Shale Successes Volume1 PDF

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in shale plays
By Domain Evaluating Shale Plays
Drilling Shale Plays
Completing Shale Plays
Producing Shale Plays

By Play General Interest

Avalon/Wolfberry Shale, Permian Basin
Bakken Shale, Williston Basin
Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin
Eagle Ford Shale, Western Gulf Basin
Fayetteville, Arkoma Basin
Haynesville-Bossier Shale, TX-LA-MS Basins
Marcellus Shale, Appalachian Basin
Mississippian Shale
Niobrara Shale, Denver-Julesburg Basin
Unconventional Resources
Woodford Shale, Ardmore, Arkoma, Anadarko Basins
Produce more with less
through integrated technologies

How do you define success?

In shale plays, success is determined by better reservoir understanding, and ultimately,
greater ROI. Schlumberger has provided expert technology and services in every active
shale play worldwide. Our local knowledge, global insight, and innovative technologies have
consistently proven to help customers produce more with less—less risk, less rig time, less
environmental impact, and less footprint. Learn how our industry-leading, integrated shale
offerings can help you
• use seismic, core, and petrophysical measurement
and analysis to better understand your reservoir
• reduce time to drill to total depth
• maximize reservoir contact during drilling and completions
• optimize production management.

Technology drives efficiencies

Careful selection of technology and services, and continuous
improvement, is essential for long-term success, confident
decisions, and improved operational efficiency. This collection
of case studies demonstrates how the right combination of
people, processes, and technology can meet the challenges
of shale reservoir development. The booklet is organized by the
domains of evaluation, drilling, completions, and production.
Simply click on a title in the table of contents to view the story.
An alternate table of contents, organized by play, is also
included. To learn more about how we help our customers
reduce risk and enhance production, go to

Copyright © 2012 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 12-UG-0027

An asterisk (*) is used throughout this document to denote a mark of Schlumberger.

Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.
By Domain


sCore Lithofacies Classification Reveals Barnett Shale Reservoir Quality……………………………………………………… 1

PDC Mountaineer Improves Production More Than 50% With Optimized Completion Designs………………………………… 3
ECS Petrophysical Analysis Finds Additional 250 ft of Productive Shale………………………………………………………… 5
Integrating Coiled Tubing and Production Logging for ConocoPhillips…………………………………………………………… 7
Barnett Shale Operations Achieve Remote Real-Time Microseismic Interpretation
with Private and Dedicated Wireless Networks………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Real-Time Measurements Optimize Marcellus Shale Well Placement…………………………………………………………… 10
Mississippian Shale Seismic Reservoir Characterization Improves Gas Production…………………………………………… 12
Consulting Services Identifies Key Technologies to Drill and Evaluate Wells in the Niobrara Formation………………………… 14
Advanced Logging Technology Reveals the Most Productive Zones in Woodford Shale………………………………………… 16
Advanced Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Finds Laminated Pay, Eagle Ford Shale…………………………………………… 18


Borehole Images Help Optimize Well Placement and Completion……………………………………………………………… 20

ONYX II Cutter Technology Saves East Texas Basin Operator USD 250,600……………………………………………………… 22
At-Bit Image Gamma and Inclination Allow Quick Interpretation for Steering Decisions………………………………………… 24
High Build Rate RSS Service Saves Cimarex Energy 10 Days in Woodford Shale……………………………………………… 26
OPTM-IZER Closed Loop Approach Delivers in Zero Discharge Operation……………………………………………………… 28
MEGADRILL System Saves 1.5 Drilling Days and $15,000 Average Per Well in North Dakota…………………………………… 30
MicroScope Resistivity and Imaging Enable Successful Completion in Complex Shale Formation……………………………… 33
Spear Bit Sets ROP Record, Saves USD 46,780 Drilling in Eagle Ford Shale …………………………………………………… 35
PowerDrive Archer RSS Increases ROP by 85% in Eagle Ford Shale Play……………………………………………………… 37
Optimizing Stimulation and Reservoir Characterization Using LWD Measurements in the Eagle Ford Shale…………………… 38
SEECO Drills First High Build Rate RSS Wells in Fayetteville Unconventional Gas Reservoir…………………………………… 40
ROP Increased 67.7% in High Temperature Haynesville Shale…………………………………………………………………… 42
Spear Drill Bit Saves USD 365,000 in Haynesville Shale Well…………………………………………………………………… 44
Spear Drill Bit Saves USD 175,000 and 2.7 d of Rig Time in Marcellus Shale Well……………………………………………… 46
Over USD 1 Million Saved on Marcellus Shale Wells…………………………………………………………………………… 48
Real-Time Measurements Optimize Marcellus Shale Well Placement…………………………………………………………… 51
Consulting Services Identifies Key Technologies to Drill and Evaluate Wells in the Niobrara Formation………………………… 53
Advanced Logging Technology Reveals the Most Productive Zones in Woodford Shale Wells………………………………… 55
Newfield Saves 2½ Days on Woodford Shale Well……………………………………………………………………………… 57


By Domain


PDC Mountaineer Improves Production More Than 50% With Optimized Completion Designs………………………………… 59
Industry Partnership Defines Fracture Completion Best Practices in North Dakota Bakken Play……………………………… 61
Barnett Shale Operations Achieve Remote Real-Time Microseismic Interpretation
with Private and Dedicated Wireless Networks ………………………………………………………………………………… 63
Completions Optimized with Integrated Geomechanical Approach……………………………………………………………… 65
StimMORE Service Restores Well Productivity for a Major Barnett Shale Operator…………………………………………… 67
Improve Production With Optimum Fracture Design in Real Time……………………………………………………………… 69
StimMORE Service Increases EUR in Barnett Shale Well by 0.25 Bcf…………………………………………………………… 71
HiWAY Technique Increases Condensate Production by 43% in the Eagle Ford Shale………………………………………… 73
Channel Fracturing Increases Production by 37% for Petrohawk in the Eagle Ford Shale……………………………………… 75
Optimizing Stimulation and Reservoir Characterization Using LWD Measurements in the Eagle Ford Shale…………………… 77
Evaluate Fracture Design and Well Placement 79


StimMORE Service Restores Well Productivity for a Major Barnett Shale Operator…………………………………………… 81
StimMORE Service Increases EUR in Barnett Shale Well by 0.25 Bcf…………………………………………………………… 83


By Play


At-Bit Image Gamma and Inclination Allow Quick Interpretation for Steering Decisions ……………………………………… 24


ECS Petrophysical Analysis Finds Additional 250 ft of Productive Shale………………………………………………………… 5


Industry Partnership Defines Fracture Completion Best Practices in North Dakota Bakken Play……………………………… 61
OPTM-IZER Closed Loop Approach Delivers in Zero Discharge Operation……………………………………………………… 28
MEGADRILL System Saves 1.5 Drilling Days and $15,000 Average Per Well in North Dakota…………………………………… 30


sCore Lithofacies Classification Reveals Barnett Shale Reservoir Quality……………………………………………………… 1

Completions Optimized with Integrated Geomechanical Approach……………………………………………………………… 65
Integrating Coiled Tubing and Production Logging for ConocoPhillips…………………………………………………………… 7
Barnett Shale Operations Achieve Remote Real-Time Microseismic Interpretation
with Private and Dedicated Wireless Networks………………………………………………………………………………… 8
StimMORE Service Restores Well Productivity for a Major Barnett Shale Operator…………………………………………… 67
Improve Production With Optimum Fracture Design in Real Time……………………………………………………………… 69
StimMORE Service Increases EUR in Barnett Shale Well by 0.25 Bcf…………………………………………………………… 71


HiWAY Technique Increases Condensate Production by 43% in the Eagle Ford Shale………………………………………… 73
Spear Bit Sets ROP Record, Saves USD 46,780 Drilling in Eagle Ford Shale……………………………………………………… 35
Channel Fracturing Increases Production by 37% for Petrohawk in the Eagle Ford Shale……………………………………… 75
PowerDrive Archer RSS Increases ROP by 85% in Eagle Ford Shale Play……………………………………………………… 37
Optimizing Stimulation and Reservoir Characterization Using LWD Measurements in the Eagle Ford Shale…………………… 38
Advanced Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Finds Laminated Pay, Eagle Ford Shale…………………………………………… 18


By Play


SEECO Drills First High Build Rate RSS Wells in Fayetteville Unconventional Gas Reservoir…………………………………… 40

Evaluate Fracture Design and Well Placement…………………………………………………………………………………… 79


ONYX II Cutter Technology Saves East Texas Basin Operator USD 250,600……………………………………………………… 22
ROP Increased 67.7% in High Temperature Haynesville Shale…………………………………………………………………… 42
Spear Drill Bit Saves USD 365,000 in Haynesville Shale Well…………………………………………………………………… 44


PDC Mountaineer Improves Production More Than 50% With Optimized Completion Designs………………………………… 3
Spear Drill Bit Saves USD 175,000 and 2.7 d of Rig Time in Marcellus Shale Well……………………………………………… 46
Over USD 1 Million Saved on Marcellus Shale Wells…………………………………………………………………………… 48
Real-Time Measurements Optimize Marcellus Shale Well Placement…………………………………………………………… 10


Mississippian Shale Seismic Reservoir Characterization Improves Gas Production…………………………………………… 12


Borehole Images Help Optimize Well Placement and Completion……………………………………………………………… 20

MicroScope Resistivity and Imaging Enable Successful Completion in Complex Shale Formation……………………………… 33

Consulting Services Identifies Key Technologies to Drill and Evaluate Wells in the Niobrara Formation………………………… 14


Advanced Logging Technology Reveals the Most Productive Zones in Woodford Shale Wells………………………………… 16
High Build Rate RSS Service Saves Cimarex Energy 10 Days in Woodford Shale……………………………………………… 26
Newfield Saves 2½ Days on Woodford Shale Well……………………………………………………………………………… 57



sCore Lithofacies Classification Reveals

Barnett Shale Reservoir Quality
Litho Scanner wellsite mineralogy and TOC outputs drive identification
of optimal completion intervals
CHALLENGE Shale classification challenges assemblage that is heterogeneous at fine
Reliably identify intervals with superior Key to successfully completing Barnett shale vertical scales. In addition to identifying optimal
reservoir and completion quality in the reservoirs is targeting intervals with superior intervals in terms of reservoir and completion
Barnett shale. reservoir and completion quality. However, quality, operators need a mineralogy-based
these so-called shales are more than just fine- classification to better understand depositional
grained sedimentary rocks with a high content conditions and correlate reservoirs across
Input Litho Scanner* accurate, quantified
of organic matter. Rather, these organic different fields and basins.
mineralogy to the automated sCore*
mudstones are typically a complex mineralogic
lithofacies classification scheme to
generate a log display of the classification
and quality-indicator overlays on the sCore Clay

ternary diagram. 10

Identified the optimal intervals for 20 80

completion from the sCore reservoir and

completion quality overlays.

50 50



QFM 10 20 50 80 Carbonate

The sCore classification for organic mudstones is defined by a ternary diagram, with the three apexes representing
the dry-weight components clay, carbonate, and quartz, feldspar, and mica (QFM). The term “dominated” is used
for a mudstone containing more than 80% of a particular component. When the primary component is 50% to 80%
of the composition, the mudstone is described as siliceous (50% < dry-weight QFM < 80%), argillaceous (50% <
dry-weight clay < 80%), or carbonate (50% < dry-weight carbonate < 80%). The term “rich” indicates a secondary
component representing 20% to 50% of the total composition.


Formation Evaluation
sCore Lithofacies Classification Reveals Barnett
Shale Reservoir Quality


CASE STUDY: sCore shale lithofacies classification based on Litho Scanner mineralogy, Barnett shale

Resistive FMI Image Conductive

sCore sCore Description Optimal reservoir identification Lithofacies quality indicators
Siliceous mudstone
Shale facies are readily and automatically From the sCore log for the Barnett shale
Clay-rich siliceous mudstone identified using the sCore lithofacies well, reservoir quality and completion quality
Silica-rich calacareous mudstone classification scheme. The sCore classification indicator overlays on the sCore ternary
Siliceous mudstone
is based on mineralogical relationships diagram were generated. The color-coded
within a ternary diagram customized for points represent the different log depths for
Carbonate siliceous mudstone

Siliceous mudstone

Mixed mudstone
organic mudstone lithologies to determine the indicator parameters that correlate with
Clay-rich siliceous mudstone both lithofacies and reservoir and completion reservoir quality (top diagram) and completion
Clay-rich siliceous mudstone quality indicators. quality (bottom diagram).
Siliceous mudstone

Siliceous mudstone The sCore log display is generated with Reservoir Quality Clay
Clay-rich siliceous mudstone
minimal processing and no interpretation 10 Good
input required. Descriptive parameters such
Clay-rich siliceous mudstone
20 80 Low
Siliceous mudstone

Siliceous mudstone
as organic carbon, pyrite, and the presence
Clay-rich siliceous mudstone of expandable clays are flagged. The sCore
Clay-rich siliceous mudstone log provides a consistent description of the 50 50
Argillaceous siliceous mudstone
organic mudstone section and the inputs
necessary for effective decision making when
Silica-rich argillaceous mudstone

Clay-rich siliceous mudstone

Clay-rich siliceous mudstone

selecting a landing points for well placement, 80 20

Mixed mudstone tailoring completion designs, and planning a 10

Siliceous mudstone drilling development project. Quality indicator
Siliceous mudstone
parameters such as porosity, total organic QFM 10 20 50 80 Carbonate

carbon (TOC), fracture density, and stress are

Clay-rich siliceous mudstone

Clay-rich siliceous mudstone

Clay-rich siliceous mudstone
also overlaid on the sCore ternary diagram Completion Quality
Indicator 10 High stress
Siliceous mudstone to relate the parameter quality to the sCore Medium stress
iCarbonate lithofacies types. 20 80 Low stress

The sCore log display for a 200-ft section of a Accurate mineralogy input for the sCore
vertical Barnett shale well is paired with an FMI* classification comes from Litho Scanner high- 50 50
fullbore formation microimage in Track 1 that reveals
numerous drilling-induced features. The green area
definition logging for carbonate, clay, QFM,
in Track 2 represents the organic mudstone interval and TOC in combination with additional inputs
to which the sCore classification was applied. The from basic triple-combo logs for porosity and 80 20
sCore lithofacies display in Track 2 was created with
Litho Scanner inputs. The TOC flag, shown in purple
resistivity. The Litho Scanner mineralogy is
along the right boundary of Track 2, represents procided at nearly immediate turnaround,
TOC > 2%. The gray crosshatching pattern indicates instead of having to wait for laboratory X-ray QFM 10 20 50 80 Carbonate
zones affected by borehole rugosity. The left
boundary of the lithofacies display represents the
diffraction (XRD) analysis of core samples. Gas-filled porosity (top) and in situ stress (bottom)
mineral-based brittleness index (MBI). Track 3 lists measurements plotted on the sCore ternary diagram
the sCore lithofacies in text format. provide better understanding of reservoir quality and
completion quality distribution within the Barnett shale.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2012 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 12-FE-0034



PDC Mountaineer Improves Production More Than

50% With Optimized Completion Designs
Sonic Scanner tool data and Mangrove methodology help increase reservoir-
to-wellbore connectivity in Marcellus shale while reducing time, costs, and risk
CHALLENGE PDCM wanted to optimize horizontal well completions and productivity
Improve productivity and operational To complete its Marcellus shale’s horizontal wells simply and cost-effectively, PDC Mountaineer,
efficiency in horizontal wells by optimizing like most operators, typically uses geometric perforation designs. With this technique, perforation
the placement of perforation and hydraulic clusters are placed at equidistant points along the lateral. However, microseismic monitoring
fracturing treatments. showed that this type of stage selection often distributed hydraulic fracturing treatments unevenly.
The fracture treatments propogated to the lowest-stress zones, leaving the majority of perforations
understimulated. PDCM wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the reservoir and improve
Use Sonic Scanner* acoustic scanning
reserve recovery. PDCM partnered with Schlumberger to identify low-stress intervals, develop
platform and the Mangrove* completion
more effective completion designs, and ultimately improve well economics.
advisor workflow to engineer precise
staging and perforating designs. Sonic Scanner tool and Mangrove methodology optimized completion designs
Schlumberger deployed its Sonic Scanner acoustic scanning tool on wireline to map out mechan-
ical rock properties. The tool’s advanced borehole acoustic measurements were loaded into the
Significantly enhanced stimulation coverage
Petrel* software platform and interpreted using the Mangrove completion advisor workflow.
across the length of the laterals, increasing
Once processed, the critical well information, including in situ stress, lithology, and Young’s
production by more than 50% and eliminat-
modulus, enabled PDCM and Schlumberger to engineer custom staging and perforating designs.
ing screenouts. PDC Mountaineer (PDCM)
This ensured more consistent stimulation along the entire lateral, and lower breakdown and
now plans to use Sonic Scanner logs in
treating pressures.
conjunction with the Mangrove platform
on all future Marcellus development. “When we’ve used the Schlumberger Sonic Scanner tool to identify and place the staged inter-
vals based on like-rock completion, we have never screened out,” said Jacob Caplan, Senior
Completions Engineer, PDC Mountaineer. “We’ve also had a better handle on the breakdown
“Schlumberger has provided us with pressures to be expected, further reducing our risk of screening out. The screenout rate was 35%
a unique and affordable approach when we didn’t use Sonic Scanner tool, and on average, each screenout costs PDCM USD 300,000.”
to optimize our recoverable
reserves in the Marcellus shale.
PDCM will not complete any of our
lateral Marcellus wells without
first running this service and
evaluating the results.”
Dewey Gerdom
CEO, PDC Mountaineer, LLC

Microseismic monitoring clearly shows that the fracture initiates in the lowest-stress interval (in red),
and treatments tend to understimulate higher-stress intervals (in pink and blue).

PDC Mountaineer Improves Production More Than
50% With Optimized Completion Designs


CASE STUDY: Sonic Scanner tool data and Mangrove methodology help increase reservoir-to-wellbore connectivity

Petrel software allows the logs obtained in the lateral to be viewed in a 3D environment. This enables engineers
to make better decisions when designing the completion.

Production increased more than 50%, leading PDCM to use Gamma ray Porosity
Minimum Perforations Completion

the Mangrove workflow in all future wells stress gradient and staging quality (left)

The Flow Scanner* horizontal and deviated well production logging Stage 12
quality (right)
system showed significantly higher flow rates from wells that used the
Sonic Scanner tool and Mangrove methodology than offset wells com- Bad
pleted with conventional geometric perforating designs. Good
Stage 11 Good Bad
“Based on the total number of wells PDCM has producing in the X,400

Marcellus, I believe the minimum increase we could expect from

utilizing this methodology is 50–60%,” said Caplan. Good

Stage 10
After the success of the pilot wells, PDCM decided to use this technique X,800
to help maximize ROI of all future horizontal wells in the Marcellus shale.
The Mangrove workflow has been used in subsequent PDCM wells with X,000

similar results. Recently, PDCM used Mangrove software to automati- Stage 9

X,200 Good Good
cally select intervals, dramatically reducing interpretation time.
Stage 8
X,600 Good
Depth, ft

Stage 7
X,000 Good

X,200 Bad
Stage 6

Bad Good
Stage 5 Good
X,800 Good

Stage 4 Bad Good

X,200 Good

X,400 Good
Stage 3
X,600 Good
X,800 Good
Production improvement was directly attributed to the identificationGood
Stage 2 logs.
selection of optimal perforation locations based on property

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2012 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-ST-0126



ECS Petrophysical Analysis Finds Additional 250 ft

of Productive Shale
Unconventional reservoirs discovered above and below limestone reservoir
to also be completed, Midland basin

CHALLENGE Looking beyond the

Find bypassed reserves in shale and conventional reservoir
carbonate formations adjacent to a An operator’s target zone in the Midland basin
conventional limestone reservoir. is a conventional limestone bounded by shales.
The reservoir varies from 100 to 150 ft in thick-
ness and is produced from single-stage jobs
Run Platform Express* integrated wireline
designed to contain the stimulation. Because
logging tool in combination with the ECS*
other wells in the area had mud logging shows,
elemental capture spectroscopy sonde
the operator wanted to know if additional
to accurately determine clay content,
producible formations were present.
mineralogy, and matrix properties to support
robust, detailed petrophysical analysis. Conducting fast, detailed
petrophysical evaluation
The ECS elementary capture spectroscopy
Identified 150 ft of productive unconven-
sonde was combined with the Platform Express
tional shale reservoir above the currently
integrated wireline logging tool for one-run
produced limestone and another 100 ft
measurement to support petrophysical analysis.
below it.
The Platform Express tool provides high-reso-
lution resistivity, density, and microresistivity
measurements. The ECS sonde measures rela-
tive elementary yields for the determination
of lithology, porosity, permeability, and fluid
saturations and their producibility.

Finding bypassed pay in Pairing the ECS elemental capture spectroscopy

unconventional reservoirs sonde with the Platform Express integrated toolstring
provides high-resolution, comprehensive petrophysical
Petrophysical analysis found that the shales data in one run.
bounding the limestone reservoir are producible
unconventional reservoirs, extending 150 ft
above the limestone and 100 ft below it. The
operator plans to reevaluate these bypassed
reserves in completed wells and target them
in new wells. The lithology from the ECS
measurements will be used to determine
rock mechanical properties for stimulation
design, including the identification of barriers
to fracture propagation.

