SkiPro Wrist Watch
SkiPro Wrist Watch
SkiPro Wrist Watch
Press START/STOP In norm~1time dlsploy mode 10 solcCl one of lhe four additional display fealures:
.. weekday .. thermomeler ... Altlmetor (height tendoncy) .. Barometer (air pressure tendency)
The lemperature shown on the display Is measured within the watch Please note that. when wearing
tne watch. your body leltlP8mture will slrongly influence me temperatura measurement.
To "chlevlit a correct ternperature measurernenl of your environment you must remove Ihe watch
trom your wrist and expose u to lhe axlernal temperature for 20 to 30 minules. Plaase take care nOl
to expose the watch 10 dlreel sunlight
Weather forecast
The watch can show one of 4 weather lorecast icons in addUionto the normal
time display
sun • ,shghUy cloudy C::>. cloudy .::>,raonc:>
The weather forecast is catculated by evaluating changes In air pressure. To
aehlevo an oplimaf rorocasllhe watch should remain at the same altitude lor at
least 8 hours
Time setting
Set the hours. year, month. day and date format (day/month (DIM) or month/day (MID». 12 or 24
hour tomedlsptay, LCD contrast and key beep In the same manner
You can enter the different alarm display modes by pnlSSIng STARTISTOP
Alarm 1 (AL I). Alarm 2 (AIL2), hourly chome(CHIME). Press LAPIRESET to
acnvate or deactivate each of the features
When the olarm is acuvated it will sound at tho set alarm ume. The alarm
sound can be stopped by pressing any key
If the hourty chime Is acnvated (CHIME) tho chime wilt sound at every hour
To reset the stop watch press START/STOP to stop tho stop watch and thon
press LAP/RESET 10reset It.
To stop a lap lomepress LAPIRESET wh.te the stop watch rs running. The tap tomewilt briefly appear
end the stop watch w.11continuo running mternauy Up to 10 lap times can be recorded,
Toshow the lap Umes,stop the stop watch and thltn press and hole MODE. The total time will appear
on the display (TTL). Press START/STOP or LAP/RESET to display the tap times consecutively.
Press and hold MODE to exit the tap time d.splay mode
Press and hold LAP/RESET to reset tho stop watch and all lap times
The urner supports preset values (quick-set) and user defined values
The preset values are used (or fast and easy access 10 standard timer sEltUn9s.
The preset values are: 3. 5.10.15 and 45 minutes.
The user defined time can bo-set to any value (max. 99hr. 59mln 595ec.)
Press and hold MODE to set the user defined time.
The hours will blink on Ihe display. Press START/STOP Of LAP/RESET to set the hours and press
MODE to confirm your setling.
Set the minutes and seconds in Ihe same manner.
Press and hold MODE 10complete Ihe seUinQ
Press LAP/RESET to select one of the preset values or the user dsfined value.
In the last 10 minutes of the set time a beep wjil sound every mlnule.
In the last minule a beep will sound every 10 seconds.
In Ihe last 5 seconds a beep will sound every second.
Upon completion of the countdown a 30 second alarm will sound.
Function modos of the ski computer
Enter skI computer mode from normal lime mode by pressing SENSOR.
You can now press MODE to enler tho (lifferent ski computer modes The order of the functions Is as
.. ski mode D.. alhmetor mode DDJ ... barometer mode 1lJ:'tIil .. compass ~ .. ski
mode a ..
,- Ski modoC!
lop!Ql!LQ!Jhe dls~
You can select altitude or temperature display by prOSSingSTART/STOP
~oddllWlw..m tM d~
If tho ski mode Is activated you may select the following display modes by pressing LAP/RESET:
.. current descenl speed (SPEED)" lolal elapsed time (PERIOD)" accumutatec descent
(ACC.DS)" occumulaled ascent (ACC AS)" current descent speed (SPEED)"
Change measurement units of ski mode
Press and hold START/STOP to change the measurement units of the different displays.
Upon activating Ihe ski funeHonthe ski computer will create a data record in the log book.
