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UCF median

O&M costs


O&M costs median


20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Unit capability factor


Developing an Economic
Performance System
to Enhance
Nuclear Power Plant


The following States are Members of the International Atomic Energy Agency:

The Agency’s Statute was approved on 23 October 1956 by the Conference on the Statute of the
IAEA held at United Nations Headquarters, New York; it entered into force on 29 July 1957. The
Headquarters of the Agency are situated in Vienna. Its principal objective is “to accelerate and enlarge the
contribution of atomic energy to peace, health and prosperity throughout the world’’.
© IAEA, 2002
Permission to reproduce or translate the information contained in this publication may be
obtained by writing to the International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramer Strasse 5, P.O. Box 100,
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Printed by the IAEA in Austria
February 2002



VIENNA, 2002
VIC Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
Developing an economic performance system to enhance nuclear power plant
competitiveness. — Vienna : International Atomic Energy Agency, 2002.
p. ; 24 cm. — (Technical reports series, ISSN 0074–1914 ; no. 406)
ISBN 92–0–110202–X
Includes bibliographical references.
1. Nuclear power plants—Cost of operation. 2. Nuclear power plants—
Cost effectiveness. 3. Competition. I. International Atomic Energy Agency.
II. Series: Technical reports series (International Atomic Energy Agency) ;
VICL 99–00227

In 1999 about 16% of the world’s electricity was produced by nuclear power,
and the total worldwide operating experience of nuclear power plants was over
9200 reactor-years. Some 16 countries are dependent on nuclear power for more than
25% of their electricity generation. In some countries deregulation of the electricity
market has either happened or is currently ongoing, while in others it is planned for
the future. Nevertheless, many countries are already facing open electricity markets
and operating costs are under unprecedented pressure, with competition expected to
come soon to the nuclear industry worldwide. To a certain extent, however, the
industry has already prepared or is currently preparing to face competition.
This report is primarily intended for nuclear power plant and utility managers.
It discusses the means and principal issues for the development of the nuclear
economic performance international system (NEPIS), which should enhance nuclear
power plant competitiveness.
The following issues are addressed:

— The major transformations occurring in the electricity generation industry that

require reductions in operations and maintenance costs at nuclear utilities,
— The methods that nuclear plant management use to identify and justify the
economic optimum level of a plant and its use of resources,
— The value of collecting cost and performance data and the analysis techniques
that use that data,
— The cost data required to be collected,
— The difficulty of collecting data with existing cost accounting systems,
— The new cost accounting and collection systems that will be required,
— The cost effectiveness of the overall process.

This report also presents the preliminary results of a pilot project that was
established to collect cost data on a few nuclear power plants and was used to verify
the adequacy of the definitions and terminology set for NEPIS.
The IAEA wishes to thank all of the participants for their valuable
contributions. The IAEA is particularly grateful to R. Richwine for his assistance and
for his role as chairman of all the meetings held on this subject, and to the chairman
of the Nuclear Committee of the Electric Utility Cost Group, J. De Mella, for his
collaboration and assistance in preparing the final document. The responsible officer
at the IAEA for this report was R. Spiegelberg-Planer of the Division of Nuclear
Although great care has been taken to maintain the accuracy of information contained
in this publication, neither the IAEA nor its Member States assume any responsibility for
consequences which may arise from its use.
The use of particular designations of countries or territories does not imply any
judgement by the publisher, the IAEA, as to the legal status of such countries or territories, of
their authorities and institutions or of the delimitation of their boundaries.
The mention of names of specific companies or products (whether or not indicated as
registered) does not imply any intention to infringe proprietary rights, nor should it be
construed as an endorsement or recommendation on the part of the IAEA.

1. INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1


O&M COSTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2.1. Transformations in the electricity supply industry . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2.2. Changing priorities in investment appraisal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3. Changes in plant ownership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.4. Influence of a new business environment on plant decisions . . . . . 5
2.5. Potential for performance improvement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7


INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

3.1. Plant benchmarking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

3.2. Nuclear power plant performance optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
3.3. Staff awareness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.4. Management culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.5. Plant life management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.6. New plant design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3.7. Nuclear power plant planning studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM (NEPIS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4.1. Issues to be addressed in designing NEPIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

4.2. Setting up NEPIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2.1. Standardizing the cost basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.2.2. The cost accounting method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.2.3. Compatibility with existing databases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2.4. Adjusting for technological differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2.5. Terms of access and confidentiality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
4.2.6. Data collection, updates timing and validation process . . . . 18
4.2.7. Database structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2.8. Database administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
4.2.9. Data distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3. Implementation of NEPIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3.1. Pilot project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3.2. International data collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
4.3.3. Future considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Development of economic performance
indicators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Benchmarking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Communicating best practice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Decommissioning costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Economic lifetime, refurbishments and
safety upgrade assessments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Other issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.4. Preliminary results of the pilot project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

5. CONCLUSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

REFERENCES .............................................. 30


OPTIMIZE COSTS AND PERFORMANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

ANNEX II: MONETARY CONVERSION TABLES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

II–1. GDP deflators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
II–2. PPP indices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
References to Annex II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


III–1. Objective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
III–2. General instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
III–3. Data quality assurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
III–4. General plant and unit data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
III–4.1. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
III–4.2. Plant specifications: A1000 to A1415 . . . . . . 44
III–4.3. Unit specifications: A1600 to A2015 . . . . . . . 46
III–5. O&M cost definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
III–5.1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
III–5.2. Resource definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
III–5.3. Account definitions: 1099 to 3004 . . . . . . . . . 51
III–5.4. Operations costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
III–5.5. Maintenance costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
III–5.6. Support services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
III–5.7. Plant administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
III–5.8. Direct and indirect costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
III–6. Refuelling/overhaul outage cost definitions . . . . . . . . 65
III–6.1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

ANNEX IV: GLOSSARY OF BUSINESS TERMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67


SYSTEM DEFINITIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

CONTRIBUTORS TO DRAFTING AND REVIEW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81


In many countries nuclear utilities are facing what is, for them, a new operating
environment, one in which their operating costs are coming under unprecedented
pressure. In the past the focus was on minimizing fixed costs by minimizing
construction costs and maximizing availability, so that the fixed cost per kilowatt-
hour was low. Now, with few plants under construction and little immediate prospect
of further orders in most countries, the focus is on controlling total operating costs to
ensure that existing plants can justify their continued operation. In some cases,
notably the United Kingdom, nuclear power plants are increasingly having to
compete directly, in an open energy market, with other electricity suppliers. In the
United States of America data on operating costs are being analysed to determine
whether the continued operation of nuclear power plants provides power to
consumers at the least cost. These cost pressures are likely to intensify and spread to
all countries as the trend to liberalize and introduce competition in the electricity
supply industry widens. Coping with this competitive pressure is a challenge that the
nuclear industry should meet if the nuclear option is to remain a viable one.
This competitive environment has significant implications for plant operations,
including, among others, the need for the efficient use of all resources, including
personnel, for the more effective management of plant activities, such as outages and
maintenance programmes, for the greater use of analytical tools to balance the costs
and benefits of proposed activities, and for the sharing of resources, facilities and
services among utilities. There also appears to be a need to derive new indicators of
performance, for example on operations and maintenance (O&M) costs. There is a
strong need to optimize O&M costs to ensure the economic competitiveness of
existing nuclear power plants, since as they get older costs tend to rise.
High availability has always been recognized as being one of the keys to
nuclear competitiveness, as it allows fixed costs to be spread more thinly. However,
high availability is not sufficient by itself to guarantee competitiveness. In general,
low O&M costs per kilowatt-hour are the target, but the situation is different for every
plant. In some cases availability can be maintained at the existing level with lower
overall O&M spending by targeting expenditures more appropriately. Increased
O&M spending would be justified if cost effective extra output is produced.
In meetings convened by the IAEA, experts from Member States discussed the
major transformations in nuclear utilities needed to achieve O&M cost reductions,
how to help managers identify and justify the optimum level and use of O&M
expenditure, the value of collecting cost and performance data, what analyses could
be done, what cost data should be collected in order to do these analyses, how difficult
it is to collect these data with existing cost systems, what new system of cost
collection is needed and if it would be cost effective.

The benefits of collecting O&M costs are compelling. It allows management to
identify more clearly where and how costs are being incurred and sharpen its
judgement to determine whether adjustments would improve the competitiveness of a
plant. However, the centralized collection of these data and their use for comparisons
between plants, perhaps owned by another utility or even in another country, does
raise a number of important issues. These issues are discussed in this report.
Section 2 of this report discusses the factors that cause utilities to optimize
O&M costs. Section 3 discusses the advantages of a nuclear economic performance
international system and how to use an international system to make better decisions
and improve the costs of nuclear power plants. Section 4 provides the basis for the
database’s design and implementation and includes the preliminary results of a pilot
project to establish an economic performance international system. It also presents
future issues and the uses of such an international system. Section 5 summarizes the
conclusions of this report.
The annexes present one method to estimate optimal costs and performance,
tables used for data conversions, definitions and the terminology used in the data




Over the past 10 to 15 years the way electricity supply systems are organized
and operated has come under increasing scrutiny, and most electricity supply
industries have undergone or are undergoing some degree of reform. Previously, as
part of a ‘regulatory bargain’, utilities were guaranteed monopoly powers and the full
recovery of costs in return for providing a reliable electricity service, available to all
at non-discriminatory prices. This ‘bargain’ is being rapidly abandoned.
In the most radical reforms, such as those undertaken in the UK in 1990, the
public companies were broken up and privatized (i.e. ownership was transferred from
the national government to private shareholders) and the generation and supply to the
final consumer (retail) sectors of the industry transformed from a monopoly to one
run on free market principles. Electricity retailers now have to compete with each
other to win customers, and power station owners have to compete against each other
on an hour by hour basis.
In the USA the process began earlier and has been more gradual, starting with
a toughening of the regulatory regime in the late 1970s that weakened the assurance

of cost recovery. Prudence evaluations, conducted by state regulators, scrutinized the
construction management practices of newly completed nuclear facilities and resulted
in a substantial disallowance of the recovery of construction investments. Regulatory
pressures continued in the 1980s with the growth of independent power producers,
and now a number of states are moving towards a system similar to that adopted in
the UK.
Deregulation will probably result in fewer operating organizations, owing to
expected mergers and acquisitions. Opportunities will exist for high performing,
economically competitive companies to be the electricity providers of choice.
Nuclear safety and operational and economic performance across the industry have
continued a favourable trend. The performance of US nuclear plants has steadily
improved in terms of longer run times, reduced outage lengths and improved safety
and economic performances.
Over the past five years the annual production costs for US nuclear plants have
decreased. On average, production costs for the median performers have improved by
more than 25%. However, despite recent US industry improvements there still
remains a significant (30%) gap between the median and best performers. Significant
opportunities for nuclear plant improvements will continue to exist through
benchmarking and emulation of the best practices of the top industry performers.
By introducing a directive in 1996 the European Union (EU) laid down the
rules of opening the electricity market in the EU area: from February 1999 each
member of the EU should have started opening up its market, at least for the biggest
customers. Each country has chosen its own pace, but the share of the market that
should be open by 2003 will be, at least, a third of the total consumption.
In other countries, particularly those where demand growth is still rapid and the
supply infrastructure is not fully developed, the transformation has been less extreme.
Nevertheless, these countries are looking at the examples of the developed countries
and adopting aspects of their reforms, such as weakening the generation monopoly
and allowing at least large consumers to negotiate the purchase of power from
suppliers other than the incumbent franchise supplier [1].


The changes outlined in Section 2.1 have transformed the commercial context
for nuclear power. Previously, decision making on electricity supply options was
dominated by companies with monopoly powers that were able to make decisions on
the basis of long term, large, centralized investment appraisals, tempered by strategic
considerations on supply security.
In the past, when a nuclear programme was committed to, the total discounted
generation cost of a nuclear plant was expected to be significantly lower than that of

a fossil fuel plant. Such forecasts were founded on the anticipation of long term
higher fossil fuel energy costs. In this context the competitive focus for nuclear power
against other generation options was at the pre-construction phase and was dominated
by attempts to minimize the expected capital costs and construction times. Such
forecasts frequently proved inaccurate. Market competition against other forms of
energy was generally only at the margin and not a major consideration. This meant
that investments in new power plants carried little economic risk to the utilities
because, if errors were made, they could pass the extra costs on to consumers. As a
result, and because governments often set a lower rate of return on capital than private
industry, new power station investments were generally required to achieve a
relatively low real rate of return on capital (typically 8 to 10%)1 and could be
amortized over the licensed life of the plant (typically 30 to 40 years). This tended to
favour capital intensive options, such as nuclear power, over lower capital cost
Once a nuclear plant was in service, a reasonable assurance of a full recovery
of costs and return on investments meant that the incentives to minimize O&M costs
and new capital expenditures were limited, and the decision of when to retire plants
was largely left to the discretion of the utilities.
In the new context, however, the economic risk of investing in new generating
plant lies much more with utility shareholders and project financiers than with
consumers, and the economic life of an asset may be much shorter than the licensed
life. As a result, a substantial ‘risk premium’ is appropriate in investment appraisals
and the capital is recovered over a much shorter period. For example, in the UK recent
power station orders have been required to make a 15% real rate of return on capital
and the investment has been amortized over an eight year period.
Under such criteria it may be difficult for nuclear power to compete with other
forms of generation and, as a result, all plans to build new nuclear power plants in the
UK have been abandoned. In the USA no new nuclear orders are foreseen at present.
Necessarily, the focus has shifted towards the operation of existing plants, partly to
ensure that they are competitive and partly to maintain nuclear power as a viable
option if and when economic circumstances are more favourable to it; nuclear power
may become more cost competitive when environmental compliance costs are fully
incorporated into fossil fuel’s total generation costs. A recent analysis carried out in
1995 by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) of the US Department of
Energy reports that US companies moderately improved their voluntary efforts to
address global warming in 1997, achieving greenhouse gas emission reductions of
165.6 t of carbon dioxide equivalent (7% more than in 1996). The report states that
the largest reported emission reductions came from projects that improved the

1 This value considers all invested captial; that is, it is the weighted cost of capital.

performance of nuclear power plants and thus reduced coal fired generation. Because
nuclear power plants are invariably large box load facilities, even fairly small
improvements in plant availability can lead to a sizeable reduction in fossil fuel
consumption [2].


One of the side effects of the liberalization of electricity supply industries has
been that the ownership of nuclear power plants has become less fixed. In some cases,
such as the UK and Brazil, electricity liberalization has led to the break up of
electricity generating companies, leaving their nuclear power plants in the hands of
new companies. In others some owners are reviewing the nature of their business in
the light of the new commercial environment, and if they see nuclear power plants as
not part of their core business they may look to sell them. For example, in California
some of the main utilities have sold their generating plants. Equally, other companies
have acquired existing nuclear power plants in areas outside their franchise regions,
for example PECO (Philadelphia Electric Company, USA) and British Energy (UK)
have formed a joint venture to acquire and operate existing nuclear power plants.
Changing ownership is both an opportunity and a challenge. The new owners
look at the plants with a fresh eye and may bring innovative new thinking to their
operation, hence improving their performance. For example, the performance of the
UK’s nuclear power plants improved dramatically after they were placed in a new
nuclear only company. However, some of the experience and knowledge of the
specific details about a plant may be lost in the process of ownership transfer, to the
detriment of plant performance.



