Energy-Efficient Dynamic Drive Control For Wind Power Conversion With PMSG: Modeling and Application of Transfer Function Analysis

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1, MARCH 2014 35

Energy-Efficient Dynamic Drive Control for Wind

Power Conversion With PMSG: Modeling and
Application of Transfer Function Analysis
Maren Kuschke and Kai Strunz

Abstract— A method for transfer function based modeling energy converters with permanent magnet synchronous genera-
offering an in-depth insight into the systemic behavior of wind tors (PMSG), linearization has been applied in the formulation
energy conversion systems (WECS) is developed. The originally of state-space representations to perform eigenvalue analysis
nonlinear behavior of the drive system covering turbine, per-
manent magnet synchronous generator, and power electronic and assess stability limits [20]–[24]. What is critically missing,
converter is rearranged and linearized resulting in a compact however, are transfer function descriptions of the machine
transfer function description. The locations of transfer function side that readily identify how all critical parameters of tur-
poles and zeros and related stability are readily identified as a bine, generator, and power electronic control impact dynamic
function of WECS parameters and the operating point. Drive behavior and stability. This is where the contributions of this
control design rules making use of the transfer functions for
setting the compensation parameters depending on the wind paper come in. First, the machine side of a WECS is struc-
speed are established. The behavioral differences between speed tured into the three functional stages of power synthesizer-
and power control loops can readily be appreciated. The synthesis controller, current vector optimizer-controller together with
of a power control loop to closely follow maximum available torque generation, as well as turbine-rotor interaction process.
wind power is performed based on the design rules. In this Within these functional stages, rigorous decompositions lead
context, the voltage sourced converter is operated in current mode
control to contribute to fast adjustment of air-gap torque while to well-defined blocks of power conversion and controls. For
maintaining currents within limits. The direct and quadrature the PMSG, optimization is applied to yield minimal current
current references are calculated to attain the desired torque amplitude and minimal resistive losses at a given air-gap
at minimal stator current magnitude and so enhance energy torque. Second, compacted and illustrative transfer functions
efficiency. The dynamic performance of the design is evidenced are formulated to readily identify associated poles and zeros
by time-domain simulation and stochastic analysis.
pertaining to all functional stages. Such transfer functions
Index Terms— Current mode control, electric drive, have proven valuable in electric motor drive analysis [25].
minimum-current-per-torque optimization, permanent magnet A major difference here is the integration of the wind turbine
synchronous generator (PMSG), power control, power system,
small-signal analysis, stability, transfer function, voltage sourced characteristics. It will become clear how different wind speeds
converter (VSC), wind energy. and rotor angular velocities affect dynamic performance and
stability considering transfer function poles and zeros. Con-
I. I NTRODUCTION trol parameter setting rules are developed for integral and

T HE GLOBAL Wind Energy Council reported new wind

power installation of 44,799 MW in 2012 [1]. The
rising share of wind energy with its implications for power
lead–lag compensators. Third, a case study puts into evidence
the validity and applicability of the proposed transfer functions
and controller setting rules. While the descriptions focus on
system operation calls for a profound understanding of the WECS with direct-drive PMSG and fully rated converters, the
static and dynamic behavior and controls of wind energy methods can also be readily adapted to WECS with gearbox
conversion systems (WECS). Power electronic control adopts or synchronous generators with electrical excitation [26].
a key role in modifying the behavior of the different WECS Following this introduction, the overall model is considered
technologies [2]–[8]. Examples for such control functions in Section II. Transfer functions for the functional stage of
in normal operation include optimal power tracking under current vector optimizer, controller, and torque generation are
various conditions [9]–[14] or the smoothing of power proposed in Section III. In Section IV, the nonlinear dynamic
fluctuations [15]–[19]. interaction of turbine and rotor is dealt with and linearized.
In the design of control architectures and the setting of Particular attention is attributed to the phase-lead behavior of
compensation parameters for WECS, transients simulation and the torque-to-power transfer function. The corresponding time
models for small-signal analysis are of interest. For wind constants are calculated as a function of WECS parameters
and the operating point. Optimal power setting based on the
Manuscript received September 30, 2013; accepted October 30, 2013. Date
of publication December 3, 2013; date of current version January 29, 2014. shaft angular velocity is elaborated upon in Section V. The
This work was supported by Reiner Lemoine Foundation. Recommended for compacted and illustrative transfer functions of the power
publication by Associate Editor W. Gao. and speed control loops including mathematical expressions
The authors are with the Technische Universität Berlin, Berlin 10587,
Germany (e-mail:; of the poles and zeros imposed by the turbine-rotor interac-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JESTPE.2013.2293632 tion process are developed in Section VI. Controller design
2168-6777 © 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 1. Components and interactions of WECS using power control.

