The Potometer

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LAB 2.


The Potometer
A potometer is a device that measures the rate at which a plant draws up water. Since the plant
draws up water as it loses it by transpiration, you are able to measure the rate of transpiration.

The basic elements of a potometer are:

A plant cutting
A calibrated pipette to measure water loss
A length of clear plastic tubing
An air-tight seal between the plant and the water-filled tubing
Your instructor will show you how to assemble your potometer.

Note that many plants close their stomata when the light intensity is insufficient for
photosynthesis. Stems harvested in the autumn or winter may not transpire very much. You can
use a high-intensity light to promote photosynthesis and get transpiration going again.
Fluorescent strip lights or halogen lamps are better than ordinary bench lamps.

Factors that affect transpiration

You can choose from a list and develop your own ideas on how to do the experiment. Use five or
six values for each variable tested. Among the variables are:

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Light intensity. Place the plant shoot and potometer at different positions round the laboratory
to alter the light intensity. Or you could use a lamp set at different distances from the plant.
Check the intensity of light reaching the plant by placing a light meter by the leaves of the shoot.
Wind speed. Using a fan to create different wind speeds, either by setting the fan to different
speeds or by placing the plant shoot and potometer at different distances from the fan. Check
the wind speed at the plant with an anemometer placed just in front of the plant at leaf height.
Temperature. It may be possible to find places which are at different temperatures; but it may
not be easy to ensure that all other variables are controlled.
Surface area. There are at least two ways of estimating the effect of surface area. An added extra
dimension would be to try to establish if the upper or lower surface is more important in
transpiration. Stomata are usually more abundant on the lower surface of leaves.

In order to measure some different rates of transpiration, follow the four steps outlined in the
graphic below:

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Taking measurement
Depending on how your photometer looks like, there are two ways of taking measurements:
1. Start the stop clock when the bubble of air touches the first marked line. Stop the clock
when the bubble has travelled a fixed distance (2 or 3 cm) and touches the appropriate
marked line.
2. Start the stop clock when the bubble of air touches the first marked line. Allow the
bubble to travel upwards for a fixed period of time (depending on the rate of movement,
this could be 10 or 30 seconds or longer) and mark how far the bubble has moved with a
different coloured pen. Measure the distance between the first mark and this second
coloured mark.

Calculate the rate of movement of the air bubble (and hence rate of transpiration) using the
formula given here. SI units are cm/s.
Rate of transpiration = Distance moved by the air bubble
Time taken for the air bubble to move that distance

Change a factor that might affect how quickly the plant loses water by transpiration.
Use this data to calculate the water loss in ml/m2.

How to Calculate Leaf Surface Area

The rate of transpiration is measured as the amount of water lost/ square meter/ minute.
Because water evaporates through the many stomata on the leaf surface, the rate of
transpiration is directly related to the surface area. To arrive at the rate of transpiration,
therefore, you must calculate the leaf surface area of each plant: Because most stomata are
found in the lower epidermis, you will determine that surface area.
Lay the leaves to be measured on a 1-cm grid and trace their outlines.
Count the number of square centimeters. Estimate the area of the partial squares. (Here's a
simple method for this estimate: Count a partial square if it is at least half covered by the leaf; do
not count partial squares that are less than half covered.

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Do not include the area of the stem (petiole) in your calculations.

Calculating Water Loss

Practice calculating water loss in the following exercise.
1 Draw a graph of your results.

2 Describe the shape of your graph and note any anomalies or inconsistencies.

3 Explain in biological terms what your graph shows.

4 The apparatus measures the uptake of water. What could happen to the water once it
enters the plant shoot?

5 Suggest some ways you could improve this procedure.

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Lab Quiz I
1. If guard cells in a plant were deficient in K+, which of the following would be most likely
to occur?
A. Wilting would become more likely.
B. Photosynthesis would decrease.
C. Transpiration would increase.
D. Food transport would decrease.

Use the following figure to answer questions 2–4.

2. What tissue is indicated by label line 1?

A. phloem
B. mesophyll
C. epidermis
D. xylem
3. Which line indicates a guard cell?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
E. 5
4. Which type of cells are indicated by label line 2?
A. parenchyma
B. xylem
C. phloem
D. epidermis
5. Several factors account for the movement of water up xylem vessels. Which single factor
is most important in pulling water toward the top of a tall tree?
A. Evaporation of water through stomata
B. Osmosis in the root
C. Capillary action
D. Atmospheric pressure

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6. All of the following enhance water transport in terrestrial plants EXCEPT:
A. Hydrogen bonds linking water molecules
B. Capillary action due to adhesion of water molecules to the walls of xylem
C. Evaporation of water from the leaves
D. K+ being transported out of the guard cells
7. Under conditions of bright light, in which part of a transpiring plant would water potential
be lowest?
A. Xylem vessels in the leaves
B. Xylem vessels in the roots
C. Root hairs
D. Spongy mesophyll of the leaves
8. What type of environment would result in the greatest rate of transpiration?
A. Cloudy, humid conditions
B. Warm, humid conditions
C. Warm, light-breezy conditions
D. Cool, humid conditions

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