In This Chapter: Caesar Ii. Users
In This Chapter: Caesar Ii. Users
In This Chapter: Caesar Ii. Users
The CAESAR II Applications Guide is intended to serve as an example guide, showing the application of
should refer to this manual for examples of specific piping components, as well as complete example jobs.
Chapters 2 through 6 of this manual illustrate the techniques and methods used to model individual piping
restraints, and attached equipment. These chapters should be referenced often when modeling seldom-used
components or
unusual geometries. Users should recognize that the numeric data used in these examples is not necessarily
applicable in all
cases. In general, the numeric values used in these examples are fictitious quantities, unless otherwise noted.
Chapter 7 is a chapter of worked examples, illustrating the application of CAESAR II to various piping
problems. These
examples illustrate modeling, problem solving, and program operation.
Chapters 8 and 9 contain a tutorial that walks users through the modeling and analysis of a complete system.
Users are encouraged to work through these chapters, especially if a particular analysis has not been previously
The component modeling examples in Chapters 2 through 6 are especially useful, for both modeling techniques
and general
program understanding. The examples in Chapter 7 also provide engineering guidelines and indicate where
must be made in attempting to solve real-world problems.
Introduction 1-3
Program Support / User Assistance
COADE’s staff understands that CAESAR II is not only a complex analysis tool but also, at times, an elaborate
that may not be obvious to the casual user. While our documentation is intended to address questions regarding
analysis, system modeling, and results interpretation, not all the answers can be quickly found in these volumes.
COADE understands the engineer’s need to produce efficient, economical, and expeditious designs. To that end,
a staff of helpful professionals ready to address any CAESAR II and piping issues raised by users. CAESAR II
support is
available by telephone, e-mail, fax, and the Internet; literally hundreds of support calls are answered every week.
provides this service at no additional charge to the user. It is expected, however, that questions focus on the
current version
of the program.
Formal training in CAESAR II and pipe stress analysis is also available from COADE. COADE schedules
regular training
classes in Houston and provides in-house and open attendance training around the world. These courses focus on
expertise available at COADE — modeling, analysis, and design.
1-4 Version 5.00 CAESAR II Applications Guide
COADE Technical Support
Phone: 281-890-4566 E-mail:
Fax: 281-890-3301 WEB:
This chapter illustrates the modeling techniques for various bend techniques in CAESAR II.
In This Chapter
Bend Definition .......................................................................... 2-2
Single and Double Flanged Bends or Stiffened Bends ............... 2-4
180 Degree Return Fitting-To-Fitting 90 Degree Bends ............ 2-5
Mitered Bends............................................................................. 2-6
Closely Spaced Mitered Bend..................................................... 2-7
Widely Spaced Mitered Bend ..................................................... 2-9
Elbows - Different Wall Thickness ............................................ 2-13
Bend Flexibility Factor ............................................................... 2-15
Chapter 2 Bends
2-2 Version 5.00 CAESAR II Applications Guide
Bend Definition
Bends are defined by the element entering the bend and the element leaving the bend. The actual bend curvature
is always
physically at the TO end of the element entering the bend.
The input for the element leaving the bend must follow the element entering the bend. The bend angle is defined
by these
two elements.
Bend radius defaults to 1 1/2 times the pipe nominal diameter (long radius), but may be changed to any other
Specifying a bend automatically generates two additional intermediate nodes, at the 0-degree location and at the
bend midpoint
For stress and displacement output the TO node of the element entering the bend is located geometrically at the
far-point on
the bend. The far-point is at the weldline of the bend, and adjacent to the straight element leaving the bend.
The 0-degree point on the bend is at the weldline of the bend, and adjacent to the straight element entering the
The FROM point on the element is located at the 0-degree point of the bend (and no 0-degree node point will be
if the total length of the element as specified in the DX, DY, and DZ fields is equal to:
R tan (_ / 2)
where _ is the bend angle, and R is the bend radius of curvature to the bend centerline.
Nodes defined in the Angle and Node fields are placed at the given angle on the bend curvature. The angle starts
with zero
degrees at the near-point on the bend and goes to _ degrees at the far-point of the bend.
Angles are always entered in degrees. Entering the letter M as the angle designates the bend midpoints.
Nodes on the bend curvature cannot be placed closer together than specified by the Minimum Angle to
Adjacent Bend
parameter in the Configure-Setup—Geometry section. This includes the spacing between the nodes on the
bend curvature
and the near and far-points of the bend.
The minimum and maximum total bend angle is specified by the Minimum Bend Angle and Maximum Bend
parameters in the Configure Setup—Geometry section.
