Guide: Getting Started
Guide: Getting Started
Guide: Getting Started
Getting Started
Guide 42
1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3
1.1. So what can I do with GIS? ............................................................................................... 3
1.2. Why QGIS? ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.3. What does this BAJR guide do? ........................................................................................ 3
2. Installation ............................................................................................................................ 4
3. Fundamentals ....................................................................................................................... 5
1.4. Let’s begin by setting up a new project. ........................................................................... 6
4. Points, Lines and Polygons - Vector Data Basics. ................................................................... 9
4.1. Importing polylines ........................................................................................................... 9
4.2. Import point data ........................................................................................................... 11
4.3. Import Polygon data ....................................................................................................... 12
4.4. Working with Layers ....................................................................................................... 13
5. The SPATIAL QUERY – Manipulating Data ........................................................................... 17
6. Working with OS Open Map Data ....................................................................................... 23
7. The Power of the Grid! Raster data Basics ..................................................................... 25
7.1. What is a raster? ............................................................................................................. 25
7.2. Adding Aerial Imagery .................................................................................................... 25
8. Georeferencing ................................................................................................................... 28
9. The Power of the Grid! ........................................................................................................ 32
9.1. Get Data ......................................................................................................................... 32
9.2. Applying Hillshade .......................................................................................................... 33
10. Lidar 2 – An exercise in working with the data ................................................................... 35
10.1. Using a raster catalogue ................................................................................................. 35
10.2. Hillshading or Shaded Relief Modelling .......................................................................... 36
10.3. De-Trending (With many, many thanks to Dr. Crispin Hambridge) ................................. 38
11. Getting your Message Across – The Map Composer .......................................................... 42
11.1. Adding the map .............................................................................................................. 44
11.2. Adding a scalebar ............................................................................................................ 46
11.3. Add a Legend / Key ......................................................................................................... 47
11.4. North Arrow and Title ..................................................................................................... 48
12. Exercise – Forgandenny Community Archaeology Project .................................................. 50
1.1. Starting Out .................................................................................................................... 51
12.1. Locating the site on GIS and then into the field (STAKING OUT) .................................... 54
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12.2. Digitising Plans ................................................................................................................ 55
12.3. Uploading and sharing data ............................................................................................ 57
13. References ........................................................................................................................... 58
14. Appendix ............................................................................................................................. 58
This guide uses, but does not reproduce, data uploaded to Archaeology Data Service by the Sutton
Hoo research project, Copyright Martin Carver:
Martin Carver (2004) The Sutton Hoo Research Project 1983-2001 [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data
Service [distributor] (doi:10.5284/1000266)
Open Map Local background mapping is courtesy of the Ordnance Survey (Figures 8, 10, 11, 12,
13,15, 18, 22, 25, 28, 30, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 66 and 69
OS Terrain 50 is courtesy of the Ordnance Survey
Datasets are courtesy of the Environment Agency (Figures 37, 40, 42, 43, 45, and 49)
Thanks are due to Crispin Hambridge, who provided the workflow for de-trending LiDAR data in QGIS
Special thanks to Rebecca Bennett of PTS Consultancy for editing and constructive comments on the
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This guide is aimed at people starting out in archaeological GIS, whether commercial companies
looking expand their access to GIS techniques, community groups seeking a means to digitise,
interrogate and ultimately publish their excavation data, or students looking for a professional way to
present figures for dissertations or thesis and learn the basics of this now ubiquitous technology. For
an entirely more comprehensive look at GIS the authors highly recommend visiting the QGIS website
[], or alternatively read David Wheatley and Mark Gilling’s
Spatial Technology and Archaeology: the Archaeological Applications of GIS.
In effect, this means that GIS packages be really useful to archaeologists: site surveys can be digitised
and used to provide a basis for environmental and artefactual post-excavation analysis, distributions
of artefact types may be plotted across sites, regions or countries, or spatial data like Lidar or
geophysical survey may be plotted and compared together. Importantly all of this work can be
summarised, mapped and shared with colleagues or the public whether they have access to a GIS of
their own or not.
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System requirements for QGIS don’t really exist per-se, but for the latest release I would recommend
using a PC running Windows 7 or later, 4GB of RAM or more would be helpful when trying to
manipulate larger datasets such as Lidar tiles.
Having a large, fast hard drive is also a distinct advantage – as the data used in examples below are
often a couple of hundred megabytes large.
The installation files can be accessed through the QGIS project webpages, at
There are two basic QGIS versions to choose – the latest version and the long term release. The
former has all the most up to date functionality and bug fixes and is updated three times a year; the
latter is static with fewer updates and is therefore preferred by some corporate users. For the
purposes of starting out you can download either of these. There is also an advanced users
download from OSGeo4W which includes options to link to GRASS, SAGA etc.
