Perceived Organizational Support: A Literature Review: ISSN 2162-3058 2019, Vol. 9, No. 3
Perceived Organizational Support: A Literature Review: ISSN 2162-3058 2019, Vol. 9, No. 3
Perceived Organizational Support: A Literature Review: ISSN 2162-3058 2019, Vol. 9, No. 3
ISSN 2162-3058
2019, Vol. 9, No. 3
Received: June 12, 2019 Accepted: July 10, 2019 Online published: July 15, 2019
doi:10.5296/ijhrs.v9i3.15102 URL:
Perceived organizational support (POS), which reflects the organization’s value on
employees’ contributions and concern for employee benefits, is an important tool to help
organizations establish favourable relationship with employees and motivate employees work
hard. This paper aims to make a review of POS concept and the variables related to POS.
Research results showed that perceived organizational support emphasizes organizational
commitment to employees and is a unilateral relationship. Perceived organizational support is
related to employees’ reduced absenteeism, increased job satisfaction, happiness,
organizational citizenship behaviour and organizational performance, and also influenced by
organizational fairness, working conditions, HR practices, employee characteristics,
leadership, management communication. Besides, this paper summarized the measures to
improve perceived organizational support, such as supportive or high commitment HR
practices, fairness, superior and co-worker supports, employee empowerment. This study
helps researchers understand the latest research progress in perceived organizational support.
Keywords: perceived organizational support, literature review, recommendations
1. Introduction
According to human capital theory (Becker, 2002), human capital (the knowledge,
information, ideas, skills, and health of individuals) was by far the most important form of
capital in modern economies. The main source in any company was the people, and the most
successful companies would be those that manage human capital more effectively, by
investing in their employees, encouraging workers to invest in themselves, providing learning
environments. However, due to economic globalization, the cases of company failures,
restructurings, mergers and layoffs around the world have had a huge impact on the work
enthusiasm of employees in the organization and caused employee mistrust of their
organization. Under such circumstances, how to maintain favorable relationship with
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ISSN 2162-3058
2019, Vol. 9, No. 3
employees is very critical for the organization to motivate employees to be dedicated to the
organization and then increase organizational performance.
Aselage and Eisenberger (2003) stated that when an individual accepted the ―positive
treatment‖ of others, it naturally generated the psychological pressure and sense of obligation
to pay off, thereby generating an attitude or behavior of retribution to the one given. When
applied to the organizational environment, employees often give more positive feedback
when they perceive the organization’s concern and appreciation and affirmation. Therefore,
this paper aims to make a review of the concept ―perceived organizational support‖ which
reflects employee-organizational relationship from the perspective of employee perception
and which have been proved to have important benefits for employees and employers. For
example, studies have found that employees with a strong exchange ideology reciprocated
perceived organizational support by altering their efforts to meet organizational goals, such as
reduce absenteeism, increase affective attachment to the organization and work effort
(Eisenberger et al., 1986). In addition, perceived organizational support positively relates to
employees’ happiness (Kurtessi et al., 2015), job satisfaction (McCarthy et al., 2013),
entrepreneurial passion (Gao & Yan), employee performance (Shoss et al., 2013),
organizational performance (Eisenberger & Stinglhamber, 2011).
2. Perceived Organizational Support and Psychological Contracts
Perceived organizational support is an employee perception that the organization values their
contributions and cares about their well-being (Eisenberger et al., 1986). After Eisenberger et
al. proposed the concept of perceived organizational support, subsequent scholars mainly
focused on the development of measurement scale, the factors affecting perceived
organizational support, and the positive impact of perceived organizational support on
employees and organizations through empirical studies.
A psychological contract is considered as the set of individual expectations about the
employment relationship (Schermerhorn, 2010). Perceived organizational support is easily
confused with psychological contracts. Studies have shown that perceived organizational
support is an independent concept and has some similarities with and differences from
psychological contracts. In terms of similarities between the two concepts. First, perceived
organizational support satisfies the emotional needs of employees and enables employees to
have a sense of responsibility and sentiment towards the organization; Likewise, the
satisfaction of psychological contract also makes employees produce the sense of
responsibility for the organization. Second, perceived organizational support and
psychological contract mean that if employees think the goodness they get is from the
voluntary behavior of the organization, not the outside pressures, such as trade union
negotiations and government regulations, employees tend to generate higher evaluation to the
organization (Eisenberger et al., 1997). Third, both organizational support theory and
psychological contract theory apply social exchange theory to the organizational context and
discuss the social exchange between employees and employers and use the principle of
reciprocity as the explanation for the outcome variables (attitudinal and behavioral variables).
