studied as a behaviour that is under the control of the individual, that is, we
explore whether a person’s beliefs, emotions or motivations determine whether or not they exercise.
However, it is also a behaviour that is very much determined by the environment which may not be
controllable. For example, structural factors such as safe paths, street lighting, free access to sport
centres, and town planning may have an enormous impact upon activity levels. Research needs to
incorporate such factors into the models used.
Why exercise?
Research has examined the possible physical and psychological benefits of exercise.
The possible reasons for the effects of exercise on longevity are as follows:
1 Reduction in blood pressure: physical activity has an inverse relationship to both diastolic
and systolic blood pressure. Therefore increased exercise decreases blood pressure. This
effect is particularly apparent in those who have mild or moderately raised blood pressure.
2 Reduction in weight and obesity: overweight and obesity are related to certain cancers,
hypertension and coronary heart disease. Exercise may help promote weight loss/mainte-
nance (see Chapter 15 for details of exercise and obesity).
3 Reduction in diabetes: exercise may be related to improved glucose control, resulting in a
reduction in the possible effects of diabetes.
4 Protection against osteoporosis and thinning bones: exercise may be protective against osteo-
porosis, which is common among older women.
5 Reduction in coronary heart disease: the main effect of exercise is on the occurrence of coro-
nary heart disease and rehabilitation following a heart attack.
Men Women
Figure 7.2 Mortality and fitness levels in individuals with a BMI ⬎25.4 (Blair 1993)
The physical benefits of exercise have been summarized by Smith and Jacobson (1989) as: (1)
improved cardiovascular function; (2) increased muscle size and strength and ligament strength
for maintaining posture, preventing joint instability and decreasing back pain; (3) improved
work effort; and (4) changing body composition.
Research using correlational designs suggests an association between the amount of exercise
carried out by an individual and their level of depression. Many of the reviews into this associ-
ation have stressed the correlational nature of the research and the inherent problems in deter-
mining causality (e.g. Morgan and O’Connor 1988). However, McDonald and Hodgdon (1991)
carried out a meta-analysis of both the correlational and experimental research into the associ-
ation between depression and exercise. They concluded that aerobic exercise was related to a
decrease in depression and that this effect was greatest in those with higher levels of initial
depressive symptoms. In an attempt to clarify the problem of causality, McCann and Holmes
(1984) carried out an experimental study to evaluate the effect of manipulating exercise levels
on depression. Forty-three female students who scored higher than the cut-off point on the
Beck depression inventory (BDI) were randomly allocated to one of three groups: (1) aerobic
exercise group (one hour of exercise, twice a week for ten weeks); (2) placebo group (relax-
ation); (3) no treatment. After five weeks, the results showed a significant reduction in depres-
sive symptomatology in the exercise group compared with the other two subject groups,
supporting the relationship between exercise and depression and suggesting a causal link
between these two variables, that is, increased exercise resulted in a reduction in depression.
However, the authors report that subsequent exercise had no further effects. Hall et al. (2002)
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also used an experimental design to explore the relationship between exercise and affect with 30
volunteers rating their affective state every minute as they ran on a treadmill. The results
showed improvements in affect from baseline to follow-up which supports previous research
suggesting that exercise is beneficial. However, the results also showed a brief deterioration in
mood mid-exercise. The authors suggest that although prolonged exercise may improve mood,
this dip in mood may explain why people fail to adhere to exercise programmes.
Research has also indicated that exercise may be linked to a reduction in anxiety. Again, there
are problems with determining the direction of causality in this relationship, but it has been
suggested that exercise may decrease anxiety by diverting the individual’s attention away from
the source of anxiety.
Response to stress
Exercise has been presented as a mediating factor for the stress response (see Chapters 10 and
11). Exercise may influence stress either by changing an individual’s appraisal of a potentially
stressful event by distraction or diversion (e.g. ‘This situation could be stressful but if I exercise
I will not have to think about it’) or may act as a potential coping strategy to be activated once
an event has been appraised as stressful (e.g. ‘Although the situation is stressful, I shall now
exercise to take my mind off things’).
study of exercise. For example, it has been argued that exercise results in the release of endor-
phins, the brain’s natural opioids (Steinberg and Sykes 1985), and increases in the levels of
brain norepinephrine, reductions of which can cause depression. It has also been suggested that
improved psychological state is related to the social activity often associated with exercise and
the resulting increased confidence and self-esteem. Any reduction in levels of depression may be
related to greater social contact, improved social support and increased self-efficacy.
This study examined the relationship between exercise and mood. Because of the experimental
Exercise is believed to be important for a healthy life. However, as with many health-related
behaviours, adherence to health promotion recommendations may be more motivated by
short-term immediate effects (e.g. feeling good) than the potential changes in the long term
(e.g. living longer). Therefore understanding the immediate effects of exercise on mood has
obvious implications for encouraging individuals to take regular exercise. Steptoe et al. (1993)
examined changes in mood, mental vigour and exhilaration in sportsmen and inactive men
following maximal, moderate and minimal exercise.
The subjects were 36 male amateur athletes who were regularly involved in a variety of sports
and exercised for more than 30 minutes at least three times per week, and 36 inactive men who
exercised for less than 30 minutes per week.
All subjects took part in two exercise sessions and completed measures of mood before and
after each exercise session. This study was therefore experimental in design and involved
repeated measures.
At session 1, all subjects completed a set of profile questionnaires (background physical and
psychological measures) and took part in a maximal exercise session on a cycle ergonometer.
Maximal exercise was determined by oxygen uptake. At session 2, subjects were randomly alloc-
ated to 20 minutes of either maximal, moderate or minimal exercise. All subjects completed
ratings of mood before exercise, 2 minutes after exercise and after 30 minutes of recovery.
The subjects rated items relating to tension/anxiety, mental vigour, depression/dejection, exhil-
aration and perceived exertion before and after each exercise session. In addition, all subjects
completed measures of (1) personality and (2) trait anxiety once only at the beginning of the
first session.
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The results were analysed to examine the effect of the differing degrees of exercise on changes in
mood in the sportsmen and the inactive men. The results showed that only the sportsmen
reported decreases in tension/anxiety after the maximal exercise. However, all subjects reported
increased exhilaration and increased mental vigour two minutes after both the maximal and
moderate exercise compared with the minimal condition, and in addition, the increase in exhil-
aration was maintained after the 30 minutes of recovery.
The authors conclude that both maximal and moderate exercise results in beneficial changes in
both mental vigour and exhilaration in both sportsmen and inactive men and suggest that
‘exercise leads to positive mood changes even among people who are unaccustomed to physical
exertion’. They also suggest that greater attention to the immediate effects of exercise may
improve adherence to exercise programmes.
One recent approach to increasing exercise uptake is the exercise prescription scheme
whereby GPs refer targeted patients for exercise. Therefore, in the same way that an overweight
or depressed patient would be referred to see a counsellor, or a patient with a suspected skin
cancer would be referred to a hospital specialist, a GP can now also refer a patient for exercise.
This could take the form of vouchers for free access to the local leisure centre, an exercise
routine with a health and fitness adviser at the leisure centre, or recommendations from the
health and fitness adviser to follow a home-based exercise programme, such as walking.
An alternative and simpler approach involves the promotion of stair rather than escalator or
lift use. Interventions to promote stair use are cheap and can target a large population. In addi-
tion, they can target the most sedentary members of the population who are least likely to adopt
more structured forms of exercise. This is in line with calls to promote changes in exercise
behaviour which can be incorporated into everyday life (Dunn et al. 1998). Research also indi-
cates that stair climbing can lead to weight loss, improved fitness and energy expenditure and
reduced risk of osteoporosis in women (e.g. Brownell et al. 1980; Boreham et al. 2000). Some
research has therefore attempted to increase stair use. For example, some research has explored
the impact of motivational posters between stairs and escalators or lifts and has shown that such
a simple intervention can increase stair walking (e.g. Andersen et al. 1998; Russell et al. 1999;
Kerr et al. 2001). In a more detailed study, Kerr et al. (2001) explored what characteristics of
poster prompts was most effective and explored whether this varied according to message,
gender and setting. The results showed that larger posters were more effective at promoting
stair use, that effectiveness was not related overall to whether the message emphasized time and
health (i.e. ‘stay healthy, save time, use the stairs’) or just health (i.e. ‘stay healthy, use the
stairs’), but that whereas the message including time was more effective for women in the train
station, it was more effective for men when presented at a shopping centre.
Therefore these initiatives have aimed to develop a suitable climate for promoting exercise.
In addition, as a result of government emphasis on exercise, specific exercise programmes
have been established in an attempt to assess the best means of encouraging participation.
In particular it is possible to differentiate between individual and supervised exercise
The results showed greater adherence in the unsupervised home-based programmes than in the
supervised programme. However, all subjects who had been instructed to do some exercise
showed an increase in cardiovascular fitness compared with the control group. The authors
suggested that the results from this study provide insights into the development of successful
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national campaigns to promote exercise behaviour that involve a minimal and cheap inter-
vention and argued for an emphasis on unsupervised individual exercising.
Other factors that appear to play a role in developing successful exercise programmes are the
use of behavioural contracts, whereby the individual signs a contract with an instructor agree-
ing to participate in a programme for a set period of time (e.g. Oldridge and Jones 1983) and
the use of instructor praise and feedback and flexible goal-setting by the subject (e.g. Martin et
al. 1984). These factors involve supervised exercise and suggest that individualized exercise pro-
grammes may not be the only form of intervention.
The social/political climate therefore has implications for predicting and promoting exer-
cise. However, even if councils provide the facilities and government programmes are estab-
lished, individuals have to make decisions about whether or not to participate. Research has
therefore also examined the individual predictors of exercise behaviour.
Cross-sectional research
This type of research indicates a role for the following beliefs and attitudes:
■ Perceived social benefits of exercise. Research examining the predictors of exercise behaviour
consistently suggests that the main factors motivating exercise are the beliefs that it is
enjoyable and provides social contact. In a cross-sectional study examining the differences
in attitude between joggers and non-joggers, the non-joggers reported beliefs that exercise
required too much discipline, too much time, they did not believe in the positive effects of
jogging and reported a lower belief that significant others valued regular jogging (Riddle
■ Value on health. Although many individuals exercise for reasons other than health, a MORI
poll in 1984 suggested that the second main correlate of exercising is a belief that health
and fitness are important (MORI 1984). In support of this, the non-joggers in the study by
Riddle (1980) also reported a lower value on good health than the joggers.
■ Benefits of exercise. Exercisers have also been shown to differ from non-exercisers in their
beliefs about the benefits of exercise. For example, a study of older women (aged 60–89
years) indicated that exercisers reported a higher rating for the health value of exercise,
reported greater enjoyment of exercise, rated their discomfort from exercise as lower and
perceived exercise programmes to be more easily available than non-exercisers (Paxton et
al. 1997).
■ Barriers to exercise. Hausenblas et al. (2001) argued that it is not only the benefits of exer-
cise that promote exercise but also the barriers to exercise that prevent exercise uptake.
They developed a questionnaire entitled the ‘Temptation to Not Exercise Scale’ which
measured two forms of barriers: ‘affect’ and ‘competing demands’. Subjects are asked to
rate a series of answers following the statement ‘Please indicate how tempted you are not to
exercise in the following situations . . .’. The answers include ‘when I am angry’ and ‘when I
am satisfied’ to reflect ‘affect’ and ‘when I feel lazy’ and ‘when I am busy’ to reflect compet-
ing interests. The authors argue that such temptations are central to understanding exer-
cise uptake and should be used alongside the stages-of-change model.
Prospective research
This has examined which factors predict the uptake of exercise. It has often been carried out in
the context of the development of exercise programmes and studies of adherence to these pro-
grammes. Sallis et al. (1986) examined which factors predicted initiation and maintenance of
vigorous/moderate exercise for one year. The results indicated that exercise self-efficacy, atti-
tudes to exercise and health knowledge were the best predictors. In a further study, Jonas et al.
(1993) followed up 100 men and women and reported the best predictors of intentions to
participate in the exercise programmes and actual participation were attitudes to continued
participation, perceived social norms and perceived behavioural control. Jones et al. (1998)
also examined the predictors of uptake and adherence, and used repertory grids to explore
the personal constructs of those individuals who had been referred to exercise as part of an
exercise prescription scheme. They concluded that having realistic aims and an understanding
of the possible outcomes of a brief exercise programme were predictive of adherence to the
To further understand the predictors of exercise adherence, social cognition models have
been used. Riddle (1980) examined predictors of exercise using the theory of reasoned action
(Fishbein and Ajzen 1975; see Chapter 2) and reported that attitudes to exercise and the
07 health848.ch07 16/4/07 2:53 pm Page 168
normative components of the model predicted intentions to exercise and that these intentions
were related to self-reports of behaviour. The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) has also been
developed to assess exercise behaviour. Valois et al. (1988) incorporated a measure of past exer-
cising behaviour (a central variable in the TPB) and reported that attitudes, intentions and past
behaviour were the best predictors of exercise. Similarly, Hagger et al. (2001) used the TPB to
predict exercise in children and concluded that most variables of the TPB were good predictors
of behavioural intentions and actual behaviour at follow-up, and Norman and Smith (1995)
found that, although most of the TPB variables were related to exercise, the best predictor of
future behaviour was past behaviour. The use of TPB to predict exercise is discussed further in
Focus on Research 7.2 (p. 169). Research has also used the health belief model (Sonstroem
1988) and models emphasizing exercise self-efficacy (e.g. Schwarzer 1992), task self-efficacy and
scheduling self-efficacy (Rodgers et al. 2002).
Research has also applied the stages-of-change model to exercise behaviour (see Chapters 2
and 5). This model describes behaviour change in five stages: pre-contemplation, contempla-
tion, preparation, action and maintenance (e.g. DiClemente and Prochaska 1982) and suggests
that transitions between changes is facilitated by a cost–benefit analysis and by different cogni-
tions. Marcus et al. (1992) examined the relationship between the pros and cons of exercise and
stage of change in 778 men and women. The pros and cons of exercise and decisional balance
(pros versus cons) were related to exercise adoption and higher ratings of pros were found in
those individuals closer to the maintenance stage of behaviour. This suggests that encouraging
individuals to focus on the pros of exercise may increase the transition from thinking about
exercising to actually doing it. In a similar vein, Couneya et al. (2001) used the stages-of-change
model in conjunction with the TPB to assess which cognitions predicted the transitions
between different stages of exercise behaviour. The study included a large sample of adults who
completed measures by telephone at baseline and then recorded their exercise stage by
mail after one year. The results showed that baseline attitude, intention and subjective
norm predicted the transition from pre-contemplation to contemplation, that progression
from contemplation to preparation was predicted by intention, perceived behavioural control,
attitudes and social support, that progression from preparation to action was predicted
by intention and attitude and that transition from action to maintenance was predicted by
intention, attitude and social support. Cropley et al. (2003) explored people’s beliefs about
the costs and benefits of exercise within the framework of the stages-of-change model. They
used a reasoning task to assess beliefs about the pros and cons of exercise and asked people to
list ‘as many advantages/disadvantages of taking part in exercise’. They then explored how
accessible these beliefs were by timing how long it took for people to think of their first pro or
con and then assessed how many pros and cons could be generated in 60 seconds. Participants
were then divided according to whether they were pre-contemplators or maintainers. The
results showed that pre-contemplators could think of more cons than pros and that maintainers
could think of more pros than cons. In addition, the pre-contemplators were quicker to think
of their first pro reason. The authors concluded that while maintainers can think of lots of
benefits of exercise, the pre-contemplators may not exercise because they can’t think of any
reason to exercise.
07 health848.ch07 16/4/07 2:53 pm Page 169
Research shows that, although exercise is linked with improved psychological and physical
health, many people remain inactive. Furthermore, although some people may start an exercise
routine, maintenance of this routine remains poor. The present study focused on the develop-
ment of exercise habits over a 12-week period and explored whether the TPB variables pre-
dicted behavioural intentions and actual behaviour and also assessed the time at which habits
were established and when relapse rates started to diminish.
The study used a prospective design with measures taken at baseline and after 12 weeks. Behavi-
our was measured objectively throughout the study.
Ninety-four participants were recruited through a private gym in the south of England. They
were aged between 16 and 65, split in terms of men and women and had never attended this
particular gym before the onset of the study.
At baseline all participants completed measures of the following variables: attitudes, subjective
norm, perceived behavioural control, behavioural intentions. These were all assessed using 7-
point Likert scales. Self-reported behaviour was measured using the question ‘How often have
you participated in regular physical activity in the last three months?’ Actual attendance at the
gym was monitored on a weekly basis by using the computer records of membership swipe
Data analysis
The data were analysed in the following ways:
■ The role of TPB variable in predicting behaviour. Because of the repeated measures nature of
the data (i.e. baseline and follow-up and all the intervening assessments of actual behavi-
our), the data were analysed using repeatable events survival analysis. This enabled the
results to be analysed to assess the role of the TPB variables in predicting lapses in exercise
■ The development of habits. The results were also analysed to explore the impact of past
behaviour on future behaviour as a means to assess the development of habits. This was
done using Helmert contrasts and repeated measures analysis. This enabled the association
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between past behaviour and actual behaviour to be determined and enabled an assessment
of when past behaviour stopped influencing future behaviour. This second form of analysis
was done so that the formation of habits could be assessed in terms of when the habit was
created and when the habit was stopped.
The results showed that baseline levels of perceived behavioural control predicted both behav-
ioural intentions and actual behaviour. The results also showed that stable exercise habits
developed in the first five weeks of the study. This meant that those who had not developed
these habits tended to stop exercising by this time point, whereas those who had developed
these habits were very unlikely to stop exercising by the end of the 12-week period. Further, the
results showed that successful exercising behaviour in the past enhanced participants’ percep-
tions of behavioural control.
The author concludes that the perceived behavioural control component of the TPB predicts
exercise behaviour in the longer term. Further, the results show that once exercise habits have
been established (i.e. past behaviour reliably predicts actual present behaviour), then they are
less likely to extinguish and that the establishment of habits enhances perceptions of control
over behaviour.
Exercise relapse
Research has also examined which variables predict relapse and drop-out rates from exercise
programmes. Dishman et al. (1985) examined factors that predicted relapse rates and indicated
that relapse was highest among blue-collar workers, smokers, those who believed that exercise
was an effort, and lowest in those who reported a history of past participation, those with high
self-motivation, those who had the support of a spouse, those who reported having the available
time, those who had access to exercise facilities, and those who reported a belief in the value of
good health. Further, using a stages-of-change approach, Ingledew et al. (1998) explored which
factors were important for the transition between the earlier stages of adoption and the later
stages of continued behaviour and concluded that continued exercise was predicted by intrinsic
motives, specifically enjoyment. These factors are very similar to those that relate to both the
initiation and maintenance of exercise behaviour and reflect the role of both non-modifiable
and modifiable factors.
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To conclude
Exercise is regarded as central to promoting good health both in terms of physical and psycho-
logical well-being. Research has therefore examined factors that correlate and predict exercise
behaviour. Such factors include the social and political climate and the individual’s beliefs.
Although interventions aimed to promote exercise do so because of the health benefits, an
interest in these benefits does not appear to be the best predictor of initiation or maintenance of
exercise behaviour. The recognition of this is reflected in recent recommendations for exercise,
which emphasize the encouragement of small changes in lifestyle, not major increases in exer-
cise through vigorous and intensive exercise campaigns.
1 Exercise has both psychological and physical benefits. Discuss.
2 To what extent can we predict exercise behaviour?
3 How does the exercise research contribute to our understanding of the mind–body
4 How can psychological models be used to promote exercise behaviour?
5 Making people more active is easier than getting them to exercise. Discuss.
6 Exercise behaviour has to be an integrated part of people’s lives. Discuss.
7 Describe a possible research project designed to predict attendance at an exercise class.
For discussion
Consider your own exercise behaviour and discuss the extent to which your health beliefs are
contributing factors.
Further reading
American College of Sports Medicine (2000) ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription,
6th edn. Baltimore, MD: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
This book is considered the ‘gold standard’ of advice on how to measure, test and prescribe
Biddle, S.J.H., Fox, K.R. and Boutcher, S.H. (eds) (2000) Physical Activity and Psychological Well-
being. London: Routledge.
This book provides a description of the research exploring the links between exercise and aspects
of mental health including emotion, mood, self-esteem, self-perception, depression, stress and
cognitive performance.
Dishman, R.K. (1982) Compliance/adherence in health-related exercise, Health Psychology, 1:
This is an early classic paper that examines the literature on factors predicting exercise behaviour.
Faulkner, G.E.J. and Taylor, A.H. (eds) (2005) Exercise, Health and Mental Health. London: Rout-
This is a comprehensive edited collection of chapters that cover the impact of exercise on a range
of physical health problems including cancer, heart failure, HIV and schizophrenia. It provides a
good summary of the existing research and provides a useful summary chapter at the end.
Marcus, B.H., Rakowski, W. and Rossi, J.S. (1992) Assessing motivational readiness and decision-
making for exercise, Health Psychology, 22: 3–16.
This paper applies the trans-theoretical approach to exercise behaviour and illustrates the extent
to which research can be used to change behaviour.
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Chapter overview
This chapter first examines the literature on sex, including early discussions of reproduction
and the debate about sexual pleasure. It then focuses on the more recent literature, which has
examined the risks of sexual behaviour initially in the context of pregnancy avoidance and sub-
sequently in the light of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)/HIV and AIDS. This literature
includes a variety of psychological perspectives from the use of social cognition models, which
highlight the role of individual cognitions, to an emphasis on an interaction between indi-
viduals in terms of the relationship context. Finally the chapter outlines literature that examines
the broader social context in terms of educational influences, the gay community, gendered
power relations and theories about sex, HIV and illness.
08 health848.ch08 16/4/07 2:54 pm Page 174
proclaiming sexual puritanism and attempts to control prostitution. Sex was seen as a biological
drive that needed to be expressed but which should be expressed within the limitations of its
function: reproduction.
course if it were not for feelings towards a particular man’) and discusses sex within the context
of pleasure, not reproduction. Segal (1994) has criticized Hite’s interpretation of the data and
argues that the women in Hite’s studies appear to enjoy penetration (with or without orgasm).
Although this is in contradiction to Hite’s own conclusion, the emphasis is still on sex as an
In summary
From the start of the twentieth century, therefore, sex was no longer described as a biological
means to an end (reproduction) but as an activity in itself. Discussions of ‘good sex’, orgasms
and sexual pleasure emphasized sex as action; however, even as an activity sex remained pre-
dominantly biological. Kinsey regarded sex as a drive that was natural and healthy, Masters and
Johnson developed means to measure and improve the sexual experience by examining physio-
logical changes and Hite explained pleasure with descriptions of physical stimulation.
Sex as interaction
Social psychologists have spent decades emphasizing the context within which behaviour
occurs. This is reflected in the extensive literature on areas such as conformity to majority and
minority influence, group behaviour and decision making, and obedience to authority. Such a
perspective emphasizes that an individual’s behaviour occurs as an interaction both with other
individuals and with the broader social context. Sex highlights this interaction as it is inherently
an interactive behaviour. However, health psychology draws on many other areas of psychology
(e.g. physiological, cognitive, behavioural), which have tended to examine individuals on their
own. In addition, psychological methodologies such as questionnaires and interviews involve an
individual’s experience (e.g. I felt, I believe, I think, I did). Even if individuals discuss their
interactions with other individuals (e.g. we felt, we believe, we think, we did), or place their
experiences in the context of others (e.g. I felt happy because she made me feel relaxed), only
their own individual experiences are accessed using the psychological tools available. Therefore
sex provides an interesting problem for psychologists. Sex is intrinsically an interaction between
individuals, yet many areas of psychology traditionally study individuals on their own. Further-
more, the recent emphasis on sex as a risk to health and resulting attempts to examine indi-
viduals’ competence at protecting themselves from danger, may have resulted in a more
individualistic model of behaviour. This problem of interaction is exacerbated by the psycho-
logical methodologies available (unless the researcher simply observes two people having sex!).
The following theories of sexual behaviour both in the context of pregnancy avoidance and
STD/HIV preventive behaviour illustrate the different ways in which psychologists have
attempted to deal with the problem of the interaction. They highlight the problem with adding
both the relationship context (e.g. the interaction between individuals) and the wider social
08 health848.ch08 16/4/07 2:54 pm Page 176
context (e.g. social meanings, social norms) onto the individual (e.g. their beliefs and know-
ledge). They also raise the following question: how much can and should psychologists be con-
cerned with the context of individual behaviour?
In addition, different measures of actual behaviour have been used when predicting contracep-
tion use:
■ at first ever intercourse
■ at most recent intercourse
■ at last serious intercourse
■ at last casual intercourse.
Percentage using no contraception Men
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26⫹
Age at first intercourse
Figure 8.1 Percentage using no contraception at first intercourse, by age at first intercourse (after
Wellings et al. 1994)
Men Women
Withdrawal or Withdrawal or
safe period safe period
7% Condom 5% Condom
47% 50%
Not answered
Not answered
None None
31% 24%
remember Cannot
Other Other remember
method method 0%
14% 20%
16–24 years 16–24 years
Base = 1570 Base = 1787
Figure 8.2 Contraception use at first intercourse in those aged 16–24 (after Wellings et al. 1994)
Developmental models
Developmental models emphasize contraception use as involving a series of stages. They suggest
that the progress through these stages is related to sexual experience and an increasing role for
sexuality in the individual’s self-concept. Therefore they describe the transition through the dif-
ferent stages but do not attempt to analyse the cognitions that may promote this transition.
2 Peer prescription stage: at this stage the individual seeks contraceptive advice from friends,
sexual intercourse is more frequent and most contraception involves less effective
3 Expert stage: at this stage, the individual has incorporated sexuality into their self-concept
and will seek professional advice and plan contraceptive use.
Rains’s model
This model was developed by Rains (1971) and again places contraception use within the
context of sexuality and self-concept. It suggests that contraception use is more likely to occur
at a stage when the individual believes that sexual activity is ‘right for them’. This process
involves the following four stages:
1 Falling in love: this provides a rationale for sex.
2 Having an exclusive, long-term relationship.
3 Sexual intercourse becomes an acceptable behaviour.
4 Individuals accept themselves as sexual and plan sex for the future.
Decision-making models
Decision-making models examine the psychological factors that predict and are the precursors
to contraception use. There are several different decision-making models and they vary in their
emphasis on individual cognitions (e.g. costs and benefits of contraception use) and the extent
to which they place these cognitions within the specific context of the relationship (e.g. the
interaction, seriousness of relationship, frequency of sexual intercourse in the relationship) and
the broader social context (e.g. peer norms, social attitudes).
Therefore, although this model still examines cognitions, it includes measures of the indi-
viduals’ cognitions about their social world.
In summary
These decision-making models regard contraceptive use as resulting from an analysis of the
relevant variables. However, they vary in the extent to which they attempt to place the
individual’s cognitive state within a broader context, both of the relationship and the social
Background factors
1 Age: evidence suggests that young women’s contraceptive use increases with age (e.g.
Herold 1981).
2 Gender: women appear to be more likely to use contraception than men (e.g. Whitley and
Schofield 1986).
3 Ethnicity: some evidence suggests that whites are more likely to use contraception than
blacks (e.g. Whitley and Schofield 1986).
4 Socio-economic status: there is conflicting evidence concerning the relationship between
socio-economic status (SES) and contraceptive use with some research indicating a rela-
tionship (e.g. Hornick et al. 1979) and others indicating no relationship (e.g. Herold 1981).
5 Education: evidence indicates that higher school performance and higher educational
aspirations may be linked with contraception use (e.g. Herold and Samson 1980; Fursten-
burg et al. 1983).
Although these background factors may influence contraceptive use, whether this effect is direct
or through the effect of other factors such as knowledge and attitudes is unclear.
Intrapersonal factors
1 Knowledge: Whitley and Schofield (1986) analysed the results of 25 studies of contraceptive
use and reported a correlation of 0.17 between objective knowledge and contraceptive use
in both men and women, suggesting that knowledge is poorly linked to behaviour. Igno-
rance about contraception has also been shown by several studies. For example,
Cvetkovich and Grote (1981) reported that, of their sample, 10 per cent did not believe
that they could become pregnant the first time they had sex, and 52 per cent of men and 37
per cent of women could not identify the periods of highest risk in the menstrual cycle. In
addition, Lowe and Radius (1982) reported that 40 per cent of their sample did not know
how long sperm remained viable.
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2 Attitudes: Fisher (1984) reported that positive attitudes towards contraception parallel actual
use. Negative attitudes included beliefs that ‘it kills spontaneity’, ‘it’s too much trouble to use’
and that there are possible side effects. In addition, carrying contraceptives around is often
believed to be associated with being promiscuous (e.g. Lowe and Radius 1982).
3 Personality: many different personality types have been related to contraceptive use. This
research assumes that certain aspects of individuals are consistent over time and research
has reported associations between the following types of personality:
■ Conservatism and sex role have been shown to be negatively related to contraceptive use
(e.g. Geis and Gerrard 1984; McCormick et al. 1985).
■ An internal locus of control appears to correlate with contraceptive use but not with
choice of type of contraception (Morrison 1985).
■ Sex guilt and sex anxiety positively relate to use and consistency of use of contraception
(Herold and McNamee 1982).
■ Personality is often measured using the big-five factors (Goldberg 1999). These are agree-
ableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, extraversion and intellect. Ingledew and Fer-
guson (2006) explored the role of personality in predicting riskier sexual behaviour. The
results showed that agreeableness and conscientiousness reduced riskier behaviour. The
results also showed that this effect was related to different forms of motivation.
Interpersonal factors
Research highlights a role for characteristics of the following significant others:
1 Partner: facets of the relationship may influence contraception use including duration of
relationship, intimacy, type of relationship (e.g. casual versus steady), exclusivity, and
ability to have overt discussions about contraception (e.g. DeLamater and MacCorquodale
1978, 1979).
2 Parents: there is some evidence to suggest that increased parental permissiveness and
explicit communication between mothers and daughters about contraception is related to
contraception use (e.g. Herold and McNamee 1982).
3 Peers: increased contraceptive use relates to peer permissiveness and peers’ own contracep-
tive behaviour (e.g. Herold 1981).
Situational factors
Sheeran et al. (1991) have also argued that situational factors contribute to contraceptive use,
including the following:
1 The spontaneity of sex: spontaneity is often given as a reason for not using contraception
(e.g. Holland et al. 1990b).
2 Substance use prior to sex: taking substances such as drugs or alcohol prior to sex may relate
to risky sex.
3 The accessibility of contraception: research has also examined whether easy access to contra-
ception both in general (i.e. the provision of condom machines in pubs) and at the time of
contemplating sex predicts contraception use (e.g. Gold et al. 1991).
Sheeran et al. (1991) argued that these different variables interact in order to predict contracep-
tion use. They included interpersonal and situational factors as a means to place the individual’s
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cognitions within the context of the relationship and the broader social world. These variables
can be applied individually or alternatively incorporated into models. In particular, social cog-
nition models emphasize cognitions about the individual’s social world, particularly their
normative beliefs. However, whether asking an individual about the relationship really accesses
the interaction between two people is questionable. For example, is the belief that ‘I decided to
go on the pill because I had talked it over with my partner’ a statement describing the inter-
action between two individuals, or is it one individual’s cognitions about that interaction?
Since the beginnings of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, sex as a risk has taken on a new dimension
– the dimension of chronic illness and death. Research into HIV and AIDS preventive behavi-
our also illustrates the different ways of dealing with sex as an interaction. Although sometimes
ignored, this research is also relevant to other sexually transmitted diseases.
Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 Sexual behaviour involves two people and therefore results out of an interaction between two sets of
beliefs, emotions and behaviours. Although ultimately all behaviour is located in its social context,
sexual behaviour explicitly illustrates this and therefore results in specific problems in terms of
understanding and measuring what factors relate to whether someone has sex or not and whether
they engage in risky behaviours.
2 Sexual behaviour can generate embarrassment and is considered a sensitive and personal area of
research. This can lead to problems gaining ethical approval and in encouraging people to speak
opening and honestly.
3 Most sexual behaviour research focuses on the problems associated with sex such as STDs and HIV.
To date little research in health psychology has highlighted sex as a healthy and pleasurable activity.
In part this is due to issues of embarrassment and in part is due to funders’ emphasis on health
4 Sexual behaviour research can be loaded with ideological perspectives in terms of whether people
believe abstinence is the way forward, whether they are judgemental of homosexual behaviour,
whether they believe in monogamy and whether they are critical of ‘promiscuity’. Research may
therefore be biased in terms of the areas of research selected, the data collected and funded and
ways in which the research is interpreted and presented.
Research has also examined condom use among homosexually active men. Weatherburn et al.
(1991) interviewed 930 homosexually active men in England and Wales and reported that 270
of them had had insertive anal intercourse in the preceding month, with 38.9 per cent reporting
always using a condom, 49.6 per cent never using a condom and 11.5 per cent sometimes using
a condom. Of the 254 who reported having receptive anal sex in the preceding month, 42.5 per
cent had always used a condom, 45.7 per cent had never used a condom and 11.8 per cent had
sometimes used a condom. Weatherburn et al. (1991) reported that condom use was associated
with casual, not regular sexual partners and was more common in open and not monogamous
relationships. Therefore, within this high-risk group, condom use is low.
In one study, Boulton et al. (1991) asked 60 bisexual men about their sexual behaviour and
their condom use. Over the previous 12 months, 80 per cent had had male partners, 73 per cent
had had female partners and 60 per cent had had at least one male and one female partner. In
terms of their condom use with their current partner, 25 per cent reported always using a
condom with their current male partner, 12 per cent reported always using a condom with their
current female partner, 27 per cent reported sometimes/never using a condom with their male
partner and 38 per cent reported sometimes/never using a condom with their female partner.
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In terms of their non-current partner, 30 per cent had had unprotected sex with a man and 34 per
cent had had unprotected sex with a woman. Bisexuals are believed to present a bridge between
the homosexual and heterosexual populations and these data suggest that their frequency of
condom use is low. This highlights a need to identify possible reasons for this behaviour.
Percentage who use condoms
16–24 years
25–39 years
40–49 years
1983 1986 1988 1991
Figure 8.3 Changes in the use of condoms as the usual method of contraception by age, 1983–91
(after General Household Survey 1993)
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The theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the theory of planned behaviour
In an attempt to resolve some of the problems with the HBM, the TRA and TPB have been used
to predict condom use. These models address the problem of how beliefs are turned into action
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using the ‘behavioural intentions’ component. In addition, they attempt to address the problem
of placing beliefs within a context by an emphasis on social cognitions (the normative beliefs
component). Research suggests that the TRA has had some degree of success at predicting
condom use with behavioural intentions predicting condom use at one, three and four months
(Fisher 1984; Boyd and Wandersman 1991; van der Velde et al. 1992). In addition, attitudes to
condoms predict behavioural intentions (Boldero et al. 1992), and perceived partner support
(partner norms) appears to be a good predictor of condom use by women (Weisman et al.
Research has also explored the relative usefulness of the TRA compared with the TPB at pre-
dicting intentions to use condoms (Sutton et al. 1999). The results from this study indicated
that the TPB was not more effective than the TRA (in contrast to the authors’ predictions) and
that past behaviour was the most powerful predictor. In a recent study of condom use, the best
predictors appeared to be a combination of normative beliefs involving peers, friends, siblings,
previous partners, parents and the general public. This suggests that although cognitions may
play a role in predicting condom use, this essentially interactive behaviour is probably best
understood within the context of both the relationship and the broader social world, highlight-
ing the important role of social cognitions in the form of normative beliefs. Therefore, although
the TRA and the TPB address some of the problems with the HBM, they still do not address
some of the others.
tations of an individual’s risks without taking into account their interactions with the
outside world. Furthermore, models such as the HBM emphasized this process as rational.
However, recent social cognition models have attempted to remedy this situation by
emphasizing cognitions about the individual’s social world (the normative beliefs) and by
including elements of emotion (the behaviour becomes less rational).
3 Perception of susceptibility. In addition, these models predict that, because people appear to
know that HIV is an extremely serious disease, and they know how it is transmitted, they
will feel vulnerable (e.g. ‘HIV is transmitted by unprotected sex, I have unprotected sex,
therefore I am at risk from HIV’). This does not appear to be the case. Furthermore, the
models predict that high levels of susceptibility will relate to less risk-taking behaviour (e.g.
‘I am at risk, therefore I will use condoms’). Again this association is problematic.
4 Sex as an interaction between individuals – the relationship context. Models of condom use
focus on cognitions. In attempts to include an analysis of the place of this behaviour (the
relationship), variables such as peer norms, partner norms and partner support have been
added. However, these variables are still accessed by asking one individual about their
beliefs about the relationship. Perhaps this is still only accessing a cognition, not the inter-
5 Sex in a social context. Sex also takes place within a broader social context, involving norms
about sexual practices, gender roles and stereotypes, the role of illness and theories of
sexual behaviour. Cognitive models cannot address this broader context.
Perceptions of susceptibility, sex as an interaction between individuals and the broader social
context will now be dealt with in more detail.
2 Denying risk. Most commonly, people denied that they had ever put themselves at risk and
the complex ways in which their sexual behaviour was rationalized illustrates how compli-
cated the concept of susceptibility and ‘being at risk’ is. Woodcock et al. (1992) presented
many ways of rationalizing risky behaviour. These include believing ‘it’s been blown out of
proportion’, that ‘AIDS is a risk you take in living’ and the authors report that ‘the theme
of being run over, particularly by buses’ was common and believing that ‘it doesn’t affect
me’ was also apparent. In addition, the interviewees evaluated their own risk in the context
of the kinds of people with whom they had sex. For example, ‘I don’t go with people who
go around a lot’, ‘He said I’ve only slept with you in the last six months’, and ‘I do not have
sex in risky geographical areas’ – one interviewee said, ‘London is the capital: has to be
more AIDS’.
Most cognitive models emphasizing rational information processing suggest that condom
use is related to feelings of susceptibility and being at risk from HIV. However, many people do
not appear to believe that they themselves are at risk, which is perhaps why they do not engage
in self-protective behaviour, and even when some acknowledgement of risk is made, this is
often dismissed and does not appear to relate to behaviour change.
A total of 219 Australian gay men completed a questionnaire containing questions about two
sexual encounters in the preceding year. They were recruited from a range of gay venues (e.g.
gay bar/disco, sex-on-premises venue, established gay group, AIDS council premises a medical
practice known to have a large gay clientele).
The study involved a cross-sectional design with all subjects completing a self-administered
The subjects were asked to think about two sexual encounters in the preceding year, one involv-
ing safe sex and one involving unsafe sex. They were asked to complete the following
ratings/questions about each of these encounters:
1 Details of the encounters. The subjects were asked questions about their encounters, includ-
ing: (i) how long ago it had taken place; (ii) whether the respondent had known about
AIDS at the time of the encounter; and (iii) what form of sexual activity had occurred (e.g.
intercourse, ejaculation into the rectum). The encounter was then divided into four tem-
poral stages: (i) start of the ‘evening’; (ii) time of meeting the potential partner; (iii) start of
sex; and (iv) during sex. The subjects were then asked to answer questions about each stage
of the encounter for both the safe and unsafe encounter.
2 Start of the evening. The subjects were asked to rate: (i) the type of desires that had been in
their mind (e.g. to have sex without intercourse, to have intercourse without a condom, to
have exciting sex, to have a drink or get mildly stoned); and (ii) to rate their mood at this
time (e.g. happy, relaxed, under stress) and how intoxicated they were.
3 Meeting the partner. The subjects were asked: (i) where they met their partner (e.g. at my
place, at his place); (ii) which of the above various desires had been on his mind; (iii) how
sexually attracted he was to his partner; and (iv) how intoxicated he was.
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4 Start of sex. The subjects were asked: (i) how much time there was between meeting the
partner and the start of sex; (ii) details of the sex (e.g. place, time of day); (iii) kinds of
desires; (iv) how sexually aroused he was; (v) how intoxicated he was; and (iv) whether
he/his partner had communicated a desire for safe sex.
5 During sex. The subject was asked: (i) how intoxicated he was; and (ii) whether he/his
partner communicated about safe sex.
6 Additional questions for unsafe encounter. Subjects were also asked to rate a series of state-
ments for the unsafe encounter. They related to: (i) ways in which the subjects may have
engaged in unsafe sex without really wanting to (e.g. physically forced, tricked); and (ii)
self-justifications for not using a condom (e.g. ‘I thought to myself something like . . .
condoms are such horrible things and to put one on destroys the magic of sex. Here we are
on cloud nine: how can we suddenly interrupt everything just to get a bit of rubber out and
roll it on’, ‘Other guys fuck without a condom much more often than I do. I’m less at risk
than most guys’).
The results were analysed to examine the characteristics of both the safe and unsafe encounter
and to evaluate any differences. The results showed that type of partner, desires, sexual attrac-
tion, mood, knowledge of condom availability and communication about safe sex differentiated
between the two encounters. For example, unsafe sex was more likely to occur if the partner was
a regular lover, if the subject reported a greater desire to have sex without a condom, to be more
interested in having exciting sex, to be more attracted to their partner, to be in a better mood,
to have less communication about safe sex, and to be less knowledgeable about the availability
of a condom. However, level of intoxication was not related to the type of resulting encounter.
The results were also analysed to examine the frequency of self-justifications used. The most
common justification was a belief that they could have sex without ejaculation (‘It’ll be safe to
fuck without a condom, so long as we don’t cum up the arse. So we’ll just fuck without
cumming’), followed by beliefs about faithfulness.
