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Additional Gods: by Demonchilde

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as her unbridled energy and thirst for life.

taken on roles such a beautiful Noh actress, an

Additional adorable and energetic manga writer or even an

old scientist with a twinkle in her eye that few can
resist. She has also taken on roles such as political

Gods activist and school teacher, allowing her to speak

out for the underpriveledged and shepherd her

by Demonchilde people into something greater.

PDF by Telgar Scions of Benzaiten are generally blessed with

unnatural luck. They always seem to survive, even
under the worst of odds. Intelligent, energetic
Expanded from Books people, her children often go the extra mile and
work harder than anyone else simply because
they enjoy the work or feel it needs to be done.
And all they achieve is usually accompanied with
Delling (Aesir (Vanir))
AKA: Dellingr an artistic flair that few can match.
(Information on Delling can be found in Scion: Ragnarok, pg. 109
- 110) Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic
Intelligence, Guardian, Magic, Sound, Tsuki-yomi,
Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Water
Intelligence, Epic Manipulation, Epic Perception, Common Abilities: Academics, Art, Empathy,
Epic Stamina, Epic Wits, Fertility, Health, Occult, Presence, Science
Jotunblut, Magic, Mystery, Sun, War Rivals: Amaterasu, Raiden; Isis, Hermes, Loki,
Common Abilities: Academics, Command, Quetzalcoatl, Tlazolteotl, Erzulie, Legba
Investigation, Melee, Occult, Politics
Rivals: Odin, Loki; Atum-Re, Geb, Isis, Hermes, La Sirene (Loa)
Dionysus, Huitzilopochtli, Amaterasu, Damballa AKA: Yemojah, Mawa-Lisu, Mahu

Benzaiten (Amatsukami) At first sight, the wife of Agwe might be mistaken

AKA: Biancaitian, Bensaiten for Mami Wata, the head Titan Avatar of the
Drowned Road. But looks of course are where the
Like Marishiten, Benzaiten was not born into the similiarities end. La Sirene is a mostly benevolent
Amatsukami. Originally a Scion of Sarasvati of goddess, though she is also a diety of passion and
the Devas, Benzaiten left her parent pantheon so can be a fickle and mischevious deity when the
that she might make her own mark on the World mood strikes her.
without being stuck in the shadow of her mother.
Eventually, she would come to the Amatsukami She’s far older than she lets on and though she is
and offer her knowledge and luck to Amaterasu. one of Agwe’s wives now, she has also been lover
Though hesitant to accept her, Amaterasu finally to Damballah and many other gods in the past.
relented and welcomed her to the Amatsukami. She is one of the most ancient of the pantheon
Since then, however, she has considered the and often equates herself Damballah’s equal, if
young transplanted god to be a threat to her not in stature, then at least in power.
position of leadership of the Japanese people as
Benzaiten claimed to be the protector of both When in her natural form, she appears as a
Japan and the Japanese people, something mermaid, with the tail of a fish or sea snake
Amaterasu considers her personal duty. (depending on her mood) and the upper body
of a young African woman. Often she’s seen to
In the World, Benzaiten favors roles that allow her be nude from the waist up as well. Still, she’s
to exhibit her skill with art and science, as well perfectly capable of appearing perfectly human
and has nothing against wearing clothing, albeit young god is a patron of fertility and is said to
of an often revealing nature. have fathered over five hundred children in his
time. He is a consort of the Guanyin at times,
As Agwe’s wife and goddess of the sea’s mysteries, though he does not always share her fascination
La Sirene has been found in many roles in the with peace and mercy.
mortal world. She’s been a deep sea diver, a
medic in a small coastal village, a marine biologist In the modern times, Pancika is often found
and many other roles. She has also served as serving as a military leader on the battlefield. His
a prostitute, a porn star and a fashion model, young features and strong body serve to inspire
as her beauty is easily the rival of Erzulie’s. Not his troops, while his sharp mind leads him to
to mention she has more charm and seductive many victories against his enemies. Wherever
power. he goes, however, he always leaves children in
his wake. He is eager to take shore leave, always
Finally, at times La Sirene has been known to manages to find a young woman to spend time
take a more active hand in the running of her with, and inevitably leaves her with a child to take
followers, serving as an actual priestess at times. care of.
Though since the Titan’s release, more and more
of her worshippers have been lured over to the With the abundance of Pancika’s children in
service of Mami Wata, mistakenly thinking that the World, one would be surprised that he has
they are worshipping La Sirene. She hopes that so few Scions. The truth of the matter is that
her active hand will prevent that. while Pancika is eager to father the children and
procreate, he’s not exactly an ideal father. He’s
Her Scions have a habit of following in their distant at best, neglectful and ignorant of his
mothers roles, being both seductive and child’s existance at worst. What few Scions of his
mysterious, always alluring but impossible to are Visited often grow to resent their father for
fully catch and pin down. They serve in similar his absences, often latching onto other gods who
professions and their charm and good looks serve as guides and fill the void. Often, however,
typically serve them well as they deal with other this neglectful attitude leads his children to be
people as well as other Scions. adopted by other gods of Celestial Bureaucracy or
even of other pantheons.
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic
Charisma, Epic Manipulation, Animal (Fish, Sea Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic
Snake), Cheval, Health, Magic, Moon, Water Intelligence, Health, Taiyi, War
Common Abilities: Animal Ken, Athletics, Larceny, Common Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Command,
Medicine, Presence, Survival Empathy, Marksmanship, Presence
Rivals: Damballa, Kalfu; Isis, Sobek, Artemis, Rivals: Guanyin, Nezha, Sun Wukong; Horus,
Poseidon, Tlaloc, Susano-o Isis, Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Freyr,
Quetzalcoatl, Hachiman, Izanagi, Erzulie, Ogoun
Pancika (Celestial Bureaucracy)
Though not originally a member of the pantheon,
the spread of Buddhism of China brought
this young god into conflict with the Celestial
Bureaucracy. Like many who found themselves
in a similar situation, Pancika was pulled into
the pantheon and given a place in the hierarchy.
Many are surprised to learn that despite his
Buddhist beliefs, he still maintains his role as a
general. He is a skilled warrior and a leader of
men and demon alike when it is necessary to
put his skills to use. Additionally, the handsome
AKA: Nit, Net, Neit
Original Write-Ups
----------------------------------------------------- Goddess of hunting and battle, Neith was viewed
as the patron of the warrior and of the warrior’s
weapons. She was said to craft the weapons that
New Egyptian Gods (Pesedjet) were used in war and to guard the bodies of the
slain so that their remains would not be defiled
Hathor and could have proper funeral rites performed
AKA: Hwt Hr, Bat for them. She is skilled with the bow and carries a
shield to guard those under her protection. She is
Hathor is the Egyptian goddess of feminine love, also associated with weaving and the loom and is
motherhood and joy. She is often times depicted said to weave the death shrouds for the fallen.
as a beautiful woman, one of the few among the
Pesedjet actually known for her beauty. While In modern times, Neith appears as a stern woman.
other goddesses may associate themselves with Not elderly, though it’s clear the years have not
the lust or the passion of romance, Hathor is more been kind to her. Often she serves in roles that
attuned to the beauty of love itself, as well as the allow her to guard the dead. She serves as the city
beauty and joy of being a mother and having a crime scene investigator who protects the corpse
family. of a crime scene or as the technition at the city
morgue who tends to the remains until they can
In the world, Hathor often appears as a young be picked up by family. She is the mortician who
mother, still in her prime of beauty. When not prepares the corpse for funerals. She is always
the mother herself, however, she often takes on armed and always ready to protect those the
roles that aids mothers and families. She is the corpse from desecration.
nurse in the maternity ward, the family counselor
who helps couples through the hard times, the Ironically, however, she has also spent her fair
entertainer who just wishes to make people share of time serving as an arms dealer and a
laugh. gun runner and many of the bodies she watches
over have also been killed by the weapons she
With her Scions, she is a devoted mother. She provided.
goes out of her way to aid her children. Some
might even say she goes too far and does not Her children rarely recieve the same attention
allow her Scions to live their own lives. Many of that the corpses of he dead do. While she Visits
Hathor’s children have grown resentful of her them and bestows presents and blessings upon
intrusions into their lives over the centuries. And them, she is often busy tending to the dead to
more than a few have actually gained her ire as truly offer much else. Should her children die,
they grow frustrated and lash out against her. A however, she will always be the first to appear
devoted mother, she may be, but she also does and defend their bodies above all else.
not easily forgive her children for forsaking her.
Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic Intelligence, Heku, War, Water
Charisma, Epic, Manipulation, Animal (Cow), Common Abilities: Art, Command, Craft,
Heku, Health Marksmanship, Melee, Occult
Common Abilities: Art, Craft, Empathy, Fortitude, Rivals: Bastet, Horus, Set; Apollo, Artemis,
Integrity, Presence Athena, Hephaestus, Thor, Vidar, Huitzilopochtli,
Rivals: Bastet, Isis; Aphrodite, Hera, Freya, Frigg, Quetzalcoatl, Susanno-o, Ogoun, Shango
Sif, Tlazolteotl, Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami,
Nephthys Sekhmet
AKA: Nebet-het AKA: Sahket, Sacmis