However, the two concepts also have some distinctions. First, psychological contract relies on
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ISSN 2162-3058
2019, Vol. 9, No. 3
mutual commitment between employees and organizations and represents the perception of
employees and employers on reciprocal obligations. On the contrary, perceived
organizational support emphasizes the organization’s commitment to employees and is
therefore unilateral. Second, the sense of organizational support is generally generated after
employees enter the organization through their own observations and the related behaviors of
superiors, while psychological contracts may be generated before employees enter the
organization (Xu & Zhang, 2005).
3. Measurement of Perceived Organizational Support
3.1 One-dimensional Scale
The earliest researcher who studied perceived organizational support was Eisenberger et al.
(1986) who stated that perceived organizational support was a one-dimensional construct and
developed an organizational support measure scale with a total of 36 items. After factor
analysis, Eisenberger et al. (1986) found that the scale supported one-dimensional conception
and had good reliability. This scale was the most widely used measure of organizational
support in subsequent studies. However, in the specific application, follow-up researchers
often selected some of 36 items in order to constitute a separate scale to make their study
more convenient. This also reflects that the scale of 36 items developed by Eisenberger et al.
(1986) has a high internal validity and a good one-dimensional character.
3.2 Two-dimensional Scale
McMillin (1997) supplemented the concept proposed by Eisenberger, and stated that
organizational support should include, in addition to the organization’s concern and respect
for employees, tool support such as equipment, information, personnel, etc., necessary for the
job staff to work better. The author proposed that organizational support should be composed
of social emotional support and tool support and developed a 15-item measurement scale.
3.3 Multiple-dimensional Scale
Kraimer and Wayne (2004) divided the sense of organizational support into three dimensions:
adaptive support, career support and financial support in the process of studying the sense of
organizational support of expatriates, developed a 12-item scale. Ling et al. (2006) divided
perceived organizational support into three dimensions: value recognition, job support and
care about interests, and developed a 24-item scale to measure the three dimensions by use of
Likert-6 scale, obtained high reliability and validity. Chen (2006) four-dimension scale (16
items) and nine-dimension scale (56 items) of perceived organizational support. The
four-dimension scale includes emotional support, instrumental support, superior support and
colleague support. Nine-dimension scale includes work support, value, competence and
ambition, interpersonal support, welfare and job security, tolerance and understanding, fair
and reasonable support, concern for respect, career development. Yuan (2017) developed a
five-dimension scale of perceived organizational support. The five dimensions are
respectively job support, value recognition, care about interests, emotional support and
developmental support with a total of 23 measurement items.
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Table 1. (continued)
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studies, found that perceived organizational support had a strong influence on organizational
citizenship behavior. Lee and Peccei (2011) research showed that perceived organizational
support could predict individual-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. Zheng et al.
(2017) found out that perceived organizational support of medical staff was closely related to
organizational citizenship behavior through a survey of 600 medical staff in 6 medical
institutions of Shijiazhuang, China. Yu et al. (2017) stated perceived organizational support
had an impact on voice behavior of employees. Zheng and Hu (2018) made an empirical
research on the relationship between perceived organizational support and innovative
deviance with 400 employees in internet industry as the sample, their findings showed that
job support and care about interests have significantly positive influence on innovative
deviance, while value recognition had no significant influence on innovative deviance based
on Ling et al.’s (2006) three-dimension POS structure. Wang, C. L. (2018) stated that
perceived organizational support could have a significantly positive influence on employee
communication intention and innovation behavior through an empirical study. Li (2018)
stated that perceived organizational support had a significantly positive correlation with job
adaptation and self-career management of new employees through a survey questionnaire for
employees who have worked for less than one year.