rules are derived, and the resulting performance is quantified controller, the measured power is compared with the power
through simulation and stochastic analysis in Section VII. reference provided by the power command synthesizer. The
Conclusion is drawn in Section VIII. latter sets the maximum available wind power based on the
angular velocity of the rotor.
II. OVERALL B LOCK D IAGRAM For the components depicted in Fig. 1, corresponding
The drive system considered is the machine side of a models are available in libraries of power electric or elec-
WECS shown in Fig. 1. The wind at velocity Vw leads to tronic system simulators. While these models are well suited
an accelerating torque Ttur on the shaft through action of the for testing and analysis of behavior in the time domain, a
turbine. The mechanical angular velocity of the rotor is equal more intuitive description of the system behavior is strongly
to the electrical angular velocity ωe 2× and divided by the desirable when it comes to the design of control loops. For this
number of poles p. The electromagnetic air-gap torque coming purpose, a description through a block diagram with transfer
from the PMSG has a decelerating effect as the PMSG delivers functions is helpful.
electric power through the voltage sourced converter (VSC). Fig. 2 shows a block diagram description derived from
The direction and signs given for the three-phase stator Fig. 1. The block diagram of Fig. 2 establishes the basis
voltages and currents shown between the blocks of PMSG for the transfer function synthesis. The three-phase voltages
and VSC follow the generator convention. Power delivered and currents in the circuit have already been converted into
by the PMSG is counted positive in generator mode. On the dq-variables as a first step in this direction. This can readily
dc side, the VSC is connected to a dc bus. Further resources be appreciated from the inputs and outputs of the PMSG. The
may also be connected to the dc bus [27], [28]. A connection latter is separated into three blocks pertaining to electrical,
to the ac electric power grid is established through a dc–ac electromagnetic, and mechanical stages. In the following sec-
power electronic converter. The controls of this converter keep tions, the underlying equations will be rearranged to give a
the dc voltage at the desired value. The control of this grid- compact description and then linearized to allow for applica-
connected converter is not described in this paper, and the tion of linear control theory and enhanced insight into system
interested reader is referred to [29] and [30]. behavior of the drive. The sections follow the decomposition
The symbols m a , m b , and m c at the output of the current into three functional stages: 1) power synthesizer-controller;
controller denote the modulating signals that are compared 2) current vector optimizer-controller and torque generation;
with a PWM triangular carrier signal. The latter is assumed to and 3) turbine-rotor interaction process.
have peaks at −1 and +1, and m a , m b , and m c also lie within
that range. A pulse width generator at the VSC generates
switching pulses as for example shown in [29] and [30].
A current command synthesizer calculates the references for
the current controller in the dq-domain [25]. The power In this section, it is first reviewed how the electric system
controller in the outer control loop, shown on the top left of consisting of generator and VSC can be modeled by con-
Fig. 1, in turn issues the torque reference that is then processed sidering existing literature knowledge. It is discussed how a
by the current command synthesizer. At the input of the power second-order closed current control loop representation based

Fig. 2. Block diagram of WECS with functional stages framed by dashed lines.

on transfer functions is obtained. Then, a small-signal lin- B. Current Control Loop

earized formulation of the optimization for minimal stator The modulating signals m d and m q are produced by
current at a given torque is obtained. the current controller. Designing the current controller, it is
important to understand the stator dynamics. For that purpose,
(1) and (2) can be rewritten in the Laplace domain when
A. Electric System Modeling
neglecting initial conditions as
The stator equations are commonly expressed in a  
dq-frame that rotates at the electrical angular velocity ωe of the i sd = − v sd − L sq i sq ωe (6)
rotor. The d-axis is magnetically centered on the north pole, Rs + s L sd
and the q-axis leads the d-axis by 90° [31]. The generator i sq =− v sq − (m − L sd i sd ) ωe . (7)
mode convention with the direction of positive stator currents Rs + s L sq
i sd and i sq out of the generator is applied Both equations are coupled. It is common practice to decouple
the respective control loops by definition of substitute control
di sd
v sd = L sq i sq ωe − L sd − Rs i sd (1) variables
di sq yd = v sd − L sq i sq ωe (8)
v sq = (m − L sd i sd ) ωe − L sq − Rs i sq (2)
dt yq = v sq − (m − L sd i sd ) ωe . (9)
where v sd and v sq are the d-axis and q-axis stator terminal These substitute control variables appear as outputs of the
voltages; L sd and L sq are the d-axis and q-axis stator induc- controller compensation functions G i,d (s) and G i,q (s). The
tances that are, respectively, composed of magnetizing and latter have the current errors appear as inputs
leakage inductances, m gives the amplitude of the magnetic  
flux linkage caused by the rotating permanent magnet in the yd = G i,d (s) i sd,ref − i sd (10)
stator, and Rs is the resistance of the stator phase windings.  
yq = G i,q (s) i sq,ref − i sq . (11)
The stator terminal voltages are obtained from the VSC
and depend on the modulating signals and the dc voltage. On The overall controller with outputs m d , m q is obtained from
the dc side, the voltage is tapped to the reference node at the (10) and (11) by taking into account the decoupling terms
midpoint leading to a plus terminal +(v dc /2) and a minus imposed by (8), (9) and the equations (3), (4) pertaining to
terminal −(v dc /2). Considering the assumptions and further the VSC
derivations of Appendix B, the VSC model is as follows: 2    
md = G i,d (s) i sd,ref − i sd + L sq i sq ωe (12)
v dc v dc
v sd = m d (3) 2    
v dc mq = G i,q (s) i sq,ref − i sq + (m − L sd i sd ) ωe . (13)
v sq = mq (4) v dc
2 Fig. 17 in Appendix C illustrates the block diagram obtained
i dc = m d i sd + m q i sq . (5) so far. Inserting (8) into (6) and substituting yd by (10) yields