Formation Evaluation
ECS Petrophysical Analysis Finds Additional 250 ft
of Productive Shale


2.69 368 5 144
0.725 432 65 124
0.665 48
7 7.0
0.714 4
2.73 366 67 276 142
X,750 426 66
0.701 7
70 1.2 381
0.714 65
2.71 356 9 364 139
0.714 416
70 321 121
66 8
0.722 8 277
8 301
2.73 0.708 346 67 137

CASE STUDY: ECS petrophysical analysis finds net 250-ft shale reservoir, Midland basin
7 61505
0.712 406 66 118
64 7 297
0.694 75 8 335
2.68 336 61 8 304 134
0.674 396 72
9 479
0.698 74 8 398
2.74 0.693 326 63 7 217 131
76 13 1.9 793 58880
0.690 386 113
84 16 1019
0.670 74 11 460
2.79 316 58 127
Gamma Ray (150–300) Invaded Zone Resistivity Photoelectric Effect
North Fe+ Total Porosity Absorbed Gas X,800 0.696 376 60
7 272
Salt Res Water Oil in Place 9 480
150 gAPI 300 0.2 ohm.m 2,000 0 10 0 360
0 lbm/lbm 0.25 0.4 ft3/ft3 0 0 ft3/ft3 400
0.681 66 10 1.0
Density Array Laterolog
Gamma Ray (300–450) Neutron Porosity R FMI Image C Fe- ELAN Total Organic Total Gas scf/t Oil in Place
0.688 66 10
Standoff Resistivity Mode 5 (Limestone) Coal Res Oil Carbon (TOC) 2.75 306 267 124
66 55154
1 in 0 300 gAPI 450 0.2 ohm.m 2,000 0.4 ft3/ft3 –0.1 0 lbm/lbm 0.25 0 lbm/lbm 0.25 0 ft3/ft3 400 0 bbl/acre-ft 500
0.685 366 9 359 106
Array Laterolog Sonic Porosity Bulk Density Edited TOC Terra Oil in Place 54 10
Density Resistivity Mode 4 (Limestone) 407
Standoff Gamma Ray (150–300)
2 g/cm3 3
Siderite Fe - 1 Sigma Pay Water
0 lbm/lbm 0.25
Free Gas 0 100,000 0.687 21 7
0.2 ohm.m 2,000 0.4 ft3/ft3 –0.1 bbl/acre
2.71 299 73 249 121
Tension Array Laterolog
Resistivity Mode 3
Photoelectric Effect Fe Pay Free Gas in Place
(GIP) bcf/section
0.690 358 70
15 2.8 685 104
Gamma Ray (300–450) Crossover Anhydrite and Gypsum Bound Water TOC Oil in Place 9
2,000 lbf 6,000 0.2 ohm.m 2,000 0 10 0 lbm/lbm 0.25 0 4 0 ft3/ft3 400 0.680 64 410
ECS Cable Array Laterolog 9
Gamma Ray (0–150) Density Porosity Effective Porosity Shale Permeability Absorbed GIP 64 357
Speed Resistivity Mode 2 Density Difference Pyrite Moved Water Pay 2.82 0.678 289 10 117
0 ft/h 3,000 0 gAPI 150 0.2 ohm.m 2,000 0.4 ft3/ft3 –0.1 0.4 ft3/ft3 0 1 mD 1E–05 0 ft3/ft3 400 77 552 52016
0.680 348 7 101
Measured Gamma Ray (450–600) True Formation Resistivity Bulk Density Correction Res Water 57 264
Moved Hydrocarbon Oil or Gas GIP bcf/section 9 1.0
Depth, Carbonate
0.693 72 414
ft 450 gAPI 600 0.2 ohm.m 2,000 –0.05 g/cm3 0.45 4 0 0.4 ft3/ft3 0 9
2.72 279 68 465 114
Gamma Ray (450–600) Apparent Grain Density Water
Bound Water TOC Schmoker 0.674 338 73
11 2.1
0.4 ft3/ft3 0 0 lbm/lbm 0.25
Free GIP
10 461
0.687 64 308
ft Bit Size ( ohm.m ) ( ft3/ft3 ) Apparent Grain)Density
( g/cm3 ( V/V ) ( )
ELAN Intrisic
68 9
2.71 Clay 0.676 Oil 386 44 Water Saturation
158 2.80 0.694 269 74 12 705 110
X,650 6 in 16 2 g/cm3 3
0.696 500 12 4
1,000 mD 0.01 134
X,850 328 72 605 94
ECS Matrix Density SpectroLith Lithology
49 3
Water Saturation 3.8Permeability
Water 0.693 10
Washout Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
31 5 9 411
2 g/cm3 3 1 lbm/lbm 0.7280
385 681 ft3/ft
53 –1 1,000 mD
70228 0.677 66
496 38 134
9 454
0.704 20
Oil 1.3
Permeability 2.76 259 65 107
Mudcake 2.75
0.686 Dolomite 384
37 Oil or5Gas
Saturation 94 155
0.689 318 75 11 837
7 1,000 mD175 0.01
0 lbm/lbm 1 46 69673
64 9 395
0.688 490
7 133
0.667 2.1
Caliper Fracture Gradient
0.676 26
Shale Permeability
116 52 9 286
6 in 16
0.5 psi/ft 0.6931
Calcite 381 46
Effective Porosity
mD 154
68893 2.70 0.689 250 53 9 250 103
480 41 131 3.5 45399
Gamma Ray (600–750) 0.681
Poisson’s Ratio 27 7
0.694 308 77 16 1073 88
5 40
0.708 Pyrite 53 Free Water TOC, wt%
2.75 378 5 152 76 13 1.2 796
600 gAPI 750 0 0.5
0.671 471
7 130
6 1.1 2.78 241 69 9 445 99
Gamma Ray (750–900) Young’s Modulus
0.699 40
2.77 Quartz 376 48 8 151 151 0.694 298 50 8 127 84
X,700 750 gAPI 900 0 Mpsi 0.71320 5 67503
464 10 129
Gamma Ray (150–300) Invaded Zone Resistivity Photoelectric Effect 0.683 56 Total Porosity
9 306
0.679 25 7
North Fe+ 2.6 Absorbed Gas
Gamma Ray (900–1,050) Thorium Oil in Place
Fracture Gradient
0.693 Bound Water
5 149 Concentration 0 360 Salt 0.694 Res 64 11 Water313
900 gAPI 1,050 458 128
150 gAPI 300 0.2 ohm.m 2,000 0 10 2.76 0 lbm/lbm 0.25 231 580.4 ft3/ft
93 0 0 ft3/ft3 96 400
0.699 54 5 1.2 184 42078
Rugosity 0.710 63 5 0.685 288 57 12 82
Illite 374 69 5 63 148 Density Gamma Ray (300–450) Array Laterolog Neutron Porosity R FMI Image C Fe- 71 ELAN Total 593
Organic Total Gas scf/t Oil in Place
0 1/ft 2 66360 10
Standoff Resistivity Mode 5 Coal 0.687
6 208 127 (Limestone) Res 73 Oil 463
Carbon (TOC)
0.677 5 98 9
1 in 0 300 gAPI 450 0.2 2.73 222 0 lbm/lbm225 0.25 ft3/ft3 92 400 0
X,900 ohm.m 2,000 0 lbm/lbm 0.25 40445 500
Rugosity 0.696 Chlorite 3 0.4 ft3/ft3 –0.1 0.698 46 0
2.67 372
55 5 1.3 129
65714 278 10 310 79
0.723 67 5
Array Laterolog Sonic Porosity 74
0.728 ELAN Minerology 61 4 1.9 100
Density Bulk Density Edited 0.695 8 TOC Terra
335 Oil in Place
2.69 368
55 5
Standoff Gamma Ray (150–300) Resistivity Mode 4 (Limestone) Siderite 0.685 Fe - 1 Sigma Pay 45 Water12 Free Gas
0.725 1 V/V 0 65 64924
2.71 212 45 292 89 0 100,000
0.2 ohm.m 2,000 0.4 ft3/ft3 –0.1 2 g/cm3 3 9 0 1.2
lbm/lbm 0.25 bbl/acre
7 7.0 268 59 307 76
Array Laterolog
0.694 9
2.73 366 67
276 142
64279 Tension Photoelectric Effect Fe Pay 56 1.8 223 Free Gas in Place
0.701 426 66 253 123
Resistivity Mode 3 0.682 7 (GIP) bcf/section
1.2 381 Gamma Ray (300–450) Crossover Anhydrite and Gypsum 71 Bound Water TOC548 Oil in Place
0.714 2.73 202 61 10
ft3/ft3 86 400
2.71 356
9 364 139 2,000 lbf 6,000 0.2 ohm.m 2,000 0 10 0.694 0 lbm/lbm 0.25 0 4 265 0 37697
0.714 416
70 321 121
258 53 7 74
ECS Cable Array Laterolog 315
73 8 277
Gamma Ray (0–150) Density Porosity 0.709 76 Effective 10
Porosity Shale Permeability Absorbed GIP
2.73 0.708 346 67 8 301
137 Speed Resistivity Mode 2 Density Difference Moved Water Pay
209 61505 Pyrite 0.683 12
194 530.4
406 66 7 118
0.712 0.4 ft3/ft3 –0.1 2.70 ft3/ft3 84 400
64 7 297 0 ft/h 3,000 0 gAPI 150 0.2 ohm.m 2,000 69 ft3/ft
93 0 1 2.4 mD8681E–05 0 36366
0.694 75 8 335
0.755 248 449 71
336 61 8 304 134
59 12
396 9
479 116
Measured Gamma Ray (450–600) True Formation Resistivity Bulk Density Correction Res Water 524
0.698 Moved Hydrocarbon 63 10 GIP bcf/section
74 8 398 Depth, Oil or Gas
0.693 63 7 217
ft 450 gAPI 600 0.2 ohm.m 2,000 2.69
–0.05 g/cm3 0.45 4 184 0 610.4 123
ft3/ft 0 80
2.74 326
76 13 1.9 793
58880 0.753 238 60 471 68
0.690 386
84 16 1019
0.670 74 11
460 0.757 59 Bound 11 Water 446
TOC Schmoker
2.79 316 58 7 127
Gamma Ray (450–600) Apparent Grain Density Water
0.696 376
56747 Quartz-Feldspar-Mica
0.755 55 11 434 Free GIP
60 9 480 2.69 g/cm3 174 0.4 ft3/ft 0 0 lbm/lbm 77
X,950 111 0.25
0.681 3
66 10 1.0 559 42 9 33048
2.75 0.688 306
66 10 124 0.751 228 65
267 55154 44 9 149
ELAN Intrisic
0.685 366 9 359 106 Bit Size Apparent Grain Density
Clay 0.757
0.687 21
10 407 Oil 40 Water Saturation
8 Permeability
2.71 299 73 249 121
6 in 16 2.70
2 g/cm3 3 168 28 7 1,000 mD 0.01 75
0.690 15 2.8 53772
0.758 32113
Shale reservoir

358 70 685 104

0.680 64
410 219 15 8 63
2.82 0.678 289
ECS Matrix Density 0.761
SpectroLith Lithology 49 Water Saturation
12 Water
Washout Total Organic Carbon (TOC) 56
0.680 57 264
2 g/cm3 3 0.761 160 14 763 72
611 ft3/ft3 –1 1,000 mD 0.01
0.693 72 1.0 414 1 lbm/lbm 0 16 30684
210 936 61
279 68
11 2.1 465 114
50502 0.758 63 18
338 73
10 461 98
Chlorite Oil Permeability
64 308 0.760 59 Oil or17Gas
68 9
705 Mudcake Dolomite Saturation 749
2.80 269 74 12 110
48662 2.70 0 lbm/lbm 0.7611 150 55 16 1,000 mD716 0.01 67
0.693 328 72 10 605 94 28008
66 9 411 200 61 16 55
0.677 738
2.76 259 65 9 454
107 Caliper 0.762
Fracture Gradient 57 16
0.689 75 11 837 46830
59 Effective Porosity Shale Permeability
318 91
0.667 64 9
6 in 16 2.69 0.756 140 59 17 mD840 62
52 9 286 0.5 psi/ft 1 17 25546
2.70 250 53 9 3.5 250 103
45399 0.761 190 53 796 51
0.694 308 88
77 16 1073
Gamma Ray (600–750) Poisson’s Ratio 19
76 13 58 899
69 9
1.2 796
0.759 Pyrite Free Water
17 TOC, wt%
43379 2.70 130 52 733 57
Y,000 600 gAPI 750
298 127 84 0 0.5
0.761 63
19 23012
0.683 56 9
2.6 306 180 1175 46
64 11 313 19
2.76 0.694 231 58 9 96 Gamma Ray (750–900) Young’s Modulus0.762 55 941
0.685 288 57
1.2 184
53 17
12 593 Quartz 708
71 10 463 2.68 0.760 120 53 14 52
2.73 222
73 9 92 750 gAPI 900 0 Mpsi 20 488 20423
X,900 0.698 278
46 10
0.753 170 46 14 41
74 310
10 259
335 Gamma Ray (900–1,050) 41 1.0
0.685 45
292 0.750
Fracture Gradient Bound Water 9 118
2.71 212
268 59
9 1.2 307
2.72 psi/ft 114 26 49
900 gAPI 1,050 0.762 35 10 19351
0.682 7 1.8 161 596 39
71 548
53 11
202 61
37697 Rugosity 0.755
258 53
7 74
11 6
0.709 10
12 0 1/ft 2 2.69 0.745 112 24 6 48
2.70 194 53 868 84 1.0 18676
0.755 248 69 9 2.4
449 71
0.751 156 5 38
59 12
0.757 63 10 524 4 1.1
184 61 12 481 80
34644 Rugosity 0.750 Chlorite 3
238 60 11 68 2.68 112 47
0.757 59 11 446 0.750 156
55 11 434
2.69 0.755 174 77
0.751 228 42 9 111
33048 0.748 ELAN Minerology 1.7
44 9
0.757 40 8 74
2.68 0.750 112 46
168 28 7 75
32113 Y,050 1 V/V 0
219 15
12 1.0 439
56 1.8
0.761 14 763
Limestone reservoir

2.70 160 72
61 30684
0.758 210
16 936 61
2.71 112 4 46
0.760 59 17
0.751 156 3 37
2.70 150 55 16 67
0.761 200 61 16
0.762 57 16 4
2.69 0.756 140
17 840 62 2.75 0.714 110 17
7 45
0.761 190
17 51
51 167 18372
0.680 154 9 37
0.759 58
60 363
52 733 8 2.5
180 63
23012 0.676 48 321
0.762 55
2.80 101 11 388 42
0.695 63 17078
53 708
144 8 35
2.68 120 53 14
20423 41 57
0.753 170 46 14
10 259
0.692 38
1.1 83
41 1.0
0.750 118
49 8
114 26
19351 2.75 0.685 96 11
88 40
161 596 39 53 1.5 360 16112
0.755 53 11
0.679 134 8 33
11 6 58 97
2.69 112 24 6 48
8 1.0
0.751 156 5
0.681 47 48
4 2.79 89 55 9 37
0.750 3 0.684 124 11
18599 66
156 37 480
0.748 1.7
0.668 45 11 1.1
8 37
2.68 0.750 112 46 0.675 22
Y,050 1.0 18599 2.73 81 350 34
0.740 156 37
53 9 1.2 13773
1.8 0.680 115 747 28
4 56 13
2.71 112 46
0.751 18599
56 11 1.5 288
156 3 37 0.694
4 2.77 71 53 10 208 31
2.75 0.714 110 17
7 167
0.689 105 45 13 269 25
154 51 37
0.680 9
8 2.5
0.710 50 12 2.1 433
2.80 101 11 42 55 12 445
0.695 144
2.76 0.688 61 28
57 58 9 222 10735
1.1 83
0.682 95 30 22
2.75 0.685 96 49
88 40 7
1.5 16112
0.679 134 53
360 33
0.690 40 10 328
58 97
0.681 47 8 1.0
48 2.78 54 65 8 151 25
89 55 9
15075 0.681 86 59 20
124 66 11
31 13 580
0.668 45 11 1.1 0.673 47 12
22 8 37 1.1 443
2.73 0.675 81 350 34 48 10
53 9 1.2 13773
0.685 202
Shale reservoir

0.680 115 747 28 2.82 44 46 22

11 1.5 288 Y,150 76 10 468 17
2.77 71 53 10 208 31 0.721 56
0.689 105 45 13 269 25
50 272
0.710 50 12 433 0.695 9 239
445 2.74 34 56 19
0.688 12
2.76 61
58 9 222
10735 0.676 66 57 1.7 501
0.682 30 7 8
0.690 40 10 328 0.696 15
11 2.2 234
54 65 8 151 25
9605 51
86 59
13 580 20
2.77 0.708 27 29 9 16
12 1.1 443
7 5689
2.82 0.685 44
48 10 202 22 0.667 58 39 223 12
Y,150 76 10 468 17
46 10
0.721 56 1.0 123
272 0.687 41 11
56 239
2.68 18 406 13
12 1.7 501
6744 0.686 49 12 2.6 4519
66 8 14
48 199 10
0.696 15
11 2.2 5
234 0.700 7 1.7
2.77 27 29 16
5689 34
7 190
0.667 58 39
46 10
223 12
2.67 0.666 14 41 9 11
0.687 11
1.0 123
9 1.8 65 3779
2.68 18
406 13 0.677 41 34 8
0.686 48
2.6 199 10
31 5 35
34 7 1.7
0.704 42 6 100
2.67 0.666 14 41 9 11 2.70 12 10
0.677 41 34 9
1.8 65
Y,200 0.701 33
43 7 1.5
100 27 6
2.70 12
42 6
10 0.681 38 7 28
Y,200 0.701 33
43 7 1.5
7 28 2.73 0.664 9 55 6 195 8
0.664 43 1.0 87 2385
2.73 9 55 6
195 8
2385 0.700 26 6 6
43 87
0.700 26 6 6 18

Petrophysical analysis integrating Platform Express and ECS measurements found that the shales above and below the limestone reservoir total 250 ft of productive rock.
18 5 5
0.673 49 6 0.673 49 6
2.71 8 7
0.702 15 5 86 1846 2.71 8 15 7
22 48 4
0.702 22
5 86
27 48 4
2.71 0.699 7 29
4 6
0.715 27
0.709 19 5 32 4
2.71 0.699 7 29
0.739 50 4 6
2.80 6
5 45 1496
0.718 16
4 3
0.709 19 5 32 4
3 56
2.78 0.728 6
5 4
0.739 50
Y,250 12
74 123
2.80 6 40 5
0.733 64 4
0.718 16 4 3
0.710 26 4
36 15
2.74 4 31 8
37 2 0.733 3
0.696 6 45 8 3.5
0.685 10
52 4
40 6.7 171
2.78 0.728 6 5 4
Y,250 12
74 123
0.733 64 4
26 4
0.710 36
2.74 4 31 8 2
0.696 6 45 8 3.5
0.685 40 10
6.7 171

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-FE-0111



Integrating Coiled Tubing and Production Logging

for ConocoPhillips
ACTive PS service uses fiber-optic telemetry for a single-run strategy
in the Barnett Shale

Understand fracture/completion program
effectiveness using production logging
technologies. Compare production monitor-
ing capabilities of fiber optics in dry gas

Use ACTive PS* integrated coiled tubing Barnett Shale
(CT) production service to acquire produc-
tion logging and distributed temperature
survey (DTS) measurements in a single run.

Validated production monitoring capabili-
ties of fiber optics, with a very strong cor-
relation to wireline production logs. Saved
one trip downhole for each well, reducing
risk, cost, and time.

Operator seeks long-term monitoring without regular intervention

Operating in the Barnett Shale, ConocoPhillips required long-term production monitoring to ana-
lyze completion effectiveness, reservoir depletion, and zonal flow contributions. The conventional
approach for horizontal wells required separate production logs over different time periods to
evaluate changing well performance.

Integrated service uses fiber-optic telemetry

ConocoPhillips chose to explore and evaluate the use of fiber optics. An integrated tech-nique
was applied to two wells. Rather than validate DTS measurements with separate CT runs (fiber-
optic–enabled CT for DTS and an electric line inside CT for production logging), the company
acquired both DTS and FloScan Imager* measurements in one run using the ACTive PS service.

Part of the ACTive* in-well live performance family, the ACTive PS service uses fiber-optic
telemetry and downhole wireline data conversion to deliver high-quality, real-time data for tools
conventionally only available in memory mode or with live telemetry via electric line.

Conventional logging techniques performed with ACTive PS service save time and money
ConocoPhillips required DTS and FloScan Imager logs, and ACTive PS enabled real-time telem-
etry to surface, eliminating the use of wireline logging cable–equipped CT and capturing both
logs in a single run. This technique reduced time, risk, and cost and ultimately provided two logs
without the additional effects of tripping CT in and out of the well to switch CT strings.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-CT-0033
Integrating Coiled Tubing and Production Logging
for ConocoPhillips


Barnett Shale Operations Achieve Remote
Real-Time Microseismic Interpretation with
Private and Dedicated Wireless Networks
Case study: Expediting field operations and improving collaboration
for accurate decision making
Challenge Inefficient microseismic data transmission
Optimize remote processing In the Barnett Shale, the largest natural gas play in Texas, hydraulic fracture monitoring
and collaborative interpretation (HFM) services are often used to map ongoing treatments. Operators needed more efficient
of microseismic data acquired office support of critical decisions, so a new method was sought to improve transmission
and transmitted from wellsite to speed of high volumes of microseismic data for real-time processing and interpretation.
office. Access very large seismic Processing data remotely would improve overall efficiency, minimize safety risks, and pro-
datasets in real time and provide vide access to high-power computer systems not available in the field. Remote transmission
mapped microseismic locations of full seismic data waveforms (not just triggered events) was key to reaching this goal. The
for display at both the wellsite main difficulty was that seismic datasets could exceed 5 GB, causing throughput and delay
and remote sites. issues that traditional data transmission methods could not always handle. The new method
had to provide microseismic event data to decision makers on location or in the office
within 30 seconds of detection.
Use the InterACT* connectivity,
collaboration, and information
system; StimMAP LIVE* real-
time microseismic fracture
monitoring, in conjunction with
Petrel* seismic-to-simulation
software; and IPerformer*
Wireless Broadband service, a
WiMAX-based terrestrial radio
network with 1,700-bps circuitry
for high-volume, high-speed,
low-latency data transmission.

Improved decision making by
instantaneously communicating
field operations data to the
corporate office. Delivered
cost-effective, consistent,
and high-quality connectivity IPerformer wireless network coverage areas as of the fourth quarter of 2009 are shown in
(100% uptime and less than green. Additional coverage areas are planned.
a 60-ms delay).

Schlumberger Information Solutions

Barnett Shale Operations Achieve Remote Real-
Time Microseismic Interpretation with Private and
Dedicated Wireless Networks


Case study: Expediting field operations and improving collaboration
for accurate decision making

Combination of services for a pilot well Both onsite and remote

Schlumberger Data & Consulting Services (DCS) and Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS) geophysicists could access
collaborated on HFM requirements. A combination of StimMAP LIVE, Petrel, IPerformer, and
ongoing jobs in real time
InterACT technologies was first applied to a pilot well to test mobilization, setup, and performance.
through a continuous feed
StimMAP LIVE diagnostic services were run by DCS to monitor microseismic fractures in real
time as they were created. Used with SIS Petrel software, this service enabled operators to visualize from the field via the Internet
fracture development and make real-time treatment adjustments to optimize job effectiveness. and the Schlumberger

Partnered with ERF Wireless, Inc., SIS also delivered a high-capacity broadband service to the InterACT Web server,
Barnett operators. This included IPerformer connectivity—a 1,700-bps, WiMAX-based terrestrial employing secure encryption.
radio circuit positioned alongside the standard VSAT service. Designed for oil and gas business
applications, the IPerformer service ensured high performance, reliability, and security for
transmitting full waveform data.

The solution also offered low latency, with less than a 60-ms delay, no contention (1,700 bps
unshared), and 100% reliability. Both onsite and remote geophysicists could access ongoing jobs
in real time through a continuous feed from the field via the Internet and the Schlumberger
InterACT Web server, employing secure encryption. Network statistics recorded over a 24-hour
period during pilot well testing indicated
■ uptime of 100%
■ upload bandwidth speeds of 1,700+ bps
■ download bandwidth speeds of 1,700+ bps
■ average upload speed of 468 KBps
■ average latency of 20 ms or less.

Collaborative seismic interpretation

The pilot showed that collaborative seismic interpretation could be accomplished remotely with
minimal processing and visualization delay, bringing field operations to operation support center
experts in real time. The wireless broadband service enabled the WiMAX network to achieve 100%
uptime with negligible packet retransmissions. Wellsite and remote staff indicated that where
high data rates are expected, this communication service performs significantly better than using
VSAT communications alone. Due to the pilot’s success, this solution will be expanded to other
operations within the communications coverage area of Texas and surrounding states.

Schlumberger Information Solutions

Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS) is an operating unit of Schlumberger that provides
software, information management, IT, and related services. SIS collaborates closely with oil and
gas companies to solve today’s tough reservoir challenges with an open business approach and
comprehensive solution deployment. Through our technologies and services, oil and gas companies
empower their people to improve business performance by reducing exploration and development
risk and optimizing operational efficiencies.

E-mail or contact your local Schlumberger representative to learn more.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-IS-0307



Real-Time Measurements Optimize

Marcellus Shale Well Placement
Marcellus shale operator repeatedly places
long lateral in richest target zone

Land operator’s first Marcellus Shale
production well in the best reservoir
portion of the Marcellus Shale and
place a 4,000-ft lateral section
in a narrow target interval.

Combine real-time geosteering
using EcoScope* measurements
with azimuthal images and interpreta-
tion support from Schlumberger well
placement engineers.

Landed well 12 to 14 ft below the top
of the target interval; lateral sections
steered using EcoScope measure- Daily analysis of measurements acquired while drilling helped the operating company place a long
lateral with a clear understanding of drilling mechanics, borehole stability, and formation evaluation,
ments remained within the target.
which contributed to successful well completions.

Maximize contact with the reservoir target

An independent operator worked with Schlumberger to interpret wireline logs from vertical
wells to understand the heterogeneity of distinct layers within the Marcellus Shale. The operator
wanted to place its first Marcellus Shale well in a 57-ft [17-m] thick target interval it had mapped
using offset well logs and seismic data, noting that the Marcellus dips as much as 2.5o near the
potential well location.

The company decided to log while drilling to correlate real-time measurements with seismic
data to steer a long lateral section within the target interval. A Schlumberger well placement
engineer was engaged to interpret the real-time logging data and advise the operations team
from the operating company.

Steer within dipping beds

The well was landed in the middle of the defined target, 12 ft shallower than planned. To drill the
horizontal section, measurements and density images from the EcoScope multifunction logging-
while-drilling service were used to steer the well parallel to the target beds.

Shale Gas
Barnett Shale Operations Achieve Remote Real-
Time Microseismic Interpretation with Private and
Dedicated Wireless Networks


Marcellus shale operator repeatedly places long lateral in richest target zone

A full suite of EcoScope and sonicVISION measurements shows vertical and lateral changes along the wellbore,
with the density images confirming structural dip.

