Picket Fence Free Fall
Picket Fence Free Fall
Picket Fence Free Fall
In this experiment we tried to obtain a value for the Earth’s acceleration due to gravity,
using technology. The provided materials are : a picket fence, a photogate , a computer interface
and a laptop on which the data is interpreted.
In the first stage, the picket fence is being held above the photogate, which is connected
to a computer interface which is connected to a laptop.
Then the picket fence is released so that the photogate can register the speed variation of the
black stripes on the picket fence during the fall.
Then, the data appears on the laptop in the form of a graph, and after an analysis we can observe
a value of the acceleration due to gravity, proximate to 9.8 m/s2.
Trial 1 2 3 4 5 6
Precision 4%
Table 3.
“Figure 1” is a representation of the diagram with the esential materials of this experiment.
In “Table 1” are the values of the acceleration due to gravity we’ve obtained.
In “Table 2” minimum and maximum values of the acceleration due to gravity, then the average
In “Table 3” are the precision and the average obtained value , with it’s erors...
● en.wikipedia.org
● scienceworld.wolfram.com
● www.physicsclassroom.com
● www.universetoday.com