Lexico Grammar
Lexico Grammar
Lexico Grammar
Sumber: http://ekspektasia.com/contoh-recount-text-pendek/
3. .
I saw many tourist
Mood Residue
Behaver Behavioural Range
Theme Rheme
The clause “I saw many tourist” if we analyzed by using Semantic category of words
the result is that the word “I” as Subject, The word “Saw” is divided into two
elements, “did” as Finite and “see” as Predicator, the words “many tourist” as
The clause “I saw many tourist” if we analyzed by using Interpersonal meaning the
result is that the group words “I saw” are categorized as Mood, the group words “
many touriste” are categorized as Residue.
The clause “I saw many tourist” if we analyzed by using Ideational meaning the result
is that the word “I” is categorized as Behaver, the word “saw is categorized as
Behavioural Process, the words “many tourist” as Range.
The clause “I saw many tourist” if we analyzed by using Textual meaning the result is
that the word “ I” as Theme, the words “saw many tourist” as Rheme.