Choose your system type: Windows, OS X, Linux, BSD and Android are all supported.
Figure 1: System Information
Download the correct version of QGIS and proceed with the installation…
You can skip through the options during the installation, although I would recommend downloading
the example data now, so you can go through some of the exercises available through the QGIS
website later. [Sutton Hoo] and [Forgandenny Archaeological Survey ].
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Great, you’ve now installed QGIS, but there are a bewildering number of new icons on your desktop!
Figure 2: QGIS Icons
To start a normal session of QGIS, click on the Icon labelled QGIS Desktop 2.10.1
The QGIS interface is split into three areas: Tool Bar at the top, Layer Menu to the left and Map
Window (showing recent projects) to the right. (Figure 4) then try hovering your mouse cursor
over each toolbar item and button to see what they do. (right click the toolbar area to add more
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Now that you’re up and running, from now on the guide will refer to the QGIS 2.10 Pisa so if you’re
using an earlier or later version, things might be in slightly different places.
The next thing to do is to investigate some important fundamentals of GIS, let’s check out the way
files and file structures work.
Figure 4: Project Properties
In the project drop-down menu at the top left-hand corner of the QGIS window, select Project
From here you can adjust a number of settings which will dictate how your data is displayed. GIS
works by linking lots of different file types together. Your project file will not contain any of the
actual data you’re working with, but only information on how it is displayed.
So, it’s important to make sure that you KEEP YOUR FILE ARCHITECTURE CONSISTENT when working in GIS.
This means having a folder structure where your project file sits one step above your source data.
Like this:
Figure 5: File Structure Example
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IMPORTANT Back in the Project Properties menu select the General tab and make sure that the
SAVE PATHS option is switched to RELATIVE . This means that the project file will use a relative file path,
and you will be able to move the folder ‘Forgandenny Survey’ on to a usb thumb drive, for example,
and still maintain the file links.
Then, click on the CRS tab and check the box marked E NABLE ‘ON THE FLY’ CRS TRANSFORMATION
Enabling on the fly transformations means that you can use data which have multiple coordinate
systems in the same project.
WGS84 (World Geodetic System 1984) is an example of a coordinate reference systems which covers
the entire globe. OSGB36 which is the basis for the UK Ordnance Survey, is an example of a local
coordinate reference system which allows greater accuracy, as it covers a smaller area of the earth’s
Figure 6: CRS transformation
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If I select the OSGB 1936 CRS from the list (search for the EPSG id 27700 to be sure you have the
correct CRS), any data with a different CRS will be re-projected on the Ordnance Survey grid. This is
especially useful when you can only find maps of the UK coast projected in WGS84, and all your
thematic mapping data has National Grid coordinates.
At this stage you don’t need to know much morethan that, but if you’d like a bit more background
you could take a 10minutes to listen into this you tube video
( When you start a new project make sure that
the project CRS is set correctly.
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Vector data is a representation of the real world using points, lines and polygons. In archaeology this
might include find-spots or sites on a regional distribution map, rivers or other linear features in the
landscape or the edges of cut features, spreads of material or cobbled surfaces.
To illustrate how to manipulate vector data, we’ll need to find a source to start with.
2) Scroll down the screen until you find Boundary Line, tick the download box and scroll down to
click the next button. Fill in your details and await the link which will be sent via email...
3) Click on the download link, and wait for the zip file to appear.
4) While it’s downloading, CREATE YOUR FOLDER ARCHITECTURE. Make a new folder and call it Sutton
Hoo. Within the Sutton Hoo folder, create another folder called Sutton Hoo Vector Data.
6) Save the project as Sutton Hoo in the [Sutton Hoo] Folder and make sure that file paths are set to
relative, on the fly CRS transformation is checked, and the project CRS is set to OSGB36 [27700].
“One of the most common vector formats is the ESRI shapefile format. You might have data in this format from the
Ordnance Survey, HER, NMR or NMP that can be overlain in your map view. Shapefile format requires different types of
topologies (points / lines / polygons) to be stored in different files.
Shapefiles are also made of up to 6 separate files, so when viewed in windows explorer they look like the image below.
The file parts must be kept together in order for the shapefile to work so be careful when moving them to different
directories (also it is advisable to zip the files into a single folder before emailing).
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Figure 7: Import Vector Data
3) Select the shape file (.shp) for the high water polyline
4) The UK coastline should now be visible in the map window (Figure 8).
Figure 8 : UK Coastline
Note that the layer name is visible in the layers window on the left next to a check-box. This controls
whether or not the layer is displayed.
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4.2. 17B Import point data
Now for some more information. Point your browser towards:
This is the Archaeology Data Service – page for the Defence of Britain project, which mapped every
surviving and demolished Second World War installation in the United Kingdom. This is now
available in Google Earth .kmz format.
