Cse 114 Syllabus f17

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CSE 114: Computer Science I (Section 02)

Stony Brook University, Fall 2017

Course Description
CSE 114 is an introduction to procedural and object-oriented programming methodology. Topics include program
structure, conditional and iterative programming, procedures, arrays and records, object classes, encapsulation, in-
formation hiding, inheritance, polymorphism, file I/O, and exceptions. Includes required laboratory.
Prerequisite: Passing the math placement exam at level 4, or any equivalent math course.
Advisory Prerequisite: CSE 101 or ISE 108

Course Objectives
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to demonstrate:
• An ability to program in an object-oriented language, using concepts such as object classes, encapsulation, inheri-
tance, and polymorphism
• An ability to use fundamental data structures such as arrays
• An ability to program with sound code structure and use systematic software debugging and testing techniques

Course Information
Lecture Meetings: Monday and Wednesday, 5:30–6:50 PM, in Javits Lecture Center 102
Lab Meetings: Each lab meets TWICE a week, on Tuesday and Thursday. LABS BEGIN ON SEPTEMBER 12.

Lab Section Meeting Time Location

L07 8:30 AM–9:50 AM New Computer Science 115

L08 10:00 AM–11:20 AM Old Computer Science 2114

L09 11:30 AM–12:50 PM Old Computer Science 2114

L10 1:00 PM–2:20 PM Old Computer Science 2129

L11 2:30 PM–3:50 PM Old Computer Science 2129

L12 5:30 PM–6:50 PM New Computer Science 115

Textbook and Required Course Materials:

• Introduction to Java Programming: Brief Version (10th Edition), by Y. Daniel Liang (Prentice Hall 2015). Copies
of the book are available on 2-hour reserve in Melville Library's North Reading Room.
• Students are also REQUIRED to purchase access to Pearson's MyProgrammingLab service (prepaid access codes
are bundled with the Student Value Edition sold through the University bookstore; its ISBN is 9780133813470).
MPL registration instructions (including the section number you must use) will be provided in class.
• Students should download and install the Java SE Development Kit 8 from http://www.oracle.com. You may also
want to download either the Eclipse or Netbeans IDE for use in completing lab and homework assignments. De-
tailed directions on obtaining these (free) software packages will be provided on Blackboard.
Course Discussion Forum: CSE 114 uses Piazza (http://piazza.com) for course-related discussion. The instructor
and TAs will monitor this forum regularly to answer questions. More details will be provided in class.
Course Web Site: http://www.cs.stonybrook.edu/~cse114/. All course materials (announcements, slides, homework,
labs, grades, and supplementary reading assignments) will be posted on Blackboard.
Important Dates
• 9/4: No class (Labor Day)
• 9/12: Lab meetings begin (see the table above for times and locations)
• 10/16: Midterm 1 (8:45–10:15 PM, location TBA)
• 11/7: Midterm 2 (8:45–10:15 PM, location TBA)
• 11/22–11/23: No class or lab (Thanksgiving Break)
• 12/18: Final Exam (8:00–10:45 AM, location TBA)

Instructor Information
Instructor: Michael Tashbook (<tashbook@cs.stonybrook.edu>)
Instructor Office Hours: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4:30–7:00 PM, in New Computer Science 204. I am also avail-
able at other times by appointment.

Grading Policy
Course grades will be based on a combination of:
• twenty-five programming laboratory assignments (0.5% each, 12.5% total)
• five programming homework assignments (3% each, 15% total)
• one final programming project (6%)
• fourteen MyProgrammingLab problem sets (0.5% each, 7% total)
• twenty in-class quizzes/assignments, of which the lowest two are dropped (0.25% each, 4.5% total)
• two written midterm exams (15% and 20% each, respectively)
• one written final examination (20%)

All grades will be posted on Blackboard. See the course Web page for the letter grade cutoffs. Final grades are NOT

The Pass/No Credit (P/NC) option is not available for this course. This policy applies to all CSE/ISE undergrad-
uate courses used to satisfy the graduation requirements for the major.

Late Assignment Policy: Each assignment clearly states its due date. In-class quizzes are due at the end of that class
period; missed quizzes may NOT be made up. Labs are due (via demonstration to one of the lab TAs) at the end of
that lab meeting. Late or improperly-submitted assignments will NOT be accepted for homework, MyProgram-
mingLab problem sets, or the final project.

Grade Challenge Policy: The TAs and I will endeavor to post grades as soon as possible after assignments/exams
are turned in (normally within 7–10 days). Questions about or challenges to homework, lab, MPL, or midterm exam
grading MUST be made within TWO WEEKS of the grades being posted; after that period, grades are considered
final for that assignment.