Data will be added to the data record manually or automatically lor each ski-run.
In automatic mode a ski-run Is initiated automaUc.;lllyby a significant loss in altitude. A ski-run can
also be Initiated manually. Upon starting a ski-run the ski computer will begin recording the run time.
A ski run will be stopped when the significant altitude loss has ended or ifit is manually stopped.
Arter the ski-run has been slopped the ski run the recorded data will be saved and the skf-run time
will be stopped.
After deacuvatlon of the ski function the ski data with all ski-runs will be saved.
stQPl2iog sl\i.:Ll,Jns
Press MODE in the activated ski mode to enable the manual mode. MANUAL will appear on the
Press START/STOP to begin your ski-run and press START/STOP again upon completion of your
ski-run.After stopping the ski-run all data will be saved. The next ski-run can be started by pressing
Slope setting and sensitivity setting
Slope setting
The slope angle can be set to enable 8 more precise calculation.
The ski compot.ercan automabcally racognlLe when a sI<i run was started by detecting a signifICant
loss of altitude. The sensitivity of the detection can be adjusted.
Usc this setting IIthe automatic detection does not react to your descent or ascent speed.
~ensltlVtlY {FA&Il
Use thosseiling If the automabCdetectIOnis too sensitive
Ski log book memory
Enter memory mode (MEM) by pressing MODE MEM will appear in the upper
row of the display and an R will appear next to the number of the 51<1 data
The mtddle row of the display shows the staft time and the lower row shows
the stan dato
Select a dota record by pressing LAPiRESET
Pres~ START/STOP to display the different types of mtormation saved In lhe
data record
"choice of datA record" total time (PERIOD) .. descent time (OS.TIME) .. accumulated
descent (ACC.OS)" accumulated ascent (ACC.AS)" maximum speed (MAX.OS)" maximum
altitude (III ALT)" minimum altitude (LO.ALT)" slope angle (SLOPE)" choice of data record
The slope angle can be changed after the data record was saved Press ~nd hold MODE in the
display for <lope angte. Set the angle by presSing START/STOP OrLAP/RESET Pnass and hold
MODE to save your salting. Your data Will be automatically updated
Press and hold MODE in any sub display of the data record (except slope onglo (SLOPE) or the
disptay for choice of data record) to enter ski run selection mode. Choose 8 ski run by pressing
LAP/RESET The number of the ski (OJnWillblink in the lower pan of the display.
After chOOSingthe ski run the different types of Information for lhe ski run CDnbe selected by pressing
"start tome(START) .. descenl ~me (OS TIME)" maximum speed (MAX.OS)" average speed
(AVG OS)" maximum albtvde (HI ALT)" mlnomumaltitude (LO ALT)" altitude change (6ALT)
.. al1l100egraph (ALII) .. sian bme (START) ..
When the start lime (START) is shown you may setoct a differenl ski run by pressing LAPIRESET or
press MODE 10 return 10the normal data record display.
Deleting data records
Press MODE 10 enter memory mode of the log book (MEM). MEM appears on the display and In the
top row there appears an R followed by the number of the data record.
The starting lime appears In the middle row of U1e display and the start date appears in the bollom
Press and hold MODE to activate deletion mode (dEL). Press MODE 10select the current (ONE) or
all (ALL) dala records.
Press and hold START/STOP to confsm your selection and start the deletion or press and hold
MODe to cancel the deletion.
II the ski function is activated the current data record cannot be
The graphIC display will blink to Indicate the selected time ",nd the middte and lower row of the dispia:
will show altitude and time ot measurement
Press and hold START/STOP to select the measurement unit of the different displays.
Absolute and relaUve al1ltude
In altimeter mode the absolute altllude (above sea level) or relabve ailltude (allrlude compared to
provlously set allitude) can bo shown. To use Ihe relative allitude fealure the altlmoter must be sci to
o at the starting point.