This study is interesting because it integrates cognitions with situational factors. Therefore it
attempts to place safe and unsafe sex in a context. The authors discuss the results in terms of
developing educational interventions to promote safe sex. In addition, the authors emphasize
that it is the thoughts and beliefs that occur during sexual encounters that are perhaps more rel-
evant than those described in the cold light of day.
used to say to him, look, right, look, I have no intention of getting pregnant again and you have
no intention to become a father so you put one of these on’. However, other women described
how difficult it was to suggest safe sex to their partner with reasons for this relating to not
wanting to hurt their boyfriend’s feelings, not wanting to ‘ruin the whole thing’, and not being
able to approach the subject. One woman said, ‘When I got pregnant I thought to myself, “I’m
not using a condom here, I’m not using anything” but I just couldn’t say, just couldn’t force
myself to say, “look you know”’. Holland et al. (1990b) argued that safe sex campaigns present
condoms as neutral objects, which can be easily negotiated prior to sex and that this did not
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appear to be the case with the women they interviewed. The qualitative data from the WRAP
study provide some insights into the process of negotiation; they also emphasize sex as an inter-
action. In addition, these data provide a relationship context for individual beliefs and cogni-
tions. In line with the WRAP study, Debro et al. (1994) examined the strategies use by 393
heterosexual college students to negotiate condom use and concluded that they used reward,
emotional coercion, risk information, deception, seduction and withholding sex. Noar et al.
(2002) built upon Debro et al.’s work and developed and validated a measure to quantify nego-
tiation strategies called the condom influence strategy questionnaire (CISQ). They conceptual-
ized negotiation in terms of six strategies: withholding sex, direct request, education,
relationship conceptualizing, risk information and deception, and indicated that these factors
account to variance in a range of safer sex variable such as behavioural intentions and actual
condom use. Stone and Ingham (2002) also explored partner communication in the context of
predicting the use of contraception at first intercourse. The study involved a survey of 963 stu-
dents aged between 16 and 18 and explored the role of a range of individual, contextual and
background factors. The results showed that communication with partner was a significant pre-
dictor of contraception use for both men and women. In particular, young men’s contraception
use was predicted by discussing contraception beforehand, giving an intimate reason for having
sex the first time (e.g. they loved their partner as opposed to losing their virginity) and having
parents who portrayed sexuality positively. For young women, contraception use was predicted
by discussing contraception beforehand, being older, expecting to have sex, comfort and ease of
interacting with boys and not having visited a service provider prior to having sex (this last
result was in contrast to much previous work).
Therefore qualitative and quantitative research has emphasized the importance of negotia-
tion which seems to have been taken on board by health education campaigns with advertise-
ments highlighting the problem of raising the issue of safer sex (e.g. when would you mention
condoms?). However, do interviews really access the interaction? Can the interaction be
accessed using the available (and ethical) methodologies? (It would obviously be problematic to
observe the interaction!) Are qualitative methods actually accessing something different from
quantitative methods? Are interviews simply another method of finding out about people’s cog-
nitions and beliefs? Debates about methodology (quantitative versus qualitative) and the
problem of behaviour as an interaction are relevant to all forms of behaviour but are particu-
larly apparent when discussing sex.
Sex education
Education about sex, pregnancy, HIV and contraception comes from a variety of different
sources, including government health education campaigns, school sex education programmes
and from an individual’s social world. These three sources of information will now be examined
multitude of different ways. In addition, safer sex campaigns emphasize personal responsibility
and choice in the use of condoms, and condoms are presented as a simple way to prevent con-
traction of the HIV virus. This presentation is epitomized by government health advertisement
slogans such as ‘You know the risks: the decision is yours’. This view of sex and condom use is
in contradiction with the research suggesting that people believe that they are not at risk from
HIV and that condom use involves a complex process of negotiation.
learning about sex occurs in the context of a multitude of different sources of information.
They redefined the ‘problem of sex education’ as something that is broader than acquiring facts.
They also argued that the resulting knowledge not only influences an individual’s own know-
ledge and beliefs but also creates their sexuality. They identified the following five sources:
school, peers, parents, magazines, and partners and relationships. Holland et al. argued that
through these different sources, individuals learn about sex and their sexuality and suggested
that ‘the constructions which are presented are of women as passive, as potential victims of
male sexuality or at best reproductive’ (1990a: 43). However, they also argued that women do
not simply passively accept this version of sexuality but are in a ‘constant process of negotiating
and re-negotiating the meaning which others give to their behaviour’ (1990a: 43). Therefore,
perhaps any understanding of sexual behaviour should take place within an understanding of
the social context of sex education in the broadest sense.
To conclude
Since the beginning of the twentieth century sex has been studied as an activity rather than in
terms of its biological outcome. Recently sex has also been examined in terms of it being a risk
to health. Psychologists have contributed to this literature in terms of an examination of sexual
behaviour both in the context of pregnancy avoidance and HIV/AIDS. These behaviours have
been predominantly understood using cognitive models, which emphasize individual differ-
ences and individual cognitions. However, sex presents a problem for psychologists as it is
intrinsically an interactive behaviour involving more than one person. Therefore cognitive
models have been expanded in an attempt to emphasize cognitions about the individual’s social
world, particularly in terms of the relationship. To further the understanding of sex as an inter-
action, qualitative methods have been used to examine the process of negotiation. However, sex
also occurs within a broader social context. Social cognition models have also been developed in
an attempt to address individuals’ representations of this world – their normative beliefs.
However, perhaps an understanding of sexual behaviour can only take place within the wider
context of educational influences, service provision, power relations, community norms and
theories about sexuality.
1 To what extent do decision-making models predict contraceptive use?
2 Is contraceptive use a rational process?
3 Can social cognition models be expanded to understand contraceptive use as an inter-
4 Why do people use condoms?
5 How can qualitative research contribute to an understanding of condom use?
6 To what extent can psychology incorporate the context of a behaviour?
7 To what extent do the problems highlighted by the sex literature relate to other health
8 Describe a possible research study aimed at predicting condom use in adolescents.
For discussion
Health education campaigns frequently use billboards and magazines to promote safe sex. Con-
sider a recent advertisement and discuss whether or not this would encourage you to use
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Further reading
Gallois, C., Terry, D., Timmins, P., Kashima, Y. and McCamish, M. (1994) Safe sex intentions and
behaviour among heterosexuals and homosexual men: testing the theory of reasoned action, Psy-
chology and Health, 10: 1–16.
This study uses the TRA to examine condom use and in particular focuses on the relationship
between intentions and actual behaviour.
Holland, J., Ramazanoglu, C. and Scott, S. (1990) Managing risk and experiencing danger: tensions
between government AIDS health education policy and young women’s sexuality, Gender and
Education, 2: 125–46.
This paper presents some of the results from the WRAP studies and examines how young women
feel about their sexuality in the context of HIV.
Ingham, R. and Aggleton, P. (eds) (2005) Promoting Young People’s Sexual Health. London: Routledge.
This book provides an excellent analysis of the practical and ideological barriers to enhancing
sexual health in young people and offers a detailed account of cross-cultural differences and the
problems faced in developing countries.
Lee, E., Clements, S., Ingham, R. and Stone, N. (2004) A Matter of Choice? Explaining National
Variations in Teenage Abortion and Motherhood. York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
This book provides a detailed analysis of young people’s sexual behaviour and their decisions
about becoming a parent.
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Chapter overview
This chapter examines definitions of screening and describes the history of the screening of
populations both in general practice and in hospital-based medical centres. It outlines the
guidelines for developing screening programmes and assesses the patient, health professional
and organizational predictors of screening uptake. The chapter then examines recent research
which has emphasized the negative consequences of screening in terms of ethical principles, the
cost effectiveness and the possible psychological consequences.
● What is screening?
● Guidelines for screening
● Predictors of screening uptake
● Screening as problematic
● Is screening ethical?
● Is screening cost-effective?
● What are the psychological consequences of screening?
What is screening?
There are three forms of prevention aimed at improving a nation’s health:
1 Primary prevention refers to the modification of risk factors (such as smoking, diet, alcohol
intake) before illness onset. The recently developed health promotion campaigns are a
form of primary prevention.
2 Secondary prevention refers to interventions aimed at detecting illness at an asymptomatic
stage of development so that its progression can be halted or retarded. Screening is a form
of secondary prevention.
3 Tertiary prevention refers to the rehabilitation of patients or treatment interventions once
an illness has manifested itself.
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Screening programmes (secondary prevention) take the form of health checks, such as measur-
ing weight, blood pressure, height (particularly in children), urine, carrying out cervical smears
and mammograms and offering genetic tests for illnesses such as Huntington’s disease, some
forms of breast cancer and cystic fibrosis. Until recently, two broad types of screening were
defined: opportunistic screening, which involves using the time when a patient is involved with
the medical services to measure aspects of their health. For example, when seeing a patient for a
sore throat the GP may decide to also check their blood pressure, and population screening,
which involves setting up services specifically aimed at identifying problems. For example,
current programmes involve cervical screening and breast screening. Recently a new form of
screening has emerged in the form of self-screening. For example, people are encouraged to
practise breast and testicular self-examination and it is now possible to buy over-the-counter
kits to measure blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
The aim of all screening programmes is to detect a problem at the asymptomatic stage. This
results in two outcomes. First, screening can discover a risk of the disease. This is called primary
screening. For example, cervical screening may detect pre-cancerous cells which place the indi-
vidual at risk of cervical cancer; genetic screening for cystic fibrosis would give the person an
estimate of risk of producing children with cystic fibrosis; and cholesterol screening could place
an individual at high risk of developing coronary heart disease. Second, screening can detect the
illness itself. This is called secondary screening. For example, a mammogram may discover
breast cancer, genetic testing may discover the gene for Huntington’s disease and blood pres-
sure assessment may discover hypertension.
Genetic testing
Advancements in ultrasound technology has meant that pregnant mothers can now undergo
screening for genetic or developmental problems such as Down’s syndrome, spina bifida, con-
genital heart defects and gross anatomical deformities such as anencephaly (a child with a seri-
ously deformed head), missing limbs or underdeveloped organs. In addition, genetic testing
and genetic counselling are now offered for genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis; Alzheimer’s
disease; Huntington’s disease; forms of muscular dystrophy; breast, ovarian or colon cancer;
and familial hypercholesterolaemia which is a predisposition for raised cholesterol and is linked
with coronary heart disease. There are different types of genetic tests depending upon the con-
dition involved. Carrier testing refers to genetic tests that identify people who have a mutation
for a recessive condition, who will not develop the condition themselves but may have children
who have the condition if the other parent is also a carrier. In contrast, predictive testing is con-
cerned with identifying people who are at risk of developing the disease in the future. A few
conditions can be definitely predicted by predictive testing. For example, a person who tests
positive for Huntington’s disease will definitely develop it in the future. However, for most con-
ditions such as cancer, Alzheimer’s and heart disease a positive test only illustrates a high risk of
developing the disease. Furthermore, even though people may develop the disease in the future,
the severity of the disease can show great variability. A good example of this is sickle cell
anaemia which has a clear genetic basis but can express itself and is experienced by the sufferer
in very different ways.
■ Follow-up
● facilities must exist for assessment and treatment
● accepted form of effective treatment
● agreed policy on whom to treat
■ Economy
● cost must be economically balanced in relation to possible expenditure on medical care
as a whole.
Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 The ability of medicine to screen reflects new and ever advancing medical technology. Because of
this it is often seen by the health profession as a positive development. However, just because some-
thing can be done does not mean that it should be done. At times the research on screening can
seem polarized between those that promote screening and the use of technology and those that
seem wary of it. This can lead to contradictory findings or research that simply supports the ideo-
logical position of those involved.
2 Evaluating the impact of screening can involve measuring both psychological (e.g. fear, anxiety) and
medical outcomes (e.g. health status, detection). Sometimes these outcomes occur in opposite direc-
tions (it may make a person anxious but benefit their health status). Combining these contradictory
outcomes and deciding upon the right way forward can be a complex and difficult process.
3 Screening may detect an illness at an early stage. Some people, however, may not wish to know that
they have something wrong with them. This can present researchers and clinicians with a dilemma
as medicine also emphasizes truth telling, openness and patient autonomy. Balancing the different
ethical positions and perspectives of medicine can prove difficult.
minority elect to take the test. Marteau (1993) suggested that there are three main factors that
influence uptake of screening: patient factors, health professional factors and organizational
Patient factors
Several studies have been carried out to examine which factors predict the uptake of screening.
These have included demographic factors, beliefs, emotional factors and contextual factors.
Demographic factors
MacLean et al. (1984) reported that women who attended for breast screening were more likely
to be of high socio-economic status, and Owens et al. (1987) reported that older women were
more likely to attend for breast screening than younger women. Similarly, Simpson et al. (1997)
concluded that older women were more likely to attend a worksite screening programme for
cardiovascular disease than either younger women or men. In addition, Waller et al. (1990) sug-
gested that those individuals who are the most healthy are more likely to attend for an HIV test,
and Sutton et al. (2000) reported that men, home-owners, non-smokers, those who have
regular check-ups at the dentist and those with better subjective health were more likely to
attend for flexible sigmoidoscopy which screens for colorectal cancer.
Health beliefs
Health beliefs have also been linked to uptake and have been measured using models (see
Chapter 2). For example, Bish et al. (2000) used the health belief model (HBM) and the theory
of planned behaviour (TPB) to predict uptake of a routine cervical smear test. The results
showed that the TPB was a better predictor of behavioural intentions but that neither model
successfully predicted actual uptake at follow-up. Pakenham et al. (2000) also used the HBM in
conjunction with knowledge and sociodemographic variables to predict re-attendance for
mammography screening. The results showed that although the re-attenders were older and
more likely to be married, the HBM variable of perceived benefits of the mammography were a
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Emotional factors
Emotional factors such as anxiety, stress, fear, uncertainty and feeling indecent have also been
shown to relate to uptake. For example, Simpson et al. (1997) indicated that non-attenders at a
worksite screening programme reported more fear of the results and MacLean et al. (1984)
reported that women who attended for breast screening had suffered less anxiety following the
invitation to attend. Negative emotions would therefore seem to be linked to no uptake. In con-
trast, however, Lerman et al. (1997) explored what factors determined whether someone
requested the results from genetic testing for breast and ovarian cancer susceptibility. The results
showed that, after controlling for sociodemographic factors and objective risk, those with higher
levels of cancer-specific distress were three times more likely to request the results. Shiloh et al.
(1997) examined the predictors of uptake for four screening programmes (a dental check-up,
blood pressure measurement and cholesterol testing, a cervical smear, mammography) and sug-
gested that both the cognitions derived from a range of models and emotional factors such as
reassurance predicted uptake. However, they also argued that although beliefs and emotions
predict screening uptake, the nature of these beliefs and emotions is very much dependent upon
the screening programme being considered. Research, however, also shows that declining a test
can result in elevated stress. For example, Almqvist et al. (2003) explored the longer-term con-
sequences of either having or not having a genetic test for Huntington’s disease and reported that
those who declined the test were the most distressed over a period of 12 months. Some research
has also focused on patients’ need to reduce their uncertainty and to find ‘cognitive closure’. For
example, Eiser and Cole (2002) used a quantitative method based upon the stages-of-change
model and explored differences between individuals at different stages of attending for a cervical
smear in terms of ‘cognitive closure’ and barriers to screening. The results showed that the pre-
contemplators reported most barriers and the least need for closure and to reduce uncertainty.
One qualitative study further highlighted the role of emotional factors in the form of feeling
indecent. Borrayo and Jenkins (2001) interviewed 34 women of Mexican descent in five focus
groups about their beliefs about breast cancer screening and their decision whether or not to take
part. The analyses showed that the women reported a fundamental problem with breast screen-
ing as it violates a basic cultural standard. Breast screening requires women to touch their own
breasts and to expose their breasts to health professionals. Within the cultural norms of
respectable female behaviour for these women, this was seen as ‘indecent’.
Contextual factors
Finally contextual factors have also been shown to predict uptake. For example, Smith et al.
(2002) interviewed women who had been offered genetic testing for Huntington’s disease. The
results showed that the women often showed complex and sometimes contradictory beliefs
about their risk status for the disease which related to factors such as prevalence in the family,
family size, attempts to make the numbers ‘add up’ and beliefs about transmission. The results
also showed that uptake of the test related not only to the individual’s risk perception but also
to contextual factors such as family discussion or a key triggering event. For example, one
woman described how she had shouted at the cats for going onto the new stair carpet which had
been paid for from her father’s insurance money after he had died from Huntington’s disease.
This had made her resolve to have the test.
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Organizational factors
Many organizational factors may also influence the uptake of screening. Research has examined
the effects of the means of invitation on the uptake rate and indicates that if the invitation is
issued in person, and if the individual is expected to opt out, not in, the rates of uptake are
higher (Mann et al. 1988; Smith et al. 1990). The place of the screening programme may also be
influential, with more accessible settings promoting high uptake. In addition, making atten-
dance at a screening programme mandatory rather than voluntary will also obviously have an
effect (Marteau 1993). Uptake may also be influenced by education and media campaigns. For
example, Fernbach (2002) evaluated the impact of a large media campaign designed to influ-
ence women’s self-efficacy and uptake of cervical screening. The media campaign was called the
‘Papscreen Victoria’ campaign and took place in Australia. It was evaluated by face-to-face
interviews with 1571 women at baseline and two follow-ups. The results showed that women
reported an increase in awareness of cervical screening and rated this as a greater health priority
than before the campaign. However, the results were not all positive. The women also stated
after the campaign that they would find it more difficult to ring up for test results and reported
lowered self-efficacy.
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This study examines the role of three social psychological models in predicting breast self-
examination and cervical screening behaviour. The study illustrates how theories can be empiri-
cally tested and how research results can be used to develop interventions to promote screening
It is generally believed that early detection of both breast and cervical cancer may reduce mor-
tality from these illnesses. Therefore screening programmes aim to help the detection of these
diseases at the earliest possible stages. However, even when invited to attend for cervical screen-
ing, or when encouraged to practise breast self-examination, many women still do not carry out
these health protective behaviours. Social psychology models have been used to predict cancer
screening behaviour. This study examined the HBM and health locus of control (see Chapter 2)
in the context of cancer screening. In addition, the authors included a measure of emotional
control (sometimes described as expressed emotion, repression and defensiveness). Individuals
with high emotional control are sometimes described as having a cancer-prone personality (see
Chapter 13), which has been linked to cancer onset.
A letter informing residents about a regional health survey was sent to 1530 randomly selected
addresses in Northern Ireland. An interviewer then visited each address and contacted a
‘responsible adult’ in order to record details of all of those in the household aged over 16. One
person from each household was then randomly selected and left a questionnaire. After follow-
up letters and visits to the household, 65.1 per cent of the eligible sample completed the ques-
tionnaire. This paper reports the results from 391 women who completed questions about
breast and cervical screening behaviour.
The study involved a cross-sectional design with subjects completing a questionnaire once.
The questionnaire consisted of the following measures:
1 Screening behaviour (the dependent variables). The subjects were asked about their breast
and cervical screening behaviour.
■ Breast screening behaviour: the subjects were asked, ‘If you examine your breasts for
lumps how often do you do this?’ (rated from ‘once a month’ to less than ‘once every six
■ Cervical screening behaviour: the subjects were asked, (i) ‘Have you had a cervical smear
test?’ (rated ‘once’, ‘several times’, ‘never’), (ii) ‘Did you have a smear test because . . .
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(a) you asked for it, (b) your doctor suggested it, (c) it was taken routinely at a post-
natal check-up, (d) because of some other reason?’. From these responses the women
were classified as non-attenders, passive attenders (following advice from someone else)
or active attenders (asked for the test).
2 Health beliefs (the independent variables). The subjects rated 22 items for how much they
agreed with them. These items reflected the dimensions of the HBM as follows:
■ Susceptibility: the subjects rated items such as ‘my chances of getting cancer are great’
and ‘my physical health makes it more likely that I will get cancer’.
■ Seriousness: the subjects rated items such as ‘the thought of cancer scares me’ and ‘I am
afraid to even think about cancer’.
■ Benefits: the subjects rated items such as ‘if cancer is detected early it can be successfully
treated’ and ‘there has been much progress in the treatment of cancer in the past ten
■ Barriers: the subjects rated items such as ‘I just don’t like doctors or hospitals’ and ‘I
would be afraid that I might need to have an operation’.
■ Costs: the subjects rated items such as ‘I would have trouble because of the distance or
time to get to the doctor or clinic’ and ‘I would have to wait a long time at the doctor’s
office or clinic’.
In addition, the questionnaire included measures of the following health beliefs:
■ Health motivation: the subjects were asked whether they engaged in a list of five health-
related activities (e.g. take physical exercise, reduce alcohol consumption).
■ Cancer knowledge: the subjects were asked open-ended questions about their know-
ledge of the early warning signs of breast and cervical cancer.
■ Confidence: the subjects were asked to rate their confidence in performing breast self-
examination as a measure of their self-efficacy.
■ Contact with cancer: the subjects were asked whether or not a member of their family
had ever had cancer.
3 Health locus of control (the independent variables). The subjects completed the 18-item mul-
tidimensional health locus of control scale (MHLC) (Wallston et al. 1978). The question-
naire was used to provide a measure of internal control (e.g. ‘If I get sick it is my own
behaviour that determines how soon I get well again’), external control/powerful others
(e.g. ‘Whenever I don’t feel well I should consult my doctor’) and external control/chance
(e.g. ‘Good health is largely a matter of good luck’).
4 Emotional control (the independent variables). The subjects completed the 21-item Cour-
tauld emotional control scale developed by Watson and Greer (1983). This consists of
three subscales to measure the extent to which someone expresses or controls (i) anger, (ii)
depressed mood and (iii) anxiety.
Demographic characteristics
In addition, subjects completed questions about their age, social class, marital status and
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The results were analysed to assess the role of the different social psychological models in pre-
dicting screening behaviour for both breast and cervical cancer. Originally, individual correla-
tions were evaluated between the dependent variables (breast cancer and cervical cancer
screening behaviour) and the subjects’ demographic characteristics, their health beliefs, health
locus of control and their emotional control.
Breast self-examination
The results showed that breast self-examination was more frequent among those who attended
for smear tests; negatively related to age and social class, a high belief in the costs of attendance
for treatment, a high belief in the role of powerful others; and positively related to marital
status, benefits of treatment, health motivation, knowledge of breast and cervical cancer.
The results from this study provide some support for the individual components of the health
belief model and health locus of control in predicting screening behaviour for both cervical and
breast cancer. In particular, the results suggest that self-efficacy (added to the recent version of
the HBM, see Chapter 2) and barriers are the most powerful predictors of behaviour. However,
the results provide no support for a role of emotional control in screening behaviour. The
authors conclude that health promotion aimed at increasing breast self-examination ‘must con-
sider how to improve women’s confidence in how to practise it’ and education aimed at pro-
moting attendance for cervical smears should ‘reduce the anxiety felt among many women
about the possible consequences of the investigation’. This paper therefore illustrates how a
theory can be tested, and how the results from such a study could be turned into practice.
Screening as problematic
Over the past decade a new dimension has emerged in the screening literature, namely the
negative elements of screening. There are now debates about the following aspects of screening:
(1) ethics, in terms of the relevance of the four main ethical principles (beneficence, non-
maleficence, autonomy and justice); (2) the cost-effectiveness of screening programmes; and
(3) the possible psychological side effects of screening on the individual. These criticisms consti-
tute what can be seen as a backlash against the screening of populations.
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Is screening ethical?
Debates about the ethical issues surrounding screening have traditionally been polarized
between what Sackett and Holland (1975) referred to as ‘the evangelists and snails’. These
debates are best understood within the context of the four major ethical principles relating to
decision-making principles in medicine: beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy and justice.
variety of individuals, some of whom have genetic deficits such as Down’s syndrome, cystic
fibrosis and sickle-cell anaemia. Although these individuals may be subjected to stereotyping
and stigma, society provides treatment and support and attempts to integrate them into the rest
of the population. It is possible, however, that screening for such disorders would lead to termi-
nations of pregnancy and a reduction in this stigmatized population. Although this would lead
to fewer individuals with these disorders (this may be a positive consequence, as no one wants
to suffer from sickle-cell anaemia) the individuals who are born with these problems may face
increased stigma as they would be part of a greatly reduced minority existing in a world with
reduced social provisions for support and treatment.
Is screening cost-effective?
The second problem with screening concerns its cost-effectiveness. A cost-effectiveness analysis
involves assessing either how to achieve a set objective at minimum cost or how to use a fixed
resource to produce the best output. In terms of screening, this raises issues about the objectives
of screening (to detect asymptomatic illness, which can be treated) and the degree of resources
required to achieve these objectives (minimum interventions such as opportunistic weighing
versus expensive interventions such as breast screening clinics). The economic considerations of
screening have been analysed for different policies for cervical screening (Smith and Chamber-
lain 1987). The different policies include: (1) opportunistic screening (offer a smear test when
an individual presents at the surgery); (2) offer a smear test every five years; (3) offer a smear
test every three years; and (4) offer a smear test annually. The results from this analysis are
shown in Figure 9.1. These different policies have been offered as possible solutions to the
problem of screening for cervical cancer. The results suggest that annual screening in England
and Wales would cost £165 million and would potentially prevent 4300 cancers, whereas smears
every five years would cost £34 million and would potentially prevent 3900 cancers.
The problem of cost-effectiveness is also highlighted by a discussion of the OXCHECK and
Family Heart Study results (Muir et al. 1994; Wood et al. 1994). Both studies indicated that
intensive screening, counselling and health checks have only a moderate effect on risk factors
and the authors discuss these results in terms of the implications for government policies for
health promotion through doctor-based interventions.
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Cost in thousands
Opportunistic 5 yearly 3 yearly Annually
Type of policy
Figure 9.1 Costs per potential cancer prevented for different screening policies (after Smith and
Chamberlain 1987)
cluded that ‘whether these small reductions can be sustained long term is not known, but even
if they were they would correspond only to a 12 per cent lower risk of coronary heart disease
events’. The authors also concluded that the government-sponsored health promotion clinics
‘would probably have achieved considerably less and possibly no change at all’ (Wood et al.
1994: 319) and that ‘the government’s screening policy cannot be justified by these results’
(1994: 313).
The debates
Early evaluations of screening included an assessment of screening outcome in terms of the
patients’ understanding and recall of their diagnosis, not in terms of possible negative con-
sequences (Sibinga and Friedman 1971; Reynolds et al. 1974). Recent discussions of the effects
of screening, however, have increasingly emphasized negative consequences. McCormick
(1989), in a discussion of the consequences of screening, suggested that ‘false positive smears in
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healthy women cause distress and anxiety that may never be fully allayed’ (McCormick 1989:
208). Grimes (1988) stated that ‘promotion of health inevitably results in the awareness of sick-
ness’ and suggested that screening results in introspection. Skrabanek (1988: 1156) specifically
expressed an awareness of the negative consequences of screening in his statement that ‘the
hazards of screening are undisputed: they include false positives leading to unnecessary investi-
gations and treatments, with resulting iatrogenic morbidity both physical and psychological’.
He was supported by Marteau (1989), who commented that ‘a positive result in any screening
test is invariably received with negative feelings’.
research has also explored the ways in which a negative result is presented. In the UK in
1997 the policy recommendation for cervical smear results stated that the term ‘negative
result’ could be confusing as women would feel ‘positive’ to such a ‘negative’ result and
that the term ‘normal’ smear result should be used instead. Marteau et al. (2006) explored
the impact of receiving a result that was either presented as ‘normal’, or normal and a
series of statements of risk, that is, ‘you are at low risk of having or developing cervical
cancer in the next five years’ and a range of numerical presentations of risk. Participants
were then asked to describe their levels of perceived risk. The results showed that, when
only told that their smear result was ‘normal’ without any description of risk, women
described feeling less at risk than when they received ‘normal’ and the description of risk.
Marteau et al. argue that a negative smear result still implies a low risk of getting cervical
cancer and that the term ‘normal’ makes people underestimate this risk.
3 The receipt of a positive result. As expected, the receipt of a positive result can be associated
with a variety of negative emotions ranging from worry to anxiety and shock. In 1978,
Haynes et al. pointed to increased absenteeism following a diagnosis of hypertension and
suggested that the diagnosis may have caused distress. Moreover, an abnormal cervical
smear may generate anxiety, morbidity and even terror (Campion et al. 1988; Nathoo
1988; Wilkinson et al. 1990). Psychological costs have also been reported after screening
for coronary heart disease (Stoate 1989), breast cancer (Fallowfield et al. 1990) and genetic
diseases (Marteau et al. 1992). In addition, levels of depression have been found to be
higher in those labelled as hypertensive (Bloom and Monterossa 1981). However, some
research suggests that these psychological changes may only be maintained in the short
term (Reelick et al. 1984) and shortly return to baseline levels (Broadstock et al. 2000). This
decay in the psychological consequences has been particularly shown with the termination
of pregnancy following the detection of foetal abnormalities (Black 1989) and following the
receipt of a positive genetic test result (Broadstock et al. 2000). Some research has also
explored the impact of receiving a positive genetic test result upon individuals’ beliefs
about their condition and subsequent behaviour. Such an approach is in line with a self-
regulatory model (see Chapter 3). For example, Marteau et al. (2004) explored the impact
of telling people that they had tested positive for familial hypercholesterolaemia on their
beliefs about the nature of their condition and their behaviour. The results showed that
those who were told that they had a genetic mutation reported a lower belief that their cho-
lesterol could be managed by diet. Therefore being given a medical model of their problem
made them less likely to endorse a behavioural solution No effect was found, however, for
perceptions of control, adherence to medication or risk-reducing behaviours. This is in line
with research exploring people’s matched models (see Chapter 3 for a discussion of
matched models). It also finds reflection in a recent analysis of the use of a self-regulatory
approach to understand reactions of risk information and the importance of a ‘fit’ between
existing cognitive representations and new risk information (Marteau and Weinman
4 The receipt of an inadequate test result. Although many tests produce either positive or
negative results, some produce inadequate results which neither confirm nor disconfirm
the presence of the condition. An example of this is cervical screening whereby the test can
be ‘ruined’ due to the presence of pus or the absence of sufficient number of cervical cells.
French et al. (2004, 2006) explored the immediate and longer-term psychological con-
sequences of receiving either an inadequate test result (n ⫽ 180) or a normal test result
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(n ⫽ 226). The results showed that women with an inadequate result reported more anxiety
and more concern about their result, perceived themselves to be more at risk of cervical
cancer and were less satisfied with the information they had received immediately follow-
ing the result. By three months’ follow-up, the women who had the inadequate results
were no longer more anxious. They were, however, more concerned about their test results
and less satisfied with the information they had received even after having normal results
from subsequent tests.
5 The psychological effects of subsequent interventions. Although screening is aimed at detect-
ing illness at an asymptomatic stage of development and subsequently delaying or averting
its development, not all individuals identified as being ‘at risk’ receive treatment. In addi-
tion, not all of those identified as being ‘at risk’ will develop the illness. The literature con-
cerning cervical cancer has debated the efficacy of treating those individuals identified by
cervical screening as ‘at risk’ and has addressed the possible consequence of this treatment.
Duncan (1992) produced a report on NHS guidelines concerning the management of
positive cervical smears. This suggested that all women with more severe cytological abnor-
malities should be referred for colposcopy, while others with milder abnormalities should
be monitored by repeat cervical smears. Shafi (1994) suggests that it is important to con-
sider the psychological impact of referral and treatment and that this impact may be
greater than the risk of serious disease. However, Soutter and Fletcher (1994) suggest that
there is evidence of a progression from mild abnormalities to invasive cervical cancer and
that these women should also be directly referred for a colposcopy. This suggestion has
been further supported by the results of a prospective study of 902 women presenting with
mild or moderate abnormalities for the first time (Flannelly et al. 1994). A study carried
out in 1993 examined the effects of a diagnosis of pre-cancerous changes of the cervix on
the psychological state of a group of women and further assessed the additional impact of
treatment (Palmer et al. 1993). The results showed that, following the diagnosis, the
women experienced high levels of intrusive thoughts, avoidance and high levels of anger.
In addition, the diagnosis influenced their body image and sexuality. However, the authors
reported that there was no additional impact of treatment on their psychological state.
Perhaps the diagnosis following screening is the factor that creates distress and the sub-
sequent treatment is regarded as a constructive and useful intervention. Further research is
needed to assess this aspect of screening.
6 The existence of a screening programme. Marteau (1993) suggested that the existence of
screening programmes may influence social beliefs about what is healthy and may change
society’s attitude towards a screened condition. In a study by Marteau and Riordan (1992),
health professionals were asked to rate their attitudes towards two hypothetical patients,
one of whom had attended a screening programme and one who had not. Both patients
were described as having developed cervical cancer. The results showed that the health pro-
fessionals held more negative attitudes towards the patient who had not attended. In a
further study, community nurses were given descriptions of either a heart attack patient
who had changed their health-related behaviour following a routine health check (healthy
behaviour condition) or a patient who had not (unhealthy behaviour condition) (Ogden
and Knight 1995). The results indicated that the nurses rated the patient in the unhealthy
behaviour condition as less likely to follow advice, more responsible for their condition
and rated the heart attack as more preventable. In terms of the wider effects of screening
programmes, it is possible that the existence of such programmes encourages society to see
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illnesses as preventable and the responsibility of the individual, which may lead to victim
blaming of those individuals who still develop these illnesses. This may be relevant to ill-
nesses such as coronary heart disease, cervical cancer and breast cancer, which have estab-
lished screening programmes. In the future, it may also be relevant to genetic disorders,
which could have been eradicated by terminations.
To conclude
Screening (secondary prevention) has been developed throughout the twentieth century as an
important means to detect illness at an asymptomatic stage. Specific criteria have been
developed to facilitate the screening process and research has been carried out to evaluate
means to increase patient uptake of screening programmes. Recently, however, there have been
debates about the problems with screening. These have concerned the ethics of screening, its
cost-effectiveness and its possible psychological consequences. Although screening programmes
are still being developed and regarded as an important facet of health, there has been a recent
shift from a system of ‘doctor help’ to ‘self-help’, which is reflected in the growing interest in
health beliefs and health behaviour and the process of health promotion.
1 Screening is an essential aspect of health promotion. Discuss.
2 Discuss why people turn up for screening.
3 Screening is unethical. Discuss.
4 What are the possible psychological side effects of screening for illness?
5 How might screening do harm?
6 Develop a research protocol designed to improve attendance for breast cancer screening.
For discussion
Consider which factors (e.g. beliefs, environmental) relate to whether you do or do not practise
cervical screening (for women) or testicular self-examination (for men).
Further reading
Marteau, T.M. and Weinman, J. (2006) Self-regulation and the behavioural response to DNA risk
information: a theoretical analysis and framework for future research, Social Science and
Medicine, 62: 1360–8.
This is an interesting theoretical paper which describes existing research on reactions to DNA risk
information and illustrates how these reactions can be understood within a self-regulatory
model. In particular it highlights the importance of a ‘fit’ between existing cognitive representa-
tions of the problem and any new information.
Norman, P. (1993) Predicting uptake of health checks in general practice: invitation methods and
patients’ health beliefs, Social Science and Medicine, 37: 53–9.
This paper illustrates how to use the HBM and how theory can be translated into practice.
Orbell, S. and Sheeran, P. (1993) Health psychology and uptake of preventive health services: a
review of 30 years’ research on cervical screening, Psychology and Health, 8: 417–33.
This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the literature on screening and examines the
contribution of psychological, service provision and demographic factors.
Shaw, C., Abrams, K. and Marteau, T.M. (1999) Psychological impact of predicting individuals’ risk
of illness: a systematic review, Social Science and Medicine, 49: 1571–98.
This comprehensive review examines the research to date on the impact of receiving either a
positive or negative test result in terms of cognitive, emotional and behavioural outcomes.
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Chapter overview
This chapter examines definitions of stress and looks at the early models of stress in terms of the
fight/flight response, the general adaptation syndrome and life events theory. It then describes
the concept of appraisal and Lazarus’s transactional model of stress which emphasizes psychol-
ogy as central to eliciting a stress response. The chapter then describes the physiological model
of stress and explores the impact of stress on changes in physiological factors such as arousal
and cortisol production. Finally, it describes how stress has been measured both in the labora-
tory and in a more naturalistic setting and compares physiological and self-report measurement
● What is stress?
● The development of stress theories
● The transactional model of stress
● Stress and appraisal
● Stress and changes in physiology
● Measuring stress
What is stress?
The term ‘stress’ means many things to many different people. A layperson may define stress in
terms of pressure, tension, unpleasant external forces or an emotional response. Psychologists
have defined stress in a variety of different ways. Contemporary definitions of stress regard the
external environmental stress as a stressor (e.g. problems at work), the response to the stressor
as stress or distress (e.g. the feeling of tension), and the concept of stress as something that
involves biochemical, physiological, behavioural and psychological changes. Researchers have
also differentiated between stress that is harmful and damaging (distress) and stress that is
positive and beneficial (eustress). In addition, researchers differentiate between acute stress,
such as an exam or having to give a public talk, and chronic stress, such as job stress and
poverty. The most commonly used definition of stress was developed by Lazarus and Launier
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(1978), who regarded stress as a transaction between people and the environment and described
stress in terms of ‘person–environment fit’. If a person is faced with a potentially difficult stres-
sor such as an exam or having to give a public talk, the degree of stress they experience is deter-
mined first by their appraisal of the event (‘is it stressful?’) and second by their appraisal of their
own personal resources (‘will I cope?). A good person–environment fit results in no or low
stress and a poor fit results in higher stress.
Organism’s response
2 The problem of retrospective assessment. Most ratings of life experiences or life events are
completed retrospectively, at the time when the individual has become ill or has come into
contact with the health profession. This has obvious implications for understanding the
causal link between life events and subsequent stress and stress-related illnesses. For
example, if an individual has developed cancer and is asked to rate their life experiences
over the last year, their present state of mind will influence their recollection of that year.
This effect may result in the individual over-reporting negative events and under-reporting
positive events if they are searching for a psychosocial cause of their illness (‘I have
developed cancer because my husband divorced me and I was sacked at work’). Alterna-
tively, if they are searching for a more medical cause of their illness they may under-report
negative life events (‘I developed cancer because it is a family weakness; my lifestyle and
experiences are unrelated as I have had an uneventful year’). The relationship between self-
reports of life events and causal models of illness is an interesting area of research. Research
projects could select to use this problem of selective recall as a focus for analysis. However,
this influence of an individual’s present state of health on their retrospective ratings under-
mines attempts at causally relating life events to illness onset.
3 Life experiences may interact with each other. When individuals are asked to complete a
checklist of their recent life experiences, these experiences are regarded as independent of
each other. For example, a divorce, a change of jobs and a marriage would be regarded as
an accumulation of life events that together would contribute to a stressful period of time.
However, one event may counter the effects of another and cancel out any negative stress-
ful consequences. Evaluating the potential effects of life experiences should include an
assessment of any interactions between events.
4 What is the outcome of a series of life experiences? Originally, the SRE was developed to
assess the relationship between stressful life experiences and health status. Accordingly, it
was assumed that if the life experiences were indeed stressful then the appropriate outcome
measure was one of health status. The most straightforward measure of health status would
be a diagnosis of illness such as cancer, heart attack or hypertension. Within this frame-
work, a simple correlational analysis could be carried out to evaluate whether a greater
number of life experiences correlated with a medical diagnosis. Apart from the problems
with retrospective recall and so on, this would allow some measure of causality – subjects
with higher numbers of life events would be more likely to get a medical diagnosis.
However, such an outcome measure is restrictive, as it ignores lesser ‘illnesses’ and relies
on an intervention by the medical profession to provide the diagnosis. In addition, it also
ignores the role of the diagnosis as a life event in itself. An alternative outcome measure
would be to evaluate symptoms. Therefore the individual could be asked to rate not only
their life experiences but also their health-related symptoms (e.g. pain, tiredness, loss of
appetite, etc.). Within this framework, correlational analysis could examine the relation-
ship between life events and symptoms. However, this outcome measure has its own prob-
lems: is ‘a change in eating habits’ a life event or a symptom of a life event? I s ‘a change in
sleeping habits’ a stressor or a consequence of stress? Choosing the appropriate outcome
measure for assessing the effects of life events on health is therefore problematic.
5 Stressors may be short term or ongoing. Traditionally, assessments of life experiences have
conceptualized such life events as short-term experiences. However, many events may be
ongoing and chronic. Moos and Swindle (1990) identified domains of ongoing stressors,
which they suggested reflect chronic forms of life experiences:
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They incorporated these factors into their measure – the life stressors and social resources
inventory (LISRES) – which represented an attempt to emphasize the chronic nature of life
experiences and to place them within the context of the individual’s coping resources. Moos
and Swindle (1990) argued that life events should not be evaluated in isolation but should be
integrated into two facets of an individual’s life: their ongoing social resources (e.g. social
support networks, financial resources) and their ongoing stressors.
Primary appraisal
‘Is this stressful?’
Secondary appraisal
‘Can I cope with this?’
information; (3) doing nothing; or (4) developing a means of coping with the stress in terms of
relaxation or defence mechanisms.
Lazarus’s model of appraisal and the transaction between the individual and the environ-
ment indicated a novel way of looking at the stress response – the individual no longer passively
responded to their external world, but interacted with it.
have identified ‘repressors’ as a group of individuals who use selective inattention and forget-
ting to avoid stressful information (Roth and Cohen 1986). Such people show incongruence
between their physiological state and their level of reported anxiety. For example, when con-
fronted with a stressor they say, ‘I am fine’ but their body is showing arousal. This suggests that
although appraisal may be central to the stress response there may be some people in some situ-
ations who deny or repress their emotional response to a stressor.
In summary, most current stress as researchers consider stress as the result of a person–
environment fit and emphasize the role of primary appraisal (‘is the event stressful?’) and
secondary appraisal (‘can I cope?’). Psychological factors are seen as a central component to
the stress response. However, they are always regarded as co-occurring with physiological
Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 Defining stress can be difficult as it can be assessed using self-report or physiological changes which
have their problems. Self-report can be open to bias and a desire to appear more or less stressed
depending upon the person and the situation. Physiological measures may be intrusive and actually
create stress and may change the way in which a person responds to their environment.
2 The appraisal model suggests that people appraise the stressor and then appraise their coping
mechanisms. This conceptualizes these two processes as separate and discrete. However, it is likely
that they are completely interdependent as a stressor is only really stressful in the context of
whether the individual feels they can or cannot cope with it.
3 Stress is considered to be made up of both psychological and physiological changes. However, how
these two sets of processes interact is unclear as it is possible to perceive stress without showing
physiological changes or to show a physiological reaction without labelling it as stress.