after rearranging the closed loop transfer function for the D. Current Command Synthesizer
d-axis As shown in Fig. 2, the torque reference coming from
i sd (s) −G i,d (s)
= . (14) the power controller is decomposed into current references by
i sd,ref (s) s L sd + Rs − G i,d (s)
the current command synthesizer. Based on a given reference
For a proportional–integral (PI) compensator for Te , it is desirable to select the current vector references
K d,I composed of i sd,ref and i sq,ref such that the magnitude |i s |
G i,d (s) = K d,P + (15) is minimized. This implies that the stator resistive losses are
the closed loop function becomes minimized and contributes so to the energy efficiency of the
  overall plant. As derived in Appendix D, the references can
K K d,I
i sd (s) − Ld,P
s + K d,P
be obtained from the following equations:
=   . (16)
i sd,ref (s) Rs −K d,P K −Te,ref m
s +
L sd s − d,I
L sd i sd,ref = 3 p   + (25)
2 2 L sd − L sq i sq,ref
L sd − L sq
The transient behavior of a first-order system can be obtained  2
by applying pole–zero cancelation. Canceling the pole of the  m Te,ref Te,ref
i sq,ref +  2 i sq,ref − 3 p   = 0.
2 2 L sd − L sq
3 p
2 2 L sd − L sq
stator circuit transfer function in (6) with the zero of the PI
compensator (15) results in the condition (26)
K d,I Rs
= . (17) Such minimum-current-per-torque optimization is also known
K d,P L sd as maximum-torque-per-ampere in the literature on motor
Insertion into (16) yields drive systems [25], and the solution for (26) is found
i sd (s) 1 iteratively. It is further to be verified whether the solu-
= (18) tion of (25)
i sd,ref (s) 1 + sτi √ and (26) leads to a stator rms voltage
2 + v 2 1/2 that stays within its maximum
|v s | = (1/ 2) v sq sd
L sd permissible limit. For the small-signal analysis, this is assumed
τi = − . (19) to be the case. For small-signal analysis, a linearization of (26)
K d,P
gives the following solution:
Applying PI compensator G i,q (s) and pole–zero-compensation
3 p Te,ref − m i sq,ref
for the q-axis give likewise
i sq,ref =  2 Te,ref . (27)
3 p
2 2 L sd − L sq + m Te,ref
K q,I Rs 3
4i sq,ref
= (20)
K q,P L sq For the direct axis current, it follows from (25) that
i sq (s) 1
= (21) Te,ref
i sq,ref (s) 1 + sτi i sd,ref = 3 p   2 i sq,ref
22 L sd − L sq i sq,ref
L sq
τi = − . (22) 1
K q,P −3 p   Te,ref . (28)
The time constant τi readily defines the first-order responses 2 2 L sd − L sq i sq,ref
and can be adjusted by setting K d,P and K q,P , respectively. With (27) and (28), a linearization around the minimum-
Negative values are chosen to obtain positive time constants. current-per-torque operating point is established. For the spe-
A lower limit of τi is given by the requirement to damp cial case of L sd = L sq , it follows from (27) and (23) that
noise as for example from power electronic switching. The 4
possibility of obtaining a defined first-order dynamic behavior i sq,ref | L sd =L sq = Te,ref . (29)
3 pm
of the closed loop with time constant τi confirms the selection
Furthermore, for L sd = L sq , parameter i sd,ref would be set to
of the PI compensator type.