Sister to Isis, the two might actually be mistaken Despite the fact that she is the lioness to Bastet’s
for twins if it weren’t for he fact that Nephthys housecat, Sekhmet is often confused for the other
often appears garbed in the funeral wrappings goddess. Even to the point that the myths of the
of a mummy. With her head wrapped in sacred two goddesses are often intertwined thanks to
bandages and her body robed in the shroud, mortal reverence.
Nephthys is not easily mistaken for her more
regal sister. The fact that Nephthys, oddly, has the Sekhmet, however, is a different god from Bastet.
better personality of the two also helps in that Where Bastet serves as the eyes of Atum-Re,
regard. serves as his agent of dispensing justice and
speaks prophecies, Sekhmet does none of that.
Nephthys is also sister and wife to Set, though Sekhmet is the lioness. She is in the thick of
theirs is not a happy marriage. Though loyal to battle. It is said she protects the pharaoh in the
each other and willing to aid the other, Nephthys thick of war and battle, serving to fight his battles
sided against Set when he killed his brother, for him and ensure victory. Her skill with a bow
Osiris, and helped her sister to gather the pieces has earned her much fear from her enemies,
of the slain monarch so he could be resurrected. especially as she rains down fiery death upon
When Horus was born, she aided in raising them.
the child and then tried to prevent the battle
between he and Set when the son came seeking In the mortal world, Sekhmet takes the form of
revenge. a skilled bodyguard, a mercenary or a highly
trained soldier in the field of battle. Though she
In the world, Nephthys appears much the same often prefers to fight from a distance, she’s also
as Isis, though she typically wears clothes that not above jumping into the fray and mixing it up
are much more functional and typically of darker when necessary.
colors than her sister. She’s served in positions
such as nurse for the terminally ill, hired assassin Her children often inherit their mother’s fiery
or hospice counselor. It is her job to ease others temper, serving well as front-line troops in
into death and such roles can take many forms. various conflicts. Often, they come in conflict with
the more scholarly members of their mother’s
Scions of Nephthys are typically adopted, pantheon. With the Titan War waging, however,
however. It is her sister’s role to give birth and the Pesedjet are often thankful to see the children
usher life into the world. It is Nephthys’ role to of the lioness taking the field of battle.
take life and usher it out. While she is capable
of having sexual relations with most anyone, Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Strength,
Nephthys is unfortunately sterile. Unlike her sister, Animal (Lion), Fire, Heku, War
who uses her children to suit her goals, Nephthys Common Abilities: Animal Ken, Brawl, Fortitude,
cherishes every child she is allowed to adopt and Integrity, Marksmanship, Melee
will go out of her way to see to their needs. Rivals: Bastet, Horus, Set, Thoth; Ares, Artemis,
Loki, Tyr, Vidar, Huitzilopochtli, Tlazolteotl,
Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Wits, Hachiman, Ogoun, Shango
Death, Guardian, Health, Heku, Magic, Mystery
Common Abilities: Academics, Awareness, Serket
Empathy, Integrity, Occult, Presence AKA: Selchis, Selket, Serket-hetyt
Rivals: Isis, Set; Hera, Frigg, Hel, Quetzalcoatl,
Tlazolteotl, Xipe Totec, Izanami, Baron Samedi, Goddess of the scorpion, Serket represents not
Erzulie only the patron deity responsible for healing the
stings and bites of insects and snakes, but she
also serves to administer such inflictions upon a goddess instead of a Titan Avatar. Now, she is
those who are deserving of them as punishment. the goddess of childbirth and fertility. She is the
Often she is depicted either as a scorpion, or as a protector of pregnant mothers and the defender
woman with a scorpion coiled upon her head. A of children and families. When Set fell to Apep’s
dangerous god to anger, her scorpions were the poison, she became his consort for a time, using
most deadly in Northern Africa. the same manipulations she used on Apep to
stem the worst of his evils until Sobek could
In the modern world, Serket serves often as purify Apep. She often appears as a pregnant
a doctor, specializing in finding and creating woman, with pendulous breasts and a rounded
anivenin from the venoms of scorpions, spiders stomach. Her head is that of a hippopotamus
and snakes. However, she has also served as an with long human hair hanging down over her
assassin for a just cause, using poisons and toxins shoulders and a crocodile-skin cloak hanging
as her signature to deliver lethal doses to her down her back.
targets. Usually, those killed by her are not missed
and people cheer upon their death. In the World, Taweret continues to take on roles
that allow her to protect mothers and children.
Having a scorpion for a mother is not easy. To She’s been a social worker, an obstetrician and
call Serket cold and alien might very well be an a pediatrician. She is always a devoted mother,
understatement. And yet, her children do not not only to her own children but to any child
expect otherwise. They are often raised to accept who may need her protection. If a child under
the animal cunning of a predator as a common her care is threatened, she will fight to the death
state of the world. They are neither surprised, if necessary to see that the young one is kept
nor insulted by their mother’s indifference. They safe. Her own Scions often find themselves the
simply go on to do whatever role Fate has in store targets of Taweret’s most overprotective urges. No
for them, just as their mother does her job. children are more sacred to her than her own and
she will give them more attention than any. Her
Associated Powers: Epic Stamina, Animal Scions tend to be thankful when she focuses on a
(Scorpion), Health, Heku, Justice cause and gives them some time to themselves.
Common Abilities: Brawl, Fortitude, Integrity,
Medicine, Politics, Survival Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Stamina,
Rivals: Anubis, Bastet; Apollo, Artemis, Freya, Animal (Hippopotamus), Guardian, Health, Heku,
Heimdall, Tyr, Izanagi, Izanami, Baron Samedi Water
Common Abilities: Fortitude, Integrity, Larceny,
Taweret Medicine, Occult, Survival
AKA: Taurt, Tuat, Taueret Rivals: Set, Sobek; Artemis, Hermes, Hel,
Huitzilopoctli, Quetzalcoatl, Tezcatlipoca, Izanami,
Originally an Avatar of Terra, during the Titan War, Raiden, Baron Samedi, Legba
Taweret served the cosmic balance by keeping
her fellow Titan Apep in line. She was wife and Wadjet
consort of the monstrous beast and used that AKA: Uadjet, Ua Zit, Nekhbet
connection to charm Apep into submission, thus
saving the World from his attention. When the Sister to Bastet and fellow protector of the pharaoh
Titan War began, however, Taweret was forced to like Sekhmet, Wadjet served to protect Atum-Re as
take a more active hand. Siding with the gods, his personal bodyguard. Bastet may have dispensed
Taweret aided the Pesedjet in permanently justice in his name and watched as his eyes for signs
binding and restraining her husband, Apep, and of trouble. Sekhmet may have kept him safe on the
then turned her back on Terra. field of battle and slaughtered his enemies in times
of war. But it was cobra-headed Wadjet who served
Fatebinding herself to the Pesedjet and the as his bodyguard at all times and defended him
people of Egypt, Taweret was transformed into during times of peace.
A prophet of incredible repute as well as a healer, world with all of the various ways that humans
she is also well known for striking down the can watch and spy on their enemies without ever
enemies of those that might harm her charge leaving their homes. From the most mundane
before they even know they’ve been slain. As binoculars and long-distance scopes to satellite
the protector of the pharaoh, she also serves to surveillance and laser-guided missile systems, the
protect all of Egypt, rarely leaving her homeland flow of military information in the modern world
for less than a life-or-death situation. has drawn the full attention of Wepwawet.