Stress reactivity
Changes in physiology are known as ‘stress reactivity’ and vary enormously between people. For
example, some individuals respond to stressful events with high levels of sweating, raised blood
pressure and heart rate while others show only a minimal response. This, in part, is due to
whether the stressor is appraised as stressful (primary appraisal) and how the individual
appraises their own coping resources (secondary appraisal). However, research also shows that
some people are simply more reactive to stress than others, regardless of appraisal. Two people
may show similar psychological reactions to stress but different physiological reactions. In
particular, there is some evidence for gender differences in stress reactivity, with men respond-
ing more strenuously to stressors than women and women showing smaller increases in blood
pressure during stressful tasks than men (Stoney et al. 1987, 1990). This indicates that gender
may determine the stress response to a stressful event and consequently the effect of this
response on the illness or health status of the individual. Stress reactivity is thought to be dis-
positional and may either be genetic or a result of prenatal or childhood experiences.
Stress recovery
After reacting to stress, the body then recovers and levels of sympathetic and HPA activation
return to baseline. However, there is great variability in the rate of recovery both between
Sympathetic activation
• Release of adrenalin and noradrenalin
⇒ changes in:
heart rate
blood pressure
pupil dilation
immune function
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical activation
• Release of cortisol
⇒ changes in:
management of carbohydrate stores
immune function
individuals, as some people recover more quickly than others, and within the same individual
across the lifespan.
Allostatic load
Stress recovery is linked with allostatic load which was described by McEwan and Stellar (1993).
They argued that the body’s physiological systems constantly fluctuate as the individual
responds and recovers from stress – a state of allostasis – and that, as time progresses, recovery
is less and less complete and the body is left increasingly depleted.
Stress resistance
To reflect the observation that not all individuals react to stressors in the same way, researchers
developed the concept of stress resistance to emphasize how some people remain healthy even
when stressors occur (e.g. Holahan and Moos 1990). Stress resistance includes adaptive coping
strategies, certain personality characteristic and social support.
Stress reactivity, stress recovery, allostatic load and stress resistance all influence an individual’s
reaction to a stressor. They also all affect the stress–illness link. This is described in Chapter 11.
Measuring stress
Stress has been measured both in the laboratory and in a naturalistic setting and using both
physiological measures and those involving self-report.
Laboratory setting
Many stress researchers use the acute stress paradigm to assess stress reactivity and the stress
response. This involves taking people into the laboratory and asking them either to complete a
stressful task such as an intelligence test, a mathematical task, giving a public talk or watching a
horror film, or exposing them to an unpleasant event such as a loud noise, white light or a puff
of air in the eye. The acute stress paradigm has enabled researchers to study gender differences
in stress reactivity, the interrelationship between acute and chronic stress, the role of personality
in the stress response and the impact of exercise on mediating stress-related changes (e.g. Pike
et al. 1997; Stoney and Finney 2000).
Naturalistic setting
Some researchers study stress in a more naturalistic environment. This includes measuring
stress responses to specific events such as a public performance, before and after an examina-
tion, during a job interview or while undergoing physical activity. Naturalistic research also
examines the impact of ongoing stressors such as work-related stress, normal ‘daily hassles’,
poverty or marriage conflicts. These types of study have provided important information on
how people react to both acute and chronic stress in their everyday lives.
2 Researchers can artificially manipulate aspects of the stressor in the laboratory to examine
corresponding changes in physiological and psychological measures.
3 Laboratory researchers can artificially manipulate mediating variables such as control and
the presence or absence of social support to assess their impact on the stress response.
4 The laboratory is an artificial environment which may produce a stress response that does
not reflect that triggered by a more natural environment. It may also produce associations
between variables (i.e. control and stress) which might be an artefact of the laboratory.
5 Naturalistic settings allow researchers to study real stress and how people really cope
with it.
6 However, there are many other uncontrolled variables which the researcher needs to
measure in order to control for it in the analysis.
Physiological measures
Physiological measures are mostly used in the laboratory as they involve participants being
attached to monitors or having fluid samples taken. However, some ambulatory machines have
been developed which can be attached to people as they carry on with their normal activities.
To assess stress reactivity from a physiological perspective, researchers can use a polygraph to
measure heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure and the galvanic skin response (GSR),
which is effected by sweating. They can also take blood, urine or saliva samples to test for
changes in catecholamine and cortisol production.
Self-report measures
Researchers use a range of self-report measures to assess both chronic and acute stress. Some of
these focus on life events and include the original social readjustment rating scale (SRRS)
(Holmes and Rahe 1967) which asks about events such as ‘death of a spouse’, ‘changing to a dif-
ferent line of work’ and ‘change of residence’. Other measures focus more on an individual’s
own perception of stress. The perceived stress scale (PSS) (Cohen et al. 1983) is the most com-
monly used scale to assess self-perceived stress and asks questions such as ‘In the last month
how often have you been upset because of something that happened unexpectedly?’, and ‘In the
last month how often have you felt nervous or stressed?’ Some researchers also assess minor
stressors in the form of ‘daily hassles’. Kanner et al. (1981) developed the hassles scale which
asks participants to rate how severe a range of hassles have been over the past month including
‘misplacing or losing things’, ‘health of a family member’ and ‘concerns about owing money’.
Johnston, Beedie et al. (2006) used a small hand-held computer called a personal digital assis-
tant (PDA) which participants carry around with them and which prompts them at pre-set
intervals to complete a diary entry describing their level of stress. Self-report measures have
been used to describe the impact of environmental factors on stress whereby stress is seen as the
outcome variable (i.e. ‘a poor working environment causes high stress’). They have also been
used to explore the impact of stress on the individual’s health status whereby stress in seen as
the input variable (i.e. ‘high stress causes poor health’).
measures are more central to stress research, while another researcher who believes that
experience is more important might favour self-report. Most stress researchers measure both
physiological and psychological aspects of stress and study how these two components interact.
However, in general the different types of measures have the following costs and benefits:
1 Physiological measures are more objective and less affected by the participant’s wish to give
a desirable response or the researcher’s wish to see a particular result.
2 Self-report measures reflect the individual’s experience of stress rather than just what their
body is doing.
3 Self-report measures can be influenced by problems with recall, social desirability, and dif-
ferent participants interpreting the questions in different ways.
4 Self-report measures are based upon the life events or hassles that have been chosen by the
author of the questionnaire. One person’s hassle, such as ‘troublesome neighbours’ which
appears on the hassles scale, may not be a hassle for another, whereas worries about a
child’s school might be, which doesn’t appear on this scale.
The study aimed to explore the relative impact of two types of relaxation training on children’s
physiological and self-report responses. The training types were progressive muscle relaxation
and imagery-based relaxation.
The study involved 64 children from a school in Germany who were aged between 10 and 12
The study used a randomized control trial design and participants were randomly allocated to
one of three arms of the trial: progressive muscle relaxation, imagery-based relaxation or the
control group.
The interventions
Each intervention involved five training sessions. Each session lasted about 30 minutes. The
children were asked to sit quietly for five minutes (baseline period), then they took part
in the intervention, and the children were then asked to sit quietly again for five minutes
■ Progressive muscle relaxation. Children were asked to tense and relax specific muscle groups
for a period of 7 minutes. These were hand muscles, arms, forehead, cheeks, chest, shoul-
ders, stomach and thighs.
■ Imagery-based relaxation. Children in this group were asked to imagine that they were a
butterfly going on a fantasy journey such as to a meadow, a tree or a boat.
■ Control group. Children in this group listened to audiotapes of neutral stories which were
designed not to elicit any feeling of either tension or relaxation.
The study involved physiological and self-report measures. Subjective measurements were
taken before and after the baseline period, after the intervention and after the follow-up period.
Physiological measurements were taken continuously throughout.
■ Physiological measures. Measures were taken of heart rate, skin temperature and skin
conductance level.
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■ Self-report measures. Measures were also taken of the children’s mood (e.g. sensation of
perceived calmness, subjective feeling of wellness, feeling of perceived attentiveness) and
their physical well-being (e.g. calmness of their heart beats, subjective body warmth, per-
ceived dampness of the hands).
The results were assessed to examine the impact of relaxation training regardless of type of
relaxation and also to explore whether one form of relaxation training was more effective.
■ Physiological changes. The results showed that imagery relaxation was related to a decrease
in heart rate and skin conductance but did not result in changes in skin temperature. In
contrast, progressive muscle relaxation resulted in an increase in heart rate during the
training session.
■ Self-report changes. The results showed increased ratings of mood and physical well-being
during baseline and training sessions for all interventions.
The authors conclude that relaxation training can result in psychophysiological changes but
that these vary according to type of training. What is also interesting, however, is the degree of
variability between the different measures of change. In particular, differences were found in
the changes between different aspects of the children’s physiology – a change in heart rate did
not always correspond to a change in skin temperature. Further, changes in physiology did not
always correspond to changes in self-reported mood or physical well-being. Therefore a
measure indicating that heart rate had gone down did not always correspond with a self-report
that the individual’s heart was more calm.
• Threat
• Challenge
Variability Moderators
• Stress reactivity • Coping
• Allostatic load • Social support
• Stress recovery • Control
• Personality
Perceived Physiological
stress changes
Figure 10.4 The interaction between psychological and physiological aspects of stress
appraisal physiological changes are absent or minimal. Further, the degree of appraisal also
influences the extent of the physiological response. However, there is little research illustrating a
link between how stressed people say they are feeling (perceived stress) and how their body is
reacting (physiological stress). It is likely that the mind–body interactions illustrated by stress
are dynamic and ongoing. Therefore, rather than appraisal causing a change in physiology
which constitutes the response, appraisal probably triggers a change in physiology which is then
detected and appraised causing a further response and so on. In addition, psychological factors
such as control, personality, coping and social support will impact upon this ongoing process.
This psychophysiological model of the stress response is described in Figure 10.4.
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To conclude
This chapter has examined the different models of stress, the psychological and physiological
responses to stress and the way in which stress has been measured. Early models of stress
regarded stress as an automatic response to an external stressor. However, the introduction of
the concept of appraisal suggested that stress was best understood as an interaction between the
individual and the outside world. Accordingly, a stress response would be elicited if an event
were appraised as stressful. Once appraised as a stressor, the individual then shows a stress
response involving both a sense of being stressed and physiological changes including both
sympathetic activation and activation of the hypothalamus pituitary axis. The stress response
can be measured either in the laboratory or in a more naturalistic setting and can be assessed
using either physiological measures or those involving self-report.
1 Stress is an automatic response to external stressors. Discuss.
2 Discuss the role of appraisal in the stress response.
3 How does stress cause changes in physiology?
4 How and where can stress be measured and what are the costs and benefits of each meas-
urement approach?
5 Design a study to show whether or not appraisal is necessary for the stress response to
For discussion
Consider the last time you felt stressed. What were the characteristics of the stressful event that
made it feel stressful?
3 The problem of progress. It is often assumed that the most recent theories are better
than earlier theories. Therefore models including appraisal, social support and so on
are better than those describing stress as a knee-jerk reaction to a stressor. Perhaps
these different theories are not necessarily better than each other, but are simply dif-
ferent ways of describing the stress process.
Further reading
Cohen, S., Kessler, R.C. and Gordon, L.U. (eds) (1995) Measuring Stress: A Guide for Health and
Social Scientists. New York: Oxford University Press.
This is a comprehensive edited collection for anyone interested in the details of stress measure-
ment using physiological and self-report approaches.
Jones, F. and Bright, J. (2001) Stress: Myth, Theory and Research. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
This is a highly accessible book that describes and analyses the research and theories of stress and
particularly addresses the methodological problems with this area.
Lazarus, R.S. (2000) Toward better research on stress and coping, American Psychologist, 55: 665–73.
This paper is part of a special issue on stress and coping, and reflects Lazarus’s own comments on
recent developments and critiques of the stress literature.
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Stress and illness
Chapter overview
This chapter first assesses whether stress causes illness and then explores a chronic and acute
model of the mechanisms behind this association. The chapter next explores the relationship
between stress and illness in terms of behavioural and physiological pathways. It then outlines
the approach of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) and explores the impact of psychological
factors such as mood, beliefs, emotional expression and stress on immunity. Finally, it high-
lights the role of coping, social support, personality and control as moderators of the
stress–illness link.
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terms of life events during the past year (Cohen et al. 1991). The results showed that not everyone
who was given the virus contracted the virus and not everyone who did contract the virus actually
exhibited cold symptoms and became ill. Stress was shown to predict, first, who contracted the
virus, and second, who developed symptoms. However, these studies involved a cross-sectional,
prospective or retrospective design which raises the problem of causality as it is unclear whether
stress causes illness or illness causes stress (or stress ratings). To solve this problem some research
has used an experimental design which involves inducing stress and assessing subsequent changes
in health. Because of the ethical problems with such a design most experimental work has been
done using animals. A classic series of animal studies by Manuck, Kaplan and colleagues (e.g.
Kaplan et al. 1983; Manuck et al. 1986) experimentally manipulated the social groupings of
Bowman Gray monkeys who have a strong social hierarchy. The results showed that the monkeys
illustrated not only behavioural signs of stress but also a marked increase in the disease of their
coronary arteries. In addition, stress management, which involves experimentally reducing stress,
has had some success in reducing coronary heart disease (Johnston 1989, 1992) and in reducing
recurrent cold and flu in children (Hewson-Bower and Drummond 2001).
Atherosclerosis Heart attack
Interacting variables
2 The wear and tear caused by stress can explain the accumulative damage to the cardiovas-
cular system. But this chronic model does not explain why coronary events occur when
they do.
In the light of these problems, Johnston (2002) argues for an acute model.
Smoking has been consistently linked to a range of illnesses including lung cancer and coronary
heart disease (see Chapter 5). Research suggests a link between stress and smoking behaviour in
terms of smoking initiation, relapse and the amount smoked. Wills (1985) reported that
smoking initiation in adolescents was related to the amount of stress in their lives. In addition,
there has been some support for the prediction that children who experience the stressor of
changing schools may be more likely to start smoking than those who stay at the same school
throughout their secondary education (Santi et al. 1991). In terms of relapse, Lichtenstein et al.
(1986) and Carey et al. (1993) reported that people who experience high levels of stress are
more likely to start smoking again after a period of abstinence than those who experience less
stress. Research also indicates that increased smoking may be effective at reducing stress. In an
experimental study, Perkins et al. (1992) exposed smokers to either a stressful or a non-stressful
computer task and asked the subjects to smoke a cigarette or sham smoke an unlit cigarette.
The results showed that, regardless of whether the smokers smoked or not, all subjects reported
an increased desire to smoke in the stressful condition. However, this desire was less in those
smokers who were actually allowed to smoke. This suggests that stress causes an increased urge
for a cigarette, which can be modified by smoking. In a more naturalistic study, smokers were
asked to attend a stressful social situation and were instructed either to smoke or not to smoke.
Those who could not smoke reported the occasion as more socially stressful than those who
could smoke (Gilbert and Spielberger 1987). Similarly, Metcalfe et al. (2003) used the Reeder
stress inventory to relate stress to health behaviours and concluded that higher levels of stress
were associated with smoking more cigarettes. This association was also found in one large-
scale study of over 6000 Scottish men and women which showed that higher levels of perceived
stress were linked to smoking more (Heslop et al. 2001).
High alcohol intake has been linked to illnesses such as CHD, cancer and liver disease (see
Chapter 5). Research has also examined the relationship between stress and alcohol consump-
tion. Many authors have suggested that work stress, in particular, may promote alcohol use (e.g.
Herold and Conlon 1981; Gupta and Jenkins 1984). The tension-reduction theory suggests that
people drink alcohol for its tension-reducing properties (Cappell and Greeley 1987). Tension
refers to states such as fear, anxiety, depression and distress. Therefore according to this model,
negative moods are the internal stressors, or the consequence of an external stressor, which cause
alcohol consumption due to the expected outcome of the alcohol. For example, if an individual
feels tense or anxious (their internal state) as a result of an exam (the external stressor) and
believes that alcohol will reduce this tension (the expected outcome), they may drink alcohol to
improve their mood. This theory has been supported by some evidence of the relationship
between negative mood and drinking behaviour (Violanti et al. 1983), suggesting that people are
more likely to drink when they are feeling depressed or anxious. Similarly, both Metcalfe et al.
(2003) and Heslop et al. (2001) reported an association between perceived stress and drinking
more alcohol (if a drinker). Furthermore, it has been suggested that medical students’ lifestyle
and the occurrence of problem drinking may be related to the stress they experience (Wolf and
Kissling 1984). In one study, this theory was tested experimentally and the health-related behav-
iours of medical students were evaluated both before and during a stressful examination period.
The results showed that the students reported a deterioration in mood in terms of anxiety and
depression and changes in their behaviour in terms of decreases in exercise and food intake
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(Ogden and Mtandabari 1997). However, alcohol consumption also went down. The authors
concluded that acute exposure to stress resulted in negative changes in those behaviours that had
only a minimal influence on the students’ ability to perform satisfactorily. Obviously chronic
stress may have more damaging effects on longer-term changes in behaviour.
Diet can influence health either through changes in body weight or via the over- or undercon-
sumption of specific dietary components (see Chapter 6). Greeno and Wing (1994) proposed
two hypotheses concerning the link between stress and eating: (1) the general effect model,
which predicts that stress changes food intake generally; and (2) the individual difference
model, which predicts that stress only causes changes in eating in vulnerable groups of indi-
viduals. Most research has focused on the individual difference model and has examined
whether either naturally occurring stress or laboratory-induced stress causes changes in eating
in specific individuals. For example, Michaud et al. (1990) reported that exam stress was related
to an increase in eating in girls but not in boys; Baucom and Aiken (1981) reported that stress
increased eating in both the overweight and dieters; and Cools et al. (1992) reported that stress
was related to eating in dieters only. Therefore gender, weight and levels of dieting (see Chapter
6) seem to be important predictors of a link between stress and eating. However, the research is
not always consistent with this suggestion. For example, Conner et al. (1999) examined the link
between daily hassles and snacking in 60 students who completed diaries of their snacking and
hassles for seven consecutive days. Their results showed a direct association between increased
daily hassles and increased snacking but showed no differences according to either gender or
dieting. Such inconsistencies in the literature have been described by Stone and Brownell (1994)
as the ‘stress eating paradox’ to explain how at times stress causes overeating and at others it
causes undereating without any clear pattern emerging.
Exercise has been linked to health in term of its impact on body weight and via its beneficial
effects on CHD (see Chapter 7). Research indicates that stress may reduce exercise (e.g. Heslop
et al. 2001; Metcalfe et al. 2003) whereas stress management, which focuses on increasing exer-
cise, has been shown to result in some improvements on coronary health.
Accidents are a very common and rarely studied cause of injury or mortality. Research has also
examined the effects of stress on accidents and correlational research suggests that individuals
who experience high levels of stress show a greater tendency to perform behaviours that
increase their chances of becoming injured (Wiebe and McCallum 1986). Further, Johnson
(1986) has also suggested that stress increases accidents at home, at work and in the car.
Illness as a stressor
Being ill itself could be a stressful event. If this is the case then the stress following illness also
has implications for the health of individuals. Such stress may influence individuals’ behaviour
in terms of their likelihood to seek help, their compliance with interventions and medical rec-
ommendations, and also adopting healthy lifestyles (see later for a discussion of stress manage-
ment and the progression of HIV). Therefore stress may cause behaviour changes, which are
related to the health status of the individual.
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Sympathetic activation
The prolonged production of adrenalin and noradrenalin can result in the following:
■ blood clot formation
■ increased blood pressure
■ increased heart rate
■ irregular heart beats
■ fat deposits
■ plaque formation
■ immunosuppression.
These changes may increase the chances of heart disease and kidney disease and leave the body
open to infection.
HPA activation
The prolonged production of cortisol can result in the following:
■ decreased immune function
■ damage to neurons in the hippocampus.
These changes may increase the chances of infection, psychiatric problems and losses in
memory and concentration.
These physiological changes can be further understood in terms of Johnston’s (2002)
chronic and acute model of the stress–illness link. Chronic stress is more likely to involve HPA
activation and the release of cortisol. This results in ongoing wear and tear and the slower
process of atherosclerosis and damage to the cardiovascular system. Acute stress operates pri-
marily through changes in sympathetic activation with changes in heart rate and blood pres-
sure. This can contribute to atherosclerosis and kidney disease but is also related to sudden
changes such as heart attacks.
blood pressure but this is often most apparent in those that also exhibit particularly unhealthy
behaviours (Johnston 1989). Therefore, in reality, stress is linked to illness via a complex inter-
action between behavioural and physiological factors. Further, Johnston (1989) argued that
these factors are multiplicative, indicating that the more factors that are changed by stress, the
greater the chance that stress will lead to illness.
Stress reactivity
Some individuals show a stronger physiological response to stress than others which is known
as their level of ‘cardiovascular reactivity’ or ‘stress reactivity’. This means that when given the
same level of stressor and regardless of their self-perceived stress, some people show greater
sympathetic activation than others (e.g. Vitaliano et al. 1993). Research suggests that greater
stress reactivity may make people more susceptible to stress-related illnesses. For example, indi-
viduals with both hypertension and heart disease have higher levels of stress reactivity (e.g.
Frederickson and Matthews 1990; Frederickson et al. 1991, 2000). However, these studies used a
cross-sectional design which raises the problem of causality. Some research has therefore used a
prospective design. For example, in an early study Keys et al. (1971) assessed baseline blood
pressure reaction to a cold pressor test and found that higher reactivity predicted heart disease
at follow-up 23 years later. Similarly, Boyce et al. (1995) measured baseline levels of stress reac-
tivity in children following a stressful task and then rated the number of family stressors and
illness rates over the subsequent 12 weeks. The results showed that stress and illness were not
linked in the children with low reactivity but that those with higher reactivity showed more
illness if they had experienced more stress. Everson and colleagues (1997) also assessed baseline
stress reactivity and explored cardiac health using echo cardiography at follow-up. The results
showed that higher stress reactivity at baseline was predictive of arterial deterioration after four
years. In addition, stress reactivity has been suggested as the physiological mechanism behind
the impact of coronary-prone behaviours on the heart (Harbin 1989; Suarez et al. 1991). This
doesn’t mean that individuals who show greater responses to stress are more likely to become
ill. It means that they are more likely to become ill if subjected to stress (see Figure 11.3).
Stress recovery
After reacting to stress the body then recovers and levels of sympathetic and HPA activation
return to baseline. However, some people recover more quickly than others and some research
indicates that this rate of recovery may relate to a susceptibility to stress-related illness. This is
reflected in Selye’s (1956) notion of ‘exhaustion’ and the general wear and tear caused by stress.
Some research has focused particularly on changes in cortisol production, suggesting that
slower recovery from raised cortisol levels could be related to immune function and a suscept-
ibility to infection and illness (e.g. Perna and McDowell 1995).
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Stress reactivity
Stressor Stress recovery Illness
Allostatic load
Allostatic load
McEwan and Stellar (1993) described the concept of ‘allostatic load’ to reflect the wear and tear
on the body which accumulates over time after exposure to repeated or chronic stress. They
argued that the body’s physiological systems constantly fluctuate as the individual responds and
recovers from stress, a state of allostasis, and that as time progresses recovery is less and less
complete and the body is left increasingly depleted. Therefore, if exposed to a new stressor the
person is more likely to become ill if their allostatic load is quite high.
Stress resistance
To reflect the observation that not all individuals react to stressors in the same way, researchers
developed the concept of stress resistance to emphasize how some people remain healthy even
when stressors occur (e.g. Holahan and Moos 1990). Stress resistance includes adaptive coping
strategies, certain personality characteristics and social support. These factors are dealt with in
detail later on.
Stress has therefore been linked to a range of illnesses and research highlights the role of both
a behavioural and physiological pathway. One area of research that emphasizes the physiological
pathway and has received much interest over recent years is psychoneuroimmunology (PNI).
PNI is based on the prediction that an individual’s psychological state can influence their
immune system via the nervous system. This perspective provides a scientific basis for the
‘mind over matter’, ‘think yourself well’ and ‘positive thinking, positive health’ approaches to
life. PNI can be understood in terms of: (1) what is the immune system; (2) conditioning the
immune system; (3) measuring immune changes; and (4) psychological state and immunity.
‘antigens’. When the immune system works well the body is protected and infections and ill-
nesses are kept at bay. If the immune system overreacts then this can lead to allergies. If the
immune system mistakes the body itself for an invader then this can form the basis of autoim-
mune disorders. The main organs of the immune system are the lymphoid organs which are
distributed throughout the body and include the bone marrow, lymph nodes and vessels, the
spleen and thymus. These organs produce a range of ‘soldiers’ which are involved in identifying
foreign bodies and disabling them. There are three levels of immune system activity. The first
two are called specific immune processes and are ‘cell mediated immunity’ and ‘humoral medi-
ated immunity’. Cell mediated immunity involves a set of lymphocytes called T cells (killer T
cells, memory T cells, delayed hypersensitivity T cells, helper T cells and suppressor T cells).
These operate within the cells of the body and are made within the thymus (hence ‘T’).
Humoral mediated immunity involves B cells and antibodies and takes place in the body’s
fluids before the antigens have entered any cells. Third, there is non-specific immunity which
involves phagocytes which are involved in non-specifically attacking any kind of antigen.
Immunocompetence is when the immune system is working well. Immunocompromise is when
the immune system is failing in some way.
assessed?’ (i.e. is the effect immediate or delayed?), ‘How can baseline measures of the immune
system be taken?’ (i.e. does actually taking blood/saliva, etc., cause changes in immune func-
tioning?) and ‘Are changes in immune functioning predictive of changes in health?’ (i.e. if we
measure changes in a marker do we really know that this will impact on health in the long
Studies indicate that positive mood is associated with better immune functioning (as measured
by sIgA), that negative mood is associated with poorer functioning (Stone et al. 1987) and that
humour appears to be specifically beneficial (Dillon et al. 1985–1986; Newman and Stone
1996). Johnston, Earll et al. (1999) explored the impact of mood on the progression of the
disease, disability and survival in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/motor neurone
disease. The study used a prospective design with 38 consecutive patients completing measures
of mood (anxiety and depression), self-esteem, well-being and disability at time of diagnosis
and after six weeks. Survival and disability were also measured after six months. Ten patients
had died by six months. Controlling for disease severity, the results showed that those who died
reported lower mood at the six-week interview and that low mood at six weeks was also predic-
tive of greater disability in the survivors.
It has also been suggested that beliefs may themselves have a direct effect on the immune
system. Kamen and Seligman (1987) reported that an internal, stable, global attributional
style (i.e. a pessimist approach to life whereby the individual blames themselves when things
go wrong) predicted poor health in later life. This was supported by Seligman et al. (1988)
who argued that pessimism may be related to health through a decrease in T-cells and immu-
nosuppression. The authors argued that this was not mediated through behavioural change
but was indicative of a direct effect of attributional style and beliefs on physiology. In a
further study, Greer et al. (1979) suggested that denial and a fighting spirit, not hopelessness,
predicted survival for breast cancer, suggesting again that beliefs might have a direct effect
on illness and recovery. Similarly, Gidron et al. (2001) measured hopelessness (defined as
pessimism and helplessness) at baseline and assessed change in a serological marker for
breast cancer in women with breast cancer after four months. The results showed that helpless-
ness but not pessimism was related to poorer outcome (see Chapter 14 for a discussion of
Emotional expression
There is evidence that certain coping styles linked to emotional expression may relate to illness
onset and progression. For example, some studies have studied suppression and denial and have
reported associations with poorer health outcomes (e.g. Kune et al. 1991; Gross and Levenson
1997). Other studies have focused on emotional (non-) expression and an emotionally inex-
pressive coping style known as ‘type C’ and have described a link with illness (e.g. Solano et al.
2001, 2002; Nykliček et al. 2002), while other researchers have highlighted the importance of a
repressive coping style (e.g. Myers 2000). This research consistently indicates that non-
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subjectively rated stressful events and that immune response varied according to the duration of
the stressor and whether the stressor involved interpersonal or non-social events. Given that
stress can change health behaviours (see earlier), it is possible that stress causes changes in the
immune system by changing behaviour. Ebrecht et al. (2004) examined this possibility, by
assessing the link between perceived stress and wound healing and controlling for alcohol con-
sumption, smoking, sleeping, exercise and diet. The results showed that stress was related to
wound healing regardless of changes in behaviour, indicating that the stress–immunity link may
not be explained by an unhealthy lifestyle. In contrast, however, a review of 12 studies exploring
the impact of smoking and smoking cessation on recovery following surgery concluded that a
longer period of smoking cessation prior to surgery was related to fewer post-operative compli-
cations. Health behaviours may not have an association with wound healing when measured
following a punch biopsy and when smoking is measured at the same time, but in real life and
when smoking changes are assessed then there may well be a link.
Research also indicates that stress may relate to illness progression. Kiecolt-Glaser and
Glaser (1986) argue that stress causes a decrease in the hormones produced to fight carcinogens
and repair DNA. In particular, cortisol decreases the number of active T cells, which could
increase the rate of tumour development. This suggests that stress while ill could exacerbate the
illness through physiological changes. Such stress may occur independently of the illness.
However, stress may also be a result of the illness itself such as relationship breakdown, changes
in occupation or simply the distress from a diagnosis. Therefore, if the illness is appraised as
being stressful, this itself may be damaging to the chances of recovery. The relationship between
stress and illness progression has particularly been explored in the context of HIV. For example,
Pereira et al. (2003) explored the progression of cervical problems in women with HIV. Women
who are HIV positive are more at risk from cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and cervical
cancer. Pereira et al. explored the relationship between the likelihood of developing the lesions
associated with CIN and life stress. The results showed that higher life stress increased the odds
of developing lesions by sevenfold over a one-year period. Life stress therefore seemed to link
with illness progression. Some research has also addressed the stress–illness link with a focus on
stress management interventions. For example, Antoni et al. (2006) randomized 130 gay men
who were HIV positive to receive either a cognitive behavioural stress management inter-
vention (CBSM) and anti-retroviral medication adherence training (MAT), or to receive MAT
alone. The men were then followed up after 9 and 15 months in terms of viral load. The results
showed no differences overall between the two groups. When only those men who already
showed detectable viral loads at baseline were included (i.e. those with a lot of virus in the blood
already), differences were found. In particular, for these men, those who received the stress
management showed a reduction in their viral load over the 15-month period even when med-
ication adherence was controlled for. The authors conclude that for HIV-positive men who
already show a detectable viral load, stress management may enhance the beneficial effects of
their anti-retroviral treatment. In a similar study, the mechanisms behind the impact of stress
management were explored (Antoni et al. 2005). For this study 25 HIV-positive men were ran-
domized to receive stress management or a waiting list control. Urine samples were taken
before and after the intervention period. The results again showed that stress management was
effective and that this effect was related to reduction in cortisol and depressed mood. The
authors conclude that stress management works by reducing the stress induced by being ill with
a disease such as HIV. Therefore from these studies, whereas stress can exacerbate illness, stress
management can aid the effectiveness of treatment and reduce the consequences of the stress
resulting from being ill.
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Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 Research indicates that stress is linked to illness. However, without some degree of stress we prob-
ably wouldn’t get many of the pleasures from life (e.g. rewards from hard work, satisfaction of small
children, etc.). What differentiates stress that produces illness and that which produces a sense of
worth is unclear.
2 Stress is seen to cause illness through either a direct route via physiological shifts or an indirect
route via behaviour. Much research considers these two pathways as separate. However, it is likely
that they constantly interact and that behaviour and physiology exist in a dynamic relationship. This
has implications for both measuring and predicting the stress–illness link.
3 Factors such as coping, social support and control are considered to mediate the stress–illness link.
From this perspective the stress–illness link is seen as occurring first, which in turn can then be influ-
enced by these factors. It is likely, however, that the very identification of a stressor in the first place
which may or may not then lead to illness is determined by the degree of coping, social support or
Job stress
Occupational stress has been studied primarily as a means to minimize work-related illness but
also as it provides a forum to clarify the relationship between stress and illness. Early work on
occupational stress highlighted the importance of a range of job-related factors including work
overload, poor work relationships, poor control over work and role ambiguity. Karasek and
colleagues integrated many of these factors into their job demand–job control model of stress,
central to which is the notion of job strain (Karasek et al. 1981; Karasek and Theorell 1990).
According to the model, there are two aspects of job strain: job demands, which reflect con-
ditions that affect performance, and job autonomy, which reflects the control over the speed or
the nature of decisions made within the job. Karasek’s job demand and control model suggests
that high job demands and low job autonomy (control) predict coronary heart disease. Karasek
and co-workers have since developed the job demand–control hypothesis to include social
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support. Within this context, social support is defined as either emotional support, involving
trust between colleagues and social cohesion, or instrumental social support, involving the provi-
sion of extra resources and assistance. It is argued that high social support mediates and moder-
ates the effects of low control and high job demand. Karasek and Theorell (1990) report a study
in which subjects were divided into low social support and high social support groups, and their
decisional control and the demands of their job were measured. The results indicated that sub-
jects in the high social support group showed fewer symptoms of CHD than those subjects in
the low social support group. In addition, within those groups high job control and low job
demands predicted fewer CHD symptoms. A series of studies have tested and applied Karasek’s
model of job strain and associations have been reported between job strain and risk factors for
heart disease and heart disease itself (Pickering et al. 1996; Schnall et al. 1998; Marmot 1998;
Tsutsumi et al. 1998) as well as psychiatric morbidity (Cropley et al. 1999). For example, Kivi-
maki et al. (2002) used a prospective design to explore the links between job strain and sub-
sequent death from cardiovascular disease. A total of 812 employees from a metal factory in
Finland that manufactures paper machines, tractors and firearms along with other equipment
completed a baseline assessment in 1973 including measures of their behavioural and biological
risks and their work stress. Those with cardiovascular disease at baseline were excluded. Cardio-
vascular mortality was then recorded between 1973 and 2001 using the national mortality regis-
ter. The results showed that 73 people had died from cardiovascular disease since the study
onset, who were more likely to be older, male, have low worker status, to smoke, have a seden-
tary lifestyle, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and higher body mass index. Further, when
age and sex were controlled for, death was predicted by high job strain and low job control.
However, after occupational group was also controlled for (i.e. a measure of class), high job
strain remained the best predictor.
In line with the emphasis on job strain some research has also explored the impact of chang-
ing work and domestic patterns on women’s health. Whereas as 50 years ago women may have
worked until they had children, and then given up work to be at home with the children nowa-
days an increasing number of women take on multiple roles and balance working with being a
parent and a partner. There are two contrasting models of the impact of such multiple roles.
The first is the enhancement model which suggests that multiple roles have a positive effect on
health as they bring benefits such as economic independence, social contact and self-esteem
(Collijn et al. 1996; Moen 1998). In contrast the role strain model suggests that multiple roles
can be detrimental to health as people only have limited resources and can experience role over-
load and role conflict (Weatherall et al. 1994). Steptoe et al. (2000) explored the effect of mul-
tiple roles on cardiovascular activity throughout the day. They monitored the blood pressure
and heart rate throughout the working day and evening in 162 full-time teachers and explored
the impact of whether the teacher was also married and/or a parent with a child at home. The
results showed that marital status or parenthood had no effect on cardiovascular changes
throughout the working day. However, these factors did affect the day–evening drop in blood
pressure. In particular, parents who reported good social support showed the greatest drop in
blood pressure between the end of the working day and evening. The authors conclude that this
supports the enhancement model of job strain as those who worked and were parents with
support (i.e. had multiple roles) showed a lower allostatic load. This may have been because
they found it easier to switch off from their work stress at the end of the day. To explain the
possible effects of multiple roles recent research has focused on the impact of rumination.
Rumination is defined as ‘unintentional preservative thoughts in the absence of obvious exter-
nal cues’ (Cropley and Millward Purvis 2003) and has been linked with anxiety, physical
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symptoms and depression. Rumination about work is essentially thinking about work out of
work hours when the individual no longer wants to think about work. In terms of its relation-
ship with job strain, research shows that higher job strain is associated with more rumination.
Further, research indicates that people report more ruminative thoughts about work when
alone than with family or friends (Cropley and Millward Purvis 2003). Job strain would seem to
be damaging to health and may also result in rumination. If people go home at the end of a
busy day to partners or children they are less likely to ruminate and thus continue feeling the
stress of work than if they go home to be on their own.
Relationship stress
There is much evidence indicating an association between relationship status, psychological dis-
tress and health status. For example, separated and divorced people have the highest rates of
both acute and chronic medical problems even when many demographic factors are controlled
for (Verbrugge 1979). In addition, these people also have higher rates of mortality from infec-
tious diseases such as pneumonia (Lynch 1977). They are also over-represented in both inpa-
tient and outpatient psychiatric populations (Crago 1972; Bachrach 1975). However, it is not
just the presence or absence or a relationship that is important. The quality is also linked to
health. For example, whereas marital happiness is one of the best predictors of global happiness
(Glenn and Weaver 1981), those in troubled marriages show more distress than those who are
unmarried (Glenn and Weaver 1981). These links between relationship status and quality have
been understood using a range of literatures including attachment theory, life events theory and
self-identity theory. Kiecolt-Glaser et al. (1987, 2003) have explored these links within the
context of stress and the role of immune function. In one study they assessed the associations
between marital status and marital quality and markers of immune function. Their results
showed that poor marital quality was associated with both depression and a poorer immune
response. In addition, they reported that women who had been recently separated showed
poorer immune response than matched married women and that time since separation and
attachment to the ex-husband predicted variability in this response (Kiecolt-Glaser et al. 1987).
In another study they explored the relationship between measures of stress hormones during
the first year of marriage and marital status and satisfaction ten years later. The results showed
that those who were divorced at follow-up had shown higher levels of stress hormones during
conflict, throughout the day and during the night than those who were still married. Further,
those whose marriages were troubled at follow-up also showed higher levels of stress hormones
at baseline than those whose marriages were untroubled. This suggests that stress responses
during the first year of marriage are predictive of marital dissatisfaction and divorce ten years
later (Kiecolt-Glaser et al. 2003).
Research therefore shows a link between stress and illness. For many, this stress takes the form
of discrete events. However, many people also experience chronic stress caused by factors such
as poverty, unemployment or work load. Much research has focused on two aspects of chronic
stress, namely job stress and relationship stress. This research indicates an association between
chronic stress and illness, with a role for changes in immune function. However, there exists
much variability in the stress–illness link. In part this can be explained by factors such as stress
reactivity and stress recovery which have already been described. However, research also high-
lights a role for other moderating variables which will now be considered.
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Coping with stress, social support, personality and control will now be examined in greater
detail (see Figure 11.4).
Over the past few years the literature on coping has grown enormously and has explored differ-
ent types of coping styles, the links between coping and a range of health outcomes and the
nature of coping itself. How individuals cope with illness was described in Chapter 3 with a
focus on coping with a diagnosis, crisis theory and cognitive adaptation theory. This chapter
will describe how coping relates to stress and the stress–illness link.
Social support
Stressor Illness
What is coping?
Coping has been defined by Lazarus and colleagues as the process of managing stressors that
have been appraised as taxing or exceeding a person’s resources and as the ‘efforts to manage . . .
environmental and internal demands’ (Lazarus and Launier 1978). In the context of stress,
coping therefore reflects the ways in which individuals interact with stressors in an attempt to
return to some sort of normal functioning. This might involve correcting or removing the
problem, or it might involve changing the way a person thinks about the problem or learning to
tolerate and accept it. For example, coping with relationship conflict could involve leaving the
relationship or developing strategies to make the relationship better. In contrast, it could
involve lowering one’s expectations of what a relationship should be like. Lazarus and Folkman
(1987) emphasized the dynamic nature of coping which involves appraisal and reappraisal,
evaluation and re-evaluation. Lazarus’s model of stress emphasized the interaction between the
person and their environment. Likewise, coping is also seen as a similar interaction between the
person and the stressor. Further, in the same way that Lazarus and colleagues described
responses to stress as involving primary appraisal of the external stressor and secondary
appraisal of the person’s internal resources, coping is seen to involve regulation of the external
stressor and regulation of the internal emotional response. Cohen and Lazarus (1979) defined
the goals of coping as the following:
1 To reduce stressful environmental conditions and maximize the chance of recovery.
2 To adjust or tolerate negative events.
3 To maintain a positive self-image.
4 To maintain emotional equilibrium.
5 To continue satisfying relationships with others.
Ways of coping
Researchers have described different types of coping. Some differentiate between approach and
avoidance coping, while others describe emotion-focused and problem-focused coping.
indicates that the effectiveness of the coping style depends upon the nature of the stressor. For
example, avoidant coping might be more effective for short-term stressors (Wong and
Kaloupek 1986), but less effective for longer-term stressors (Holahan and Moos 1986). There-
fore it might be best to avoid thinking about a one-off stressor such as going to the dentist but
make plans and attend to a longer-term stressor such as marital conflict. Some researchers have
also explored repressive coping (Myers 2000) and emotional (non-) expression (Solano et al.
2001) which are similar to avoidance coping.
Several factors have been shown to influence which coping strategy is used:
■ Type of problem. Work problems seem to evoke more problem-focused coping whereas
health and relationship problems tend to evoke emotion-focused coping (Vitaliano et al.
■ Age. Children tend to use more problem-focused coping strategies whereas emotion-
focused strategies seem to develop in adolescence (Compas et al. 1991, 1996). Folkman et
al. (1987) reported that middle-aged men and women tended to use problem-focused
coping whereas the elderly used emotion-focused coping.
■ Gender. It is generally believed that women use more emotion-focused coping and that
men are more problem focused. Some research supports this belief. For example, Stone
and Neale (1984) considered coping with daily events and reported that men were more
likely to use direct action than women. However, Folkman and Lazarus (1980) and Hamil-
ton and Fagot (1988) found no gender differences.
■ Controllability. People tend to use problem-focused coping if they believe that the problem
itself can be changed. In contrast they use more emotion-focused coping if the problem is
perceived as being out of their control (Lazarus and Folkman 1987).