C. Air-Gap Torque E. Connection of Current Command Synthesizer, Current

The electromagnetic torque generated in the air-gap of the Control, and PMSG Electromagnetic Stage
PMSG is given by The transfer functions (18) and (21) describing the closed-
3p    loop current control are linear and can so readily be applied in
Te = m i sq − L sd − L sq i sd i sq (23)
22 small-signal analysis. Adding the transfer functions (27) and
where Te gives positive values for generator mode. (28) of the current vector optimizer and the transfer function
Equation (23) represents the block of the PMSG electromag- (24) of the air-gap torque results in the block diagram of
netic stage in Fig. 2. For the purpose of small-signal analysis, Fig. 3. When designing the outer power control loop, it is
(23) is linearized illustrative to bring the block diagram into the compact form
3p    shown in Fig. 4. This compacted form retains the dynamics of
Te = m − L sd − L sq i sd i sq the current control loop but combines the algebraic relations
3p  from torque to currents and back to torque. This is sensible
− L sd − L sq i sq i sd . (24) as these conversions do not lead to delays.

Fig. 3. Block diagram of current vector optimizer, compacted current control, and torque generation.

Linearization yields

3 c1r ωe
Ttur = πρr c0 Vw + Vw

Fig. 4. Block diagram of compacted current vector optimizer, controller, and 3 c1r Vw 4c2r 2 ωe
torque generation. +πρr + ωe (36)
p p2

Assuming a rigid drive train, the equation of motion is Ttur = (a1 Vw + a2 ωe ) Vw + (a2 Vw + a3 ωe ) ωe (37)
given by
2 dωe with
J = Ttur − Te − Td . (30)
p dt πρr 4 4πρr 5
a1 = c0 πρr 3 , a2 = c1 , a 3 = c2 . (38)
Here, p is the number of poles of the PMSG, and Td can give p p2
damping due to friction. The aerodynamic torque Ttur of the The damping torque due to mechanical friction is
wind turbine is given by
1 Td = D ωe . (39)
Ttur = πρr 3 Vw2 CT (λ) (31) p
The linearized version of (30) is obtained by considering
with the tip speed ratio small-signal deviations and (37)
ωm r 
λ= (32) dωe p 2
Vw = a2 Vw + a3 ωe − D ωe
dt 2J p
where ρ is the air density, r is the blade length, Vw is the wind p p
+ (a1 Vw + a2 ωe ) Vw − Te . (40)
velocity, ωm is the mechanical angular velocity, and CT (λ) 2J 2J
is the torque coefficient [6]. In Fig. 14 in Appendix A, a Defining the mechanical lag time constant
typical relation of CT (λ) is shown. Polynomials may be used 2J
to approximate the coefficient [32]. p
τω = − (41)
For limited excursions about a steady-state operating point, a2 Vw + a3 ωe − D 2p
the torque coefficient may be approximated through a second-
order polynomial and applying the Laplace transform to (40) while neglecting
initial conditions
CT2 = c0 + c1 λ + c2 λ2 . (33) a1 Vw +a2 ωe
2 J τω
a2 Vw +a3 ωe −D 2p
Noting that mechanical and electrical rotor angular velocities ωe = − Te − Vw . (42)
1 + sτω 1 + sτω
are related by
2 A block diagram interpretation of the transfer function is
ωm = ωe . (34) depicted in Fig. 5. The transfer function given by (42) is
helpful for angular speed feedback control. For power control,
The aerodynamic torque is approximated by inserting however, power is needed as output. The electric power over
(32)–(34) into (31) the air-gap is obtained by multiplication of torque and speed

1 2 4 2
Ttur = πρr 3 c0 Vw2 + c1r ωe Vw + c2r 2 2 ωe2 . (35) Pe = Te ωe . (43)
2 p p p

