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Lecture No. # 01
Introduction and Overview
So let us start with, what is chemical engineering. Charles hills in his book on
introduction to chemical engineering kinetics, says that one feature that distinguishes the
education of a chemical engineer from, that of other engineers is an exposure to the basic
concept of chemical reaction engineering. You would have done several courses such as,
mass transfer, momentum transfer, heat transfer which your friend in mechanical would
have also done a similar course, friend in aerospace engineering would have done. But
reaction engineering is one course, which uniquely characterizes the feature of a
chemical engineer. So, this is one course that other engineering disciplines normally do
not do.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:56)
Occasionally, there will be some troubleshooting that is required in the plant, and so you
have to fix those problems that arise. Although these three activities are important;
increasingly you will be focusing on the last task that I have listed over here; that is
increase the capacity of the plant at the minimum cost. And area what is now known as
process intensification, this is precisely what you do in that. That is you already have a
plant, there is a process which is running; let us say it is making 1000 tons per annum of
certain chemical, you want to increase that capacity to 1500, 2000. To, whatever
maximum that you can you can achieve; and that to at a minimum minimum cost.
As you are all aware, that we are now concerned with the environment around us, and
any adverse impact that our chemical process industries industries may leave or on on
this environment. And therefore, we are worried about no discharge or zero discharge
from your chemical plant. Increasingly legal requirements are being put in place which
says that, you should not discharge anything into air or water that is that is going out
from your plant into the neighboring environment. What it means, is that while you want
to increase the capacity of your reactor or capacity of your plant, you also want to
increase the desirable product product that is being made, to that of undesirable product.
That is you want now only specific product that is which is desirable.
In other words, the selectivity of the desired product over that of an undesired product is
is very important, and we need to focus on increasing those selectivity. So, all these
activities come under a broad umbrella process intensification; and there are various
ways of doing it, as the course progresses we will see some of them.
Now, let us ask ourselves what does chemical reaction engineering intended for or what
is the scope of chemical reaction engineering? And there are several aspects of chemical
processes or products that we are familiar with some which, we are already familiar
some which, we will become familiar as we move along. For example, traditionally
people are used to thinking of chemical processes, concerning only with fossil fuels. So,
anything and everything that has to do with petroleum refining, petrochemicals, several
other chemicals, pharmaceuticals and so on. So that has been the traditional concept of
chemical reaction engineering or chemical processes. But because of the training that we
get as a chemical engineer, we are no longer just restricted to this traditional areas, but
we are expanding into variety of different different fields.
And why is that that possible. That is possible, because you take example of chemical
reaction engineering. You would have done little bit of kinetics of the processes or
reactions, you would have learnt about different types of reactors and so on. You have,
highly learned about any particular product that is being made in these reactors.
Traditionally, we always talk of reactions as a plus b going to c plus d; without worrying
what these a, b, c, d are. Now, what this has done to us is that we are focusing on basic
fundamentals of chemical reactions, its kinetics, its rate and so on.
These basic fundamentals can be applied to variety of different fields. So, for example,
take biological processes or bioprocesses or biochemical engineering as as we are now
referring to. So, these are essentially processes involving living cells, and we are getting
certain useful products from them, antibiotics and so on. Now, it turns out that even these
living cells, there are lot of reactions that take place inside these cells. And the same
physical, and chemical characteristic that ordinary reactions, let us say in a
petrochemical industry are are are subjected to; the reactions inside the living cells, are
also subjected to same same conditions or same physical and chemical conditions.
Now as a result of this, whatever we have learnt in chemical kinetics, we can easily
extend it for living systems, and hence our foray into biotechnology. The same thing can
be said about microelectronics, making of various kinds of devices - semiconductor
devices, advanced materials, nano materials, energy from non-fossil resources and so on.
So, we are slowly expanding our scope into variety of different fields, I mean the list
does not end here; environment, pollution prevention, sustainable development these are
all areas or fields of activities in which, our knowledge about chemical reaction
engineering is going to be extremely useful.
(Refer Slide Time: 09:47)
Before we turn on to our chemical reaction engineering, I would just like to briefly point
out to you. What are some of the new frontiers or new developments that are happening
in the field of science and technology, which are influencing or which are having an
impact on chemical reaction engineering discipline. The first and foremost among these
is new analytical instrumentation that is being made available to us. All kinds of
spectroscopic methods, enamors and different measurement tools which are providing
us, not only the qualitative understanding, but quantitative understanding of how
reactions proceed. And as a result, we are now able to prove these reactions, at a very
wide variety of variety of skills.
