Adrenal Fatigue: Enhancing Quality of Life For Patients With A Functional Disorder
Adrenal Fatigue: Enhancing Quality of Life For Patients With A Functional Disorder
Adrenal Fatigue: Enhancing Quality of Life For Patients With A Functional Disorder
he human organism is bombarded with an incredible pregnenolone, aldosterone, androstenedione, progesterone, and
variety of stresses at any given time. Stress can be catego- other intermediates to hormone production. These are the most
rized in an equally dizzying number of ways. There are widely studied of the stress-related hormones. Although most of
both chronic and acute stressors. There are somatic stressors that these hormones are created in different parts of the body, aldos-
push the body away from homeostasis. There are psychogenic terone, cortisone, and hydrocortisone are produced only in the
stressors that seem to be triggered at the slightest provocation. adrenal glands.
An elaborate system of hormones and neurotransmitters (cou- Aldosterone, working in cooperation with the renal system,
pled with the human penchant for becoming upset about non- helps to regulate the balance of sodium and potassium in the
physical stres sors) enge nders psychogenic stress in human body. This regulation is critical to many physiologic functions,
beings more than in any other species of animal.* including the ability to react to stress and to maintain fluid bal-
There are two basic kinds of psychogenic stress (1) rational ance. This hormone also contributes to the maintenance of blood
(fear) and (2) irrational (anxiety). Regardless of the nature of the pressure. In “adrenal fatigue” states, patients may have alter-
stress—mental or physic al, rational or irrational—the body ations in the fluid-balancing mechanism., with the most com-
responds to all stress in a fairly predictable manner. In the early monly described symptom being “puffy hands and feet.”
1930s, Selye1 termed this predictable pattern of response the gen- Recent conventional medical research has shown that subclini-
eral adaptation syndrome. cal adrenocortical disease can exist without adrenal function fail-
Both conventi onal and nutritionally orient ed health care ure.2 The etiology of this subclinical disease process has not been
providers principally utilize and share the same biomedical elucidated fully in conservative research. Authors who write for
model of stress and its physiologic effects. However, the two alterna tive medical periodicals and texts ha ve historically
schools of practice diverge when it comes to diagnostic method- expressed a belief that severe, long-term stress can lead to a clini-
ologies that are used to identify subclinical cases of adrenal dys- cal phenomenon known as “adrenal burnout.”3,4
function and the modalities used to treat these patients. Most individuals adapt to the stresses of life and, when these
stressors are reduced, these patients experience favorable psy-
chophysiologic responses, demonstrating the correlation between
How the Adrenal Glands Respond to Stress
stress and physiologic functioning. 5 Being unable to adapt to
At the center of the stress response are the adrenal glands. The stressors can manifest as “staleness syndrome” or adrenal dys-
adrenals produce epinephrine and norepinephrin e, along with function.3,4,6 Individuals who experience this disorder are unable
other hormones such as cortisol that enable the body to adapt to to perform at their customary levels of activity at the office or
and survive a stressor. The acute alarm, or immediate reaction to home. They seem to suffer from persistent deterioration in their
a stressor, is a physiologic phenomenon in which the sympathet- everyday functioning and activities. Indeed, depression and a
ic nervous system responds to exogenous or endogenous stres- marked decrease in performance seem to be the hallmark of this
sors put the body into what is popularly called the “fight, fright, maladaptation syndrome. 7,8
or flight” mode. When the body is in this state, such as in poten-
tially life-threatening situations, adrenal hormones are released
Biochemical Reactions to Stressors
to increase heart rate and blood pressure and divert blood to the
brain, heart, and skeletal muscles. This physiologic compensation The fight, fright, or flight response to stressors involves the cat-
is a key mechanism in stress and the clinical phenomenon of echolamines, substances that prepare the body for a call to imme-
diate action and response, by causing short-term hyperglycemia.
This rapid catabolism of blood glucose is the result of liver-glyco-
*Sapolsky R. Stress and disease: Who gets sick and who stays well. Insti- gen storage breakdown and an increased rate of gluconeogenesis.
tute for CorTexT Research and Develop ment, Stanford University , Catecholamines can also liberate rapid stores of energy by catab-
Department of Biological Sciences and Neuroscience. Spring 1995 lecture. olizing fat from adipose tissue stores.
a Tilgner
S. Herbal Medicine: From the Heart of the Earth. Cottage Grove, OR: Wise Effects of Stress on the Body
Acres Press, 1999.
