The Impact of Branding On Consumer Buying Behavior: June 2014
The Impact of Branding On Consumer Buying Behavior: June 2014
The Impact of Branding On Consumer Buying Behavior: June 2014
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4 authors, including:
All content following this page was uploaded by Muhammad Tahseen Iqbal on 31 October 2016.
Commitment Trust
Friends Neighbors
Loyalty Price
Family Emotional
Reference Brand
Exploitation Quality Brand
Groups Image
Values Branding Consumer
Buying Knowledge
Brand Consumption
Gender Age Consumption
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid below 15000 40 51.3 51.9 51.9
Total 78 100.0
[Fatima Sarwar] | Introduction 61
Figure 5show that every individual perceives the The next hypothesis is that the consumer behavior
advertisement according to its own values and culture. fluctuates on the basis of gender. As the significance level of
Emotional exploitation affects the consumer behavior on basis gender according to the survey and analysis of Table IX is
of perception of consumers. So the hypothesis is accepted and 0.163 which is greater than 0.05 and it shows that the
proved. significance level is low. There is positive correlation among
the variables but the level of correlation is very small.
According to the survey questions females are more status
Exploitation conspicuous and they do more status consumption than males.
But according to the survey results, the coefficient value is not
significant in relation to the statistics, which shows the either
it is male or female, it does not affect the consumer buying
behavior while buying branded clothes.
Fig. 5.Perception of Consumers is the Basis of Emotional Exploitation The significance level is not very large according to the
analysis of Table IX; it has some effect on consumer behavior
E. Positive Relationship between Value System and Brand but not to moderate significant level. Hence it is proved that
Loyalty the females are not more status conspicuous and don’t do
more status consumption than males. So the hypothesis as the
The values include the personal and cultural values of Fig. 7 shows that ‘’ Consumer behavior fluctuates on the
consumers. According to the results of Table IX, the gender basis’’ is rejected and is not proved.
significance level is 0.043 which is smaller than 0.05. There is
positive correlation among the values and consumer behavior
according to the consumer behavior. The coefficient value is
statistically significant and differs from 0. The consumer Female Consumer
behavior differs according to the difference in values among Gender Buying
different consumers. Behavior
The Fig. 6 throws the light on the loyalty of consumers on
basis of their values. Figure 6 and analysis of Table IX shows
that the loyalty towards the brands depends on the value Status
system every individual have. If the person is taught to be Consumption
loyal and consistent in your life, then he will be definitely Status
loyal in all the aspects of his life, although it is buying
decision. Status Conspicuousness
This shows that there is cause and effect relationship
among dependent (consumer buying behavior) and Fig. 7.Effect of Gender on Consumer Buying Behavior
independent variable (personal and cultural values). So the
results are positive and hypothesis is accepted. IV. Discussion and Conclusion
The independent variables are reference groups, brand
Cultural knowledge, age, gender, emotional exploitation and personal
Values values. On the other hand, the dependent variables are
branding loyalty, Status consumption, status conspicuousness,
Consumer Brand social factor and quality. All the variables are discussed in
Buying Loyalty detail with different references. Comparing and contrasting is
done at every step in order to discuss the views of different
Personal authors about different variables in literature review.
Values According to the research results, coefficient values of all
the dependent variables are statistically significant and are
Fig. 6.Positive Relationship between Value System and Brand Loyalty
different from 0 except only one variable which is gender.
According to the results, gender is not so much important and
F. Effect of Gender on Consumer Buying Behavior
it does not affect the consumer behavior to that extent at which
other variables do. So it is proved that branding is very
important now days in effecting consumer behavior.