For a given wind speed, the maximum power that can be
extracted by a turbine is given by [4]
Ptur = πρr 2 Vw 3 CP (λ) . (49)
The power coefficient CP (λ) relates to torque coefficient CT (λ)
by CP (λ) = CT (λ)λ and reaches its maximum at λopt . With
(32) and (34), (49) is expressed at λopt as the optimal regime
4 5 3 CP λopt
Ptur,opt = 3 πρr ωe . (50)
Fig. 5. Block diagram from air-gap torque and wind speed to angular velocity. p λopt 3
Neglecting the impact of mechanical power losses, this is the
maximum power that can be transferred to the air-gap and
is taken as a reference power of Pe (43) to support energy
Pe,ref = Ptur,opt . (51)
Angular velocity ωe is the only time-varying quantity that
Ptur,opt depends on at λ = λopt . Function (50) is used to
give the optimal power reference in the power command
synthesizer in Fig. 2. It allows for following the maximum
power in the wind at partial load and fixed pitch when the
maximum rotational speed has not been reached.
Fig. 6. Block diagram from air-gap torque and wind speed to air-gap power. The reference is compared with the measured electric
power, and the difference is fed to the power controller. The
The linearized form is power delivered over the terminal of the PMSG is calculated
from the terminal currents and voltages
2 2
Pe = Te ωe + ωe Te . (44) 3 
p p Pter = v sd i sd + v sq i sq . (52)
Inserting (42) into (44)
Inserting (1) and (2) gives
 a1 Vw +a2 ωe
2 a2 Vw +a3 ωe −D 2p 3   
J Te 2 Pter = ωe m i sq + ωe L sq − L sd i sd i sq
Pe = − + ωe Te − Te Vw . 2
1 + sτω 1 + sτω
3  2  
p p
(45) − Rs i sd + i sq
+ L sd i sd i̇ sd + L sq i sq i̇ sq . (53)
Rearranging (45) gives 2
  With (43), (23) and the following definitions, (53) can be
pτω Te τω
1 − 2ωe J 1 + s pτω Te decomposed as
2 1− 2ωe J
Pe = ωe Te (46) Pter = Pe − PR − PL (54)
p 1 + sτω
a1 Vw +a2 ωe with
2 a2 Vw +a3 ωe −D 2p
− Te Vw . 3 2 
p 1 + sτω PR = Rs i sd + i sq 2
Defining the lead time PL = L sd i sd i̇ sd + L sq i sq i̇ sq . (56)
τz = pτω Te
(47) Power PR gives the resistive losses in the PMSG stator
1− 2ωe J windings. Power PL is positive when the magnetic energy
and insertion of (47) into (46) gives stored in the stator inductances is increased. This power PL
is only nonzero during transients when currents i sd and i sq
a1 Vw +a2 ωe change. Losses PR have been minimized by the minimum-
2ωe τω 1 + sτz 2Te a2 Vw +a3 ωe −D 2p
Pe = Te − Vw . (48) current-per-torque optimization described in Section III.
pτz 1 + sτω p 1 + sτω The contributions of PR (55) and PL (56) in (54) can be used
The block diagram in Fig. 6 illustrates the transfer function. to better approximate Pe
The phase-lead behavior in the path from Te to Pe becomes Pe = Pter + PR + PL . (57)
clearly visible, and the magnitude of the phase-lead depends
on the operating point. The phase-lead behavior was also The power measurement as depicted in Fig. 2 is then repre-
observed experimentally in [23] and so confirms (48). sentative of the air-gap power (43).

Fig. 7. Block diagram of compacted linearized power control loop.

Fig. 8. Block diagram of compacted linearized speed control loop.

VI. C OMPACT L OOP FOR S TABILITY A NALYSIS AND takes for rotor accelerations or decelerations in response to
C ONTROLLER D ESIGN steps of torque.
Considering Figs. 2, 4, and 6, the compact form of the The definition of τω through (41) illustrates its dependence
power control loop in Fig. 7 is obtained. Through the deriva- on the operating point. In fact, τω can become negative and so
tions described in Sections III and IV, the original block lead to a positive pole, respectively, eigenvalue sω = −1/τω
diagram of Fig. 2 has now been brought into a format that and instability of the turbine-rotor interaction process. Such
lends itself to the design of the power controller aimed at regions of instability occur on the rising slope of CT on the
following the optimal regime curve at fixed pitch. Likewise, left of its peak in Fig. 14 when a positive change of angular
using Fig. 5, the compact form of a speed control loop to give speed ωe leads to acceleration as given by (40). For tracking
a desired angular velocity is obtained. The block diagram is the maximum power (50), the operating point is to the right
shown in Fig. 8. This loop may serve as an alternative to the of the peak of CT at the falling slope. There, sω is negative
power control loop depending on preferences. In that case, and is a dominant pole in the uncompensated system. Time
following maximum power can be realized by measuring the constant τz also depends on the operating point. For τω > 0:
wind velocity and then calculating the reference ωe,ref for the τz > 0 if ωm > τω Te /J > 0. Equation (47) also shows that
given optimal tip speed ratio λopt using (32) and (34). Both then τz > τω .
block diagrams are representative of the key phenomena of The phase-lead behavior from Te to Pe in the power
dynamic behavior of power and angular velocity expected on control loop can also be appreciated from (45). A change
the synchronous generator side of WECS. At the same time, in Te is instantaneously fed forward with gain 2/ p · ωe
the transfer functions are compact and illustrative. leading to a step change of air-gap power Pe . Then, an
The designs of the inner current control loops for d-axis exponential decay of the latter follows according to the
and q-axis as well as the current vector optimization have change of the angular speed toward the new steady state at
been elaborated upon in Section III, and so also define the Pe = (2ωe / p) (τω /τz ) Te . The phase-lead behavior from
time constant τi . The latter is several orders of magnitude Te to Pe dominates the response of the open loop in Fig. 7
smaller than the time constant τω , which defines the time it as τi is comparatively small.