We often hear of 30-year-old marathon runners who are forced
into early retirement because of recalcitrant tendonitis. Are these
The stress adaptation phase primarily involves glucocorticoids, simply cases of poor biomechanics and faulty training plans? Or
released by the adrenal cortex, that have a profound effect on are these athletes suffering from a maladaptation syndrome in
energy metabolism and biologic functions. These substances raise which their bodies can no longer compensate for massive levels
blood-sugar levels, increase muscle-protein breakdown and hep- of exogenous and endogenous stress (work, family responsibili-
atic gluconeogenesis, and mobilize fatty acids.9 Following nor- ties, exercise, etc.)? Uncontrolled stress strains the entire organ-
m a l d i u r n a l p a t t e r n s f o r t h e r e l e a s e o f s e r um c o r t i s o l , i sm . St res s incre ases t he m et abo lic rat e, res ult ing in t he
glucocorticoid levels are at their lowest point at approximately mobilization of stored energy sources and the eventual break-
midnigh t to 1 AM . Peak levels occur between 6 AM and 8 AM . down of muscle protein to make up for energy shortfalls.14 In
Research has shown that elevation or suppression of daily corti- short, the body attempts to maintain homeostasis at all costs.
sol levels indicates imbalanced hepatic–pituitary–axis (HPA) Extended bouts of stress, such as high-volume exercise, psy-
activity. 10 This may be interpreted as hyperfunction or hypo- chologic stress, or other lifestyle challenges, lead to abnormal
function, depending on a patient’s levels of cortisol and his or her increases in serum cortisol levels and irregular circadian rhythm
clinical presentation. variations in cortisol secretion.15 Sustained elevated levels of cor-
Sustained activation of the sympathetic nervous system marks tisol may lead to reduced adrenal responsiveness to ACTH. 16
the compensation stage, also known as the adrenal hyperfunction This is compensated for by increases in pituitary releases of
stage, with a secondary influence on the HPA axis. The pituitary ACTH in the initial stages of overtraining. However, protracted
gland responds to the influence of sympathetic nervous system stress causes pituitary release of ACTH to decrease and, thus, the
activity by releasing adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). In pituitary gland becomes underresponsive to stimulation. The
turn, the adrena l glands respond to the pituitary rel ease of ultimate effects of prolonged elevated levels of cortisol are sup-
ACTH by producing excess cortisol and androgen hormones. pression of corticotropin-releasing hormone and ACTH release
In an attempt to compensate for this faulty hyperfunction, the and atrophy of the zonae fasciculata and reticularis as a conse-
hypothalamus–pituitary axis becomes less sensitive to the influ- quence of ACTH deficiency. 17 Finally, the HPA axis fails to
ence of cortisol’s feedback inhibition. As serum cortisol levels respond to stress and stimulation.18 This clinical measurement of
rise, glucose utilization declines and insulin resistance increases, suppressed endocrine function may be the defining element in
gluconeogenesis in the liver increases, and blood glucose levels the accurate identification and appropriate treatment of chronic
increase rapidly. In addition, the body responds to increased cor- “overstress syndrome.” 19
tisol by increasing the degradation of protein stores to supply
amino acids for gluconeogenesis in an attempt to mobilize ener-
Overuse of Corticosteroids
gy rapidly.
Adrenal hyperfunction can be marked by a tendency toward Cortisone and hydrocortisone help to regulate the body’s glu-
insu lin resista nce, hypertensi on, mild obesity, and elevated cose. Since the late 1940s, corticosteroids have been used medi-
serum lipid and triglyceride levels. What is more, high cortisol cally to alter and suppress immune function. With a phenomenal
and lowered DHEA have been shown to suppress the immune range of applications, corticosteroids were quickly adopted as
system. 11 Histologic studies have revealed lowered production “miracle cures” for the full rang e of autoimm une disea ses ,
including the difficult-to-manage rheumatoid arthritis. However, A large number of symptoms associated with adrenal dysfunc-
it did not take long for clinicians and researchers to discover that tion have been reported in the literature. These symptoms are
there was a severe cost for chronic corticosteroid use. Countless often categorized according to physiologic performance, psycho-
patients developed p hy sical cond itio ns tha t p rior to such logic/information processing, and immunologic and biochemical
widespread use of these agents were rarely seen by practitioners parameters. 20 To date, however, there is no universally agreed-
of Western medicine. Cushing’s syndrome, an overt hypercorti- on group of symptoms that describes accurately the condition or
solemia disease, became the price a patient paid for poorly moni- the physiologic/psychologic/emotional distresses that some peo-
tored corticosteroid administration. ple experience. Rather, multiple symptoms may present in no
particular combination under the general categories of adrenal
exhaustion, hypoadrenocorticalism, and hyperadrenocorticalism.