In the increasingly global economy that characterizes today’s business

environment, industrial consumers of electric power, in order to remain competitive,
are demanding both low costs and high reliability. In the past, with government
subsidies or territory monopolies, the electric power industry as a whole, and the
nuclear power industry in particular, was less concerned with cost. Although in
certain countries, including the USA and Canada, detailed O&M cost data have been
available for in depth analysis, it has not been widely distributed and used throughout
the world’s nuclear community. Also, cost has not been given as high a priority as
safety and availability, where international standards for data collection and analysis
have been in place for many years and have been effectively used for overall plant

improvements. Today, however, costs are much more closely scrutinized by local and
national governments, the utilities’ management and financial institutions to
determine the economic competitiveness of all forms of electric power generation,
including nuclear power. As the threat increases of a full deregulation of the electric
power sector, with open markets and supplier choice, nuclear power will have to
increase its focus on controlling and optimizing costs, in addition to maintaining high
levels of safety and availability.
The influence of the increase in market pressures on generation costs can be
better appreciated as the change in the basic paradigm in the electric power sector is
better understood. The former general equation for electricity pricing in countries
with a regulated, for profit, power industry was:

Price = cost + profit

Where cost was the actual incurred cost (construction plus O&M plus fuel) this
was considered prudent (or not able to be proven imprudent) and profit was legally
mandated and regulated. This led to a risk avoidance decision mindset since a
successful high risk investment could only yield the mandated profit margin (12 to
14% in the USA), while an unsuccessful investment that was judged imprudent could
be disallowed and the entire investment written off. Risk taking could only result in a
reduction in the company’s overall profit margin. Therefore, the management mindset
was to avoid imprudent judgements by minimizing risk. Because there were no
competitive pressures, the resulting electricity prices could vary greatly from one
monopolistic territory to another, with no recourse for each area’s customers since
they were captive to their electricity utility. As customers began to demand lower
costs and more supplier choice, increasing pressure was applied to deregulate and
liberalize the electricity utility market. With these increased market pressures, the
basic paradigm has changed. The new equation has profit as the dependent variable,
such that:

Profit = price (market) – cost

Price is determined by a competitive market environment and cost is the net

result on an electricity utility’s costs as a result of all decisions, good and bad.
Therefore, the high return realized from a series of successful high risk investments
can be used to offset the negative return from unsuccessful ones. This will bring about
an increased need to change from an avoid risk decision making mode to one where
the decision makers identify, quantify and manage risk (risk in this context only
relates to performance and cost, not to safety).
In the past the best solution for any particular performance problem was
characterized by its technical superiority or its effectiveness in solving a problem.

While management sought to implement that solution at the lowest possible cost, it
often was the only solution put forward. In the future, however, a nuclear power
plant’s management will need to identify an entire range of best practice solution
options and their respective costs and impacts. The best solution will be characterized
by its economic superiority or its cost effectiveness. Sharing information about these
potential solution options will allow each plant to optimize its own O&M cost
For countries where profit motives are not present there are still substantial
pressures to reduce nuclear power plants’ O&M costs. Numerous economic studies
have shown direct links between a country’s overall economic growth and the
availability and cost of its electric power. By reducing costs and improving
performance, nuclear power plants can contribute substantially to these countries’
abilities to attract new industry. In addition, environmental factors such as greenhouse
gases and other emissions are becoming more important. The total costs for fossil fuel
generation could rise, creating increased opportunities for nuclear power to become
the more competitive choice if nuclear power plants continue to improve their
performance and reduce their costs.


In order to estimate the opportunity for performance improvements and O&M

cost reductions at nuclear power plants data for US plants were plotted (see Fig. 1)
[3]. This shows a comparison of US nuclear power plants’ O&M costs against
capacity factors.
It can be clearly seen that a wide variation in both capacity factor (an indicator
of performance) and O&M costs exists between top performing2 plants and poorer
performing plants. In fact, the data shows that the range around the median O&M cost
plants is ±50% (median about US $100/kW(e)/a, lowest about US $50/kW(e)/a,
highest about US $150/kW(e)/a).
In addition, there is a comparable variation in capacity factors. If poorer
performing and higher cost plants were to lower their costs and improve their
performance to their optimum economic performance (see Annex I for a discussion
of the optimum economic performance concept), the savings are estimated to be US
$5000 million/a, with an estimated reduction of in excess of 80 million tonnes of
CO2/a (if the increased nuclear generation replaced coal fired generation). If these
USA data were extrapolated to the worldwide collection of nuclear plants the

2 In this section the word performance is used as a synonym of availability.


Non-fuel O&M costs (1997 US $/kW)






40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Net capacity factor (%)

FIG. 1. US nuclear plant O&M costs plotted against capacity factors, 1993–1995.

potential savings would be of the order of US $20 000 million/a, with CO2 reductions
(replacing coal fired generation) in excess of 320 million tonnes/a.
Substantial improvements in safety and technical performance have already been
achieved through, among other means, the development and application of international
standards and definitions, data collection and analysis, and shared best practices.
Nevertheless, the international community needs to develop international standards and
definitions so as to allow the exchange of information on best practices to improve
nuclear power plants’ economic performances.



This section itemizes some of the ways that a new nuclear economic
performance international system will be used to improve the cost competitiveness of
today’s nuclear plants as well as future nuclear plant designs. As the database is
implemented and matures, new techniques and methods will be developed that will
take even greater advantage of the information it will contain.

In order to design properly a cost effective economic performance data
collection system it is necessary to have a good idea of what will be done with the
data after they are collected. If too much data are required to be input a costly burden
for power plant staff is created, but if too little data are collected it will be impossible
to make meaningful analyses. A balance between these two extremes should be
achieved, and hence the uses of the database need to be decided upon.
The guiding principle is that data collection, compilation and analysis should
result in better decision making by someone in the chain of authority throughout the
life of a nuclear power plant, from its design through to decommissioning.
By looking at the ways technical performance and safety databases have been
previously used to improve nuclear power plants, a great deal of insight can be
obtained regarding the ways a new international O&M cost database will be used.
Reviewing how cost data have been used in some countries where it is available will
also give additional ideas.


One area that available data have been used effectively is in performing
benchmarking studies; that is, comparing one unit’s performance with others having
similar characteristics. Numerous benchmarking studies have been carried out at
individual utilities as well as at the national and international level. In performing
benchmarking studies it is vital that a large number of power plants provide their data
so that a balance can be reached between the need for data from a large population of
units and the requirement that those units have similar characteristics. The joint World
Energy Council/International Union of Producers and Distributors of Electrical
Energy (UNIPEDE) Committee on the Performance of Generating Plants has
published demonstration benchmarking studies that indicate how to achieve that
optimal balance with a high degree of statistical confidence [3, 4].
Benchmarking studies have been used extensively to help identify and
quantify opportunities for improvements in safety and technical performance for the
individual units being benchmarked. At the plant system or equipment level these
studies can help target the areas within a plant that offer the greatest potential for
improvement, thereby allowing plant and support staff to focus on specific areas. It
has also helped focus research and development activities towards those areas that
offer the greatest benefits.
Benchmarking has also been used to give an early warning of threats to the
benchmarked plant that similar plants have previously experienced, along with details
of successful and unsuccessful actions taken by the affected plant in responding to
those problems. This allows the alerted plant to move from a reactive into a more
proactive, anticipatory style of management.

Benchmarking can identify plants within peer or ‘sister’ groups that have
achieved a superior performance. Direct communication between plants’ staff, along
with site visits, has allowed benchmarked plant staff to identify proven best practice
techniques that they should consider for implementation at their own plant. In
addition, the development of industry best practice databases can allow a more
effective exchange of knowledge and experience. Of course, in many areas industry
best practice is not limited in application to technical peers.
An international cost database can be expected to achieve many of the same
positive results by using the benchmarking techniques and methods developed for
technical performance and safety. Since 1995 some cost benchmarking on nuclear
plants has been performed by electric utilities in the USA that are members of the
Electric Utility Cost Group Nuclear Committee (EUCG–N) and by the Nuclear
Energy Institute. The EUCG–N has pioneered the application of benchmarking
techniques to cost data for nuclear plants, which has resulted in new insights into the
process of optimizing costs without negatively impacting on either safety or
performance. In fact, these studies have shown that often the top technically
performing nuclear plants also have the lowest O&M costs. Also, other industry
groups in the USA, notably the North American Electric Reliability Council’s
(NERC) Generating Availability Trend Evaluation Working Group, have studied the
costs and performance of fossil fuel plants; NERC has published two reports that
show those results [5, 6].
One method that has evolved is the use of a statistical method known as frontier
analysis to estimate the optimum economic performance that power plants could
expect to achieve if they were using industry best practices (Annex I shows a sample
demonstration of this technique).
By comparing the technical performance of a unit at a particular activity level
against the costs for that activity, plant staff can gain a much better understanding
of which areas should be studied in order to improve the cost effectiveness of a


Improving the economics of a nuclear power plant requires a comprehensive

understanding of the relationship between O&M spending and the performance of a
plant. It should be recognized that there is a real cost associated with poor
performance (e.g. the lost opportunities for receiving revenues and higher than
necessary generation costs), as well as the corrective maintenance cost associated
with repairing equipment. In addition, there is a mutual interaction between O&M
spending and the performance of a plant. Too little proactive (preventative) O&M
spending results in a high frequency of unplanned breakdowns, with high corrective

maintenance costs and the high costs associated with unavailability. The practice of
too much O&M spending can put the plant past the point of diminishing returns.
The goal, therefore, is not to minimize O&M costs or to maximize performance
(e.g. availability) but rather to minimize the total cost by optimizing O&M costs.
Adding to the complexity of this task is that optimization requires that only
industry best practice O&M techniques and methods are used, since less cost efficient
methods will not allow a plant to be on the frontier (the optimum availability and cost,
see Annex I). Therefore, the use of benchmarking techniques, as discussed in Section
3.1, will give a top-down perspective of where, relative to its frontier, a plant stands
and what potential improvement in cost and performance is possible.
In order to achieve this potential improvement, however, individual day to
day decision making should be enhanced (bottom-up). A typical improvement
methodology consists of three basic steps:

— Identification: identifying all the potential improvement options for addressing

plant problem areas.
— Evaluation: economic justification and prioritization of the options identified.
— Implementation: choosing an economic option and comparison of the expected
and actual results.

By following this type of process the best use of a plant’s limited resources
(i.e. money, time and human resources) will allow a plant to optimize its costs and
An international O&M cost database will directly support this optimization
process by providing insight into each of the three steps listed above.


A second area where an international economic performance database will be

used is to help increase the awareness of an electric utility’s nuclear staff of the need
for change. As discussed in Section 2, nuclear operators find themselves increasingly
involved in a new market style business environment that requires dramatic changes
in the mindset of their employees. Moving from a technical to an economic style of
decision making and management will require new types of information, the type of
information that will be compiled in a new international economic performance
database. Also, new decision support tools will need to be developed and
implemented that combine the performance impacts of O&M options with the
economic impacts of those options in order to find which option is the economic
optimum for any specific plant. Helping nuclear power plant personnel to recognize
the needs and the new decision processes of an economic style of plant management

is of vital importance in optimizing a plant’s O&M costs and performance. Another
outcome resulting from an increased awareness of plant staff is an increase in the
identification of potential solutions from the employees closest to the problems,
tapping the creativity of all of the staff.


Changing management culture styles to become consistent with optimum

economic decision making is also necessary and is an area in which a new international
economic performance database can play a substantial role. Ensuring a direct link
between overall corporate objectives and specific plant goals necessitates changes in
the current methods for evaluating and rewarding plant management. In many countries
where market style businesses are well advanced, the management goals system has
already evolved into one that uses economics much more extensively than in the past.
Incentives based on economic performance have begun to replace ones based solely on
technical performance, and obviously require appropriate economic performance data.
Setting these goals is greatly enhanced by international cost comparisons. Other
management methods and techniques, such as total quality management, quality
circles, reliability centred maintenance and shared inventory programmes, would also
greatly benefit from a database. Another area where these data could be of value
would be in providing management personnel with additional training and
development in economic performance oriented management methods, and in
monitoring their improvement to evaluate the training programmes’ effectiveness.


Other areas that would be able to take advantage of a new international

economic performance cost database are plant life extension studies. It is increasingly
recognized that plant life is not simply a technical issue, but that it must be evaluated
as an economic issue. Having access to O&M data at a wide variety of plant sites
would enable decision makers to anticipate the long term O&M costs associated with
continued plant operation and to choose the optimal life management programme that
would enhance a company’s overall cost competitiveness.


As information about ongoing plant costs are collected and analysed,

incorporating these data back into a new plant design process would allow for the

nuclear power option to become more cost competitive with other technologies.
Industry studies have shown the positive effect this feedback has had in the
improvement of the availability of subsequent generations of maturing power
generation technologies. By applying the same principles to the new cost data, new
generations of nuclear plants can be expected to become more cost competitive. At
a time when global environmental concerns are reaching new heights of public
awareness, nuclear power can expect to become an increasingly important part of
the future energy supply mix if it can demonstrate that it can become cost


In order to assess the long term role of nuclear power, or any other energy
resource, power system analyses are traditionally used. The principal objective of
such analyses (or power planning studies) is usually to determine the structure of a
long term capacity expansion plan for the considered country or utility with due
regard to the relevant economic and non-economic factors and constraints.
Sophisticated techniques of power system modelling are used for such studies.
However, the results obviously depend on the quality of the input data, including the
O&M costs of nuclear power plants. Although they are only part of the total system
costs, the assumed prognosis of O&M costs may noticeably influence the resulting
optimum share of nuclear power, especially in cases when relatively large
investments in O&M are expected (e.g. safety related backfittings of a plant or
preparations for lifetime extensions). Therefore, it is important to have reliable
forecasts of nuclear power plant O&M costs based, to the extent possible, on actual
experience. In this respect, the use of an O&M database as the basis for developing
O&M cost projections for supporting nuclear power planning studies is another
promising application area.




Designing a data collection system for O&M costs that is consistent and
comparable across international boundaries presents numerous challenges, some of
which are unique and some where direction can be gained from examining other

databases that measure performance factors such as availability, efficiency and safety.
These issues should be addressed and resolved during the database’s design, so that
data elements can be identified and collected in order to make meaningful
comparisons and to develop appropriate benchmarks. Central to the issues unique to
a cost database is the question of currency conversions. Since most countries have
their own currency, a method needs to be developed that allows conversion to some
international standard currency so that reasonable comparisons can be made. Also,
since the cost data will be trended and compared over several years, country specific
inflation rates should be used to normalize the data. In addition, differences between
an individual country’s labour rates, productivity levels, materials costs and the costs
needed to comply with country specific regulatory requirements should be able to be
accounted for, and the costs data adjusted accordingly.
Another issue is the question of the accounting method that will be used for
data collection. Historically, most nuclear utilities have used a functional approach
to O&M cost data accounting (e.g. maintenance, operations and engineering). In
the USA the EUCG–N has developed and maintained a functional O&M cost
database that has been widely used by US and some non-US companies since the
mid-1980s. Today, new accounting systems that employ activity based costing
(ABC) and activity based management (ABM) techniques are becoming more
widely used because, in some cases, of the ability for the ABC/ABM cost data to
be used more effectively by management for improving processes and lowering
O&M costs. The EUCG–N has recently developed and implemented an ABC
O&M cost database. A number of US utilities actively support and participate in
providing ABC data annually. Currently, the EUCG–N maintains both the
functional and ABC O&M databases and has the facility to compare information
between them.
Other cost data issues, such as the level of detail, plant cost data by station
and consistently accounting for general office support, need to be resolved. In
addition, the impact on costs due to various nuclear technologies should be
determined by a proper peer group selection. Important for peer group selection are
the reactor type, plant size in MW(e) (for economics of scale), geographic group,
vintage of the plant (i.e. its ageing), planned outage cycle (its major overhaul or
refuelling cycle), etc.
Issues where guidance can be found from other established databases, such as
the IAEA Power Reactor Information System (PRIS), include the need to be
compatible with existing databases; the intention to include cost data from some
international operators should also be considered. The question of the confidential
treatment of sensitive cost data in an increasingly competitive environment should be
addressed and resolved to the satisfaction of the contributing members. Finally, the
questions of the monetary cost conversions, the language of the database and the
frequency and timing of updates should be addressed.


4.2.1. Standardizing the cost basis

A particular problem in making any comparison of international costs is

converting expenditures incurred at different times, in local currencies, to a common
basis. Currency exchange rates can be volatile and may not reflect accurately the
differing resource costs between countries. Particularly in countries where inflation is
high, care should be taken to ensure that distortions are not introduced by mixing
expenditures incurred at different times. While this is a problem, it is one faced by
many organizations and methods do exist, such as the use of purchase power parity
exchange rates, that can cope with these problems.
Specifically for the purposes of NEPIS, the approach to monetary conversions
needs to take into account the following requirements:

— As database updates are supposed to occur annually, the costs conversions

should be made at yearly intervals; that is, there should be only one reference
date for every year (e.g. 1 January).
— The method should have the practical capability of converting any given
currency to one reference currency in any given year in the past.
— The approach should be reasonably simple in order to permit the prompt
collection of initial data and to allow for regular annual updates without
substantial practical difficulties.
— The approach should be transparent for both data providers and database
managers who are not experts in macroeconomics.
— The approach should include some set of default values specified by the
database developers as well as the opportunity to modify the default values by
the data providers (if they have more accurate information).
— Data should be collected in each country’s currency.