Exam Policies: All students must bring photo ID to each exam. Students will not be admitted more than 10 minutes
late to any exam. Make-up exams will be granted at the instructor's discretion, and ONLY for valid medical reasons
(a doctor's note is required), for religious reasons, or for documented participation in University-sponsored events.
Except for medical excuses, reasonable prior notification (at least 48 hours prior to the exam) to the instructor is
REQUIRED in order for a make-up opportunity to be considered.
Americans with Disabilities Act
If you have a physical, psychological, medical or learning disability that may impact your course work, please con-
tact Disability Support Services, ECC (Educational Communications Center) Building, Room 128, (631) 632-6748.
They will determine with you what accommodations, if any, are necessary and appropriate. All information and doc-
umentation is confidential. http://studentaffairs.stonybrook.edu/dss/

Academic Integrity Policy

Each student must pursue his or her academic goals honestly and be personally accountable for all submitted work.
Representing another person's work as your own is always wrong. Faculty are required to report any suspected in-
stances of academic dishonesty to the Academic Judiciary. For more comprehensive information on academic in-
tegrity, including categories of academic dishonesty please refer to the academic judiciary website at http://
Students found guilty of academic dishonesty will automatically receive a final grade of 'F' for the course.

Critical Incident Management

Stony Brook University expects students to respect the rights, privileges, and property of other people. Faculty are
required to report to the Office of University Community Standards any disruptive behavior that interrupts their abil-
ity to teach, compromises the safety of the learning environment, or inhibits students' ability to learn.

Policy on Electronic Devices in Class

Students are encouraged to bring laptops and tablet devices to class for note-taking purposes only, especially during
the programming lectures. All communication and entertainment devices should be silenced or (preferably) turned
off for the duration of the class unless otherwise directed by the instructor. No electronic devices of any sort may be
consulted or used during exams; this will be considered an instance of academic dishonesty, and will be treated as

Use of Email for Official Communication

Students, faculty, and staff are responsible for making sure they are receiving and checking for official University
communications at their primary campus email address (@stonybrook.edu) on a regular basis, or making sure they
forward their Stony Brook mail to a personal email account (Google Apps users only).
Tentative Course Calendar

Week Date Main Topic(s) Labs Notes/Reading Assignments Due By Friday

8/28 Introduction to Java Liang Ch. 1

1 N/A
8/30 Introduction to Java Liang Ch. 1 N/A

9/4 NO CLASS (Labor Day) N/A

2 N/A
9/6 Elementary Programming Liang Ch. 2 MPL Chapter 1

9/11 Selections Liang Ch. 3

3 1–2
9/13 Math and Java Strings Liang Ch. 4 MPL Chapters 2 and 3, Homework 1

9/18 Loops Liang Ch. 5

4 3–4
9/20 Methods Liang Ch. 6 MPL Chapters 4 and 5

9/25 Arrays Liang Ch. 7

5 5–6
9/27 Multidimensional Arrays Liang Ch. 8 MPL Chapter 6, Homework 2

10/2 Program Design and Debugging N/A

6 7–8
10/4 Introduction to Objects Liang Ch. 9 MPL Chapters 7 and 8

10/9 Object-Oriented Thinking Liang Ch. 10

7 9–10
10/11 Object-Oriented Thinking Liang Ch. 10 MPL Chapter 9, Homework 3

10/16 Midterm 1 Review (in class) Exam 1 is Monday, 10/16, at 8:45 PM (location TBA)
8 11–12
10/18 Inheritance Liang Ch. 11 MPL Chapter 10

10/23 Polymorphism Liang Ch. 11

9 13–14
10/25 Exceptions and Text I/O Liang Ch. 12 MPL Chapter 11

10/30 Abstract Classes Liang Ch. 13

10 15–16
11/1 Interfaces Liang Ch. 13 MPL Chapter 12, Homework 4

11/6 Midterm 2 Review (in class) Exam 2 is Tuesday, 11/7, at 8:45 PM (location TBA)
11 17–18
11/8 Recursion Liang Ch. 18 MPL Chapter 13

11/13 Recursion, Part 2 Liang Ch. 18

12 19–20
11/15 Recursion, Part 3 Liang Ch. 18 MPL Chapter 18, Homework 5

11/20 Introduction to JavaFX Liang Ch. 14

13 21
11/22 NO CLASS (Thanksgiving) N/A N/A

11/27 Event-Driven Programming Liang Ch. 15

14 22–23
11/29 More JavaFX Concepts Liang Ch. 16 N/A

12/4 Other topics as appropriate N/A

15 24–25
12/6 Other topics as appropriate N/A Final Programming Project

Finals Final Exam (Monday, 12/18, 8:00–10:45 AM, location TBA)

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