There is also an fundamental difference in approach, that is entering into our field of
chemical reaction engineering. Namely, multi scale - multi scale approach; as you would
as you would have seen for example, chemical plants are typically big in sizes, You can
measure their dimensions in meters and so on. However, the processes which take place
inside these reactors are happening at a atomic, and molecular level. That means, we are
spanning the entire lengths scale for example, if you if you like to speak from mike (( ))
meters or nano meters to meters, several meters tends of meters and so on. So, very large
or 10 raise to 9, 10 raise to 10th order of magnitude difference in scales. This is about
special variation. The same thing can be said about time.
For example, in a chemical plant, we generally talk about residence time; which could be
in order of minutes or hours or in some cases even days. However, once again the
processes are taking place at atomic level or molecular level which are occurring at the
time intervals of femto seconds, nano seconds, and so on. So, both in terms of time, and
length; we are dealing with processes which are multi scale. And various computational
tools that are being available to us, have enabled us to carry out these studies by
incorporating phenomena occurring at all levels, and thereby making analysis of reactors
more meaningful.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:56)
Now, before we go into go into the subject matter, it is always nice to know what is
happening in outside world, outside industry. And I typically start my lectures these;
these lectures series by telling who are the global players in the in the field. And this list
is taken from chemical and engineering news august 2009, tells us about what who who
are the players or companies in the market for top ranking, top ranking chemical
companies. And here I have not included pharmaceuticals or biotech companies and so
on. I am I am referring to purely chemical companies.
There you see, BASF having occupied number one position for last several years now, at
global sales of about 70 billion. Dow from united state comes in the second place, and
then at number 3 and 4 are two companies which probably you would not have heard,
even I had not heard them till couple of years back. Ineos and Lyondalbasell - these are
actually companies which are conglomerates or which have grown in volume by taking
over smaller companies, by acquisitions mergers and so on. The fifth one is of course,
Exxon Exxon mobile, and the last in the least that you see is our own homegrown
company reliance industries, and that occupies 27 th rank in the global global scenario of
having sales of about 12.6 billion dollar annually.
Now, there is something else also happening in the in the market, which is which is
shown in in in the next slide.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:40)
That how is chemical industry functioning. Now, you may not be able to able to read this
clearly, but what what what is being shown is what was the status in 1980’s. And what is
the current status; 1970’s and 80’s saw companies expanding their operations across the
board of various different activities. For example BASF was involved in right from oil,
and gas to agrochemicals to pharmaceuticals; same was the story with dupont. Over a
period of time, they realized that such diversification in today’s world, is not giving the
returns that they any anybody would expect. And therefore, the focus is now, focusing on
core competency of the of the company, and getting rid of the other businesses where it
may not be on the mains core area of the company.
For example BASF has given away their pharmaceuticals. So, is the case with dupont
which have come out of petrochemicals, oil and gas, and so on. So, we are now looking
at a industry which is which is narrowing in or becoming focusing more on the key
sector, rather than doing everything under the under the sun.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:12)
Now, let us look at chemical industry different sectors, and how are they how are they
comparable, compared with each other. For example, what I have shown here, is
different types of, different category of sectors. Their typical operating operating size;
the price per kg, price is in dollars, per kilogram that these products command. And then
the last factor, environmental factor or e factor, that is the amount of waste generated that
is kilogram of waste generated, per kilogram of product desirable product that is
produced. And you see there is a wide variation between different chemical chemical
For example, typical size of petroleum refining is nothing less than 10 raise to 6 or one
million to hundreds of million tons per annum. That is the typical size, the price that it
fetches is about 5 cents a kg, and the waste is generate is about 0.1 kilogram per
kilogram of product that is that is generated. Now, you can then look at other different
categories; for example, commodity chemicals, fine chemicals, foods, materials,
pharmaceuticals and all the remaining remaining other.
Now, what you see here, is the size of a typical plant is decreasing, as we are going down
the list. But the price that the finish product gives us is is increasing, as the size is
decreasing. And so is the waste that is undesirable materials, that is generated; you for
example, you take pharmaceuticals. Is not unrealistic to see, that you actually generate
100 kilogram of waste per kilogram of kilogram of material that you produce. And the
reason reason for this, is that pharmaceuticals pharmaceuticals or specialty chemicals are
typically produced in very dilute quantities. There concentrations could be ppm, if not
ppb. And therefore, to get a kilogram of desired chemical, you have to separate out 10s
of 100 of kg’s of undesired material. So that, you get that final final product.