When making comparisons across years, care should be taken to minimize the
effect of short term currency fluctuations or inflation. A simplified approach would
be that implemented following the method applied for a similar task, as shown in
Ref. [7]:

— The selected base date for cost comparisons is 1 January of the latest year, that
is for the year for which a database update is implemented. The selected
reference currency is the US dollar as at 1 January of the given year.
— For the conversion of national cost data to a selected base date, national gross
domestic product (GDP) deflators should be used. This is a less accurate
approach than using producer price indices and labour cost indices, but it makes

the task realizable in view of data availability for all the countries that may be
members of the database project.
— For the conversion of national costs as at 1 January of, for example, 1997 into
US dollars as at 1 January 1997 the average 1997 exchange rate should be used.
The use of the annual average is intended to minimize the possible effect of
short term currency fluctuations. Again, this is known to be less accurate than
the use of relevant purchasing parities but is considered justified at this stage in
view of its simplicity and transparency.

An example set of cost conversion factors determined in accordance with these

assumptions is given in Annex II. Such factors should be prepared and entered into
the database for each operator or utility participating in the project.
One should note, however, that this approach is mostly appropriate for
developed countries. Developing countries and countries that are in a period of
economic transition sometimes represent a special case, as their national currencies
may undergo relatively large changes and statistical data on GDP deflators are not
always available or reliable. For these countries a slightly different procedure will be
applied, as suggested in Ref. [7]:

— The original estimate in the national currency at a given date is converted into
US dollars at the same date using either the market exchange rate or, if possible,
other, more accurate, conversion factors (often national assessments for
countries in transition are already made in US dollars using one or other
conversion method);
— The obtained dollar value is converted to US dollars of 1 January of the
reference year using the US GDP deflators for the relevant year.

It is understood that the described approach has weaknesses, particularly in

respect of using such country aggregated parameters as GDP deflators and average
exchange rates. Therefore, at a later stage following the experience of using the
database and suggestions from the database’s users, a more rigorous approach with
the use of producer price indices and purchasing power ratios should be considered.
However, for the initial development of the database the described simplified
approach is considered to be the most appropriate.

4.2.2. The cost accounting method

As a starting point O&M costs should be collected on a functional basis,

currently the most common method used by nuclear plants worldwide. However, the
consultancy group recognizes that other accounting methods, specifically ABC or
ABM, may potentially offer value to management for minimizing total generation

costs. Therefore, it is recommended that concurrent with the development of a
functional database ABC approaches be reviewed and evaluated for future
consideration. In the meantime, a functional/ABC process matrix that translates costs
from one system to the other should be considered. The EUCG–N has developed such
a matrix, which is currently used to translate data from its nuclear ABC process
database to its EUCG functional database. During the implementation of an economic
performance international system, a similar matrix to translate international and
functional O&M to ABC categories based on the experience of the EUCG–N should
be considered.

4.2.3. Compatibility with existing databases

Since the EUCG–N has successfully implemented both functional and ABC
databases in the USA it is prudent for the IAEA to draw extensively on the experience
of the EUCG–N’s functional O&M cost data collection process, which will help to
ensure that a new international system is appropriate for the needs of all member
countries. In doing so, the existing EUCG nuclear O&M functional database structure
and category definitions will be used a starting point from which to modify the cost
categories and definitions that are most useful for all participating operators and
utilities. Existing data from US as well as non-US nuclear plants might therefore be
available for economic comparisons and process improvements.

4.2.4. Adjusting for technological differences

Every nuclear power plant is unique. Obvious differences include the reactor
type, nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) vendor, number of units on site, age and
size. If comparisons between plants are to be useful, great care should be taken to
ensure that any differences in the level and direction of O&M expenditure that are
simply a result of intrinsic technological differences are adjusted for, either by
selecting an appropriate peer group or by normalizing the data.
Selecting an appropriate peer group may lead to a very small group if an exact
match on technology is sought. However, if a particular activity is being examined,
for example training, the relevant peer group might be much larger. There exist
mathematical techniques, such as multivariable linear regression analysis, that can be
used to estimate the data adjustments necessary to make comparisons possible.
Experience with the PRIS database has shown that as data accumulates and the
database matures, new methods of analysing the data emerge that allow more precise
international comparisons. In addition, experience with analysing data for the USA
suggests that management differences, rather than technological differences, may
account for many of the cost differences between plants. The process for peer group
selection used by the Joint World Energy Council/UNIPEDE Committee on the

Performance of Thermal Generating Plant should be considered for application to this
issue [1].

4.2.5. Terms of access and confidentiality

As the electricity supply industry becomes more competitive, cost data acquires
greater commercial sensitivity, and hence the submission of O&M cost data in some
standard format to the IAEA would clearly have to be done on a voluntary basis.
Membership of an international database will be restricted to operators of
nuclear power plants and utilities in IAEA Member States that are in possession of
data relevant to an international database.
A member will provide together with an application for membership the
willingness to provide data. Members that have fulfilled these requirements and have
supplied data will have access to the international data to the extent that they have
provided data at the same level of detail. The IAEA will release information from the
database to non-members only after obtaining clearance from the data providers and
their utilities.
Members who have access to NEPIS should use the data only for their own
analysis or evaluation. Data made available between members will be provided in
such a way that no identification of companies or organizations is possible.

4.2.6. Data collection, updates timing and validation process

Data will be collected through a computerized survey that will be designed to

allow operators easily to enter, change, update and submit information on the annual
O&M costs incurred by a nuclear generating plant. The survey program, provided on
diskettes, and an instruction manual will be supplied to members. The program
contains data entry forms, on-line help and instructions, and is designed to run on a
single user PC. If, however, a member does not have the facilities to collect data
electronically, data acquisition sheets will be provided. The data will be typed in by
the IAEA and sent back to the member for verification.
The database will be updated annually. The survey program and/or
questionnaire data sheets for updated information will be sent out by 31 December
and should be returned to the IAEA by the end of March each year. English will be
adopted as the language of the database.
A database review and verification team formed by the IAEA Secretariat and
the EUCG–N will review submittals prior to the distribution of the database. The
team will also prepare all documentation related to NEPIS. In order to facilitate this
process a self-validation feature will be included in the NEPIS database survey
update program. This self-validation feature will automate many of the verifications
made by the review team. The process of data validation should take no longer than

two months, allowing a quick distribution of the database to all users and data

4.2.7. Database structure

Initially, data collection will focus on O&M costs. The database will comprise
four parts, containing information on stations and plants, and detailed information
on functional cost accounts for non-outages and for outages. The detailed functional
cost accounts will be divided into operations, maintenance, support services, plant
administration, total direct costs, total indirect costs and capital costs. Each cost
account will be further broken down into resource categories that include labour,
materials and outside services. Additional data on nuclear power plant performance
indicators such as capability factors, energy availability factors, energy production,
refuelling outage durations and cost information (e.g. capital, insurance and
decommissioning) will also be included. Some of this information is already
available in the IAEA PRIS, which will be linked to NEPIS. Detailed data to be
collected and the definitions and terminology for the database are presented in
Annexes III–V.

4.2.8. Database administration

The administrative functions for the setting up of NEPIS will be carried out co-
operatively by the IAEA and the EUCG–N.
The principal functions for the management of NEPIS are:

— To ensure that the NEPIS database’s rules and procedures are correctly and
efficiently implemented and to take the necessary actions for the efficient
operation and continued improvement of the database;
— To integrate all input from the members into the NEPIS database program and
to identify and correct errors;
— To develop and subsequently update and maintain, in consultation with
members, all authorizations, standards, formats, instructions, definitions,
rules, procedures, questionnaires, spreadsheets and guidelines that will be
used for preparing and processing the input and creating and utilizing the
— To arrange the training of the members’ personnel in the preparation of data so
that they can easily enter, change, update and submit information on all the
O&M costs incurred;
— To set up regular consultation meetings to evaluate data reports and to discuss
proposals and recommendations from members on the procedures for
regulating the database’s operation.

4.2.9. Data distribution

It is desirable to establish a consistent and comprehensive framework for

sharing and using information. The aim is to provide a true and full picture of the
economic performance of a given plant. Evaluating economic performance requires
the definition of appropriate indices and the means to share but maintain full
confidentiality of the data.
NEPIS will be distributed annually and within three months after the data are
gathered. The users will access the database through a front end interface that has
features for selecting information based on specified criteria but that does not identify
plants’ names, operators or utilities. The reporting period will follow the calendar
year, from 1 January to 31 December. Historical records will be retained.


4.3.1. Pilot project

A pilot project undertaken during 1999 collected cost data from five nuclear
utilities in diverse geographical locations. The project reviewed and evaluated the
definitions and terminology used against the data collected and refined the process
before the database is implemented worldwide.
The pilot project ensured the exchange of information among its members
during the data collection and review process. It could also be the basis for a training
programme implemented later for other operators during the international data
collection stage.

4.3.2. International data collection

International data collection will be open to all operators of nuclear power

plants after the pilot project is successfully implemented. Training programmes to
offer support when the members prepare the data input may be held.
It will include the establishment of a network of expert contacts within members of
the programme that can provide objective help to others experiencing problems in their
particular field of expertise. Continuous evaluation and refinement of the entire programme
should be assured during the process of implementation of the international database.
The development of standard cost data benchmarking and other analysis
processes, together with automated training programmes, will help members achieve
the maximum value from the database. This could include links to a performance
database such as the IAEA’s PRIS to enable members to perform trade-off studies to
try to determine their optimum economic level of performance.

Another key element necessary to improve the economics of a plant is the
identification and sharing of information relating to its optimum economic
performance. This should be a continual process that takes account of changes to a
plant, for example its ageing, changes in the grid of which the plant is part and the
development of new methods that improve industry best practices.

4.3.3. Future considerations

Prioritization of the main issues, validation processes, and measurements of

operational and economic performance are important issues that need to be
considered when developing and implementing an international economic
performance database. Being the first international initiative in this area, it is
recognized that enhancements will be required. Some issues that need to be addressed
in the future have been identified and are briefly discussed below. Development of economic performance indicators

There is a strong need to understand the financial management system of

each country. The development of economic performance indicators will contribute
to a better understanding of the financial management systems that each country
uses, and will enable better use of the international system. These indicators
could be used for comparisons within the industry as well as among individual
plants. Benchmarking

Benchmarking should be used to analyse economic performance data at the

international level. Cost benchmarking assists members to achieve the optimum level
of performance. This process could focus, among others, on:

— Optimizing O&M costs;

— Identifying high and low cost areas in O&M activities;
— Establishing the cost impacts of extended outages, for example due to
regulatory requirements or backfittings;
— Identifying refuelling costs.

To help disseminate the economic benchmarking analysis process using the

international system, a pilot benchmarking/process improvements study needs to be
further developed. These standard benchmarking processes will enable each user to
choose a simple function/process and to identify trends and areas that need

21 Communicating best practice

It will be important to disseminate the results of the benchmarking throughout

the nuclear industry. This could be done by identifying O&M best practice plants and
encouraging the spread of O&M best practice quickly and efficiently to all other
plants. Changing plant operators towards and increasing their understanding of an
economic performance oriented culture will require them to be made aware of how
their performance compares with other nuclear operators and competitors.
The industry should therefore be provided with both summaries of surveys
positioning the distribution of performance (top quartile, median, etc.) and useful
tools based on the database, which will enable each operator to work out specific
analyses based on the framework of the confidentiality agreement. Decommissioning costs

Another future consideration is to expand the database to include

decommissioning costs. A number of nuclear units in the world have been subject to
premature power cessation and decommissioning. With the advent of utility
restructuring and competitive market pricing of electricity, this situation is likely to
continue in the future as electric utilities continue to re-evaluate the economic options
for continued nuclear power plant operations.
Although cost estimates for nuclear plant decommissions are required by
various regulators, the consolidated information needed for a comparative economic
analysis and process optimization has not been readily available. The OECD Nuclear
Energy Agency, the European Commission and the IAEA are jointly preparing a
standardized list of items for costing purposes for the decommissioning of nuclear
installations. The inclusion of decommissioning cost estimates as well as actual cost
values and decommissioning performance measures in NEPIS will help to ensure
optimization of the decommissioning process. Economic lifetime, refurbishments and safety upgrade assessments

The economic viability of nuclear unit lifetime extensions can be assessed

through comparative analyses of O&M costs, capital costs and operational
performance measures. This is especially important in countries where the
deregulation and privatization of the utility industries requires an in-depth
knowledge of the benefits and risks associated with nuclear plant investments.
The economic benefits of nuclear plant lifetime extensions can also be evaluated and
As the nuclear power industry deregulates and is required to compete with other
generation options, a sense of evaluating and understanding the various economic and

performance benefits associated with the alternatives to implementing upgrades will
also be required. Other issues

Some long term objectives in the development of an economic performance

international system could be to set up a group of international experts in the use of
cost data and to study externalities, for example assessing the economic benefits for
the environment through the proliferation of nuclear power.


The pilot project was undertaken during 1999 and collected cost data from
five nuclear power utilities, in Brazil, the Czech Republic, France, the Republic of
Korea and the USA. Although all the units studied were pressurized water reactors,
they were of different designs and sizes. Pilot project data were collected
according to the definitions and terminology established for NEPIS presented in
Annex III.
Data were collected on a unit basis for the year 1998 in the national currency
and converted to US dollars using the annual average exchange rate. The results were
compared with EUCG–N 1998 data for US nuclear power plants.3
Data analysis considered the median, first and third quartiles for O&M costs per
kW(e), production costs, capital costs and unit capability factors. The unit capability
factor definition, adopted by the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO),
the IAEA and UNIPEDE, is the ratio of available energy generation to a reference
energy generation. The available energy generation is the amount of energy that could
have been produced considering only the limitations under the plant’s management’s
control. The reference energy generation is the amount of energy produced if the unit
operated continuously at full power under reference ambient conditions (i.e. the
reference power multiplied by a reference period in hours) [8].
The results presented here are preliminary. As this is the first data collection using
international definitions, the validation process will ensure the reliability and accuracy
of the results and show which type of analysis can be done, and will demonstrate the
applications and usefulness of international data collection.

3 The EUCG–N sample includes about of 80% of all nuclear power utilities operating
in the USA.

Considering that only one year of data is available in this sample, a more
appropriate benchmarking could have been to analyse non-outage O&M costs only,
but since the data were not yet fully validated it was decided against doing this. When
data are available, analyses should be done within a three year period, which will
enable a better identification of industry trends.
Figure 2 presents total O&M costs per kW(e) plotted against unit capability
factors. The best performing plants are those in the bottom right quarter. The median
value for the EUCG US plants’ O&M costs is 78.7%/kW(e) and the unit capability
factor is 88.7%. Three of the sample are among the best performers — those whose
unit capacity factors and O&M costs are better than the median value. Only about 25%
of all units are among the best performers of all the units considered in this analysis.
Using the frontier analysis method, a liner regression curve could be drawn to
identify the minimum total cost and the optimum economic unit capacity factor (see
Annex I). Some of the plants in the sample are among the best economic performers,
while others might need to improve their O&M costs to reach the median performers.
Figure 3 presents the O&M costs in US $/kW(e) for the units included in the
pilot project and compares them with the median,4 first quartile and third quartile
values for the EUCG–N sample. The median value for the EUCG–N sample is US
$82.3/kW(e), the first quartile is US $72.9/kW(e) and the third quartile is US
$99/kW(e). Total O&M costs are similar for most of the units of the sample (there are
two exceptions). It might be that these are single units in an operating utility, which
will rise the O&M costs mainly due to plant administration costs. Unit J presented the
highest O&M costs in the sample; this could be due to the impact of major
backfittings or an O&M process recovery in 1998.
The highest performing units in this sample could potentially provide
benchmarking opportunities or demonstrate best practice (process improvements) to
the more poorly performing units.
Trends in the relative performance of the components of O&M costs are similar
to the total O&M performance across all units in the pilot project, except for
maintenance costs where all units presented very close values (in US $/kW(e)).
Values for the components of O&M costs are shown in Figs 4 to 7.
Capital costs in millions of US dollars for the pilot project plants are
presented in Fig. 8. The values for the EUCG–N sample are: (a) the median of
US $16.153 million, (b) the first quartile of US $9.003 million and (c) the third
quartile of US $21.882 million. Most of the units in the sample presented better
capital costs than the median EUCG–N value. Three units had capital costs higher

4 First quartile represents the top 25% of the sample, second quartile or median value
represents 50% of the sample and third quartile represents 75% of the sample.


