Cardenas (2001)
Cardenas (2001)
Cardenas (2001)
In this paper, the energy buffer takes the form of an induction
machine feeding a flywheel as shown in Fig. 1. When the dc-link
where is the air density, is the the power coefficient,
voltage decreases, the induction machine is controlled to
is the blade radius, is the blade pitch angle, is the tip speed
operate as a generator, transforming the inertial energy stored
ratio, and is the effective wind speed. Equation (1) shows
in the flywheel into electrical energy supplied to the capacitors.
that small variations in the wind speed produce large changes
When increases, the induction machine motors, transfer-
in the captured power. These power fluctuations propagate to
ring energy from the capacitors to the flywheel. With reference
the output of the wind energy conversion system (WECS), es-
to Fig. 1, the aim is to control the dc-link voltage against fluc-
pecially if the system is fixed speed. For variable-speed systems,
tuations in the generated current and the load current . In
part of the power fluctuation is absorbed as inertial energy in the
previous work using a structure similar to Fig. 1, scalar
turbine. However, even for variable-speed systems, power fluc-
converters or slow dynamic methods have been used to control
tuations can still be problematic if the WECS is feeding a small
the speed of the machine–flywheel set [3]. However, in such
grid or a stand-alone load [2]. For these applications, the wind
a drive, the machine torque is not controlled directly and this
turbine is augmented by an additional source, usually a diesel
results in slow dynamics and suboptimal voltage regulation. In
generator [3]. In such hybrid systems, wind speed fluctuations
[4], a vector-controlled induction machine, driving a flywheel,
not only produce fluctuations in the generator output voltage,
is used for power smoothing. However, no formal analysis of
but also an unacceptable number of start/stop cycles of the diesel
the dynamic of the system is presented, the controller designed
generator if a temporary energy buffer is not available.
is not discussed, and feedforward compensation is not consid-
Manuscript received May 9, 2000; revised November 26, 2000. Abstract pub- Although a speed sensor will be used in this paper, this is not
lished on the Internet February 15, 2001.This work was supported by Fondecyt required in practice since sensorless techniques having the same
Chile under Contract 1980689 and the British Council.
R. Cárdenas and R. Peña are with the Electrical Engineering Department, torque dynamics as a sensored drive are well known [5], [6] and
University of Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Chile (e-mail: the flywheel will not be required to operate at zero speed.
G. Asher and J. Clare are with the Electrical and Electronics Engineering This paper addresses the nonlinear control problem of regu-
Department, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, U.K. (e-mail: lating using the current providing the analysis and inves-
Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0046(01)03383-4. tigating the controller design. It is further shown that the regu-
0278–0046/01$10.00 © 2001 IEEE
lation may be improved drastically by exploiting knowledge of where represents the inverter and iron power losses (the
the “disturbance currents” and and using this knowledge coefficient arises from the 2–3 axes scaling), represents
in a novel feedforward technique. Experimental results from a the generation connected to the dc link, e.g., the wind turbine,
2.5-kW prototype are presented, with and without compensa- is the total capacitance of the dc link, and is the load.
tion, which show the effectiveness of the proposed control struc- Using the machine parameters and assuming rotor-flux ori-
ture. entation [7], , , , and are given by
Fig. 6. Experimental results showing dc-link voltage regulation to a 45% load step disturbance. (a) Without feedforward compensation. (b) Exact feedforward
compensation. (c) Simplified feedforward compensation.
constant power is being extracted from the dc link. Fig. 8 shows The loads are connected at and disconnected at .
the flywheel speed for loads impacts of 1.1, 1.6, and 2.7 A. The reduction in speed before the transient is due to the fact that
Fig. 7. Experimental results showing dc-link voltage regulation to a 110% load step disturbance. (a) Without feedforward compensation. (b) Exact feedforward
compensation. (c) Simplified feedforward compensation. (d) i , i corresponding to (b).
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. Experimental results showing dc-link voltage regulations to power fluctuations corresponding to real wind gusts. (a) Wind gust and corresponding
generated current i . (b) Regulation and flywheel speed without feedforward compensation. (c) Regulation and torque current with feedforward compensation.
In order to relate the generated wind power with the chopper Fig. 9(a), shows a wind gust selected from a real wind profile
demand current, an ideal wind turbine that extracts the max- and the current (see Fig. 5) corresponding to that wind gust
imum energy from the wind has been assumed. The power gen- [ obtained from (13) and (14)]. The gust has a duration of ap-
erated from such a wind turbine is proximately 6 s. Fig. 9(b) and (c) shows the control system re-
sponse without and with the feedforward compensation term, re-
(13) spectively. Most of the power spectral density (PSD) of the wind
energy is concentrated in the low-frequency region [12], [13].
where is the wind speed and is a constant which de- Therefore, even when the fuzzy controller is designed for
pends, in a real wind turbine, on the wind turbine parameters a relatively low natural frequency of approximately 30 rad s ,
[1], [11]–[13], such as blade profile, blade radius, , etc. the control system performs well with maximum voltage varia-
However, for this ideal wind turbine, is set considering tions of approximately 3 V. Fig. 9(c) shows the response of
the nominal output current of the chopper. From (13), the cur- the control system including feedforward compensation. It is
rent generated by the chopper to the dc link is obtained as only slightly better than the previous response with maximum
voltage variations of approximately 1.5 V. There is almost no
(14) difference between exact and simplified feedforward compensa-
tion, considering the slow variation of the energy supplied from
The ideal wind turbine is equivalent to a real wind turbine with this ideal wind turbine.