1) Download the .kmz file, open in Google Earth (if you don’t have it installed – download it
2) Save as .kml format in the Sutton Hoo Vector Data folder. There is almost always a way to convert
and reuse geospatial data information, no matter which format it is in.
5) Choose layers 213 and 214, which represent extant and removed anti-landing trenches.
Figure 9: Choose layers to add
You will now see a distribution of dots (point data) representing the location of Second World War
anti-landing trenches across Britain. (Figure 10)
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Figure 10: Distribution of Anti-Landing Trenches
To make your points visible again, select the boundary line layer, and drag it to the bottom of the
layer-list. The high water line should now be visible again.
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Figure 12: Layers rearranged
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Figure 14: Layer Properties Menu
In the layer properties menu, click on the Labels tab, check the box next to Label this layer with and
choose NAME from the drop-down box. Click Apply at the bottom of the layer properties menu box,
and then OK to quit the box.
Suffolk is now clearly labelled along with all the other counties.
Figure 15: Suffolk Labelled
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Excellent! But I’m only interested in Suffolk, so now I know where it is, let’s put a filter on the County
Boundaries layer, and take away all the extra information we don’t need.
Right click on the layer [Boundary Line Historic Counties] and select Filter
Figure 16: Filter Menu
In the box labelled Provider specific filter expression type "NAME" = "Suffolk" and click Test
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Figure 18: Only the Suffolk filled polygon is visible on the polyline map with anti landing trenches
overlaid as point data.
If you’re seeing the same as Figure 18, then great, if not, go back a few steps and see if your filter
query looks exactly the same as Figure 16.
Now we have learned how to import the three types of vector data. If you are wondering how to
import stuff which isn’t already a .shp or .kml file worry not, just skip to the appendices where I’ll
briefly describe other stuff like importing .dxf files generated by AutoCAD, and creating your own
point data in a .csv file.
After adding polylines, points and polygons, let’s start to look at how to manipulate and analyse this
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Spatial query is a really useful tool if you want to know whether something occupies the same space
as something else. For instance, if you mapped all your pottery finds in three dimensions, it would be
really useful to produce a plan showing features which contained pottery, and those which did not.
Let’s keep it simple using the Suffolk example which we’ve already got saved.
Clear the filter on the county boundaries layer through the filter menu box, then clicking clear. The
counties should all re-appear.
We will now select and display ALL the counties which have EXTANT Anti-Landing Trenches.
Figure 19: Spatial Query
The Spatial query tool 2is near the bottom of the left-hand-side toolbar.
Click on the icon and the following menu box should appear.
The spatial query menu allows you to design a query to suit your needs. The first drop-down box lets
you choose which layer you wish to select from. In this case the boundary line historic counties layer.
The next drop down box controls the nature of the query – we want the Contains option.
The reference features are the controlling layer – only counties which have extant trenches inside
their polygon will be displayed. Lastly, click apply to start the process.
To use plugins – such as Spatial Query, you just need to enable them. Click on Plugins Manage and Install
Plugins. Scroll to the desired plugin (in this case Spatial query Plugin) – and click Install Plugin.
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You should now see the menu box below (Figure 21):
Figure 21: Spatial Query Menu 2
This displays the results of your query and gives you the chance to run it again. On the bottom left-
hand side of the query menu, there should now be a dialogue labelled Selected Features and a
button – click the button and you will
create a new layer from the selected
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Figure 23: Layer Properties Menu
First of all, the layer naming on this project has got a little long-winded. Let’s change that. In the layer
properties menu, select the GENERAL TAB and change the layer name
Now click the STYLE TAB, select and change the fill colour to something contrasting.
Figure 24: Fill Colour
Here’s the result – you will notice how easy it is to visualise the results of the query with a simple
styling – showing counties that have extant trenches, it would also be possible to show counties with
trenches that have been removed in a separate colour.
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Figure 25: Result of layer styling
So, for this exercise we have one last step to add the coordinates for some of the Sutton Hoo
To do this we’ll use another useful function in QGIS, the capability to use .csv files
Comma Separated Value (csv files) are a way of structuring data so that both programs and people
can understand the contents.
Open a new excel document, (you can use any spreadsheet program like in Open Office which
Site eastings northings
will allow you to save a comma separated value file (.csv)) mound1 628779 248701
mound2 628843
Enter this data into the blank sheet and save as a .csv file (MS-DOS version for Windows users) 248802
mound3 628803 248672
mound7 628821 248729
Now find the button which allows you to create a layer from a delineated text file 248635
mound11 628756
(including .csv’s!) This will get you used to hovering over buttons to find out what they do, and
prepare you for further exploration of QGIS. A great way to learn is exploration.
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Figure 26: Add Delineated Text File Menu
Browse to the file which we just created (In this case we had named it Mounds.csv and saved it in the
Sutton Hoo Vector Data folder).