UCF median
O&M costs (US $/kW(e))



US $/kW(e) median


20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Unit capability factor (%)

FIG. 2. Total O&M costs per kW(e) plotted against the unit capability factor.


120 29.0

3rd quartile
O&M costs (US $/kW(e))

2nd quartile
80 19.3 1st quartile

2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.7 1.7
40 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 9.8 28.0 28.0
15.6 21.9
17.4 11.8
17.7 17.7 17.7 17.7
14.3 17.3 17.3 17.3 20.0
18.1 14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3
0 3.3 3.9 1.7 1.7

Nuclear unit
Operations Maintenance Suport services Plant administration

FIG. 3. O&M costs per kW(e) for the pilot project units.

Operations costs (US $/kW(e))


3rd quartile
10 2nd quartile
14.3 14.3 14.3 14.3
1st quartile

3.3 3.9
1.7 1.7
Nuclear unit

FIG. 4. Operations costs.

3rd quartile
Maintenance costs (US $/kW(e))

2nd quartile

20 1st quartile


17.4 17.7 17.7 17.7 17.7 17.3 17.3 17.3

Nuclear unit

FIG. 5. Maintenance costs.

Support services costs (US $/kW(e))



50 3rd quartile

2nd quartile

30 60.6
1st quartile

28.0 28.0
10 15.6
11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.8
Nuclear unit

FIG. 6. Support service costs.

Plant administration costs (US $/kW(e))

3rd quartile

25 2nd quartile

1st quartile

15 29.0

10 19.3
5 9.8

2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 1.7 1.7

Nuclear unit

FIG. 7. Administration costs.

3rd quartile
Capital costs (US $ × 106)

2nd quartile
9.9 9.6
10 1st quartile

8 6.8 6.8 6.8 6.8

6 4.9 4.9

Nuclear unit

FIG. 8. Capital costs.

5.5 5.2

Production costs (cents/kW·h)


1.5 1.7 3rd quartile
2nd quartile
1.0 1st quartile 0.8


Nuclear plant

FIG. 9. Production costs.

than the other units. Because the units were not identified, no conclusions could be
made on why capital costs were higher in some units, but it might be that major
backfittings and component replacements were carried out in 1998.
Production costs at the plant level in cents/kW·h, including nuclear O&M and
fuel costs, are presented in Fig. 9. The median value for EUCG US plants is about
1.7 cents/kW·h, while that for the first quartile is 1.5 cents/kW·h and for the third
quartile is 2.1 cents/kW·h. All but two of the plants in the sample had production costs
better (lower) than the median.
The results represent the first attempt to analyse international cost data in
several countries. They considered only one year of data, which allowed only limited
conclusions to be drawn. More detailed conclusions could be made with a more
representative sample and when more years of data become available.


There are many benefits in collecting O&M costs. It allows management to

identify more clearly where and how costs are being incurred and where adjustments
to its O&M programme would improve the competitiveness of a plant. It is clear that
the value of the centralized collection of these data and their use for benchmarking
and identifying O&M best practice far outweighs the cost of their collection and the
risks of sharing them.
The establishment of a common framework for the analysis of cost data at the
international level has contributed to the understanding of regional differences in
accounting systems and the identification of when and where costs are incurred, and
might help to correlate performance targets and costs.
The first step to implement NEPIS was the verification of the definitions and
terminology to be used; this was achieved through a pilot project in which five
countries participated. The pilot project successfully validated the first cost data
collected and verified the adequacy of the definitions and terminology. As a second
step data were collected for the years 1998 and 1999 in ten countries: Argentina,
Brazil, the Czech Republic, France, Hungary, India, the Republic of Korea, Mexico,
Slovakia and the USA. The next step, initiated in 1999, comprised the development
of benchmarking analyses and establishing a correlation between national
performance targets and costs.
As environmental concerns intensify about other electricity generating
technologies, nuclear technology is again becoming widely considered as a part of the
global generation mix. However, as market pressures grow nuclear plants need to
become more cost competitive in order to be economically viable, without
comprising their safety record. Without the proposed international economic

performance database each nuclear utility will be left on its own to confront
increasing cost reduction pressures.
By establishing the new database the IAEA will enable the nuclear industry to
collect, share and analyse cost data, perform economic benchmarking, and identify
and communicate best practice. In this way the IAEA will play a vital role in ensuring
that nuclear technology continues to play an important part in meeting the growing
energy requirements of the world.



government and institutional changes to the performance of thermal generating plant”,
Proc. 17th World Energy Council Congress, Houston, WEC, London (1998).
[2] LOBSENZ, G., Nuclear boosts utility efforts, Energy Daily (2 June 1999).
units demonstrates compatibility of European and north American data collection
systems”, Proc. 16th World Energy Council Congress, Tokyo, WEC, London (1995).
exchange within the global power industry — a critical activity for the evolving
competitive energy market”, Proc. 17th World Energy Council Congress, Houston,
WEC, London (1998).
Unit Reliability, NERC, Princeton (1995).
Availability, Top Down Analysis for Predicting Unit Availability, Generating
Availability, NERC, Princeton (1991).
[7] RICHWINE, R., “Optimum economic performance: reducing cost and improving
performance of nuclear power plants”, Proc. on Improving the Economic Performance
of Nuclear Power Plants: the Bottom Line, London (1998).
[8] INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY, Review of Selected Cost Drivers for
Decisions on Continued Operation of Older Nuclear Reactors: Safety Upgrades,
Lifetime Extension, Decommissioning, IAEA-TECDOC-1084, Vienna (1999).

Annex I



When capacity factors are plotted against O&M costs for a group of plants, the
resulting graph will often show a wide scatter of data points. Figure I–1 shows the US
nuclear plants’ annual non-fuel O&M costs (adjusted to 1997 US $/kW) plotted
against their net capacity factors for the three year period 1993 to 1995.
If a linear regression statistical analysis is attempted, the resulting equation will
often have a very low correlation coefficient, indicating a very poor fit of the data.
Advanced statistical techniques using the theory of frontier analysis yield a much
more satisfactory result.
Figure I–2 shows a frontier curve derived from the data in Fig. I–1. This curve
is called a frontier curve because it is drawn through the data points of the plants
achieving various levels of net capacity factor for the lowest O&M costs (note that the
costs are in US $/kW, not US $/kW·h, and that the plants on the left hand side have
lower capacity factors with the same O&M costs as frontier plants on the right side
of the curve; these plants are hence not really on the frontier, but are said to have
inefficient operations).
Plants with the same capacity factors but with higher O&M costs are not
achieving their maximum potential, and are said to be in the interior. A plant in the
interior could therefore potentially decrease its costs without decreasing its capacity
factor, or increase its capacity factor without increasing its costs. Studying the O&M
practices used by plants on the frontier (i.e. those with the best practices) could give
valuable insights into the methods that could be employed to reach the frontier.
However, reaching the frontier does not resolve the question of where on the frontier
is an individual plant’s economic optimum (i.e. a plant’s point of diminishing
returns or the point where extra expenditures do not bring in an equal amount of
To find a plant’s optimum economic point it is necessary to superimpose the
value of an increase in capacity factor (or the cost of a decrease in capacity factor).
Whereas units of similar design have similar frontier costs, each individual unit will
have a unique value (or cost), depending on the economic conditions in the system in
which it operates. Figure I–3 shows the curve of a unit’s cost against a capacity factor
decrease from a theoretical maximum of 100%. Adding the frontier O&M cost curve
to the capacity factor cost curve gives the total cost curve (see Fig. I–4); a unit’s
optimum economic goal is where the curve is at its minimum. Dropping down from
this point to the frontier O&M cost curve shows the minimum costs necessary to
achieve this goal (Fig. I–5).


Non-fuel O&M costs (1997 US $/kW)






40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Net capacity factor (%)

FIG. I–1. US nuclear plant O&M costs plotted against capacity factors, 1993–1995.


Non-fuel O&M costs (1997 US $/kW)




50 Inefficient operation

40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Net capacity factor (%)

FIG. I–2. Frontier curve.


Non-fuel O&M costs (1997 US $/kW)


Inefficient operation


50 Performance cost curve

40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Net capacity factor (%)

FIG. I–3. Performance cost curve.


Non-fuel O&M costs (1997 US $/kW)

Total cost curve

Minimum total cost


Optimum economic capacity factor

40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Net capacity factor (%)

FIG. I–4. Total cost curve.


Non-fuel O&M costs (1997 US $/kW)

Total cost curve

Minimum total cost

Optimum economic frontier O&M cost

Optimum economic capacity factor

40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Net capacity factor (%)

FIG. I–5. Optimum economic frontier O&M costs and capacity factors.

The above example shows the approach from an overall plant cost point of
view. The process can also be applied at lower levels (i.e. activity levels) by plotting
the activity cost against an appropriate performance measure for that activity.

Annex II



The different methodologies used for cost conversion factors such as GDP
deflators, producer or consumer price indices were often responsible for the
differences in the results of the pilot project. Table II–I presents GDP deflators for
various countries. The table was prepared from an OECD assessment made in 1997
[II-1]. Table II–II presents the same countries as in Table II–I, but taken from an IMF
assessment [II-2]. Table II–III summarizes the differences between the two sets of
GDP deflators.
In some cases the publications used assumed values for exchange rates that are
not presented in Table II–I. Table II–IV summarizes these cases, giving an
opportunity for the reader to check the calculations made.
The existence of GDP deflator uncertainties should be kept in mind when using
international cost comparisons. It is one of the reasons why this report relies on the
most readily available GDP data instead of using the more detailed price escalation
indicators, such as producer and consumer price indices, that are theoretically more
suitable for the task but are also more uncertain and less readily available.
In the pilot project presented in this report exchange rates were provided by the
countries themselves.


PPP indices are a better monetary conversion factor to use when analysing
economic matters. The GDP PPP is gross domestic product converted to international
dollars using purchasing power parity rates.
An international dollar has the same purchasing power over GDP as the US
dollar in the USA. GDP measures the total output of goods and services for final use
within the domestic territory of a given country, regardless of the allocation to
domestic and foreign claims. The gross domestic product at purchaser values (market
prices) is the sum of the gross value added by all resident and non-resident producers
in the economy plus any taxes and minus any subsidies not included in the value of
the products. It is calculated without making deductions for the depreciation of
fabricated assets or for the depletion and degradation of natural resources.
Table III–V provides the GDP PPP in current international dollars as published
in Ref. [II-4].



Exchange rates
GDP deflators (national currency
(per cent change from the previous period) units) per US $
as at 1996

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

Belgium 5.2 6.1 3.6 2.2 2.1 4.6 3.1 3.2 3.6 4.2 2.3 1.7 1.6 31
Canada 3.1 2.6 2.4 4.7 4.6 4.8 3.1 2.9 1.2 1 0.7 1.5 1.3 1.36
Finland 8.8 5.4 4.5 4.7 7 6.1 5.9 2.5 0.7 2.4 1.3 2.4 1.2 4.6
France 7.5 5.8 5.2 3 2.8 3 3.1 3.3 2.1 2.5 1.5 1.6 1.2 5.12
Italy 11.6 9 7.8 6.1 6.8 6.3 7.6 7.7 4.7 4.4 3.5 5 5.1 1543
Japan 2.6 2.1 1.8 0.1 0.7 2 2.3 2.7 1.7 0.6 0.2 –0.6 0 108.8
Germany 2.1 2.1 3.2 1.9 1.5 2.4 3.2 3.9 5.6 4 2.4 2.1 1 1.5
Netherlands 1.4 1.8 0.1 –0.7 1.2 1.2 2.3 2.7 2.3 1.9 2.3 1.6 1.3 1.686
Spain 11.6 7.7 11.1 5.9 5.6 7.1 7.3 7.1 6.9 4.3 4 4.8 3.1 126.7
Sweden 7.6 6.6 6.9 4.8 6.5 8 8.9 7.6 1.1 2.6 2.4 3.7 1 6.71
UK 4.6 5.7 3.3 5 6 7.1 6.4 6.5 4.6 3.2 1.6 2.4 3 0.641
USA 3.8 3.4 2.6 3.1 3.7 4.2 4.3 4 2.8 2.6 2.4 2.5 2.3 1

Source: Ref. [II–1].


Exchange rates
GDP deflators (national currency
(per cent change over the previous year; calculated from indices) units) per US $
as at 1996

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

Belgium 5.1 6 3.8 2.3 1.8 4.5 3.3 2.4 3.5 4.1 2.7 — — 31
Canada 3.1 2.6 2.4 4.6 4.7 4.8 3.1 2.9 1.2 1.1 0.7 1.5 1.3 1.36
France 7.5 5.8 5.2 3 2.8 3 3.1 3.3 2.1 2.5 1.5 1.6 1.2 5.12
Germany 2.1 2.1 3.2 1.9 1.5 2.4 3.3 3.7 5.5 3.8 2.3 2.2 1 1.5
Sweden 7.6 6.7 6.9 5.1 6 8 8.8 8.2 1 2.6 3.1 4.3 — 6.71
USA 4.6 3.8 2.8 2.9 3.5 5 4.8 4 2.7 2.7 2.2 2.5 2

Source: Refs [II–2, II–3].


Differences between the two statistics sourcesa

1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996

Belgium –0.1 –0.1 0.2 0.1 –0.3 –0.1 0.2 –0.8 –0.1 –0.1 0.4 — —
Canada 0 0 0 –0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 0.1 0 0 0
France 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Germany 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 –0.2 –0.1 –0.2 –0.1 0.1 0
Sweden 0 0.1 0 0.3 –0.5 0 –0.1 0.6 –0.1 0 0.7 0.6 —
USA 0.8 0.4 0.2 –0.2 –0.2 0.8 0.5 0 –0.1 0.1 -0.2 0 –0.3
a IMF value from Ref. [II–2], OECD value from Ref. [II–1].


(national currency units per US $)

1994 1995 1996

Belgium 33.46 — 31
Canada — — 1.36
Finland — — 4.6
France — — 5.12
Germany 1.62 1.43 1.5
Italy — — 15.43
Japan — — 108.8
Netherlands — 1.6 1.686
Spain — — 126.7
Sweden 7.7 — 6.71
UK — — 0.641
USA — — 1

Source: Ref. [II–1].