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■ Available resources. Coping is influenced by external resources such as time, money, chil-
dren, family and education (Terry 1994). Poor resources may make people feel that the
stressor is less controllable by them, resulting in a tendency not to use problem-focused
Measuring coping
The different styles of coping have been operationalized in several measures which have
described a range of specific coping strategies. The most commonly used measures are the ‘ways
of coping’ checklist (Folkman and Lazarus 1988) and Cope (Carver et al. 1989). The coping
strategies described by these measures include the following:
■ active coping (e.g. ‘I’ve been taking action to try to make the situation better’)
■ planning (e.g. ‘I’ve been trying to come up with a strategy about what to do’)
■ positive reframing (e.g. ‘I’ve been looking for something good in what is happening’)
■ self-distraction (e.g. ‘I’ve been turning to work or other activities to take my mind off
■ using emotional support (e.g. ‘I’ve been getting emotional support from others’)
■ substance use (e.g. ‘I’ve been using alcohol or other drugs to help me get through it’)
■ behavioural disengagement (e.g. ‘I’ve been giving up trying to deal with it’)
■ denial (e.g. ‘I’ve been saying to myself, “this isn’t real” ’)
■ self-control (e.g. ‘I tried to keep my feelings to myself’)
■ distancing (e.g. ‘I didn’t let it get to me. I refused to think about it too much’)
■ escape/avoidance (e.g. ‘I wished that the situation would go away’).
Some of these strategies are clearly problem-focused coping such as active coping and planning.
Others are more emotion focused such as self-control and distancing. Some strategies, however,
are a mix of both problem and emotion focused. For example, positive reframing involves
thinking about the problem in a different way as a means to alter the emotional response to
it. Some strategies can also be considered approach coping such as using emotional support and
planning, whereas others reflect a more avoidance coping style such as denial and substance
According to models of stress and illness, coping should have two effects. First, it should
reduce the intensity and duration of the stressor itself. Second, it should reduce the likelihood
that stress will lead to illness. Therefore effective coping can be classified as that which reduces
the stressor and minimizes the negative outcomes. Some research has addressed these associ-
ations. In addition, recent research has shifted the emphasis away from just the absence of
illness towards positive outcomes.
Social support
What is social support?
Social support has been defined in a number of ways. Initially, it was defined according to the
number of friends that were available to the individual. However, this has been developed to
include not only the number of friends supplying social support, but the satisfaction with this
support (Sarason et al. 1983). Wills (1985) has defined several types of social support:
■ esteem support, whereby other people increase one’s own self-esteem
■ support, whereby other people are available to offer advice
■ companionship, which involves support through activities
■ instrumental support, which involves physical help.
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The term ‘social support’ is generally used to refer to the perceived comfort, caring, esteem or
help one individual receives from others (e.g. Wallston et al. 1983).
Research suggests that stress may influence health either via changes in health-related behaviour
and/or via a physiological pathway. However, the relationship between stress and illness is not
automatic, and appears to be mediated by factors such as coping style, perceived control over
the stressor and social support. This study examined the effects of stress on health in East
German refugees and evaluated which factors were related to their health complaints. In
particular, the study focused on employment status and social support.
In 1989, prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall, the authors launched the study to examine the
experiences of being a refugee/migrant in West Berlin. The authors recruited East German
migrants who were living in temporary accommodation in West Berlin. The subjects were asked
to take part in three waves of data collection: autumn/winter 1989, summer 1990, summer
1991. A total of 235 migrants took part in all three stages of data collection. Of these, 62 per
cent were defined as refugees (arrived before the fall of the wall) and 38 per cent were legal
immigrants (arrived after the fall of the wall).
The study involved a longitudinal design and data were collected at three time points.
The subjects completed the following measures:
■ Employment status. This was recorded at the three time points and subjects were coded as
‘always jobless’ (jobless throughout the study), ‘job hunt successful’ (jobless at the begin-
ning but employed by the end) and ‘never jobless’ (employed throughout the study). Seven
subjects who were employed at the beginning and lost their jobs were excluded from the
analysis as their numbers were too small.
■ Social support. The subjects were asked to rate statements on a four-point Likert scale relat-
ing to: (1) ‘received social support’, which referred to their retrospective assessment of
actual behaviours, such as ‘Friends and relatives have helped me look for a job’; and (2)
‘perceived social support’, which referred to their anticipation of social support in the
future when in times of need, such as ‘There are people on whom I can rely when I need
■ Ill health. The subjects were asked to rate a series of physical symptoms relating to: (1)
heart complaints; (2) pains in the limbs; (3) stomach complaints; and (4) exhaustion.
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The effect of employment on ill health
The results were analysed to examine overall differences between the groups (always jobless/job
hunt successful/never jobless) and showed that at all three time points the subjects who
remained unemployed reported a greater number of physical symptoms than the other subject
groups. This difference was also related to gender, with men who were always jobless reporting
more ill health than other individuals.
The results from this study provide support for the relationship between stress (unemploy-
ment) and health and suggest that this relationship is mediated by social support. Therefore ill
health was greatest in those subjects who were both unemployed and who reported low social
support. In addition, the results suggest that, although social support may act as a mediating
factor, it is itself related to employment status, with individuals gaining social support from
work colleagues.
Early research exploring the role of personality as a moderator of the stress–illness link focused
on type A behaviour. For example, Friedman and Rosenman (1959) initially defined type A
behaviour in terms of excessive competitiveness, impatience, hostility and vigorous speech.
Using a semi-structured interview, three types of type A behaviour were identified. Type A1
reflected vigour, energy, alertness, confidence, loud speaking, rapid speaking, tense clipped
speech, impatience, hostility, interrupting, frequent use of the word ‘never’ and frequent use of
the word ‘absolutely’. Type A2 was defined as being similar to type A1, but not as extreme, and
type B was regarded as relaxed, showing no interruptions and quieter (e.g. Rosenman 1978).
The Jenkins Activity Survey was developed in 1971 to further define type A behaviour. Support
for a relationship between type A behaviour and coronary heart disease using the Jenkins Activ-
ity Survey has been reported by a number of studies (Rosenman et al. 1975; Jenkins et al. 1979;
Haynes et al. 1980). However, research has also reported no relationship between type A
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behaviour and CHD. For example, Johnston et al. (1987) used Bortner’s (1969) questionnaire
to predict heart attacks in 5936 men aged 40–59 years, who were randomly selected from British
general practice lists. All subjects were examined at the start of the study for the presence of
heart disease and completed the Bortner questionnaire. They were then followed up for mor-
bidity and mortality from heart attack and for sudden cardiac death for an average of 6.2 years.
The results showed that non-manual workers had higher type A scores than manual workers
and that type A score decreased with age. However, at follow-up the results showed no relation-
ship between type A behaviour and heart disease. More recently, however, much research has
focused on hostility and aspects of anger expression as the most important personality types to
be linked to stress and illness. Hostility has most frequently been measured using the Cook
Medley hostility scale (Cook and Medley 1954) which asks people to rate statements such as ‘I
have often met people who were supposed to be experts who were no better than I’, ‘It is safer
to trust nobody’, and ‘My way of doing things is apt to be misunderstood by others’. Agreement
with such statements is an indication of high hostility. Hostility has also been classified accord-
ing to cynical hostility and neurotic hostility. Research has asked ‘Who is hostile?’, ‘How does
hostility link to stress?’ and ‘How does hostility link to illness?’
Who is hostile?
Hostility is higher in men than women (Matthews et al. 1992), higher in those of lower socio-
economic status (e.g. Siegman et al. 2000) and seems to run in families (Weidner et al. 2000). It
seems to be more common in people whose parents were punitive, abusive or interfering and
where there was a lot of conflict (Matthews et al. 1996), and Houston and Vavak (1991) have
argued that it relates to feelings of insecurity and negative feelings about others.
subsequent health outcomes than the state of either anger or hostility on their own. So how
might hostility and the expression of hostility cause illness? The link between hostility and heart
disease illustrates a role for a physiological pathway with the associated heightened stress
reactivity leading to cardiac damage. However, research also suggests that hostility may also
impact upon health through two other pathways. First, hostility is linked to unhealthy behav-
iours such as smoking, alcohol intake, caffeine consumption and poorer diet (e.g. Lipkus et al.
1994; Greene et al. 1995). Second, hostility may be associated with other moderating factors.
For example, hostile individuals may avoid social support and refuse to draw upon any help
when under stress. In fact, this is implicit within some of the measures of hostility with
responses to statements such as ‘No one cares much what happens to me’. Hostility may also
relate to coping as believing that ‘It is safer to trust nobody’ could be seen to reflect an avoidant
coping style.
The effect of control on the stress–illness link has also been extensively studied.
What is control?
Control has been studied within a variety of different psychological theories.
1 Attributions and control. Kelley’s (1967, 1971) attributional theory examines control in
terms of attributions for causality (see Chapter 2 for a discussion of attribution theory). If
applied to a stressor, the cause of a stressful event would be understood in terms of
whether the cause was controllable by the individual or not. For example, failure to get a
job could be understood in terms of a controllable cause (e.g. ‘I didn’t perform as well as I
could in the interview’, ‘I should have prepared better’) or an uncontrollable cause (e.g. ‘I
am stupid’, ‘The interviewer was biased’).
2 Self-efficacy and control. Control has also been discussed by Bandura (1977) in his self-
efficacy theory. Self-efficacy refers to an individual’s confidence to carry out a particular
behaviour. Control is implicit in this concept.
3 Categories of control. Five different types of control have been defined by Thompson
(1986): behavioural control (e.g. avoidance), cognitive control (e.g. reappraisal of coping
strategies), decisional control (e.g. choice over possible outcome), informational control
(e.g. the ability to access information about the stressor) and retrospective control (e.g.
‘Could I have prevented that event from happening?’).
4 The reality of control. Control has also been subdivided into perceived control (e.g. ‘I
believe that I can control the outcome of a job interview’) and actual control (e.g. ‘I can
control the outcome of a job interview’). The discrepancy between these two factors has
been referred to as illusory control (e.g. ‘I control whether the plane crashes by counting
throughout the journey’). However, within psychological theory, most control relates to
perceived control.
1 Subjective experience. Corah and Boffa (1970) examined the relationship between the con-
trollability of the stressor and the subjective experience of stress. Subjects were exposed to a
loud noise (the experimental stressor) and were either told about the noise (the stressor
was predictable) or not (an unpredictable stressor). The results indicated that if the noise
was predictable, there was a decrease in subjective experiences of stress. The author argued
that the predictability enables the subject to feel that they have control over the stressor,
and that this perceived control reduces the stress response. Baum et al. (1981) further sug-
gested that if a stressor is predicted, there is a decrease in the stress response, and reported
that predictability or an expectation of the stress enables the individual to prepare their
coping strategies.
2 Physiological changes. Research has also examined the effect of control on the physiological
response to stress. For example, Meyer et al. (1985) reported that if a stressor is regarded as
uncontrollable, the release of corticosteroids is increased.
Animal research
Seligman and Visintainer (1985) reported the results of a study whereby rats were injected with
live tumour cells and exposed to either controllable or uncontrollable shocks. The results indi-
cated that the uncontrollable shocks resulted in promotion of the tumour growth. This suggests
that controllability may influence the stress response, which may then promote illness. In a
further study, the relationship between control and CHD was studied in monkeys (Manuck et
al. 1986). Some breeds of monkey exist in social hierarchies with clearly delineated roles. The
monkeys are categorized as either dominant or submissive. Usually this hierarchy is stable.
However, the authors introduced new members to the groups to create an unstable environ-
ment. They argued that the dominant monkeys show higher rates of CHD in the unstable con-
dition than the dominant monkeys in the stable condition, or the submissive monkeys in the
stable condition. It is suggested that the dominant monkeys have high expectations of control,
and are used to experiencing high levels of control. However, in the unstable condition, there is
a conflict between their expectations of control and the reality which, the authors argued,
results in an increase in CHD. These animal models are obviously problematic in that many
assumptions are made about the similarities between the animals’ experience of control and
that of humans. However, the results indicate an association between control and health in the
predicted direction.
Human research
Human models have also been used to examine the effect of control on the stress–illness link.
For example, the job strain model was developed to examine the effects of control on coronary
heart disease (e.g. Karasek and Theorell 1990). The three factors involved in the model are (1)
psychological demands of the job in terms of workload; (2) the autonomy of the job, reflecting
control; and (3) the satisfaction with the job. This model has been used to predict coronary
heart disease in the USA (Karasek et al. 1988), and in Sweden (Karasek et al. 1981). The results
of these studies suggest that a combination of high workload (i.e. high demand), low satisfac-
tion and low control are the best predictors of coronary heart disease.
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No children
1–2 children
Percentage incidence of CHD
3+ children
Housewives Working women
Figure 11.5 Incidence of CHD by number of children: the role of work stress on illness in women
(after Haynes et al. 1980)
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lence of CHD in women and compared this prevalence between working and non-working
women. In addition, they measured aspects of work such as job demand, social support and
perceived control over work. The results showed that the working women were not more likely
to have CHD than the non-working women, suggesting that job demand is not simply a predic-
tor of CHD. However, within the working women, those women who reported low perceived
control over their work were more likely to have CHD than those who reported high perceived
control, suggesting that within that group of people with high job demand, low control was a
predictor of illness, supporting the predicted association between social support and health. In
addition, within the group of working women, those who showed low work support were also
more likely to have CHD, supporting the research on social support and its relationship to
illness. The study also looked at how many children both the working and the non-working
women had and related this to CHD. The results showed that a higher number of children
increased the risk of CHD in the working women, but not in the non-working women. The
authors argued that the number of children may be a contributor to job demand, but that this
increased CHD in working women but not in the non-working women. The results for this
study are shown in Figure 11.5.
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To conclude
Cross-sectional research suggests an association between stress and illness and some experimen-
tal studies indicate that stress can cause illness. Theories of the stress–illness link suggest that
stress may cause illness through chronic and acute processes involving chronic and acute stress.
Both these pathways involve changes in behaviour and changes in physiology. The behavioural
pathway involves changes in health behaviours such as smoking, alcohol consumption, eating
and exercise, whereas the physiological pathway involves changes in sympathetic activation or
hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical activation. This chapter has also explored research in the
area of PNI which provides some insights into how psychological factors such as emotional
expression, mood, belief and stress might directly influence health. However, there is much
variability in the link between stress and illness and this chapter has also examined coping,
social support, personality and control as possible moderators of this association.
1 Stress causes illness. Critically analyse the evidence to support this statement.
2 To what extent might the acute and chronic pathways of stress interact?
3 Describe the mechanisms behind the stress–illness association.
4 How might the behavioural and physiological pathways interact?
5 Discuss the role of PNI in explaining the stress–illness link.
6 Discuss the possible factors that moderate the stress–illness link.
7 Describe a study designed to assess the potential effect of perceived control on the develop-
ment of illness.
For discussion
Consider the ways you cope with stress and discuss the extent to which these are either
beneficial or detrimental to your health.
2 The problem of progress. It is often assumed that the most recent theories are better
than earlier theories. Therefore models including appraisal, social support and so on,
are better than those describing stress as a knee-jerk reaction to a stressor. Perhaps
these different theories are not necessarily better than each other, but are simply dif-
ferent ways of describing the stress process.
3 The problem of methodology. It is assumed that methodology is neutral and separate
to the data collected. For example, factors such as hardiness, self-efficacy and control
exist before they are measured. Perhaps, however, methodology is not so neutral, and
asking subjects questions relating to these factors actually encourages them to see
themselves/the world in terms of hardiness, self-efficacy and control.
Further reading
Evans, P., Hucklebridge, F. and Clow, A. (2000) Mind, Immunity and Health: The Science of Psy-
choimmunology. London: Free Association Books.
This book provides a good introduction to the area of PNI and explains how factors such as
stress, depression and conditioning can affect the immune system.
Johnston, D. (1992) The management of stress in the prevention of coronary heart disease, in S.
Maes, H. Leventhal and M. Johnston (eds), International Review of Health Psychology. London:
This chapter reviews the literature relating to the role of stress on CHD and evaluates the effec-
tiveness of interventions aimed at reducing stress in individuals.
Jones, F., Burke, R.J. and Westmen, M. (eds) (2006) Work–Life Balance: A Psychological Perspective.
East Sussex: Psychology Press.
This book is an edited collection of chapters which describe and explore different aspects of the
work–life balance including the changing nature of work, the legal and policy context of work,
managing home and work, managing family and work and recovery after work.
Vedhara, K. and Irwin, M. (eds) (2005) Human Psychoneuroimmunology. Oxford: Oxford University
This book provides an excellent up-to-date overview of the research on PNI and covers key con-
cepts, research and methods.
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Chapter overview
This chapter examines early models of pain and their description of pain as a sensation. It then
examines the increasing emphasis on a role for psychology in pain, the shift towards the notion
of pain perception and the development of the gate control theory. The chapter then describes
the three process models of pain with a focus on how cognitive, affective and behavioural
factors can either exacerbate or reduce pain perception. Next, the role of psychology in treating
and managing pain is discussed. Finally, the chapter examines the problems with pain measure-
ment and the ways in which pain can be assessed.
● What is pain?
● Early pain theories – pain as a sensation
● The gate control theory of pain – pain as a perception
● The role of psychosocial factors in pain perception
● The role of psychology in pain treatment
● Measuring pain
What is pain?
Pain seems to have an obvious function. Pain provides constant feedback about the body,
enabling us to make adjustments to how we sit or sleep. Pain is often a warning sign that some-
thing is wrong and results in protective behaviour such as avoiding moving in a particular way
or lifting heavy objects. Pain also triggers help-seeking behaviour and is a common reason for
patients visiting their doctor. Pain also has psychological consequences and can generate fear
and anxiety. From an evolutionary perspective therefore, pain is a sign that action is needed. It
functions to generate change either in the form of seeking help or avoiding activity. However,
pain is not that simple. Some pain seems to have no underlying cause and functions to hinder
rather than to help a person carry on with their lives. Such pain has a strong psychological
component. Researchers differentiate between acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain is
defined as pain that lasts for six months or less. It usually has a definable cause and is mostly
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treated with painkillers. A broken leg or a surgical wound is an example of acute pain. In con-
trast, chronic pain lasts for longer than six months and can be either benign in that it varies in
severity or progressive in that it gets gradually worse. Chronic low back pain is often described
as chronic benign pain whereas illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis result in chronic progres-
sive pain. Most of the research described in this chapter is concerned with chronic pain which
shows an important role for psychological factors.
civilians’ requests for pain relief in a hospital during the Second World War. He reported that
although soldiers and civilians often showed the same degree of injury, 80 per cent of the civil-
ians requested medication, whereas only 25 per cent of the soldiers did. He suggested that this
reflected a role for the meaning of the injury in the experience of pain; for the soldiers, the
injury had a positive meaning as it indicated that their war was over. This meaning mediated
the pain experience.
The third observation was phantom limb pain. The majority of amputees tend to feel pain in
an absent limb. This pain can actually get worse after the amputation, and continues even after
complete healing. Sometimes the pain can feel as if it is spreading and is often described as a
hand being clenched with the nails digging into the palm (when the hand is missing) or the
bottom of the foot being forced into the ankle (when the foot is missing). Phantom limb pain
has no peripheral physical basis because the limb is obviously missing. In addition, not every-
body feels phantom limb pain and those who do, do not experience it to the same extent.
Further, even individuals who are born with missing limbs sometimes report phantom limb
These observations, therefore, suggest variation between individuals. Perhaps this variation
indicates a role for psychology.
Physiological stimuli
■ Descending central influences from the brain. The brain sends information related to the
psychological state of the individual to the gate. This may reflect the individual’s behav-
ioural state (e.g. attention, focus on the source of the pain); emotional state (e.g. anxiety,
fear, depression); and previous experiences or self-efficacy (e.g. I have experienced this
pain before and know that it will go away) in terms of dealing with the pain.
■ Large and small fibres. These fibres constitute part of the physiological input to pain per-
Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 Pain cannot be observed and is a subjective experience. Therefore measuring pain is problematic.
Self-report measures are reliant upon the individual attempting to give an accurate description of
how they feel which may well be influenced by how they want other people to believe that they feel
and the ability of the existing measures to describe their experience. More objective measures such
as the observation of pain behaviour or medication use may miss the subjective nature of the pain
2 Pain research highlights the interaction between biological and psychological processes. This is
particularly apparent in the gate control theory of pain and the role of affect and cognitions in medi-
ating the pain experience. However, how these different processes actually interact remains unclear.
Why is it that focusing on pain actually makes it hurt more?
3 Pain research emphasizes the role of psychological factors in promoting chronic pain and exacerbat-
ing acute pain. Little, however, is known about pain onset. Why do some people get headaches while
others do not? Why is there such cultural variation in where and when people experience pain?
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Subjective–affective–cognitive processes
The role of learning
Classical conditioning
Research suggests that classical conditioning may have an effect on the perception of pain.
As described by theories of associative learning, an individual may associate a particular
environment with the experience of pain. For example, if an individual associates the dentist
with pain due to past experience, the pain perception may be enhanced when attending the
dentist due to this expectation. In addition, because of the association between these two
factors, the individual may experience increased anxiety when attending the dentist, which may
also increase pain. Jamner and Tursky (1987) examined the effect of presenting migraine suffer-
ers with words associated with pain. They found that this presentation increased both anxiety
and pain perception and concluded that the words caused a change in mood, which caused a
change in the subject’s perception of pain. This is further discussed in terms of the impact of
Classical conditioning
Meaning Fear
Operant conditioning
Research suggests that there is also a role for operant conditioning in pain perception. Indi-
viduals may respond to pain by showing pain behaviour (e.g. resting, grimacing, limping,
staying off work). Such pain behaviour may be positively reinforced (e.g. sympathy, attention,
time off work), which may itself increase pain perception (see below).
Many patients with an experience of pain can have extensive fear of increased pain or of the
pain reoccurring which can result in them avoiding a whole range of activities that they perceive
to be high risk. For example, patients can avoid moving in particular ways and exerting them-
selves to any extent. However, these patients often do not describe their experiences in terms of
fear but rather in terms of what they can and cannot do. Therefore they do not report being
frightened of making the pain worse by lifting a heavy object, but they state that they can no
longer lift heavy objects. Fear of pain and fear avoidance beliefs have been shown to be linked
with the pain experience in terms of triggering pain in the first place. For example, Linton et al.
(2000) measured fear avoidance beliefs in a large community sample of people who reported no
spinal pain in the preceding year. The participants were then followed up after one year and the
occurrence of a pain episode and their physical functioning was assessed. The results showed
that 19 per cent of the sample reported an episode of back pain at follow-up and that those with
higher baseline scores of fear avoidance were twice as likely to report back pain and had a 1.7
times higher risk of lowered physical functioning. The authors argue that fear avoidance may
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relate to the early onset of pain. Some research also suggests that fear may also be involved in
exacerbating existing pain and turning acute pain into chronic pain. For example, Crombez et
al. (1999) explored the interrelationship between attention to pain and fear. They argued that
pain functions by demanding attention which results in a lowered ability to focus on other
activities. Their results indicated that pain-related fear increased this attentional interference
suggesting that fear about pain increased the amount of attention demanded by the pain. They
concluded that pain-related fear can create a hyper-vigilance towards pain which could con-
tribute to the progression from acute to chronic pain. These conclusions were further sup-
ported by a comprehensive review of the recent research. This indicates that treatment that
exposes patients to the very situations that they are afraid of, such as going out and being in
crowds, can reduce fear avoidance beliefs and modify their pain experience (Vlaeyen and
Linton 2000).
Although at first glance any pain would seem to be only negative in its meaning, research indi-
cates that pain can have a range of meanings to different people. For example, the pain experi-
enced during childbirth, although intense, has a very clear cause and consequence. If the same
kind of pain were to happen outside childbirth then it would have a totally different meaning
and would probably be experienced in a very different way. Beecher (1956), in his study of sol-
diers’ and civilians’ requests for medication, was one of the first people to examine this and
asked the question, ‘What does pain mean to the individual?’ Beecher argued that differences in
pain perception were related to the meaning of pain for the individual. In Beecher’s study, the
soldiers benefited from their pain. This has also been described in terms of secondary gains
whereby the pain may have a positive reward for the individual.
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Some research has emphasized the role of self-efficacy in pain perception and reduction. Turk
et al. (1983) suggest that increased pain self-efficacy may be an important factor in determining
the degree of pain perception. In addition, the concept of pain locus of control has been
developed to emphasize the role of individual cognitions in pain perception (Manning and
Wright 1983; Dolce 1987; Litt 1988).
There has also been research exploring the impact of attention on pain. Much work shows that
attention to the pain can exacerbate pain whereas distraction can reduce the pain experience. For
example, in the experimental study described earlier, James and Hardardottir (2002) illustrated
this association using the cold pressor task. Eccleston and Crombez have carried out much work
in this area which they review in Eccleston and Crombez (1999). They illustrate that patients
who attend to their pain experience more pain than those who are distracted. This association
explains why patients suffering from back pain who take to their beds and therefore focus on
their pain take longer to recover than those who carry on working and engaging with their lives.
This association is also reflected in relatively recent changes in the general management
approach to back pain problems – bed rest is no longer the main treatment option. In addition,
Eccleston and Crombez provide a model of how pain and attention are related (Eccleston 1994;
Eccleston and Crombez 1999). They argue that pain interrupts and demands attention and that
this interruption depends upon pain-related characteristics such as the threat value of the pain
and environmental demands such as emotional arousal. They argue that pain causes a shift in
attention towards the pain as a way to encourage escape and action. The result of this shift in
attention towards the pain is a reduced ability to focus on other tasks, resulting in attentional
interference and disruption. This disruption has been shown in a series of experimental studies
indicating that patients with high pain perform less well on difficult tasks that involve the great-
est demand of their limited resources (e.g. Eccleston 1994; Crombez et al. 1998a, 1999).
Behavioural processes
Pain behaviour and secondary gains
The way in which an individual responds to pain can itself increase or decrease the pain percep-
tion. In particular, research has looked at pain behaviours which have been defined by Turk et
al. (1985) as facial or audible expression (e.g. clenched teeth and moaning), distorted posture or
movement (e.g. limping, protecting the pain area), negative affect (e.g. irritability, depression)
or avoidance of activity (e.g. not going to work, lying down). It has been suggested that pain
behaviours are reinforced through attention, the acknowledgement they receive, and through
secondary gains, such as not having to go to work. Positively reinforcing pain behaviour may
increase pain perception. Pain behaviour can also cause a lack of activity and muscle wastage,
no social contact and no distraction leading to a sick role, which can also increase pain percep-
tion. Williams (2002) provides an evolutionary analysis of facial expressions of pain and argues
that if the function of pain is to prioritize escape, recovery and healing, facial expressions are a
means to communicate pain and to elicit help from others to achieve these goals. Further, she
argues that people often assume that individuals have more control over the extent of their
pain-induced facial expressions than they actually do and are more likely to offer help or sym-
pathy when expressions are mild. Stronger forms of expressions are interpreted as amplified
and as indications of malingering.
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The study used a qualitative method using semi-structured interviews which included questions
such as ‘How did your pain start?’, ‘Has your pain changed things for you at all?’, ‘How would
you describe yourself as a person?’ and ‘Has having pain changed the way you think or feel
about yourself?’.
Six people were interviewed who had all been recently referred to a pain clinic in the UK. They
were a reasonably homogenous sample being European, Caucasian, from a working-class back-
ground and in middle adulthood and had been in pain for between 5 and 15 years. None was
taking major opiates or waiting for any medical interventions and none had any prior
experience of a pain clinic.
Data analysis
The data were analysed using IPA (Smith and Osborn 2003).
The results showed that pain had a powerful negative impact upon the sufferers’ self and
identity. In particular, the interviewees described how their pain resulted in them often experi-
encing themselves as two separate identities; the ‘nice person’ and the ‘mean me’ and that these
two selves created a struggle for the individual as they attempted to retain the good self. In addi-
tion, they described how they moved between these two selves and employed coping strategies
in an attempt to prevent the pain eroding the good self. Further, they described how this
struggle over self was exacerbated by the public arena as they were concerned about how
others would see them. This often led to the pain sufferers becoming socially isolated or con-
sciously acting when with others. They also described how they sometimes directed the ‘mean
me’ at others by stopping caring and taking pleasure in the suffering of others. Finally, some
also described how they felt they may be punished in some way for being so negative towards
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Smith concludes from his analysis that the pain experience generates a cycle of negative
thoughts, with the sufferer having negative thoughts which get internalized, which are then dis-
charged onto others which in turn lead to further negative thoughts. Further, he suggests that
this has a serious debilitating impact on the person’s sense of self which is further exacerbated
by the public arena. This study therefore offers an insight into chronic benign back pain and
illustrates how an ongoing problem can change how an individual feels about themselves and in
addition influence how they react to the world around them.
In addition, current treatment philosophy emphasizes early intervention to prevent the trans-
ition of acute pain to chronic pain.
Research shows that psychology is involved in the perception of pain in terms of factors
such as learning, anxiety, worry, fear, catastrophizing, meaning and attention. Multidisciplinary
pain clinics increasingly place psychological interventions at their core. There are several
methods of pain treatment, which reflect an interaction between psychology and physiological
factors. These methods can be categorized as respondent, cognitive and behavioural methods
and are illustrated in Figure 12.3.
■ Respondent methods. Respondent methods are designed to modify the physiological system
directly by reducing muscular tension. Examples are relaxation methods which aim to
decrease anxiety and stress and consequently to decrease pain and biofeedback which is
used to enable the individual to exert voluntary control over their bodily functions.
Biofeedback aims to decrease anxiety and tension and therefore to decrease pain. However,
some research indicates that it adds nothing to relaxation methods. Hypnosis is also used
as a means to relax the individual. It seems to be of most use for acute pain and for
repeated painful procedures such as burn dressing.
■ Cognitive methods. A cognitive approach to pain treatment focuses on the individuals’
thoughts about pain and aims to modify cognitions that may be exacerbating their pain
experience. Techniques used include attention diversion (i.e. encouraging the individual
not to focus on the pain), imagery (i.e. encouraging the individual to have positive, pleas-
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Respondent methods
• Relaxation
• Biofeedback
• Hypnosis
ant thoughts) and the modification of maladaptive thoughts by the use of Socratic ques-
tions. Socratic questions challenge the individual to try to understand their automatic
thoughts and involve questions such as ‘What evidence do you have to support your
thoughts?’ and ‘How would someone else view this situation?’ The therapist can use role
play and role reversal.
■ Behavioural methods. Some treatment approaches draw upon the basic principles of
operant conditioning and use reinforcement to encourage the individual to change their
behaviour. For example, if a chronic pain patient has stopped activities that they believe
may exacerbate their pain, the therapist will incrementally encourage them to become
increasingly more active. Each change in behaviour will be rewarded by the therapist and
new exercises will be developed and agreed to encourage the patient to move towards their
pre-set goal.
The three components of psychological therapy are often integrated into a cognitive behav-
ioural treatment package.
explore the relative effectiveness of CBT compared to other forms of intervention and/or waiting
list controls. Recently systematic reviews have been published which have synthesized these
studies in terms of CBT for adults and for children and adolescents.
What is the cognitive behavioural approach to pain?
A cognitive behavioural approach to pain regards pain as a perception that involves an integra-
tion of four sources of pain-related information:
1 Cognitive, or the meaning of the pain (‘it will prevent me from working’).
2 Emotional, or the emotions associated with the pain (‘I am anxious that it will never go
3 Physiological, or the impulses sent from the site of physical damage.
4 Behavioural, or pain behaviour that may increase the pain (such as not doing any exercise)
and pain behaviour that may decrease the pain (such as doing sufficient exercise).
The cognitive behavioural approach to pain therefore aims to reduce pain by focusing on these
different sources of pain-related information.
■ Self-attribution. Chronic pain sufferers may have learnt to attribute any success to others and
failure to themselves. They are taught to accept responsibility for the success of the treatment.
■ Facilitate maintenance. Any effectiveness of the cognitive behavioural treatment should
persist beyond the actual treatment intervention. Therefore pain sufferers are taught how
to anticipate any problems and to consider ways of dealing with these problems.
Within this model of pain treatment, Basler and Rehfisch (1990) set out to examine the effec-
tiveness of a cognitive behavioural approach to pain. In addition, they aimed to examine
whether such an approach could be used within general practice.
Sixty chronic pain sufferers, who had experienced chronic pain in the head, shoulder, arm or
spine for at least six months, were recruited for the study from general practice lists in West
Germany. Subjects were allocated to either: (1) the immediate treatment group (33 subjects
started the treatment and 25 completed it); or (2) the waiting-list control group (27 subjects
were allocated to this group and 13 completed all measures).
All subjects completed measures at baseline (time 1), after the 12-week treatment intervention
(time 2) and at six-month follow-up (time 3). Subjects in the control group completed the
same measures at comparable time intervals.
At times 1, 2 and 3, all subjects completed a 14-day pain diary, which included measures of the
■ Intensity of pain: the subjects rated the intensity of their pain from ‘no pain’ to ‘very intense
pain’ every day.
■ Mood: for the same 14 days, subjects also included in the diary measures of their mood
three times a day.
■ Functional limitation: the subjects also included measures of things they could not do
within the 14 days.
■ Pain medication: the subjects also recorded the kind and quantity of pain medication.
The subjects also completed the following measures:
■ The state–trait anxiety inventory, which consists of 20 items and asks subjects to rate how
frequently each of the items occurs.
■ The Von Zerssen depression scale (Von Zerssen 1976), which consists of 16 items describing
depressive symptoms (e.g. ‘I can’t help crying’).
■ General bodily symptoms: the subjects completed a checklist of 57 symptoms, such as
‘nausea’ and ‘trembling’.
■ Sleep disorders due to pain: the subjects were asked to rate problems they experienced in
sleep onset, sleep maintenance and sleep quality.
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■ Bodily symptoms due to pain attacks: the subjects rated 13 symptoms for their severity
during pain attacks (e.g. heart rate increase, sweating).
■ Pain intensity over the last week was also measured.
In addition, at six-month follow-up (time 2), subjects who had received the treatment were
asked which of the recommended exercises they still carried out and the physicians rated the
treatment outcome on a scale from ‘extreme deterioration’ to ‘extreme improvement’.
The results were analysed to examine differences between the two groups (treatment versus
control) and to examine differences in changes in the measures (from time 1 to time 2 and at
follow-up) between the two groups.
Time 1 to time 2
The results showed significantly different changes between the two groups in all their ratings.
Compared with the control group, the subjects who had received cognitive behavioural treat-
ment reported lower pain intensity, lower functional impairment, better daily mood, fewer
bodily symptoms, less anxiety, less depression, fewer pain-related bodily symptoms and fewer
pain-related sleep disorders.
The authors conclude that the study provides support for the use of cognitive behavioural treat-
ment for chronic pain. The authors also point to the central role of treatment adherence in pre-
dicting improvement. They suggest that this effect of adherence indicates that the improvement
in pain was a result of the specific treatment factors (i.e. the exercises), not the non-specific
treatment factors (contact with professionals, a feeling of doing something). However, it is pos-
sible that the central role for adherence in the present study is similar to that discussed in
Chapter 13 in the context of placebos, with treatment adherence itself being a placebo effect.
scars to prove it. This procedure obviously has serious ethical problems. However, the results
suggested that angina pain can actually be reduced by a sham operation by comparable levels to
an actual operation for angina. This suggests that the expectations of the individual changes their
perception of pain, again providing evidence for the role of psychology in pain perception.
Measuring pain
Whether it is to examine the causes or consequences of pain or to evaluate the effectiveness of a
treatment for pain, pain needs to be measured. This has raised several questions and problems.
For example, ‘Are we interested in the individual’s own experience of the pain?’ (i.e. what
someone says is all important), ‘What about denial or self-image?’ (i.e. someone might be in
agony but deny it to themselves and to others), ‘Are we interested in a more objective
assessment?’ (i.e. can we get over the problem of denial by asking someone else to rate their
pain?) and ‘Do we need to assess a physiological basis to pain?’ These questions have resulted in
three different perspectives on pain measurement: self-reports, observational assessments and
physiological assessments, which are very similar to the different ways of measuring health
status (see Chapter 16). In addition, these different perspectives reflect the different theories
of pain.
Self-report scales of pain rely on the individuals’ own subjective view of their pain level. They
take the form of visual analogue scales (e.g. ‘How severe is your pain?’ Rated from ‘not at all’ (0)
to ‘extremely’ (100)), verbal scales (e.g. ‘Describe your pain: no pain, mild pain, moderate pain,
severe pain, worst pain’) and descriptive questionnaires (e.g. the McGill pain questionnaire
(MPQ); Melzack 1975). The MPQ attempts to access the more complex nature of pain and asks
individuals to rate their pain in terms of three dimensions: sensory (e.g. flickering, pulsing,
beating), affective (e.g. punishing, cruel, killing) and evaluative (e.g. annoying, miserable,
intense). Some self-report measures also attempt to access the impact that the pain is having
upon the individuals’ level of functioning and ask whether the pain influences the individuals’
ability to do daily tasks such as walking, sitting and climbing stairs. Similarly, pain is often
assessed within the context of quality-of-life scales which include a pain component (e.g. Skev-
ington 1998; Skevington et al. 2001).
Observational assessment
Observational assessments attempt to make a more objective assessment of pain and are used
when the patients’ own self-reports are considered unreliable or when they are unable to
provide them. For example, observational measures would be used for children, some stroke
sufferers and some terminally ill patients. In addition, they can provide an objective validation
of self-report measures. Observational measures include an assessment of the pain relief
requested and used, pain behaviours (such as limping, grimacing and muscle tension) and time
spent sleeping and/or resting.
Physiological measures
Both self-report measures and observational measures are sometimes regarded as unreliable if a
supposedly ‘objective’ measure of pain is required. In particular, self-report measures are open
to the bias of the individual in pain and observational measures are open to errors made by the
observer. Therefore physiological measures are sometimes used as an index of pain intensity.
Such measures include an assessment of inflammation and measures of sweating, heart rate and
skin temperature. However, the relationship between physiological measures and both observa-
tional and self-report measures is often contradictory, raising the question ‘Are the individual
and the rater mistaken or are the physiological measurements not measuring pain?’
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To conclude
Early biomedical models of pain suggested that pain was a simple response to external stimuli
and within this model categorized the individual as a passive responder to external factors. Such
models had no causal role for psychology. However, the gate control theory, developed in the
1960s and 1970s by Melzack and Wall, included psychological factors. As a result, pain was no
longer understood as a sensation but as an active perception. Due to this inclusion of psycho-
logical factors into pain perception, research has examined the role of factors such as learning,
anxiety, fear, catastrophizing, meaning, attention and pain behaviour in either decreasing or
exacerbating pain. As psychological factors appeared to have a role to play in eliciting pain per-
ception, multidisciplinary pain clinics have been set up to use psychological factors in its treat-
ment. These often use psychological therapies, particularly CBT, which have been shown to be
effective for adults, children and adolescents. Recently researchers have suggested a role for pain
acceptance as a useful outcome measure and some research indicates that acceptance rather
than coping might be a better predictor of adjustment to pain and changes following treatment.
1 Pain is a response to painful stimuli. Discuss.
2 To what extent does the gate control theory of pain depart from biomedical models of
3 What are the implications of the GCT of pain for the mind–body debate?
4 Pain is a perception. Discuss.
5 How might psychological factors exacerbate pain perception?
6 To what extent can psychological factors be used to reduce pain perception?
7 Self-report is the only true way of measuring pain. Discuss.
8 Develop a research protocol to examine the role of secondary gains in pain perception.
For discussion
Consider the last time you experienced pain (e.g. period pain, headache, sports injury) and
discuss the potential cognitive, emotional and behavioural factors that may have exacerbated
the pain.
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Further reading
Dekker, J., Lundberg, U. and Williams, A. (eds) (2001) Behavioural Factors and Interventions in Pain
and Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Special Issue of the International Journal of Behavioural Medicine.
Mahawah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
This provides a detailed analysis of the psychosocial factors involved in the development of
chronic pain.
Horn, S. and Munafo, M. (1997) Pain: Theory, Research and Intervention. Buckingham: Open Uni-
versity Press.
This book provides a more detailed overview of the pain literature.
Karoly, P. and Jensen, M.P. (1987) Multimethod Assessment of Chronic Pain. New York: Pergamon
This book provides a comprehensive and critical overview of the complex area of pain
Main C.J. and Spanswick C.C. (eds) (2000) Pain Management: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Edin-
burgh: Churchill Livingstone.
This edited collection provides a detailed account of contemporary approaches to treating pain.
Turk, D.C. and Melzack, R. (eds) (2001) Handbook of Pain Assessment, 2nd edn. New York: Guilford
This edited collection provides an excellent overview of how pain can be measured and the
problems inherent within pain assessment.
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Placebos and the
among beliefs,
behaviour and health
Chapter overview
The study of placebos is a good illustration of many of the issues central to health psychology.
This chapter examines problems with defining placebos and then assesses the different theories
concerning how they work, highlighting the central role for patient expectations. It then out-
lines the implications of placebos for the different areas of health psychology discussed in the
rest of this book, such as health beliefs and illness cognitions, health behaviours, stress, pain and
illness and places this within a discussion of the relationship between the mind and body and
the interrelationship between beliefs, behaviour and health and illness.
● What is a placebo?
● How do placebos work?
● The central role of patient expectations
● Cognitive dissonance theory
● The role of placebo effects in health psychology
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What is a placebo?
Placebos have been defined as follows:
■ Inert substances that cause symptom relief (e.g. ‘My headache went away after having a
sugar pill’).
■ Substances that cause changes in a symptom not directly attributable to specific or real
pharmacological actions of a drug or operation (e.g. ‘After I had my hip operation I
stopped getting headaches’).
■ Any therapy that is deliberately used for its non-specific psychological or physiological
effects (e.g. ‘I had a bath and my headache went away’).
These definitions illustrate some of the problems with understanding placebos. For example:
■ What are specific/real versus non-specific/unreal effects? For example, ‘My headaches went
after the operation’: is this an unreal effect (it was not predicted) or a real effect (it defi-
nitely happened)?