Everything appears to have come through – you can see the table in the box at the bottom of the
menu, and QGIS has automatically picked up the delineating character, and the first record (at the
top of the table) has the field names. It has even
worked out that eastings and northings refer to
coordinates. (Figure 26) If it had not picked these
out, then of course you could manually tell it
what was an easting and northing coordinate.
Press OK
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A new group of points should have appeared near to the Suffolk coastline. Turn off the anti-landing
trenches layers and this should become more apparent. You can change point styling by right clicking
the new Mounds layer and choosing options in the Style tab.
Figure 28: Mounds Added
The hope is that this short introduction is enough to get you going with using vector data. There are
loads more useful tools in the vector drop-down menu at the top of the QGIS window. They will
allow you to transform lines into polygons, create new polygons from intersecting polygons and also
do general data management stuff like merging two shapefiles together
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Open Map data can be added to your GIS project from the Ordnance Survey Open Data portal:
Of course, other countries have their own access (or not) to digital data, from USGS to NASA, you
may have to search for the region you need, but it is normally possible to find at least basic GIS data
for everywhere on earth.
Let’s add some background mapping for grid square TM into the project (Terrain 50 is downloadable
as a dataset covering the whole of the UK approx 1.1 Gb! So only pick the areas you need)
Select Grid Square TM from the list available (OS Open Data is the first item in the list).
Figure 29: Open Data Details Page
Finishing the page should result in an email with a download link being sent to the address which
you have just provided, this will allow you to download a .zip file containing the new vector data.
Open the zipped folder and extract to the Sutton Hoo Vector Data folder.
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Use the add vector data tool in the left hand toolbar, and point it at “\Sutton Hoo\Sutton Hoo Vector
Data\OSOpenMapLocal (ESRI Shape File) TM\data”
Set the file type selector (to the right of the file name bar) to ESRI Shapefiles, and select all the files
in this folder.
You’ll notice that the colour scheme has been chosen arbitrarily. Let’s sort that out first
Changing the colour scheme can be effected by double clicking on the coloured square next to the
layer in the layer menu. This is what we came up with - but why not experiment. There is a good
tutorial for creating and saving styles here:
Illustration 30: Colour Tamed
Remember that if you use this data you must acknowledge it using the appropriate Ordnance Survey
Open Data text:
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So, now we’ve covered vector data, let’s move on and have a look at rasters.
These file types are all structured in the same way: they are all made up of an underlying grid of
cells, each of which is attributed a value, which can be a positive or negative number.
In a digital photograph like a .jpeg file, every cell is attributed a value which corresponds with a
different colour.
Geophysics surveys work the same way, with each cell representing a reading taken by the
instrument, across the survey grid. Lidar works exactly the same except the values correspond to
height above sea-level (usually).
1) First, add another folder inside the Sutton Hoo folder, call it Sutton Hoo Raster Data…
3) From the drop-down menus, select Manage and Install Plugins from the Plugins menu.
4) There are loads of useful tools here which you might wish to investigate in the future. Today we’re
interested in the O PEN L AYERS P LUGIN . Select it and install the plugin.
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Figure 31: The Plugins Menu
You now have the option to choose O PEN L AYERS through the W EB drop-down menu. Check it’s there
and choose Aerial from Bing Maps.
Drag the Bing Maps layer down so it sits below the layers which contain your points.
You can now turn off the high waterline and county boundary layers now, as we won’t be using them
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Figure 32: Aerial Imagery with points over the mounds.
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We now have point data of the Sutton Hoo mounds overlaid on modern Aerial Photography.
When you add an Open Layers map to your project, CRS is changed to EPSG:3857. Go to Project
properties and change back the CRS to your local projection (and don't forget to enable on-the-fly
That seems easy. But what if the raster we want to use isn’t georeferenced? That is, what if it’s just
an ordinary image file, how does QGIS know where to place it on the map?
In that case we’ll need to use the RASTER GEOREFERENCING tool. The georeferencing tool uses point-
matching to line-up an unreferenced image against a referenced base-map. It will then create a
“metadata” file with coordinates which allows QGIS to plot its position onto our map.
We want to know the extent of the Sutton Hoo excavations; and you will find the information in the
folders you downloaded earlier [Sutton Hoo]
Either use the data in the download or use the windows ‘snipping tool’ to capture a .jpg of the
Detailed Site Plan (which is archived as a .pdf) and save into the Sutton Hoo Raster Data folder .
Back in QGIS select the Georeferencer Tool in the Raster drop-down file menu. And the following
window will appear.
You’ll see a number of grid coordinates on the plan which refer to the site grid. Luckily we know the
transformation for the Sutton Hoo site grid, so we can type the new coordinates straight into the
dialogue box.