In what follows, the value of the developed framework
of transfer functions is put into evidence by a case study
that is comprised of two major stages. At first, rules for
establishing a possible power controller are established. Then,
the design is verified through simulation of the large-scale
nonlinear model of Fig. 1 implemented in MATLAB/Simulink.
A stochastic analysis of tracking maximum available wind
power is performed.

A. Controller Design
The block diagrams of the compacted linearized control
loops of Section VI are well suited for the design of con-
trollers. In the turbine-rotor interaction process of the power
control loop, it is assumed that τω > 0, τz > 0. The integral
plus lead–lag compensator G P (s) proposed for this loop is of
the following format:
K 1 + sτle
G P (s) = . (58)
s 1 + sτlg Fig. 9. Response to step of −50 kW of electric power in full nonlinear
The lag and lead time constants τlg and τle are introduced
to compensate the process behavior due to τz and τω . As the
process is stable, pole–zero cancelation can be performed. The speed ratio λopt = 7 and a wind speed of Vw = 9 m/s. The
process pole is compensated by choosing simulation was run using the large-scale nonlinear model of
Fig. 1 with the power command synthesizer replaced by a step
τle = τω (59) function generator. The result in Fig. 9 shows that the design
the process zero is compensated by setting made based on the compacted linearized power control loop
of Fig. 7 yields a step response in the nonlinear model as
τlg = τz . (60) expected from the setting of τPl . This is clear evidence of the
The remaining parameter K is set by direct consideration valid approximation given by the developed linearization.
of the closed-loop transfer function of Fig. 7 given that The controller design rules have been established for a par-
pole–zero cancelation has been applied as mentioned above ticular operating point. When the average wind speed changes,
the dynamic performance can be enhanced by adapting the
Pe (s) 1
= . (61) compensation parameters. For example, it can be seen from
Pe,ref (s) pτz
1 + s K 2ωe τω
+ s 2 Kτ2ω
i pτz
e τω Fig. 6 that the gain of the process is proportional to ωe and
Neglecting the small time constant τi , it can be seen that then so increases for a given λopt with higher wind speeds. Thus,
the second-order behavior effectively reduces to first-order there will be less control effort necessary at higher ωe and
behavior with a pole at sPl = −K (2ωe / p)(τω /τz ). The time wind speeds.
constant of the closed loop can then be approximated by
1 p τz B. Large-Signal Analysis and Simulation
τPl = . (62)
K 2ωe τω The validation of the design in following the maximum
A larger value of K will enhance dynamic power tracking, but power points is made for a wind speed varying around an
the sensitivity toward improving the speed in the response of average of 9 m/s. The Von Kármán spectrum is used and a
the angular velocity ωe is relatively low. On the other hand, turbulence intensity of 0. 16 considered as specified in the
too large a K can stress the generator shaft. The setting of K IEC standard [33]. The wind turbulence is generated by a
is inversely proportional to the desired τPl shaping filter fed with white noise [34]. The controller design
is implemented in the large-signal nonlinear model with blocks
1 p τz
K = . (63) as described in Fig. 2. The switching frequency of the VSC
τPl 2ωe τω model is at 5 kHz. The overall model includes the power
As an example, the data representative of a 3 MW turbine reference Pe,ref given by (50).
and the operating point in the Appendix A are considered. The A 120-s window of results over time is displayed in Fig. 10.
parameters of the current control were set to give τi = 2 ms. The wind speed series is depicted on the top. This is followed
The closed-loop time constant is set to τPl = 0. 05τω with by the air-gap torque, the stator current q-axis and d-axis
τω = 11. 5 s. The design of the controller was tested by means components. Both components contribute to the development
of a step of Pe,ref = −50 kW down from the operating point of the air-gap torque as evidenced by (23). The results show
giving maximal power tracking, which was obtained for a tip how the current vector optimizer described in Section III-D

Fig. 11. Time series of wind speed over 10 min.

Fig. 12. Large-signal wind turbulence response power tracking.

Fig. 13. Large-signal wind turbulence response power coefficient tracking.