In the World she always manifests in Northern His Scions are often the best at getting
Africa. She serves as the hired bodyguard of information about the Titans and their servants
the rich and powerful, a cop in a dangerous across enemy lines and back to those who can use
neighborhood or as a security guard at a museum it. They may not all serve as soldiers, though many
full of priceless artifacts. Her dedication is always of their families come from military backgrounds.
an inspiration to others and when her skills are They specialize in getting into hard to breach
needed she always deals with the threat fast and places, getting what they were after and getting
efficiently. out without raising an alarm. Knowledge gained
by the Scions of Wepwawet has already won more
Her Scions, when she gets time away from her than a few battles in the Titan War.
duties to have them, are often tasked by Wadjet
herself to fight against the Titans. The world is in Associated Powers: Epic Perception, Epic Wits,
need of protecting and the children of the cobra Animal (Wolf ), Heku, Psychopomp, War
are going to be the first line of defense if their Common Abilities: Awareness, Command, Melee,
mother has anything to say about it. Marksmanship, Stealth, Survival
Rivals: Anubis, Horus, Set; Ares, Hermes, Heimdall,
Associated Powers: Epic Dexterity, Epic Odin, Vidar, Huitzilopochtli, Quetzalcoatl,
Perception, Epic Stamina, Epic Wits, Animal Hachiman, Legba, Shango
(Cobra, Vulture), Guardian, Health, Heku,
Prophecy, Sun
Common Abilities: Athletics, Awareness, Brawl,
Fortitude, Integrity, Survival
Rivals: Isis, Set; Ares, Athena, Zeus, Baldur, Hel, Tyr,
Tezcatlipoca, Amaterasu, Damballa, Kalfu

AKA: Upuaut, Ophois

Wepwawet began life as a Scion. A soldier and

military scout of great skill. And that legacy lives
on with him even today. Wepwawet is a god of
war, specializing in military intelligence. He is the
patron of scouts and spies, specializing in getting
behind enemy lines, learning their locations
and positions and then returning with that
information. He also serves to protect war-time
messengers who may carry valuable knowledge
useful for the field.

