Jail Reforms in India: A Study of Indian Jail Reform Committees
Jail Reforms in India: A Study of Indian Jail Reform Committees
Jail Reforms in India: A Study of Indian Jail Reform Committees
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research
In India the prison is considered as a place like that of a living hell. Study of groups, committees and commissions, initiated from
time to time, have rendered a holistic approaches of the prison authorities and administrators towards bringing out changes in
prison system. The reports submitted by different authorities from time to time draws public and legislative attention towards the
situation, issues and problems confronting prisons in the country. This is abundantly exemplified by the deliberations of the All
India Committee on Jail Reforms, that prisons administration and living conditions of prisoners need to be paid a pointed and
systematic attention. The Committees appointed from time to time has made a large number of recommendations.
establishments, the laxity in discipline and the system of Recommendations of the Committee
employing prisoners on extramural labour on public roads. The Committee of 1919-20 was appointed to suggest various
The committee recommended more rigorous treatment of recommendations for improving the various conditions in
prisoners and rejected all notions of reforming criminals India. The principles recommendations can be summed up as:
lodged in the prison through moral and religious teaching, 1. The care of prisoners should be entrusted to the
education or any system of rewards for good conduct [3]. adequately trained staff drawing sufficient salary to
Sir John Lawrence, a renowned jurist, again examined the render faithful service.
conditions of Indian prisons in 1864. Consequently Second 2. The separation of executive/custodial, ministerial and
Commission of Enquiry to look into prison management and technical staff in prison service.
discipline was appointed by Lord Dalhousie. The commission 3. The diversification of the prison institutions i.e. separate
in their report did not dwell upon, the concept of reformation jail for various categories of prisoners and a minimum
and welfare of prisoners. It, instead, laid down a system of area of 675 Sq. Feet (75 Sq. Yards) per prisoner was
prison regimentation occasioned with physical torture in the prescribed within the enclosed walls of the prison [5].
name of prison discipline. However, the commission made As a measure of prison reform, the Jail Committee further
some specific recommendations in respect of accommodation, recommended that the maximum intake capacity of each jail
diet, clothing, bedding, medical care of prisoners only to the should be fixed, depending on its shape and size. In the
extent that these were incidental to discipline and management meantime, there was a movement against retention of solitary
of prisons and prisoners. confinement as a method of punishment.
A Conference of Experts was held in 1877 to inquire into the The recommendations made by the Committee could not be
prison administration in detail. The conference resolved that a implemented due to inappropriate political environment. The
Prison Law should be enacted which could secure uniformity constitutional changes brought about by the Government of
of system and to address such basic issues which were to be India Act of 1935, which resulted in the transfer of the subject
reckoned for deciding term of sentence. In pursuance to the of prisons in the control of provincial governments, further
resolution passed in this conference, a draft Prison Bill was reduced the possibilities of uniform implementation of the
actually prepared but finally postponed due to unfavourable recommendations of the Indian Jails Committee 1919-1920 in
circumstances. the country [6]. When the subject matter of prison gets
The Fourth Jail Commission was appointed by Lord Dufferin transferred to State governments then they framed their own
in 1888 to inquire into the prison administration. This rules for the day to day administration of prisons, upkeep and
commission reiterated that the uniformity could not be maintenance of prisoners, and prescribing procedures.
achieved without the enactment of a single Prisons Act. The
commission drafted a bill. This Bill was circulated to all local Post-independence reform committees
Governments by the Home Secretary to the Government of After independence various committees were made so as to
India on 25th March, 1893 with a view to obtaining their improve the conditions of prison in India. The Pakwasa
views. It was later presented to the Governor General in Committee in 1949 accepted the system of utilizing prisoners
Council and ultimately Prisons Act of 1894 came into as labour for road work without any intensive supervision over
existence which is the current law governing management and them. It was from this time onwards that the system of
administration of prisons. payment of wages to inmates for their labour was introduced.
The process of review of prison problems in the country, Certain good time laws were also introduced in jails under
continued even after the enactment of Prisons Act, 1894. The which the inmates who behaved well during their term of
first ever comprehensive study was launched on this subject imprisonment were rewarded by suitable reduction in the
with the appointment of ‘All India Jail Committee’ (1919- periods of their sentence. The ultimate object of these reforms
1920). It is indeed a major landmark in the history of prison was to protect the society from criminals, to reform the
reforms in India and is appropriately called the corner stone of offenders, to deter them and to extract retribution for criminal
modern prison reforms in the country. For the first time, in the acts to the satisfaction of the society.
history of prison administration, reformation and rehabilitation In 1951, the Government of India invited the United Nations
of offenders were identified as one of the objectives of prison expert on correctional work, Dr. W.C. Reckless, to undertake
administration. a study on prison administration and to suggest policy reform.
