Chapter 2: Precipitation
Chapter 2: Precipitation
Chapter 2: Precipitation
2.1 Precipitation
Precipitation is any form of solid or liquid water that falls from the atmosphere to the Earth’s surface.
Forms of precipitation
A front is the interface between two distinct air masses.
Types of precipitation based on lifting mechanism
1. Convective
Unequal heating at the surface of the earth is the main cause of convection. In summer days air in contact
with the surface of the earth gets heated up, expands and rises due to lesser density. Surrounding cold air
rushes to replace it and in turn gets heated up and rises thus setting up a convective cell. The warm air
continues to rise and undergoes condensation. The condensation releases latent heat of vaporization,
which helps to move the air mass up. Depending on the moisture content, cooling and other factors, the
precipitation intensity varies from light showers to cloud bursts. Sometimes upward wind currents
exceeding 150 kmph freezes the raindrops to form hail.
2. Orographic
Lifting of air mass over a mountain barrier is called orographic lifting. Dynamic cooling takes place
causing heavy precipitation on the windward side and light on leeward side. Orographic precipitation
gives medium to high intensity rainfall and continues for longer duration.
3. Cyclonic
A cyclone is a low pressure region surrounded by a larger high pressure area. The cyclone center is called
eye, which is a calm area. This zone is surrounded by strong wind zone. The pressure decreases towards
When the low pressure occurs in an area, especially over large water bodies, air from the surroundings
rushes, causing the air at low pressure zone to lift. The system derives its energy from sea vapor. Once the
cyclone crosses over to the land, the energy source is cutoff, it becomes weak and disappears quickly. The
rainfall is normally heavy in the entire zone travelled by a cyclone.
An anticyclone is an area of high pressure in which wind tends to blow spirally outward in clockwise
direction in the northern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere. Weather is usually
calm and such anticyclones are not associated with rain.
2. Recording gauge
The gauge which records the depth of rainfall automatically is called recording gauge. Rainfall intensity,
duration and depth can easily be obtained from recording gauge. There are three types of recording gauge
in general use.
a) Tipping bucket: Tipping bucket type gauge operates with a pair of buckets. When the rainfall first fills
one bucket, it tips and brings the other one in position. The flip-flop motion of the tipping buckets is
transmitted to the recording device (clock-driven drum chart) and provides a measure of rainfall intensity.
Alternatively, the tipping mechanism is used to actuate electric circuit which records the number of tips
during rain. Usually one tipping is equal to 0.25mm of rain. The instrument is suitable for digital data.
Tipping bucket
b) Weighing bucket: In this gauge, rainfall is collected in bucket which rests on a weighing scale with a
spring mechanism. For recording the rainfall, mechanical lever arm of the balance is connected with a pen
which touches a clock mounted drum with a graph paper. The record shows accumulation of rainfall over
Weighing mechanism
Graph paper
Rotating drum
c) Float type (Syphon) gauge: This type of gauge has a chamber containing a float. With the increase in
rainwater in the chamber, the float rises. Vertical movement of the float is translated into movement of a
pen on a chart, which is mounted on a mechanical clock. A syphon arrangement empties the float
chamber when the float has reached the pre-set maximum level. Then the pen comes back to original zero
position showing vertical line on the graph. If there is no rainfall, the pen moves horizontally. Each
syphonic action measures certain amount of rainfall, e.g. 10mm. This instrument provides mass curve of
Discharging tube
Telemetry is a system of transmitting rainfall data to a base station by means of electronic units connected
to recording gauges. This system is very useful for mountainous and inaccessible areas. Telemetry is used
for real time transmission of data.
Records from all the existing gauges of a basin help to fix the optimum number of stations. The following
statistical analysis helps to obtain optimum number of gauges for a basin on the basis of an assigned
percentage of error in estimating the mean areal rainfall.
( )
N = optimal number of stations
Ep = allowable percentage of error in estimating the mean areal rainfall
Cv = Coefficient of variation of the rainfall from existing stations
Method to calculate coefficient of variation
Mean of rainfall: ∑
Standard deviation: √ ∑( )
Coefficient of variation:
Ep is generally taken as 10%.
If Cv is less than 10%, the existing number of stations is assumed to be sufficient. For N>n, the additional
stations required for the basin are N-n. Annual rainfall data is normally used in this analysis.
Normal rainfall
Average rainfall for 30 year period
This method is used if the normal annual rainfall of missing station is within 10% of the normal annual
rainfall of surrounding stations, data of at least 3 surrounding stations (index stations) are available and
the index stations should be evenly spaced around missing station and should be as close as possible.
This method is used if the normal annual rainfall of index stations differs by more than 10% of the
missing station. The rainfall of surrounding index stations is weighed by the ratio of normal annual
rainfall by using the following equation:
( ) ( )
2.5 Double mass curve analysis for correction for data inconsistencies
The plot of accumulated annual rainfall of a particular station versus the accumulated annual values of
mean rainfall of surrounding stations is called double mass curve. This technique is used to check the
consistency of rainfall data and to correct erroneous rainfall data. This technique is based on the principle
that a group of sample data drawn from its population will be the same.
The reasons for inconsistency are:
Shifting of gauge
Change in site conditions due to calamities, e.g. fires, landslide
Change in observational procedure
Observation error
If the double mass curve is straight line, the rainfall of the particular station is said to be consistent. If
there is break in the slope of the plot, then the rainfall of that particular station is inconsistent. Starting
year of change of regime of rainfall is marked by the starting point of the break in slope. Correction has to
be applied beyond the period of change of regime.
A change in slope is normally taken as significant only where it persists for more than five years.