■ Why are psychological effects non-specific? (e.g. ‘I feel more relaxed after my operation’: is
this a non-specific effect?).
■ Are there placebo effects in psychological treatments? For example, ‘I specifically went for
cognitive restructuring therapy and ended up simply feeling less tired’: is this a placebo
effect or a real effect?
The problems inherent in the distinctions between specific versus non-specific effects and phys-
iological versus psychological effects are illustrated by examining the history of apparently med-
ically inert treatments.
chemical). It is also possible that the effectiveness of some of these treatments can be under-
stood in terms of modern-day placebo effects.
Modern-day placebos
Recently placebos have been studied more specifically and have been found to have a multitude
of effects. For example, placebos have been found to increase performance on a cognitive task
(Ross and Buckalew 1983), to be effective in reducing anxiety (Downing and Rickels 1983), and
Haas et al. (1959) listed a whole series of areas where placebos have been shown to have some
effect, such as allergies, asthma, cancer, diabetes, enuresis, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, insom-
nia, ulcers, obesity, acne, smoking and dementia.
Perhaps one of the most studied areas in relation to placebo effects is pain. Beecher (1955),
in an early study of the specific effects of placebos in pain reduction, suggested that 30 per cent
of chronic pain sufferers show relief from a placebo when using both subjective (e.g. ‘I feel less
pain’) and objective (e.g. ‘You are more mobile’) measures of pain. In addition, Diamond et al.
(1960) reported a sham operation for patients suffering from angina pain. They reported that
half the subjects with angina pain were given a sham operation, and half of the subjects were
given a real heart bypass operation. The results indicated that pain reduction in both groups
was equal, and the authors concluded that the belief that the individual had had an operation
was sufficient to cause pain reduction and alleviation of the angina.
Non-interactive theories
Characteristics of the individual
Individual trait theories suggest that certain individuals have characteristics that make them
susceptible to placebo effects. Such characteristics have been described as emotional depend-
ency, extroversion, neurosis and being highly suggestible. Research has also suggested that indi-
viduals who respond to placebos are introverted. However, many of the characteristics
described are conflicting and there is little evidence to support consistent traits as predictive of
placebo responsiveness.
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Interactive theories
It is therefore necessary to understand the process of placebo effects as an active process, which
involves patient, treatment and health professional variables. Placebo effects should be concep-
tualized as a multidimensional process that depends on an interaction between a multitude of
different factors. To understand this multidimensional process, research has looked at possible
mechanisms of the placebo effect.
Experimenter bias
Experimenter bias refers to the impact that the experimenter’s expectations can have on the
outcome of a study. For example, if an experimenter was carrying out a study to examine the
effect of seeing an aggressive film on a child’s aggressive behaviour (a classic social psychology
study), the experimenter’s expectations may themselves be responsible for changing the child’s
behaviour (by their own interaction with the child), not the film.
This phenomenon has been used to explain placebo effects. For example, Gracely et al.
(1985) examined the impact of doctors’ beliefs about the treatment on the patients’ experience
of placebo-induced pain reduction. Subjects were allocated to one of three conditions and were
given either an analgesic (a painkiller), a placebo or naloxone (an opiate antagonist, which
increases the pain experience). The patients were therefore told that this treatment would either
reduce, have no effect or increase their pain. The doctors giving the drugs were themselves
allocated to one of two conditions. They believed that either the patients would receive one of
three of these substances (a chance of receiving a painkiller), or that the patient would receive
either a placebo or naloxone (no chance of receiving a pain killer). Therefore one group of
doctors believed that there was a chance that the patient would be given an analgesic and would
show pain reduction, and the other group of doctors believed that there was no chance that the
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patient would receive some form of analgesia. In fact, all subjects were given a placebo. This
study, therefore, manipulated both the patients’ beliefs about the kind of treatment they had
received and the doctors’ beliefs about the kind of treatment they were administering. The
results showed that the subjects who were given the drug treatment by the doctor who believed
they had a chance to receive the analgesic, showed a decrease in pain whereas the patients whose
doctor believed that they had no chance of receiving the painkiller showed no effect. This sug-
gests that if the doctors believed that the subjects may show pain reduction, this belief was com-
municated to the subjects who actually reported pain reduction. However, if the doctors
believed that the subjects would not show pain reduction, this belief was also communicated to
the subjects who accordingly reported no change in their pain experience. This study highlights
a role for an interaction between the doctor and the patient and is similar to the effect described
as experimenter bias described within social psychology. Experimenter bias suggests that the
experimenter is capable of communicating their expectations to the subjects who respond in
accordance with these expectations. Therefore, if applied to placebo effects, subjects show
improvement because the health professionals expect them to.
Patient expectations
Research has also looked at the expectations of the patient. Ross and Olson (1981) examined
the effects of patients’ expectations on recovery following a placebo. They suggested that most
patients experience spontaneous recovery following illness as most illnesses go through periods
of spontaneous change and that patients attribute these changes to the treatment. Therefore,
even if the treatment is a placebo, any change will be understood in terms of the effectiveness of
this treatment. This suggests that because patients want to get better and expect to get better,
any changes that they experience are attributed to the drugs they have taken. However, Park
and Covi (1965) gave sugar pills to a group of neurotic patients and actually told the patients
that the pills were sugar pills and would therefore have no effect. The results showed that the
patients still showed some reduction in their neuroticism. It could be argued that in this case,
even though the patients did not expect the treatment to work, they still responded to the
placebo. However, it could also be argued that these patients would still have some expectations
that they would get better otherwise they would not have bothered to take the pills. Jensen and
Karoly (1991) also argue that patient motivation plays an important role in placebo effects, and
differentiate between patient motivation (the desire to experience a symptom change) and
patient expectation (a belief that a symptom change would occur). In a laboratory study, they
examined the relative effects of patient motivation and patient expectation of placebo-induced
changes in symptom perception following a ‘sedative pill’. The results suggested a role for
patient expectation but also suggested that higher motivation was related to a greater placebo
Reporting error
Reporting error has also been suggested as an explanation of placebo effects. In support of pre-
vious theories that emphasize patient expectations, it has been argued that patients expect to
show improvement following medical intervention, want to please the doctor and therefore
show inaccurate reporting by suggesting that they are getting better, even when their symptoms
remain unchanged. (In fact the term ‘placebo’ is derived from the Latin meaning ‘I will please’.)
It has also been suggested that placebos are a result of reporting error by the doctor. Doctors
also wish to see an improvement following their intervention, and may also show inaccurate
measurement. The theory of reporting error therefore explains placebo effects in terms of error,
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Conditioning effects
Traditional conditioning theories have also been used to explain placebo effects (Wickramasek-
era 1980). It is suggested that patients associate certain factors with recovery and an improve-
ment in their symptoms. For example, the presence of doctors, white coats, pills, injections and
surgery are associated with improvement, recovery and effective treatment. According to condi-
tioning theory, the unconditioned stimulus (treatment) would usually be associated with an
unconditioned response (recovery). However, if this unconditioned stimulus (treatment) is
paired with a conditioned stimulus (e.g. hospital, a white coat), the conditioned stimulus can
itself elicit a conditioned response (recovery, the placebo effect). The conditioned stimulus
might be comprised of a number of factors, including the appearance of the doctor, the
environment, the actual site of the treatment or simply taking a pill. This stimulus may then
elicit placebo recovery. For example, people often comment that they feel better as soon as they
get into a doctor’s waiting room, that their headache gets better before they have had time to
digest a pill and that symptoms disappear when a doctor appears. According to conditioning
theory, these changes would be examples of placebo recovery. Several reports provide support
for conditioning theory. For example, research suggests that taking a placebo drug is more
effective in a hospital setting when given by a doctor, than if taken at home given by someone
who is not associated with the medical profession. This suggests that placebo effects require an
interaction between the patient and their environment. In addition, placebo pain reduction is
more effective with clinical and real pain than with experimentally created pain. This suggests
that experimentally created pain does not elicit the association with the treatment environment,
whereas the real pain has the effect of eliciting memories of previous experiences of treatment,
making it more responsive to placebo intervention.
Anxiety reduction
Placebos have also been explained in terms of anxiety reduction. Downing and Rickels (1983)
argued that placebos decrease anxiety, thus helping the patient to recover. In particular, such a
decrease in anxiety is effective in causing pain reduction (Sternbach 1978). For example, accord-
ing to the gate control theory, anxiety reduction may close the gate and reduce pain, whereas
increased anxiety may open the gate and increase pain (see Chapter 12). Placebos may decrease
anxiety by empowering the individual and encouraging them to feel that they are in control of
their pain. This improved sense of control may lead to decreased anxiety, which itself reduces the
pain experience. Placebos may be particularly effective in chronic pain by breaking the
anxiety–pain cycle (see Chapter 12). The role of anxiety reduction is supported by reports that
placebos are more effective in reducing real pain than reducing experimental pain, perhaps
because real pain elicits a greater degree of anxiety, which can be alleviated by the placebo,
whereas experimentally induced pain does not make the individual anxious. However, there are
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problems with the anxiety-reducing theory of placebos. Primarily, there are many other effects of
placebos besides pain reduction. In addition, Butler and Steptoe (1986) reported that although
placebos increased lung function in asthmatics, this increase was not related to anxiety.
Physiological theories
Physiologists have also developed theories to explain placebo effects, with specific focus on pain
reduction. Levine et al. (1978) have argued that placebos increase endorphin (opiate) release –
the brain’s natural painkillers – which therefore decreases pain. Evidence for this comes in
several forms. Placebos have been shown to create dependence, withdrawal and tolerance, all
factors that are similar to those found in abstinent heroin addicts, suggesting that placebos may
well increase opiate release. In addition, results suggest that placebo effects can be blocked by
giving naloxone, which is an opiate antagonist. This indicates that placebos may increase the
opiate release, but that this opiate release is blocked by naloxone, supporting the physiological
theory of placebos. However, the physiological theories are limited as pain reduction is not the
only consequence of placebos.
Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to pause to consider.
1 Central to understanding the placebo effect is the role of expectations, with people seeming to feel
pain or get better if they expect to do so. But how can the role of expectations be tested as taking
part in any study or being offered any medication that will ultimately change an individual’s expecta-
tions? It is not really possible therefore to ‘placebo’ the placebo effect.
2 Placebo research suggests that expecting to get better, even just in the form of adhering to medica-
tion, seems to make people better. However, it is not clear how this process actually works. How
does a placebo effect make a wound heal faster, a pain go away or lungs function better?
3 Placebos illustrate a direct relationship between a person’s mind and their body. This is central to
health psychology. We still, however, do not know how this works – it seems to have a magical feel
to it which remains unexplained.
As a result, they conclude that ‘most studies find that an administered placebo will alter the
recipient’s condition (or in some instances self-report of the condition) in accordance with the
placebo’s expected effects’ (1981: 419). Therefore, according to the above theories, placebos
work because the patient and the health professionals expect them to work. This emphasizes the
role of expectations and regards placebo effects as an interaction between individuals and
between individuals and their environment.
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have been used since the 1940s to assess the effectiveness
of drugs compared with placebos. For these trials, subjects are randomly allocated to either the
experimental condition (and receive the real drug) or the control condition (and receive the
placebo drug). Placebo drugs are used as a comparison point in order to distinguish the ‘real’
effects of the chemically active drug from both the ‘placebo effects’ and changes that may spon-
taneously happen over time. The RCT methodology acknowledges that changes in symptoms
may occur following a placebo drug, but regards these as less important than the real changes
that occur following the real drug. However, in 1982, data from the Coronary Drug Project
were published which suggested that the best predictor of mortality in men who had survived a
heart attack was not taking the lipid-lowering drug compared with taking the placebo drug, but
adherence to taking any drug at all (whether an active drug or a placebo drug). The results indi-
cated that adherers had lower mortality at five years than the non-adherers in both the experi-
mental and the placebo groups. Horwitz et al. (1990) set out to examine whether adherence was
a good predictor of risk of death in a large beta-blocker heart attack trial (Beta-blocker Heart
Attack Trial Research Group 1982) and to evaluate whether any effects of adherence could be
explained by social and behavioural characteristics (e.g. were the non-adherers also the smokers
with stressful lives?).
Horwitz et al. reported a reanalysis of the data collected as part of the beta-blocker heart attack
trial, which was a multicentre, randomized, double-blind trial comparing proprandol (a beta-
blocker) with a placebo drug in patients who had survived an acute heart attack (this is known
as secondary data analysis).
The original study included 3837 men and women aged 30–69 years who were reassessed every
three months for an average of 25 months. The data from 1082 men in the experimental con-
dition (who had received the beta-blocker) and 1094 men in the placebo condition were
analysed (all women and those men who had not completed the psychosocial measures were
excluded from the analysis). Follow-up data were analysed for 12 months.
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The study was prospective, with subjects completing initial measures six weeks after hospital
discharge and completing subsequent follow-up measures every three months.
Measures were taken of psychosocial factors, adherence and clinical characteristics:
■ Psychosocial factors. The subjects completed a structured interview six weeks after dis-
charge. The answers to this were grouped to form four psychosocial variables: levels of life
stress, social isolation, depression and type A behaviour pattern. In addition, data were col-
lected concerning their health practices both at baseline and at follow-up (e.g. smoking,
alcohol use, diet, physical activity other than work).
■ Adherence. For each follow-up interval (three months), adherence was calculated as the
amount of medication divided by the amount prescribed. The subjects were divided into
poor adherers (taking less than or equal to 75 per cent of prescribed medication) and good
adherers (taking more than 75 per cent of prescribed medication).
■ Clinical characteristics. Measures were also taken of the clinical severity of the heart attack
(congestive heart failure, severity of heart attack, age) and sociodemographic features
(ethnicity, marital status, education).
■ Mortality. Mortality was measured after 12 months.
Adherence and mortality
The results were analysed to examine the relationship between adherence and mortality, and
showed that, compared with patients with good adherence, those with poor adherence were
twice as likely to have died at one-year follow-up. This association was also present when the
data were analysed according to treatment category (i.e. for both the experimental group and
the control group). Therefore, regardless of what the drug was (whether a beta-blocker or a
placebo), taking it as recommended halved the subjects’ chances of dying.
These results therefore indicate a strong link between adherence to medical recommendations
and mortality, regardless of the type of drug taken. This effect does not appear to be due to
psychosocial or clinical factors (the non-adherers did not simply smoke more than the adher-
ers). Therefore ‘doing as the doctor suggests’ appears to be beneficial to health, but not for the
traditional reasons (‘the drugs are good for you’) but perhaps because by taking medication, the
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patient expects to get better. The authors concluded in a review article that ‘perhaps the most
provocative explanation for the good effect of good adherence on health is the one most per-
plexing to clinicians: the role of patient expectancies or self-efficacy’. They suggested that
‘patients who expect treatment to be effective engage in other health practices that lead to
improved clinical outcomes’ (Horwitz and Horwitz 1993). In addition, they suggested that the
power of adherence may not be limited to taking drugs but may also occur with adherence to
recommendations of behaviour change. Adherence may be a measure of patient expectation,
with these expectations influencing the individual’s health status – adherence is an illustration
of the placebo effect and a reflection of the complex interrelationship between beliefs, behavi-
our and health.
Low dissonance
• Good justification,
‘I was paid’
• See self as rational
Premises Behaviour
• Need to justify behaviour Invest in treatment
• Need to see self as rational • No effect
High dissonance
• Poor justification
• I chose to do it
• I am not rational
• Resolve dissonance
• Placebo effect
Group 1 were offered money if they managed to abstain from eating and drinking, providing
these subjects with good justification for their behaviour. Group 2 were simply asked not to eat
or drink for a length of time, but were given no reason or incentive, and therefore had no justi-
fication. Having good justification for their behaviour, group 1 were not in a state of disso-
nance; they were able to justify not eating and still maintain a sense of being rational and in
control. Group 2 had no justification for their behaviour and were therefore in a state of high
dissonance, as they were performing a behaviour for very little reason. Therefore in order to
resolve this dissonance it was argued that group 2 needed to find a justification for their behavi-
our. At the end of the period of abstinence all subjects were allowed to eat and drink as much as
they wished. The results showed that group 2 (those in high dissonance) ate and drank less
when free food was available to them than group 1 (those in low dissonance).
The results were interpreted as follows. The subjects in group 2, being in a state of high dis-
sonance, needed to find a justification for their behaviour and justified their behaviour by
believing ‘I didn’t eat because I was not hungry’. They therefore ate and drank less when food
was available. The subjects in group 1, being in a state of low dissonance, had no need to find a
justification for their behaviour as they had a good justification: ‘I didn’t eat because I was paid
not to’. They therefore ate more when the food was offered. The results of this study have been
used to suggest that high dissonance influenced the subject’s physiological state, and the physio-
logical state changed in order to resolve the problem of dissonance.
Research has also examined the effects of justification on placebo-induced pain reduction.
Totman (1987) induced pain in a group of subjects using heat stimulation. Subjects were then
offered the choice of a drug in order to reduce pain. In fact this drug was a placebo. Half of the
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subjects were offered money to take part in the study, and half were offered no money. Totman
argued that because one group were offered an incentive to carry out the study and to experience
the pain, they therefore had high justification for their behaviour and were in a state of low dis-
sonance. The other group, however, were offered no money and therefore had low justification
for subjecting themselves to a painful situation; they therefore had low justification and were in a
state of high dissonance. Totman argued that this group needed to find some kind of justification
to resolve this state of dissonance. If the drug worked, the author argued that this would provide
them with justification for subjecting themselves to the experiment and for choosing to take the
drug. The results showed that the group in a state of high dissonance experienced less pain
following the placebo than the group in low dissonance. Totman argued that this suggests that
being in a state of low justification activated the individual’s unconscious regulating mechan-
isms, which caused physiological changes to reduce the pain, providing the group with justifica-
tion for their behaviour, which therefore eradicated their state of dissonance.
■ It is also possible that the experimenter’s attempt to persuade the individual to participate,
itself also increases anxiety.
■ Cognitive dissonance theory has mainly been tested using acute pain, which has been elicited
in a laboratory setting. Whether the results are transferable to ‘real life’ is questionable.
■ Totman argues that patient expectations are not necessary. However, an individual must
expect some changes following the intervention otherwise they would not make the ori-
ginal investment. It is also possible that paying subjects to participate changes their expec-
tations of a successful outcome.
■ Totman does not explain what these unconscious regulating mechanisms may be.
Health beliefs
For a placebo to have an effect, the individual needs to have a belief that the intervention will be
effective. For example, a placebo in the form of a pill will work if the individual subscribes to a
medical model of health and illness and believes that traditional medical interventions are
• Use adaptive
coping to remove
Health beliefs
• Take medication
‘I believe that this
• Take rest
drug will work’
• Eat healthily Improved health
Illness beliefs
• Stop smoking
‘I believe that this illness will
• Cut down on alcohol
respond to medication’
• Take exercise
‘I believe I will get well’
• Reduce anxiety
• Reduce pain
effective. A placebo in the form of herbal tea may only be effective if the individual believes in
alternative medicines and is open to non-traditional forms of intervention. Furthermore, the
conditioning effects, reporting error and misattribution process may only occur if the indi-
vidual believes that health professionals in white coats can treat illness, that hospitals are where
people get better and that medical interventions should produce positive results. Patients’
beliefs may themselves be a mechanism for explaining placebo effects. Perhaps the belief about
a treatment has either a direct effect on health through physiological changes, or an indirect
effect via behavioural change. For example, the belief that a treatment intervention will work
may directly influence the individual’s immune system or alternatively may promote a change
in lifestyle.
Illness cognitions
For a placebo to have an effect, the individual needs to hold particular beliefs about their illness.
For example, if an illness is seen as long lasting without episodes of remission, times of sponta-
neous recovery may not happen, which therefore cannot be explained in terms of the effective-
ness of the treatment. Likewise, if an individual believes that their illness has a medical cause
then a placebo in the form of a pill would be effective. However, if the individual believes that
their illness is caused by their lifestyle, a pill placebo may not be effective.
Health-related behaviours
A placebo may function via changes in health-related behaviour. If an individual believes that
they have taken something or behaved in a way that may promote good health, they may also
change other health-related behaviours (e.g. smoking, drinking, exercise), which may also
improve their health. Furthermore, the choice to take a medication may itself be seen as a
health-related behaviour, and may be predicted by theories of behaviour and behaviour change.
Placebos also have implications for understanding responses to stress. If placebos have an effect
either directly (physiological change) or indirectly (behaviour change) then this is in parallel
with theories of stress. In addition, placebos may function by reducing any stress caused by
illness. The belief that an individual has taken control of their illness (perceived control) may
reduce the stress response, reducing any effects this stress may have on the illness.
Placebo-induced pain reduction may be mediated either by physiological changes, such as
opiate release, or by anxiety reduction. Both of these changes can be explained in terms of the
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gate control theory of pain, which suggests that the experience of pain is a result of an inter-
action between psychological (beliefs, anxiety) and physiological (opiates) processes. Previous
experience and expectation are also implicated in pain reduction. Perhaps placebo-induced
pain reduction may also be mediated by patient expectations and previous experience about the
efficacy of the treatment intervention.
To conclude
Placebos have been shown to have a multitude of effects ranging from pain relief to changing
cognitive state. Many theories have been developed in an attempt to explain how placebos
work, and these can be categorized as non-interactive theories, which focus on the character-
istics of either the patient, the health professional or the treatment, and interactive theories,
which regard placebo effects as arising from interaction between these different variables. In
particular, most explanations of placebos point to a central role for expectations both of the
patient and the health professional. These theories suggest that if a patient expects to get better,
then this expectation will influence their health. Therefore, through expectancies, it is possible
that patient and doctor expectations, anxiety, conditioning, opiates and cognitive dissonance,
could interact with each other. However, how this interaction would actually influence health
remains unclear. Finally, placebos have many implications for the areas of health psychology
examined in this book. They indicate that beliefs, behaviours, stress, pain and illness may not be
separate areas, requiring separate theories and research, but may be interrelated, and that rather
than being a factor to be taken out of an understanding of health the placebo effect may itself
play a central role in determining health status.
1 Discuss the evidence for the possible theories of the placebo effect.
2 Placebos are all in the mind. Discuss.
3 Placebos are a useful treatment for pain. Discuss.
4 Discuss the role of patient expectations in improvements in health.
5 How might patient adherence be a placebo effect?
6 Discuss the implications of theories of placebos for the interrelationship among beliefs,
behaviours and health.
7 Design a research study to illustrate the role of expectations in recovery from an acute
For discussion
Consider the last time you took any medication (e.g. painkiller, antibiotics, etc.). To what
extent were any subsequent changes due to the placebo effect?
13 health848.ch13 16/4/07 3:01 pm Page 310
Further reading
Critelli, J.W. and Neumann, K.F. (1984) The placebo: conceptual analysis of a construct in trans-
ition, American Psychologist, 39: 32–9.
This paper provides a theoretical discussion on placebos and analyses the role of placebos in
health and illness.
Simpson, S.H., Eurich, D.T., Majumdar, S.R., Padwal, R.S., Tsuyuki, R.T., Varney, J. and Johnson,
J.A. (2006) A meta-analysis of the association between adherence to drug therapy and mortality,
British Medical Journal, 333: 15.
This is an excellent review of the literature exploring how simply adhering to medication has a
powerful placebo effect which is linked with improved mortality.
Totman, R.G. (1987) The Social Causes of Illness. London: Souvenir Press.
This book provides an interesting perspective on placebos and the interrelationship among
beliefs, behaviours and health.
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HIV and cancer
Psychology throughout the course of illness (1)
Chapter overview
The next two chapters (14 and 15) examine the role that psychology plays at each stage of an
illness, from illness onset, to its progression, to the psychological consequences and longevity.
They do not aim to be comprehensive overviews of the immense literature on illness, but to illus-
trate the possible varied role of psychology in illness. This chapter uses the examples of HIV and
cancer and the next chapter focuses on obesity and coronary heart disease. However, these psy-
chological factors are relevant to a multitude of other chronic and acute illnesses. It suggests that,
rather than being seen as a passive response to biomedical factors, such chronic illnesses are
better understood in terms of a complex interplay of physiological and psychological processes.
● What is HIV?
● The role of psychology in the study of HIV
● Attitudes to AIDS
● Psychology and susceptibility to HIV
● Psychology and the progression to AIDS
● Psychology and longevity
● What is cancer?
● The role of psychology in cancer initiation
● Psychological consequences of cancer
● Psychology and the alleviation of symptoms
● Psychology and promoting longevity and the disease-free interval
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discussion of condom use in the context of HIV and AIDS can be found in Chapter 8 and a
detailed description of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) can be found in Chapter 11.
What is HIV?
The structure of HIV
The HIV virus is a retrovirus, a type of virus containing RNA. There are three types of retro-
virus: oncogenic retroviruses which cause cancer, foamy retroviruses which have no effect at all
on the health status of the individual, and lentiviruses, or slow viruses, which have slow long-
term effects. HIV is a lentivirus.
The HIV virus is structured with an outer coat and an inner core. The RNA is situated in the
core and contains eight viral genes, which encode the proteins of the envelope and the core, and
also contains enzymes, which are essential for replication.
examining predictors of behaviour. The following observations suggest that psychology has an
additional role to play in HIV:
■ Not everyone exposed to HIV virus becomes HIV positive. This suggests that psychological
factors may influence an individual’s susceptibility to the HIV virus.
■ The time for progression from HIV to AIDS is variable. Psychological factors may have a
role in promoting the replication of the HIV virus and the progression from being HIV
positive to having AIDS.
■ Perhaps not everyone with HIV dies from AIDS. Psychological factors may have a role to
play in determining the longevity of the individual.
The potential role of psychological factors in understanding HIV and AIDS is shown in Figure 14.1.
The role of psychology in AIDS in terms of attitudes to AIDS, susceptibility to AIDS, pro-
gression from HIV to AIDS, and longevity will now be examined.
Attitudes to AIDS
Research has examined attitudes to HIV and the relationship between these attitudes and
behaviour. As AIDS is a new disease, the research into attitudes reflects not only differences in
these attitudes between individuals but also changes in attitude across time.
Research has asked the question, ‘Do people feel vulnerable to the HIV virus?’ Temoshok et
al. (1987) carried out a survey of people living in a number of different cities in the USA and
asked these people whether AIDS was seen as a personal health concern. The proportions
responding ‘yes’ were as follows: San Francisco, 33 per cent; New York, 57 per cent; Miami, 50
per cent; and Los Angeles, 47 per cent.
It is interesting to note that subjects in San Francisco, which had the highest incidence of
HIV-positive individuals in the USA, reported seeing HIV as less of a personal health concern
than those living in other cities. There are two possible explanations for this, which raise
• Susceptibility
‘I am not at risk’
• Seriousness
‘AIDS is not that serious’
• Costs
‘Condoms are unpleasant’
• Benefits Psychological Coping with
‘Sharing needles is quicker’ consequences illness
Illness onset Progression
• Quality of life
• Longevity
behaviour. In terms of HIV, one behaviour that is targeted by health educational campaigns is
safer sex (see Chapter 8 for a discussion of condom use). However, whether increasing know-
ledge actually increases the practice of safer sex is questionable. There are several possible con-
sequences of knowledge:
■ It is possible that increasing knowledge increases fear in the individual, which may then
cause denial, resulting in no effect on behaviour or even a detrimental effect on behaviour.
■ Alternatively, improved knowledge may improve the individual’s perception of reality and
their perception of risk, which could therefore cause a change in behaviour as the indi-
vidual is not experiencing fear.
■ It is also possible that improving knowledge may increase the awareness of the seriousness
of the illness, which could cause individuals who actually contract the illness to be blamed
for this (victim blaming). Fear and victim blaming can also have a complicated interaction
with other beliefs and also on the safer sex practices of individuals. Fear and victim
blaming may be related to denial, or behavioural change, or prejudice, or helplessness, or a
feeling of lack of control.
Therefore promoting safer sex may be more complicated than simply increasing knowledge (see
Chapter 8 for a discussion of sex education influences).
It has been suggested that injecting drugs further stimulates the immune system, which may
well influence replication, and thereby points to a role for drug use not only in contracting the
virus but also for its replication. In addition, research has also indicated that replication of the
HIV virus may be influenced by further exposure to the HIV virus, suggesting a role for unsafe
sex and drug use in its progression. Furthermore, it has been suggested that contact with drugs,
which may have an immunosuppressive effect, or other viruses, such as herpes complex and
CMV, may also be related to an increase in replication.
Adherence to medication
Over recent years the life expectancy and quality of life of those with HIV has improved dra-
matically (e.g. Mocroft et al. 1998). Much of this has been attributed to the success of highly
active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) and HIV is often now described as a chronic illness
rather than a terminal illness. Many people who are offered HAART, however, do not take the
treatment. For example, Steinberg (2001) reported that only 75 per cent of those eligible for
treatment received treatment. Of those who did not receive treatment, 58 per cent had declined
the offer. Research has therefore explored the reasons behind adherence and non-adherence to
medication. Before HAART the most common medication was AZT monotherapy. Siegel et al.
(1992) reported that reasons for non-adherence included lack of trust in doctors, feelings of
well-being, negative beliefs about medical treatments, the belief that AZT would make the
person worse and the belief that taking AZT would reduce treatment options in future. In a
similar vein, Cooper et al. (2002b) explored people’s beliefs about HAART. They interviewed 26
gay men about their views about HAART shortly after it had been recommended by their
doctor. The results showed that the men held beliefs about the necessity of their medication in
terms of whether they felt it could control their HIV or whether they were inclined to let their
condition take its natural course; they described their concerns about taking the drugs in terms
of side effects, the difficulties of the drug regimen and its effectiveness; and they described feel-
ings about their control over the decision to take the medication. In an associated study, Gel-
laitry et al. (2005) further examined beliefs about HAART and linked them with adherence.
These results showed that concerns about the adverse effects of HAART were related to declin-
ing treatment.
Sodroski et al. (1984) suggested that stress or distress may well increase the replication of the
HIV virus, causing a quicker progression to AIDS. Women who are HIV positive are more at risk
from cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and cervical cancer. Pereira et al. (2003) explored
the relationship between the likelihood of developing the lesions associated with CIN and life
stress. The results showed that higher life stress increased the odds of developing lesions by seven-
fold over a one-year period. Life stress therefore seemed to link with illness progression. Some
research has also addressed the effectiveness of stress management in slowing down the progres-
sion of HIV. Antoni et al. (2006) randomized 130 gay men who were HIV positive to receive
either a cognitive behavioural stress management intervention (CBSM) and anti-retroviral med-
ication adherence training (MAT), or to receive MAT alone. The men were then followed up
after 9 and 15 months in terms of viral load. The results showed that men who already showed a
detectable viral load at baseline (i.e. those with a lot of virus in the blood already) who received
the stress management showed a reduction in their viral load over the 15-month period even
when medication adherence was controlled for. The authors conclude that for HIV-positive men
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who already show a detectable viral load, stress management may enhance the beneficial effects
of their anti-retroviral treatment. In a similar study, the mechanisms behind the impact of stress
management were explored (Antoni et al. 2005). For this study 25 HIV-positive men were ran-
domized to receive stress management or a waiting-list control. Urine samples were taken before
and after the intervention period. The results again showed that stress management was effective
and that this effect was related to reduction in cortisol and depressed mood. The authors con-
clude that stress management works by reducing the stress induced by being ill with a disease
such as HIV. This supports the early work of Solomon and Temoshok (Solomon and Temoshok
1987; see also Solomon et al. 1987), who argued that social homophobia may well cause stress in
individuals who have contracted HIV, which could exacerbate their illness.
Cognitive adjustment
Research from the Multi Center AIDS Cohort Study (MACS) in the USA has suggested a role for
forms of cognitive adjustment to bereavement and illness progression (Reed et al. 1994, 1999;
Bower et al. 1998). In the first part of this study, 72 men who were HIV positive, asymptomatic
and half of whom had recently experienced the death of a close friend or primary partner, com-
pleted measures of their psychosocial state (HIV-specific expectancies, mood state and hopeless-
ness) and had the number of their CD4 T-helper cells recorded. They were then followed up over
a six-year period. The results showed that about half of the sample showed symptoms over the
follow-up period. However, the rate and extent of the disease progression were not consistent for
everyone. In particular, the results showed that symptom development was predicted by baseline
HIV-specific expectancies, particularly in those who had been bereaved. Therefore it would seem
that having more negative expectancies of HIV progression is predictive of actual progression
(Reed et al. 1999). In the second part of this study, 40 HIV-positive men who had recently lost a
close friend or partner to AIDS were interviewed about how they made sense of this death. These
interviews were then classified according to whether the individual had managed to find
meaning in the death in line with Taylor’s cognitive adaptation theory of coping (Taylor 1983)
(see Chapter 3). An example of meaning would be: ‘What his death did was snap a certain value
into my behaviour, which is “Listen, you don’t know how long you’ve got. You’ve just lost
another one. Spend more time with the people that mean something to you”’. The results
showed that those who had managed to find meaning maintained their levels of CD4 T-helper
cells at follow-up, whereas those who did not find meaning showed a decline.
The study of HIV and AIDS illustrates the role of psychology at different stages of an illness.
Psychological factors are important not only for attitudes and beliefs about HIV and the
resulting behaviour, but may also be involved in an individual’s susceptibility to contracting
the virus, the replication of the virus once it has been contracted and their subsequent
Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 Much psychological research explores the predictors of becoming HIV positive in terms of safer sex
behaviour and needle sharing. HIV, however, is a worldwide problem which affects people from all
religions and cultural backgrounds. The reasons that people do or do not engage in risky behaviours
are highly linked to their specific cultures. It is therefore very difficult to generalize from one study
to populations outside the study group.
2 The management of HIV and AIDS has changed enormously over the past 20 years, resulting in an
increase in longevity due to combination therapies. HIV is now seen as a chronic illness rather than
a terminal illness. This means that combining research on longevity across the years is difficult as
people at different times have been managed in very different ways.
3 Research on cancer shows some commonalities across different types of cancers. However, there are
also vast differences in ways in which different cancers impact upon people’s lives and are and
should be managed. Generalizations across cancers should therefore be limited to those areas where
there is consistent cross-cancer variation. For example, while screening and early detection for
breast cancer can result in improved management and health outcomes, screening for prostate
cancer may result in anxiety, a painful procedure and a recommendation of watchful waiting which
can make people regret knowing about their condition in the first place.
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This study examined the relationship between psychosocial factors and the physical health of
HIV-positive men. Models of the relationship between psychological factors and physical health
suggest that the link between psychology and health may be via behaviour change (e.g. feeling
stressed increases smoking behaviour) and/or via direct physiological changes (e.g. feeling
stressed causes a release of stress hormones). This study is based on the belief that psychological
variables such as coping style, stress and social support may influence health and illness directly
through changes in the individual’s physiology (their immune system) regardless of behaviour.
Research has suggested that psychosocial factors may be associated with changes in natural
killer cell cytotoxicity (NKCC), which is an important defence against infections and cancer
growth. For example, lowered NKCC has been shown in medical students under stress,
bereaved individuals, and those with major depressive disorder. In addition, research has sug-
gested that social support, active coping style and joy may be related to changes in NKCC in
patients with breast cancer. Although the research into NKCC in still in its early stages and is
somewhat controversial, Goodkin et al. (1992) aimed to examine the relationship between
psychosocial factors and NKCC in HIV-positive men.
Sixty-two asymptomatic HIV-positive homosexual men from Miami volunteered for the study.
They were recruited from the University of Miami School of Medicine Clinical Research Unit,
community-based HIV-related service agencies, community physicians, advertisements in mag-
azines and referrals from other studies. Subjects were excluded from the study if they were
taking anti-viral medication, had a history of alcohol/substance abuse, a history of psychiatric
disorder, or a severe head trauma. All subjects were aware of their HIV-positive status and
either had no symptoms or a sign of physical infection of no more than three months. Their
average age was 33.8 years; 72.6 per cent were native English speakers; nearly half had a first
degree; the majority were in full-time employment; 66.1 per cent described themselves as exclu-
sively homosexual; 51.6 per cent were single; 30.6 per cent were in a monogamous relationship
and the remainder were either in an open relationship, divorced or widowed.
The study was cross-sectional with all subjects completing all measures once.
The subjects completed the following psychosocial, behavioural control and physiological
1 Psychosocial measures
■ Life experience survey: this assesses the count and impact of life events over the previous six
months. For the present study, the authors focused on the number of life events and cate-
gorized subjects as either mild (0–5), moderate (6–10), high (11–15) or very high (⬎15).
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■ Social provisions scale: this measures the individual’s perception of available social
support. The authors used a shortened 20-item version and computed a total ‘perceived
social support’ score.
■ The coping orientations to problems experienced scale: this is a 57-item scale, which
measures coping strategies. The present study examined these items in terms of: (i)
active coping (made up of all the problem-focused strategies, such as planning, suppres-
sion of competing activities, restraint coping, seeking instrumental support, active
coping, and three of the emotion-focused scales, such as seeking emotional support,
positive reinterpretation, acceptance); (ii) disengagement/denial (which is made up of
behavioural and mental disengagement items and denial); (iii) focus on and venting
emotions; and (iv) turning to religion (see Chapter 3 for a discussion of coping).
■ Profile of mood states: this is a 65-item scale of mood-related items. The present study
computed a composite ‘emotional distress score’ composed of items relating to anxiety,
depression, fatigue and confusion.
2 Measures to control for behaviour. Subjects completed measures of diet (using a food fre-
quency questionnaire), alcohol and substance use (e.g. marijuana, cocaine, LSD, nitrate
inhalants, amphetamines and opioids), smoking behaviour and prescribed medication.
These were included in order to determine whether any differences in immune status were
due to the psychosocial or behavioural factors. Measures of blood proteins, vitamins and
minerals were also taken.
3 Physiological measures. Measurements were taken of anti-HIV-1 antibody, to confirm the
subjects’ HIV-positive status, and NKCC.
Individual variables and NKCC
The results were first analysed to examine how individual variables were related to NKCC. The
results showed that active coping and retinol A (a dietary source of vitamin A) were associated
with improved NKCC and that alcohol use was associated with decreased NKCC. There was a
trend for a relationship between focus on and venting emotions and improved NKCC, but no
effect for social support, life stressors and emotional distress.
Predicting NKCC
All variables were then entered into the analysis to examine the best predictors of NKCC. The
results showed that although the control behaviour variables (diet and alcohol) accounted for
most of the variance in NKCC, active coping remained predictive of improved NKCC.
The authors conclude that active coping is related to improved immune functioning in terms of
NKCC in HIV-positive men. In addition, immune functioning was also related to diet (vitamin
A) and alcohol use. This supports the prediction that psychosocial variables may influence
health and illness. However, the results indicate that the link between psychological variables
and health status is probably via both a behavioural pathway (i.e. changes in health-related
behaviours) and a direct physiological pathway (i.e. changes in immune functioning).
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This section examines what cancer is, looks at its prevalence and then assesses the role of psy-
chology in understanding cancer in terms of the initiation and promotion of cancer, the psy-
chological consequences of cancer, dealing with the symptoms of cancer, longevity and the
promotion of a disease-free interval.
What is cancer?
Cancer is defined as an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells, which produces tumours called
neoplasms. There are two types of tumour: benign tumours, which do not spread throughout
the body, and malignant tumours, which show metastasis (the process of cells breaking off from
the tumour and moving elsewhere). There are three types of cancer cell: carcinomas, which con-
stitute 90 per cent of all cancer cells and which originate in tissue cells; sarcomas, which origi-
nate in connective tissue; and leukaemias, which originate in the blood.
• Susceptibility
‘I won’t get lung cancer’
• Seriousness
‘Cervical cancer isn’t serious’
• Costs
‘Having a smear test is
• Benefits Coping with Psychological Behaviour Coping with
‘Smoking helps me relax’ diagnosis consequences change illness
Progression • Disease-free interval
Illness onset:
• Recovery
• Longevity
• Quality of life
inclusion criteria (adult women with breast cancer, group of cancer-free controls, measure
of stressful life events) and concluded that although several individual studies report a rela-
tionship between life events and breast cancer, when methodological problems are taken
into account and when the data across the different studies are merged, ‘the research shows
no good evidence of a relationship between stressful life events and breast cancer’.
4 Control. Control also seems to play a role in the initiation and promotion of cancer and it
has been argued that control over stressors and control over environmental factors may be
related to an increase in the onset of cancer (see Chapter 11 for a discussion of control and
the stress–illness link).
5 Coping styles. Coping styles are also important. If an individual is subjected to stress, then
the methods they use to cope with this stress may well be related to the onset of cancer. For
example, maladaptive, disengagement coping strategies, such as smoking and alcohol, may
have a relationship with an increase in cancer (see Chapters 3 and 11 for a discussion of
6 Depression. Bieliauskas (1980) highlighted a relationship between depression and cancer
and suggests that chronic mild depression, but not clinical depression, may be related to
7 Personality. Over the past few years there has been some interest in the relationship
between personality and cancer. Temoshok and Fox (1984) argued that individuals who
develop cancer have a ‘type C personality’. A type C personality is described as passive,
appeasing, helpless, other focused and unexpressive of emotion. Eysenck (1990) described
‘a cancer-prone personality’, and suggests that this is characteristic of individuals who react
to stress with helplessness and hopelessness, and individuals who repress emotional reac-
tions to life events. An early study by Kissen (1966) supported this relationship between
personality and cancer and reported that heavy smokers who develop lung cancer have a
poorly developed outlet for their emotions, perhaps suggesting type C personality. In 1987,
Shaffer et al. carried out a prospective study to examine the predictive capacity of person-
ality and its relationship to developing cancer in medical students over 30 years. At follow-
up they described the type of individual who was more likely to develop cancer as having
impaired self-awareness, being self-sacrificing and self-blaming, and not being emotionally
expressive. The results from this study suggest that those individuals who had this type of
personality were 16 times more likely to develop cancer than those individuals who did
not. However, the relationship between cancer and personality is not a straightforward
one. It has been argued that the different personality types predicted to relate to illness are
not distinct from each other and also that people with cancer do not consistently differ
from either healthy people or people with heart disease in the predicted direction
(Amelang and Schmidt-Rathjens 1996).