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3) Left click on the grid point labelled 50/50 and you will see this box; (note that you can also pick
from map (which allows you to match map points with the same locations on the image you are
trying to georeference
Figure 34: Coordinate Dialogue Box.
4) Set the following coordinates for this point, and for the other four visible grid points.
6) Now chose an output raster for your georeferenced plan to be saved as (in the Sutton Hoo Raster
Data folder) and press OK –
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Figure 35: Transformation Settings
7) Quit the georeferencer and SAVE YOUR GROUND CONTROL POINTS (GCP S) !
8) You should now see the plan which we downloaded from the excavation archive fully
georeferenced and loaded as a layer in you GIS project.
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Figure 36: The loaded original site plan, georeferenced
With the image now georeferenced you could use the ‘create vector layer’ tool to make a vector
version of the site boundary, or perhaps vectorise all the excavated features as polygons with
associated metadata which you could then interrogate further and create even further shp file layers
based on the results – such as location of specific types of artefact ; The capability is all there within
QGIS as long as you can input the data.
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Lidar - most people will have been anticipating this section, and the good news is that QGIS is fully
equipped to handle Lidar digital surface and terrain models (DSMs and DTM’s). - /
Find Sutton Hoo, (grid square TM 24) and download the 50cm DTM data (not the DSM (Digital
Surface Model) ). You will have to download a complete ten kilometre square, so once the .zip file is
downloaded, look for TM 28 48 it is in an .asc file format.
Figure 37: Map square TM2848
Drag and drop the .asc file for grid square 2848 into Sutton Hoo Raster Data.
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9.2. 23B Applying Hillshade
In the Raster drop down menu, select Hillshade from the
Terrain Analysis menu.
The azimuth and vertical angle boxes control the position of your light source. Play around a couple
of times with the hillshade tool to see the effect of changing these settings.
Sorry the Lidar doesn’t reach the extent of the mounds, we were kind of building up to that, only to
let you down – but this is the real world! Perhaps the new UAV Lidar mounted pods will let you fill
in this gap!
(If you want to see the lidar data for Sutton Hoo you’ll have to go back to the EA downloader and
pick 2m data - Never assume only one dataset for a particular area.)
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A note from a lidar pedant: hillshades are a great first step to visualising lidar data but they pose
some significant problems for mapping microtopography, namely that the features you will see are
dependent on the direction and angle of the illumination you choose. The process of using light to
highlight and shade areas is also problematic – what are you seeing / mapping when you look at the
light and shade? Is this in the same place as the monument or has it been translocated by the
hillshade visualisation?
If you’d like to know more about other, more appropriate visualisation techniques to highlight
microtopography from the Relief Visualisation Toolbox webpage developed by the Institute of
Anthropological and Spatial Studies, ZRCSAZU Slovenia. You can download their stand-alone
processing genie, the Relief Visualisation Toolbox, along with a detailed manual and even a
powerpoint presentation about the visualisation techniques from this link (RVT – http://iaps.zrc- ).
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1) Name the project “Dales Lidar”, make sure that the working coordinate reference system is
OSGB1936 [27700] and the file paths are relative. .
We’re going to head to the Yorkshire Dales, where there’s some 1m resolution Lidar data, which we
can use to spot archaeological sites such as earthworks and field systems. I’ll also introduce a new
technique called de-trending which will help to reduce the amount of background noise from very
hilly terrain.
2) Head back to the Environment Agency website and download the composite Digital Terrain Model
for map square SD 87.
3) Once you’ve got it downloaded, extract the tiles into a suitably named sub-folder in the project
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6) Load the result into your project, and set the layer CRS to OSGB36 [27700], the result should be
something like this:
Figure 42: Loaded results
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2) In the parameters box, set the grid size to 1000 metres ( 1km) and output the grid as lines. This is
also really helpful when you look at the hillshade alongside an Ordnance Survey map, as the grids
will match exactly!
3) Name your output shapefile (within the vector data folder of your project), and select add result
to canvas.
We now have our massive hill-shade file split into manageable chunks. Spend the next hour
searching away on this hillshade file and see what you can find. I would recommend looking at the
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area around Nether Hesleden (use the aerial image from Bing to find this village) – as there’s a
known Romano British settlement marked on the Ordnance Survey. See if you can trace the extents
of the field system. It’s very different from the larger, more pronounced medieval ridge and furrow.
Figure 45: Areas of extreme relief and location of processing toolbox.
Because the hillshade is showing areas of extreme relief as blacks and whites, we’re going to have to
produce another layer, which removes (or de-trends) the underlying terrain, and leaves the
microtopographic detail.