His report titled 'Jail Administration in India' made a plea for
Indian jail reform committee 1919-20 transforming jails into reformation centers. He also
The Indian Jail Reform Committee 1919-20 which was recommended the revision of outdated jail manuals. In 1952,
appointed to suggest measures for prison reforms was headed the Eighth Conference of the Inspector General’s of Prisons
by Sir Alexander Cardew. The Committee visited prisons in also supported the recommendations of Dr. Reckless regarding
Burma, Japan, Philippines, Hong Kong and Britain besides the prison reform. Accordingly, the Government of India
Indian jails, and came to the conclusion that prisons should not appointed the All India Jail Manual Committee in 1957 to
only have deterring influence but they should also have a prepare a model prison manual. The committee submitted its
reforming effect on inmates. The Committee underlined the report in 1960. The report made forceful pleas for formulating
need for reformative approach to prison inmates and a uniform policy and latest methods relating to jail
discouraged the use of corporal punishment in jails. It administration, probation, after-care, juvenile and remand
recommended utilization of prison inmates in productive work homes, certified and reformatory school, borstals and
so as to bring about their reformation. The Committee also protective homes, suppression of immoral traffic etc. The
emphasized the need for an intensive after-care programme for report also suggested amendments in the Prison Act 1894 to
the released prisoners for their rehabilitation [4]. provide a legal base for correctional work [7]. In pursuance of
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research
the recommendations the Central Bureau of Correctional Krishna Iyer Committee on Jail Reform
Services was set up under Ministry of Home Affairs in In 1987, the Government of India appointed the Justice
1961.The Bureau observed as 1971 as Probation Year, further Krishna Iyer Committee to undertake a study on the situation
in 1973, Bureau released National Policies on Prison [8]. of women prisoners in India. It has recommended induction of
more women in the police force in view of their special role in
Indian Jail Reform Committee 1980-83 tackling women and child offenders. The National Expert
In 1980, the Government of India set-up a Committee on Jail Committee on Women Prisoners headed by Justice V.R.
Reform, under the chairmanship of Justice AN. Mulla. The Krishna Iyer report submitted its report to the Government in
basic objective of the Committee was to review the laws, rules February 1988.
and regulations keeping in view the overall objective of
protecting society and rehabilitating offenders. The Mulla Various State Jail Reform Committees
Committee submitted its report in1983 [9]. The period from 1937 to 1947 was important in the history of
The All India Jail Reforms Committee (1980-83) has made Indian prisons because it aroused public consciousness and
several recommendations which concern Government of India. general awareness for prison reforms at least in some
These mostly relate to legal framework and coordination progressive States like, West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, and
between States and Union Territories. Further these have been Maharashtra etc. Efforts of some of the eminent freedom
examined by the Ministry of Home Affairs and current fighters who had known firsthand the conditions in prisons
position of implementation of these recommendations has succeeded in persuading the governments of these progressive
been indicated [10]. States to appoint committees to further enquire into prison
Recommendations were submitted to prison management and conditions and suggest improvements in consonance with their
circulated to all States and Union Territories for their local conditions. Some of the Committees appointed during
implementation. The Committee suggested setting up of a the period were:
National Prison Commission as a continuing body to bring 1. The Mysore Committee on Prison Reforms, 1940-41;
about modernization of prisons in India. The Committee also 2. The U.P. Jail Reforms Committee, 1946; and
made a Suggestion that the existing dichotomy of prison 3. The Bombay Jail Reforms Committee, 1946-48.
administration at Union and State level should be removed. It In the late thirties, the U.P. Government appointed a ‘Jail
recommended a total ban on the heinous practice of clubbing Enquiry Committee’ and in pursuance of its recommendations,
together juvenile offenders with the hardened criminals in the ‘First Jail Training School’ in India was established at
prisons. The Mulla Committee also recommended segregation Lucknow in 1940 for the training of jail officers and warders.
of mentally disturbed prisoners and their placement in mental When India gained independence in 1947, the memories of
asylums. Yet another recommendation of the Jail Committee horrible conditions in prisons were still fresh in the minds of
was regarding classification of prisoners on scientific and political leaders and they, on assumption of power, embarked
rational basis [11]. upon effecting prison reforms. However, the Constitution of
India which came into force in 1950 retained the position of
Important recommendations of the Mulla jail committee the Government of India Act, 1935 in the matter of prisons
Some of the prominent recommendations of the Mulla and kept ‘Prisons’ as a State subject by including it in List
committee are: II—State List, of the Seventh Schedule (Entry 4) [13].