8 Hardiness. Kobasa et al. (1982) described a coping style called ‘hardiness’, which has three
components: control, commitment and challenge. Low control suggests a tendency to
show feelings of helplessness in the face of stress. Commitment is defined as the opposite of
alienation: individuals high in commitment find meaning in their work, values and per-
sonal relationships. Individuals high in challenge regard potentially stressful events as a
challenge to be met with expected success. Hardiness may be protective in developing
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Cognitive responses
Research has also examined cognitive responses to cancer and suggests that a ‘fighting spirit’ is
negatively correlated with anxiety and depression while ‘fatalism’, ‘helplessness’ and ‘anxious
preoccupation’ are related to lowered mood (Watson et al. 1991). Taylor (1983) examined the
cognitive adaptation of 78 women with breast cancer. She reported that these women
responded to their cancer in three ways. First, they made a search for meaning, whereby the
cancer patients attempted to understand why they had developed cancer. Meanings that were
reported included stress, hereditary factors, ingested carcinogens such as birth control pills,
environmental carcinogens such as chemical waste, diet, and a blow to the breast. Second, they
also attempted to gain a sense of mastery by believing that they could control their cancer and
any relapses. Such attempts at control included meditation, positive thinking, and a belief that
the original cause is no longer in effect. Third, the women began a process of self-enhancement.
This involved social comparison, whereby the women tended to analyse their condition in
terms of others they knew. Taylor argued that they showed ‘downward comparison’, which
involved comparing themselves to others worse off, thus improving their beliefs about their
own situation. According to Taylor’s theory of cognitive adaptation, the combination of
meaning, mastery and self-enhancement creates illusions which are a central component of
attempts to cope. This theory is discussed in more detail in Chapter 3.
1 Pain management. One of the main roles of psychology is in terms of pain management,
and this has taken place through a variety of different pain management techniques (see
Chapter 12). For example, biofeedback and hypnosis have been shown to decrease pain.
Turk and Rennert (1981) encouraged patients with cancer to describe and monitor their
pain, encouraged them to develop coping skills, taught them relaxation skills, encouraged
them to do positive imagery and to focus on other things. They reported that these tech-
niques were successful in reducing the pain experience.
2 Social support interventions. Social support interventions have also been used through the
provision of support groups, which emphasize control and meaningful activities and aim
to reduce denial and promote hope. It has been suggested that although this intervention
may not have any effect on longevity, it may improve the meaningfulness of the cancer
patient’s life. In line with this, Holland and Holahan (2003) explored the relationship
between social support, coping and positive adaptation to breast cancer in 56 women. The
results showed that higher levels of perceived social support and approach coping strategies
were related to positive adjustment.
3 Treating nausea and vomiting. Psychology has also been involved in treating the nausea and
vomiting experienced by cancer patients. Cancer patients are often offered chemotherapy
as a treatment for their cancer, which can cause anticipatory nausea, vomiting and anxiety.
Respondent conditioning and visual imagery, relaxation, hypnosis and desensitization have
been shown to decrease nausea and anxiety in cancer patients. Redd (1982) and Burish et
al. (1987) suggested that 25–33 per cent of cancer patients show conditioned vomiting and
60 per cent show anticipatory anxiety. It is reported that relaxation and guided imagery
may decrease these problems.
4 Body image counselling. The quality of life of cancer patients may also be improved through
altered body image counselling, particularly following the loss of a breast and, more gener-
ally, in dealing with the grief at loss of various parts of the body.
5 Cognitive adaptation strategies. Research also suggests that quality of life may also be
improved using cognitive adaptation strategies. Taylor (1983) used such strategies to
improve patients’ self-worth, their ability to be close to others, and improvement in the
meaningfulness of their lives. Such methods have been suggested to involve self-
transcendence and this has again been related to improvement in well-being and decrease
in illness-related distresses.
6 The work of the Simontons. Simonton and Simonton (1975) are well known for applying
psychosocial factors and interventions for improving the quality of life of cancer patients
using a whole-person approach. This involves the following processes: (1) relaxation,
which aims to decrease muscle tension and therefore decrease pain; (2) mental imagery,
whereby cancer patients are encouraged to focus on something positive (this aims to
develop a belief in the ability to recover, therefore decreasing pain, tension and fear); and
(3) exercise programmes, which aim to increase the sense of well-being. In 1975, Simonton
and Simonton encouraged a positive attitude towards treatment using whole-person
approach among 152 cancer patients for 18 months, and argued that this intervention pre-
dicted a good response to treatment and reduced side effects. These methods are also cur-
rently being used at Penny Brohn Cancer Care in the UK.
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Research has examined the psychological consequences of having cancer. This study examined
changes in cancer patients’ psychological state as a result of adjuvant psychological therapy
(APT). The study used a randomized controlled trial design in order to compare changes in
measures of quality of life in patients receiving APT with those receiving no therapy.
Evidence suggests that a substantial minority of cancer patients show psychological ill health,
particularly in terms of depression and anxiety. As a result, a number of psychotherapeutic pro-
cedures have been developed to improve cancer patients’ emotional well-being. However, eval-
uating the effectiveness of such procedures raises several ethical and methodological problems,
and these are addressed by Greer et al. (1992). These are: (1) the ethical considerations of
having a control group (can patients suffering from psychological distress not be given
therapy?); (2) the specificity of any psychological intervention (terms such as counselling and
psychotherapy are vague and any procedure being evaluated should be clarified); and (3) the
outcome measures chosen (many measures of psychological state include items that are not
appropriate for cancer patients, such as weight loss and fatigue, which may change as a result of
the cancer, not the individual’s psychological state). The authors of this study aimed to examine
the effects of APT on the psychological state of cancer patients in the light of these problems.
A total of 174 patients attending the Royal Marsden Hospital in the UK were recruited for the
study using the following criteria: (1) any form of cancer except cerebral tumours and benign
skin cancers; (2) a life expectancy of at least 12 months; (3) aged 18–74 years; (4) no obvious
intellectual impairments, psychotic illness or suicide risk; (5) residence within 65 km of the hos-
pital; and (6) psychological morbidity defined above a set of cut-off points for anxiety, depres-
sion and helplessness, and below a cut-off point for fighting spirit. Altogether, 153 subjects
completed the baseline and eight-week measures and 137 completed all measures.
All subjects completed measures of their psychological state at baseline. They were then alloc-
ated to either the experimental group (and received eight weeks of APT) or the control group.
The subjects then completed follow-up measures at eight weeks and four months.
Subjects completed the following measures at baseline (before randomization), at eight weeks’
and four months’ follow-up:
■ The hospital anxiety and depression scale.
■ The mental adjustment to cancer scale: this measures four dimensions of adjustment – fight-
ing spirit, helplessness, anxious preoccupation and fatalism.
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■ The psychosocial adjustment to illness scale: this measures health-care orientation, work
adjustment, domestic environment, sexual relationships, extended family relationships, the
social environment, psychological distress.
■ Rotterdam symptom checklist: this measures quality of life in terms of both physical and
psychological symptoms.
The intervention
The subjects were randomly allocated to either the experimental (APT) or the control group.
ATP is a cognitive behavioural treatment developed specifically for cancer patients. Therapy
involved approximately eight one-hour weekly sessions with individual patients and their
spouses (if appropriate). However, many patients in the present study did not attend all these
sessions and several received additional sessions throughout the four months. The therapy
focused on the personal meaning of the cancer for the patient, examined their coping strategies
and emphasized the current problems defined jointly by the therapist and the patient. APT uses
the following cognitive behavioural techniques:
■ Identifying the patient’s strengths and using these to develop self-esteem, overcome feel-
ings of helplessness and promote fighting spirit.
■ Teaching patients to identify any automatic thoughts underlying their anxiety and depres-
sion and developing means to challenge these thoughts.
■ Teaching patients how to use imagination and role play as a means of coping with stres-
■ Encouraging patients to carry out activities that give them a sense of pleasure and achieve-
ment in order to promote a sense of control.
■ Encouraging expression of emotions and open communication.
■ Teaching relaxation to control anxiety.
The results showed that at eight weeks the patients receiving the APT had significantly higher
scores on fighting spirit and significantly lower scores on helplessness, anxious preoccupation,
fatalism, anxiety, psychological symptoms and orientation towards health care than the control
patients. At four months, patients receiving the APT had significantly lower scores than the
controls on anxiety, psychological symptoms and psychological distress.
The authors concluded that APT improves the psychological well-being of cancer patients who
show increased psychological problems and that some of these improvements persist for up to
four months. They suggest that APT relates to ‘improvement in the psychological dimension of
the quality of life of cancer patients’.
14 health848.ch14 16/4/07 3:03 pm Page 330
cognitive behavioural therapy. In a further study by Temoshok and Fox (1984), the results from
a 15-year follow-up of women with breast cancer indicated that poor outcome was associated
with a passive, helpless coping style. However, it has been questioned as to whether the person-
ality styles predicted to be associated with different illnesses are distinct (Amelang and Schmidt-
Rathjens 1996).
To conclude
Psychology appears to have a role to play in understanding cancer, not only in terms of beliefs
and behaviours, which may be related to the onset of cancer, but also in terms of psychological
consequences, the treatment of symptoms, improving quality of life, disease-free intervals and
1 Discuss the role of psychological factors in the progression to full-blown AIDS.
2 To what extent is the transmission of the HIV virus due to a lack of knowledge?
3 AIDS kills. Discuss.
4 Discuss the factors that may explain why patients do not take their medication for AIDS.
5 Describe the role of psychology in cancer onset.
6 Discuss the role of psychological factors in a disease-free interval following a diagnosis of
breast cancer.
7 To what extent do psychological factors relate to the recovery from cancer?
For discussion
Do you know anyone who has had either HIV or cancer? Think about how psychological
factors such as behaviour, beliefs and coping influenced their state of health.
Further reading
Barraclough, J. (2000) Cancer and Emotion: A Practical Guide To Psycho-oncology. Chichester: Wiley.
This book provides a thorough and accessible review of the research and theories exploring links
between psychological factors and cancer in terms of cancer onset, progression and recovery.
Mulder, C.L. and Antoni, M.H. (1992) Psychosocial correlates of immune status and disease pro-
gression in HIV-1 infected homosexual men: review of preliminary findings and commentary,
Psychology and Health, 6: 175–92.
This paper reviews the literature on the role of behavioural and psychological factors in the
course of HIV infection. It is also a good introduction to psychoneuroimmunology.
Vedhara, K. and Irwin, M. (eds) (2005) Human Psychoneuroimmunology. Oxford: Oxford University
This book provides an excellent up-to-date overview of the research on PNI and covers key con-
cepts, research and methods.
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Obesity and coronary
heart disease
Psychology throughout the course of illness (2)
Chapter overview
This chapter illustrates the role of psychology throughout the course of illness with a focus on
obesity and coronary heart disease. It first examines the definitions of obesity, its prevalence
and potential consequences. It then examines the role of physiological factors and behaviour in
causing obesity. The chapter then explores obesity treatment, raising the question ‘should
obesity be treated at all?’ Next, the chapter looks at coronary heart disease. It describes what it is
and how it is defined and then looks at the role of psychology in its aetiology. Finally, it explores
the role of psychology in treatment and rehabilitation.
● What is obesity?
● What causes obesity?
● Obesity treatment
● Should obesity be treated at all?
● What is coronary heart disease?
● The role of psychology in coronary heart disease onset
● Predicting and changing behavioural risk factors
● Psychology and the rehabilitation of patients
The role of psychological factors in obesity
This section explores what obesity is and then examines the role of psychology in understand-
ing obesity in terms of its consequences, causes and treatment. The potential role of psychologi-
cal factors in obesity is illustrated in Figure 15.1.
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• Stereotypes
• Expectations
• Dieting
• Eating behaviour Obesity
• Exercise
• Exercise behaviour
• Confidence building
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Low self-esteem
What is obesity?
Obesity can be defined in a number of ways:
■ Population means. Population means involves exploring mean weights, given a specific popu-
lation, and deciding whether someone is below average weight, average or above average in
terms of percentage overweight. Stunkard (1984) suggested that obesity should be catego-
rized as either mild (20–40 per cent overweight), moderate (41–100 per cent overweight) or
severe (100 per cent overweight) obesity. This approach is problematic as it depends on
which population is being considered – someone could be obese in India but not in the USA.
■ BMI. Body mass index (BMI) is calculated using the equation weight (kg)/height (m2). This
produces a figure that has been categorized as normal weight (20–24.9) overweight (grade 1,
25–29.9); clinical obesity (grade 2, 30–39.9); and severe obesity (grade 3, 40) (see Figure
15.2). This is the most frequently used definition of obesity. However, it does not allow for
differences in weight between muscle and fat – a bodybuilder would be considered obese.
■ Waist circumference. BMI is the most frequently used measure of obesity but it does not
allow for an analysis of the location of fat. This is important as some problems such as dia-
betes are predicted by abdominal fat rather than lower body fat. Researchers originally
used waist:hip ratios to assess obesity but recently waist circumference on its own has
become the preferred approach. Weight reduction is recommended when waist circumfer-
ence is greater than 102 cm in men and greater than 88 cm in women (Lean et al. 1995,
1998). A reduction in waist circumference is associated with a reduction in cardiovascular
risk factors and abdominal obesity is associated with insulin resistance and the develop-
ment of type 2 diabetes (Chan et al. 1994; Han et al. 1997). Waist circumference has been
suggested as the basis for routine screening in primary care (Despres et al. 2001) although
Little and Byrne (2001) have argued that more evidence is needed before such a pro-
gramme should be implemented.
15 health848.ch15 16/4/07 3:03 pm Page 335
Height (inches)
58 60 62 64 66 68 70 72 74
130 III
110 240
100 220
Weight (kg)
Weight (lb)
60 0
1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9
Height (metres)
Figure 15.2 Grades of obesity by height and weight (after Garrow 1984)
■ Percentage body fat. As health is mostly associated with fat rather than weight per se,
researchers and clinicians have also developed methods of measuring percentage body fat
directly. At its most basic this involves assessing skinfold thickness using callipers normally
around the upper arm and upper and lower back. This is not suitable for those individuals
who are severely obese and misses abdominal fat. At a more advanced level, body fat can be
measured using bioelectrical impedence which involves passing an electrical current
between a person’s hand and foot. As water conducts electricity and fat is an insulator, the
impedence of the current can be used to calculate the ratio between water and fat and
therefore an overall estimate of percentage body fat can be made.
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Psychological problems
Research has examined the relationship between psychological problems and obesity. The
contemporary cultural obsession with thinness, the aversion to fat found in both adults and
children and the attribution of blame to the obese may promote low self-esteem and poor self-
image in those individuals who do not conform to the stereotypically attractive thin image.
Some studies have explored levels of depression in those waiting for surgical treatment for their
obesity and consistently show that such patients report more depressive symptoms than
average-weight individuals (e.g. Bull et al. 1983; Wadden et al. 1986). In addition, Rand and
MacGregor (1991) concluded that individuals who had lost weight following gastric bypass
surgery stated that they would rather be deaf, dyslexic, diabetic, or have heart disease or acne
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Age at issue
Mortality ratio
Low risk Moderate risk High risk
15 20 25 30 35 40
Body mass index (kg m⫺2)
Figure 15.3 Relationship between BMI and mortality (after Bray 1986)
than return to their former weight. More recently, Simon et al. (2006) carried out a large survey
on over 9000 adults in the USA and concluded that obesity was associated with increased life-
time diagnosis of major depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder or agoraphobia. In line
with this, Ogden and Clementi (in press) carried out a qualitative study of the experience of
being obese and reported that the obese describe a multitude of negative ways in which their
weight impacts upon their self-identity which is exacerbated by living in a society that stigma-
tizes their condition. However, it is possible that depressed obese individuals are more likely to
seek treatment for their obesity than the ones who are not depressed and that there may be
many obese individuals who are quite happy and therefore do not come into contact with
health professionals. Ross (1994) addressed this possibility and interviewed a random sample of
more than 2000 adults by telephone. These were individuals who varied in weight and were not
necessarily in the process of seeking help for any weight-related issues. The results from this
large-scale study showed that overweight was unrelated to depression. There was a small sub-
group in Ross’s study who were both overweight and depressed who tended to be the most edu-
cated. Ross argued that these individuals were also dieting to lose weight and that it was the
attempt to lose weight rather than the weight per se that was distressing. Therefore, although
many obese people may experience their obesity in negative ways, there is no consistent support
for a simple relationship between body size and psychological problems.
Physiological theories
Several physiological theories describe the possible causes of obesity.
Genetic theories
Size appears to run in families and the probability that a child will be overweight is related to
the parents’ weight. For example, having one obese parent results in a 40 per cent chance of
producing an obese child, and having two obese parents results in an 80 per cent chance. In
contrast, the probability that thin parents will produce overweight children is very small, about
7 per cent (Garn et al. 1981). This observation has been repeated in studies exploring popula-
tions from different parts of the world living in different environments (Maes et al. 1997).
However, parents and children share both environment and genetic constitution, so this like-
ness could be due to either factor. To address this problem, research has examined twins and
■ Twin studies. Twin studies have examined the weight of identical twins reared apart, who
have identical genes but different environments. Studies have also examined the weights of
non-identical twins reared together, who have different genes but similar environments.
The results show that the identical twins reared apart are more similar in weight than non-
identical twins reared together. For example, Stunkard et al. (1990) examined the BMI in
93 pairs of identical twins reared apart and reported that genetic factors accounted for
66–70 per cent in the variance in their body weight, suggesting a strong genetic component
in determining obesity. However, the role of genetics appears to be greater in lighter twin
pairs than in heavier pairs.
■ Adoptee studies. Research has also examined the role of genetics in obesity using adoptees.
Such studies compare the adoptees’ weight with both their adoptive parents and their bio-
logical parents. Stunkard, Sorensen et al. (1986) gathered information about 540 adult
adoptees in Denmark, their adopted parents and their biological parents. The results
showed a strong relationship between the weight class of the adoptee (thin, median weight,
overweight, obese) and their biological parents’ weight class but no relationship with their
adoptee parents’ weight class. This relationship suggests a major role for genetics and was
also found across the whole range of body weight. Interestingly, the relationship to biologi-
cal mother’s weight was greater than the relationship with the biological father’s weight.
Research therefore suggests a strong role for genetics in predicting obesity. Research also sug-
gests that the primary distribution of this weight (upper versus lower body) is also inherited
(Bouchard et al. 1990). However, how this genetic predisposition expresses itself is unclear. Meta-
bolic rate, the number of fat cells and appetite regulation may be three factors influenced by genetics.
breathing for a 40-minute period. The study was carried out using Pima Indians because they
have an abnormally high rate of obesity (about 80–85 per cent) and were considered an inter-
esting population. The subjects remained still and the levels of oxygen consumed and carbon
dioxide produced was measured. The researchers then followed any changes in weight and
metabolic rate for a four-year period and found that the people who gained a substantial
amount of weight were the ones with the lowest metabolic rates at the beginning of the study.
In a further study, 95 subjects spent 24 hours in a respiratory chamber and the amount of
energy used was measured. The subjects were followed up two years later and the researchers
found that those who had originally shown a low level of energy use were four times more likely
to also show a substantial weight increase (cited in Brownell 1989).
These results suggest a relationship between metabolic rate and the tendency for weight
gain. If this is the case, then it is possible that some individuals are predisposed to become obese
because they require fewer calories to survive than thinner individuals. Therefore a genetic
tendency to be obese may express itself in lowered metabolic rates. However, in apparent con-
trast to this prediction, there is no evidence to suggest that obese people generally have lower
metabolic rates than thin people. In fact, research suggests that overweight people tend to have
slightly higher metabolic rates than thin people of similar height. To explain these apparently
contradictory findings it has been suggested that obese people may have lower metabolic rates
to start with, which results in weight gain and this weight gain itself results in an increase in
metabolic rate (Ravussin and Bogardus 1989).
Appetite regulation
A genetic predisposition may also be related to appetite control. Over recent years researchers
have attempted to identify the gene, or collection of genes, responsible for obesity. Although
some work using small animals has identified a single gene that is associated with profound
obesity, for humans the work is still unclear. Two children have, however, been identified with a
defect in the ‘ob gene’, which produces leptin which is responsible for telling the brain to stop
eating (Montague et al. 1997). It has been argued that the obese may not produce leptin and
therefore overeat. To support this, researchers have given these two children daily injections of
leptin, which has resulted in a decrease in food intake and weight loss at a rate of 1–2 kg per
month (Farooqi et al. 1999). Despite this, the research exploring the role of genetics on appetite
control is still in the very early stages.
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Behavioural theories
Behavioural theories of obesity have examined both physical activity and eating behaviour.
Physical activity
Increases in the prevalence of obesity coincide with decreases in daily energy expenditure due to
improvements in transport systems, and a shift from an agricultural society to an industrial and
increasingly information-based society. As a simple example, a telephone company in the USA
has suggested that in the course of one year an extension phone saves an individual approxi-
mately one mile of walking, which could be the equivalent of 2–3 lb of fat or up to 10,500 kcals
(Stern 1984). Further, at present only 20 per cent of men and 10 per cent of women are
employed in active occupations (Allied Dunbar National Fitness Survey 1992) and for many
people leisure times are dominated by inactivity (Central Statistical Office 1994). Although data
on changes in activity levels are problematic, there exists a useful database on television viewing
which shows that, whereas the average viewer in the 1960s watched 13 hours of television per
week, in England this has now doubled to 26 hours per week (General Household Survey 1994).
This is further exacerbated by the increased use of videos and computer games by both children
and adults. It has therefore been suggested that obesity may be caused by inactivity. In a survey
of adolescent boys in Glasgow in 1964 and 1971, whereas daily food diaries indicated a decrease
in daily energy intake from 2795 kcals to 2610 kcals, the boys in 1971 showed an increase in
body fat from 16.3 per cent to 18.4 per cent. This suggests that decreased physical activity was
related to increased body fat (Durnin et al. 1974). To examine the role of physical activity in
obesity, research has asked, ‘Are changes in obesity related to changes in activity?’, ‘Do the
obese exercise less?’, ‘What effect does exercise have on food intake?’ and ‘What effect does
exercise have on energy expenditure?’ These questions will now be examined.
Percentage obese
Cars (per houshold)
Television viewing
(hours per week)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
Year of survey
Figure 15.4 Changes in physical activity and obesity
women had children and therefore put on more weight). Unless experimental data are col-
lected, conclusions about causality remain problematic.
Do the obese exercise less?
Research has also examined the relationship between activity and obesity using a cross-sectional
design to examine differences between the obese and non-obese. In particular, several studies in
the 1960s and 1970s examined whether the obese exercised less than the non-obese. Using time-
lapse photography, Bullen et al. (1964) observed girls considered obese and those of normal
weight on a summer camp. They reported that during swimming the obese girls spent less time
swimming and more time floating, and while playing tennis the obese girls were inactive for 77
per cent of the time compared with the girls of normal weight, who were inactive for only 56
per cent of the time. In addition, research indicates that the obese walk less on a daily basis than
the non-obese and are less likely to use stairs or walk up escalators. However, whether reduced
exercise is a cause or a consequence of obesity is unclear. It is possible that the obese take less
exercise due to factors such as embarrassment and stigma and that exercise plays a part in the
maintenance of obesity but not in its cause.
What effect does exercise have on food intake?
The relationship between exercise and food intake is complex, with research suggesting that
exercise may increase, decrease or have no effect on eating behaviour. For example, a study of
middle-aged male joggers who ran approximately 65 km per week suggested that increased
calorie intake was related to increased exercise with the joggers eating more than the sedentary
control group (Blair et al. 1981). However, another study of military cadets reported that
decreased food intake was related to increased exercise (Edholm et al. 1955). Much research has
also been carried out on rats, which shows a more consistent relationship between increased
exercise and decreased food intake. However, the extent to which such results can be general-
ized to humans is questionable.
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Eating behaviour
In an alternative approach to understanding the causes of obesity, research has examined eating
behaviour. Research has asked, ‘Are changes in food intake associated with changes in obesity?’,
‘Do the obese eat for different reasons than the non-obese?’ and ‘Do the obese eat more than
the non-obese?’ These questions will now be examined.
Are changes in food intake associated with changes in obesity?
The UK National Food Survey collects data on food intake in the home, which can be analysed
to assess changes in food intake over the past 50 years. The results from this database illustrate
that, although overall calorie consumption increased between 1950 and 1970, since 1970 there
has been a distinct decrease in the amount we eat (see Figure 15.5).
Household food consumption
Energy intake in MJ/day
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
Year of survey
Figure 15.5 Changes in food intake from the 1950s to the 1990s
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Prentice and Jebb (1995) examined the association between changes in food intake in terms
of energy intake and fat intake and changes in obesity. Their results indicated no obvious
association between the increase in obesity and the changes in food intake (see Figure 15.6).
Therefore, using population data, there appears to be no relationship between changes in
food intake and changes in obesity.
Do the obese eat for different reasons than the non-obese?
Throughout the 1960s and 1970s theories of eating behaviour emphasized the role of food
intake in predicting weight. Original studies of obesity were based on the assumption that the
obese ate for different reasons than people of normal weight (Ferster et al. 1962). Schachter’s
externality theory suggested that, although all people were responsive to environmental stimuli
such as the sight, taste and smell of food, and that such stimuli might cause overeating, the
obese were highly and sometimes uncontrollably responsive to external cues. It was argued that
normal-weight individuals mainly ate as a response to internal cues (e.g. hunger, satiety) and
obese individuals tended to be underresponsive to their internal cues and overresponsive to
external cues. Within this perspective, research examined the eating behaviour and eating style
of the obese and non-obese in response to external cues such as the time of day, the sight of
food, the taste of food and the number and salience of food cues (e.g. Schachter 1968; Schachter
and Gross 1968; Schachter and Rodin 1974). The results from these studies produced fairly
inconsistent results. Therefore research also examined whether the obese ate more than the
Do the obese eat more than the non-obese?
Research exploring the amount eaten by the obese has either focused on the amount consumed
per se or on the type of food consumed.
Because it was believed that the obese ate for different reasons than the non-obese, it was
also believed that they ate more. Research therefore explored the food intake of the obese in
restaurants and at home, and examined what food they bought. For example, Coates et al.
(1978) suggested that perhaps the obese were overeating at home and went into the homes of
Percentage of mean for all time points
Percentage obese
Energy intake (MJ/day)
Fat intake (g/day)
1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
Year of survey
Figure 15.6 Changes in calorie consumption and obesity
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60 middle-class families to examine what was stored in their cupboards. They weighed all
members of the families and found no relationship between body size and the mass and type of
food they consumed at home. In an attempt to clarify the problem of whether the obese eat
more than the non-obese, Spitzer and Rodin (1981) examined the research into eating behavi-
our and suggested that ‘of twenty-nine studies examining the effects of body weight on amount
eaten in laboratory studies . . . only nine reported that overweight subjects ate significantly more
than their lean counterparts’. Therefore the answer to the question ‘Do the obese eat more/
differently to the non-obese?’ appears to be ‘no’; the obese do not necessarily overeat
(compared with others). If overeating is defined as ‘compared with what the body needs’, it
could be argued that the obese overeat because they have excess body fat. Over recent years,
research has focused on the eating behaviour of the obese not in terms of calories consumed, or
in terms of amount eaten, but more specifically in terms of the type of food eaten.
Population data indicate that calorie consumption has decreased since the 1970s and that this
decrease is unrelated to the increase in obesity (see Figures 15.5 and 15.6). However, these data
also show that the ratio between carbohydrate consumption and fat consumption has changed;
whereas we now eat less carbohydrate, we eat proportionally more fat (Prentice and Jebb 1995).
One theory that has been developed is that, although the obese may not eat more than the non-
obese overall, they may eat proportionally more fat. Further, it has been argued that not all calo-
ries are equal (Prentice 1995) and that calories from fat may lead to greater weight gain than
calories from carbohydrates. To support this theory, one study of 11,500 people in Scotland
showed that men consuming the lowest proportion of carbohydrate in their diets were four
times more likely to be obese than those consuming the highest proportion of carbohydrate. A
similar relationship was also found for women, although the difference was only two- to three-
fold. Therefore it was concluded that relatively lower carbohydrate consumption is related to
lower levels of obesity (Bolton-Smith and Woodward 1994). A similar study in Leeds also pro-
vided support for the fat proportion theory of obesity (Blundell and Macdiarmid 1997). This
study reported that high fat eaters who derived more than 45 per cent of their energy from fat
were 19 times more likely to be obese than those who derived less than 35 per cent of their
energy from fat. Therefore these studies suggest that the obese do not eat more overall than the
non-obese, nor do they eat more calories, carbohydrate or fat per se than the non-obese. But they
do eat more fat compared with the amount of carbohydrate; the proportion of fat in their diet is
higher. So how might a relative increase in fat consumption relate to obesity?
As a possible explanation of these results, research has examined the role of fat and carbohy-
drates in appetite regulation. Three possible mechanisms have been proposed (Blundell et al.
1996; Blundell and Macdiarmid 1997):
1 The benefits of complex carbohydrates to energy use. It has been suggested that it takes more
energy to burn carbohydrates than fat. Further, as the body prefers to burn carbohydrates
than fat, carbohydrate intake is accompanied by an increase of carbohydrate oxidation. In
contrast, increased fat intake is not accompanied by an increase in fat oxidation. Therefore
carbohydrates are burned, fat is stored.
2 The benefits of complex carbohydrates to hunger. It has been suggested that complex carbo-
hydrates (such as bread, potatoes, pasta, rice) reduce hunger and cause reduced food intake
due to their bulk and the amount of fibre they contain. In addition, they switch off the
desire to eat. Therefore carbohydrates make you feel fuller faster.
3 The costs of fat to hunger. It has been suggested that fat does not switch off the desire to eat,
making it easier to eat more and more fat without feeling full.
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Therefore the causes of obesity remain complex and unclear. Perhaps an integration of all theo-
ries is needed before proper conclusions can be drawn.
Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 Measuring and defining obesity is problematic as it relies upon assessments of body weight and
body size, whereas the factor that is most linked to health status is probably body fat. Therefore
research can show contradictory evidence for the consequences of obesity which probably illustrate
the drawbacks of using proxy measures (i.e. BMI and waist circumference) for what the real meas-
urement should be (i.e. body fat).
2 Obesity is a product of biological factors (e.g. genetics), social factors (e.g. the food industry, town
planning) and psychological factors (e.g. diet, exercise, beliefs). Research tends to focus on the con-
tribution of one set of these factors. How they all interact remains unclear. This means that most
research misses the complexity of the obesity problem. However, if research were to try to address
all these factors the studies would become unwieldy and the conclusions would be too complex to
put into practice.
3 CHD illustrates the impact of stress and behaviour on illness. Research focuses on how these factors
can predict CHD and how they can be changed to prevent the development of CHD or prevent the
reoccurrence of a myocardial infarction in the future. Central to this is the measurement of stress
and behaviour which are problematic due to the reliance upon self-report. This may be particularly
biased if a person has been identified as having CHD and wishes to seem to be compliant with any
recommendations they have been given by their health professional.
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Obesity treatment
Traditional treatment approaches
The traditional treatment approach to obesity was a corrective one, the assumption being
that obesity was a product of overeating and underactivity. Treatment approaches therefore
focused on encouraging the obese to eat ‘normally’ and this consistently involved putting them
on a diet. Stuart (1967) and Stuart and Davis (1972) developed a behavioural programme for
obesity involving monitoring food intake, modifying cues for inappropriate eating and encour-
aging self-reward for appropriate behaviour, which was widely adopted by hospitals and clinics.
The programme aimed to encourage eating in response to physiological hunger and not in
response to mood cues such as boredom or depression, or in response to external cues such as
the sight and smell of food or the sight of other people eating. In 1958, Stunkard concluded his
review of the past 30 years’ attempts to promote weight loss in the obese with the statement,
‘Most obese persons will not stay in treatment for obesity. Of those who stay in treatment, most
will not lose weight, and of those who do lose weight, most will regain it’ (Stunkard 1958).
More recent evaluations of their effectiveness indicate that although traditional behavioural
therapies may lead to initial weight losses of, on average, 0.5 kg per week (Brownell and
Wadden 1992), ‘weight losses achieved by behavioural treatments for obesity are not well
However, it is now generally accepted that obesity is not simply a behavioural problem and,
as Brownell and Steen said somewhat optimistically in 1987, ‘psychological problems are no
longer inferred simply because an individual is overweight’. Therefore traditional behavioural
programmes make some unsubstantiated assumptions about the causes of obesity by encourag-
ing the obese to eat ‘normally’ like individuals of normal weight.
weight loss in the 35 years since Stunkard’s review.’ He states that 80 per cent of patients will
now stay in treatment for 20 weeks and that 50 per cent will achieve a weight loss of 20 lb or
more. Therefore modern methods of weight loss produce improved results in the short term.
However, Wadden also concludes that ‘most obese patients treated in research trials still regain
their lost weight’. This conclusion has been further supported by a systematic review of inter-
ventions for the treatment and prevention of obesity, which identified 92 studies that fitted the
authors’ inclusion criteria (NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination 1997). The review
examined the effectiveness of dietary, exercise, behavioural, pharmacological and surgical inter-
ventions for obesity and concluded that ‘the majority of the studies included in the present
review demonstrate weight regain either during treatment or post intervention’. Accordingly,
the picture for long-term weight loss is still fairly pessimistic.
If restraint theory is applied to obesity, the obese should not be encouraged to restrain their
food intake. Obesity may not be caused by overeating but overeating may be a consequence of
obesity if restrained eating is recommended as a cure.
the size of the stomach and of its opening into the large gastrointestinal tract’. More recently
researchers in Sweden have carried out the large-scale Swedish Obese Subjects (SOS) study
which explored nearly 1000 matched pairs of patients who received either surgery or conven-
tional treatment for their obesity (Torgerson and Sjostrom 2001). The results showed an
average weight loss of 28 kg in the surgical group after two years compared to only 0.5 kg in the
conventional group. After eight years the weight loss in the surgical group remained high
(average of 20 kg) while the control group had gained an average of 0.7 kg. The weight loss in
the surgical group was associated with a reduction in diabetes and hypertension at two years
and diabetes at eight years. This study indicated that surgery can be effective for both weight
loss and maintenance and brings with it a reduction in the risk factors for cardiovascular
disease. The surgical management of obesity has been endorsed by expert committees in the
USA (Institute of Medicine 1995) and the UK (Garrow 1997) and is recommended for those
with a BMI over 40 kg/m2 (or ⬎ 35 with complications of obesity), who have not lost weight
with dietary or pharmacological interventions, as long as they made aware of the possible side
effects. Obesity surgery, however, does not only affect weight. Some research has also explored
post-operative changes in aspects of the individual’s psychological state such as health status
and psychological morbidity and a series of studies have shown significant improvements,
particularly in those patients who show sustained weight loss. For example, cross-sectional
research has illustrated improved quality of life in surgical patients compared to control sub-
jects (De Zwann et al. 2002; Ogden et al. 2005) which has been supported by studies using
either retrospective or longitudinal designs. In particular, in a large-scale follow-up of the SOS
patients, Karlsson et al. (1998) reported an improvement in health-related quality of life opera-
tionalized in terms of mood disorders, mental well-being, health perceptions and social inter-
action. Bocchieri et al. (2002) carried out a comprehensive review of much of the literature
examining the impact of obesity surgery on psychosocial outcomes and concluded that in
general ‘the empirical evidence . . . seems to be pointing in a positive direction’ (p. 164). Ogden
et al. (2006a) carried out a qualitative study to explore patients’ experiences of obesity surgery.
In line with patient experiences of taking medication (see previous section), although surgery is
considered a form of medical management the results from this study suggest that it also has
some profound effects upon the individual’s psychological state. In particular, as well as result-
ing in all the improvements associated with weight loss as described by the quantitative studies
on health status and quality of life, the patients also described some changes in their cognitive
state which were specific to the process of surgery. Specifically the patients described how, by
imposing control and limited choice upon how much and what they could eat, surgery and the
process of making their stomach much smaller paradoxically made them feel more in control of
their weight and eating behaviour. Handing over control to their stomach size made them feel
more in control of their behaviour. This is in contrast to much of the literature on communica-
tion and choice discussed in Chapter 4.
Wooley (1984: 187) suggested that the minority of ‘success stories’ are ‘in fact condemned to a
life of weight obsession, semi-starvation and all the symptoms produced by chronic hunger . . .
and seem precariously close to developing a frank eating disorder’.
What factors distinguish between the majority of failures and the minority of long-term suc-
cesses? To date, some studies have specifically examined this minority group. This research
together with data from the trials of obesity treatment provide some preliminary insights into
the factors that predict and/or correlate with successful weight loss and maintenance. In
particular, the literature highlights a role for a range of variables which can be conceptualized as
profile characteristics, historical factors, help-seeking behaviours and psychological factors.
■ Profile characteristics. Research suggests that baseline BMI predicts weight loss and mainte-
nance; however, while some studies indicate that lower baseline weight is predictive of greater
success (Stuart and Guire 1978; Neumark-Sztainer et al. 1995; Ogden 2000), other studies
show the reverse effect (Wadden et al. 1992). Research also suggests that employment outside
the home, higher income and being older are predictive of weight loss and maintenance
(Neumark-Sztainer et al. 1995; Wong et al. 1997; Ogden 2000). Some research has also
looked at gender although the data remain contradictory (e.g. Colvin and Olson 1983).
■ Historical factors. Some research points to an individual’s previous dieting attempts and
their weight history as important for successful weight loss and maintenance. In particular,
studies indicate that a history of dieting for longer and a higher number of dieting attempts
predict success (Hoiberg et al. 1994; Ogden 2000). In contrast, Kiernan et al. (1998) con-
cluded from their study that success was greater in those who did not have a history of
repeated weight loss. Whether the ‘try, try and try again’ ethos holds for dieting therefore
remains unclear. It is also possible that changes in smoking behaviour (e.g. Klesges and
Klesges 1988) and an individual’s reproductive history may be contributory factors to
success as weight gain and maintenance often follow smoking cessation and childbirth (e.g.
Ohlin and Rossner 1990).
■ Help-seeking behaviours. There appear to be several help-seeking factors which are predic-
tive of success. Primarily research highlights a role for the types and intensity of weight loss
methods used. For example, many studies have emphasized the importance of dietary
changes (e.g. Kayman et al. 1990; McGuire et al. 1999) although Ogden (2000) reported
that calorie-controlled diets were associated with weight loss and regain rather than main-
tenance. Many studies have also highlighted the role of exercise and general increases in
physical activity (Haus et al. 1994; Hoiberg et al. 1994; French and Jeffrey 1997; Klem et al.
1997; Wong et al. 1997). Furthermore, research has highlighted the relative effectiveness of
different interventions involving contact with a range of health professionals. These
include psychological interventions such as CBT, counselling, self-help groups and medical
interventions involving drug therapy and surgery (see NHS Centre for Reviews and Dis-
semination 1997 for review). The general conclusion from this research is that the more
intense the intervention, the longer the follow-up period and the greater the professional
contact, the higher the probability of successful weight loss and maintenance.
■ Psychological factors. Rodin et al. (1977) reported the results from a study designed to assess
the baseline psychological predictors of successful weight loss. Their results indicated a
role for the individual’s beliefs about the causes of obesity and their motivations for weight
loss. A similar focus on motivations was also reported by Williams et al. (1996) whose
results indicated that motivational style was predictive of weight loss and maintenance.
Likewise, Kiernan et al. (1998) indicated that individuals who were more dissatisfied with
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their body shape at baseline were more successful, suggesting that motivations for
weight loss guided by a high value placed on attractiveness may also be important. Ogden
(2000) examined differences in psychological factors between weight loss regainers, stable
obese and weight loss maintainers who were classified as those individuals who had been
obese (BMI ⬎ 29.9), lost sufficient weight to be considered non-obese (BMI ⬍ 29.9) and
maintained this weight loss for a minimum of three years. The results showed that the
weight loss maintainers were more likely to endorse a psychological model of obesity in
terms of its consequences such as depression and low self-esteem and to have been motiv-
ated to lose weight for psychological reasons such as wanting to increase their self-esteem
and feel better about themselves. Further, they showed less endorsement of a medical
model of causality including genetics and hormone imbalance. These results suggested that
it is not only what an individual does that is predictive of success, but also what they
believe. Accordingly, for an obese person to lose weight and keep this weight off it would
seem that they need both to change their behaviour and believe that their own behaviour is
important. Further, they need to perceive the consequences of their behaviour change as
valuable. This supports the research exploring the psychological effects of taking obesity
medication (Ogden and Sidhu 2006) and reflects the role of matched models described in
Chapter 3.
In summary, a small minority of individuals show successful weight loss and maintenance
which relates to their profile characteristics, dieting history, help-seeking behaviours and their
beliefs about obesity.
To answer the question ‘Should obesity be treated at all?’ it is necessary to consider the
following points:
■ Obesity is a health risk.
■ Obesity is caused by a combination of physiological and behavioural factors – it is not
simply a product of overeating.
■ Treating obesity with dieting emphasizes personal responsibility (‘you can make yourself
well’), but may result in overeating, which could exacerbate the weight problem.
■ Treating obesity with drugs and/or surgery emphasizes the physiological causes and places
the obese in the hands of the medical profession (‘we can make you well’). This can result
in weight loss but has side effects and can result in medical complications and weight
regain. These medical approaches to obesity also have an impact upon the individual’s psy-
chological state.
■ Any treatment intervention should therefore weigh up the potential benefits of any weight
loss (e.g. improved self-esteem, reduced risk of CHD, etc.) against the potential costs of
intervention (e.g. overeating, weight fluctuations).
Obesity is related to several health problems and a number of theories have been developed in
an attempt to understand its aetiology. In particular, research has suggested that there may be a
strong genetic predisposition to obesity, which is reflected in underactivity and the relative
overconsumption of fat. However, the research examining the causes of obesity is often contra-
dictory, suggesting that the story is not yet complete. This chapter has also explored obesity
treatment in terms of behavioural interventions, surgery and drugs. Research indicates that all
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forms of intervention are effective at promoting weight loss but weight maintenance is particu-
larly poor for dieting-based treatments. Given that all treatments have side effects raises the
question ‘Should obesity be treated at all?’ The answer seems to be that it should be treated as
long as the costs and benefits of any intervention are assessed and both physical and psychologi-
cal consequences are taken into account.