The density images were also used to map individual shale beds. Optimize future wells
A Schlumberger well placement team worked with the operating The well penetrated the desired target interval and proved to be a good
company to match the real-time measurements and derived dips from producer. The excursions of the lateral outside the target confirmed
density images with dynamic synthetic models to provide visualization that even subtle dips in the Marcellus Shale should be anticipated when
for steering. This cooperation helped improve well placement because planning wells. By penetrating a substantial section within the target,
the dip of the Marcellus was found vary locally, averaging less than 1o. the operating company optimized the completion for maximum recovery
The lateral was placed within a 30-ft [10-m] stratigraphic window that from the reservoir.
is only 18 ft thick when converted to true vertical thickness.
The superior production from the new well and wells drilled later using
sonicVISION* data acquired while drilling was of good quality the EcoScope service showed the value of advanced measurement
and showed no obvious indications of open fractures. This data technology for placing wells in the most productive zone. The operating
was used to derive rock mechanical properties along the lateral, company committed to a multiwell drilling campaign incorporating the
which revealed significant variations in the minimum horizontal stress. EcoScope service and Schlumberger well placement engineering support.
Using Schlumberger LWD Shale Gas Completion Optimization Solutions,
perforations were designed in zones of lowest stress, low clay content,
and high free gas content along ten hydraulic fracturing stages.
This analysis helped the operating company design the stage intervals
and pinpoint perforation clusters to target intervals with the optimal
properties for hydraulic fracturing.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-UG-0023



Mississippian Shale Seismic Reservoir

Characterization Improves Gas Production
Seismic processing, inversion, and Ant Tracking high-grade drilling locations
and enable more-effective completion operations
CHALLENGE The challenges of anisotropic rocks
Understand anisotropy of shale reservoir Operators in shale plays face significant
and delineate shale reservoir sweet spots, exploration and delineation challenges that
reservoir areas to be avoided, and subtle can be addressed using seismic methods. A
faults that previously had been overlooked. fundamental challenge is that the seismic ve-
Optimize drilling and completion in a 9-mi2 locity of shale tends to be much greater hori-
pilot area. zontally than vertically. Also, velocities vary
azimuthally under the influence of stress and
pre-existing fractures. Understanding both
Perform full seismic reservoir characteriza-
these anisotropies is important in predicting
tion, including azimuthal velocity analy-
the location of pre-existing natural fractures
sis, prestack inversion, and fault image
in the rock and how induced fractures might
enhancement in a 9-mi2 3D seismic grid,
grow. Delineating sweet spots, mapping
and integration of measurements from
rock stiffness vertically and laterally, and
three wells.
identifying drilling hazards such as faults also
RESULTS improve drilling and completion operations.
Achieved more consistently effective
The relative importance of specific reservoir
completions, optimal drilling locations,
characteristics varies from shale to shale. For
and more profitable development of shale An Ant Track cube reveals features likely to be faults.
example, the relative importance of pre-exist-
reservoirs. Reduced operational risk of
ing fractures and lateral variations in stress
diverting into a fault with accurate fault
varies widely from shale to shale. Both are important in this particular shale. Also important is
lithology. In each shale, the most porous rocks are those with the highest total organic carbon
(TOC). This could be the carbonate facies, the siliceous facies, or the argillaceous facies, de-
pending on the shale. In this pilot study area, the siliceous facies contained most of the porosity.
Fortunately, this is also the facies with the greatest stiffness, so this was the interval to be drilled
and fractured.

The operator wanted to evaluate shale acreage using a 9-km2 3D seismic grid and logs and pro-
duction data from two wells. Subsequent drilling during the project provided an additional control
point, the analysis of stress from a Sonic Scanner* acoustic scanning platform log in the new
well. Results of this reservoir characterization study would be used to plan and drill additional

Innovative seismic analysis

Simultaneous inversion of prestack surface seismic data yields seismic rock properties that can
delineate reservoir sweet spots, such as the more siliceous portions of this Mississippian shale.

Ant Tracking was performed to enhance and identify planar features indicative of faults. Also,
more subtle but operationally important features like fracture swarms degrade the seismic image
and can be detected by Ant Tracking. This method of enhanced fault delineation reduces the
risk of drilling near faults by providing a high-resolution image of fractures and faults, better than
interpretation using only conventional seismic data or fault attributes like coherence or variance.
These reservoir features can divert the energy of a hydraulic fracturing stage and impair produc-
tion from that stage.

Shale Gas
Mississippian Shale Seismic Reservoir Character-
ization Improves Gas Production


CASE STUDY: High-grade drilling locations and enable more-effective completion operations
Fractogram Poisson’s Ratio Acoustic Impedance

Sonic Scanner
Fast Shear Azimuth Sonic Scanner Sonic Scanner
Fast Shear Azimuth Fast Shear Azimuth

Fractogram Possion’s Ratio Acoustic impedence

Sonic Scanner Target -----

Fast Shear Azimuth

Integration of all available data validates the interpretations of rock properties, Low values of Poisson’s ratio, representing more siliceous reservoir, appear as
faults, and reservoir risks related to well completions. purple zones within the laterally varying target section in this seismic line.

The integration of seismic rock properties and detailed fault delineation

provides effective delineation of sweet spots and drilling hazards, improv-
ing shale gas profitability. Seismic interpretations were integrated with log
data, including Ant Tracking results and Sonic Scanner data. Together,
these provided detailed delineation of fault features, reservoir sweet spots,
and stiffness stratigraphy that went well beyond what would be discerned
using only conventional analysis of the seismic data.

Improving drilling results

In this Mississippian shale reservoir, zones with the greatest azimuthal
anistropy proved to be more productive, although this result does not nec-
essarily hold true for other shale reservoirs. Using maps and cubes gener-
ated through seismic reservoir characterization, the operator was able to
improve efficiency by focusing drilling efforts in areas where production
would be greater.

As a result of seismic reservoir characterization, the operator realized that

potential infill drilling locations were not likely to achieve adequate produc-
tion in this pilot area. By focusing on high-graded drilling locations, drilling
operations were more effective and financial results more positive.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-UG-0054



Consulting Services Identifies Key Technologies to

Drill and Evaluate Wells in the Niobrara Formation
Expert analysis of high-tier logs and real-time data targets the most productive
zone in unconventional oil reservoir
CHALLENGE Petrophysical Evaluation Borehole Imagery Acoustic Properties
Determine key production drivers in Nio-
brara formation, target interval of highest
reservoir quality, and accurately geosteer
the horizontal lateral within that zone.

Engaged Schlumberger DCS to recommend
and run a suite of fit-for-purpose tools to
characterize the reservoir, guide real-time
geosteering, and optimize completions.
Niobrara B

Identified the 10-ft interval of greatest
potential, stayed in zone for entire length of
the 3,000-ft lateral, and modified completion
design to maximize well performance.

Expert analysis of high-tier log measurements determined that a 10-ft interval (yellow) in the Niobrara “B” (green)
“Schlumberger DCS was very easy was the zone of greatest potential production.
to work with and provided the Making sure to get it right—from the start
expert guidance needed to suc- In the fall of 2010, a small operator in the Denver-Julesberg basin of Colorado began its first
cessfully complete our first three horizontal drilling campaign in the Niobrara formation, an unconventional oil reservoir with four
horizontal wells within the desired laterally continuous chalk units. Based on historical drilling data, the operator knew the “B” unit
stratigraphic interval.” was the primary target in this area, but did not know what portion of the 36-ft zone would be most
Independent Operator,
The operator needed to understand the reservoir’s major production drivers—petrophysics,
Denver-Julesberg basin
mechanical properties, natural fractures, structural complexity, and so on—and use that knowl-
edge to optimize drilling and completions not only for the first well, but for the whole campaign.

Since the company’s internal resources were limited and they were relatively unfamiliar with the
area, decision makers wanted to shorten the typical learning curve associated with entering any
new unconventional play. They wanted to make sure they got it right, from the very beginning. To
do so, they turned to the seasoned geotechnical consultants of Schlumberger Data & Consulting
Services (DCS).

Accurately quantifying the key production drivers

The client approached DCS because of its reputation consulting on unconventional projects
in the Denver-Julesberg basin. Based on the operator’s needs, DCS recommended a suite of
high-tier, fit-for-purpose logging measurements for the pilot hole and a geosteering solution for
the lateral.

Schlumberger Platform Express* integrated wireline logging, ECS* elemental capture spectroscopy,
and CMR* combinable magnetic resonance tools accurately quantified reservoir quality—min-
eralogy, porosity, permeability, and saturation. Borehole images from FMI* fullbore formation

Reservoir Characterization
Consulting Services Identifies Key Technologies to
Drill and Evaluate Wells in the Niobrara Formation


CASE STUDY: Target the most productive zone in Niobrara reservoir

microimager helped unravel natural and induced fractures. And

acoustic behavior information from Sonic Scanner* acoustic scanning
platform characterized the Niobrara’s stress state and other mechani-
cal properties. 30
Niobrara B - Top
Expert processing, analysis, interpretation, and integration of field log 40
data by DCS geoscientists and engineers yielded a better understand-
ing of the target reservoir in the area. In the process, they identified 50

True vertical depth, ft

a 10-ft interval in the middle of the Niobrara “B” unit as the zone of 60
greatest potential. After determining where to drill the horizontal
lateral, the team’s next challenge was to keep the wellbore within that 70
more-productive zone as much as possible.
Targeting the productive zone, optimizing completions Niobrara B - Base
Because of the formation’s extensive lateral continuity, Schlumberger
recommended its new MicroScope* advanced resistivity and 00
imaging-while-drilling service to guide geosteering operations.
A DCS well placement engineer interpreted resistivity images in 10
real time to construct an initial cross-section of the target interval 600 1,000 1,400 1,800 2,200 2,600 3,000 3,400 3,800 4,200
and to determine when the borehole was climbing or dropping. As Real-time interpretation of high-resolution resistivity images (top) successfully
a result, the well successfully remained in the 10-ft zone of highest maintained the wellbore within the 10-ft target zone (yellow) for over 3,000 ft.
reservoir quality for more than 3,000 ft.

After drilling was completed, further processing and interpretation of Production Driver Importance Technology and Services
high-resolution MicroScope imagery revealed detailed bedding and Reservoir quality Hydrocarbon storage, Platform Express*,
fracture intensity, as well as the strike and dip of open and healed (porosity, permeability, oil in place, CMR*,
natural fractures. This refined the structural section along the well saturation) and matrix contribution to flow ECS*, Rt Scanner*,
and core calibration
path, enabling engineers to optimize the original completion design
in three ways: (1) by combining similar lithologies, (2) by avoiding the Natural fractures and System permeability, FMI*, MicroScope*,
structural complexity reservoir connectivity, anisotropy, 3D seismic
placement of packers in areas of intense fracturing, and (3) by managing (faults, curvature) ability to stay in zone
fluids and pump rates to prevent excessive leakoff and achieve Charge access Fluid properties, ECS, resistivity, core
near-wellbore connectivity. pore pressure calibration, fluid property
Finally, results from this initial well empowered the operator to make Fluid properties Downhole pressure, In situ pressure
more informed decisions about additional wells in its ongoing Niobrara and pressure oil properties and sampling from MDT*
drilling program. and PressureXpress*
Geomechanics Stress orientation and magni- Sonic Scanner*,
tude for fracture containment, mechanical earth modeling,
achieving transverse StimMAP* microseismic
hydraulic fractures, monitoring
achieving wellbore stability
Well placement Intercepting best-quality part Real-time geosteering
of reservoir for production, with image logs
optimal stimulation,
avoiding near-wellbore pinchoff
Well performance Validation of hydraulic FloScan Imager*
fracturing success production logging
and need for well placement

Based on this project, Schlumberger identified a range of technologies and services

capable of characterizing and quantifying the key drivers of Niobrara oil production.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-DC-0019



Advanced Logging Technology Reveals the

Most Productive Zones in Woodford Shale Wells
Integration of LWD and production logging measurements identifies the
most productive zones of the shale reservoir in Oklahoma
Stage 9 Stage 8 Stage 7 Stage 6 Stage 5

% Production

Optimize placement and production % Production
from future wells in the Woodford Perforation
Shale by identifying and perforating
the most prolific reservoir rock. Trajectory

Integrate LWD along the lateral with
density, and resistivity data
1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800
% Production
3000 3200
from a vertical offset well to identify Free Gas
Horizontal Lengt
the most productive reservoir intervals. Kerogen
Refine mapping of reservoir zones using
QFM (Sand)
LWD and identify sweet spots using
Bound Fluid
Flow Scanner* horizontal and deviated
well production logging system.
Stage 7 - 19% Gas Stage 6 - 10% Gas
Integration of EcoScope*, Platform
Geochemical analysis used to identify drilling and production sweet spots in the Woodford Shale.
Express*, and Flow Scanner data Two consecutive stages show 19% vs. 10% gas contribution. Proper measurements and completion
determined that 90% of gas came from procedures are necessary for understanding reservoir performance and optimizing future wells.
perforations placed in zones identified
as most productive.
Mapping reservoir intervals
An operator performed an LWD operation on a 4,000-ft [1,220-m] lateral in the Woodford
Shale. The measurements were run to understand how the formation dip changes laterally
and how the reservoir properties vary across the vertical layers. Working with engineers from
Schlumberger Data & Consulting Services, the operator integrated offset vertical “triple combo”
neutron, density, and resistivity measurements with measurements obtained with the EcoScope
multifunction LWD service to map nine distinct layers in the Woodford Shale with a thickness
of 220 ft [67 m].

Integrating measurements to identify high-quality reservoir intervals

After the well was put on production, the Flow Scanner multispinner production logging
tool was run, and data from it was integrated with maps of reservoir zones to identify the
most prolific zones within the Woodford Shale. The Flow Scanner measurements determined
that more than 90% of the gas was produced from perforations located in three of the nine
mapped zones.

Shale Gas
Advanced Logging Technology Reveals the Most
Productive Zones in Woodford Shale


CASE STUDY : Integration of LWD and production logging measurements identifies the most productive zones of the
shale reservoir in Oklahoma

19% of total well production 3% of total well production

from stage 7 from stage 4
Stage 9 Stage 8 Stage 7 Stage 6 Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1

8850 8850
% Production Contribtion

8900 8900
Vertical Depth, ft

8950 8950

9000 9000

9050 9050

9100 9100

9150 9150

9200 9200
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 5400 5600

Horizontal Length, ft

Production from highly productive zones in the Woodford Shale can be 6 times greater than less-productive zones, so operators use advanced logging
technology such as the EcoScope service to optimize well placement.

These three highly productive layers were adjacent to one another and within 82 ft [25 m] of each
other. Furthermore, interpretations derived from EcoScope and Flow Scanner data showed that
perforation clusters placed across higher free gas, lower clay content, and lower calcite volume
produced more gas.

Optimizing future wells

Lateral measurements are crucial to place wells in the most productive layers within the
Woodford Shale. Placing perforation clusters across zones with the most favorable rock
properties should result in stronger performance from all the perforation clusters, ultimately
increasing the total well production. The operator will apply lessons learned from this well
to optimize future operations. This approach of integrating measurements from vertical
logging data, lateral LWD data, and production logs is essential to understand how to optimize
production from other heterogeneous shale plays.
*Mark of Schlumberger
†Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), formerly Japan National Oil Corporation (JNOC), and Schlumberger collaborated on a research

project to develop LWD technology that reduces the need for traditional chemical sources. Designed around the pulsed neutron generator (PNG), EcoScope
service uses technology that resulted from this collaboration. The PNG and the comprehensive suite of measurements in a single collar are key components
of the EcoScope service that deliver game-changing LWD technology.
Copyright © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-UG-0025



Advanced Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Finds

Laminated Pay, Eagle Ford Shale
Matrix nonuniformity detailed by combining 50-burst magnetic resonance
application and high-resolution density logging

CHALLENGE Conventionally undifferentiated shales

Discriminate intervals with the best produc- Standard log suites, which were developed for conventional reservoirs, characterize the Eagle
tion potential in what appears to be uniform Ford shale play as a uniform matrix. Analysis of logs with this conventional resolution cannot
matrix on standard log suites. easily find where the best potential for oil production may occur.
SOLUTION Fifty-burst magnetic resonance application and high-resolution density
Run the newly developed 50-burst mag- Magnetic resonance logging has long been applied to discern moveable from nonmoveable fluids
netic resonance acquisition application regardless of the matrix, which is of great utility in clay-bearing formations. The new 50-burst
in combination with the Three-Detector application improves the statistics for the smallest pores by enabling the collection of more data
Lithology Density (TLD) tool to discern by an advanced prepolarizing magnetic resonance tool. The result is a 6-in or greater resolution
both extremely low-porosity and medium- of the clay-bound micropore region of the rock.
porosity laminations though statistical
analysis. The TLD tool uses three detectors to obtain a high-resolution 8-in density output. The TLD detector
with 2-in resolution is normally applied to correct for minor wellbore changes resulting from the
RESULTS hole condition and mudcake. In the Eagle Ford the matrix is primarily carbonate and the well-
Used the improved ability to locate oil- bores are typically smooth. This logging environment allows use of the 2-in detector as a stand-
bearing laminated intervals to optimize alone porosity device to improve the visibility and reliability of the TLD curves.
placement of four additional laterals.
Visible laminated pay
The Eagle Ford is highly laminated with thin laminations. Run with a conventional logging suite,
the 8-in-resolution density cannot differentiate laminations with substantial porosity. However,
logging analysis combining the 50-burst magnetic resonance application and high-resolution
TLD readily identifies laminated pay by differentiating very small pores, micropores, and poten-
tially oil-bearing matrix. Standard-resolution analysis presents only an average of the matrix,
which cannot discriminate laminations.

Logging with the three TLD density curves at different resolutions identifies intervals for further analysis with the
50-burst magnetic resonance application to find completion opportunities not seen by standard logging.

Advanced Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Finds
Laminated Pay, Eagle Ford Shale


CASE STUDY: Laminated pay identified by advanced magnetic resonance analysis, Eagle Ford Shale

Density FMI* Formation Microimager

Salt 2-in Density-Porosity > 0.12 ft3/ft3 Orientation North Microporosity Moved Water
–0.9 g/cm3 0.1
0 120 240 360

FMI* Formation Microimager Resistive Conductive T2 Distribution

Pyrite Coal Orientation North Moved Hydrocarbon
0 29
0 120 240 360

Density Resistive Conductive

Siderite Water

Pyrite Volume 2-in Density Porosity

Anhydrite and Gypsum Oil
0 ft3/ft3 0.07 0.2 ft3/ft3 0

Measured Density Porosity
Depth, ft Pyrite Kerogen
0.2 ft3/ft3 0

8-in Density Porosity

Carbonate Calcite
0.2 ft3/ft3 0

Quartz-Feldspar-Mica Pyrite

Clay Quartz

SpectroLith* Lithology
Bound Water
1 lbm/lbm 0

Clay 1




ELANPlus* Mineralogy

1 V/V 0

density porosity

No visible difference seen
in standard analysis

8-in density porosity

2-in density porosity

Very high-resolution
density and 50-burst
magnetic resonance Micropore region 3–33 ms
reveal laminated pay

Track 3 overlays the standard-resolution density with the 8-in and 2-in curves.
The resolution of the 2-in curve is consistent with the enhanced image curve in
Track 4. The 2-in-resolution density shows higher porosity (circled) along certain
layers that is as much as 5-pu higher than standard resolution. In the same inter-
vals, the 50-burst application in Track 5 differentiates very small pores, micropores,
and potentially oil-bearing matrix. Compared with the detail provided by the TLD
and 50-burst logs, the standard-resolution analysis in Track 6 does not show any
bedding but merely an average of the matrix.
1 2 3 4 5 6

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-FE-0102



Borehole Images Help Optimize

Well Placement and Completion
Resistivity- and imaging-while-drilling service enables Wyoming operator
to identify and characterize fractures along 3,000-ft lateral
CHALLENGE Keep wellbore within target zone
■ Place long horizontal wellbore An operator in Wyoming, USA, planned to develop the Niobrara formation in the Denver-Julesburg
within 10-ft highly fractured layer basin by combining horizontal drilling with multistage hydraulic fracturing. This formation consists
of chalk bench. of up to four laterally continuous chalk benches with intervening marls. Both permeability and
■ Evaluate fractures along lateral section. porosity in the Niobrara chalk are relatively low, and production was expected to be enhanced by
natural fractures. From historical drilling data in the area, it was known that the 33-ft “C” bench
SOLUTION layer was the most attractive interval. This was reconfirmed and refined by openhole logs run in a
Use MicroScope* high-resolution pilot hole, where the operator identified a 10-ft window as the final lateral zone target. Keeping the
resistivity-while-drilling and imaging-while- wellbore within the highly fractured layer identified in the pilot hole would require accurate real-
drilling service for real-time structural time information to guide steering decisions.
interpretation and fracture identification.
Make proactive well placement decisions
RESULTS The operator achieved the well placement needed to optimize recovery by using MicroScope
■ Kept 3,000-ft lateral within 10-ft target service to provide real-time acquisition and transmission of high-resolution electrical borehole
of best quality pay. images, azimuthal gamma ray measurements, and multidepth measurement of formation
resistivity. Analysis of this information in real time allowed proactive well placement decisions to
■ Acquired high-resolution images
be made by comparing the apparent dip of the formation to the borehole trajectory.
to facilitate fracture identification
and fault estimation and provide
structural analysis.
(Top of Hole), Real-Time
Dynamic Deep Button
Resistivity Image

■ Optimized stage designs for Right
hydraulic fracturing.
Need label
Need label
Top B layer
40 Sliding interval
Top C layer
Target top

The operator used MicroScope

Target base
Bottom Niobrara

high-resolution images to optimize
TVD, ft

well placement and hydraulic

fracturing operations for
maximum recovery. Actual trajectory
100 Planned trajectory

1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000

Horizontal extension, ft

High-resolution MicroScope real-time images, along with azimuthal gamma ray, were used effectively to keep
the 3,000-ft lateral within the target window to maximize reservoir contact.


Borehole Images Help Optimize Well Placement
and Completion

NIOBRARA • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 20

CASE STUDY: High-resolution images enable Wyoming operator to identify and characterize fractures

2 ft

Maximize reservoir contact

and optimize fracturing stages
Use of MicroScope service enabled the
operator to maximize reservoir contact in
the desired chalk bench. In addition, analysis
of the high-resolution MicroScope images
facilitated fracture identification, fault
estimation, and structural analysis to optimize
stage designs for hydraulic fracturing. The
packers were staged to complete similar
zones together and placed away from large
open fractures. Sleeve ports were positioned
close to open natural fracture swarms.
Open Natural Fractures—349

Contact your local Schlumberger

representative to learn more.

Rosette plot—strike

Healed Natural Fractures—867

Rosette plot—strike

Recorded MicroScope images showed approximately 349 open natural fractures (top) and 867 healed natural
fractures (bottom) that strike northwest to southeast and dip steeply to the northeast and southwest. The open
fractures were responsible for significant mud losses during drilling.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2012 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-DR-0029

NIOBRARA • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 21

Case study

new onyX ii Cutter technology saves east texas

Basin operator usd 250,600
Faster drilling reduces cost per foot by 44%, sets Freestone County ROP record
Challenge new cutters to drill harder and more
Develop new cutters to further expand the abrasive formations required
PDC application envelope into harder, more Devon Energy must drill the hard and abrasive
abrasive formations. Travis Peak, Cotton Valley, and Bossier forma-
tions to tap Jurassic natural gas reserves in
the prolific East Texas basin. The unconfined
Launch multipronged research initiative to
compressive strength (UCS) of the Travis Peak
exploit new, hard materials science and
and Cotton Valley formations ranges from
manufacturing techniques that will enable
9,000 psi to 32,000 psi. In the area, the inter-
the production of ONYX II* PDC cutters.
bedded Travis Peak is approximately 1,800 ft
Result thick; the Cotton Valley is 1,400 ft thick. The
Reduced drilling costs by 26% in 97/8-in alternating lithologies and large UCS variation
hole section while setting a new Freestone are not conducive to smooth, vibration-free
County, Texas ROP record. Increased PDC drilling. In the last nine years, a vast
footage capabilities to construct a 6½-in number of wells have been drilled through
Bossier lateral reducing cost per foot these difficult, thick formations using PDC
by 20%. Drilled a 77/8-in vertical wellbore bits equipped with leached cutter products
at 115.7 ft/h, increasing ROP by 95% and (LC). And while the LC manufacturing process
reducing cost per foot by 44%. enhances thermal stability, which improves The 7 7/8-in MSi616 drill bit with ONYX II PDC cutters
abrasion resistance, most PDC bits used in recorded an ROP of 115.7 ft/h.
this area were still tripped near the top of the
Travis Peak. Bit replacement was necessary,
because the LC’s active shearing edge was
quickly dulled reducing ROP below an accept-
able level. This limitation prevented further
advancement of PDC drilling in the region, and
drove the industry to launch an extensive engi-
neering research and manufacturing initiative
to develop a cutter that could endure harder
and more abrasive formations.

