2 Precipitation
2 Precipitation
2 Precipitation
Factors determining
precipitation or the amount of
atmospheric moisture over a
▪ Geography
Ocean surfaces is the chief
source of moisture for
2.1 Formation of Precipitation
• Supply of moisture
• Cooling to below point of condensation
• Condensation
• Growth of particles
Accumulation of moisture:
• Heavy rainfall amount over a river basin exceed by far the amount of
water vapor at the atmospheric volume vertically above the basin at
the beginning of the rainfall
• Convergence:
The net horizontal influx of air per unit area is called convergence.
• Clearly there must be a large net horizontal inflow of water vapor
into the atmosphere above the basin area.
• The moisture added to the atmosphere over a basin may be
transported very large distance in the lowest layer of the atmosphere.
When this moist current reaches a region of active. Vertical motion it
rises thousands of feet and loses much of its contained water vapor in
just a few hours.
Mechanism of Cooling:
• The reduction in pressure when air ascends from the surface of
earth to upper levels in the atmosphere is the only mechanism
capable of producing the degree and rate needed to account for
heavy rainfall.
(a) Convection
Convectional rainfall occurs when the energy of the sun (or insolation) heats the
earth’s surface and causes water to evaporate changing to water vapor. This
warm, moist air then rises, and as it rises, it cools. The air reaches a point called
the condensation level where it has cooled to such an extent that the water vapor
condenses and turns back to a liquid form.
2.2 Lifting mechanisms
Orographic lift occurs when an air mass is forced from a low elevation to
a higher elevation as it moves over rising terrain.
Orographic precipitation is most pronounced on the windward side of
mountain range, generally heaviest precipitation occurs where favorable
Orographic effects are present
2.2 Lifting mechanisms
Cyclonic or Frontal precipitation results when the leading edge of a warm, moist air
mass (warm front) meets a cool and dry air mass (cold front). ... As it rises, the warm
air cools, the water vapor in the air condenses, and clouds and precipitation result.
2.2 Lifting mechanisms
(d) Convergence
Distribution of precipitation over different types of surfaces
2.1a Types of precipitation
2.1a Types of precipitation
Forms of precipitation
• Rain is the most common type of precipitation.
• The size of drops is more than 0.02 inch and less than 0.25 inch
in diameter.
• Flow is generally produced on the ground by it if the rate of
rainfall is more than the rate of infiltration of soil.
• It is the ice coating formed on the drizzle or rain drops as it
comes in contact with the cold surfaces on the ground.
• It is the frozen rain drops cooled to the ice stage while falling
through air at subfreezing temperatures
Forms of precipitation
• Snow is the precipitation in the form of ice crystals resulting from
sublimation i.e. from water vapor to ice directly
• Often the warm surface of earth melts the freshly fallen snow.
• However, if the Earth’s surface is cold, the snow can accumulate on
the ground
• It is made up of a number of ice crystals fused together
• Precipitation in the form of balls or lumps of ice over 0.2 inch
• Formed by alternate freezing and thawing as the particles are carried
up and down in highly turbulent air currents
• Their impact is also more as compared to other forms of precipitation
2.1b Measurement of Precipitation
Precipitation Data
• Precipitation data are necessary for most land use plans and for
hydrologic planning like water for human, agriculture, disposal of
waste water and the control of excess rainfall .
• State and federal government have collected and published precipitation data
and it is available in some libraries, in electronic tapes or CD’s and now it is
also available on the Web.
• Gauges
• Radar and satellite
2.1b Measurement Methods
2.1b Measurement Methods
• Rain gauges are most commonly used for the measurement of precipitation,
both in terms of rain fall and snow.
Recording Gauges
2.1b Measurement Methods
• Depending upon the nature of catchment and its area, there could be as many
gauging stations as feasible. Before using records from a rain gauge check its
continuity and consistency.
• The precipitation record should be complete but due to absences of the observer or
because of instrumental failures some precipitation stations may have short breaks in
the records.
Rain gauge Network
Economic considerations
To obtain reasonably accurate information about storms, WMO recommends some density
based mostly on
Acceptable (1
Description Ideal (1 stn/area)
A catchment has 6 rain gauge stations. In a year, the annual rainfall recorded by the stations is
as follows:
Station A B C D E F
(mm) 82.6 102.9 180.3 110.3 98.8 136.7
For a 10% error in the estimation of the mean rainfall, calculate the optimum number of
stations in the catchment.
Arithmetic Mean Method
If the conditions relevant to the recording of a rain gauge station have undergone a
significant change during the period of record, inconsistency would arise in the
rainfall data of that station
Checking for inconsistency of record is done by the double mass curve technique
Technique is based on the principle that when each recorded data comes from the
same population, they are consistent.
Pa = k x Po
Pa = Adjusted precipitation
Po = Observed Precipitation
Annual rainfall data for station M as well as the average annual rainfall values for a group of ten
neigbouring stations located in a meteorological homogeneous region are given below:
Test the consistency of the annual rainfall data of station M and correct the record if there is
any discrepancy. Estimate the mean annual precipitation
The isohyets due to a storm in a catchment are and area of the catchment bounded by isohyets
are given below. Estimate the mean precipitation due to the storm
Station-12.0 30
12.0-10.0 140
10.0-8.0 80
8.0-6.0 180
6.0-4.0 20
Rainfall Frequency Distribution:-
Hydrologist need to estimate the probality that a given rainfall event will occur to
assistant planners in determining the likelihood of the success or failure of a given
i. Duration
ii. Intensity
iii.Return period
i. Duration: The time from the beginning of the storm to the end is called
ii. Intensity: Amount of precipitation per unit time is called the intensity of
iii. Return period:- The return period is the average period of he time in years
expected either between high intensity storm or between very dry periods.
Interception and Depression Storage
Interception Storage (S): The maximum volume that can be intercepted and
retained on the foliage against the forces of wind and gravity. (S is often expressed as
depth over the entire area).
If the total rainfall volume is less than S, then all rainfall will be intercepted.
Potential interception losses during storm can be estimated:
Generally, interception losses are difficult to estimate. For large storms this loss is relatively insignificant. That’s why in engineering
hydrology, it is either neglected or combined with other losses.
Depression Storage
Once precipitation reaches the ground, part of the precipitation may become trapped in numerous
small depressions (the land surface is not smooth and flat) from which the only escape is
evaporation or infiltration.
Depression storage
Maximum Depression Storage (Sd): the maximum storage capacity of all the depressions
(mm over the entire catchment).
Depression storage depends on a vast number of factors such as:
(i) Type of soil,
(ii) Condition of the surface reflecting the amount and nature of depression,
(iii) slope of the catchment
(iv) Antecedent precipitation. as a measure of the soil moisture.