Wolf-headed Wepwawet manifests in the world

as a swarthy, sharp eyed soldier almost always.
He has taken a great fascination in the modern
New Greek Gods (Olympians) mother have been known to be granted power so
that they may enter the fray.
AKA: Cybele, Magna Mater, Idaea Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic
Intelligence, Epic Manipulation, Animal (Lion),
Like many of the gods, Rhea began as a Titan. Arete, Earth, Guardian, Health, Magic
She is the daughter of Gaia and Ouranos and the Common Abilities: Command, Craft, Empathy,
wife of Cronus. More than that, however, she is Occult, Presence, Survival
the mother of the Dodekatheon. From her were Rivals: Apollo, Hera; Geb, Isis, Frigg, Tlazolteotl,
born Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades, Poseidon and, Izanagi, Izanami, Baron Samedi
most importantly, Zeus. It is her act of deception
and bravery in order to spare Zeus from Cronus’
paranoia that bound her to the World in the form
of a goddess rather than a Titan, making her one
of the oldest goddesses of the Dodekatheon.

Rhea represents the divine mother. She is the

patron if motherhood, the protector of children
and the goddess which all mothers turn to for
help when parenting becomes too much of a
chore. Rarely does Rhea appear on Olympus,
preferring her sanctuaries in the World and
continuing to live among humanity (though
always in disguise of course). She is also at home
residing within the caves and deep places of the
earth, harkening back to her roots as a being of
the ground and soil.

Whether it’s in the World or on her rare visits to

Olympus, Rhea always looks like the epitome of
motherhood. Often matronly, though never old,
there is still enough beauty within her to draw
the eye of the men who see her. She is always the
perfect example of a child-bearing potential. If a
man is looking for someone with whom to raise
a family, Rhea always appears in such a way as to
make herself the perfect choice.

Though Rhea has many children, and thus

many potential Scions, it’s rare that she grant a
Visitation to them. Like any doting mother, she
wishes to protect them from the harsh realities
of the World and keep them safe from the harm
which might befall in them in the Titan War. Not
to mention the troubles that may be caused by
introducing a new member of the Dodekatheon
who can call such luminaries as Zeus, Poseidon
and Hades “brother.” Still, in these desparate
times, all avenues are being explored for winning
the war. And even the children of the divine
New Irish Gods Fate) can prove him wrong.

(Tuatha de Danann) Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic

Manipulation, Enech, Justice, Magic, Water
Lir Common Abilities: Academics, Command,
AKA: Llyr, Ler, Lear Empathy, Integrity, Politics, Presence
Rivals: Danu, Nuada; Sobek, Hera, Poseidon, Frigg,
Like his son, Manannan, Lir comes from a Susano-o, Damballa
pantheon that is far more ancient than the Tuatha
de Dannan. This ancient Celtic pantheon fell long
ago, with only Lir and his son surviving. However,
they were both welcomed among the Tuatha,
especially when Manannan showed up as the
foster father of Lugh, their great champion. Since
that time, father and son both have served as
loyal members of the Irish pantheon.

Lir is, quite obviously, a God of the Sea. However,

unlike his son who represents the capricious and
illusory powers of the sea, Lir is the sea’s lord. A
great king among his ancient people, Lir fathered
many children. But almost all of them met tragic
ends. He has since sired more children, fathering
members of the Welsh Mabinogi and other
children among the ancient Brittish people. His
Welsh children were met with tragedy from war
and suicide. And his Brittish children were turned
into swans.

Lir often appears as an aged king, regal still in

his appearance, but clearly tired and with little
patience left for a world that’s moved on without
him. Like Poseidon, he sees what humanity has
done to the oceans and wishes to put a stop to
it. However, he does not have much drive to do
so himself. In the World he has appeared as an
aging head of the oceanography department at
a university, the mayor of a seaside town and the
president of a conservationist organization.

While his age is beginning to catch up with him

and slow him down, he is still virile and energetic
enough to father a few children among the
mortals when he makes his trips into the World.
However, he does not watch them with much
hope for the future. So far, only one of his children
has made good. The rest are all remembered in
the great tragedies. It’s hard for him to hold out
much hope at this point, but perhaps the next
generation of his children (with a little help from
Minor Gods Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Arete
Common Abilities: Art, Athletics, Empathy,
For whatever reason, these gods still possess a Medicine, Politics, Presence
Legend of less than 12. Some of these, such as Inari,
were even born gods and as such possess Legend Iris
scores of less than 9 and yet are still gods. While it’s Messenger of the gods long before Hermes came
possible to play Scions of these gods, do so at your along, she never quite attained the necessary
own risk. As you will see, many of them provide the Legend to take her place as a chief goddess of the
appropriate Pantheon-Specific Purview, maybe some pantheon before Hermes eclipsed her and put a
Epic Attributes, and that’s ALL. Many of the children halt to her rising power. She has remained just
of these gods are often adopted by other gods, shy of reaching her Avatars for thousands of years
but that doesn’t stop these gods from sometimes now, often resenting Hermes for taking her place.
Visiting their own Scions. Additionally, many of these Still, she is a devoted and skilled messenger, and
are too weak to possess true rivals. Most major gods unlike most minor gods, possesses a number
simply don’t care. As such, I’m not going to list rivals of Epic Attributes that allow her to do her job
for these gods. efficiently.