The altimater function calculates your alhtude above sea level by measuring the aIr pressuro
It can be useful to calibrate the altimeter to (X)Olpensatefor air pressure fluctuatrons The following
options are available:
• Setting 10 0 for relative altitude
• Setting to a known aliliudo for absouno altitude
• SeHingthe air pressure 81sea level
• Resello factory preset value (1013.3mb)
• The altimeler cannot be calibrated while the ski function Is activated.
• Only one calibralion method can be usad at a time Once a new method is selcclod the old sellings
WIllbe overwnlten.
Press and hold MODE in altimeter mode. Select one of the setting modes:
... zero setting for relative altitude (ZERO)", absolute altitude (ALTI)", air pressure at sea levet
(SEA P.)'" reset to Factory preset value (F.DEF) ... zero selling torrelative altitude (ZERO) ...
Barometer mode
The graphic display wollblonkto indicate the selected lime and the mlddlo and lower row 01the display
WIllshow Aor pressure and time 01measurement
Callbrallng the barometor
Tho watch is ,hipped In canbrated condition and normally will nOI MAd 10 be calibrated again.
• Tho barometer cannol be cahbrated while the ski functIOnISaclIYAled
• You musl know Ihe exact aorpressure al your Iocahon 10 cnhbrate the barometer
• Incorrect calibratIOnwlUlead 10 Incorrect display ollhe aorpro.sure and altitude
Prl>SSMODE to select entry of the air pressure (AIRP.) or reset to factory delault (F.DEF) and conflrn
your "clcellM by pressing START/STOP
Entenng_lhll.lll' prru;lluf1t(AIRP.)
The ai, pressure ,lppears on the display. Set the a" pressure by pressing STARTISTOP or
LAP/RESET (press ond hold lor speed seUlng)
Press and hold MODE 10 connrm your ssrong
The compass should not be used In Ihe Immodlate IIlClndyOr
magnetic objects- r(l( example olher compasses.
To achieve a precise reading the compass must be held
oxacuy horizontallyl
ARer one minute wilh no key pressed tho compass Willenter energy saving mode (IDLE). The
compass can be reacllvatod by pressing START/STOP.
If Ihere Is an error during the measuroment the display will show OFF CAL. Ensure thallhe ccrnpass
is held exactly horizontally and there are no magne"c objects nearby. If the error occurs orten the
compass must be recalibrated (Calibrating the compass)
Backward bearing
Press START/STOP 10reverse Ihe bearing and show Ihe opposite direction. Tho reversed direction
and an arrow pOinllng backward will appear on Ihe display +.
Press START/STOP 10rorom to Ihe normal time display.
Compass lock
Press LAP/RESET while the compass Is active to lock the display elements of the compass. The key
symbol...o appears on the display. Press LAP/RESET to deactivate the look.
The lOck is automatically deactivated whon the compass goos Into energy saving mode.
Callbrallng the compass
The compass can be calibrated using the rotaucn method or by entering the declination
The best result can be achievod by using both methods.
B2IlI.tion mettlQd
Press START/STOP to start Ihe caltbration The directional display on the outer ring of the display WItt
begin 10 rotate. Hold the walch exactly honzontany and tum it slowly and steadily in the direction 01
the directional display.
Atler 2 lull turns you may complete the canbranon by pressing START/STOP.
Press ond hold MODE to return to normal compass display.
If the ballery levet warnIng Indicator 0 appears on the display the battery of the watch should be
replaced Insert a new battQry01the type CR2032
II possible the battery should be replaced by a watch spoaalrSl to avotd damagIng the case and lIhe
Please rnspose 01your bauenos propeny in contaoers ospeclally set up at retailers. Batteries do not
belong In household waste.
This electrical appliance may not be disposed of w~h normal household waste. Please hand il in at
an appropriate IOC"1 couecoon point.
Please dispose of your batteries properly In containers especially set Lip at retailers. Baneries do not
belong in household waste
We provide a S·yaarwarranty Forthis Item. The warranty period starts Irom the date of sale (receipt,
proof of purchase). Within this penod we rectify all faults which are allribulable to material and
manufacturing defects at M COSl. For damage which Is attributable to Improper treatment, e.g.
dropping. knocking. or water damage. there is no warranty claim.