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1) The first step is to find the processing toolbox: Processing: Toolbox dropdown menus
Figure 47: Simple filter geoalgorithm
6) Press Run
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Figure 48: Raster Calculator
1) Name your output layer (click on the “. . .” button) we called ours “Subtract”
3) Click Current Layer Extent to update the extents of the output layer
5) In the Raster Calculator Expression box, add this you can double click on the layers you need
rather than having to write it manually :
"Dales @1" – “Filtered Grid@1” (ie the original dem minus the filtered grid layer)
6) Press ok, sit back and wait for the process to run.
7) When the Subtract layer is loaded give it a spin around and have a look. The DEM is already a lot
more detailed. Have a look at this:
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Figure 49: New Shaded DEM / Original Dem
Right, so the original DEM is on the top right hand side, and the de-trended DEM is on the bottom
left hand side. Much more detail is visible. This is the Romano British settlement at Nether
So to recap, we’ve created a filtered version of the DEM, smoothing it out and removing all the
detail. We’ve then subtracted the filtered version from the original DEM, which removes the large
features like hills and valleys, and leaves the detail.
So now, if you create a hillshade from the de-trended DEM, more detail should be visible in areas of
extreme relief.
Why not also try the contour command from the Raster >> Extraction >> Contour Using
a 1m contour interval
Or add the Viewshed Plugin from the Plugin manager and watch this video There are many video and text tutorials for
all the functions you may need while using QGIS – Google is your friend.
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Remember that as a basic requirement any map needs the following items:
a) title
b) a scale bar
c) a north arrow
Let’s go back and open the initial project that had the counties and anti landing trenches
1) In the P ROJECT M ENU , create a new print composer and call it Anti-Landing Trench Distribution.
(The Print Composer is in essence a separate program that uses the scene in your QGIS created map
to produce the illustration)
The Print Composer Window looks like this:
Figure 50: Print Composer Window
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There are several tools along the left-hand edge of the window, these allow you to insert and modify
objects in the print composer.
The print composer always starts with a blank canvas, so we’ll have to add some objects to start
creating our illustration. First though, lets’ adjust the canvas to suit our needs. We’re going to create
a map of the United Kingdom. It’s pretty tall and thin, which means the best canvas orientation will
be portrait.
On the right hand side of the screen, you should see a number of tabbed menus. One is called
Composition. In the paper and quality settings, choose Portrait and the canvas should change its
So, the tools down the left hand side will allow you to add and modify objects
appearing on your map canvas. The modify tools are the three at the top – Pan,
Zoom, Select/Move Item and Select/Move item content.
Select the fifth tool down – if you hover over it with the mouse it should say Add New
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11.1. 26B Adding the map
Add the new map by clicking in the top left-hand corner of the canvas, and dragging down to the
bottom right-hand corner – press enter and the map should now appear on the canvas.
The first two allow you to change which part of the canvas you’re looking at.
Select/Move Item allows you to select and move objects on the canvas
Select/Move Item content allows you to move the actual information within the object – for instance
panning to another part of the map.
Let’s give it a go – make sure your map is centred within the canvas – use the Select/Move Item tool
and click-drag the map until you see two red lines at crossing the centre of the canvas at 90 degrees
– this indicates the object is centred.
The next thing to do is to change the scale at which the map is being rendered on the canvas. With
the map object selected, click on the Item Properties tab on the right-hand side of the screen. See
the scale? At the moment it reads somewhere around 7229845.
1:7,229,845 isn’t a very helpful scale, so let’s change it to something slightly more manageable… let’s
try 1:5,000,000
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Figure 53: The 1: 5,000,000 scale on the centred map
Ok, that’s a little too zoomed in, let’s try 1: 6,000,000 – now we
Now use the Select/Move Item content tool to move the content of the map until the whole of the
mainland is displayed on the canvas.
Now you’ve finished modifying the map, select the closed padlock icon from the top toolbar to lock it
up. This will prevent any accidental changes being made while you continue working on your map.
It’s a good idea to keep objects you’re not working on locked up, and saving the composer every time
you finish working on an object.
Figure 54: 1:6,000,000 map
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We now have a map showing the distribution of Anti-Landing Trenches across the UK mainland, and
counties in which Anti-Landing Trenches are preserved. However, if someone was looking at this
map without us there to tell them more –they wouldn’t have a clue what it was about! To sort that
out, let’s add some more map objects and make our data more accessible.
You can modify this in the tabbed menus on the right hand side of the screen – with the new
scalebar selected, go to Item Properties.
Figure 56: Scale Bar Added and modified
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11.3. 28B Add a Legend / Key
Now let’s add a Legend to our map, showing the meaning of the different objects and layers.
The A DD L EGEND TOOL is on the left hand side of the screen above the add scale tool.
Click-drag the new legend into place (tip: if you hold down the shift key, while clicking and dragging,
any object you’re adding to the canvas will stay as a regular square).