More footage and higher RoP

break through
In 2008, Smith Bits mastered a two-step HP/HT
manufacturing method that produced ONYX*
PDC cutters, which enabled PDC bits to drill
more footage at higher ROP. Intervals that
normally required multiple PDCs to reach TD
could, in some cases, be drilled using one bit
with ONYX cutters. Despite this innovation, the The 61/2-in MSi713 drill bit with ONYX II PDC cutters
majority of bits being pulled were still in less reduced cost per foot by 20%.
than desirable dull condition, which added
significantly to the cost of drilling. Further
improvements were necessary to advance the
cutter’s resistance to abrasive wear.

drill Bits
ONYX II Cutter Technology Saves East Texas Basin
Operator USD 250,600


Case study: New bit design produces a significant improvement in drilling performance

technical team advances diamond Devon Energy is actively developing Bossier

cutting materials and Cotton Valley natural gas reserves in
To take cutter performance to the next level, Freestone and Harrison counties with hori-
engineers focused on improving diamond zontal drilling techniques.
sintering and post-processing technologies.
Although depths of the Travis Peak and Cotton
The development effort, which included
Valley formations vary from county to county,
personnel from R&D, engineering, and manu-
thickness and UCS of these two zones is consis-
facturing, concentrated on three initiatives
tent. PDC bits with ONYX cutters were recently
intended to improve the cutter’s resistance to
run in two of the area’s wells and recorded
abrasive wear:
measurable performance gains compared to
■ Increase density/packing of diamond offsets drilled with standard cutters:
■ Synthesize diamond table under extreme Well #1: Bit with onyX cutters saves
HP/HT conditions usd 120,000
To test drill a 97/8-in vertical hole section, a six-
■ Develop a post-pressing process to
bladed MSi616PX equipped with 16-mm
enhance thermal stability
ONYX II cutters was selected. The bit drilled
The initiatives led to gains in hard mate- 1,232 ft at an average rate of 65.5 ft/h reaching
the Travis Peak in one run. The 9 7/8-in MSI616 drill bit with ONYX II PDC cutters set
rials science and enhanced manufacturing a Freestone County ROP record.
processes that resulted in next generation
The bit set a new Freestone County ROP
ONYX II cutter technology. In laboratory wear- Well #2 (harrison County): Bit with
record for PDC drilling from under surface
index tests, ONYX II cutter has demonstrated onyX cutters increases RoP 95%
casing to the Travis Peak. A cost analysis was
a 15% improvement in resistance to abrasive The objective was to drill a 77/8-in vertical hole
performed using footage totals and drilling
wear compared to the original ONYX cutter section at maximum ROP to the kick-off point
hours from four direct offset wells in which
shearing elements. The new cutter’s ability with as few PDC bits as possible. A six-bladed
similar 97/8-in hole sections were drilled with
to retain a sharp edge would mean increased MSi616UPX PDC bit equipped with 16-mm
bits using standard PDC cutters. Three of the
drilling efficiency in the targeted application. ONYX II cutters was selected for the test. The
four wells required two PDC bits to reach the
ONYX II cutter field tests demonstrated a 15% bit drilled the Travis Peak and bottomed in
required depth, with one offset requiring three
average increase in ROP while improving the upper portion of the Cotton Valley sand.
PDCs to complete the interval. Using ONYX II
overall dull bit condition. The bit completed the section in one run at
cutters reduced interval cost per foot by 26%
an average rate of 115.7 ft/h and was pulled
ideas optimizes application-specific compared to the four-well offset average; this
at the KOP as planned. To benchmark the
PdC design equated to a one run savings of USD 120,000.
new cutter’s performance, four offset wells
To fully exploit the ONYX II cutter advantage with a similar 77/8-in vertical hole sections
Well #1 (lateral): Bit with onyX cutters
requires a dynamically stable bit body with were selected for analysis. The investigation
drops cost per foot 20%
the proper blade count and optimized cutter revealed that compared to the four-well offset
To construct the 6½-in Bossier lateral, engi-
placement. This was accomplished using the average of just 59.4 ft/h the PDC with ONYX II
neers selected a seven-bladed MSi713WUPX
IDEAS* integrated drillbit design platform rock cutters recorded a 95% increase in ROP. The
equipped with 13-mm ONYX II cutters. The run
sample laboratory and modeling system to reduction in rig-time usage lowered cost per
was successful and the bit drilled significantly
create a real-world virtual environment. With foot by 44% saving the operator USD 100,600.
more footage compared to a competitor’s PDC
the IDEAS platform, designers can observe
run on a comparable BHA. An analysis, using
how a bit interacts with actual formations as
standardized bit price and rig rate, revealed a
an integral part of the total drilling system.
20% reduction in cost per foot compared to the
Engineers can then test and analyze the
four-well offset average and a total savings of
results of iterative design changes to rapidly
USD 30,000. The ONYX II cutters also improved
advance an engineering concept to a field-
the bit’s dull condition.
proven PDC design.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names are the properties
of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2012 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-BT-0063



At-Bit Image Gamma and Inclination Allow Quick

Interpretation for Steering Decisions
PathFinder technologies provide advanced measuring and imaging capabilities
for accurate well positioning in North America shale play
CHALLENGE Abrasive formation in North America shale
Geosteer within a shale wellbore lateral An operator was drilling a lateral section in a very abrasive formation in a North America
to maintain and optimize position in the shale play. The abrasiveness caused excessive wear on the drilling equipment and required
target zone. a specialized design. To geosteer within the lateral and stay in the target zone, the operator
selected the MWD survey and total natural gamma ray (HDS-1L* fixed-collar directional service),
SOLUTION coupled with the iPZIG system, based on its unique at-bit sensors that provide real-time bed
Use iPZIG* at-bit imaging gamma ray boundary measurements.
and dynamic inclination system with a
customized drilling assembly to quickly The iPZIG system positions the image natural gamma ray and dynamic inclination measurements
interpret formation bed boundaries and close to the bit to reduce the reaction time for making critical geosteering decisions and
PayZone Steering* real-time forward maintaining the wellbore in the targeted zone. Measurements of the bed boundary were
modeling to accurately geosteer the characterized within the target interval, allowing for new calculation of apparent and true bed
horizontal section. dip and direction. The iPZIG system’s close proximity to the bit enabled quick geosteering
decisions to adjust the well trajectory and reduce risks while navigating through critical hole
RESULTS sections and maintaining the wellbore in the target zone.
Successfully geosteered the horizontal
section, staying in the target zone 100%
of the time.

Steering interpretation based on iPZIG measurements correlated to PayZone Steering geologic model based
on offset data.

At-Bit Image Gamma and Inclination Allow Quick
Interpretation for Steering Decisions

GENERAL • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 24

CASE STUDY: PathFinder technologies provide advanced measuring and imaging capabilities for accurate well
positioning in North America shale play

Advanced measuring, imaging, and modeling

When the borehole intersects a geologic feature, it appears as a sinusoid on
the borehole natural gamma ray image. By fitting the sinusoid to the image data,
apparent and true dip angle and dip direction can be quantitatively determined.
Post processing of the image natural gamma ray using PayZone Steering forward
modeling generates an earth model based on offset data. The iPZIG dynamic
inclination and image gamma ray 8–16 sector data provides the drilling and
geological teams with accurate real-time at-bit information. This allows for quick
directional and geological interpretation of the wellbore to maintain the correct
position within the defined target interval.

Accurate geosteering
The iPZIG at‐bit measurements allowed for greater directional control and
confidence in time‐critical decision making relative to the wellbore trajectory to
maximize in‐zone exposure. Geological features observed from the iPZIG 8-sector
real-time images aided in the geosteering interpretations. This in-depth information
gained from the combined technologies helped the operator correctly determine the
position and accurately direct the drilling, staying within the target interval.

HDS-1L service 29.9 ft Directional MP, 54.8 ft

Gamma MP, 46.7 ft

iPZIG UXM 5.9 ft

(upper sub)

1.8 ft Float sub

Steerable motor

29.8 ft

Real-time static and dynamic normalization iPZIG image log with

dip calculations.
Near-bit inclination MP, 3.3 ft
iPZIG LXM 3.6 ft
Near-bit gamma MP, 2.7 ft
(lower sub) 1.0 ft
MLWD sensor offsets from bit to
measurement point (MP).

*Mark of Schlumberger.
Copyright © 2012 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 12-PF-0022

GENERAL • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 25


High Build Rate RSS Service Saves

Cimarex Energy 10 Days in Woodford Shale
PowerDrive Archer system increased ROP by 80% against offset wells
CHALLENGE Reduce tortuosity while drilling shale play
Drill high build rate horizontal well in Cimarex Energy Co. sought to drill a well in the Woodford shale play in the state of Oklahoma,
shale play and increase wellbore quality. USA, and wanted to reduce the wellbore tortuosity experienced in the previous four wells drilled
in the field using positive displacement motor assemblies. The PowerDrive Archer RSS was
chosen to drill the Kappus 1-22H well for its fully rotating design and ability to drill aggressive
Use PowerDrive Archer* high build rate
curves without sliding.
RSS to drill curve and PowerDrive X5* RSS
to drill lateral section. Increase ROP and drill curve without sliding
The PowerDrive Archer RSS drilled the 8¾-in curve section with an 8°/100 ft dogleg severity,
showing an 80% increase in ROP versus the previous wells drilled using motors. The average
Increased ROP in curve by 80% compared
ROP in the Kappus 1-22H curve section was 12.43 ft/h versus 6.65 ft/h for the four closest wells’
to offset wells drilled with motors; reduced
motor curve sections.
tortuosity in curve by 20%; drilled 4,353-ft
lateral section to TD in a single run. Use of the PowerDrive Archer RSS reduced wellbore tortuosity 20% compared with the curve
section of the closest offset well drilled with a motor. The high quality of the curve section
enabled the PowerDrive X5 RSS to drill the 4,353-ft lateral section to TD in one run.

Average ROP, ft/h



Well A, Well B, Kappus 1-22H, Well C, Well D,
motor motor PowerDrive Archer RSS motor motor

The average ROP with the PowerDrive Archer RSS was 80% greater than the average ROP with motors in four
previous wells.


High Build Rate RSS Service Saves Cimarex

Energy 10 Days in Woodford Shale

High Build Rate RSS Service Saves Cimarex
Energy 10 Days in Woodford Shale

WOODFORD • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 26

CASE STUDY: PowerDrive Archer RSS increased ROP by 80% against offset wells

12,000 12,000 Saved 10 days with improved

Plan Plan
Actual Actual drilling performance
The use of PowerDrive Archer and
PowerDrive X5 fully rotating RSS to drill the
curve and lateral sections of the well saved
Cimarex Energy a total of 10 days. These
14,000 14,000 significant time savings resulted from both an
80% increase in average ROP while drilling the
curve section and a 20% reduction in wellbore
tortuosity in the curve, which eased drilling
operations in the lateral section.
Depth, ft

Depth, ft

16,000 16,000 Contact your local Schlumberger

representative to learn more.

18,000 18,000

60 160 260 60 160 260

PowerDrive Archer tortuosity Motor tortuosity

Use of the PowerDrive Archer RSS reduced wellbore tortuosity 20% compared with the
closest curve section drilled with a motor.

AFE plan

Depth, ft



0 20 40 60
Time, days

The Kappus 1-22H well was drilled in 10 days less than the AFE plan.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-DR-0030

WOODFORD • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 27

Bakken Shale: OPTM-IZER closed loop approach delivers in
zero discharge operation Performance Report
“The mobile OPTM-IZER* package effectively demonstrated
to our client the effectiveness of a well-designed and
operated closed-loop drilling system. “
Mike Kirby, M-I SWACO Senior Technical Service Engineer

The Situation
Owing to rising disposal costs and tightening environmental
restrictions, a Bakken Shale operator requested a proactive solution
that would move it closer to a total closed-loop drilling operation.
The operator’s past experience with closed-loop systems was costly
and inefficient with no transparent value. What’s more, previous
conventional attempts were ineffective in handling the considerable
volume and size of the cuttings generated during high ROP surface
drilling intrinsic of North Dakota’s Bakken Shale. Furthermore, the
intermediate and production oil-base mud (OBM) and brine
sections, respectively, also raised concerns of high ROP combined
with the need to either reduce or increase mud density very quickly
to manage the ECD and avoid losses or influxes. The Problem
Consequently, any closed-loop package design would be required to
Closed-loop drilling packages historically
maintain density and other fluid properties in the water-base mud
have been inefficient and too costly to
surface sections, the oil-base mud intermediate sections and the
move, while still doing little to reduce the
brine-base production interval without having to dilute and dispose
disposal requirements of large waste
of fluids.
streams. Traditionally, the large surface
hole sizes in tandem with high sustained
The Solution ROPs have impacted the capacity of
M-I SWACO immediately began to design a client-specific package earlier closed-loop packages to maintain
that would meet the following requirements: fluid properties. Further, despite the
1. Mobility and timely installation inefficiencies, costs have been high
compared to conventional treatment and
2. Winterization / harsh environment functionality
disposal options.
3. High-capacity dewatering and centrifugation
4. Spill prevention via an automation/control package The Situation
5. Barite recovery (preferentially removing low-gravity solids
(LGS) in weighted systems) For its latest Bakken Shale campaign, the
operator was unsure if a closed-loop
6. Reduced liquid-on-cuttings (LOC) being discharged into
package would adequately maintain fluid
the cuttings pit. This would cut closure costs if no free
properties in the water-base mud surface
liquid is present.
hole, the oil-base intermediate interval as
Upon completion, the M-I SWACO customized OPTM-IZER closed-
well as for the brine used in the
loop package was mobilized to two of the client’s drilling locations.
production hole. This should be
accomplished without incurring high
dilution and disposal costs.

The Solution
The OPTM-IZER mobile closed-loop
system was specifically designed and used
on the operator’s two OPTM-IZER
drilling sites in Loop Approach Delivers in
North Dakota’s Bakken Shale. Zero Discharge Operation

OPTM-IZER Closed Loop Approach Delivers in

Zero Discharge Operation

BAKKEN • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 28

The Results The Results
Well #
Bit Size Surface TD Mud Wt. Circulation Rate The Bakken Shale campaign verified the
(in/mm) (ft/m) (PPG / SG) (GPM / LPM)
capacity of the OPTM-IZER ability to provide
Confidential 13.5 / 343 1835 / 559 8.7 / 1.04 750 / 2839
high-capacity dewatering and solids removal
Confidential 13.5 / 343 1835 / 559 8.6 / 1.03 750 / 2839 by means of dual fully variable-speed
Confidential 13.5 / 343 1835 / 559 8.5 / 1.02 750 / 2839 centrifuges, while also allowing for barite
recovery and/or conventional barite stripping
*All fluid from surface and tank cleaning slop was processed and stored in upright in the weighted sections. The performance of
storage tanks for use on the next well. the system exceeded both internal and
*Tank cleaning and tank bottom processing were completed while running casing and the
cement job was completed without impacting the drilling schedule. external expectations.
* No issues were encountered during the casing run; no mud rings or drilling issues were • Zero dilution required on surface
reported while dewatering operations were used.
• Automation package kept pace, regardless
The initial installation was quick and easy, required only one truck and of flow rates to the centrifuge packages
no crane picks, and initial operations commenced with only minor • All fluid was recovered and recycled for
adjustments. The specially designed system effectively handled the future surface holes.
cuttings volume regardless of the flow rates to the centrifuge packages. • The OPTM-IZER package in conjunction
No dilution was required on the surface and all fluid was recovered and with the Fluids Management Plan allowed
recycled for future surface holes. In keeping with the M-I SWACO for the processing and treatment of tank-
commitment to continuous improvement, the performance on each bottom waste from the rig pit cleaning
surface hole improved over the preceding well. operations during the casing and
cementing operations.
During the operation, the M-I SWACO design team quickly modified
the centrifuge discharge chutes to allow for higher than anticipated
solids volume. Consequently, all initial OPTM-IZER designs in the
future will incorporate the larger discharge chutes. The Bakken Shale
experience validated the OPTM-IZER closed-loop package, in
conjunction with additional recovery equipment if required, as efficient
and cost-effective solution for zero-discharge drilling.

Questions? We’ll be glad to answer them.

If you’d like to know more about the OPTM-IZER mobile closed-loop
package and how it’s performing for our other customers, please call
the M-I SWACO office nearest you.

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or warranties,
either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product warranties and guarantees
shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document is legal advice or is a substitute for
competent legal advice.
P.O. Box 42842
©2010 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved.
Houston, Texas 77242-2842
*Mark of M-I L.L.C.
DPR.1502a.1009.R1 (E)

BAKKEN • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 29

MEGADRIL System Saves 1.5 Drilling Days and
$15,000 Average Per Well in North Dakota Performance Report
“The M-I SWACO MEGADRIL* system helped set the
pace for drilling a 20,080-ft Bakken Shale horizontal in
27 days.”
D. Millhouse, M-I SWACO Regional Technical Services

W ell I nformation
Location....................................................................................................................................... North Dakota
Interval drilled ........................................ 8¾-in. directional hole drilled 2,287 to 11,258 ft (697–3,431 m)
Mud weight ....................................................................................................... 9.6 - 10.8 lb/gal (1.15–1.3 SG)
Pay zones ..................................................................................................................................... Bakken Shale
Casing size ................................................................................................................................................... 7 in.
Maximum bottomhole temperature ......................................................................................... 230°F (110°C)
Maximum angle ............................................................................................................................. >90 degrees

T he Situation
These wells needed the maximum hole stability of an invert-emulsion fluid for drilling an 8¾-in.
interval through the water-sensitive Charles and Kibby Lime formations. Additionally, losses had to
be minimized while drilling the Mission Canyon formation, chiefly through precise control of
Equivalent Circulating Densities (ECDs) prior to setting 7-in. casing. The lateral section would then
be drilled with brine through the Bakken Shale.

T he Solution
The MEGADRIL system has proven to be the fluid of choice on the continued Bakken-shale
development for a major operator in the Williston Basin. The MEGADRIL system, using a one-drum
emulsifier package, MEGAMUL, continues to provide a flat rheology along with reduced gel strengths
and low plastic viscosities and yield point. The system delivers excellent Rates of Penetration (ROP),
allowing maximum hole cleaning and reduced ECD. The system was run with an Oil-to-Water Ratio
(OWR) of 75:25 instead of the traditional 80:20, reducing the use of diesel base oil while maintaining
an excellent rheological profile.

T he R esults
• The initial ROP averaged between 250– 300 ft/hr (76– 91 m/hr), with a 14-day average of 640 ft/day
(195 m/day) while drilling the intermediate hole section.
• Minimal amounts of lost mud through the Oil-Base Mud (OBM) interval, including the Mission
Canyon formation, have helped reduce overall drilling fluid costs. The contributing attributes of a
flat, stable rheology allows effective ECD management and pressure control.
• The directional curve was built to 90 degrees for the lateral work in the Bakken formation; 7-in.
casing was run and cemented through the curve with full returns throughout the job.


MEGADRILL System Saves 1.5 Drilling Days and

$15,000 Average Per Well in North Dakota

MEGADRILL System Saves 1.5 Drilling Days and

$15,000 Average Per Well in North Dakota

BAKKEN • 1 of 3 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 30

T he D etails
The 2008 MEGADRIL System Results:
• Drilling days on every rig have been reduced from an average of 9.1 days in the OBM interval to
7.6 days.
• Overall, yearly OBM interval costs have decreased from $6.43 to $5.82/ft, based on a 53-well
comparison with the MEGADRIL system being used on the majority of wells in 2008.
• The 75:25 OWR decreased average per-well use of diesel by 240 bbl (38 m3) for tangible cost
savings per well of approximately $15,000 compared to typical invert formulation with an 80:20
• Average total well days have also fallen from 20.23 days to 14.91, an improvement of 5.3 days.

Drilling Days Chart



Drilling Days

2007 (VD)
2008 (MD)

Rig 1 Rig 2 Rig 3 Rig 4 Rig 5 Average All

BAKKEN • 2 of 3 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 31

Cost-Intermediate OBM Section

Cost/ft ($)

2007 (VD)
5 2008 (MD)
Rig 1 Rig 2 Rig 3 Rig 4 Rig 5 Average All

Intermediate Section-Diesel Usage



Diesel Usage (bbls)


500 2007 (VD)

400 2008 (MD)




Rig 1 Rig 2 Rig 3 Rig 4 Rig 5 Average All

Q uestions? W e’l l be gl ad to answer them.

If you’d like to know more about the MEGADRIL system and how it’s performing for our other
customers, please call the M-I SWACO office nearest you.

This information is supplied solely for informational purposes and M-I SWACO makes no guarantees or
P.O. Box 42842
warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy and use of this data. All product Houston, Texas 77242-2842
warranties and guarantees shall be governed by the Standard Terms of Sale. Nothing in this document is
legal advice or is a substitute for competent legal advice. Tel: 281·561·1300
Fax: 281·561·1441
©2009 M-I L.L.C. All rights reserved.
*Mark of M-I L.L.C.
FPR.1314b.0903.R1 (E) E-mail:

BAKKEN • 3 of 3 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 32


MicroScope Resistivity and Imaging Enable

Successful Completion in Complex Shale Formation
Real-time high-resolution images accurately identify formation dip, faults,
and natural fractures for placement of lateral within Niobrara target zone
CHALLENGE Intersect maximum number of natural fractures
Maximize wellbore intersection with An independent operator in the western US planned to drill a horizontal lateral to produce oil
natural fractures to optimize oil recovery from a complex reservoir in the Niobrara shale formation. Prior to drilling the lateral, a complete
from highly faulted zone in Niobrara shale. openhole log, including images from an FMI* fullbore formation microimager, was acquired
in a vertical well to identify the best horizontal target interval, confirm the presence of natural
fractures, and determine the maximum horizontal stress orientation.
Use real-time images from MicroScope*
resistivity- and imaging-while-drilling This information was used to select the direction the horizontal lateral should be drilled to
service to confirm borehole position maximize the number of natural fractures it would intersect and facilitate the development
relative to target formation and identify of a complex fracture network during stimulation. To enhance reservoir understanding and
and characterize natural fractures. optimize oil recovery, the operator needed to correlate and confirm the position of the borehole
relative to the target formation while drilling.
Successfully placed horizontal lateral Optimize wellbore placement in highly complex reservoir
within predefined target interval and MicroScope service provided high-resolution electrical borehole images, azimuthal gamma ray
completed well for production. measurements, and multidepth formation resistivity measurements in real time. This information,
together with mud gas data, was used to constantly update the structural model and determine
wellbore trajectory relative to the target interval in the highly faulted reservoir.
Real-time image acquisition and
interpretation enabled the operator When the lateral had been drilled to about three-quarters of its planned length, it crossed
to understand the complexity of the a major fault plane with a significant fault throw, which placed the lateral below the target
formation within just a few hundred feet of TD. To improve reservoir exposure, the operator
reservoir and to optimize lateral
decided to drill a sidetrack from the existing lateral.
well placement.

Structural cross section

with 10:1 vertical exaggeration

Heel Toe

7,100 to 9,450 ft Net 2,350 ft

This cross section of the structure was generated with fracture and fault rosettes by geologic interval. Lithology
facies were derived using neural net processing of density, neutron, gamma ray, and photoelectric effect.


MicroScope Resistivity and Imaging Enable Suc-

cessful Completion in Complex Shale Formation

MicroScope Resistivity and Imaging Enable Suc-
cessful Completion in Complex Shale Formation

NIOBRARA • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 33

CASE STUDY: Real-time high-resolution images enable placement of lateral within Niobrara target zone

A MicroScope horizontal borehole image acquired

while drilling is shown here with correlated dip
data, which is identified by sinusoids and tadpoles
for bedding planes (green), conductive fractures
(dark blue), resistive fractures (light blue), and
faults (magenta). To their right are a well projection,
fracture and fault strike rosettes, and a bed
boundary azimuth rosette with vector plot analysis.

Improve structural understanding

The improved structural understanding that interpretation of the real-time MicroScope images
provided made steering the sidetrack less demanding than steering the original lateral. While
drilling the sidetrack, real-time MicroScope images revealed that there was less structural
change than there had been in the first half of the lateral. Constant updating of the structural
model based on real-time data enabled successful placement within the predefined target
interval and well completion.