1. The condition of prisons should be improved by making The first decade after independence was marked by strenuous
adequate arrangements for food, clothing, sanitation, efforts for improvements in living conditions in prisons. A
ventilation etc. number of Jail Reforms Committees were appointed by the
2. The prison staff should be properly trained and organized State Governments, to achieve a certain measure of
into different cadres. It would be advisable to constitute humanization of prison conditions and to put the treatment of
an All India Service called the Indian Prisons & offenders on a scientific footing. Some of the committees
Correctional Service for recruitment of Prison officials. which made notable recommendations on these lines were:
3. After-care, rehabilitation and probation should constitute 1. The East Punjab Jail Reforms Committee, 1948-49;
an integral part of prison service. Unfortunately, 2. The Madras Jail Reforms Committee, 1950-51;
probation law is not being properly implemented in the 3. The Jail Reforms Committee of Orissa, 1952-55;
country. 4. The Jail Reforms Committee of Travancore and Cochin,
4. The media and public men should be allowed to visit 1953-55;
prisons and allied correctional institutions periodically so 5. The U.P. Jail Industries Inquiry Committee, 1955-56; and
that public may have first-hand information about 6. The Maharashtra Jail Industries Reorganization
conditions inside prisons and be willing to co-operate Committee, 1958-59.
with prison officials in rehabilitation work. While local Committees were being appointed by State
5. Lodging of under trials in jail should be reduced to bare Governments to suggest prison reforms, the Government of
minimum and they should be kept separate from the India invited technical assistance in this field from the United
convicted prisoners. Since under trials constitute a sizable Nations [14].
portion of prison population, their number can be reduced
by speedy trials and liberalization of bail provisions. Steps Taken by Government of India for Administration
6. The Government should make an Endeavour to provide of Prison Reforms in India
adequate resources and funds for prison reforms [12]. The Government of India requested to State Government and
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Education and Research
different Union Territories to bring out changes so as to make The prisons in country shall endeavor to reform offenders in
proper administration of changes. Various states from time to the social stratification by giving them appropriate
time had adopted such recommendations in their prison correctional treatment. The constitution also provides that
manuals. These recommendations can be summed up as principles of management and treatment of offenders should
follows: be made prescribed under the Directive Principles of State
1. To revise their prison manuals on the lines of the Model Policy Part IV of the Constitution. The State must take
Prison Manual by the end of the year. initiative to improve the conditions of under trail prisoners
2. To appoint Review Committees for the under trial which can achieved by speeding of the trial procedure,
prisoners at the district and state levels; simplification of the bail procedure and periodic induce of
3. To provide legal aid to indigent prisoners and to appoint causes related to under trial prisoners. At least the under trial
whole-time or part-time law officers in prisons; should be kept in separate cell. Though various
4. To enforce existing provisions with respect to grant of recommendations have been made from time to time but these
bail and to liberalize bail system after considering all its recommendations did not paved way from report books to
aspects; reality. It is seen that such reports are based on conditions
5. To strictly adhere to the provisions of the Code of prevailing in developed countries whereas India being a
Criminal Procedure, 1973, with regard to the limitations developing country the situation is totally different and there is
on time for investigation and inquiry; problem of adopting such suggestions but constant endeavor
6. To ensure that no child in conflict with law be sent to the should be made for bringing out positive changes.
prison for want of specialized services under the Central
Children Act, 1960. Reference
7. To have at least one Borstal School set up under the 1. National Policy on Prison Reforms and Correctional
Borstal Schools Act, 1929 for youthful offenders in each Administration, Bureau of Police Research &
State; Development, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of
8. To create separate facilities for the care, treatment and India, New Delhi, 2007.available at : www.bprd.nic.in.
rehabilitation of women offenders; 2. Ibid.
9. To arrange for the treatment of lunatics in specialized 3. Ibid.
institutions; 4. Paranjape NV. Criminology & Penology with
10. To provide special camp accommodation under Victimology, Central Law Publications; Sixteenth Edition;
conditions of minimum security to political agitators 2014, p-479.
coming to prisons; 5. Ibid.
11. To prepare a time bound programme for improvement in 6. Supra, note 1.
the living conditions of prisoners with priority attention to 7. Prisons in India: An overview of reforms and current
sanitary facilities, water supply, electrification and to send situation, pp.31-53; available at www.rajprisons.nic.in.
it to the Ministry of Home Affairs for approval; 8. Ibid.
12. To develop systematically the programmes of education, 9. Ibid.
training and work in prisons; 10. Bureau of Police Research & Development, Ministry of
13. To strengthen the machinery for inspection, supervision Home Affairs, New Delhi. Implementation of the
and monitoring of prison development programme and to Recommendations of All-India Committee on Jail Reform
ensure that the financial provisions made for up gradation (1980-83); Volume I; 2003; available at: www.
of prison administration by the Seventh Finance mha1.nic.in.
Commission are properly utilized. 11. Supra note 4, p. 481.
14. To organize a systematic programme of prison personnel 12. Id., p-482.
training on State and Regional level; 13. Supra note 1.
15. To abolish the system of convict officers in a phased 14. Ibid.
manner; 15. Ibid.
16. To mobilize additional resources for modernization of
prisons and development of correctional services in
17. To set up a State Board of Visitors to visit prisons at
regular periodicity and to report on conditions prevailing
in the prisons for consideration of the State Government;
18. To examine and furnish views to Government of India on
proposal for setting up of the National Board of Visitors
Through various committees and acts were passed from time
to time for improving the conditions of prisons in India but
still majority of the problems is left unsolved. The
administration procedure in India is lacking much behind that
of western states and hence we are unable to provide good
conditions in prisons.