1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Argentina 2.11 × 1011 2.41 × 1011 2.75 × 1011 2.97 × 1011 3.27 × 1011 3.22 ×1011 3.41 × 1011 3.67 × 1011
Armenia 1.95 × 1010 1.60 × 1010 7.84 × 109 6.84 × 109 7.41 × 109 8.14 × 109 8.70 × 109 8.94 × 109
Belgium 1.81 × 1011 1.89 × 1011 2.01 × 1011 2.02 × 1011 2.11 × 1011 2.22 × 1011 2.27 × 1011 2.32 × 1011
Brazil 7.42 × 1011 7.68 × 1011 8.20 × 1011 8.55 × 1011 9.17 × 1011 9.84 × 1011 1.03 × 1012 1.06 × 1012
Bulgaria 3.92 × 1010 3.69 × 1010 3.58 × 1010 3.60 × 1010 3.74 × 1010 3.96 × 1010 3.59 × 1010 3.33 × 1010
Canada 5.19 × 1011 5.23 × 1011 5.51 × 1011 5.78 × 1011 6.13 × 1011 6.43 × 1011 6.58 × 1011 6.81 × 1011
China 1.58 × 1012 1.77 × 1012 2.11 × 1012 2.45 × 1012 2.81 × 1012 3.20 × 1012 3.54 × 1012 3.84 × 1012
Czech Republic 1.03 × 1011 9.06 × 1010 8.86 × 1010 8.97 × 1010 9.40 × 1010 1.03 × 1011 1.08 × 1011 1.08 × 1011
Finland 8.44 × 1010 8.07 × 1010 8.13 × 1010 8.22 × 1010 8.76 × 1010 9.46 × 1010 9.86 × 1010 1.04 × 1011
France 1.02 × 1012 1.05 × 1012 1.11 × 1012 1.12 × 1012 1.18 × 1012 1.24 × 1012 1.27 × 1012 1.29 × 1012
Hungary 6.71 × 1010 6.08 × 1010 6.16 × 1010 6.26 × 1010 6.57 × 1010 6.85 × 1010 7.02 × 1010 7.31 × 1010
India 9.52 × 1011 9.83 × 1011 1.08 × 1012 1.16 × 1012 1.28 × 1012 1.41 × 1012 1.53 × 1012 1.61 × 1012
Iran, Islamic Rep. 2.26 × 1011 2.60 × 1011 2.86 × 1011 3.05 × 1011 3.10 × 1011 3.22 × 1011 — —
Italy 9.34 × 1011 9.71 × 1011 1.02 × 1012 1.03 × 1012 1.07 × 1012 1.14 × 1012 1.16 × 1012 1.17 × 1012
Japan 2.31 × 1012 2.47 × 1012 2.60 × 1012 2.67 × 1012 2.74 × 1012 2.86 × 1012 3.00 × 1012 3.04 × 1012
Kazakhstan 8.04 × 1010 7.70 × 1010 7.00 × 1010 6.49 × 1010 5.79 × 1010 5.47 × 1010 5.55 × 1010 5.62 × 1010
Korea, Rep. 3.35 × 1011 3.76 × 1011 4.12 × 1011 4.46 × 1011 4.94 × 1011 5.52 × 1011 5.96 × 1011 6.25 × 1011
Lithuania 2.10 × 1010 2.04 × 1010 1.68 × 1010 1.44 × 1010 1.32 × 1010 1.41 × 1010 1.49 × 1010 1.57 × 1010
Mexico 5.61 × 1011 6.02 × 1011 6.51 × 1011 6.79 × 1011 7.23 × 1011 6.98 × 1011 7.41 × 1011 7.90 × 1011
Netherlands 2.40 × 1011 2.53 × 1011 2.69 × 1011 2.77 × 1011 2.92 × 1011 3.07 × 1011 3.20 × 1011 3.30 × 1011
Pakistan 1.31 × 1011 1.42 × 1011 1.60 × 1011 1.67 × 1011 1.77 × 1011 1.91 × 1011 2.02 × 1011 2.00 × 1011
Romania 9.63 × 1010 8.63 × 1010 8.23 × 1010 8.53 × 1010 9.05 × 1010 9.95 × 1010 1.04 × 1011 9.71 × 1010
Russian Federation 9.24 × 1011 9.00 × 1011 8.32 × 1011 7.62 × 1011 6.73 × 1011 6.62 × 1011 6.44 × 1011 6.44 × 1011

TABLE II–V. (cont.)

Slovak Republic 3.76 × 1010 3.30 × 1010 3.22 × 1010 3.17 × 1010 3.39 × 1010 3.73 × 1010 4.01 × 1010 4.26 × 1010
Slovenia — — 1.80 × 1010 1.89 × 1010 2.03 × 1010 2.18 × 1010 2.27 × 1010 2.34 × 1010
South Africa 2.35 × 1011 2.39 × 1011 2.43 × 1011 2.52 × 1011 2.67 × 1011 2.83 × 1011 2.97 × 1011 3.00 × 1011
Spain 4.79 × 1011 5.04 × 1011 5.30 × 1011 5.35 × 1011 5.58 × 1011 5.90 × 1011 6.09 × 1011 6.26 × 1011
Sweden 1.44 × 1011 1.47 × 1011 1.51 × 1011 1.51 × 1011 1.59 × 1011 1.70 × 1011 1.74 × 1011 1.75 × 1011
Switzerland 1.52 × 1011 1.55 × 1011 1.62 × 1011 1.65 × 1011 1.69 × 1011 1.75 × 1011 1.77 × 1011 1.79 × 1011
Ukraine 2.19 × 1011 2.06 × 1011 2.04 × 1011 1.79 × 1011 1.41 × 1011 1.27 × 1011 1.15 × 1011 1.11 × 1011
UK 9.30 × 1011 9.37 × 1011 9.74 × 1011 1.02 × 1012 1.08 × 1012 1.14 × 1012 1.18 × 1012 1.22 × 1012
USA 5.62 × 1012 5.72 × 1012 6.15 × 1012 6.44 × 1012 6.81 × 1012 7.18 × 1012 7.51 × 1012 7.77 × 1012

Source: Ref. [II–4]



OECD Economic Outlook, OECD, Paris (1997).
[II–2] INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, International Financial Statistics Yearbook,
IMF, Washington, DC (1997).
[II–3] INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND, World Economic Outlook, IMF, Washington,
DC (1997).
(WORLD BANK), World Development Indicators 1999, CD-ROM, IBRD, Washington,
DC (1999).

Annex III



The purpose of NEPIS data collection is to gather information on O&M costs

on a unit and plant basis. The benefits of collecting O&M costs are compelling. It will
allow management to identify more clearly where and how costs are being incurred,
and use its judgement to determine whether adjustments would improve the
competitiveness of a unit.


The NEPIS database is based on the EUCG functional O&M database;

although their account numbers were kept, their definitions were adapted for
international use.
The general instructions given for the NEPIS database are given below.

(1) This data collection focuses on O&M costs.

(2) Certain nuclear unit costs should not be included in this database. They should
not be reported in any sections of the survey. These costs include depreciation,
interest, taxes (except payroll) and regulatory body civil penalties.
(3) Definitions of accounting are provided in Sections III–4.1 and III–5.3.
Annex IV completes this information.
(4) Dissimilar units (e.g. significant vintage or design differences) at the same site
should be reported separately. Exceptions should be discussed and agreed with
the IAEA/EUCG Task Force involved in this project. Common site or unit costs
should be allocated to individual units when they are reported separately.
(5) All cost information provided should be on a total plant basis. Separate
spreadsheets must be completed for reporting each end of cycle refuelling
outage on a unit specific basis.
(6) Complete the information for each plant contained in your database for the
reporting year. Costs common to multiple plants should be prorated.
(7) Costs should be reported in the national currency. The methodology for cost
data conversion to US dollars will be, for example, that the average of the 1997
exchange rate will be used for the conversion of national costs at 1 January
1997 into US dollars as at 1 January 1997. The use of the annual average is
intended to minimize the possible effect of short term currency fluctuations.

This is known to be less accurate than the use of relevant purchasing parities but
is considered justified at this stage in view of its simplicity and transparency. It
is well understood that the described approach has weaknesses, in particular in
respect of using such country aggregated parameters as average exchange rates.
It is therefore intended to consider, at a later stage and following experience and
users’ suggestions, a more rigorous approach with the use of producer price
indices and purchasing power ratios. However, for the initial development of
the database the described simplified approach is considered to be the most
(8) The database will convert by default to US dollars. Nevertheless, other
conversion methods will be made available. Conversion methods are discussed
(9) Costs should be reported for four categories: ‘labour’, ‘materials’, ‘outside
services’ (external services, contractors and outsourced services) and ‘others’.
Totals will be calculated in the spreadsheet automatically.
(10) In all cases the data should be consistent with the best available internal
corporate records. Data provided in this survey should reconcile with other
published data.
(11) The NEPIS database is intended to provide actual data on an annual basis.
Historical records will be retained.
(12) The reporting period should follow the calendar year from 1 January to
31 December. If data are provided for a different period, for instance when
commercial operations or decommissioning took place in the reporting year,
please specify this in the relevant fields (accounts 1100, 1101 and 1102).
(13) If your plant is scheduled to go into commercial operation in a future year,
please submit your initial 12 month O&M budget and label it as ‘budget
information’. If your plant went operational during the reporting year, please
submit your actual costs and indicate the number of units and unit months of
commercial operation.
(14) A comment area is provided for each line of information you complete. Up to
50 characters of comments can be entered.
(15) Use your professional judgement to categorize your costs into these standard
(16) Year to year consistency of data is a long term objective of this data collection.


A data review and verification team made up of IAEA Secretariat and EUCG
Nuclear Committee (IAEA/EUCG Task Force) members will validate submittals
prior to data publication. In order to facilitate this process, a self-validation feature

will be included in the database update program. This feature will automate many of
the verifications made by the review team. As you review your submittal, consider the

— Unusual accounting adjustments, such as amortization, large credits or changes

in accounting practices;
— Reasonableness of costs;
— Comparison to prior year’s data submittals;
— Inclusion/exclusion of refuelling outage costs;
— Review the submittal for missing or incomplete data.


III–4.1. General

The plant and unit categories contain basic plant and unit1 information and
should be completed using the most current information available. All the definitions
and terminology used should be in accordance with the IAEA PRIS database, the
source of this information. See Annex V for the definitions and terminology used by
the IAEA PRIS database.
A0001. Organizational structure: provide the utility/plant organizational
structure (schematic) for the current year (one page only).

III–4.2. Plant specifications: A1000 to A1415

This section describes the account number, account names and definitions
needed for each plant specification.
A1000. Operator [name]: the full name of the operating company.
A1010. Plant name [name]: the full name of the generating plant.
A1015. Ownership [%]: your ownership share of the plant reported as a
percentage. Note that all data submitted for jointly owned plants are to be 100%
A1020. Contact person [name, address, phone, fax, email]: the name of the
respondent, including telephone number and mailing address. This should be the
person to contact if there are questions about the plant data.

1 ‘Unit’ is a single operating reactor at a site. ‘Plant’ is designated as multiple units of

identical design at one location.

A1100. Reporting start date [mm/dd/yyyy]: the reported start date, as
mm/dd/yyyy. Use this field to report differences between the fiscal and calendar year,
or for a plant/unit that starts commercial operation or decommissioning during the
A1105. Reporting end date [mm/dd/yyyy]: the reported end date, as
mm/dd/yyyy. Use this field to report differences between the fiscal and calendar year,
or for a plant/unit that starts commercial operation or decommissioning during the
A1110. Actual/budget [A/B]: the data provided should be reporting year actual.
If actual data cannot be provided, please submit budget data and mark it as budget (B).
A1120. Currency used [name]: note the national currency used when reporting
cost data (for example Swiss franc, Spanish peseta, Indian rupee, etc.).
A1200. Operating crews [number]: the number of control room operating shift
crews currently in use at the nuclear power plant.
A1205. Do you pay overtime to salaried staff?: indicate yes or no.
A1210. Paid base overtime [%]: paid overtime person-hours divided by paid
straight time person-hours for all utility works. Comment on different reporting
methods. (Can include unplanned outage overtime.)
A1215. Paid refuelling outage overtime/paid overhaul (on-line refuelling)
outage overtime [%]: paid overtime person-hours divided by paid straight time
person-hours during a major outage period for all utility works.
A1218. Standard work week [person-hours]: report the number of straight time
person-hours (for example 38 hours, 44 hours, etc.).
A1219. Overtime [hours]: at what hour in the week do you begin to pay
overtime? Report when you begin to pay overtime, for example after 8 hours or after
44 hours, etc.
A1220. Paid absence [%]: the paid absence rate expressed as a percentage of
hours worked. It may include sick leave, accidents, vacations and holidays in
accordance with national or local legislation.
A1230. Benefits [%]: the total payroll benefits expressed as a percentage of
base payroll dollars, including paid absence. Benefits as defined here include such
items as social security taxes, unemployment insurance, medical benefits, housing,
schooling, etc. The total payroll benefits used to calculate this percentage should be
also reported in the account 2502 section. Refer to the account 2502 section for a
more complete definition. Identify the benefits included in the account.
A1315. Union percentage [%]: the approximate percentage of the total work-
force who are members of a recognized union.
A1320. Multiple unit operating licence [yes/no]: a response is required for
multiple units only. Are your operators licensed to operate all units at the site?
A1410. Inventory [value in national currency]: provide the total value of
material and supplies in the general inventory at the year end.

A1415. Inventory pool [yes/no]: do you utilize the services of an inventory
A1420. Inventory consumption [%]: the portion of the inventory consumed
divided by the total inventory at the end of the year (A1410).

III–4.3. Unit specifications: A1600 to A2015

The terminology and definitions used in this section follow the IAEA PRIS
database: see Annex V.
A1600. Unit’s name [name]: the name of the unit(s) reported in the O&M costs
A1606. Ref-unit code [code]: the same as reported to the IAEA PRIS. This field
is provided by the database itself.
A1610. Commercial date [mm/dd/yyyy]: the commercial operation date for each
unit. The commercial operation date is the date when the unit is handed over by the
contractors to the owner and declared officially to be in commercial operation.
A1620. Reactor type [code]: select the appropriate reactor type from the

— AGR: advanced, gas cooled, graphite moderated reactor.

— BWR: boiling light water cooled and moderated reactor.
— FBR: fast breeder reactor.
— GCR: gas cooled, graphite moderated reactor.
— HTGR: high temperature, gas cooled, graphite moderated reactor.
— HWGCR: heavy water moderated, gas cooled reactor.
— HWLWR: heavy water moderated, boiling light water cooled reactor.
— LWGR: light water cooled, graphite moderated reactor.
— PHWR: pressurized heavy water moderated and cooled reactor.
— PWR: pressurized light water moderated and cooled reactor.
— SGHWR: steam generating heavy water reactor.
— WWER: water cooled, water moderated power reactor.

A1630. NSSS supplier [name]: the NSSS supplier for each unit.
A1640. Maximum reference capacity [net MW(e)]: the net generation capacity
for each unit. See Annex V.
A1645. Design electrical capacity [net MW(e)]: the net generation capacity for
each unit. See Annex V.
A1650. Net generation [MW(h)]: the actual net generation per unit in MW(h)
for the entire reporting year.
A1656. Annual unit capability factor [%]: this is defined as the ratio of the
available energy generation (net) over a given time period to the reference energy

generation (net) over the same period, expressed as a percentage. Both of these energy
generation terms are determined relative to reference ambient conditions.

UCF (%) = (REG – PEL – UEL)/REG × 100


REG is the reference energy generation (net) (MW(e)·h),

PEL is the total planned energy losses (MW(e)·h),
UEL is the total unplanned energy losses (MW(e)·h).

The total planned and unplanned energy losses is the sum of the losses from all
planned and unplanned events, respectively. These data will be extracted from the
A1671. Annual energy availability factor [%]: this is defined as the ratio of the
available energy generation (net) over a given time period to the reference energy
generation (net) over the same period, expressed as a percentage.

EAF (%) = (REG – PEL – UEL – OEL)/REG × 100


REG is the reference energy generation (net) (MW(e)·h),

PEL is the total planned energy losses (MW(e)·h),
UEL is the total unplanned energy losses (MW(e)·h),
OEL is the total external energy losses (MW(e)·h).

The total planned and unplanned energy losses and energy loss due to causes
external to the plant for the period is the sum of the losses from all planned,
unplanned and external events, respectively. These data will be extracted from the
A1681. Unplanned outage rate [%]: the total unplanned outage hours divided
by the sum of [(total unit service hours + unplanned outage hours)], stated as a
percentage for each unit.
A1690. Unplanned loss capability factor (ULCF) [%]: this is the energy that
was not produced during the period because of unplanned shutdowns, outage
extensions or unplanned load reductions owing to causes under the plant’s
management’s control. Causes of energy losses are considered to be unplanned if they
are not scheduled at least four weeks in advance.

UCLF (%) = (UEL/REG) × 100


REG is the reference energy generation (net) (MW(e)·h),

UEL is the total unplanned energy losses (MW(e)·h).

These data will be extracted from the IAEA PRIS.