zero inertia. If the turbine has no inertia, it is able to follow Fig. 9(b) also shows the flywheel speed . In the first 1.5 s,
instantaneously the optimum operating point for any wind [2], the generated current is not sufficient to cover the friction and
[11]. This ideal wind turbine produces also the highest power inverter losses and some energy is provided to the system by re-
fluctuation for any wind profile since there is no inertia to absorb ducing the flywheel speed. When the generated power increases
part of the wind fluctuations as rotational energy. above the losses, the induction machine motors, absorbing the
Fig. 10. Experimental results showing dc-link voltage regulation to both generated power fluctuations and load impacts. (a) Wind profile and generated and load
currents. (b) Regulation and flywheel speed without feedforward compensation. (c) Regulation with feedforward compensation. (d) Torque current for (c).
energy supplied into the dc link by the ideal wind turbine. The tion machine reduces its rotational speed until the load is discon-
torque current of the induction machine is shown in Fig. 9(c). nected. Then, the induction machine motors again. Fig. 10(c)
The current in the first 1.5 s is negative because the flywheel shows the performance of the control system considering the
is supplying energy to the dc link. From approximately 1.5 to exact feedforward compensation. Before the load step is ap-
4.2 s, the machine is motoring (positive current). At the end plied, the dc-link voltage has a variation of 1.5 V around the
of the wind gust the induction machine is again supplying en- reference. When the load is connected, the voltage dip is 8 V and
ergy into the dc link. the overshoot is 5.13 V when the load is disconnected. The per-
Fig. 10 shows the control system performance when gener- formance of the feedforward compensation is slightly reduced
ation and load disturbances are combined. The generation is by the low-pass filter applied to the ( ) measurement,
obtained from the ideal wind turbine and a wind profile of 30 but it is still much better than that obtained without considering
s. A load step of 2.1 A is connected to the dc link at approxi- feedforward compensation. Fig. 10(d) shows the torque current
mately and disconnected at approximately . for the conditions corresponding to Fig. 10(c). The current
Fig. 10(a) shows the wind profile, the generated current ( ), is negative during the first part of the wind profile and posi-
and the load current ( ). Fig. 10(b) shows the performance of tive during motoring of the induction machine. When the load
the control system without feedforward compensation. Before is connected, a fast change (because of the feedforward term)
the load step is applied, the dc-link voltage has a variation of ap- from positive to negative is produced in order to supply energy
proximately 3 V around the reference. When the load is con- into the dc link. A fast change in the current is also produced
nected, the voltage dip is 30 V and the overshoot is 28 V when when the load is disconnected.
the load is disconnected. Fig. 10(b) also shows the flywheel
speed. During the first part of the wind profile, speed is reduced, A. Fuzzy versus Linearized Controller
i.e., the induction machine is generating energy into the dc link. The tuning of the fuzzy controller was achieved by using the
When the generated power is above the losses, the induction ma- response of a linearized controller. It is noted here that the fuzzy
chine motors, increasing the rotational speed and absorbing en- controller noticeably outperformed (in terms of maintaining a
ergy from the dc link. When the load step is applied, the induc- required response over a wide range of load or generating con-
ditions) a fixed PI controller for the structure of Fig. 3(a) without The linearized controller was designed for the following:
the feedforward compensation. However, with the feedforward
compensation of Fig. 3(b) the improvement shown by the fuzzy V
controller over the PI controller is marginal. This is expected,
since most of the current required to stabilize the dc link voltage r/min
is provided by the feedforward compensation and the controller A
itself provides only the dynamic adjustment due to the steady-
state nature (and parameter errors) of (9) or (12). Because of A
the excellent performance of the feedforward compensation, the A
difference between the fuzzy and a PI controller in the dc-link
regulation is no more than a couple of volts. A
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Rubén Peña (S’95–M’97) was born in Coronel, Jon Clare (M’90) was born in Bristol, U.K., in 1957.
Chile. He received the electrical engineering degree He received the B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
from the University of Concepcion, Concepcion, engineering from The University of Bristol, Bristol,
Chile, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the U.K., in 1979 and 1990, respectively.
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K., in From 1984 to 1990, he was a Research Assistant
1984, 1992, and 1996, respectively. and Lecturer at The University of Bristol, involved in
From 1985 to 1991, he was a Lecturer at the teaching and research in power electronic systems.
University of Magallanes, Punta Arenas, Chile. Since 1990, he has been with the Power Elec-
From 1992 to 1995, he was with the Power Elec- tronics, Machines and Control Group, University
tronics, Machines and Control Group, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, U.K., where he is
of Nottingham. He is currently with the Electrical currently a Senior Lecturer in Power Electronics. His
Engineering Department, University of Magallanes. His main interests are research interests are power electronic converters and modulation strategies,
control of power electronics converters, ac drives, and renewable energy variable-speed drive systems, and electromagnetic compatibility