Bends 2-3
2-4 Version 5.00 CAESAR II Applications Guide
Single and Double Flanged Bends or Stiffened Bends
Single and double flanged bend specifications only effect the stress intensification and flexibility of the bend.
There is no
automatic rigid element (or change in weight) generated for the end of the bend.
Single and double-flanged bends are indicated by entering 1 or 2 (respectively) for the Type in the bend
auxiliary input.
Rigid elements defined before or after the bend will not alter the bend's stiffness or stress intensification factors.
When specifying single flanged bends it does not matter which end of the bend the flange is on.
If the user wishes to include the weight of the rigid flange(s) at the bend ends, then he/she should put rigid
elements (whose
total length is the length of a flange pair) at the bend ends where the flange pairs exist.
As a guideline, British Standard 806 recommends stiffening the bends whenever a component that significantly
stiffens the
pipe cross section is found within two diameters of either bend end.
The flanges in the figures below are modeled only to the extent that they affect the stiffness and the stress
intensification for
the bends.
Flanged Bends
Bends 2-5
180 Degree Return Fitting-To-Fitting 90 Degree Bends
Two 90-degree bends should be separated by twice the bend radius.
The far-point of the first bend is the same as the near-point of the second (following) the bend.
The user is recommended to put nodes at the mid point of each bend comprising the 180 degree return. (See the
180 Degree Bend
2-6 Version 5.00 CAESAR II Applications Guide
Mitered Bends
Evenly spaced mitered bends, whether closely or widely spaced, are uniquely defined by two parameters:
_ Number of cuts (changes in direction)
_ Equivalent radius <or> miter spacing.
For closely spaced miters the equivalent radius is equal to the code defined “R1” for B31.3 and “R” for B31.1.
The equation
relating the equivalent radius to the spacing for evenly spaced miters is:
Req = S / [ 2 tan(_) ]
Req - equivalent miter bend radius
S - spacing of the miter cuts along the centerline
_ - code defined half-angle between adjacent miter cuts:
_ = _ / 2N
_ - total bend angle
N - number of cuts
An additional parameter B (length of miter segment at crotch) is checked for closely spaced miters when using
B31.1. B
may be found for evenly spaced miters from:
B = S [ 1 - ro / Req ]
ro - outside radius of pipe cross-section.
Bends 2-7
Closely Spaced Mitered Bend
Miter bends are closely spaced if:
S < r [ 1 + tan (_) ]
S - miter spacing
r - average pipe cross section radius: (ri+ro)/2
_ - one-half the angle between adjacent miter cuts.
B31.1 has the additional requirements that:
B > 6 tn
_ _ 22.5 deg.
B - length of the miter segment at the crotch.
tn - nominal wall thickness of pipe.
Closely spaced miters regardless of the number of miter cuts may be entered as a single bend. CAESAR II will
calculate the spacing from the bend radius. If the user has the miter spacing and not the bend radius, the radius
must be
calculated as shown below.
The mitered bend shown below has 4 cuts through 90 degrees and a spacing of 15.913 in.
Req = S / [ 2 tan (_) ]
_ = _ / 2N
= 90 / [2(4)]
= 11.25 deg.
Req = 15.913 / [2 tan (11.25 deg.)]
= 40
2-8 Version 5.00 CAESAR II Applications Guide
Closely Spaced Miter Bend
Bends 2-9
Widely Spaced Mitered Bend
Mitered bends are widely spaced if:
S _ r * [1 + tan (_)]
S - spacing between miter points along the miter segment centerline.
r - average cross section radius (ri+ro)/2
_ - one-half angle between adjacent miter cuts.
B31.1 has the additional requirement that:
_ _ 22.5 deg.
In CAESAR II, widely spaced miters must be entered as individual, single cut miters, each having a bend radius
equal to:
R = r [1 + cot (_)] / 2
R - reduced bend radius for widely spaced miters.
During error checking, CAESAR II will produce a warning message for each mitered component, which does
not pass the test
for a closely spaced miter. These components should be re-entered as a group of single cut joints
2-10 Version 5.00 CAESAR II Applications Guide
Widely Spaced Miter
Pipe O. D.
Pipe Thk.
Bend Angle
= 10.375 in.
= 0.500 in.
= 90 degrees
= 45 in.
Assuming closely spaced:
_ ____
Find that 37.279 >6.9826 (Check the Closely Spaced Miter Requirements). The bend is widely spaced. The
reduced miter bend radius is needed to define widely spaced beds in CAESAR II.
Bends 2-11
Widely Spaced Miter
Calculate the _ coordinates to get from the tangent intersecting point of the single cut miter bend at node 10 to
the single cut miter bend at node 15.
Note: The straight pipe section coming into and going out of the bend must be _ Reqsin ( _