Diagnosing Adrenal Dysfunction
Perhaps the most confusing and controversial clinical compo-
The fine homeostatic balance between health and disease can be nent of diagnosing and treating adrenal imbalance is codifying
disturbed if the clinical cause of a patient’s original imbalance is the testing parameters to determine conclusively the presence of
not fully explored and treated. Indeed, replacement or augmenta- adrenal exhaustion and dysfunction.
tion of hormones from exogenous sources, all too often, merely To advance alternative medicine in evidence-based clinical
suppresses symptoms while leaving the underlying disease pro- practice, tools must be developed that can give practitioners a
cess to advance without the diagnostically helpful symptoms. comprehensive approach diagnosing adrenal burnout syndrome.
When addressing adrenal imbalance, it is essenti al to look By combining biochemical studies, endocrine assays, and physio-
beyond laboratory tests and symptoms alone and to integrate the logic functioning tests, these assessment methods would allow a
clinical presentation as a whole. Just as overt signs and symp- clinician to gain a greater understanding of a patient’s stress
toms of thyroid dysfunction may or may not always manifest response. Numerous assessment methods have been proposed
with abnormal laboratory tests, a functional adrenal condition and are utilized to measure and track adrenal dysfunction. Some
may be present in the absence of abnormal laboratory findings. of these testing models are listed below.
In fact, a recent plethora of medical literature points to the seem-
ingly error-prone assessment that results from measuring thyroid The 24-Hour Salivary Cortisol Pattern
function solely via laboratory tests. Thi s pattern consists of four points —7 AM –8 AM , noon, 4
The main cause of adrenal fatigue is continual low-level stress, PM –5 PM , and 11 PM–midnight. Research suggests that measur-
which taxes the adrenal glands, limiting their ability to adapt to ing salivary, as opposed to serum cortisol and DHEA, levels
acute stressors. This low-level stress may be caused by emotional may be the best indic ation of adrenal function. 21–24 Yet con-
or physical upsets or loss of sleep. Clinically, this manifests in the troversy exists concerning the complete validity of such test-
development of exhaustion that does not become resolved with ing methods because of potentially confounding variables,
standard rest and relaxation. such as dietary interference, diurnal variations in salivary pro-
aKodama M, Inoue F, Kodama T. Intraperitoneal administration of ascorbic acid delays the turnover of labeled cortisol in plasma of ODA rat, but not Wistar rat: Evidence in support of
the cardinal role of vitamin C in the progression of glucocorticoid synthesis. In Vivo 1996;10:97–110; bPietrzik K, Ginta E. Response of hepatitis drug–metabolizing enzymes to
immobilization stress in rats of various ages. Acta Physiol Hungarica 1993;81:29–35; cMonteleone P, Maj M, Beinert L, et al. Blunting by chronic phosphatidylserine administration of the
stress-induced activation of the hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal axis in healthy men. Eur J Clin Pharmacol 1992;41:385–388; dOhmori H, Yamauchi T, Yamamoto I. Augmentation of the
antibody response by lipoic acid in mice. Jpn J Pharmacol 1986;42:275–280.
ACTH, adrenocoricotropic hormone; ATP, adenosine triphosphate; cAMP, cyclic adensosine monophosphate; PS, phosphatidyl serine.
duction and viscosity, oral contaminants, and the potential Morning Basal Body Temperature
presence of gingival disease or problems regarding the mouth Cortisol has a profound suppressive effect on thyro id-axis
ecology. function. In the presence of elevated cortisol, thyroid functioning
can become significantly impaired. The resultant changes in thy-
The 24-Hour Urine Free-Hormone Profiles roid metabolism can include suppression of thyroid-stimulating
ACTHs are part of a complex pathway of biochemical messen- hormone (thyrotropin; TSH) and decreased conversion of thyroid
gers. It is, therefore, difficult to identify where, exactly, in this hormone from thyroxine (T4 ) to the more potent form of tri-
“pathway” dysfunction may be occurring. In response to this iodothyronine (T3) in peripheral tissues. It has been hypothesized
complexity, comprehensive testing laboratories have developed that these effects arise from inhibition of the enzyme 5-deiodi-
methods for evaluating primary and secondary steroid hormones nase, affecting the T 4-to-T3 conversion and suppression of TSH
and their most important metabolites. This provides practitioners by endogenous somatostatin.