Contact your local Schlumberger representative to learn more.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2012 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-DR-0442

NIOBRARA • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 34


Spear Bit Sets ROP Record, Saves USD 46,780 Drilling

in Eagle Ford Shale
Optimized bit drills curve and lateral in one run
CHALLENGE Balanced PDC bit for directional control
Drill the 8¾-in curve and lateral sections for and high ROP required
an Eagle Ford shale well in one run while Operators working the Eagle Ford shale play in
maintaining good directional control in the south Texas have experienced costly NPT as
curve and high ROP in the lateral. a result of multiple runs needed to drill curve
and lateral hole sections. The operator wanted
a PDC drill bit that would increase ROP and
Run the innovative Spear* steel-body PDC
total footage capabilities in the 8¾-in curve
drill bit on a PathFinder positive displace-
and lateral hole sections while providing good
ment motor.
directional control at maximum penetration
RESULT rates. With this request, a familiar technologi-
The operator saved USD 46,780 in rig time cal dilemma emerged: PDC bits designed for
by drilling the curve and lateral in one run curve sections deliver strong build capabilities
at a record ROP. and predictable directional control, but often at
the expense of acceptable ROP. Alternatively,
bits intended for laterals produce high ROP
but with lesser directional control capabilities.
This technology gap required the choice
between steerability performance and high

Smith Bits Solution: Spear PDC

To solve this dilemma, engineers tailored
specific Spear PDC steel-body technologies
to solve the application issue. Using IDEAS*
integrated drillbit design platform, engineers
determined PDC bit body profile plays a major
role in efficient cuttings removal for fast ROP.
Based on knowledge gained from the in-depth
analysis and field experience, Smith Bits
developed a specific Spear PDC bit optimized
Record setting Spear 8¾-in SDi513 steel-body PDC
for the Eagle Ford shale drilling application technology specifically designed for Eagle Ford Shale
with the following technology platform: curve and lateral drilling applications
■ Optimized hydraulics to clean debris from
bit face and expose cutter edges to forma-
tion maximizing ROP
■ Bullet-shaped body allows cuttings to
sweep around bit and into junk slots
■ Reduced body diameter increases distance
between the borehole wall allowing the bit
to pass over or through a cuttings bed with-
out blade packing or nozzle plugging EAGLE FORD
■ Bit’s steel composition enables increased
blade height and reduced width increasing
junk slot area Spear Bit Sets ROP Record, Saves USD 46,780
Drilling in Eagle Ford Shale

Drill Bits
Spear Bit Sets ROP Record, Saves USD 46,780
Drilling in Eagle Ford Shale

EAGLE FORD • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 35

CASE STUDY: Spear steel-body PDC delivers steerability and record ROP, Eagle Ford Shale

1H 1

1H 1

1H 1

1H 1

2H 2

2H 2

Well 3

Well 3

Well 3

2 - Offset Well 4

PDC 2 - Offset Well 5

PDC 2 - Offset Well5

M10 - AWell

M10 - AWell

M10 - AWell

M10 - AWell

M10 - AWell

M10 - AWell
- D 2H

FX54D - M10 - D 1H

FX54D - M10 - E 1H

FX54D - M10 - E 1H
- C1H
- C1H

- C1H

1 -- Offset

1 -- Offset

1 -- Offset

1 -- Offset

1 -- Offset

1 -- Offset



SDI513 --M10

RHR223 -- F37
FXD542 -- F37

FXD542 -- F37















6,700 0
7,815 6,825 8,337
7,150 7,096
7,200 7,292
7,700 7,861 7,859
8,200 8,355 20
8,337 8,466
23 29 29
8,700 8,466
9,700 40
10,300 9,704

Penetration Rate, ft/h

Depth, ft

11,361 55 54
11,200 60

12,700 75 80


14,200 100
14,700 Depth Out Depth In ROP 14,676
14,690 14,797

15,700 120
6,872 665 46 3,500 2,519 3,475 3,450 1,241 129 6,224 6,817 1,349 5,093

Footage Drilled, ft

Spear case study well with total footage and ROP offset comparisons, Eagle Ford Shale - Webb County, Texas

Value delivered
Spear 8¾-in SDi513 on a PathFinder steerable motor drilled 6,904 ft of
curve and lateral hole section in one run at a record ROP of 64.83 ft/h.
This represents the fastest curve and lateral run for the operator in the
Eagle Ford shale play. Based on a comparison with the best offset run,
the new Spear bit saved the operator USD 46,780 in rig time. Compared
to the next, four best offsets, the run saved significantly more rig time
and overall drilling costs associated with multiple trips/bits required to
complete curve and lateral hole sections.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-BT-0030

EAGLE FORD • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 36


PowerDrive Archer RSS Increases

ROP by 85% in Eagle Ford Shale Play
High build rate RSS improves drilling performance, eases casing running
CHALLENGE Horizontal drilling in the Eagle Ford shale
Improve drilling performance in the The Eagle Ford formation—situated in South Texas, USA—has become one of the hottest shale
Eagle Ford shale play. plays in recent times. Many operators are drilling hundreds of horizontal wells to target this
reservoir located below the Austin chalk.
Use PowerDrive Archer* high build rate These wells are typically drilled with conventional motors, and a high percentage of slide drilling
RSS to maximize ROP and reduce cost is required to build the curves up to 10°/100 ft. This requirement results in drilling and completion
per foot. inefficiencies as ROP is reduced, and there are subsequent casing running problems because of
high wellbore tortuosity in the curve and lateral sections.
Increased curve ROP by 85%; reduced High build rate RSS outperformed conventional motors in same play
cost per foot by 27% versus conventional PowerDrive Archer RSS has been introduced to drill these high build rate wells, which were
motor BHAs. previously only possible with motors. The fully rotating RSS immediately delivered two key
improvements: In a multiwell project, average curve ROP was 85% faster in the 10 wells drilled
with PowerDrive Archer RSS than those drilled with conventional motors. And tortuosity in the
With the fully rotating PowerDrive curve and lateral was reduced; the clients found that, for the first time, casing could be run to
Archer RSS, average curve ROP was bottom without rotation.
increased by 85% and tortuosity in
the curve and lateral was reduced, PowerDrive Archer RSS Curve Performance
resulting in casing being run to
bottom without any rotation.

PowerDrive Archer RSS Motor

Average ROP ft/h Cost per foot

Average ROP with PowerDrive Archer RSS was 85% faster than conventional motors, and the cost per foot
was significantly lower.

To date, PowerDrive Archer RSS has drilled 17 wells and more than 30,000 ft in the Eagle Ford,
with many more wells planned. EAGLE FORD

Contact your local Schlumberger representative to learn more.

PowerDrive Archer RSS Increases ROP by 85% in
Eagle Ford Shale Play
PowerDrive Archer RSS Increases ROP by 85% in
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-DR-0001
Eagle Ford Shale Play

EAGLE FORD • 1 of 1 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 37


Optimizing Stimulation and Reservoir Characterization

Using LWD Measurements in the Eagle Ford Shale
An independent operating company gains in-depth understanding
of the Eagle Ford Shale to optimize its stimulation program

Well placement, reservoir
characterization, completion design,
and stimulation optimization of a hori-
zontal well in the Eagle Ford Shale.

EcoScope* and sonicVISION*
measurements to steer the lateral
in real time, perform structural

True Vertical Depth Subsea (ft)

interpretation using azimuthal
borehole images, and derive reservoir
and geomechanical properties
to optimize completion design and
enhance stimulation treatment.

RESULTS True Horizontal Length (ft)

Real-time acquisition, interpretation,

and integration of well measurements, EcoScope and sonicVISION data revealed dip changes in Eagle Ford layers. The borehole image
enabled the identification of a fault near the toe of the lateral.
which helped the operator to prevent
unexpected drilling events, evaluate
the reservoir, and optimize the The benefits of LWD data
stimulation operation. An independent operator drilling a new well in Webb County, Texas, planned to extend the
horizontal section to an area beyond 3D seismic coverage and to log the entire lateral while
drilling. LWD measurements were transmitted in real time to help ensure optimal placement of
the lateral within the geologic structure and to evaluate the reservoir. Schlumberger provided the
resources to acquire, interpret, and integrate logging-while-drilling measurements to influence
the stimulation program in real time.

Interpreting LWD measurements for Eagle Ford characterization

To perform shale gas reservoir characterization along the lateral, the operator used combinations
of the EcoScope multifunction logging-while-drilling service (including density images and
spectroscopy), the TeleScope* high-speed telemetry-while-drilling service, and the sonicVISION
sonic-while-drilling tool.

Shale Gas
Optimizing Stimulation and Reservoir Characteriza-
tion Using LWD Measurements in the Eagle Ford

EAGLE FORD • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 38

Independent operating company fine-tunes perforation placement and identifies fault intersected by well

Original Fracturing Stages and Perforation Clusters Designed Geometrically

Redistribution of Stages and Perforation Clusters Based on Stress and Petrophysical Data

LWD images and stress data helped an independent operating company optimize perforation placement and fracture stages.

With the InterACT* connectivity, collaboration, and information system, Close coordination of this integrated workflow of data gathering,
real-time data was transmitted from the rig site to Schlumberger OSC* processing, and analysis helped in providing final recommendations
interactive drilling operations and Data & Consulting Services (DCS) in time for implementation and execution.
scientists and engineers. This remote transmission allowed the operating
company personnel to interpret LWD data and monitor drilling mechanics
data in real time.

The final interpretation enhanced mineralogy description, structural

mapping, and understanding of reservoir and geomechanical properties
for integrated shale gas characterization.

Integrated shale gas characterization for stimulation practice

Based on this robust evaluation suite, Schlumberger was able to
recommend an optimized completion design by placing the perforation
clusters guided by reservoir and geomechanical properties. Furthermore,
the stress profile and mineralogy from the evaluation were used to
optimize the fracturing strategy.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-UG-0022

EAGLE FORD • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 39


SEECO Drills First High Build Rate RSS Wells

in Fayetteville Unconventional Gas Reservoir
PowerDrive Archer service delivers highest build rates
from an RSS in 83⁄4-in hole
CHALLENGE Delivering high build rate well profiles with a RSS
Overcome poor hole cleaning and stuck Southwestern Energy Corporation (SEECO) drills and completes more than 600 horizontal wells
pipe incidents that occur while sliding with per year in the Fayetteville shale gas play. While drilling for unconventional gas, SEECO has made
positive displacement motor; increase build significant production rate increases by extending horizontal lateral lengths. To achieve these
rates in upper Fayetteville. results, well profiles often have build rate curves of 10°/100 ft or more. Previously, these wells
were beyond the reach of conventional RSS tools and were drilled with positive displacement
motors. This resulted in some challenging drilling problems, such as low ROP, poor hole
Use PowerDrive Archer* high build
cleaning, and stuck pipe incidents.
rate, fully rotating RSS to kick off from
vertical, build curve, and land the well PowerDrive Archer high build rate RSS offered a solution delivering this aggressive well profile.
in the reservoir while drilling a smooth, And in delivering curves previously only possible with motors, the tool also provided the benefits
clean wellbore. of a fully rotating RSS with high ROP and wellbore quality.
RESULTS The first well profile involved a kick off from vertical into a continuous 10°/100 ft build section to
Kicked off from vertical; delivered build land horizontally in the Fayetteville shale. The vertical kickoff was achieved without issue and
rates greater than 14°/100 ft; successfully the curve drilled successfully—with PowerDrive Archer RSS delivering greater than 10°/100 ft in
landed in reservoir with late change to TVD the troublesome upper Fayetteville, where motors had previously struggled. The well was landed
because of geological uncertainty; drilled within 0.5 ft of the target and casing was run smoothly.
1,000 ft of lateral section.

Plane and section view of Well 2.

SEECO Drills First High Build Rate RSS Wells in
Fayetteville Unconventional Gas Reservoir


CASE STUDY: PowerDrive Archer service delivers highest build rates from an RSS in 83⁄4-in hole

Continuous inclination Stationary inclination Continuous inclination Stationary inclination




2,250 2,260 2,270 2,280 2,310 2,320 2,330 2,340

Continuous versus stationary inclination from offset well drilled with positive Continuous versus stationary inclination from PowerDrive Archer RSS run.
displacement motors.

More than 14°/100 ft build rate and successful lateral section

SEECO chose to use PowerDrive Archer RSS once again for the second well as it required a
vertical kickoff, build rates greater than 14°/100 ft, and a lateral section through the reservoir.
In the second well, a maximum build rate of greater than 14°/100 ft was achieved and a
1,000-ft near-horizontal lateral section completed.

This tool increased reservoir exposure to enable SEECO to achieve its goals of increasing
production rates by maximizing horizontal lateral sections. This was achieved by hitting the
reservoir sooner and drilling farther in the horizontal section.

Contact your local Schlumberger representative to learn more.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-DR-0339



ROP Increased 67.7% in

High Temperature Haynesville Shale
Productive drilling with PowerDrive X5 RSS
positions lateral gas well in best place in less time
CHALLENGE Improve drilling efficiency
Increase ROP in high-temperature An operator was drilling a lateral for a gas well in the Haynesville shale formation in northwest
Haynesville shale gas well lateral with Louisiana, USA. The directional plan called for holding inclination at 89.80° while turning the
consistent circulating temperatures up azimuth to 2.15° at 1°/100 ft, then holding that inclination and azimuth to TD. Consistent circulating
to 300 degF. temperatures were expected to be up to 300 degF, and possibly higher.
SOLUTION The operator attempted to achieve the directional objective with a steerable motor assembly
Use PowerDrive X5* rotary steerable from a different service provider, but the lateral section proved to be a struggle. After several
system in program correctly engineered days of drilling, it became apparent that making the 1°/100-ft turn with the motor, while possible,
for productive drilling. could be done only at a very low ROP— 4 ft/h. That was unacceptable to the operator, so
Schlumberger was called to finish drilling the lateral.
Increased ROP 67.7%; Drilled 1,175 ft in first Position lateral in best place
PowerDrive X5 run; Provided high-quality After a 4.75-in PowerDrive X5 RSS was tripped into the hole and drilling resumed, it was found
wellbore for running completions. that the target zone was not flat and extra steering was required to position the lateral in the best
place. Implementing a program correctly engineered for productive drilling, the fully rotating
PowerDrive RSS delivered the doglegs needed to stay in the zone—better than required—
Using the PowerDrive X5 RSS and finished the lateral, all at a consistent ROP of 16 to 17 ft/h.
increased ROP in the Haynesville
shale more than 67%.
18 16.93
67.7% increase
Average ROP, ft/h


Steerable motor PowerDrive system
The average ROP of 16.93 ft/h achieved with the PowerDrive X5 RSS was 67.7% higher
than the steerable motor’s average ROP of 10.10 ft/h.

ROP Increased 67.7% in High Temperature Haynes-
ville Shale


CASE STUDY: Productive drilling with RSS positions lateral gas well in best place in less time

Start of first PowerDrive run End of first PowerDrive run
TVD, ft

500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
Horizontal displacement, ft
The PowerDrive system drilled 1,175 ft of lateral on its first run, at a consistent ROP of 16 to 17 ft/h.

Reach TD in less time

The first run with PowerDrive X5 RSS was 1,175 ft at a peak of 17 ft/h, showing significant
improvement in drilling efficiency and increased ROP. The operator reached TD in much less
time than would have been required if drilling the lateral entirely with the steerable motor.
Average ROP achieved with the PowerDrive X5 system was 16.93 ft/h—an increase of more than
67% over the steerable motor’s average ROP of 10.10 ft/h. In addition, the RSS provided a high-
quality wellbore to facilitate running completions.

Contact your local Schlumberger representative to learn more.

*Mark of Schlumberger.
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-DR-0156



Spear Drill Bit Saves USD 365,000 in Haynesville

Shale Well
Optimized bit drills curve and lateral in one run
CHALLENGE Shale bit with good directional control
Drill 6¾-in curve and lateral sections of and ROP required
a Haynesville Shale well in one run, with An operator active in the Haynesville Shale
good directional control and high ROP. (Texas and Louisiana) wanted to reduce the
number of days and trips required to drill the
6¾-in production interval, by drilling both the
Run innovative, application-specific Spear*
curve and lateral sections in one run. Previous
shale-optimized steel-body PDC drill bit.
bit designs were aimed at either the curve
RESULT or the lateral, necessitating a trip to change
Saved 124 h of rig time and USD 365,000 out the bit and adjust the bend angle. Bits
by drilling both intervals in one run, with that target the curve section have strong
record horizontal ROP. build tendencies and predictable toolface
control, but often deliver low ROP in the lateral.
Conversely, bits for the lateral section are built
for aggressive, fast ROP, but increase the risk
of improper build rates in the curve section.
The use of two bits and extra trips meant Record-setting Spear 6¾-in SDi611 steel-body PDC
higher field development costs. drill bit, specifically designed for Haynesville horizontal
shale drilling.
Engineers needed to design a PDC bit that
could be efficiently run on a positive displace-
ment motor (PDM) with a lower bend angle The new 6¾-in SDi611 bit has been run
while achieving the desired build rates (8° to on steerable PDMs with the following
14°/100 ft), ensure good directional control, operating parameters:
and deliver high ROP in the lateral. Long lateral ■ PDM speeds from 0.52 to
drilling in shale plays presents additional 1.02 rev/galUS
challenges such as cuttings accumulation at
■ motor bend-angles from 1.5° to 2.6°
the bottom of the well, which impedes access
to fresh rock and results in low ROP, packed ■ various BHA configurations
blades, nozzle plugging, and stick/slip. ■ flow rates ranging from 200 to
260 galUS/min
Application-specific bit designed
A Smith Bits team consisting of field engineers,
■ weight on bit (WOB) ranging from
design engineers, and hydraulics experts was 2,000 to 20,000 lbf
assembled to design a bit that would achieve ■ mud weights from 14.5 to
the primary goal of drilling the entire 6¾-in 17.0 lbm/galUS
production interval in one run. The team had
access to several proprietary modeling and
database tools, including:
■ IDEAS* integrated drillbit design platform
■ i-DRILL* engineered drilling system design
for BHA modeling
■ YieldPoint RT* drilling hydraulics and hole
cleaning simulation program
■ DRS* drilling record system, a collection of
nearly 3 million bit runs.

Drill Bits
Spear Drill Bit Saves USD 365,000 in Haynesville
Shale Well


CASE STUDY: Spear bit delivers steerability and record ROP, Haynesville Shale

Case Study Well Offset Well 1 Offset Well 2

10,000 70

▪ Footage Drilled
11,000 1,012 60

12,000 50 3,148 50

13,000 40

ROP (ft/h)
ft (ft)


ROP, ft/h

6,063 294 31 31
14,000 30

15,000 20

16,000 10 10

17,000 0
Smith SDi611
Spear SDi611 Brand
PDC-1X Brand
PDC-2Y Brand
PDC-3Y Smith
Spear SDi513
SDi513 Brand
PDC-4X Smith
Spear SDi513
Offset interval and ROP comparison.
Footage Drilled ROP

The operator provided valuable BHA data, mud properties, and offset
run information for focusing the design. Close cooperation between
the various groups resulted in new PDC bit technology, the Spear 6¾-in
SDi611 drill bit, which provides a good balance between superior direc-
tional control and fast ROP.

USD 365,000 saved on a single well

Spear 6¾-in SDi611 shale-optimized steel-body PDC bit, together with a
2° fixed bend steerable motor, drilled the 6,063 ft of curve and horizontal
intervals in one run, setting a new Haynesville horizontal ROP record of
49.7 ft/h. Although there are a few faster lateral runs, no other bit had
drilled the entire curve and lateral sections at that high rate. The bullet-
shaped steel body and various other design features effectively combat
buildup of cuttings in front of the bit and the resulting adverse effects.

Based on comparisons with two direct offset wells, the total drilling time
was reduced by 124 h. The improved performance saved the operator
USD 365,000 in rig-time and bit costs, and shortened time to production,
allowing more wells to be drilled in a given period.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-BT-0002



Spear Drill Bit Saves USD 175,000 and 2.7 d of Rig

Time in Marcellus Shale Well
Optimized bit drills curve and lateral in one run
CHALLENGE Shale bit suitable for both curve and lateral sections required
Drill 7 7/8-in curve and lateral sections of a EOG Resources wanted to reduce the number of days and trips required to drill the 7 7/8-in curve
Marcellus Shale well in one run, with good and lateral sections of wells in the Marcellus Shale, Pennsylvania, by efficiently drilling both
directional control and high ROP. Reduce sections in one run. Previous bit designs were aimed primarily at either the curve or the lateral,
NPT caused by motor and MWD failures. necessitating a trip to change out the bit and adjust the motor bend angle at the end of the curve
section. Bits that target the curve section have strong build tendencies and predictable toolface
control, but often deliver low ROP in the lateral. Conversely, bits for the lateral section are built for
Run innovative, application-specific Spear*
aggressive, fast ROP, but increase the risk of improper build rates in the curve section. The use
shale-optimized steel-body PDC drill bit.
of two bits and extra trips meant higher costs. In addition, EOG wanted to reduce the NPT caused
RESULT by motor and MWD failures.
Saved 2.7 d of rig time and USD 175,000 by
Engineers needed to design a PDC bit that could be run on a positive displacement motor (PDM)
drilling both intervals in one run. Eliminated
with a lower bend angle, allowing rotation and a high ROP in the lateral. At the same time, the
downhole equipment failure by reducing
bit had to be capable of achieving the desired build rates (8° to 16°/100 ft) and ensuring good
directional control in the curve section. Long lateral drilling in shale plays presents additional
challenges such as cuttings accumulation at the bottom of the well, which impedes access to
fresh rock and results in low ROP, packed blades, nozzle plugging, and stick/slip.

Application-specific steel-body PDC bit designed

A Smith Bits team consisting of field engineers, design engineers, and hydraulics experts was
assembled to design and manufacture a bit that would achieve the primary goal of drilling the
entire 7 7/8-in production interval in one run.
The team had access to several proprietary
modeling and database tools, including:
■ IDEAS* integrated drillbit design platform
■ DBOS* drillbit optimization system for rock
strength analysis
■ YieldPoint RT* drilling hydraulics and hole
cleaning simulation program
■ DRS* drilling record system, a collection of
nearly 3 million bit runs.

EOG provided valuable BHA data, mud proper-

ties, and offset run information for focusing the
design. Close cooperation between the various
groups resulted in new PDC bit technology, the
Spear 7 7/8-in SDi513 drill bit, which provides
a good balance between high build rates,
Innovative Spear 7 7/8-in SDi513 steel-body PDC drill
superior directional control, and fast ROP, bit, specifically designed for Marcellus horizontal
significantly reducing operating costs. shale drilling

Drill Bits
Spear Drill Bit Saves USD 175,000 and 2.7 d of Rig
Time in Marcellus Shale Well

MARCELLUS • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 46

CASE STUDY: Spear bit delivers steerability and high ROP, Marcellus Shale, Pennsylvania


South - North (ft)

True vertical depth (ft)

4,000 -3,500
-500 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500
West - East (ft)


-500 500 1,500 2,500 3,500 4,500 5,500 6,500

Vertical section (ft)

Borehole trajectory

USD 175,000 saved on a single well

Spear 7 7/8-in SDi513 shale-optimized steel-body PDC drill bit, together The new 7 7/8-in SDi513 bits have been run on steerable PDMs
with a fixed bend steerable motor, drilled the 6,241 ft of curve and hori- with the following operating parameters:
zontal intervals in one run, eliminating costly trips for PDM adjustments ■ PDM speeds from 0.28 to 0.66 rev/galUS
and bit changes after landing the curve. Reduced vibration also solved
■ typical PDM configuration
the problem of PDM and MWD failures. The bullet-shaped steel body
and various other design features effectively combat buildup of cuttings ■ 6¼ in, 4:5 lobe, 7.5 stage PDM (0.66 rev/galUS)
in front of the bit and the resulting adverse effects. ■ 6¼ in, 7:8 lobe, 4.8 stage PDM (0.66 rev/galUS)
Based on comparisons with the offset average, total drilling time was
■ motor bend angles from 1.5° to 2.6°
reduced by 2.7 d. The improved performance saved EOG USD 175,000 in ■ typical BHA: bit, PDM, universal bottom hole orientation
rig-time and bit costs, and shortened time to production, allowing more (UBHO) sub, nonmagnetic drill collar, and nonmagnetic flex
wells to be drilled in a given period. joint
■ flow rates ranging from 350 to 500 galUS/min
■ weight on bit (WOB) ranging from 2,000 to 20,000 lbf
■ mud weights in the curve from 9.7 to 10.3 lbm/galUS
■ mud weights in the lateral from 10.3 to 11.3 lbm/galUS

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-BT-0010

MARCELLUS • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 47


Over USD 1 Million Saved

on Marcellus Shale Wells
High build rate rotary steerable system cuts drilling time per well 10 days
and delivers clean, high-quality wellbores for smooth casing running
CHALLENGE Reduce drilling time and cost
Reduce cost and improve quality The Marcellus shale play, one of the biggest unconventional shale plays in the US, contains
of complex 3D wells targeting an estimated 363 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas—enough to supply US consumption for
Marcellus shale. at least 14 years. At first, the play was developed using conventional vertical wells, which had
low returns. Now, to extract the hydrocarbons at economically viable rates, horizontal wells
are drilled from multiwell pads and completed with multistage fracture stimulation of the lateral.
Drill with PowerDrive Archer* high build
These wells are challenging to drill due to surface pad collision risks, complex 3D profiles with
rate rotary steerable system (RSS) instead
planned curvature rates of 8º/100 ft, geological uncertainty and formations that make directional
of positive displacement motor (PDM).
control difficult.
■ Increased ROP 170%.
■ Reduced drilling time per well from
18 days to 8 days.
■ Saved over USD 1 million.

Reducing drilling time with the

PowerDrive Archer RSS saved
over USD 1 million.