A1700. End of cycle refuelling outage start date [mm/dd/yyyy]: the refuelling
outage start date.
A1710. End of cycle refuelling outage end date [mm/dd/yyyy]: the refuelling
outage return to service date. Enter as: mm/dd/yyyy. Note: even if your outage end
date goes into the next year, use 12/31/yyyy as the end of cycle date.
A1715. Refuelling or annual maintenance outage duration: note that this field
will be autocalculated based on accounts A1700 and A1710.
A1720. Incremental refuelling or annual maintenance outage cost [national
currency]: the incremental O&M outage costs of the most recently completed
refuelling outage (even if it spans more than one year). See the refuelling outage cost
definitions, Section III–6. Note: refer to account A1710 for the refuelling outage end
A1750. Operating cycle (12, 18, 24, etc.) [number]: the duration, in months, of
the operating cycle, that is the time between two refuelling/overhaul outages (12, 18,
24, etc., months). Note that you can enter any required number.
A1800. Original capital cost [national currency × 1000]: the original capital
cost of the facility when first put into commercial operation, excluding the interest
during construction. If the plant is sold and revalued, please state the revalued cost.
(Multiples of 1000.)
A1810. Current annual investment/capital [national currency × 1000]: all
costs associated with any improvements and modifications made during the
reporting period (i.e. the additional capital investment made during the current
reporting period, excluding interest). These costs include any designs, installations,
removals or salvages that occurred during the reporting period. Other miscellaneous
investment/capital additions, such as for facilities, computer equipment, moveable
equipment or vehicles, should also be included. These costs should be fully
burdened with indirect costs. Exclude interest during construction. (Multiples of
A1820. Total investment/capital additions [national currency × 1000]: the
capital improvements and modifications made since the unit was placed in
commercial operation, excluding interest during construction and retirements. Note
that this amount should equal the sum of the value reported last year for account
A1820 and the current year value shown in account A1810. (Multiples of 1000.)
A1900. Nuclear fuel cost (total) [national currency × 1000]: the total of
accounts A1901, A1902 and A1903. These are the total costs associated with the fuel

in the reactor that is burned up during the reporting period, separated into three
categories: A1901, A1902 and A1903. This cost is based upon the amortized costs
associated with the purchasing of uranium, and the costs of conversion, enrichment
and fabrication services along with storage and shipment costs, and inventory
(including interest) charges less any expected salvage value. Also included should be
payments for decommissioning and decontamination charges, as well as current and
prior spent nuclear fuel disposal costs (both the principal and interest). You may enter
this value and not the specific values in accounts A1901, A1902 and A1903.
(Multiples of 1000.)
A1901. Direct fuel costs [national currency × 1000]: the direct amortized
cost of the fuel load, including the purchase of uranium, its conversion,
enrichment, fabrication services, design analysis, shipping and storage charges (for
CANDUs include the costs associated with heavy water replenishment). (Multiples
of 1000.)
A1902. Fuel financing costs [national currency × 1000]: the indirect financing
cost of the fuel load, the lease financing charges and the carrying costs. (Multiples
of 1000.)
A1903. Fuel regulated and other costs [national currency × 1000]: the
regulated and other amortized costs of the fuel load, including decommissioning and
decontamination charges, current and prior spent fuel disposal costs, and amortization
of the final core cost. (Multiples of 1000.)
A1904. Design effective full power days [dd]: design effective full power days
for the current fuel load.
A1920. Operating life [yyyy]: the number of years the plant is licensed for or,
if more appropriate, the designed lifetime.
A1925. Most recent full cycle start date [mm/dd/yyyy]: using the last fully
completed cycle, the beginning of that cycles’ power production or the end of the last
refuelling outage.
A1930. Most recent full cycle end date [mm/dd/yyyy]: using the last fully
completed cycle, the end of that cycle’s power production or start date of the next
refuelling outage.
A1935. Most recent full cycle unit capability factor [%]: the capability factor
for the entire cycle (the time period between the finish and start of the last refuelling
A2000. Annual decommissioning funding [national currency × 1000]:
provide the amount of your unit’s annual contribution or accrual to provide for the
cost of decommissioning, if applicable. State in current year money and do not
include annual interest earned. Note: to report total unit contributions will
require input from your co-owners (if it is a jointly owned project). It is important
that this information be obtained, because for comparability a 100% number is

A2010. Decommissioning cost estimate [national currency × 1000]: provide
the estimated total cost for decommissioning. Specify the type of decommissioning
in the comments (for example prompt removal/dismantling the unit). This should be
the total estimated cost, not the amount accrued in the fund. This should be in the
currency of the year that the most recent formal cost estimate was made; do not
escalate to current year money. This should be the total cost estimate for a unit, not a
utility’s share or a jurisdiction’s portion — add a field or comment.
A2011. Year of cost estimate [yyyy]: provide the year that the decommissioning cost
estimate was made. This is the year of the currency reported above in account A2010.
A2015. Nuclear insurance premiums [national currency × 1000]: provide the
total nuclear insurance premiums (for nuclear liability, property and any extra
expense premiums) for the reporting year. Please provide this amount per plant, using
any appropriate means of unitizing plant or station premiums. Barring any better basis
for such allocation, consider dividing the station premium by the number of units at
the station. Do not include refunds or recoveries.
A2110. Low and medium radioactive waste distance from plant [km]: indicate
if radioactive waste is stored at the plant or transported elsewhere. If it is transported,
indicate the distance from the plant to the storage facilities in kilometres.
A2120. High radioactive waste distance from plant [km]: indicate if radioactive
waste is stored at the plant or transported elsewhere. If it is transported, indicate the
distance from the plant to the storage facilities in kilometres.


III–5.1. Overview

— The data provided should reflect the full direct costs for operating and
maintaining the nuclear plant given in account 2000 of the annual spreadsheet.
This should include all the costs from the senior nuclear corporate officer down,
plus other identifiable direct costs.
— The plant indirect costs should be reported in accounts 2500 to 2503, separate
from the functional breakdown of direct costs (accounts 1099 to 2000). These
costs should reflect the share of payroll taxes and benefits and the corporate
administrative and general costs applicable to the nuclear plant. Costs that would
be applicable if the plant was considered a business unit should be included.
— All costs should be submitted in multiples of thousands of the national
— All data reported in this section should be reported on a plant basis. However,
as previously noted, separate data should be submitted for dissimilar units at a
single site.

— All data in this section should include all costs related to normal operations,
maintenance and outage periods.
— All labour costs submitted should include paid absence but exclude
— The full direct cost to operate and maintain the plant should be broken down in
accounts 1099 to 1399. They are automatically totalled in account 2000.
— Capital expenditures during the year should be reported separately in account
3000. The total capital in account 3000 should match the total of the unit capital
costs reported in account A1810 in the plant spreadsheet.

III–5.2. Resource definitions

— Labour: this includes all direct utility payroll costs, both on- and off-site, plus
shift and overtime premium pay (including paid absence but excluding other
— Materials and equipment: this includes all materials used and consumed during
plant operations, maintenance, testing and monitoring. Include consumed
operational spares (i.e. the cost of replacing spare parts) and other
miscellaneous equipment. Also include fuels, oils, chemicals and gases, resins,
general office supplies, as well as other miscellaneous materials and
consumables. Include purchasing and material handling overheads if, and only
if, they are not already accounted for in account 1340.
— Outside services: this includes the costs of services performed by outside
firms. General categories include, but are not limited to, craft support, data
processing, technical or engineering services, security and management
— Other: this includes all other costs not provided for in the labour and materials,
equipment, and outside services categories. It specifically includes travel, staff
development, regulatory fees, utilities and internal company services such as
computer equipment, microfilming and duplicating.

III–5.3. Account definitions: 1099 to 3004

This section describes the account ID, organization, function and definition of
each account ID for all the accounts.
The following definitions provide the basis for categorizing the cost data. The
cost data should reflect the total O&M direct costs for labour, materials, equipment
and the outside services/functions shown below.
Capital additions costs should not be included in accounts 1099 to 2000. These
costs should be reported in account 3000. Indirect costs should be reported in
accounts 2500 to 2503.

III–5.4. Operations costs

1099. Operations (total) [national currency × 1000]: the activities associated

with the operations function, which includes:

— Control room licensed and unlicensed operators;

— Equipment tagging processes;
— Operations procedures;
— Fuel handling personnel/management and supervision;
— Control room technical shift advisers;
— Process gases, fuels and resins;
— Shift operating managers;
— Off-site power costs (put in the account 1099 ‘other’ cost category).

III–5.5. Maintenance costs

1110. Preventive maintenance (mechanical and electrical) [national

currency × 1000]: the activities associated with forestalling or preventing anticipated
problems or the breakdown of a system, part, etc.; for example:

— Maintenance procedures,
— Recalibrations,
— Work package planning and preparation,
— Obtaining/preparing work permits for work packages,
— Reviewing completed work packages,
— Machine shop services,
— Lubrication programmes,
— Interval replacements of equipment components,
— Tool room activities.

1115. Preventive maintenance (instrumentation and control) [national

currency × 1000]: the activities associated with forestalling or preventing anticipated
problems or the breakdown of a system, such as:

— Support plant process instrumentation,

— Support plant process computer systems,
— Work package planning and preparation,
— Obtaining/preparing work permits for work packages,
— Reviewing completed work packages,
— Lubrication programmes,

— Recalibrations,
— Interval replacements of equipment components.

1117. Preventive maintenance, subtotal (1110 + 1115) [national currency ×

1120. Corrective maintenance (mechanical and electrical): the activities
associated with the repair or replacement of plant systems, equipment, components,
etc., that are found to have been defective, and repairing, altering, adjusting or
bringing them into conformity or making them operable, including:

— Maintenance procedures,
— Recalibrations,
— Work package planning and preparation,
— Obtaining/preparing work permits for work packages,
— Reviewing completed work packages,
— Machine shop services,
— Tool room activities.

1125. Corrective maintenance (instrumentation and control): the activities

associated with the repair or replacement of plant systems, equipment, components,
etc., that are found to be defective, and repairing, altering, adjusting or bringing them
into conformity or making them operable, including:

— Support plant process instrumentation,

— Support plant process computer systems,
— Work package planning and preparation,
— Obtaining/preparing work permits for work packages,
— Reviewing completed work packages.

1127. Corrective maintenance, subtotal (1120 + 1125).

1128. Preventive and corrective maintenance, subtotal (1117 + 1127)
[calculated field].
1130. Surveillance testing (mechanical and electrical) [national currency ×
1000]: the verification of safe operations and compliance with the regulatory
requirements and commitments, such as diesel generator tests, safety systems tests,
instrument calibrations, etc., and:

— Calibration and functional testing of equipment,

— Measurement and equipment testing programmes,
— Safety systems tests,
— Tool room activities.

1135. Surveillance testing (instrumentation and control): the verification of
safe operations and compliance with the regulatory requirements and commitments,
such as diesel generator tests, safety systems tests, instrument calibrations, etc.,

— Instrument and control surveillance,

— Calibration and functional testing of equipment,
— Measurement and equipment testing programmes,
— Instrument and control procedures,
— Safety systems tests.

1137. Surveillance testing, subtotal (1130 + 1135).

1140. Non-capital modification: this includes all non-capital modification costs
not included in accounts 1099 to 2000. Examples are: (1) in France any modification
that improves efficiency is considered a capital investment, which should therefore
not be included in O&M costs; (2) a change of steam generator is considered a capital
modification, which should also not be included here.
1199. Total maintenance [calculated field]: the total maintenance cost as
defined by the preceding functions (accounts 1128 + 1137 + 1140). This is a
calculated field.

III–5.6. Support services

1210. Technical/engineering: this includes all the costs associated with the
following technical/engineering activities: engineering support, contractor co-
ordination, performance monitoring/analysis, code compliance, engineering required
for plant modifications, base design database and design document maintenance,
technical/engineering support for O&M, non-destructive examination and in-service
inspection programmes, and systems engineering. It also includes general analysis
engineering and estimating services, such as:

— Engineering support of licensing;

— Estimating services;
— Engineering analysis, operability and evaluations;
— Administrative controls for design control, configuration control and
engineering evaluations;
— Preparing requests for the financial approval of new projects;
— Site environmental qualification programmes;
— Snubber surveillance programmes;
— Site fire protection engineering;

— Engineering resolutions of materials problems;
— Plant design documents;
— Engineering databases, software controls and personnel qualifications for
computer programs;
— Points of contact for Institute of Nuclear Power Operations (INPO), WANO or
other organizations’ activities;
— Integrated containment leak rate test programmes;
— Support for maintenance and operations;
— Support for contractor co-ordination;
— Preparing and maintaining assigned plant procedures;
— Safety system unavailability monitoring and monthly plant operating reports;
— Trending of system and component performance;
— System reviews for root cause of failure determinations;
— Post-modifications retest, surveillance testing and special test preparations;
— Spare parts evaluations;
— Incident report responses;
— Predicting failures of rotating equipment;
— Predicting secondary system equipment thermal performance efficiency losses;
— Erosion/corrosion programmes;
— Repair and replacement programmes;
— Repair alteration programmes;
— Evaluation of site radiography;
— Evaluation of site ultrasonic examinations;
— Local leak rate testing;
— Preparing design packages for modifications and new designs;
— Revising drawings, manuals and computer databases to maintain plant
— General drafting support;
— Commercial grade material for nuclear safety related applications;
— Researching and responding to materials problems as identified by the
regulatory body, supplies and industry;
— Seismic qualification programmes;
— Equipment lubrication programmes;
— Reliability centred maintenance reviews;
— Design basis documentation (DBD) (note that if DBDs are capitalized by the
utility, they should be included in the capital portion of the database and not
included here).

1212. Fuels management: nuclear fuel management (including core

configuration and core performance and evaluation not included in the A1900

— Reload core physics design activities;
— Core modelling and assessments;
— Providing support for reload licensing involving enrichment or configuration;
— Monitoring and evaluating fuel performance;
— Nuclear fuel procurement, market analysis and procurement;
— Fuel cost economic analysis and fuel budgeting;
— Fuel fabrication contract administration and fabrication audit support.

1214. Licensing: all the costs associated with licensing and with regulatory
agencies. Note: any fees should be entered in the account 1214 ‘other’ category and
not in ‘labour’, ‘materials’ or ‘outside services’.

— Final safety analysis report change notices and annual updates;

— Processing of operating licence amendment requests;
— Technical support for the NSSS owners’ group;
— Co-ordination of responses to regulatory body bulletins and generic letters;
— Environmental technical specification issues;
— Incident programme reportability reviews;
— Licensee event reports and reports to regulating agencies;
— Co-ordination of support of regulatory body inspections and responding to their
— Regulatory body annual fees;
— INPO/WANO dues.

1219. Technical/engineering services, subtotal [calculated field]: the total of

accounts 1210, 1212 and 1214. This is a calculated field.
1220. Nuclear training: all the costs associated with technical training
(excluding the students’ salaries, which are included with each function). Primarily
development, instruction and evaluation for the following training activities: licensed
and non-licensed operator training, health physics/chemistry, emergency
preparedness, security, technical, maintenance and craft qualifications, general
employee training and simulator support costs. The costs might include:

— Classroom training accredited by INPO or other organizations, such as:

• Senior reactor operators’ initial and re-qualification training,
• Reactor operators’ initial and re-qualification training,
• Shift technical advisers’ training,
• Non-licensed operators’ training,
• Health physics technicians’ training,
• Chemistry/radioactive waste technicians’ training,
• Mechanical maintenance mechanics’ training,

• Instrument/control technicians’ training,
• Technical staff and managers’ training (but not management training),
• Instructors’ training.
— Other classroom training programmes, such as:
• General employee training,
• Security training,
• Emergency preparedness training,
• Fitness for duty training,
• Continued employee observation training,
• Hazard aid/cardiopulmonary resuscitation training,
• Radioactive chemical helper training,
• Quality assurance engineers’ training,
• Plant computer training.
— Training conducted by outside organizations, such as:
• Maintenance contractors’ training,
• Apprenticeship training,
• Quality control inspectors’ training,
• Management training,
• Fire brigade training.
— Preparing and maintaining training department procedures.
— Operating and maintaining control room simulators:
• Software support,
• Repair and maintenance of the simulator,
• Configuration control to assure certification.
— Process personnel for training and other requirements for unescorted access to
— Training or qualification status.

1230. Security: this includes all the costs associated with plant security, including
management/supervision, guards and other security functions. These costs might also

— Testing and operating the intrusion detection and assessment system,

— Performing background investigations,
— Administering contracts with security agencies,
— Security clearances for plant access.

1240. Radiation protection/health physics: this includes all the costs associated
with the following: health physics activities, routine monitoring, exposure control and
decontamination programmes, ‘as low as reasonably achievable’ programme
implementation, instrument calibration and control. These costs might also include:

— Radiation exposure control programmes;
— Radiation work permits;
— Radiological surveys and postings;
— Temporary shielding;
— Instrument calibration control for radioactive materials and sources;
— Contamination control within controlled areas;
— Laboratory radioactivity counting and analytical equipment;
— Respiratory protection programmes;
— Calibrating, maintaining and operating portable radiation survey equipment,
whole body contamination monitors, laundry and continuous air monitors;
— Radioactive effluent release monitoring and dose calibrations;
— Health physics procedure maintenance;
— Environmental monitoring programmes;
— Health physics records, access control and gamma spectroscopy computer
— Hot particle programmes.