The reason for showing this kind of comparison is is also for the fact, that because of
these variations in different different sectors. The focus of process improvement or
process intensification, could also change when you go from one sector to one sector to
other. For example, in pharmaceuticals or bio chemicals; since, they are they are
produced in such a dilute concentrations. The focus is mostly on separating or separation
processes rather than worrying about how to improve the reactor and so on. But that is
not the case for example, with petroleum refining, and so on. So, depending on the
process or the product that one is looking at, we have to, we have to decide on what
activity will eventually lead to improve profitability and so on.
So, what do we need to know about chemical chemical processes. The first, and foremost
most important thing is chemistry is important. As I said few minutes back that typically
we have been used to studying reactions as A plus B goes to C plus d. Now, we should
realize that A plus B going to C plus D is not a real reaction - there is some species A,
there is some definite species B, and so on.
So take for example, Ammonia synthesis; it is nitrogen plus 3 moles of hydrogen giving
rise to two moles of NH 3. Now, it may appear to be simple enough, to just say it that
one can represent these reactions as A plus 3 B going to C, but notice what has to have
has to happen for ammonia to be formed. For example, the bond between two nitrogen
atoms has to be broken; so, is the bond between the two hydrogen atoms, and after that
the bond between nitrogen and hydrogen has to be form. In the case of, in the case of
ammonia; so, it is not just the just A plus 3 B, there are lot of things happening at a
molecular, and atomic level which are equally important, which makes up how the
reaction will proceed and so on. And, we should never lose sight of this this aspect.
Another example is this aspirin. You know when you get headache, we all run to our
medical cabinet, and take aspirin or its equivalent. Now, the reaction of aspirin synthesis
is actually a reaction between salicylic acid, and acidic anhydrate giving raise to acidic
acid, and this wonderful compound, there is aspirin. So, there is lot of chemical
rearrangement for breaking up bonds, formation of bonds, and we we should we should
keep focus of of this aspect. That is chemistry is chemistry is important. So, that is first
thing that we should we should worry worry about. Now, I should also tell you that we
are not going to focus on chemistry, and mechanisms of reactions, except may be few
examples during this course. But I want to emphasize again, that chemistry is at the heart
of chemical engineering or chemical reaction reaction engineering.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:21)
The second thing, that we need to we need to worry about, when we talk about real
reactions or reactions in the real world is that single reaction, I will read this out, single
reaction in an ideal single phase, isothermal reaction is hardly encountered. For example,
in a in a typical four standard graduate course, one talks about single phase reaction,
isothermal reactor in a single single CSTR or plug flow reactors and and so on.
However in reality, reactions are hardly as simple or they are carried out in this
simplistic manner. The real reactors are extremely complex with multiple reactions
taking place in different phases, that are present in the reactor, and various intricate
intricate flow patterns. And I will illustrate this one by one by giving some suitable
suitable example
We are all using the product polyethylene or in many product made form this, the
monomer for this polyethylene is ethylene. So, the simplest way of making ethylene is
dehydrogenation of ethane. So we have ethane, getting dehydrogenated giving raise to
ethylene. However, in a real reactor this would not be the only reaction that is that is
taking place. For example, ethane can give raise to give raise to ethylene or as well
ethylene, as well as acetylene or ethane can give raise to cyclohexane or ethane can give
raise to simple carbon, and hydrogen.
All these reactions are producing producing hydrogen. The point is that even though
your product of interest is ethane, when you have these reactions which are possible,
which can occur simultaneously unless you do not, unless you do not control your
reactions properly. There is a every possibility that you can have, not only ethylene in
your reactor, but also acetylene, cyclohexane, carbon, and so on. Or in other words, it is
important that when you design your reactors, the selectivity for the first desired product
has to be improved in comparison to all the other products that are likely, in this in this
So, this is where the selectivity comes into picture, because if you do not, then not only
you are wasting your precious resource namely ethane, in making all undesirable
products. It may turn out that this undesirable products are toxic. And unfortunately that
is the case in many many such examples. That it is always undesirable products which
cause problems, not the desirable product. Or in other words, we have to we have to
ensure that while we promote this first reaction which is a desired reaction, we make sure
that these other reactions do not do not take place. So, we have not just to deal with
single reaction, but multiple reactions involving various different different chemical
species. So, our understanding or our study of reaction engineering or reactors must start
with with such with such realization.