Correction should be applied for change in slope exceeding 10% of original line.
c. Moving average
Average of consecutive interval
Interval: 3-5 year
Purpose: to isolate the trend in rainfall data and to smoothen out the high frequency fluctuations
d. Mass curve
Plot of accumulated rainfall versus time
Useful to identify intensity, duration, magnitude, starting and ending time of rainfall
Magnitude = cumulative rainfall at t- cumulative rainfall at t-1
Intensity = slope of curve
Mass curve
Fig. 3.6: Mass curve of rainfall
3. Hyetograph
Plot of rainfall intensity or rainfall depth versus time interval in the form of bar graph
In each bar, time interval between two points is shown in X-axis and corresponding rainfall
represents Y-axis.
From mass curve, rainfall of certain interval dt can be computed and rainfall intensity can be
The graph represents the characteristics of storms and useful in predicting floods.
Area under hyetograph: total rainfall
Fig. 3.7: Hyetograph
2.7 Method of computing average rainfall
Three common methods
1. Arithmetic mean method
This is the simplest method for computing mean rainfall. This method is satisfactory if the gauges are
uniformly distributed and the individual gauge catches do not vary greatly about the mean. The formula
for computing mean rainfall is
This method gives equal weights to each gauge. It gives only rough estimate. It does not take into account
the topography and other influences. For this method, only the gauges inside the basin are considered.
In this method, weightage is given to all the gauges on the basis of their areal coverage. Thiessen method
assumes that rainfall at any point within the polygon is same as that of the nearest gauge. For this method,
all the gauges in and around the basin are considered.
Thiessen polygon
Use of data nearby stations located outside basin
Consideration of spacing of stations
Easy to perform computation through computer software
It does not consider orographic and topographic effects.
The method assumes linear variation of precipitation between stations.
3. Isohyetal method
An isohyet is a line joining points of equal rainfall. For this method, rainfall stations lying within basin as
well as nearby stations around the basin are considered.
Pav = average rainfall
Pi, Pi+1: rainfall of isohyets i and i+1
Aj = Area enclosed by isohyets i and i+1
A= Total basin area
Note: if the isohyets go out of the boundary, then the catchment boundary is used as the bounding line.
The method requires dense gauge network.
Isohyets need to be drawn for each storm.
The steps involved in simple plotting position method, which can be used for precipitation data, are given
Prepare data of maximum intensity for different durations for different years.
Arrange data in descending order.
Assign rank of data. Assign 1 for highest data, 2 for second highest data and so on.
Calculate the return period of each data. According to California formula, return period (T) = n/m
where n = number of data, m = rank.
Plot rainfall versus return period and extrapolate to get rainfall of higher return periods.
Rainfall intensity
( )
i= intensity
T = return period or frequency
D = Duration
K, x, a, n = Constants
A Depth-Area-Duration (DAD) curve is a graphical representation of depth of precipitation and area of its
coverage with duration of occurrence of storm as third parameter. Storms of smaller duration has smaller
depth and the depth decreases with increase in area.
The purpose of DAD curve is to determine the maximum amount of precipitation that have occurred over
various sizes of drainage area during the passage of storm periods of say 6hr, 12hr, 24hr or other
durations. Such information is essential for the design of hydraulic structures such as reservoir, dam,
culverts etc.
Depth of
1-day storm
Incremental isohyetal method is generally used to construct DAD curve. The procedure of this method is
as follows.
Identify all the major storms.
Note down the duration for all storms, such as 1 day duration.
Prepare isohyetal pattern for all 1 day storms on map.
Take one 1 day storm and calculate the area bounded within the highest isohyets by planimetering. Next
compute the area bounded between the largest and second largest isohyets by planimetering. Repeat the
procedure for remaining isohyets. Compute average isohyetal depth (Pmi). This procedure is repeated for
all other 1 day storm of the area. The average depth of precipitation is computed as follows.
where dn = average depth of precipitation covering up to nth isohyets, P mi = average isohyetal depth for ith
isohyets, Ai = Area enclosed between ith and (i+1)th isoheyts.
Plot a graph between cumulative area as abscissa and maximum average depth of precipitation as ordinate
covering the depth area data of all 1 day storms.
Same procedure as explained above is applied for other durations.
Ice nuclei: particles that cause ice crystals to form through either direct freezing of cloud droplets or
freezing of water deposited on the particle surface as vapor. E.g., dust particles, combustion products,
organic matter
Once ice crystals form, they may splinter and create large number of nuclei to aid the precipitation
process. Continued growth of an ice crystal leads to the formation of a snow crystal.
Snow pellets
Snowflake: aggregation of snow crystals, may grow in size during its falling
Snowfall or rainfall from snowflake depends upon extent and temperature of layers of air through which it
Depth of snow
Snow water equivalent
Snow water equivalent is the amount of water that would be obtained if the snow were melted.
Density of snow
It is the percentage of snow volume that would be occupied by its water equivalent.
Density = volume of melt water from a snow sample/intial volume of sample
Density of new snow: 0.01-0.15, damp new snow: 0.1-0.2, settled snow: 0.2-0.3
Measurement of snow
1. Point snowfall water equivalent: Snow is collected in raingauge (non-recording, weighing type), which
is melted and equivalent amount of water is measured.
2. Point snowfall depth: Ruler, snowboard
Snow accumulated on the snow board is measured by scale or ruler
3. Snow depth for area having large accumulation: permanent snow stakes (calibrated wooden posts fixed
on the ground)
3. Areal snow cover depth and density: Snow survey
Snow survey means surveying of sections of snow cover to determine depth and density.
Depth determination: by preinstalled gauges
Density determination: boring a hole through the snowpack or into the pack and measuring the amount of
liquid water obtained from the sample.