What is CHD?
The term ‘coronary heart disease’ (CHD) refers to a disease of the heart involving coronary
arteries which are not functioning properly. The most important diseases are angina, acute
myocardial infarction (MI – heart attack) and sudden cardiac death. All these forms of CHD are
caused by atherosclerosis which involves a narrowing of the arteries due to fatty deposits which
obstruct the flow of blood. Angina is a powerful pain in the chest, which sometimes radiates
down the left arm. It develops when blood flow to the coronary arteries is restricted to such an
extent that the heart muscle is starved of oxygen. An acute MI occurs when blood flow is
restricted below a threshold level and some heart tissue is destroyed. It also seems to happen
when a blood clot has further restricted blood flow to the heart. Sudden cardiac death typically
occurs in patients who have already suffered damage to the heart through previous MIs
although it can occur in patients who previously seemed to have healthy arteries.
• Susceptibility
‘I won’t have a heart attack’
• Seriousness
‘Lots of people recover from heart attacks’
• Costs
‘Taking exercise would be an effort’ Rehabilitation
• Benefits Coping with • Behaviour change
‘Smoking helps me deal with stress’ illness • Belief change
Illness onset: Heart
• Longevity
CHD attack
• Recovery
• Quality of life
possible causes) and most important attribution (i.e. selected cause from the given list). The
results showed that the most common causes derived from all methods were ‘smoking’, ‘stress’,
‘it’s in the family’, ‘working’ and ‘eating fatty foods’. The results also showed some changes over
time, with patients being less likely to blame their behaviour and/or personality as time went
on. Therefore both sufferers and non-sufferers of CHD seem to hold beliefs about the cause of
an MI which might influence their subsequent risky behaviour and reflect a process of adjust-
ment once they have become ill.
In 1980 the World Health Organization (WHO 1980) proposed a model to describe the con-
sequences of disease. The aim of the model was to clarify terminology and to present a structure
for understanding disease that went beyond a simple medical perspective. The model proposed
a sequence of consequences of disease which suggested that disease resulted either in impair-
ment, then disability, then handicap, or in a direct path from impairment to handicap. These
constructs are defined as follows. Impairment is the loss or abnormality of structure or function
and often operates at the level of the organ rather than the individual. Lung cancer may cause
impairment to the lungs and heart disease results in impairment of the cardiovascular system.
Disability refers to the restriction or lack of ability to perform activities and operates at the level
of the individual. For example, lung cancer and heart disease may both result in the inability to
climb stairs. Finally, handicap refers to disadvantage and role limitation and operates at the
level of the individual as they exist within their social context. Lung cancer and heart disease
may prevent an individual from bringing in an income and being financially independent. The
WHO model treats these concepts as separate and suggests some degree of causal link between
In this paper, Johnston and Pollard aimed to empirically test the WHO model of the con-
sequences of disease, first, to see whether existing measurements allow separation of the three
main concepts, and second, to assess whether there was any support for the causal link between
The study used cross-sectional and longitudinal designs with three patients groups. Disabled
adults were examined using a cross-sectional design, and MI and stroke patients were explored
using a longitudinal design.
■ MI patients: 108 male and female patients were recruited within 72 hours of admission to a
coronary care unit following an MI. They were interviewed on admission and 1 week, 2
months, 6 months and 12 months after discharge.
■ Stroke patients: 68 men and women were recruited within 20 days of admission for stroke.
They were interviewed in hospital and then 1 and 6 months after discharge.
■ Disabled patients: 101 male and female disabled adults were selected from a primary care
database. They were interviewed once.
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■ Impairment: MI and stroke patients completed condition-specific measures of impairment.
These were the Orgogozo neurological index for the stroke patients (Orgogozo et al. 1983)
and the Norris index of hospital mortality (Norris et al. 1969). For the disabled patients,
impairment was assessed by the patient’s GP using existing criteria of impairment.
■ Disability and handicap: all patients completed the sickness impact profile (Bergner et al.
1981) and the functional limitations profile (Patrick and Peach 1989). Stroke patients also
completed the Barthel index (Mahoney and Barthel 1965) which was complemented with
the observer assessed disability scale (Partridge et al. 1987).
Data analysis
Data were analysed to assess whether the three concepts could be considered separate and then
to examine any causal relationships between them.
The results showed that the three constructs of impairment, disability and handicap could be
considered separate constructs for stroke patients but not for MI patients or disabled adults.
For the analysis of causality the focus was therefore on stroke patients. This analysis showed
that impairment did not predict disability and handicap, suggesting that there is not a simple
causal progression between the different consequences of disease. However, disability did con-
sistently predict handicap.
The authors suggest that there are three possible explanations for their lack of support for
the WHO model. First, the results may relate to the measurement tools used. Second and
relatedly, the results may reflect the conceptualization of impairment. Third (and the
explanation preferred by the authors) the WHO model is too simplistic. The authors argue
that the transition between impairment, disability and handicap may involve a multitude
of other variables not described by the model. In particular, they suggest that the transition
from initial impairment through to being limited in social functioning may relate to psycho-
logical factors. Healthy people behave in particular ways as a result of their beliefs and
mood. The authors argue that this is also the case for people with some form of impairment –
it is just that their impairment may influence these psychological factors. There is much
variability in the ways in which people experience and manage their illness. Psychological
factors may be a better explanation of this variation than a simple transition through a series of
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2 Diet. Diet, in particular cholesterol levels, has also been implicated in CHD. It has been
suggested that the 20 per cent of a population with the highest cholesterol levels are three
times more likely to die of heart disease than the 20 per cent with the lowest levels. Choles-
terol levels may be determined by the amount of saturated fat consumed (derived mainly
from animal fats). Cholesterol reduction can be achieved through a reduction in total fats
and saturated fats, an increase in polyunsaturated fats and an increase in dietary fibre.
Dietary change is discussed in Chapter 6 and under the dietary section.
3 High blood pressure. High blood pressure is also a risk factor for CHD – the higher the
blood pressure, the greater the risk. It has been suggested that a 10 mmHg decrease in a
population’s average blood pressure could reduce the mortality attributable to heart
disease by 30 per cent. Blood pressure appears to be related to a multitude of factors such
as genetics, obesity, alcohol intake and salt consumption.
Other possible behavioural risk factors include exercise and coffee, alcohol and soft
water consumption. The risk factors for CHD can be understood and possibly changed by
examining and modifying an individual’s health beliefs (see Chapters 2, 6, 7 and 9).
4 Type A behaviour and hostility. Type A behaviour and its associated characteristic, hostility,
is probably the most extensively studied risk factor for CHD (see Chapter 11 for details).
Support for a relationship between type A behaviour and CHD has been reported by a
number of studies (Rosenman et al. 1975; Jenkins et al. 1979; Haynes et al. 1980).
However, research has also reported no relationship between type A behaviour and CHD
(e.g. Johnston et al. 1987). Recent research has focused more on hostility which has been
shown to predict stress reactivity and to be linked to the development of CHD (e.g.
Williams and Barefoot 1988; Houston 1994; Miller et al. 1996).
5 Stress. Stress has also been studied extensively as a predictor of CHD and research has
shown links between stress reactivity and CHD, life events and CHD, and job stress and
CHD (see Chapters 10 and 11). Stress management is used to reduce stress in people
already diagnosed with CHD (see p. 361). However, interventions have also been
developed to reduce stress in non-patient samples. For example, Jones and Johnston
(2000) developed and evaluated a stress management intervention to reduce distress in 79
student nurses who had previously reported significant distress. Subsequent changes were
compared to a waiting-list control group. The results showed that the intervention pro-
duced significant reductions in anxiety, depression and domestic satisfaction. In addition,
the nurses showed an increase in direct coping. In line with this latter finding, some inter-
ventions have directly challenged how people cope with stressful situations. Kaluza (2000)
evaluated an intervention designed to change the coping profiles of 82 healthy working
men and women. The intervention lasted for 12 weeks and focused on assertiveness, cogni-
tive restructuring, time management, relaxation, physical activities and the scheduling of
pleasant activities. Changes were compared to a control group who received no inter-
vention. The results showed significant improvements in emotion-focused coping and
problem-focused coping which were related to the individual’s original coping profiles. In
particular, those who were originally more problem focused became more emotion
focused and those who were more avoidant copers became more problem focused. The
authors suggest that the intervention changed unbalanced coping profiles. In addition,
these changes were related to improvements in aspects of well-being.
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Modifying exercise
Most rehabilitation programmes emphasize the restoration of physical functioning through
exercise with the assumption that physical recovery will in turn promote psychological and social
recovery. Meta-analyses of these exercise-based programmes have suggested that they may have
favourable effects on cardiovascular mortality (e.g. Oldridge et al. 1988). However, such meta-
analyses are problematic as there is a trend towards publishing positive results, thereby influen-
cing the overall picture. In addition, whether these exercise-based programmes influence risk
factors other than exercise, such as smoking, diet and type A behaviour, is questionable.
of the patient. The results showed that patients who had received the intervention reported
more positive views about their MI at follow-up in terms of beliefs about consequences, time
line, control/cure and symptom distress (see Chapter 3 for a description of these dimensions).
In addition, they reported that they were better prepared to leave hospital, returned to work at a
faster rate and reported a lower rate of angina symptoms. No differences were found in rehabil-
itation attendance. The intervention therefore seemed to change cognitions and improve
patients’ functional outcome after MI.
Modifying stress
Stress management involves teaching individuals about the theories of stress, encouraging them
to be aware of the factors that can trigger stress, and teaching them a range of strategies to
reduce stress, such as ‘self-talk’, relaxation techniques and general life management approaches,
such as time management and problem solving. Stress management has been used successfully
to reduce some of the risk factors for CHD, including raised blood pressure (Johnston et al.
1993), blood cholesterol (Gill et al. 1985) and type A behaviour (Roskies et al. 1986). Further,
some studies also indicate that it can reduce angina, which is highly predictive of heart attack
and/or death. For example, Gallacher et al. (1997) randomly allocated 452 male angina patients
to receive either stress management or no intervention at all. The results showed that at six
months’ follow-up, those who had received stress management reported a reduced frequency of
chest pain when resting. In a similar trial, Bundy et al. (1998) examined both the independent
and the combined effect of stress management and exercise on angina compared with a control
group taken from a waiting list. The results indicated that those who undertook both stress
management and exercise reported fewer angina attacks and reduced reliance on medication.
Therefore stress management appears to reduce angina, which in turn could reduce the occur-
rence of myocardial infarctions.
CHD is a common cause of death in the western world. It illustrates the role of psychology in
illness in terms of the beliefs people have about CHD, the psychological consequences of a diag-
nosis, identifying and changing risk factors (e.g. smoking, diet, exercise, type A behaviour and
stress) and the development and evaluation of programmes designed to modify risk factors in
individuals who already have the disease.
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To conclude
Illnesses such as obesity and CHD illustrate the role of psychology throughout the course of an
illness. For example, psychological factors play a role in illness onset (e.g. health beliefs, health
behaviours, personality, coping mechanisms), illness progression (e.g. psychological con-
sequences, adaptation, health behaviours) and longevity (e.g. health behaviours, coping
mechanisms, quality of life). These psychological factors are also relevant to a multitude of
other chronic and acute illnesses, such as diabetes, asthma, chronic fatigue syndrome and mul-
tiple sclerosis. This suggests that illness is best conceptualized not as a biomedical problem, but
as a complex interplay of physiological and psychological factors.
1 To what extent can obesity be explained by physiological factors?
2 Discuss the role of psychological factors in explaining the recent increase on the prevalence
of obesity.
3 Obesity is an eating disorder. Discuss.
4 Treating obesity causes more problems than it solves. Discuss.
5 CHD is an inevitable product of lifestyle. Discuss.
6 Discuss the role of psychological factors in the onset and progression of CHD.
7 To what extent can a reinfarction be prevented?
For discussion
In the light of the literature on obesity and CHD, discuss the possible role of psychological
factors throughout the course of an alternative chronic illness (e.g. diabetes, multiple sclerosis).
3 The mind–body problem. Research into obesity and CHD raises the problem of the
relationship between the mind and the body. Theories are considered either physio-
logical or psychological and treatment perspectives are divided in a similar fashion,
therefore maintaining a dualistic model of individuals.
Further reading
Brownell, K.D. (1991) Personal responsibility and control over our health: when expectation exceeds
reality, Health Psychology, 10: 303–10.
This paper discusses the emphasis on patient responsibility for health and suggests that encourag-
ing the obese to diet may be an example of attempting to control the uncontrollable.
Ogden, J. (2003) The Psychology of Eating: From Health to Disordered Behaviour. Oxford: Blackwell.
This book provides an account of the continuum of eating behaviour from healthy eating,
through dieting and body dissatisfaction, to obesity and eating disorders. In particular, it pro-
vides a detailed analysis of obesity and its treatment.
Romero-Corral, A., Montori, V.M., Somers, V.K., Korinek, J., Thomas, R.J., Allison, T.G.,
Mookadam, F. and Lopez-Jimenez, F. (2006) Association of bodyweight with total mortality and
with cardiovascular events in coronary artery disease: a systematic review of cohort studies,
Lancet, 368: 666–78.
This paper provides an up-to-date analysis of research exploring the links between body weight
and CHD.
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Women’s health
Chapter overview
There are many areas of health specific to women. This chapter does not aim to cover all of them
but will describe four key health issues. First, it will examine the psychological impact of having a
miscarriage. Next, it will describe issues relating to having a termination of pregnancy in terms of
contact with the health care systems and the short- and longer-term psychological consequences.
It will then focus on pregnancy, the transition into motherhood and the birth experience.
Finally, it will explore women’s experiences of the menopause. Many of these women’s health
issues are managed in different ways. Central to this chapter will also be a description of how the
mode of treatment or intervention used can impact upon women’s experiences.
● Miscarriage
● Termination of pregnancy
● Pregnancy and birth
● The menopause
Miscarriage is a relatively common phenomenon occurring in 15–20 per cent of known preg-
nancies, with 80 per cent of these occurring within the first trimester (Broquet 1999). Miscar-
riage or ‘spontaneous abortion’ has been defined as the unintended end of a pregnancy before a
foetus can survive outside the mother, which is recognized as being before the twentieth week
of gestation (Borg and Lasker 1982). Despite the frequency with which miscarriage occurs, it
has only been in the last 10 to 15 years that research has begun to identify and explore the con-
sequences of early pregnancy loss. This chapter will explore the psychological consequences of
miscarriage in terms of the quantitative and qualitative research and then examine the impact
of how miscarriage is managed on women’s experiences.
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Quantitative research
Quantitative research has tended to conceptualize women’s reactions to miscarriage in terms of
grief, depression and anxiety or coping.
■ Grief. One main area of research has conceptualized miscarriage as a loss event, assuming
that after miscarriage women experience stages of grief parallel to that of the death of a
loved one (Herz 1984). The main symptoms identified are sadness, yearning for the lost
child, a desire to talk to others about the loss and a search for meaningful explanations
(Herz 1984; Beutel et al. 1995; Athey and Spielvogel 2000). In addition, research has high-
lighted grief reactions that are unique to the miscarriage experience. For example, women
often perceive themselves as failures for not being able to have a healthy pregnancy and this
loss is often not acknowledged by the community because there are no rituals that can be
performed (Herz 1984).
■ Depression and anxiety. Other research has focused on depression and anxiety following
miscarriage. Friedman and Gath (1989) used the present state examination (PSE) to assess
psychiatric ‘caseness’ in women four weeks post-miscarriage. They found that 48 per cent
of the sample had sufficiently high scores on the scale to qualify as ‘cases’ patients, which is
over four times higher than that in women in the general population. When analysed, these
women were all classified as having depressive disorders. Klier et al. (2000) similarly found
that women who had miscarried had a significantly increased risk of developing a minor
depressive disorder in the six months following their loss, compared to a cohort drawn
from the community. Thapar and Thapar (1992) also found that women who had miscar-
ried experienced a significant degree of anxiety and depression at both the initial interview
and at the six weeks’ follow-up compared to that of the control group. In contrast, Pretty-
man et al. (1993) used the hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS) and found that
anxiety rather than depression was the predominant response at 1, 6 and 12 weeks after
miscarriage. Further, Beutel et al. (1995) reported that immediately after the miscarriage
the majority of the sample experienced elevated levels of psychological morbidity com-
pared to a community cohort and a pregnant control group, much of which persisted up
until the 12-month follow-up. The authors concluded that depression and grief should be
considered as two distinct reactions to pregnancy loss, with grief being the normal reaction
and depression only developing when certain circumstances are met. This study also
showed that a large minority reported no negative emotional reaction post-miscarriage,
suggesting that a focus on anxiety, depression and grief may only tap into a part of the mis-
carriage experience.
■ Coping. A small number of studies have considered the experience of miscarriage from a
coping viewpoint. For example, Madden (1988) completed 65 structured interviews with
women two weeks post-miscarriage and concluded that, rather than self-blame, external
blame for the miscarriage and the ability to be able to control the outcome of future preg-
nancies are predictive of depressive symptoms post-miscarriage. Tunaley et al. (1993) drew
upon the theory of cognitive adaptation (Taylor 1983) which focuses on meaning, self-
enhancement and mastery to explore the miscarriage experience (see Chapter 3). They
found that 86 per cent of the sample had established their own set of reasons as to why the
miscarriage had occurred, ranging from medical explanations to feelings of punishment
and judgement which finds reflection in work on attributions for heart disease (e.g. French
et al. 2001) and breast cancer (Taylor 1983). In terms of self-enhancement, 50 per cent of
the sample made downward social comparisons with women who had reproductive prob-
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lems. By comparing themselves with women who were worse off than themselves they were
able to increase their own self-esteem. The search for mastery was less visible. There was
little evidence that the women in the sample tried to gain control over their lives in general.
Although 81 per cent of the sample believed that they could make changes to prevent
future miscarriage, they had little or no confidence in the difference these changes would
make to future outcomes (Tunaley et al. 1993).
The quantitative research has therefore explored the reaction to miscarriage in terms of grief,
anxiety and depression and coping. Other research has used a qualitative method to assess
women’s broader experience of having a miscarriage.
Qualitative research
In an early study Hutti (1986) conducted in-depth interviews at two time points with two
women. The results showed that although both women referred to a similar inventory of events,
the significance that they attached to these events was different and dependent upon their previ-
ous experience. For example, one woman had had a previous miscarriage and was described as
taking more control over her medical treatment; she found her grief to be less severe than with
her first miscarriage. In contrast, the woman who had experienced her first miscarriage
represented the miscarriage as a ‘severe threat to her perception of herself as a childbearing
woman’ (p. 383). On a larger scale, Bansen and Stevens (1992) focused on 10 women who had
experienced their first pregnancy loss of a wanted pregnancy. The authors concluded that mis-
carriage was a ‘silent event’ which was not discussed within the wider community. The women
were described as being unable to share their experiences and felt isolated as a result. When they
did get the opportunity to talk about their loss, they realized how common miscarriage is and
that was a source of comfort to them. The authors concluded that miscarriage constituted a
major life event that changed the way in which women viewed their lives in the present and
affected the way in which they planned for the future (Bansen and Stevens 1992). Maker and
Ogden (2003) carried out in-depth interviews with a heterogenous sample of 13 women who
had experienced a miscarriage up to five weeks previously. The women described their experi-
ences using a range of themes which were conceptualized into three stages: turmoil, adjustment
and resolution. For the majority, the turmoil stage was characterized by feelings of being unpre-
pared and negative emotions. Some women who had had an unwanted pregnancy described
their shock at the physical trauma of miscarriage but described the experience as a relief. The
women then described a period of adjustment involving social comparisons, sharing and a
search for meaning. The latter included a focus on causality which left a minority, particularly
those who had had previous miscarriages, feeling frustrated with the absence of a satisfactory
medical explanation. The final resolution stage was characterized by a decline in negative emo-
tions, a belief by some that the miscarriage was a learning experience and the integration of the
experience into their lives. This resolution seemed more positive for those with children and
more negative if the miscarriage was not their first. The authors argued that, rather than being a
trigger to psychological morbidity, a miscarriage should be conceptualized as a process involv-
ing the stages of turmoil, adjustment and resolution.
the evacuation of the retained products of conception (ERPC), also sometimes known as a
D&C (dilatation and curettage). This uses either a general or local anaesthetic and surgically
removes the lining of the womb and the foetus if it is still there. This occasionally causes infec-
tion, uterine perforation and bowel damage and brings with it all the associated risks of an
anaesthetic. It also constitutes a large proportion of the surgical work load for gynaecology in
the UK (MacKensie and Bibby 1978). Expectant management is a possible alternative and has
been adopted by several clinics across the UK. This involves letting the miscarriage take its
natural course and enables the woman to be at home as the miscarriage occurs. Trials suggest
that expectant management might produce less infection (Neilson and Hahlin 1995) and obser-
vational studies show that it usually results in complete evacuation of the products of concep-
tion (Sairam et al. 2001; Luise et al. 2002). It would seem to be feasible, effective and safe and
may be preferred treatment by many women (Luise et al. 2002). Rates of surgical management
of miscarriage vary by age and are shown in Figure 16.1.
Little is known about what women expect, or about their subsequent experiences of each
management approach. Ogden and Maker (2004) assessed women’s reasons for deciding upon
a given treatment and the impact of treatment type upon their subsequent experiences. The
choice of expectant management was motivated by desire for a natural solution and a fear of
operation. Women described how pain and bleeding had made them anxious that something
was wrong and how they felt unprepared for how gruelling the experience would be. Some also
described how their support had dwindled as the miscarriage progressed. In contrast, women
who chose surgery valued a quick resolution and focused on the support from hospital staff,
although some commented that their emotional needs had not always been met. The mode of
treatment therefore seemed to influence how the miscarriage was experienced. Furthermore,
even though expectant management is becoming increasingly common, women feel unpre-
pared for how this will make them feel.
Ectopic pregnancies
Rate per 100 deliveries
Under 20 20–24 25–29 30–34 35–39 40 and over
Figure 16.1 Rates of miscarriage that require a hospital stay vary by age of mother (NHS Maternity
Statistics, DOH, 2003–2004)
16 health848.ch16 16/4/07 3:06 pm Page 369
Research exploring the psychological impact of having a miscarriage has used both quantitative
and qualitative research methods. The results indicate that miscarriage can result in feelings of
grief, anxiety and depression. In addition, women experience their miscarriage as a process
involving a series of stages which can result in women reassessing both their past and future
experiences. Furthermore, research indicates that a woman’s experience is clearly influenced by
how it is managed, and that, although the medical management of miscarriage brings with it
the risks associated with surgery, a more ‘natural’ approach can leave women feeling misin-
formed and unprepared.
Termination of pregnancy
In 1967 the Abortion Act was passed in the UK and abortions (also known as termination of
pregnancy – TOP) were made legal. Although this did not mean that abortions were available
simply ‘on demand’, the Act was welcomed by many women who could subsequently gain
access to a legal abortion on the grounds that it was considered to be less physically and men-
tally harmful than childbirth. Nowadays, abortions can be obtained through the National
Health Service, through private for-profit services or alternatively through the specialist non-
profit services set up by charitable organizations shortly after the introduction of the Act. The
latter of these continue to lead the way in developing and implementing improved provision
both within their own organizations and within the NHS including such practices as day care,
the use of local anaesthetics and, more recently, the introduction of medical abortions. Further,
with the introduction of agency contracts such specialist services have enabled health authori-
ties and general practitioners to deal with inadequate abortion provision within the NHS
(Munday 1994). Although the law places the abortion decision in the hands of doctors (Green-
wood 2001), in practice women make this decision and their choice is respected (Lee 2003).
16 health848.ch16 16/4/07 3:06 pm Page 370
Abortion is also legal in the USA and most European countries. In England and Wales one in
three women is likely to have an abortion in their lifetime (calculated from The Abortion Stat-
istics England and Wales 2001); however, debate continues over the moral status of a human
foetus and consequently also over that of abortions (Gillon 2001). The abortion rate by age is
shown in Figure 16.2.
Up until recently all abortions involved the surgical removal of the foetus using a D&C and
a general anaesthetic. Nowadays, however, women can chose to have their abortion using either
the D&C with a general or local anaesthetic, a suction technique which can involve general or
local anaesthetic or no anaesthetic, or the abortion pill which induces a miscarriage (later mis-
carriages may be managed through inducing labour). The type of abortion procedure depends
upon the gestation of the pregnancy, the preference of the woman and the methods preferred
by the clinic involved. In the UK an abortion is legal up until the 24th week of gestation
although abortions occur within the first trimester. Abortion is illegal in a number of countries
in all circumstances except to save a woman’s life. These include Brazil, Chile, Mexico,
Venezuela, Angola, Congo, Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Uganda, Afghanistan, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Syria
Bangladesh, Ireland and Malta. In addition, many countries only allow abortion to protect a
woman’s health. These include Argentina, Peru, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe,
Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Thailand, Poland and Portugal. Rates of abortions across the
world are shown in Figure 16.3 and the rates of unsafe abortions are shown in Figure 16.4.
Research focusing on abortions has addressed a range of issues including deciding to have
an abortion, the provision of services, women’s experiences of such services, their experiences
of having an abortion, the longer-term consequences of having an abortion and the impact of
the mode of intervention used. This research will now be described.
Abortion rate per 1000
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Figure 16.2 Abortion rate in England and Wales by age, 2005 (after DOH 2005)
16 health848.ch16 16/4/07 3:06 pm Page 371
<= 1500
<= 1200
<= 900
<= 600
<= 300
No data
Unsafe abortions
per 1000 women
aged 15–49
pregnant and intending to keep the baby (n ⫽ 137), had terminated their first pregnancy
(n ⫽ 94) or who had never been pregnant (n ⫽ 110). The results were analysed to explore a
range of factors including contraception use and the meaning of pregnancy. The study also
examined what factors related to whether or not the teenager decided to continue with their
pregnancy. Using quantitative data, the results illustrated that those who opted for an abortion
16 health848.ch16 16/4/07 3:06 pm Page 372
had more employment in their households, were more likely to still be in school, showed better
course grades at school and reported having friends and family who did not approve of early
childbearing. The results also indicated that believing that their mother did not approve of
having a child while still a teenager and having a mother who was very supportive of them
having an abortion was the best predictor of actually having an abortion. In a similar vein, Lee
et al. (2004) carried out a qualitative study involving in-depth interviews with 103 women aged
between 15 and 17 in the UK who had been pregnant and either continued with the pregnancy
or had an abortion and with older people in communities with high abortion rates. The inter-
views explored the influences upon their decision making. The results showed that their
decisions were mostly related to the social and economic context of their lives rather than any
abstract moral views. Further, the results indicate that similar factors influenced the decision-
making processes for women regardless of their age. For example, the decision to have an abor-
tion was related to social deprivation. In particular, the results indicated that although there are
higher numbers of conceptions in young women in deprived areas, these women are less likely
to terminate their pregnancy than those in less deprived areas. In addition, those who believed
that their future life would include higher education and a career, who had higher expectations
of their life in the present, who had a lack of financial independence and who felt that they
lacked the stable relationships to support them if they became a mother were more likely to
have an abortion. In contrast, keeping the baby was related to a positive view of motherhood
that was not associated with lack or loss and those who viewed motherhood as rewarding, asso-
ciating it with responsibility and seeing it as an achievement, were more likely to carry on with
the pregnancy. Further, the decision-making process seemed to be highly related to the views of
the women’s family and community. For example, some women described how having children
early was considered by their world to be acceptable and normal and these tended to have the
baby. In contrast, those who went on to have an abortion described how their parents saw abor-
tion in a pragmatic way, regarding young motherhood as a more negative event. Finally,
although most women had made up their minds whether or not to have an abortion before they
had any contact with a health professional, the results also showed an association between the
abortion rate and provision of local family planning provision, higher proportions of female
GPs and a greater independent section providing abortion services. This suggests that, although
much of the decision-making process is influenced by social and economic factors prior to pro-
fessional contact, structural factors such as service provision also have a role to play. Deciding
to have an abortion seems to relate to the context of the woman’s life and the beliefs and
support offered by those important to her.
abortion services being set below the local known need (Abortion Law Reform Association
1997). Other studies from this perspective have mapped the stages involved in accessing and
using the abortion services. For example, Clarke et al. (1983) examined why half the women in
their study had their abortion within a private or charitable clinic despite generous provision of
NHS abortion services. The study showed that an important reason for women bypassing the
NHS was that women either thought or had been actually told by their own GP or another
doctor that it was difficult to get an abortion on the NHS. Other reasons for not having an
abortion on the NHS included not wanting to delay the abortion, expectation of better personal
treatment within a private clinic and wanting to ensure anonymity. The results also indicated
that women feared insensitive treatment from local NHS hospitals which resonates with a
survey of abortion patients carried out in the UK (Pro-choice Alliance 1993). This is supported
by studies of women’s experiences of having an abortion which suggests that women may have
a more positive experience if they are managed through specialist independent clinics (Lee et al.
positive and at times even negative expectations were compensated by supportive staff, indicat-
ing that abortion services may not be as judgemental in the late twentieth century as suggested
in previous decades.
The research therefore illustrates variability both in terms of the initial emotional reactions
to an abortion and how these reactions change over time. Some research has addressed
what factors may explain variability in the initial response. For example, immediate distress
has been reported as being higher in those that belong to a society that is antagonistic towards
abortion (Major and Gramzow 1999), in those who experienced difficulty making the decision
(Lyndon et al. 1996), and in those who are younger, unmarried, have the abortion later in
pregnancy (which may be due to the features of women who delay), show low self-esteem or
an external locus of control, have had multiple abortions, and self-blame for the pregnancy
or abortion (Harris 2004). Further, believing in the human qualities of the foetus has also
been associated with higher levels of distress (Conklin and O’Connor 1995). Goodwin and
Ogden (2006) explored women’s reactions to their abortion up to nine years later and
examined how they believed their feelings about the abortion had changed over time. The
results showed that, although a few women reported a linear pattern of change in their
emotions, some also described different patterns including persistent upset that remained
ongoing many years after the event, negative reappraisal some time after the event and a
positive appraisal at the time of the event with no subsequent negative emotions. The results
also provide some insights into this variability. Those who described how they had never
been upset or experienced a linear recovery also tended to conceptualize the foetus as less
human, reported having had more social support and described either a belief that abortions
are supported by society or an ability to defend against a belief that society is judgemental.
In contrast, patterns of emotional change involving persistent upset or negative appraisal
were entwined with a more human view of the foetus, a lack of social support and a belief that
society is either overly judgemental or negates the impact that an abortion can have on a
Research exploring abortions has focused on women’s experiences of access to services, the
short- and longer-term impact of having a termination of pregnancy and the impact of the
mode of treatment on women’s experiences. In general the research indicates that access to
services varies according to locality but that private specialized services are experienced in a
more positive way than state-run services. Further, the results indicate that, although some
women report negative mood changes following an abortion, many describe a return to nor-
mality and relief although this varies according to a range of individual and social factors as well
as the type of intervention used.
Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 Much women’s health research generates political and ideological perspectives. For example, termi-
nation and menopause management can create a strong sense of what is right or wrong. Research in
these areas may therefore be biased in terms of what questions are asked, how data are collected
and how the results are interpreted and presented.
2 Many areas of women’s health are constantly changing. For example, the use of HRT for the
menopause, the management of miscarriages and terminations and the social context of giving birth
change from year to year. Summarizing results within these areas across time is therefore difficult.
3 Research in women’s health is often addressed from many different theoretical perspectives of
which psychology is only one. Integrating research and theories from sociology, gender studies, med-
icine and anthropology can either produce conflicting conclusions or ones that are so complex and
multifactorial that they become difficult to summarize or put into any useful practice.
16 health848.ch16 16/4/07 3:06 pm Page 377
Northern Ireland
Percentage of home births
Year of survey
Figure 16.5 Home birth rates 1961–2004 in the UK
Decision making
In terms of the processes involved in choosing to have a home birth, research shows that, while
some women are clear from the beginning of their pregnancy that they want a home birth and
16 health848.ch16 16/4/07 3:06 pm Page 379
are determined to stand by their choice whatever the obstacles, for the majority, the decision to
have a home birth involves balancing up a range of sometimes conflicting factors (Wesson
1990; Mosse 1993; Ogden et al. 1997a). The factors that women consider include the benefits of
being in their own home, the perceived negative aspects of being in a hospital, and the relative
safety of their home environment. In particular, although hospitals are regarded as safer in the
case of an emergency, women who chose a home birth believe that hospitals are associated with
illness and disease and therefore in certain ways more dangerous than their own home. Women
also report being exposed to a range of both professional and lay views which had supported
their decision and indicated that the views of their GP, midwives, partners, friends and families
had helped them to decide on a home birth and carry this decision through to fruition.
Women, however, also report several obstacles that hinder having a home birth. For example,
some GPs and midwives are described as being obstructive, and partners, families and friends
are sometimes seen as unenthusiastic, worried and concerned for the woman’s health or
anxious about their own potential involvement (Wesson 1990; Mosse 1993; Ogden et al.
there are several problems with directly comparing the experiences of hospital and home births.
In particular, no research to date has carried out a randomized control trial to explore the
impact of place of birth and the woman’s experiences. This is primarily due to the different
medical requirements of different births and the ultimate need to protect the safety of the baby
and mother but results in a multitude of differences between births other than just whether they
occur in a hospital or at home. For example, the mothers who chose a home birth may be dif-
ferent to those who chose a hospital birth in terms of a wide range of factors such as physical
health, social class, expectations, beliefs about the birth, support from partners, previous birth
experiences, their own place of birth, their ability to manage pain and their ability to negotiate a
home birth if confronted with obstacles. Further, the births may differ in terms of factors such
as size of the baby, gestation of the baby and health of the baby during pregnancy. In addition,
many structural factors determine the place of birth including access to home support and
community midwives, medical support for home births and general cultural differences in
beliefs about where babies should be born. Therefore evidence indicates that home births are
associated with a more positive birth experience which seems to have a longer-term impact
upon the woman. However, such conclusions need to be drawn in the context of an under-
standing of the vast methodological problems with research in this area.
A broader perspective
Much psychological research has assessed the impact of motherhood using pre-existing meas-
ures with a focus upon aspects of psychological morbidity. In contrast, some qualitative
research has taken a broader perspective. Smith (1994a, 1994b, 1999) carried out an in-depth
idiographic case study analysis of four women’s experiences of pregnancy and early mother-
hood which involved interviews at four time points: three, six and nine months’ pregnant and
then five months after the birth of the child. The women also kept a diary throughout the preg-
nancy and at five months they were asked to write a retrospective account of the pregnancy to
enable a comparison with the real-time accounts obtained through the interviews. Over the
course of the study women expressed a range of experiences including feeling more self-
contained and less concerned about external events, feeling more self-confident, seeing birth as
a primeval experience, wondering about the birth process and feeling fear and anxiety about
pain, realizing that the baby is becoming an independent being, building connections with
important other people such as their partner and mother, and coming to terms with their
future selves. Three key themes emerged from the analysis which illustrate women’s experiences
of pregnancy and mothering and how their reflections upon their experiences change over time.
First, the narratives illustrate how the women saw the process of pregnancy as preparation for
giving birth and becoming a mother. Second, the results showed a gradual movement inwards
which was reflected in a shift in attention from the women’s outside world towards their inner
pregnant world whereby external factors such as work seem trivial compared to the internal
world of containment and a sense of self-confidence. Third, the results illustrated a shift
towards becoming a more relational self as women conceptualized themselves as part of a unit
including the baby, their partner and other key people. Overall, Smith (1994a, 1994b, 1999)
concludes that pregnancy is a time when women become both more autonomous and more
affiliated at the same time and that these factors are not mutually exclusive. Further, he con-
cludes that pregnancy offers a metaphor for motherhood, enabling mothers to rehearse and
come to terms with their new future role. In a similar vein, Millward (2006) explored women’s
experiences of pregnancy and returning to work and concluded that women who chose to work
after they have children struggle to maintain their identity within their workplace while
simultaneously managing their needs and concerns as mothers. This is discussed in depth in
Focus on Research 16.1.
16 health848.ch16 16/4/07 3:06 pm Page 382
Women make up about 45 per cent of the workforce in the UK and, as most women have chil-
dren at some time, every organization will at some time employ mothers. Further, the propor-
tion of women returning to work soon after childbirth has doubled since 1983 with about
two-thirds of women who have children being economically active again within nine months.
This study used a qualitative design to explore women’s experience of returning to work after
childbirth. This is an interesting paper as it offers a balanced insight into the complexities of the
transition into motherhood for those mothers who choose to continue to work.
The study used a qualitative design with in-depth interviews.
Ten women were interviewed during pregnancy and eight of these were reinterviewed after they
had returned to work.
Data analysis
The transcripts were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (Smith 2003).
Two master themes emerged from the analysis. These were changes in identity and changed
psychological contracts:
■ Changes in identity. The transcripts illustrated identity changes arising out of a dynamic
between the woman and the perceived reactions of others. These were described across three
stages of transition: pre-leave, maternity leave, post-leave. At pre-leave the women described
how, though becoming physically more visible, they felt that they were becoming invisible
to the company as an employee. They described being excluded from the prospect of the
future of the company, resulting in a sense of insecurity, confusion and concern and aliena-
tion. This was contrasted in many cases with a feeling that motherhood would bring with it
a sense of validation. During the maternity-leave period the women experienced a series of
dilemmas about whether returning to work would be good for the baby, and whether they
could justify returning to work to themselves. They seemed to draw upon the ‘good mother
stays at home’ benchmark. At this time some described being fearful of losing their work
identity and some felt guilty about wanting to return to work. During the post-leave period
all women described finding it difficult to reintegrate and some found it difficult to revali-
date themselves as both a worker and a mother. In part this was due to the practicalities of
managing two life roles but also to the need to be seen as a valued employee rather than a
working mother. All women described achieving validation if they could share their experi-
ences with others at work, make social comparisons and draw upon role models.
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The results therefore suggest that returning to work after childbirth brings with it issues of
changes of identity and psychological contracts. In particular the author concludes that women
struggle with their needs, concerns and rights as mothers while trying to maintain their identity
as a valued member of the organization. This is an interesting paper as it explores the complex-
ity of becoming a mother and provides an antidote to much of the literature which tends to
highlight either the pros or the cons of having a child.
Although more women can now choose whether to have children, the majority still do and
pregnancy and becoming a mother remain a central part of the lives of many women. This
section has explored women’s experiences of childbirth and the impact of the transition into
motherhood. Research exploring women’s experiences of birth illustrates how varied these
experiences can be and that, while some women find hospitals lacking in privacy and feel out of
control, some enjoy the independence and control they feel from a home birth, and others
16 health848.ch16 16/4/07 3:06 pm Page 384
welcome the medical support and opportunities for pain relief they can get in a hospital setting.
Research exploring the transition into motherhood indicates that motherhood can have several
detrimental effects on aspects of a woman’s health and well-being but that these are not the case
for all women and are lessened in those who delay having children.
The menopause
The word ‘menopause’ means the end of monthly menstruation and for the average woman
occurs at the age of 51 years with 80 per cent of women reaching the menopause by age 54. In
general the menopause is considered to be a transition which has been classified according to
three stages (World Health Organization 1996). The pre-menopause refers to the whole of the
women’s reproductive life up until the end of the last menstrual period. The peri-menopause is
the time prior to the final menstrual period when hormonal changes are taking place and con-
tinues until a year after the last menstrual period. The post-menopause stage refers to any time
after the last menstrual period but has to be defined retrospectively after 12 months of no men-
struation. Therefore the menopause reflects the end point of a gradual change in biological
function which is finally lost as the woman stops producing eggs and the level of oestrogen pro-
duced is reduced as it is no longer required to stimulate the lining of the womb in preparation
for fertilization. The cessation of menstruation for 12 consecutive months is the required period
of time for a doctor to define a woman as menopausal, with research showing that around 75
per cent of women present to their doctor about the menopause (Hope et al. 1998). Although
there is a strong genetic determinant of the time of the menopause, with mothers and daughters
tending to become menopausal at a similar age, smoking can result in an earlier menopause and
being heavier can result in a later menopause. In addition to the cessation of periods, the
menopause brings with it other symptoms while it is happening and results in longer-term
physical changes due to the reduction in female hormones.
During the menopause women report a range of symptoms, some of which are clearly linked to
a reduction in oestrogen while others have unclear origins. These illustrate the complex nature
of symptoms and the role of social and psychological factors in influencing symptom percep-
tion. The most common symptoms are the following:
■ change in pattern and heaviness of periods
■ hot flushes
■ night sweats
■ tiredness
■ poor concentration
■ aches and pains in joints
■ vaginal dryness
■ changes in the frequency of passing urine.
As part of a large-scale survey, 413 women completed a questionnaire about their experi-
ences of menopausal symptoms and their perceptions of severity, and the results showed that
the most common symptoms were hot flushes, night sweats and tiredness, and of these, night
sweats seemed to cause the most distress with over a third describing their night sweats as severe
(Ballard 2003). The results from this study are illustrated in Figure 16.6.
16 health848.ch16 16/4/07 3:06 pm Page 385
Experience symptom
80 Experience symptom severely
Percentage of women
ur y in
jo ins
in pa
in nc
ss ue
pa eq
Figure 16.6 The frequency and severity of menopausal symptoms (after Ballard 2003)
Physical changes
Women also experience a range of physical changes which persist after the menopause has
passed. In particular they show changes in their breasts and it is suggested that older women
should have regular mammograms to check for breast cancer. There is a post-menopausal
increase in cholesterol in the blood which places women more at risk of heart disease; bone loss
becomes more rapid, increasing the chance of osteoporosis; the urinary organs can become less
elastic and pliable, resulting in many women suffering from incontinence, and finally women
experience vaginal dryness, making sexual intercourse uncomfortable.