Ma’at Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic

Former Avatar of the Titan Logos, Ma’at became Dexterity, Epic Wits, Arete
a goddess when her mingling with the Pesedjet Common Abilities: Athletics, Awareness,
caused her to become Fatebound to the fates Fortitude, Investigation, Presence, Stealth
of the dead. After centuries of actively judging
their lives, she found herself separated from Hod
Logos, living as a god in Duat and making regular (Information on Hod can be found in Scion: Ragnarok, pg. 176.)
visits to Iteru. However, her transformation did
not bestow upon her the full potential available, Associated Powers: Jotunblut
leaving her only a minor goddess. Common Abilities: Art, Awareness, Integrity,
Melee, Stealth, Thrown
Associated Powers: Epic Manipulation, Epic
Perception, Heku Nanna
Common Abilities: Academics, Awareness, Empathy, (Information on Nanna can be found in Scion: Ragnarok, pg. 195
to 197)
Integrity, Presence, Politics
Associated Powers: Jotunblut
Seshat Common Abilities: Academics, Awareness,
(Information on Seshat can be found in Scion: Demigod, pg. 134)
Empathy, Integrity, Presence, Stealth
Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Heku
Common Abilities: Academics, Art, Craft, Empathy, Ama-no-Uzume
AKA: Ame-no-Uzume-no-mikoto
Investigation, Occult
Like Iris, Ama no Uzume, goddess of mirth,
Hebe dancing and morning light, is close to achieving
Hebe, daughter of Hera, was the cupbearer for the her peak. However, in the case of Ama no Uzume,
gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus. She is her limitations were chosen when she chose to
considered the goddess of youth and beauty and is step down from heaven and marry the God of
the wife of Heracles. Rarely does she interact with Crossroads, Sarutahiko Okami. Still, that doesn’t
the World and as a minor goddess she has little to stop her from siring a Scion or two, even if they
offer to the new Titan War. Nevertheless, there’s may be lacking in power.
always the possibility she may have a Scion or two of
her own. Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic
Charisma, Tsukumo-Gami
Common Abilities: Art, Athletics, Command,
Empathy, Integrity, Presence

(Information on Inari can be found in Scion:
Demigod, pg. 239 to 240)

Associated Powers: Tsukumo-Gami

Common Abilities: Athletics, Integrity, Larceny,
Melee, Occult, Stealth

Sarutahiko Okami
(Information on Sarutahiko Okami can be found
in Scion: Demigod, pg. 244 to 245)

Associated Powers: Tsukumo-Gami

Common Abilities: Awareness, Command,
Fortitude, Integrity, Melee, Presence

Ti-Jean Petro
A loa of snakes and the husband of Marinette,
Ti-Jean Petro has many reasons not to interact
with the World. And since his unfortunate
marriage with Marinette, his legend has often
been eclipsed by her own. This leaves the loa of
snakes very bitter and angry, and willing to take
out his anger upon others that he might run
across. Unfortunately, he has very little power to
do so. Still, he might have some children running

Associated Powers: Cheval

Common Abilities: Animal Ken, Brawl, Fortitude,
Larceny, Medicine, Politics

(Information on Istaran can be found in Scion:
God, pg. 203 to 204)

Associated Powers: Melam

Common Abilities: Academics, Athletics,
Command, Integrity, Politics, Survival
Antagonistic Gods Bless or Blight, Blessing of Health/Curse of Frailty,
Bolster, Cleanse, Co-Location, Come Along,
Note, that playing a Scion of an Antagonistic God Control Aging, Cradlesong, Create Animal, Death
may end up with you fighting your own parent. of the Soul, Death Senses, Delay Rot, Eclipse
Also, you may not necessarily be in on their Halo, Endless Season, Epic Enhancement, Eternal
schemes and plots. Keep in mind group cohesion Bloom, Euthanasia, Exorcism, Faunaphagia, Finger
when choosing to play a Scion of these characters Moon, Ghost Control, Green Thumb, Greenskin,
as well, because it’s never fun when one of your Haunting Mists, Heal/Infect, Heart of the Maze,
party just plain turns against the rest of the Holy Font/Epidemic, Human Clay, Human Hybrid,
group. Hybrid Chimera, Impossible Hybrid, Lunacy, Lunar
Estate, Marathon Sprinter, Mirror of Lunacy, Moon
Chariot, Mother’s Touch, Natural Camoflage, Open
Underworld Portal, Otherworldly Portal, Paper
(Information on Hecate can be found in the
Tiger, Phase Body, Phase Cloak, Plague/Cure,
French Supplement for Antagonists, pg. 3 of the
Protean Understanding, Rainbow Bridge, Restore/
second portion.)
Wither, Ride Along, Ride Animal, Silver Blessing,
Smoking Mirror, Spirit Lamp, Strike Dead/Deny
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Animal
Death, Summon Ghost, Terra Incognita, Tidal
(Dog), Death, Fertility, Health, Moon, Psychopomp
Interference, Toxic Thorn, Tranquility, Twist Plants,
Common Abilities: Animal Ken, Awareness,
Unbarred Entry, Unerring Orientation, Unquiet
Fortitude, Occult, Presence, Survival
Corpse, Verdant Creation, Virility/Muliebrity,
Rivals: Artemis, Hades; Anubis, Bastet, Hel,
Where Are You?
Mictlantecuhtli, Izanami, Baron Samedi
Epic Attributes - Epic Strength 2 (Crushing
Grip, Knockback Attack), Epic Dexterity 7 (Anti-
Virtues: Intellect 3, Malice 3, Rapacity 2,
Gravity Climber, Cat’s Grace, Divine Balance,
Vengeance 2
Escape Artist, Monkey Climber, Roll With It,
Spider Climber, Untouchable Opponent), Epic
Strength 9, Dexterity 11, Stamina 11
Stamina 3 (Damage Conversion, Divine Damage
Charisma 11, Manipulation 11, Appearance 11
Conversion, Solipsistic Well-Being), Epic Charisma
Perception 7, Intelligence 7, Wits 7
7 (all Knacks), Epic Manipulation 7 (all Knacks),
Epic Appearance 10 (all Knacks), Epic Perception
Academics 2, Animal Ken 5, Art (Sculpture) 2,
2 (Parallel Attention, Sense Fatebond), Epic
Athletics 3, Awareness 5, Brawl 4, Command
Intelligence 5 (Fight With Your Head, Language
3, Control (Horse) 3, Empathy 3, Fortitude
Mastery, Perfect Memory, Blockade of Reason,
5, Integrity 4, Investigation 4, Larceny 4,
Multitasking), Epic Wits 3 (Opening Salvo,
Marksmanship 4, Medicine 3, Melee 4, Occult 5,
Scathing Retort, Psychic Profiler)
Politics 3, Presence 5, Stealth 4, Survival 5, Thrown
Ultimate Attributes - Ultimate Appearance
Join Battle: 12
Avatar 5, Relic 5 (Robes of Night - Moon), Relic
2 (Key - Death, Health), Relic 2 (Torch - Fertility,
Clinch - Accuracy 15, Damage 10L, Parry DV ,
Psychopomp), Sanctum (Lunar Estate) 2
Speed 6, P
Unarmed, Heavy - Accuracy 14, Damage 13B,
Supernatural Powers:
Parry DV 29, Speed 5
Avatars - The Beast, The Green, The Mirror, The
Unarmed, Light - Accuracy 16, Damage 10B, Parry
Reaper, The Savior/The Scourge, The Way
DV 30, Speed 4
Boons - Accelerate Growth, Animal Aspect, Animal
Command, Animal Communication, Animal
Soak: 5A/13L/20B (Cloak of Night, +2A/3L/5B)
Feature, Animal Form, Antidote, Assess Health,
Health Levels: -0x6/Incap
Charisma 5, Manipulation 7, Appearance 6
Dodge DV: 35 Perception 8, Intelligence 5, Wits 6
Willpower: 6
Legend: 12, Legend Points: 144 Virtues: Expression 2, Intellect 4, Valor 3,
Vengeance 5
Other Notes: Hecate’s torch will never go out and
grants access to the Fertility and Psychopomp Academics 3, Animal Ken 5, Athletics 5, Awareness
Purviews. The key she carries grants access to 4, Brawl 4, Command 5, Control (Horse) 4,
the Death and Health Purviews as it carries the Empathy 4, Fortitude 5, Integrity 3, Investigation
powers of life and death within it. Her Robes of 4, Larceny 2, Marksmanship 4, Medicine 2, Melee
Night grant access to the Moon Purview and 5, Occult 2, Politics 4, Presence 5, Stealth 4,
function as armor. Survival 5, Thrown 4