1245. Radioactive waste monitoring/decontamination: included in this category

are radioactive waste disposal fees (excluding fuel), and:

— Gaseous radioactive waste systems;

— Operating evaporators and filters to process liquid radioactive waste;
— Sorting, compacting and packaging dry radioactive waste for off-site burial;
— Changing and packaging radioactive filters and resins for off-site burial;
— Discharging radioactive liquids that meet regulatory limits for off-site
— Decontaminating plant tools and equipment;
— Decontamination activities that launder and restock protective clothing
— Low level waste volume reduction;
— Radioactive waste disposal fees (excluding fuel);
— Shipping fees.

1249. Radiological waste/health physics, subtotal: the total of accounts 1240

and 1245. This is a calculated field.
1250. Quality assurance: all the costs associated with quality assurance
programmes involved in operational quality assurance. These might include:

— Quality audits of plant activities and vendors,

— Operational quality assurance,
— Quality surveillance of plant activities,

— In-line reviews of documents and procedures,
— Maintenance programme manuals and quality assurance procedures,
— Management assessments for quality assurance issues,
— Providing for authorized nuclear inspection activities,
— Administering vendor verification programmes,
— Corrective action programmes (action assignments, tracking to closure and

1252. Quality control: all the costs associated with quality control in plant
inspection activities, including non-destructive examinations, receiving inspections
and plant modification surveillance. These costs might also include:

— Visual inspections,
— Non-destructive examinations or tests,
— Technical specification surveillances on safety related systems (e.g. snubbers
and fire barrier seals),
— Inspection of maintenance modification activities,
— Materials receipt inspections,
— Reviewing and reporting of nuclear reliability data systems,
— Non-compliance report processing,
— Reviewing and completing work requests and preventive maintenance,
— Task sheets,
— Performing material testing for commercial grade dedication programmes.

1254. Nuclear safety assessment: these activities might include:

— Reviewing and disseminating operating experiences;

— Independent safety engineering group activities;
— Human performance reviews;
— Significant event reduction programme co-ordinations and reviews;
— Safety analysis support of new core designs, plant occurrences or incidents and
safety related set point changes;
— Independent plant evaluation studies;
— Plant risk and reliability studies.

Mention should be made in the comments field if it not possible to be specific

about a particular number.
1259. QA/QC, subtotal [calculated field]: the total of accounts 1250, 1252 and
1254. This is a calculated field.
1270. Chemistry: all the costs associated with station chemistry programmes,
routine chemistry monitoring, analysis and control, including:

— Analysing and maintaining all plant water and steam chemistry;
— Maintaining process and laboratory chemical instrumentation;
— Operating plant chemical addition equipment and making up demineralizers;
— Administering chemical control programmes;
— Routine chemistry monitoring, analysis and control;
— The cost of the chemicals.

1299. Support service costs, total [calculated field]: the total support services
costs defined by the preceding functions (accounts 1219, 1220, 1230, 1249, 1259 and
1270). This is a calculated field.

III–5.7. Plant administration

1310. Plant administration management: all the costs for the plant
administrative management, that is managers/superintendents and staff, human
resources (including industrial safety), financial/budget (including contract
administration), plant communications, performance evaluation and fire protection.
Note that managers’ costs belong to the function that they manage (i.e.
engineering, maintenance, quality assurance, etc., if that is their sole responsibility).
This category is for those management positions that are not functionally addressed
elsewhere in the database. The costs include all administrative management that
provides support directly to or works at a nuclear power plant, and might include:

— Senior nuclear officers, general managers and plant managers.

— Administrative staff for senior nuclear officers.
— Plant personnel functions:
• Labour and employee relations,
• On-site recruitment services.
— Fitness for duty programmes (excluding training).
— Financial services:
• Budget preparation and overview,
• Work order programme support,
• Industrial safety programmes,
• Plant administrative services,
• Plant mail services,
• On-site medical services,
• Contract administration.
— Engineering and maintenance outside services.
— Direct material purchases.
— Plant communications.
— Performance evaluations.

— Fire protection.
— Visitors’ centres maintained by the plant administration.
— Community support maintained by the plant administration.

1312. Planning and scheduling: this includes:

— Developing and co-ordinating daily work scheduling;

— Preparing, scheduling and tracking of plant surveillance programmes and mode
change letters;
— Long range work planning (not financial business).

1314. Outage support: the preparation, development and co-ordination of

planned plant refuelling outages and scope of work activities. This includes the
development and co-ordination of daily work schedules during outages. Note: this is
not the incremental outage cost: see refuelling outage cost definitions, Section III–6
1319. Plant management, subtotal [calculated field]: the total of accounts
1310, 1312 and 1314. This is a calculated field.
1320. Records management: all the costs associated with the receipt,
preparation, encoding, verification and filing of records and documents for plant
design verifications, O&M manuals and general plant records. The costs might

— Maintaining controlled documents;

— Receiving, inspecting, filing, maintaining and retrieving plant records;
— Microfilming plant records and drawings;
— Providing reproduction services;
— Supplemental word processing support;
— Reproducing and distributing plant procedures and controlled documents;
— Maintaining plant libraries;
— Reproducing and distributing O&M manuals.

1325. Nuclear information services: all the costs associated with plant
computer operations and support. The costs might include:

— Maintaining and operating a plant mainframe data centre, information systems

network and help desk;
— Planning and implementing computer system hardware and software
enhancements and growth management;
— Providing technical support for specialized application systems and software;
— Providing acquisition and technical support for PC based hardware and
software systems;

— Providing technical support for data circuits and specialized information system
— Developing, implementing and maintaining in-house application programs and

1330. Emergency planning: all the costs associated with emergency planning
development, training, and conducting drills and providing interfaces with federal,
state and local emergency organizations. Note: any fees associated with emergency
planning should be entered in the account 1330 ‘other’ category and not in ‘labour’,
‘materials’ or ‘outside services’. The costs might include:

— Scenario development.
— Co-ordinating plant emergency planning affairs with those of state, county and
local community organizations.
— Planning and conducting emergency planning drills and exercises.
— Providing emergency planning training for off-site organizations.
— Developing and maintaining emergency plans and procedures.
— Developing and maintaining emergency facilities (emergency operation facilities).
— Negotiating and administering fees and expenses paid to others for emergency
planning activities.
— Co-ordination of the efforts associated with hazardous material emergencies.
— Maintaining programmes for the notification of plant personnel of staff
emergency response positions.
— Maintaining a public alert system for notifying the general public of a
radiological emergency.
— For US plants the expenses associated with Federal Emergency Management
Agency fees, state and county assessments and activities. For other countries
enter comparable expenses for similar activities.

1340. Stores: all the costs associated with warehousing (for administering
plant/utility inventories). Includes procurement associated costs when directly in
support of the warehouse process. Also includes purchasing and material support
costs that are not part of a materials or procurement overhead. The costs might

— Soliciting bids;
— Preparing procurement packages;
— Interfacing with suppliers and contractors;
— Expediting purchases;
— Receiving, storing, issuing and delivering materials and supplies;
— Creating and processing requisitions for stock;

— Maintaining storage areas and off-site shipping of non-radioactive hazardous
materials that are returned to a storeroom;
— Administering purchases of materials and supplies;
— Resolving vendor claims.

Storeroom costs incurred during the reporting period are more appropriately
accounted for in this category rather than as a material overhead. Note: if your
company includes these storeroom costs as a part of the stores/material overheads,
make sure these costs are not recorded twice in the survey. However, if there is a
difference between reporting year storeroom costs and the amount of storeroom costs
charged to issued material, enter the difference in this account. This can be a negative
or a positive value.
Material costs should be reported under the appropriate function. Inventory
costs are investments and should not be included here.
1350. Housekeeping: the costs expended on general plant cleanup. The costs
might include:

— Providing plant helpers and supervisors for miscellaneous semi-skilled labour;

— Landscaping and snow removal;
— Vehicle maintenance personnel (if maintenance is carried out as a contract, this
should be made clear);
— Rent and maintenance for off-site office or service buildings;
— Janitorial services;
— Sewage treatment;
— Removal of non-radioactive waste and rubbish from the site;
— Maintenance of non-power block buildings and grounds, including parking lots.

1360. Miscellaneous/other: this includes the costs of general clerical support

when it is not identifiable with a specific function (i.e. word processing, duplicating,
etc.) and other labour that cannot be categorized with a specific function. Note:
clerical support for specific work functions are to be included with each function.
Also included here are costs that cannot be categorized into any of the other plant
administration categories.
1399. Plant administration, total [calculated field]: the total plant
administration costs as defined by the preceding functions (accounts 1319, 1320,
1325, 1330, 1340, 1350 and 1360). This is a calculated field.

III–5.8. Direct and indirect costs

2000. Direct O&M, total [calculated field]: the total of accounts 1099, 1199,
1299 and 1399. This is a calculated field.

2500. Indirect costs, total [calculated field]: the total of accounts 2501, 2502
and 2503. This is a calculated field. For those units not providing total indirect costs
(A&G), an approximation of 24% of the total O&M direct costs should be used. The
approximation of 24% was obtained by averaging the ratio of 65 units of A&G to
O&M for the past three years.
2501. Indirect costs, insurance portion: insurance, including liability, property,
replacement power, etc. This number should match account A2015.
2502. Indirect costs, pension and benefits portion and payroll taxes: the cost of
direct payments or company paid employee related insurance for any activity
benefiting the employee. The costs include such items as:

— Accident or death benefits.

— Sick leave.
— Hospitalization.
— Medical insurance.
— Recreational allowances or facilities.
— Relocation expenses.
— Severance or retirement incentives.
— Performance incentives.
— Dependant care.
— Education reimbursement.
— Company supported or matched savings funds.
— Long term disability.
— Benefit related administrative expenses (e.g. employee housing, facilities, etc.).
— Payroll taxes: taxes based on the payroll to provide for unemployment
insurance, social security and other benefits.

This number should also be reported in account A1230.

2503. Indirect costs, other: nuclear and corporate administrative and general
expenses that are allocated to nuclear functions. These typically include:

— Corporate executive functions;

— Corporate procurement and contract administration;
— Human resources (personnel);
— Payroll, accounts payable and other corporate accounting;
— Computer operations not including account 1325 and nuclear information
— Community relations (not directly maintained by the plant’s administration);
— Vehicle and equipment services;
— Legal services;
— Duplicating and printing services;

— Landlord costs (facilities management);
— Library and mail services;
— Fixed asset accounting.

3000. Total capital [national currency × 1000]: this includes the total capital
expenditures for the current year broken down by labour, materials and equipment,
outside services and other costs. The cost reported here must match the plant total for
account A1810 and relate to cash expenditures, not to the ‘closed to plant’ or the used
and useful concept.


Unit refuelling outage cost data are organized in a similar format to the plant
O&M data included in the functional cost section of the database. Except as noted,
functional account numbers 1099 to 2000, their descriptions, resource categories and
the account definitions used to categorize the unit refuelling/overhaul outage costs in
this section are identical to those used in the plant O&M functional cost section and
the ‘annual’ section of the electronic update spreadsheet. If the outage costs cannot be
categorized within these detailed accounts, enter costs in the subtotal or total accounts
where applicable.

III–6.1. Overview

The purpose of this section is to identify only the incremental or additional

direct O&M costs incurred during the reporting period to perform a refuelling outage
at a nuclear power unit. Although refuelling outage costs are included in the O&M
functional cost accounts 1099 to 2000, incremental O&M costs attributed to unit
refuelling outages are not specifically identified. Typically, incremental outage costs
include the additional labour, materials and equipment, outside services and other
costs incurred by a functional group to support a refuelling outage beyond that which
would have been expended during the reporting period had the outage not occurred.
For example, the additional or incremental overtime required by utility maintenance
personnel to support a unit refuelling outage would be included as a labour cost in this
section. The normal or base straight time labour cost of the same maintenance
personnel would not be included. The additional or incremental outside service costs
for contractors hired only to support the refuelling outage would be included as an
outside services cost in this section.

— Costs and information included in this section are only those attributed to, or
the result of, a unit specific refuelling outage.

— The refuelling/overhaul outage electronic spreadsheet should be used to input
information for this section. Note that the unit number associated with the
refuelling outage and the outage begin and end dates must be entered when
adding a new outage to the database.
— Only the refuelling/overhaul outage costs incurred during the reporting period
(through to 12/31/yy) should be included. If the refuelling outage extends into
the following year the remaining outage costs should be included in the next
year’s submittal.
— The refuel outage start date, end date and duration should be identical to the
dates and duration entered in the corresponding unit accounts A1700, A1710
and A1715, respectively.

Annex IV


A&G costs. Administrative and general costs: corporate overhead costs, covering
items such as pensions, benefits, legal costs, human resources, tuition
refunds, transportation and similar costs. A&G costs are often incurred at
the corporate level and are not budgeted or assessed to specific business

above the line. The expenses borne by a rate payer.

accounting entity. The business unit for which financial statements are prepared.
An accounting entity may be a complete business, such as a partnership or a
corporation, or a smaller unit of a business, such as a subsidiary or division.

accounting equation. The equation reflected in the balance sheet:

Assets – liabilities = stockholders’ equity

amortization. The assignment of the historical cost of an intangible asset to

production periods an as expense.

asset. Something that is a store of future benefits.

asset allocation. The allocation of investment funds to different assets or groups of


balance sheet. The financial statement of a firm that lists the assets and liabilities at
a point in time.

basic income taxes. These consist of the annual income taxes levied upon a company
by federal and state governments. Revenues received for the payment of
operations and maintenance expenses are not subject to income tax since, in
computing taxable income, they are recognized as deductions. Depreciation is
also a recognized deduction. The portion of the return element attributable to
interest on debt also is deductible. However, the portion of the return element
attributable to earnings on preferred and common stock is not deductible and
therefore is subject to income tax. Since the income tax element is a function
of the return element it is a variable — being greatest initially and then

declining over the years as the return element declines. The tax element, like the
return element, is re-expressed in terms of an equivalent level annual amount.

below the line. The expenses borne by a stockholder.

benchmarking. The process of identifying best practices by comparing one’s own

performance to the best in the industry. Comparisons include process
performance (cycle time and efficiency) and cost measures, as well as other
indirect measures of performance. Benchmarking strives to improve one’s own
practices by implementing change, to be more like those of top performers.

book depreciation. The amount of money that must be set aside annually to recover
a capital cost over the anticipated life of a facility. There are several methods of
depreciation; emphasis will be upon the ‘straight line’ method. Using the
straight line system of depreciation, this component is constant each year.

break even point. The point at which one is no longer losing money or gaining

budget. A formal plan for the approval and co-ordination of resources.

busbar costs. The total costs associated with supplying electricity at a generating
station. Components include O&M costs, fuel expenses, capital carrying costs,
decommissioning costs and A&G costs. These costs are usually expressed in

business improvement. The processes incorporated into a business in order to

improve the results and efficiencies of business operations.

business literacy. The understanding and awareness of business/financial

terminology and the application of this understanding to daily processes.

business plan. A document linking overall company strategic goals and objectives to
everyday work processes, including major steps on how to achieve them.

business review meeting. A gathering of management personnel for the purpose of

reviewing financial and/or operational business results.

capacity. The load for which a generating unit, generating station or other electrical
apparatus is rated either by the user or by the manufacturer. The ratio of the
actual output divided by the ideal output is called the capacity factor. Primary

capacity factors are maximum dependable capacities, based on a reference test
of the unit, and design engineering references, based on a nominal plant design

capital. The costs associated with an investment in a facility; usually financed and
can be depreciated. Capital return on an investment and depreciation are
amortized over the life of the investment as an expense.

capital budgeting. The plan for the co-ordination of resources and expenditures that
will determine which projects a firm should undertake.

carrying costs. The annual cost to maintain inventory or service the original cost of
a capital investment.

cash flow. The difference between cash receipts and cash disbursements over a
specified period of time.

cash flow statement. A financial statement consisting of cash receipts and

disbursements, with a summary of the organization’s net cash position. It
reveals the sources and uses of a company’s cash.

common capital stock or common stock. Shares of stock issued and stated at par
value, the stated value or the cash value of the consideration received for such
no par stock, none of which is limited nor preferred to the distribution of
earnings or assets.