The menopause therefore signifies the end of a woman’s reproductive capacity and brings
with it a wide range of symptoms and physical changes. Ballard (2003) describes how the
menopause experience is influence by a range of social, cultural and biological factors which in
turn have a psychological impact upon the individual. This reflects why the menopause is also
referred to as ‘the change of life’. This is illustrated in Figure 16.7.
Research exploring the impact of the menopause has highlighted the experience of the
menopause as a life transition and the social and psychological factors that affect this transition.
This chapter will now explore these different areas.
Social factors
• Changing relationship with children
• Caring for elderly relatives
• Changing role in employment
• Marital conflicts
• Death of friends and family members
• Financial difficulties
Psychological impact on
Cultural factors • Self-esteem
• A negative attitude within society towards the menopause • Self-confidence
• A negative valuation within society of older women • Self-image
• Decision making
Biological factors
• Health problems unrelated to the menopause
• Experience of menopausal symptoms
2 Experience of symptoms and loss of control. Women then start to experience symptoms such
as night sweats, hot flushes and mood swings, which for some interfere with their sense of
well-being and can make them feel out of control.
3 Confirmation of the menopause. Once women sense a loss of control, they then try to confirm
the onset of the menopause by visiting their doctor as a means to regain control. The doctor
can use blood tests to measure hormone levels to confirm the onset of the menopause and at
this stage many women are offered hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
4 Regaining control. Women try to regain control in several ways. Some try to minimize the
impact of their symptoms by taking HRT while others try a range of methods such as
wearing different clothes to cope with hot flushes or taking alternative medicines.
5 Freedom from menstruation. The end of menstruation is often welcomed by women as, for
the majority, decisions about family size have been made long ago. Women therefore feel
relieved that they do not have to experience the pain and bleeding from periods any more
and the inconvenience that this can cause.
The menopause is therefore seen as a process through which women go, which starts with a
sense of expectation and loss of control and finishes with a sense of freedom and regained
control. For many women and doctors this transition is managed through the use of HRT as the
symptoms and changes associated with the menopause are attributed to changes in hormone
levels. For some researchers, however, this perspective has been seen as over medicalizing the
menopause which provides a platform for medicine to take control of women’s bodies (Oakley
1984; Doyal 1994). The results from the large-scale women’s health study (Ballard et al. 2001)
suggest that, although many women conceptualize the menopause as a medical event, they also
locate it within the complex social and psychological changes that also occur at this time.
menopausal experience, research indicates that the menopause needs to be understood in the
context of these changes and describes these changes and their effect upon the menopause as
follows (Ballard et al. 2001; Ballard 2003):
1 Elderly relatives. At the time of the menopause women often find that they are also increas-
ingly responsible for caring for elderly relatives. Further, this may come at a time when
women are just starting to enjoy a newfound freedom from the children leaving home. The
added pressure of elderly relatives can make women feel under stress and guilty and can
affect their physical health, all of which may exacerbate their menopausal symptoms.
2 Changes in employment and finance. In middle life many women increase their hours of
work as the children leave home. This may bring with it new opportunities and a sense of
rebirth. However, it can also be an extra stressor, particularly if women still have the
primary responsibility for the home. In contrast, some women retire in middle life which
brings with it its own sets of stresses in terms of readjustment and a need to develop a new
self-image. Both these types of changes in employment can influence the menopause and
its associated symptoms.
3 Changing relationships. At the time of the menopause women often experience changes in
their role as a mother as this is the time when children leave home, and a change in their
relationships with their partners as they renegotiate a new life without children. Such
changes can make the menopause seem more pertinent as it reflects the end of an era.
4 Death of family or friends. As women reach their fifties they may experience the death of
similar-age family or friends. The menopause may represent a sense of mortality which can
be exacerbated by a sense of loss.
According to Ballard et al. (2001) these social factors coexist alongside the time of the
menopause and can influence the ways in which the menopause is experienced. In turn they
result in subsequent changes in the individual’s psychological state.
menopausal women’s emotional shifts being attributed to their biological state which make
them seem ‘unstable’. However, there is also the converse problem that ‘real’ biological
mechanisms are ignored and that emotions are inappropriately attributed to more social
3 Self-esteem and self-confidence. Some women also report decreases in their self-esteem and
self-confidence. They describe not feeling confident in everyday tasks such as cooking or
work, and feeling less able to manage relationships.
4 Lack of concentration. Several surveys report that women describe how the menopause dis-
rupts their cognitive function in terms of concentration and memory (Rubin and Quine
1995; Ballard et al. 2001). Experimental studies in controlled conditions, however, show no
evidence for any cognitive decline that could be attributed to the menopause above and
beyond standard age effects (Herlitz et al. 1997).
The research exploring women’s experiences of the menopause therefore shows that it is experi-
enced as a transition which is accompanied by symptoms and longer-term physical changes.
Although many of these factors may be related to underlying shifts in a woman’s biology, the
research also indicates that the experience of the menopause needs to be understood in the
context of other social changes which in turn influence a woman’s psychological state. The
menopause can therefore be conceptualized as one part of a series of changes that happen to a
woman during her midlife.
reason women took HRT was for the relief of symptoms, particularly hot flushes, tiredness and
irritability. Similarly, Welton et al. (2004) carried out eight focus groups with 82 women aged
between 50 and 69. The results showed that, for those women taking HRT, the main reason was
perceived improvement in quality of life regardless of either the costs or benefits in the longer
term. In addition, however, Ballard (2002b) also reported that 58 per cent also took HRT to
prevent osteoporosis. Symptom relief would therefore be the main factor influencing the
decision-making process. Protection from illness, however, also seems to have a role to play. As
a means to further understand the decision-making process, Buick et al. (2005) carried out a
systematic review of the literature between 1980 and 2002 to explore women’s beliefs about
HRT. The results from their analysis support the results described earlier and indicate that use
and discontinuation of HRT are more related to symptom relief than considerations of long-
term benefits. Further, the results indicate that those women who refuse HRT often believe that
the menopause is a natural event that does not require chemical intervention and that women’s
beliefs about the benefits of HRT are often countered by their concerns about potential adverse
events (see Chapter 3 for a discussion of beliefs about medicines). Not all women, however, take
HRT and Wathen (2006) explored women’s use of complementary and alternative medicines
(CAM). This study used a mixed method approach and reported that 57 per cent of the Cana-
dian sample had either considered or used CAM as an alternative to HRT and that these
women tended to be younger and had experienced worse symptoms than those who had not
tried CAM.
The menopause reflects the end of a woman’s reproductive life and brings with it a range of
symptoms and longer-term physical changes. Research has explored how women experience the
menopause and suggests that it is considered a life transition which results in a range of psycho-
logical shifts and changes. However, the research also suggests that, although some of these
changes may be directly related to the biological nature of the menopause, they are also created
or exacerbated by the multitude of social changes that occur in a women’s life at the same time.
The menopause is therefore best understood as a time where biological, social and psychologi-
cal factors come together. Research has also explored how women choose to manage their
menopause and the impact of HRT on menopausal symptoms. The results indicate that many
women choose HRT primarily for symptom relief but that its effect on symptoms may not be as
straightforward as once believed.
16 health848.ch16 16/4/07 3:06 pm Page 391
To conclude
There are many areas of health that are specific to women. This chapter has explored four of
these areas which were chosen because they seemed to have generated the most research and to
most closely reflect the interests of the health psychology community. Miscarriage, termination,
childbirth and the menopause are generally regarded as negative events that women often have
to endure. The results from the studies described in this chapter indicate that, although these
are difficult and often unpleasant times for women, many women report how they can also see
the benefit in these experiences. In particular, miscarriage is sometimes seen as a pivotal point
in a woman’s life, enabling her to re-evaluate her past and future self; termination is often
accompanied by feelings of relief and a return to normality; childbirth brings with it a new
identity and sense of self; and the menopause introduces a new period of life and a sense of
liberation. Furthermore the research illustrates how women’s experiences of these events are
influenced by the mode of management as all can be managed either medically or in a more
natural way.
1 To what extent are women’s responses to miscarriage similar to those following bereave-
2 Discuss the problems inherent in carrying out research into the experience of having an
3 To what extent is the experience of having an abortion influenced by the social context?
4 ‘Motherhood is a natural state which brings ultimate satisfaction’. Discuss.
5 To what extent are women’s experiences of the menopause a response to the biological
changes that occur at this time?
6 How are women’s experiences of their health problems influenced by the mode of manage-
ment chosen?
For discussion
Consider how someone you know (your mother, friend, etc.) experienced the menopause.
Reflect upon how this experience may have been affected by other factors that were changing at
the same time.
Further reading
Clements, S. (1998) Psychological Perspectives on Pregnancy and Childbirth. Edinburgh: Churchill
This is an edited collection of chapters describing a range of aspects of childbirth and pregnancy
including women’s experiences of antenatal care, PTSD following childbirth and men becoming
fathers. It is written from a psychological perspective and provides good coverage of some of the
areas not addressed in the current chapter.
Freeman, E.W. and Rickels, K. (1993) Early Childbearing: Perspectives of Black Adolescents on Preg-
nancy, Abortion and Childbearing. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
This book is based upon the Penn study of black teenagers’ experiences and provides detailed
descriptions of their beliefs about pregnancy, abortion and childbearing. It also explores the
longer-term impact of their decisions and behaviour and locates them within the literature.
Although focusing on a very specific sample, the results resonate with the wider literature.
Lee, C. (1998) Women’s Health: Psychological and Social Perspectives. London: Sage.
This book covers a wide range of issues relating to women’s health not covered by the present
chapter, including pre-menstrual syndrome, post-partum depression and fertility control. It
therefore offers a useful background into the areas not addressed by this book.
Moulder, C. (1998) Understanding Pregnancy Loss: Perspectives and Issues in Care. London: Macmillan.
This is an excellent book that draws upon the experiences of women who have had either a mis-
carriage, termination or still birth and locates their experiences within the existing literature. It
explores a range of factors including health care prior to admission, experiences of being in hos-
pital, health professionals’ views and care after discharge.
17 health848.ch17 16/4/07 3:07 pm Page 393
Measuring health
From mortality rates to quality of life
Chapter overview
This chapter examines the different ways in which health status has been measured from mor-
tality rates to quality of life. In addition, it describes the ways in which quality of life has been
used in research both in terms of the factors that predict quality of life (quality of life as an
outcome variable) and the association between quality of life and longevity (quality of life as a
● Mortality rates
● Morbidity rates
● Measures of functioning
● Subjective health status
● Quality of life measures
● Predicting quality of life
● Quality of life and longevity
Mortality rates
At its most basic, a measure of health status takes the form of a very crude mortality rate, which
is calculated by simply counting the number of deaths in one year compared with either previ-
ous or subsequent years. The question asked is, ‘Has the number of people who have died this
year gone up, gone down or stayed the same?’ An increase in mortality rate can be seen as a
decrease in health status and a decrease as an increase in health status. This approach, however,
requires a denominator: a measure of who is at risk. The next most basic form of mortality rate
therefore includes a denominator reflecting the size of the population being studied. Such a
17 health848.ch17 16/4/07 3:07 pm Page 394
measure allows for comparisons to be made between different populations: more people may
die in a given year in London when compared with Bournemouth, but London is simply bigger.
In order to provide any meaningful measure of health status, mortality rates are corrected for
age (Bournemouth has an older population and therefore we would predict that more people
would die each year) and sex (men generally die younger than women and this needs to be
taken into account). Furthermore, mortality rates can be produced to be either age specific,
such as infant mortality rates, or illness specific, such as sudden death rates. As long as the
population being studied is accurately specified, corrected and specific, mortality rates provide
an easily available and simple measure: death is a good reliable outcome.
Morbidity rates
Laboratory and clinical researchers and epidemiologists may accept mortality rates as the
perfect measure of health status. However, the juxtaposition of social scientists to the medical
world has challenged this position to raise the now seemingly obvious question, ‘Is health really
only the absence of death?’ In response to this, there has been an increasing focus upon morbid-
ity. However, in line with the emphasis upon simplicity inherent within the focus on mortality
rates, many morbidity measures still use methods of counting and recording. For example, the
expensive and time-consuming production of morbidity prevalence rates involves large surveys
of ‘caseness’ to simply count how many people within a given population suffer from a particu-
lar problem. Likewise, sickness absence rates simply count days lost due to illness and caseload
assessments count the number of people who visit their general practitioner or hospital within a
given time frame. Such morbidity rates provide details at the level of the population in general.
However, morbidity is also measured for each individual using measures of functioning.
Measures of functioning
Measures of functioning ask the question, ‘To what extent can you do the following tasks?’ and
are generally called activity-of-daily-living scales (ADLs). For example, Katz et al. (1970)
designed the index of activities of daily living to assess levels of functioning in the elderly. This
was developed for the therapist and/or carer to complete and asked the rater to evaluate the
individual on a range of dimensions including bathing, dressing, continence and feeding. ADLs
have also been developed for individuals themselves to complete and include questions such as,
‘Do you or would you have any difficulty: washing down/cutting toenails/running to catch a
bus/going up/down stairs?’ Measures of functioning can either be administered on their own or
as part of a more complex assessment involving measures of subjective health status.
Multidimensional measures
Multidimensional measures assess health in the broadest sense. However, this does not mean
that such measures are always long and complicated. For example, researchers often use a single
item such as, ‘Would you say your health is: excellent/good/fair/poor?’ or ‘Rate your current
state of health’ on a scale ranging from ‘poor’ to ‘perfect’. Further, some researchers simply ask
respondents to make a relative judgement about their health on a scale from ‘best possible’ to
‘worst possible’. Although these simple measures do not provide as much detail as longer meas-
ures, they have been shown to correlate highly with other more complex measures and to be
useful as an outcome measure (Idler and Kasl 1995).
17 health848.ch17 16/4/07 3:07 pm Page 397
In the main, researchers have tended to use composite scales. Because of the many ways of
defining quality of life, many different measures have been developed. Some focus on particular
populations, such as the elderly (Lawton 1972, 1975; McKee et al. 2002), children (Maylath
1990; Jirojanakul and Skevington 2000), or those in the last year of life (Lawton et al. 1990).
Others focus on specific illnesses, such as diabetes (Brook et al. 1981; Bradley 1996; Bradley et
al. 1999), arthritis (Meenan et al. 1980), heart disease (Rector et al. 1993), HIV (Skevington and
O’Connell 2003) and renal disease (Bradley 1997). In addition, generic measures of quality of
life have also been developed, which can be applied to all individuals. These include: the Not-
tingham health profile (NHP) (Hunt et al. 1986), the short form 36 (SF36) (Ware and Sher-
bourne 1992), the sickness impact profile (SIP) (Bergner et al. 1981) and the WHOQoL-100
(Skevington 1999; Skevington et al. 2004a, 2004b). Research using these generic measures has
explored quality of life in people from different cultures, with different levels of health and dif-
ferent levels of economic security (e.g. Skevington et al. 2004a, 2004b). All of these measures
have been criticized for being too broad and therefore resulting in a definition of quality of life
that is all-encompassing, vague and unfocused. In contrast, they have also been criticized for
being too focused and for potentially missing out aspects of quality of life that may be of spe-
cific importance to the individual concerned. In particular, it has been suggested that by asking
individuals to answer a pre-defined set of questions and to rate statements that have been
developed by researchers, the individual’s own concerns may be missed. This has led to the
development of individual quality-of-life measures.
This is an interesting paper as it illustrates how a measurement tool, developed within a psycho-
logical framework, can be used to evaluate the impact of a surgical intervention. In addition, it
compared the use of composite scales with an individual quality-of-life scale.
There are a multitude of measures of quality of life available, most of which ask patients to rate
a set of statements that a group of researchers consider to reflect quality of life. However,
whether this approach actually accesses what the patient thinks is unclear. Therefore O’Boyle et
al. (1992) devised their own measure of quality of life and this asks the patients themselves to
decide what is important to them. It is called the schedule for the evaluation of individual
quality of life (SEIQoL). In addition, the authors wanted to compare the results using SEIQoL
with those of more traditional assessment tools: ‘We wanted to know whether SEIQoL could
answer the question “What does the patient think?”’.
Consecutive patients attending a hospital in Dublin for osteoarthritis of the hip were asked to
participate. These were matched to control subjects from local general practices in terms of age,
sex and class. The study consisted of 20 subjects, who underwent hip replacement operations,
and 20 controls.
The study used a repeated-measures design with measures completed before (baseline) and
after (six-month follow-up) unilateral total hip replacement surgery.
The subjects completed the following measures at baseline and follow-up:
■ Individual quality of life. This involved the following stages. First, the subjects were asked to
list the five areas of life that they considered to be most important to their quality of life.
Second, the subjects were then asked to rate each area for their status at the present time,
ranging from ‘as good as could possibly be’ to ‘as bad as could possibly be’. Finally, in order
to weight each area of life, the subjects were presented with 30 randomly generated profiles
of hypothetical people labelled with the five chosen areas and were asked to rate the quality
of life of each of these people. These three ratings were then used to compute total quality-
of-life score (i.e. adding up each current rating and multiplied by weighting per area).
■ Global health status. The subjects completed the McMaster health index questionnaire,
which assesses physical, social and emotional functioning (Chambers et al. 1982).
■ Disease-specific health status. Subjects completed the arthritis impact scale which assesses
nine aspects of functioning: mobility, physical activity, dexterity, household activities,
social activity, activities of daily living, pain, anxiety and depression (Meenan et al. 1980).
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The results were analysed in terms of the areas of life selected as part of the individual quality-
of-life scale and to assess the impact of the hip replacement operation in terms of changes in all
measures from baseline to follow-up and differences in these changes between the patients and
the controls.
■ Areas of life selected. Social/leisure activities and family were nominated most frequently by
both groups. Happiness, intellectual function and living conditions were nominated least
frequently. Health was nominated more frequently by the control than the patients who
rated independence and finance more frequently.
■ The impact of the hip replacement operation. The results showed that all measures of quality
of life improved following the hip replacement operation.
The authors concluded that their individual quality-of-life measure can be used to elicit the
views of patients and in addition can detect changes in quality of life over time. Further, they
argued that ‘a major advantage of a patient centred measure such as SEIQoL especially with
elicited cues is that it is applicable across all patients, illnesses and diseases and is not specific to
any one culture’. Therefore this study illustrates the usefulness of an individual quality-of-life
measure in evaluating the effectiveness of a surgical procedure.
Measures of
of life
quality of life
A shift in perspective
The shift from mortality rates to subjective health measures represents a shift from implicit value
to attempts to make this value explicit. For example, mortality and morbidity measures assume
that what they are measuring is an absolute index of health. The subjects being studied are not
asked, ‘Is it a bad thing that you cannot walk upstairs?’ or the relatives asked, ‘Did they want to
die?’ Subjective health measures attempt to make the value within the constructs being studied
explicit by asking, ‘To what extent are you prevented from doing the things you would like to do?’
Definition of health
Finally, such shifts epitomize the different perspectives of biomedicine and health psychology.
Therefore, if health status is regarded as the presence or absence of death, then mortality rates
provide a suitable assessment tool. Death is a reliable outcome variable and mortality is appro-
priately simple. If, however, health status is regarded as more complex than this, more complex
measures are needed. Morbidity rates account for a continuum model of health and illness and
facilitate the assessment of the greyer areas, and even some morbidity measures accept the
subjective nature of health. However, if health psychology regards health status as made up of a
complex range of factors that can only be both chosen and evaluated by the individuals them-
selves, then it could be argued that it is only measures that ask the individuals themselves to rate
their own health that are fully in line with a health psychology model of what health means.
Below are some problems with research in this area that you may wish to consider.
1 Health status can be measured using either tools that include predefined domains or those that rely
on the individual themselves to generate the domains. Both are problematic.
2 Quality-of-life measures are sometimes criticized for missing important domains and for being too
simple. Sometimes they are criticized for being overinclusive, unwieldy and difficult to use. The
choice of measure therefore has to be pragmatic and based upon what a particular person is
deemed able to complete at any particular time rather than perfect theoretical principles.
3 Research measuring health outcomes often includes a range of health status, quality-of-life and
physiological measures. Often these measures contradict each other. For example, while an inter-
vention may improve longevity, it may be detrimental to quality of life. How these different out-
comes are combined is unclear and can cause conflict or confusion for health professionals.
primary care and clinical medicine. Most funded trials are now required to include a measure of
quality of life among their outcome variables, and interventions that only focus on mortality are
generally regarded as narrow and old-fashioned. However, a recent analysis of the literature
suggested that the vast majority of published trials still do not report data on quality of life
(Sanders et al. 1998). For example, following an assessment of the Cochrane Controlled Trials
Register from 1980 to 1997, Sanders et al. (1998) reported that, although the frequency of
reporting quality-of-life data had increased from 0.63 to 4.2 per cent for trials from all disci-
plines, from 1.5 to 8.2 per cent for cancer trials and from 0.34 to 3.6 per cent for cardiovascular
trials, less than 5 per cent of all trials reported data on quality of life. Furthermore, they showed
that this proportion was below 10 per cent even for cancer trials. In addition, they indicated
that, while 72 per cent of the trials used established measures of quality of life, 22 per cent used
measures developed by the authors themselves. Therefore it would seem that, although quality
of life is in vogue and is a required part of outcome research, it still remains underused. For
those trials that do include a measure of quality of life, it is used mainly as an outcome variable
and the data are analysed to assess whether the intervention has an impact on the individual’s
health status, including their quality of life.
either hospital (routine care) or primary care follow-ups for women with breast cancer. The study
included 296 women with breast cancer who were in remission and randomly allocated them to
receive follow-up care either in hospital or by their general practitioner. Quality of life was assessed
using some of the dimensions from the SF36 and the HADS. The results showed that general prac-
tice care was not associated with any deterioration in quality of life. In addition, it was not related
to an increased time to diagnose any recurrence of the cancer. Therefore the authors concluded
that general practice care of women in remission from breast cancer is as good as hospital care.
Other studies have explored the impact of an intervention for a range of illnesses. For
example, the DAFNE study group (2002) explored the impact of teaching diabetic patients flex-
ible intensive treatment which combines dietary freedom and insulin adjustment (dose adjust-
ment for normal eating – DAFNE). The results showed that this approach to self-management
improved both the patients’ glycaemic control and their quality of life at follow-up. Shepperd et
al. (1998) also used quality of life as an outcome measure. They examined the relative effective-
ness of home versus hospital care for patients with a range of problems, including hip replace-
ment, knee replacement and hysterectomy. Quality of life was assessed using tools such as the
SF36 and disease-specific measures, and the results showed no differences between the two
groups at a three-month follow-up. Therefore the authors concluded that if there are no
significant differences between home and hospital care in terms of quality of life, then the cost
of these different forms of care becomes an important factor.
To conclude
This chapter has explored the different ways of measuring health status. In particular, it has
examined the use of mortality rates, morbidity rates, measures of functioning, measures of
subjective health status and quality of life. It has then described how the shift from mortality
rates to quality of life reflects a shift from implicit to explicit value, an increasing subjectivity on
behalf of both the subject being studied and the researcher, and a change in the definition of
health from a biomedical dichotomous model to a more complex psychological one. Further, it
has explored definitions of quality of life and the vast range of scales that have been developed
to assess this complex construct and their use in research.
1 Mortality rates are the most accurate measure of health status. Discuss.
2 The views of the subject get in the way of measuring health. Discuss.
3 The views of the researcher get in the way of measuring health. Discuss.
4 To what extent is quality of life a useful construct?
5 Should all outcome research include an assessment of quality of life?
For discussion
Consider the last time you felt that your quality of life was reduced. What did this mean to you
and would this be addressed by the available measures?
Further reading
Bowling, A. (2005) Measuring Health: A Review of Quality of Life Measurement Scales, 3rd edn. Maid-
enhead: Open University Press.
This is an extremely comprehensive overview of the different scales that have been developed to
assess quality of life. It also includes two interesting chapters on what quality of life is and theo-
ries of measurement.
Browne, J., McGee, H.M. and O’Boyle, C.A. (1997) Conceptual approaches to the assessment of
quality of life, Psychology and Health, 12: 737–51.
This paper explores a possible way of conceptualizing quality of life and presents a way forward
for future research.
Joyce, C.R.B., O’Boyle, C.A. and McGee, H.M. (eds) (1999) Individual Quality of Life. London:
This edited book provides details on the conceptual and methodological principles of quality of
life and focuses on individual measures. It then provides some examples of using these measures,
together with some ideas for future directions.
18 health848.ch18 16/4/07 3:08 pm Page 405
The assumptions of
health psychology
Chapter overview
This book has highlighted a range of assumptions within health psychology. This chapter out-
lines these assumptions and points towards the possibility of studying a discipline as a means to
understanding the changing nature of the individual.
18 health848.ch18 16/4/07 3:08 pm Page 406
‘the soup’ into discrete entities and then tries to put them back together. However, perhaps
these different beliefs, emotions and behaviours were not separate until psychology came along.
Is there really a difference between all the different beliefs? Is the thought ‘I am depressed’ a
cognition or an emotion? When I am sitting quietly thinking, am I behaving? Health psychol-
ogy assumes differences and then looks for association. However, perhaps without the original
separation there would be nothing to associate!
vidual with their social world. To do this they turn to social epidemiology (i.e. explore class,
gender and ethnicity), social psychology (i.e. turn to subjective norms) or social construction-
ism (i.e. turn to qualitative methods). Therefore health psychologists access either the indi-
viduals’ location within their social world via their demographic factors or ask the individuals
for their beliefs about the social world. However, does this really integrate the individual with
the social world? A belief about the social context is still an individual’s belief. Can psychology
really succeed with this integration? Would it still be psychology if it did?
Studying a discipline
Therefore there are many assumptions underlying the discipline of health psychology.
Acknowledging and understanding these assumptions provides the basis of a more critical per-
spective on research. Findings from research are not taken for granted and theories can be seen
within their inherent limitations. However, these assumptions themselves provide a basis for
research – research into how a discipline has changed. In addition, this kind of research can
provide insights into how the focus of that discipline (the individual) has also changed. This
approach provides a basis for a social study of a discipline. In the same way that sociologists
study scientists, biographers study authors and literary theorists study literature, a discipline
can also be studied.
Further reading
Ogden, J. (1995a) Changing the subject of health psychology, Psychology and Health, 10: 257–65.
This paper addresses some of the assumptions in health psychology and discusses the interrela-
tionship between theory, methodology and the psychological individual.
Ogden, J. (1995b) Psychosocial theory and the creation of the risky self, Social Science and Medicine,
40: 409–15.
This paper examines the changes in psychological theory during the twentieth century and relates
them to discussions about risk and responsibility for health and illness.
Ogden, J. (1997) The rhetoric and reality of psychosocial theories: a challenge to biomedicine?
Journal of Health Psychology, 2: 21–9.
This paper explores health psychology’s apparent challenge to biomedicine.
Ogden, J. (2002) Health and the Construction of the Individual. London: Routledge.
This book explores how both psychological and sociological theories construct the individual
through an exploration of methodology, measurement, theory and the construction of bound-
Methodology glossary
19 health848.glossary 16/4/07 3:11 pm Page 410
Aaronson, N.K., Ahmedzai, S., Bergman, B. et al. (1993) The European Organisation for research
and treatment of cancer QLQ-C30: a quality of life instrument for use in international clinical
trials in oncology, Journal for the National Cancer Institute, 85: 365–76.
Aarts, H., Verplanken, B. and van Knippenberg, A. (1998) Predicting behaviour from actions in the
past: repeated decision making or matter of habit? Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28: 1355–74.
Abortion Law Reform Association (1997) A Report on NHS Abortion Services. London: ALRA.
Abraham, C., Krahé, B., Dominic, R. and Fritsche, I. (2002) Do health promotion messages target
cognitive and behavioural correlates of condom use? A content analysis of safer sex promotion
leaflets in two countries, British Journal of Health Psychology, 7: 227–46.
Abraham, C. and Sheeran, P. (1993) In search of a psychology of safer-sex promotion: beyond
beliefs and text, Health Education Research: Theory and Practice, 8: 245–54.
Abraham, C. and Sheeran, P. (1994) Modelling and modifying young heterosexuals’ HIV preventive
behaviour: a review of theories, findings and educational implications, Patient Education and
Counselling, 23: 173–86.
Abraham, C., Sheeran, P., Abrams, D., Spears, R. and Marks, D. (1991) Young people learning about
AIDS: a study of beliefs and information sources, Health Education Research: Theory and Practice,
6: 19–29.
Abraham, S., Perz, J., Clarkson, R. and Llewellyn-Jones, D. (1995) Australian women’s perceptions
of hormone replacement therapy over 10 years, Maturitas, 21: 91–5.
Abraham, S.C.S., Sheeran, P., Abrams, D. and Spears, R. (1994) Exploring teenagers’ adaptive and
maladaptive thinking in relation to the threat of HIV infection, Psychology and Health, 7: 253–72.
Abraham, S.C.S., Sheeran, P., Abrams, D. and Spears, R. (1996) Health beliefs and teenage condom
use: a prospective study, Psychology and Health, 11: 641–55.
Abrams, D., Abraham, C., Spears, R. and Marks, D. (1990) AIDS invulnerability: relationships,
sexual behaviour and attitudes among 16–19-year-olds, in P. Aggleton, P. Davies and G. Hart
(eds), AIDS: Individual, Cultural and Policy Dimensions, pp. 35–52. London: Falmer Press.
Abrams, K., Allen, L. and Gray, J. (1992) Disordered eating attitudes and behaviours, psychological
adjustment and ethnic identity: a comparison of black and white female college students, Inter-
national Journal of Eating Disorders, 14: 49–57.
Ader, R. and Cohen, N. (1975) Behaviourally conditioned immuno suppression, Psychosomatic Med-
icine, 37: 333–40.
Ader, R. and Cohen, N. (1981) Conditioned immunopharmacologic responses, in R. Ader (ed.),
Psychoneuroimmunology. New York: Academic Press.
Adler, N.E., Boyce, T., Chesney, M.A. et al. (1994) Socio-economic status and health: the challenge
of the gradient, American Psychologist, 49: 15–24.
Adler, N.E., Boyce, T., Chesney, M.A., Folkman, S. and Syme, L. (1993) Socio-economic inequalities
in health: no easy solution, Journal of the American Medical Association, 269: 3140–5.
Aggleton, P. (1989) HIV/AIDS education in schools: constraints and possibilities, Health Education
Journal, 48: 167–71.
Aggleton, P. and Homans, H. (1988) Social Aspects of AIDS. London: Falmer Press.
Ahmed, S., Waller, G. and Verduyn, C. (1994) Eating attitudes among Asian school girls: the role of
perceived parental control, International Journal of Eating Disorders, 15: 91–7.
20 health848.refs 17/4/07 10:18 am Page 412
Ajzen, I. (1985) From intention to actions: a theory of planned behavior, in J. Kuhl and J. Beckman
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Ajzen, I. (1988) Attitudes, Personality and Behavior. Chicago, IL: Dorsey Press.
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Page numbers in italics refer to boxes, figures and contraceptive use 180
theory testing studies. problem-focused vs emotion-focused coping
strategy 257
A ‘alarm stage’, general adaptation syndrome (GAS)
abortion 369–76 222, 229
factors influencing decision 370–2 alcohol; see also addiction (drinking and smoking)
intervention mode, impact of 375 craving 124
legal aspects 369–70, 372–3 deaths related to 99
psychological impact of 374–5 initiation and maintenance 108–9
rates 370, 371 negative effects 99
research problems 376 positive effects 99
service provision 372–3 recommended daily intake 128
women’s experiences of 373–4 relapse 152
spontaneous, see miscarriage statistics 96–7
abstinence violation effect 121–2, 151 stress–illness relationship 242–3
accidents, stress–illness relationship 243 allostatic load, stress recovery 230, 246
acquired dependency 103 ambiguity/ambivalence
activities of daily living (ADL) 394 meaning of illness 62
adaptive tasks, coping process 62–3, 65 predicting health behaviour 36
addiction (drinking and smoking); see also alcohol; and stress appraisal 227
smoking anger, expression of 263–4
cross-addictive behaviour perspective 122–4 angina 353; see also coronary heart disease (CHD)
definition 100 Antabuse 113
historical changes in attitude and theoretical anti-obesity drugs 349
approaches to 100–2 anticipated regret 36
interventions 112–17 antenatal screening 209
clinical 112–15, 119 anxiety; see also stress
methodological problems in evaluating 119 associated with screening 204, 214, 215–16
public health 116–17, 119 benefits of exercise 162
self-help movements 115 contraceptive use 181
models, see disease model of addiction; moral and depression 325, 355, 366, 374
model of addiction; social learning theories, of cross-cultural differences 58–9
addiction hospital anxiety and depression scale (HADS)
research problems 106 396, 402
stages 106–11 rumination 253–4
cessation 109–12 tension reduction theory of alcohol 108–9,
initiation and maintenance 107–9 242–3
relapse 120–2 and pain 277, 280, 298–9
‘addictive behaviour’ 102 placebo mechanism 298–9
adherence, see compliance/adherence appetite regulation 339, 344
adjustment; see also cognitive adaptation appraisal
HIV/AIDS 318 cognitive 62
miscarriage 367 primary 225–6, 228, 229, 256
social readjustment rating scale (SRRS) 231 secondary 225–6, 228, 229, 256
adolescents, see children/adolescents self-regulatory model of illness cognitions 54
adoptee studies, causes of obesity 338 stress 225–7, 234–5
advertising threat 26, 33
bans 117 appraisal-focused coping skills 63–4, 65
and media influences 133–4, 141–2, 145 approach vs avoidance coping strategies 256–7
affect, see entries beginning emotion; mood arousal 222, 223, 228
age factors associative learning, eating behaviour 134–6
21 health848.index 16/4/07 3:14 pm Page 478
decision-making eating behaviour; see also diet; dieting
abortion 370–2 cognitive models 137–9
clinical 83–7 developmental models 130–6
illness as crisis 62 exercise effect 341
models of contraceptive use 178–80 interventions 360
denial and obesity 341, 342–4
as coping strategy 54, 60, 61 and smoking 123–4
eating behaviour 150 stress–illness relationship 243
HIV/AIDS risk 188 weight concern models 140–55
and immunity 248 economic issues, see costs
depression 89–90; see also anxiety, and depression education level, contraceptive use 180
benefits of exercise 161–2, 163 ‘elaboration likelihood’ model of behaviour change 41
and cancer initiation and promotion 324 elderly
and dieting 155, 347, 348 diet 130
impact of coronary heart disease (CHD) 355 relatives 387
21 health848.index 16/4/07 3:14 pm Page 481
nausea and vomiting in cancer treatment 326 OXCHECK study, coronary heart disease (CHD)
negative results in screening 214–15 screening 211, 213
false-negative 210
negotiation of condom use 188–91, 193, 194 P
neophobia, childhood food exposure and preferences pain
131 acute and chronic 271–2, 277, 282
nicotine fading 112–13 definition 271–2
nicotine replacement 113 measurement 289
non-maleficence, ethical issue in screening 210–11 research problems 275
norepinephrine 163 theories 272–5
norms pain acceptance 288
expanded 35–6 pain experience 272–3, 280, 281–2
social 36, 181–2, 186–7, 194 pain perception 274, 276–80
pain treatment
O cancer 326
‘ob gene’ 339 pain acceptance as outcome 288
obesity 90 placebos 284–8, 295, 299, 304–5, 307–8
benefits of exercise 160 role of psychology 282–8
causes 337–45 parents; see also children/adolescents; family
behavioural 340–4 contraceptive use 181
physiological 338–9 food and eating 132–3, 134–6
definitions 334–5 sex education 193–4
nurses’ 87 partner factors in contraceptive use 181, 191, 192–3
physical problems 336 past behaviour, role in predicting behavioural
prevalence 336 intentions 39
psychological problems 336–7 patient centredness 88–9
research problems 345, 352–3 patient expectations, see expectancies/expectations
role of psychology 334 patient factors, see individual factors
treatment 346–52 patient recall 76
benefits 348 patient satisfaction 75, 77–8
drug 349 patient understanding 76
successes 350–2 patient–health professional communication 76–9, 80,
surgery 349–50 81–2, 87–91
observational assessment of pain 289 peer influences
occupational activity 158, 160 contraceptive use 181
operant conditioning 105, 277 sex education 193–4
opportunistic screening 200 smoking 108
oral and written information 79 perceived control 264
organizational factors in screening uptake 205 perceived needs 38
orgasms 174, 175 perceived pain 274, 276–80
Orlistat 349 perceived stress scale (PSS) 231
osteoporosis 385, 388, 389 percentage body fat 335
benefits of exercise 160 person–environment fit, definition of stress 221–2,
outcome(s) 228
aspect of exercise 158 personal digital assistance (PDA) 231
coping 61, 65, 67, 259 personal harm, screening effects 210
expectancies 29, 33, 35, 121 personal responsibility, stress–illness link 266
health professional–patient agreement 90 personal susceptibility, sexual risk perception 185,
informed choice 91 187–8
measurement, quality of life 401–2 personality; see also individual factors; psychological
pain acceptance 288 factors
prediction, self-regulatory model 67–70 and cancer 324, 327–30
smoking 55–6 contraceptive use 181
overloading and stress events 227 emotional expression 250
overeating role in predicting health behaviours 37
causes 147–52 and stress–illness relationship 262–4
and dieting 146–55 type A, and coronary heart disease (CHD) 262–3,
as rebellion 149, 153–4 358, 359
21 health848.index 16/4/07 3:14 pm Page 486
situational factors, contraceptive use 181–2, 189–90 and pain treatment 282
smoke-holding 113–14 and stress–illness link 260, 266
smoking; see also addiction (drinking and smoking) socio-economic status (SES)
bans 116, 117, 118–19 body dissatisfaction 142–3, 144
cessation chronic stress 252
interventions 360 contraceptive use 180
and relapse 152, 242 screening uptake 203
stages-of-change model 42, 110–11, 111–12 Socratic questions 282–3
withdrawal symptoms, benefits of exercise 162 spontaneous abortion, see miscarriage
coherence model 70 Sports Council initiatives 157, 164
and coronary heart disease (CHD) 212, 213, 355, stages-of-change model 21–2, 23, 109–10
360 exercise behaviour 168
deaths attributable to 98 smoking cessation 42, 110–11, 111–12
doctors 87 stair climbing 165
and eating behaviour 123–4 standards–needs approach to quality of life 395
gender differences 123 stereotypes
illness representations and behavioural outcomes in decision-making 86
55–6 genetic disorders 211
initiation and maintenance 107–8 stress; see also anxiety; coping; stress–illness
negative effects 98 relationship
positive effects 98 in cancer initiation and promotion 323
prevalence 95–6, 97 and control 227–8, 264–5
stress–illness relationship 242, 251 definition 221–2
snacking/snack foods 135–6, 243 measurement 230–4
social anthropology perspectives, health definition 48 models, development of 222–5
social benefits of exercise 167 modification 361
social class, see socio-economic status (SES) benefits of exercise 162
social cognition models 29–33; see also specific models placebos 307
adherence to exercise 167–8 relaxation training in children 233–4
contraceptive/condom use 182, 185–7 physiological measurement 231–2
interventions 39–41 physiological responses 228–34, 265
problems with 34–42, 186–7 psychological factors 225–8
social comparison psychophysiological model 234–5
coping with miscarriage 366–7 recovery 229–30, 245
and pain experience 280 role of information 79–81
stress buffering hypothesis of social support 260 as risk factor for CHD 358
social context 406–7 stress buffering hypothesis of social support 260
body dissatisfaction 141–3 stress reactivity 163–4, 229, 245, 263–4
condom use 191–4 stress resistance 222, 229, 230, 246
symptom perception 58–9 stress–illness link
social harm effects of screening 210–11 acute process 241, 244
social learning models behaviour changes 241–3, 244–5
of addiction 100, 102, 104–5 causality 239–40
cessation 113–15 chronic process 240–1, 244
and disease model 105, 121–3 impact of 252–4
of eating behaviour 132–4 and control 266
social messages 53, 59–60 and coping 259
social norms 36, 181–2, 186–7, 194 individual variability 245–6
social predictors moderating factors 255–67
of addiction 108, 109 and personality 262–4
of exercise 164–8 physiological responses 244–6
social readjustment rating scale (SRRS) 231 psychoneuroimmunology 246–51
social support research problems 252
and cancer 326 and social support 260
changes in 61 ‘stress-diatheses’ model of illness 240, 241
definition 259–60 stressors 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227
and health 260, 261–2 and coping 258
and job stress 253 stroke, predicting recovery from 68–9
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Health Psychology
new topics, including a new chapter on women's health, as
well as opportunities for the reader to critically examine key
conceptual and methodological issues within each chapter.
It remains clearly written and highly accessible and still deserves
a textbook
its place as the number one choice of health psychology
textbook.” – John Weinman, King’s College, London Fourth Edition
The market leading textbook in the field, Health Psychology by Jane Ogden,
is essential reading for all students and researchers of health psychology.
It is also invaluable to students of medicine, nursing and allied health.
Retaining the breadth of coverage, clarity and relevance that has made it a
favourite with students and lecturers, this fourth edition has been thoroughly
revised and updated.
a textbook
New Features:
• New chapter on women's health issues, exploring recent research into
pregnancy, miscarriage, birth, menopause and related areas
• New “Some problems with…” boxes analyse health psychology research
and identify the shortcomings and limitations of research in the area
• Updated “Focus on Research” examples introduce contemporary topics
Fourth Edition
and emerging areas for research in health psychology, including exercise,
smoking and pain
• The new edition includes new data, graphs and further reading plus
suggestions about where you can access the most recent publications
and other data
• Revised end-of-chapter review questions for independent study and revision
Online Learning Centre:
The OLC hosts web links and multiple choice questions for students, plus
supporting teaching resources for lecturers.
Interested in accessing more research readings? Essential Readings
Jane Ogden
in Health Psychology by Jane Ogden is a new collection of key papers
brought together for the first time in one volume which complements Health
Psychology: a textbook and offers more detailed accounts of the issues
covered in this text.
Jane Ogden is Professor in Health Psychology at the University of Surrey,
UK. Her research explores aspects of health including obesity and eating
behaviour, communication in the consultation and women's health issues.
Jane Ogden