Figure 57: Legend Added
There are now a lot of items in the key which aren’t being displayed in the current map view. This is
because the list of items in the key is being generated automatically from the layers list of your
project. To make things tidier and clearer, let’s get rid of some of the layers from the key.
In the Item Properties tab there is a box called Legend Items, find the check-box marked Auto update
and uncheck it. You can now change which items appear in the key, and also the order in which they
appear, and their titles. The buttons under the legend items box control how the key headings are
displayed. The blue arrow buttons control the display order and the plus and minus signs allow you
to add and delete layers from the key.
Get rid of everything except the two anti-landing trench layers, and the two historic county layers.
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Figure 58: The selected layers on the legend.
The key is shorter, but the headings within the key still don’t appear to make much sense. Let’s
modify the headings. From the buttons below the Legend Items box, select the Pencil/Paper icon
and rename each layer so it represents the layer clearly and concisely.
Figure 59: the Legend/Key with renamed layers
Move the key so the box isn’t clashing with the map. You can make this easier by changing the
transparency of the legend bounding box – In the Item Properties tab, scroll down to a check-box
named Background and un-check it. Any clashes between the map and the legend background
should now disappear.
Select the arrow tool from the left-hand menu and add
it by clicking and dragging (tip: if you hold the shift key
while click-dragging the arrow tool, the arrow will
default to 45 or 90 degrees (across, up and down, or
diagonally across the page).
You can also add the North arrow as an image that you
have created from the library using the ‘add image
tool’ – Looks much better than a simple arrow.
The text for your title can be typed into the Main Properties in the Item Properties tab. Below the
text-box, you can control the font, alignment and margin size for your title text. In this case it is Arial,
size 16 and bold.
We have just created a map, that we can now export to a file and include in a report.
In the top toolbar, there are a number of options for exporting maps. You can choose to export as an
image file, a scaled vector graphic or a pdf. I would recommend pdf, as it’s accepted and readable by
everyone, and there won’t be issues with scaling and re-sizing images further down the line. Choose
the .pdf icon, and a file-name for your new pdf.
You can also import this into vector programmes like Corel or Illustrator and work on it further.
Figure 61 - Finished
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This project uses a hypothetical community archaeology project as the basis for creating, analysing
and sharing data from small scale archaeological projects in QGIS.
The scope of the project will take us through the following steps;
1. Combining spreadsheets and spatial data, making stake-out files
The Strathearn Archaeology Group (SAG) has identified a number of cropmarks in fields below
Forgandenny, next to the River Earn. You are their volunteer Geomatics Officer, feeling the awesome
responsibility now placed on you. This area is known to have been significant in the Mesolithic and
Neolithic periods, as there are a number of raised shore-lines left behind as the sea-level fell after
the last glacial maximum.
The shoreline is even visible on Google Earth in a field with coordinates NO 0890 1929 in the south
eastern corner. SAG have checked with the landowner for permission to undertake fieldwalking
before the new crop is sown.
They find 50 artefacts during their fieldwalking, all have a unique ID from 1 to 50. ID, material type
and a provisional date have been recorded in a spreadsheet. Grid references have been recorded in
OSGB coordinates on a hand-held GPS, with accuracy +- 3m… The spatial data has been downloaded
and converted to a simple shapefile.
SAG would like you to help analyse their data. They’re very excited because a concentration of
Neolithic flint has been recovered from the centre of the field. Their goal is to put together an
application for a lottery funded project which will involve the community excavating a trial trench
across the flint scatter.
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1.1. 30B Starting Out
Let us first assemble our available data, download the fieldwalking spreadsheet and shapefile, as well
as some Open Map layers from the OS Opendata website – grid square NO.
Create a project folder, with a vector data sub-folder and a spreadsheet sub folder. Once downloads
are finished, create a new QGIS project and place everything in the appropriate folders.
With the background mapping coloured appropriately, and the GPS Survey layer visible it should look
something like this:
Figure 62 GPS survey points visible on map.
So, only points are visible, if you go into the attributes table of the GPS Survey layer, there is no
meta-data, such as material type or date; only the ID field so the concentration could be misleading.
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Figure 63: GPS Survey Attribute Table
Save the spreadsheet as a .csv and then load it up – just like the smaller .csv file you did for the
mounds at Sutton Hoo
Figure 64: The csv file with find number, type and date – but no locational data
Make sure that the geometry definition is set to No Geometry as there is NO spatial data in the
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Click the green sign to add a new join. >> Make the join layer Forgandenny Fieldwalking results.
Make the join field find number. >> Make the target field ID
Check custom field name prefix and delete the text in the box below and press OK
Forgandenny Fieldwalking
Results should now be joined to
the GPS Survey layer.
Figure 66: Final characterised map
That Neolithic flint scatter looks a fairly convincing target now! You have put together a figure for the
fieldwalking report which will be submitted to the funding body, remember all the important stuff
like the key, north arrow, scale and location map! Print it out on paper – How does it look?