In this well, PowerDrive Archer RSS was able to kick

off from vertical, drill a 3D curve with more than a 100°
change in azimuth, and hold an unplanned tangent
section made necessary by a landing point change of
more than 70 ft. The RSS quickly built to 16°/100 ft once
the geological marker was found, and then soft landed
the well from 85° to 90° at a 2° build rate.

Over USD 1 Million Saved on Marcellus Shale

MARCELLUS • 1 of 3 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 48

CASE STUDY: High build rate rotary steerable system cuts drilling time in Marcellus shale

Well 1 (PDM)
Well 2
Well 3
Well 4
X,000 Well 5
Well 6
X,000 Well 7
Well 8
X,000 Well 9
Well 10
X,000 7 Well 11
9 10 5
11 6 3 8 2 1 (PDM) 4

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Time, days

Use of the PowerDrive Archer RSS enabled the operator to reduce overall drilling time from the 18 days required
with the PDM in Well 1 to just 8 days for Well 11—the tenth well drilled with the RSS.

Traditionally, the well’s vertical section was air-drilled and a 95⁄8-in Establishing clear focal points and communication channels between
casing shoe was set. Then the 83⁄4-in hole section was kicked off, the operator and Schlumberger prior to starting the campaign resulted
built, and landed on the Marcellus shale using a PDM. This required in a smooth operation. The first well was drilled with a PDM, to serve
sliding the PDM for much of the interval, resulting in a low ROP, as a benchmark. All wells after that were drilled with the PowerDrive
poor hole cleaning, and wellbore tortuosity. Trips made to adjust Archer RSS. Typically, these wells were kicked off from vertical with
the motor’s bent housing when geological uncertainties were a long turn in azimuth of 90° or more to line up with the target while
encountered further increased drilling time and cost. An operator simultaneously building inclination at planned build rates up to 8°/100 ft.
planning a multiwell campaign in the Marcellus shale play wanted Due to geological uncertainties approaching the landing point, higher
to improve ROP and hole quality—and reduce drilling time. build rates of up to 17°/100 ft were sometimes required to land the
well—something easily accomplished by the PowerDrive Archer RSS
Eliminate flat time and improve drilling efficiency without any need to trip out of the hole
Breakthrough technology developed by Schlumberger—the PowerDrive
Archer high build rate RSS—enabled the operator to meet the drilling
challenges and achieve those objectives. The PowerDrive Archer RSS,
a true hybrid that combines push-the-bit and point-the-bit steering, can
drill vertical, curve, and lateral wellbore sections in one run, eliminating
flat time and improving drilling efficiency. In curve sections, this unique
RSS delivers continuous, reliable, and repeatable build rates; and in
vertical and lateral sections, automatic inclination hold can be engaged
to maximize ROP.

MARCELLUS • 2 of 3 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 49

CASE STUDY: High build rate rotary steerable system cuts drilling time in Marcellus shale

25 1,200,000


Time saved, days

Cost saved, USD




0 0
Well 1 (PDM) Well 2 Well 3 Well 4 Well 5 Well 6 Well 7 Well 8 Well 9 Well 10 Well 11
Days saved 0.00 0.22 2.77 1.17 2.45 1.41 0.01 2.25 3.41 0.46 3.57
USD saved 0 13,016 166,303 70,442 146,782 84,518 639 135,211 204,890 27,558 214,428
Cumulative days saved 0.00 0.22 2.99 4.16 6.61 8.02 8.03 10.28 13.70 14.16 17.73
Cumulative USD saved 0 13,016 179,319 249,761 396,544 481,062 481,701 616,913 821,802 849,360 1,063,788
Days saved USD saved Cumulative days saved Cumulative USD saved

Fast, efficient drilling with the PowerDrive Archer RSS saved more than USD 1 million.

Reach TD in less time

The operator saved more than USD 1 million on the first 10 wells drilled with the PowerDrive
Archer RSS. The ability of the true-hybrid RSS to kick off from vertical, deliver 2D and 3D curves
with build rates of up to 17°/100 ft, drill tangent sections, and land wells on target in a single run
enabled the operator to reduce overall drilling time from the 18 days required with the PDM in the
benchmark well to just 8 days on the tenth well drilled with the PowerDrive Archer RSS. Average
ROP increased 170%, compared to ROP with the PDM; and eliminating the sliding required with
a motor resulted in clean, high-quality wellbores that allowed smooth casing runs.

Contact your local Schlumberger representative to learn more.

*Mark of Schlumberger.
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-DR-0197

MARCELLUS • 3 of 3 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 50


Real-Time Measurements Optimize

Marcellus Shale Well Placement
Marcellus shale operator repeatedly places
long lateral in richest target zone

Land operator’s first Marcellus Shale
production well in the best reservoir
portion of the Marcellus Shale and
place a 4,000-ft lateral section
in a narrow target interval.

Combine real-time geosteering
using EcoScope* measurements
with azimuthal images and interpreta-
tion support from Schlumberger well
placement engineers.

Landed well 12 to 14 ft below the top
of the target interval; lateral sections
steered using EcoScope measure- Daily analysis of measurements acquired while drilling helped the operating company place a long
lateral with a clear understanding of drilling mechanics, borehole stability, and formation evaluation,
ments remained within the target.
which contributed to successful well completions.

Maximize contact with the reservoir target

An independent operator worked with Schlumberger to interpret wireline logs from vertical
wells to understand the heterogeneity of distinct layers within the Marcellus Shale. The operator
wanted to place its first Marcellus Shale well in a 57-ft [17-m] thick target interval it had mapped
using offset well logs and seismic data, noting that the Marcellus dips as much as 2.5o near the
potential well location.

The company decided to log while drilling to correlate real-time measurements with seismic
data to steer a long lateral section within the target interval. A Schlumberger well placement
engineer was engaged to interpret the real-time logging data and advise the operations team
from the operating company.

Steer within dipping beds

The well was landed in the middle of the defined target, 12 ft shallower than planned. To drill the
horizontal section, measurements and density images from the EcoScope multifunction logging-
while-drilling service were used to steer the well parallel to the target beds.

Shale Gas
Real-Time Measurements Optimize Marcellus
Shale Well Placement

MARCELLUS • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 51

Marcellus shale operator repeatedly places long lateral in richest target zone

A full suite of EcoScope and sonicVISION measurements shows vertical and lateral changes along the wellbore,
with the density images confirming structural dip.

The density images were also used to map individual shale beds. Optimize future wells
A Schlumberger well placement team worked with the operating The well penetrated the desired target interval and proved to be a good
company to match the real-time measurements and derived dips from producer. The excursions of the lateral outside the target confirmed
density images with dynamic synthetic models to provide visualization that even subtle dips in the Marcellus Shale should be anticipated when
for steering. This cooperation helped improve well placement because planning wells. By penetrating a substantial section within the target,
the dip of the Marcellus was found vary locally, averaging less than 1o. the operating company optimized the completion for maximum recovery
The lateral was placed within a 30-ft [10-m] stratigraphic window that from the reservoir.
is only 18 ft thick when converted to true vertical thickness.
The superior production from the new well and wells drilled later using
sonicVISION* data acquired while drilling was of good quality the EcoScope service showed the value of advanced measurement
and showed no obvious indications of open fractures. This data technology for placing wells in the most productive zone. The operating
was used to derive rock mechanical properties along the lateral, company committed to a multiwell drilling campaign incorporating the
which revealed significant variations in the minimum horizontal stress. EcoScope service and Schlumberger well placement engineering support.
Using Schlumberger LWD Shale Gas Completion Optimization Solutions,
perforations were designed in zones of lowest stress, low clay content,
and high free gas content along ten hydraulic fracturing stages.
This analysis helped the operating company design the stage intervals
and pinpoint perforation clusters to target intervals with the optimal
properties for hydraulic fracturing.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-UG-0023

MARCELLUS • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 52


Consulting Services Identifies Key Technologies to

Drill and Evaluate Wells in the Niobrara Formation
Expert analysis of high-tier logs and real-time data targets the most productive
zone in unconventional oil reservoir
CHALLENGE Petrophysical Evaluation Borehole Imagery Acoustic Properties
Determine key production drivers in Nio-
brara formation, target interval of highest
reservoir quality, and accurately geosteer
the horizontal lateral within that zone.

Engaged Schlumberger DCS to recommend
and run a suite of fit-for-purpose tools to
characterize the reservoir, guide real-time
geosteering, and optimize completions.
Niobrara B

Identified the 10-ft interval of greatest
potential, stayed in zone for entire length of
the 3,000-ft lateral, and modified completion
design to maximize well performance.

Expert analysis of high-tier log measurements determined that a 10-ft interval (yellow) in the Niobrara “B” (green)
“Schlumberger DCS was very easy was the zone of greatest potential production.
to work with and provided the Making sure to get it right—from the start
expert guidance needed to suc- In the fall of 2010, a small operator in the Denver-Julesberg basin of Colorado began its first
cessfully complete our first three horizontal drilling campaign in the Niobrara formation, an unconventional oil reservoir with four
horizontal wells within the desired laterally continuous chalk units. Based on historical drilling data, the operator knew the “B” unit
stratigraphic interval.” was the primary target in this area, but did not know what portion of the 36-ft zone would be most
Independent Operator,
The operator needed to understand the reservoir’s major production drivers—petrophysics,
Denver-Julesberg basin
mechanical properties, natural fractures, structural complexity, and so on—and use that knowl-
edge to optimize drilling and completions not only for the first well, but for the whole campaign.

Since the company’s internal resources were limited and they were relatively unfamiliar with the
area, decision makers wanted to shorten the typical learning curve associated with entering any
new unconventional play. They wanted to make sure they got it right, from the very beginning. To
do so, they turned to the seasoned geotechnical consultants of Schlumberger Data & Consulting
Services (DCS).

Accurately quantifying the key production drivers

The client approached DCS because of its reputation consulting on unconventional projects
in the Denver-Julesberg basin. Based on the operator’s needs, DCS recommended a suite of
high-tier, fit-for-purpose logging measurements for the pilot hole and a geosteering solution for
the lateral.

Schlumberger Platform Express* integrated wireline logging, ECS* elemental capture spectroscopy,
and CMR* combinable magnetic resonance tools accurately quantified reservoir quality—min-
eralogy, porosity, permeability, and saturation. Borehole images from FMI* fullbore formation

Reservoir Characterization
Consulting Services Identifies Key Technologies to
Drill and Evaluate Wells in the Niobrara Formation

NIOBRARA • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 53

CASE STUDY: Target the most productive zone in Niobrara reservoir

microimager helped unravel natural and induced fractures. And

acoustic behavior information from Sonic Scanner* acoustic scanning
platform characterized the Niobrara’s stress state and other mechani-
cal properties. 30
Niobrara B - Top
Expert processing, analysis, interpretation, and integration of field log 40
data by DCS geoscientists and engineers yielded a better understand-
ing of the target reservoir in the area. In the process, they identified 50

True vertical depth, ft

a 10-ft interval in the middle of the Niobrara “B” unit as the zone of 60
greatest potential. After determining where to drill the horizontal
lateral, the team’s next challenge was to keep the wellbore within that 70
more-productive zone as much as possible.
Targeting the productive zone, optimizing completions Niobrara B - Base
Because of the formation’s extensive lateral continuity, Schlumberger
recommended its new MicroScope* advanced resistivity and 00
imaging-while-drilling service to guide geosteering operations.
A DCS well placement engineer interpreted resistivity images in 10
real time to construct an initial cross-section of the target interval 600 1,000 1,400 1,800 2,200 2,600 3,000 3,400 3,800 4,200
and to determine when the borehole was climbing or dropping. As Real-time interpretation of high-resolution resistivity images (top) successfully
a result, the well successfully remained in the 10-ft zone of highest maintained the wellbore within the 10-ft target zone (yellow) for over 3,000 ft.
reservoir quality for more than 3,000 ft.

After drilling was completed, further processing and interpretation of Production Driver Importance Technology and Services
high-resolution MicroScope imagery revealed detailed bedding and Reservoir quality Hydrocarbon storage, Platform Express*,
fracture intensity, as well as the strike and dip of open and healed (porosity, permeability, oil in place, CMR*,
natural fractures. This refined the structural section along the well saturation) and matrix contribution to flow ECS*, Rt Scanner*,
and core calibration
path, enabling engineers to optimize the original completion design
in three ways: (1) by combining similar lithologies, (2) by avoiding the Natural fractures and System permeability, FMI*, MicroScope*,
structural complexity reservoir connectivity, anisotropy, 3D seismic
placement of packers in areas of intense fracturing, and (3) by managing (faults, curvature) ability to stay in zone
fluids and pump rates to prevent excessive leakoff and achieve Charge access Fluid properties, ECS, resistivity, core
near-wellbore connectivity. pore pressure calibration, fluid property
Finally, results from this initial well empowered the operator to make Fluid properties Downhole pressure, In situ pressure
more informed decisions about additional wells in its ongoing Niobrara and pressure oil properties and sampling from MDT*
drilling program. and PressureXpress*
Geomechanics Stress orientation and magni- Sonic Scanner*,
tude for fracture containment, mechanical earth modeling,
achieving transverse StimMAP* microseismic
hydraulic fractures, monitoring
achieving wellbore stability
Well placement Intercepting best-quality part Real-time geosteering
of reservoir for production, with image logs
optimal stimulation,
avoiding near-wellbore pinchoff
Well performance Validation of hydraulic FloScan Imager*
fracturing success production logging
and need for well placement

Based on this project, Schlumberger identified a range of technologies and services

capable of characterizing and quantifying the key drivers of Niobrara oil production.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-DC-0019

NIOBRARA • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 54


Advanced Logging Technology Reveals the

Most Productive Zones in Woodford Shale Wells
Integration of LWD and production logging measurements identifies the
most productive zones of the shale reservoir in Oklahoma
Stage 9 Stage 8 Stage 7 Stage 6 Stage 5

% Production

Optimize placement and production % Production
from future wells in the Woodford Perforation
Shale by identifying and perforating
the most prolific reservoir rock. Trajectory

Integrate LWD along the lateral with
density, and resistivity data
1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800
% Production
3000 3200
from a vertical offset well to identify Free Gas
Horizontal Lengt
the most productive reservoir intervals. Kerogen
Refine mapping of reservoir zones using
QFM (Sand)
LWD and identify sweet spots using
Bound Fluid
Flow Scanner* horizontal and deviated
well production logging system.
Stage 7 - 19% Gas Stage 6 - 10% Gas
Integration of EcoScope*, Platform
Geochemical analysis used to identify drilling and production sweet spots in the Woodford Shale.
Express*, and Flow Scanner data Two consecutive stages show 19% vs. 10% gas contribution. Proper measurements and completion
determined that 90% of gas came from procedures are necessary for understanding reservoir performance and optimizing future wells.
perforations placed in zones identified
as most productive.
Mapping reservoir intervals
An operator performed an LWD operation on a 4,000-ft [1,220-m] lateral in the Woodford
Shale. The measurements were run to understand how the formation dip changes laterally
and how the reservoir properties vary across the vertical layers. Working with engineers from
Schlumberger Data & Consulting Services, the operator integrated offset vertical “triple combo”
neutron, density, and resistivity measurements with measurements obtained with the EcoScope
multifunction LWD service to map nine distinct layers in the Woodford Shale with a thickness
of 220 ft [67 m].

Integrating measurements to identify high-quality reservoir intervals

After the well was put on production, the Flow Scanner multispinner production logging
tool was run, and data from it was integrated with maps of reservoir zones to identify the
most prolific zones within the Woodford Shale. The Flow Scanner measurements determined
that more than 90% of the gas was produced from perforations located in three of the nine
mapped zones.

Shale Gas
Advanced Logging Technology Reveals the Most
Productive Zones in Woodford Shale Wells

WOODFORD • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 55

CASE STUDY : Integration of LWD and production logging measurements identifies the most productive zones of the
shale reservoir in Oklahoma

19% of total well production 3% of total well production

from stage 7 from stage 4
Stage 9 Stage 8 Stage 7 Stage 6 Stage 5 Stage 4 Stage 3 Stage 2 Stage 1

8850 8850
% Production Contribtion

8900 8900
Vertical Depth, ft

8950 8950

9000 9000

9050 9050

9100 9100

9150 9150

9200 9200
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400 3600 3800 4000 4200 4400 4600 4800 5000 5200 5400 5600

Horizontal Length, ft

Production from highly productive zones in the Woodford Shale can be 6 times greater than less-productive zones, so operators use advanced logging
technology such as the EcoScope service to optimize well placement.

These three highly productive layers were adjacent to one another and within 82 ft [25 m] of each
other. Furthermore, interpretations derived from EcoScope and Flow Scanner data showed that
perforation clusters placed across higher free gas, lower clay content, and lower calcite volume
produced more gas.

Optimizing future wells

Lateral measurements are crucial to place wells in the most productive layers within the
Woodford Shale. Placing perforation clusters across zones with the most favorable rock
properties should result in stronger performance from all the perforation clusters, ultimately
increasing the total well production. The operator will apply lessons learned from this well
to optimize future operations. This approach of integrating measurements from vertical
logging data, lateral LWD data, and production logs is essential to understand how to optimize
production from other heterogeneous shale plays.
*Mark of Schlumberger
†Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation (JOGMEC), formerly Japan National Oil Corporation (JNOC), and Schlumberger collaborated on a research

project to develop LWD technology that reduces the need for traditional chemical sources. Designed around the pulsed neutron generator (PNG), EcoScope
service uses technology that resulted from this collaboration. The PNG and the comprehensive suite of measurements in a single collar are key components
of the EcoScope service that deliver game-changing LWD technology.
Copyright © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-UG-0025

WOODFORD • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 56

Newfield Saves 2½ Days
on Woodford Shale Well
Case study: Powered rotary steerable system used to drill longest lateral
in Oklahoma—10,394-ft—reduces surface torque and drillpipe wear
Challenge Drill super extended lateral in Woodford Shale
Drill and complete super Gas production wells being drilled in the Woodford Shale play in the state of Oklahoma,
extended lateral in undulating USA, typically had horizontal lateral sections about 5,000 ft long. Newfield Exploration
Woodford Shale within AFE. Mid-Continent Inc. planned to drill and a complete a well with a super extended lateral
section twice that length—without exceeding the AFE target days.
Optimize performance
Use Schlumberger directional
The well’s upper, vertical section was drilled to the kickoff point (KOP) using a PowerV*
drilling technology—PowerDrive*
vertical drilling system that automatically maintained verticality and reduced tortuosity.
rotary steerable systems and
Then the tight curve section was drilled as planned with a positive displacement motor.
SlimPulse* third-generation
In the super extended lateral section, use of a PowerDrive vorteX* powered rotary steerable
slim MWD tool— to geosteer
well to best place in less time.

■ Reached TD 2½ days ahead
of schedule.
■ Ran production casing
Record well as drilled—17,697 ft MD
Vertical scale adjusted

successfully without need

to condition hole.
■ Final lateral length of 10,394 ft
Typical well with
5,000-ft lateral—
was new record for Newfield
11,600 ft MD
and longest in Oklahoma.

0 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000

Actual horizontal scale, ft

The 10,394-ft super extended lateral drilled using a PowerDrive vorteX powered rotary steerable
system and SlimPulse MWD tool was more than double the length of a typical lateral.

Newfield Saves 2½ Days on Woodford Shale Well

WOODFORD • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 57

Case study: Powered rotary steerable system used to drill longest lateral
in Oklahoma—10,394-ft—reduces surface torque and drillpipe wear

system (RSS) reduced surface torque and Performance drilling with

the drillpipe wear that had occurred in prior the PowerDrive systems
wells due to sustaining high rpm during long
and SlimPulse MWD tool
PowerDrive vorteX lateral runs.
motor section helped Newfield reach TD
In addition, the PowerDrive vorteX motor’s
differential pressure gave drillers a better in the Woodford Shale well
idea of how well the bit was loaded than 2½ days ahead of schedule
weight on bit and rotary torque measurements while setting a new record
provided. A SlimPulse third-generation slim
Crossover for lateral length.
MWD tool delivered gamma ray measurements
for geosteering in the lateral section, and a
consistent ROP was maintained from start
to finish of the lateral, despite the tortuosity
SlimPulse MWD tool purposely created to meet geological objectives.

The SlimPulse tool was installed between

the motor section and steering section of the
PowerDrive vorteX RSS, which placed the
Crossover direction and inclination (D&I) package close
to the bit for superior directional control. D&I
and drilling mechanics measurements—such as
stick/slip, collar rpm, and lateral shocks—were
PowerDrive vorteX transmitted to the surface in real time, enabling
steering section the drillers to adjust parameters to optimize both
steering and drilling performance.

Reach TD in less time

Schlumberger directional drilling technology
helped Newfield reach TD in the Woodford Shale
2½ days ahead of schedule—and delivered a
8¾-in bit smooth borehole that enabled the production
casing to be run successfully without any
hole conditioning. The final length of the
super extended lateral was 10,394 ft—more
than twice the typical lateral length of 5,000 ft.
Installing the SlimPulse MWD tool
between the motor and steering It was a new record for Newfield and the longest
sections of the PowerDrive vorteX lateral ever drilled in the state of Oklahoma.
RSS aided directional control by
allowing measurements to be made
close to the bit. Contact your local Schlumberger representative
to learn more.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 09-DR-0414

WOODFORD • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ DRILLING • 58


PDC Mountaineer Improves Production More Than

50% With Optimized Completion Designs
Sonic Scanner tool data and Mangrove methodology help increase reservoir-
to-wellbore connectivity in Marcellus shale while reducing time, costs, and risk
CHALLENGE PDCM wanted to optimize horizontal well completions and productivity
Improve productivity and operational To complete its Marcellus shale’s horizontal wells simply and cost-effectively, PDC Mountaineer,
efficiency in horizontal wells by optimizing like most operators, typically uses geometric perforation designs. With this technique, perforation
the placement of perforation and hydraulic clusters are placed at equidistant points along the lateral. However, microseismic monitoring
fracturing treatments. showed that this type of stage selection often distributed hydraulic fracturing treatments unevenly.
The fracture treatments propogated to the lowest-stress zones, leaving the majority of perforations
understimulated. PDCM wanted to gain a deeper understanding of the reservoir and improve
Use Sonic Scanner* acoustic scanning
reserve recovery. PDCM partnered with Schlumberger to identify low-stress intervals, develop
platform and the Mangrove* completion
more effective completion designs, and ultimately improve well economics.
advisor workflow to engineer precise
staging and perforating designs. Sonic Scanner tool and Mangrove methodology optimized completion designs
Schlumberger deployed its Sonic Scanner acoustic scanning tool on wireline to map out mechan-
ical rock properties. The tool’s advanced borehole acoustic measurements were loaded into the
Significantly enhanced stimulation coverage
Petrel* software platform and interpreted using the Mangrove completion advisor workflow.
across the length of the laterals, increasing
Once processed, the critical well information, including in situ stress, lithology, and Young’s
production by more than 50% and eliminat-
modulus, enabled PDCM and Schlumberger to engineer custom staging and perforating designs.
ing screenouts. PDC Mountaineer (PDCM)
This ensured more consistent stimulation along the entire lateral, and lower breakdown and
now plans to use Sonic Scanner logs in
treating pressures.
conjunction with the Mangrove platform
on all future Marcellus development. “When we’ve used the Schlumberger Sonic Scanner tool to identify and place the staged inter-
vals based on like-rock completion, we have never screened out,” said Jacob Caplan, Senior
Completions Engineer, PDC Mountaineer. “We’ve also had a better handle on the breakdown
“Schlumberger has provided us with pressures to be expected, further reducing our risk of screening out. The screenout rate was 35%
a unique and affordable approach when we didn’t use Sonic Scanner tool, and on average, each screenout costs PDCM USD 300,000.”
to optimize our recoverable
reserves in the Marcellus shale.
PDCM will not complete any of our
lateral Marcellus wells without
first running this service and
evaluating the results.”
Dewey Gerdom
CEO, PDC Mountaineer, LLC

Microseismic monitoring clearly shows that the fracture initiates in the lowest-stress interval (inCOMPLETING
and treatments tend to understimulate higher-stress intervals (in pink and blue).

PDC Mountaineer Improves Production More Than
50% With Optimized Completion Designs


CASE STUDY: Sonic Scanner tool data and Mangrove methodology help increase reservoir-to-wellbore connectivity

Petrel software allows the logs obtained in the lateral to be viewed in a 3D environment. This enables engineers
to make better decisions when designing the completion.