Fig. 10. Time series of wind speed over 2 min, air-gap torque, and stator The outcome depicted on the right confirms that the optimal
current d-axis and q-axis components in full nonlinear model.
power curve is being followed closely. The error could be
further reduced by increasing K in (58).
In Fig. 13 on the left, the power coefficient CP is plotted
decomposes the stator current into i sq and i sd . To minimize versus the air-gap torque for the same interval of 10 min.
losses for a given torque, (25) and (26) have been solved and The narrow range within which the maximum CP,opt is being
programmed into a lookup-table for fast online access. tracked is well observed by the distribution on the right.
To perform a stochastic analysis, the window of simulation A closer look at the CP versus Te plot reveals that around
was extended from 120 s as above to 10 min as depicted in Te = 10 · 105 N·m the range of CP is generally narrower than
Fig. 11. The tracking of the optimal power curve at partial load at the lower Te = 8 · 105 N·m. This observation is consistent
(49) over this 10-min interval is assessed in the left graph with the statement made in the previous Section VII-A saying
of Fig. 12. It shows that the trajectories closely follow the that the gain of the process rises with the wind speed. Tracking
optimal regime. The optimal regime is indicated by the dashed is so improved at higher wind speeds for the same compensator
curve, which is mostly covered by the trajectories around settings.
it. The stochastic analysis of the results leads to the power The results obtained for the large-scale simulation with
error distribution quantifying the error made while tracking. the nonlinear model confirm the system insight obtained and

substantiate the drive control system design using the transfer TABLE I
functions based on the linearization. The parameter selection W IND T URBINE PARAMETERS
for the compensator has shown to yield good tracking of
optimal operating points for wind power harvesting in the
presence of significant wind turbulence. At the same time,
the stator losses were minimized through a minimum-current-
per-torque scheme.


A methodology for modeling the ensemble of wind turbine,
PMSG, and VSC in the form of transfer functions that lend
themselves to stability analysis and control system design
was developed. The transfer functions for designing power
and speed control loops are compact, but at the same time
are illustrative in showing the system impact on dynamic
behavior and stability. The influence of the operating point
on the locations of WECS transfer function poles and zeros
can be appreciated. The methodology serves as a frame-
work for selecting compensator functions and tuning their
The overall methodology is distinguished by three con-
tributions. First, the machine-side WECS was structured into
block diagram format clearly identifying the various stages of
power conversion and control. Linearization was applied to
support small-signal analysis across all stages. It was shown
how the phase-lead transfer function relating torque and power
is influenced by wind speed and angular velocity of the rotor. Fig. 14. Power coefficient CP (λ) and torque coefficient CT (λ).
The VSC connected to the generator is operated in current-
mode control. A small-signal description of the minimum-
current-per-torque optimization was developed and employed
for the case that generator d-axis and q-axis inductances are
unequal. Second, the transfer functions have been arranged
into a compact format such that they provide an intuitive
framework for control system design. Locations of poles and
zeros and stability are identified, and an integral plus lead–lag
compensator is designed for power control. The established
design rules readily allow for adaptive compensator tuning
depending on the operating point. This was evidenced by the
design of the drive control system for energy efficiency. The Fig. 15. Relations of modulation, switching, and duty ratio.
control tracks maximum available wind power dynamically
while at the same time decomposing the stator current into
direct and quadrature axis components for loss minimization.
Third, large-signal time-domain simulation was performed
to verify the design. A stochastic analysis leading to the
distributions of power coefficient and deviation of the power
from its maximum confirmed a close following of maximum
power setpoint.
In sum, the contributions made offer a better and enhanced
insight into the various parameters influencing the behav-
Fig. 16. Switch status representation of phase a of two-level three-phase
ior of wind energy conversion involving PMSG. This again VSC.
has shown to be a valuable basis for compensator tuning
making effective use of power electronics to control wind
power converters for energy efficiency. Future work would
extend the modeling to further physical phenomena such as A. Example Data
the torsional movement of flexible shafts and consider other The following data refers to the WECS studied in
controls. Section VII. Wind turbine parameters are given in Table I,

Fig. 17. Block diagram of current control.