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12.1. 31B Locating the site on GIS and then into the field (STAKING OUT)
Great news! SAG has been given funding to undertake a reconnaissance excavation involving the
excavation of a 100 metre trial trench across the flint scatter and the old Mesolithic shoreline. The
project will be undertaken by members of SAG supported by a team from the local commercial unit,
Badger Archaeology Group Ltd (BAG), who are giving a week of their time as a CPD building exercise!
Badger Archaeology Group have a survey grade GPS unit available to set out the trench, but can only
spare it for one day meaning that you can stake out the trench in the right place, and record the
limits of excavation once the machining is finished. Thereafter, the recording will rely on producing
hand-drawn plans, which you will then digitise and place onto the GIS map.
In addition the BAG health and safety officer has been in contact to say that the electricity distributor
confirmed it is safe to excavate under the overhead power lines crossing the site, as they are
Let’s set up a stakeout file for BAG’s Project Officer, so she can excavate the trench in the right place.
Add a new vector layer to the project, set to POINTS, and called StakeOut, making sure the layer CRS
is set to OSGB36
Use the MEASURE TOOL to measure a line 100m long, bisecting the scatter of Neolithic material and
the old shore line – to the north west…
Now open the StakeOut layer in editing mode and add both ends of the line.
Figure 67: The 100m measure line with points added at either end.
Now we can save the layer as a .csv so it can be loaded into BAG’s GPS… There is also a plugin for gpx
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Right click on the StakeOut layer in the layer menu, and find Save As… make sure it’s in OSGB36
[27700] and then save. You should get something like this:
Figure 68: The Stakeout cords in csv format opened in Excel.
You can now go to these exact coordinates in the field ( even with a handheld device) and locate
either end, before laying out the trenches and recording the trench corners.
After a joint effort by SAG and BAG, you’ve uncovered a fantastic series of Neolithic features which
may be associated with the old shoreline.
Three features are listed on the context register, which records the ID, context number, brief
interpretation, dimensions and a spot date
We also have a site plan (looks a little rushed and sketchy) which has been drawn @1:100
The limits of excavation of the original trench, as well as a modest extension to the west have been
recorded with the GPS kit and converted to a shapefile called trench
Use the georeferencer tool in the raster menu to georeferenced the site plan.
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Figure 69: Site plan georeferenced onto the trench outline.
Now to digitise the features - create a new polygon shapefile with CRS OSGB36, call it Features and
trace around the three features.
In a real life scenario, we would recommend having real hand-drawn plans at a scale like 1:50 or 1:20
this will make digitising much more precise and accurate. Of course this is easier if you have a fully
georeferenced site grid!
In the same way as with the fieldwalking results, we’re going to upload the context register as a .csv
file, and perform a table join. Have a go yourself, referring back to the earlier section if needed.
Think about the field that would create the join attribute.
Now, with the tables joined – the attribute table should look like this
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Now you can make the table join permanent by saving the features shapefile with the table join as a
new shapefile (right click on the layer name).
Now you’ve created and digitised spatial data, and saved it as a shapefile, with metadata. You’ve
created an incredible resource.
GIS is a fantastic tool throughout the process of writing up a site, managing data through post-
excavation assessment and finally the production of illustrations for publication. Increasingly, the GIS
project files, including all that vector and raster data are becoming a vital part of the site archive.
Having your data available for future researchers in the form of GIS is going be vital for
understanding and re-evaluating your findings.
First of all, it’s best practice to find your local “County Archaeologist” is based and discuss your
research design beforehand.
There is also a list from the Association of Local Government Archaeology Officers - ALGAO
In England, Scotland and Wales, County Archaeologists and Historic Environment Record officers will
be able to advise on what types of data are suitable for inclusion in the HER.
This may only be the site boundary, or it may extend to include trenches or excavation areas, even
archaeological features with their associated metadata that you’ve just created. It all depends on
what your local HER thinks is necessary in order to make the best use of your findings.
However, one golden rule to stick to is that, if you’re working in the UK, your data must be
georeferenced and in National Grid OSGB36 [27700]. A second golden rule - Zip the six shapefile
parts into into a single item for emailing to stop single parts being rejected as spam.
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Chapman, H. [Main author], 2006. Landscape archaeology and GIS. Tempus, Stroud.
GIS Guide to Good Practice. Archaeology Data Service, n.d. . Oxbow Books.
Wheatley, D. 1965-[Main author], Gillings, M., 2002. Spatial technology and archaeology :
the archaeological applications of GIS. Taylor & Francis, London.
Wheatley, D. [Main author], Gillings, M., 2013. Spatial Technology and Archaeology : The
Archaeological Applications of GIS., 1st ed. CRC Press, London.
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