Production increased more than 50%, leading PDCM to use Gamma ray Porosity
Minimum Perforations Completion

the Mangrove workflow in all future wells stress gradient and staging quality (left)

The Flow Scanner* horizontal and deviated well production logging Stage 12
quality (right)
system showed significantly higher flow rates from wells that used the
Sonic Scanner tool and Mangrove methodology than offset wells com- Bad
pleted with conventional geometric perforating designs. Good
Stage 11 Good
Good Bad
“Based on the total number of wells PDCM has producing in the X,400

Marcellus, I believe the minimum increase we could expect from

utilizing this methodology is 50–60%,” said Caplan. Good

Stage 10
After the success of the pilot wells, PDCM decided to use this technique X,800
to help maximize ROI of all future horizontal wells in the Marcellus shale.
The Mangrove workflow has been used in subsequent PDCM wells with X,000

similar results. Recently, PDCM used Mangrove software to automati- Stage 9

X,200 Good Good
cally select intervals, dramatically reducing interpretation time.
Stage 8
X,600 Good
Depth, ft

Stage 7
X,000 Good

X,200 Bad
Stage 6

Bad Good
Stage 5 Good
X,800 Good

Stage 4 Bad Good

X,200 Good

X,400 Good
Stage 3
X,600 Good
X,800 Good
Production improvement was directly attributed to the identificationGood
Stage 2 logs.
selection of optimal perforation locations based on property

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2012 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-ST-0126



Industry Partnership Defines Fracture Completion

Best Practices in North Dakota Bakken Play
Bakken Research Consortium identifies key controls for economic production
from unconventional oil reservoirs
Unravel geological and geomechanical
factors that affect fracture initiation
and propagation in the Middle Bakken
and Three Forks plays, using best-in-class

Drilled three parallel laterals; ran high-end
logs to characterize reservoirs; compared
single-stage fracture completion in one
lateral with multistage frac in another.

Documented effective multistage
completion techniques, which have
become common practice since 2008
and boosted oil production and
estimated ultimate recoveries.

In 2008, Schlumberger DCS and industry partners studied three horizontal wells in the North Dakota Bakken
to identify optimal hydraulic fracture completion techniques.

Understanding reservoir complexities, completion strategies

After several years of successful drilling and completion of horizontal wells on the Montana
side of the Williston Basin, operators began seriously exploring the North Dakota Bakken play
in 2006. Although the Bakken is more extensive in North Dakota, it is also more lithologically

Initially, the industry did not fully understand reservoir complexities or optimal hydraulic
fracture completion strategies. It was common at the time to run a perforated liner and try
to fracture-stimulate the entire lateral in one continuous stage. But results were disappointing,
production was inconsistent, and North Dakota Bakken development lagged behind that
of Montana.

Operators experimented with various drilling and completion technologies and frac fluids,
but each new player’s learning curve in this exciting new oil resource proved long, expensive,
and redundant. The key challenge was to better understand and control fracture initiation
and propagation in the Middle Bakken and Three Forks formations.

Identifying factors affecting hydraulic fracture stimulation

In the fall of 2007, the Bakken Research Consortium was formed by Schlumberger Data &
Consulting Services (DCS) as the primary technical partner and project leader, with seven
operators and three other technical contributors, including the US Department of Energy.
The consortium also received a grant from the North Dakota Oil and Gas Research Council.

Shale Oil
Industry Partnership Defines Fracture Completion
Best Practices in North Dakota Bakken Play

BAKKEN • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ COMPLETION • 61

CASE STUDY: Bakken Research Consortium identifies key factors for economic production
from unconventional oil reservoirs.

The objective was to apply best-in-class technologies to improve

understanding of the geological, drilling, and completion principles
necessary to optimize production. The study area is on the eastern
flank of the Nesson anticline in Williams County, North Dakota.
A vertical pilot hole and three horizontal wells were drilled 1,500 ft
apart in early 2008.

A high-end log suite was run to fully characterize matrix mineralogy,

porosity, permeability, mechanical properties, and stress states.
The central lateral was cored, and a downhole geophone string was
installed to monitor microseismic events caused by hydraulic fracture
stimulation of the two outside laterals. One was completed in a single
stage with a preperforated liner—the current industry practice.
The other was completed with swell packers, a blank liner, and six
plug-and-perf frac stages using a hybrid fluid design. Chemical and
radioactive tracers were used to tag frac fluids and proppants for
each stage.

Developing industry completion best practices,

boosting oil production
Multidisciplinary analysis, modeling, and simulation found that stress
variations within the lateral impact fracture initiation, and fluid type
coupled with a clear understanding of rock properties affects fracture
height growth. Because of significant variations in reservoir lithology, Drainage boundary based on microseismic (gray) with hydraulic fracture patterns.
proper well placement is essential in this play. Most important, Top well fracture stimulated in one stage; bottom well completed in six stages.
the team demonstrated unequivocally that multistage completions
provide better fracture stimulation than a single-stage completion.†
Consortium members immediately used these findings to optimize
their completion strategies. Today, completions with an increasing 60,000,000
number of fracture stages are common. According to the North
Dakota Department of Minerals, significant increases in estimated 50,000,000
Barrels of oil

ultimate recovery (EUR) and oil production rates over the past Bakken
few years are primarily a result of the introduction of multistage 40,000,000
fracturing in 2008.
One consortium operator, for example, completed its first 12-stage
frac job of a short lateral in late 2008. This change increased EUR 20,000,000
relative to single-stage completions by more than 284,000 barrels
of oil equivalent (boe). By November 2010, the company had drilled
39 consecutive long-lateral Bakken and Three Forks wells in North 0
Dakota, with up to 38 fracture stimulation stages, producing an 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
average of 2,777 boe over the first 24 hours of operation.
North Dakota Bakken production (including Three Forks and Sanish) has increased
almost 70X, due mainly to multi-stage fracturing. Source: ND Oil & Gas Division.
*Mark of Schlumberger
†Olsen, T.N. et al.: “Stimulation Results and Completion Implications from the Consortium Multi-well Project in the
North Dakota Bakken Shale,” paper SPE 124686 presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA (October 4–7, 2009).
Other company, product, and service names are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-DC-0150

BAKKEN • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ COMPLETION • 62

Barnett Shale Operations Achieve Remote
Real-Time Microseismic Interpretation with
Private and Dedicated Wireless Networks
Case study: Expediting field operations and improving collaboration
for accurate decision making
Challenge Inefficient microseismic data transmission
Optimize remote processing In the Barnett Shale, the largest natural gas play in Texas, hydraulic fracture monitoring
and collaborative interpretation (HFM) services are often used to map ongoing treatments. Operators needed more efficient
of microseismic data acquired office support of critical decisions, so a new method was sought to improve transmission
and transmitted from wellsite to speed of high volumes of microseismic data for real-time processing and interpretation.
office. Access very large seismic Processing data remotely would improve overall efficiency, minimize safety risks, and pro-
datasets in real time and provide vide access to high-power computer systems not available in the field. Remote transmission
mapped microseismic locations of full seismic data waveforms (not just triggered events) was key to reaching this goal. The
for display at both the wellsite main difficulty was that seismic datasets could exceed 5 GB, causing throughput and delay
and remote sites. issues that traditional data transmission methods could not always handle. The new method
had to provide microseismic event data to decision makers on location or in the office
within 30 seconds of detection.
Use the InterACT* connectivity,
collaboration, and information
system; StimMAP LIVE* real-
time microseismic fracture
monitoring, in conjunction with
Petrel* seismic-to-simulation
software; and IPerformer*
Wireless Broadband service, a
WiMAX-based terrestrial radio
network with 1,700-bps circuitry
for high-volume, high-speed,
low-latency data transmission.

Improved decision making by
instantaneously communicating
field operations data to the
corporate office. Delivered
cost-effective, consistent,
and high-quality connectivity IPerformer wireless network coverage areas as of the fourth quarter of 2009 are shown in
(100% uptime and less than green. Additional coverage areas are planned.
a 60-ms delay).

Schlumberger Information Solutions

Barnett Shale Operations Achieve Remote Real-
Time Microseismic Interpretation with Private and
Dedicated Wireless Networks

BARNETT • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ COMPLETION • 63

Case study: Expediting field operations and improving collaboration
for accurate decision making

Combination of services for a pilot well Both onsite and remote

Schlumberger Data & Consulting Services (DCS) and Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS) geophysicists could access
collaborated on HFM requirements. A combination of StimMAP LIVE, Petrel, IPerformer, and
ongoing jobs in real time
InterACT technologies was first applied to a pilot well to test mobilization, setup, and performance.
through a continuous feed
StimMAP LIVE diagnostic services were run by DCS to monitor microseismic fractures in real
time as they were created. Used with SIS Petrel software, this service enabled operators to visualize from the field via the Internet
fracture development and make real-time treatment adjustments to optimize job effectiveness. and the Schlumberger

Partnered with ERF Wireless, Inc., SIS also delivered a high-capacity broadband service to the InterACT Web server,
Barnett operators. This included IPerformer connectivity—a 1,700-bps, WiMAX-based terrestrial employing secure encryption.
radio circuit positioned alongside the standard VSAT service. Designed for oil and gas business
applications, the IPerformer service ensured high performance, reliability, and security for
transmitting full waveform data.

The solution also offered low latency, with less than a 60-ms delay, no contention (1,700 bps
unshared), and 100% reliability. Both onsite and remote geophysicists could access ongoing jobs
in real time through a continuous feed from the field via the Internet and the Schlumberger
InterACT Web server, employing secure encryption. Network statistics recorded over a 24-hour
period during pilot well testing indicated
■ uptime of 100%
■ upload bandwidth speeds of 1,700+ bps
■ download bandwidth speeds of 1,700+ bps
■ average upload speed of 468 KBps
■ average latency of 20 ms or less.

Collaborative seismic interpretation

The pilot showed that collaborative seismic interpretation could be accomplished remotely with
minimal processing and visualization delay, bringing field operations to operation support center
experts in real time. The wireless broadband service enabled the WiMAX network to achieve 100%
uptime with negligible packet retransmissions. Wellsite and remote staff indicated that where
high data rates are expected, this communication service performs significantly better than using
VSAT communications alone. Due to the pilot’s success, this solution will be expanded to other
operations within the communications coverage area of Texas and surrounding states.

Schlumberger Information Solutions

Schlumberger Information Solutions (SIS) is an operating unit of Schlumberger that provides
software, information management, IT, and related services. SIS collaborates closely with oil and
gas companies to solve today’s tough reservoir challenges with an open business approach and
comprehensive solution deployment. Through our technologies and services, oil and gas companies
empower their people to improve business performance by reducing exploration and development
risk and optimizing operational efficiencies.

E-mail or contact your local Schlumberger representative to learn more.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-IS-0307

BARNETT • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ COMPLETION • 64


Completions Optimized with

Integrated Geomechanical Approach
Integrated geomechanical and petrophysical analysis of core data Velocities

helps increase production by 500 Mcf/d Static moduli

Young’s modulus Poisson’s ratio

Dynamic moduli

Young’s modulus Poisson’s ratio 0

x1,000 ft/s
25 0
x1,000 ft/s
Core Measurement
x106 x106 νV νV
GR 0 12 0 0.5 0 12 0 0.5 Field Measurement
0 gAPI 400 0 ksi 40 EV νV EV νV νH νH
σh Normalized
HCAL Material property clusters vs. Compliance Log Log
CHALLENGE Reservoir evaluation disrupts fractured completion trend
3 in 10 E νH EH νH 7,000 psi 11,000 fracture width
UCS 0 100 H

Determine most effective stimulation treat- Fracture growth out of the zone, potentially into water zones, had delayed and damaged multiple
ment and avoid previous costly mistakes. completion opportunities for an operator in the Barnett Shale. To determine the most effective
stimulation treatment for the completion of this complex reservoir, the formation evaluation
would need to be multifaceted and include thorough geomechanical and petrophysical properties
Evaluate formation using TerraTek* rock
determination with downhole scanning tools. The evaluation goals were threefold: examine
mechanics and core analysis services.
petrophysical data to determine reservoir quality; analyze geomechanical properties of the
RESULTS formation through a detailed core analysis; and combine the petrophysical evaluation, the
Achieved better stimulation treatments and
more economic completions, with
an increase in production of 500 Mcf/d.

Cluster analysis with anisotropic mechanical prediction.

Completions Optimized with Integrated Geome-
chanical Approach

BARNETT • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ COMPLETION • 65

CASE STUDY: Integrated geomechanical approach increases gas production by 500 Mcf/d

comparison between log-derived and core-measured geomechanical properties, fluid-sensitivity In situ stress gradient, psi/ft
tests, and offset well data to make the best recommendation for completion. 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
Anisotropic stress model delivers fracture success
Schlumberger used TerraTek services to perform an evaluation of this Barnett Shale reservoir.
Analysis gave the operator a detailed evaluation of this formation and a completion methodology
designed for success. The completion methodology, designed for perforation placement avoiding
laminated intervals, focused on more siliceous layers with low-closure stress. To avoid fracturing XX,X00
down into the water zone below the shale, analysis suggested perforating in intervals to promote
upward growth.

Depth, ft
XX,X50 Isotropic
With the analysis providing a full understanding of the reservoir, the operator incorporated a tapered stress model
proppant mesh throughout the course of the hydraulic fracture treatments. Key components of the Anisotropic
evaluation methodology included the use of ECS* elemental capture spectroscopy sonde, FMI* stress model
fullbore formation microimager, ELANPlus* software, Sonic Scanner* acoustic scanning platform,
Platform Express* wireline logging tool, and TerraTek core analysis to provide a complete char-
acterization of the reservoir and its potential. XX,X50

Processing mechanical properties with an anisotropic stress model is critical to predicting and
mitigating proppant entry issues, as well as predicting fracture geometry. A thorough knowledge XX,X00
of the stress gradient and contrasts is vital to determining the optimum way to hydraulically frac- Predicted
ture the reservoir. Detailed fluid sensitivity tests lead to the selection of the best fracturing fluids. fracture
Complete analysis leads to solid completions Where the simplified isotropic stress model incorrectly
Combining all of these analyses with a perforation strategy helped the client avoid completion indicated a barrier, the anisotropic stress model
failures common in this reservoir, like fracture growth out of the zone, potentially into a water revealed that there was none.
zone. The 3D anisotropic processing revealed that apparent fracture barriers in carbonate
and high-clay intervals did not exist. Surface-passive microseismic monitoring of the hydraulic
fracture treatment later confirmed this. The relevance of processing geomechanical data with
an anisotropic stress model proved invaluable to the development of the reservoir.

Analysis of core data resulted in better placement for perforation clusters, optimized well trajectory
for horizontal laterals, and enhanced production. This well, completed using TerraTek analysis,
showed an average production increase of 500 Mcf/d.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-TS-0216

BARNETT • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ COMPLETION • 66

StimMORE Service Restores Well Productivity
for a Major Barnett Shale Operator Pittard 6H Production Comparison
Case study: Integrated approach
to well stimulation improves Original Production
Log. (Original Production)

EUR by 20%
Re-frac Production

Gas Rate, Mscf/day

Log. (Re-frac Production)

Challenge A vastly1500
unexploited option
Refracture existing horizontal Horizontal well completions in the complex Barnett Shale reservoir have increased steadily
wells in the Barnett Shale in recent years, and the standard completion method is placing multiple transverse fracture
to improve declining well 500 across the wellbore. A typical first-year average gas production decline is more
performance. than 50%, making completions in this reservoir good candidates for restimulation. Finding
an economically feasible way to reenter the well and place multiple fractures in the
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
Solution wellbore is another limiting factor in the refracturing treatments that are undertaken today.
Used StimMORE* service, which These limitations make refracturing a vastly unexploited option in this area.
incorporates StimMAP* LIVE
microseismic monitoring service,
Gas Production After Refracturing
to refracture and achieve 2,500
good zonal coverage without
mechanical intervention.
Gas Rate, Mcf/d

Improved well estimated ultimate 1,500

recovery (EUR) by 20%.



6/28/03 8/1/04 9/5/05 10/10/06 11/14/07 12/18/08 1/22/10
Time, d

Refracturing improves well productivity and increases ultimate recovery.

To access trapped gas reserves, a major operator in the Barnett Shale collaborated with
Schlumberger to develop a technique to refracture a horizontal well in the Barnett Shale.
After an initial gas production of approximately 2,200 Mcf/d, well performance declined to less
than 500 Mcf/d in 4 years. However, microseismic monitoring of the original stimulation
treatments confirmed the opportunity to contact more of the reservoir rock.

StimMORE Service Restores Well Productivity for a
Major Barnett Shale Operator

BARNETT • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ COMPLETION • 67

Case study: Integrated approach to well stimulation
improves EUR by 20%
StimMORE service, which
2,400 2,400
combines fluid-based, tool-
South-North Distance, ft

free fracture diversion

1,600 1,600
technology with StimMAP
800 800 LIVE real-time data, enabled
efficient and cost-effective
0 0
completion of the previously
unstimulated well sections.
-800 -800
-2,800 -2,000 -1,200 -400 400 -2,800 -2,000 -1,200 -400 400
West-East Distance, ft

The graphs show stimulation results using conventional treatment methods and the results
using the StimMORE service.

An integrated approach to refracturing

The operator selected the Schlumberger StimMORE refracturing service for this treatment.
The StimMORE service combines a unique fluid-based, tool-free fracture diversion
technology with StimMAP LIVE real-time fracture monitoring.

The diversion slurries consisted of a multicomponent blend of degradable materials that

temporarily block fractures, diverting fluid flow and inducing the creation of additional
fractures in situ and/or at the wellbore. StimMAP LIVE diagnostics were used during the
treatment to confirm the lateral section that the stimulation fluids contacted, and four
diversion plugs were pumped to maximize lateral coverage.

Cost-effective completion and increased recovery

This new approach to refracturing 3,000 Without refracturing
Total gas, MMcf

With refracturing
improved well economics by avoiding costly
intervention techniques and optimizing 2,000

stimulation treatment in real time. Based 1,000

on the estimated production decline,
the operator expects payback for the 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
stimulation treatment within 6 months. Time, years
More importantly, over a 20-year time
Projected recovery comparison over 20 years.
period, recoverable reserves are expected to
increase by 20%.

About the Contact family

StimMORE service is part of the dynamic category of the Contact* staged fracturing and
completion services. These technologies maximize reservoir contact by offering the most
efficient and effective services for each well. The Contact dynamic category offers fluid-
based and tool-free fracturing of multiple stages in one continuous operation. Contact
services can be enhanced with real-time measurement options.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2008 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 08-ST-028

BARNETT • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ COMPLETION • 68

Improve Production With
Optimum Fracture Design in Real Time
Case study: StimMAP services provide hydraulic fracture monitoring and
interpretation for enhanced stimulation optimization in Barnett Shale reservoir

Challenge Refine fracture design

Create optimum fracture design An increasing number of wells require fracture stimulation to be economically productive. For
in a complex and unconventional wells in the complex Barnett Shale region, it is difficult to develop an optimal fracture design. An
reservoir to optimize recovery. Oklahoma operator wanted to refine fracture design for greater efficiency in this unconventional
gas reservoir, which had previously been bypassed as too difficult to model. Real-time answers were
Solution needed to determine the number of stages in the fracture and enable updates at each stage. It was
Use StimMAP* services to essential to stay within the producing zone, using ball sealers at the right time to move to the
generate a 3D map of micro- next stage and avoiding growth into the water-bearing zone. With real-time answers, stimulation
seismic events. Create a model optimization recommendations could be made for the well and for future horizontal completions
to enable optimization of in the reservoir.
horizontal completions.

Map View of Microseismic Events
Refined hydraulic fracturing Scaled by Stage
in real time for improved control, 5,500
operational cost savings, and Godley No. 1
Stage 4
5,000 Stage 3
future design optimization. Stage 2
Stage 1
4,500 Bethaney No. 3H
Distance North-South, ft

Godley No. 1
Bethaney No. 1
0 Bethaney No. 1

-4,000 -3,000 -2,000 -1,000 0 1,000
Distance East-West, ft

Map view of microseismic locations from a four-stage slickwater stimulation treatment.

Improve Production With Optimum Fracture Design
in Real Time

BARNETT • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ COMPLETION • 69

Case study: StimMAP services provide hydraulic fracture monitoring and
interpretation for enhanced stimulation optimization in Barnett Shale reservoir

Transverse View of Microseismic Events StimMAP services, which had

Scaled by Stage
proven their value in previous
5,250 Stage 4
Stage 3 wells, were chosen to create an
Estimated Lower Barnett Top Stage 2
optimum fracture design using
5,750 Stage 1
Bethaney No. 3
accurate image geometry of the
Depth (TVD), ft

6,250 hydraulic fracture.



Estimated Ellenberger Topp

-5,400 -4,400 -3,400 -2,400 -1,400 -400
Distance along projection, ft
Transverse view of microseismic locations from four-stage slickwater stimulation treatment
orthogonal to the preferred fracture orientation.

Make adjustments in real time

StimMAP services, which had proven their value in previous wells, were chosen to create an optimum
fracture design using accurate image geometry of the hydraulic fracture. StimMAP hydraulic fracture
stimulation diagnostics is the first and only service able to monitor the fracture development in real
time or after the event. In the past, operators had relied on pressure gauge readings and temperature
changes to determine whether the fracture was complete. Microseismic data for StimMAP services were
acquired with the multishuttle VSI* Versatile Seismic Imager and processed on location to generate a
3D computer image of the fracture system, enabling the stimulation treatment of subsequent stages to
be reengineered.
From the 3D map of acoustically determined microseismic events (height, length, and width) a model
incorporating the fracture parameters was created. Using the model to interpret the fracture geometry and
azimuth, changes were made in real time. The ability to observe the growth of the acoustic fracture fairway
in real time allowed for modifications on location to the completion design in perforation strategy,
treatment volumes, and injection rate to stay out of the water-bearing zone.

Improve efficiency and save costs

Accurate image geometry of the hydraulic fracture in real time refined and improved control. A complete
reservoir model was developed and measurement of the production contribution of each stage was used
to evaluate the effectiveness of the stimulation treatment. Overlapping fractures were prevented by
increasing the distance between zones, fracturing efficiency was improved by using ball sealers, and the
water-bearing zone was avoided thanks to real-time decisions. More efficient fractures saved operating
costs, improved production, and optimized future horizontal completion designs.

*Mark of Schlumberger.
Copyright © 2008 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 08-ST-029

BARNETT • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ COMPLETION • 70

StimMORE Service Increases EUR
in Barnett Shale Well by 0.25 Bcf
Case study: Integrated approach results in daily production increase
of nearly threefold
Stimulate the nonproducing heel
-2,250 -2,250
section of a horizontal Barnett
Shale gas well.
-1,500 -1,500
Distance, ft

Used StimMORE* service, which -750 -750

incorporates StimMAP* LIVE

microseismic monitoring service, 0 0
to increase stimulation coverage
of the lateral and bring the -3,000 -2,250 -1,500 -750 0 -3,000 -2,250 -1,500 -750 0
targeted zones to production. Distance, ft

Results Comparison of microseismic activity before and after the StimMORE refracturing treatment.

Increased lateral coverage by Reservoir stimulation in the Barnett Shale

25%, resulting in a production Horizontal completions in the complex Barnett Shale reservoir have increased steadily
increase from 500 Mcf/d over the years. The standard completion method in this area is to place multiple transverse
to 1,200 Mcf/d. Increased fracture treatments across the wellbore. However, declining gas production continues to
estimated ultimate recovery be a problem with a typical first-year average production decline of more than 50%. As a
(EUR) by 0.25 Bcf. result, these wells generally need to be refractured within 5 years of the initial completion.
Finding an economically feasible way to reenter the well and place multiple fractures in the
wellbore is a limiting factor in the number of refracturing treatments that are done today.
These limitations make refracturing a vastly unexploited option in this area.

The initial completion of a horizontal cased hole gas well completed in January 2005
consisted of 4 fracture stages across a total of 16 perforation intervals between 7,396 ft and
9,853 ft. Each fracture stage was separated by a mechanical bridge plug.

The well initially produced approximately 4 MMcf/d of gas, but by January 2006, production
had declined by almost half. Microseismic data indicated less than optimal reservoir
stimulation during the third and fourth fracture stages of the original treatment. Production
logs from May 2006 and September 2007 also indicated that a significant portion of the
reservoir in the heel section of the well was not producing.

StimMORE Service Increases EUR in Barnett Shale
Well by 0.25 Bcf

BARNETT • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ COMPLETION • 71

Case study: Integrated approach results in daily production increase
of nearly threefold
After the treatment, produc-
Production Performance
tion increased immediately
from approximately 500 Mcf/d
Average Daily Production
2,000 to 1,200 Mcf/d, and payout
is expected within 9 months.
The treatment is also expected
Gas Rate, Mcf/d

to increase EUR by 0.25 Bcf.



