Lesson Plan in Circulatory System

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Iligan Capitol College

Mahayahay, Iligan City

Science Lecture Report

Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in Science: Biology

(Circulatory System) 5

Submitted to:
Ms. Leonilyn Cortes

Submitted by:
Jalilah Untao
Laiza Mancao

Submitted on:
March 14, 2019
Lesson Plan in Science
By the end of this lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Clearly explain what circulation means
2. Understand the process of blood circulating through our bodies
3. Describe the different parts of the blood
Describe the three different types of blood vessels
Tell how much blood is in our bodies
TOPIC: Circulatory System
a. Delivers food, oxygen and other materials

b. Picks up and transports wastes


a. Blood

b. Blood vessels

c. Heart


a. Pulmonary Circulation

b. Systemic Circulation


1. Books:
 Capco M., Yang, C. You and the Natural World Biology: Second Year Biology
Textbook. Phoenix Publishing House. 1990

2. Internet:



Teacher prepared packet of worksheets

Model of the heart


Three different size tubes

2 containers 1 large and one small

Different candy to represent the different parts of the blood

Circular labels


a. MOTIVATION: Pass the message


Teacher’s Interaction Activities Pupil’s Interaction Activities

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Greetings
- Good afternoon class -Good afternoon Teacher.
- How are you? -We are fine thank you and how about
- I’m fine also you?
2. Prayer
- Ambor please lead the prayer for
this afternoon -(Pupils are praying)
- Thank you.
3. Checking of attendance
-Let me check your attendance,
count off.
4. Checking assignment
- Do you have any assignment?
- Then sit properly and eyes on the -No teacher
blackboard. -(Pupils are participating)

. Today we are going to talk about the
circulatory system.

 Does anyone hear a familiar word in

circulatory? (circulate)

 What does circulate mean? -Yes Teacher

 Have a few students circulate -(Pupils are raising their hands)

around the classroom. -Teacher weather is a day to day condition
of the sky.
 Discuss the different things that can
circulate. - (eyes on the picture)
- (Pupils are raising their hands)
 The circulatory system is a complex

 Today we are going to do an

introduction to the circulatory
system. -In that picture the sky is clear and the sun
 (Explain to students that in order to
- (Pupils are raising their hands)
make this a successful lesson, they
need to be listening and paying
close attention at all times)

-Teacher there is so many clouds.

B. Developmental Activities -Yes Teacher.

Teacher the clouds are dark and it rains.


Ask students questions to assess

previous knowledge.
Can anyone tell me what
you think the circulatory stem
involves? - (Pupils are raising their hands)
How does blood pump
through the body? (Previous
knowledge cardiac
muscles and involuntary
muscles) -Teacher there is also a dark clouds and
Go over vocabulary. rain.
Discuss the different words -Teacher there is lightning.
and clarify when necessary
Explain that we will be
breaking into 5 groups to do
some different activities.
Discuss the specific rules that
need to be followed in order to
successfully do this.

- The circulatory system is an

important system in every living organism.
It takes the manner by which the food
particles move to every cell in the body.
Circulatory system has three main parts:
blood, blood vessels and heart. Without
blood, we will not be able to exist, without
blood vessels, there will be no pathways
where blood will flow, and without the
heart, there will be no organ which will
pump the blood throughout the body. The
pulmonary-systemic circulation ensures
the flow of oxygenated and deoxygenated
blood to tissues to avoid complications in
the system of circulation. Hypertension is
one of the leading causes of death among
people. Therefore, proper care and healthy
lifestyle should practice by everyone to
avoid hypertension and other circulatory


a. ACTIVITY: Multiple Intelligences

Discuss the different tasks at each

station. Go over the rules for each station.
Explain that they will have a time limit
and when the time is up, they must move - Sunny is when the sun shines brightly.
on to the next station. The sky is clear and usually shows the
When the lights go off, they must freeze presence of cirrus clouds in the sky. The
and listen. wind is calm during sunny day.
Distribute the packets of worksheets,
and split the class into five groups. - Cloudy is when there are many clouds in
 Groups 1 will observe a model of a the sky and the sun is covered with clouds.
heart with liquid being pumped
through. Only one student at a tiem - Rainy comes with dark clouds that bring
will be permitted to touch rain. The sun is also covered with clouds,
the pump. They will have to make it is dark even if it is daytime because the
observations and predictions based sun’s light cannot pass through the thick
on what they see. rain clouds.

 Groups 2 will have a container full

of candy. Each part of the blood is
represented by a different candy.
They will have to compare and
contrast the different candy in order
to decide what each part is. They
will then answer questions found in
the packet of worksheets.

 Group 3 will have to predict how

much blood is in their bodies. They
will have to place a circular sticker
with their initials on the jar at the
level they have chosen.

 Group 4 will touch and observe

three different wires/tubes. They will
use their previously discussed
information to decide what blood
vessel is being represented by each
tube/wire. They will then answer

 Group 5 will answer an array of

questions based on the circulatory
system. They will be able to use
their vocabulary sheets if they
become stuck on an answer.

 After each group has rotated

through the stations, we will meet
as a whole class and discuss our
findings. I will discuss each station
and ask the students questions
based on each task.

Today we learned a about our

circulatory system. This is a very complex
system, and we will be spending some
time learning more about each specific
part. As you go through the day today, -Sunny day, Rainy day, cloudy day and
imagine what your life would be like if you: stormy day.

a) didn’t have a circulatory system, -Yes Teacher

b) Had to control your own circulatory



Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer for the given statement.

_____1. A type of connective tissue that consists of cells and cell fragments surrounded
by a liquid matrix.

a. Blood c. Blood vessel

b. Heart d. Platelet

_____2. These are disk-shaped cells that contain hemoglobin, which is responsible for
its red color.

a. Neutrophils c. White blood cells

b. Red blood cells d. Platelets

_____3. The pumping organ of the circulatory system.

a. Blood pressure c. Heart

b. Blood d. Blood vessel

_____4. They carry blood and transport processed molecules to all areas of the body.
a. Heart c. Blood
b. Basophil d. Blood vessels

_____5. These are the smallest of the white blood cells. They produce antibodies and
other chemicals for the protection against foreign substances.

a. Eosinophils c. Platelets
b. Basophils d. Lymphocytes

_____6. The process of carrying deoxygenated blood to the lung tissues.

a. Atrial contraction c. Pulmonary Circulation

b. Systemic circulation d. Ventrical Filling

_____7. An abnormally high systematic blood pressure. It is also known as the “silent

a. Arteriosclerosis c. Heart attack

b. Hypertension d. Aneurysm

_____8. The possible cause of hypertension.

a. Vices c. Proper nutrition

b. Exercise d. Healthy lifestyle

_____9. The function of the heart.

a. Delivers food, oxygen and other materials

b. Routes blood
c. Maintain body temperature
d. Carry blood

_____10. It regulates the flow of nutritive fluids and materials, waste substances and
water in the body. It is also known as the body’s transport system.

a. Heart c. Circulatory system

b. Blood vessels d. Blood


In a half sheet of paper cut crosswise, the learners are going to make a
short reflection on how do they take care of their circulatory system. The paper
will be submitted on the following day.

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