with a tool to examine the stress response more fully in the con-
text of overall hormonal balance in cludin g precursors and Postural Muscle Assessment
metabolites of the hormones. 25 Research has identified restricted muscular sodium/potassium
sIgA adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) activity and reduced cortisol
A protein modulator of immune levels in chronically stressed rats.
activity, sIgA is intimately linked to Studies suggest that it is necessary
the activity of the autonomic ner- to have an “intact pituitary–adrenal
vous system. Alterations and dys- To compensate for increased axis for adequate function of the
functions in the autonomic nervous sodium/potassium pump.”27,28 An
system can be measured directly by stressors, many individuals have ion shift with an increased extracel-
cha nge s in salivary composition lular potassium concentration has
and excretion. Medical researchers
turned to ergogenic or energy also been proposed as a possible
have recently theorized that factors cause of muscular complaints dur-
such as exercise and chronic stress
enhancement substances. in g exercise in patients who use
migh t indu ce cha nge s in several b-blockers. Postural muscles (gas-
com ponen ts of s ali va , s uch as trocnemius, soleus, medial ham-
immunoglobulins and proteins. s trings , sho rt adducto rs o f the t high, ham string s, p soas ,
piriformis, tensor fascia lata quadratus lumborum, erector spinae,
Plasma Glutamine latissimus dorsi, upper trapezius, sternomastoid, levator scapulae,
Glutamine is considered to be a conditionally essential amino pectoralis major, and the flexors of the forearm) shorten under
acid because it can be synthesized in the body from glutamic stress. Therefore, evaluation of the postural muscles may be an
acid. Glutamine is an important modulator of many homeostatic excellent clinical tool to assess a patient’s response to treatment.
functions and optimal functioning of specialized tissues within
the body. These tissues are key to gut and immune system func-
Herbal Treatments for Adrenocortical Dysfunction
tion. Researchers have recognized certain conditions in which the
body’s demand for glutamine exceeds its ability to synthesize it. To compensate for increased stressors, many individuals have
Such conditions are associated with high levels of physiologic turned to ergogenic or energy enhancement substances. These
stress. Under such chronic, catabolic conditions, the body takes herbal and nutritional supplements are thought to have some
its supply of glutamine from muscle tissue.26 type of ergogenic activity and are among the best-selling natural
products in nutrition stores, with a financial impact in the $2–3
Total Blood Cholesterol billion per year range.
Researchers theorize that because the body alters its ability to Although there is a body of scientific literature on a variety of
compensate for a shift in adrenal function, stress has a deleteri- natural ergogeni c substances—such as pyruvate, creatine ,
ous influence on cholesterol synthesis and specific lipoprotein ephedra (ma huang; Ephedra sinica), ginseng (Panax spp.), and
m o le cu le s. M e as ur in g t o t al bo d y ch o l es t er o l w i ll al lo w guarana (Paullinia cupana)—using animal models, there are few
researchers to correlate changes in adrenal function with shifts in well-designed human clinical trials. This paucity of legitimate
cholesterol levels. research, and the high over-the-counter use of natural products
suggest an urgent need to conduct studies on the long-term effec-
Serum Ferritin tiveness and safety of these natural ergogenic aids.
Ferritin reflects the body’s iron stores and is a good indicator Natural products (such as phytopharmacologic agents), which
of iron storage status. The ferritin test is more sensitive than the appear to enhance performance capacity (as demonstrated in ani-
iron or total iron binding capacity test for diagnosing iron defi- mal and human studies), include such nutrients as creatine and
ciency or overload. Measuring ferritin levels will provide an pyruvate and such herbs as guarana, ginseng, Siberian ginseng
additional means of assessing immune function and physiologic (eleuthero; Eleutherococcus senticosus), schisandra (Schisandra chi-
adaptation to stress. nensis), and ashwaganda (Withania somnifera).29–31 Other botani-
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