relevant PMSG parameters are summarized in Table II. Power Applying the dq-transform, (3) and (4) are readily obtained.
and torque coefficients as a function of tip speed ratio are The average dc current is obtained by summing up the average
depicted in Fig. 14. Both coefficients are related by currents on the dc side of each phase leg
CT (λ) = CP (λ)/λ. (64) i dc = da i sa + dbi sb + dc i sc . (68)
Damping due to mechanical friction was neglected. The Inserting (65)
following parameters are valid for the operating point of 1 + m a (t) 1 + m b (t)
the simulation at Vw = 9 m/s: Ptur = 1. 27 MW, i dc (t) = i sa (t) + i sb (t)
2 2
n = 13. 5 rpm, and Te = 8. 95 · 105 N·m. 
1 + m c (t) 1
Coefficients for the second-order polynomial approximat- + i sc (t) = (i sa (t) + i sb (t) + i sc (t))
2 2
ing the CT curve around the operating point at λ = 7 as
stated in (33): c0 = 2. 25 · 10−2 , c1 = 2. 18 · 10−2 , and + (m a (t) i sa (t) + m b (t) i sb (t) + m c (t) i sc (t)) .
c2 = −0. 23 · 10−2 . The current control parameters are set 2
such that τi = 2 ms. The dc voltage is v dc = 6 kV.
In a balanced three-phase system i sa + i sb + i sc = 0, which is
B. Details on VSC Average Modeling in dq-Domain assumed here. Applying the dq-transform gives (5).
VSC losses may be neglected as the latter are small and
As mentioned in Section II, it is assumed here that the VSC not of key relevance when it comes to the dynamic behavior
is controlled by a sine-triangle PWM involving modulating of the VSC. If needed, losses may be accounted for by
sine signals m a , m b , and m c that are compared with a triangu- adding resistance in series with the already represented stator
lar carrier ranging between −1 and +1. Other assumptions are resistance.
possible, but would lead to variations of the average model.
The used PWM modulation scheme is illustrated in Fig. 15. C. Current Control Loop
The duty ratio da (t) is the average of the switching signal
Fig. 17 offers an illustrative description of (3)–(7), (12),
qa (t). Modulating signals m a (t) and da (t) are related by
and (13).
(1 + m a (t))
da (t) = . (65)
2 D. Details on Current Command Synthesizer
The switching signals are supplied to the switches, for which Assuming that the references i sq,ref and Te,ref are known,
the leg of phase a is shown in Fig. 16. When qa = 1, then insertion of those references into (23) allows for calcu-
then the instantaneous voltage of v sa is +(v dc /2), and when lating i sd,ref . This then leads to (25).
qa = 0, then it is −(v dc /2). Therefore, the following average The stator resistive losses are proportional to the square
representation holds: of the rms stator current |i s |2 = 1/2(i sd 2 + i 2 ). Using (25) to
v dc  v  eliminate i sd in (55) gives
v sa = da + (1 − da ) − . (66) ⎛  2 ⎞
2 2
3 ⎝2 −Te,ref m ⎠.
Insertion of (65) yields PR = Rs i sq + 3 p   +
v dc 2 22 L sd − L sq i sq L sd − L sq
v sa = m a . (67) (70)

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[14] Y. Xia, K. H. Ahmed, and B. W. Williams, “New maximum power point Her work is supported by the Reiner Lemoine
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[15] M. E. Haque, M. Negnevitsky, and K. M. Muttaqi, “A novel control Maren Kuschke received the VDI Award from the
strategy for a variable wind turbine with a permanent-magnet synchro- Association of German Engineers in 2009 and the IEEE PES German Chapter
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[17] J. Lin, Y. Sun, Y. Song, W. Gao, and P. Sorensen, “Wind power fluctu- degrees (summa cum laude) from the Saarland Uni-
ation smoothing controller based on risk assessment of grid frequency versity, Saarbrücken, Germany, in 1996 and 2001,
deviation in an isolated system,” IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, vol. 4, respectively.
no. 2, pp. 379–392, Apr. 2013. He was with Brunel University, London, U.K.,
[18] A. Uehara, A. Pratap, T. Goya, T. Senjyu, A. Yona, N. Urasaki, et al., from 1995 to 1997. From 1997 to 2002, he was
“A coordinated control method to smooth wind power fluctuations of with the Division Recherche et Développement of
a PMSG-based WECS,” IEEE Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 26, no. 2, Electricité de France, Paris, France. From 2002 to
pp. 550–558, Jun. 2011. 2007, he was an Assistant Professor of electrical
[19] C. Abbey, K. Strunz, and G. Joos, “A knowledge-based approach for engineering with the University of Washington, Seat-
control of two-level energy storage for wind energy systems,” IEEE tle, WA, USA. Since 2007, he has been Professor for
Trans. Energy Convers., vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 539–547, Jun. 2009. Sustainable Electric Networks and Sources of Energy (SENSE) at Technische
[20] H. Geng and D. Xu, “Stability analysis and improvements for variable- Universität (TU) Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
speed multipole permanent magnet synchronous generator-based wind Dr. Strunz was the Chairman of the Conference IEEE PES Innovative Smart
energy conversion system,” IEEE Trans. Sustain. Energy, vol. 2, no. 4, Grid Technologies, TU Berlin, in 2012. He is a Chairman of the IEEE Power
pp. 459–467, Oct. 2011. and Energy Society Subcommittee on Distributed Generation and Energy
[21] H. Huang, C. Mao, J. Lu, and D. Wang, “Small-signal modelling Storage and Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee on Research in Education.
and analysis of wind turbine with direct drive permanent magnet On behalf of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, he acted as
synchronous generator connected to power grid,” IET Renew. Power a Review Editor for the Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and
Generat., vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 48–58, Feb. 2012. Climate Change Mitigation.

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