0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200
Production, days

Production performance of Barnett Shale well as a result of StimMORE refracturing


The client contacted Schlumberger to design a refracturing treatment to stimulate the

nonproducing section of the reservoir.
Efficient refracturing of horizontal wellbores
StimMORE service, which incorporates StimMAP* LIVE real-time fracture monitoring
service, was selected for the treatment. The StimMORE service enables efficient
refracturing of horizontal wellbores to improve well productivity and well recovery.

A single-stage treatment, which required no mechanical plugs, was proposed for refracturing
the well. StimMORE diversion stages were pumped to allow for movement of the fracture
entry point along the lateral. During the treatment, multiple diversion plugs were pumped
based on feedback from the StimMAP LIVE monitoring.

Potential increase in recoverable reserves

During the refracturing treatment, a large section of the original fracture was restimulated
and microseismic data indicated that approximately 25% of new lateral was also stimulated.

More importantly, production after the treatment increased immediately from approximately
500 Mcf/d to 1,200 Mcf/d, and payout is expected within 9 months. Additionally, the treatment
is estimated to have the potential to increase recoverable reserves by 0.25 Bcf.

About the Contact family

StimMORE service is part of the dynamic category of the Contact* four-category portfolio of
staged fracturing and completion services. These technologies maximize reservoir contact
by offering the most efficient and effective services for each well. The Contact dynamic
category offers fluid-based and tool-free fracturing of multiple stages in one continuous
operation. Contact services can be enhanced with real-time measurement options.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2008 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 08-ST-054

BARNETT • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ COMPLETION • 72


HiWAY Technique Increases Condensate Production

by 43% in the Eagle Ford Shale
Channel fracturing delivers step-change in well performance while reducing
water consumption by 58%
CHALLENGE Challenging conditions
Improve oil and gas production and Working in the Eagleville field in South Texas, a large Gulf Coast operator continually aims to
operational efficiency in the competitive improve production from the Eagle Ford shale. The formation mainly comprises limestones and
Eagle Ford shale. shales with
■ 7 to 10% porosity
Apply HiWAY* flow-channel hydraulic frac- ■ 200 to 600 nD
turing technique in horizontal completions to ■ 8,000- to 10,000-psi reservoir pressure
increase the effective stimulated rock volume ■ 4.1 to 8.4 Mpsi Young’s modulus.
by creating stable, infinitively conductive
channels within the proppant pack. Production from this area is driven by the effective stimulated rock volume (ESRV) and the
reservoir connectivity with the wellbore that can be established via hydraulic fracturing.
High fracturing gradients (typically 0.92 – 1.00 psi/ft) and bottomhole static temperatures (280
The HiWAY fracturing technique increased
– 310 degF) at depths between 11,800 and 12,200 ft are challenging conditions for successful
60-day cumulative oil production by 43%
execution of fracturing treatments.
and 60-day cumulative gas production by
61% while reducing water and proppant Logistics are also challenging for these operations. This section of the Eagle Ford Shale has
consumption per well by 58% and 35%, generally been stimulated using multistage horizontal completions with high-rate slick-water
respectively. treatments. Such treatments require millions of gallons of water and millions of pounds of
proppant per well. The ongoing expansion of fracturing activity in the Eagle Ford shale further
constrains the limited availability of water and proppant in the area. The need exists to increase
operational efficiency by reducing the amount of materials used in these operations.

The HiWAY flow-channel fracturing technique was applied to address these challenges and
improve well performance beyond conventional means.

Planning the evaluation campaign

This operator chose to evaluate the HiWAY flow-channel hydraulic fracturing technique from
Schlumberger for the stimulation of wells in the Eagleville field in a four-well study. Two wells
were stimulated with the HiWAY technique. The other two wells were stimulated simultaneously with
the conventional method.

The landing of the wells was carefully planned to provide the best possible basis for comparison.
The wells treated with the HiWAY technique had been drilled from a single pad, in opposite direc-
tions. The other two wells had also been drilled in opposite directions from a single pad located
just 3,500 ft away and parallel to the first two wells. The average lateral length for each pair of
wells differed by only 1%.

Rather than leaving fracture flow dependent on proppant pack conductivity, the HiWAY fracturing
technique creates stable channels for oil and gas to flow through. These stable channels offer
limitless conductivity, thus increasing flowback and reducing pressure drop across the fracture.
These effects lead to greater ESRV and consequently, higher oil and gas production.

HiWAY Technique Increases Condensate Produc-
tion by 43% in the Eagle Ford Shale


CASE STUDY: Channel fracturing delivers step-change in well performance while reducing water consumption by 58%

Average Completion Data per Well 60-Day Average Performance per Well
Fracturing technique Lateral Fracturing Proppant, Cumulative Cumulative Wellhead flowing Water
length, ft fluid, bbl lbm condensate, bc gas, MMcf pressure, psi recovery
HiWAY (2 wells) 4,405 87,500 2,395 26,535 30.1 2,156 13.0%
Conventional (2 wells) 4,368 207,103 3,709 18,555 18.7 1,916 10.9%
Difference 1% -58% -35% 43% 61% 13% 19%

More production with fewer resources

During the first 60 days after stimulation, the wells treated with the HiWAY technique produced
an average of 26,535 barrels of condensate (bc) with 30.1 MMcf of associated gas. The wells
treated conventionally produced an average of 18,555 bc with 18.7 MMcf of associated gas.
Furthermore, the average wellhead flowing pressure for the wells treated with HiWAY channel
fracturing was 2,156 psi versus 1,916 psi for the conventional wells. Therefore, the HiWAY tech-
nique increased condensate and gas production by 43% and 61% respectively while delivering
higher flowing pressures.

Very importantly, these results were obtained while reducing the amount of water and proppant
used per well by 58% and 35%, respectively. The operator saved more than 10,000,000 gal of
water and 2,600,000 lbm of proppant in the two wells stimulated with HiWAY channel fracturing.
The reduction in the amount of materials required to stimulate a well simplifies logistics, reduces
completion costs and minimizes safety and environmental risks.

By virtue of these results, the energy company has requested the use of the HiWAY technology
on future wells within its lease.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-ST-0078



Channel Fracturing Increases Production by 37%

for Petrohawk in the Eagle Ford Shale
HiWAY technology improves fracturing performance and EUR
for horizontal wells in South Texas
CHALLENGE Challenging conditions
Improve oil and gas production in the Eagle Working in the Hawkville field near Cotulla, Texas, Petrohawk aims at improving production and
Ford Shale. EUR from the Eagle Ford Shale. The formation mainly comprises limestones and shales with
■ 6% to 10% porosity
Apply HiWAY* flow-channel hydraulic ■ 200 to 600 nD
fracturing technique in horizontal comple- ■ 7,000-10,000 psi bottomhole pressure
tions to increase the effective stimulated ■ 2.0 to 4.5 Mpsi Young’s modulus.
reservoir volume by creating stable chan-
nels and limitless fracture conductivity. Production from this area is driven by the effective stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) and the
reservoir connectivity with the wellbore that can be established via hydraulic fracturing. The
field has high fracturing gradients (typically 0.91-1.00 psi/ft) and high bottomhole temperatures
Increased initial gas production by 37%
(270-300 degF) at depths between 10,000 and 13,000 ft. These are challenging conditions for the
and initial oil production by 32%. Petrohawk
successful execution of fracturing treatments.
announced increase in estimated ultimate
recovery (EUR) for the field and converted Since its discovery in 2008, this section of the Eagle Ford formation has generally been stimulated
all Schlumberger fracturing activity to the using multistage horizontal completions with high-rate slickwater treatments. However, recently
HiWAY technique. there has been a trend to use polymer-based crosslinked and hybrid treatments. This evolution
has led to a moderate improvement in production results.

“Petrohawk has converted 100%

of frac services provided by
Dilworth #1H
Schlumberger in the Eagle Ford to Heim #2H (HiWAY)
HiWAY. Currently, Petrohawk is (HiWAY)
utilizing all available capacity of
Offset O-1
this technology.”
Petrohawk press release Offset G-1
Offset O-2

Offset O-3
Offset G-2

Offset O-4

Offset G-3
Offset O-5

0 5 10 15 200 400 600 800

Gas production, Mcf/d Condensate production rate, bbl/d

The HiWAY technique gave Heim #2H well a maximum initial rate of 14.5 Mcf/d, or 37% higher initial gas produc-
tion than the best comparable offset well. The HiWAY technique gave the Dilworth #1H well a maximum initial
production rate of 820 bbl/d, or 32% higher initial oil production rate than the best comparable offset.

Channel Fracturing Increases Production by 37%
for Petrohawk in the Eagle Ford Shale


CASE STUDY: HiWAY technology improves fracturing performance and EUR for horizontal wells in South Texas

Flow-channel creation for two wells

Petrohawk chose to implement Schlumberger HiWAY flow-channel hydraulic fracturing
technique to address these challenges and improve well performance for the stimulation of wells
in the Hawkville field.

Two wells were selected to build an initial assessment: Heim #2H well, located in a gas-
producing window of the field, and Dilworth #1H well, located in a condensate-producing window
of the field. Results were compared with those from valid offsets previously stimulated by using
conventional techniques.

Rather than leaving fracture flow dependent on proppant pack conductivity, the HiWAY fracturing
technique created stable channels for hydrocarbons to flow through, thus increasing the
effective stimulated reservoir volume.

Outstanding production results

The enhanced stimulation of the reservoir provided by HiWAY channel fracturing gave the Heim
#2H well a maximum initial rate of 14.5 Mcf/d, or 37% higher initial gas production than the best
comparable offset well. The HiWAY technique gave the Dilworth #1H well a maximum initial rate
of 820 bbl/d, or 32% higher initial oil production rate than the best comparable offset. Production
rates and wellhead pressures for these two wells remain the highest among all wells in their
corresponding areas.

In a recent press release, the results of the HiWAY technique were mentioned by Petrohawk:
“In Hawkville Field, a new frac design has significantly improved the Company’s EUR
estimates. . . . Two wells with sufficient production history to estimate EUR’s are the Heim #2H,
which is projected to produce an estimated 8.9 Bcf and 260 Mbngl, and the Dilworth #1H, which is
projected to produce an estimated 2.1 Bcf and 400 Mbc and 208 Mbngl.”

Based on these results, Petrohawk has increased its utilization of Schlumberger HiWAY
technology and has requested the deployment of an additional fracturing fleet in the
Hawkville field. More than 900 HiWAY treatments have been performed for Petrohawk in
over 50 wells to date.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2011 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 11-ST-0077



Optimizing Stimulation and Reservoir Characterization

Using LWD Measurements in the Eagle Ford Shale
An independent operating company gains in-depth understanding
of the Eagle Ford Shale to optimize its stimulation program

Well placement, reservoir
characterization, completion design,
and stimulation optimization of a hori-
zontal well in the Eagle Ford Shale.

EcoScope* and sonicVISION*
measurements to steer the lateral
in real time, perform structural

True Vertical Depth Subsea (ft)

interpretation using azimuthal
borehole images, and derive reservoir
and geomechanical properties
to optimize completion design and
enhance stimulation treatment.

RESULTS True Horizontal Length (ft)

Real-time acquisition, interpretation,

and integration of well measurements, EcoScope and sonicVISION data revealed dip changes in Eagle Ford layers. The borehole image
enabled the identification of a fault near the toe of the lateral.
which helped the operator to prevent
unexpected drilling events, evaluate
the reservoir, and optimize the The benefits of LWD data
stimulation operation. An independent operator drilling a new well in Webb County, Texas, planned to extend the
horizontal section to an area beyond 3D seismic coverage and to log the entire lateral while
drilling. LWD measurements were transmitted in real time to help ensure optimal placement of
the lateral within the geologic structure and to evaluate the reservoir. Schlumberger provided the
resources to acquire, interpret, and integrate logging-while-drilling measurements to influence
the stimulation program in real time.

Interpreting LWD measurements for Eagle Ford characterization

To perform shale gas reservoir characterization along the lateral, the operator used combinations
of the EcoScope multifunction logging-while-drilling service (including density images and
spectroscopy), the TeleScope* high-speed telemetry-while-drilling service, and the sonicVISION
sonic-while-drilling tool.

Shale Gas
Optimizing Stimulation and Reservoir Characteriza-
tion Using LWD Measurements in the Eagle Ford


Independent operating company fine-tunes perforation placement and identifies fault intersected by well

Original Fracturing Stages and Perforation Clusters Designed Geometrically

Redistribution of Stages and Perforation Clusters Based on Stress and Petrophysical Data

LWD images and stress data helped an independent operating company optimize perforation placement and fracture stages.

With the InterACT* connectivity, collaboration, and information system, Close coordination of this integrated workflow of data gathering,
real-time data was transmitted from the rig site to Schlumberger OSC* processing, and analysis helped in providing final recommendations
interactive drilling operations and Data & Consulting Services (DCS) in time for implementation and execution.
scientists and engineers. This remote transmission allowed the operating
company personnel to interpret LWD data and monitor drilling mechanics
data in real time.

The final interpretation enhanced mineralogy description, structural

mapping, and understanding of reservoir and geomechanical properties
for integrated shale gas characterization.

Integrated shale gas characterization for stimulation practice

Based on this robust evaluation suite, Schlumberger was able to
recommend an optimized completion design by placing the perforation
clusters guided by reservoir and geomechanical properties. Furthermore,
the stress profile and mineralogy from the evaluation were used to
optimize the fracturing strategy.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Other company, product, and service names
are the properties of their respective owners.
Copyright © 2010 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 10-UG-0022


Evaluate Fracture Design
and Well Placement
Case study: StimMAP diagnostics reveal actual
Fayetteville shale fracture geometry

Challenge Analyze reservoir fracturing

Understand complex fracture An operator working in the Fayetteville shale needed to better understand the fractur-
propagation in the Fayetteville ing of the reservoir to optimize production. The operator determined that fracture
shale and use the data to refine monitoring could optimize fracturing operations.
and improve future stage and
perforation cluster placement. Apply innovative solution
The operator selected the StimMAP hydraulic fracture stimulation diagnostics service.
Solution In an era of demand for technical resources, the Schlumberger integrated solution
The StimMAP* hydraulic fracture offers industry-leading experience and expertise. StimMAP diagnostics map hydraulic
diagnostics service, which maps fracture systems in 3D as they are created. These measurements can be used to ensure
hydraulic fracture systems in 3D optimal hydraulic fracture placement and improve reservoir development. Information
as they are created. collected is processed on site to refine the fracturing design for the next stage. The
service can also be used to evaluate the influence of treatment communication with
Results offset wells.
Acquired a better understanding
of reservoir response to fracturing,
permitting continuous improvement 1,500
Stage 3
in future fracturing design and
Monitoring well Stage 2
overall reservoir management. 1,000
Stage 1
Treatment well
Distance south-north, ft

Monitoring well





–500 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500
Distance west-east, ft

Map view of microseismic events from a three-stage slickwater ClearFRAC* LT

low-temperature polymer-free stimulation treatment.

Evaluate Fracture Design and Well Placement


Case study: StimMAP diagnostics reveal actual
Fayetteville shale fracture geometry

StimMAP results enabled better

understanding of reservoir
response for continuous
improvement in fracturing and
overall reservoir management.
The operator was entirely
satisfied with the StimMAP
service and now uses it for
more than 20% of all wells in
the field.

Transverse view of microseismic locations from a three-stage slickwater ClearFRAC LT stimulation

treatment orthogonal to the preferred fracture orientation. Color-coding indicates which of the
three seismic events is responsible for each location.

Refine treatment design

StimMAP diagnostics determined that the fracture system was relatively contained within
the Fayetteville shale formation. Primary characteristic geometry reflected a complex
fracture fairway in all stages and a wider fracture fairway coverage. Overlapping was
observed between Stages 2 and 3, and communication was observed in offset wells.
Schlumberger made a number of recommendations for future operations, including
evaluation of infill well placement to prevent overlap and possible inefficient drainage;
evaluation of the production contribution of each stage to provide confirmation of the
treatment design; and the construction of a reservoir model to determine the effective
fracture length and drainage area.
The operator was entirely satisfied with the StimMAP service and now uses it for more
than 20% of all wells in the field.

06-ST-039 June 2007

*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2007 Schlumberger. All rights reserved.


StimMORE Service Restores Well Productivity
for a Major Barnett Shale Operator Pittard 6H Production Comparison
Case study: Integrated approach
to well stimulation improves Original Production
Log. (Original Production)

EUR by 20%
Re-frac Production

Gas Rate, Mscf/day

Log. (Re-frac Production)

Challenge A vastly1500
unexploited option
Refracture existing horizontal Horizontal well completions in the complex Barnett Shale reservoir have increased steadily
wells in the Barnett Shale in recent years, and the standard completion method is placing multiple transverse fracture
to improve declining well 500 across the wellbore. A typical first-year average gas production decline is more
performance. than 50%, making completions in this reservoir good candidates for restimulation. Finding
an economically feasible way to reenter the well and place multiple fractures in the
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360
Solution wellbore is another limiting factor in the refracturing treatments that are undertaken today.
Used StimMORE* service, which These limitations make refracturing a vastly unexploited option in this area.
incorporates StimMAP* LIVE
microseismic monitoring service,
Gas Production After Refracturing
to refracture and achieve 2,500
good zonal coverage without
mechanical intervention.
Gas Rate, Mcf/d

Improved well estimated ultimate 1,500

recovery (EUR) by 20%.



6/28/03 8/1/04 9/5/05 10/10/06 11/14/07 12/18/08 1/22/10
Time, d

Refracturing improves well productivity and increases ultimate recovery.

To access trapped gas reserves, a major operator in the Barnett Shale collaborated with
Schlumberger to develop a technique to refracture a horizontal well in the Barnett Shale.
After an initial gas production of approximately 2,200 Mcf/d, well performance declined to less
than 500 Mcf/d in 4 years. However, microseismic monitoring of the original stimulation
treatments confirmed the opportunity to contact more of the reservoir rock.


StimMORE Service Restores Well Productivity for a
Major Barnett Shale Operator

BARNETT • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ PRODUCTION • 81

Case study: Integrated approach to well stimulation
improves EUR by 20%
StimMORE service, which
2,400 2,400
combines fluid-based, tool-
South-North Distance, ft

free fracture diversion

1,600 1,600
technology with StimMAP
800 800 LIVE real-time data, enabled
efficient and cost-effective
0 0
completion of the previously
unstimulated well sections.
-800 -800
-2,800 -2,000 -1,200 -400 400 -2,800 -2,000 -1,200 -400 400
West-East Distance, ft

The graphs show stimulation results using conventional treatment methods and the results
using the StimMORE service.

An integrated approach to refracturing

The operator selected the Schlumberger StimMORE refracturing service for this treatment.
The StimMORE service combines a unique fluid-based, tool-free fracture diversion
technology with StimMAP LIVE real-time fracture monitoring.

The diversion slurries consisted of a multicomponent blend of degradable materials that

temporarily block fractures, diverting fluid flow and inducing the creation of additional
fractures in situ and/or at the wellbore. StimMAP LIVE diagnostics were used during the
treatment to confirm the lateral section that the stimulation fluids contacted, and four
diversion plugs were pumped to maximize lateral coverage.

Cost-effective completion and increased recovery

This new approach to refracturing 3,000 Without refracturing
Total gas, MMcf

With refracturing
improved well economics by avoiding costly
intervention techniques and optimizing 2,000

stimulation treatment in real time. Based 1,000

on the estimated production decline,
the operator expects payback for the 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21
stimulation treatment within 6 months. Time, years
More importantly, over a 20-year time
Projected recovery comparison over 20 years.
period, recoverable reserves are expected to
increase by 20%.

About the Contact family

StimMORE service is part of the dynamic category of the Contact* staged fracturing and
completion services. These technologies maximize reservoir contact by offering the most
efficient and effective services for each well. The Contact dynamic category offers fluid-
based and tool-free fracturing of multiple stages in one continuous operation. Contact
services can be enhanced with real-time measurement options.

*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2008 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 08-ST-028

BARNETT • 2 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ PRODUCTION • 82

StimMORE Service Increases EUR
in Barnett Shale Well by 0.25 Bcf
Case study: Integrated approach results in daily production increase
of nearly threefold
Stimulate the nonproducing heel
-2,250 -2,250
section of a horizontal Barnett
Shale gas well.
-1,500 -1,500
Distance, ft

Used StimMORE* service, which -750 -750

incorporates StimMAP* LIVE

microseismic monitoring service, 0 0
to increase stimulation coverage
of the lateral and bring the -3,000 -2,250 -1,500 -750 0 -3,000 -2,250 -1,500 -750 0
targeted zones to production. Distance, ft

Results Comparison of microseismic activity before and after the StimMORE refracturing treatment.

Increased lateral coverage by Reservoir stimulation in the Barnett Shale

25%, resulting in a production Horizontal completions in the complex Barnett Shale reservoir have increased steadily
increase from 500 Mcf/d over the years. The standard completion method in this area is to place multiple transverse
to 1,200 Mcf/d. Increased fracture treatments across the wellbore. However, declining gas production continues to
estimated ultimate recovery be a problem with a typical first-year average production decline of more than 50%. As a
(EUR) by 0.25 Bcf. result, these wells generally need to be refractured within 5 years of the initial completion.
Finding an economically feasible way to reenter the well and place multiple fractures in the
wellbore is a limiting factor in the number of refracturing treatments that are done today.
These limitations make refracturing a vastly unexploited option in this area.

The initial completion of a horizontal cased hole gas well completed in January 2005
consisted of 4 fracture stages across a total of 16 perforation intervals between 7,396 ft and
9,853 ft. Each fracture stage was separated by a mechanical bridge plug.

The well initially produced approximately 4 MMcf/d of gas, but by January 2006, production
had declined by almost half. Microseismic data indicated less than optimal reservoir
stimulation during the third and fourth fracture stages of the original treatment. Production
logs from May 2006 and September 2007 also indicated that a significant portion of the
reservoir in the heel section of the well was not producing.

StimMORE Service Increases EUR in Barnett Shale
Well by 0.25 Bcf

BARNETT • 1 of 2 ❮❮ GO TO TOC ❯❯ PRODUCTION • 83

Case study: Integrated approach results in daily production increase
of nearly threefold
After the treatment, produc-
Production Performance
tion increased immediately
from approximately 500 Mcf/d
Average Daily Production
2,000 to 1,200 Mcf/d, and payout
is expected within 9 months.
The treatment is also expected
Gas Rate, Mcf/d

to increase EUR by 0.25 Bcf.



0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200
Production, days

Production performance of Barnett Shale well as a result of StimMORE refracturing


The client contacted Schlumberger to design a refracturing treatment to stimulate the

nonproducing section of the reservoir.
Efficient refracturing of horizontal wellbores
StimMORE service, which incorporates StimMAP* LIVE real-time fracture monitoring
service, was selected for the treatment. The StimMORE service enables efficient
refracturing of horizontal wellbores to improve well productivity and well recovery.

A single-stage treatment, which required no mechanical plugs, was proposed for refracturing
the well. StimMORE diversion stages were pumped to allow for movement of the fracture
entry point along the lateral. During the treatment, multiple diversion plugs were pumped
based on feedback from the StimMAP LIVE monitoring.

Potential increase in recoverable reserves

During the refracturing treatment, a large section of the original fracture was restimulated
and microseismic data indicated that approximately 25% of new lateral was also stimulated.

More importantly, production after the treatment increased immediately from approximately
500 Mcf/d to 1,200 Mcf/d, and payout is expected within 9 months. Additionally, the treatment
is estimated to have the potential to increase recoverable reserves by 0.25 Bcf.

About the Contact family

StimMORE service is part of the dynamic category of the Contact* four-category portfolio of
staged fracturing and completion services. These technologies maximize reservoir contact
by offering the most efficient and effective services for each well. The Contact dynamic
category offers fluid-based and tool-free fracturing of multiple stages in one continuous
operation. Contact services can be enhanced with real-time measurement options.
*Mark of Schlumberger
Copyright © 2008 Schlumberger. All rights reserved. 08-ST-054

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Unconventional Resources

Unmatched expertise in shale reservoirs

Schlumberger integrated technology offerings and expertise,
yield improved operational efficiency, enhanced production,
reduced risk, predictable results and greater economic success.

EVALUATION—More knowledge, less uncertainty

Proper evaluation of reservoir quality and completion quality
are both essential. Selective acquisition and analysis of data
leads to less uncertainty and more informed decisions.

DRILLING—More pay zone, less rig time

Drill higher quality, longer laterals, faster, and with greater
accuracy. Place wells in the most productive zones for
greater economic success. Optimize every aspect of your
drilling program.

COMPLETIONS—More reservoir contact, less environmental impact

Identify the most effective completion strategy to maximize
reservoir contact and reduce environmental impact.

PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT—More recovery, less footprint

Address water management challenges from provisioning and
recycling to treatment and disposal. Diagnose problems and
optimize the lifetime production of your wells—maximizing
ultimate recovery with fewer wells and fewer interventions.

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