Quirinus Birthrights:
(Information on Quirinus can be found in Scion: Followers 5 (15 Spartoi), Followers 5 (10
Companion, pg. 216) Myrmidons), Relic 5 (Spatha - War, +2 Accuracy,
+2 Damage), Relic 3 (Wolf Pelt Armor - Animal
After World War II, Qurinus was banished from [Wolf ], +2L/B Soak on top of lamellar)
Olympus. But all he had wanted to do was the
refound the Roman Empire. True, he’d gotten Supernatural Powers:
caught up in Caligula’s plots and schemes. But Avatars - The Beast, The General
even so, Quirinus still believes that his cause
was just and his intentions noble. He sees his Boons - Animal Aspect, Animal Command, Animal
banishment as a grave injustice. Communication, Animal Feature, Animal Form,
Arete (Animal Ken) 10, Arete (Athletics) 5, Arete
What’s more, he believes that when the rest of the (Command) 10, Arete (Melee) 5, Arete (Presence)
Dei sub-pantheon refused to stand up for him, 10, Arete (Survival) 10, Army of One, Battle Cry,
that they betrayed him. Leaving him to die in a Battle Map, Blessing of Ammunition, Blessing
cold, harsh world. But Quirinus had dealt with of Bravery, Colossus Armor, Create Animal, Epic
cold, cruel and harsh before. And he wouldn’t let Enhancement, Faunaphagia, Follower Army, Fury
something like that slow him down. Quirinus is of War, Hybrid Chimera, Morale Failure, Mortal
still out there, plotting the downfall of Olympus Stroke, Protean Understanding, Ride Animal,
and the recreation of the Roman Empire. The Seige Juggernaut, Surreal Draft, Warrior Ideal
Titans are viewed as a threat to his plan, not as (Roman Soldier)
allies, however, he may be known to make a deal
or two should it benefit him. Epic Attributes - Epic Strength 10 (All Knacks),
Epic Dexterity 7 (All Knacks), Epic Stamina 7
He continues making Scions, though such (All Knacks), Epic Charisma 5 (Inspirational
children of his would be useful pawns in his plans, Figure, Divine Figurehead, Benefit of the Doubt,
little more. Though such usefulness may involve Charmer, Crowd Control), Epic Manipulation
infiltrating working bands of other Scions. 3 (Advantageous Circumstances, Overt Order,
Hard Sell), Epic Appearance 1 (Game Face),
Associated Powers: Epic Strength, Animal (Wolf ), Epic Perception 7 (All Knacks), Epic Intelligence
Arete, War 4 (Fight With Your Head, Blockade of Reason,
Common Abilities: Animal Ken, Athletics, Axiom, Perfect Memory), Epic Wits 4 (Monkey in
Command, Melee, Presence, Survival the Middle, Opening Gambit, Adaptive Fighting,
Rivals: Ares, Athena, Ceres, Hera, Zeus; Horus, Set, Between the Ticks, Rabbit Reflexes, Cobra
Freyr, Huitzilipochtli, Hachiman, Ogoun Reflexes)

Strength 11, Dexterity 10, Stamina 10 Ultimate Attributes: Ultimate Strength

Join Battle: 10

Clinch - Accuracy 15, Damage 12L, Parry DV ,
Speed 6, P
Unarmed, Heavy - Accuracy 13, Damage 15L,
Parry DV 28, Speed 5
Unarmed, Light - Accuracy 15, Damage 12L, Parry
DV 30, Speed 4
Spatha - Accuracy 18, Damage 18L, Parry DV 31,
Speed 4

Soak: 11A/31L/38B (+4L/6B from Wolf Pelt Armor)

Health Levels: -0x28/Incap

Dodge DV: 36
Willpower: 9
Legend: 12, Legend Points: 144

(Information on Elli can be found in Scion:
Ragnarok, pg. 110 to 111)

Though it’s true that Elli’s child-bearing years are

behind her, she still has a great deal of Magic and
may perform the Adoption Rite. She does not
undertake this task lightly and should she do so,
her children would serve mainly as her pawns and
tools in whatever schemes she concocts to see
the Jotuns come out of Ragnarok on top.

Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic

Perception, Epic Stamina, Epic Wits, Frost, Health,
Magic, Mystery
Common Abilities: Academics, Awareness, Craft,
Integrity, Medicine, Occult
Rivals: All of the Aesir; Horus, Isis, Set, Hera,
Hermes, Zeus, Tezcatlipoca, Quetzalcoatl,
Amaterasu, Izanagi, Izanami, Damballah, Baron
Samedi, Legba, Kalfu, many many others
Keepers of the World Scion: God, pg. 264 - 266)

Any player seeking to play a Scion of the Keepers Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Dexterity,
of the World, had better present a VERY sufficient Earth, Itzli, Sky
reason for doing so. While all of them are Legend Common Abilities: Animal Ken, Brawl, Command,
12, all of them have Avatars and sufficient power Marksmanship, Melee, Presence
to sire fully-powered Scions, the Keepers are Rivals: Quetzalcoatli, Tezcatlipoca; Horus, Hera,
presented in the books as antagonists. They’re the Zeus, Loki, Odin, Amaterasu, Damballa
bad guys, even if they don’t believe themselves to
be. You do NOT know of their plan. You may NOT Himiko
act upon it until you learn about it IN CHARACTER. (Information on Himiko can be found in Scion:
And if you can’t deal with the fact that you might God, pg. 266 - 268)
end up fighting against your divine parent, then
do not bother making a Scion of these characters. Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic
Charisma, Epic Strength, Mystery, Sun, Tsukumo-
Imhotep Gami
(Information on Imhotep can be found in Scion: Common Abilities: Command, Craft, Integrity,
God, pg. 258 - 260) Marksmanship, Politics, Presence
Rivals: Amaterasu, Hachiman; Atum-Re, Horus,
Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Epic Wits, Apollo, Baldur, Huitzilopochtli, Shango
Death, Health, Heku, Magic, Stars
Common Abiliites: Art, Craft, Integrity, Medicine, Marinette
Occult, Science (Information on Marinette can be found in Scion:
Rivals: Ptah; Hephaestus, Wayland, Ogoun God, pg. 268 - 270)

Heracles Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic

(Information on Heracles can be found in Scion: Strength, Animal (Owl, Wolf ), Cheval, Justice
God, pg. 260 - 262) Common Abilities: Command, Fortitude, Integrity,
Medicine, Occult, Politics
Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic Dexterity, Rivals: Baron Samedi, Damballa, Erzulie, Legba,
Epic Stamina, Epic Strength, Arete, Guardian Ogoun; Atum-Re, Set, Apollo, Artemis, Athena,
Common Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Fortitude, Heimdall, Loki, Tyr, Quetzalcoatl, Amaterasu,
Marksmanship, Melee, Survival Izanagi
Rivals: Hera, Ares; Horus, Thor, Beowulf,
Tezcatlipoca, Hachiman, Shango

Wayland Smith
(Information on Wayland can be found in Scion:
God, pg. 262 - 264)

Associated Powers: Epic Intelligence, Earth, Fire,

Common Abilities: Art, Control, Craft,
Marksmanship, Melee, Science
Rivals: Odin, Loki; Ptah, Imhotep, Hephaestus,
Hachiman, Ogoun

Hernan Cortez
(Information on Hernan Cortez can be found in
Titan Corrupted Scions at Minor Antagonistic Gods
Godhood The following is a minor god, allied fully with the
Titans and against the powers of the gods. Like
While these three are technically gods and could
the Titan-corrupted gods above, a VERY good
technically bear Scions, they are each firmly
reason must be given for a Scion of Pan to be
devoted to the Titans and their cause. While it’s
played. Though, the possibility is not completely
possible that one of their children could betray
off the table. Note, he has no Rivals, just as the
their heritage and go to the side of the gods,
three above. He is the enemy of all gods.
it is unlikely. These three are mainly included
simply for completeness sake. However, with the
Storyteller’s permission and a GOOD backstory, Pan
Scions of these three MIGHT make playable (Information on Pan can be found in Scion:
characters. Note that their Rivals are not listed. Demigod, pg. 242 to 244)
That is because all gods are considered to be their
rivals. Associated Powers: (None - His connection to the
Titans negates passing on an association to Arete.
His Scions may still learn Arete at an increased
Ama-no-Zaku cost.)
(Information on Ama-no-Zaku can be found in
Common Abilities: Animal Ken, Art, Brawl,
Scion: God, pg. 339 to 340.)
Empathy, Occult, Presence
Associated Powers: Epic Appearance, Epic
Stamina, Epic Strength, Epic Wits, Darkness,
Common Abilities: Brawl, Command, Fortitude,
Marksmanship, Melee, Stealth

Simbi Makaya
(Information on Simbi Makaya can be found in
Scion: God, pg. 311 to 312.)