So, you may be wondering what are all these other units other units doing. So, this is for
the following fine. Even though, we can say that our raw material is nitrogen and
hydrogen, where do we get these raw material. Nitrogen of course, we can get it from
here, that is plenty of it; provided you remove oxygen. But what about hydrogen - where
do we get this hydrogen. We get this hydrogen from this first force reaction; that is
methane plus water giving raise to carbon monoxide plus hydrogen. So, hydrogen which
is to be used for ammonia synthesis is to be generated in C 2, because you cannot
generate gas in one place and transport it, it is not easy to transport gas.
So, this reaction has to occur simultaneously. So, what we see now is actually a apart
from apart from main reactors, you see all these other reactors that are that are involved
in making of making of hydrogen for example. The problem does not does not end here;
so, we have for example, natural gas that is methane coming in with boiler water, and
you are ammonia the hydrogen generation, that hydrogen goes to our ammonia synthesis
and so on.
Now, problem does not end there, because it turns out that the catalyst which is required
for synthesis of ammonia, is inhibited strongly by presence of even trace quantities of
carbon monoxide. So, while we are generating hydrogen, we cannot just pass this
product mixture to the ammonia synthesis reactor, but before we do that, we have to
ensure that this carbon monoxide is completely removed. So that, no trace quantity is
there; and therefore, we we we we can then pass this hydrogen into the reactor. So, not
only are there reactors here, there are absorber for removal of carbon monoxide. So, we
must remove this carbon monoxide from the, from the reacting reacting system.
So now, my ammonia synthesis design process involves the synthesis of hydrogen,
removal of carbon monoxide, ammonia synthesis and finally, you would not you do not
get 100 percent conversion - 100 percent conversion is only in in the in the dream, it is
not in the real world. So, you have lot of unreacted nitrogen, and hydrogen which you do
not want to just bleed off, but you want to recycle. So, you have a recycle stream. So, the
entire chemical design or process design for the chemical reaction, will now involve all
these sub units. And remember, these sub units are all linked to each other. So, any
improvement that you try to do in one process, is going to influence the performance of
other process.
So, process intensification for example, we will have to consider all this together. So, we
have multiple reactions taking place in our reactors, not only that in a chemical plant per
say, there are multiple reactors which are which are operating, which have to be suitably
suitably designed.
Now, let us come to the next aspect of reaction engineering. Namely, we would have
done kinetics. And we always talk about first order kinetics or even better zero order
kinetics; first order kinetics, second order kinetics and so on. Now, chemical reactions
with simple kinetics are extremely rare. In practice, the kinetics of the processes are
fairly complex. I have given here an example of ammonia synthesis, which tells us what
is the rate of synthesis of ammonia. And it is it is actually a complicated equation
involving nitrogen partial pressure, hydrogen total pressure, ammonia pressure and so
on. And it is a complex function. Do not worry, even if you are not able to see in its
detail - the details are not that important at this stage, the message I am trying to
communicate to you is that, it is a fairly complex kinetics, it is not simply rate of
ammonia synthesis is partial pressure of nitrogen into partial pressure of hydrogen raise
to power 3. It is not as simple as simple as that.
Now, so what? You may ask, so what if it is not simple, it is a complex kinetic. The
complex kinetics often lead to, very different kinds of phenomena, when you operate
these reactions in the real reactors. And these can give raise to for example, run away
reactions; where things are happening normally, but suddenly because of some small
perturbation in the in the reactor; things just explore for example, or temperature just
shoot up; the there is a there is a runaway what what we call runaway reactions.
Most of the times, the tragedies that are associated with chemical reactors or chemical
plants is a result of such uncontrolled reactions. You have not designed your reactor for
running for uncontrol, you are designed them perfectly well. They were indeed running
perfectly well for decades, but suddenly something happens and reactions goes
uncontrolled. Bhopal gas tragedy for example, which happened in 1984 was a result of
one such one such behavior. The tennessee gas valley explosion which took place in
united states in 70 (s) is is another example, and there are countless number of number of
examples. Very often, I am not saying always, but very often the reason why reactions
behave in such an sensitive manner is linked to the kind of kinetics or complex kinetics,
and the results resulting behavior that we get.
And therefore, we must try to understand how does this kinetics come about; what what
so, origin of this kind of crazy which may at at at in present moment looks completely
strange, and crazy behavior. What is what is the origin of this kind of kinetic rate
expressions. We tried to spend initial part of our lectures looking at behavior behavior of
such such type, because ultimately when we design reactors such kinetics has a major
major role to play.