4.2.3 Organizational Performance
Kraimer and Wayne (2004) studied the effects of perceived organizational support,
leader–member exchange, and spouse support on job adaptation and job performance of
expatriate employees. The research results showed that organizational support had a direct
impact on the adaptation of expatriate employees, which in turn affected the employee’s task
performance and relationship performance. Although the leader–member exchange had no
obvious impact on overseas adaptation, it had a direct impact on task performance and
relationship performance. Spouse support had no significant effect on overseas adaptation
and job performance. The research of Chong et al. (2001) on production staff showed that
employees with higher perception of organizational support had a more positive attitude
towards just-in-time (JIT) management, and the improvement of work performance was more
obvious. A study by Bell and Menguc (2002) on sales personnel showed that the value of
customer evaluations for the quality of service of employees with good organizational
support was relatively high. In these studies, researchers mostly used organizational
commitment, organizational identity, job satisfaction, and other factors as mediating factors
impacting job performance. Meta-analysis of Rhoades et al. (2002) showed that the sense of
organizational support was moderately related to the out-of-role performance of the
organization. Chen et al.’s (2009) longitudinal study confirmed that the sense of
organizational support led to out-of-role performance. Eisenberger and Stinglhamber (2011)
stated that the results of positive behaviors of organizational support help organizations
achieve their goals. These positive behavioral outcomes include reduction of withdrawal
behavior and workplace deviant behavior, creativity and innovation, more safety-related
activities, and easier acceptance of information technologies, increased customer service.
Shoss et al. (2013) found that a low sense of organizational support increased employees’
anti-productive behavior and reduced intra-role performance and out-of-role performance.
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Kurtessis et al.’s (2017) meta-analysis showed that the outcome variables of perceived
organizational support mainly included employee service to organization and work, employee
performance and happiness.
Table 2. Outcomes of perceived organizational support
affective commitments,
job satisfaction, stay
employee attitude
intention, employees’
Rhoades et al. positive emotion,
employee turnover
tendency, role pressures
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Table 2. (continued)
Edwards (2009)
Fu et al. (2010)
Wang & Sun (2011) organizational identity employee attitude
He & Pham (2014)
Li et al. (2018)
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Table 2. (continued)
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organizational support has changed the past one-side emphasis on employees’ commitment to
the organization. For the first time, the concept of perceived organizational support
emphasized the importance of organization’s commitment to employees (employers’
commitments), filling the gap in HRM theories.
6.2. Discussion
Perceived organizational support can be influenced by all aspects of the organization’s
treatment of employees, which in turn will affect the employee’s interpretation of the
organization’s potential motivation for treating employees. Organizational support includes
the organization’s possible response to the employee’s future illnesses, errors, and high
performance, as well as the organization’s willingness to pay a fair salary to make the
employee’s work meaningful and interesting. In addition, the role of perceived organizational
support in promoting positive employee attitudes, behavior and performance indicates two
phenomena. One is employees need organization’s support for the sake of both benefits of
employees and employers. Organizational support is one of necessary needs in today’s
business, because employees may gradually exhaust their energy backup and might
eventually burn out when job demands were high, additional effort must be exerted to
achieve the work goals, and when recovery was inadequate or insufficient (Schaufeli, 2013).
The other is employees tend to reward organizational positive treatment for the sake of
mutual interests of employees and employers. Based on the principle of reciprocity, when
they feel the beneficial treatment of the organization, employees will have a general
obligation to organize and help the organization to achieve its goals, and thus demonstrate an
attitude and behavior conducive to the organization. Finally, the strategies for optimizing
perceived organizational support link the employee-organizational relationship to supportive
HR practices. Since employee perception of organizational support is rather important in
influencing their attributions to organizational behaviors and then guide their job attitudes
and behavior, HR department needs to understand the measures which can improve employee
perception of organizational support, formulate organizational support program before
employment, constantly monitor the level of perceived organizational support of employees
and take corrective actions when needed, so as to make sure favorable organizational
6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research
This research has some limitations. First, this research only summarized the antecedents and
outcomes of perceived organizational support, and lacked the review of perceived
organizational support as a mediator variable or moderator variable. Besides, this research
lacked the review of perceived organizational support for diversified employees (gender, race,
education, position), because diverse employees have different expectations and perceptions
of organizational support. Moreover, employees in different industries also have different
needs and feedback for organizational support. Therefore, future research needs to collect the
literature about the mediating or moderating effect of perceived organizational support
between variables. Besides, future research can collect and summarize the research findings
related to perceived organizational support for a certain type of employee, such as gender, age,
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