Associated Powers: Animal (Snake)

Common Abilities: Brawl, Command, Fortitude,
Melee, Occult, Presence

Aeshma Daeva
(Information on Aeshma Daeva can be found in
Scion: Yazata, pg. 33 to 34)

Associated Powers: Epic Charisma, Epic

Manipulation, Epic Strength, Chaos, Justice, War
Common Abilities: Athletics, Brawl, Fortitude,
Integrity, Melee, Presence
Scions of Fate Knack, Scent the Divine (Scion Companion, pg.
56). Finally, the Abilities of Academics, Awareness,
Scion: Hero, pg. 291, states that it’s possible for Integrity, Investigation, Occult and Politics are
the various incarnations of The Three (Moirae, considered to be common to the Scions of the
Norns, Sudice, etc) may potentially sire Scions of Three.
their own. This is further demonstrated by the
Celtic Matrons’ Scions who oppose the Scions of Note that these rules only apply to Scions of the
Nemetondevos. But the Matrons have forsaken Moirae, the Norns and the Sudice. The Scions
their neutrality and mingled with both god and of the Matrons are created using a completely
titan. However, things work a little differently for different system presented in the Matrons French
the other aspects of the Three. The Matrons form supplement. The Matrons have allied themselves
the exception, not the rule. The rule would be as against the Nemetondevos. While this does not
follows. make them allies of the Titans, it does violate
their neutrality. Their actions since to sire children
When making a Scion of the Three, the player and strike against the Gaulish gods have tangled
must first decide which face of the Three he is them in their own strands of Fate. Each sister of
playing a Scion of. Other than the Matrons, there the Matrons is considered to be a seperate god
are three other varieties of the Three. The Greeks with unique Associated Powers and Common
have the Moirae. The Norse have the Norns. And Abilities. Additionally, the Matrons espouse their
the Slavic people have the Sudice. The Three are own set of Virtues which includes Dark Virtues
a mainly Indo-European concept and finding for their Scions. These Dark Virtues do not stem
them among other pantheons is exceedingly rare. from the taint of the Titans, but rather from the
Once the particular face of the Three is chosen, actions they have taken in order to oppose the
then the Scion may begin creating the character. Nemetondevos. The only tie the Matrons still hold
It is not necessary to account for the individual to their pantheon is the fact that the use of Scent
mother. While it’s true one may call himself a the Divine still causes the Matrons to smell like
Scion of Clotho, Lachesis or Atropos, the system their parent pantheon. The sound is different,
remains the same and the character is considered however, as the Matrons sound like ringing
simply to be a Scion of the Moirae. The Norns and chimes rather than whinnying horses.
the Sudice follow the same system and do not
differentiate between the children of individual

Scions of the Three have their choice of Epic

Attributes. Each may choose two Epic Attributes
to serve as Associated Powers. These two do not
change once chosen. Additionally, all Scions of
the Three are considered to be associated with
the Special Purviews of Magic, Mystery and
Prophecy. Finally, the Scions of the Three are
associated with the Pantheon-Specific Purview of
the pantheon which that particular aspect is tied
to. Scions of the Moirae are associated with Arete,
Scions of the Norns are associated with Jotunblut
and Scions of the Sudice are associated with

The children of the Three possess the Virtues

appropriate to the pantheon they are tied to and
smell the same if sensed using the Perception
Pantheon Specific Purviews And like Elli and Hecate, this means that they
do not naturally pass on an Association to a
and Virtues particular Pantheon-Specific Purview. However,
their Scions do not gain an option. Their Scions
Some of the gods listed above do not have the may technically still learn the Purview of
same Virtues as their parent pantheon. These are Deuogdonio which the Nemetondevos created,
treated using the same system as mentioned in but doing so must come at a higher experience
Scion: Hero, pg. 118. This sidebar is clarified to cost unless they have the appropriate Virtues
simply mean the following: Scions who possess as per the sidebar on pg. 118 of Scion: Hero.
Virtues different from their parent pantheon However, doing so would require a full overhaul
must purchase their Pantheon-Specific Purview of their Scion’s Virtues and would certainly
as if purchasing a Special Purview that is NOT ensure they earn the ire of their parents. Not to
associated with their parent. That is, 4xp to mention, whether they have Alternate Virtues
start and rating x 5xp to increase the Purview. or not, learning the Purview which was created
This allows these Scions to still purchase their to oppose the Matrons is a sure-fire way to earn
Pantheon-Specific Purview but at a disadvantage their eternal hatred.
for having different values than their parents.
Finally, there is a special exception for the gods
This becomes especially appropriate for playing who have given themselves fully to the Titans.
the Scions of certain gods. First of all, there are Aeshma Daeva, Ama-No-Zaku, Bamapana, Simbi
the two gods Elli and Hecate. In the case of Elli, Makaya and the minor god Pan all possess the
she posseses the Virtues of Ambition, Courage, full set of Dark Virtues. Their connections with
Endurance and Zealotry. Scions of Elli possess their parent pantheons are tenuous at best.
this Virtue set as well, rather than the Virtues of Their children possess these Dark Virtues as
the Aesir. Similarly, the goddess Hecete possesses well, however, they may possess others as per
the Virtues of Intellect, Malice, Rapacity and the Alternate Virtues sidebar in Scion: Hero, pg.
Vengeance. These Virtues are the source of 118. However, because of the Titan-taint running
Hecate’s schizophrenic tendencies as her Intellect through the veins of their parents, Scions of
conflicts with her Malice and her Rapacity and these gods ALWAYS pay the higher cost for their
Vengeance blend into a thirst for her enemies’ Pantheon-Specific Purview, even if they take
blood. They are also the Virtues which she passes all of the appropriate Virtues for the pantheon
on to her children. in question. All these Scions gain for taking
Alternate Virtues is the animosity of their Titan-
Because of these different Virtues, their children worshiping parents and the possible acceptance
do not gain an automatic assocation with the of other gods. Again, the absence of Pantheon-
Pantheon-Specific Purview of their appropriate Specific Purviews for these god’s Associated
pantheons and theses Purviews are left off their Powers lists is intentional.
Associated Powers lists on purpose. However, as
per the sidebar on pg. 118 of Scion: Hero, their Note that no amount of Virtue differences will
children may take different Virtues. If they take allow a character to learn the Pantheon-Specific
the Virtues of their parent’s forsaken pantheon, Purview of another Scions. Scions of Elli may only
they may learn the Pantheon-Specific Purview learn Jotunblut. Scions of Ama-No-Zaku may only
normally, but doing so costs them the favor of learn Tsukumo-gami. Scions of Hecate will never
their divine parents. This is only appropriate if learn Cheval, Itzli or any other Pantheon-Specific
Scions of Elli or Hecate take the Virtues of the Purview other than Arete.
Aesir or Dodekatheon respectively. -

The Matrons form another exception. Like Elli and

Hecate, their Virtues are mixed with Dark Virtues
due to their opposition to the Nemetondevos.

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