competitive business intelligence. The review and analysis of publicly available

information that, when assessed and disseminated to management, may create
value for the business.

competitive drivers. The factors that may impact, either directly or indirectly, on a
strategy or business plan. These could include such items as changes in the law,
innovation, the entrance of new competitors and mergers or acquisitions within
the industry.

consolidated financial statement. The combined balance sheets, income statements

and statements of cash flows of a parent company and its subsidiaries.

complete market. The market in which investors can buy or sell combinations of
securities and/or commodities that pay off in all desired states, in all desired

common dividends. A payment to common stockholders.

cost of capital (net). The return asked by investors for the use of their money,
expressed as a percentage of capital funds.

cost–benefit analysis. A financial model used to determine if a project will be

profitable by comparing the estimated project cost with the estimated project

cost management. Controlling and being acutely aware of the expenses incurred in
and/or required to operate a business.

current asset. An asset whose useful life is less than one year, such as cash, securities
and accounts receivable.

current period. The present accounting period.

decision support. The determination of whether a project or expenditure is a

profitable endeavour to pursue. The process of providing a risk based analysis
where several options may exist.

decommissioning. The costs presently being accrued for the end of life
decommissioning of units.

deferred charges. An expense that has been incurred but whose payment, for
whatever reason, has been put off until some time in the future.

depreciation. To lower the estimated value of something over a period of time.

depreciation expense. The cost of plant (less net salvage) recovered over the life
of the plant through a reduction of income. This expense reflects the ‘using
up’ of plant, owing to wear and tear or obsolescence, in the generation of

direct labour. The employees directly involved in the making of a product or in the
rendering of a service. The payroll falls into the category of direct costs.

disbursement. A cash amount paid out by a company.

earnings per share. The net income available to shareholders divided by the number
of shares of stock outstanding.

equity. The difference between the value of a company’s assets and the amount of its

expected rate of return. The rate of return expected on an asset.

expense. The consumption of assets for the purpose of generating revenue.

expenses. The costs of doing business.

financial risk. The risk posed by the heavy use of debt support by creditors.

financial reporting. The development and issuance of required fiscal reports to meet
government and other standards.

fiscal period. A financial reporting period that may cover a year (fiscal year) or a
quarter (fiscal quarter).

fiscal policy. Government spending and taxation policy.

fixed asset. An asset whose useful life is greater than one year, such as a
manufacturing plant, an office building or heavy equipment.

fixed expenses. The expenses that do not vary with levels of production, such as plant
costs or salaries.

generation, electric. The process of transforming other forms of energy into electric
energy, or the amounts of electric energy so produced, generally expressed in

gross profit (margin). Sales less the cost of the sales.

historical cost. The total sum paid to purchase an asset and get it ready for use.

income from continuing operations. The after-tax income of the portion of a

business that is continuing.

income risk. The risk of having insufficient income to carry on operations.

income (profit and loss) statement (P&L). A financial statement showing a

company’s net income — the profit after deducting all expenses — over a
period. It provides investors and creditors with information that helps predict

the amount, timing and uncertainty of future cash flows. Accurate predictions
of future cash flows help investors assess the economic value of a company and
creditors determine the probability of repayment of their claims against the

indirect cost (operating expense). A cost that cannot be directly attributed to

production, such as selling expenses or A&G costs.

indirect personnel (labour). The employees who are necessary for running a
business but who are not directly involved in production or a service. Indirect
labour wages and salaries are indirect costs.

industry norms. For every industry there is a set of normal ratios that reflect the
average value for a given type of business.

innovation. Process improvement using new ideas, concepts and technology.

interest. Regular payments (usually semiannually) remitted by bond issuers to bond

holders for the use of borrowed money. Annual interest payments will be equal
to the face value of a bond times its coupon value.

inventory. The goods owned by a corporation in the form of raw materials, work in
progress or finished goods.

kilowatt-hour (kW·h). The basic unit of electric energy equal to one thousand watts
of power supplied to or taken from an electric circuit steadily for one hour.

liabilities. A firm’s obligations to pay its creditors at some time in the future.

line of sight. The ability to view how a company’s corporate goals and objectives are
being implemented throughout an organization.

load. The amount of energy delivered or required at any specified point or points on a
system. Load originates primarily at the consuming equipment of the customers.

market price. The price at which a security or commodity is traded in the market.
Electricity is traded at both the wholesale level and retail level as a commodity
in a deregulated environment.

marketable security. A security or commodity that is easily traded, such as a stock

or bond or megawatt-hour contract.

matching. The principle that helps accountants determine how to record fairly a
production cost as an expense. The costs directly associated with producing a
certain revenue should be expensed in the same period that the revenue is
recorded. The costs that benefit more than one period should be expensed over
the periods benefited.

materiality. The concept of relative importance. An item is material if it can influence

a decision made by a user of financial statements. When an item is material it
must be accounted for within the generally accepted accounting principles.

merger. A combination of two or more firms in which the assets and liabilities of the
selling firm(s) are absorbed by the buying firm. Mergers are usually
accomplished by either exchanging stock, by a cash purchase of assets or by the
payment of debt, or by a combination of these methods.

net generation. Gross generation less power consumed for a station’s use.

net assets. Assets minus liabilities. Net assets are equal to an owner’s equity.

net fixed assets. Fixed assets less accumulative depreciation.

net income. The earnings or profits of an enterprise.

net loss. Negative cash flow of an enterprise.

net present value method. Annual revenue less all expenses including taxes but not
book depreciation and return, discounted at an assumed rate of return (cost of
money) to determine a present worth of incoming cash flow for comparison
with the initial capital expenditure (an outgoing cash flow). Often used to
determine a ‘go or no go’ decision for project implementation.

net salvage. The difference between the gross salvage value and the cost of
removal resulting from the removal, abandonment or other disposition of
retired plant. Positive net salvage results when the gross salvage value
exceeds the removal costs. Negative net salvage results when the removal
costs exceed the salvage value. Positive net salvage decreases the costs to be
recovered through depreciation expenses and negative net salvage increases

nominal rate of return. The rate of return of an investment where the purchase price
and payoffs are measured in units of currency.

non-current liability. Any debt of a business that is not expected to be paid for at
least one year from the date of the balance sheet.

O&M. Operations and maintenance costs. Those expenses needed to operate and
maintain a facility.

operating income. Sales less the cost of the sales (direct costs) and operating
(indirect) expenses. It excludes peripheral income, such as interest on
investments, and non-operating expenses, such as taxes.

operating revenues. Income received in transacting the normal course of


other direct costs. The costs, other than labour or materials, that are directly
attributable to the making of a company’s product, for example factory
related expenses.

other indirect costs. Expenses that cannot be attributed to the making of a specific
product. Examples are depreciation on a plant in which many products are
made, utility and heating expenses, or delivery fleet lease payments and
maintenance costs.

overhead. The costs associated with non-electricity producing operations.

owner’s equity. The ownership interest in a business enterprise.

outage budget. The co-ordination of resources and expenditures solely related to an


outage costs. The expenses solely related to a periodic refuelling outage.

parent company. The company that owns more than 50% of the voting stock of
another company.

payback period. Annual revenue less all expenses including taxes (but not book
depreciation or return) divided by the initial capital expenditure to determine
the number of years required to equal or pay back the initial capital

performance measurement. The process of measuring results against the desired


planning. Developing a road map that directs one’s business strategy and how it is
intended to achieve or realize that strategy.

present value. The discounted value of future cash flows.

pretax earnings. The earnings left after the addition of operating income to non-
operating income (e.g. the interest earned on loads) and then deducting non-
operating expenses, such as extraordinary costs, but not taxes.

price–earnings ratio. The market common stock price divided by the annual
earnings per share of the common stock. The market price used may be a spot
price, or an average of the closing or the high and low prices for a period, and
the earnings are for the corresponding period.

prior period. A preceding accounting period.

production cost. The costs assigned directly to the production of electricity. The
electric generation production cost equals the O&M cost plus the fuel expense.
It is normally expressed in cents/kW·h.

ratio. A numerical relationship that compares one magnitude with another in the form
of a multiple, such as 2:1. The multiple may also be expressed as a fraction
(2/1), percentage (200%) or rate (2 per 1).

receipt. A cash amount received by a company.

retained earnings. The unit of currency amount of assets furnished by the earnings
of a company that are not distributed as dividends.

return. This represents the money required annually to compensate security

holders for the funds provided as invested capital for a plant’s facilities. It
consists of interest on debt, dividends on preferred stock and earnings on
common equity. The return element is variable, being greatest initially and
then declining over the years because a fixed cost of money, or rate of return,
is applied annually to the net plant value (total plant value less accumulated
depreciation). To adjust for the variability of this component, present
worth techniques are employed to obtain an equivalent constant, annual

return on equity. The profit earned for each unit of currency of shareholders’

return on investment. Annual revenue less all expenses including taxes and book
depreciation but not return, divided by the investment required.

return on net assets. The profit earned on each unit of currency invested in assets.

revenue. The receipts from the sale of goods and services.

revenue recognition. Revenue is reported in the fiscal period in which a sale is made
(or a service is provided) regardless of whether cash is collected from a
customer or a customer still owes for the merchandise (or service).

return. The price change plus dividend or coupon income on an asset. Return equals
unity plus the rate of return on the asset, that is a return of US $10 on a US $100
investment equals a rate of return of 10%.

self-assessment. A periodic review conducted by a site or company to compare the

overall results with the expected results. Sources of information included in a
self-assessment may be management comments, employee interviews, reviews
of plant events and trends, external assessments of other companies,
independent assessments and benchmarking. The goal of self-assessment is to
evaluate the present direction of a business with regard to nuclear safety,
shareholder value and corporate stewardship.

statement of cash flows. A statement that reports all the changes that have
occurred in a balance sheet during a fiscal period that either provide or use

station use (generating). The kilowatt-hours used internally at an electric generating

station for purposes other than sale. Station use includes electric energy
supplied from house generators, main generators, the transmission system and
any other sources for this purpose. The quantity of energy used is the difference
between the gross generation plus any supply from outside the station and the
net output of the station.

statistical forecasting. Projecting a time series.

stock. A piece of paper that certifies the ownership of a fraction of a firm.

stranded investment. The net plant investment held by the owners of a facility at the
time when de-regulation (restructuring) takes place. ‘Stranded’ implies an
inability to recover the investment over the original amortization period.

strategy and planning. Strategy identifies the future business direction and goals.
The key objectives in strategy are to employ company strengths to take
advantage of business opportunities, while avoiding business threats created by
company weaknesses. Planning refers to business planning or the objectives
and methods anticipated to implement the strategy.

technical leverage. Using the relationship available among various information tools
(i.e. intranets, Microsoft Access, etc.) to gain and/or communicate valuable
insights into a business.

total sales. The total sales less allowances for returns and bad debt. Same as sales.

transaction cost. The cost associated with buying or selling assets.

trend. A long term movement, either upward or downward.

unit of measure. The currency used in financial statements. For US companies the
unit of measure would be the dollar, unadjusted for inflation or deflation.

variable expenses. Expenses that fluctuate with the level of production.

watt. The electrical unit of power or rate of doing work. The rate of energy transfer
equivalent to one ampere flowing under a pressure of one volt at unity power
factor. It is analogous to horsepower or foot-pounds per minute of mechanical
power. One horsepower is equivalent to approximately 746 watts. One thousand
watts delivered for one hour equals one kilowatt-hour. Similarly, one million
watts delivered for one hour equals one megawatt-hour.

working capital. The amount of cash or other liquid assets that a company must have
on hand to meet the current costs of operations until such a time as it is
reimbursed by its customers. Sometimes it is used in the narrow sense to mean
the difference between current and accrued assets and current and accrued

Annex V



commercial operation. The date when a plant/unit is handed over by the contractors
to the owner and declared officially to be in commercial operation.

energy availability factor. This is defined as the ratio of the available energy
generation (net) over a given time period to the reference energy generation
(net) over the same period, expressed as a percentage. Both of these energy
generation terms are determined relative to reference ambient conditions.

energy generation (net). The electrical energy produced under reference ambient
conditions during a given time period as measured at a unit’s outlet terminals,
that is after deducting the electrical energy taken by unit auxiliaries and the
losses in transformers, which are considered integral parts of the unit.

external energy loss (energy loss owing to causes external to the plant). The
energy that was not produced during a period owing to constraints external to a
plant. These constraints are those considered to be beyond the control of a
plant’s management.

grid connection. The date when a plant/unit is first connected to an electrical grid for
the supply of power.

load factor. This is defined as the ratio of the net energy generation during a given
time period to the reference energy generation (net) during the same time
period, expressed as a percentage. Both of these energy generation terms are
determined relative to the reference ambient conditions.

operation factor. The ratio of the number of hours a unit or station is on-line to the
total number of hours in a reference period, expressed as a percentage. It is a
measure of the unit time availability and does not depend on the operating
power level.

planned energy loss. The energy that was not produced during a period because of
planned shutdowns or load reductions owing to causes under the plant’s
management’s control. Energy losses are considered to be planned if they are
scheduled at least four weeks in advance, generally at the time when an annual

overhaul, refuelling or maintenance programme is established. Planned energy
loss is expressed in units of megawatt-hours.

plant codification. Used in the IAEA’s PRIS codification for reactors in operation
and under construction.

reference energy generation (net) or maximum generating capacity. The energy

that could be produced during a given time period if a unit was operated
continuously at a reference unit power (net) under reference ambient conditions
throughout the time period.

shutdown. The date when a plant/unit is officially declared to be shut down by the
owner and taken out of operation permanently.

unplanned capacity loss factor. This is the ratio of the unplanned energy losses
during a given period of time to the reference energy generation, expressed as
a percentage.

unplanned energy loss. The energy that is not produced during a period because of
unplanned shutdowns, outage extensions or load reductions owing to causes
under a plant’s management’s control. Energy losses are considered to be
unplanned if they are not scheduled at least four weeks in advance. Unplanned
energy loss is expressed in units of megawatt-hours.

unit capability factor. The ratio of the available energy generation (net) over a given
time period to the reference energy generation (net) over the same period,
expressed as a percentage. Both of these energy generation terms are
determined relative to reference ambient conditions.


Abraham, E. Gerencia Centrales Nuclear, Mexico

Altshuller, M. VNIIAES, Russian Federation

Bhasin, B.K. Nuclear Power Corporation of India, Limited, India

Cadavid, M. Ministry of Basic Industry, Cuba

Daguer Abraham, E. Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Plant, Mexico

Danielsson, H. Forsmarks Kraftgrupp, Sweden

De Mella, J. Electric Utility Cost Group,

United States of America

Gilbert, J.V. Nuclear Energy Institute

Glorian, D. Electricité de France, France

Han, T.-S. KEPCO, Republic of Korea

Huddleston, J. Southern Company Services, Inc.,

United States of America

Hwang, D.-C. KEPCO, Republic of Korea

Ibañez, M. Asociación Española de la Industria Eléctrica, Spain

Jin, H. Ulchin Nuclear Power Plant, Republic of Korea

Jordanov, J. National Electric Co., Bulgaria

Kang, H.-W. KEPCO, Republic of Korea

Kiss Zoltanne, L. Paks Nuclear Power Plant, Hungary

Lemaitre, J.-L. Electricité de France, France

Mandula, J. Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant, Czech Republic

Marlisa, R. GKN, Netherlands

McKenzie, R. AECL, Canada

Messer, C. Programming Plus, United States of America

Pleskac, T. Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant, Czech Republic

Richwine, R., Jr. Southern Energy, Inc., United States of America

Russ Fernandes, S. Electrobras Termonuclear S.A., Brazil

Sebastian, I. Nuclear Power Corporation of India, Limited, India

Semenova, L. National Nuclear Generating Co., Ukraine

Semmoloni, O. Atucha Nuclear Power Plant, Argentina

Solomon, S. Nuclear Energy Institute

Spiegelberg-Planer, R. International Atomic Energy Agency

Thomas, S. University of Sussex, United Kingdom

Turner, D.G. CANDU Owners’ Group, Canada

Advisory Group Meetings and Management Workshops

Vienna, Austria: 13–16 October 1997

Consultants Meetings

Vienna, Austria: 21–25 April 1997, 26–29 January 1998, 30 November–3 December 1998,
10–14 May 1999, 17–19 November 1999


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