(Refer Slide Time: 37:07)
So, we started out saying that reactions are hardly ever single reactions, kinetics is never
simple first order, second order kinetics. We also use we are also used to thinking that
reactions are homogeneous or there is only one phase, that is that is happening, but most
industrial processes are heterogeneous in nature. And what I have shown here is few
examples of such heterogeneous reactions; what are the actual reaction - what are the
conditions - what is the reactor that is used, and few general general comments.
For example take Catalytic naptha reforming reactions. So, this is a this is a reaction
which gives from naptha we get different aromatics, and different different useful useful
chemicals. Notice here, I have put naptha question mark. The firs thing that strikes when
I write a reaction like this, is that this is no precise information is available, as far as my
reactants are concerned, and as far as my products are concerned. I am just calling some
quantity or some group of chemicals as naptha; and some other group of chemicals as
And in reality that is the situation; that I cannot in (( )) naptha cracking process or
reforming process, I do not know what is the precise composition of this of this naptha
perceive. And so is what is these aromatics; so that is another problem that we encounter.
That we have to design reactors, where we do not know what precisely what is our
reactant - what is our product. So, but reactors have to be designed; so how do we deal
with that. That we will see, it little later.
Now, look at the conditions. So, this is a this is a high pressure process, moderate
temperature a catalyst, and essentially a gas-solid system. NO X absorption, again an
environmental problem; where you want to you want to adsorb this obnoxious gases into
water, and gas-liquid reaction fairly mild conditions. Actually atmospheric pressure and
ambient conditions, but gives raise to various interesting phenomena. Again an example
from semi-conductor industry, chemical vapor deposition; so, you want to get pure silica
in the form of plates or whatever. It is done by silicon tetra chloride reduction of it, so it
is a gas phase chemical reactants, resulting into solid product; and so gas-solid reactions
occurring at extremely high temperatures, but extremely low pressures.
So, wide variety in terms of in terms of operating conditions, and the last example is of
course, antibiotic production, where you have glucose, penicillin giving that is starting
with sugar, you get antibiotic again using living cells. So, we will talk about this. So, the
point is these are all heterogeneous heterogenous reactions; so this, there are more than
one phase present. So, you have gas phase, and you have liquid phase.
Now, the moment you have two phases - there is a interphase between the two. So, the
moment that is a interphase between two phases; there is a resistance to transfer from one
phase to another phase. Or in other words, we are now coming into domain, where
transport phenomena becomes an important aspect of your chemical reaction
engineering. So, not just the kinetics, but transport phenomena is is is important.
So these are some of the aspects of of reactors, that we need to we need to study. Now,
last point when we talk about let us say, chemical reactor, a tubular reactor we are
always used to thinking a tube, material comes in from one side reacts and goes from
another side. Now, actual reactors are hardly of of that nature. What you see here is a
tubular reactor for again ammonia synthesis kind of situation, where the reactants are
actually coming in from the top, going all the way to the end, then again flowing
upwards and so on. That is the flow patterns are quite intrinsic. They are not straight one
way entry, one way exit. But there are all kinds of loopings and so on. And this is,
because of the reaction - properties of these reactions, and we will study little bit about
this as time progresses.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:49)
Now, I will conclude today’s class by giving you, and brief overview of how we analyze
chemical reactors. And this classic frame framework was given by Aris, in way back in
1960’s middle 60’s, and it is very much applicable even today. So, we study chemical
reactors at two levels. Step one is the kinetics of the kinetics of the process - and this
kinetics in turn is we use thermodynamic information, both chemistry as well as physics
of the problem is important. So, we have thermodynamics, the chemistry of the reaction,
stoichiometry of the reaction, kinetics of the reaction, and some empirical laws. So this is
the chemistry of the reaction.
So this is at the kinetic level. Then next is the reactor design which essentially consist of,
consist of looking at what kind of reactors, we we are going to use. That is the type of
reactor, the mode of operation that is do we use classification, again based on mass flow
or energy flow. So, do we use batch process or continuous process or semi batch process
or based on energy do we use isothermal processes, adiabatic processes, co-current or
countercurrent processes and so on.
So, reactor design essentially deals with deciding on the type of reactor, how to operate
it. And what happens when the reactor is either operated at steady state or at transient.
So, these are some of the aspects of reactor design, that we are going to focus on.
So, we have to worry about not only just reactions now, but transport phenomena, and
here we come across various different catalytic and non-catalytic reactions. The last
portion of our course, would be about chemical reactor design, both transient and steady
state operations, looking at optimal design of reactors, various multiphase reactors, some
non-ideal flow conditions that come in. So, this in short is the overall introduction to the
course, that we are going to look at in subsequent classes, thank you.